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Functional styles of the Russian language. Brief characteristics, features

As already noted, the literary language can be used in any communication situation: in official and informal settings, in the field of science, office work, in media mass media, V fiction, V Everyday life. Naturally, such a variety of functions performed cannot but lead to the fact that several variants are gradually formed in the literary language, each of which is intended for communication in a certain field of human activity.

In modern Russian literary language there are usually five styles:

  • official business (business),

    newspaper-journalistic (journalistic),



Each style has whole line specific speech characteristics, which are formed depending on the area in which communication occurs and what functions the language performs.

Main function Sphere of communication Basic form of speech Typical type of speech Main way of communication
Scientific style
Informative (message) The science Written Monologue Mass, non-contact
Business style
Informative (message) Right Written Monologue Mass, non-contact and contact
Journalistic style
Informative and impact function Ideology, politics Written and oral Monologue
Art style
Aesthetic* and impact function Word arts Written Monologue, dialogue, polylogue ** Mass, non-contact and indirect-contact
Conversational style
Exchange of thoughts and feelings (actual communication) Household Oral Dialogue, polylogue Personal, contact

Scientific, official business and journalistic styles are similar in that they are intended to convey rather complex content and function in the sphere of official communication, mainly in written form. That's why they are called book styles.

In particular, this is manifested in the stylistic stratification of Russian vocabulary. So, along with commonly used words, that is, words that are used by everyone and in all cases (for example: mother, earth, water, run), used in book styles book vocabulary, that is, one that looks alien in casual conversation.

For example, in a friendly letter it is hardly appropriate to use terms, clerical words, etc.: On green spaces the first leaves appeared; We were walking in the forest and sunbathed by the pond.

All book styles are contrasted with the conversational style, which is used in informal, everyday, everyday communication, usually in unprepared oral speech. And here, along with commonly used words, there is frequent use of colloquial vocabulary, that is, one that is inappropriate in book styles, but is inherent in informal everyday speech.

For example, in everyday life we ​​use the word potatoes, liver, and in a textbook on botany and biology they are inappropriate precisely because they are colloquial. Therefore, the terms will be used there potatoes, liver.

Stratification of vocabulary by use in certain styles ( common vocabulary - book And colloquial vocabulary) should not be confused with the stratification of vocabulary according to the presence or absence of evaluation and emotional-expressive coloring of a word (although in some cases these characteristics overlap each other). Emotional means based on feeling, caused by emotions, feelings. Expressive - expressive, containing the expression of feelings, experiences (from the Latin expressio - “expression”). From this point of view, neutral vocabulary is contrasted with evaluative, emotional-expressive vocabulary.

Neutral vocabulary is words devoid of stylistic coloring. They can indicate emotions, express an assessment of phenomena ( joy, love, good, bad), but in this case the expression of emotions or assessment constitutes the very meaning of the word, and is not layered on top of it.

A feature of emotional-evaluative and emotionally-expressive vocabulary is that evaluation and emotional-expressive coloring are “overlaid” on the lexical meaning of the word, but are not reduced to it. Such a word not only names this or that phenomenon, but also expresses an assessment, the speaker’s attitude towards this object, phenomenon, feature, etc. This is easy to demonstrate by comparing neutral and emotionally expressive synonyms, that is, words that are close or identical in meaning:

eyes - eyes, balls; face - muzzle, face; son - son; a fool is a fool.

Emotionally expressive vocabulary is usually divided into high and low. High vocabulary is used in pathetic texts and in solemn acts of communication. Reduced- combines words of low social significance and, as a rule, containing elements of harsh assessment. In addition to this general characteristic, expressively colored words can acquire various stylistic shades, as indicated by marks in dictionaries.

For example: ironically - democrat(“rubber baton” in colloquial speech); disapprovingly - rally; contemptuously - sycophant; playfully - newly minted; familiarly - not bad; vulgar - grabber.

Emotionally expressive vocabulary requires careful attention. Its inappropriate use can give a comic sound to the speech. This often manifests itself in student essays.

A special place in the style system is occupied by language of fiction. Since literature reflects all spheres of life, it can use for aesthetic purposes, to create artistic images, the means of any styles of literary language, and, if necessary, not only them, but also dialects, jargons, and vernacular. The main function of artistic style is aesthetic. And here everything is determined by specific tasks, a sense of proportion and the artistic taste of the writer.

Of course, the specifics of each style are manifested not only in vocabulary, but also in grammar, in the peculiarities of text construction, etc. But all these linguistic features are determined precisely by the functions that each style performs, and by the areas of communication in which this style is used. This leads to the fact that each style has a certain dominant, that is, an organizing feature of this style.

Exercises for the topic “5.1. General characteristics of styles. Stylistic stratification of vocabulary. Emotionally expressive coloring of the word"

Scientific style is the style of scientific communications. The scope of use of this style is science and scientific journals, the recipients of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, or simply anyone interested in a particular scientific field; The authors of texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of style can be described as describing laws, identifying patterns, describing discoveries, teaching, etc.

Its main function is to communicate information, as well as prove its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by nouns, and many abstract and real nouns.

The scientific style exists primarily in written monologue speech. Its genres are Research Article, educational literature, monograph, school essay etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity).

Formal business style

Business style is used for communication and information in an official setting (the sphere of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This style is used to decorate documents: laws, orders, regulations, characteristics, protocols, receipts and certificates. The scope of application of the official business style is law, the author is a lawyer, lawyer, diplomat and just a citizen. Works in this style are addressed to the state, citizens of the state, institutions, employees, etc., in order to establish administrative-legal relations.

This style exists more often in the written form of speech; the type of speech is predominantly reasoning. The type of speech is most often a monologue, the type of communication is public.

Style features are imperative (due character), accuracy, not allowing for two interpretations, standardization (strict composition of the text, precise selection of facts and ways of presenting them), lack of emotionality.

The main function of the official business style is informational (transfer of information). It is characterized by the presence of speech cliches, a generally accepted form of presentation, a standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabridged words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, and the predominance of direct word order.

Journalistic style

The journalistic style serves to influence people through the media. It is found in genres articles, essays, reports, feuilletons, interviews, oratorical speech and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, and emotionality.

This style is used in the spheres of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not only for a narrow circle of specialists, but for broad sections of society, and the impact is directed not only on the mind, but also on the feelings of the addressee.

It is characterized by abstract words with socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, openness, peace-loving).

The task is to provide information about the life of the country, influence the masses, and form a certain attitude towards public affairs

Style features - logic, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal.

Conversational style

The conversational style is used for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. It is distinguished by its large semantic capacity and colorfulness, giving liveliness and expressiveness to speech.

The usual form of implementation of the conversational style is dialogue; this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no preliminary selection of language material. In this style of speech, extra-linguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, and the environment.

Language means conversational style: emotionality, expressiveness of colloquial vocabulary, words with suffixes of subjective assessment; using incomplete sentences introductory words, words of address, interjections, modal particles, repetitions. Genres - dialogue, personal letters, personal notes, telephone.

Art style

The artistic style is used in fiction. It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, and is characterized by imagery and emotionality of speech.

The emotionality of an artistic style differs from the emotionality of colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style presupposes a preliminary selection of linguistic means; All language means are used to create images.

Genres - epic, lyric, drama, epic, novel, story, story, fairy tale, fable, ode, hymn, song, elegy, sonnet, epigram, epistle, poem, ballad, tragedy, comedy.


To avoid confusion with language styles, functional styles are sometimes called language genres, functional varieties of language. Each functional style has its own characteristics of using a general literary norm; it can exist both in written and oral form. There are five main types of functional speech styles, differing in the conditions and goals of communication in a certain area social activities: scientific, official business, journalistic, conversational, artistic.

Scientific style

Scientific style is the style of scientific communications. The scope of use of this style is science and scientific journals; the recipients of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, or simply anyone interested in a particular scientific field; The authors of texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of style can be described as describing laws, identifying patterns, describing discoveries, teaching, etc.

Its main function is to communicate information, as well as prove its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, and many abstract and real nouns.

The scientific style exists primarily in written monologue speech. Its genres are scientific article, educational literature, monograph, school essay, etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguity).

Formal business style

Business style is used for communication and information in an official setting (the sphere of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This style is used for drawing up documents: laws, orders, regulations, characteristics, protocols, receipts, certificates. The scope of application of the official business style is law, the author is a lawyer, lawyer, diplomat, or just a citizen. Works in this style are addressed to the state, citizens of the state, institutions, employees, etc., in order to establish administrative-legal relations.

This style exists more often in written speech; the type of speech is predominantly reasoning. The type of speech is most often a monologue, the type of communication is public.

Style features - imperativeness (due character), accuracy, not allowing two interpretations, standardization (strict composition of the text, precise selection of facts and ways of presenting them), lack of emotionality.

The main function of the official business style is informational (transfer of information). It is characterized by the presence of speech cliches, a generally accepted form of presentation, a standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabridged words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, and the predominance of direct word order.

Journalistic style

The journalistic style serves to influence people through the media. It is found in the genres of article, essay, report, feuilleton, interview, oratory and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, and emotionality.

This style is used in the spheres of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not only for a narrow circle of specialists, but for broad sections of society, and the impact is directed not only on the mind, but also on the feelings of the addressee.

It is characterized by abstract words with socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, openness, peace-loving).

The task is to provide information about the life of the country, influence the masses, and form a certain attitude towards public affairs

Style features - logic, imagery, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal.

Conversational style

The conversational style is used for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. It is distinguished by its large semantic capacity and colorfulness, giving liveliness and expressiveness to speech.

The usual form of implementation of the conversational style is dialogue; this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no preliminary selection of language material. In this style of speech, extra-linguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, and the environment.

Linguistic means of conversational style: emotionality, expressiveness of colloquial vocabulary, words with suffixes of subjective assessment; the use of incomplete sentences, introductory words, address words, interjections, modal particles, repetitions. Genres: dialogue, personal letters, personal notes, telephone

Art style

The artistic style is used in fiction. It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, and is characterized by imagery and emotionality of speech.

The emotionality of an artistic style differs from the emotionality of colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style presupposes a preliminary selection of linguistic means; All language means are used to create images.

Genres - epic, lyric, drama, epic, novel, story, story, fairy tale, fable, ode, hymn, song, elegy, sonnet, epigram, epistle, poem, ballad, tragedy, comedy, drama (in the narrow sense).

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  • Function, analytical
  • Function (computer science)

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  • Course of lectures on the stylistics of the Russian language: General concepts of stylistics. Colloquial and everyday style of speech, Vasilyeva A.N.. This book is part of a course of lectures on the functional stylistics of the Russian language. It provides a general description of functional styles, their relationships and interconnections,...

1 . System of functional styles of the modern Russian language.

2 . The concept of stylistic norms.

3 . Scientific functional style, its linguistic features.

4 . Speech norms for educational and scientific fields of activity.

Functional styles are called special varieties of a single literary language that are used in a particular area, perform certain tasks (functions) and have certain features in the selection and use of linguistic means. In the modern Russian literary language, four functional styles are distinguished: colloquial, journalistic, official business, scientific.

Conversational style used in the sphere of everyday communication and is implemented mainly orally. This style is contrasted with other styles that are associated with various spheres of social activity and are implemented mainly in written form. The main function of the conversational style is the function of communication. Conversational style has such stylistic features as ease and emotionality. A distinctive feature of this style is the use of linguistic means with a colloquial overtones: special vocabulary and phraseology, as well as incomplete sentences.

Journalistic style implemented in the socio-political sphere. Its main function is the function of social influence. Initially, it acted as a book style and was used in newspapers and magazines, i.e. journalism (hence its name), however, today the oral variety of journalistic style is also actively developing, incorporating many features of colloquial speech. Style features - passion, appeal. In the journalistic style, socio-political vocabulary and phraseology, incentive and exclamatory sentences, rhetorical questions and appeals are actively used. Genres of journalistic speech: article, essay, interview, information, report, commentary, propaganda speech, etc.

Formal business style used in the field of administrative and legal activities. The most important role in official business speech is played by the function of communication and social regulation (information-directive function). Style features - impersonality, standardization. Typical language means: neutral words, official business terminology, standard expressions and phrases. The genres of business speech are extremely diverse. Among them are an autobiography, a statement, a report, a protocol, an order, an explanatory note, a law, a charter, a contract, etc.

Scientific style used in the field of science and technology. The main task of the scientific style is the message and logical proof of the truth of what is being communicated (information-argumentative function). The scientific style has three substyles: proper scientific, scientific-educational and popular science. In the scientific style, neutral words and words with a generalized and abstract meaning predominate. (reliability, research, analysis, etc.), special terminology and general scientific vocabulary are actively used (function, element, system, etc.).

In morphology, the noun predominates above the verb, impersonal forms above personal ones, the so-called “present timeless” (the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea) becomes widespread. The scientific style is dominated by a logically defined, bookish syntax. Among the genres of scientific speech, one should name an article, a monograph, a review, a review, a summary, an abstract, an annotation, a textbook, a teaching aid, etc. Annotations and abstracts are important in the system of these genres, the content and structure of which most clearly and visually reflects orientation of scientific speech towards the compressed transmission of objective information.

Every functional style involves the purposeful use of linguistic phenomena, taking into account their meaning and expressiveness. The development of a particular style is associated with the choice of expressions, linguistic forms, constructions that are most suitable for the purposes of communication in a certain social environment, for the most effective expression of certain thoughts. Thus, the identification of specific functional styles takes into account the originality various fields the use of linguistic phenomena and the specificity of expressiveness characteristic of a certain style.

One thing to keep in mind is that functional styles, representing the largest speech varieties, and record the most profound stylistic features. Each of them is also subjected to further intra-style differentiation. This differentiation can be roughly compared to a nesting doll: the main functional styles are divided into a number of varieties, each of which includes even more specific varieties, etc. For example, the scientific style, while retaining its main stylistic features, is divided into proper scientific and scientific-technical. In turn, both of them can have popular scientific versions of presentation.

In addition, each of the style varieties scientific and scientific-technical style can be differentiated in relation to specific types of science (biology, geology, history, ethnography, etc.). In this case, differences arise, both of a lexical nature and manifested in a number of linguistic features. Such stylistic varieties have an even more subtle differentiation: they take into account the genre and method of presentation. Depending on the genre, the scientific style can be implemented in dissertations, monographs, abstracts, articles, reports, scientific information etc. This style acquires additional variability in connection with the method of presentation: description, narration, reasoning. Moreover, certain stylistic varieties differ from each other and, depending on the author’s individuality, bear its features.

As you can see, style differentiation is associated with action a large number of non-linguistic factors. Without taking them into account, it is almost impossible to implement it. These factors influencing the identification of particular stylistic features are unequal in their role in the process of style formation. In addition, not all factors affecting speech can be classified as style-forming. Many linguists believe that the development of style is based on the principle of choosing the necessary linguistic means, but some, say, individual factors (gender, age, etc.) exclude the author of a particular statement from the possibility of such a choice

Each functional style has its own norms. These norms are called stylistic; violation of them is the cause of stylistic errors. (For example: “Girl, what issue are you crying about?”)

Functional styles have their own features of the use of a general literary norm, it can exist both in written and oral form. Each style includes works of different genres that have their own characteristics.

Most often styles are matched based on their inherent word usage, since it is in word usage that the difference between them is most clearly manifested. However, grammatical characteristics are also important here; for example, the style of many texts in the tabloid press should be defined as journalistic largely on the basis of the syntactic structure; in the area of ​​word usage, we can see both colloquial and generally extraliterary (colloquial, slang) units. Therefore, when creating a work belonging to a certain style, one should comply not only with the lexical norms of the style, but also with morphological and syntactic norms.

Conversational style associated with the sphere of direct everyday communication. This area is characterized by a predominantly oral form of expression (except for private correspondence of an everyday nature), which means that intonation and facial expressions play a large role. In everyday communication, there are no official relations between speakers; contact between them is direct, and speech is unprepared. In conversational style, as in all others, neutral words are widely used (lie down, blue, house, earth, left), but bookish words are not used. It is normative to use words with a colloquial stylistic connotation (joking, chattering, locker room, hype, completely, leisure, that sort of thing). It is possible to use emotionally evaluative words: affectionate, familiar, reduced (cat, boast, headless, fit in), as well as words with specific evaluative suffixes (granny, daddy, sunshine, home). Phraseologisms are actively used in conversational style (hit your pocket, play the fool, two inches from the pot). Words formed by condensing a phrase into one word or a long compound word into a shortened word are often used (bad, cash, communal, ambulance, condensed milk, train).

Morphological norm of conversational style, on the one hand, generally corresponds to the general literary norm, on the other hand, it has own characteristics. For example, in oral form the nominative case predominates - even where in written form it is impossible (Pushkinskaya, come out 7 Child, look), truncated forms are often used function words (at least, whatever, really). The norm of verb use allows the formation of forms that do not exist in normative book speech with the meaning of repetition (sitting, saying) or, conversely, one-time use (pushed, hit). In a conversational style, the use of participles and gerunds, which are considered a sign of bookish speech, is inappropriate. The prepositional case with the ending is more often formed -u (on vacation), plural ending -a (reprimand). For the syntax of conversational style, the norm is the use of sentences in which some component is missing, but is easily restored (He returned to Me - incomplete). Such sentences are called elliptic . Simple sentences predominate, words-sentences are often used (I see. No. It’s possible. Why?), as well as interjections and interjective phrases (Here you go! Moms! Oh! Oh, you!).

Formal business style serves the sphere of purely official relations. This is the style of administrative and clerical documentation, legislative acts, and diplomatic documents. It is characterized by extreme concreteness of content with abstract, typified, cliched means of expression. Official speech is characterized by specificity, standard presentation and the nature of a prescription, an obligation. This determines the language norm of style. Against the background of neutral and common words (employee, commission, control and marriage, dominate) words and phrases are used that can be attributed to professional (legal, accounting, diplomatic, etc.) terminology, such as plaintiff, impute, contractor, taxpayer, declaration, notice, memorandum, tariff schedule, rent, federal authorities, budgetary institutions, as well as clerical stamps, the use of which in an official business style is not a disadvantage, much less a mistake, but a special stylistic norm: proper, the above, for the purpose of improvement, come into force, for the past period, bring to the attention. An extremely dry and neutral style of presentation should be free not only from colloquial and, especially, slang or dialect layers, but also from literary words that have an emotionally expressive connotation. Compound words are often used in formal business style. (CIS, State Defense Committee, Ministry of Agriculture and Food, Agro-Industrial Complex, St. Petersburg State University, JSC, IMF) and nouns formed from verbs (documentation, storage, non-compliance), since this style is characterized by a clear predominance of the name over the verb.

It is typical for formal business style frequent use of verbs in the form of the imperative mood and in the indefinite form in the meaning of the imperative mood (exempt from rent, establish a monthly additional payment). If verbs are used in the present tense, they also have the nature of a prescription iwkoh establishes, the benefit does not apply). The norm is the use of the so-called logical, bookish syntax: the use of narrative, two-part, complete sentences with direct word order; sentences complicated by homogeneous members, participles and participial phrases; complex sentences.

Journalistic style is oriented, on the one hand, on the communication of information, and on the other, on the impact on the reader or listener. Therefore, it is characterized by a combination expressiveness(for maximum impact) and standard (for speed and accuracy of information transfer). This is the style of newspaper and magazine articles, interviews, reports, as well as political speeches, radio and television programs.

In addition to neutral ones in journalistic style, often words used are evaluative and emotional (ambition, totalitarian, foppishness, philistinism, thug), words in figurative meaning (dirt meaning "immorality" penny in meaning "petty", emphasize meaning “to call to the fore”). “Political” vocabulary can be considered typical for journalism: president, parliament, faction, dissident, deputy, patriot, society, speaker, constitution. Used in a journalistic style and high book vocabulary: dare, erect, commemorate. This style is characterized by the use of metaphor as a way of evaluating surrounding reality, for example "military" metaphors(mobilize, landing),"construction" metaphors (“building of outdated politics”, “cellars of culture”, “national apartments”),"road" metaphors (political impassability", "reform ship", "federation train"). Colloquial words and phraseological units are also used in this style. (to paint, to get, He’s strong in hindsight, it’s a shame, to be honest).

Morphological norms of journalistic style largely determines the possibility of combining book and conversation. Adjectives and adverbs with an evaluative meaning are often used: serious, minor, significant, contemptuous, magnificent). The pronounced personality of the style determines the frequency of personal pronouns. The present tense of the verb (the so-called “present reportage”) is often used: “Halfway I make a decision go up another way" “We begin to examine surroundings" Along with the present - the past tense is often used: "Everything and always wrote only about love and war", "Proposals arrived of a very different nature."

Syntactic norms of journalism are associated with the need to combine expressiveness and information richness: exclamatory sentences, interrogative sentences (including rhetorical questions), repetitions, changing the order of words in a sentence to highlight a word are used (This is a short-sighted policy).

In modern journalism, extremely frequent borrowed words associated with new economic, political, everyday, scientific and technical phenomena, such as broker, distributor, investment, impeachment, inauguration, dianetics, kidnapping, killer, croupier, sponsor, rating, display. The terms of various fields of knowledge are being rethought, most often economic, political, “computer”: wild market, consensus, stagnation, data bank. Colloquial and slang vocabulary is intensively used, which becomes a special means of expression: scoop, party, showdown, chernukha, fan, chaos. Religious vocabulary also becomes an expressive means of journalism: faith, Orthodoxy, righteous. Book words are used that were previously rarely used; It is through journalism that half-forgotten words return to us, such as mercy, charity. However, the journalistic style still remains mainly a bookish style, as evidenced not only by word usage, but also by the syntactic structure - the syntax of journalism is bookish-oriented.

Scientific style is used in the field of science and technology. The scientific style is used in the field of science and technology. The main task of the scientific style is communication and logical proof of the truth of what is being communicated (information-reasoned function). Within the framework of the scientific style of speech, the following substyles have formed:

1 ) actually scientific (academic);

2 ) scientific and educational;

3 ) scientific and technical;

4) popular science

Academic substyle is the core of the scientific functional style. It is characterized by such features as accuracy, responsibility, generalization, and logic. Scientific monographs, articles, dissertations are written in the academic style, and discussions are held between specialists.

Scientific and technical substyle used in the manufacturing sector. It is less characterized by abstraction, due to the need for a specific description of production processes. In this regard, the scientific and production substyle is closer to the language of documents and the official business style.

In scientific, educational and popular science genres The use of expressively colored and figurative language means is allowed. The scientific-educational substyle, at the same time, is distinguished by a more systematic presentation, which is associated with its main task - to teach the basics of a certain discipline.

The task of the popular science style is to interest the mass reader and encourage him to improve his cultural level. Among the genres of scientific style are articles, monographs, reviews, reviews, summaries, abstracts, annotations, textbooks, teaching aids, guidelines, etc.

Neutral words predominate in scientific style and words with abstract and generalized meaning. Almost every word appears in a scientific text as a designation of an abstract concept or an abstract object - “speed”, “time”, “limit”, “quantity”, “regularity”, “development”. Often such words are used in the plural, which is not typical for other styles: “magnitude”, “particular”, “strength”, “length”, “latitude”, “emptiness”, “speed”. In the scientific style, special terminology and general scientific vocabulary (function, element, system, etc.) are actively used. The scientific style is distinguished by its specificity in the use of grammatical categories and forms. The noun here prevails over the verb, impersonal forms over the personal, the so-called “present timeless” becomes widespread (for example: “Carbon constitutes the most important part of the plant”, “The sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse.”). 1st and 2nd person forms are not common in scientific style singular verbs and personal pronouns. Adjectives in scientific speech are not used as often as in other styles. As a rule, they are part of terms and have a precise and highly specialized meaning (hence the predominance of relative adjectives over qualitative adjectives in scientific speech).

Scientific speech is distinguished by emphasis logic and bookishness. Logic must be present at all linguistic levels: in a phrase, a sentence, between two rows worthwhile offers, in a paragraph and between paragraphs, in the whole text.

Logic is ensured by using the following means:

1 ) connecting sentences using repeated nouns, often in combination with demonstrative pronouns (that, that, etc.);

2 ) the use of adverbs indicating the sequence of thought ( first, first of all, next, then);

3 ) the use of introductory words expressing the relationship between the parts of the statement ( therefore, secondly, finally, so, thus);

4 ) use of conjunctions ( since, because, in order to);

5 ) use of constructions and expressions of communication ( Now let's focus on the properties...; Let's move on to consider the issue...; further note... etc.)

Requirements of strict logic scientific text determines the predominance of complex sentences with a conjunction, especially complex sentences.

Abstract, being summary any information, can be self-sufficient in certain situations and in business communication, since - unlike an abstract, theses and synopsis - it is a complete text. However, annotation and summarizing, due to their importance in such relevant areas for modern youth as scientific and business, and the certain difficulty of mastering the skills of writing them, require more attention. Therefore, teaching these types of written speech is considered separately as, although an additional, but very important aspect of speech communications.

Word annotation comes from Latin annotatio- remark, note. An abstract is currently called a brief description of a book (or article) containing a list of the main sections, topics or issues discussed in the work. The abstract of the book may also include an indication of the features in the presentation of the material and the addressee (for whom it is intended). Speaking schematically, an abstract for a book (primarily scientific or educational) answers the questions about what/from what parts? How? for whom? These are, as it were, its basic, standard semantic elements. Each of them has its own linguistic means of expression, which are indicated below.

The abstract of the book is placed on the back side her title page and serves (along with its title and table of contents) as a source of information about the content of the work. After reading the annotation, the reader decides how much he might need the book. In addition, the ability to annotate read literature helps to master summarizing skills.

The word abstract comes from the Latin referre, which means “to report, report.” Currently, an abstract is primarily a short, most often written, presentation of a scientific work - an article or a book (or several scientific works). The presentation of one work usually contains an indication of the topic and composition of the work being reviewed, a list of its main provisions with arguments, and less often - a description of the methodology and conduct of the experiment, the results and conclusions of the study. We will call such an abstract simple, informational. In Russia, special abstract journals are published that contain abstracts of this kind and thereby introduce the latest Russian and foreign literature in various fields of scientific knowledge: physics, philosophy, etc.

Students at Russian universities write abstracts usually on certain topics that are offered to them at the departments of general engineering and social sciences. To write such thematic abstracts, it may be necessary to involve more than one source, at least two scientific works. In this case, the abstract is not only informational, but also a review.

Simple informational abstract may contain an assessment of certain provisions, called by the author of the work being reviewed. This assessment most often expresses agreement or disagreement with the author's point of view.

Quotations may be used in the abstract. from the work being reviewed. They are always placed in quotation marks. Three types of citation should be distinguished, with punctuation marks placed as in sentences with direct speech.

1 . The quotation comes after the words of the abstract writer. In this case, a colon is placed after the words of the abstract writer, and the quotation begins with a capital letter. For example: The author of the article states: “In our country there has really been a rapid growth of national self-awareness.”

2 . The quotation comes before the words of the abstract writer. In this case, a comma and a dash are placed after the quotation, and the words of the abstract writer are written with a small letter. For example: “In our country there is truly a rapid growth of national self-awareness,” says the author of the article.

3 . The words of the abstract writer appear in the middle of the quotation. In this case, a semicolon is placed before and after them. For example: “In our country,” says the author of the article, “there is truly a rapid growth of national self-awareness.”

4 . The quotation is directly included in the words of the abstract writer. In this case (and it is the most common in an abstract), the quotation begins with a small letter. For example: The author of the article claims that “in our country there is truly a rapid growth of national self-awareness.”

2. Purpose: deepen work on identifying speech styles; learn to find elements in texts that indicate style; independently draw conclusions and justify your answers; develop the ability to use socio-political vocabulary, means of journalistic style, emotional impact on the listener, reader;

3. Learning objectives:

The student must know:

- develop logical thinking, memory, ability to analyze; develop self-control skills; develop the ability to highlight the main points from the text and summarize the received material; develop skills in using dictionaries.

The student must be able to:

- practical knowledge of the modern Russian literary language in various spheres of functioning of the Russian language, in its written and oral varieties; mastering new knowledge and skills in this area and improving existing ones, deepening understanding of the basic characteristic properties Russian language as a means of communication and transmission of information;

4. Main questions of the topic:

1. general characteristics functional speech styles.

General characteristics of functional speech styles

Functional speech styles- a historically established system of speech means used in one or another sphere of human communication; a type of literary language that performs a specific function in communication.

Scientific style

Scientific style is the style of scientific communications. The scope of use of this style is science; the recipients of text messages can be scientists, future specialists, students, or simply anyone interested in a particular scientific field; The authors of texts of this style are scientists, experts in their field. The purpose of style can be described as describing laws, identifying patterns, describing discoveries, teaching, etc. Its main function is communicating information, as well as proving its truth. It is characterized by the presence of small terms, general scientific words, abstract vocabulary, it is dominated by a noun, and many abstract and real nouns.

The scientific style exists primarily in written monologue speech. Its genres are scientific article, educational literature, monograph, school essay, etc. The stylistic features of this style are emphasized logic, evidence, accuracy (unambiguousness), clarity, generalization.

Formal business style

Business style is used for communication and information in an official setting (the sphere of legislation, office work, administrative and legal activities). This style is used for drawing up documents: laws, orders, regulations, characteristics, protocols, receipts, certificates. The scope of application of the official business style is law, the author is a lawyer, lawyer, diplomat, or just a citizen. Works in this style are addressed to the state, citizens of the state, institutions, employees, etc., in order to establish administrative-legal relations. This style exists more often in written speech; the type of speech is predominantly reasoning. The type of speech is most often a monologue.

Style features - imperativeness (due character), accuracy, not allowing two interpretations, standardization (strict composition of the text, precise selection of facts and ways of presenting them), lack of emotionality.

The main function of the official business style is informational (transfer of information). It is characterized by the presence of speech cliches, a generally accepted form of presentation, a standard presentation of the material, the widespread use of terminology and nomenclature names, the presence of complex unabridged words, abbreviations, verbal nouns, and the predominance of direct word order.

Journalistic style

Journalistic style

serves to influence people through the media. It is found in the genres of article, essay, reportage, feuilleton, interview, oratory and is characterized by the presence of socio-political vocabulary, logic, emotionality, evaluativeness, appeal. This style is used in the spheres of political-ideological, social and cultural relations. The information is intended not only for a narrow circle of specialists, but for broad sections of society, and the impact is directed not only on the mind, but also on the feelings of the addressee. It is characterized by abstract words with socio-political meaning (humanity, progress, nationality, openness, peace-loving). The task is to provide information about the life of the country, to influence the masses, to form a certain attitude towards public affairs

Art style

The artistic style is used in fiction. It affects the imagination and feelings of the reader, conveys the thoughts and feelings of the author, uses all the wealth of vocabulary, the possibilities of different styles, and is characterized by imagery and emotionality of speech.

The emotionality of an artistic style differs from the emotionality of colloquial and journalistic styles. The emotionality of artistic speech performs an aesthetic function. Artistic style presupposes a preliminary selection of linguistic means; All language means are used to create images.

Conversational style

The conversational style is used for direct communication, when the author shares his thoughts or feelings with others, exchanges information on everyday issues in an informal setting. It often uses colloquial and colloquial vocabulary. It is distinguished by its large semantic capacity and colorfulness, giving liveliness and expressiveness to speech.

The usual form of implementation of the conversational style is dialogue; this style is more often used in oral speech. There is no preliminary selection of language material. In this style of speech, extra-linguistic factors play an important role: facial expressions, gestures, and the environment.

Linguistic means of conversational style: emotionality, expressiveness of colloquial vocabulary, words with suffixes of subjective assessment; the use of incomplete sentences, introductory words, address words, interjections, modal particles, repetitions, inversion, etc.