Abstracts Statements Story

Zolotov Boris Evgenievich Assembly 1997. Boris Zolotov has left

This story started out like a fairy tale. Or like the episode from " X-Files"(which is actually almost the same thing). 20 years ago, in the Ural town of Kyshtym (11 kilometers from the Mayak chemical plant, where a radioactive waste plant exploded in 1957), old woman Tamara Prosvirina walked on water and returned home with... No, not with a goldfish, but much cooler. Under a pine tree next to the well, an alien lay on the ground and squeaked pitifully. Baba Toma took pity and sheltered a guest from other worlds. Alyoshenka lived for a month (these are the earthly nicknames given to aliens in the Urals) with Prosvirina, ate earthly condensed milk and indulged in cottage cheese. And then the neighbors took Tamara Vasilyevna to a mental hospital. My grandmother was diagnosed with an exacerbation of schizophrenia.

Without a nurse, our Kyshtym humanoid quickly stretched out its paws. And already in mummified form, Alyoshenka ended up in the hands of the senior investigator of the Kyshtym police, Vladimir Bendlin. The detective at first behaved like a true agent Mulder - he showed the body to a familiar pathologist (she stated that it was an extraterrestrial being) and was going to open a criminal case. But, according to Bendlin, neither his boss nor the head of the local FSB branch wanted to give way to such a strange story. And this, in principle, also fits very well with the logic of The X-Files. But what is completely incompatible with Fox Mulder’s thirst for truth (and generally goes against common sense) is that Bendlin gave Alyoshenka to sectarians from the dubious organization “Star Academy of Frontal Problems”. Allegedly, a certain friend of his found an advertisement in the newspaper that these “academicians” had been in contact with green men for a long time. So why not give the most important evidence, that is, the mummy, to these charlatans? As a result, a whole detachment of fighters with “frontal problems”, led by a certain 40-year-old lady Galina Semenkova, came for Alexey Alpha-Centaurovich. And the “academicians” took Alyoshenka far away...

And the truth tellers from “KP”-Ekaterinburg” are now following their trail. Surprisingly, in 2016, an organization that practices communication with aliens is still afloat. And this despite the fact that the reference book “Religions and Sects of Russia” says: “ Star Academy of Frontal Problems" is a dangerous occult organization whose leaders practice active experiments with the human psyche»…


In the last part of our search for Alyoshenka, we told how we got the phone number of a loyal supporter of the Star Academy, Galina Semenkova, and asked investigator Bendlin to directly ask her where she took the mummy. It didn't work out. Ural Mulder successfully leaked this conversation. Unfortunately for the humanoid's captors, this was not our only trump card.

Has Galina Ivanovna cracked up for you? - Alice was not at all surprised. - Okay, come to Omsk. I’ll tell you myself what happened to Alyoshenka.

- Why to Omsk?– we were a little taken aback. – Maybe it’s better by phone or right here on VKontakte?

It’s better in person,” Selezneva caught up with the fog. – And to Omsk, because we are all going to Omsk. Galina Semenkova conducts classes there. Under her leadership, we will get in touch with space. Information will be revealed to us that you are not even aware of. This is perhaps the last opportunity to see Galina Ivanovna in Russia in 2016. At the end of May she leaves for Moldova. She has seminars there on energy management. And in the fall Semenkova will already be in Spain. She is planning a trip with her followers to places of power.

- Dark or light?– we couldn’t resist. When the joke from " Star Wars”didn’t find its grateful listener, a reasonable question arose:

- Alice, why are you helping us?

Komsomolskaya Pravda once helped my family. My dad was unfairly fired from his job. Made redundant three months before retirement. He contacted the editor. And as soon as the journalist called the plant, his father was reinstated on the same day. They said that an error had occurred... See you in Omsk.

Since we still have to travel 900 kilometers from Yekaterinburg to facilitate our penetration into the “star mass”.

After much persuasion, the woman agrees and gives us the phone number of Evgenia’s contact. According to their terminology, Zhenya is a “brownie,” that is, a person who is responsible for the location of the meeting and compiles lists of participants. It turned out to be easier than ever to pass as one of our own (at least over the phone), it only cost superlatives praise the teachings of the “Academy” and admit that through space we learn the truth. “Brownie” summed up approvingly in response:

The instinct of self-preservation whispered treacherously: “Isn’t it a bit late at 10 pm?” But we immediately asked him to leave. Maybe we can look at the stars there?

Yes. We have a paid entrance to the meeting - 1,600 rubles per person,” Evgenia was brought out of her reverie.

For the glory of space, nothing is spared! – we assured.


Members of the Star Academy of Frontal Problems are divided into two types. Beginning participants are called “hamsters” behind their backs, but seasoned adherents call themselves “ferrets.” On May 6, three Ural hamsters unloaded onto the sunlit platform of the Omsk railway station. First of all, before it got dark, we decided to look at the place where Citizen Semenkova would give her end of the world. Mark an escape route there, open a window through which you can sneak unnoticed in the midst of an intergalactic battle. While driving to our destination, the taxi driver never ceased to be surprised:

Why did tourists come to Omskaya Street? There's nothing interesting there!

We're on business.

On business? In a mental hospital or what? – the driver smiled, grunting from his joke.

“We didn’t understand,” the hamsters frowned.

Well, opposite Omsk, 106 there is a psychiatric dispensary.

Yes, we are exactly at the address,” the hamsters squeaked doomedly.

Omskaya 106a turned out to be an old one-story building made of red brick. What is typical is that all the windows without exception have bars (so you can open the window slightly). The front door creaked heartbreakingly and a horde of little kids ran out. A 30-year-old guy in a tracksuit followed them out.

What do you want? – Adidas asked defiantly.

“We have an event here at 10 pm with Galina Semenkova,” we began cautiously. “We came here in advance to see where the class will be.” And then suddenly we won’t find it in the dark.

Ahh. You from these, - the guy smiled sarcastically and nodded his head understandingly.

- Which ones are you from?

Yes, I have a hand-to-hand combat section for kids here. And in the evening I rent out the premises. Well, good luck to you,” “Adidas” disappeared into the doorway to the creaking accompaniment of the front door.


At 8 pm (2 hours before the start of the academic lesson) we have a rendezvous with Alisa Selezneva. Meet on the Irtysh embankment. Alice is sad, but talkative.

- “The Star Academy of Frontal Problems” was created by our architect Boris Zolotov. – We practice technologies on the verge of science and magic. Communication with space is one of the tools for masking the real scientific component. At our meetings, information is transmitted through theatrical, mystical performances, jokes and laughter.

- Why did you need Alyoshenka?

At the end of the 90s, I was not yet involved in teaching. But older comrades said that Galina Semenkova gave Alyoshenka’s body to Zolotov in order to strengthen the energy at the seminars. This mummy was often used during practices. Entire theatrical performances were organized around Alyoshenka. And at the end of the lesson, everyone could touch the humanoid.

- Will we see Alyoshenka today?!– we almost screamed to the entire Irtyshskaya.

What are you doing? He was buried in 2005 on the shore of Evpatoria.

- For what?

Only Semenkova knows the reason. Before this, she had a secret conversation with Boris Zolotov. Boris Evgenievich first ordered the mummy to be drowned in the sea. But she didn't drown. Then they tried to burn Alyoshenka. Imagine - they brought a burning torch, but the body did not burn! And then the humanoid was buried with honors on the beach. And the next morning a dolphin washed ashore...

-Have you seen all this yourself?

No, but people told me that they definitely wouldn’t lie!

- Can you tell me their phone numbers?

Is it worth...

We didn’t expect it ourselves, but Selezneva ended up giving several numbers. Meanwhile, it’s already ten o’clock on the clock. It’s time for all “academicians” to go into orbit. We go our separate ways with Alice - we can’t go to Omsk together.

In the taxi we dial the cell numbers that our interlocutor shared.

Let's just give a few quotes.

Lyudmila (St. Petersburg):

- Yes, at one seminar there was this mummy. But I don't remember well. I cross out from my memory things that are unpleasant to me. And a dead humanoid is not a shrine. It's just a dead humanoid.

Anna (Chelyabinsk):

- Are you a hamster or a member of a new team? Why are you asking such strange questions?!

Olga (Murmansk):

- I wasn’t at Alyoshenka’s funeral itself in Yevpatoria. But Boris Zolotov made a film about this ceremony. I saw the recording later.

Alexander (Novosibirsk):

- At first I saw this dwarf at a seminar. And then I watched the film that Boris Evgenievich made about how this creature was buried. But I don't have this film. Where can I get it? Semenkova definitely has it.

Great! We are just going to her.


We cross the threshold of the barracks. Three middle-aged men cover the windows with plastic bags. “They carry corpses in these,” the instinct of self-preservation speaks out again. And at some point we begin to listen to him. Only now there is nowhere to go. As they say on the Internet: that feeling when a hamster goes for a walk and ends up in a mousetrap.

Oh, Kirill, Lera, Semyon - is that you?

A boy of about eight is running around Evgenia.

This is my. There was no one to leave home with,” the “brownie” answers our silent question.

And people are still catching up. And the children's gym begins to turn into God knows what. They bring a table. They put a laptop and speakers on it. Two table lamps wrapped in foil appear on the floor. A child immediately runs around and laughs boisterously. For the most part, those gathered are ladies of Balzac's age. They walk measuredly back and forth with mysterious smiles on their faces.

Where is Galina Ivanovna? - we say impatiently, once again looking around.

Delayed. But she should arrive soon,” assures the “brownie” Evgeniya and with notes of a senior accountant (as it later turned out, in Everyday life she is indeed an accountant) demands: - Your payment, guys.

Where to go, we are parting with our hard-earned rubles. And then there is an explosion of three hamster brains...

We were ready for anything in the world - that we would be sacrificed to Darth Vader, that we would be put in a flying saucer and taken to the Black Hole, or that we would simply be zombified by some kind of spinning disk with a spiral in the middle. But for SUCH horror flying on the wings of the night?!

Timati suddenly comes from the speakers: “When we’re in the club, the chicks are dancing. The whole city knows how we party." Our new friends “academicians” immediately perk up, go to the center of the hall and let’s dance.

Excuse me, but when are dialogues with the universe expected? – we ask somewhat discouraged.

Soon. And this is still a warm-up. So that our bodies tune in to the same frequency and move synchronously,” a man in a T-shirt with the inscription “One for all. And all for one” and, dancing, takes our Lera (aka Ekaterina according to her passport) into the dance.

Before we have time to wish Katya good luck, two madams take us by the white hands and also drag us to the dance floor, where Timati has already been replaced by Ivan Dorn.

In such cases, it is customary to say: what happens in Omsk stays in Omsk. Between strange body movements and thoughts like “Mom, take me home,” the head turns towards the doorway. And in it stands Galina Semenkova in person! The woman frowns, looking at the “warm-up”, and quickly steps into the side room. A small nuance: the common room and the side room are connected by a giant window. Alas, we do not see what is happening inside. The outside of the glass is covered with impenetrable tinting.

We pretend that we didn’t notice Alyoshenka’s kidnapper and continue to make strange body movements in the glory of synchronization. Here we are lying on our backs and spinning our legs, and here we are marching one after another to the Dog Waltz. Here, out of the corner of our eye, we notice that the “brownie” Evgenia purposefully walked around all the men in the hall and whispered something in their ears. One after another, they file into the side room. The instinct of self-preservation is eloquently silent this time.

The male part of the “academics” soon returns and surrounds us without further ado.

You ruined our whole evening! – Evgenia squeezes through the strong men’s backs.

In terms of? - we babble.

Don't make fools of us! – the voice of the “brownie” rises by half a tone. – Andrey, Katya and Roman, you upset Galina Ivanovna! She knows who you are! Leave immediately.

How were we identified? Actually it wasn't difficult. Maybe Semenkova struck in social networks the names of the journalists who began a new investigation about Alyoshenka. Maybe she saw ours. After all, for some reason she never made it to the seminar. And he doesn’t pick up the phone anymore...

We want to chat with Galina Semenkova!! Was the humanoid Alyoshenka really buried in Yevpatoria? – meanwhile we shout.

Instead of answering “brownie,” Evgeniya returns our money. And under the watchful eye of strong “academics” we are escorted out into the street.


The hamsters pretend to walk off into the night, disgraced. And then, in accordance with the daytime reconnaissance plan, they go around the perimeter, climb over the fence and find themselves in the rear of the “academics” - on the back side of the barracks. All windows are covered with black film. But there is a gap in one thing. Let's take a look. Yes, this is the same room overlooking the gym, where Semenkova slipped half an hour ago! And you know what's the funniest thing. Now the “academics” can’t see us (they have tinting, after all), but part of the action is revealed to us.

Here it’s time to repeat the mantra about “What’s happening in Omsk...” again. Because we see a bare-chested man wearing a wizard's hat being covered with foil. People with false alien ears are circling around him. We see the lamps blinking and our new friends, lying on the floor, “communicating” with space.

When the session finally comes to an end at three o'clock in the morning, we are still standing at the barracks. We are waiting for Semenkov. Having become completely emboldened, we are no longer hiding, but are on duty at the main entrance. Galina Ivanovna is taken out like a real pop star - with improvised security on her sides. Semenkova is wearing a hood and dark glasses. Seeing us, she quickly climbs into the approaching SUV, and it takes off.

By the way, we still managed to have a heart-to-heart talk with this elusive woman. True, already over the phone. What question did we start the dialogue with? Of course: WHERE IS ALESHENKA NOW?!

To be continued…

Someone unknown to me interviewed Boris Zolotov. Apparently, after the latter’s recent speech, in which he criticized some statements about him online. This is the first of three parts.
It is probably not easy to understand such a large-scale person. Especially when he speaks a rather complex language.

Original taken from ru_watson in Boris Zolotov. "Anti-sect" Part 1.

On December 11, 2013, after the end of the next event “Zhi-Zhi Assembly 2013”, held in the village. Lazarevskoye, Sochi, I approached Boris Evgenievich Zolotov and asked a question about the coverage of his work on the Internet, the events he holds and the principles of their organization. Below I publish his response on this topic.

Watson: Currently, it is difficult to find materials on the Internet that describe your work in the first person. Probably thanks to this, there are a lot of articles on the topic “Boris Zolotov’s sect.” Their authors have clearly defined your activity as a “sect” and are trying to convince everyone else of this, using the lack of reliable information, manipulating quotes and rumors taken out of context. Could you please tell us about how your work is organized, its principles and history.

Boris Zolotov: ....In general, in this whole matter there is one such thing as an organizational principle, something that organizes, something that leads the system to an orderly structure. And ordered structures - they already seem to live according to the rules, they are citizens of the universe, and if I don’t want what I want, I turn it around. But these rules are adopted voluntarily. And then those who voluntarily united, so to speak, not on the basis of violence at all in principle, that is, my main principle is the principle of non-violence. It differs from the principle of some government formulators, where they put you in a “zone” - and you must accept these laws and implement them, you see. And here you can try without this... You won’t necessarily become an artist, this is an amateur activity - but you act on your own.

Watson: Is this the concept of that very “Golden City” that you spoke about?

Boris Zolotov: Yes, you look for it yourself first, then you try it yourself. Well, it’s easy on the soul - you go to the master to try. Then you begin to publish master's products. That is, this is something that, in general, does not exist anywhere else. Look, if a tadpole appears somewhere in the world, yes, and it has an idea. A new sport appears there - for example, freestyle. Other people who ski don't even know about it. And if there is some kind of center in the territory that is looking for this new thing around the world, and is organizing its implementation. That is, he invites those who know how to do this here to show them. Organizes master classes, there is some kind of skating... And it turns out that they start... Well, this is how we promoted, for example, KSP - “Amateur Song Club”, in the Union.
First the base center is made, the shell is the super festival. And everyone needs to get into it, and not “I’m a star - and they’ll invite me anyway.” This is completely different, that is, such a “tsimus” is made inside, and an attractive shell is made on the outside, which will then be filled inside, only of very high quality. Why? This will also gain momentum. This is not just another concert that came and did the same thing. There is a song for the first time, there is very high competition, and the rank of the jury is very high. Well, in general, prestige rises.
That is, first you are led to the point of awareness, and then to the point of prestige for doing this. And prestige is also a social lift in the area of ​​​​activity that you like. And there are activities there not only for those who sing well and play the guitar. For anyone who... There are mostly guys who go to KSP events, because the “bear” stepped on everything: on their ears, on their lips, and on their hands. They can’t play, they can’t sing, they can’t do anything. But they are so hot...

Watson: Happy?

Boris Zolotov: Burning with this, you know? And they shouldn’t be thrown out because they don’t know how. But such exhaustion of a singer who can hit the note “A”, and that’s it.. So he went to where “A” is, and those who take “A” - they start to have a “jar of spiders”. Well, like the Bolshoi Theater. They seem to be doing the same thing, yes, but since competition has arisen, well, here it begins - acid in the face. And it’s not only there, this terrible inner human hypocrisy, it seems to begin to manifest itself here. Where creativity is, where it should be the other way around. Man is a friend to man - because we do the same thing. I can’t look around every 40 seconds like a pilot to see if you, my wingman, have come to my rear, and if you’re pulling the trigger on me.
Therefore, this thing, it is very complex, from the point of view, when the world is resource-insecure, then it begins - every “pie” is sawed. And when there is nothing to share here, you see.. And here, well, someone there can be recognized if she swings her leg well. So what? So what?? You see, the equivalence does not manifest itself in swinging your leg, but in the fact that you can also go out and swing your leg too.

Watson: In individuality?

Boris Zolotov: In the individuality that is given a start, you see, they open the gate. And even a professional - she will give you a warm-up. And your body - it will become more flexible somehow. And it turns out that there is already some kind of professionalism here, it...

Watson: Fading into the background?

Boris Zolotov: No, it gives the opportunity to generate ideas, trains, organizes - how to implement these ideas: training, creating creative products, writing all sorts of poems, paintings, costumes... And people train in the “crooked stool” zone, they are not afraid to do it, because that everyone here is like this, and those who are not like this help, not elevate themselves. Although the team often turns up its nose there: “we are the minds, you are the alas.” But this is wrong, they just haven’t yet reached the point of who they actually live here for. If they live on their “I”, on their titles, on their titles, on their diploma - this is one thing, this is everywhere. But if there is something “for people”, that’s something else entirely. Here it is necessary that the system be pre-exchange, and not objective. And if it’s non-objective, well, that means there must be a mechanism for this exchange, it seems to be sitting there on some kind of radiation, it should automatically begin to manifest itself, you know.
Well, this is precisely the concept of love, the concept of conscience, which is not clear at all what it is. And then they start to really work. And an association appears, due to such an organization, temporary LIVING communities are obtained, which unite an ever greater community, an ever greater measure of community. Well, that means then there will be an orientation of this organizational structure, it will be aimed at humanism, at development in a humane way. Moreover, it’s not scientific and technical, when people are separated and turned into an object with regulated exchange, you see.

Watson: Is this what’s happening to you?

Boris Zolotov: This is what is happening, but in order for it to happen, well, you have to somehow find it, work it out - and really show it! Then people who are like this, they start getting information from somewhere. You see, there are network computer capabilities, there are also network sensory capabilities, there is also the creation of events, which in itself begins to manifest itself more and more, because a developed object influences more and more environment, which becomes this object. And then the scale of this formation can be anything, because it’s a mechanism, just hit it right. If this is null-transport, well, you “farted” here - and in a distant galaxy something happened! These connections exist, but they appear so insignificantly. Why? But because there is no organization. Because an organizer makes it possible to organize some kind of chaos, and chaos is always a mistake. But there is no infallibility here. The fallacy here is that you go too long, or too fast.
That is, here a sense of proportion should begin to work, develop, and manifest itself. Well, then you can somehow avoid this conflict environment, the environment for survival, the environment for a piece, and move on to a contact environment. That is, when temporary creative teams are formed under some idea, which, on the basis of this idea and its implementation, become a new type of LIVING, life receives a more multidimensional object, which in itself is influential, and in itself transformative, and in itself intelligent. And this rationality begins to manifest itself more and more in the world, that is, the world becomes rational! The mind begins to act, and this is another matter. Because for this mind there are other goals. They don't just do it to gain more. Where are you going, what will you take to the next world?

Watson: Yes, you have talked about this many times.

Boris Zolotov: Well, then this needs to be investigated somehow. What is there, what is here, what are the transitional regimes, how to make this Universe and this one a common Universe, not through genetic experiments to plant “redicles” with ours, and ours with some “redicles” there. This is not it!
That is, this problem is not the assimilation of cultures, but the problem of preserving cultures, but at the same time, how to get a new one from fusion and synthesis. Well, it’s like this is goodness, this is goodness - and they can be combined.

Watson: It seems to me that we should still start presenting information from Zolotov.

Boris Zolotov: Well, in principle, in order to understand what is being done, this material needs to be shown, you know. At one time, here’s my dad (academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences Zolotov E.V. - on Wikipedia, on the website of the Computing Center of the Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences - editor’s note) - he made artificial intelligence systems. Missile guidance systems, search systems, and so on. When the missile itself thinks, the missile warhead thinks, yes, it is controlled. And the girl is uncontrollable, she cannot find her betrothed. And she begins... At the same time, it’s completely unclear why she needs this? If it’s just to implement the instinct of reproduction and increase in numbers - well, it’s kind of strange to make a birthing machine out of a woman. And for what else is completely unclear.
And if this, what is called “Love”, united these two into a creative group as a single object, a team of like-minded people - that’s a different matter! One did one thing, the other did another, but together they did what one could not do, and the other alone could not do. Then it is clear that the dimensionality increases, and all objects of higher dimensionality are not visible to the world of lower dimensionality, but they are decisive. That's when he (E.V. Zolotov - editor's note) says - so we began to explore large systems in which there are many people, many planes, many ships, well, there is defense there. So how will it work? When Yeltsin gave the communication boxes to the Americans after the Korean plane that we shot down, they began to analyze our control system. And it’s impossible to understand how they manage - there are just some swear words, and that’s all, you know.

Watson: Yes, I remember you told me.

Boris Zolotov: Yes, that is, orders are not given: to take off, shoot down, or anything else. And so it turns out that there is a language that is understandable, but it is not such that it can be understood from this dictionary taken. That is, there is intonation, there are emotions, there is something else, who the hell knows. But this means that after all, there may be an exchange! Maybe the animal will understand if you bark or meow at it. But people somehow begin to remove it, remove it... They are trying to do everything with meaning.

Watson: Well, these are Western cultures. Eastern cultures they preserve all this, even languages ​​there..

Boris Zolotov: Easterners have multidimensional languages, so it is very difficult to form concepts there... but there must be very precise intonation. And if your tonsils have not been set up for enlargement since childhood, then you will not be able to do anything. And so he (E.V. Zolotov - editor's note) says, let me do this - so that the missiles hit the target faster, and you solve the problem of what are the most unreliable elements of these systems - these are people, operators. Well, unreliable, neither in execution, nor in decision-making, nor in speed, nor in repeatability. He is completely unreliable. Why? He has already moved away from some kind of family roots, he is already a freak, you see. He does not hold the generic image, passing it from one to another - garbage has appeared. And so he says, let’s look for how to fix this.
Well, then it immediately looks like what, strictly speaking, are the civilizational development criteria? One criterion is reasonableness. It’s like making the right decisions, and the right ones from a compromise point of view, and not from the point of view: it’s more systemic, it’s more reliable, it’s socially fair - everyone is in their place, but it’s necessary to have both, they need to be pushed there, into one zone, and apply the theory of compromises.
Therefore, there are 2 criteria: health, or self-healing, or network recoverability, when the world is in trouble. This is one criterion. And the second criterion is correctly made decisions. Solutions for what? The computer solves parallel problems in a short time, sequential ones in a long time. Well, the world is more complex - it needs to be faster, it needs to be more complex, it needs to be more precise. Well, that means you need this process for this type of task, this one for this type of task. This means we need people who can decide immediately, who have different experiences.
The principle of choosing Gagarin over Titov. Titov lived in a prosperous, intelligent family, and received the Order of Lenin before his flight for his work in the field of space rocketry. But Gagarin’s life was more complicated, he is a “fab hare”, so he had a greater number of independent decisions and actions, and survival in difficult conditions. That's why they took him. Although by all indicators it seems... But Korolev understands that what is needed here is an ideal performer - a “push-button operator”. The monkey that gets killed will have a bunch of sensors implanted into him... And he won’t be allowed to press any buttons, because they don’t know that he won’t go crazy there, from overloads, everything else.
So the man, here you go, well, they piled on him there. He goes crazy from overload, right? And what overloads? - Informational first of all. The whole Internet, computers, TV, all this has piled so much on a person that he began to minimize, simplify, solve very simple things - but he can’t do the complicated ones, the complicated ones have to be solved by some kind of high-speed computers, see? Mechanical devices, the more parts, the more unreliable the machine, and biological ones, the more parts, the more reliable. Here's the difference.

Boris Evgenievich, maybe you yourself can tell who you are?

It is no easier to introduce Boris Evgenievich Zolotov than, say, to talk about the structure of the universe. He is soon 53 years old. According to the horoscope, Scorpio, Pig, Ophiuchus, White Eagle. Graduated from Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Candidate technical sciences. One of the creators of Odessa Humorina. Supreme Master of one of the oldest Tibetan magical societies on earth, the White Lotus. President of the International Academy of Frontal Problems named after. Academician E.V. Zolotova (father). Engaged in the development of new biolaser irradiation technologies. Married, second marriage. Has four children, whose godmother is the famous Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga. But does this explain anything?..

Before you rebuild the world, you need to put things in order in your own head as a zone with the least destructive consequences for this world

You could say that I'm just an inquisitive person.

What do you do?

We are looking for ways to create a new specialty for people: "normal genius person."

A little more detail please...

My father worked on artificial intelligence problems and taught rockets to “think.” We deal with the problems of human development and human society, searching for their resource capabilities and what can become a resource for them. How can a person think in conditions of information overload, information explosion? How to cope with high responsibility for making decisions? In human-machine systems, which include underwater vehicles, ships, planes, satellites and operators on this technology, the decision maker turns out to be the weakest and most vulnerable link. He exhibits weak decision-making, sensitivity, and the ability to repeat decisions, that is, not being a reliable object, he can fail at any moment, simply fail... But the path of training a normally brilliant person led us to modeling a complex system called “Creator - Creation - Creativity", that is, we came to the theory of creativity.

It is most important?

Perhaps. We study what creativity is, how the birth of an idea occurs, the emergence of rationality, soulfulness, the initial conditions of what is called the theory of life-creativity, how to create mind, how to create spirit, light. We study the fundamental thing in what is called a person, his essential beginning. And we need to identify its design task. What the Architect came up with is one thing, and what the builder built is another.

What are we missing?

Let us not teach people what needs to be taught - faith, hope, love! And it's not about the books. The knowledge must be within him. We need to understand what a biosystem is. Living and nonliving systems, interaction between them, what a biocrystalline system is, enlightenment, insight. This means that it is necessary to increase his expert qualities as a person who accurately and undistortedly perceives and reflects reality, and at the same time - his operator qualities, so that his life as a developing object in nature becomes more and more influential on it from the point of view of stability, and not destructibility, so that this happens automatically . The system is connected with the fact that the system of a person’s holiness, that is, his luminosity, is changing...

I had to use the most modern technology of tomorrow to gain basic knowledge and solve the problem of discovering the law of learning in the Universe. And it consists in, without creating an idol for yourself, having received knowledge, becoming a teacher and at the same time a student of your students. A person must develop in natural connections with the world. Not as a hegemon who can break and considers himself the crown of creation. And as a natural and integral part of the world, so that the world would be a part called “man-happy,” so that its humanity could still think. But the most important thing is that he restores what he has lost - the fourth hypostasis called spirit (body - soul - mind -...) or the ability to peacefully interact with spirits in nature, with what determines the laws of behavior of the environment in which he lives .

How does learning happen?

We are talking about the transfer of qualities from one person to another on the basis of certain information media. About the transfer of qualities from one civilization to another. From the microworld to the macroworld, through the human metaworld. People knew the procedures and knew how to organize mysteries to change the quality of objects.

Now you are holding a seminar in Vladivostok. Why was this location chosen?

After graduating from graduate school, I had the opportunity to choose between the proposals of academicians Velikhov and Marchuk, but I preferred to work with academician Viktor Ilyichev in a promising development zone - on Far East. Here was an attempt to create a base for studying another planet called the Ocean: how to develop it, how to use those who live in it, how to find them mutual language. This was an opportunity to realize a childhood interest that was born in Yevpatoria, where my father served at a missile test site, and where there were dolphins. I indicated the point on the map of Vladivostok where the dolphinarium is now...

Besides, morning begins here. There is shaking here, Curaçao there, rare earth metal ores. Something powerful rises from below. And here such romantics live! The eyes are open, the feelings are very strong. True, feelings are good servants, but bad masters. Here, in a disaster zone, you need to have a well-structured system of strategic goals and tactical moves. People must be prepared not only to escape in time, but also to be connected to each other in a different way. We need to make a net of people like the net with which the old man caught a goldfish.

Who comes to your seminars and what is their purpose?

Seminars bring together groups of people for whom the life around them does not provide completeness; they want a calm, rich, resource-rich world for their children with the opportunity to choose. Without violence, murder, fear, disasters. They don't want to be controlled by those wandering in the dark. From them, territorial regional resilience groups are being prepared that are capable of reducing disasters. The goal is to increase the rank of one person and the person interacting with other people. It is necessary for humanity to manifest itself in nature and society as a harmonizing and not a destructive factor.

Boris Zolotov in quotes

* Nemesis is largely to blame for recent catastrophes - the Evesda of Retribution, which moves at an angle of 45 degrees to the ecliptic plane in a very elongated orbit with an orbital period of 3.5 thousand years. Approaching close to the plane once every thousand years, this gravitationally powerful object produces shaking of a cosmogonic nature. And then on Earth what is a system based on impure connections is destroyed, what is boney and rigid collapses. A country that has lost control is falling apart: the signal from the control center reaches the edge when it is no longer needed...

* SOS - save our souls. Who is saving souls among us? Worshipers. But they do not have the technology to penetrate the titanium hull of a submarine in harsh radiation conditions. This was not the case in the experience of angels and demons either. The souls of the sailors who died on the Kursk can be brought out through the human heart. Because this is a generator, this is a burning candle, but in this case it is necessary that it burns not like a candle, but like a blowtorch. This is creative burning, this is loving burning. This light can be brought out through this. It’s like that relict light that existed when the Universe had not yet arisen, but it already existed. They have already been taken out. They brought everyone out by name...

* Drug addiction is a tourist problem: a person wants to get into a world in which he is significant, respected and influential. He changes himself, and he can change the world, which is favorable towards him in comparison with the one in which he lives and where no one needs him, cannot change anything and cannot change himself. And he goes into the world of virtual reality from the world of real virtualities, in which a person has his nose buried in the asphalt and forgets to raise his head to the stars at least sometimes. And life must create life. After all, if a person begins to escape into other realities with the help of alcohol, drugs, or a computer, it means that he is simply better off in those realities. He can be a human there, he experiences human states. And all around is inhuman life. There is no illness at all - there is sick time. It's alive. It can also hurt and collapse. Therefore, it takes time to heal...

* A person needs a guaranteed minimax. This is a cybernetic approach. Need a Teacher. If you are a neutron star, then the light from you passes through the entire Earth, through all people. You just become her and that’s it. And let this light carry your life. Not information, but your life in sensations and experiences. Then this ability will manifest itself in the students. An unknown force will attract him to you. Something like radioactivity will have an effect. And you will mutate completely, become an object of a qualitatively different connection with the world, and then you will be able to survive in this new world. You cannot solve the problem - the effect of radiation on humans - and that’s all. We need to solve the problem of human influence on radiation. And then you will get bioradiactive skin. And in it you can walk through any radioactive-technocratic garbage dump and eat this radiation. And transform energy into yourself for development. And the environment is clean, and you are developing. You are a harmonizer.

*Your reasonableness must be shown. What good is it if you sit with your head full of information when somewhere thousands of children are dying of hunger? The soul of the mind must work - not just the mind.

* I am lazy. Everyone in the Universe is lazy. Even the leader is Lenin. And being lazy means not sawing the weight, even if it is gold. First, in your head as the zone of least damage to the world, you try, then you only act, changing the world.

Lyudmila Rumyantseva

(Dec 8, 2016) Now I see in Boris Zolotov a scientific pioneer who explored poorly explored areas of cause-and-effect relationships in our country. He moved away from the concept of learning by transferring knowledge (knowledge bases) to the concept of using and for a set of qualities, skills, knowledge simply from participating in an effective community (from participation in). In other words, to dramatically increase the efficiency of communities of people (systems) and each participant in such a community.

Boris Zolotov is the most advanced in the understanding and application of systems theory. And therefore, inevitably, he is the most the brightest, most talented person I've ever met. After all, he used the resources of a mind much larger than his personal one - the group mind of a large community.

However, to my surprise, Boris Zolotov diedDecember 25, 2015at the age of 68 (like his ). Considering the strong support that Zolotov received from the community of participants in his seminars that he created, the only explanation that comes to my mind for his untimely death is that Boris encountered some more powerful communities and did not find a harmonious way to interact. I believe the fact is that Zolotov became a participant in the military-political conflict between the Russian Federation and the West in 2014-15. I write more about this on the page .

Klein about Zolotov as the founder of developmental seminars in the former USSR

Boris Evgenievich ZOLOTOV is the founder of all seminars on bioenergy and extrasensory perception, development of creative abilities and personal qualities, applied psychology and healing - in other words - all enlightening, promoting and developing seminars, regardless of whether those who conduct these seminars today know it well or not at all.

ZOLOTOV's first seminar was held in 1988. From November 20 to December 4, 1988... It was a tourist center on the banks of the Amur, not far from the village of Ommi - you can find it on the map somewhere between Khabarovsk and Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Before this, in the summer of 1988, a “proto-seminar” was held - it’s hard to call it a seminar, but frying pans and irons were flying through the air, and the clouds were dissipating :)) - the “proto-seminar” was held in a place called Barancha - this is in the Urals. :))

There were more than 100 people at the seminar at OMMI. Classes were held around the clock. It was wonderful! :))

Klein. :))

CITIZENS! Everyone who has ever attended the Zolotov Seminars!

Please send me your memories of the Zolotov seminars! Send photos, documents, articles from newspapers and magazines. Please don't be lazy!

I think Zolotov deserves you to move a little... Look, let's write a HISTORY together unique phenomenon- ZOLOTOV SEMINARS!


Kostya: it seems that it so happened that I began to perform the function of collecting information about Zolotov’s seminars - first with a website, then with a forum, and now with this series of pages.

News on the topic - in the VKontakte group

I closed the old site, it seems, in 2012, when I received a request supposedly from Boris Zolotov. Now I’m not sure that that’s what I should have done then. But, one way or another, now Boris Evgenievich has died, and the situation has changed. Now it is important to collect information about him, about his discoveries, about his life - for comprehension and application. Therefore, it’s probably worth just restoring the old site and not redoing it, but creating a new series of pages here on this site.

YouTube Video

Beautiful quotes from Boris Zolotov

Zolotov about being a systems scientist

"...I am a scientist, a systems engineer, a complex specialist. I describe a complex system, take models, then use this model to simulate possible processes, then I can say for sure: if you change this much in the world around you, you will get this result. And it works."

What am I working on?

(January 2016) Found these quotes on the Galaxy College website:

I can’t even understand what I’m working on now. Should I write about it? But this is a completely doomed business. Why? Because as soon as I write something, I already know that it is wrong. Why? I know for sure that I am a fool! Why do I know for sure that I am a fool?

Because the fool is the one who knows that the knowledge base he has today is infinitesimal compared to the one he will have tomorrow.

And the one who considers himself smart is the one whose knowledge base is like this (large), and his growth rate is like this (small). This is what he fundamentally relies on.

As soon as you passed the turning point in development, right here, and went to the power series after the tangent at 45 degrees - that’s it, you turn your nose up. You never sit for a long time on the basis of some models, so to speak, trying to solve one problem for all centuries, like the law of governing the world. No, you are describing “from here to here the law is like this.” After this point we will look. As we approach it we will feel an increase. What kind of overload force must be made so that what is the fate of a few today is the norm for many tomorrow.

But they can take this norm themselves. Free will is not violated. They go to someone else's monastery when they invite you there - even at your request. If you haven't been invited, it's not polite to go there.

About my father and myself

Another reason for deleting my old site is that last years The network broadcasts live almost every evening from “meetings with interesting people"and all those interested can receive information about the phenomenon directly from Boris Zolotov or through stage events staged by him. And now my explanations on this topic are no longer needed, especially since I am not sufficiently informed about it.

Programs with the participation of Boris Evgenievich Zolotov were among the first to come under fire from the ban. The broadcast “Where are you coming?” was banned. ("Where are you going?")

The reason for the ban is simple: “I don’t like him.”

Of course, I defended the program as best I could, even inviting Doctor of Medical Sciences Mikhail Porfiryevich Yakushev to a meeting of the artistic council. But his arguments in favor of the transfer also fell on deaf ears. We were told one thing: “Zolotov is zombifying the people.”

“Zombie” was a fashionable word at the time. They frightened everyone like little children, thereby covering up the true meaning of zombifying the population with the help of the same television.

How often have we fallen for the bait of taming us into the common herd. "Elementary Watson!" There was such a pioneer ritual “Be prepared!” - "Always ready!".

Sorry, I got carried away again.

As the French say, let's go back to our sheep.

This is an amazing appearance of Boris Zolotov to the people.

I have already mentioned that in Bulgaria, at the International Conference on Psychotronics, my attention was attracted by the report of B.E. Zolotov about a new system for managing energy information processes.

I didn’t think, I didn’t guess that I would soon have to meet with Boris Evgenievich, and not somewhere in Kolyma, but here in Kuzbass at seminars of the International Scientific and Training Center “Delta-Inform”.

The first seminar took place in Salair.

I arrived in the midst of work. Here and there “trains” of “hamsters” flashed between the trees. Adults, like children, followed each other.

Then I learned that a person, and in this case, a “hamster”, in the so-called “locomotive”, getting into the general resonant frequency, gets rid of many ailments. Although, if you look from the outside, it’s like a “madhouse” on a walk.

The basis of Zolotov’s training system, as I understand now, is wave and autowave processes. In order to perceive them, we need to “shake” our reinforced concrete man. There are various types of warm-ups for this.

I was so carried away by filming dances, “immersions”, “plasticines” that sometimes I lost my sense of proportion. Maybe that’s why sometimes programs about B.E. Zolotov’s seminars were perceived by the viewer as fun attractions.

Sometimes I was pulled out into a “immersion”, but I saw little there - all my thoughts were about filming.

Still, the most important thing is that new information, which was in Zolotov’s lectures. Moreover, the grains valuable information Boris Evgenievich scattered in his conversations on the field of buffoonery. Be able to choose and separate the wheat from the chaff! I will give fragments from lectures (or rather conversations) by B.E. Zolotov in different time and on various topics.

“To be truly free, you need to learn a simple thing - learn to receive information when you need it, what you need, so that you do not depend on anyone. Then you are free, then you are independent.”

“The guys work in contact mode with objects in the past, in the future, in the present. These are exactly the secrets that we can find out, describe and begin to apply in people’s lives. We are solving problems that, perhaps, have never been posed to people.

Today we really get new ones chemical elements, new elementary particles. There are new patent developments that are recognized in other worlds as a new word for human civilization. Modern man cannot be a Human if he has no contact with other worlds.

Time and space are heterogeneous. Over time you can work. It can be folded, distorted - this can be learned. And then it turns out that you can learn the most
fantastic things. It's technology."

More than a thousand developed and implemented technologies!

True, I have more than once seen custom-made “devastating” programs and publications about Zolotov and his students. As a rule, they were filmed and written by people who peered through the keyhole into what was happening at the seminar. Much did not fit into their consciousness. Yes, and how to realize this!

At Zolotov’s “hamsters” seminars, they learned to make decisions correctly, avoid conflicts and stress; have high performance and achieve success in any type of activity; feel star worlds; take a fresh look at man, space and evolution; skillfully maintain your health; control destiny. Wow!

“We solve problems of purifying water and the lithosphere without the use of technical means, only due to the ability to independently cause the generation of the necessary radiation. Newest technologies will bring salvation to the Future not only of our world, but also of other worlds. If stars light up at seminars, it means someone needs it.”

“I have some interesting developments in this regard. For example, my students, using the sensory capabilities available to every person, but inhibited by improper upbringing and the influence of civilization, can quite freely read books blindfolded, watch TV through the wall, or read information simply by picking up a floppy disk or laser disk. Moreover, the speed of assimilation of information is simply not comparable with the speed that is implied when a person communicates with the most advanced computer today. Studying foreign language becomes a completely elementary matter. Moreover, people who have developed such abilities will never lag behind life and will not “fall out of the picture.”

Understanding what happened and is happening at the seminars for me is like catching a sunbeam with your palm. How to perceive all this with your inhibited consciousness? The easiest way is to say “I don’t believe it!”

All sorts of tall tales are told about Zolotov. It is best to get information from the original source. Once, at my request, Boris Evgenievich wrote his autobiography by hand for transmission, but it was lost somewhere, so I wanted to write what I remember, but then Olga Zolotova appeared on the horizon and kindly agreed to write about the family and “compose” an earthly biography brother:

“Boris Evgenievich Zolotov was born on November 20, 1947 in the village of Velikaya Topal, Bryansk region.

Father, Evgeniy Vasilyevich Zolotov, having completed his 2nd year at Moscow State University, went to the front as a commander of a rifle battery in 1942, but was soon recalled to complete his studies at the external studies of the Higher Artillery Academy named after. Dzerzhinsky. During the war years, the Academy remained in Moscow, where he met Varvara Dmitrievna Gogol, at that time she was a student at the Agricultural Academy. Timiryazev.

The parents got married on Victory Day, May 9, 1945, accompanied by fireworks. After the war, the family moved to Evpatoria, where they lived until 1957, and then moved to Kalinin (now Tver), where Boris Zolotov graduated high school with a Gold Medal. In 1966 he entered the Moscow Energy Institute. Upon graduation in 1971, he entered graduate school at English language to the department of “Electrothermal installations”.

After graduate school, he worked at the Pacific Oceanological Institute of the Far Eastern Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences, then at the Far East Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Vladivostok. Since 1987, Boris Evgenievich Zolotov has been the director of the Novintech joint venture.

I will add on my own behalf.

Boris Zolotov's father, Evgeniy Vasilievich, was one of the creators of spacecraft control systems.

Boris Evgenievich Zolotov himself is an academician, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, author of more than 50 books. He is the creator and president International Academy frontal problems named after E.V. Zolotov, where research is carried out in various fields information technologies: development of contact abilities, anti-disaster technologies, weather programs, light creation and other areas.

Academy employees participate in the implementation of the state program “Health of the Nation”. According to the American press, B.E. Zolotov is one of the ten smartest people on planet Earth.”

Few people know that once in Odessa Zolotov was the first to organize a festival of satire and humor “Humorina”.

There are countless expeditions of the “Golden Path” team along different countries and continents. I was on one of these trips around Europe, where I shot a travel (I wanted to write a travel) essay “Step beyond the horizon” in Paris.” This is not just a journey “look to the right - look to the left” - the outwardly invisible work of the Light-bearers was carried out here.

There are many questions in this life. And how to increase the number of correct decisions, and how to see at a distance without instruments, and how not to interfere with “God’s gift with scrambled eggs,” and “where are we going with Piglet?”, and where is Left and where is Right, and in general, what is life? and what do you eat it with?

You can only know through the expansion of consciousness, through penetration beyond the boundaries of what is permitted, only then, perhaps, will you only touch the as yet unknown and mysterious, and there, further beyond the horizon, new questions and new revelations.

As Boris Evgenievich says: “When a person follows someone, it is a sign of faith in someone. When a person walks on his own, it is a sign of faith in himself. When a person goes where someone went for something, but for a new “something,” it means a new century has come.”