Abstracts Statements Story

Introductory words and introductory sentences. A simple sentence and its grammatical basis Form of expression of the main member

1. Introductory words and introductory sentences are separated by commas:

  • 1) Certainly, Evgeny was not the only one who could see Tanya’s confusion. (P.);
  • 2) In the estate, probably, everyone was still sleeping. (T.);
  • 3) We are fellow travelers, Seems? (L);
  • 4) I see you love nature. (T.);
  • 5) Shore, as I already said, was low and sandy. (Ars.)

2. Plug-in constructions that have the nature of additional comments or explanations to the expressed thought are highlighted with brackets or, less often, with a dash:

  • 1) Frolov said goodbye to his companions and walked (back then everyone in the city walked) headed towards Smolny. (N. Nik.);
  • 2) Dubechnya — that was the name of our first station — was located seventeen miles from the city. (Ch.)

3. Introductory words express the speaker’s different attitude towards what he is reporting. The most commonly used introductory words are:

  • a) to express confidence: certainly, without a doubt, indisputably, in fact, really, naturally, of course, undoubtedly, true, of course;
  • b) to express uncertainty: probably, apparently, perhaps, should be, it seems, it seemed, maybe, probably, obviously, apparently, perhaps, in all likelihood-,
  • c) to express one or another feeling: to annoyance, unfortunately, to chagrin, to joy, unfortunately, to happiness, to surprise, to misfortune, a strange thing, what good;
  • d) to indicate the source of a message, to name the person to whom it belongs: they say, in my opinion, in the opinion of someone, according to someone, according to someone’s message, in someone’s opinion, I remember ;
  • e) to indicate the sequence of phenomena, the connection between them: firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, therefore, so, thus, means, on the contrary, on the contrary, however, however, on the one hand, on the other sides, for example, in particular, let's say, therefore.

Note. Introductory words can also:

  • 1) indicate a way of expressing, formalizing thoughts: in one word, in other words, in short, in other words, so to speak, roughly speaking, to put it mildly, for example: It’s spring here, the sun is warming. In a word, life blossoms. (BUT.);
  • 2) serve to attract the attention of readers or listeners: do you see, see, know, excuse me, imagine, please allow, agree, for example: Where is this, let me, was? (Paul.)

Many of the words listed above can also act as members of a sentence. In this case, they are naturally not separated by commas, for example:

  • 1) The train is rushing me fortunately. (Paust.) But: Fortunately, along its entire length the river has great depth. (Przh.);
  • 2) Is it true It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water. (Ate.) But: He, Truth, hit an ace with a pistol five fathoms away. (P.) Wed. also: We never hoped to meet again, however met. (L.) ( However- adversarial conjunction.) Soon, however, our bewilderment dissipated. (Cor.) ( However- introductory word.)

1. Introductory words and introductory sentences are separated by commas: 1) Certainly, Evgeny was not the only one who could see Tanya’s confusion.(P.); 2) At the estate probably, everyone was still sleeping.(T.); 3) We are fellow travelers, Seems? (L.); 4) You, I see, love nature.(T.); 5) Shore, as I already said, It was low and sandy.(Are.)

2. Plug-in constructions that have the nature of additional comments or explanations to the expressed thought are highlighted with brackets or, less often, with a dash: 1) Frolov said goodbye to his companions and walked (back then everyone in the city walked) headed towards Smolny.(N. Nik.); 2) Dubechnya- that was the name of our first station - was located seventeen miles from the city.(Ch.)

3. Introductory words express the speaker’s different attitude towards what he is reporting. The most commonly used introductory words are:

a) to express confidence: certainly, without
opinions, indisputably, in fact, really, naturally, of course, undoubtedly, true, of course;

b) to express uncertainty: probably, apparently, perhaps, should be, seems, seemed, maybe, probably, obviously, apparently, perhaps, throughout

c) to express one or another feeling: to annoyance, unfortunately, to chagrin, to joy, unfortunately, fortunately, to surprise, to misfortune, strange thing, what good;

d) to indicate the source of a particular message, to name the person to whom it belongs: they say, in my opinion, in the opinion of someone, according to someone, according to someone’s message, in someone’s opinion, I remember;

e) to indicate the sequence of phenomena, the connection between them: firstly, secondly, thirdly, finally, therefore, so, thus, means, on the contrary, on the contrary, however, however, on the one hand, on the other hand, for example, in particular, let's say, therefore.

Note. Introductory words can also: 1) indicate a way of expressing, formalizing thoughts: in one word, in other words, in short, in other words, so to speak, roughly speaking, to put it mildly, For example: It's spring here, the sun is warming. One in a word, life blossoms.(BUT.); 2) serve to attract the attention of readers or listeners: do you see, see, know, excuse me, imagine, please, allow me, agree, For example: Where was this, please?(Paul.)

Many of the words listed above can also act as members of a sentence. In this case, they are naturally not separated by commas, for example: 1) The train is rushing me fortunately. (Paust.) But: Fortunately, along its entire length the river has great depth.(Przh.);

2) Is it true It does not burn in fire and does not sink in water.(Ate.) But:He, Truth, hit an ace with a pistol five fathoms away.(P.) Wed. Also: We never hoped to meet again however met.(L.) (However- adversarial conjunction.) Soon, however, our bewilderment dissipated.(Cor.) (However- introductory word.)

Exercise 19.

I. Read and indicate where the highlighted words are members of the sentence and where they are introductory words. Copy using commas and underlining introductory words; indicate their meaning (orally).

1) Exercise there must be done cleanly and neatly. - Student there must be I was in a hurry and didn’t think through the tasks to the end. 2) As a result of rapid snow melting maybe flood. - In May Maybe there will be frosts.

3) Certificate issued by the directorate, really until the end of the year. - Really The weather was wonderful throughout September. 4) The decision in the case was perfect obviously. - Train obviously is a little late.5) My friend and I agreed on everything, but he is unexpected
this is exactly what I did vice versa.- Losing doesn’t hurt
killed the chess player, he vice versa forced him to play more carefully in the future. 6) What starts your silence? - Means will you come to me in the evening?

II. With the words below, make up two sentences each so that in one the given word is a member of the sentence, and in

friend - an introductory word.

In my opinion, unfortunately, let's say probably.

Exercise 20.

Copy the sentences by inserting suitable introductory words instead of periods. They should have the following meanings: a) express the feeling of the speaker; b) express his confidence or
uncertainty, assumption; c) indicate who owns the messages; d) indicate the sequence of thoughts, the connection between them.

a) 1) ... frequent and heavy rains prevented successful
do travel. 2) The weather... still soon improved.

b) 1) Nozdryov’s face... is already somewhat familiar
tatelu. 2) Nozdryov played checkers... not entirely without sin.

c) 1) ... we should have come to the village a long time ago, but
she was still not visible. 2) The views of the harvest... are very good.

d) 1) When you do morning exercises, you need to
can... ventilate the room well first,... in
during exercises, observe proper breathing, ... by
After charging, wipe yourself down to your waist with cold water.

2) Morning exercises have a beneficial effect on the human body. ...it is a must-do.

3) Khor was a positive, practical person, an administrative head, a rationalist, Kalinich... belonged to the number of idealists, romantics, enthusiastic and dreamy people. 4) He didn’t get angry, but... laughed. 5) We have prepared everything for the hike and... tomorrow we set off.

Exercise 21.

Write it down using punctuation marks; introductory words and
Emphasize insert designs.

I. 1) Horses sleigh trees bull tied to a post everything was white and seemed soft and fluffy. (Ch.) 2) And the fences and the cattle that were whitening in the yards and the roofs of the houses, everything seemed to be sleeping in a healthy, quiet labor sleep. (L.T.) 3) The guns, which had been in the cold for two days and were probably heavily oiled, misfired. (Are.) 4) Of course, there was nothing to answer to such a clear and convincing argument. (T.) 5) At the very edge of the water lay some kind of large dark mass... Undoubtedly it was a sea animal thrown ashore by the waves. (Are.) 6) The birds apparently shivered in the snow and therefore huddled together... (Are.) 7) Unfortunately, frequent and heavy rains interfered with the successful progress of the journey. (Przh.) 8) Through the hole I could see part of a low house with two, to my surprise, illuminated windows. (T.) 9) According to the stories of peasants, the best time for fishing with a seine is in spring and autumn. (Przh.) 10) So two respectable men, the honor and decoration of Mirgorod, quarreled among themselves. (G.) 11) He [Ovsyannikov], for example, did not like spring carriages. (T.) 12) The purpose of our discussion is, firstly, to acquaint writers with the new demands of millions of readers, secondly, to expand and deepen the themes of art, and thirdly, to direct some comrades onto the broad road. (A.N.T.) 13) Opekushin came from the common people, first a self-taught person, then a recognized artist and finally an academician. (Tel.) 14) Prince Vasily always spoke lazily, like an actor speaking the role of an old play. Anna Pavlovna Scherer, on the contrary, despite her forty years, was full of animation and impulses. (L.T.) 15) She was of a very meek disposition, or better yet, intimidated. (T.)

II. 1) So, as stated above, over the years I have not become important. (Tward.) 2) Having looked around, I went, as it seemed to me, straight to the sea, but on the way I met a forest swamp littered with a convict. (Are.) 3) Having seen off the groom, Nadya went upstairs to her place where she lived with her mother; the ground floor was occupied by her grandmother. (Ch.) 4) Dmitry, that was the name of my neighbor, was hardly noticeable in the class. (A.G.) 5) One day it was already May, but no one seemed to notice then either the ice drift on the Moscow River or the blooming bird cherry tree. I stood in the crowd at the monument. (Paust.) 6) The male population of the village lives on campaigns and at cordons or posts as the Cossacks call it. (L.T.) 7) Ovsyannikov flew into the ravine along with the racing droshky, the boy sitting behind him and the horse. Fortunately, sand lay in piles at the bottom of the ravine. (T.) 8) I was helped by a painter, or as he called himself a painting contractor. (Ch.) 9) One day it was at the end of May we were sitting on the porch and waiting for dinner. (Ch.) 10) Although for a real hunter a wild duck does not represent anything particularly captivating, but due to the lack of other game, it was early September: the woodcocks had not yet arrived and I was tired of running through the fields after partridges, I listened to my hunter and went to Lgov. (T.)

III. 1) So I’m in Yalta. It's evening now. The wind blows like in the fourth act of The Seagull, but no one comes to me, but on the contrary, I myself will have to leave after ten after putting on my fur coat. (Ch.) 2) He had a presentiment that Prince Andrei, with one word and one argument, would destroy all his skill. (L. T.) 3) In a word, this man [Belikov] had a constant and irresistible desire to surround himself with a shell, to create for himself, so to speak, a case that would seclude him and protect him from external influences. (Ch.) 4) Fishing boats, hardly visible to the eye, they seemed small, dozing in the sea surface not far from the house. (Kupr.) 5) The forester’s lodge, as Nikolai Nikolaevich managed to notice, was placed on stilts so that there was free space between its floor and the ground. (Kupr.) 6) Many of us still understand by the word “literature” novels, poems, and fiction. (Gonch.) 7) These gentlemen [diplomats], apparently willingly, as their honor, which they did to few, accepted Prince Andrei into their circle. (L.T.)

Exercise 22

Write it down using punctuation marks. Underline the introductory words and determine their meaning. Outline the first sentence.

Turkin family

When in the provincial town of S. visitors complained about the boredom and monotony of life, the local residents, as if making excuses, said that on the contrary in S. it is very good that in S. library theater club there are balls that finally there are smart, interesting, nice families with with whom you can make acquaintances. And they pointed to the Turkin family as the most educated and talented.

This family lived on the main street near the governor in their own house. Turkin Ivan Petrovich himself, a plump, handsome brunette with sideburns, staged amateur performances for a charitable purpose, he himself played old generals and at the same time coughed very funny. He knew a lot of jokes, sh..rad sayings, he loved to joke and joke, and he always had such an expression that it was impossible to understand whether he was joking or speaking seriously. His wife Vera Iosifovna is thin

a pretty lady in pince-nez wrote stories and novels and willingly read them aloud to her guests. Daughter Ekaterina Ivanovna, a young girl, played the piano... In a word, each family member had his own talent. (A. Chekhov)

Exercise 23

Read the text, determine its main topic. Find
introductory words, determine their meaning and role in the text. How to explain the predominance of imperative forms in the text? Copy by inserting missing letters and missing characters

When choosing a topic for an essay, try to be guided by (first) understanding of each word in its title... (second) knowledge of the material involved and (c) third(?) their interest in it.

First of all, take your time to write, first... analyze the topic. To do this means to think (?) into every word, to explain (?) each concept in your own words.

When selecting the material (necessary) for the essay, try to consider all the facts in their interrelation. Having clarified the content of the chosen topic, determine the ideas of the essay and formulate an answer to the problem posed in the topic. A clearly formulated idea will undoubtedly help to fully develop the topic.

The connection between parts of the essay, of course, should not be accidental. In the introduction, write only what corresponds to the topic and idea of ​​the essay. In the final part, it is necessary to summarize the reflection on the topic. (According to B. Orlov)

IV. Monitoring understanding of the topic.
Test tasks

1 . Which of the sentences is denominative?

a) I see you love nature.

b) The failure did not bother the skater.

c) Here is a village street.

d) Greetings, deserted corner!

Answer: c.
2. Indicate a verb that cannot be predicated in an indefinite finite sentence.

a) wear b) read

b) didn’t tell d) I’ll take a look

Answer: Mr.
3. Find the error in the description of the proposal.

Actions cannot be replaced by words.

a) simple b) impersonal

b) one-component d) widespread

Answer: c.
4. In which sentence is the predicate expressed in the impersonal form of a finite verb?

a) You cannot bend the pages of the book.

b) There was a pleasant creaking sound under my feet.

c) There is no outcome.

d) It was fun for me to breathe in the freshness of the forests.

Answer: b.
5. Indicate a definitely personal proposal.

a) On the way back he had to experience a little adventure.

b) There wasn’t a soul around.

c) Believe in your people, who created the mighty Russian language.

d) Pierre and other criminals were brought to the right side of the maiden field.

Answer: c.
♦ Creative task. Write a miniature essay “Autumn in the Park”, using one-part sentences to describe nature.
V. Summing up the work.

a) the first group of students performs exercise. 30 on p. 18 in writing;

b) the second group of students composes a text on the topic “discipline - freedom or necessity?”, using one-part sentences.

Lesson 5. Sentences with isolated members (§ 5)

Lesson objectives: 1) repeat the content of the concept of isolation, the intonation of isolation, types of isolated sentences, conditions for isolation, non-isolation of agreed and inconsistent definitions, ways of expressing isolated circumstances, conditions for their isolation, non-isolation; 2) teach to find definitions and circumstances that need isolation, explain verbally and graphically the conditions for isolation, non-isolation of definitions and circumstances; 3) systematize and generalize students’ knowledge about sentences with isolated members, repeat the spelling of vowels and consonants in the root of the word.
I. Differentiated survey.

One student reads a text on the topic “discipline - freedom or necessity?”, indicating the types of one-part sentences, the class collectively reviews the answer. Another student writes on the board excerpts from “Farewell Song” (Ex. 30), written by Anton Delvig, emphasizes the main member in definite personal one-part sentences, indicates words that are grammatically unrelated to the sentence, and talks about punctuation with them.
II. Repetition of theoretical information on the topic “Proposals with isolated members.”

Conversation with students.

What is separation?

Name the conditions for separating agreed and inconsistent definitions.

Name the ways of expressing isolated circumstances, the conditions for isolation.

What is the peculiarity of the isolation of circumstances expressed by adverbial phrases?

How is the intonation of isolation expressed?
III. Working with students using the textbook.

1. In ex. 32 on p. 19 students justify the placement of commas, rewrite by inserting missing letters, find clarifying circumstances and introductory words.

Table 6

Punctuation marks in sentences with isolated

members (definitions and applications)

Separated by commas


1. Any definitions and applications (regardless of their prevalence and location), if they relate to a personal pronoun

Friends since childhood, they never parted. They, agronomists, went to work in the village.

2. Agreed common definitions and applications, if they come after the noun being defined

The berries picked by the children were delicious. Grandfather, a participant in military operations, knew everything about that distant time.

3. Two or more homogeneous agreed non-extended definitions, standing after the defined noun

The wind, warm and gentle, woke up the flowers in the meadow.

4. Agreed definitions and applications (standing before the defined noun), if they have an additional adverbial meaning (causal, conditional, concessive, etc.)

Exhausted by the difficult road, the guys could not continue the journey.(cause).

5. Agreed applications (including single ones), if they come after the word being defined - a proper noun.

Exception: single applications that merge with a noun in meaning and pronunciation are not highlighted

In my adolescence I read books by Dumas the Father.

Table 7

Punctuation in sentences

with separate applications

Separated by commas


1. Any applications (regardless of their prevalence and location), if they refer to a personal pronoun

It, “The Word...” in its poetic power has nothing equal in ancient Russian literature.

2. Common applications, if they come after the noun being defined

My sister, a second-year medical student, is already giving advice to her neighbor.

3. Applications placed before the defined noun, if they have an additional adverbial meaning (causal, conditional, concessive, etc.)

A brave hunter, the ferret attacks animals larger than itself.

4. Common applications (including single ones), if they come after the word being defined - a proper noun.

Exception: single applications that merge with a noun in meaning and pronunciation are not highlighted

Luchnikov, a former striker, was appointed coach of the team.

Ivan Tsarevich jumped on a dashing horse and was like that.

5. Applications with the conjunction as are isolated if they have a connotation of causality

As a true poet, Nekrasov is loved by his people.

Applications are not isolated if the conjunction as has the meaning “as” or the application with this conjunction characterizes the subject from any one aspect

Everyone knows Zhenya as a reliable friend.

2. In ex. 34 ninth graders determine the type of text, graphically mark the participial phrases, name the conditions of isolation, read the text expressively, observing these conditions. Students answer the question of how they understand the expression “awakened by Vesuvius.” Morphological analysis of participles is performed according to the following options:

a) Option I - morphological analysis of the real participle;

b) Option II - morphological analysis of the passive participle.

Recommendations for the teacher: draw students' attention to the fact that isolated members of the sentence are distinguished by intonation, which emphasizes their special significance among other minor members as a means of enhancing the expressiveness of speech. Intonation of isolation is expressed by stress, pauses, and increased tempo.

If there is difficulty in performing morphological analysis of participles, students use the analysis plan on p. 196 textbook. When explaining the expression “awakened Vesuvius”, you can refer to the materials of the encyclopedic reference book: Vesuvius is an active volcano in Italy with a height of 1277 m. A volcano is a conical mountain with a crater on top, through which fire, lava, and ash occasionally erupt from the bowels of the earth.

3. In ex. 36 students write down sentences, graphically indicating participial and adverbial phrases, place commas, observing the conditions for separating definitions and circumstances, explain which of the participial phrases are not isolated, select from the text:

a) participles corresponding to the scheme: ;

b) a gerund corresponding to the scheme: .
IV. Monitoring understanding of the topic.

The first group of students (low-performing students) copies the text (it is copied in a quantity corresponding to the number of low-performing students in the class), inserting missing letters where necessary, graphically indicating the choice of spelling, highlighting with commas and graphically designating isolated parts of the sentence.
T e xt for the first group.

In the winter of 1825, Pushchin brought the exiled Pushkin to Mikhailovskoye, lost in the snow and snow, a handwritten copy of Griboedov’s comedy “Woe from Wit.” The comedy, which began its elaborate... triumphant march across Russia... was a meeting... with the young forces of Russian society with... admiration. Russia has built a hero (rebel) harbinger of a new generation and therefore every accusatory word of Cha..whom found an explosive response in progressive Russia.. . The voice of Cha..whom, the mind of Cha..whom, the passion of Cha..whom is the voice of the mind and passion of Griboedov himself, but not only: through the mouth of Cha..whom all progressive Russia spoke.

(By N.K. Dorizo)
The second group of students (strong) completes a creative task: write a text using a sentence as the beginning While walking in the park, you can admire the charming treetops silhouetted against the autumn sky.

In the finished text, the individual parts of the sentence should be indicated graphically.
Test tasks

1. Indicate sentences with separate definitions (no punctuation marks).

a) Tired of the long speech, I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

b) He impatiently fiddled with the glove he had taken off his right hand.

c) Streams of smoke curled in the night air full of moisture and freshness of the sea.

d) The sun, magnificent and bright, rose over the sea.

Answer: a, c, d.
2. Find a sentence in which there is no need to separate the application (no punctuation marks).

a) Alexey Ivanovich, an engineer by training, was fond of gardening.

b) Most people know Bunin as a prose writer.

c) Here it is, an elegant northern night covered in silvery haze.

d) Our favorite birches grew in flocks at the edge of the forest.

Answer: b.
3. Which of these circumstances will not be isolated in the sentence?

a) looked without taking his eyes off

b) climbs down with his hand leaning on the saddle

c) soared through the darkness

d) rushes, pushing his sled

Answer: a.
V. Summing up the lesson.
VI. Homework of a differentiated nature:

a) ex. 35 on p. 20 (for low-performing students);

b) prepare a coherent story on the topic “Proposals with isolated members” (for everyone);

c) write an essay on the assignment in exercise. 37 on p. 21 (for more advanced students).

Lesson 6. Addresses, introductory words and plug-in constructions (§ 6)

Lesson objectives: 1) repeat the ways of expressing an address, the rules for highlighting an address in oral speech (vocal intonation) and in writing, groups of introductory words by meaning, types of introductory sentences (one-part/two-part), rules for emphasizing introductory words, sentences in oral speech (introductory intonation) and in writing; remember what plug-in constructions are, their purpose, the rules for highlighting plug-in constructions in speech and writing; 2) be able to find an appeal in a sentence, determine the way of its expression, find introductory words, introductory sentences, inserted constructions, select the necessary punctuation marks, highlight appeals, introductory words, introductory sentences, inserted constructions in writing, explain verbally and graphically the conditions for their highlighting ; 3) strengthen the spelling skills of orthograms studied in grades 5-7.
I. Survey. Survey options taking into account differentiation. One student writes sentences with isolated members from exercise on the board. 35, denotes graphically isolated members of a sentence, emphasizes grammatical foundations in complex sentences, and writes out phrases with a subordinating connection - adjacency - from the third passage.

Students read texts compiled at home according to the assignment in exercise. 37, indicate the isolated members of the sentence, explain the conditions for their isolation, name the linguistic means that ensure the coherence of the text, the features of the relationship between the beginning and end of the text.
II. Repetition of the necessary theoretical information on the topic “Addresses, introductory words and inserted constructions.” Students answer the questions:

What is an appeal and what does it serve?

What punctuation marks are used to distinguish the address?

How many ways are there to express an address and rules for highlighting an address in speech and writing? List both.

Are appeals members of a proposal?

What can introductory words, introductory combinations of words and introductory sentences mean?

How do introductory words and introductory combinations of words differ from sentence members?

How many groups of introductory words are there by meaning? Name it.

What punctuation marks distinguish introductory words, introductory combinations of words and introductory sentences?

What is the significance of introductory intonation?

What types of introductory sentences do you know?

What are plug-in structures? How do they differ from introductory ones?

In what cases are introductory sentences and plug-in constructions highlighted with a dash?

Recommendations for the teacher: you should pay attention to the ways of expressing addresses, the rules for highlighting them in oral speech and in writing, the rules for highlighting introductory words and sentences in oral speech and in writing, teach how to select examples that illustrate the purpose of plug-in constructions, highlight plug-in constructions in speech and writing, find appeals, introductory words, introductory sentences, inserted constructions in the text, select the necessary punctuation marks, explain verbally and graphically the conditions for highlighting them.

In a class with poor preparation, you can use tables 8, 9, 10.

Table 8

Features of treatment


1. Has the form I. p., pronounced with a special, vocative intonation

Peter, don't forget us.

2. There is a distinction between uncommon and widespread requests.

Birch(undistributed), I missed you in the tropical thickets.

Birch native(distributed), with a silver trunk, I missed you in the tropical thickets.(K. D. Balmont)

3. In colloquial speech it is expressed by animate nouns, adjectives or participles (in the meaning of nouns). In artistic speech it is possible to use inanimate nouns

Let me go to sea, old man!(A.S. Pushkin)

Why are you visiting us early, autumn, has come to us.(A. N. Pleshcheev)

4. Can be at the beginning, middle and end of a sentence

Dad, come quickly.

Please collect your notebooks, those on duty.

Today, children, let's go to the museum.

In pursuit of the benefits of civilization, people forget that the highest value on Earth is. We offer you a selection of beautiful sayings about nature that will remind you of what has real value in life. Nature is life. In a broad sense, nature is understood as all living things. In a narrower sense, it is interpreted as a countryside, which is where the expression “go to nature” comes from. Despite the fact that a person is surrounded by nature every minute, in the city the connection with nature is not felt as much as in the countryside.

Man and nature are inextricably linked with each other. Man not only lives in the natural environment, he regularly uses its resources. But the desire for comfort not only kills the love of nature, but also nature itself. Many simply believe that nature owes everything to man. When using natural resources, you need to at least value them and treat Mother Nature as a human being. Love for nature must be instilled from childhood.

Nature is inherently unpredictable. One day can give you gentle sunshine, while another can bring destructive elements. Even ancient thinkers noticed that nature can take revenge. She gives life and in one world she can take it away.

Nature often plays the role of a psychologist and a calmer. Nothing helps you understand yourself better than solitude with nature. Nature is the most suitable place for fun and relaxation. A picnic with family or friends is much better than going to the cinema or restaurant.

Nature has only four large settings - the seasons, always the same actors - the sun, the moon and other luminaries, but it changes the audience (Rivarolle).

She changes the audience so that there is someone to appreciate her...

Nature cannot be caught sloppy and half-naked, she is always beautiful (Ralph Emerson).

It’s a pity that people don’t notice this, they are always disturbed by puddles or strong winds...

Nature always acts slowly and economically in its own way (Montesquieu).

But people always do everything in a hurry and waste...

The doctor treats diseases, but nature heals (Hippocrates).

Time helps her heal...

Nature is always right; mistakes and delusions come from people (Goethe).

People never admit that they are wrong; it is easier for them to blame nature for everything.

Great things are done with great means. Nature alone makes great things for nothing (Herzen).

Everything that is most valuable and dear is given to us for free, but we are accustomed to appreciating and noticing only that which has a price, and a considerable one at that...

Nature has taken care of everything so much that everywhere you find something to learn. (Leonardo da Vinci).

You need to thank nature for this; it never lets you stop there.

Nature does not tolerate inaccuracies and does not forgive mistakes. (Ralph Emerson).

You have to pay for your mistakes, the price for them is high...

City dwellers don't feel sorry for nature because they don't feel sorry for themselves.

The point is not even that they do not spare nature. they just don't notice it...

A person can put so much pressure on nature that it will scald him with the greenhouse effect.

Nature will definitely take revenge for the pain caused to her.

The working man expresses himself by transforming nature.

The hardworking transforms, but the lazy only destroys.

Nature told the woman: be beautiful if you can, wise if you want, but you must certainly be prudent.

Intelligence and common sense will help you find beauty, wisdom, and happiness.

A woman giving birth is the closest to nature: on one side she is even nature itself, and on the other hand, she is man himself.

A woman is a continuation of nature, which means a continuation of life.

He who does not love nature does not love man, is not a citizen.

It is impossible not to love nature; indifference to it is a sign of inhumanity.

It seems that as humanity subjugates nature, man becomes a slave of other people, or a slave of his own meanness.

Thoughts about self-interest lead to the destruction of nature.

By the way a person relaxes in nature, you can immediately see how nature rested on him...

If nature has not endowed someone with humanity. then this someone will behave like a pig.

Beautiful quotes about nature

Nature awakens in us the need for love.

The beauty of nature inspires and opens the heart to love.

Nature is the creator of all creators.

Everything in this world begins with nature.

Roses instill love for nature, and thorns instill respect.

You learn to respect nature only when it itself teaches you a lesson.

In nature, everything is wisely thought out and arranged, everyone should mind their own business, and in this wisdom lies the highest justice of life.

No matter how much a person tries to jump over the will of nature, he will still be where he is supposed to be.

Nature is a pleasant mentor, and not so much pleasant as cautious and faithful.

Faithful teaches people about life, but she does it carefully and unobtrusively, so everyone thinks that they are learning themselves.

Nature has a pure heart.

Without sin in this world there is only nature.

Protecting nature means protecting the Motherland.

This does not mean that there is no need to protect anything outside the Motherland...

Contact with nature is the very last word of all progress, science, reason, common sense, taste and excellent manners.

Everyone can enjoy the benefits of civilization, but not everyone can see the beauty of nature.

A selection of statuses about nature

Nature is a second lover who consoles us when the first one betrays us.

In moments of betrayal, no one is able to comfort you like nature.

Knowledge of the Laws of Nature does not save you from their influence.

The element is unpredictable, it is not subject to any laws.

Nature can be conquered only by obeying its laws.

Victory in nature is not about surpassing, preventing or exploiting anything, but about accepting everything as it is.

Nature is an infinite sphere, the center of which is everywhere.

Nature surrounds man every second.

Nature is not only everything that is visible to the eye. It also includes an inner photograph of the soul.

Nature itself creates the human soul, and looks into it itself.

From communion with nature you will take away as much light as you want, and as much courage and strength as you need.

A person can be judged by his attitude towards nature.

Miracles are not those events that occur contrary to the laws of nature; we think this way because we actually don’t know the laws of nature.

Nature, like a woman, is not subject to any clues.

In the cycle of nature there is neither victory nor defeat: there is movement.

Even when it seems to us that nature is sleeping, it is actively moving forward.

Nature and beauty are essentially one. Nature pleases the eye at any time of the day: you can endlessly admire the mystery of the sunset, the magic of the night, the freshness of the dawn and the movement of the day... Appreciate, love and take care of nature!

  • Travel is destructive to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness, which is why it is so urgently needed by many. © Mark Twain
  • If there's one thing I've learned throughout my travels, it's this: the only way to get things done is to get out there and do them. No need to rant about going to Borneo. Buy a ticket, get a visa, pack your backpack - and it will happen. © Alex Garland
  • Travel teaches more than anything else. Sometimes one day spent in other places gives more than ten years of life at home. © AnatoleFrance
  • When preparing to travel, lay out all your clothes and all your money. After that, take half the clothes and twice the money. © Susan Heller
  • Time constantly surprises us; it is impossible to get used to its tricks. The vacation ends as soon as it begins: as soon as you check into the hotel, it’s time to head back. But once you return, it feels like you haven't been home for ages. © Claudia Hammond
  • Traveling means living a much more interesting life if you follow sudden impulses. © Bill Bryson
  • In twenty years, you will regret more not what you did, but what you didn’t do. So throw off the knots and sail out of the quiet harbors. Catch the wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Open it up. © Mark Twain
  • It's a wonderful feeling to board a long-distance train without luggage. It’s as if, having left the house for a walk, you suddenly find yourself in a curved space-time - and find yourself in the cockpit of a dive bomber. And there is nothing more. No visits to the dentist scheduled for a week on the calendar. No problems piling up on the table awaiting your arrival. Not all these “social relationships” from which you risk not getting out for the rest of your life. No false friendliness on the face to gain the trust of others... I just send all this to hell for a while. All that remains are these old tennis shoes with worn out soles. Only them - and nothing else. They have already grown firmly to my feet - scraps of unclear memories from another space-time. Well, it's not scary anymore. Such memories are easily banished by a couple of beers and a ham sandwich. © Haruki Murakami
  • A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. © Lao Tzu
  • If a person remains the same on a journey, it is a bad journey. © Ernst Simon Bloch

  • Travel helps you understand the beauty of space and the pricelessness of time.
  • Travel develops the mind, if, of course, you have one. © Gilbert Chesterton
  • Knowledge of the countries of the world is the decoration and food of human minds. © Leonardo da Vinci
  • We travel not to escape from life, but so that it does not escape from us.
  • It is very correct to arrive in a foreign city in the morning. By train, by plane - it’s all the same. The day begins as if from scratch... © Sergey Lukyanenko

  • A person is able to change his life by just changing his point of view. © William James
  • Although we travel all over the world in search of beauty, we must have it within ourselves, otherwise we will not find it!© Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • Whatever You want for Yourself, give it to someone else...If you want to be happy, make someone else happy. If you want to be successful, help someone else succeed. If you want to receive more Love in your Life, make sure that someone else has more of it. Do it sincerely - not because you are looking for personal gain, but because You really want the other person to have it all - and everything that You gave will come to You.Why is that? How it works? The very act of giving makes You feel that You have, that You have something to give. Since You cannot give away what You do not have, Your mind comes to a new conclusion, a New Thought about You, namely: You have something, otherwise You could not give it away. This New Thought becomes part of Your Life Experience. You begin to “be” like this. And once You begin to “be,” You activate the most powerful machine of creation in the Universe - Your Divine Self. © Neil Donald Walsh

  • I could spend my whole life walking around a new city every day. © Bill Bryson
  • The world is a book. And whoever has not traveled along it has read only one page of it. © St. Augustine
  • Travel only with those you love. © Ernest Hemingway
  • Travel, as the greatest science and serious science, helps us find ourselves again. © A. Camus

  • Everyone in their hearts wants to suddenly pack up and leave...Where? For what? And what does it matter? Just leave and be far from this noisy, constantly running somewhere society.
  • Travel is a great remedy for loneliness.
  • I travel not to arrive somewhere, but to go. The main thing is movement. © Robert Louis Stevenson
  • There are only two ways to live life. The first is as if miracles do not exist. The second one is as if there are only miracles all around. © Albert Einstein
  • Travel only with those who are your equal or better. If there are none, travel alone. © Dhamapada

  • It's never too late, or in my case, never too early to be who you want to be. There is no time limit, there are no rules: you can change or remain as you are. I hope you do things that scare you. I hope you are experiencing feelings that you have never experienced before. I hope you meet people with different points of view. I hope you live the life you deserve. If not, I hope you have the courage to start over.
  • Half the fun of traveling is the aesthetic of being lost. © Ray Bradbury
  • We only feel the charm of our native speech when we hear it under foreign skies. © George Bernard Shaw
  • Regretting about wasted time is a waste of time.© Mason Cooley

  • Traveling has its benefits. If a traveler visits the best countries, then he can learn how to improve his own. If fate takes him to worse countries, he can learn to love his country. © Samuel Johnson
  • If a person moves confidently towards his dream and strives to live the life he imagined, then success will come to him at the most ordinary hour and completely unexpectedly.
  • Traveling is a flirtation with life. It's like saying: “I would like to stay with you, I would like to love you, but I have to go out, this is my stop.” © Lise Saint-Aubin-de-Teran
  • Well, where we do not. We are no longer in the past, and it seems beautiful. © A. Chekhov
  • Freedom begins when you stop limiting yourself to someone else's ideas. © Amu Mom
  • While we are young, we should arm ourselves with a toothbrush and go wherever our eyes lead us. Laugh, do crazy things, go against the system, read as much as you can’t seem to fit into your head, love as much as you can, feel. Just live. © Stanislavsky

  • Trains are amazing; I still adore them. Traveling by train means seeing nature, people, cities and churches, rivers - in essence it is a journey through life. © Agatha Christie
  • If you are young, healthy and eager to learn new things, then I implore you - travel. And go as far as possible. Sleep on bare ground if you have to, but be true to the idea. Learn from people about life, learn from them how to cook, how to cook and everything in general, wherever you go. © Anthony Bordian
  • No one realizes the beauty of travel until he comes home and rests his head on an old familiar pillow. © Lin Yutang
  • The pleasure of life is drawn from our encounters with new things, and therefore there is no greater happiness than constantly changing our horizons, meeting each day under a different sun. © Jon Krakauer

  • He set out to conquer new lands only with what he was wearing, because he did not want to carry anything with him from Chester Mill. Except for a couple of pleasant memories, but for them he didn’t need suitcases or even a backpack. © Stephen King
  • The highest goal of travel is not to see a foreign country, but to see your own country as a foreign country. © Gilbert Chesterton
  • When you travel, you rediscover yourself.
  • I now understand that the surest way to find out whether you like a person or not is to go traveling with him. © Mark Twain

  • Traveling is the best activity in the world. When you wander, you grow rapidly, and everything you see is reflected even in your appearance. I recognize people who have traveled a lot from thousands. Wanderings purify, intertwine meetings, centuries, books and love. They make us related to the sky. If we have received the unproven happiness of being born, then we must at least see the earth. © Konstantin Georgievich Paustovsky
  • It is not guided tours that come to God, but lonely travelers. © Vladimir Nabokov
  • Travel – the ability to gather, move and not be afraid.
  • For those who have just walked out the door, the hardest part is behind them. © Dutch proverb
  • Tomorrow there will be what should be, and there will be nothing that should not be - don’t fuss.

  • Travel is the thing that, if you buy it, you will only become richer.
  • Three things make a person happy: love, interesting work and the opportunity to travel. © Ivan Bunin
  • 93% of people have a dream that can be fulfilled by the end of the week, and they make it the dream of their whole life.
  • A train ticket raises more expectations than a lottery ticket. © Paul Moran
  • Sometimes you really want to become a hedgehog, collect all sorts of crap in a rag, hang it on a stick, put the stick on your shoulder and slowly go into the fog.
  • Life is like a delivery service: we get what we ordered. © Stephen Covey
  • I think that everything in life is art. That you do. How do you dress? How you love someone and how you speak. Your smile and your personality. What you believe in and all your dreams. How do you drink tea? How do you decorate your home? Or how to have fun. Your shopping list. The food you cook. What does your handwriting look like? And the way you feel. Life is an art.

  • I want to give up everything and just travel the world with someone who wants it as much as I do.
  • I feel so cramped under the spring sky,

That, hoping to catch a wave,

I'll go out for bread one day

And I will accidentally leave the country.

  • All journeys go in circles. I rode around Asia, writing a parabola on one of the hemispheres of our planet. In short, a trip around the world is just a journey for a curious person back home. © Paul Theroux
  • A person who travels a lot is like a stone carried by water for many hundreds of miles: its roughness is smoothed out, and everything in it takes on soft, rounded shapes.
  • If you do something beautiful and sublime, and no one notices, don’t be upset: the sunrise is generally the most beautiful sight in the world, but most people are still sleeping at this time. © John Lennon
  • My opinion about travel is brief: when traveling, don’t go too far, otherwise you’ll see something that will be impossible to forget later... © Daniil Kharms
  • I'm so angry because I don't have my own wine cellar and little house in Italy.
  • Life has taught us that we need to combine extremes. Love people, but be indifferent. Do good and expect evil. Hope for the best, but expect the worst. Believe in people and don't trust anyone. Be an optimist with realistic views. Live with an open heart and don’t let anyone in. Part of you should love the world and admire it, while the other should wait for the blow and be ready for war. © A. Solovyova

  • The benefit of traveling is the opportunity to adapt your imagination to reality, and, instead of thinking about how things should be, see everything as it is. © Samuel Johnson
  • A simple sandwich with cheese, eaten on a picnic, on the top of a cliff overlooking the stormy sea, seems to us tastier and more important than any restaurant delicacies. © Alain de Botton
  • You set your own boundaries. And they are only in your head. And no more. You choose where you will work and how you will study. What grades will you get and what color will your diploma be? Your work is your choice. The choice of your dream city is yours. And only you will choose your path. What do you want - an easy, carefree life or a narrow road full of adventure?If you don't have a dream, it means you're working for someone else. Do you want this?The choice is yours. You set your own risk level. You set the limits of your ceiling, above which you cannot jump. You choose where to develop and what to delve into. What is important and what is not worthy of your attention. You choose how to think about people or not think about them at all. Every day is a choice. And he's behind you.
  • – Don’t you think it would be wonderful to leave everything and go to a place where no one knows you? Sometimes that's what you want to do.- I want it unbearably.© Haruki Murakami
  • Don't tell me how educated you are - just tell me how much you've traveled. © Muhammad

  • There is nothing more beneficial for the nerves than visiting a place you have never been before. © Anna Akhmatova
  • Many people don’t budge because the feeling of reliability is important to them or because the very thought of having to do something unfamiliar scares them. Change is outside their comfort zone and frightens them. But the reality is this: all of life's rewards are outside your comfort zone. Deal with it. Fear and risk are required stages if you want to live a successful and interesting life. © Jack Canfield
  • Often it is easier to become yourself somewhere on the road or in a foreign city, but not at all at home. © Alain de Botton
  • Each journey has its own secret destination, about which the traveler himself has no idea. © Martin Buber
  • For him, there were only two favorite moments left in life: when he approached the big city and when he left it. © Peter Hoeg
  • Anyone planning to travel two days before travel should see a psychiatrist. Normal people stuff their things into a bag when they have to leave the house. © Tony Hawks

  • A tourist, as soon as he arrives somewhere, immediately begins to want to return. And the traveler... He may not return... © Paul Bowles
  • Only roads can delay old age. When you drive all the time and go to bed, knowing that the alarm clock will wake you up at night in order to catch a plane that is going God knows where and in general God knows why you are flying on it, then time stands still. © Yulian Semenov
  • Conquer yourself. It is better to defeat yourself than to win thousands of battles. Then victory is yours. Neither angels nor demons, nor heaven nor hell can take it away from you. To conquer yourself, you need to conquer your mind. You must control your thoughts. They should not rage like sea waves. You may think, “I can’t control my thoughts. A thought comes when it pleases. To which I answer: you cannot stop a bird from flying over you, but you can certainly stop it from building a nest on your head.” © Buddha Gautama
  • To live, you have to struggle, get confused, struggle, make mistakes, start and start again, and give up again, and fight forever. And calmness is spiritual cowardice. © Leo Tolstoy
  • The window of the carriage is the main entertainment for the traveler. In it, as in a kaleidoscope, stops, villages, forests flash by, bridges fly by under the metal whistle of riveted beams, fields open up, changing their color from white to black and from green to yellow.

In motion, everything seems so cute and a little toy-like, as if it weren’t real. Looking out the window, the passenger becomes a little child, discovering with surprise how huge the world is, how much space and air there is in it, and not just the usual streets and houses.

There is a secret charm in the carriage window, when you look at the lullaby rocking of the wheels and do not hold your gaze on anything. The pictures fly by, as if blurred by a brush, and from this measured movement and constant change of impressions you plunge into a light drowsiness in reality, and thoughts come to your mind by themselves and just as easily disappear.

Sometimes you want to go to nowhere. Just drive and listen to your favorite music, look at the flickering lights, look at all this city bustle. Forget about all the problems and just enjoy.

  • It's not people who create trips - it's trips that create people. © John Steinbeck
  • I dream of traveling so much that airport workers recognize me and ask:-Where to this time?

  • Our doubts are our traitors. They make us lose what we could possibly win if we weren't afraid to try...
  • The true purpose of your journey is not a place on the map, but a new outlook on life. © Henry Miller
  • A good traveler does not have precise plans or intentions to get somewhere. © Lao Tzu
  • Tell me, what changes in a person’s life after going to the mountains? Worldview. He begins to look at life differently. Values ​​change. There is no money, no usual amenities. Returning home, newcomers begin to understand and appreciate the delights of simple things, people begin to have a different attitude towards the benefits of civilization. After all, up there, far from home, everything that happened before the hike seems like a fairy tale. In the mountains, completely different demands are placed on people than in the city.
  • There are three traps that steal joy and peace: regret about the past, anxiety about the future, and ungratefulness for the present.
  • Never save on something you can't repeat. © Tony Wheeler
  • - Why do you immediately abandon people as soon as they make a mistake? You will spend your whole life alone.

- You know, I’m used to hunger, but not to bad food.

  • Traveling means debunking other people's misconceptions about other countries. © Aldous Huxley
  • We will only regret two things on our deathbed - that we loved little and traveled little. © Mark Twain
  • You will never cross the ocean unless you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
  • Everything in life is temporary. If everything goes well, enjoy it, it won't last forever. Well, if everything is lousy, don’t be sour, it won’t last forever either. © F. M. Dostoevsky
  • When you travel without knowing English, you begin to understand what it means to be born deaf and dumb. © Philippe Bouvard
  • This happens to me too. I look at the map - and suddenly a wild desire arises to go to God knows where. As far as possible from the conveniences and benefits of civilization. And see with your own eyes what the landscapes are like there and what’s happening in those parts. To fever, to trembling. But you can’t explain to anyone where this desire came from. Curiosity in its purest form. Inexplicable inspiration.
  • Remind yourself often that the purpose of life is not to accomplish everything you set out to do, but to enjoy every step you take along the path of life.
  • It's easy to love life when you're abroad. Where no one knows you, and you are alone, and your whole life is in your hands, you feel like a master like never before.
  • You also get used to loneliness. It’s even possible to have a completely harmonious union with him: you live alone with yourself, cook dinner for one, fall asleep in front of the TV and don’t wait for the savior to appear, which anyway only happens in books and films. Yes, this loneliness is painful, frosty, but it is honest - it is better to be alone than with just anyone. © Elchin Safarli

  • Once a year, go somewhere you have never been before.
  • I decided to go on a trip, a real, big trip that probably everyone dreams of, but never has time to decide on. Every day I felt more and more clearly the need for this, and not because I wanted to see new interesting places, but because I did not feel attached to any place. Andrey Sidorenko.
  • Losing your way while traveling is unpleasant, but losing the reason to go further is even worse.
  • Life is a journey. For some it’s a trip to the bakery and back, for others it’s a trip around the world. © K. Khabensky
  • You know, when I woke up this morning and looked back at my life, I thought: “Should I be afraid to take risks and do what I really want to do, not paying attention to other people’s opinions and criticism of me? Not paying attention to the imaginary fears that my “smart mind” draws, distancing me from the realization of my desires?” Death happens to a hundred people out of a hundred, not to ninety-nine, but to a hundred people. Is it worth worrying about her if the moment comes when she knocks on my door and says: “Well, it’s time!”? I think the worst thing is when she knocks on my door, and I, looking back at my life, will very much regret that I had the opportunity, but I didn’t take the risk. That I could approach the girl and meet her, but I was afraid that she would send me away. That I didn’t have time to tell my parents how much I love them and don’t want them to fight. That I didn’t quit a job that was boring and uninteresting to me and never took the risk of opening my own business. I will regret that I did not travel much and did not take care of my health. Etc. Now, when I have any doubts, I ask myself one question: “What am I afraid of?” and there are no more doubts. © Alexey Demidov
  • Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember that you have the strength, patience and passion to reach for the stars and change the world.
  • Each of us probably wanted to pick up and leave. Leave your old life, take the first train you come across with a one-way ticket.

  • Life is a journey. Choose who to go with! © Petr Soldatenkov
  • Personally, I don't travel to be somewhere, I travel for the movement and fellow travelers. Movement is the most beautiful thing in life. © Robert Louis Stevenson
  • We only have a few decades left to live on this earth, and we are wasting so many irrevocable hours thinking about grievances that in a year we will forget about, and everyone around us will forget about them. © Dale Carnegie
  • Salvation is in wanderings. The sign “Fasten your seat belts” lights up and you are disconnected from your problems. Broken armrests rise above broken hearts. © Alex Garland
  • If you are crazy enough to do what you love, you are destined to live a meaningful life.
  • – What do you need to enjoy life?

– Start traveling!

  • Live with joy, a smile, don’t be upset by little things, love life, then she will love you. Don’t think about time, don’t count the days, don’t listen to other people’s opinions, and don’t think that maybe I’ll be happy later, but think that “later” may not come, happiness won’t wait. Be happy now.
  • Don't be afraid of change - otherwise your dreams will remain dreams.

Life will fly by in an instant,

Appreciate it, draw pleasure from it.

As you spend it, so it will pass,

Don't forget: she is your creation.

  • Don’t forget that the earth enjoys feeling your bare feet, and the winds want to play with your hair... © Kahlil Gibran.
  • Don't sit at home, move more, travel. The world is magnificent and beautiful, you should see much more than the monitor screen.
  • And there is one thought in my head: “You only live once, only once”

Top 10 travel quotes from movies

    1. See the world around you, experience dangers, overcome them, look through walls, be closer, find each other, feel. This is the purpose of life. © Film “The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty”
    2. Everyone says that they dream of getting out of here, seeing the world, but when it comes down to it, they won’t stick their beak further than their birdhouse © Cartoon “Fly the Wing”
    3. To change the world, you need to see it © t\s “Missing”
    4. - Will you come with me to America?

      Yes, even to Africa. © Brother-2

    5. - If you had a lot of time on the clock, what would you do?

      I would stop watching. I can say one thing, if I had time, I wouldn’t waste it. © In Time

    6. Life is a tango, in which the main thing is movement. If you stop, the dance will stop, if you stop, life will stop. © Scent of a Woman
    7. It's the journey, not the destination, that matters. (From the movie “Step Up 3-D”)
    8. The most enjoyable part of the trip is getting ready. A dog's bark is worse than the dog itself. And a woman is often more beautiful from the back. The sight of me can destroy your dreams. (from the animated film "Spice and Wolf")
    9. While traveling, it is important not to forget the main thing - when one thing ends, something else begins. From the movie “Love Happens”
    10. The people you travel with are just as important as the place you travel to. These people can make your trip unforgettable. From the movie “Lost in Translation”

Proverbs and sayings about travel, road and tourism

  • He who travels learns.
  • There is a will for the free, a way for the walker.
  • The eyes do not see, so the soul does not know.
  • If you want to get to know a person, take a trip with him.
  • If you love your son, send him to travel.
  • It is not the one who lived longer who knows more, but the one who walked further.
  • Dunno lies, but know-it-all runs far.
  • Don't be afraid of the road, if only your legs were healthy.
  • Anyone who has been to the sea is not afraid of puddles.
  • The one who walks will master the road.
  • If you go on a journey, you will find companions.
  • If you lack the strength, then at least the desire is commendable.
  • On the road you can even call your enemy your own father.
  • The road is full of riders, and lunch is full of pies.
  • If the sail is left without wind, it becomes an ordinary cloth.
  • If I don’t go myself, who will go with me?
  • If you are sitting in a boat, do not fight with the boatman.
  • If you can climb the mountain, don't stay in the valley.
  • If you want to go far, start with something close to you.
  • It's better to see once than to hear a thousand times.
  • He who has seen a lot knows a lot.
  • The road is winding - the truth is straight.
  • Every step of the way adds a piece of wisdom.
  • Whichever people you come to, that’s the kind of hat you’ll wear.
  • First shoe your horse, and then figure out the road.
  • You eat for a day, but take bread for a week.
  • Do everything you can, and leave the rest to fate.
  • Home thoughts are not suitable for travel.
  • You won't get far with the warmth of the hut.
  • A smart friend is half the road.
  • Language will take you to Kyiv.
  • Where there is a road, there is a way.