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Questions on the topic of personal growth in psychology. Self-development and personal growth in human life


The desire to live better, to have a strong family, and financial wealth visits each of us. To achieve your goals, you need to develop, learn, and work on yourself. This path is not easy and involves going through several stages. The main thing is to move forward and take steps every day leading to. A person comes to self-development and personal growth with different experiences and state of mind. Therefore, work on oneself occurs individually for each person. Let's figure out what self-development gives, and what impact does personal growth have on a person's life?

A little theory

There is a statement that self-development and personal growth are one and the same. Indeed, they walk side by side and lead to a common goal. Self-development is understood as a person’s actions, which he carries out without pressure or interference from third parties. It is a conscious process aimed at achieving clear goals or beliefs.

Personal growth is a concept used in psychology. It means developing a person’s certain qualities and acquiring skills that improve specific areas of life. This includes social, financial, cultural and other areas. The main task of personal growth and self-development is to increase a person’s potential and high performance in selected areas of life.

From these two concepts a conclusion emerges. Actions are carried out in a specific direction. To achieve results, a self-development plan is drawn up. It includes actions that a person must carry out. This includes reading books on self-development, watching films on personal growth, and taking trainings.

Goals of self-development and personal growth

Today there are skeptics who claim that self-development is a waste of time. Such thoughts arise in lazy people or individuals without a goal. They live life automatically. They wake up in the morning, then go to work, come back, have dinner and fall asleep to the sound of the TV. It’s much more convenient to live and not think about anything. In this case, you should not complain about your financial situation, personal failures or lack of career growth.

Self-development and personal growth help achieve such goals:

  • Formation of awareness. It begins with the release of an automatic life model. When a person begins to ask himself questions, evaluate from the outside, and draw conclusions. Awareness gradually develops. A person accepts the present and corrects it, rather than living in the past or basking in the hopes of the future. By influencing certain character traits, a person develops and acquires new skills.
  • Relevant to the current day. The second target emerges from the first. The search for information leads a person to study various subjects, knowledge, and master new skills. The modern pace of life is fast, interesting and technologically complex. To keep up with the times, keep an eye on the changes that are happening in the world. Everyday work allows a person to keep up with the times. Such skills help you to be a sought-after specialist at work.
  • Comprehensive development. When pursuing personal growth, don't focus on one topic. Narrow specialization makes a person limited and boring. Be interested in a little bit of everything. You don't have to spend a lot of time for this. Instead of watching TV, look through the news section in the world of culture, science, and technology. Thanks to the accumulated knowledge, you will be able to start a conversation with a stranger and become the life of the party. Comprehensive development helps with employment.

People who engage in self-development achieve goals and understand their purpose in life. At the same time, they pump up other areas: health, proper nutrition, spiritual fulfillment. Personal growth leads to getting rid of bad habits, organization, and improving relationships with loved ones.

Self-development and personal growth in career

There are many demands placed on the modern employee. The main qualities are resistance to stress, the ability to adapt to different working conditions, and the right psychological attitude. At the same time, not every manager is ready to send a new employee to training and education, preparing valuable personnel. We need employees who can join the team from day one.

To compete in your job search, seek information, develop skills, and attend professional events and seminars. Personal growth in your career gives you the following: results:

  • conscious choice of profession and idea of ​​work;
  • quick and confident decision making;
  • understanding what qualities to develop for career advancement;
  • competitiveness, advantageous positions when searching for work on a competitive basis;
  • the ability to present oneself correctly.

Self-development involves studying information in a specific area. Fresh knowledge helps develop expertise. A person acquires related skills: the ability to plan a day and solve work problems.

Self-development in studies

Every person goes through compulsory education, developing and gaining certain knowledge. After school, the road leads to higher education educational establishments. Here it is worth showing interest in choosing a profession and focusing your actions on in-depth study of core subjects. Obtaining a diploma is the first serious step towards personal development.

Self-development in learning gives positive fruit:

  • a person learns to focus on classes;
  • gains first skills in motivation;
  • participates in the learning process, does not go with the flow, but makes a conscious choice;
  • enjoys studying and easily learns the material, since he learns of his own free will.

The institutions pay attention (critical and analytical). As a result, the educational process is smooth and interesting. The student gains knowledge that he can apply in various life situations.

Personal growth in private life

Relationships between a man and a woman require effort. As a person develops, he gains new knowledge about his personal life and applies it. Relationships become stronger and healthier. It’s great if your significant other is interested in self-development. Support loved one helps to achieve goals and form a holistic personality.

Personal growth in private life leads to such results:

  • a person understands himself and loved ones more deeply;
  • the fear of building romantic or romantic relationships goes away;
  • a person opens up, makes contact more easily, conflicts less with his other half, as understanding of actions comes;
  • self-development opens up new sides of loved ones.

A person develops an understanding of family, his role and responsibilities. The knowledge gained helps during current relationships, plus reveals ways for further action. Difficult decisions are made: divorce, search for a new partner, and others.

Stages of self-development and personal growth

Banal curiosity, reading books and watching motivating films will not lead to results. To make changes in life, you have to work hard. To do this, go through the required stages of self-development and personal growth:

  • Acceptance of the current situation. Analyze what you have today, what you are not satisfied with, what knowledge you plan to gain.
  • Desire to act. Draw a portrait of the new person you want to become. Describe your strengths and weaknesses. Set a specific goal for what you want to achieve.
  • Implementation. To reach your goal, take small steps every day. , repeat that everything will work out, and you will achieve the result.

  • Be prepared for a thorny path. Achievements and mistakes are entirely yours. Do not shift responsibility for failures to third parties. Analysis of mistakes and awareness of wrong actions is proof of self-development.

Personal growth is a journey that has a beginning but no end. Once you begin to develop, you will acquire harmony of soul and body. You will be able to understand people, build harmonious relationships with others. Take a step towards yourself, life will become more interesting and richer.

21 January 2014, 17:49
  • Who needs personal growth?
  • Common mistakes
  • Examples of self-realization

Each person in the process of life goes through the path of independent development of personality and certain qualities. Sometimes people don’t even realize what self-improvement is and don’t pay attention to their actions performed to implement some projects. As a rule, these are very organized individuals. Such a person feels fulfilled and needed.

Unfortunately, most of us feel the opposite in some area of ​​our lives. It’s not possible to build a career, problems with starting a family, a constant feeling of not being in demand and loneliness, difficulties in overcoming difficulties, etc.

Self-improvement is consciously carried out work on personal development and growth. In the process, a person forms any qualities or personality traits in certain areas. He strives to achieve any set goals through regular exercises and actions. Such processes are oriented not on internal feelings, but on vital needs, on the rules of society.

Who needs personal growth?

How to solve problems with achieving your dreams? How to achieve success in work and study? What is self-development and who needs it?

If you are an insecure person, a person who constantly faces difficulties and has difficulty imagining how to solve them. Your life is devoid of pleasures and you see only the dark sides - you just need to start personal growth. This can help you free course Alexey Tolkachev - “Life to the Fullest Possibility”.

You need to prepare for the painstaking and sometimes difficult work of training your own self. But you can achieve a life full of exciting events and pride in yourself. But there is a big difference between concept and action.

Personal growth - 5 key factors

Where to start self-development? A reasonable question. People have different needs. Some feel the need to put their body in order, others their soul, others to achieve financial independence, and some dream of doing everything at the same time and at once. Of course, self-improvement is a lifelong process, but it is appropriate to set small goals and go towards what you want in small but confident steps.

The first steps must begin with the following actions:

  • Motivations- this is the feeling that should accompany you throughout the process.

  • Relationships with people. Any achievement, promotion and success begins with communication. Therefore, interacting with other people is simply necessary.
  • Improvement physical condition . Get yourself into the habit of regular physical activity. Don't forget - appearance is assessed first. After that, intelligence and other qualities. Regular classes will teach order and strength of spirit. Health is also an important indicator.
  • Read a book or article on personal development. It is necessary to put your thoughts in order and highlight the main priorities. Because a cluttered mind will lead to disordered actions. Order in the head is directly related to the situation. A cluttered home affects the quality of thoughts. Make it a rule to clean regularly.
  • Select a goal to which you will move. Select 5-6 steps with which you plan to achieve the final result.

Principles of self-improvement

These are basic principles that can be implemented in many ways. For example, a person who wants to lose excess weight understands that he needs to exercise regularly. Doesn't fully understand, needs to study the information.

But there is a big difference between concept and action. You need strong motivation. She will force you to accustom yourself, sometimes even through laziness, to still do what is necessary. Believe me, the day will come when these actions will bring you joy. A healthy and beautiful body will increase self-confidence, and you will be ready to achieve new goals.

If we put everything together in a few words, the main processes will be defined as:

  1. The ability to dream, from here highlight the desired goal.
  2. Discipline.
  3. Systematicity.
  4. Development of the mind.
  5. Inspiration.
  6. Physical state.
  7. Happiness in the soul and responsiveness.
  8. Achieving your plans.

Common mistakes

Try to set achievable goals, especially when starting to work on yourself. You must feel your own capabilities, the ability to achieve your plans. Don’t grab onto everything, highlight the main tasks.

We often do much less than we plan. Therefore, analyze every day where there was an irrational waste of time. The phrase - “Time management is equivalent to life management!” - relevant for everyone. It sounds like a notation, but you can’t put off your plans for later. Do it in the moment and now.

Learn to manage your day. Don't sleep too much - your body needs about 8 hours to rest. Also, don’t torture yourself with insomnia. A tired body will work at half its possible strength. Try to reduce entertainment to a specific time, and not stretch out the day by watching TV series, cracking seeds, computer games etc. All this is reminiscent of school truths, but most often such moments become an obstacle to self-realization and the opportunity to feel happy.

Examples of self-realization

There are many of them. A striking, popular example - language learning. This method is useful, interesting and opens up wide possibilities. You can easily travel abroad, read works in the original and advance in your career. Even helping your own children learn is a big plus.

There are many courses, various trainings and teachers, native speakers. The ability to speak a foreign language will develop your imagination and help you express yourself more competently.

Travel. If you can't go far, visit neighboring cities. You will be able to learn about the culture of other peoples, religion, and way of life. Comprehensive development and a break from everyday activities will be beneficial.

A person’s self-development lies entirely with himself, as does the construction of his life. The desire to develop and not stop learning is necessary constantly. After all, there is no limit to perfection. The main thing is for a person to feel like a fulfilled, deep, spiritual person, and then the environment will perceive you the same way.

What is personal growth? Theories of personal growth. Comprehensive and harmonious development of personality Reviewed by Vladislav Chelpachenko on Jun 22 Rating: 4.5

Hello, dear colleagues and friends!

In our amazing world there are a lot of things that cannot be called unambiguous, especially when it comes to the inner world. Personal growth- one of the most important paths that each of us has to go through, or at least try to do it, or decide what we did, but in fact don’t even try.

Our whole life, its quality, its brightness, and the mark that it will leave behind depends on how early or how late we understand the importance of personal growth.

What is personal growth?

Personal growth - a concept that does not necessarily have a positive connotation for others. This is, first of all, victory over your weaknesses, over fears, over ingrained phobias, over everything that prevents us from being what we want to be and what we can be.

Personal growth– this is, first of all, a person’s conscious self-development, his desire to become better, smarter, more active, more significant (maybe more popular) and more promising.

Personal growth- This is a component of success in any business. This is work that a person must do on himself. A personality is a living organism that must constantly grow and develop. How to do this correctly? Read on...

Personal growth theory

There are quite a lot of theories regarding personal growth, most of them are very subtle and complex for an unprepared mind. But there are also clearer positions on this matter, the simplification of the explanation of which is not at all necessary. Perhaps we’ll start with them.

Behaviorism– this is a rare case when the simplest theory is called the most complex word. The very essence of this theory is very simple and widespread. According to her We all initially do not have any special, and most importantly, different potential from others. We are all equal as a selection! But this is only the beginning of the journey. Our personal growth depends solely on the circumstances and factors surrounding us, which ultimately lead us along the path of personal growth.

No one will pull you by the ears in this life and no one will occupy you with you except yourself... To achieve something in life, you need to break through the walls with your head!

Existential approach in some ways similar to the previous one, but the similarities are not great. In this case, at the beginning of the journey we still have nothing, and we gain everything in the process of self-knowledge, the search for spiritual harmony and, as a result, a new perception of everything around us.

Well, perhaps the most common of the theories is "inevitably positive" , let's call it that. Based on it, each of us is filled with a huge amount of potential, which is eager to be released, but finds a way out only under appropriate conditions, and not always positive ones. The latter makes this theory truly positive, because whatever you say, growth will still take place! But let's not forget, this is also a theory. All teachings are good, but you need to act no matter what!

Everything that will be written below is directly related to how exactly you relate to this concept and how you perceive it.

Why is personal growth necessary?

Yes, but why? Why bother if you are already living well? If any of you asked this question, then you are probably happy, satisfied with yourself and your situation. Or, you are very old and think that growth is not a word that applies to you.

Most of us, fortunately, have dreams. Not many of us know what exactly is stopping them from achieving this dream. And only a few dream, notice their mistakes, and find the path to their dream. Moreover, it is also funny that the word “dream” only evokes associations with something unrealistic among the first. Humility is the main indicator that we are standing still, that we are not growing (this does not mean the Orthodox understanding as a virtue, but the lack of desire to achieve more).

This is the answer to the question "For what?" Personal growth is needed we are like air, we cannot refuse it, and at the same time remain ourselves, we will degrade, and very soon we will take the last place in line for... no, not for a dream - for a normal life, for respect and showing interest from the outside people dear to us.

Personal growth is a modern model of the truth that the fittest survive! Only in our case, to survive is to lose, and to live is to win. Without personal growth, we will have to survive, not live.

How to develop personal growth?

There are a lot of different trainings, and there are also a lot of those who conduct these trainings, promising you a quick transformation, thereby insulting you already in the first lesson. No, of course, there are those for whom an ordinary “kick” is enough, those who were one step away from realizing the importance and necessity of growth, but did not dare to act. But there are not many such people. It is not always good to force this procedure, and often there is no effect, and if there is no result, then you will not only not be able to start what you had in mind, but you will also take a big step back. It's like losing 50 kilograms in one month. We cannot change everything we wanted in an instant, even if that same clarity came to our heads, that insight that we so needed.

The first step towards development- to admit that the current state of affairs is not what we so desired, what we thought and reasoned about so much, not what we wanted. You don’t have to derail your entire life, because there are probably a lot of pleasant moments in it. Personal growth is rarely comprehensive, many of us have strengths, and our growth as individuals, first of all, is manifested in the recognition of weak sides, and actions that will be aimed at strengthening them. After all, you need to admit, first of all, to yourself, and not rarely, only to yourself. Let your progress be a pleasant surprise for others.

Psychology of Personality Development

We all want to see positive subtext in all directions, even in those where it is not entirely appropriate. It often happens that personal growth occurs against the backdrop of anything but positive moments. The same envy can become a strong push, and, ultimately, a positive incentive; this is a fairly common practice.

It just so happens that those who ask this question rarely want growth from a good life, no, of course, there are those, but we won’t talk about exceptions. Often, the question of personal growth becomes relevant when we are dissatisfied with something, when we have been consumed for years by the memory of some personal failure, something that we could have achieved, but did not have time, or we were prevented from doing it. Or something less significant, but no less unpleasant.

Be that as it may, the desire to grow almost always gives rise to dissatisfaction. It's quite normal. After all, they recycle garbage and make beautiful things out of it, so why don’t we recycle our spiritual garbage into something more useful and necessary for us. It is very important to admit to ourselves that sometimes the desire to become better is prompted by one of our greatest failures. This is exactly the case when we can safely count on catching two birds with one stone. We can become better, and as a reward for this we will receive a conquered problem.

If you intend to become a less significant person than your abilities allow, you will be a deeply unhappy person!

Abraham Maslow

It also happens that personal growth is due to the emergence of a new goal in your life, on the way to achieving which you will inevitably have to. This goal could be a higher position at work, or your interest in an individual. Love can be a very serious incentive on the path to personal growth; it will be an excellent assistant, and even an accompaniment, if everything works out as you planned. If you disagree, write in the comments, I will be glad to see your opinion!

There are also those who grow not for the sake of any goals, not for the sake of love and successful work. These are people who strive to live in harmony with the world around them, they place emphasis on self-knowledge. It is more important for them to rethink the approach to life’s truths, to change the perception of everything that seems too sharp and alien, so that in the end, even problems seem part of success, or at least, interesting and useful material for reflection. First of all, such people strive to get rid of internal contradictions, considering them to be the basis of all problems. This is one of the most competent and painless beginnings of the path leading to personal development.

Self-development of personality

In this case, to put it simply, then self-development– this is the autonomous mode, the one in which most of us live. We develop without controlling the channel, and we receive growth only in those places where our needs are directed. There are cases in which a person lived his life, and at the same time never put emphasis on the question of developing himself in any direction. Everything just worked out by itself, everything worked out. But these are, of course, just another exception, and in percentage terms there are very few such people. That’s why it turns out that there are areas in which we are a kind of guru, and there are also those in which we remain small children who cannot even put together a couple of words, let alone take actions.

It’s not uncommon for self-development to be facilitated by the problems we experience. Often these problems remain unresolved, but the very fact that we went through them either breaks us or makes us stronger. The path of personal growth is filled with problem areas, and in order to grow, we must learn not only to accept, but also to give and lose. There will never come a time when problems completely stop affecting us, but we can learn to accept them differently, as part of the path to a positive result - this will be the best indicator of personal growth.

Personal growth techniques

There are so many varieties that it probably doesn’t make sense to list them all; the format of the article is somewhat different. One way or another, they all imply an action, or a series of necessary actions that need to be repeated with a certain frequency. It’s like a set of physical exercises, only they are aimed, first of all, at strengthening the weak areas of your psychological state. Some people often repeat the necessary set of words to gain additional confidence, others force themselves to change their behavior in the necessary situations, thereby strengthening their spirit. There are plenty of examples and visual aids on various methods of developing personal growth. Most of them, oddly enough, work, only the majority are local in nature, and can only help solve some minor weaknesses. However, a competent set of such techniques can lead you to high quality new level. But this will definitely require the participation of a professional, at least in the first couple of days.

Comprehensive personality development

IN modern society It is very difficult to develop comprehensively without making conscious efforts. No matter how hard we try to live correctly, there will always be areas that lag behind, this is normal. Although, almost each of us sees in this our own little tragedy, which, it seems, only we had to feel.

If you don’t delve into all the intricacies of this issue, then there are not so many sides:

- The desire to be successful at work.

- The desire to be able to love and be loved.

- The desire to be healthy and strong in spirit.

- The desire to feel determination and strength for any achievement.

All of these directions can be interchanged depending on your personal priorities, but none of them contradicts the other. They are completely compatible, which means that it is possible and necessary to strive to bring them to life. Whether you can attack on all fronts simultaneously or not is another matter. It is very important to sensibly and objectively assess your capabilities. An unsuccessful start to working on yourself can deprive you of the desire to develop this idea further, and will leave you marking time indefinitely.

Driving forces of personality development

We can summarize some results and identify the main factors that contribute to personal growth. I would also like to highlight the high degree of subjectivity in the arrangement of determining factors. In my opinion, the main stimulants on the path to personal growth are:

  1. Dissatisfaction with the state of affairs, sometimes with one direction in your life, sometimes with a whole group of them.
  2. Target. It could be a person you fell in love with, or a job you have long dreamed of - for example. The goals may be different.
  3. Extraneous factors. Circumstances of a different nature that can make significant adjustments to your life in a relatively short period of time.
  4. A conscious desire to become better. Alas, this happens extremely rarely. Such is human nature, we are in no hurry to change anything if everything is not so bad. But there are also those in whom the desire for development lives constantly.

Moreover, the sequence of points was not chosen by chance. The power of the driving force decreases starting from the first point. Consistency is also useful for measuring the “popularity” of the reasons why many of us are thinking about this issue.

The influence of personal growth on success

Only strong personalities can be successful! Anyone can achieve success, but not everyone can be stable, and often, after the ascent, there is a long and painful descent. Without personal growth, we will never achieve significant results, and at the same time not lose ourselves somewhere along the way to our goal.

Success is a product of personal growth, not its cause!

Every qualitative improvement we acquire ultimately produces tangible results. The more we work on self-improvement, the greater the chances, and the shorter the distance to the goal that we have set for ourselves. Speaking about goals, you should understand that one single goal, even the most significant one in your life, will not be able to help personal growth, since to achieve it, you will develop in yourself only the qualities necessary for achievement. It is very important to have related aspirations; they will allow us to become more universal and help us move closer to uniform, comprehensive development. Haste is rarely useful, and in our case it is also useless. A complex of local, diverse aspirations, much more important than the pursuit of an illusory dream.

Useful books on personal growth

There are a lot of books related to the issue of personal growth. Some of them are more useful and informative, some less so. I will present to your attention several (in my opinion) excellent works by different authors:

Morgan Scott Peck - "The Road Less Traveled"

“Our whole life is a “road” that we ourselves pave. And it is very important that this path goes in the right direction.” - Enough interesting job, which touches on many aspects of personal growth.


The book is about how life is seasonal, just like the course of the year. It talks about how to find ways to resolve internal contradictions.


A book about how to master the ability to plan your life. Very helpful information, since planning further actions is very important in personal growth.

Paul Tillich "The Courage to Be"

The book is about how to learn to live, no matter what, despite all the difficulties and adversities.

Bill Newman "Soar with the Eagles"

The book is about how to maintain pride and calm under any circumstances, how to live life without lowering your eyes.

And as a bonus, another book by Jim Rohn

This is only a small part of the useful literature on this issue. Each of you will be able to find the right recipe for success, the main thing is the desire to grow, the rest will come on its own. Success and growth!

Internal imbalance can become a serious problem on the path to success. Judge for yourself, how can you move forward towards your goals when your body and thoughts betray you, there is no desire to develop and make new achievements? To set yourself up for victory and rekindle the fire of passion in your soul, we suggest trying 8 effective methods of motivation, which are attached below.

Top 8 ways to self-motivate for personal growth

1. Act quickly

Once you come up with a phenomenal idea, you know this is an opportunity to change your life forever! Don't give yourself time to cool down, think and become fearful. Don't miss opportunities that are so fleeting. Remember, if in the first 3 days after inspiration your butt doesn’t come off the sofa, you can give up on the idea, everything has its deadline.

2. Keep the end goal in mind

You cannot be productive and motivated when you don’t know what you live for, when your head is empty and has no specific goals. What are you doing now, where are you going, where do you want to go? To stimulate activity, you need to keep in mind the end result, the idea that you want to achieve. Don’t live aimlessly, find a dream and move smoothly towards it, adjusting the path and desired actions.

3. Remove limitations from yourself.

Stop living in the shackles of limiting beliefs that prevent you from breathing freely. Why do you cling so much to illusions and frameworks that prevent you from being who you really are, what you are so afraid of? It's time to stop and look at life from a new angle, expand your horizons personal experience and outlook. The real journey begins where new impressions take your breath away!

4. Keep a success notebook

Nothing boosts self-esteem and the desire to create more than replaying your own successes in your head, and for this we recommend keeping a diary of achievements. Write down your daily victories on pieces of paper - praise from friends or bosses, successful acquaintances and trips, lost pounds, acquired useful habits. When you feel a loss of strength and depression creeping up your throat, open your notebook and read, the charge of good mood is guaranteed to return.

5. Do what you love

If you put all your energy into a job you hate, you can very soon burn out and lose your zest for life. Winners go a different way - they turn a hobby into a life’s work, which allows them to forget about routine and degradation forever. By doing what you love, and even on a professional level, you radically change yourself and your life, create a new future that you never dared to dream about.

6. Connect with like-minded people

Surround yourself with people with similar aspirations in life who can spur you on when you're feeling down or give you a kick in the ass when you're feeling cowardly. Share your experiences with them, make grandiose plans, delegate authority. To get to the top, you need to be like the best! Skeptics, whiners or eternal victims drag you down, so filter your social circle.

7. Relax in style

If you constantly demand high results from yourself and don't give your brain a break, you will turn into a dead horse. Rest is necessary for the body as a reboot in order to escape from everyday worries, tone the muscles and switch to other areas of pleasure. In moments of relaxation, a person’s best ideas come to him, and a good shake-up helps him reset himself and take on goals with new strength and enthusiasm.

8. Remember, you can’t have everything at once.

Any goal requires a certain investment of time and resources; you need to be able to wait. Keep the goal in mind and move slowly, trying to enjoy the process of climbing. The result is good, but don’t forget that life is a process of overcoming yourself, learning your capabilities and gaining new experience. Leave doubts and idle thoughts for retirement while you are young - move forward.

Time spares no one, it does not take into account our doubts. Don’t let things go to chance; you have the opportunity to become the best version of yourself. You will always have time to surrender to circumstances, but to meet uncertainty halfway and laugh in the face of your fears is the decision of a winner. And we believe you are one of them!

Humanitarian Institute (Moscow)

Baikal branch

Faculty of Economics

In the subject "Leadership"

On the topic: Leadership as a factor of personal growth and the driving force of entrepreneurship

Completed by: Berdnikova Tatyana Gennadievna

Group E-103-07

Checked by: Bogdanova O.P.

Ulan-Ude 2013

"Your mind should be like

a room with many open windows.

Let the wind rush through them,

but don’t let him blow you out of the room..."

Mahatma Gandhi

Quite often in our society we come across such a versatile and interesting concept as “leadership”, but we don’t even think about its deep meaning.

What is leadership? These are, of course, certain victories in something, bright and clear advantages. But we usually limit ourselves to this interpretation. However, you should not do this, because you can give a completely scientific and truthful explanation for this phenomenon. So, leadership is “the expression of the power of all in one person.” It is also a social process that stimulates some people to go towards an old goal with new energy, and to reach new heights with self-confidence and hope. These are just scientific concepts. We will not go into all their depth and significance. It is enough to understand that leadership is a fairly widespread and governing phenomenon in modern society. Its distribution is very large and is not limited to centuries or the development of evolution. From time immemorial to this day there have been leaders and winners. It is worth considering and psychological aspect this issue. In our lives we can win and lose. This is one of the components of ethnic, psychological and spiritual development. If we strive for the best, setting a high goal for ourselves, then we will definitely reach the pinnacle of leadership. Without this, we will not, in a sense, improve ourselves and improve others. We are not perfect, and neither is our environment. However, the point is to comprehend the art of knowing human nature, to give a psychological guideline.

We can help relatives, friends or just people around us. It seems like we just helped them achieve leadership. But it is not so. By helping others, we strengthen our psychological point of view, filling this world with the desire for something special. The concept of leadership is versatile in the sense that you can achieve victories in all areas of activity. At the head of the table is personal growth: self-organization and determination, complete achievement of the set goal and understanding of one’s spiritual core. After all, “the most valuable victory is victory over yourself.” By improving ourselves, we are reconstructing world culture.

In general terms, the following characteristics of leadership can be outlined:

Leadership is always about morality;

A leader cannot be just anyone;

To achieve a certain meaning, you need to work on yourself and general features;

The point is not to force and push to develop, but to show another person’s interest in this;

The core of leadership is always the leader who is aware of his active role;

Mutual support in Everyday life plays a significant role;

To find " golden mean“in oneself, in general, one needs to be interested in the success of the individual;

Everything is based on an understanding of personality as an important component for overall development.

A leader is one who turns employees (whether they are subordinates or not) into people who work with him out of conviction. Such individuals can instill in others an awareness of the importance of the work they perform, and hence a craving and love for work. The difference between management and leadership is that management can be defined as the mental and physical process of carrying out given instructions and solving certain problems. Leadership, on the other hand, is the process by which one person influences other members of the group.

So, let us ourselves achieve high personal development by understanding ourselves. So it will certainly be easier for us in life with such attitudes. Therefore, it is not difficult to make your personal contribution to the modernization of human cultural and psychological existence. Each contribution is a new look, a new thought.

Leaders are not born, leaders are made.

First of all, a leader is a person who takes responsibility for his life.

Secondly, a leader is one who takes responsibility for his loved ones and the people around him.

Leadership is nothing more than “the ability to gain followers.” One of the deepest needs of human nature is a sense of self-worth, to gain meaning and purpose in life. Leaders are able to awaken deeply buried emotions and encourage people to rise above all that they have already achieved in the past.

Leadership is the basis of success and personal growth

Effective personal leadership is the progressive implementation of vitally beneficial pre-planned personal goals.

You cannot expect random success, success due to coincidence or the favor of fortune. Success cannot be bought; You can't make a deal with success. True success involves the development of leadership, which in turn gives impetus to personal growth and achievement of set goals.

Personal growth is a person’s progress towards his dream: what he wants to be and what he wants to have. Everything that brings him closer to his dreams and long-term goals is personal growth. It includes everything that contributes to your development. The time and pace of this process depends on your personal desire.

Personal growth is the process of becoming a leader. For a person who has already become one, this is the path to becoming a perfect leader and mentor who is respected and serves as an example for others.

In the course of personal growth, a person gains greater control over himself and his emotions, becomes independent in various respects (his mood is more difficult to ruin for others, since he is more self-sufficient; he can force himself to do what he does not want and does it all the time).

A person who is developed on a personal level is able to think outside the box and independently of patterns, to communicate easily and naturally, since he is freed from many complexes and psychological cockroaches, of which there are so many in almost every person. He is open to new knowledge, deeds, and experience.

A person who has gone far along the path of personal growth is deeply confident in himself and thanks to this he is truly capable of much, and also comes out of life’s troubles with dignity.

People have always looked for the answer to the question “what is the secret of success?” They studied the words, deeds and lives of great leaders of the past. In most cases, such searches do not end in success, since they are focused mainly on the external side of the lives of famous personalities, and not on the analysis of their personal growth: their thoughts, habits, attitudes towards life and themselves, emotional manifestations - those intangible elements that allowed successful people to rise a little higher than the rest. Upon careful examination, one can be convinced that the main components of success are inherent in everyone who has achieved something significant in personal growth. If you strive to develop the self-confidence and internal motivation that leads to the implementation of leadership skills, you need to remember and develop in yourself the main components of effective leadership.

P The first component of leadership: a clear understanding of yourself

Even before Socrates uttered his famous saying: “Know thyself!”, people were faced with a similar problem. Knowing yourself is not an easy task, since the human personality is incredibly complex and multifaceted. Personal character is determined by basic primary needs and motives. In addition, a person is subject to many external influences - the influence of family, society, environment and social institutions. Most actions and thoughts are determined by habits, the formation of which in most cases is based on the influence of external stimuli. Knowing yourself and having a clear understanding of your life strategy also includes an objective response to possible futures and the decision-making process. Knowledge implies an element of discernment and faith; knowledge, information or facts are never complete and exhaustive, and despite this one has to act. A person must make decisions and implement them. Sometimes our neighbors—friends, family, or colleagues—unintentionally hinder our true understanding of our own nature and personal growth.

IN The second component of leadership: written plans and established goals.

The second component of leadership is the written recording of plans and deadlines for the implementation of planned goals. It is necessary to develop a personal growth plan that would allow you to extract goals from the realm of illusory desires. The plan must be drawn up in such detail and clarity as to completely eliminate the possibility of confusion and ambiguity. When goals are defined in this way, then it is possible to turn theory into practice, channel theoretical knowledge into practical channels and turn thoughts into actions and increase self-confidence. Plans and deadlines for achieving set goals recorded in writing help not to delay the implementation of plans. They generate a feeling of dissatisfaction and rejection of the existing state of affairs. They help to visually present each goal as an already accomplished fact, even before the moment of its immediate implementation. Fixation on paper organizes and clarifies thinking, and clearly structured and ordered thinking encourages action and increases self-confidence. The very fact of writing down your goals on paper already means a fixed commitment.

The third main component of leadership: desire to become a leader

The third main component of leadership is the need to develop a burning and irresistible desire to achieve your dreams. It demonstrates the difference between a goal and just daydreaming. The desire to realize your plans includes actions in your plans and intentions. Without a strong desire, it is unlikely that you will achieve your goals, no matter how large and significant they are, and no matter how detailed and effective the plan is. Although a person from birth has a desire for leadership in the broad sense of the word, he certainly had experience of destructive external influences. They limited creativity, self-confidence, and the strength of desire to accomplish what was planned. Most people live with the minimum amount of effort they need to meet their daily needs. People very rarely exceed the absolute minimum effort that is sufficient for them to live, but hidden within them is such a force that would be enough for a second, third, and even fourth breath. However, this potential remains unclaimed throughout life. They turn to him, and even then only for a short time, only when an extraordinary emotional stimulus appears. This release of a strong emotional impulse is, without a doubt, what athletes mean when they talk about the desire to win. Forming desires is not as difficult as it might seem. Desires are generated by your inner being; you can evoke and stimulate them, manage and keep them under control.

Desire is an emotional appetite, just like a physical one. You can consciously awaken your appetite through your senses of sight, smell and touch. You can imagine a juicy, toasted kebab - and you will feel hungry. In exactly the same way, you will be able to stimulate your emotional appetite through a similar vivid image, concentration of effort and attention, and a firm belief in a positive result.

H The fourth component of leadership: self-confidence

Self-confidence also comes from practical skills and abilities; they come with knowledge and experience; and experience in any case requires a clash and struggle of different points of view. Real practical experience is a mechanism that turns theoretical knowledge into practical personal know-how, and self-confidence and self-confidence increases only when a person goes through difficulties, problems and conflicts. Conflict and participation in it give self-confidence and the ability to control the situation. Many people live in the shadow of public opinion, drifting with the ebb and flow of criticism from others and floundering in the whirlpools of banality and routine.

The Fifth Pillar of Leadership: Developing Perseverance

So, the last, main component of leadership is the development of perseverance, iron determination to achieve your goals, regardless of the opinions, judgments or actions of others, the determination that comes from realizing that you are right and the significance of your goals, which are in the first positions of your system of life values. Too many people lose their resolve under the influence of the opinions of others. But if you strive to master the art of effective leadership, you should not be overly exposed to such influences. If you take the average person's point of view, you will not rise above the average level. You will never rise above the level you are at now until you dare to live by different laws. Listen to yourself and be guided by your values.

Entrepreneurship and success factors

entrepreneurship leadership goal potential

By adding all five elements, you can become a successful leader. A successful man is a great entrepreneur. Successful people, which we consider leaders to be, are not afraid of failure and are willing to take risks. A person who goes beyond comfort is a leader and an entrepreneur. The reasons why some entrepreneurs are successful and others are not have always been of interest to experts. For example, three groups of personality components have been identified that significantly influence the result of the future activities of a person planning to open his own business. These are business skills; personal qualities; “trans-situational” activity - the ability to take the necessary risks and sacrifices in order to bring one’s plan to life. “Trans-situational” activity allows an entrepreneur to go beyond the situation, to see new goals that stand outside the situation. specific situation, but also generated by it. These three personal components make it possible to identify the necessary skills and abilities that help a leader and entrepreneur realize themselves.

1. High general educational and professional training. This is necessary, but not sufficient. Many examples can be given to illustrate the opposite. For example, an entrepreneur has excellent economic Education, but his business is not going well. It is necessary to combine professional training with the development, or better yet, with the education of emotional intelligence.

2. Ability to understand and analyze the cluster in which it is planned to open a business (formed immediately before the creation of a new enterprise).

3. Ability to manage people.

4. Desire and ability to realize the potential of leadership and entrepreneurship. Only in this case does a person declare himself as a leader and entrepreneur and can influence people and have followers. The leader forms a team and becomes a member of it himself.

5. Ability to communicate with people, be it personnel management, working in a group, negotiations with business partners or client relations, conflict resolution and management, i.e. great importance to ensure success has high social competence.

The main components of social competence are communication skills, contact, willingness and ability to resolve conflicts, attention to a partner, ability to listen, sense of responsibility, emotional stability, motivational abilities, desire to learn, ability to self-analysis, sense of justice. Possessing leadership qualities, a novice entrepreneur, as a rule, is able to solve the problems that confront him.

As for personal qualities, among the many character traits, there are six characteristics that almost all successful entrepreneurs possess: the need for achievement, initiative, self-confidence, courage, knowledge and understanding of oneself. Self-understanding allows the entrepreneur and leader to understand their desires, motives and goals. This is important when planning your own activities. A person who knows and understands himself has a better understanding of other people, and this helps him manage effectively.

A survey of representatives of medium and small businesses made it possible to highlight personal qualities, providing them with effective activities in business: the ability to quickly make unexpected decisions, work productively in a “peak” state; confident behavior, ability to take risks; communication benefits; aggressiveness of character; goal setting; creativity, charisma, intuition; ability to work with people; stability of behavioral and value strategies in various situations; a calm attitude towards your shortcomings, high level self-esteem. Many people add optimism to this list. In our opinion, as a behavioral strategy, it is not always optimal. Pessimism is sometimes preferable, because it allows you to calculate all the difficulties and obstacles, be prepared for them and mobilize yourself to overcome them.

So, the skills and individual personal characteristics of entrepreneurs and leaders are one of the conditions for their success. In addition, the trigger for success is a set of goals. Goal setting is one of the important characteristics leadership and entrepreneurship. Unfortunately, most people have difficulty setting goals. Often there are goals, but they are not clearly formulated, and if they are formulated, they are general, not specific, and most importantly, not measurable. Consequently, such goals are difficult to control and determine the quality of their implementation. It can be unequivocally stated that such formulations are not goals, but wishes. The main thing in goal setting is for desires to become goals, and then they will control a person and stimulate him to action. Goals as a stable phenomenon begin to develop in adolescence. Consequently, adolescence is a sensitive period for the development of leadership and entrepreneurship.

Awareness of one’s abilities allows, on the one hand, to solve the problem of goal setting, and on the other hand, to highlight those abilities that are necessary specifically to achieve life goals. life goal allows you to update your understanding of yourself, to comprehend the meaning of your existence in the context of your goal. For these subjects, the self comes first, i.e. the process of individualization is updated, and this is a powerful basis for leadership development. A young man in his first year undergoes adaptation to a university, a student group. At this stage, he understood and accepted the “rules of the game” established at the university. With youthful maximalism and irrepressibility, the young man wants to prove himself, stand out, get out of the “comfort zone.” This is typical for second and third year students. Young people strive to express themselves and become involved in new relationships. This is especially observed among students who have a positive attitude towards themselves. With a negative attitude towards themselves, young people show an infantile position and believe: let the people around them, society take care of them, the main thing is to adapt to the social environment.

Leadership is the engine of success. Leadership in life begins with the desire for change for the better, with the need for development, and this is the main engine of entrepreneurship development. Leaders are the engines of any business.

Ultimately, leadership is the driving force behind entrepreneurship. After all, the entrepreneurial spirit is by definition a leadership spirit. Any business on initial stages requires bright leadership and a close-knit team of like-minded people surviving in an aggressive business environment. The creators of successful world-class business companies (those that survived the initial stages of development and had enough energy for further growth and development) are all bright and strong leaders. In relation to such people as S. Jobs, J. Welch, R. Branson, etc. axioms from management textbooks (“a leader and a manager are not the same thing”) - do not work! True entrepreneurs are always both leaders of their own business and leaders for those people who share their business idea.

The model of successful entrepreneurship is subconscious leadership, and this can be learned


In my opinion, the leadership factor must necessarily be manifested at all levels of the company, regardless of its size. In modern society, there is no excuse for business leaders who do not encourage leadership at all levels in their organizations. There is also no excuse for those managers who are not able to create conditions in the organization in which each employee can express himself to the maximum. Business leaders who do not create conditions for training workers, who do not value their colleagues and subordinates, are steadily heading down the path of extinction. A director who fears questions and does not tolerate independent points of view does not value the wealth that his company has.

Now there is no doubt about the thesis that people represent the greatest value in an organization's assets. However, they are probably not as valuable if companies sometimes sacrifice their employees in order to achieve short-term gain or savings.

How is it that some companies have found and used progressive methods and ideas in their activities, while other companies still adhere to an authoritarian-command style of leadership? My experience working in large, medium and small companies in both the public and private sectors shows that the most successful of them use the latest technological advances and modern communication systems in their activities. They actively encourage a healthy exchange of views and ideas between employees at all hierarchical levels of the company.

It seems to me that in the last decade, to improve the efficiency of their companies, directors and personnel training managers are constantly looking for a kind of Aladdin's lamp. They resort to completely different methods and approaches. For example, then to systematic approach, then to the definition of competencies, then to methods of quality assessment, advanced training of managers, material incentives, and so on. They never seem to stop to simply evaluate the leadership factor in the organization.

I believe that we can all recognize those moments when we are able to lead and guide people. Colleagues and subordinates also feel when they are being managed properly. So why do we still think there is a perfect answer to every question regarding the leadership factor? That there is a pill somewhere that we can swallow to become ideal leaders?

Leadership is like the game of golf, you have to hone your skills. You need to consider your surroundings, your playing style, and the golf clubs you have at your disposal. And most importantly, you must take into account your desire and desire to improve your game. Therefore, I believe that just like in golf, business leaders should always strive to enhance their personal growth.


1. Alekseev A, Pigalov V, “Business administration in practice”, M., 1993.

2. Blake R.R., Mouton J.S., “ Scientific methods management", Kyiv, 1990.

3. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I., “Management”, M., Moscow State University, 1995.

4. Vesnin V., “Fundamentals of Management”, M., 1996.

5. Kabushkin N.I., “Fundamentals of Management”, Mn: BSEU, 1996

6. Kazeletsky Yu., “Multidimensional Man.”, Kyiv, 1991.

7. Magazine “Entrepreneurship in Russia” article “Entrepreneurial activity and success factors” Vasiliev V.N. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship and Foreign Economic Activity of Moscow State Technical University. N. E. Bauman.

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