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Extracurricular activities as an innovative component of the second generation federal state education system. Directions and main forms of implementation of extracurricular activities Direction of clubs according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Material from Saratov FIO Wiki

The system-activity approach, which forms the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education, presupposes the development of universal skills and methods of activity in students, when the task of teachers is to help the child in self-knowledge, self-discovery, in the development and development of ways that allow him to gain experience in using the means of developing his individuality. Naturally, this approach should be fully implemented in the process of extracurricular activities: not give the child a ready-made amount of knowledge, but put him in a situation of search and choice.

In addition, relying on this approach will allow

Combine the efforts of all participants in this process, which will help improve its efficiency;

Expand the range of educational influence on the child;

Include the child in a holistic integrated pedagogical process;

Optimal use of human, material, technical, and financial resources of the institution.

In this regard, the role of the school is to create a system of favorable conditions for the implementation of such a process. Achieving this is associated not only with changes in the content of education and means pedagogical activity, but also with a significant restructuring of the entire organization of school life and its way of life.

Wherein Special attention It is necessary to devote time to organizing the second half of the day, when there is scope for pedagogical creativity, when all activities are based solely on the interest of schoolchildren and their free choice.

The idea of ​​organizing the second half of the day is not new; it was widely discussed in the 70-80s of the 20th century and was confirmed in the scientific literature in the works of famous psychologists of the 20th century V.V. Davydov and D.B. Elkonin, who pointed out that the implementation of developmental education will be most successful provided:

Diversity of activities and its voluntariness;

Transforming the school into a club school.

The scientific foundation for organizing extracurricular activities is the humanistic ideas of pedagogy and psychology, theoretical developments in the field of developmental education, additional education, pedagogy of cooperation, pedagogical support A.B. Vorontsov, O.S. Gazman, V.V. Davydova, L.V. Zankova, M.V. Katunova, S.E. Karkalina., E.G. Kostyashkina, G.N. Kudina, O.E. Lebedeva, Z.N. Novlyanskaya, S.D. Polyakov, V.V. Repin, O.K. Repina, N.L. Selivanova, G.K. Selevko, V.A. Slastenin, E.N. Stepanov, A.N. Tubelsky, T.I. Shamova, B.D. Elkonin and others.

Back in the 70s of the 20th century, in practice (M.V. Katunova, S.E. Karkalina, E.G. Kostyashkin, A.N. Tubelsky, etc.) the necessity, on the one hand, and the effectiveness, on the other hand, were confirmed the other, organizing the afternoon using various activities for the successful development of the child's personality.

A child is already familiar with various types of activities from childhood. He finds himself involved in a variety of relationships. The nature of these relationships will influence the process of development and socialization of the child, the formation of his position: the position of a consumer or the position of a producer of material and spiritual goods. This, according to Grigoriev D.V. and Stepanova P.V., - the core of a person’s socialization, an indicator of his development and maturation (with his own hands he made a craft for his younger brother, together with friends he made gifts for an orphanage, went on an expedition to clean springs, painted panels for a hospital, prepared a concert for veterans, etc.).

The process of education in the school environment is, of course, continuous, but it is necessary to distinguish between the potential of classroom and extracurricular activities. The basis for the formation of civic position and social activity can be the extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. It has a larger temporary space than a lesson, a larger number of subjects - participants in one or another type of activity and carries the priority of nurturing in a person certain skills, abilities, and personal qualities.

From the point of view of civic, spiritual and moral education, and socialization of the individual, extracurricular activities have (under certain conditions) enormous potential, since the child is given a choice of areas of activity where he can be successful, where he can “self-educate” in accordance with his own scale of values.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 26, 2010 No. 1241 “On amendments to the federal state educational standard primary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 373" extracurricular activities are organized according to the following directions of personality development :

Sports and recreation,

Spiritual and moral,


General intellectual,

General cultural.

The choice of directions and filling each direction with specific content is within the competence of the educational institution.


In many educational institutions, there is an error when determining directions.

For example, scientific-educational, patriotic, artistic-aesthetic, etc. are not named in the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO.

Let us consider in more detail the features of the organization of each of the directions indicated in the Federal State Educational Standards.

Sports and recreation area

The main goals of the implementation of this direction are: to promote

Primary schoolchildren's mastery of basic social norms they need for a full-fledged existence in modern society(conducting healthy image life, preservation and maintenance of physical, mental and social health);

Development of a positive attitude towards the basic values ​​of modern Russian society (for example, in the Saratov region the priority basic values ​​are: patriotism, family, health, Fatherland, etc.);

The acquisition by schoolchildren of new value-colored social experience, on the basis of which they could build their own social behavior in the future.

In the process of implementing this direction, the following tasks are expected to be solved: motivating schoolchildren to participate in sports and recreational activities; formation and development of children's communities and groups jointly participating in sports and recreational activities; assistance to junior schoolchildren in their independent planning, organization, conduct and analysis of the most significant sports and recreation projects for them.

The sports and recreational direction of extracurricular activities is based on the principles of: natural conformity, cultural conformity, collectivity, patriotism, project planning, support for student self-determination.

Note. For younger children school age In the Saratov region, the most optimal form of implementation of sports and recreational activities is tourism and local history training (associations: “Children’s Tourism”, “Our Health is in Our Hands”, “Relay Race Training”, “Hiking”, “General Physical Training”, “Athletics”, “Athletics and body sculpting”, “Young Traveler”, “Healthy Guy” club). In addition, role-playing activities with maximum use of physical education means, for example, understudy day, are very popular. Children from different associations, clubs, and sports sections can take part in this day.

Social direction

There is a special type of educational outcomes associated with the socialization of students. The main content of the understanding of socialization is the transfer of a primary school student to the position of an active member of civil society, capable of self-determination on the basis of values, developing their own understanding and goals, and developing projects for transforming society. In other words, we are talking about the implementation of such an area of ​​extracurricular activities as social (social creativity). Social creativity of schoolchildren is the voluntary, feasible participation of children in improving, perfecting social relations, transforming the situation in the society around them. Such activities are always associated with the student’s personal initiative, his search for non-standard solutions, the risk of choice, and personal responsibility to a group of peers, a teacher, and the public. Note. In the Saratov region, this direction is successfully implemented through children’s public organizations(“Sinegoria”, “Rodnichok”, “Leader”, etc.), children's associations (pioneers, scouts, young traffic inspectors, young friends of firefighters), children's movements (volunteers).

The most effective technology used in this direction can be considered the technology of social design.

The technology of social design formed the basis of the “Citizen” program and includes the following stages:

Preparing students to work on the project;

Problem selection;

Collection of information;

Developing your own solution to the problem;

Implementation of the action plan by team members;

Preparation for project defense. Formation of a portfolio;

Project presentation;


More information about the “Citizen” program and the conditions for the all-Russian action “I am a citizen of Russia” can be found on the website of the Samara Institute for Advanced Training and Retraining of Education Workers http://www.sipkro.ru.

In addition, technologies such as social testing and social practice can be recommended for use in educational institutions.

General intellectual direction

This direction can be implemented through elective classes, educational clubs, scientific societies students, intellectual clubs, etc. The main goal of the implementation of this direction: activation of cognitive activity of students, creation of conditions that contribute to the involvement of schoolchildren in the intellectual and creative process, the result of which will be interesting not only to the child himself, but also to others, nurturing in the student the need and habit of dedication and socially useful work , a rich spiritual life, the ability to combine one’s interests with the interests of the team. Note. This direction can be successfully implemented through such associations as: “The Smartest”, “Samodelkin”, “Country of Tsifiriya”, “ABVGDeyka” “Ecology for Junior Schoolchildren”, etc.

Spiritual and moral direction

In the direction of spiritual and moral development of students, the following components can be distinguished:

Education of citizenship, patriotism, respect for human rights, freedoms and responsibilities;

Education of moral feelings and ethical consciousness;

Fostering diligence, a creative attitude to learning, work, and life;

Formation of a value attitude towards health and a healthy lifestyle;

Fostering a value attitude towards nature, environment(environmental education);

Fostering a value-based attitude towards beauty, forming ideas about aesthetic ideals and values.

The goals and objectives of the spiritual and moral direction of organizing extracurricular activities of students are achieved and solved in the context of the national educational ideal, which represents the highest goal of education, a moral (ideal) idea of ​​a person, on whose upbringing, training and development the efforts of the main social actors are directed: the state, the family , schools, traditional religious and public organizations.

In the Concept of spiritual and moral development and education of a Russian citizen, such an ideal is justified and the highest goal of education is formulated - a highly moral, creative, competent citizen of Russia, who accepts the fate of the Fatherland as his personal, aware of responsibility for the present and future of his country, rooted in the spiritual and cultural traditions of a multinational people of the Russian Federation.

On the basis of the national educational ideal, the main goal is formulated - education, social and pedagogical support for the formation and development of a highly moral, responsible, proactive and competent citizen of Russia.

Based on the national educational ideal, the most important tasks of spiritual and moral development and education Russian schoolchildren given in the Concept, as well as taking into account the “Requirements for the results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education” established by the Federal State Educational Standard of Education, the general tasks of the spiritual and moral development and education of primary school students are determined:

Formation of the ability for spiritual development, realization of creative potential;

Strengthening morality;

Acceptance by students of basic national values;

Formation of aesthetic needs, values ​​and feelings;

Forming the ability to openly express and defend one’s morally justified position, to be critical of one’s own intentions, thoughts and actions;

Awareness of value human life, formation of the ability to resist, within one’s capabilities, actions and influences that pose a threat to life, physical and moral health, and spiritual security of the individual;

Formation of the foundations of Russian civic identity.

Note. In educational institutions and institutions of additional education in the Saratov region, this area of ​​extracurricular activities is represented by the following associations: “Fundamentals Orthodox culture", "My right", " Literary reading”, “Beautiful impulses of the soul”, “I am a citizen of my country”, etc.

General cultural direction

The task of the general cultural direction of extracurricular activities is to form a creatively active personality who is able to perceive and appreciate the beauty in nature, work, everyday life and other areas of life and activity. The child receives his first elementary ideas about beauty, neatness and cleanliness in the family, and this is where general cultural education begins.

Every system has a core, a foundation on which it rests. We can consider art as such a basis in the system of general cultural education: music, architecture, sculpture, painting, dance, cinema, theater, decorative and applied arts and other types of artistic creativity.

The teacher’s task is to cultivate in the child the ability to enjoy art, to develop aesthetic needs and interests, to bring them to the level of aesthetic taste, and then to the ideal. The interaction between a child and any type of art, first of all, begins with perception.

Note. Teachers of educational institutions can recommend the following associations for the implementation of this direction: “Theatre “Baby”, “School of Wizards”, Music Studio “Melody”, folklore studio “Rucheek”, etc.

The order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated November 26, 2010 No. 1241 “On amendments to the federal state educational standard of primary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 373” lists forms of implementation of extracurricular activities :


Round tables,



School scientific societies,



Exploratory and scientific research,

Socially beneficial practices, etc.

Sections: School administration

Our educational institution is one of three schools in the city that began to implement the Federal State Educational Standard of Education in the 2010–2011 academic year. The main document regulating this activity is the basic document developed at the school. educational program primary general education. A curriculum has been developed, consisting of a mandatory (invariant) part and a part formed by participants in the educational process.

We began by identifying one of the priority tasks of a modern school: creating the necessary and complete conditions for the personal development of each child.

The concept of extracurricular activities includes all those types of activities of schoolchildren, except for academic ones, in which it is possible and appropriate to solve the problems of their upbringing and their socialization.

In the new standard, extracurricular activities are considered in 2 plans. Firstly, as a sphere of individualization of education. An area where a child can build his educational trajectories. And secondly – ​​as the most important area of ​​education.

When drawing up the curriculum, we were faced with the question: who should teach VD classes?

  1. Maybe preschool teachers. They approach this process precisely from the perspective of child development, not learning. Indeed, CE institutions have significant potential in organizing extracurricular activities, ensuring variability and the availability of a wide range of activities in each of its areas;
  2. Maybe high school teachers see the subject more broadly and deeply.
  3. Maybe a teacher primary classes will choose one or two courses and will work in this direction with all parallel students.
  4. Maybe the class teacher will teach classes, each in his own class. We settled on this model. We believe that in 1st grade this is advisable, because this leads to successful adaptation of first-graders and a deep familiarity between the teacher and the children.

We hired a swimming instructor (using the facilities of the school swimming pool). 1st grade attends the “Macrame” club, led by a teacher at the Children's Creativity Center. This model makes scheduling easier.

Having guided a first-grader through all directions, in the second grade he will be able to make a conscious choice in favor of an activity in which he can reveal his abilities and talents and express himself to the fullest.

Basic syllabus identifies the main areas of extracurricular activities.

Airborne directions:

  • Sports and recreation.
  • Artistic and aesthetic.
  • Scientific and educational.
  • Military-patriotic.
  • Socially useful activities.
  • Project activities.

In our opinion, these areas are meaningful guidelines for organizing extracurricular activities. But they do not cover the entire diversity of children’s activities at school. Therefore, it is advisable, along with the areas of extracurricular activities, to highlight types of extracurricular activities.

  • Gaming;
  • Cognitive;
  • Problem-based communication;
  • Leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication);
  • Artistic creativity;
  • Social creativity (socially transformative volunteer activity);
  • Technical creativity;
  • Labor (production) activity;
  • Sports and recreational activities;
  • Tourism and local history activities.

How do the types and areas of extracurricular activities correlate?

Firstly, it is obvious that a number of areas coincide with types of extracurricular activities (sports and recreational activities, cognitive activities, artistic creativity).

Secondly, such areas as military-patriotic, project activities can be implemented in any of the specified types of extracurricular activities.

Thirdly, the direction associated with socially useful activities can be objectified in such types of extracurricular activities as social creativity and labor (production) activities.

Fourthly, types of extracurricular activities that are important for the development of a child, such as games and tourism and local history, are not directly reflected in the directions, which exacerbates the risk of their disappearance from school reality.

Thus, we propose to consider the above directions extracurricular activities like content guide when constructing appropriate educational programs. And the development and implementation of specific forms extracurricular activities of schoolchildren be based on the identified ten types.

Therefore, extracurricular activities are organized in our school taking into account:
– specifics educational activities schools;
– staffing capabilities to provide extracurricular activities;
– requests from parents as the main customers of educational services.

At the same time, for the full organization of VD in most educational institutions today there are limited resources: personnel, material and technical, two-shift classes. Under these conditions, there cannot be unified forms of organization of internal affairs, unified models.

Our school’s working group for the implementation of the new generation of Federal State Educational Standards at the elementary level has developed programs in recommended areas.

The program of extracurricular activities is aimed at the diversified development of students. This is possible only if the entire set of educational technologies and methods of working with children creates conditions for the child’s self-realization.

The main ideas of the programs are:
– formation of a culture of communication between students, students’ awareness of the need for positive communication with both adults and peers;
transfer of knowledge, skills and abilities to students social communication people, generational experience;
– nurturing students’ desire for useful leisure time and positive communication.

The main objective:

Creating conditions for positive communication among students at school and outside it, for the manifestation of initiative and independence, responsibility, sincerity and openness in real life situations, interest in extracurricular activities at all age stages.

The main tasks of organizing extracurricular activities for children:

  • identification of interests, inclinations, abilities, capabilities of students to
  • various types of activities;
  • providing assistance in finding “oneself”;
  • creating conditions for the individual development of the child in the chosen area of ​​extracurricular activities;
  • formation of a system of knowledge, skills and abilities in the chosen area of ​​activity;
  • development of experience in creative activity, creative abilities;
  • creating conditions for the implementation of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities;
  • development of experience in informal communication, interaction, cooperation;
  • expanding the scope of communication with society.

Here are programs that provide directions for extracurricular activities. The table shows that the set of courses in each class is different.

Directions of extracurricular activities. Programs that provide direction.
1 A 1 B 1 V 1 G
Sports and recreation. Pool.
“A healthy child is a successful child.”
“Healthy lifestyle school”.
“Pearls of Health.”
Artistic and aesthetic. "Mosaic". “Fairytale handicrafts.” “Seven-flowered flower.”
“We follow the sun.”
Scientific and educational. “Smart guys and girls.”
Magic world books."
“Native word”.
“School of Ethics.”
“Native word”.
“Book kids.”
“Smart guys and girls.”
“School of Ethics.”
“Young Readers”.
“Young smart guys.”
“Curious people.”
"From A to Z".
Military-patriotic. “Russia is my Motherland.”
Socially useful. “Droplet.” “Droplet.” “School, me, my family” “Springs”.
An hour of communication.
Project activities. Passes through all directions.

The courses “Clever Men and Women”, “Curious People”, “Literates”, “Young Readers”, etc. help students to promote intellectual development and broaden their horizons.

Particular attention in organizing extracurricular activities is paid to the implementation of artistic and aesthetic programs. The content of their activities is aimed at developing in students the correct attitude towards the world around them and the desire to participate in a variety of creative activities. This direction is represented by the courses “Fairy Tale Workshop”, “Mosaic”, “Tsvetik-Semitsvetik”, “Following the Sun”.

It is important for customers of educational services to involve students in sports.

This area of ​​extracurricular activities for first-graders is represented by the courses: Swimming, “A Healthy Child is a Successful Child,” and “Pearls of Health.” These courses fulfill the task of developing motor activity, developing healthy lifestyle skills in children, and developing character.

Socially beneficial direction is based on the child’s proactive participation in social events, through CTD, role-playing games. These are the courses “Droplet”, “School, me, my family”, “Springs”.

First graders take their first steps in writing research projects. Here are the names of some of them: “My favorite number”, “Our clothes”, “My family”.

Mostly all classes take place in the afternoon.

Of the huge number of innovative forms, we have chosen only a few, because... We believe that the number of forms used is not of fundamental importance, but what matters is the use of forms that include students in the process of acquiring knowledge and developing thinking, which reveal children’s abilities and help them gain self-confidence.

Such forms of work with first-graders allow us to outline a path that will ultimately lead us to ultimate goal, reflected in “Portrait of an Elementary School Graduate.”

In general, by analyzing the intermediate results of extracurricular activities, teachers identified factors that contribute to the achievement of planned results. This is as follows:

1. All types of extracurricular activities organized within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard provide students with the opportunity to participate in a wide range of classes in various areas.

2. The programs being implemented are focused on educational results.

A survey of teachers on the organization of extracurricular activities showed that primary school teachers, along with the positive results of testing the new system of extracurricular activities in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard, also note the need to improve the level of their methodological knowledge and approaches to this activity.

We came to the conclusion that success in organizing extracurricular activities may largely depend on the level of development of the educational system in an educational institution, on the presence of social partners in the school, and, of course, on the targeted creative interaction of teachers, students and other subjects of education.

We are confident that only a variety of activities and the inclusion of the student in a system of positive relationships with surrounding reality will be able to identify and develop the individual characteristics of each student and lead to successful socialization of the individual.

We conducted a survey of 76 parents. The results are in front of you.

  1. Are you happy with the extracurricular activities organized in the afternoon?
    Satisfied – 73 people
  2. Is there any overload in children due to this?
    68 people believe that there is no overload
  3. Does your child attend preschool classes? How many?
    30 people – 1 circle, 10 – 2, 4 – 3
  4. How many lessons (per week) does your child need?
    Only 8 people answered that 5 is enough
  5. Which direction aroused the greatest interest among children?

Preference is given to 2 areas – scientific and educational and sports and recreational.

This is understandable, since the problem of maintaining and strengthening health never remains urgent. And classes in the scientific and educational direction are built on extracurricular material and contribute to the development of cognitive activity and independent mental activity of students.

In general, today the parents of our first-graders are satisfied with the results of their children’s participation in extracurricular activities and note that the anxiety about physical and emotional overload, which was initially present in the parental environment, has now disappeared.

In the process of work, the main problems of extracurricular activities clearly emerge:

1. Insufficient equipment of the school with media.

2. Distance from educational institutions that provide an expanded range of opportunities for visiting museums, exhibitions, and theaters. This would make it possible to integrate educational and socializing potential based on the relationship between basic and additional education.

3. Lack of educational infrastructure necessary for organizing extracurricular activities (availability of special premises, special equipment, methodological and didactic equipment).

But, despite everything, we try to use everything that surrounds us, introduce into our extracurricular activities forms and methods generated by new times, and preserve the long-term spiritual traditions of the educational system of our school. We try to give a good emotional mood, to help the little student feel like home from the very first days of his stay at school. And the most important thing is that he feels involved in what is happening at this school. We believe that the active, active inclusion of a child in life from the first day significantly shortens the adaptation period and creates better conditions for

emergence of learning motivation. And I really want the kids to tell their parents with delight: “I want to study at this school!”

As the Hungarian mathematician George Pólya said, “There are only as many good methods as there are good teachers.” As part of the city seminar, our educational institution offered 4 extracurricular activities.

Each teacher chose his own methods.

1st lesson.

Integrated lesson on the courses “School of Ethics” and “Hour of Communication”.

“Table setting. Table culture."

During the lesson, students became acquainted with the concept of “table setting”, with the rules of serving, with serving items, with the rules of etiquette at the table; learned techniques for folding napkins and arranging dishes. On laptops, using templates, we modeled a vase with flowers to decorate the table.

2nd lesson.

Artistic and aesthetic direction.

Course “Fairytale handicrafts”.

The topic of the lesson is “Techniques for working with paper. Screen design.”

Students made flower elements to decorate the screen using techniques: quilling, origami, cutting. At the end of the lesson, the screen was donated to the preschool educational institutions, with which the educational institution implements the “Continuity” program.

3rd lesson.

Scientific and educational direction.

“Knowledge” course.

General lesson-competition “Human Rights and Responsibilities”.

(Under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.)

4th lesson.

Artistic and aesthetic direction.

Course “Following the sun.”

The topic of the lesson is “May – harness the horse. Signs of May.”

During the lesson, the children got acquainted with the signs of May; learned about the holidays of this month. The result of the lesson is children’s creative work based on the signs of May.

– a concept that unites all types of schoolchildren’s activities in which it is possible and appropriate to solve the problems of their upbringing and socialization. According to the draft Basic Curriculum of the OU, the organization of classes in areas of extracurricular activities is carried out at the school. The hours allocated for extracurricular activities are used at the request of students and in forms other than the lesson system of education. The main directions extracurricular activities: sports and recreational, artistic and aesthetic, scientific and educational, military-patriotic, socially useful activities, project activities.



Directions and forms of extracurricular activities within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO.

Extracurricular activities schoolchildren– a concept that unites all types of schoolchildren’s activities (except academic ones), in which it is possible and appropriate to solve the problems of their upbringing and socialization.

According to the draft Basic Curriculum educational institutions Russian Federation, the organization of classes in areas of extracurricular activities isan integral part of the educational processAt school. The hours allocated for extracurricular activities are used at the request of students and in forms other than the lesson system of education. The draft Basic Curriculum of General Educational Institutions of the Russian Federation highlights the main directions extracurricular activities: sports and recreational, artistic and aesthetic, scientific and educational, military-patriotic, socially useful activities, project activities.

The following types of extracurricular activities are available for implementation at school:

  1. play activities;
  2. cognitive activity;
  3. problem-value communication;
  4. leisure and entertainment activities
  5. artistic creativity;
  6. social creativity (socially significant volunteer activities);
  7. labor (production) activity;
  8. sports and recreational activities;
  9. tourism and local history activities.

The school’s teachers have developed educational programs for extracurricular activities in the following areas:

1 . Artistic and aesthetic direction

Educational program “The Origins of Russian folk culture» introduces students to the technology of making rag dolls. Children, creating dolls from threads, ribbons, scraps, ribbons, get acquainted with the life, customs, traditions of the Russian people, calendar holidays, and rituals.

2. Sports and recreation area

  1. The system of club hours “Health Lessons” helps to implement this direction. Through games, quizzes, travel, questionnaires, and conversations, children learn to treat their health correctly.
  2. Another educational program that implements health-saving technologies is sports games. Games such as rounders and towns are being revived. These undeservedly forgotten games arouse delight and interest among modern children.
  3. The football section is especially popular among boys. The school has 3 teams that are successful not only at the district level, but also at the city level.

3. Scientific and educational direction

Particular attention is paid to educational programs in the scientific and educational direction.

The “Let's Play” group uses gaming and training technologies to overcome the difficult stage of adaptation of first-graders, establish relationships in the emerging team, and acquire communication skills between children and with adults.

Play activitypermeates all areas of extracurricular activities. Various types of games are used during subject weeks.

Extracurricular cognitive activityschoolchildren can be organized in the form of electives, educational circles, a scientific society of students, intellectual clubs (like clubs “What? Where? When?”), film clubs, school newspaper editorial offices, library evenings, didactic theaters, cultural festivals, educational excursions, Olympiads, quizzes, etc.

Problem-based communicationcan be carried out both at school and outside it, since children love to go out, spend time outside of school with their peers, and show their creative abilities.

Organization leisure and entertainment activitiesrequires some preparation. For example, every year at schoola competition is being held"School Artist", where anyone can take part, regardless of age and type of hobbies.

Organize artistic creativityChildren's clubs allow:

  1. Ragdoll
  2. Wood painting
  3. crazy hands
  4. Choir training
  5. Learning to play the pipe

Social projectsbased on artistic activity:

  1. Project “My beloved grandparents”, dedicated to the Day of the Elderly.

At the first stage, each parallel received a task. 1st grades participated in a drawing competition, 2nd grades took part in a poetry competition, 3rd graders prepared skits, and 4th graders wrote essays. The final stage became a presentation in the form of a concert.

  1. Project "Princess Parade", dedicated to March 8th, took place in 2 rounds. All elementary school girls who wished participated in the first round. The competition was held in each class. The jury, represented by parents, chose only one representative from each class, who took part in the parade. In the second round, the princesses also had the opportunity to prove themselves.

The guys easily respond to participating in various events, for example, “ Green Planet"(2 times a year collection of waste paper), "Flowers of Victory" (for Victory Day).

A very relevant type of activity - labor Technical modeling allows you to reveal your ability to design and navigate in space. Practice shows that more and more children have disorders in this area.

The labor force disciplines students.

Traditionally, the school hosts the following events:

  1. Runner's Day
  2. Health Week
  3. Personal achievements are kept track of
  4. Competition of wall newspapers, presentations, essays on sports topics

Tourism and local history activitiesschoolchildren can be organized by teachers both in the form regular club, extracurricular or museum classes, and in the form irregular local history excursions, weekend hikes, multi-day recreational hikes, sports category hikes, local history expeditions, rallies, competitions and preparations for them, local history Olympiads and quizzes, meetings and correspondence with interesting people, work in libraries, archives, etc.

For organization local history activitieskeep in touch with history local history museum Fisherman's Library. We attend interesting classes taught by a passionate and knowledgeable about history The village and its inhabitants are Vera Mikhailovna Glushkova.

The school is constantly updated with exhibitsMuseum of the Ladoga Flotilla, where classes are held for students.

Our city has a great opportunity forexcursion activities.

The extracurricular activities plan is an organizational and forecasting document that structures the work planned in this area. This is an organizational tool for the implementation of OEP, which, according to the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard, includes not only educational, but also extracurricular activities, providing not only educational, but also individual and personal needs of students. Plan of extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard regulates:

  • list and nature of areas of work;
  • principles, order, forms and scope of activities.

The document is developed and approved by each educational institution on one's own.

Extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard: characteristics

Extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard are one of the means of implementing OOP. This educational process, carried out in forms different from those used in the classroom-lesson system, but invariably aimed at students mastering the program.

Educational institutions are obliged to ensure the implementation curriculum and extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard, guided by clause 16 of the Federal State Educational Standard of NOO and clause 13 of the Federal State Educational Standard of LLC, indicating this in the relevant documents. At school, extracurricular activities contribute to the development of OEP and help students achieve meta-subject and personal results, which involve not so much mastering specific knowledge as acquiring skills in action and decision-making. This is due to the fact that subject results are achieved in lessons, and meta-subject results are achieved in extracurricular activities. Based on this, extracurricular activities, taking into account the individual and age characteristics of children, relying on the connection of theoretical knowledge with practice, visual aids, accessibility:

  • simplifies the process of children's adaptation to school;
  • optimizes training loads;
  • has a beneficial effect on the conditions for the comprehensive development of schoolchildren.

During the implementation of extracurricular activities, the school’s material, technical, scientific and methodological support, external relations and information resources are used.

Extracurricular activities are not included in the curriculum, and therefore are not measured in hours of classroom workload and are not taken into account when calculating the maximum permissible teaching load. The educational load is implemented through classroom and extracurricular work, and therefore its value must be consistent with the rules and regulations of SanPiN, however, restrictions on the volume do not apply to extracurricular activities carried out within the framework of the duties of additional education teachers, teachers of extended day groups, class teachers, whose work is not reflected in the curriculum. It is important to alternate static and motor-active activities of students so that extracurricular activities meet sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

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Articles in the electronic journal “Handbook of a Deputy School Principal” will help you learn more about the principles of organizing extracurricular activities at school, compiling and amending prognostic documents.

- A program of extracurricular activities that will help students complete final projects (educational activities)
- How to draw up a long-term plan for extracurricular activities at the level of basic general education (educational programs)

Plan of extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard of NEO and LLC is compiled by the Deputy Director for HR Management, who acts according to a simple algorithm. Initially, it determines the volume, forms of organization, and structure of extracurricular activities that can and will be implemented at school. The content of extracurricular activities is based on the resource capabilities of the educational institution and the needs of students. Having chosen a model of extracurricular activities, the school determines the size of the groups and their number. According to sanitary requirements, classes should not exceed 25 people, and if additional funds are available, classes can be divided into groups. In additional education institutions that carry out extracurricular activities, groups should have no more than 15 students (with the exception of orchestral, dance and choral groups). Students and their parents, at their own discretion, choose the number of extracurricular activity courses (for each student, the class teacher keeps records, submitting the relevant information to the head teacher twice a year).

Parents or legal representatives of children choose additional after-school activity programs at the end of school year(mainly at parent-teacher meetings). The procedure for selecting programs is recorded, and the decision made is certified by the signatures of the parents. At the same time, parents can refuse to implement extracurricular activities through programs in the classroom format, but since there should be no more than 50% of them, for this student extracurricular activities will be implemented through other forms used at school. A similar algorithm works for students who are professionally engaged in additional education institutions (in this case, the reports indicate that the activity is carried out with the resources of parents and the school). Parents only need to provide a statement stating that their child attends sports, cultural or additional education institutions, indicating the weekly load. Any student can be exempted from extracurricular activities “for health reasons.”

Models and directions of extracurricular activities

It is important not to confuse the concepts of “extracurricular activities” and “additional education”, despite the fact that both of them are aimed at achieving meta-subject and personal results. That is why, thanks to extracurricular activities, children learn to make decisions, act and feel, participating in various forms of organizing work that differ from the usual classroom-lesson system. Additional education, on the contrary, is more focused on the implementation of an additional educational program that stimulates the creativity and cognitive activity of children. Connect both concepts training courses electives, school scientific societies, electives, etc. The fundamental difference between extracurricular activities and additional education is what educational results are controlled. The results students achieve in extracurricular activities correspond to the Federal State Educational Standard for levels of general education. Students' results additional programs the law does not establish.

Before you compose plan for extracurricular activities in areas in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the person responsible for this work determines the models for organizing extracurricular activities among the existing ones:

  1. “full day school”;
  2. additional education with the involvement of cultural and sports institutions;
  3. a model that optimizes all school resources;
  4. innovation and education;
  5. mixed.

Practice shows that most often, head teachers of educational resources choose a mixed model, combining optimization and additional education institutions. After choosing a model, they determine the directions and types of activities, remembering that all of them are aimed at achieving educational results and mastering the educational program.

Despite the fact that extracurricular activities can be carried out in the classroom format, their number should not exceed 50% of the total, while the majority should be competitions, excursions, school projects, scientific research, sectional and circle work, debates, conferences, master classes, round tables, Olympics and more. Fortunately, the variety of types of employment allows you to choose the most interesting and relevant for students. There are gaming, educational, sports and recreational, labor, tourism and local history, leisure and entertainment activities, social and artistic creativity, which are reflected in lesson plan for extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard. All of them are implemented both in the format of weekly classes and in large-scale events (competitions, expeditions, festivals and competitions), which are held outside of training sessions. Not only the wishes of parents and the needs of children are taken into account, but also the experience of implementing extracurricular activities, recommendations of a school psychologist and the capabilities of the teaching staff.

In schools, extracurricular activities are usually implemented through:

  • part of the curriculum formed by schoolchildren (workshops, special courses, additional educational modules, school scientific communities);
  • additional educational programs developed within the educational institution;
  • educational programs of cultural, sports and additional education institutions;
  • work of extended day groups;
  • classroom management and activities of individual subject teachers, senior counselor, teacher-organizer, educational psychologist, social educator;
  • innovative activities for the implementation and testing of new educational programs.

To compose plan for extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard for 9th grade, 10th or 11th grade, two approaches are used:

  1. take the additional educational program as a basis, correlating the number of hours for theory and practice with human resources and the needs of children;
  2. develop a work program based on the created one, clarifying the tasks, goals, content, methods, results and forms of collective and individual work.

Extracurricular activities plan

An extracurricular activity plan is a document that systematizes forms of work with students who do not fit into the classroom-lesson system of knowledge transfer. It is compiled on the basis of:

  • content section of OOP ( correctional work, programs for the formation of UUD) taking into account the directions of development of students’ personality;
  • provisions of approximate OOP, work plans of class teachers;
  • programs for spiritual and moral development, introduction to a healthy lifestyle and environmental culture in primary school, as well as socialization and education programs in primary and secondary education.

For the absence of a plan for extracurricular activities at the time of inspection, the director receives an order from regulatory authorities.

Drawing up a plan for extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard

It should be noted that work on OOP at next year begin six months before the start of the school year.

  1. In February working group evaluates the results of mastering the educational program, the completeness of the implementation of work programs for extracurricular activities, and the quality of extracurricular activities.
  2. In March, the head teacher of educational resources specifies the plan for extracurricular activities, and along with it the curriculum.
  3. In April, methodologists make adjustments to work programs for extracurricular activities.
  4. In August, the director, by order, approves the new edition or new OOP.

The plan is developed for the period of implementation of the program. The algorithm for planning extracurricular activities is as follows:

First stage. The head teacher needs to determine areas of activity for the development of students’ personalities. They are regulated by the Federal State Educational Standard for primary, basic and secondary general education, highlighting social, sports and health, general cultural, general intellectual, spiritual and moral areas. Areas of activity must correspond to the forms.

Direction Forms Educational results of students according to Federal State Educational Standards
Sports and recreation Excursions, physical education sessions, thematic exercises and training, classes in the gym and in the fresh air, conversations, competitions, outdoor games, organization of hikes, “Health Days,” intra-school sports competitions, holding art exhibitions on health protection, holding a summer health campaign, holding cool hours on life safety culture. A holistic view of the culture of a healthy lifestyle. Experience in planning and maintaining a daily routine. Primary skills of physical self-regulation.
Social Conversations, subject weeks, project activities, publishing a school newspaper, charity events, meetings with veterans, lessons of courage, drawing, holding community cleanups, environmental events, breeding indoor plants, agricultural work on the school plot (growing vegetables and flower and ornamental crops), holding joint calendar holidays and other events and collective creative activities. Experience in constructive communication; primary ideas about a legal society. Experience of civil reflection within the framework of social practices.
General intellectual Intellectual games, quests, quizzes, debates, project and research activities, subject weeks, competitions, olympiads, scientific and practical conferences, excursions, Olympiads, business and role-playing games, game educational programs. Formed universal educational activities. Experience of cognitive reflection, educational self-organization. Developed self-assessment skills.
Spiritual and moral Concerts, theme nights, talks, exhibitions creative works, watching films, drawing, project activities, excursions to theaters and museums, competitions, meetings with WWII and labor veterans, conversations about participants in “hot spots”, conducting “Lessons in Courage”, writing stories about great-grandfathers who defended the country, conducting themed class hours , literary and musical compositions. Experience of moral choice; mastering moral norms and values.
General cultural Conversations, excursions, visits to concerts, exhibitions, theaters, creative projects, exhibitions of children's drawings and student handicrafts, organizing theater retreats, conducting themed classes on etiquette, conducting theatrical performances at school holidays, decorating, decorating classrooms and halls for various events. The experience of an emotional and value-based attitude towards objects of art and the heritage of world culture.

Second phase. Calculation of the annual labor intensity of extracurricular activities. Since the Federal State Educational Standard regulates only the general workload for extracurricular activities, the school administration has the right to distribute it over the years independently, guided only by the requirements of SanPiN and the resource base of the institution. Thus, in primary school there are 1350 hours / 4 years = 337 hours per year, in secondary school - 1750 hours / 5 years = 350 hours per year, and extracurricular activity plan for grades 10-11 according to the Federal State Educational Standard- 700 hours / 2 years = 350 hours per year.

At the same time, in different years the volume of extracurricular activities may differ: reducing the number of hours in one year by increasing in another year. By decision of the collegial body, in connection with the special financial, material, technical and personnel conditions of the school, the volume of extracurricular activities can be reduced.

Third stage. A package of extracurricular activity courses and educational programs is compiled based on the directions, forms and content of extracurricular activities. It is important to remember that federal standards do not regulate the content of programs and courses; this falls within the competence of the educational institution; however, extracurricular activities are invariably aimed at achieving personal, meta-subject and subject results students.

Fourth stage. Approval of a plan for extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standards of NOOs, LLCs and SOOs, curricula. It is important to note that the plan for each level of education is drawn up separately and is not part of the curriculum structure. Plan of extracurricular activities of the school according to the Federal State Educational Standard included in OOP, and therefore it is stated:

  • by the corresponding order of the school director or by a stamp that is affixed directly to the local act “On the basic educational program of general education”;
  • the director's signature directly on the document.

Changes to the document are made by decision of the collegial body in the event that the teaching staff made the appropriate decision, the course program was not implemented in full, if one-time events were omitted. All amendments to the extracurricular activities plan, taking into account local acts of the educational institution, are made in parallel with changes to the educational program.

Before approving the OOP, it is necessary to check that:

  • the plan for extracurricular activities was included in the organizational section of the educational program, and was not issued as a separate document;
  • the component was called “Plan of extracurricular activities for primary general education”, and not “ Scientific plan extracurricular activities primary general education,” which would be a gross mistake;
  • in the content section, “Work programs for extracurricular activities” were listed.

Structure of the extracurricular activity plan

Not all teachers know that extracurricular activity plan for 1st grade according to the Federal State Educational Standard not much different from the prognostic document for grades 10-11. At the legislative level, a unified form of the plan has not been established, therefore the drafters have the right to draw up the document at their own discretion. During the development of the plan for extracurricular activities, according to the Charter, it is agreed upon by the teachers’ council (based on the results of the meeting at title page program of which it is a part is marked accordingly). The forecast document as part of the PEP is posted on the school’s official website.

As a rule, it includes an explanatory note, long-term, weekly and annual plans.

Plan item Description
Explanatory note This section of the plan indicates general information regarding the goals and objectives of the work, the selected forms of activity, the required resources and the planned results. At the same time, the training mode and load volume can be indicated.
Weekly plan

The weekly plan is drawn up in the form of a table, which indicates the list and structure of areas of extracurricular activities. In this case, it is advisable for the document compiler to take into account those forms of activity that are determined by the educational institution, as well as those that depend on the order of consumers of educational services.

  • The main part is compiled based on the analysis of primary data, taking into account local cultural traditions and regional characteristics, and the calendar of educational events developed by the Ministry of Education and Science.
  • The formed part is made according to the requirements of the parents and educational needs students (share of the formed part plan for extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard in primary school should not exceed 20%, in the main - 30 and in the middle - 40.

Correctly distributing extracurricular activities is not easy: but you must first calculate what proportion of the formed part is included in the curriculum, and then correlate the resulting figure with the total volume of extracurricular activities, calculating the formed part.

In drawing up a weekly plan, the workload regulated by SanPiN standards for each level of general education (no more than 10 academic hours) is of key importance.

In order not to overload students, according to the requirements of SanPiN, the greatest load falls on Tuesday and Wednesday, and therefore on these days it is advisable to reduce extracurricular activities. To optimize the workload and distribute the volume of extracurricular activities, you can implement scheduled hours during holidays, weekends and holidays. Yes, during summer holidays extracurricular activities are carried out through summer schools or themed camp sessions. However, if the weekly workload turns out to be uneven throughout the year, multiple plans will be required.

Annual plan Annual planning summarizes weekly data and takes into account the annual load of extracurricular activities. The latter is determined by multiplying the number of working weeks by the volume of workload. Even though the current year's total load may be different from the previous year, it is important that the maximum volume is not exceeded. To achieve this, experienced managers devote more hours to plan for extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard for 1, 5 and 10 classes, which allows you to optimize the amount of extracurricular activities and more effectively adapt children to new learning conditions.
Long-term plan

The perspective document forecasts the implementation of extracurricular activities and the volume of workload for the expected perspective period. When drawing up such a plan, the indicators of the annual plan and the permissible maximum load are carefully checked. The workload for the future period is regulated by the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard (the school administration sets the minimum indicators independently, summing up the annual indicators:

  • in primary school, up to 1350 academic hours are allowed over 4 years of study;
  • in the main period for 5 years - 1750;
  • on average over 2 years - up to 700 hours.

Plan of extracurricular activities in accordance with the new requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

  1. Approach to the implementation of extracurricular activities. From now on, extracurricular activities in the context of mastering PLO are aimed at achieving subject, meta-subject and personal results by expanding the cultural, subject and information environment. Accordingly, according to the new rules, extracurricular activities should be carried out in the context of an integrated approach, and not in separate areas.
  2. New content format. The changes also affected the design of the content of activities, which was previously reflected in prognostic documents, and according to the new rules - in work programs for extracurricular activities, which are a mandatory part of the content section of the educational program. Work programs are formed on the basis of approximate OOP and standard requirements and contain thematic planning, predicted results, content, types and forms of work.
  3. Network form of activity. Recommendations from the Ministry of Education and Science provide explanations regarding the implementation of a network form of extracurricular activities. Educational institutions can use the resources of organizations of physical culture, science, healthcare, culture and additional education, having drawn up an appropriate agreement with them. In contrast to the implementation of educational programs, institutions of further education can be used to conduct workshops, seminars, master classes and meetings.
  4. The importance of additional classes. If for a long time additional classes were outside the paradigm of extracurricular activities, then from now on those external and school extracurricular activities that coincide with the planned results of the additional educational program and the work program of extracurricular activities can be counted as extracurricular activities.
  5. Evaluation of work results. The portfolio can be used as a diary of children’s personal achievements to evaluate the results of extracurricular activities along with the usual psychological and pedagogical tools. You can use both digital and traditional paper portfolios.
  6. The role of educational projects. Project activity is now one of the most effective forms of implementation program (plan) of extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard. The educational project allows you to carry out independent work, combining several areas and subjects of activity. Not only school teachers, but also specialists from cultural and sports institutions and additional education organizations can help schoolchildren in implementing projects.

Important changes to the forecast document

Chapter What to change What to leave
Explanatory note

IN explanatory note the name “Education Program” is indicated, not “Education and Socialization Program”. It must comply with the program for the formation of the UUD (grades 1-4), the development of the UUD (grades 5-11) and the education program (grades 1-11).

The list of students’ personal results has been expanded, so this section needs to be indicated. It is necessary to provide examples of updated personal results that teachers will contribute to achieving. A mandatory element of the note is a list of work programs and courses, thanks to which students will be able to achieve the necessary results.

The objectives of educational work should reflect relevance not only for schoolchildren, but also for the educational institution (those that meet the needs of consumers of educational services should be separately indicated).

Activities and courses of extracurricular activities take into account spiritual, moral, patriotic and other areas of development.
Planned educational results and areas of extracurricular activities

It is important to reflect changes in the composition of personal results within the framework of extracurricular activities. The new editions of the Federal State Educational Standard contain additional lists of meta-subject and personal results.

First, you need to edit the composition of personal educational results in the target section of the main educational program (BEP). The list of personal results must be the same in terms of extracurricular activities, in the educational program and in the target section of the educational program. The minimum composition of the planned results for the new requirements is as follows:

  • spiritual and moral - the formation of UUD - the student realizes and accepts moral and ethical values, compares his actions with them and plans his future life in accordance with them;
  • physical education and health - the formation of the fundamentals ecological culture and healthy lifestyle - the schoolchild demonstrates the culture of a healthy lifestyle in society and the educational environment;
  • social - attitude to work (students master socially useful and manual labor, showing respect for any of its manifestations), volunteer and experience of participating in social projects, presence of a civic position (participation in school self-government, knowledge of socio-political terminology, non-acceptance of discrimination, extremist ideology), socio-cultural experience (compliance with the rules of linguistic culture, familiarity with the world artistic heritage, development of aesthetic consciousness);
  • general intellectual - readiness to choose a profession and continue education - acceptance of one’s own professional inclinations, implementation of projects in the chosen profile, experience in in-depth study of specialized disciplines;
  • general cultural - readiness and ability for self-development - acceptance of moral norms, ethnic traditions.
The list of areas of extracurricular activities remains unchanged, but now it is closely connected with the Education Program.
Long-term and annual plan

– Russian identity as the basis of civic activity;

– experience in mastering one or more types of work;

Perspective plan for extracurricular activities according to the Federal State Educational Standard of Special Education are for 2 years, for LLCs - for 5 years, and for NOOs - for 4. Depending on the planned educational results, the author of the document has the right to decide which program to include activities in; the educational program includes those that develop personal results, and the programs formation and development of UUD - those that develop meta-subject ones.

The areas of extracurricular activities, the volume of educational programs, and the weekly workload remain unchanged, as does the part that is formed by the participants in the educational process.
Course work programs Thematic planning extracurricular activities must be linked to the Education Program. Questionnaires and parent survey reports confirm which courses and activities are included at the request of partners, students and their parents.

Structure of work programs:

  • content, forms and types of activities;
  • planned results;
  • thematic planning.

Organizing extracurricular activities for schoolchildren makes it possible to organize meaningful leisure time for children, broaden their horizons, connect theoretical and practical knowledge, develop social skills, and improve health.

The new generation standard assigns an important role to internal education: “The main educational program of basic general education is implemented by the educational institution through classroom and extracurricular activities.”

According to the Federal State Educational Standard, children should be developed, not taught. It is necessary to teach how to study, independently select the necessary information, prepare for jobs that do not yet exist, use resources that do not yet exist, solve problems that have not yet been posed.

VC can be called any activity organized by teachers for schoolchildren outside the lesson.

Types of extracurricular activities:

1. Cognitive

2. Labor

3. Gaming

4. Leisure and entertainment

5. Artistic creativity

6. Tourism and local history

7. Sports and recreation

For example, clubs, conferences, olympiads, practices, research...

VD was introduced to meet the individual needs of students. Some children need help with scientific research, while others need to develop and or realize creative potential, while others need collective activity.

How many hours should I devote to VD?

Each Subject of the Federation has its own standards. If they are not clearly defined, each school decides for itself. You also need to remember that VD classes are not mandatory.

But there are requirements for VD programs:

1. Availability of an explanatory note

2. General characteristics

3. Personal and meta-subject results of mastering the VD course

5. Thematic planning with identification of the main types of air activity

6. Description of the educational, methodological and logistical support of the course

Types of educational results

1. Personal (so that the child can realize himself in life)

2. Meta-subject (allows you to combine the information received into one and make the right decision)

3. Educational (a person perceives information through another until the age of 15)

Personal results of VD have three levels:

1. The student’s acquisition of socially significant knowledge, i.e. norms and traditions

2. Development of socially significant relationships of the student - positive attitudes towards those norms and phenomena of the surrounding world that are considered values ​​in this society

3. The student’s acquisition of experience in carrying out socially significant actions aimed at preserving and developing what is recognized as values ​​in society.

Meta-subject results:

1. Students’ ability to organize joint activities with the teacher, peers, older and younger friends

2. Ability to work individually and in groups

3. The ability to avoid conflicts and get out of them if they occur

4. The ability to formulate, argue and defend your point of view

5. The ability to exercise self-control and self-esteem.

What is the effectiveness of VD?

1. Positive attitude students to the material being studied

2. Willingness to focus on the task at hand

3. Effectiveness and productivity

4. Increase in the number of non-standard solutions

5. A friendlier classroom environment (cooperation rather than competition)


1. Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education/Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. – M., 2013

2. Federal State Educational Standard of Secondary (complete) general education/Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. – M., 2013

3. Extracurricular activities / P.V. Stepanov, D.V. Grigoriev. –M.: Education, 2014