Abstracts Statements Story

Typical errors in the Russian language: grammatical, speech and spelling. Adverbs in which we often make mistakes Errors in the use of adverbs

Teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 42, Vladikavkaz

Features of the use of adverb forms (§ 109).

The purpose of the lesson: 1) to prevent possible errors in the use of forms of adverbs, in the placement of stress in adverbs; developing the ability to distinguish them from the parts of speech from which they are derived; 2) draw students’ attention to the connection between the paragraph and the test Unified State Exam assignments(A1, A3).

I. Checking homework.

Frontal survey (§ 108):

II. State the topic and purpose of the lesson.

1. Working with §109

Using forms of degrees of comparison of adverbs

It is impossible to form a compound form of comparative and superlatives adverbs from the simple form + words more, less, most, least-, expressed more gracefully, did the least. This is a big mistake! Adverbs above and below in the meaning “closer to the beginning or end of the text” are used only in written speech, in oral speech one should say: as was said before, as will be said later. You cannot use the adverb back to mean “again, again.”

Difficulties in forming adverb forms

Due to the fact that an adverb is unchangeable, the use of certain adverbs is most often associated with a historically established tradition. In particular, a number of adverbs have a or y at the end, while others can be used with both a and y at the end. For example, only with a: without refusal, from the nose; only with u: without a year, without stopping, sayu: without a miss and without a miss, blindly and blindly.

2. Training exercise.

Students do exercise 276 (the first two sentences are written in their notebooks, the rest orally).

276. Copy sentences, eliminating grammatical errors in the use of adverb forms.

1) New drugs are more effective. 2) He feels like he’s on the sidelines both in the old and in the new team. 3) It is most difficult to grow a bountiful harvest on dry soils. 4) The sparrows, caressed by the spring sun, chirped incessantly. 5) We are ready to agree with what the previous speaker said above. 6) For a long time, blindly, the grandmother could not make out what was written in the telegram. 7) My younger brother brought back a bad mark for penmanship. 8) An experienced manager should be able to negotiate more flexibly.

9) At the wedding, the guests danced all evening until they dropped. 10) It has become more convenient to use video equipment in lessons after its permanent connection. 11) I need to talk to you face to face.

3. Using the material from a textbook paragraph, one of the students prepared a message on the topic: “Difficulties in placing stress in adverbs” (Placing stress in adverbs is determined by historically established norms. Thus, the stress can either remain on the root or move to the prefix, for example: absolutely , enviably - emphasis on the root; dry, long ago - emphasis on the prefix.

Adverbs can be formed by combining one or two nouns with prepositions. In them, the emphasis is often transferred to the preposition, for example: without a message, without a year - the emphasis is on the preposition. But it can also remain on a noun, for example: incessantly, for wear and tear. It is necessary to remember the place of stress in the following adverbs:

at an exorbitant price,

close, outright,

in abundance, from time immemorial,

in starts, headlong,

for rent, equally,

again, a hundredfold,

immediately, smartly.

It is necessary to distinguish the meanings of the adverb bald: bald - leaving no hair at all: shave bald; bald - unsheathed (about edged weapons): hold sabers bald.)

4. Work with words written on the board.

Indicate the number of the group of words in which all adverbs have stress on the first

1) masterfully, in bulk, completely, from time immemorial; 2) enviably, red-hot, exorbitantly expensive, backhanded; 3) in abundance, in bursts, on top, headlong; 4) a hundredfold, from ancient times, completely, upward.

III. Working with the text of exercise 278.

278. Read the text carefully and complete the tasks.

After breakfast, the bus arrived at the entrance of the Academy of Sciences holiday home. At the camp site, the best worker was selected for the scientists’ trip—an educated and intelligent person. The driver looked around to see if everyone had sat down. Well, let's go... Each new turn of the road reveals the beauty of the world in a new way. Gentle sunlight lies lightly on the bluish asphalt, on the semicircular water sliding over round stones. Each spot of light has its own separate life, with its own warmth, meaning, and form. And either gradually, or suddenly, the human soul is filled with its light, feels itself, sees itself in this world with a deserted sea, with gardens, with a mountain gorge, with sun spots; this world is she and not she, she either sees it or doesn’t see it, she is full of peace within herself, she thinks and doesn’t think, she sees the depths of life and blindly sleeps. She doesn't think about anything, but she is immersed in a depth greater than that which an interstellar ship can penetrate. A wonderful state, similar to the happiness of a lizard dozing on a hot stone near the sea, its skin experiencing the salty warmth of the air, the shadow of the clouds. Wisdom equal to the happiness of a spider frozen on a thread stretched between two blades of grass. The feeling of knowing the miracle of life by those who crawl and fly. From time to time the bus stopped, and Ivan Petrovich, the guide, quietly, as if afraid to disturb someone in the mountains, talked about the geological history of the Abkhaz land, about the first ancient human settlements. Ivan Petrovich was worried about something by one elderly man - during stops he stood at a distance from everyone and did not listen to explanations. Ivan Petrovich noticed that other travelers often glanced at this elderly, slovenly man. The guide asked: “Who is this guy?” They called him in a whisper famous name. Ivan Petrovich felt pleased - researcher the most complex issues theoretical physics, the creator of a new view of the origin of the universe, participates in his excursion group. At the same time, he was offended: the famous scientist, in one article he was called a great thinker, did not ask Ivan Petrovich questions and, it seemed, did not listen to his explanations. A few days later, Ivan Petrovich ran into a famous scientist on the street. “He probably won’t recognize me,” thought Ivan Petrovich. But the scientist approached Ivan Petrovich and said:

-I thank you with all my heart.

-For what? - Ivan Petrovich was surprised. “You didn’t ask me a single question and didn’t even listen to my explanations.”

“Yes, yes, no, no, whatever,” said the scientist. — You helped me answer the most important question. After all, I’m a tour guide on this bus,” and he pointed to heaven and earth, “and I was very happy on this trip, more than ever in my life. But I didn't listen to your explanations. We, guides, are not really needed. It even seemed to me that we were in the way.

(According to V. Grossman)

1. Indicate what figurative means of language the author uses in the sentences of paragraphs III-V.

Write out all the prepositions from the sentences in paragraphs I-III. Write out all the particles from the sentences in paragraph X. Write out attributive and demonstrative sentences from paragraphs VII, VIII.

IV. Summing up the lesson and homework exercise 279. (Write an essay based on the text of exercise 278 in the format of part C1 of the Unified State Exam)

Teacher MBOU Secondary School No. 42, Vladikavkaz

Morphology occupies an important place in the initial course of the Russian language, since the study of parts of speech contributes to the development of logical thinking of younger schoolchildren, provides the opportunity to improve students' speech on a conscious basis, and is a necessary basis for the formation of their spelling skills.

At the same time, morphology is also the most difficult section of the course for a child, since its study involves the assimilation of concepts of a high degree of abstraction and requires a certain level of development of mental operations and the ability to generalize. Besides, necessary conditions for mastering morphological knowledge and skills are sufficient lexicon, the ability to establish connections between words in a sentence, as well as knowledge of word formation and syntax.

In accordance with State standard students primary classes must learn the basics signs of three significant parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb. Regardless educational program younger schoolchildren learn to distinguish between named parts of speech on the basis of general lexical meaning, questions, constant and unstable morphological features, and syntactic function. Students also develop an idea of ​​pronouns (using the example of personal pronouns).

In most modern Russian language programs for primary school it is envisaged to increase the volume of knowledge acquired by schoolchildren in morphology and more high level their generalizations. Expanding the range of studied parts of speech, including in the course content many previously unstudied grammatical categories, increasing attention to the meaning of grammatical categories, developing in younger schoolchildren an idea of ​​the system of parts of speech - all this characterizes Russian language programs in the educational systems of D.B. Elkonin - V.V. Davydova, L.V. Zankova, “Elementary school XXI century", "Harmony".

Such changes in the content of the Russian language course are explained not only by the need to create conditions for the development of the child in the process of acquiring knowledge.

This is also due to the awareness of the shortcomings of the “traditional” approach to the study of morphology, which include formalism when considering grammatical categories, reliance not on students’ understanding of how to operate with a word as a part of speech, but on memorization, and a spontaneous orientation in schoolchildren to questions when recognizing parts of speech .

Our observations show that not only primary school students, but also the majority of school graduates, as well as primary school teachers cannot reveal the contents such morphological concepts as " Part of speech», « item», « sign" or " action"as a categorical meaning of a certain part of speech, find it difficult to explain the meaning of the grammatical categories of case, tense, person.

At best, the concept is specified: “a part of speech is a verb, noun, adjective...”; “a noun denotes an object, it can also be a person or an animal, a natural phenomenon...” Meanwhile, the results of teaching primary schoolchildren in developmental education systems show that understanding the actual linguistic content of grammatical concepts turns out to be quite accessible already at the initial stage of education.

The subject of our consideration is conditions for the meaningful assimilation of the concept “adverb” by junior schoolchildren. The inclusion of this concept in most new Russian language programs is due to the high frequency of adverbs and the importance of their study for improving students’ speech.

Unlike the main parts of speech, which are studied step by step, adverbs are introduced immediately based on all essential features in the fourth grade. Although the amount of knowledge and skills acquired by students on the topic “Adverbs” in the elementary grades is small, difficulties may arise when studying adverbs.

What difficulties do primary schoolchildren encounter when learning adverbs?

1. Firstly, variety of lexical meanings expressed by adverbs can interfere with their generalization and the assimilation of the categorical meaning of the adverb as a part of speech.

Adverbs denote a variety of signs of action:

  • place ( in the distance)
  • time ( yesterday)
  • reason ( in the heat of the moment)
  • target ( in mockery)
  • mode of action ( by heart)
  • its quality characteristics ( fast, loud)
  • degree of manifestation of an action or sign ( Often).

These meanings have little connection in the child’s mind with the word “sign,” which children are accustomed to using in relation to an adjective and, most likely, should be interpreted as naming some feature of an object.

In addition, adverbs, in accordance with their meaning, answer different questions (where? when? why? why? how? etc.), which makes it even more difficult to combine words with such different meanings into one class. It should be noted that insufficient awareness of the categorical meaning of adverbs is observed not only among primary schoolchildren, but also among primary school students, which leads to the formal assimilation of this concept, difficulties in recognizing adverbs, and confusion of adverbs with adjectives. To prevent the occurrence of such violations, textbooks contain material for comparing adverbs with adjectives.

2. The second difficulty is related to differentiation of adverbs and homonymous word forms of other parts of speech. On the one hand, formed from nouns, adjectives, gerunds, adverbs can completely or partially coincide in form with motivating words ( autumn, quickly, away, on tiptoe and under.). In such cases, when recognizing an adverb, it is necessary to focus primarily on the meaning, which, as we have already noted, also makes it difficult for the student, and the combinability features of the word, its syntactic function.

On the other hand, adverbs move into other lexico-grammatical categories:

  • state category words ( fun to play - I'm having fun)
  • prepositions ( good around - go around the house)
  • particles ( It's still raining, it's raining more and more).

Of course, in elementary school similar difficult cases distinctions between parts of speech are not considered, since students do not yet have an appropriate theoretical basis for this, however, a primary school teacher needs to anticipate possible difficulties for students and take them into account when selecting material for exercises. It can hardly be considered advisable to include in an exercise that involves isolating adverbs such sentences as Clouds floated slowly in the middle of the river or It is dangerous to move on ice during a thaw..

Focusing on the immutability of a word, children can classify as adverbs unchangeable words that do not coincide with them in form, most often particles and prepositions ( only, as if, close, in spite of). To prevent such errors in further education, it is necessary to ensure that students understand the categorical meaning of an adverb as a part of speech already in elementary school.

3. Great difficulties arise for schoolchildren also when mastering the spelling of adverbs, since it is not sufficiently systematized, however, this creates problems when studying the adverb already in basic school. The most frequent adverbs are included in the spelling minimum for elementary school, and primary schoolchildren memorize their spelling in dictionary order, regardless of whether the adverb is studied as a part of speech.

In cases where the study of adverbs is included in the program primary education, only the simplest rules are considered:

  • spelling a soft sign at the end of adverbs after hissing ones;
  • spelling suffixes -O And -A at the end of adverbs with prefixes in-, on-, for-, from-, to-, with-;
  • spelling suffixes -O And -e at the end of adverbs after sibilants.

Mastering these rules usually does not cause much difficulty for students if they have mastered the ability to recognize adverbs.

All of the possible difficulties we have identified for schoolchildren when learning an adverb are due to the peculiarities of this part of speech. The main difficulty for primary school students seems to be mastering the categorical meaning of an adverb. It seems especially important to achieve its deep understanding on the basis of a meaningful generalization, since this will prevent the emergence of many difficulties in the further study of the adverb already in basic school.

Classification of errors according to FIPI

  1. Grammatical errors.
  2. Speech errors.
  3. Logical errors
  4. Factual errors.
  5. Spelling mistakes.
  6. Punctuation errors.
  7. Graphic errors.

Grammar mistake– this is an error in the structure of a linguistic unit: in the structure of a word, phrase or sentence; This is a violation of any grammatical norm: word formation, morphological, syntactic.

For example:

  • slip instead of slip, nobility instead of nobility– here an error was made in the word-formation structure of the word, the wrong prefix or suffix was used;
  • no comment, go instead of go,more easier– the form of the word is formed incorrectly, i.e. the morphological norm is violated;
  • pay for travel, awarded– the structure of the phrase is broken (management standards are not followed);
  • After skating on the skating rink, my legs hurt; In the essay I wanted to show the importance of sports and why I love it– incorrectly constructed sentences with participial phrase(1) and with homogeneous members (2), i.e., syntactic norms are violated.

Unlike grammatical speech errors– these are errors not in the construction, not in the structure of a linguistic unit, but in its use, most often in the use of a word. These are mainly violations of lexical norms, for example:

  • Stolz is one of the main characters in Goncharov’s novel of the same name “Oblomov”;
  • They lost their only two sons in the war.

A speech error can only be noticed in context, this is what distinguishes it from a grammatical error, for the detection of which context is not needed.

Below are generally accepted classifiers of grammatical and speech errors.

Types of grammatical errors:

  1. Erroneous word formation - Trudol beam oh, above laugh.
  2. Erroneous formation of a noun form - Many miracles A technology, not enough time I.
  3. Erroneous formation of the adjective form - More interesting, more beautiful.
  4. Erroneous formation of the numeral form - WITH five hundred rubles
  5. Erroneous formation of the pronoun form - Theirs pathos, Ihee children.
  6. Erroneous formation of the verb form - They travel, want, write about the life of nature.
  7. Violation of agreement - I know a group of guys who are seriously into... imisya jazz.
  8. Impaired control - You need to make your nature more beautiful.
    Narrates readers.
  9. Disruption of connection between subject and predicate - Majority objected against such an assessment of his work.
  10. Violation of the way of expressing the predicate in individual constructions - He wrote a book that is epic.
    Everyone was glad, happy and funny.
  11. Errors in constructing sentences with homogeneous members - A country loved and was proud of the poet.
    In the essay I wanted to say about the meaning
    sport and why I love it.
  12. Errors in constructing sentences with participles - Reading the text, there is such a feeling...
  13. Errors in constructing sentences with participial phrases - The narrow path was covered with falling snow underfoot.
  14. Errors in construction complex sentence - This book taught me to value and respect friends, which I read as a child.The man thought it was a dream.
  15. Mixing direct and indirect speech - The author said, what am I I do not agree with the reviewer's opinion.
  16. Violation of supply boundaries - When the hero came to his senses. It was too late.
  17. Violation of the type-temporal correlation of verb forms - Freezes for a moment the heart and suddenly starts beating again.

Types of speech errors:

  1. Using a word in a meaning that is unusual for it - We were shocked wonderful acting.
    Thought develops on continuation the entire text.
  2. Failure to distinguish shades of meaning introduced into a word by prefix and suffix - My attitude towards this problem has not changed.Effective measures were taken.
  3. Non-distinction of synonymous words - IN final In the sentence, the author uses gradation.
  4. The use of words of a different stylistic coloring - The author, addressing this problem, tries to direct people into a slightly different direction.
  5. Inappropriate use of emotionally charged words and phraseological units - Astafiev continually resorts to the use of metaphors and personifications.
  6. Unjustified use of colloquial words - Such people always manage to outdo others.
  7. Violation of lexical compatibility - ​​​​​​ The author enhances the impression. The author uses artistic >features (instead of means).
  8. The use of unnecessary words, including pleonasm - The author conveys the beauty of the landscape us using artistic techniques.Young young man, Very beautiful.
  9. The use of words with the same root in a close context (tautology) - This story tells about real events.
  10. Unjustified repetition of a word - The hero of the story does not think about his actions. The hero does not even understand the full depth of what he has done.
  11. Poverty and monotony syntactic constructions - When the writer came to the editorial office, he was accepted by the editor-in-chief. When they talked, the writer went to the hotel.
  12. Poor use of pronouns - This text was written by V. Belov. It refers to an artistic style.I immediately had a picture in my mind.

Typical grammatical errors (K9)

This errors associated with the use of verbs, verb forms, adverbs, particles:

  1. Errors in the formation of personal forms of verbs: They are driven by a feeling of compassion(follows: moves);
  2. Incorrect use of tense forms of verbs: This book gives knowledge about the history of the calendar, teaches you how to make calendar calculations quickly and accurately(follows: ...give.., teach... or...gives.., teaches...);
  3. Errors in the use of active and passive participles: Streams of water flowing down amazed the author of the text(follows: flowing);
  4. Errors in the formation of gerunds: Having walked onto the stage, the singers bowed(norm: going out);
  5. Incorrect formation of adverbs: The author here was wrong(norm: here);

Since adverbs are used in speech only in combination with other parts of speech, they are not the main visual means in the language, but serve only to concretize and supplement the described actions. But in context, adverbs can take on a special sound. For example, A.S. Pushkin:

I know: my life has already been measured; But so that my life may last, I in the morning must be sure what's wrong with you during the day I'll see you...

Adverbs here in the morning And during the day carry a special stylistic load; it is on them that the logical emphasis falls.

When using adverbs, you must remember to comply with literary norms.

Adverbs always - always, in vainin vain, instead - instead, more beautiful - more beautiful vary depending on the style (the second options are typical for colloquial use).

Questions and tasks

What features characterize an adverb? Name the categories of adverbs by meaning.

2. From the following adjectives, form adverbs and all possible forms of degrees of comparison of adverbs:

new, special, festive, beautiful, good, happy, tall, rare, Russian, fox, wolf, external, average, furious, terrible, expensive, big.

3. Find errors in the use of adverbs and correct them:

a) This road will be wider.

b) This solution is much simpler, but it required more preparation.

c) No one does it more dexterously than him.

d) This order was completed somewhat better than the previous one.

e) By tomorrow you need to prepare for the test.

f) There is nothing more disgusting than a lie.

g) He behaves more and more principled.

h) This dress is much more beautiful than that one.

i) We went there in vain.

j) He always eats scrambled eggs for breakfast.

k) I will do it for you.

Functional parts of speech

Unlike independent parts of speech, auxiliary parts of speech serve only to connect words in a sentence and to connect sentences. They are not members of the sentence.

Functional parts of speech include prepositions, conjunctions and particles.


Pretext- This service part speech, which is characterized by the following features.

1. Semantic feature: expresses the various relationships between forms of noun, numeral, pronoun and other words in a sentence.

2. Morphological character: immutability.

3. Syntactic feature: is not part of the sentence. Prepositions express various relationships:

ü spatial (go outside, enter the house);

ü temporary (study from morning to evening, relax during the holidays);

ü causal (turn pale with fear, mistake due to inattention);

ü target (send in for repair) and etc.

According to the structure, prepositions are simple(consisting of one element: in, on, along, about etc.), complex(merged from simple ones: because of, from under), composite (consisting of two or three elements (due to, in connection with, in relation to).

By origin, prepositions are divided into non-productive new, which are not derived from other parts of speech, and derivatives, which were formed by transitioning to prepositions of other parts of speech: along, around, past - adverbial prepositions; thanks, including, despite – verbal prepositions.

Using prepositions in speech

Prepositions express various relations together with indirect cases of nouns, numerals and pronouns.

Prepositions can be used with one case, two or three. The use of prepositions in speech also requires compliance with certain norms.

Pretext between (between) used with two cases: instrumental and genitive: “Everything gave rise to disputes between them”(A.S. Pushkin). A lake could be seen between the trees. In modern Russian literary language the preposition between more often used with the instrumental case.

Prepositions thanks, according to, despite, in defiance, towards, like used with the dative case: thanks to your advice, according to your desire, contrary to prediction, contrary to fate.

Lexical meaning of the preposition thanks to determines its combination with nouns that have a “positive” meaning, therefore a sentence like Thanks to the accident we ended up in the hospital, is unsuccessful due to an incorrectly chosen preposition.

Prepositions can be synonymous in their meaning. Prepositions are synonymous because of(something) – as a result(something); in case – provided(something); for – for purposes(something); contrary to(to something) – despite(something); in an official business style, for example, it will be written: Due to the search work...; in newspaper publications: As a result of...; in colloquial speech: Due to the...

It is customary to distinguish between pairs: For(neutral) – in order to(purely official); contrary to(official) – despite(neutral), etc. For example: for the purpose of...

Prepositions in relation to - in relation to(denoting the direction of action) do not have a noticeable difference. They have a bookish character. For example: You must be polite towards elders. Regarding you, I have decided to transfer you from one department to another.

Prepositions for the purpose - for the purpose used in official business speech: The project is carried out with the aim...

Errors in the use of prepositions are very common. from: driving textbooks - conversations on the election results. The first example is the legitimate use of the preposition By, since the type of activity is indicated here, and not the specific topic or content of the book. The preposition should not be used By and in the meaning of prepositions For And because of. For example: park improvement work(follows: for the improvement of the park).

With verbs “feelings” be bored, yearn, cry, miss and so on. pretext By used with the dative case: miss your son, cry for your father, yearn for your hometown. But personal pronouns for these verbs are used in the prepositional case: I miss you, you, her etc.

It is erroneous to use a preposition after the indicated verbs behind with the instrumental case: he misses you, misses you etc.

Pretext By with the prepositional case is used in book speech with the meaning “after something”: at the end of the term, at the end of school, upon arrival home. The use of the dative case in these cases is considered an error (one cannot say upon graduation).

Questions and tasks

Describe the preposition as a part of speech.

Open the brackets, choosing the desired case.

a) Thanks to (new impressions), I became cheerful.

b) Contrary to (predictions), I emerged victorious from this situation.

c) There is no need to yearn for (pipe dreams).

d) He missed (his uncle).

e) After (finishing school) he went on to study further.

f) Upon (arrival) at the place, we went to explore the surroundings.

g) According to (my plan), we had to move on.

h) We will act in defiance of (all difficulties).

i) He will return after (completion) of work.

j) We have a long break between (lectures).

k) He sang like (a nightingale).

m) We met halfway (competition participants).

3. Find errors in the use of prepositions with case forms and correct them. Write down the correct options.

a) The child cried for his mother.

b) After graduating from university, he found a good job.

c) He went against fate.

d) Contrary to expectations, he made a favorable impression

e) The teacher pointed out that there were errors in the work.

f) Everything indicated that we would not complete the work on time.

g) A response to the complaint was received immediately.

h) According to the director’s instructions, everyone went to work.

i) This gives me confidence in victory.

j) He had a good rest between classes.

k) Thanks to the rain, our walk did not take place.

l) After the expiration of the vacation period, he went to work.

m) Upon arrival in the city, we went to the cinema.

o) We went out to meet the winners of the Olympiad.


Union- an auxiliary part of speech that connects homogeneous members in a simple sentence and simple sentences in a complex sentence.

Conjunctions express various relationships that are established between members of a sentence and entire sentences.

Coordinating Conjunctions express equal relationships between members of a sentence and between parts of a complex sentence.

Coordinating conjunctions are divided into three groups:

connecting:and, yes(in meaning i), not only... but also, both... and;

adversative:ah, but, yes(in meaning but), however, on the other hand;

separating:or, or... or, either, then... that, not that... not that.

For example: The bouquet consisted of white and red carnations(union And connects homogeneous members). Mom came home and we went shopping(union And connects simple sentences as part of a complex sentence).

Subordinating conjunctions express unequal relations between simple sentences as part of a complex sentence.

Subordinating conjunctions are divided into the following groups according to their meaning:

causal:because, because, since, in view of the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that, due to the fact that and etc.;

target:so that, in order to, in order to and etc.;

temporary:when, only, until, since, just, barely and etc.;

conditional:if, if, if, once, as soon and etc.;

comparative:as if, as if, as if, exactly, as if and etc.;

explanatory:what, to, how and etc.;

concessional:despite the fact that, although, no matter how, let, for nothing and etc.;


According to their structure, unions are divided into simple and compound.

Simple conjunctions consist of one word (and, if, what, although, barely etc.), compound unions consist of several words (as if, because, since etc.).

From the point of view of use, conjunctions are divided into single, repeating and double.

Single unions used once in a sentence: When he finally returned, everyone was very happy.

Repeating conjunctions The following are always repeated two or more times in a sentence: That the wind is raging, That the blizzard is angry, That If the door creaks, the window will open.

Double alliances consist of several elements located in different parts of the sentence: He loved Not only autumn, but also winter.

By origin, unions are non-derivative and derivative.

Non-derivative conjunctions not derived from any other parts of speech (and, a, but, or and etc).

Derivative conjunctions derived from other parts of speech (because, due to the fact that, due to the fact that and etc.).

Questions and tasks

If we are talking about the opportunity to take something, for example a glass of coffee, with you, then the word “takeaway” is written together. This is what the Big Explanatory Dictionary says. In this matter, it is better to trust him and not the Internet: Yandex offers 68 million sites on which the incorrectly spelled “takeaway” is found, and only 10 million with the correct “takeaway”.

2. Firsthand

The adverb “personally” is used in conjunction with the verb “to see” and means that a person is clearly convinced of something. With the modern desire for brevity, it rarely goes beyond the boundaries of book speech. But if you decide to write a novel, write this adverb correctly and forget about “vaochiya”.

3. Not without reason

The adverb “for a reason” is written together, since the prefix cannot be separated from the word without changing its meaning to the opposite. However, in rare cases, a space between “not” and “simply” can be found. For example, in the sentence “he didn’t do it casually, but according to plan.” But in this case we are talking about the adverb “simply” in the meaning “unintentionally” with negation.

4. Half-ear

5. Ahead

Eat school rule: adverbs formed by combining prepositions with nouns are written together if one more word cannot be inserted between these parts of speech. “Ahead” is an excellent illustration of this rule.

6. In a hurry

There are no “hurries” in modern Russian. This means that they cannot exist separately without a pretext. When you are in a hurry and write in a hurry, do not forget about this.

7. Plus

The situation is the opposite of the word “in a hurry”: the noun “addition”, although outdated, is still found in dictionaries. And with a preposition it is written separately, even if we are talking about an adverb.

8. Truly

Soon you will need this adverb to respond to animated stickers with Easter cakes and eggs on social networks, so it’s time to remember that the space is your enemy. As dictionaries say, “truly” can be both an adverb and introductory words, but at the same time it is always written together.

9. At random

The word "guess" does not exist in nature. If you try to find him in explanatory dictionary Ushakov, you will learn that “ugad” is used only with the prefix na-. This means there is no reason to separate them with a space.

10. From under your brows

“From under the brows” is not at all the same as from under some bed, because the word “bed” is there, but “forehead” is not. And since the adverb is written together, there is no reason to keep the letter “z” at the beginning of the word. Due to its proximity to the voiceless consonant “p”, it is transformed into an equally voiceless “s”.

11. Backhand

The same rule applies here: there is no word “backhand”, and there is no space in “backhand”.

12. Quietly

The continuous spelling of the adverb “secretly” is considered the only correct one. The same applies to its synonym “slowly”.

13. Soft-boiled

Hard-boiled or soft-boiled - no matter what kind of eggs you like, both of these states are indicated by adverbs that are written together. Also, there is no space in the adverb “soft-boiled” when talking about a car accident or other incident.

14. On alert

If we are talking about the adverb “on alert” meaning “on guard,” then it is written together. A space is only needed if you are talking about a pomegranate, and not about a fruit.

15. Draw

Another word that may come in handy this year during the World Cup is “draw”. If we are talking about a game in which no one wins, there is no need for a space. Adverbs formed by combining a preposition with a pronoun are written together.

16. On display

It's easy because the combination is used as an adverb or a noun with a preposition. In the first case, the space is not needed, but in the second, it is.

17. Race

But it’s hard to go wrong with the word “race.” Firstly, there are no “distillations”. Secondly, even if they existed, it is impossible to insert another word between them and the preposition “on”. This means there is no need for a space.

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