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Countries and nationalities in English. Names of countries, languages ​​and nationalities in English How to say Russian nationality in English

Even in the phrase " He is Russian" word Russian- also a noun, although it looks like an adjective. In English, nationalities are often denoted by adjectives.

EltonJohnisEnglish – Elton John – Englishman

Pablio Picasso was Spanish / a Spaniard - PabloPicassowasSpaniard

Adjective endings

Countries on ia take an adjective ending n .

Russia — Russian

Nationalities on ian :

Belgian, Brazilian, Canadian, Egyptian, Ghanaian, Hungarian, Iranian, Italian, Jordanian, Norwegian, Palestinian, Peruvian, Ukrainian.

Nationalities on –(e)an :

American, Angolan, Chilean, Costa Rican, Cuban, German, Kenyan, Korean, Libyan, Mexican, Moroccan, Paraguayan, Singaporean, South African, Sri Lankan, Ugandan, Uruguayan, Venezuelan, Zairean, Zimbabwean

Nationalities on ish :

British, Danish, English, Finnish, Irish, Polish, Scottish, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish

Nationalities on –ese :

Burmese, Chinese, Japanese, Lebanese, Maltese, Nepalese, Portuguese, Senegalese, Sudanese, Surinamese, Taiwanese, Vietnamese

Nationalities on i :


Special exceptions – Afghan/Afghani, Argentine/Argentinian/Argentinean, Czech, Cypriot, Dutch, Philippine, Greek, Hindu, Mozambican/Mozambiquan/Mozambiquean, Pashto/Pushto/Pushtu, Swiss, Thai, Welsh.

Nationality nouns

Adjectives and nouns of nationalities in -an match up:

American - American =anAmerican - American

Nouns of other nationalities differ from adjectives.

Arabian – an Arab

British – a Brit(on)/Britisher

Danish - a Dane

Dutch – a Dutchman/Dutchwoman(Dutchman)

English - an Englishman/Englishwoman

Finnish - a Finn

French - a Frenchman/Frenchwoman

Irish – an Irishman/Irishwoman

Polish - a Pole

Philippine – a Filipino

Scottish – a Scot/Scotsman/Scotswoman

Spanish - a Spaniard

Swedish – a Swede

Turkish – a Turk

Welsh – a Welshman/Welshwoman


When generalizing nationality to i/an become nouns. Therefore, they can and should end with –s , and the article the serves here only to enhance collection.

Americanslove hamburgers - Americanslovehamburgers

Other collective nationalities, on the contrary, require the and exclude s.

The Englishthink the sense of humor is very important – Englishconsider, WhatfeelinghumorVeryimportant

The Irishsing very well – IrishVeryFinesing

English Joke

A woman in the mountains of Tennessee was seated in the doorway of the cabin, busily eating some pig’s feet. A neighbor hurried up to tell of how her husband had become engaged in a saloon brawl and had been shot to death. The widow continued munching on a pig’s foot in silence while she listened to the harrowing news. As the narrator paused, she spoke thickly from her crowded mouth:

“Jest wait till I finish this-here pig’s trotter, an’ ye’ll hear some hollerin’ as is hollerin’.”

Dedicated to all travelers and simply versatile individuals.

Imagine the situation: you find yourself in a new European country or meet a foreigner. You need to keep the conversation going, because they ask you where you are from, and then the question arises: How to say it correctly? — I am from Russia? or I am Russian?

The essence will be conveyed correctly in each of the cases, they both describe nationality or citizenship. But if you want to convey that you are Ukrainian, but live in Russia, then it is better to use the construction I live in Russia.

In order to understand this issue well and correctly understand your English-speaking interlocutors, in this post we propose to talk about European countries and their nationalities, as well as the official languages ​​of these countries.

Nationality in English often coincides with the name official language. We have given only the main languages ​​of the countries spoken by the majority of the population of a particular European power.

It is worth noting that the spelling of nationalities and languages ​​in Russian and English is different. On English language they are written with a capital letter, while in Russian they are written with a small letter.

For convenience, we have classified countries into geographical regions.

Nordic countries in English

Denmark- Denmark, Danish (Dane) - Dane (Dane), Danish - Danish

England- England, Englishman (Englishwoman) - Englishman (Englishwoman) English - English

Estonia- Estonia, Estonian - Estonian (Estonian) Estonian - Estonian

Finland- Finland, Finnish - Finn (Finnish), Finnish - Finnish

Iceland- Iceland, Icelander - Icelander (Icelander), Icelandic - Icelandic

Ireland- Ireland, Irish - Irish (Irish), Irish (English) - Irish (English)

Latvia- Latvia, Latvian - Latvian (Latvian), Latvian - Latvian

Lithuania- Lithuania, Lithuanian - Lithuanian (Lithuanian), Lithuanian - Lithuanian

Norway- Norway, Norwegian - Norwegian (Norwegian), Norwegian - Norwegian

Scotland- Scotland, Scot (Scotsman, Scotswoman) - Scotsman, Scottish (English) - Scottish (English)

Sweden- Sweden, Swede - Swede, Swedish, Swedish - Swedish

Wales- Wales, Welshman (Welshwoman) - Welshman (Welsh), Welsh (English) - Welsh (English)

Interesting Facts:
- the longest word in the English language in which all the letters are arranged in alphabetical order - almost
- saippuakivikauppias is the longest Finnish word that means “silk merchant”

Western European countries in English

Austria- Austria, Austrian - Austrian (Austrian) German - German

Belgium- Belgium, Belgian - Belgian (Belgian), Dutch (French, German) - Dutch (German, French)

France- France, Frenchman (Frenchwoman) - Frenchman (French woman), French - French

Germany- Germany, German - German (German), German - German

Netherlands- Netherlands, Dutchman (Dutchwoman) - Dutchman (Dutch), Dutch - Dutch

Switzerland- Switzerland, Swiss - Swiss (Swiss), German (French, Italian, Romansh) - German (French, Italian, Romansh)

Interesting Facts:
- “Hermitage” in French sounds like “a place of solitude”
- when designating dates, the abbreviations AD and BC are used, which means Anno Domini (new era, common era, from the Nativity of Christ) and Before Christ (before the Nativity of Christ)

Southern European countries in English

Albania- Albania, Albanian - Albanian (Albanian), Albanian - Albanian

Croatia- Croatia, Croatian - Croatian (Croatian), Croatian - Croatian

Cyprus- Cyprus, Cypriot - Cypriot (Cypriot), Greek (Turkish) - Greek (Turkish)

Greece- Greece, Greek - Greek (Greek), Greek - Greek

Italy- Italy, Italian - Italian (Italian), Italian - Italian

Malta- Malta, Maltese - Maltese (Maltese), Maltese - Maltese

Portugal- Portugal, Portuguese - Portuguese (Portuguese), Portuguese - Portuguese

Serbia- Serbia, Serbian - Serbian (Serbian), Serbian - Serbian

Slovenia- Slovenia, Slovenian (Slovene) - Slovene (Slovenian), Slovenian - Slovenian

Spain- Spain, Spaniard - Spaniard (Spanish), Spanish - Spanish

Interesting Facts:
- in English you cannot find a rhyme for the words month, orange, silver and purple
- in Latin, the signs of the zodiac are called as follows: Aquarius - Aquarius, Pisces - Pisces, Aries - Aries, Taurus - Taurus, Gemini - Gemini, Cancer - Cancer, Leo - Leo, Virgo - Virgo, Libra m Libra, Scorpio - Scorpius, Sagittarius - Sagittarius, Capricorn - Capricornus

Eastern European countries in English

Armenia- Armenia, Armenian - Armenian (Armenian), Armenian - Armenian

Belarus- Belarus, Belarusian - Belarusian (Belarusian), Belarusian - Belarusian

Bulgaria- Bulgaria, Bulgarian - Bulgarian (Bulgarian), Bulgarian - Bulgarian

Czech Republic- Czech Republic, Czech - Czech (Czech), Czech - Czech

Georgia- Georgia, Georgian - Georgian (Georgian), Georgian - Georgian

Hungary- Hungary, Hungarian - Hungarian (Hungarian), Hungarian - Hungarian

Moldova- Moldova, Moldavian - Moldovan (Moldavian), Moldavian - Moldavian

Poland- Poland, Pole - Pole (polka), Polish - Polish

Romania- Romania, Romanian - Romanian (Romanian), Romanian - Romanian

Russia- Russia, Russian - Russian (Russian), Russian - Russian

Slovakia- Slovakia, Slovak (Slovakian) - Slovak (Slovak), Slovak (Slovakian) - Slovak

Ukraine- Ukraine, Ukrainian - Ukrainian (Ukrainian), Ukrainian - Ukrainian

Interesting Facts:
- “Kopciusezek” - this is how interesting the name of the fairy tale “Cinderella” sounds in Polish

Instead of a conclusion

The more we are interested in something and study certain industries, the more they are attracted into our lives. Believe it or not. Nobody knows what lies ahead and what we will have to face. Suddenly your field of activity changes, and you have to travel all over Europe! And how can we get by without knowing the countries in English? This knowledge in English has never harmed anyone.

By the way, countries in English can also be taught in pairs with flags. For example, make cards with the name of the country in English on one side and the flag of the same country on the other.

Set new goals for yourself every day, develop, become a little better. We hope the article interested you and you will not stop there. We have only looked at European countries, but there is still so much unknown. We wish you good luck in achieving your goals!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

When communicating with foreigners, both friendly and business, there is often a need to say or write name of country or nationality in English. It is somewhat easier to understand what the interlocutor is saying, but there are pitfalls here too: not all the names of countries and their inhabitants in English are similar to how they are designated in Russian. Without a hint, you can still guess that the country “Hungary” is known to us as “Hungary”. But the fact that “Dutch” has nothing to do with Denmark, but is a resident of the Netherlands, may come as a complete surprise.

From the article you will learn:

Countries and nationalities in English: differences in concepts

When talking about nationality and what this word means to English speakers, it is important to remember that by “nationality” they do not mean ethnicity, but rather citizenship.

To the question “What is your nationality?” they will answer what country they live in, and not what nationality they consider themselves to be. What we understand by the word “nationality” largely corresponds to the English “ethnicity”. Wherein English names for nationality and ethnicity are usually the same, but there are some exceptions.

For the reason stated above, the question “What is your nationality?” almost never appears in the speech of English speakers. If they want to know a person’s country of residence, they will ask “Where are you from?”, if about what people a person considers himself to be, they will ask “What is your ethnicity/ethnic origin?”. You need to answer such questions using the constructions “I am from [country name].” and “I am [demonim]/[ethnonym]”, where a demonym is understood as the name of a resident, correlated with the place of residence (in this case, the country), and under an ethnonym - the name of a nationality.

How to write country names correctly in English

Names of countries, nationalities and nationalities, as well as languages, in English are always written with a capital letter. Words denoting nationality, nationality and language are usually adjectives derived from the name of the country (noun). There are certain patterns in exactly how they are formed, but they are too complex and there are too many exceptions for them to be used with confidence. It is much more reliable to refer to the list correct spelling and pronunciation of the names of countries and nationalities in English, and check with it if necessary. You will find a similar list below.

List of countries and nationalities in English

Countries and nationalities where the name of the inhabitants corresponds to an adjective derived from the name of the country

Transcription Country name in Russian Transcription
Abkhazia [æb’kɑːzɪə] Abkhazia Abkhazian [ æbkˈ(h)ɑːziən ] Abkhazian, Abkhazian
Albania [ælˈbeɪniə] Albania Albanian [ælˈbeɪniən] Albanian, Albanian
Algeria [ælˈdʒəriə] Algeria Algerian [ælˈdʒəriən] Algerian, Algerian
Argentina [ˌɑːdʒənˈtiːnə ] Argentina Argentinian [ˌɑːdʒənˈtɪniən] Argentinian, Argentinian
Australia [ɒˈstreɪliə] Australia Australian [ɒˈstreɪliən] Australian, Australian
Austria [ˈɒstriə] Austria Austrian [ˈɒstriən] Austrian, Austrian
Bangladesh [ˌbæŋɡləˈdeʃ ] Bangladesh Bangladeshi [ˌbæŋɡləˈdeʃi] Bangladeshi, Bangladeshi
Belgium [ˈbeldʒəm] Belgium Belgian [ˈbeldʒən] Belgian, Belgian
Bolivia [bəˈlɪvɪə] Bolivia Bolivian [ˈbeldʒən] Bolivian, Bolivian
Brazil [brəˈzɪl] Brazil Brazilian [brəˈzɪlɪən] brazilian, brazilian
Bulgaria [bʌlˈɡeərɪə] Bulgaria Bulgarian [bʌlˈɡeərɪən] Bulgarian, Bulgarian
Cambodia [kæmˈbəʊdɪə] Cambodia Cambodian [kæmˈbəʊdɪən] Cambodian, Cambodian
Cameroon [ˌkæməˈruːn] Cameroon Cameroonian [ˌkæməˈruːnɪən] Cameroonian, Cameroonian
Canada [ˈkænədə] Canada Canadian [kəˈneɪdɪən] Canadian, Canadian
Chile [ˈtʃɪli] Chile Chilean [ˈtʃɪlɪən] Chilean, Chilean
China [ˈtʃaɪnə] China Chinese [tʃaɪˈniːz] Chinese, Chinese woman
Colombia [kəˈlɒmbɪə] Colombia Colombian [kəˈlɒmbɪən] Colombian, Colombian
Costa Rica [ˈkɒstə ˈriːkə] Costa Rica Costa Rican [ˈkɒstə ˈriːkən] Costa Rican, Costa Rican
Cuba [ˈkjuːbə] Cuba Cuban [ˈkjuːbən] Cuban, Cuban
Czech Republic [tʃek rɪˈpʌblɪk] Czech Czech [tʃek] Czech, Czech
Dominican Republic [dəˈmɪnɪkən rɪˈpʌblɪk] Dominican Republic Dominican [dəˈmɪnɪkən] Dominican, Dominican
Ecuador [ˈekwədɔː] Ecuador Ecuadorian [ˌekwəˈdɔːrɪən] Ecuadorian, Ecuadorian
Egypt [ˈiːdʒɪpt] Egypt Egyptian [ɪˈdʒɪpʃən] Egyptian, Egyptian
Estonia [eˈstəʊniə] Estonia Estonian [eˈstəʊniən] Estonian, Estonian
Ethiopia [ˌiːθɪˈəʊpɪə] Ethiopia Ethiopian [ˌiːθiːˈəʊpiən] Ethiopian, Ethiopian
Germany [ˈdʒɜːməni] Germany German [ˈdʒɜːmən] German, German
Ghana [ˈɡɑːnə] Ghana Ghanaian [ɡɑːˈneɪən] Ghanaian, Ghanaian
Greece [ɡrɪs] Greece Greek [ɡriːk] Greek, Greek
Guatemala [ˌɡwɑːtəˈmɑːlə] Guatemala Guatemalan [ˌɡwɑːtəˈmɑːlən] Guatemalan, Guatemalan
Haiti [ˈheti] Haiti Haitian [ˈheɪʃən] Haitian, Haitian
Honduras [hɒnˈdjʊərəs] Honduras Honduran [hɒnˈdjʊərən] Honduras, Honduran
Hungary [ˈhʌŋɡr̩i] Hungary Hungarian [ˌhʌŋˈɡeərɪən] Hungarian, Hungarian
India [ˈɪndɪə] India Indian [ˈɪndɪən] Indian, Indian
Indonesia [ˌɪndəˈniːzɪə ] Indonesia Indonesian [ˌɪndəˈniːzɪən] Indonesian, Indonesian
Iran [ɪˈrɑːn] Iran Iranian [ɪˈreɪnɪən] Iranian, Iranian
Iraq [ɪˈrɑːk] Iraq Iraqi [ɪˈrɑːki] Iraqi, Iraqi/Iraqi
Israel [ˈɪzreɪl] Israel Israeli [ɪzˈreɪli] Israeli, Israeli
Italy [ˈɪtəli] Italy Italian [ɪˈtæljən] Italian, Italian
Jamaica Jamaica Jamaican [dʒəˈmeɪkən] Jamaican, Jamaican
Japan Japan Japanese [ˌdʒæpəˈniːz] Japanese, Japanese
Kenya [ˈkenjə] Kenya Kenyan [ˈkenjən] Kenyan, Kenyan
Kuwait [kʊˈweɪt] Kuwait Kuwaiti [kʊˈweɪti] Kuwaiti, Kuwaiti
Latvia [ˈlætviə] Latvia Latvian [ˈlætviən] Latvian, Latvian
Lebanon [ˈlebənən] Lebanon Lebanese [ˌlebəˈniːz] Lebanese, Lebanese
Libya [ˈlɪbɪə] Libya Libyan [ˈlɪbiən] Libyan, Libyan
Lithuania [ˌlɪθəˈweɪniə] Lithuania Lithuanian [ˌlɪθəˈweɪniən] Lithuanian, Lithuanian
Malaysia [məˈleɪzɪə] Malaysia Malaysian [məˈleɪziən] Malaysian, Malaysian
Malta [ˈmɔːltə ] Malta Maltese [mɔːlˈtiːz] Maltese, Maltese
Mexico [ˈmeksɪkəʊ] Mexico Mexican [ˈmeksɪkən] mexican, mexican
Mongolia [mɒŋˈɡəʊlɪə] Mongolia Mongolian [mɒŋˈɡəʊliən] Mongol, Mongolian
Morocco [məˈrɒkəʊ] Morocco Moroccan [məˈrɒkən] Moroccan, Moroccan
Nepal [nɪ’pɔːl] Nepal Nepalese / Nepali [nɪ’pɔːˈliːz] /


Nicaragua [ˌnɪkəˈræɡjʊə] Nicaragua Nicaraguan [ˌnɪkəˈræɡjʊən] Nicaraguan, Nicaraguan
Nigeria [naɪˈdʒɪərɪə] Nigeria Nigerian [naɪˈdʒɪərɪən] Nigerian, Nigerian
Norway [ˈnɔːweɪ] Norway Norwegian [nɔːˈwiːdʒən] Norwegian, Norwegian
Pakistan [ˌpɑːkɪˈstɑːn] Pakistan Pakistani [ˌpɑːkɪˈstɑːni] Pakistani, Pakistani
Panama [ˈpænəmɑː] Panama Panamanian [ˌpænəˈmeɪnɪən] Panamanian, Panamanian
Paraguay [ˈpærəɡwaɪ] Paraguay Paraguayan [ˌpærəˈɡwaɪən] Paraguayan, Paraguayan
Peru [pəˈruː] Peru Peruvian [pəˈrʊvɪən] Peruvian, Peruvian
Portugal [ˈpɔːtʃʊɡəl] Portugal Portuguese [ˌpɔːtʃʊˈɡiːz] Portuguese, Portuguese
Romania [rəˈmeɪnɪə] Romania Romanian [rəˈmeɪnɪən] Romanian, Romanian
Russia [ˈrʌʃə] Russia Russian [ˈrʌʃən] Russian, Russian woman
Saudi Arabia [saudi əˈreɪbiə] Saudi Arabia Saudi (Arabian) [saudi əˈreɪbiən] Arabian, Arabian
Senegal [ˌsenɪˈɡɔːl] Senegal Senegalese [ˌsenɪɡəˈliːz] Senegalese, Senegalese
Singapore [ˌsɪŋəˈpɔː] Singapore Singaporean [ˌsɪŋəˈpɔːrɪən] Singaporean, Singaporean
Slovakia [sˌloˈvɑːkiə] Slovakia Slovak [ˈsləʊvæk] Slovak, Slovak
South Africa [saʊθ ˈæfrɪkə] South Africa South African [saʊθ ˈæfrɪkən] South African, South African
South Korea [saʊθ kəˈrɪə] South Korea Korean [kəˈrɪən] Korean, Korean woman
Sri Lanka [ˈʃriː ˈlæŋkə] Sri Lanka Sri Lankan [ˈʃriː ˈlæŋkən] Sri Lankan, Sri Lankan
Sudan [suːˈdɑːn] Sudan Sudanese [ˌsuːdəˈniːz] Sudanese, Sudanese
Syria [ˈsɪrɪə] Syria Syrian [ˈsɪrɪən] Syrian, Syrian
Taiwan [taɪˈwɑːn] Taiwan Taiwanese [ˌtaɪwəˈniːz] Taiwanese, Taiwanese
Tajikistan [ˌtɑːˈdʒiːkəˌstæn] Tajikistan Tajikistan [ˌtɑːˈdʒiːkəˌstæni] Tajikistani, Tajikistani
Tunisia [tjuːˈnɪzɪə] Tunisia Tunisian [tjuːˈnɪzɪən] Tunisian, Tunisian
Ukraine Ukraine Ukrainian [juːˈkreɪniən] Ukrainian, Ukrainian
United Arab Emirates [juːˈnaɪtɪd ˈærəb ˈɛmɪrᵻts] United Arab Emirates Emirati [ˌɛmɪrˈɑ:ti] Emirati, Emirati
Uruguay [ˈjʊərəɡwaɪ] Uruguay Uruguayan [ˌjʊərəˈɡwaɪən] Uruguayan, Uruguayan
Venezuela [ˌvenɪˈzweɪlə] Venezuela Venezuelan [ˌvenɪˈzweɪlən] Venezuelan, Venezuelan
Zambia [ˈzæmbɪə] Zambia Zambian [ˈzæmbɪən] Zambian, Zambian
Zimbabwe [zɪmˈbɑːbwi] Zimbabwe Zimbabwean [zɪmˈbɑːbwiən] Zimbabwean, Zimbabwean

Countries and nationalities where the name of the inhabitants does not correspond to the adjective derived from the name of the country

Country name in English Transcription Country name in Russian Nationality name in English Transcription Name of nationality in Russian
Afghanistan [æfˌɡænɪˈstɑːn] Afghanistan Afghan [ˈæfɡæn] Afghan, Afghan
Croatia [kroʊˈeɪʃə] Croatia Croat [kroʊˈeɪt] Croatian, Croatian
Denmark [ˈdenmɑːk] Denmark Dane [deɪn] Danish, Danish
El Salvador [ˌel ˈniːnjəʊ ˈsælvədɔː ] Salvador Salvadoran [ˈsælvəˌdɔːən] Salvadoran, Salvadoran
England [ˈɪŋglənd] England Englishman [ˈɪŋ.ɡlɪʃ.mən]


Englishman, Englishwoman
Finland [ˈfɪnlənd] Finland Finn [fɪn] Finn, Finn
France [frɑːns] France Frenchman [ˈfrentʃmən]


Frenchman, Frenchwoman
Iceland [ˈaɪslənd] Iceland Icelander [ˈaɪsləndə] Icelander, Icelander
Ireland [ˈaɪələnd] Ireland Irishman [ˈaɪrɪʃmæn]

[ˈaɪrɪʃ ˌwʊmən]

Irishman, Irishwoman
Laos [ˈlɑːoʊs] Laos Laotian / [láːw] Laotian, Laotian
Netherlands / [ˈneðələndz] Netherlands /


Dutch/ [dʌtʃ] /

[ˈneðələndə] /

Dutchman, Dutchwoman, Dutchman, Dutchwoman
New Zealand [ˌnjuː’ziːlənd] New Zealand New Zealander [ˌnjuː’ziːləndə] New Zealander, New Zealander
Philippines [ˈfɪlɪpiːnz] Philippines Filipino [ˈfɪlɪpiːnəʊ ] Filipino, Filipino
Poland [ˈpəʊlənd] Poland Pole [pəʊl] Pole, polka
Scotland [ˈskɒtlənd] Scotland Scott [skɒt] Scotsman, Scottish woman
Spain [speɪn] Spain Spaniard [ˈspænɪəd] spanish, spanish
Sweden [ˈswiːdən] Sweden Swede [swiːd] Swede, Swede
Switzerland [ˈswɪtsələnd] Switzerland Swiss [swɪs] Swiss, Swiss
Thailand [ˈtaɪlænd] Thailand Thai [taɪ] Thai, Thai
Turkey [ˈtɜːki] Türkiye Turk [tɜːk] Turk, Turkish woman
(The)United Kingdom/ [juːˈnaɪtɪd ˈkɪŋdəm/

ˈɡreɪt ˈbrɪtən ]

United Kingdom /

Great Britain

British [ˈbrɪtɪʃ /brɪt/ British, British
(The) United States / [juːˈnaɪtɪd steɪts əv

ˌju:ˌesˈeɪ ]

USA / American, [əˈmerɪkən] American, American
Wales [weɪlz] Wales Welshman [ˈwelʃmən]


Welshman, Welshwoman

We are all people, and so is the government. Otto von Bismarck Voltaire taught: “The more enlightened people are, the freer they are.” His successors told the people: “The freer you are, the more enlightened you are.” This was where death lay. Antoine de Rivarol He who wishes to lead... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

PEOPLE- 1) in the broad sense of the word, the entire population is defined. countries. 2) A term used to designate various forms of ethnicity. communities (tribe, nationality, nation). In the process of development, socialist. society in the USSR, a new historical... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

PEOPLE- husband. people born in a certain space; people in general; language, tribe; inhabitants of the country speaking the same language; the inhabitants of a state, a country under one administration; mob, common people, lower, tax-paying classes; A lot of people,… … Dictionary Dahl

people- PEOPLE, people, m. 1. Population united by belonging to one state; residents of the country. "The Red Army is the armed Soviet people." Voroshilov. “Persons who encroach on public, socialist property are enemies... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

People- the most important category of political science, the content of which varies significantly depending on the interests and political positions of the determining subject. In the judgments of ancient Greek thinkers, this feature was already manifested quite clearly.... ... Political science. Dictionary.

People- People ♦ Peuple The body of subjects of one sovereign or citizens of one state. In a republic, therefore, the people themselves are sovereign. They say that a nation is just an abstract concept, and that only individuals exist. Without a doubt. However, in… Sponville's Philosophical Dictionary

people- Nationality, nation, nationality, tribe, language, race. Wed... Synonym dictionary

PEOPLE- National Russian liberation movement since 2007 Wed: RNOD PEOPLE Source: http://www.novayagazeta.ru/news/124084.html PEOPLE National Russian liberation movement since 2007 Wed: RNOD PEOPLE ... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

PEOPLE- 1) in the theory of constitutional law, the entire population of a given state, forming a single socio-economic and political community, regardless of its division into any national communities (in the constitutional doctrine of a number of countries, including... ... Legal Dictionary

people- PEOPLE, a, m. Appeal to others, to a group of acquaintances. people, has anyone seen my bag? ... Dictionary of Russian argot

people- People are not a luxury, but a means of enrichment. Government After what the government has done to the people, it is obliged to marry them. I wonder what the Soviet government did to the people that they felt a deep feeling for so long... ... Original dictionary selection of aphorisms


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  • Maya people, Alberto Rus. The book of the progressive Mexican archaeologist contains the most complete and comprehensive analysis of the Mayan civilization to date. At the same time, the author shows the life and everyday life of modern...

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Sometimes people say: “He speaks Germany. “She is from French.” You can understand, butThey say it incorrectly. And all becausethat the names of countries-nationalities-languages ​​are very similar. It's easy to confuse ifdon't know for sure. Learn for sure! Peopleshould know where you are from.What surprises you: when you first look atcountries and nationalities (in English), andalso adjectives that describeproducts, services from these countries - thenyou notice that they are written with capitalletters! Wow, how respectful! (ANDThey also write the pronoun “I” withcapital letters. They love and respect themselves! A We?!)

Nationality in English is an adjective , which describeswhere the person comes from, the food, etc.My grandfather often repeated: “Look! Lookwhat are you like!” And in nationalitiesin English I noticed a lot of words withending –ish: Danish, Spanish, Turkish, andetc. I remembered and remembered my grandfather...

Here's some good news for newcomers to English: many names of languages ​​andnationalities match! Learned the language -and voila: you already know automaticallynationality! Just beforenationality in singularyou need to add the article a/an:And Belarusian smiled at me very friendly. –The Belarusian smiled at me friendly.There are, of course, a couple of exceptions (but what about without them!).

Table of mismatched spellings and the sound of nationalities and languages.

Country Nationality (person) Language
Australia Australian [ɔsˈtreɪlɪən] English
Belgium Belgian [ˈbɛldʒən] French or Flemish
Brazil Brazilian Portugese
Britain British English
Canada Canadian English or French
China (China) Chinese Mandarin (and Chinese)
Egypt Egyptian [ɪˈdʒɪpʃən] Arabic
Finland Finn Finnish
Mexico Mexican Spanish
Northern Ireland Irish (an Irishman) English
Poland Pole Polish
Scotland Scottish English or Gaelic [ˈgeɪlɪk]
Southern Ireland Irish English
Switzerland Swiss French/German/Italian
The UK British English

Learn the words:


  1. She can see the Eiffel Tower from her balcony. What city and country does she live in?
  2. He drives a very expensive red Ferrari. What country makes such posh cars?
  3. My uncle lives in Warsaw more than 30 years. Of course he can speak ____!
  4. I adore sushi! Do you know which cuisine is it? (cuisine n kitchen)
  5. My friend from Moscow presented me Matryoshka yesterday! Oh, it's a very awesome traditional ___ doll!
  6. I was in Rome last month. Oh, those ___ men! It seems to me they know only one word “belissima!”
  7. When we were in Texas we saw real cowboys. I asked one of them: “Do youspeak American? He smiled at me andanswered: “Nope, young lady! We speak ____!”


  1. Do you know the nationalities of your grand-grandparents?
  2. Can you draw a flag of your country?
  3. How many languages ​​can you speak?
  4. What language is spoken in many countries of the world?
  5. Today is the 21st century. But why people still use the services of human translators?