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Speech etiquette and communication culture. Standards of etiquette and speech behavior

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    Regardless of a person’s education and age, knowledge of speech etiquette and speech culture helps to create a pleasant impression, establish connections and gain advantages over those people who neglect the golden rules of a well-mannered person. What is it, what are its functions and role, is the culture of speech different in different countries?

    Speech etiquette means

    Etiquette includes rules of behavior that are accepted in society. This is a manner of communication, appearance, correspondence, that is, it covers the complex behavior of a cultured person. This set of rules and regulations differs in different countries. use information about the etiquette of a specific historical period for a more detailed study of values ​​by era.

    Speech etiquette refers to a system of speech behavior, rules of live conversation and correspondence, how to use language and its tools in a specific situation and environment. The first acquaintance with speech etiquette occurs before the age of one year, when parents show their child by example when to say “hello”, “bye”, “thank you”, “sorry”. But these words are elementary formulas that become more complex with age and acquire new expressions.

    Without speech etiquette, it is impossible to imagine full-fledged communication with friends, in the family circle or in a business environment. Since the development of speech etiquette and speech culture occurs gradually, it seems that this is a simple process - a family, a kindergarten, through examples or direct teaching assign a person the necessary norms and rules of communication. But in fact, learning closely intersects with linguistics, history, culture and.

    general characteristics

    The sphere of speech culture includes the transmission of information plus linguistic ways of expressing emotions adopted by a particular people. So, if in one culture it is customary to openly share emotions, talking about business, then in others it is natural to be restrained, leaving personal things at home.

    Speech etiquette consists of many ready-made formulas that make it easier to study, making it simple and clear in what situation, what set of words is necessary.

    Communication is divided into three blocks:

    1. Beginning (meeting/greeting/introduction).
    2. The basis of the conversation (the essence and reason for the appeal or communication).
    3. Final (final, final part).

    Regardless of the topic, a proper conversation should be like this, otherwise it will be difficult for the interlocutor to tune in to the right mood, he may not understand what they want to convey or forget about the main idea of ​​​​the conversation.

    Formulas include: words of politeness, greetings, farewells, etc.

    Levels of the speech etiquette system:

    • vocabulary, phraseology (forms of address, special words, expressions);
    • grammar (you are capitalized);
    • stylistics (use of all reserves of the selected speech);
    • intonation (calm only);
    • spelling (full forms of words, no jargon, slang or abbreviations);
    • (hear the interlocutor, do not interrupt, do not interfere with other people’s communication).

    The value of speech culture is so important that it is observed at all levels of communication, from the babble of a child and an adult, to business communication and even street chatter. Naturally, these will be different formulas.

    Unusual functions

    Functions of speech etiquette:

    • establishing contact - establishing a connection with the interlocutor, setting up the conversation in the right way, preparing for the transfer of information;
    • appellative - addressing the interlocutor, the function of attracting and concentrating attention on oneself, a call for communication;
    • conative - the use of suitable speech patterns, depending on the social role of the interlocutor;
    • voluntarily - influencing the conversation participant using speech tools, for example, requests, advice, suggestions;
    • emotive – selection of the necessary speech structure, depending on the emotions and feelings evoked by the person, topic of conversation or situation.

    It is difficult to overestimate the role and possibilities of speech etiquette for a resident of a metropolis. People from anthill cities have to interact daily with hundreds of people of varying proximity, importance and social level. By using the correct phrases and correct formulas, a person receives a powerful tool for interaction and influence on interlocutors and increases the efficiency of activities.

    Purpose of speech etiquette

    It is impossible to imagine the interaction of people without the use of norms and rules of speech etiquette, be it the familiar chatter of street hooligans, the communication of a teacher and a teacher, the chirping of lovers or the conversations of business partners. This is the selection of the correct pronouns, the selection of the necessary constructions, forms of words with the necessary information content and emotional connotation.

    Speech etiquette is designed to convey information in a timely, correct and pleasant manner for interlocutors. Establishing contact and obtaining the desired result of the conversation is the direct purpose of correctly selected speech structures. Emotionally coloring, making communication vivid, but at the same time useful and acceptable for perception is an important purpose of speech etiquette. Therefore, the level of proficiency in speech culture characterizes a person’s professional suitability, especially in those specialties where there is live interaction. Negotiations and business conversations are an indispensable tool for successful business, not to mention the speech etiquette of a business letter.

    What role do pronouns play in speech etiquette?

    The role of pronouns during address and speech interaction is important, especially for Russian speech. Using pronouns, a person, in addition to establishing direct contact, shows that this or that object of conversation belongs to someone. Plus shortens complex constructions by replacing entire phrases with possessive pronouns. Demonstratives and interrogatives make it possible to build simple and understandable formulas.

    And the choice between the pronouns “you” and “you” allows you to express not only the degree of respect for the interlocutor, the difference in age, social status, but also the form of address (official, unofficial). The role of pronouns in professional activities is noticeable. Using “you”, a person shows the closeness of the relationship, friendliness, and confidentiality of the conversation.

    Features of speech etiquette in different countries

    Knowledge of the speech culture of different nations allows you to quickly establish contact with foreigners, especially in their countries, and allows you to avoid ambiguity and insult to your interlocutor in simple words, because the same element is perceived differently in different parts of the world. Correctly expressing thoughts, not offending your interlocutor, guaranteed to receive an answer, not breaking or offending local traditions - these are the possibilities of speech etiquette.

    Even when speaking through an interpreter, you should respect the speech culture of the place where your interlocutor or partner is from. And if you communicate directly, then you cannot do without strict adherence to the rules. Therefore, learning a foreign language begins with memorizing the most important phrases, addresses, and corresponding speech forms (greetings, farewells, gratitude, forgiveness).

    Each country and nationality has its own rules of speech behavior. This is characterized by recognition of endless respect for the interlocutor and his family. They try to avoid direct denial and refusal. A Japanese partner will find hundreds of ways to say “no” without saying it directly. This will not be a way to avoid responsibility or deceive a partner, this is a feature of the mentality and the desire not to offend a person with a refusal.

    A good word is half the battle.

    The tongue will not wither from polite words.

    My tongue is my enemy, it speaks before my mind.

    It's better to understate than to overstate.

    If you watch your tongue, it will protect you.

    The word is not an arrow, but stings in the heart.

    Talk to a smart guy about drinking honey.

    To be in an intelligent conversation is to gain intelligence, but to be in a stupid conversation is to lose yours.

    Red speech is beautiful to listen to.

    A heartfelt word reaches the heart.

    Each carries the age-old wisdom of the people, allowing you to study certain principles of full communication and the secrets of successful negotiations.

    It is important to instill the basics of speech etiquette from the first days of life. When talking to a babbling baby, you should use the multifaceted possibilities of speech, correct forms of address, complex and simple constructions. This will not only allow the child to speak earlier, it will give him an involuntary store of knowledge, which will allow him to master new contacts faster than his peers, receive the necessary information, make acquaintances easier and be on better terms in any team. The process of learning speech etiquette will occur naturally and without discomfort.

    Cultural speech today is an important component of success. And not only in business. There are many in the modern world, and all participants in the process will be pleased to hear competent speech, as well as correctly express their point of view.
    Naturally, in different life situations our speech has a different character. At work this is business communication, at home it is simple speech; When speaking in public, we speak completely differently than with close friends, etc. In this article, I would like to tell the readers of MirSovetov about the rules of use and pronunciation of commonly used words and phrases, about what makes our speech cultural in any respect.

    Correct pronunciation of sounds

    1. Hard and soft pronunciation of consonants in borrowed words.
    In borrowed words, the consonant before “e” can be pronounced either hard or soft. It depends on how long ago the word was borrowed and how often it is used. The consonant before “e” is pronounced softly in the words: peon[e]r, muz[e]y, t[e]rmin, zoo[e]khnik, accord[e]on, d[e]kan. Those. pronounce d[e]kan correctly and d[e]kan incorrectly.
    The consonant before “e” is pronounced firmly mainly in book words, scientific terms, such as: ann[e]xia, grot[e]sk, antit[e]za, cott[e]j, d[e]fault, d [e]gradation, at[e]lie. Those. It is correct to pronounce d[e]folt and incorrectly d[e]folt.
    You can equally pronounce: bass[e]yn = bass[e]yn, d[e]valuation = d[e]valvation, s[e]ssia = s[e]ssia.
    2. Pronunciation of the combination "chn".
    Previously, this combination could only be pronounced as [sh] (sunny [sh]ny). But according to modern rules, most words in the Russian language are both written and pronounced “chn”. However, in some words the senior norm is retained, i.e. read [shn]. These words are: boring, horse[sh], empty, eggs, mustard, starling.
    In addition, the senior norm is preserved in stable phrases (“old pere[sh]itsa”, “dear friend”) and in female patronymics (Nikiti[sh]a, Ilyin[sh]a).
    3. Pronunciation of the combination "zhd".
    The word “rain” is pronounced in two equal variants: a long soft “sh” (do [sh’sh’]) and “sht’” (do [sht’]).
    4. There are a sufficient number of words in the Russian language in which you just want to add or subtract some sound. For example, many people pronounce the word “incident” as “incident”, which is wrong.
    The list of such words in the correct version: incident, precedent, state, leatherette, intriguer, competitive, market situation, grapefruit, escalator, legal adviser, compost, neuropathologist (from “neurosis”), dividends, legitimate, scrupulous, colander, post office, can, folklore , ikebana, furnished, fluorography, agency (from “agent”), slip, mock, handwriting, dishes, borrowed, chronology, porcupine, baking sheet, future, get well (I), keychains, applaud (they), crazy, perturbation.

    Correct placement of stress

    1. Monosyllabic masculine nouns (cake, bow) usually have fixed stress in all cases and in the plural.
    For example: to’rt, to’rts, to’t, to’t, to’t, about to’t. Also: ba’nt, ba’nty, ba’nta, ba’ntu, ba’ntom, oh ba’nte.
    In other similar words in the genitive case, the emphasis is transferred to the ending: bandage-bandage', screw-vinta', pancake-pancake', coat of arms', horse-horse', goose-goose', tourniquet-harness', umbrella-umbrella '.
    2. In the word “ya'sli” the stress is fixed in all forms of words (“from ya’sli”).
    3. Stress on past tense verbs. In the Russian language there is a large group of one- and two-syllable verbs, the emphasis in which moves depending on the form of the word.
    Problems with stress placement usually arise when forming past tense forms, such as verbs: slept, waited, began, took, was, called, weaved, lied, took, forked, rotted, lived, cursed, occupied, assigned, took away, added, poured. The rule here is this: in all past tense forms the stress is placed on the stem of the word, and in the feminine form - on the ending.
    Slept: he slept, it slept, she slept, they slept.
    He waited: he waited, it waited, she waited, they waited.
    Borrowed: he borrowed, it borrowed, she borrowed, they borrowed.
    Poured: he poured, it poured, she poured, they poured.
    In other one- and two-syllable verbs (vez, led, carried, flowed, lay down, weaved, harnessed, took, etc.), in past tense forms the emphasis in masculine verbs is placed on the basis of the word, and in other forms it goes to the ending . However, there are no difficulties when placing stress in these verbs.
    Flowed: he flowed, it flowed, she flowed, they flowed.
    It was taken: he was taken, it was taken, she was taken, they were taken.
    In the third group of verbs, the stress is not transferred anywhere, but in all forms is placed on the basis of the word (read, counted, twisted, spoke, wore, ran, etc.). It is extremely difficult to make a mistake in placing the emphasis here.
    He ran: he ran, it ran, she ran, they ran.
    He counted: he counted, it counted, she counted, they counted.
    4. The stress in verbs ending in “-it” is flexible, and usually there are no problems with its placement (for example, the verb “wear”: I wear’, you no’sit, he no’sit, we no’sim, you no'site, they no'syat).
    However, there are exceptions - verbs in which in absolutely all forms the emphasis falls on the ending. Here they are: call, deepen, aggravate, turn on, grow, create. For example, in the word “call” in other forms the stress will be placed as follows: I’m calling, you’re calling, he’s calling, we’re calling, you’re calling, they’re calling.
    5. The emphasis in verbs with “-ify” is fixed and in any form of the verb falls on “ir”: telegraph, agitate.
    Exceptions: bonus (premiruyut, premium), seal (seal, sealed).
    6. Sometimes stress in verbs can serve as a means of differentiating the meaning of words, such as: ko'sit (grass) - mow with the eye, ka'tit (pushes) - kati't (rides dashingly), va'lit (forest) - Vali't (it's snowing all the time).

    Euphony of speech

    As Aristotle noted, “what is written should be easy to pronounce.” For beautiful, expressive speech, the compatibility of sounds and words is very important. Poor sound organization can prevent the listener from correctly perceiving speech. The most natural sound of Russian speech is determined by achieving the following conditions:
    uniform alternation of vowels and consonants;
    minimal use in speech of combinations of several consonants and difficult to pronounce combinations of sounds;
    uniform alternation of long and short words;
    calm, smooth intonation.
    As an example of euphonious speech, we can cite the lines from S. Yesenin’s poem “Anna Snegina”: “I am walking through an overgrown garden, my face is touched by lilacs. The aged fence is so dear to my flashing glances. Once upon a time, at that gate over there, I was sixteen years old, and a girl in a white cape said to me affectionately: “No!” The following story is also euphonious: “My friend is a philatelist. He started collecting stamps when he was in high school. Now there are about a thousand copies in his collection. Some stamps are very rare and valuable.” All sounds here are pronounced easily, long words alternate with short ones, and the intonation is smooth.
    Factors that disrupt the euphony of speech:
    the use of several consonants in a row (more than 4): “tlz”, “jr”, “vrzh”, “mgrtch”, etc. (Beatles, Mgrtchan, etc.);
    repetition of identical or similar sounds. In this case, the undesirable effect of growling, whistling, hissing, etc. occurs. The repetition of whistling and hissing sounds is especially undesirable:

    Instead of a large number of participial and participial phrases, it is better to construct separate sentences:

    Using several vowels in a row:

    The use of several words with the same suffix or ending (especially often seen in business speech):

    Wrong Right
    Violation of orders to attend classes The order on the procedure for attending classes was violated
    The station provides training in observing animal behavior The station teaches how to properly observe animal behavior
    Continuing the study of schoolchildren’s mastery of knowledge is one of the tasks of pedagogy Continuing research in the field of schoolchildren mastering new knowledge is one of the tasks of pedagogy
    To perform well, the trainee must demonstrate diligence, knowledge and skills To perform well, the trainee must try to demonstrate all his knowledge and skills
    To maintain plants, it is important to create and maintain a number of conditions Plants must be kept in certain conditions

    accidental rhyme in prose makes speech frivolous:

    Speech accessibility for understanding

    What the speaker wants to say is always different from what his interlocutor hears. For each of the participants in the communication process, everything said or heard is filled with individual meaning; each “passes” the information through his life experience, personal qualities, situation, mood, etc. Therefore, in order to most fully express your point of view, it is very important to structure your speech in such a way that listeners can be fully imbued with the meaning that you put into it.
    The rule here is: “Think first, then speak.” The thought must first be formalized in internal speech, and only then translated into external speech, i.e. express. It is necessary to clearly formulate your thoughts, carefully select words and expressions (avoid ambiguity). Examples:



    The priority task of our organization is to eliminate employees who do not know how to work with program X (the word “eliminate” is used inappropriately, because it means “to destroy, to cease the existence of someone,” which is unlikely to be what the author meant ).

    All employees of our organization must learn to work with program X.

    My brother ignores the attention of potential employers to him (the word “ignores” is not used in its proper meaning).

    My brother neglects the attention of potential employers.

    In this place, raspberry bushes grow (the word “tabernacles” cannot be used in this case, since kusha means “tent, hut, canopy”, in any case not “bushes”).

    There are many raspberry bushes growing in this place.

    In this you look very efficient (the word “effective” is not suitable in this case, because it means getting results from the invested costs).

    In this coat you look very impressive (spectacular, i.e. “making an impression”).

    The speaker's good knowledge of the subject of speech, broad outlook and erudition help make speech more accurate.
    It is very important to correctly orient your speech towards your interlocutor. It is necessary to express your opinion in a language accessible to the listener, try to avoid words that may be incomprehensible to the interlocutor. For example, in a conversation with a colleague, you can use professionalism and special terms without restrictions. At the same time, it is better to refrain from them at home. When talking with young children, we often utter short, simple sentences, and when communicating with like-minded people, our thoughts “spread throughout the tree.”

    Ethical speech

    No matter how correctly your statements are constructed, they will all be received properly only if your speech complies with ethical standards. Nothing is more valuable than politeness, and being polite is incredibly easy. First of all, you need to treat your interlocutor kindly. Next, build at a level appropriate for a specific situation. In a work environment, formal forms of greeting, farewell, calling “you” and by first name and patronymic are appropriate. When communicating with old acquaintances, naturally, simpler speech forms can be used.
    According to etiquette, you need to greet a person with the words “Hello!” or “Good... (indicate the time of day: morning, afternoon, evening)!” With good acquaintances, friends, relatives, the words “Hello!”, “Salute!” are appropriate. etc. It is necessary to respond to a greeting in any case, including to people with whom you are unfamiliar.
    The form of addressing the interlocutor may be different. Currently, the officially adopted form of address in Russia is “Mr/Madam”. However, due to the fact that in Soviet times these forms of address were used with irony, now they sometimes lead to comical situations.
    Friendly address involves the use of the words “friend”, “girlfriend”, “colleague”, “old man”. Between close people it is possible to address each other familiarly (“buddy”, “girlfriend”, “my blue-winged fish”).
    During the dating procedure, it is very important to follow the norms of speech etiquette. For example, at work, a manager may introduce a new employee as follows: “Let me introduce you to Vladimir Nikolaevich Petrov, our new employee.” At the same time, it is impolite to clarify: “Vladimir Nikolaevich is the brother of the famous director Pyotr Nikolaevich.”
    It is better to contact a stranger without using special forms, but using general words, for example: “Please tell me...”, “Be kind...”, etc.
    Naturally, the use of derogatory words, insulting the interlocutor and foul language are strictly prohibited. Conversation in a raised voice and familiar address are also condemned.

    Expressiveness of speech

    When we speak, we want to be heard. Therefore, the interlocutor must be “interested.” Dryness, monotony, and inexpressiveness are not characteristics of cultural speech. There are several ways to win over your interlocutor, and you can and should use them not only at work, during business meetings, but also at home and among friends:
    proper name (saying the interlocutor’s name out loud);
    mirror of relationships (how we are treated, so are we);
    (slight exaggeration of a person’s merits).
    A little about the compliment. A compliment begins with the desire to say it and brings mutual benefits. It is unacceptable if a compliment contradicts the facts and also develops into flattery.
    The expressiveness of speech depends on the tone of the voice, the speaker’s highlighting of the main thoughts, the ability to emphasize attention with the help of small pauses, the use of rhetorical digressions, examples, and repetitions. It is also important to sometimes give the listener the opportunity to laugh at a funny fact. Proverbs, sayings, phraseological expressions, and catchwords also help to make speech bright and expressive.

    To summarize the above, I would like to express the hope that the tips given will help readers of MirSovetov make their speech more competent and harmonious, more accurately convey their point of view to listeners, and conduct an interesting and meaningful conversation.

    Etiquette and culture of business communication is a fairly diverse set of conventions that simply must be taken into account in order to avoid awkward situations. If you follow the basic rules of speech etiquette and communication culture, you will gain an advantage in any life situation, not to mention conducting important business negotiations.

    What does it mean to follow the rules of speech etiquette in communication?

    For starters, it is to have a high level of communication skills in the business world. What does it mean:

    1. The art of conveying your thoughts, expressing yourself clearly and intelligibly, including in public.
    2. Listening skills. Moreover, it is necessary to correctly understand the thought expressed by the interlocutor.
    3. The ability to objectively perceive your partner, regardless of the differences between you.
    4. Possession of skills in building relationships with people, be they partners, co-workers, subordinates or superiors.
    5. The ability to effectively interact with an interlocutor based on mutual interests.

    The result of business communication, built in the best traditions of speech etiquette, is not only something material: a signed contract, agreement, closing a deal. Much more important are the feelings that people leave with after business negotiations. Thanks to the ability to communicate, your interlocutor will have a certain emotional coloring from your meeting. The words will be forgotten, but the emotions experienced from meeting you will be remembered by your interlocutor for a long time. Often they are the basis for further cooperation.

    1. Preparation is the beginning of the result. Business negotiations are often the only way to convince your interlocutor to cooperate with you. Be fully prepared and thoroughly prepare for them. Think about what you want to say and what you want to hear in response.
    2. The culture of communication assumes that the conversation is started by the guests, but the etiquette of verbal communication determines that the business part is led by the receiving party.
    3. During a business conversation, be calm, restrained, and friendly.

    And, of course, don’t forget about documentation. After all, documents are part of the business card of any enterprise, be it a letterhead or just paper for notes.

    Since it is not always possible (and even necessary) for oral communication, written communication comes to the rescue, in which speech etiquette should also be observed. All documents must be drawn up not only competently, but also legally correct. The essence of the matter should be stated clearly and specifically, adhere to the rules of reference at the beginning and the correct end of the document. If the “papers” are perfect, then the opinion about the head of the enterprise and his employees will receive an additional bonus. And this will serve well in resolving any issue.

    It is important to remember that the culture of verbal communication can be developed and nurtured in the process of socio-psychological training. Therefore, even if today you do not have perfect command of the etiquette of verbal communication, everything can be fixed!

    When they speak to people, they should be polite, polite, reasonable,
    rather than talking a lot. Then listen and don’t interrupt other people’s speeches, but let everyone speak out and then present your opinion. If a sad thing happens and a sad speech happens, then you should be sad and have regret. On a joyful occasion I will be joyful

    This is how an unknown author instructs the youth of Peter the Great’s times "Youth of the Honest Mirror"

    Speech etiquette has always existed in one form or another. The culture of communication has ritual, sacred roots. For our ancestors, the word had sacred power. They believed that speech affects people and the world around them. It was believed that only with the help of words can certain events be caused or avoided. Expressions that we now perceive as simple formulas of politeness used to be wishes that, according to the speaker, had quite material power. For example, thank you - “God bless”, “hello” - “be healthy”. Can you imagine how responsibly you need to approach your speech with such a worldview? Even in ancient times, there were prohibitions on certain words and phrases, which we now perceive as swearing, abusive, and we also try not to use.

    In a broad sense, speech etiquette enables people to communicate successfully with each other. In this meaning, it is associated with the postulates of information transfer, which were formulated by the Anglo-American researcher Herbert Paul Grice in 1975:

    • the message must be truthful and have a basis (quality);
    • the message should not be too short or lengthy (quantity);
    • the message must be valuable to the recipient (attitude);
    • the message must be understandable and not contain unclear words and expressions (method of delivery).
    In a narrower sense, speech etiquette is a set of linguistic means that are appropriate in certain circumstances. A well-mannered person knows how to greet, say goodbye, express gratitude, sympathy, grief in the expressions accepted in a given culture. In some countries, for example, it is okay to complain about difficulties, but in others it is inappropriate. In some places it is acceptable to talk about your successes, but in others it is not. Some things cannot be discussed under certain circumstances. There are many nuances in the culture of communication.

    Speech etiquette as a system manifests itself at different levels of language:

    • at the dictionary level this is special vocabulary, set expressions ( Please, Thank you, I'm sorry, I beg your pardon, Goodbye), accepted forms of address ( comrade, madam, sir);
    • at the grammatical level - plural for polite address (for example, the pronoun You), replacing imperative sentences with interrogative ones ( Can you help me?);
    • at the stylistic level - cultural speech, literacy, refusal of obscene words, use of euphemisms;
    • at the intonation level - depending on the intonation, the same phrase can sound either polite or offensive;
    • at the level of correct pronunciation: for example, you should say “ Hello" instead of " Hello";
    • at the organizational and communication level: you cannot interfere in someone else’s conversation, interrupt the interlocutor, etc.

    Speech etiquette in business communication

    Dale Carnegie, author of the world bestseller “How to Win Friends and Influence People,” wrote that a person’s success in financial affairs depends approximately 15% on professionalism and 85% on communication skills. And the master is certainly right. Speech is the most important part of a business image. The ability to use words to convince, win over, and lead is a key skill of a successful person. Let's look at the applied rules of speech etiquette that will help you at work.

    Theater begins with a hanger, and the culture of communication begins with a greeting. If the meeting participants do not know each other, they need to introduce themselves to each other. The head of the host party calls himself first, then the chief among the guests. Next they introduce their colleagues. If a large delegation has arrived, it is necessary to prepare a list indicating the full names and positions of all participants.

    At a business meeting, the younger one is introduced to the older one, regardless of gender. If you've met your partner before, it's best to introduce yourself again. If someone has not identified themselves, you can ask them to do so. Try to remember names right away so as not to look discourteous later.

    It is customary to shake hands as a sign of greeting and agreement at a business meeting. The age-old question: who should give a hand first? Here they are, these people:

    • the person to whom you are introduced;
    • one who is higher in position and older in age;
    • a woman, and she may not participate in the handshake at all, the choice is hers.
    You cannot walk up to a group and shake hands with just one person. Either limit yourself to a verbal greeting, or shake hands with everyone.

    General principles

    - I'm sorry!

    Unfortunately, we often hear this form of address. Speech etiquette and communication culture- not very popular concepts in the modern world. One will consider them too decorative or old-fashioned, while another will find it difficult to answer the question of what forms of speech etiquette are found in his everyday life.

    Meanwhile, the etiquette of verbal communication plays a vital role for a person’s successful activity in society, his personal life and the building of strong family and friendly relationships.

    The concept of speech etiquette

    Speech etiquette is a system of requirements (rules, norms) that explain to us how to establish, maintain and break contact with another person in a certain situation. Speech etiquette norms are very diverse, each country has its own peculiarities of communication culture.

    • speech etiquette - a system of rules

    It may seem strange why you need to develop special rules of communication and then stick to them or break them. And yet, speech etiquette is closely related to the practice of communication; its elements are present in every conversation. Compliance with the rules of speech etiquette will help you competently convey your thoughts to your interlocutor and quickly achieve mutual understanding with him.

    Mastery etiquette of verbal communication requires acquiring knowledge in the field of various humanitarian disciplines: linguistics, psychology, cultural history and many others. To more successfully master communication culture skills, they use such a concept as speech etiquette formulas.

    Speech etiquette formulas

    The basic formulas of speech etiquette are learned at an early age, when parents teach their child to say hello, say thank you, and ask for forgiveness for mischief. With age, a person learns more and more subtleties in communication, masters different styles of speech and behavior. The ability to correctly assess a situation, start and maintain a conversation with a stranger, and competently express one’s thoughts distinguishes a person of high culture, education and intelligence.

    Speech etiquette formulas- these are certain words, phrases and set expressions used for three stages of conversation:

    • starting a conversation (greeting/introduction)
    • main part
    • final part of the conversation

    Starting a conversation and ending it

    Any conversation, as a rule, begins with a greeting; it can be verbal and non-verbal. The order of greeting also matters: the youngest greets the elder first, the man greets the woman, the young girl greets the adult man, the junior greets the elder. We list in the table the main forms of greeting the interlocutor:

    IN ending a call use formulas for stopping communication and parting. These formulas are expressed in the form of wishes (all the best, all the best, goodbye), hopes for further meetings (see you tomorrow, I hope to see you soon, we’ll call you), or doubts about further meetings (goodbye, farewell).

    Main part of the conversation

    Following the greeting, a conversation begins. Speech etiquette provides for three main types of situations in which various speech formulas of communication are used: solemn, mournful and work situations. The first phrases spoken after the greeting are called the beginning of the conversation. There are often situations when the main part of the conversation consists only of the beginning and the ending of the conversation that follows.

    • speech etiquette formulas - stable expressions

    A solemn atmosphere and the approach of an important event require the use of speech patterns in the form of an invitation or congratulations. The situation can be either official or informal, and the situation determines what formulas of speech etiquette will be used in the conversation.

    A mournful atmosphere in connection with events that bring grief suggests condolences expressed emotionally, not routinely or dryly. In addition to condolences, the interlocutor often needs consolation or sympathy. Sympathy and consolation can take the form of empathy, confidence in a successful outcome, and be accompanied by advice.

    In everyday life, the work environment also requires the use of speech etiquette formulas. Brilliant or, conversely, improper performance of assigned tasks can become a reason for criticism or reproach. When carrying out orders, an employee may need advice, for which it will be necessary to make a request to a colleague. There is also a need to approve someone else’s proposal, give permission for implementation or a reasoned refusal.

    The request must be extremely polite in form (but without ingratiation) and understandable to the addressee; the request must be made delicately. When making a request, it is advisable to avoid the negative form and use the affirmative. Advice should be given uncategorically; giving advice will be an incentive to action if it is given in a neutral, delicate form.

    It is customary to express gratitude to the interlocutor for fulfilling a request, providing a service, or providing useful advice. Also an important element in speech etiquette is compliment. It can be used at the beginning, middle and end of a conversation. Tactful and timely, it lifts the mood of the interlocutor and encourages a more open conversation. A compliment is useful and pleasant, but only if it is a sincere compliment, said with a natural emotional overtones.

    Speech etiquette situations

    The key role in the culture of speech etiquette is played by the concept situation. Indeed, depending on the situation, our conversation can change significantly. In this case, communication situations can be characterized by a variety of circumstances, for example:

    • personalities of the interlocutors
    • place
    • time
    • motive

    Personalities of the interlocutors. Speech etiquette is focused primarily on the addressee - the person being addressed, but the personality of the speaker is also taken into account. Taking into account the personality of the interlocutors is implemented on the principle of two forms of address - “You” and “You”. The first form indicates the informal nature of communication, the second - respect and greater formality in the conversation.

    A place of communication. Communication in a certain place may require the participant to have specific rules of speech etiquette established for that place. Such places can be: a business meeting, a social dinner, a theater, a youth party, a restroom, etc.

    In the same way, depending on the topic of conversation, time, motive or purpose of communication, we use different conversational techniques. The topic of conversation can be joyful or sad events; the time of communication can be conducive to being brief or to an extensive conversation. Motives and goals are manifested in the need to show respect, express a friendly attitude or gratitude to the interlocutor, make an offer, ask for a request or advice.

    Any national speech etiquette makes certain demands on representatives of its culture and has its own characteristics. The very appearance of the concept of speech etiquette is associated with an ancient period in the history of languages, when each word was given a special meaning, and faith in the effect of the word on the surrounding reality was strong. And the emergence of certain norms of speech etiquette is due to the desire of people to bring about certain events.

    But the speech etiquette of different nations is also characterized by some common features, with the difference only in the forms of implementation of speech norms of etiquette. Each cultural and linguistic group has formulas for greeting and farewell, and respectful addresses to elders in age or position. In a closed society, a representative of a foreign culture, unfamiliar with the peculiarities national speech etiquette, appears to be an uneducated, poorly brought up person. In a more open society, people are prepared for differences in the speech etiquette of different nations; in such a society, imitation of a foreign culture of speech communication is often practiced.

    Speech etiquette of our time

    In the modern world, and even more so in the urban culture of the post-industrial and information society, the concept of the culture of verbal communication is changing radically. The speed of changes occurring in modern times threatens the very traditional foundations of speech etiquette, based on the idea of ​​​​the inviolability of social hierarchy, religious and mythological beliefs.

    Study of norms speech etiquette in the modern world turns into a practical goal focused on achieving success in a specific act of communication: if necessary, attract attention, demonstrate respect, inspire trust in the addressee, his sympathy, create a favorable climate for communication. However, the role of national speech etiquette remains important - knowledge of the peculiarities of foreign speech culture is a mandatory sign of fluency in a foreign language.

    Russian speech etiquette in circulation

    Main feature Russian speech etiquette One can call it its heterogeneous development throughout the existence of Russian statehood. Serious changes in the norms of Russian language etiquette occurred at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The previous monarchical system was distinguished by the division of society into classes from nobles to peasants, which determined the specifics of treatment in relation to the privileged classes - master, sir, master. At the same time, there was no uniform appeal to representatives of the lower classes.

    As a result of the revolution, the previous classes were abolished. All addresses of the old system were replaced by two - citizen and comrade. The citizen's appeal has acquired a negative connotation; it has become the norm when used by prisoners, criminals, and detainees in relation to representatives of law enforcement agencies. The address comrade, on the contrary, was fixed in the meaning of “friend”.

    During communism, only two types of address (and in fact, only one - comrade), formed a kind of cultural and speech vacuum, which was informally filled with such addresses as man, woman, uncle, auntie, guy, girl, etc. They remained and after the collapse of the USSR, however, in modern society they are perceived as familiarity, and indicate a low level of culture of the one who uses them.

    In post-communist society, the previous types of address gradually began to reappear: gentlemen, madam, mister, etc. As for the address comrade, it is legally enshrined as an official address in law enforcement agencies, the armed forces, communist organizations, and in the collectives of factories.

    In preparing the article, materials from the Online Encyclopedia Around the World and the RGUI Library were used.

    The ethics of verbal communication begins with compliance with the conditions of successful verbal communication: with a friendly attitude towards the addressee, demonstration of interest in the conversation, “understanding understanding” - attuned to the world of the interlocutor, sincere expression of one’s opinion, sympathetic attention. This prescribes expressing your thoughts in a clear form, focusing on the world of knowledge of the addressee. In idle-speech spheres of communication in dialogues and polylogues of an intellectual, as well as “game” or emotional nature, the choice of topic and tone of conversation becomes especially important.

    Signals of attention, participation, correct interpretation and sympathy are not only regulatory cues, but also paralinguistic means - facial expressions, smile, gaze, gestures, posture. A special role in conducting a conversation belongs to the gaze. Thus, speech ethics are the rules of proper speech behavior based on moral norms and national and cultural traditions.

    Ethical norms are embodied in special etiquette speech formulas and expressed in statements by a whole ensemble of multi-level means: both full-nominal word forms and words of incomplete-nominal parts of speech (particles, interjections).

    The main ethical principle of verbal communication - respect for parity - is expressed from greeting to farewell throughout the conversation.

    1. Greeting. Appeal. Greetings and addresses set the tone for the entire conversation. Depending on the social role of the interlocutors, the degree of their closeness, you-communication or you-communication is chosen and, accordingly, greetings hello or hello, good afternoon (evening, morning), hello, fireworks, greetings, etc. The communication situation also plays an important role.

    The address performs a contact-establishing function and is a means of intimacy, therefore throughout the entire speech situation the address should be pronounced repeatedly; this indicates both good feelings towards the interlocutor and attention to his words. In phatic communication, in the speech of close people, in conversations with children, address is often accompanied or replaced by periphrases, epithets with diminutive suffixes.

    National and cultural traditions prescribe certain forms of addressing strangers. If at the beginning of the century the universal methods of address were citizen and citizen, then in the second half of the 20th century dialectal southern forms of address based on gender - woman, man - became widespread. Recently, the word lady is often used in casual colloquial speech, when addressing an unfamiliar woman, but when addressing a man, the word gentleman is used only in an official, semi-official, club setting. Developing equally acceptable addresses to men and women is a matter of the future: sociocultural norms will have their say here.

    2. Etiquette formulas. Each language has fixed methods and expressions of the most frequent and socially significant communicative intentions. So, when expressing a request for forgiveness, an apology, it is customary to use a direct, literal form, for example, Sorry (those), Forgive (those).

    When expressing a request, it is customary to represent one’s “interests” in an indirect, non-literal statement, softening the expression of one’s interest and leaving the addressee the right to choose an action.

    There are etiquette formulas for congratulations: immediately after the address, the reason is indicated, then the wishes, then assurances of the sincerity of feelings, and a signature. The oral forms of some genres of colloquial speech also largely bear the stamp of ritualization, which is determined not only by speech canons, but also by the “rules” of life, which takes place in a multidimensional, human “dimension.” This applies to such ritualized genres as toasts, gratitude, condolences, congratulations, and invitations.

    Etiquette formulas, phrases for the occasion are an important part of communicative competence; knowledge of them is an indicator of a high degree of language proficiency.

    3. Euphemization of speech. Maintaining a cultural atmosphere of communication, the desire not to upset the interlocutor, not to offend him indirectly, not to cause an uncomfortable state - all this obliges the speaker, firstly, to choose euphemistic nominations, and secondly, a softening, euphemistic way of expression.

    Historically, the language system has developed ways of periphrastic nomination of everything that offends taste and violates cultural stereotypes of communication. These are paraphrases regarding death, sexual relations, physiological functions; for example: he left us, died, passed away, etc.

    Mitigating techniques for conducting a conversation are also indirect information, allusions, and hints that make it clear to the addressee the true reasons for this form of statement. In addition, mitigation of a refusal or reprimand can be realized by the technique of “changing the addressee,” in which a hint is made or the speech situation is projected onto a third participant in the conversation.

    In the traditions of Russian speech etiquette, it is forbidden to speak about those present in the third person (he, she, they), thus, all those present find themselves in one “observable” deictic space of the speech situation “I - YOU (YOU) - HERE - NOW." This shows respect for all participants in communication.

    4. Interruption. Counter remarks. Polite behavior in verbal communication requires listening to the interlocutor’s remarks to the end. However, a high degree of emotionality of the participants in communication, demonstration of their solidarity, agreement, introduction of their assessments “in the course” of the partner’s speech is a common phenomenon in dialogues and polylogues of idle speech genres, stories and stories-memories. According to the observations of researchers, interruptions are typical for men, while women are more correct in conversation. In addition, interrupting the interlocutor is a signal of a non-cooperative strategy. This kind of interruption occurs when there is a loss of communicative interest.

    Cultural and social norms of life, the subtleties of psychological relationships require the speaker and listener to actively create a favorable atmosphere of verbal communication, which ensures the successful resolution of all issues and leads to agreement.

    5. YOU-communication and YOU-communication. In the Russian language, YOU-communication in informal speech is widespread. Superficial acquaintance in some cases and distant long-term relationships of old acquaintances in others are shown by the use of the polite “You”. In addition, YOU communication demonstrates respect for the participants in the dialogue; So, you-communication is typical for long-time friends who have deep feelings of respect and devotion for each other.

    More often, you-communication during long-term acquaintance or friendships is observed among women. Men from different social strata are more likely to engage in You-communication. Among uneducated and uncultured men, You-communication is considered the only acceptable form of social interaction. When You-communication relationships are established, they attempt to deliberately reduce the social self-esteem of the recipient and impose You-communication. This is destructive element of speech communication that destroys communicative contact.

    It is generally accepted that You-communication is always a manifestation of spiritual harmony and spiritual intimacy and that the transition to You-communication is an attempt to intimate relationships; Wed Pushkin’s lines: “You are empty with a heartfelt You, having mentioned, replaced...”. However, during You-communication, the sense of the uniqueness of the individual and the phenomenal nature of interpersonal relationships is often lost.

    Parity relationships as the main component of communication do not negate the possibility of choosing You-communication and You-communication depending on the nuances of social roles and psychological distances. The same participants in communication in different situations can use the pronouns “you” and “you” in an informal setting. This may indicate alienation, a desire to introduce elements of ritual treatment into the speech situation.

    Among the functional varieties of language, colloquial speech occupies a special place. Colloquial speech is such speech of native speakers of a literary language, which is realized spontaneously (without any preliminary thinking) in an informal setting with the direct participation of communication partners. Spoken speech has significant features at all linguistic levels, and therefore it is often considered as a special language system. Since the linguistic features of spoken language are not recorded in grammars and dictionaries, it is called uncodified, thereby contrasting with codified functional varieties of language.

    It is important to emphasize that colloquial speech is a special functional variety of the literary language (and not some kind of non-literary form). It is wrong to think that linguistic features of spoken speech are speech errors that should be avoided. This implies an important requirement for the culture of speech: in conditions of manifestation of colloquial speech, one should not strive to speak in writing, although one must remember that in colloquial speech there may be speech errors; they must be distinguished from colloquial features.

    The functional variety of language “colloquial speech” has historically developed under the influence of the rules of linguistic behavior of people in various life situations, that is, under the influence of the conditions of communicative interaction of people. All the nuances of the phenomenon of human consciousness find their expression in the genres of speech, in the ways of its organization.

    A speaking person always declares himself as an individual, and only in this case is it possible to establish contact with other people.

    Successful verbal communication is the implementation of the communicative goal of the initiators of communication and the achievement of agreement by the interlocutors.

    Mandatory conditions for successful communication are the interlocutors’ interest in communication, an attunement to the recipient’s world, the ability to penetrate into the speaker’s communicative intent, the ability of interlocutors to fulfill the strict requirements of situational speech behavior, to unravel the “creative handwriting” of the speaker when reflecting the real state of affairs or “pictures of the world”, the ability to predict “vector” "dialogue or polylogue.

    Therefore, the central concept of successful verbal communication is the concept of linguistic competence, which presupposes knowledge of the rules of grammar and dictionary, the ability to express meaning in all possible ways, knowledge of sociocultural norms and stereotypes of speech behavior, which allows one to correlate the relevance of a particular linguistic fact with the speaker’s intention and, finally, makes it possible to express one's own understanding and individual presentation of information.

    The reasons for communicative failures are rooted in ignorance of language norms, in the difference in background knowledge of the speaker and the listener, in the difference in their sociocultural stereotypes and psychology, as well as in the presence of “external interference” (alien communication environment, distance of interlocutors, presence of strangers).

    The communicative goals of the interlocutors determine speech strategies, tactics, modality and techniques of dialogue. The components of speech behavior include expressiveness and emotiveness of statements.

    Techniques of speech expressiveness are the basis of the techniques of fiction and oratory; Wed techniques: anaphors, antitheses, hyperboles, litotes; chains of synonyms, gradations, repetitions, epithets, unanswered questions, questions of self-verification, metaphors, metonymies, allegories, hints, allusions, periphrases, redirection to a third participant; such means of expressing the author's subjective modality as introductory words and sentences.

    Colloquial speech has its own aesthetic atmosphere, which is determined by the deep processes that connect a person with society and culture. The ethics of verbal communication prescribes the speaker and listener to create a favorable tone of conversation, which leads to agreement and success of the dialogue.

    - I'm sorry!
    Unfortunately, we often hear this form of address. Speech etiquette and communication culture- not very popular concepts in the modern world. One will consider them too decorative or old-fashioned, while another will find it difficult to answer the question of what forms of speech etiquette are found in his everyday life.

    • Content:

    Meanwhile, the etiquette of verbal communication plays a vital role for a person’s successful activity in society, his personal life and the building of strong family and friendly relationships.

    The concept of speech etiquette

    Speech etiquette is a system of requirements (rules, norms) that explain to us how to establish, maintain and break contact with another person in a certain situation. Speech etiquette norms are very diverse, each country has its own peculiarities of communication culture.

    • speech etiquette - a system of rules

    It may seem strange why you need to develop special rules of communication and then stick to them or break them. And yet, speech etiquette is closely related to the practice of communication; its elements are present in every conversation. Compliance with the rules of speech etiquette will help you competently convey your thoughts to your interlocutor and quickly achieve mutual understanding with him.

    Mastery etiquette of verbal communication requires acquiring knowledge in the field of various humanitarian disciplines: linguistics, psychology, cultural history and many others. To more successfully master communication culture skills, they use such a concept as speech etiquette formulas.

    Speech etiquette formulas

    The basic formulas of speech etiquette are learned at an early age, when parents teach their child to say hello, say thank you, and ask for forgiveness for mischief. With age, a person learns more and more subtleties in communication, masters different styles of speech and behavior. The ability to correctly assess a situation, start and maintain a conversation with a stranger, and competently express one’s thoughts distinguishes a person of high culture, education and intelligence.

    Speech etiquette formulas- these are certain words, phrases and set expressions used for three stages of conversation:

    • starting a conversation (greeting/introduction)
    • main part
    • final part of the conversation

    Starting a conversation and ending it

    Any conversation, as a rule, begins with a greeting; it can be verbal and non-verbal. The order of greeting also matters: the youngest greets the elder first, the man greets the woman, the young girl greets the adult man, the junior greets the elder. We list in the table the main forms of greeting the interlocutor:

    IN ending a call use formulas for stopping communication and parting. These formulas are expressed in the form of wishes (all the best, all the best, goodbye), hopes for further meetings (see you tomorrow, I hope to see you soon, we’ll call you), or doubts about further meetings (goodbye, farewell).

    Main part of the conversation

    Following the greeting, a conversation begins. Speech etiquette provides for three main types of situations in which various speech formulas of communication are used: solemn, mournful and work situations. The first phrases spoken after the greeting are called the beginning of the conversation. There are often situations when the main part of the conversation consists only of the beginning and the ending of the conversation that follows.

    • speech etiquette formulas - stable expressions

    A solemn atmosphere and the approach of an important event require the use of speech patterns in the form of an invitation or congratulations. The situation can be either official or informal, and the situation determines what formulas of speech etiquette will be used in the conversation.

    A mournful atmosphere in connection with events that bring grief suggests condolences expressed emotionally, not routinely or dryly. In addition to condolences, the interlocutor often needs consolation or sympathy. Sympathy and consolation can take the form of empathy, confidence in a successful outcome, and be accompanied by advice.

    In everyday life, the work environment also requires the use of speech etiquette formulas. Brilliant or, conversely, improper performance of assigned tasks can become a reason for criticism or reproach. When carrying out orders, an employee may need advice, for which it will be necessary to make a request to a colleague. There is also a need to approve someone else’s proposal, give permission for implementation or a reasoned refusal.

    The request must be extremely polite in form (but without ingratiation) and understandable to the addressee; the request must be made delicately. When making a request, it is advisable to avoid the negative form and use the affirmative. Advice should be given uncategorically; giving advice will be an incentive to action if it is given in a neutral, delicate form.

    It is customary to express gratitude to the interlocutor for fulfilling a request, providing a service, or providing useful advice. Also an important element in speech etiquette is compliment. It can be used at the beginning, middle and end of a conversation. Tactful and timely, it lifts the mood of the interlocutor and encourages a more open conversation. A compliment is useful and pleasant, but only if it is a sincere compliment, said with a natural emotional overtones.

    Speech etiquette situations

    The key role in the culture of speech etiquette is played by the concept situation. Indeed, depending on the situation, our conversation can change significantly. In this case, communication situations can be characterized by a variety of circumstances, for example:

    • personalities of the interlocutors
    • place
    • time
    • motive

    Personalities of the interlocutors. Speech etiquette is focused primarily on the addressee - the person being addressed, but the personality of the speaker is also taken into account. Taking into account the personality of the interlocutors is implemented on the principle of two forms of address - “You” and “You”. The first form indicates the informal nature of communication, the second - respect and greater formality in the conversation.

    A place of communication. Communication in a certain place may require the participant to have specific rules of speech etiquette established for that place. Such places can be: a business meeting, a social dinner, a theater, a youth party, a restroom, etc.

    In the same way, depending on the topic of conversation, time, motive or purpose of communication, we use different conversational techniques. The topic of conversation can be joyful or sad events; the time of communication can be conducive to being brief or to an extensive conversation. Motives and goals are manifested in the need to show respect, express a friendly attitude or gratitude to the interlocutor, make an offer, ask for a request or advice.

    Any national speech etiquette makes certain demands on representatives of its culture and has its own characteristics. The very appearance of the concept of speech etiquette is associated with an ancient period in the history of languages, when each word was given a special meaning, and faith in the effect of the word on the surrounding reality was strong. And the emergence of certain norms of speech etiquette is due to the desire of people to bring about certain events.

    But the speech etiquette of different nations is also characterized by some common features, with the difference only in the forms of implementation of speech norms of etiquette. Each cultural and linguistic group has formulas for greeting and farewell, and respectful addresses to elders in age or position. In a closed society, a representative of a foreign culture, unfamiliar with the peculiarities national speech etiquette, appears to be an uneducated, poorly brought up person. In a more open society, people are prepared for differences in the speech etiquette of different nations; in such a society, imitation of a foreign culture of speech communication is often practiced.

    Speech etiquette of our time

    In the modern world, and even more so in the urban culture of the post-industrial and information society, the concept of the culture of verbal communication is changing radically. The speed of changes occurring in modern times threatens the very traditional foundations of speech etiquette, based on the idea of ​​​​the inviolability of social hierarchy, religious and mythological beliefs.

    Study of norms speech etiquette in the modern world turns into a practical goal focused on achieving success in a specific act of communication: if necessary, attract attention, demonstrate respect, inspire trust in the addressee, his sympathy, create a favorable climate for communication. However, the role of national speech etiquette remains important - knowledge of the peculiarities of foreign speech culture is a mandatory sign of fluency in a foreign language.

    Russian speech etiquette in circulation

    Main feature Russian speech etiquette One can call it its heterogeneous development throughout the existence of Russian statehood. Serious changes in the norms of Russian language etiquette occurred at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The previous monarchical system was distinguished by the division of society into classes from nobles to peasants, which determined the specifics of treatment in relation to the privileged classes - master, sir, master. At the same time, there was no uniform appeal to representatives of the lower classes.

    As a result of the revolution, the previous classes were abolished. All addresses of the old system were replaced by two - citizen and comrade. The citizen's appeal has acquired a negative connotation; it has become the norm when used by prisoners, criminals, and detainees in relation to representatives of law enforcement agencies. The address comrade, on the contrary, was fixed in the meaning of “friend”.

    During communism, only two types of address (and in fact, only one - comrade), formed a kind of cultural and speech vacuum, which was informally filled with such addresses as man, woman, uncle, auntie, guy, girl, etc. They remained and after the collapse of the USSR, however, in modern society they are perceived as familiarity, and indicate a low level of culture of the one who uses them.

    In post-communist society, the previous types of address gradually began to reappear: gentlemen, madam, mister, etc. As for the address comrade, it is legally enshrined as an official address in law enforcement agencies, the armed forces, communist organizations, and in the collectives of factories.

    In preparing the article, materials from the Online Encyclopedia Around the World and the RGUI Library were used.

    The life of any person is impossible without speech. Speech allows us to communicate with other people, gives us the opportunity to influence them in one way or another. At the same time, speech reflects our inner world, reveals our thoughts and feelings, and serves as our self-characterization. Often the very manner of speech creates a lasting impression about a person. “Tell me anything and I will tell you who you are,” one might say, paraphrasing a well-known proverb.

    The ability to speak, like the ability to think, is a generic property of a person. So man is not only a “homo sapiens” (a thinking creature), but also a “homo loquens” (a speaking creature). However, the gift of speech, given by nature as an opportunity for communication, must still be put into practice: it is important to be able to use it intelligently and meaningfully this gift. To master words, learn to form thoughts, express feelings, communicate with people, you need high a culture of speech, compliance rules of speech behavior and mastery speech etiquette.

    A culture of speech

    When communicating using language, we do not just pronounce some words - we carry out speech activity. Speech activity - this is a set of psychophysiological and sociocultural functions of an individual for the implementation of verbal communication. The productivity of speech activity in each specific speech situation is determined by the individual’s clear awareness of who - to whom - about what - where - when - why and why speaks. The last two aspects are especially important - why and why I am speaking, i.e. reason and purpose speech. Speech activity involves:

    “the ability to speak clearly, pronounce words and phrases clearly;

    The ability to find words that adequately convey thoughts and feelings;

    Skillful use of grammar (language rules).

    Compliance with these requirements is included in the concept of “speech culture”.

    A culture of speech- This the degree of compliance of speech with the norms of modern literary language, a set of knowledge and skills that ensure expedient and easy use of language.

    Should be clearly stated main features of cultural speech.

    1. Correct speech acts as an initial feature, without which cultural speech is in principle unthinkable. The correctness of speech is the compliance of its structure with the current generally accepted standards language. Norm - this is a historically determined set of linguistic means, as well as the rules for their selection and use, recognized by society as the most preferable.

    There are various language norms: pronunciation, stress, word formation, grammar (morphological and syntactic), lexical, stylistic. Not all of us are linguists by training, but knowledge and compliance with these norms is necessary for everyone, because this ensures correctness and literacy of speech.

    Over time, norms change under the influence of certain conditions, and their change is not always a controlled process. Some of these changes are coded by linguists as natural, others sometimes “break into” language practice and become fixed in it contrary to the opinion of specialists, for example, expressions like “terribly fun”, “terribly interesting”. Some language norms are experiencing real historical “adventures”.

    So, in the times of Gogol and Belinsky, it was customary to say “skrip”, “britchka”, instead of modern “creak”, “britchka”. Or the forms “snows”, “teachers” (and not “snows”, “teachers”) that have become archaic can now be used again to create a special emotionally charged style, as, for example, in the poem by E. Yevtushenko: “white snows are falling” .

    2. Accuracy - an equally important sign of speech culture. Accuracy is not just the ability to choose and use the most necessary and appropriate words. To speak accurately, you need to think clearly. There is an old aphorism: “He who thinks clearly speaks clearly.” In other words, accuracy as a quality of speech is associated with the mental act itself, with knowledge of the subject of speech, with the competence and intellectual abilities of the speaker. The actual linguistic conditions are also very important in ensuring the accuracy of speech, for example, the use of different types of accuracy.

    There are two types of accuracy. First - subject accuracy- search for a word that most accurately reflects the designated object or phenomenon; this is precision “for yourself”. Second - conceptual precision- translation of this concept into a message, information “for others”.

    Accuracy in speech activity presupposes the choice of options from among those that the language has and which the speaker can freely use. This may be the choice of one of the synonyms, one of the syntactic constructions, the desired arrangement of words, preference for one or another term, etc.

    Finding the most necessary words, precise forms of expression, and not saying unnecessary words is not an easy task. Poets experience it especially acutely: “A thought expressed is a lie” (Tyutchev); “Oh, if only it were possible to express one’s thoughts without words!” (A. Fet). N.A. Nekrasov noted: “...It’s always annoying when I come across the phrase “there are no words to express”, etc. Nonsense! The word is always there, but our minds are lazy.”

    To the most typical speech accuracy disorders relate:

    Verbosity and eloquence;

    Inability to distinguish between paronyms - words with the same root that are close in meaning and scope of use, but different in structure and meaning ( intolerant-intolerable, dress-put on, base-substantiate, fact-factor);

    Mixing homonyms - words that sound the same but have different meanings, which gives rise to puns and ambiguity (“start production”, “mat exercises”, “bring to your attention”);

    Inaccuracy in understanding the meaning of terms;

    Lack of clarity in polysemy - polysemy of a word (“private” - military man and - ordinary, ordinary, ordinary),

    Confusion in the use of foreign and archaic words.

    3. Logic as a sign of cultural speech is close and presupposes accuracy, but is not exhausted by it. This is not so much a way of using words as word compounds, construction of speech. Logicity requires us to have semantic consistency between the parts of one statement and several statements in one text. Two conditions are important here: logical thinking and logical presentation. Plato wittily remarked: “Every speech must be composed like a living creature - it must have a body with a head and legs, and the torso and limbs must fit.”

    4. Purity of speech - a sign of cultural speech, manifested in two aspects: in the relationship of speech with the literary language and in its relationship with the moral criteria of communication. In pure speech there is no place for elements that are alien to the literary language or rejected by moral standards. Violation of the first requirement gives rise to so-called “clogged speech”, violation of the second - “dirty speech”.

    Speech culture involves the eradication of various types of linguistic “weeds” from speech. It can be:

    Dialectisms are words characteristic of local dialects (dialects);

    Barbarisms are the unmotivated inclusion of foreign words into speech;

    Jargons are words and phrases used in jargons - branches of language serving closed groups and communities;

    Vulgarisms are words and expressions that roughly, primitively designate objects or events that are humiliating and offensive to a person (expletive words, obscene language);

    Officeisms are linguistic clichés, words and phrases that are typical for business style, but inappropriate in other language styles (“sharpen the issue”, “takes place”, “at the forefront”, “pick up the initiative”, “put the question squarely”, “plays” big role”, “today”, etc.). A clear example of clericalism (along with other speech errors) is the text from the wall newspaper of the Housing Committee of Minsk on March 8, where they thank “women who give their energy, the warmth of their hearts and smiles for the benefit of those who exchange living quarters, who materially enrich your spiritual life (!).”

    Of course, the use of words from some of the listed groups is possible in situations corresponding to their origin and stylistic coloring: when communicating between residents of the same area (dialectisms), in professional communication (jargonisms), in business communication and correspondence (clericalisms). Any linguistic phenomenon is legitimate if it is motivated by certain life circumstances, but not every speech can be recognized as cultural. Therefore, it is important not to create a barrier in communication with others by saturating your speech with incomprehensible, unpleasant or even offensive words and expressions and thereby demonstrating disrespect for your interlocutors or casual listeners.

    5. Expressiveness how a property of speech provides and maintains the attention and interest of the listener. Speech is expressive and non-trivial, which stands out against the general background of a typical communication situation in terms of vocabulary, intonation, and structure. The hackneyed cannot be interesting. Expressiveness is always unusual, unexpected.

    Choosing the right one is important tone of speech, which in a conversation means no less than gestures, postures and manner of communication. The same word or phrase can convey many shades of thought and feeling, depending on the tone in which it is spoken. There are many speech tones: pathetic-sublime, ordinary, ritual, etc. B. Shaw noted that there are fifty ways to say “yes” and five hundred ways to say “no,” and they will all carry different meanings.

    It is necessary to take into account that we are influenced not only by the information contained in speech, but also by the way it is presented. For example, excessive voice volume leads to the fact that after 10 minutes the listener ceases to perceive speech that resembles a scream. The situation is similar with an excessively quiet voice, which forces the listener to tense up, causing the person to quickly get tired and stop listening.

    6. Richness of speech - a property close to expressiveness. It involves a variety of speech, variability of vocabulary, syntax and intonation. Poor speech is monotonous, monotonous, boring. The richness of speech grows from a stock of words and knowledge of their meanings, a stock of models of phrases and sentences, a set of speech skills (the ability to explain, argue, convince, highlight semantic nuances). The richness of speech is facilitated by the use of proverbs, sayings, and popular expressions.

    7. Appropriateness of speech - a special feature of speech culture associated with the concept of language and speech styles. Mixing styles or not complying with them is a sign of speech incivility. Saying “hello”, “hello”, “let me greet you”, expressing gratitude with the words “thank you”, “I am grateful to you” or “let me thank you” are not the same thing.

    The appropriateness of speech and its compliance with the nature of communication depends on many factors:

    On the nature of communications (private or business communication);

    From the position of the communicants in time and space (contact or remote communication);

    From the presence or absence of mediating means of communication (radio, Internet, fax, pager, telephone);

    Based on the number of participants.

    So, a culture of speech - the most important condition for the quality of communication. Knowledge of the basics of speech culture is a natural necessity for every teacher, and teaching them to his students is his professional duty.

    Rules of speech command

    Rules of speech behavior(For speaker For listening and for present when communicating) express normative and ethical function and provide a certain moral and psychological quality communication. Here are some of these rules that a teacher needs to know and follow and that he must instill in his students.

    For the speaker :

    Treat your interlocutor kindly; avoid negative assessments of his personality, especially in a vulgar form;

    Find out, remember and name the names of those with whom you communicate;

    Choose the topic of conversation correctly: it should be interesting and understandable to your partners;

    Do not stick out your “I”, muffle your conceit; try to place the center of attention not on yourself and your assessments of events, but on the personality of the listener, his awareness and interest in the topic of conversation;

    Do not start a conversation with issues on which you disagree with your partner, but first emphasize those aspects on which you agree;

    Know how to instill in your communication partner the awareness of his significance: the art of recognizing the merits (and not humiliating or exposing) those around us must be learned and brought to automaticity.

    For the listener:

    Listen carefully to the speaker; prioritize listening over all other activities;

    Listen kindly and patiently, as if advancing trust in your interlocutor; you will draw your final conclusion later;

    Do not interrupt your interlocutor, no matter how much you want to, and especially do not try to turn the listening into your own speaking; remember - it is more important to receive information than to transmit it.

    For those present:

    If the interlocutors conducting the dialogue do not include you in the conversation, then, according to etiquette, you must “portray an empty space,” i.e. facial expression and posture demonstrate lack of interest in someone else’s conversation;

    If communication between two parties is deliberately designed for the presence of a third and contains a hint of his involvement in the communication, take advantage of this: this is the position of an indirect addressee;

    If the person present, being an involuntary listener, has information that is of interest to everyone, or can eliminate inaccuracies or misconceptions in the conversation, then, on his initiative, his inclusion in the circle of communication is allowed. In this case, you should delicately “wedge” into the speech space with the words: “Sorry for interfering.” The main thing here is to avoid tactlessness.

    Speech etiquette

    Speech etiquette assumes the ability to use speech standards in specific communication situations, in particular, when conducting personal or business conversations. Conversation etiquette includes choice of topic and rules of conduct for interlocutors.

    Choosing a conversation topic depends on many factors: the reason for which people gathered, the cultural level of the interlocutors, the commonality of their interests. The topic of conversation, if possible, it should be interesting for everyone involved. Among unfamiliar people, you can start a conversation about a movie, a play, a concert, an exhibition. You can offer a discussion of a book you have read or the latest scientific achievements, which can give impetus to the emergence of new topics and thoughts. Usually everyone is also attracted to political events. However, in the context of “general politicization,” be careful that the conversation on this topic turns into heated political battles.

    It is impolite to talk about a topic in which someone present cannot participate. A tactful and polite interlocutor conducts a conversation with everyone present, without giving any obvious preference to anyone. When choosing a topic, you need to take into account the person you are talking to, the place where you are, and the mood of those around you.

    The one who admires the sunset is not told about his work plans, and the one discussing the work plan is not told about yesterday’s party. They do not complain in public or in the presence of a third person about their affairs of the heart or domestic quarrels: this can put the interlocutor in an awkward position. In society, people do not tell scary stories and generally avoid anything that might evoke difficult memories or a gloomy mood. So, in the presence of a patient, they do not talk about death or the fact that he looks bad; on the contrary, they try to cheer him up. On the road, especially on an airplane, people don’t talk about air disasters; in a car, they don’t talk about car accidents. There is no talk at the table about things that could spoil the appetite or the pleasure of eating. The food on the table is not criticized or viewed with disapproval. By praising the home table, you will please the hostess.

    Rules of conduct for interlocutors during a conversation are regulated mainly by norms politeness and tact. Therefore, for example, it is not recommended to show excessive curiosity in a conversation. It is impolite and tactless to penetrate into other people's intimate affairs. It is not customary to ask about a woman’s age, and it is even more indecent to make fun of her reluctance to talk about it.

    You should only speak about others in a correct tone. Everyone should feel for themselves where simple interest in a person ends and where gossip begins, or even worse - slander. An ironic smile, a meaningful look, an ambiguous remark often discredits a person more than outright abuse.

    The owner of the house or table should quietly direct the conversation, trying to start a general conversation and drawing shy guests into it. It’s better to say less yourself.

    The ability to listen to your interlocutor, as already mentioned, is an indispensable requirement of speech etiquette. This, of course, does not mean that you need to sit silently. But it is tactless to interrupt another. Therefore, no matter how bored you are, you must be patient to listen to the end of the thought or story of another. When talking together, you also need to be able to listen. It happens that you have to remain silent when you feel that your words can inflame passions. You should not start a heated argument in defense of your opinion. Such arguments spoil the mood of those present.

    Youth should avoid arguing with elders. Even when the elder is really wrong, and the younger one has not been able to convince him that he is right, it is better to stop the argument and switch the conversation to another topic. Young people are generally better off waiting for their elders to engage them in conversation. In turn, elders should give young people the opportunity to speak, without interrupting them.

    A person who has the gift of wit must use his gift tactfully, without ridiculing others or making fun of them. You shouldn’t go out of your way just to make a joke.

    A joke or anecdote, said by the way, is quite appropriate, but subject to good taste, wit and storytelling ability. Vulgarity is unacceptable in the company, regardless of the form in which it is presented.

    In relation to the self-confident “know-it-all”, a well-mannered person behaves modestly and calmly, pretending not to notice his mistakes. If it is necessary to correct the speaker, you need to do it delicately, without offending him, resorting to expressions like: “Excuse me, were you mistaken?” and so on. Anyone can make a mistake. But the one who notices the mistake of another should not speak in a didactic tone.

    It is impolite to correct the narrator with rude phrases like: “That’s not true,” “You don’t understand anything about this,” “It’s clear as day and known to every child,” etc. The same idea can be expressed politely, without insulting the other, for example: “Sorry, but I don’t agree with you,” “It seems to me that you are wrong,” “I have a different opinion,” etc.

    It is also impolite to separate yourself from society by organizing a separate “club”. People in the company do not whisper, it is perceived as an insult. If they need to say something important, they discreetly retire. If the whole society speaks one language, it is impolite to speak another language to anyone. If among those gathered there is a person who does not speak the local language, they try to translate the conversation for him.

    A well-mannered person does not “color” his speech with strong expressions, does not scold, does not gossip, and does not interrupt others.

    Don’t “jabber,” but don’t stretch out your words either; Don't mutter under your breath, but don't shout either. Do not nudge your partner with your elbow when talking, do not pat him on the shoulder, do not touch his buttons or sleeves, and do not brush away specks of dust from his clothes. Don't gesticulate or spit. Loud, attention-grabbing laughter is indecent.

    You need to be attentive to your interlocutor, look him in the eyes, but not defiantly, but calmly and kindly.

    During a conversation, do not engage in extraneous things, do not read, do not talk to your neighbor, do not play with any object, do not examine the ceiling, do not look dreamily out the window or wander your gaze past your interlocutor. This behavior is offensive.

    The teacher must constantly keep in mind that a high level a culture of speech, compliance with the rules speech behavior And speech etiquette designed to help him and his students achieve success in communication and mutual understanding with other people.