Abstracts Statements Story

Development of a course “everything in a person should be beautiful.” Everything should be perfect in a person. How to interest a guy during a conversation

Goal: - to develop a respectful attitude towards one’s appearance.
- development and formation of a sense of beauty.

Today we will try to imagine, build a model of a perfect person and relate, at least in part, it to ourselves.
What do you think are the ingredients of a perfect person? Can a person with an ugly, ugly face be called perfect? However, not all people (and you and I are no exception) have classic facial features: a Greek nose, amazing eyelashes.
What makes our face, often imperfect, beautiful?

(children's answers)

And here’s how Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy writes about it: “The mirror reflected an ugly, weak body and a thin face. The eyes are always sad, now they looked at themselves in the mirror especially hopelessly. “She flatters me,” the princess thought, turned away and continued reading. Julie, however, did not flatter her friend: indeed, the princess’s eyes were large and radiant (as if rays of warm light sometimes came out of them in sheaves), they were so beautiful that very often, despite the ugliness of her entire face, these eyes became more attractive than beauty.”

There are faces like lush portals,
Where everywhere the great is seen in the small.
There are faces - like miserable shacks,
Where the liver is cooked and the rennet is soaked.
Other cold, dead faces
Closed with bars, like a dungeon.
Others are like towers in which for a long time
Nobody lives and looks out the window.
But I once knew a small hut,
She was unprepossessing, not rich,
But from the window she looks at me
The breath of a spring day flowed.
Truly the world is both great and wonderful!
There are faces - similarities to jubilant songs.
From these notes, like the sun, shining
A song of heavenly heights has been composed.
N. Zabolotsky.
About the beauty of human faces

Among other children playing
She resembles a frog.
Thin shirt tucked into shorts,
Rings of reddish curls
Scattered, long mouth, crooked teeth,
Facial features are sharp and ugly.
To two boys, her peers,
The fathers each bought a bicycle.
Today the boys, in no hurry for lunch,
They drive around the yard, forgetting about her,
She runs after them.
Someone else's joy is just like your own,
It torments her and breaks out of her heart,
Captivated by the happiness of existence.
No shadows, no evil intentions
This creature doesn't know yet.
Everything in the world is so immensely new to her
Everything is so alive that for others is dead
And I don’t want to think while watching,
What will be the day when she, sobbing, sees with horror,
that among friends
She's just a poor ugly girl
It is hardly possible to break it suddenly
I want to believe that this flame is pure
Which burns in its depths,
He will overcome all his pain alone
And melt the heaviest stone
And even if her features are not good
And there is nothing to seduce her imagination,
Infant grace of the soul
Already visible in any of her movements
And if this is so, then what is beauty?
And why do people deify her?
She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,
Or a fire flickering in a vessel?
Zabolotsky. Ugly girl

But what advice does Emilia Bronte give to the young man in the novel Wuthering Heights...
“Come to the mirror and I will show you what you should desire. Do you see these two lines between your eyebrows? And those thick eyebrows, which instead of rising in an arch, fall down at the bridge of the nose? Do you see this pair of black imps, buried so deeply? They never boldly open the windows, but only look into them furtively, like spies of the devil! So wish and learn to smooth out gloomy wrinkles, lift your eyelids boldly; replace the demons with gullible, innocent angels, looking without suspicion, without fear and always seeing a friend when they do not know for sure that they are facing an enemy. Don't look gloomy and angry... »

“Friendliness and kindness make a person not only physically healthy, but also beautiful. A person’s face, distorted by anger, becomes ugly... "(D.S. Likhachev)

So, can a person with an ugly face be called perfect?
(Adds the word “Face” to A.P. Chekhov’s statement)

Let's imagine a man with a beautiful face and sloppy, tastelessly dressed. Can such a person be called perfect?

(children's answers)

Clothes play an important role in our lives. It should decorate a person, emphasize the advantages of his appearance and hide his shortcomings. Believe me, a person with good appearance can turn into a caricature of himself just from one detail of his costume. But what does Academician Likhachev think about young people’s ability to dress?
“You can be funny in everything, even in the way you dress. If a young man chooses too carefully a tie for a shirt, a shirt for a suit, he is ridiculous. Excessive concern for one's appearance is immediately visible. We must take care to dress decently, but this concern for men should not go beyond certain limits. A man who cares excessively about his appearance is unpleasant. Girls and women are different. Men's clothes should have only a hint of fashion. A perfectly clean shirt, clean shoes and a fresh, but not very bright tie - that's enough. The suit may be old, it should not just be unkempt.”
What do you think is the main sign of taste in a person?

(children's answers)

So, the main sign of taste in a person is a sense of proportion. How to find your style? Fashion is constantly changing, it’s almost impossible to keep up with it, but you can look stylish. If you really find your style (come up with a certain image for yourself) and choose only those from all the new fashion proposals. Which match this style. But how to choose the most suitable image? If you have a delicate face and curly hair, a romantic style will suit you, and if you look like a boy, a sporty style, but not everything is so simple. It is necessary to find an organic combination between the appearance given to you by nature, temperament and lifestyle. For example, if you are energetic and ambitious and dream of a career in business, dress in a classic style, create a “business girl” type, come up with something more original, but just be yourself and don’t try to play someone else’s role.
When you're young, sometimes it's hard to decide and you want to experiment with different styles. Experiment! Develop your taste and hone your ability to express yourself through your appearance. Learn to see yourself through the eyes of others. When you want to change something in your appearance, evaluate yourself as if you were a stranger.
Carefully and meticulously examine yourself in the mirror not only from the front, but also from the side and from the back.

The art of makeup.
Yes, yes, exactly art! It has the expressiveness of painting and the magic of theater. Makeup created by a skillful hand can transform an uninteresting face beyond recognition, and make a beautiful one simply irresistible. And, besides, makeup is real creativity, and not just self-care. You can create a real work of art from your own face, it is only important not to go beyond classical realism! To keep your face clean and healthy, you need to constantly take care of it. Decorative cosmetics should be used sparingly and only of high quality.

What word should be added to the phrase of A.P. Chekhov: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: both the face and ...?” " (cloth)

“Without a soul, the most enlightened clever woman is a creature, an ignoramus without a soul is a beast”...

Add the word soul to the statement.

To cultivate a culture of feelings, a soul, is not a task for a decade, a quarter, a year, it is a task for a lifetime, since throughout one’s conscious life a person accumulates, bit by bit, precious experience, manifestations of the best, high quality.
The American educator of the 18th century, Benjamin Franklin, while still a printing house worker, compiled for himself “13 principles of small everyday virtues.” They included: Restraint, silence, order, determination, activity, frankness, frugality, moderation, cleanliness, calm, chastity, modesty.
He persistently and persistently developed and cultivated these qualities in himself. Through self-education he became one of the most enlightened people of his time, and through self-improvement he became a humanist.
Cultivating a culture of feelings, a culture of human communication, a soul is not only a long, but also difficult task.
It is generally accepted that it is not easy for a person to feel within himself a soul that corresponds to the ideal.

Don't let your soul be lazy!
So as not to pound water in a mortar,
The soul must work

Drive her from house to house,
Drag from stage to stage,
Through the wasteland, through the brown forest
Through a snowdrift, through a pothole!

DO NOT let her sleep in the bed.
In the light morning star,
Keep the lazy girl in the black body
And don't take the reins off her!

If you decide to cut her some slack,
Freeing from work,
She's the last shirt
He will rip it off you without mercy.

And you grab her by the shoulders,
Teach and torment until dark,
To live with you like a human being
She studied again.

She is a slave and a queen,
She is a worker and a daughter,
She must work
And day and night, and day and night!
N. Zabolotsky.
Don't let your soul be lazy

A person can experience high spiritual aspirations, sincerely love all of humanity, but all this remains inside until he confirms his aspirations in real, albeit seemingly ordinary, matters. Humanity consists of specific people.
And every person needs specific goodness, specific compassion.
And how important it is to surround a person with attention and care on time.
Life with my stepfather was not fun,
Still, he raised me -
And that's why
Sometimes I regret that I didn’t get to
At least give him something to please him.

When he fell ill and died quietly, -
The mother says -
Day by day
He remembered me more and more often and waited:
“That would be good for Schurka. ...He would have saved
Me! »

To a homeless grandmother in her native village
I said: I love her so much,
That I’ll grow up and build her a house myself,
I'll prepare the firewood,
I’ll buy a cartload of bread.

I dreamed about a lot
He promised a lot...
During the siege of Leningrad
Saved an old man from death
Yes, I'm a day late
And centuries will not return that day.
Now I have walked thousands of roads -
Buy a cart of bread, cut down a house -
I could.
No stepfather
And grandma died...
Hurry up to do good deeds!
A. Yashin. Hurry up to do good deeds.

Yes, timely help to specific people is one of the main manifestations of a person’s spiritual qualities.
To end,
Until the silent cross
Let the soul
It will remain clean!
Before this
Yellow, provincial
Birch side
Before the lazy
Cloudy and sad
On autumn days
sorrowful rains,
Before that
Strict village council,
Before that
Herd by the bridge
Before everything
With old white light
I swear:
My soul is pure
Let her
will remain clean
To end,
Until the death cross!
N. Rubtsov “Until the end…. »

How do you understand the poet’s words: “Let the soul remain pure”?

(Children's answers)

In order to get closer to the ideal, one more is needed,
the last component is “Thoughts”.

(We add the word “thoughts” to A.P. Chekhov’s statement.)

The riches of human thought are inexhaustible. One of the forms of their expression is aphorisms, pearls of human wisdom, cast in a short linguistic form.
“Every person can and should use everything that the collective mind of humanity has developed, but at the same time he can and should use his mind to check the data generated by all of humanity” (L. N. Tolstoy)

So we built, with the help of Chekhov, a model of a perfect person. “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts.”
There is little left: try to match it...

Magar Oksana Vitalievna.

Municipal government educational institution"Secondary school No. 85

named after Hero Soviet Union N.D. Pakhotishcheva, Taishet"

Course development

for extracurricular activities

“Everything in a person should be beautiful”

Completed: Kozodoy Vera Anatolevna,

social teacher MKOU "Secondary School No. 85"



Chapter 1. Introduction. Theoretical description of the course……………….. 3

Chapter 2. Course project “Everything in a person should be beautiful” 4

1.1 Summary lesson block……………………………6

1.2 Evaluation criteria practical work…………………… 8

1.3 Glossary………………………………………………………8

1.4 Introductory testing ………………………………………….. 10

1.5 Lesson developments………………………………………………………... 13

1.6 Questions for self-test……………………………………. 44

1.7 Topics for discussion…………………………………………... 44

1.8 Efficiency………………………………………………………………... 45

Chapter 3. Description practical significance course……………... 46


List of references and Internet resources…………………………. 47

Chapter 1. Introduction

Every person is beautiful in their own way:Especially with your soul,not just the body...

The art of depicting the surrounding world is a single artistic, creative, educational and cognitive process that allows creative person develop your abilities in observation and perception, imagination and fantasy,deep understanding and knowledge of the characteristics of the human figure.

It is impossible to imagine in what area of ​​activity a person would not benefit from the ability to depict the world in volume and color. In any profession and everyday life, the feeling of success prevails if one has the skills visual arts.

The human figure has long been the main object of interest and depiction of artists. To better understand any form, it is necessary to develop artistic vision and the skills of correct sequential step-by-step depiction. In any profession, a person will achieve the greatest success if he masters the means of fine art. By analyzing the completed images, it is possible to identify the degree of education, features of memory, imagination, thinking and the development of creative abilities.

The human body is anatomically magnificent, graceful and flexible in movement, but harmonious in its unity. Depicting a person is a very complex and fascinating process that is difficult for adults, and even more so for children, to master. To correctly determine and spatially depict proportions, the spatial arrangement of individual parts of the figure and face, and the depicted object as a whole, it is necessary to pay maximum attention to sighting techniques. Gradually after long training young artist He will learn to determine the proportions and arrange parts of the body and face.

The school curriculum devotes very little time to developing skills in figure and face drawing. This is especially felt when working with gifted children who lack the volume of hours within the school curriculum. There are different manners and methods with which you can achieve a deep understanding and knowledge of the features of the image of a person’s figure and face. This course development contains the most successful step-by-step drawings on this topic.

Chapter 2. Course Design

Course topic

Step-by-step depiction of a person “Everything in a person should be beautiful”

Kozodoy Vera Anatolevna

The target audience

7th grade

Basic questions of the course

Image of a human figure, head and its main elements.

Purpose of the course

Educational: development of the eye, improvement of drawing skills, the ability to accurately and concisely convey the most essential, identify the design and proportional features of the image.
Educators: education of aesthetic taste.
Educational: development of creative abilities, visual memory, horizons, mental activity, attention.

Course Objectives

Lesson objectives: sketch a human figure using step-by-step techniques. Find the correct compositional placement in the sheet, accurately convey the proportions of the human figure, make your drawing more expressive using graphic means of expression

Type of activities

Communicating new knowledge and consolidating it through practical work.

Entry requirements for students (ZUN)

Know about the diverse ideas of people of different eras and nations about human beauty.

Learning outcomes (LUN)

Be able to depict a human figure according to modern canons.

Number of hours

Number of modules

Suggested resources for the “Reader” section

- “Fine arts at school” N.S. Mikhnyuk, Krasnoyarsk Publishing House pedagogical university, Krasnoyarsk, 1994

Fine arts, 7th grade, lesson plans according to the B.M. program. Nemensky







Availability of a forum and discussion topics

    Try to refute (or confirm) what was said by the Soviet artist-teacher N.P. Krymov’s point of view: “They say: art is not science, not mathematics, that it is creativity, mood, and that nothing in art can be explained - look and admire. In my opinion this is not the case. Art is explainable and very logical, you need and can know about it, it is mathematical...”

    Is the sculptor A. S. Golubkina right when she says this: “To understand a machine, it is not enough to sketch and copy it, it must be disassembled and reassembled, understanding every part of it, because there is neither a screw nor a recess without a special purpose. If you approach the structure of the human body in the same way, you will see such amazing wisdom and beauty of its structure that you will only regret that you did not know this before.”

    How would you explain the statement “All cats are gray at night” (in terms of the “lowest threshold of color sensation”)?

    What would you say about the fact that ancient Egyptian artists considered the portrait image to be a double of a person and that the soul after death could return to the portrait. Since then, artists around the world have created many outstanding portraits, and in each one one can see the soul of the person depicted and the soul of the artist.

Thematic planning

Brief content of the lesson block:

Introductory lesson“Initial testing” is supposed to be a drawing test, where the student is asked to draw a figure from life independently, without any help and without explanation of proportions, and a test of 10 questions.

First practical lesson “manners and methods” with which you can achieve a deep understanding and knowledge of the characteristics of a person’s figure.

Examples of drawing are given: animalistic; by cells; symbols; step-by-step (schematic); classical and anatomical, silhouette.

At the end of the lesson, the student should find areas of application of various manners and methods of depicting a person.

Second practical lesson "idea of ​​human beauty."

The history of the depiction of the human figure is described. The concepts of proportion, sighting, and the “Golden Section” are given. At the end of the lesson you should know: a short history creating images involving the human figure.

Third practical lesson “the study of the basic proportions of the human figure.”

It also begins with history, but with an explanation of the canon, talks about age differences and smoothly moves on to an explanation of proportions, talking in detail about the basic proportions of the average person. The student makes sketches, which are later used in the next lesson.

At the end of the lesson, you should know and be able to: all the basic proportions of drawing a human figure and be able to apply knowledge in practice.

Fourth practical lesson "Drawing a human figure in a standing position." It is divided into two parts. The student's goal is to draw a human figure in compliance with all proportions. The first lesson contains more theory than practice, and the second lesson is almost entirely devoted to independent work.

At the end of the lesson, students should know and be able to: apply the acquired early knowledge about proportions in practice, correctly build human figures.

Fifth practical lesson “drawing a human figure in a standing position”

Continuation of the fourth. Graphic execution of work.

At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to: create a human figure in a graphic.

It begins with an explanation of plastic anatomy, but from the point of view of the canon, talks about age differences and smoothly moves on to an explanation of proportions, talking in detail about the basic proportions of the average person’s face. The student makes sketches, which are later used in the next lesson.

At the end of the lesson, you should know and be able to: all the basic proportions of the human face and be able to apply knowledge in practice.


Begins with an explanation of the basic proportions of the average human eye. The student makes sketches, which are later used in the next lesson.

At the end of the lesson, you should know and be able to: the basic proportions of the human eye and be able to apply knowledge in practice.

Starts with an explanation of the proportions of the average person's lips. The student makes sketches, which are later used in the next lesson.

At the end of the lesson, you should know and be able to: all the basic proportions of human lips and be able to apply knowledge in practice.

Ninth practical lesson “image of a human nose”

Starts with an explanation of the proportions of the average person's nose. The student makes sketches, which are later used in the next lesson.

At the end of the lesson, you should know and be able to: the basic proportions of the human nose and be able to apply knowledge in practice.

It begins with an explanation of plastic anatomy and smoothly moves on to an explanation of proportions, talking in detail about the basic proportions of the average person's hand. The student makes sketches, which are later used in the next lesson.

At the end of the lesson, you should know and be able to: the basic proportions of the human hand and be able to apply knowledge in practice.

It begins with an explanation of plastic anatomy and smoothly moves on to an explanation of proportions, talking in detail about the basic proportions of the average person's foot. The student makes sketches, which are later used in the next lesson.

At the end of the lesson, you should know and be able to: the basic proportions of the human foot and be able to apply knowledge in practice.

Twelfth practical lesson “drawing a person”

Students are provided free theme, but with human participation. The guys use any material and any technique they like.

At the end of the lesson, students should know and be able to: use the acquired knowledge in practice, and independently assess their strengths.

Criteria for assessing practical work .

Compliance with a given topic; is the compositional placement of the drawing correct, the accuracy of the work, originality, compliance with proportions, correct execution, layout on the sheet, use of an eraser.

“5” - compliance with all criteria.

“4” - minor inaccuracies in compositional placement, the basic rules for using an elastic band have been violated.

“3” - violated compositional structure drawing, executed incorrectly, sloppy, worn out.

“2” - the work was not done carefully, without desire, the work does not correspond to the given topic.


Anime – . Unlikeother countries intended primarily for viewing, most of the anime produced is designed for and, and largely due to this, it is highly popular in the world. Anime is distinguished by a characteristic manner of drawing characters and backgrounds.

We recognize certain proportional relationships in the construction of the human figure, his environment, and architecture as a given. The emotional beginning of artistic creativity is verified by exact science. Outstanding masters of bygone eras constantly sought to test harmony with algebra, however, the mathematics of antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance was devoid of dryness and abstraction.

When we get acquainted with the history of art, we admire perfect works, for example, an antique statue or temple, paintingsLeonardo da Vinci , Raphael, Ingres , then we are struck by the amazing harmony inherent in them, which is largely determined by such an aesthetic quality as the proportionality of the whole and details. Word "proportion “translated from Latin means “correlation”, “proportionality”. By comparing objects around us in size, height, width, volume, we can say that some of them are long and others are short, high and low, wide and narrow, large and small, etc. By establishing the relationship between objects and between parts of the shape of a separate object, we find out their proportional characteristics.

Proportions are the dimensional relationships of elements or parts of a form with each other, as well as between various objects.

Proportion – this is the harmonization of form work of art, proportionality is its aesthetic quality.

The proportionality of the parts creates the beauty of the form.

The basis for determining proportions is the comparison method.

All these properties underlie a competent drawing.

In artistic practice, there is a well-known method for determining proportions, calledsighting.

However, no mechanical methods for determining proportions can replace a developedeye . It is this ability that needs to be developed in oneself through training.

When drawing, we must remember that we depict objects somewhat smaller than their natural size, so it is necessary to adhere to a single scale to determine the proportions of all image objects that make up the composition. Thus, maintaining proportions in a drawing means achieving a ratio of the sizes of all parts of an object to the whole within the chosen sheet format.

Finding proportions in the image of a human figure is a difficult task. Let's turn to history, looking at how artists from different eras and different cultures solved it.

IN Ancient Egypt a special one was developed to depict the human figurecanon - that is, such a system of proportions of the human figure that divided the image into parts and made it possible to determine the whole and to determine another by one part of the body. It is known that the Egyptians based the division of the figure on 21 ¼ parts. This number included 19 equal parts of the figure itself, and 2 ¼ parts were divided into the image of the traditional headdress.

The Egyptians also used special grid tables, which were applied to the surface of a stone slab or wall to create relief or painting.

On the monuments that have survived and come down to us, one can see that horizontal and vertical lines divide the drawing in certain places, which corresponds to the division of the figures into parts. Certain dimensions were also established for the depiction of seated figures and for the depiction of various gods in accordance with their hierarchical seniority (some should be higher, others a little lower). Children were depicted as adults, but much smaller in size. The artist needed to know the norms established by the canon and learn to fit images into them using a grid-table. one system training and strict adherence to the developed standards made it possible to perform parts of one work by different masters. When such parts were put together into a single composition, they fit together exactly, and there was no violation of proportions.

The entire history of the study of proportions is connected with the search for the laws of harmony and beauty. IN Ancient Greece a system of ideal proportions of the human figure was created by the sculptor Polykleitos inVcentury BC e. His theoretical work on this topic was called “The Canon”, and the expression in sculpture of this system was his statue “Doriphoros”, which means a spearman. The master depicted a young athlete, winner of a javelin throwing competition, at the moment when, after winning, he makes a lap of honor around the stadium and is greeted by enthusiastic spectators.

The discovery of proportions is believed to belong to the merits of ancient Eastern mathematics, while ancient tradition associates it with the name of the outstanding philosopher and mathematician Pythagoras, who lived inVIcentury BC e. The universal principle of harmony and beauty in proportions was called the “golden ratio”, which personified the balance of knowledge, feelings and power. Golden ratio occurs when a segment is divided into two unequal parts in such a way that the entire segment is related to its larger part as the larger one is to the smaller one (0.618).

The knowledge of the golden ratio played a significant role in the work of ancient architects, sculptors and painters. Students of drawing will be interested to know the rule that can be clearly seen in ancient Greek statues: when dividing the human torso in accordance with the golden ratio, it is easy to find the level of the navel and elbow, when dividing two segments again in opposite directions The height of the knee and the lower level of the neck are determined.

Examples of the use of the golden ratio can be the ancient head of Aphrodite and any of the works of the artist Raphael. In search of harmony, artists intuitively always followed this principle and, to one degree or another, approached ideal ratios, but theoretically, the principle of the golden ratio was formulated in the Renaissance. Leonardo da Vinci, who studied and deeply analyzed the experience of the ancients, developing rules for depicting the human figure, tried to restore the so-called “square of the ancients” on the basis of literary information. He made a drawing that shows the proportional pattern in the relationship between parts of the human body.

Homework: Make a sketch of the Egyptian figure according to the canons.

third and fourth practical lessons

What is it anyway phasing, especially in drawing? Let's start with the simplest thing, namely the word “stage”! Simply put « stage» - this is a period of time during a process or matter. This period of time can be either small (a couple of minutes or even seconds) or very large (several years, centuries, centuries, or even more). We've sorted out the time period, now let's move on to the process itself. Process- this is any action (change of state, change, development) or business that someone is engaged in. In our case, this is drawing.

So we have come to step-by-step drawing. Whatever one may say, the meaning will be the same, namely, we will go from simple and easy to complex and labor-intensive.

After artists abandoned traditional mythological and biblical subjects, they began to create paintings that reflect real life. The canvases began to depict specific people doing specific activities that did not symbolize anything. Artists sought to depict real life, which they observed on the streets of cities, in rural areas or in their own environment, taking into account the canons and proportions that correspond to a certain age and gender.

IN Let's use the most convenient proportional canon, where the unit of measurement (module) is the human head. According to this canon, the entire figure is divided in height into 8 equal-sized parts, where:

1 - head; 2 – from the chin to the nipple line; 3 – from the nipple line to the waist; 4 – from the waist to the pubis; 5 – from the pubis to the middle of the thighs; 6 – from the middle of the thighs to the knee joint; 7 – from the knee joint to the bottom of the calf muscle; 8 – from the bottom of the calf muscle to the sole.

We draw a vertical line and put eight identical segments on it and through the resulting points we draw horizontal lines: chin, shoulders, chest, waist, pelvis, mid-thighs, knee joint, mid-calf, foot.

You need to remember a few rules for constructing a standard figure diagram:

The elbow of the hand lies on the waist line;

The hand, in a lowered position, reaches the middle of the thigh with the end of the middle finger;

The length of the outstretched arms, together with the length of the shoulders, is equal to the height of a person;

The width of the arm should not exceed the width of the neck;

The waist width is equal to the head height M (module);

Shoulder length – ¾ M;

Pelvis width – 1.5 M;

Neck width – ½ shoulder length;

The width of the shifted knees is equal to the length of the shoulder;

The width of the shifted ankles is equal to the width of the neck;

The width of the foot is equal to the width of the knees.

But there are differences in the proportions of female and male figures. The male figure differs from the female figure in being taller and stronger. In men, bone protrusions and muscle relief are more clearly defined, the shoulders are usually much wider than the hips, and the neck is shorter and wider.

The female figure differs from the male figure in shorter upper and lower limbs, a wider pelvis and narrow shoulders, a relatively smaller hand and foot, and a smaller facial section of the head.

The proportions of children's figures vary depending on age. So the height of a newborn’s head relates to the height of the entire figure as 1:4, the length of the upper limbs is 2/5, and the lower limbs are 1/3 of the height of the figure. The navel is the middle of the figure, and the width of the head is equal to the width of the hips. Waist has not yet been determined.

In a 7-year-old child, the head is six times tall, and the body is 1/3 of the height. The child's body becomes slimmer, the upper and lower limbs lengthen.

In the proportions of a 13-year-old child, the head is 1/7 of the height of the figure. At this age, the limbs increase significantly, the torso shortens, the shoulders become narrower and the waist becomes slightly visible.

From the above it is clear that changes in the proportions of individual parts of children’s bodies during the process of growth occur unevenly over the years. Also, the age-related difference in the proportional relationships of individual parts of the child’s body creates difficulties when drawing up a system of proportions for drawing children’s figures.

Homework: Make a drawing of a human figure in a standing position.

fifth practical lesson

We looked at drawing a female and male figure according to the diagram in a frontal position with support on both legs. Now let's look at the stages of drawing the figure of a person leaning on one leg.

Draw a vertical line, put a segment on it, equal to height figures, divide it into 8 parts. We construct the main constructive lines of the figure, taking into account the change in their direction at a given position of the figure. The lines of the shoulders and chest will be directed down towards the supporting leg, and the lines of the waist, hips and knees will be directed upward, towards the supporting leg.

From the shoulder line to the hip line we draw a new midline. Let's also change the tilt of the head and neck towards the supporting leg. We outline all measurements of the width of the figure relative to the new midline along the lines of the chest, waist and hips.

Homework: Sketch a figure with support on one leg.

Sixth practical lesson “image of a human head”.

A realistic depiction of the human head and figure is based on knowledge of plastic anatomy, perspective and systematic exercises in drawing from life. We will look at a schematic representation of a person’s head from the front.

The most difficult thing is for a person, so only real artists who have studied drawing for several years can draw a portrait correctly and accurately. Our drawing lessons are intended mainly for children, so the eyes and other facial features in the drawing of a person are drawn schematically, without carefully drawing the details. About how to learn to draw a portrait of a person with a pencil, and even how there are additional lessons on the site.

Drawings of a person’s face, portraits are the most complex look visual arts. Learning to accurately draw a person, even with a simple pencil, requires not only time to learn, but also talent. The difficulty of drawing a person lies in the ability to convey emotional condition a person, his facial expressions, depth of gaze, etc. But it is quite possible to learn a simple technique for drawing a person on your own, especially if you draw a person step by step.

drawings of a person's face, a portrait is the most complex type of fine art. Learning to draw a portrait of a person correctly, even with a simple pencil, requires not only time to learn, but also talent. The difficulty of drawing a portrait of a person lies in the ability to convey the emotional state of a person, his facial expressions, the depth of his gaze, etc. To do this, you need to correctly, accurately repeat the shape and other features of his face.

How to draw a portrait of a person if you have no experience? It is quite possible to learn a simple technique for drawing a person’s face on your own, but first you need draw a person's facestep by step, with a simple pencil. Perhaps not the first time, but when great desire, you will definitely be able to draw a real portrait of a person.

1. The first contour of a person's face is the most important.

To draw correctlyportrait of a manIt is important to accurately make the first contour, the contour of the face. Without pressing hard on the pencil, repeat this oval of the person's face in your drawing. You may have to draw it several times, repeat this step again, do not spare paper, draw until the oval of the face is the correct shape and symmetrical. If you want to draw the same portrait as in my drawing, be patient and diligent.

2. Marking the main parts of a person’s face.
Exactly in the center, draw a horizontal line dividing the portrait into two parts, and just below another parallel line. From the center of the bottom line, draw a perpendicular line and mark where the tip of the nose will be located on the face. Draw all these lines without pressing hard on the pencil. Don't forget to draw the ears.

3. The main part of a person’s portrait is his eyes.

Drawing a person's face step by step is simple and fun. The main thing is to definitely take the first steps. At this stage it will be much easier to draw, but you need to be extremely careful and careful. We probably need to sharpen our pencil sharper; we will need a sharp pencil now.

The eyes on a person's face are the most important part of a portrait. So let's start drawing this portrait step with them. Smooth, oval lines, but first place marks (dots) for the lateral, upper and lower borders of each eye. Draw the pupils, the line of the mouth and the initial contours of the hair.

4. Draw the contours of the eyebrows, mouth and lips on the person’s face.

This step will be the most difficult, but after it the portrait of the person will be almost complete.
Draw something that is easy to draw first. Draw the eyebrows and finish drawing the outline of the hair. Now let's draw a little more complex element human face - lips. It’s easier to draw the lower lip, so we’ll start with it, and the upper one will be a mirror image of the lower one, only it is divided in half in the center. Don't draw too wide a mouth or thick lips.
Start drawing the nose from its tip, in the form of a “tick”, and two arcs along the edges. Now draw a line from the right eyebrow, slightly deviating to the right.
Using an eraser, carefully remove from your
drawing of a person's faceextra contour lines and look, you get a real portrait of a person.

5. The drawing of the man's face is almost complete.

If you have reached this stage and are quite satisfied with your drawing of a person, then you are a real artist and apparently you can draw a lot of other beautiful things. Starting from this step, you have earned a rest, and therefore you will not have to draw any more difficult things in your portrait of a person.
You will only need to draw eyebrows, eyelids, hair and draw the ears in more detail.

6. Portrait of a man. Applying shadows to the drawing.

Now you have a real drawing of a person’s face, all that remains is to make a portrait, as real artists do. You need to add shadows to the drawing with a soft pencil to make the picture of the face three-dimensional. This can only be achieved by creating shadows and contrasts. On the face and hair, many areas need to be shaded with darker and denser light. This effect will give the face greater realism and depth.

Now you know how draw a portraitperson and you can try to draw a portrait from a photograph. Don’t try to draw a portrait of a person “from life”, only artists can do this.
If you manage to convey the main similarities and express the main feature of a person in your drawing, that’s already good. And if the portrait resembles the person in the photo, then you can be sure that you have real talent.

Homework: Make a sketch of the head.

Seventh practical lesson “image of the human eye”

The drawing of a person's face is, first of all, the eyes. It is this element of the portrait that needs to be given the most attention. In this lesson you can learn how to draw eyes in detail.

It is very difficult to draw eyes correctly, and most importantly to convey a person’s gaze. Any - these are, first of all, correctly drawn eyes. Let's try to learn draw eyes person with a pencil, step by step.

1. First you need to draw simple contours for the eye.

To make it easier for you draw eyes person, I decided to draw only one eye. But you can immediately draw two eyes by placing them side by side in a mirror image. To do this, draw both contours in your drawing at once. Please note that the eyes should be the same, but in a mirror position in relation to each other, otherwise they will look crooked and askew, which is naturally not desirable for drawing beautiful eyes.

2. Add another eye to the drawing circuit.

So far the lesson on how to draw eyes is more like a geometry lesson. But it is with these figures that it will be easier for you to learn how to draw eyes correctly. Please note that the second contour is not a square, but a rectangle, its horizontal sides are longer than the perpendicular ones.

3. Drawing of an eye. General contour of the eye

Now you will need to draw the general outline of the eye, “stretch” it and draw an oval for the cornea of ​​the eye inside the rectangle. All this is not difficult to do, it is only important to accurately mark where the corners will be located. If you connect the angled lines too far, the eyes will appear narrow.

4. The eye drawing takes on a real shape

When drawing eyes, it is important to correctly draw the shape of the eye, to “maintain” all the proportions, and that’s why we used geometric shapes. But at this step, we will no longer need them, and they will need to be deleted. But first you need to change the shape of the eye, exactly like in my drawing. The left corner of the eye (in relation to you) needs to be moved beyond the general contour and lowered almost to the level of the lower part of the oval of the cornea. And on the contrary, move the right corner of the eye inside the contour at the level of the horizontal marking line. After this, use smooth lines to connect the corners into one whole. Now you can remove the extra contour lines and the drawing now has a real beautiful eye.
This is a difficult step, give it the most attention.

5. Eye drawing is almost finished

Inside cornea eyes need to draw pupils. The pupils do not need to be drawn too large. Human eyes have small pupils in normal lighting. In the left corner of the eye, draw a bag for tears, and on top, a parallel line of the upper eyelid. Now we can say that you were able to draw the eye almost completely. All that remains is to draw the eyelashes and shade the drawing a little with a pencil.

6. How to draw human eyes. Shadows

To finally draw the eyes, you need to add eyelashes to the drawing, but small ones. We are drawing ordinary human eyes, not a fashion model from a magazine. Eyelashes can give an unexpected effect to your eye image and should be used carefully. Then you need to darken some areas of the eyelids, as shown in the picture. You also need to add a stroke around the eye where the eyelashes were, and outline the iris. And of course, color the iris with colored pencils.

Eye shapes Women's eyebrow shapes

Now, when drawing a person’s face, you can confidently and correctly do eye drawing.

Homework: Complete five sketches of different eye shapes. In the previous sketch, draw the eyes.

Eighth practical lesson “image of human lips”

If you decide, it is important first of all to be accurate and correct. The eyes convey his mood, character, and emotions in the drawing. To achieve similarity in a person's portrait, it is important to accurately draw any facial features. But eyes and lips are the most important elements of facial design. Incorrectly drawn lips can distort the entire drawing, giving a facial expression, mood, emotions, etc. that are not typical for a given person.
In this lesson you will learn how to learn
draw lipsperson using a step-by-step method. The lips are drawn with a simple pencil.

1. Draw lips using simple contours

To draw beautiful lips you will first need to make a simple marking in the form of three parallel lines. Do exactly the same as in my drawing, just keep in mind that the further the small lines are from the main line, the thicker the lips in the drawing will be.
In this figure, the distance between the top and bottom lines is 4 cm, the length of the central line is 13 cm, the length of short lines is 3 cm.

2. Lips regain their original shape.

Using a step-by-step drawing method, you can draw very beautiful lips even without knowing how to draw. You will see this at the end of this lesson. In the meantime, continue drawing the lips and connect short lines to form the corners of the lips.
Look, you can already say that you were able to
draw lips.

3. Lips take on a real shape

It would be too easy to draw if all the lines in a portrait could be drawn with a ruler. You will have to use your imagination a little and draw the “real” shape of the lips, dividing the upper lip into two parts with a “heart”. You should reduce the upper contour of the lip, and, on the contrary, increase the lower one.

4. How to draw a lip dividing line

First, remove the old markings with an eraser, and look at your lips almost like “real ones.” But you still need to draw a dividing line between the lips. To do this, almost repeat the contour of the upper lip onto the main dividing line, slightly stretching its central part - the “heart”. It is advisable to do this exactly as in my drawing. Do not rush to remove the marking line from the drawing. It won't interfere with drawing lips. Simply shade the resulting parts from the intersection of lines with a soft pencil.

5. Lip drawing is almost finished

lip drawingwas realistic, you need to make the lip drawing voluminous. Volume is created with the help of shadows, so apply light shadows along the edges of the lips and in the places where they meet. Perhaps you will be lining your lips with colored pencils, then this can be done at this step.
If you decide to draw your lips with a simple pencil, then you need to complete one more step.

6. How to draw a person's lips. Shadows

A person's lips have "wrinkles" or folds that stretch when they smile. To draw your lips accurately and beautifully, draw these “little things” too. After this, apply shadows with a soft pencil and your drawing is now completely finished.

Lip shapes

Now I hope you will agree with me that drawing a person’s lips step by step is quite simple.

Homework: Complete five sketches of different lip shapes. On the sketch of the head, draw an image of the lips.

Ninth practical lesson “image of a human nose” http://www.lookmi.ru/kak-narisovat-nos.html

If you decide, it is important first of all to be accurate and correct. There is a lesson on the site. But there are no “trifles” in a portrait of a person. All facial features must be drawn accurately, including the nose must be drawn correctly and beautifully. In this lesson you will be abledraw a person's nosestep by step. The nose drawing is made with a simple pencil.

1. Let's start drawing the nose with simple markings

Each person's nose has unique characteristics, so it is impossible to give precise advice on how to draw the nose of a girl, child or man. You can only make an abstract or, as they say, “academic” drawing of the nose. This is exactly the version of the nose drawing that I suggest you draw with me.
I hope there is no need to explain how to draw these two lines.

2. Contours of the “wings” and bridge of the nose

The human nose has “wings” and a bridge of the nose, and it is their contours that need to be drawn in this step. The segment of the width of the “wing” in my drawing is equal to exactly half of the perpendicular line from the beginning of their intersection. You need to draw the nose carefully, accurately observing the proportions.

3. The nose pattern takes on a real shape

After precise preliminary marking of the nose drawing, drawing the nose correctly and beautifully will be easy. You can see for yourself that it’s not difficult to draw anymore. Outline the streamlined shapes of the wings of the nose. Draw two lines from the bridge of the nose and draw the tip of the nose.

4. How to draw a nose. The drawing is almost ready

At this step, remove the extra contour lines, and you will get a real academic nose; all that remains is to draw a few small details.
Get ready to have to adjust the shape of the nose in the drawing several times. Drawing a nose is not difficult, but the slightest inaccuracy leads to the nose becoming “plump” like Santa Claus or thin and skinny like Baba Yaga.

5. How to draw a voluminous nose

This stage of drawing and the next one will consist of only one thing. You need to apply shadows to the drawing with a soft pencil so that the nose looks voluminous, like in a painting by real artists.

6. How to draw a person's nose. Final step

How to draw a nose, at the beginning of the drawing of a person’s face or at the end? Usually, when drawing a nose at the end of a lesson, the nose turns out to be distorted, either too small or, on the contrary, large. The eyes and nose are the most important elements of drawing a person's face, so it is better to start drawing with them. You can correct the chin, ears and even lips, but if you didn’t “get it right” with the nose and eyes, the person’s portrait will not look like anything.

Now you know howdraw a portraitperson and you can try to draw a portrait from a photograph. Don’t try to draw a portrait of a person “from life”, only artists can do this.
If you manage to convey the main similarities and express the main feature of a person in your drawing, that’s already good. And if the portrait resembles the person in the photo, then you can be sure that you have real talent.

Homework: Complete five sketches of different nose shapes. Complete the portrait by adding a nose.

Tenth practical lesson “image of a human hand”

In this lesson, I propose to draw a hand in its classic position - fingers unclenched, palm down. You may want to draw a hand clenched into a fist or a hand palm up. Or draw connecting hands, as in the background picture. Either way, this tutorial will help you draw hands.

Drawing a hand is very convenient because you draw with one hand and can draw with the other.
First examine your hand carefully, pay attention to the length of the fingers and the proportions of the hand.
You can even outline the hand if you are going to draw it at life size.

1. Marking the contour of the hand

Indeed, if you need
draw a handon the entire sheet of paper, it is easier to outline the outline of your hand, and then, using some tips from this lesson, just add details.
If you need to draw a hand on a reduced scale, then first put two dots for the wrist and five dots for the fingers.
Please note that it is not the index finger, but the middle finger on the hand that is the longest.

2. Straight contour lines of the fingers

The length of the fingers varies. They say that musicians have very long fingers. Among the nobles, long and refined fingers emphasized aristocratic origin. Maybe, but we will be drawing a regular hand, so divide the segment where the little finger will be in half, and draw a line from it, parallel to the previously marked points.
For the thumb, draw a rectangular outline.

3. Draw real outlines of the fingers

At this stage, you only need to trace the straight contours of your fingers with a pencil and give them real shapes. It is possible that these preliminary contours will turn out to be inaccurate, then the shape of each finger can be refined separately.

4. General contour line of the hand

At this step you can adjust the contours of the fingers. Make a deeper “angle” for the thumb, but you can leave the original contour, at your discretion.
Mark the phalanges and remove unnecessary contour lines from the drawing.

5. The hand drawing is almost finished

First of all, paint your fingernails on your hand. Highlight the knuckles with a few strokes and you can say
hand drawingfinished. All that remains is to draw a few details in the next step.

6. How to draw a hand. Shadows

A person's hands have "wrinkles" or folds in the knuckles that stretch when the fingers are squeezed, make these areas darker. There is an area between the fingers that also needs to be highlighted. To make the hand look voluminous in the drawing, you can make some of the contour lines darker and thicker. In this case, choose which side you will have the light source on.
Examples of drawing a hand from different angles.

Homework: Complete five sketches of the hand from different angles.

Eleventh practical lesson “image of a human foot”

The feet, along with the hands, are one of the most difficult things to do when drawing the human body. But once you learn them, they become one of the most beautiful things to draw! First we'll cover the basics and then I'll show you a simple path you can follow when drawing the leg.

Let's start with the basic structure of the leg - the bones. Yes, it is important to know how your leg is put together under all your skin and muscles. This will help you create a visual image of what the leg represents as a part of the body, rather than thinking of it as a lump with toes. (I found this drawing and it saves me the trouble of drawing this structure myself)

And this drawing shows what the leg bones look like when viewed from the side.

One note about toes - in most cases the second toe is longer than the rest - including the big toe. Just keep it in mind.

Unlike the hand, the toes are all located together and their tips may even form a straight line, but they always deviate downward, either from the big toe or from the second toe. The bases of the toes are located at different “heights”.
To start, draw these simple shapes - blocks, triangles, circles and cylinders. Then we'll draw the basic curves that form the leg. Just like this picture...
A: There is a slight increase here. But not very noticeable.
B: "ball" on the leg, the line curves outward.
C: Be aware of the "arch" in the middle of the foot - it varies for different feet.
D: don't forget your ankle!
E: The Achilles tendon curves more inward and the curves that form the heel curve outward.

Now let's look at what the foot looks like when viewed from the front. The front view requires more attention because it involves perspective.

Let's start again with the basic shapes. Only now it is a trapezoid and a cylinder for the lower leg. Then add some lines to show where the fingers will be placed.
The line of the “bottom edge” of the ankle is located at an angle. Bulge (circle at the "end of the ankle") on the line inside ankle is located higher than a similar point on the line of the outer side.

Remember, the second toe is usually always longer than the big toe. Therefore, it is natural that such an image in artistic works is more attractive.

After the fingers are drawn, add nails to them.

Now we must turn to what the foot looks like from the back, even though this view is not painted as often, most paintings show the front view.
Again, we start with the basic shapes, drawing the “bottom” line of the ankle at an angle.

Draw two lines to represent the Achilles tendon - right between the ankle lines. Now we outline a place showing the location of the heel - in the form of a square, protruding slightly from the main figure. From it up at an angle we draw lines showing the location of the rest of the foot.

Then draw lines to represent the foot. Naturally, you should do this even if your sketch is larger than this. This is a modified simplified version of creating a foot. Once you practice, drawing will become easier and you won't spend a lot of time sketching. Now you can draw a view of a foot from all sides!

Now is the time to get busy with your fingers. They are like little piglets. The circle representing the tip of the toe should be larger than the lines representing the base of the toe. When you make stroke lines, you don't need to draw a full circle around your fingertip.

When drawing the top view of the foot, use the same techniques.

Then, you can take all these elements and practice. Use a block for the main part of the foot, circles for the toes and where the ankle begins, and a cylinder for the leg. Soon this way of drawing feet will become easier and more natural for you. All art work requires patience, so don't get discouraged when you're just starting out and painting isn't easy. Keep working hard and using references, even your own leg.

Here are some quick sketches of legs I drew. Feel free to use them in your practice. Don't forget to use perspective, camera angles, and all those fun little things shown in the tutorial. While you are learning the basic shapes that make up the foot, you don't have to go into detail.

Different angles of the feet

Homework: Complete five sketches of the foot from different angles.

Twelfth practical lesson

Students are given a free theme to draw, but with an image of a person in motion with all the elements drawn.This work is a final test showing the degree of mastery of this material.

One of the largest collections of step-by-step drawings

“Everything in a person should be beautiful...”

(Class hour about beauty, physical and spiritual for high school students)

(1860- 1904 )
developing students’ ideas about the mental and physical beauty of a person;
develop students’ aesthetic taste in clothing, manner of speaking, and behavior in society;
introduce students to the model of a perfect person;
to instill in students the desire to dress beautifully, take care of their appearance and behave with dignity in society.
Explanatory note:
We live every day and in the bustle and haste of passing days, sometimes we do not notice the main thing: how we dress, whether we take care of ourselves, how we speak, how we behave in society. But this is very important. This class hour will help high school students build a model of a perfect person, based on the famous phrase of A.P. Chekhov.
Teacher: Today we will try to imagine, build a model of the perfect, what are the components of a perfect person? Can a person with an ugly, ugly face be called perfect?
Hardly. However, not all people (and you and I are no exception) have classic facial features: a Greek nose, amazing eye shape, long eyelashes...
What makes our face, often imperfect, beautiful? How do you think? (Guys answer)
And here’s how Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy writes about it: “The mirror reflected an ugly, weak body and a thin face. The eyes are always sad, now they looked at themselves in the mirror especially hopelessly. “Is she flattering me?” thought the princess, turned away and continued reading. Julie, however, did not flatter her friend: indeed, the princess’s eyes, large, deep and radiant (as if rays of warm light sometimes came out of them in sheaves), were so beautiful that very often, despite the ugliness of her entire face, these eyes became more attractive beauty."
Reader (1):
There are faces like lush portals,
Where everywhere the great is seen in the small.
There are faces like miserable shacks,
Where the liver is cooked and the rennet is soaked.
Other cold, dead faces
Closed with bars, like a dungeon.

Others are like towers in which for a long time
Nobody lives and looks out the window.
But I once knew a small hut,
She was unprepossessing, not rich,
But from the window it looks at me
The breath of a spring day flowed.
Truly the world is both great and wonderful!

There are faces - similarities to jubilant songs.
From these legs that shine like the sun
A song of heavenly heights has been composed.
N. Zabolotsky.
About the beauty of human beings ts

Shining happy faces
Reader (2):
Among other children playing,
She looks like a frog
A thin shirt tucked into panties,
Rings of reddish curls
Scattered, long mouth, crooked teeth,
Facial features are sharp and ugly,
To two boys, her peers,
The fathers bought a bicycle each,
Today the boys, in no hurry for lunch,
They drive around the yard, forgetting about her,
She runs after them,
Someone else's joy is just like your own,
It torments her and breaks out of her heart,
And the girl rejoices and laughs,
Captivated by the happiness of existence.

Not a shadow of envy, not a malicious intent,
This creature doesn't know yet.
Everything in the world is so immensely new to her,
Everything is so alive that for others is dead!
And I don’t want to think while watching,
What will be the day when she, sobbing,
She will see with horror that among her friends,
She's just a poor ugly girl!
I want to believe that the heart is not a toy,
It is hardly possible to break it suddenly!
I want to believe that this flame is pure,
Which burns in its depths,
He will overcome all his pain alone
And will melt the heaviest stone!
And even if her features are not good
And there is nothing to seduce her imagination, -
Infant grace of the soul
It already shows through in any of her movements.
And if this is so, then what is beauty?
And why do people deify her?

She is a vessel in which there is emptiness
Or a fire flickering in a vessel?

N. Zabolotsky. Ugly girl.
Teacher: But what advice does Emilia Brontë give to a young man in the novel Wuthering Heights?
Reader (3): “Come to the mirror and I will show you what you should desire. Do you see these two lines between your eyebrows? And those thick eyebrows, which instead of rising in an arch, fall down at the bridge of the nose? Do you see this pair of black imps, buried so deeply? They never boldly open the windows, but only look into them furtively, like spies of the devil! So wish and learn to smooth out gloomy wrinkles, lift your eyelids boldly; replace the demons with gullible, innocent angels, looking without suspicion, without fear and always seeing a friend when they do not know for sure that there is an enemy in front of them. Don’t look gloomy and angry..."
Reader (1): So, can a person with an ugly face be called perfect? (Adds words to A.P. Chekhov’s statement o "face")
Let's imagine a man with a beautiful face and sloppy, tastelessly dressed. Can such a person be called perfect?
(Guys answer)
Clothes play an important role in our lives. It should decorate a person, emphasize the advantages of his appearance and hide his shortcomings. Believe me, a person with good appearance can turn into a caricature of himself just from one detail of his costume.
Reader (2): Let's remember Princess Diana, her impeccable taste in clothes, manner of speaking, and behavior in public. Her outfits drove all the women on the planet crazy, they imitated and envied her. She was a tall, unusually beautiful woman. For every occasion in her life, she had special outfits; the best fashion designers on the planet made them for her.

But what does Academician D.S. think about young people’s ability to dress? Likhachev...
Reader (2):
“You can be funny in everything, even in the way you dress. If a young man chooses too carefully a tie for a shirt, a shirt for a suit, he is ridiculous. Excessive concern for one's appearance is immediately visible. We must take care to dress decently, but this concern for men should not go beyond certain limits. A man who cares excessively about his appearance is unpleasant. Girls and women are different. Men's clothes should only have a hint of fashion. A perfectly clean shirt, clean shoes and a fresh, but not very bright tie are enough. The suit may be old, it should not just be unkempt.”
Teacher: What do you think is the main sign of a person’s taste?
(Guys answer)
Let's turn to classical literature for help.
Reader (3):
“At that moment, two ladies walked past us to the well, one elderly, the other young... I couldn’t see their faces behind their hats, but they were dressed according to the strict rules of the best taste: nothing superfluous.” (M.Yu. Lermontov “Hero of Our Time”)

Teacher: So, the main sign of taste in a person is a sense of proportion. Yes, those dresses and hats are outdated, but taste, good manners, and the absence of vulgarity in clothing and behavior will never become outdated. This is probably why Tatyana Larina is an eternal ideal. Let us remember those dedicated to her lines.
Reader (1):

She was leisurely
Not cold, not talkative,
Without an insolent look for everyone,
Without pretensions to success,
Without these little antics,
No imitative ideas...
Everything was quiet, it was just there...
No one could make her beautiful
Name; but from head to toe
No one could find it in it
That autocratic fashion
In high London circle
Called vulgar...
A. Pushkin “Eugene Onegin”
(excerpt from the novel)

Teacher: What other word should be added to the phrase of A.P. Chekhov: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: both the face and...”
(Adds the word spoken by the guys: “clothes.”)
And we continue to find the components of a perfect person. What is it impossible for a person to do without? Let D.I.’s statement serve as a hint. Fonvizin from the comedy “The Minor”
Reader (2):“Without... (soul) the most enlightened clever woman is a creature, an ignoramus without... (soul) is a beast”...
(The teacher adds the word “soul” guessed by the children to A.P. Chekhov’s statement.)

Teacher: Cultivating a culture of feelings, a soul, is not a task for a decade, a quarter, a year, it is a task for a lifetime, since throughout one’s conscious life a person accumulates, bit by bit, precious experience, manifestations of the best, highest, spiritual qualities.
The eighteenth-century American educator Benjamin Franklin, while still a printing shop worker, compiled for himself “thirteen principles of petty, everyday virtue.” They included: restraint, silence, order, determination, activity, frankness, frugality, moderation, cleanliness, calm, chastity, modesty. He persistently and persistently developed and cultivated these qualities in himself. Through self-education, he became one of the most enlightened people of his time, and through self-improvement, he became a humanist.
Cultivating a culture of feelings, a culture of human communication, of the soul is not only a long, but also difficult task.
It is generally accepted: It is not easy for a person to feel the human being within himself, to grow within himself a soul that would correspond to the ideal.
Reader (3):
Don't let your soul be lazy!
So as not to pound water in a mortar,
The soul must work
Drive her from house to house,
Drag from stage to stage,
Through the wasteland, through the brown forest,
Through a snowdrift, through a pothole!
Don't let her sleep in bed
By the light of the morning star,
Keep the lazy girl in the black body
And don’t take the reins off her!
If you decide to cut her some slack,
Freeing from work,
She's the last shirt
He will rip you off without mercy.
And you grab her by the shoulders,
Teach and torment until dark,
To live with you like humans
She studied again.
She is a slave and a queen,
She is a worker and a daughter,
She must work
And day and night, and day and night!
. N. Zabolotsky. Don't let your soul be lazy.

Teacher: A person can experience high spiritual aspirations, sincerely love all of humanity, but all this will remain in vain until he confirms his aspirations in real, albeit seemingly ordinary, matters. Humanity consists of specific people. And each person needs specific goodness, specific sympathy. And how important it is to surround a person with attention and care on time.
Reader (1):
Life with my stepfather was not fun,
After all, he raised me
And that's why
Sometimes I regret that I didn’t get to
At least give him something to please him.
When he fell ill and died quietly, -
The mother says -
Day by day
He remembered me more and more often and waited:
“If only Shurka... He would have saved me!”
To a homeless grandmother in her native village
I said: I love her so much,
That I’ll grow up and build her a house myself,
I'll prepare the firewood,
I’ll buy a cartload of bread.
I dreamed about a lot
He promised a lot...
In the siege of Leningrad, an old man
I would save you from death
Yes, I'm a day late
And centuries will not return the day.
Now I have walked thousands of roads -
I could buy a cart of bread and cut down a house.
No stepfather
And grandma died...
Hurry up to do good deeds!
A. Yashin. Hurry up to do good deeds
Teacher: Yes, timely help to specific people is one of the main manifestations of a person’s spiritual qualities.
Reader (2):
To end,
Until the silent cross
May your soul remain pure.

Before this
Yellow, provincial
Birch side
Before the lazy
Cloudy and sad
On autumn days
sorrowful rains,
Before that
Strict village council,
Before that
Herd by the bridge
Before everything
With old white light
I swear:
My soul is pure.
Let her
Will remain clean
To end,
Until the death cross!
N. Rubtsov. To end.
Teacher: How do you understand the words of the poet “Let the soul remain pure”?
(Guys answer)
In order to get closer to the ideal, one final component is needed.
These are “thoughts”. (Adds the word “thoughts” to A.P. Chekhov’s statement.)
The riches of human thought are inexhaustible. One of the impressive forms of their expression is aphorisms, pearls of human wisdom, cast into a short linguistic form. As the ancient Greek poet Theocritus said:
The wisest have a rich store of sayings
Everyone can find a lot of useful advice for life in it.
Reader (3):“Every person can and should use everything that the collective mind of mankind has developed, but at the same time he can and should use his mind to check the data generated by all of humanity” (L.N. Tolstoy)
Reader (1):“Courage of mind consists in... recognizing and cognizing... the world around us and the forces operating in it: ideas and facts, experiences of the past and present...
Integrity of mind is...having the courage to think for yourself. To be human” (R. Rolland)
Teacher: So we built it with the help of A.P. Chekhov's model of the perfect man. (Is reading)

This was said by an intellectual who hoped that his descendants, his fellow countrymen, would follow such a guideline. But he could not imagine that his people would methodically eradicate the intelligentsia under the banner of the struggle for a bright future. Moreover, I could not guess the most significant dates in this “case”: the 17th, 37th, 42nd and 52nd. True, in 1942 the barbaric regime of another people “came to the rescue,” but in 1952 they again began to “cope” on their own.

Despite the methodical “thinning out,” the intelligentsia stubbornly regenerated. And over time, having destroyed the old intelligentsia, those in power had to take on the new, Soviet intelligentsia. And no one cared that this was no longer a hereditary intelligentsia, but mainly the descendants of those who themselves destroyed the hereditary intelligentsia. But thanks to the surviving literature, the descendants were “infected” with intelligence, however, it was already such an artificial intelligentsia, through which peasant upbringing was constantly “breaking through.” And, most likely, the definition of intellectuals is more suitable for the Soviet intelligentsia, because intelligence is passed on from parents to children through upbringing. Besides, it takes at least three generations to become an intellectual.

But let’s return to our days and see what remains of the formula “Everything in a person...”

The lack of one’s own roots (continuity of generations) forced, after the fall of the Iron Curtain, to adopt the guidelines of other, prosperous peoples, especially the youngest, who boasted of their love of freedom. Therefore, the concept of “Everything...” has somehow been reduced to only the visible, material. And the ideal became not intellectuals (however, for the masses they were never an ideal), but Barbies and Kens with athletic and sexy bodies, standard pleasant faces without wrinkles, without dandruff and acne, with a condom in their pocket and with a career in the first place . And the intelligentsia have always had problems with a successful career, since it involves “pushing aside” competitors and climbing over their “corpses.” But this is not the Kens’ fault, this is the law of nature - the struggle for existence, natural selection, in which the intelligentsia also has a chance. There is no chance only when the selection is artificial, when for the sake of the abstract idea of ​​universal equality (flock, flock) everyone who stands out from the gray mass of the majority is destroyed.

The majority has always been and will be a gray mass. But there is nothing offensive in this. Living in the masses is calmer (“In the middle, although there is little sun, there is little rain, and the wind weakens when it reaches the middle...” A. Raikin). In addition, for the forward movement of society (nation, humanity), a few percent of active and progressive people are enough. They selflessly “throw themselves into the thick of things,” risking everything. But even here the intelligentsia has to retreat. After all, progress requires risk and sacrifice. Therefore, politicians are “rushing forward”; due to the rules of the game, it can be a stretch to call them intellectuals.

But during the “boil of passions” and the raging surface of the human ocean, there is calm in the lower layers. And other people have the opportunity to “bask” in consumer happiness. There is nothing wrong with this, because “Man is born for happiness as...”. The only bad thing is that the masses treat those “ahead” with envy or contempt. It’s even worse that the masses are very impatient - “Take out and put away by tomorrow everything that has not been delivered since the time of Ivan Kalita!”

Even in Ancient Rome they knew what the masses needed - hamburgers and shows! True, then it sounded like “Bread and circuses!”, and the masses were spoken of as plebeians (also should not be offended, no one is offended by the concept of a plebiscite - a poll of the people). But then there was no class consciousness and black envy towards cultured and wealthy members of society. Even in enemy captivity, the men treated Pierre Bezukhov with respect - “Master!” And such an exaggerated understanding of justice was not the norm: “Since I feel bad, then let everyone feel bad,” the fruits of which were dispossession and “Chevengurs” - modern inventions that slow down social progress for the sake of a “bright future.”

If the love of justice “in a particularly perverted form” does not influence the balance of power in society, the natural proportion between the intelligentsia and consumers will sooner or later be restored. The mechanism is approximately the same as after a forest fire - after a few years, plants are restored from the ashes in approximately the same proportion as they were growing before the fire. Plants grow peacefully together, although the invisible, fierce struggle for a place in the sun does not stop for a minute.

In a rich society, the intelligentsia also has a worthy place in society and the opportunity to be a guide for the masses. Intellectuals can be an example of the statement that everything in a person should be beautiful. But this does not mean that the entire society will be able to “catch up” to such an example. This is youthful maximalism, a utopia, the forced implementation of which destroys (out of good intentions) the intelligentsia and slows down progress.

Everything in a person should be perfect

As you know, physically attractive people are more likely to build long-term, trusting relationships with a member of the opposite sex. However, beauty is not everything. A real lady or a true gentleman will also strive for elegance. Elegance is emphasizing one's own individuality, because appearance(from clothes to accessories) is, first of all, a manifestation inner world. Appearance is one with a person’s nature, his manners, posture, gait, gestures and postures.

Individual appearance is a combination of complexion, well-groomed skin, neat hairstyle, makeup and clothing. Even one incorrectly chosen detail can ruin the whole impression. This applies to both men and women.

This could be the wrong color of clothing or combination of colors, unkempt hair, etc. To create a favorable impression on others and your future partner, you should know the characteristics of your figure, skin type, hair and, most importantly, type of appearance. Of course, you should also know the rules of good manners, which can tell you what and how to emphasize in your appearance.

The rules of good manners in the modern world oblige both men and women to adhere to the following requirements.

Hair should always be well styled. By choosing the right hairstyle, you can hide flaws and highlight the attractiveness of your face. But the most important thing is not how the hair should be cut, but that it should be well-groomed, clean and healthy.

Etiquette includes careful hand care. Nails must be kept clean and tidy. There should be no accumulation of dirt under them, the shape of the nails should emphasize the beauty of the hands, the nail plates should not have nicks or delamination, and especially not be affected by various fungal diseases.

Representatives of both sexes should pay special attention to their teeth, monitor their health and whiteness.

If there is bad breath, all efforts to become an attractive person will be nullified. Therefore, you should visit the dentist as needed. If crowns need to be placed, they must be done immediately. In this case, it is desirable that the crowns be metal-ceramic, otherwise it will look too vulgar and may make an unpleasant impression on others. Modern dentistry allows you to restore a tooth so that it is practically no different from natural ones. Even if you don’t have enough money to visit the dentist, you need to borrow it and still get all your teeth treated. Their condition should continue to be carefully monitored.

Every person, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, should always have a mouth freshener or “Tic-Tac” with him. But the most The best way To cope with an unpleasant odor - hold a coffee bean or a stick of cloves in your mouth.

If the odor is caused by stomach problems, you should definitely and immediately go to a therapist. It is absolutely necessary that those around can only sense the fragrance that envelops a person.

It must be remembered that it creates a good mood, gives pleasure to everyone he (she) meets on his way, who is worthy of walking next to her (him).

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