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Guide. Vampires

Collected here best books about vampires and love for a mortal girl. An excellent reading selection for all fans of the genre.

Stephenie Meyer. Twilight

A vampire saga that has become a cult favorite for young people around the world. Falling in love with a real vampire... What's it like? Scary? Or incredibly romantic and beautiful? But such a love story cannot end in anything good. Moreover, in the atmosphere endless wars between the most powerful vampire clans, where the slightest difference from “their own” automatically makes you an enemy. Further

In 2020, vampires openly announce their existence to the world. People treat them differently, but they promise not to harm mortals. Another 30 years later, Alexander Sheremetyev, a young representative of an influential clan, decides to marry a mortal, and for the first time, he is allowed to convert his chosen one at will. A reality show is announced with many contenders for Alex's heart and eternal youth. Further

Will an all-powerful predator be able to see his equal in his prey? Is he capable of deep feelings? And what could they be? How are people? Diana turned out to be completely unnecessary to her very wealthy family. The girl has a secret that she has sworn to silence about. This is the heroine's mysterious guest, who visits twice a year. Her secret, her tormentor, in whose hands her fate will be. Further

How would you react if your best friend says in all seriousness that she was bitten by a vampire? Is it time to go to the psych ward? What if there really is a bite visible on the neck? And the vampire demands that the victim be returned to him, and also threatens loved ones. Julia decided to go to the end, looking for allies to fight the arrogant predator. But suddenly... he falls in love with a cold handsome man. And what to do in such a situation? Further

Contrary to all commandments, the vampire agrees to give an interview that is captivating from the first pages. Fascinated by the hypnotic voice, the listener, as if in a dream, is transported either to Louisiana, then to the capital of France in the 19th century, or to a tiny village in the Carpathian region. Is nothing human alien to bloodthirsty predators? And they, like mortals, are able to sympathize, love and suffer? Further

It is not easy for the undead to live among the living. But it’s even more difficult, being alive, to be in the world of the inanimate. It was precisely the second situation that happened with the main character Twisted. But no matter what, the girl decided to become truly happy among the monsters. This is an exciting story about love that can overcome all difficulties, because sometimes feelings are stronger than death itself. Further

The existence of vampires on Earth has long remained a mystery. But only as long as there is peace between representatives of the two races. For many years, the children of vampires and talented mortals have been learning magical wisdom together, but the new vampire King wants to change that. The representative of a powerful clan does not like people, but the “princess” will have to enter into an alliance with a mortal classmate. Further

Is eternal life possible on Earth? Let's imagine that this is commonplace. But what to do, how to have fun, if you already have several thousand years behind you? Probably everyone will do their favorite thing. Musicians and artists - to create new masterpieces, and scientists - to work on unique discoveries. But what if the immortal is interested in something completely different? Further

16-year-old Scarlet's lover is in danger from vampires, and the guy only has until morning to live. Her parents intend to find a cure, save their daughter and rid the world of the Immortals forever. During the search, it turns out that under the Egyptian Sphinx there is a whole secret city of vampires. Meanwhile, the Immortals intend to kill the lovers, and Kyle, with the help of a converted army of schoolchildren, plans to destroy the city. Further

To save her vampire brothers who were not indifferent to her, Elena gave her life, but thanks to magic, the girl managed to resurrect. From now on, Stefan is always there to protect Elena from harm. One day the guy is forced to leave the city, which his cunning brother Damon immediately took advantage of. But suddenly an ominous entity penetrates the town, which has subjugated Damon and wants Elena’s death. Further

Lilya spends the whole summer in a small village, behind which there is a forest. The locals never set foot there - they say lynx people live here. But the girl did not know about the legend and went for a walk. The last thing Lilya remembers is the terrible mouth of an unknown beast. The girl was discovered by some hermit who was leaving. Upon returning to the city, the heroine notices an increase in hearing and smell. Further

Winning the lottery is probably good news. But what if the prize is being sent beyond the wall that once divided the world in half? And on the other side there are not people at all, but rather unusual local residents - werewolves, vampires, wizards, witches... Now the heroine has become completely different, having acquired new superpowers, a job and a boss. Or maybe not a boss at all, but a lover? Further

An ordinary teacher from the provinces somehow ends up in parallel world Partholon. Here she meets doubles of her acquaintances in the familiar world. Only here completely different laws reign, where magic is an integral part of existence. Soon Shannon got married and is expecting a child. But she is brought back to reality. And not by chance. The heroine will have to prevent the destruction of two worlds. Further

The young Queen Morgana is not only incredibly beautiful, but also smart. In addition, he is excellent with weapons. But the girl has no idea about the terrible curse and the demon living in the underground temple. Having turned into a beast, it attacks Morgana, and the girl begins to turn into a monster. A bloodthirsty demon who has taken possession of the heroine demands blood and the queen's lover. Further

Maerlin, who grew up in a small house at the foot of a cliff, could never have imagined that she was somehow connected with the world of gloomy creatures. One day after a storm, a girl finds a wounded young man on the shore, who turns out to be the heir to the throne of a cursed country. Maerlin is invited to a ball where every living guest is a potential victim of demons. The forest fortune teller prophesies danger to the heroine, but she takes risks, because she feels that there, beyond the sea, is her destiny. Further

An orphan girl from the English monastery Christian Maria has no idea that she belongs to the influential Plantagenet dynasty. But this is well known to the cunning bishop, who decides to take advantage of this fact in games against the King. Maria becomes aware of everything, and now the girl is in danger. Help comes from a charming stranger with the look of a predator. But isn't the guy playing a double game? Further

These were the best books about vampires and love for a mortal girl. Do you know anything similar? Share in the comments. 😉

One of the most famous genres in mysticism at the moment is the vampire novel. Vampirism - what is it anyway: a serious illness or something unusual? Suffering and pain or beauty and strength? Seclusion or unconditional power over people? With the development of this genre, hundreds of new versions and ideas about who a vampire is appeared. We offer you the TOP 10 most famous books about vampires.

1. Bram Stoker “Dracula”

The concept of vampirism was introduced into literature by Bram Stoker, which is why we place his book in first place in our top. His novel “Dracula” about the vampire aristocrat Vlad the Impaler, who was a member of the Order of the Dragon (from which the hero’s nickname is derived), was published in 1897 and became a revolution in Gothic literature.

2. Whitley Strieber “Hunger”

American writer Whitley Strieber published the novel “Hunger” in 1981, thereby expressing his own version of the origin of vampires. He believes that vampires descended from the ancient Roman demon-witches - lamias.

3. Anne Rice, “The Vampire Chronicles”

A series of novels by American writer Anne Rice, the narrative of which revolves around the fictional character Lestat de Lioncourt, a French nobleman who became a vampire in the 18th century.
Anne Rice's vampires are somewhat different from classic vampires such as Dracula. Rice's creatures cannot be killed with traditional weapons: garlic, a crucifix, and a wooden stake. Like all fictional vampires, during the daytime they rest in coffins or crypts, since sunlight can harm or easily destroy them, drying them to ashes. In addition, the dawn makes them sleepy against their wishes.

4. Charlaine Harris, “Secrets of the Southern Vampires”

The writer tells us about the invention of synthetic blood and the subsequent legalization of vampires. In 2008, the TV series True Blood was based on this series of books.
The books tell the story of the vampire Bill and the telepath Sookie. A very unusual couple, even for New Orleans. The books also talk about the “spawn of Darkness” - werewolves, vampires, black magicians, voodoo priests and other exotic evil spirits.

5. Olga Gromyko, “The Witch”

Every sane person knows for sure: there are no vampires, vampires love human blood, vampires are afraid of garlic, aspen and sunlight. I wonder what the vampires themselves think about this? Oh, they would have told the story if there had been a sufficiently impartial and brave listener! Before you is a detailed report based on personal observations, compiled by a cheerful adept of the Starmin School of Mages, Pythias and Herbalists. But did the vampires manage to mislead her too?..

I have long promised to write about books occasionally, Yana and I agreed that although it is not the topic of the blog, it will happen occasionally, and in 2014 I begin to fulfill my promise.

Recently I took part in a whole fight talking about culture on Facebook, after which I felt like an uneducated and uncultured person who, instead of Proust, enthusiastically reads consumer books about vampires, tear-jerking dramas and a lot of self-help books. Kindle only helps me with this: it turns out that so many g... all sorts of different things can be downloaded from there (often even for free). Over the past six months, I have read, it seems, everything that is on Amazon about love and vampires (he is so cold, but beautiful, she is so alive, sex, passion, blood - an excellent formula that is constantly cloned and cloned into new series of books) - and I formed my own rating.

Warning: all these books are in English (only some have a Russian translation). Not all of them were even printed - some were published in electronic form only for Amazon (which indicates quality).

1. Series "Brotherhood of the Black Dagger"

I wrote about this series on my book blog twice: about the first book and about the other eight. And having read a lot of everything vampire, I remain of the opinion that these books are the most exciting, with the right dosage of the right ingredients: vampires, feelings, sex, intrigue, war.

Plot: in each new book, another vampire from the “Brotherhood” finds a lifelong friend. Here, too, everything is structured correctly: he, of course, doesn’t want any girlfriend at first, but... :) At the same time, there is a battle with lessers, people who want to exterminate vampires - but in the book, yin and yang are so balanced that victory is never on anyone’s side. There are also behind-the-scenes intrigues in the vampire tribe itself: not everyone likes main character In the first book, the king, vampire society is divided into classes with their own problems, what is possible and what is not, and as the action progresses, additional types of creatures are discovered.

One of the interesting features of this vampire universe: food from people is not enough for them; they also need to drink the blood of their vampire “half”. Individuals of the opposite sex can become “connected” with each other; this connection cannot be broken by anything. They can also give birth, but pregnancy is long, and childbirth often leads to the death of the mother, so vampires are reluctant to reproduce.

In general: it’s fascinating and I read all the books without stopping until they ran out (this was very harmful for my night’s sleep :)). But this is not at all romantic, unlike Bella and Edward who snot for many pages.

By the way: these books are in Russian, you can download fan translations on various sites. For those who read English: one, two. Complete list of books on Wikipedia.

2. Twilight Series: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn

There was no author who infuriated me more than Stephenie Meyer at the moment I decided to read the source of the world's Bella and Edward craze. The Twilight book is a poor piece of literary art. If only because there is practically no action and few cause-and-effect relationships. Mayer admitted that she started writing Twilight because she had a dream about two lovers sitting in a meadow. This is how they sit in her meadow throughout the first book. They also, of course, worry a lot, but the trouble is that this has practically no effect on the development of the plot. However, you yourself know what I’m telling you :).

And how Mayer signed her name in the following books! When Edward abandoned Bella, I shed tears over the book, the love triangle also came into place (I’m still Team Jacob and I think that slipping Renesmee to him was like throwing scraps from a master’s table), but in the final part Mayer completely outdid herself : Bella managed to get married, give birth, and fight - unusual a large number of events on hundreds of pages :))).

Plot: the innocent and incomprehensibly beautiful, although she drops everything, schoolgirl Bella meets the more than 100-year-old vampire Edward, who is still going to school, who, along with his vampire “family”, is on a “vegetarian” diet (only animals, no of people). Then they suffer for three books before the first sex occurs and Bella also becomes a vampire, and at the same time they periodically fear or fight with various other vampires, including the most important ones. And all because she smelled delicious.

In general: it’s better to read straight from the second book, really.

By the way: “Twilight”, of course, is in Russian.

3. The Penton Vampire Legacy Series: Redemption, Absolution, Omega

Another plot twist in the vampire case: they have nothing to eat, because after the pandemic of the next virus, most people were vaccinated with a vaccine that changed the chemistry of their blood. As a result, vampires cannot eat vaccinated people, and they have big problems with the supply of clean blood.

Plot: and against all this background, in the small town of Penton in Alabama, the vampire Aidan builds a community of vampires and people associated with them (vampires feed on them, and people receive protection, shelter and other bonuses). Aidan strives to maintain peace with everyone and at the same time show other vampires how to survive in changed conditions, but the evil blood-sucking creatures, of course, do not believe him and believe that he is building an army. This is where the mess begins. But, of course, there’s no place here without love either: Aidan, for the needs of his city, kidnaps an unvaccinated girl doctor and then, in general, everything is fine with them (not counting the constant corpses here and there).

In general: it’s easy and enjoyable to read, if you like the topic, pay attention.

By the way: on Amazon: Redemption, Absolution, Omega. I haven't seen it in Russian.

4. The Captive Series: Captured, Renegade, Refugee, Salvation

When I first started reading the first pages of Captured, my first thought was: “This is the worst book about vampires I have ever seen!” (I hadn’t seen many books about vampires at that time :)). The feeling persisted for about 50 pages (I had nothing to do), and then... Well, then I downloaded the whole series again.

Plot: in the world of the future, vampires came out, and people with all their weapons could not cope with them, so now vampires live in palaces, buy blood slaves, whom they drink several months before death, and generally feel great, while people have to live agriculture(all scientific achievements have been forgotten for some reason), work for vampires and be afraid. Not everyone agrees to be afraid, so rebels live in the forests, and the daughter of their leader is captured by vampires. In the human market, where vampires are looking for new slaves, it goes to the main character - the eldest son of the vampire king. Then the bad vampire turns into a good one, then again into a bad one, there will be betrayals, showdowns, happy rescues and unhappy meetings with vampire relatives, but by the end of the book, good, of course, will win.

By the way: on Amazon - , , , . In Russian: you can read the translation on VKontakte

The folklore image of vampires has undergone strong changes under the influence of modern culture. Initially, disgusting half-dead people were associated only with horror and suffering, but modern literature has changed their appearance beyond recognition. Starting with the classic book about love and vampires, “Count Dracula,” bloodsuckers often appear in the form of sad, romantic heroes who, despite their centuries-old wisdom, are not alien to hot impulses of the heart. Moreover, often modern works about vampires carry a considerable share of sexuality, the main characters of which, possessing mystical magnetism, use it mainly on representatives of the opposite sex. Despite the fact that books about love and vampires are quite rare, we managed to collect for our readers a whole section of such works, in which you can find various stories about love, as desired as blood.

1. $
A fantastic novel about the love of the famous millionaire Roman and a simple girl Shanni. But where is the fantasy here? An unusual meeting changed their whole lives. She is a first-class dentist, he is an excellent hunter who broke a fang while searching for his prey. Roman is a vampire.

2. $
Even among vampires there are strict rules and laws. It is considered a crime when a person is forcibly turned into a vampire. The brave vampire Lucian Argeno is hunting for his own kind. He finds the young girl Li, whose sacrifice has now begun eternal life.

3. $
The story of a modern, purposeful woman, Angie McCaffrey, who meets a very attractive man, Eric Taylor. She couldn't even imagine that he was a vampire. After passionate meetings, Angie realizes that something is wrong, she is being interfered with Sun rays, I want blood.

The beginning of the war between two strong men was the ordinary girl Darcy. Stick is a stubborn daredevil who loves her madly. Salvatore is cruel and self-confident, he believes the prophecy in which Darcy should belong to him. But both are playing Darcy like a trophy.

5. $
The girl Shay is half human and half vampire. She is special because her blood heals vampires. Viper, an immortal demon, bought Shay for himself. The girl was ready to die, but in return she met her love and a man who was even ready to die for her, protecting her from enemies.

6. $
The night dwellers of Darkness can also love. In search of pure, sincere feelings and happiness, the immortal vampire Angus Mackay falls in love with the most beautiful girl, Emma Wallis. He wants to give her eternal life, but bad luck, she is a professional vampire hunter.

Darcy Newhart is a vampire who lives a normal life. human life. The girl got bored and came up with a reality show. Regular men and vampires compete for the title of sexiest. Everything is going great until Darcy falls in love with a hunter of the inhabitants of darkness.

A young girl, Abby Barlow, accidentally learns from an ancient prophecy that she is meant to be the balance between our world and the world of darkness. She doesn't want to believe this nonsense about vampires. Abby is helped by the immortal vampire Dante, who falls more and more in love with Abby every day.

Jackie Morrisey works as a private detective. One day an amazing man comes to her, smart, confident, handsome, she has never met anyone like him. This is true, because Vincent Argeno is a vampire. Jackie must stop Vincent from being killed and fall in love with her client.

Jacob finds himself completely subservient to Lady Lissa. Once a hunter of the vampires he loathed, he became a servant for their queen. At first it was very difficult for Jacob to accept her world, but with every second he became more and more immersed in it. He is a slave, he is a toy, he is a warrior and a friend.

11. $
One adventure made a very smart girl, Portia Cabot, believe in the existence of vampires. She saves the life of the “night monster” Julian Kane. Many years have passed - Portia has stopped remembering this incident, but suddenly that same vampire Julian bursts into her life.

12. $
Vampire Queen Lissa is trying to find a suitable servant for herself. Jacob was the perfect choice, but he had to be used. Then Lissa realized she didn't want to use it anymore. Jacob is very important to her, and feelings of love and passion overwhelm Lissa.

13. $
Elena is an exemplary excellent student who has everything. One day, a mysterious handsome man, Stefan, came to the city. Elena really wants to unravel his secret, but the past does not leave him. Damon is the sexy and treacherous brother who wants revenge. Elena is the perfect victim.

14. $
Elena is in her senior year, and the fairy tale ends. After a terrible accident, she herself turns into a vampire. Another powerful force is emerging in the town of Fells Church. Elena and Stefan want to find out the truth and put evil to rest. Friends and even Damon come to the rescue.

15. $
Getting used to vampire life, Elena realizes that not everything is so simple. With each new day, she feels more and more an irresistible thirst for blood. How to resist? How to remain “human”? At the same time, the Salvatore brothers began a war for Elena's heart. Everyone needed her love.

16. $
In Elena's hometown, strange and terrible things are happening. Locals they are afraid to go out into the streets. An unknown force is killing everyone who stands in the way. Even with her vampire powers, Elena was unable to save her friend. The Salvatore brothers have found a way to kill their enemies forever.

17. Return: Darkness Falls (Twilight) - Lisa Jane Smith
Stefan, having left the town for a while, leaves Elena with Damon, who does not stop trying to get the girl’s attention, thereby exposing her to terrible danger. An unknown force, having taken possession of Damon, wants to take away all of Elena’s abilities and then simply kill her.

Eleni's lover, Stefan, was captured by evil spirits - katsuns. Using various tricks, they lured Stefan to the special Shi-no-Shi prison. Fearless and evil Elena, her childhood friend Matt and the dangerous vampire Damon set out to rescue Stefan. They won't stop until they find him.

19. Return: Midnight - Lisa Jane Smith
Having overcome the dangers of the Dark Dimension, Elena Gilbert still saved Stefan. But a new problem opens up before them. Damon somehow became human. Every day it becomes more and more difficult for Elena to be around her brothers. How to make a choice? Who will she give her heart to?

Damon sacrificed himself so that Elena and her friends could save the city from their enemies. In order to take a little break from the events they had experienced, they decided to relax a little and have fun. Dark forces do not sleep, and this time they only need Elena. Damon protects Elena even after death.

21. $
Elena and her friends are expecting a new one academic year at Dalcrest University. After all the horrors we've experienced, this should be the start of something good. But suddenly students start disappearing and friends need to fight evil again. Who will protect Elena, Stefan or Damon?

22. Hunters: Rising Destiny - Lisa Jane Smith
Elena found out that she was a Guardian. An evil vampire returns to the city, Klaus is ready to do anything to kill Elena. She understands that she must save the world at any cost, this is her destiny. But still, it's easier than making a choice between Stefan and Damon. The choice is Elena's.

23. Rescue: Invisible - Lisa Jane Smith
Damon left to travel around Europe and enjoy life with Katherine. Elena, being a Guardian, constantly feels that an unknown danger is approaching. She was right, Elena and Stefan are attacked by an Ancient vampire who cannot be tracked down. Life hangs in the balance.

24. Salvation: Unspoken - Lisa Jane Smith
The world will not be the same. Elena doesn't know how to live without Stefan. The girl is driven only by a feeling of revenge. Vampire killer Jack is her goal. But there is also a race of new test-tube vampires who cannot be killed. Elena and Damon decide to find a way out of the situation together.

25. Rescue: Unmasked - Lisa Jane Smith
Damon manages to avenge his brother's death, but he breaks his agreement with the Guardians. Elena is in great danger, she must die. The unpredictable Guardians give her a chance to survive. Elena just needs to go back to the very beginning, to her first meeting with the Salvators.

26. Blue Bloods - Melissa de la Cruz
In modern New York, there is an unusual boarding school, where only teenage vampires study. Suddenly, under unknown circumstances, students begin to die. Trying to find out the truth and help, student Shayler van Alen is looking for the powerful vampire Teddy.

27. Masquerade - Melissa de la Cruz
28. Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand
The Blue Blood vampire tribe has real problems. The most terrible and powerful vampire was brought back to life. The hermits of the Silver Blood tribe want to rule the world of vampires. The only ones who can help are the young half-breed vampire Schuyler and her grandfather.

28. $
Started Great War in the world of Darkness. The betrayal of the Silver Tribe threatens the death of the entire Blue Blood clan. The powerful vampire Tedd enters into battle with the unleashed Leviophan. He failed to save the clan, but he passed on all the knowledge to Shayler.

29. The Van Alen Legacy - Melissa de la Cruz
The Alen family has protected our world from the Prince of Darkness Lucifer for many centuries. Having freed himself, Lucifer needs to find the seven paths of the dead, but they can only be opened with the help of keys. Shayler van Alen needs to warn the gatekeepers who guard the keys in time and save the world.

30. Lost Angel - Melissa de la Cruz
Shayler, without realizing it, received a mysterious inheritance. She and her boyfriend Jack go to Florence to look for the surviving gate that protects the world from Lucifer. Shayler has a hard road ahead. The situation is worsened by the fact that unknown people begin to burn vampires alive.

31. Bloody Valentine - Melissa de la Cruz
Vampires are flawless in appearance, strong, powerful, and have superpowers. But representatives of the Blue Blood clan are not very confident in love affairs. Passion, emotions, sincere feelings, devotion - all this is not alien to vampires. How do you learn to master this?

32. Love in Blood - Melissa de la Cruz
No matter how terrible monsters vampires are considered, they are capable of love! Love sincerely and selflessly. Three very different, but at the same time similar stories about vampire love await you. In them you will find sincere feelings and betrayal, love and revenge.

Events take place in Egypt, where Schuyler van Alen went - half human, half vampire. She and her husband are trying to save vampires from death. Jack's sister follows them, wanting to stop this and bring her beloved back from hell.

34. Gates of Heaven - Melissa de la Cruz
Dark forces do not stop attacking the gates of heaven, but now they are helped by the fallen angels Abaddon and Azrael. Is Schuyler ready for such a turn of events, will she be able to forgive Jack? But be that as it may, she is not going to give up paradise without a fight. Revenge, duty, honesty are no longer important.

35. $
The small town of Montana has one very interesting feature: the Academy for Vampires is located here. Yes, you heard it wrong specifically for vampires, they study magic and other arts here. But there is a secret war going on in the world between the vampire clans of Moroi and Strigoi.

36. $
Vacations have begun at the Vampire Academy. Moroi princess Lissa and her friend Rose went skiing to finally forget about these bloody wars. The girls don’t even know what danger awaits them. In addition, the Strigoi also took people as their allies.

37. $
The Vampire Academy constantly suffers from attacks from its avid enemies, the Strigoi. Even the magical shell somehow miraculously turns off. Strigoi only kill children of royal blood. Danger also looms over the last of the Dragomir family, Lissa.

38. Bloody Promises - Richel Mead
There are constant battles at the Vampire Academy. The last Strigoi attack was the worst, killing dozens of children and teachers. For Rose, this became a personal tragedy, because then the Strigoi decided to take hostages and her beloved was among them. Rose decides to take revenge.

39. $
Rose successfully passed the tests and is now officially a Guardian. Lissa and Rose arrive at the royal court and first of all they want to free Victor, the most dangerous villain among vampires, from prison. Only an emu can help save Rose’s beloved, Dmitry.

40. $
A terrible event happened in the vampire world: the Moroi Queen Tatiana was killed. The struggle for the throne begins. Guard Rose Hathaway is accused of the crime. To prove her non-involvement in the murder, the royal court gave her two weeks. After this, Rosa is executed.

41. $
New residents come to the city and settle in an old mansion. Everything would be fine if the family weren’t so strange and mysterious. Someone suggested that they were vampires. But the brave girl Raven was only even more interested in this, especially the handsome Alexander.

42. Dance of Death - Ellen Schreiber
A new danger appears in a small town, a teenager who is only twelve, but he is a vampire. According to the stories of residents, once upon a time his family was already here, and everything ended badly. Raven begins to worry about her brother, who has found a new friend.

43. $
Raven finds no place for herself; her beloved Alexander has disappeared somewhere. There is only one place where they can know what's wrong with him. This is a secret club where vampires gather. Raven determinedly heads there. Having learned nothing, she is about to leave, but she is exposed.

44. $
Summer flew by very quickly for lovers. Raven is sad and doesn't want to go back to school because she and Alexander won't be able to see each other as often. But even more bad luck, Alexander’s parents want to sell the house and go to live in Europe and, of course, take their son.

Raven loves her Alexander so much. The girl really wants their love to be eternal and for time to stop. But Alexander does not dare to convert her. An old friend, the charismatic and cheerful Sebastian, comes to town. Raven decided to find out about her lover's past.

46. ​​Secret Desire - Ellen Schreiber
Interesting things are finally happening in Boredville. Raven and her boyfriend, as well as a group of vampires, decide to live in an abandoned factory. The insidious vampire Jagger wants to open the Crypt nightclub in the city for young people and vampires. Raven and Alexander want to find out the truth.

47. Immortal Hearts - Ellen Schreiber
Raven will meet Alexander's sister, Athena Sterling. Athena is an excellent, ideal girl who immediately drove half the city crazy. Raven really likes the life of a vampire, she has long dreamed of it. But how to convince Alexander to convert her?

48. $
Boarding school with normal teenage problems. Grades, strict teachers, different opinions of classmates, love and disappointments. Bianca, from her small town, ends up in just such an academy. But it’s not so simple here, some of the students are vampires.

49. Starry Night - Gray Claudia
Bianca always knew that one day she would become a vampire, because her parents are also vampires. At the academy she met an interesting guy, Lucas, but he is a vampire hunter. The girl understands that for his sake she is ready to give up her dark life. There are attacks at school.

50. Doomed - Claudia Gray
An unusual story happens with a young girl, Tess, who wanted to radically change her life. She decides to move to America, but on the way to the port Tess is attacked by wolves. The adventures do not end on board the ship, where incredible things happen.

51. Cold Night - Claudia Gray
Unknown people continue to attack the boarding school “Eternal Night”. Bianca has nowhere to go, she must ask for help from vampire hunters, where they train her to kill and torture vampires. Bianca's friend betrays her and tells the hunters who she really is.

Romance novels about vampires have recently become incredibly popular among representatives of the fair half of humanity. And this is not surprising. Not a single woman can resist the sight of a beautiful, charming man with amazing manners, even if he does not breathe and has the habit of drinking blood at night - everyone has their own shortcomings.

Series "Vampire's Kiss"

A wonderful series by American writer Ellen Schreiber, which includes 9 novels. All the books were highly rated by readers, which is quite rare, because usually the series “slides” into 3-4 parts. The writer's audience is mainly teenagers.

The “Vampire’s Kiss” cycle includes the following works:

  • “The Beginning” - for a long time the ancient castle on the hill was empty, but one day mysterious tenants appeared in it. Who are they? Do speculation and gossip really not lie? These rumors could scare anyone away from the strange family except Raven, a sixteen-year-old fan of the “dark world.” But what awaits the girl behind the gloomy ancient façade?
  • “The Dark Knight” - the book continues the story of Raven, who happened to fall in love with a real vampire. Everything was going well, the feelings were mutual, but the lover suddenly disappears in an unknown direction.
  • "Vampireville" - hometown Raven is in real danger. Twin vampires appeared in it, planning to turn all the living into their own kind.
  • “Dance of Death” - before Raven had time to rid the city of the bloody twins, their twelve-year-old relative showed up. The young vampire quickly became friends with the main character's brother, and now she fears for his life.
  • “Club of the Immortals” - Raven’s lover disappears, the heroine is afraid that something bad has happened to him. The girl decides to go in search of a vampire, but does not even suspect what danger awaits her ahead.
  • “Royal Blood” - the lovers’ happiness did not last long. Soon Alexander’s parents should arrive and take him to Europe. From their point of view, Raven is clearly not an enviable bride for their well-born son.
  • "Love Bite" - Raven keeps waiting for Alexander to decide to turn her, but this doesn't happen. When her beloved’s childhood friend comes to town, the girl has hope that her cherished desire will come true.
  • “Secret Desire” - a new club is being prepared for opening, which vampires and people can go to. But what will this mean for the latter?
  • “Immortal Hearts” is the final book of the series, in which it will finally become clear whether Alexander will convert the main character, and what fate is in store for her.


Perhaps the most famous vampire saga is the creation of Stephenie Meyer. "Breaking Dawn", the final book in the series, was published back in 2008, but interest in the novels has still not waned. Largely thanks to the film adaptation of books, as well as the talent of the writer.

The cycle included only four main stories and two accompanying ones. Let's list them:

  • Twilight is the first book that describes the meeting of an ordinary schoolgirl, Isabella, with Edward Cullen, a hundred-year-old vampire. The novel entered the bestseller list and received recognition from readers around the world.
  • "New Moon" - an accident occurs at Bella's birthday party, which provokes one of the vampires to attack. Everything ends well, but Edward, fearing for the girl’s life, decides to break up with her. After some time, the Cullens leave the city.
  • "Eclipse" - the confrontation between werewolves and vampires is becoming more intense. The situation is aggravated by the fact that Edward and Jacob, representatives of opposing sides, are fighting for Bella’s love.
  • "Breaking Dawn" - the book tells what happened after Bella and Edward's wedding. Returning from her honeymoon, the heroine realizes that she is pregnant. Childbirth may cost her life, but she wants to keep the child at all costs.

Romance novels about vampires are usually written only from the point of view of the heroine, but Mayer decided to correct this injustice. In 2008, she began working on the book Midnight Sun, in which the events of the first part of the series were to be told from Edward's point of view. But during the work, some of the chapters were stolen. After this, the writer stated that she was not ready to finish the book. The novel remained unpublished.

Another addition, but already completed - “Until Dawn. The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner. The events of this book take place shortly before those described in Breaking Dawn. But the heroine of the story is the vampire Bree. The work was published in 2010.

The Chicago Vampires series

Quite a large series whose main characters are not only vampires, but also werewolves. In total, it includes 14 main novels:

  • “Some Girls” - the main character of the novel, Merit, accidentally gets bitten during an evening walk. She didn't want to become a vampire, but now she'll have to give up her studies and plunge into new world night Chicago.
  • "Friday Night Bite" - people learned about the existence of vampires. So far they are not showing aggression and are only annoying with countless questions, but what will happen if they find out about secret feeding parties? Merit will become a link between the two races. However, someone stubbornly does not want the parties to reconcile.
  • “Vampires of the Windy City” - it took a lot of effort to prevent a war between vampires and humans. Now the main character has other worries - she will have to choose between the Masters of two vampire Houses. Who will Merit choose?
  • “Twice Bitten” - werewolves from all over the country come to the Windy City, including their alpha, to whom the Vampire Master has offered Merit as a bodyguard. The girl is tasked not only with protecting a member of another species, but also with spying for her own. However, she does not yet know that a hunt has begun for her ward.
  • "Cruelly Bitten" - Cadogan House is as turbulent as the streets of Chicago. Both werewolves and people have complaints about vampires. But Merit first needs to put her own house in order, and then take on other problems.
  • “Devastated” - hard times have come for vampires. People are preparing a bill to register all supernatural beings. But this turns out to be not the worst thing - suddenly Lake Michigan turns black, and truly terrible things begin to happen.
  • "Icy Bite" - Merit is located in the Midwest. The trail of an unknown thief brought her here, who stole an ancient artifact that is capable of raising a terrible evil. If the girl doesn't stop the villain, even the vampires will have trouble.

Continuation of the list

Vampire romance novels have a tendency to become very long series. Chloe Neil's books were no exception. We have already listed seven novels above, but let’s name the remaining ones:

  • “House Rules” - Merit realizes that a conspiracy is woven around her House. Intrigues entangled the whole of Chicago, and acquaintances and even those who were friends were involved in them.
  • "Bitten" - Anti-vampire riots begin in Chicago. Armed people intend to cleanse their city of blood-sucking reptiles. Vampire disappearances are becoming more frequent, and Merit has to figure out how to get out of this situation and save her people.
  • “Savages” - the magical alliances that Merit and her Master had concluded for so long came under the influence of someone else’s magic. The name of the secret enemy remains unknown. But whoever he is, he is a very powerful creature.
  • "Bloody Games" - bloody murders begin to occur in Chicago. People unsuccessfully chase the criminal, but nothing can help stop him. Faced with a new threat, humans and vampires are forced to unite, despite the fact that they do not get along well with each other.
  • "Lucky Accident" - Ethan and Merit go on a romantic trip, but troubles do not leave them here. The lovers find themselves embroiled in a centuries-old feud between werewolves and vampires.
  • “Dark Debt” - at a social event where representatives of the nobility of vampires and humans gathered, an attempt is made on one of the guests. Merit manages to prevent it, but who is the customer?

The Chicago Vampires series also includes the novels Howling for You and High Stakes, which feature minor characters from the main books.

Cycle "Knight of the Night"

Now let's talk about the books of the Russian writer Yaroslava Lazareva, whose work quickly won women's hearts. Her most famous series, “Knight of the Night,” so far consists of six books:

  • “Knight of the Night” - Lada, having gone on vacation to her grandmother, did not even imagine that fate would bring her together with the mysterious handsome Greg. The arrogant and rich man is clearly keeping some dark secret, which the vampire hunter Dino helps shed light on.
  • “Legend of the Night” - in order to be with Lada, Greg is ready to give up immortality and become human. But the text of the ancient spell is kept in London by an ancient and ruthless vampire. Will he agree to reveal the desired secret to the lovers?
  • “Kiss of the Night” - Lada and Greg are forced to break up. For some reason, the ancient ritual does not have an effect, maybe it’s something to do with their relationship? The heroine is looking forward to her beloved and unexpectedly meets a guy who is very similar to him.
  • “Heart of the Night” - in the area where Lada and Greg decided to settle, bloodless bodies begin to be discovered. A vampire is involved in the murder, but who is he? Despite the fact that this is already the fourth book in the series, these are not all the stories that Yaroslav Lazarev pleased readers with.
  • “Tenderness of the Night” - Greg’s dream has come true, he is human again. But the ritual had one consequence - the man was transported to 1923, and his beloved remained in the present time.
  • “Call of the Night” - Greg is still in the past, but Lada has hope of saving him - this is an artifact kept in the tribe of werewolves and fulfilling any wishes.

Other books by the writer

Several novels outside the series were also released. What other books has Yaroslava Lazareva written? Knights of the Full Moon is a very unusual book. Its hero is the Saxon poet Rubian Harz, and the plot is the story of his life. According to the official biography, at the age of 18 he tried to commit suicide, after which he imagined himself as a vampire. After this incident, all his poetry acquired a mystical connotation. But what really happened to him? The book is written in the form of a poet's diary. This novel showed how talented Yaroslava Lazareva really is.

“My Beloved Vampire” is not a novel, but a collection of stories by several authors. Among them, in addition to Lazareva herself, are Ekaterina Nevolina and Elena Usacheva. The stories are united by a common theme - love for a vampire.

Books by Robin McKinley

Now let's talk about one of the best writers creating romance novels about vampires. Compared to her colleagues, McKinley wrote very few novels - only six. Four of them are included in cycles, the rest are complete independent works.

First, let's talk about cycles:

  • Damar is a magical story about a princess, dragons, witches and kingdoms.
  • "Fairy Tales" - also refers to fantasy novels for children adolescence, created by writer Robin McKinley.

“Sunshine” is the book that will interest us. It tells about a world in which the war between vampires and humans ended several decades ago, in which the latter were victorious. Now all supernatural beings are required to register. The main character of the novel is Rae Seddon, she is a witch who hides her gift. The girl has always tried not to interfere in the affairs of others, but she is unexpectedly kidnapped by the henchmen of the vampire Beauregard, who wants to obtain the title of Master of the City. He needs Rae as bait. The current Master is Kon, but he alone cannot defeat his opponent. The heroine will not only have to reveal her abilities, but also enter into an alliance with a vampire.

Books by Rachel Mead

Let's talk about the famous creator of Vampire Academy, which was recently filmed. It was this cycle that made Rachel Mead famous. “The Last Victim” is currently the last completed novel in the series. It tells the story of the murder of Tatiana, Queen of the Moroi. All evidence points to Rose Hathaway, a recent Vampire Academy graduate, as the culprit.

As for the world of novels. Vampires live secretly among people and have mystical powers. In the very center of America there is an Academy where these creatures hone their magical skills. The only trouble is that the peaceful vampire race of the Moroi is constantly at war with the Strigoi - vampires who do not disdain dark magic and murder.

Also included in the series:

  • “Hunters and Hunted” tells the story of how Lissa, a Moroi princess, and her guardian Rose first come to the Academy and immediately find themselves involved in dangerous events.
  • "Ice Bite"
  • "Kiss of Darkness"
  • "Bloody Promises"
  • "Chains for the Ghost."

"Blood Ties"

Another vampire series by Rachel Mead. “Princess by Blood” is the first book in the series, in which the reader first meets the main character - Sydney Sage. The girl is an alchemist, she is one of those who can use magic and connects the world of people and vampires. The events of the book take place in the universe of the Vampire Academy, and this time the hero will be a girl without fangs.

Books in the series:

  • "Golden Lily" - Sydney is tasked with protecting the vampire princess Jill.
  • “The Indigo Enchantment” - the heroine meets the mysterious white alchemist Marcus Finch, who promises to reveal to her some ancient secret.
  • "Fiery Heart" - Sydney has the opportunity to join a secret society of alchemists who hide the existence of the supernatural from people. There are a lot of events, and then the rebellious and beautiful vampire Adrian appears.
  • "Silver Shadows" - Cindy finds herself at a re-education center for alchemists. The management is very unhappy with her relationship with Adrian.
  • “The Ruby Ring” - the heroine and her lover manage to escape, but then Princess Jill is kidnapped, and Cindy offers her help in the search.

Books by Irina Molchanova

Another of our compatriots writes wonderful romance and fantasy novels about vampires. Irina has a lot of love stories, but we will be interested in only one tetralogy, since it is the only one related to our theme - this is “The Seasons”.

The heroine's story begins with the fact that she accidentally meets a vampire. The Dark Knight falls in love with her, but their worlds are completely different from each other. In addition, the heroine has a choice - eternity and loneliness or a tender earthly feeling, albeit short, but close and understandable. In this series, Irina Molchanova never ceases to amaze and intrigue her fans.

“Vampires are the children of fallen angels. Music of a Thousand Antarcticas" is the first novel in the tetralogy. It was very highly appreciated by readers, who noted the unexpected plot twists, unpredictable behavior of the characters, and dynamic development. The other novels in the series did not disappoint. Let's list them:

  • "Voices of drifting ice."
  • "Dance of the Bloody Poppies"
  • "Requiem of Falling Leaves"

"Code of Love"

This story is a separate completed work. This is a wonderful book, authored by Maximiliane Morrel. “The Code of Love” is the only work of the writer translated into Russian. The plot, as in all such stories, tells about the love of a human woman and a vampire. This one differs from other novels in its adultness. The heroine is not a young inexperienced girl, but a young woman who behaves accordingly. Her lover is not just a sugary youth whose character has not been affected by the passing of centuries. Everything is completely different. In the book, the reader can see how the relationship between an ancient wise creature and a person could be built.

"Anita Blake"

If we decide to look at the most popular romance and fantasy novels about vampires, then we definitely cannot do without one writer. This is Laurel Hamilton, who created the famous Anita Blake series, the main character of which was a vampire hunter.

The series consists of approximately 24 books of the main story and four more that tell about other heroes of the novels. The first book in the series is called “Forbidden Fruit”, in which readers are first introduced to the rather gloomy and soulless world of vampires.

As for the reviews, many fans write that with the fourteenth book the series loses all its charm. Why did Laurel Hamilton upset her admirers so much? “Dance of Death” is the name of the novel, which forced many to quit the series in the middle. The plot is based on the fact that a dark spell is cast on the heroine, which attracts men to her, making her a desirable prey for vampires and werewolves. Among the main shortcomings of the book are the repetition of scenes, the drawn-out plot, and the lack of dynamism.

For those who are not yet familiar with Hamilton's work, we recommend reading the first four books in the series, as they have received the most positive and laudatory reviews. And we want to please those who did not stop at book 14 and read all the translated novels - the cycle is unfinished and you can expect a continuation of the story of your favorite heroine.

So, we looked at the most famous and popular novels about vampires, authored by both foreign and domestic writers. We hope that you will not get confused in the variety of such literature and will easily be able to choose what to read.