Abstracts Statements Story

Report on an excursion to the local history museum. Nizhnedevitsk

Moscow College of Railway Transport


Museum of Insurance OJSC "Ingosstrakh"

Completed by student: Sukhina L.V.

Groups: MOSD-251

Checked by teacher: Balan A.V.

Moscow 2013

On February 13, 2013, students of group MOSD-251 visited the Museum of Ingosstrakh Insurance Company, which is located in a two-story outbuilding of one of the ancient estates of Zamoskvorechye. Its exposition is dedicated to the history of the Inogosstrakh company: Its origins and development, the most striking events and modern achievements.

The journey through the museum begins with the first hall, which introduced our group to the past of the insurance business from antiquity to the beginning of the 20th century.

Here, in addition to unique documents, we saw collectible insurance boards, policies and various photographs.

In addition to the above, I will add. In the first hall of the museum we were told that insurance of ships and ships was once popular, because... very often ships and vessels were wrecked, fell into disrepair, took part in battles, and therefore they had to be restored somewhere.

Also in 1786, on July 28, Empress Catherine 2 issued a decree on the creation of the Manifesto “On the Establishment of the State Loan Bank.”

And in 1827, on June 22, Emperor Nicholas 1 approved the charter of the first joint-stock insurance company that received official name"Russian fire insurance company."

In 1861, by decree of Alexander 3, the creation of mutual insurance societies began. Mutual insurance societies were homeowners' unions. All rural buildings were insured on a mandatory basis, while urban buildings were insured on a voluntary basis. These societies also came up with the idea and development of a workers' insurance system, which operated successfully before the First World War.

The exhibits in the second hall tell in detail about insurance in Soviet Russia, initial stage the work of Ingosstrakh and the expansion of its activities abroad.

Genuine antiques create a unique atmosphere of the time of the origin and development of domestic insurance.


In hall number 2, our group saw a video on the topic “The Death of the Tu-144.”

In 1973, the 30th International Air Show took place in Paris.

State government utility company

College of Service and New Technologies

Administrative Department of the West Kazakhstan Akimat

“Report on a city tour on Knowledge Day”

Prepared by:

Cl. head of gr. No. 322 “confectioner”

Andrusenko N.A.

Uralsk, 2015

09/01/15 students of group No. 322 “confectioner” together with students of group No. 312 “cook” took a tour of hometown.

After the ceremonial assembly, the students drove to Abai Square and walked to the embankment of the Ural River.

The guys rested in the square and took pictures at the monument to the great poet, writer, public figure, founder of modern Kazakh written literature. And also in the gazebo with a clock on the street. Krasnoarmeyskaya.

During the excursion, students got acquainted with the ancient architecture of Uralsk, saw the building of the regional akimat, in the past - the Russian Trade and Industrial Commercial Bank; one of the most famous buildings in Uralsk is the house of the merchant A.T. Karev, built at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries; The Ataman House is perhaps one of the most remarkable buildings in the city, deserving special attention. itself, Pushkin, Zhukovsky, Dal, Tolstoy, emperors (then still crown princes) Alexander II and Nicholas II were here; the building of the Ural Military Chancellery, later - the Military Administration. The building also housed the Public Library and the Military Archives, where in 1900 the writer Korolenko studied documents related to the Pugachev uprising. By the way, even now there is also a children's and youth library here. The guys visited Zh. Moldagaliev Square with a bust of the fellow countryman poet. The Urals region is proud of its fellow countryman. Zhuban Moldagaliev was connected with the Urals not only because he was born and raised here, but also because his creativity was nourished by meetings with the workers of the Urals and the nature of our region. We also visited the square near the monument to Misha Gavrilov. Misha Gavrilov - young hero civil war. The monument was built with money raised by the pioneers of Kazakhstan, the Ural sculptors and spouses A. and E. Shalimov. Opposite the square, students examined the main building of the Pedagogical Institute. Pushkin (WKSU named after Utemisov), built on the site of the Church of the Kazan Mother of God.

Many of the old buildings seen during the excursion continue to serve according to their original purpose: the Strauss pharmacy, the first cinema of the city in the mansion of General Anichkin - now named after Gagarin, serves visitors to this day, in the military gymnasium - the Faculty of Natural Geography of the University, in the military real school - pedagogical college, in the military hospital there is a private medical clinic.

Uralsk is considered one of the oldest cities in Kazakhstan. In 1833, Pushkin, the great Russian poet, came here to conduct research on the Pugachev rebellion, and, inspired by history, wrote one of his best works, “The Captain's Daughter.” Square named after A. S. Pushkin was founded by the people of the Urals in 1899 in honor of the 100th anniversary of the poet’s birth. The monument was erected in 1960, the author of which is Kh.Z. Shamsutdinov. The monument was made in Kharkov.

We visited the memorial to the Ural residents who died during the war of 1941-45.

In 1980, a Memorial of Glory to the soldiers who fell in the Civil and Great Wars was opened in Uralsk. Patriotic War. At the foot of the Stele was lit Eternal flame, which was delivered by relay race from the city of Volgograd from Mamayev Kurgan by the best athletes of the Urals.

The eternal flame brought from Mamayev Kurgan was lit by the Hero Soviet Union Konyakhin I.I. and participant in the defense of Uralsk A. Ipmagambetov. Urns containing soil taken from mass graves were buried near the wall.

The fifty-meter monument, according to its authors, consists of two giant banners, as if symbolizing the continuity of two heroic eras.

The memorial complex is under state protection of local significance as a historical monument.

Then there was a boat excursion along the Ural River.

Ural, my native river,
My beautiful homeland!
You're flowing fast, my dear,
Among the fields, among the steppes.

The Ural River is the greatest natural heritage of the planet. It is different, multifaceted, allowing you to recharge with energy, vitality and simply positive emotions. Many tourists come to admire its beauty.

The bright Urals have an hour,
When the dawn is born
The bright Urals have vastness,
A wave carrying to the light.
There is a steppe near the bright Urals,
Like a hot, painted carpet.
There are shores where she came to life
History from a long time ago.

(Akushyap Baktygereva)

The students admired the water ribbon of the fast-moving Urals dazzlingly sparkling in the sun. The nature on the banks of the Urals is as diverse as the river itself: tall trees alternate with bushes and dense undergrowth, and amazing wild beaches are located on the banks of the river. The children enjoyed the amazingly beautiful landscapes.

The children received a lot of impressions, learned a lot of new things, and received a boost of vivacity and energy.

I hope that the guys, having taken this short excursion, will forever retain the most vivid memories of it, feel love and respect for their hometown, and pride in it.

Eurasia! Endless land!
Your wealth is cities and years.
But only everything is dearer to you
Uralsk is the guardian of peace and freedom.

Uralsk is a descendant of many cultures,
Permanent guardian of sciences and fresh thought,
Grow boldly and always be in bloom
For the sake of life going on.

(Aizhan Erbulekova)

In excursion and research local history activities "By native land- with love"

( within city ​​competition reports about educational thematic excursions,

dedicated to the 60th anniversary of the formation of the Belgorod region)

head department of local history and excursions

MBOU DOD "Station of Young Tourists"


1. The report must be specific and businesslike.

2. The report must contain only reliable information; references to the source are required; It is advisable to include in the report a list of used literature and sources of information.

3. Reports are presented in printed form and on a CD in the text editor “Word for Windows 97-2003”. The electronic version must contain all materials presented in printed form, including maps, photographs and other illustrative material.

4. The report must have continuous page numbering and, preferably, hard binding (providing long-term storage).

5. The number of abbreviations in the text should be minimal (accepted abbreviations must be deciphered unambiguously).

6. The report must be formatted competently, neatly, and colorfully.


The competition work must have the following structure:

1. Title page.

3. Map-scheme of the route of the educational thematic excursion.

4. Description of the educational thematic excursion.

5. Preparation for educational thematic excursion.

6. Local history passport of the object (objects).

7. Photo report.

8. Summing up the educational thematic excursion. Conclusions and recommendations.

9. Creative reflection.

Let's consider the content of the main sections of the written report on the educational thematic excursion.

1. Title page.

On title page must be indicated: full name educational institution, name of the excursion, route, date, conducting organization, excursion group, last name, first name, patronymic of the group leader, his address, telephone, e-mail.

3. Map-scheme of the route of the educational thematic excursion.

The route map represents a schematically designed route for the excursion group. The path between populated areas is plotted on a map of the region (or a fragment thereof), a tour of a populated area is plotted on a map (diagram) of a given populated area, indicating excursion sites.

4. Description of the educational thematic excursion.

Description of the educational thematic excursion is the main section of the report, including the statistical and descriptive parts.

1. Composition of the excursion group (fill out the table):

2. Detailed excursion route. For example, the route of the educational thematic excursion “The forest is definitely a painted tower”: Belgorod (Monument “To those who died from radiation disasters” - a park of culture and recreation named after - Popova St. - Grazhdansky Ave. - Belgorodsky Regiment St. - Volchanskaya St.) - p. Reasonable – p. Krutoy Log – village. Maslova Pier - Shebekino - village. Voskresenovka - village. Malo-Mikhailovka - reserve "Bekaryukovsky Bor" - Belgorod.

3. Traffic schedule (fill out the table):

Excursion route (part of the route)

Astronomical time (from hh. mm to hh. mm.)

Travel time for a section of the route

Length of the track section, km

Method of transportation

Teatralny Proezd – Cathedral Square – BGADT named after


BGADT Museum named after

Tour of the museum

Krapivenskie Dvory – Yakovlevo

Historical and Theater Museum

Tour of the museum

5 hours 15 minutes

59 km (+59 km return)

4. Excursion objects - all are listed memorable places, the main and additional objects that the group inspected at the stop, during the move or movement of the group to the next stop.

5. The actual description of the educational thematic excursion should be a coherent text - a story specifically along the excursion route (where they were, what they saw, what they learned new about the area, about populated areas, about attractions, etc.). The description must be supported by photographs or other illustrative material.

5. Preparation for educational thematic excursionimportant stage, which determines the effectiveness and value of the entire excursion . It is from this stage - preparation for the perception of the excursion material - that any excursion should begin.

In this section of the report, you can indicate what goal is set for the excursionists, describe the algorithm of actions of the excursion group to achieve this goal, list preparatory tasks and give brief analysis their implementation.

If desired, preparation for the educational thematic excursion can be included in the previous section of the report - a description of the educational thematic excursion.

6. Local history passport of the object (objects).

This section contains information about excursion objects collected during the excursion. The passport must include the following information:

1) the name of the object (original and modern), as well as the name by which the monument is known among the population;

2) historical event, with which the monument is associated, the date of the event;

3) the location of the object, its postal address, on whose territory the monument is located (city, town, industrial enterprise, etc.);

4) description of the monument (type, what materials it is made of, text of the memorial inscription, its author, date of construction, etc.);

5) safety of the monument (condition of the monument and the territory on which it is located, date of last repair, restoration);

7) sources of information about the monument (literature that describes the monument and events associated with it, archival data, oral traditions, etc.)

The passport for architectural, natural, and archaeological objects may include other information.

A photograph of the object is attached to the passport.

The report includes local history passports of the main excursion objects, but no more than 5.

7. Photo report.

The photo report should illustrate the excursion route, the actions of excursionists along the route, and display the nature and attractions of the area.

All photos must be signed (who/what, where, when).

Photos should convey a local history and technical description of the excursion, and not the life of the group.

The report should contain photographs of the entire excursion group at the objects.

If all the illustrative material for the report is included in the photo report, then references to the photo report are made in the text, and the photographs must have continuous numbering.

8. Summing up the educational thematic excursion. Conclusions and recommendations.

An important stage of the excursion is post-excursion work. At this stage, it is important to turn the end of the excursion into the beginning of independent homework for its participants to consolidate and deepen the knowledge gained.

This section of the report indicates how and in what form the students summed up the results of the educational thematic excursion, what are the results and prospects for further local history research work.

It also provides a brief pedagogical summary of the excursion and provides recommendations on choosing a route and visiting interesting places, information about additional local history opportunities of the route. Specific information is provided about the cognitive and educational significance of the excursion for participants.

9. Creative reflection.

This section includes the best creative works students, reflecting their impressions of the educational thematic excursion (essays, poems, drawings, photographs of crafts, etc.).

Excursion report usolt wrote in April 28th, 2011

So, the excursion season of the Walking around Moscow project has begun!
April 23 Alexander Usoltsev gave a tour along Plyushchikha and Devicheye Pole. Thanks to everyone who came)
The weather was great and quite a lot of people came for the excursion. We had a really good time! We were pleased to show people this quiet and peaceful corner of old Moscow. A little boy, Zhenya, who is only 5 years old, went with us almost the entire excursion) Special thanks to Zhenya for listening so carefully and patiently! We want the younger generation to love Moscow the way we love it, so children under 14 years old can come with adults to our excursions absolutely free! This excursion will be repeated again in June --->

Here are some photos from the walk:

April 24 Sergey Yartsev gave a tour "Religions of Moscow".
Sergey is our new guide, his favorite topic is everything related to religion. As all our guides Sergey tells it is very interesting - no memorized texts! It’s impossible not to listen to Sergei! Two people joined our excursion, just passing by; they had never heard about our project before, and now they promised to walk with us!
And on this day we also handed out our magnets to all the excursionists, on which it was written: “I love walking around Moscow.” We hope that they will take their rightful place on your refrigerators.
The excursion of Sergei Yartsev will be repeated again May 21st- especially for those who could not come to this excursion, because I really want everyone to hear such a magnificent story.

Our group meeting was scheduled near the monument to the heroes of Plevna. We were very lucky - a chapel was opened on the occasion of Easter, this is a rare occasion. Our excursionists were able to see the chapel from the inside.

While we are waiting for those who are late, we look at the chapel

Sergei talks about the history of Pokrovka Street and Ivanovskaya Hill

One of the best views of the high-rise building of Kotelnicheskaya embankment

Let's go to the synagogue

Sergei talks about the Western Wall, Jewish traditions and the history of Judaism in the world and in Moscow, in particular.

Notes with requests for the fulfillment of wishes are inserted into the "Moscow Wailing Wall"

And here we are in the synagogue! There are no events taking place here today, so we were able to go inside

Sergei tells us about the synagogue

Church of St. Equal to the Apostles Prince Vladimir, in the Old Gardens.

We also visited the St. John the Baptist Monastery, where Sergei told a lot of interesting things about the history of Orthodoxy in Rus'.

Then we went to the old Lutheran church and visited the Baptist church, but not everything to show! Come take a tour on May 21st! =)

Larisa Degtyareva

"Our people are smart and strong!

Looks far ahead

But legends antiquity

We must not forget.

Glory to the Russian old times!

Glory to our side. "

In class I told the children a lot about past life Russian people: peasants, artisans. The children and I looked at pictures depicting the life of the Russian people in the past, objects of folk life, read fairy tales, looked at illustrations of Russian folk tales, nursery rhymes, played Russian folk games.

And for this purpose, to learn more about past life, we visited Krasnogorsk local history museum.

The children were surprised by the objects antiquity, which they didn’t even know anything about.

We were greeted kindly by the head of Krasnogorsk museum N. V. Elago, who told and showed a lot about life in a playful way ancient folk life.

And she began her story with riddles.

Oh what old grandmother!

All white, white.

It's summer outside

They don't pay attention to her

And when winter comes, they will stick to it! (Bake)

“The peasant is smart enough to build a hut on the stove,” says a Russian proverb.

The stove was usually placed to the right or left of the entrance. The corner opposite the stove opening was considered a workplace, which the housewives called the “working quarters”. Everything here was adapted for cooking.

The children were very surprised that there were no washing machines before.

The children also saw the clothes our ancestors wore and how they were made.

Since with the arrival of winter, work in the field ended and housework began.

One of the most important jobs in the house was spinning flax and wool on a spinning wheel.

The spinning wheel was taken care of in the house. She passed from mother to daughter, granddaughter.

They spun for a long time winter evenings. During this work, the song of the gingerbread was often heard.

And one more mystery.

Without arms, without legs, he bows in all directions. (Wiggle or crib).

"Crib in old times for a child they called it zybka, from the word zybat - to swing"

IN old times With great love belonged to small children.

The children were also shown how clothes used to be ironed.

Next riddle.

There's a hole on top, a hole on bottom,

And in the middle there is fire and water. (Samovar).

The samovar was made of copper. It was always on the table. Russian people were very fond of drinking tea from a samovar. The whole family gathered around the table, drank tea and had a conversation.

At the end excursions children were awarded sweet prizes from the head of Krasnogorsk museum N. V. Elago.

Publications on the topic:

Excursions are one of the main types of activities and a special form of organizing work on the comprehensive development of children, moral and patriotic.

Municipal autonomous institution kindergarten No. 5 “Rodnichok”, Obukhova Natalya Anatolyevna teacher senior group. From the senior group.

The role of the museum in introducing children to the world of museum values ​​is invaluable. The museum, like a huge magic casket, stores an unusual jewel.

Plan for the year for an average group on excursions to the Museum of Antiquities September Work with children: Excursion to the mini-museum Topic: Introduction to national costumes. 1. Features of national costumes. Target:.

In February 2018, the guys from preparatory group kindergarten No. 9 Rosinka visited the local history museum. Tour guide Olga Albertovna.

Every city has a place where you can get acquainted with its history, learn about the sights, customs and way of life, and see interesting things.