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Basic rules of the English language summary. English grammar rules

Language was created so that people can communicate and understand each other. In order for interaction to be most effective, the first native speakers had to agree on the rules of English, otherwise everyone would speak their own. Over time, the set of these rules grew larger, acquired additional nuances and exceptions, and then turned into thick English textbooks that today flood the shelves of bookstores and libraries. We will not delve into the jungle of studying British speech, so as not to list all the rules in the English language, but will focus on the 10 basic rules of the English language. Check it!

Order of words in a sentence

Russian speech allows us to compose phrases in any order we like. The sentences “He bought a car”, “He bought a car”, “He bought a car” and other variations will sound equally organic and correct from a grammatical point of view. But the English are a pedantic people, so in their sentences, as in life, there is a strictly observed order:

Subject(who?) + predicate(what does it do?) + addition(with whom? over whom? etc.) + circumstance(when? where? how? etc.).

He bought a car. - He bought a car.

Minor members may be absent, but the presence of a subject and predicate is mandatory, therefore the existence of impersonal sentences in English is impossible. If in the Russian analogue the subject performing the action is absent, then in English it is replaced by the pronoun “ it».

It's cold outside. - It's cold outside.

Auxiliary verbs

It is very important to remember to use auxiliary verbs in negative and interrogative sentences. In Russian, we do not need any helpers other than the main predicate verb. But in classical English, the construction of questions and negations requires the indispensable presence of an helping verb.

Do you like music? - Do you like music?
I won't go to this party. - I won't (will not) go to the party.

Which auxiliary verb you should use depends on the tense, but that's a whole other story with 16 separate chapters.

Basic forms of English verbs be, have, do

There is a “holy trinity” of verbs in the English language - words that can express most actions. These are the verbs: " be"(to be, to appear, to be), " have"(to have) and " do" (do). Due to such frequent use, in the present tense they have their own special forms:

  • « Be" divided by am (for I), " is" (for he, she, it) and " are"(for we, you, they).
  • "Have" has a special form only for the third person singular (he, she, it) - “ has».
  • A " do", using the general rule for "he", "she", "it" in the present tense, uses the ending " es» — « does».

Having remembered these basic rules about verbs and their forms, you can already express your thoughts and explain to a foreigner what you need from him.

Prohibition of double negatives

Famous game " I never..." in English is called " I've never(done)...” As you can see, in the Russian language there is a double negative - the pronoun “ never" and negative particle " Not" In English we only see the negative pronoun " never”, and before the verb “done” there is not and cannot be the usual negative particle “not”. Why this happened and who is to blame for this is unknown to history, but we like the version that business residents of Foggy Albion simply do not like to repeat themselves. And we should remember that in English you cannot use double negatives.


We can talk about these mysterious guys for hours. What makes this conversation especially long is the fact that there are no articles in the Russian language. But we will not repeat the multi-volume material of textbooks, but will concentrate only on when articles are not needed:

  • When a noun is preceded by a possessive pronoun or a noun in the possessive case:
This is a dog. This is my dog. It isn't my sister's dog.- This is a dog. This is my dog. This is not my sister's dog.
  • When a cardinal number precedes a noun (answers the question “how much?”):
I have two sisters and one brother.- I have two sisters and one brother.
  • When a noun is preceded by the negation “no”:
I have no idea what to do.- I have no idea what to do.
  • When a noun is preceded by a demonstrative pronoun (this, these, that, those):
Give me that pencil, please.- Give me that pencil, please.


The basic rule for forming plurals is to add the ending " s» to the singular form:

a dog - dog s, a cat - cat s, an insect - insect s

If a noun ends in hissing sound or letter " O", then you should add the ending " es»:

bus - bus es, glass - glass es, bush - bush es, box-box es, branch - branch es potato-potato es

When the word ends with " y", and in front of her stands consonant, « y" in the plural changes to " ies»:

ba by-bab ies, ci ty- cit ies, la dy- lad ies
But: b oh- boy s,t oh- toy s, pl ay- play s.

When the end of a word is " f" or " fe", when adding the ending " s"letter" f" changes to " v»:

lea f-lea v es, wi f e-wi v es

These are the basic English rules for forming the plural form, but we should not forget about exceptions that go against the rules, for example:

child - children, man - men, mouse - mice etc.

Degrees of comparison

There are two ways to form degrees of comparison: using suffixes and using additional words. The choice of method is influenced by the number of syllables and the last letter in the word:

If the word has 1 syllable, then you should add a suffix:

cold - colder - the coldest, cool - cooler -the coolest, big- bigger -the biggest

If the word consists of two or more syllables, then we use an additional word:

beautiful - more beautiful - the most beautiful

When a word ends with " y", we again use the first method with endings, but in this case "y" changes to " ie».

funny - fun ier- the fun iest, sunny-sunny ier- the sun iest

Don't forget the article " the» before superlatives, and also doubling the last consonant letters in monosyllabic words with consonant/vowel/consonant alternation.

Gerund after the verb "like"

A gerund is a verb ending in " ing" If you need to express your preferences using the verb “like,” then it is preferable to use a gerund after it:

I like watch ing films.
Do you like jogg ing?
You don't like play ing chess, do you?

Past tense forms of verbs

The basic rule is that to express the past tense you should use second verb form. This is where the nuances begin, because the main verbs of the English language are divided into regular and irregular, and their methods of forming the second form differ. For correct verbs use the ending " ed", but everyone wrong the verb has its own three shapes that need to be remembered - there is no separate rule for irregular verbs. Fortunately, many of them are formed according to similar word-formation models, and modern teaching methods have funny rhymes aimed at quickly memorizing the forms of irregular verbs. Our online tutor will be happy to introduce you to them.

Many, much, a lot

English nouns, like Russian ones, are divided into two classes: countable and uncountable. Class influences the use of quantitative pronouns:

  • WITH countable should use " many».
I have many dresses.- I have a lot of dresses.

WITH uncountable, which are liquids, substances and substances that cannot be counted, we use “ much».

I don't drink much water.- I don't drink a lot of water.

If define classdifficult, then you can use “ a lot (of)", which goes equally well with both uncountable nouns and those that can be counted

He doesn't watch a lot of TV, but he reads a lot of books.- He doesn't watch TV a lot, but he reads a lot of books.

Small hint the ending " s» for countable nouns in the plural.


When learning English, you should remember that rules are meant to be broken. All the rules above are just the “skeleton” of British literary speech. A living spoken language has a lot of nuances and exceptions, which can only be learned by immersing yourself in the atmosphere of an English-speaking society. English songs and films, as well as live interlocutors, will help you do this!

Embark on an exciting journey through the sections of our website, and in just a few days the 10 most important rules of the English language will become as natural as breathing. Breathe in English!

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Everything in our life is subject to rules, and so are linguistic phenomena. The elusive English can still be caught in the net and stored in memory.

When you start learning a language, you still wonder where to start or how best to remember. To learn to read, write and speak, it is not enough just to memorize the dictionary. After all, each word is interconnected with the other, they are modified under the influence of each other. Having met basic rules of the English language, Having mastered them, you will not only understand the “soul” of foreign speech, but also learn to express yourself logically and correctly. After all, the main goal of learning is to learn to communicate and not feel language barriers.

All English language rules conditionally divided into groups. Let's look at some of them.

Getting to know English grammar It’s better to start by studying the parts of speech: noun, adjective, verb and adverb. Particularly difficult are temporary groups, which, unlike Russian ones, are much more numerous. The English express desire, opportunity and ability to act using modal verbs, and Russian participial and participial phrases are translated into English using impersonal forms of the verb.

Your speech will not be complete enough if you do not become familiar with numerals and learn to correctly name the date, year and time. In communication, we constantly convey the speech of one person to another. This is subject to the rules of direct and indirect speech, which have not only spelling features, but also temporary changes. Such an unusual part of speech, a little alien to a Russian speaker, like the article, plays one of the main roles in the linguistic vacuum of the English language. Well, the peppercorn can be called conjunctions, prepositions and particles that transform speech, impart expressiveness and expressiveness.

In a separate line you can display the following rules of the English language: . Unlike the Russian language, English punctuation marks are not so complex, but without them it will be impossible to write a competent letter or essay.

To make your speech in English understandable, you will have to devote a lot of time phonetics and phonetic rules. There are not very many of them, but you still have to learn all the letter combinations and their reading standards.

WITH lexical side the language also needs to be enriched. And this is not only a replenishment of vocabulary, but the ability to correctly construct sentences, give short answers, use a clear structure of statements, study idioms and phrasal verbs.

The basic rules of the English language can be found in any grammar textbook, but each of them is presented differently.

Of course, we can talk endlessly about the rules of the English language, because there are actually a lot of them. You shouldn’t grab onto everything at once, just as you shouldn’t get hung up on one thing. Learn and improve the language in a comprehensive manner: from the grammatical, lexical, and phonetic sides.

There are different opinions regarding the difficulty of English. There is a common belief that English (mainly in terms of grammar) is relatively simple. But many, having tried to “conquer this mountain,” begin to be inclined to believe that everything is not so simple.

In reality, English grammar is multi-layered and consists of several levels, and whether it is complex or not depends on the level you want to achieve.

For most, it is not a goal to know English in its entirety and at the highest level - we just want to understand in most situations what we hear and more or less competently express our thoughts. For these purposes, you don’t need to know ALL of the grammar - you need to understand it, and then everything will look a little simpler.

What is included in this “necessary minimum”? What should you not ignore? Traditionally, the first thing most people are interested in is what is the situation with tenses in English? Which in turn leads to the question...

How many tenses are there in English?

Amazingly, if you take 5 people who have studied English and ask them this question, most likely each will give a different number. One will answer - 12, another - 16, and someone will name a shocking 26 or even 32!

Which one is right?
Our answer may surprise you. In fact, it doesn't matter! The majority of native speakers themselves also do not know exactly how many tenses there are in English - they simply use them.

A common mistake English teachers make when presenting material is that they focus too much on covering as much grammar as possible and try to give students as much time as possible, going deeper and deeper.
And if those tenses with which they usually begin are quite simple and understandable, then the subsequent ones, for lack of analogues in Russian, cause difficulties even in understanding, not to mention use.

Gradually a person gets lost in this “chaos”. He gets the feeling that there are a huge number of times, and they are all equally important, you need to know them and be able to use them (and if you make a mistake, you will be shot). This creates despair and reluctance to continue studying. American teachers even came up with a name for this state of “lostness” – ‘English trauma’.

In fact, not all times are equally “useful,” especially at first. The most basic ones are used constantly. Others, on the contrary, are used much less frequently - their knowledge is not a necessity.

In order to communicate at the level of the average Englishman or American, you need to know 5 tenses. To understand 99% of what is said and written, you need to add three more “to the piggy bank.”

The first three basic English tenses you need to master are present, future and past in the ‘simple’ categories.

Next are added: the present categories ‘progressive’ (in the British version called ‘continuous’) - “continuous” and ‘Present Perfect’ - “perfect” (it refers to the past tense). These two tenses have no direct analogues in Russian, so they present a certain complexity.

No more tenses are needed at this stage; there is no need to “collect” them!

Make sure you know this!

If you have already studied English and think you have reached an intermediate level, then before moving on, check if you have a command of the following “basic” English tenses:

Present Simple(usually called 'Present Indefinite' in UK): I go there often. (I XI can't wait to go thereoften).

Future Simple(usually called 'Future Indefinite' in UK): I will go there tomorrow. (I I'll go thereTomorrow).

Past Simple(usually called 'Past Indefinite' in UK): I went there yesterday. (I went thereyesterday).

Present Progressive(in the British version called ‘Present Continuous’): I am reading a newspaper now. (IchitaI'm reading the newspaper now).

Present Perfect: I have heard about it. (I heardabout it. )

For everything else, make sure that at this stage you:

  1. You know how to construct negatives and questions.
  2. Understand all aspects and features of the verb ‘to be’.
  3. Mastered all forms of personal pronouns (possessive, objective, etc.).
  4. You know the English construction of “presence” ‘there is’.
  5. You understand (at least) the general logic of using articles.
  6. Do you know how to correctly say “a lot”, “a little” and “a little” in English?
  7. You speak basic modal verbs (can, may, should, must, would).
  8. Know the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives and adverbs.
  9. You know how to construct sentences taking into account the “English word order”.

All this is the grammatical basis of English - something that belongs to the initial, basic level. If you don’t have this knowledge, it’s pointless to delve further into grammar.

Of course, we are all curious and a slight deviation from the “course” is possible. But don’t let yourself be “dragged” into the jungle - this is destructive when learning a language.

With a sequential approach, you follow the principle of priority - “from important to unimportant” and master only the language that you can use in practice. In addition, each subsequent topic will be simple and understandable for you, since it will be based on a reliable and logical foundation.

Initially, the course is designed for beginners from scratch, so we start from the very basics. Then the level rises very quickly, and by the second half quite “serious” things begin - we enter the territory of “advanced” English.

Thus, the course is useful for students of almost any level. Even for the most “advanced” - for those who know all the topics we cover, the course will be interesting from the point of view of practice and consolidation of knowledge and skills. Below is a brief outline of the main grammatical topics of the course.

Lessons from the first week (Week 1):

1. Simple future tense; constructing questions and negatives.

2. Simple present tense; detailed answers.

3. Indefinite article ‘a’; plural formation.

4. Use of the infinitive; countable and uncountable nouns.

5. The verb ‘to be’ (to be) and its features; possessive case (ownership).

6. Conjugation of verbs in the 3rd person singular; definite article ‘the’.

7. Constructions like “I want...”; prohibition of double negatives in English.

Lesson-summarization of the first week: The system of pronouns in English (personal, objective, possessive, reflexive); English sentence structure (narration, question, negation); conjugation of the verb 'to be'; generalization of the topic of articles.

Lessons from the second week (Week 2):

8. Simple past tense; introduction to phrasal verbs; 'something' and 'anything'.

9. The verb to ‘be’ is in the past tense.

10. Irregular verbs in the simple past.

11. Introduction to modal verbs; development of the topic of phrasal verbs.

12. Comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.

13. Negation through the particle ‘no’; stable constructions (idioms) in English.

14. Modal verbs ‘must’ and ‘should’.

Summary lesson 2 weeks: Simple past (formation and use); groups of irregular verbs; modal verbs; phrasal verbs; degrees of comparison of adjectives; numerals.

Lessons from Week 3:

15. Progressive tense in the present and past.

16. Conditional sentences; future from the past; 'going to...' construction.

17. Conditional mood (verb ‘would’); verbs of sensory perception.

18. Construction ‘there is’; past participles; modal verb 'could'.

19. Imperative mood; 'have to' construction; “pseudo-verbs” (to be + adjective).

21. Constructions like “I want you to...” (I want you to do).

Summary lesson 3 weeks: ‘Progressive tense’ in the present, past and future; verbs of sensory perception and their specificity; active and passive participles; the construction of the presence of ‘there is’ in the present, past and future; modal verb equivalents; conditional sentences; constructions ‘in order to’ and ‘so that’; verbs of suggestions and recommendations.

Lessons from Week 4:

22. Present perfect tense.

23. Conditional sentences of the second type.

24. Gerund.

25. Passive voice; 'used to' construction.

26. Meanings of the verb ‘to get’; some prepositions; phrasal verbs.

27. Passive voice (continued); construction “or... or” (whether .. or...)

28. Stable constructions “verb + nouns” (have + noun, take + noun).

Summary lesson 4 weeks: Passive voice; gerund; present perfect; the logic of “difficult” times.

29. The whole story (we apply everything).

30. Surprise!

The topics are not limited to the listed list - we give the grammar in context, explaining it as a particular construction appears.

So, now you know what you can achieve by completing the course to the end. This is not a lot, and a lot at the same time. For some this will seem quite simple (due to the fact that some of the material has already been mastered), for others it will be a long journey from the very beginning.

Any discipline studied, simple or complex, cannot do without a basic structure, without a core. In a language, this is grammar, and in grammar, the rules are the core. In this article I will try to talk at least a little about such a vast and complex issue as the rules of English grammar, of which there are a lot, as well as exceptions. We will focus on the most important ones.

There is no need to blindly cram the rules, and it is useless, you just need to understand the grammar. Having an idea of ​​the system and structure of the language, understanding its means and mechanisms, the basic rules with which it operates, you will be able to hone your practical skills, and sometimes consult reference books to clarify some points, or when your intuition does not tell you the correct answer.

If you periodically have doubts about the correct use of numbers, choice of words, their order, then take a look at the code of laws of English grammar. This article will help you resolve doubts about mastering difficult or problematic aspects of the English language. I have chosen the most common grammatical problems faced by people who decide to learn a foreign language.

Articles - three special words in English

In English, special words are used - articles. There are only two of them - the definite article the and the indefinite article a (an is placed before nouns starting with a vowel). In most cases, this function word is placed only before nouns. The indefinite article is applied exclusively to singular countable nouns, while the definite article is used when using nouns, both singular and plural, regardless of whether they are countable or not.

There are cases when the article is not used at all. They need to be remembered.

So, the article is not used at all if the noun is preceded by:

cardinal number (one, two, three);

There are ten boys in the team - there are ten boys in the team.

possessive or demonstrative pronoun (this, our, that, my, etc.);

My flat is not big, but modern - My apartment is small, but modern.

another noun in the possessive case (my sister’s, Sam’s etc.);

negation of “no” (not “not”!).

I have no book - I don’t have a book.

Note: if a noun in the possessive case serves as an adjective in a sentence, the use of an article in this case is possible.

It’s a children’s room (children’s room).

The article is not placed before uncountable nouns that denote an abstract concept or an indefinite amount of substance.

I don’t like milk, I prefer juice. — I don’t like milk, I prefer juice (juice, milk - in general)

Kindness is one of the most important things in the world. — Kindness is one of the most important things in the world (kindness is an abstract concept).

The article is not used with the names of sports:

I am fond of box, and my sister prefers sport dancing. — I love boxing, and my sister prefers sports dancing.

The article is not placed before proper names (exceptions include some geographical names).

The order of sentence construction

In Russian, the meaning of what is said does not depend on the sequence of words. The meaning of a phrase or proposition is not affected in any way by the order in which the words are placed. In English, there is its own order of constructing phrases and sentences, compliance with which is mandatory, otherwise the meaning of what was said will be different or the sentence will simply lose its meaning and form.

So, the correct sequence of words is:

The Subject always comes first, followed by the Predicate, then the Object - What? Circumstances - Where and When, and Definition - Which? is placed between the article and the word that it defines: The green room...

The possessive case of the word (Whose?) determines the following noun and is always placed in preposition (in front of) the defined noun. The analogue in Russian is a possessive adjective or genitive case: children’s room - children’s room or children’s room.

But definitions in English are also arranged in a certain order. To remember their sequence, you need to learn the word “OPSHACOM”, which is consonant with the Russian “OBSHCHAK”. The basis of this word is made up of the first letters of the definitions in the required sequence:

  • Opinion - opinion
  • Shape - form
  • Age - age
  • COlour - color
  • Material - material

Indefinite adverbs and adverbs of frequency are set in preposition with respect to the main verb, but in postposition with respect to “to be”, as well as in postposition of the first auxiliary verbs and the second “have”. Unclear? That's it for now. As soon as you come across such adverbs, remember this rule.

It is worth remembering the “one-time rule”: in a simple sentence, any grammatical unit can be used once, and the closer to the beginning of the proposition, the more correct and better. Also, negation is used only once. And in complex polyfunctional units after the past tense, only the past and no other is used.

Indefinite present tense

This tense is used to show an action that is constantly being performed in the present or to express generally accepted truths. For example: In the morning I wash my face/Every morning I wash up or The moon shines at night.

The infinitive form agrees with the Present Indefinite, eliminating "to" in all persons except the third person singular, which takes the ending "-s (-es)". In this case, this ending is pronounced differently:

  • After vowels and voiced consonants - [z] - writes
  • After voiceless consonants - [s] - tells
  • After whistling and hissing sounds, as well as letter combinations ss, sh, ch, x - [iz] - washes
I writeI tellI wash

The same rule applies to the plural of nouns.

By the way, about nouns. The word “FAMILY” is a collective concept that is combined with the plural if it means “all family members”, as well as with the third person singular form of the verb if it means “Family” as a single whole. All combinations of similar verb forms obey this rule: team, group, etc.

Don't forget that the word "POLICE" is constantly used together with plural verbs. And the words “Advice”, “Information” and “News” are uncountable nouns that are combined exclusively with verbs of 3 l. units


There are two types of unusual questions in English. So we'll talk about them.

The first type is choice or alternative questions (either/or, or/or). In this case, the word order corresponds to the basic rules: Do you like cold tea or hot? But as an alternative, there are some features:

In infinitive structures, "to" is placed only before the first initial form

The article is retained in definitions for one noun, which is in the singular.

When using the noun that came first, the other one is replaced by “ONE”: Do you like a big apple or little one? Instead of the second word “apple” we use “ONE”

When selecting the entire sentence, “NOT” is applied: Do you want the toy or NOT?/Do you want the toy or not?

The second type is Connection (division) questions. The table shows its structure:


Well, with monosyllabic words everything is clear. Now let's look at the grammar of disyllabic and complex lexical units. In two-syllable and three-syllable words, the stress is on the first syllable, in most cases. But in complex words, where there are two or more stems, the first word acquires greater intonation, that is, emphasis.

Friends, every language has its own basic rules regarding grammar, spelling, syntax, etc. English is no exception. On the pages of our website you can find a detailed description of each section of grammar, reading rules, syntactic rules, and speech patterns of the English language.

In this article we will not dwell in detail on each section of the language.

Our material today is intended specifically for beginners in learning the language, for those who have taken up English from scratch. We want to introduce you to the most basic, most important and necessary rules of the English language that you will encounter everywhere while mastering this language. If you are ready, then 15 basic rules are waiting for you!

You need to know these rules!

So, dear readers, now you will get acquainted with the basic rules of English from different sections of the language. They concern grammar, speech, syntax and much more. All you need is to read the rules carefully and thoughtfully, pay attention to the examples and, of course, remember them! If you wish, you can copy this information into your English notebook or notepad. This way, you can always remind yourself of what you need in a particular exercise.

Rule #1

After modal verbs there is a particle to not used. We are speaking:

  • Imust learn Englishmodalverbs. — I have to learn English modal verbs.
  • You should listen to your parents. “You should listen to your parents.”
  • May I take yournotebooktillSunday? — Can I borrow your laptop until Sunday?

And in no case do we say: must to learn; should to listen; may to take etc.

Rule No. 2

You cannot use the definite/indefinite article with a pronoun:

  • I love my mother. - II loveminemom.
  • Where is your friend now? - WhereNowis yoursFriend?
  • Yesterday I met Tom and his wife. — Yesterday I met Tom and his wife.

You can't say: the my mother or my mother; the friend or your friend. You can immediately see how absurd this looks, and even more so, how absurd it sounds. It really hurts my ears!

Rule No. 3

Adverbs of the English language (for the question “how?”) are formed according to the scheme: adjective + ending ly:

  • Perfect - perfect ly- excellent, wonderful, wonderful
  • Quick - quick ly- quickly, nimbly
  • Rapid - rapid ly- fast
  • Quiet - Quiet ly- quiet
  • Nice - nice ly- cute
  • Easy - easy ly- easily
  • Beautiful - beautiful ly- Beautiful

  • He entered the room quietly. - Hequiethas enteredVroom.
  • Tom did his homework perfectly fine! - Volumedidmyhomeexcellent job (incredibly good)!
  • Suelooksbeautifully today. — Sue looks beautiful today.

Rule No. 4

Use PresentSimple, after unions if,assoonasbefore,when,till,until,after,incase in sentences of time and conditions relating to the future:

  • When I finish school, I will go to my grandparents in the countryside. - WhenII'll finishschool, II'll goTominegrandfatherAndgrandmaVvillage.
  • After you study your family tree, you will find out where you descend from. - AfterTogo, HowYouyou will studygenealogicaltreeyoursfamilies, Youyou will find, fromwhomYouhappening.
  • Your elder brother will certainly help you if you ask- Is yoursseniorBrotherNecessarilywill helpyou, IfYouhisask.

Rule No. 5

The word order in an English sentence is:

Subject + predicate + direct object + indirect object + adverbial

Subject + predicate + direct object + indirect object + adverbal modifier

  • Isentyoualetterlastweek. — I sent you a letter last week.
  • I saw Mike in the club. - IsawMikeVclub.
  • It was sunny yesterday. - Yesterdaywassunny.

In a Russian sentence, liberties are allowed, and there is no specific word order in it, everything depends on the emotion embedded in it. In an English sentence, everything is clear and strict.

Rule No. 6

Phrasal verbs (verb + preposition) of the English language have their own separate meaning and their own translation. For example:

To look- look; to look for- search

To put- put, put; to put on- put on


  • Put the plates on the table, please. - Put itdishesontable, Please.
  • It is cold outside; put on your coat. - OnstreetCold, put it oncoat.

Rule No. 7

The most general rule for the definite and indefinite articles in the English language: the indefinite article is placed where nothing is known about the subject; The definite article is used where something is known about the subject.

  • I see a The girl walking down the street is very beautiful. - II seegirl. The girl walking down the street is very beautiful.

Rule No. 8

Ending - ed characteristic of the past tenses of only regular verbs. Irregular verbs have a different form for each past tense. For example:

Look -looked BUT! Bring -brought —brought

Rule No. 9

There are 4 types of questions in English:

We go to the theater every Saturday. - Welet's goVtheatereverySaturday.

  • General(general): Do we go to the theater every Saturday? —Welet's goVtheatereverySaturday?
  • Special(special): Where do we go every Saturday? —WhereWelet's goeverySaturday?
  • Alternative(alternative): Do we go to the theater every Saturday or every Sunday? —Welet's goVtheatereverySaturdayoreachSunday?
  • Disjunctive(separating): We go to the theater every Saturday, don’t we? —Welet's goVtheatereverySaturday, NotSowhether?

Rule No. 10

To make an impersonal sentence, you need a pronoun It:

  • It is cold today. - TodayCold.
  • It is morning. - Morning.
  • It is difficult to translate this text. - Thistextdifficulttranslate.

Rule № 11

After alliances asif,asthough(as if, as if, as if, as if) in the conditional mood, verb tobe in the 3rd person singular takes the form were:

  • She speaks so proudlyas if she wasn't guilty. “She speaks so proudly, as if she’s not guilty.”
  • Tom looks as though he were rich. - VolumelooksSoas ifHerich.

Rule No. 12

Conditional incentive sentences in the 1st and 3rd person are formed using the word Let's:

  • Let's I have a look at these pictures. - Let me look at these photographs.
  • Let's him sleep, he is tired. - Giveto himsleep, Hetired.

Rule No. 13

Everyone knows what the word is many is used with countable nouns, and the word much- with the uncountable. But, if suddenly you find it difficult, doubt, forgot the rule or don’t understand what noun is in front of you, feel free to use a combination of words alotof. It applies to both types of nouns.

  • Many birds a lot of birds
  • Much sugar - a lot of sugar

Rule no.14

Many English words are polysemic, that is, they can have several meanings. It depends on the context and meaning of the sentence. To more accurately understand the translation, you should consult a dictionary and clarify in what context the word is used.

  • Toshoot- shoot on video; toshoot- fire
  • Country- a country; country- village, village

Rule No. 15

Verb do can replace the main verb in a sentence. For example.