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Materials about UFOs. The CIA published secret materials about UFOs

Declassified documents that previously could only be viewed on four computer terminals at the National Archives in Maryland are now available online.

They provide data on CIA activities in Vietnam, the Korean Conflict, and the Cold War.

In addition, the documents talk about the alleged appearances of UFOs and the previously classified military project Stargate, within the framework of which the Americans conducted research into supernatural human abilities.

Old data that everyone knows about

Declassified CIA data on UFO sightings and eyewitness research mostly concern events that have long been known, they were collected from all over the world, including the USSR.

The bulk of the UFO archives are devoted to observations from the early 1950s to the late 1970s. In addition, minutes of meetings of various commissions were made public, as well as detailed instructions for the US military on observing UFOs.

Some of this data was already made public a year ago. And then it was emphasized that none of the documents released by the CIA contained evidence of a connection between UFOs and aliens, since most of the documentary data, testimony and evidence did not contain enough material for scientific analysis.

A year ago, journalists, based on these declassified CIA materials, identified seven of the most surreal documents about UFOs. Among them is a note from the assistant director of the department scientific research from 1952 about “the vulnerability of the United States in the light of possible attacks from flying saucers,” a report on unexplained lights in the sky over Tashkent, a report on the appearance of luminous celestial bodies over uranium mines in the Belgian Congo.

A 1952 CIA report, in particular, calls thousands of reports of UFOs and flying saucers fictitious and fake. But at the same time, all CIA employees were ordered not to talk about this in the press or in public.

Documents from the same 1952 report flying objects seen in eastern Germany, over Spain and northern Africa.

Cosmonaut Alexey Leonov expressed his opinion about this news. He called the released CIA documents “complete nonsense.”

“This is all nonsense. No one has ever seen anything like it. This is all nonsense of the press. What kind of CIA is a serious organization? She does what is profitable. The CIA is an organization that carries out any order. I'm the closest person to them, talked to them over the years, worked in Houston, and I didn't see this.

And my very tall comrade Tom Stafford and the general director of the Edwards base does not know this either. This is all the speculation of the press. This is chatter, none of this happened,” Leonov said in an interview with the website of the Zvezda TV channel.

He emphasized that such documents should not be trusted, because there is no official confirmation of meetings of the American military with UFOs.

“The only thing we can talk about is the education of absolutely correct geometric shapes in the fields of Stavropol and Kuban. “Giant pictures appear overnight, and no one can say what it is,” said the famous astronaut.

But cosmonaut Vladimir Titov became interested in materials from the documents. Vladimir Titov, commenting on reports of the declassification of the CIA UFO archives, said that he would be interested in looking into them.

“It’s difficult for me to assess objectivity; for this I need to study the archives. In general, the fact that everyone has access to materials is interesting, maybe someone will find and analyze something, but it’s difficult to speak for all the materials, they are probably objective and not very objective,” Titov said in interview with the People's News agency.

IN last years Declassified documents from the FBI, Air Force and CIA are increasingly appearing on the Internet, from which it follows that UFOs, which recently seemed like a myth, are, in essence, as real as our planes. The French were the first to declassify secret UFO materials, then Great Britain followed their example.

Ufologists argued that secret UFO materials are even more inaccessible than materials on the creation hydrogen bomb. Apparently, messages from aliens are not at all uncommon on our planet. Just look at the numerous stories about the appearance of mysterious crop circles.

One of the first cases of drawings appearing on farmers' wheat fields was in the UK back in 66. Within 20 years, this phenomenon began to appear everywhere in huge quantities. Rumors and legends immediately spread about certain messages from aliens who were thus trying to communicate something to earthlings. It’s not surprising - there are even some hints about the upcoming contact of people with unearthly intelligence.

What added to the mystery of the phenomenon was that the drawings appeared at night, the plants in them were not broken, and the circles were absolutely even. Further the drawings only became more complicated. Today these drawings are called pictograms. The appearance of many of them became a huge hoax of the twentieth century. Scientists have discovered that these circles are not traces of an alien invasion, this is not a message from aliens at all, but rather the creation of human hands.

It is still not known for certain whether intelligent life exists beyond our Earth, but various information on the fact is increasingly appearing, and more and more data about UFOs continues to be declassified. Although most of the secret materials about UFOs will remain in the shadows.

In January 2017, the CIA released publicly available official documents (over twelve million pages in length) that had expired. For lovers of secrets and mystical stories, this was a real gift.

In addition to statistical materials relating to the Vietnam and Korean Wars, the CIA has published declassified documents on UFOs. They kept dozens of letters and messages about people who encountered unknown people mysterious objects in America and other countries of the world.

Almost 60% of all documents were issued between 1960 and 1970. There is interesting pattern. At this time, the American government opened the Blue Book program. She had two goals:

Analysis of messages associated with mysterious objects based on scientific approach;
Determining the status of UFOs (can they be considered a threat to the national security of the country).

“We have studied the issue of UFOs, which is discussed daily in the media. mass media and creating serious concerns in society. Since 1947, we have completed one and a half thousand reports on mysterious meetings. Of these, 30% cannot be explained from the point of view of science and logic,” says one of the declassified documents.

American intelligence agencies regularly publish archival documentation. For example, in 2016, declassified CIA materials about UFOs, videos of eyewitnesses and their testimonies appeared online. The materials concerned the study of mysterious objects noticed near uranium mines (Africa). They caused a serious stir among ufologists. The CIA published reports on the meetings of various commissions and detailed instructions on how the surveillance of unidentified flying objects took place.

But they failed to impress skeptics. The latter found a successful marketing ploy here. The fact is that the publication of the documents occurred two weeks before the release of the tenth season of the popular television series “The X-Files.” They undoubtedly piqued the public's interest. The series received impressive ratings, and skeptics have reason to doubt the authenticity of the documents.

Paranormal materials

The study of UFOs is not the only topic that interests mysticism lovers. If you believe the documents, in the 70s of the 20th century the CIA seriously studied human paranormal abilities. Intelligence Agency employees were involved in the Stargate program. Her task was to study people with telepathic abilities. It was believed that they could be used for reconnaissance, transmitting data or influencing enemy soldiers.

The main subject was Uri Geller. The CIA was seriously studying a magician from Israel. From 1970 to 1980, he regularly staged shows in various countries around the world. His favorite trick is bending a metal spoon with his mind. The magician convinced the audience that he had supernatural powers. It is not surprising that American intelligence agencies were interested in him. They were going to use Uri as a long-distance surveillance specialist. According to the CIA, he could monitor secret objects or transmit classified information using his telepathic abilities.

Experiments involving Geller took place on the basis of the American intelligence agency in August 1973. If you believe the documents, the Israeli magician convinced experts of his abilities, which were unusual for ordinary people.

But it remains unknown how further cooperation between Geller and the CIA developed, and how the Stargate project ended. Published documents do not provide answers. But there is an opinion that the program was discontinued in 1995. The reason is simple – the lack of necessary results.

Believe it or not?

Declassified CIA UFO materials have caused much controversy. Some happily studied the documents, others questioned their authenticity in every possible way. Soviet cosmonaut Alexei Leonov did not stand aside and familiarized himself with the published information. But he does not advise believing in it, calling it all “complete nonsense.”