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When we took the Unified State Exam for the first time. History of the Unified State Exam

Mikhail Zadornov

The Unified State Exam was introduced in France after the former French colonies in Africa became independent states. A wave of African immigrants poured into France. Their education was so primitive that they could answer clearly at the level of “yes”, “no”... Many of them could only count up to ten. Everything further was denoted by the word “many.” We heard that there are millions, but we had no idea exactly how many.

It was because of them that the examination system was simplified, the Unified State Examination and a test survey system were introduced, in which the ability to think is replaced by guessing. A year later, demonstrations and unrest began in France... People protested, the thinking of young people began to turn from multipolar to bipolar. In short, they wanted the best, but it turned out according to Chernomyrdin!

However, the French turned out to be great! They didn’t want to live according to the prophet of the future. Three years later, the French government was forced to abandon innovations, because not only the French people, but also the government itself began to grow stupid.

It would seem that the system of a single examination-testing could be put to rest. But no! All these years, England carefully and joyfully watched the dulling France - its eternal rival. It was precisely in those years that England began to become increasingly irritated by America. It was gaining such economic power that it no longer wanted to remain a subsidiary of the London financial branch. The energy of this arrogant young state had to be immediately cut off at the root. This is where the conclusions made by British intelligence came in handy, observing the “successful” results of the Unified State Exam in France.

It was in the depths of British intelligence that a plan was developed for the “castration” of American education. They understood that they had to start zombifying Americans with the youth. To do this, it is necessary to promote the system of tested training as more profitable. Disconnect the student from the interlocutor teacher. Produce average people-crammers instead of those who should learn to create.

And so... in the mid-60s, a group of several people, trained by British intelligence, went to America to do PR for the new education system, which was supposed to set all subsequent generations of American youth back in its development several centuries ago. The Americans of that time turned out to be no less susceptible to PR than we are today. Less than two decades have passed since the most popular expression in relation to Americans among the world's intelligentsia appeared - “narrow-minded”.

Using the example of America, it became clear that the Unified State Exam and the test education system turned out to be the most mass media defeats of youth! With a range significantly greater than that of a hydrogen bomb.

The less expensive test training system quickly took root in America, which knows how to count profits. Creativity an entire generation was switched to the development of motor memory functions. And young Americans were turning from “eagles” into “fat pigeons” before our eyes.

Many years will pass, and several waves of Soviet emigrants will flood into America in a row. In terms of energy of thinking, education, ability to think - these will not even be waves, but real “ninth waves”. Many will come to America with children and will place them in American schools and be incredibly happy that all their children, compared to the American ones, are solid Newtons, Mendeleevs and Leibniz... The expression “How stupid they are!” I first heard in America from our emigrants.

But the education system Soviet Union continued to be the envy of Western scientific circles. Even in the most difficult years, the intellect of the nation was preserved. It was thanks to him, and not to Soviet power or economics, that our power was the greatest in the world. Because the cornerstone of Soviet education has always been the broad development of the child’s abilities. The teachers tried to teach him to think independently, and not to mindlessly memorize.

“Teaching” and “training” are different words! “Learning” involves the development of conditioned reflexes. Academician Pavlov showed that even animals are subject to learning. That’s why they live in a world of consumption: if the monkey pulls the string, Pavlov himself brings it food! Learning involves developing the brain. The “taught” can only reproduce what was put into it. “Trained” – to generate new ideas! You can train both a monkey and a dog... Only a human can be trained! Therefore, if “learning” from young people is replaced by “teaching”, the reverse process of evolution from man to ape will begin! What, in fact, happened in many Western countries that followed the American path.

We must pay tribute to the Americans, not all of them accepted the new education system. US President John Kennedy also resisted desperately. In one of his speeches, he did not hesitate to express the opinion that the best education system is in the Soviet Union.

Heated debates and discussions have been going on for several years. Not everyone agrees with the format and results of this exam. But the Ministry of Education remains adamant and is not going to cancel the Unified State Exam. Let's find out more about when and why it appeared

When was the Unified State Exam introduced in Russia?

Many school and university graduates remember the times when exams were ticketed and there was no testing. It seems that the Unified State Exam appeared quite recently. But this is not true at all. To answer the question in what year the Unified State Exam was introduced, you need to look into the history of the entire education system.

Back in the last century, at the end of the 80s, the first prerequisites appeared. It was then that we noticed that there was big gap in the requirements for final and entrance examinations. Universities made more serious demands. Therefore, yesterday's student could not cope with the entrance examinations.

So, in what year was the Unified State Exam introduced? Facts state that the first attempts were carried out already in 1997. In some schools, graduates could voluntarily participate in testing experiments.

It is difficult to say unambiguously in what year the Unified State Exam was introduced. Development and implementation were carried out gradually.

The first developments appeared in 1999. The implementation of the idea was not delayed for long. And already in 2001 an experiment was organized. Not only schools joined it, but also some educational institutions who accepted the Unified State Examination result as an alternative to traditional entrance tests for schoolchildren.

Several regions were chosen as experimental ones. 30 thousand people took part in the first tests. Approximately 50 state universities began to accept the Unified State Examination certificate issued at school instead of entrance examinations.

If we count from the moment the experiment was introduced, the answer to the question in what year the Unified State Exam was introduced will be simple: in 2001.

In 2001-2008 there was no single list of subjects taken in the form of the Unified State Exam. Each region compiled the list independently.

In 2002 year of the Unified State Exam was still an experiment, but by that time the number of its participants included 8,400 schools and 117 universities.

In 2003, 18.5 thousand schools conducted final exams in the form of the Unified State Exam, and 245 universities accepted certificates from applicants.

If we talk about when the Unified State Exam was introduced as a mandatory exam, we can remember 2004. It was then that the experiment was considered successful and they started talking about plans for its widespread distribution. At the same time, no one took into account the opinions of the dissatisfied, who spoke out sharply against the Unified State Exam.

It lasted for several more years, until in 2009 amendments to the law “On Education” were adopted. It was from this moment that the Unified State Exam was recognized as mandatory. Even for those who, after graduating from school, did not plan to continue their studies at a university.

Now you know when the Unified State Exam was introduced.

Who introduced the unified exam?

The idea to introduce the Unified State Exam in Russia belongs to the head of the Ministry of Education in 1998-2004. In his opinion, the Unified State Exam will not only provide a high-quality test of knowledge, but also defeat the corruption that flourished under the traditional form of exams, when their results depended on one or several teachers.

Why was the Unified State Exam introduced?

Due to the abundance of teaching methods and school aids, testing knowledge has become more difficult. Therefore it was necessary to develop unified system testing and ensure the same level of basic knowledge with which graduates leave school.

Another important reason for introducing the Unified State Exam, as we have already mentioned, is to combat corruption. Previously, with a traditional exam, the result depended on the teacher, which contributed to the increase in the number of bribes. After all, every graduate wanted to get the highest score in the certificate. The results of the Unified State Exam are assessed not by the teacher, but by a machine that cannot be bribed.

Affordable education

One more global problem The problem that the Unified State Examination is designed to combat is related to admissions. Previously, the exam had to be taken both at school and at university. Now it is enough to take the Unified State Exam once, receive a certificate and present it admissions committee university

Now even schoolchildren from the regions can get into the prestigious institution. Previously they did not have this opportunity. To enter a university, you had to hire a tutor or attend preparatory courses.

The main stages and goals of the Unified State Exam in the country.

1. 1997 Some schools began conducting experiments on voluntary testing of graduates. The author of the idea was the Minister of Education Vladimir Filippov.

2. 2001-2003 resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation:
“On the organization of an experiment and the introduction of a unified state exam” dated February 16, 2001. "About participation educational institutions average vocational education in the experiment on the introduction of a unified state exam" dated April 5, 2002.
In 2003, the experiment covered 47 constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

3. 2004-2006
The task was set: within three years to solve main problem Unified State Examination - reducing the burden on graduates by completely combining final and credential exams. To achieve this, the number of universities accepting applicants was significantly increased. Unified State Exam results.
In 2006, about 950 thousand schoolchildren in 79 regions of Russia already took the Unified State Exam.

4. 2007-2009
Until 2009, the “+1” system was in effect, when not a single graduate was left without a certificate due to failure to pass the Unified State Exam. At that time, there was still an official translation of Unified State Examination points into grades ().
In 2007, the Federal Law “On Amendments to the Law” was adopted Russian Federation"About Education". Since 2009, the exam has become mandatory and uniform for all graduates in the country.

Official goals of the Unified State Exam:

eliminate corruption in schools and universities and ensure effective testing of graduates’ knowledge.
In addition, the state exam was supposed to make higher education truly accessible to children from the regions.

Arguments in favor of the Unified State Exam:

1. The Unified State Exam helps to avoid corruption and cronyism when entering universities.
2. The Unified State Exam evaluates a student’s knowledge and abilities more objectively than traditional types of exams.
3. The Unified State Exam stimulates students to prepare for the exam, including independent preparation.
4. The Unified State Exam allows you to compare the quality of education in different schools and regions.
5. The Unified State Exam allows graduates to enter universities located at a considerable distance from their place of residence, without spending money on travel, but simply by sending information about passing the Unified State Exam by mail. It makes it easier to submit documents to several universities at once, without having to take exams in each of them.
6. The Unified State Exam makes it possible to identify worthy applicants in the provinces who previously did not have the opportunity to take entrance exams in large cities.
7. The verification of the result is partially computerized, which saves time and money, since there is no need to spend money on the services of hired inspectors.
8. Increasing the requirements for the Unified State Examination, it is argued, leads to an increase in the quality of education, the qualifications of teachers and the quality of educational literature.
9. The Unified State Examination is similar to the final exam systems in developed countries (USA, Israel and others), which over time may lead to the recognition of Russian school certificates in other countries.
10. The Unified State Exam is assessed on a wider scale of points (100) than standard exams (actually 4), which makes it possible to identify the best of the best.
11. Statements about “suffering of logical and thinking skills in general, as well as the creative and rational principle” have no basis, since all subjects have part C, which (in the cases of Russian, history, social studies and some other subjects) requires precisely reasoned evidence of your position

Arguments against the Unified State Exam:

1. As a result of the transition from a full-fledged exam to tests, the development of the ability to prove and formulate the correct answer is excluded, logical and thinking skills in general, as well as creativity and rationality, suffer.
2. Testing and measuring materials are unusual for the Russian education system.
3. The Unified State Examination in social studies contains incorrectly set tasks and controversial answer options.
4. The Unified State Exam does not help to completely avoid corruption.
5. It is impossible to qualitatively check the level of preparedness of poorly and well prepared school graduates with one control and measuring material.
6. The specialization of the school is not taken into account: students from both schools with a humanitarian and natural science orientation take the same version of the mandatory final exam.
7. The Unified State Exam leads to a new type of tutoring associated with increasing the level of knowledge in the Unified State Exam specifications.
8. When computerized testing parts A and B, errors in recognizing student answers are possible, which are counted as incorrect answers.
9. The Unified State Examination in non-linguistic subjects cannot be taken in the languages ​​of the peoples of the Russian Federation other than Russian.

“The Unified State Examination is a mirror reflecting the level of preparation of applicants. You can, of course, split it, because you haven’t shaved this morning and your face is swollen. But it’s better to go shave, and your relationship with the mirror will be much better.

The deep reason for public rejection of the Unified State Exam is not in the methodology, but in its social effect. The interests of significant groups - namely the population of the country's largest cities - were infringed. Residents of Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk, Nizhny Novgorod After the collapse of the USSR, for 15 years they had the opportunity to almost monopolize an important social benefit - free higher education for their children in the best universities. They simply turned out to be closer to them and had average incomes that allowed them to pay for preparation courses for university exams. Residents of other regions, small towns, and villages found themselves outside the training system in best universities- both in terms of their place of residence and in terms of their income, which is 2-3 times lower than that of those living in megacities.

But leading universities at one time were built for the entire country, and under Soviet rule, 75% of Moscow students were from other cities. In the early 2000s, when the Unified State Exam was first conceived, only 25% of students from other regions remained in Moscow, and a third in St. Petersburg. Now in HSE, for example, there are almost 60% of them. For example, if earlier it was possible to enter the Higher School of Economics or Moscow State University on a budget with 70-75 points (our exams, “recalculated” in the Unified State Examination), today - with 80-85. Five years ago, a Muscovite who had a “B” (according to the Unified State Examination is 55-70 points) in a core subject could enter a normal good Moscow university; today, the passing limit has shifted upward - this is no less than 62-65 points. The situation has changed, and the interests of people who cannot pay for their children’s education in the best universities, but can spend money on, say, university tutors, turned out to be against the Unified State Exam. For 15 years they built the happiness of their children on the exclusion of the rest of the country's population from the opportunity to develop. It was not the Muscovites who arranged this, but they are accustomed to these circumstances, and the restoration of justice does not cause their support.”

All recent years School graduates traditionally take exams in two compulsory subjects: Russian language and mathematics. Exams in other subjects for eleventh graders are voluntary. Results in other subjects are not important for obtaining a school certificate. But they are extremely necessary for admission to universities. It has been said for several years that the list of mandatory exams in Russia will be supplemented by the Unified State Examination in history. From what year will the Unified State Examination in history become a mandatory exam for all eleventh-graders - the latest news from the Ministry of Education.

From what year can the Unified State Examination in history become mandatory?

There was a lot of talk about the imminent introduction of a mandatory Unified State Exam in history in Russia in May 2017. Then the Minister of Education and Science Olga Vasilyeva announced that already in 2020, history as a school discipline will acquire the status of one of the most important school subjects, and graduates will begin to take the Unified State Examination in history without fail.

There is very little left until 2020. In fact, if Vasilyeva’s words became a reality, today’s tenth-graders would need to prepare for a mandatory history exam.

However, the other day, on October 29, 2018, the same Olga Vasilyeva, whose position is now called the Minister of Education, spoke about the delay in raising the status of the Unified State Examination in history.

According to the minister, the Unified State Examination in history will become a mandatory exam for eleventh grade graduates “after 2022.”

The fact is that in 2022 the compulsory exam will definitely have to be the exam in foreign languages. Introducing two mandatory exams at once in addition to the Russian language and mathematics means shocking both graduates, their parents, and teachers. Until 2022, the status of history is as school subject They don’t have time to raise him, so the decision is postponed.

From the words of Minister Vasilyeva it follows that the Unified State Exam in history will become (if at all) a mandatory exam no earlier than 2023-2024. The only people who need to worry about this are the parents of today’s fifth and sixth graders.

Photo: minsvyaz.ru

Unified State Examination in History as a mandatory exam: pros and cons

Graduates of Russian schools know history poorly. This is a fact that everyone more or less close to this topic talks about. Even applicants to specialized history departments sometimes surprise university teachers with the level of their knowledge in a bad way.

Minister Vasilyeva speaks about the same thing - about poor knowledge history and that without knowledge of this subject “it is impossible to move on.”

FIPI recently confirmed that schoolchildren taking the Unified State Exam in history are mediocrely familiar with historical figures, have a poor understanding of cultural history and are often confused about the events of the twentieth century. And these are the graduates who were preparing to take the Unified State Exam in history.

However, many are confident that there will be no benefit from giving the Unified State Examination in history the status of a compulsory exam. Or, at the very least, this decision will cause more harm.

So, school teacher Alikhan Dinaev from Grozny discusses on the pages educational portal mel.fm and gives the following arguments against such an innovation:

  • Minister Vasilyeva speaks like a former history teacher. Of course, for any teacher his subject is the main one. However, the minister should think more globally. If tomorrow the post of head of the Ministry of Education is taken by a geography teacher, the country, according to this logic, needs to prepare for the introduction of a mandatory Unified State Exam in geographical science.
  • The workload of school graduates in Russia is already excessive. Almost all eleventh-graders who are seriously preparing to enter a university devote all their out-of-school time to additional classes. It is unlikely that it will be beneficial for the psyche and health of adolescents to increase this load.

It is the load, naturally, that is the main argument against innovation. Back in 2015, it was decided that starting in 2022 the list mandatory Unified State Examination will be expanded to include a foreign language exam. This means that in three and a half years there will be not two, but three mandatory Unified State Examinations. This will significantly increase the workload on schoolchildren. The Ministry of Education should still feel the limit and stop at some point.

How proposals will improve the efficiency of the Unified State Examination, that it is necessary to test knowledge or understanding of processes.

The Unified State Exam appeared in 1966-1967 in France, when France ceased to be a colonial power. The individual states that were part of it gained independence. And the youth of these countries that gained independence wanted to study in the metropolis, that is, directly in France. And then the French came up with this remote test exam, which was conducted in those former colonial territories.

And those who successfully passed this exam could already come to enroll in universities in France. And so, in 1966-1967, the French used this test exam to admit such graduates to all their best universities. By early 1968, they realized that they were in a very difficult situation. And the deductions began. Because those who came and entered based on the results of this exam, they were simply not able to study.

This caused a wave of student unrest: these expelled students took to the streets of Paris. Pogroms began. All this ended with the resignation of the entire government of General de Gaulle in November 1968. But in 1971, the French Public Chamber, very concerned about this whole situation, decided that there should be no more test remote unified exams. Otherwise, as the Public Chamber determined, another year or two from higher education France will leave no stone unturned.

But this was very quickly accepted by other people who went to implement education reform in the USA. In 1968, a whole team went there under the leadership of Professor Andre King from Great Britain, and they brought this French system. As a result, America was infected with this infection, and by the 1990s, this led to the collapse of almost the entire education system in the United States. For a long time they could not understand what was happening there, but in 2009, Obama, having come to the presidency, began to listen to the opinions of the most famous people, among whom he included Bill Gates. Bill Gates is not only the richest man in the world, but he is also one of the smartest. So, Bill Gates told him: either we end with this testing system or we will be a country of idiots! And judging by his age, Bill Gates studied under this system. I studied. Therefore, he experienced it himself, he knew what he was talking about.

The introduction of the Unified State Exam in Russia was carried out by a special group that has been working since the mid-1990s. First, under the leadership of Mr. Soros, and then a special team arrived. Some of this brigade became unofficial advisers to the Russian Ministry of Education. They coordinated very quickly at the base High school economy, which was created in 1992 with a special grant from the World Bank. And so this team of advisers began to implement this thing, understanding perfectly well what the result would be.

But Obama in January 2009 asked the US Congress to immediately cancel all types of testing, especially final testing at the end of school. And he even asked Congress for $5 billion to return the previous classical exam certification system.

Anatoly Wasserman tried to make a proposal to increase the efficiency of the Unified State Exam; he proposed to entrust the preparation of tests to specialists in writing questions for mind games. In such games, they have long determined how to ask questions in order to test not knowledge, but understanding of the material, how to detect leakage of materials.

Let's try to take into account the fact that understanding the processes occurring in nature and society is more important, then why do you need to memorize dates and facts? It is much more important why this happens, what can be predicted based on the available information. A similar approach is important when studying social science and history, today we just learning the facts, history shows that states often manipulate facts and distort the information that is provided to citizens. Look at the situation in Ukraine, remember the rewriting of history in Soviet period. All this suggests that understanding is many times more important than memorization; do not forget - information without analysis is not the most rational waste of time. By the way, this applies not only to the social sciences, but also to the natural sciences to the same extent. Teaching mathematics all over the world comes down to a formal presentation of the material, when information is not given, where knowledge can be applied, what are the limits of the formal use of formulas, for example, by applying some formulas in the same geometry, you can obtain the value of an angle that does not exist in nature (the angle formed segments, straight lines or vectors that never intersect in space.) And similar problems are offered in textbooks and manuals.