Abstracts Statements Story

Class hour about the first satellite. Class hour "first steps in space exploration"

Not many people know that in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation there are space forces responsible for conducting military operations in space. On October 4, 1957, the first artificial earth satellite was launched and in honor of this memorable date, this day is considered Space Forces Day. Of course, today the main task of these military units is to conduct military operations in space, and protect and control near-Earth space from a potential enemy, warn the country's leadership about the beginning of a possible enemy attack, create and launch spacecraft military and socio-economic purposes. The existence of space forces is an indicator of the development of the state, the state of its scientific and technical potential.




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Happy Russian Space Forces Day!

Happy Space Forces Day! Space Forces Day is a holiday for those who devoted themselves to working on the creation of spacecraft for defense purposes, who carried out and are carrying out their launches. They are known to guard the globe. So let it spin peacefully on all sides! Look at the stars, believe that apple trees will bloom on Mars and there will be a just society!

Commander of the Space Forces Lieutenant General Oleg Nikolaevich Ostapenko Born May 3, 1957. Weapons and military equipment of the Space Forces Launch vehicles Ground-based automated control complex (NACU) Radar stations Informational resources Currently, the Space Force includes: Space Force Command; State Test Cosmodrome Plesetsk; Main Test Center for Testing and Control of Space Facilities (GITSIU KS) named after. G.S. Titova; Main Missile Attack Warning Center (MC RRN); Main Space Control Center (MC KKP); Missile Defense (BMD) Unit; Directorate for the Introduction of New Systems and Complexes of the Space Forces; Military Space Academy(VKA) named after. A.F. Mozhaisky; Military Space Cadet Corps.

October 4 Space Forces Day Every year on October 4, Russia celebrates the Day of the Space Forces, which became part of the Aerospace Defense Forces of the Russian Federation on December 1, 2011. This professional holiday was timed to coincide with the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, which opened the chronicle of astronautics, including military ones.

The beginning of the space age On October 4, 1957, military specialists from the Baikonur cosmodrome launched the world's first artificial Earth satellite, which successfully completed the given program. The satellite was developed under the leadership of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev. Weight - 83.6 kg; Diameter - 58 cm. The satellite flew for 92 days, until January 4, 1958, making 1440 revolutions around the Earth (60 million km) ‏

C O S M O S Space... it is mysterious, it is alluring, it is unknown, it is incomprehensible. People have been striving for the stars since ancient times. The last century marked the beginning of the space age. And therefore every modern educated person must know what space is and at least in general terms imagine the processes occurring in it. Translated from Greek, “cosmos” means order, harmony, structure. IN Ancient Greece Philosophers understood the Universe by the word “cosmos”.

Modern idea of ​​the Universe Our earth is part of the solar system. The solar system is part of the Galaxy (a giant cluster of stars). Our galaxy and other galaxies form galaxy clusters. Clusters of galaxies form superclusters. The world of the Universe is diverse and contains countless celestial bodies and systems.

The first cosmonaut of the Earth - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin Born on March 9, 1934, in the village of Klushino, Smolensk region. The first manned flight into space on the Vostok-1 spacecraft lasted 108 minutes (one orbit around the Earth)

The second cosmonaut of Russia and the WORLD On August 6-7, 1961, German Titov made a space flight lasting 1 day 1 hour, making 17 orbits around the Earth, flying more than 700 thousand kilometers. June 16-18, 1963 - flight of female cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova on the Vostok-6 spacecraft. The flight lasted three days, the ship made 48 orbits around the Earth, covering almost 2 million km. First woman astronaut

Man in outer space On March 18-19, 1965, Alexey Leonov, together with Pavel Belyaev, completed a flight into space on the Voskhod-2 spacecraft and the first spacewalk in the history of astronautics lasting 12 minutes 9 seconds. Svetlana Savitskaya is the world's first female cosmonaut to go into outer space.

Baikonur Cosmodrome named after S.P. The Queen Rocket launcher launches a spacecraft into orbit, which is attached to the head of the rocket. And below are the stages, which have their own engines and their own fuel supply.

Selection of astronauts is a very important task. Any flight into space begins from Earth. Few people know what tests astronauts have to go through before launch. A simulator called a centrifuge is used to train astronauts. Only the strong can fly into space. Only smart people can become astronauts. Only the hardworking can take flight. Only cheerful and friendly people will cope with the tasks.

Orbital stations 1971-1991 - stations of the Salyut series (1-7) 1973 - American station "Skylab" 1986-2001 - the world's first multi-module station "Mir" Since 1998 - ISS Station "MIR" Station "ISS"

The ISS crew composition since September 13, 2017 (after docking of the Soyuz MS-06 TPK with the ISS): From left to right: ISS-53/54 flight engineer Joseph AKABA, ISS-53 flight engineer, ISS-54 commander Alexander MISURKIN, ISS flight engineer- 53/54 Mark VANDE HIY, ISS-53/54 flight engineer Sergei Ryazansky, ISS-53 commander, ISS-54 flight engineer Randolph Breznik, ISS-53/54 flight engineer Paolo Nespoli. Now on the ISS

Men on the Moon July 21, 1969 - American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person to set foot on the surface of the Moon. The phrase he uttered: “A small step for a person, but a giant leap for all mankind,” went down in history. In total, people have visited the Moon five times. Mars Mars rover "Spirit"


Let there be peace on earth,

There will be no war in Space!

So that the space forces

There was peace both here and there!

About Space Force

We don't know yet

Since there are such things in life,

So, praise and honor to them!

To the world of beautiful stars and planets

Secret and magical

Let's move, friends,

On the day we are space troops.

We send to the space forces

Huge, warm congratulations!

We are truly grateful to you

For remembering your duty!

Space is very far away

You're flying high

Space is as thin as the east,

This is a stellar congratulations!

Those who have their homeland

Protects from the sky.

Happy holiday, their glorious day,

We congratulate you today.

Let the holiday be celebrated with fireworks,

There were so many lights to count.

For those who know the universe

Yes, he is the first to meet the sunrises!

On the day of the country's Space Forces

Please accept my heartfelt congratulations.

The mysteries of the Universe are given to you

And my whole life is to resolve them.

For the peaceful blue sky,

The world has long known

Space is covered in space,

Enveloping the entire planet.

So that this frontier of space,

Great storehouse of knowledge,

Master it - no way

They cannot sleep for a day.

Thank you earthly celestials,

For new and new discoveries.

You clearly follow there in space,

May we all live peacefully on Earth.

It's so cool in space!

It's so cool in space!

Stars and planets

In black weightlessness

Slowly swimming!

It's so cool in space!

Sharp missiles

At great speed

They rush here and there!

It's so wonderful in space!

It's so magical in space!

In real space

Been there once!

In real space!

In the one that saw through,

In the one that saw through

Paper telescope!

O. Akhmetova


Flying in space

steel ship

Around the Earth.

And even though its windows are small,

Everything is visible in them

Like on the palm of your hand:

Steppe space,

Tidal bore,


and you and me!

(V. Orlov)

As a child, many people dreamed

Fly into starry space.

So that from this starry distance

Inspect our land.

See its open spaces,

Rivers, mountains and fields,

Look at smart devices

To prove that I don’t live in vain.

Fly on the starry rabble,

Explore the forests and seas.

Did Copernicus lie to us?

Why does the earth rotate?

The astronauts, there, are flying,

They come back.

Everyone gets a "hero"

They walk like stars and shine.

Oh, I don’t understand

Why am I not a hero?

Just like they fly

I am, after all, a fighting guy.

All year round, spring, winter

I'm flying in space.

And the spaceship is mine

It's called EARTH!

V. Kryakin


There is one garden planet

In this cold space.

Only here the forests are noisy,

Calling migratory birds,

It's the only one they bloom on

Lilies of the valley in the green grass,

And dragonflies are only here

They look into the river in surprise...

Take care of your planet -

After all, there is no other one like it!

(Roman Sef)

Earth is a grain of sand in the ocean

Among countless worlds.

And we are not only earthlings,

When we hear an interplanetary call.

And if wings are for flight

Managed to straighten and take off -

There is no more perfect starship

The earth's magnet can be overcome.


Sons and daughters of planet blue

Soaring up, disturbing the peace of the stars

The path to interstellar space has been established

For satellites, rockets, scientific stations.

The era of space is moving forward!

The rockets continue their flight

Start from Baikonur every year.

People are accustomed to such phenomena.

He keeps his first love in his soul,

Let thousands fly to the stars again,

But Gagarin was the first, he was his own,

Dear, with a childish, mischievous smile.

When Cosmonautics Day is celebrated,

Everyone remembers their favorite.

But on this day we will congratulate those

Who creates glory for the country, success:

Everyone who is watching the remote control from Earth,

How cosmonauts accomplish feats

And those who send ships,

Starting from Mother Earth, -

Everyone with space science

I am bound by my work forever.

The people owe them their love.

The country is proud of its astronautics:

We needed it and will continue to need it!


Riddles about space

On a ship of air, space, obedience,

We, overtaking the wind, are rushing on ... (rocket)

A man sits in a rocket, he flies boldly into the sky,

And he looks at us from space in his spacesuit. (astronaut)

There is a special pipe in which the Universe is visible,

Astronomers see the stars in a kaleidoscope... (telescope)

Knows everything about the stars in the sky... (stargazer)

An astronomer is an astrologer, he knows everything inside out!

Only the full sky is visible better than the stars... (moon)

The spaceship is a steel bird, it rushes faster than light.

Learns in practice stellar ... (galaxies)

Sparkling with a huge tail in the dark, it rushes among bright stars in the void.

She is not a star, not a planet, a mystery of the Universe... (comet)

There is a special spacecraft. He sends signals to Earth to everyone.

Like a lonely mysterious traveler. An artificial ... (satellite) flies in orbit

It illuminates the way at night and keeps the stars from falling asleep.

Let everyone sleep, she has no time for sleep. There is light in the sky for us... (moon)

The planet is blue, beloved, dear, it is yours, it is mine. And it’s called... (Earth)

A bird cannot fly to the moon and land on the moon,

But the fast one can do it... (rocket)

To equip your eyes and make friends with the stars,

To see the Milky Way you need a powerful... (telescope)

The rocket has a driver, a lover of zero gravity.

In English: “astronaut”, and in Russian: ... (cosmonaut)


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Slide captions:


1. We use the simplest materials: paper, glue, scissors and, if necessary, pencils. 2. Cut out two rectangles: red from cardboard (10*12 cm), yellow from colored paper (10*8 cm).

3. Cut out another 10*6cm rectangle from white paper.

4. In the cardboard - this will be the rocket itself - cut out a round window.

5. C reverse side Glue a white sheet of paper onto the cardboard. Attention! We glue it only on three sides along the edge (drawn with a green pencil), having previously cut the fourth side in a semicircle inward, we do not glue it!

6. From the front side you get a porthole like this.

7. Glue the cardboard with a tube using a glue stick. Press tightly with your fingers so that the cardboard does not come apart.

8. The result is such a cylinder..

9. Now cut out a semicircle from yellow paper.

10. Glue it together with a cone.

11. Cut 4 strips of the same yellow paper measuring approximately 1*4 cm (can be a little shorter)

12. Lubricate them with thick glue and glue the rockets inside - pieces of yellow paper smeared with glue remain on the outside.

13. We glue the roof to them,

14. Now the rocket is almost complete. The only thing missing is support legs for it.

15. For them, cut out three rectangles 3*4 cm.

16. We fold each of them four times across.

17. When unfolded, it turns out to be five parts.

18. Lubricate the two outer parts with glue and fold them into a three-dimensional triangle.

19. Glue them onto the rocket, greasing only one side on the outside. A triangular pencil will help to glue them - we push it inside, put the leg on the outside and press it from the inside of the rocket with a finger.

20. By gluing all three legs, we get a real rocket - a great DIY gift for Space Forces Day! Now we need an astronaut to fly on it. The size must be such that it fits into the window of our rocket.

22. We place the astronaut on a rectangle of white paper, slightly longer than the rocket at the very top.

23. We push it inside the rocket between the cardboard and the glued white sheet of paper.

24. The astronaut’s head should soon appear in the window. We bend the remaining tip of the paper inward - it can be pulled out at any time and landed on the Moon.

Overcoming gravity

The rocket took off from the Earth...

And there was no happier moment -

Here a new era has begun!

On October 4, 2017, all progressive humanity celebrates the 60th anniversary of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite. At the Shuya Technological College, an interactive class session “The First Artificial Earth Satellite” was held for first- and second-year students.

The purpose of the event: to familiarize students with the history of the creation of the first satellite and the significance of its launch for science and all humanity; development of worldview, cognitive interest in the history of one’s homeland; fostering patriotism, a sense of love and pride for one’s country. To achieve the set goals, the presentation “The First Satellite” and a quiz were used at the event.

On October 4, 1957, at 22:28 Moscow time, a bright burst of light illuminated the night steppe of the Baikonur Cosmodrome, and the rocket went up with a roar. This was the first step towards space exploration. Thousands of eyes and radios followed this first flight. The world perceived this event as Russia's greatest scientific achievement. The first escape velocity was achieved...

The children listened attentively and with interest to the prepared message and comments on the presentation, watched the presentation, were very active, and quickly and correctly answered the quiz questions. The atmosphere at the event was friendly and emotional. Then the students summed up the results of the event. Such events help solve one of the main tasks of educating the younger generation - the formation in adolescents of a sense of patriotism towards Russia and an active life position.

October 4, 2017 marks the 60th anniversary of the beginning of the space age of mankind. On October 4, 1957, the first artificial Earth satellite was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on a Sputnik launch vehicle.

During the class hour, students will expand their knowledge about scientific activity Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, the founder of practical cosmonautics in our country, will get acquainted with the characteristics of the first satellite, and also find out what types of satellites exist today and what tasks they perform.

Lesson option [PDF ] [DOCX ]

Presentation [PDF] [PPTX]

Rules for the quiz [PDF] [DOCX]


  • systematize and expand students’ understanding of the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite.


  • expand students’ understanding of space exploration;
  • introduce the artificial satellites of the Earth and their role in the life of modern man;
  • to form a sense of patriotism through studying the great achievements of the Russian people;
  • fostering a sense of cooperation.

The theme of our class hour is “60 years since the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite.”

And I would like to start it with the words of the founder of practical cosmonautics in our country, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev:

“The time will come when a spaceship with people will leave the Earth and go on a journey. A reliable bridge from earth to space has already been built by the launch of Soviet artificial satellites, and the road to the stars is open!”

The space age in human history began on October 4, 1957, when the first artificial Earth satellite was launched into orbit. The code designation of the satellite is PS-1 (Simple Sputnik – 1).

It was launched from the Baikonur Cosmodrome on a Sputnik launch vehicle, created on the basis of the R-7 intercontinental ballistic missile.

Let's see video clip “Satellite launch”.

The flight of the first artificial Earth satellite was seen by the whole world.

The signal sent by the satellite was caught by any radio amateur anywhere in the world.

Many scientists worked on the creation of an artificial Earth satellite.

This work was headed by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, a Soviet scientist, design engineer, and founder of practical cosmonautics.

Under the leadership of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev, the launch of the planet's first cosmonaut was carried out. Let's see video about the scientific activities of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

Watching and discussing a video about the scientific activities of Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

During the launch of the first artificial Earth satellite, the following tasks were set:

  • check the correctness of the calculations and technical solutions on which the launch was based;
  • determine the density data of the upper layers of the atmosphere from the descent braking of the spacecraft;
  • investigate the ionospheric propagation of radio waves emitted by satellite transmitters;
  • analyze the conditions for adequate operation of the equipment of other aircraft.

Externally, the satellite was an aluminum sphere with a diameter of 58 cm, to which two curved antennas were attached crosswise, allowing the device to distribute radio emission evenly and in all directions.

Inside the sphere, made of two hemispheres fastened with 36 bolts, there were 50-kilogram silver-zinc batteries, a radio transmitter, a fan, a thermostat, pressure and temperature sensors. The total weight of the device was 83.6 kg.

PS-1 was in orbit for 92 days and during this time completed 1,440 revolutions around the Earth, thus covering about 60 million kilometers. The satellite's radio transmitters operated for two weeks after launch. Then the device burned up in the upper layers of the Earth's atmosphere.

The news about the satellite launched into low-Earth orbit by Soviet scientists instantly spread throughout the world. The launch of the first Earth satellite made it possible to obtain not only important technical data necessary for further development astronautics, but also valuable scientific information.

Newspapers published articles dedicated to the first artificial satellite of the Earth.

Postage stamps were issued for memorable dates satellite launch.

Monuments were erected to commemorate the launch of satellites

Modern artificial Earth satellites perform many tasks and, depending on them, are divided into several types:

– astronomical satellites are used to study space objects and phenomena; in essence, these are mobile observatories outside the Earth;

– reconnaissance vehicles supply information to the military departments of their countries about the location and movement of strategic objects in the studied territory;

– communication satellites are needed to transmit radio signals between very distant points on the surface that are beyond the line of sight;

– navigation satellites ensure the operation of the GPS global positioning system, which is very important for determining the location of vehicles;

– meteorological satellites are indispensable for studying the weather and making weather forecasts;

– remote sensing satellites, using radar and photography of the Earth’s surface, carry out exploration of mineral deposits, taking into account the location natural resources, monitoring the state of the ecological system;

– research of living organisms in space conditions is carried out on biosatellites;

– Experimental satellites are launched to test new developments.

Now the number of artificial objects in earth's orbit exceeds 15.5 thousand.

Conducting a quiz.

The quiz is conducted according to the principle of the TV game “Own Game”.

As a conclusion to the class hour, it is proposed

Rules for the quiz

To conduct the quiz, the class is divided into two teams. A draw is held to determine which team starts the game. Team representatives select questions. If the question is answered correctly, the team continues the game. If the answer is incorrect, the other team enters the game. The winner is the team with the most points.


  1. History of the development of domestic automatic spacecraft // Scientific editor I. V. Barmin. – M.: Capital Encyclopedia, 2015. – 752 p.

Previously, a long time ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as an inverted bowl, which rests on three giant elephants, standing importantly on the shell of a huge turtle. This miracle turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many sparkling stars.

Several thousand years have passed since then. People built ships and, having traveled around the world, learned that the Earth is a ball. And astronomers have proven that the Earth flies in space, revolving around the Sun, making one revolution around its axis per year.

Then people built airplanes and began to fly in the Earth's air envelope (atmosphere). But people did not stop there.

In 1955, a decision was made to build a launch pad for space rockets. This was in Kazakhstan. The location of the cosmodrome is Baikonur.

The founders of astronautics are Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

On October 4, 1957 - the beginning of the space age - the first artificial Earth satellite (PS-1) was launched.

November 3, 1957 - the second artificial satellite was launched, in its cabin was the dog Laika, equipped with everything necessary for life.

12 April 1961 is the day of the flight of the world's first cosmonaut, Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin. April 12 has become a great national holiday in honor of cosmonauts, designers, engineers, employees and workers who create rockets, spaceships and artificial earth satellites.

And we dedicate our holiday to the 55th anniversary of the flight into space of the world's first cosmonaut - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

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"class hour "Space travel""

Subject:" Space trip".


Expand children's knowledge about space, famous astronauts;

introduce the history of the creation of rocket technology;

develop curiosity and thinking;

cultivate pride in one’s country and patriotic feelings;

Celebration progress:

Rockets are rushing to distant worlds,

The heart yearns for exploits...

Who believes dreams that fly like a song,

He will achieve his goal!

Both boys and girls
In reality and in good dreams,
Everyone dreams about space
About distant skies...

Today is the holiday of astronauts! –
Congratulations on this day.
Gagarin discovered it for us.
Much has been said about him:


He is the first cosmonaut in the world,
That's why he's a hero to everyone.
He was the kindest person
He had an unearthly smile.

That's why this holiday
Became good for the kids,
Because, apparently, it’s about space
Everyone in childhood thought:


Looks like Gagarin
All the boys want to be
Children draw in honor of him
Multi-colored starfall.

In honor of Gagarin - avenues,
Ships and boats...
Today is the holiday of astronauts:
Cosmonautics - “Hurray!”

Teacher. What will we talk about today?

Children. About space, about astronauts.

Teacher. Previously, a long time ago, when people were just beginning to recognize the Earth, they imagined it as an inverted bowl, which rests on three giant elephants, standing importantly on the shell of a huge turtle. This miracle turtle swims in the sea-ocean, and the whole world is covered with a crystal dome of the sky with many sparkling stars.

Several thousand years have passed since then. People built ships and, having traveled around the world, learned that the Earth is a ball. And astronomers have proven that the Earth flies in space, revolving around the Sun, making one revolution around its axis per year.

Then people built airplanes and began to fly in the Earth's air envelope (atmosphere). But people did not stop there.

In 1955, a decision was made to build a launch pad for space rockets. This was in Kazakhstan. The location of the cosmodrome is Baikonur.

The founders of astronautics are Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky, Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.

These two men laid the foundation for space exploration.

On October 4, 1957 - the beginning of the space age - the first artificial Earth satellite (PS-1) was launched.

November 3, 1957 - the second artificial satellite was launched, in its cabin was the dog Laika, equipped with everything necessary for life.

12 April 1961 is the day of the flight of the world's first cosmonaut, Russian citizen Yuri Gagarin. April 12 has become a major national holiday in honor of cosmonauts, designers, engineers, office workers and workers who create rockets, spaceships and artificial Earth satellites.

And we dedicate our holiday to the 50th anniversary of the flight into space of the world's first cosmonaut - Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.

Let's go back 50 years. A message is being broadcast on the radio, all over the country people have gathered at radios: “Moscow is speaking! All radio stations are working Soviet Union! Moscow time - 10 hours 2 minutes. We are transmitting a TASS message about the world's first human flight into outer space. On April 12, 1961, the world's first spacecraft-satellite Vostok with a person on board was launched into orbit around the Earth in the Soviet Union. The pilot-cosmonaut of the Vostok spacecraft is a citizen of the Soviet Union, pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin.


– Yuri Gagarin went to school on September 1, 1941, the year the Great War began Patriotic War with Nazi Germany. A carefree childhood ended. The Nazis burst into the village of Klushino, where the Gagarin family lived, and ruled it for almost two years. Yuri Gagarin hated his enemies and harmed them as best he could: he scattered fragments of bottles and crooked nails on the road along which enemy cars drove. Cars at full speed ran into these “mines” and pierced their tires.

And a happy day came. Soviet soldiers drove away the enemies. Adults began to build and restore destroyed houses, schools, and factories. There were not enough workers - after all, many of the fathers and older brothers did not return from the war. And Yuri Gagarin went to study to become a worker. He worked during the day and went to school in the evening. He read a lot. One day he came across a book about rockets. He imagined spaceships and had an uncontrollable desire to fly himself.


Vitalik said yesterday:
- I want to be Gagarin!
You call me Yura,
I'll fly into space.

Look, look:
I don’t have the strength to wait to grow up,
That's why out of the box
I made a rocket.

I'll fly to the moon and stars
And I will fly to Mars...
You call me Yura -
I want to be an astronaut!


In a space rocket
With the name "East"
He is the first on the planet
I was able to rise to the stars.
Sings songs about it
Spring drops:
Will be together forever
Gagarin and April.


History is now given
All humanity takes off.
From space Yuri Gagarin
It is becoming a folk legend.

Teacher. The world held its breath. The world listened to the voice of a man flying over oceans and countries, and people in these countries repeated: “Gagarin,” “Yuri,” “Russia.” The earth recognized a simple, charming man who paved the way to the stars.

Many years have passed since Yuri Gagarin's launch. During this time, a lot has changed in astronautics: technology, crew training, and the program of work in orbit.

They work in space for a long time now. The ships go into the sky one after another. Orbital stations circle around the planet.

Teacher. Guys! Do you want to go to space?


The announcer will command:

"Attention - take off!"

And our rocket will rush forward.

They will blink farewell and melt into the distance
Golden lights of the beloved Earth.


We want to make friends with you, Luna.

So that you don't get bored all the time alone.

Mysterious Mars, wait for us a little.

We'll be able to stop by and see you on the way.

If we want to go into space,

So, we'll be flying soon!

Ours will be the bravest

Cheerful, friendly crew.


During flight, each astronaut must follow special space rules. I will say the beginning of the rule, and you must all continue it together. So...

Astronaut, don't forget...

Children. You are on your way to the Universe.

Teacher.Our main rule...

Children. Carry out any order.

Teacher.Do you want to become an astronaut...

Children. Must know a lot, a lot.
Teacher.Any space route...

Children. Open for those , who loves work.

Teacher.Only friendly starships...
Children. Can be taken with you on a flight.

Teacher.Boring, gloomy and angry...
Children. We won't take it into orbit.
Teacher.Attention! Attention! Everyone get ready to launch!

Children. Get ready to launch!


Don't yawn around

Today you are an astronaut.

Let's start training

To become strong and agile!

Competition program.

Competition "CONSTRUCTORS"(Slide No. 5)

- Well done! To go into space you need a rocket.


Dunno came up with an interplanetary ship,

Drew drawings in a secret environment;

So that Vintik and Shpuntik don’t find out the secret,

I drew all the details on separate sheets.

And look at all his drawings

And put together a complete drawing from the details.

Everything must be noticed, everything must be taken into account -

Perhaps there are unnecessary, superfluous ones?

Children assemble a rocket from parts, come up with a name for it related to space theme.

Teacher. So, the crews have been formed, the rockets have their names, and now it’s time to take flight.

U. Attention! Get ready for the rocket launch!

D. Eat get ready!

U. Start the engines!

D. Gotta start the engines!

U. Five! Four! Three! Two! One!

D. Start! Hooray!

U. Now we are in the center of the solar system. The solar system is a family in which our planet Earth lives. In the center of it is a hot ball of gas - this is the Sun. The earth receives only a small part solar heat. Nine planets and thousands of asteroids and comets revolve around the Sun.

- Hey, Earth, who are you friends with?

Or are you circling the sun alone?

- I'm in decent company -

Seven brothers, one sister.

We are proud of our venerable

Our solar system.

Competition "Planets"(Slide No. 6)

Arrange all the planets in ascending order. Whose team will do it faster and more correctly. (Children place cards with the names of the planets) Check on the poem.

All planets in order

Any of us can name:

One - Mercury,

Two - Venus,

Three - Earth,

Four - Mars.

Five - Jupiter,

Six - Saturn,

Seven - Uranus,

Behind him is Neptune.

He is the eighth in a row.

And after him, then,

And the ninth planet

Called Pluto.

Competition "Mysterious"(Slide No. 6)

– During the flight, the astronauts free time not only draw, but also write poetry. Let's practice too. You need to finish the quatrains.

Not the first time, not the first time

In the fire and the sounds of thunder

The rocket took off into space

From earthly ( cosmodrome).

The crew goes into the sky,

From now on famous.

We will listen to the report

From space ( orbits).

Already left the lunar rover

Traces on lunar dust:

On the Earth's closest satellite

path ( paved).

With friends you look at the sky,

Of course, I firmly believe

That when you grow up, you fly

To the mysterious ( Venus).

Our dreams come true:

They will show it on TV

How do you walk on Saturn?

In space ( spacesuit).

There are no wings, but this bird

It will fly and land on the moon. (Lunokhod.)

Wonder bird - scarlet tail

Flew into a flock of stars. (Rocket.)

The grain scattered at night,

And in the morning - there is nothing. (Stars.)

A lonely fiery eye wanders,

Everywhere it happens

Warms with a glance. (Sun.)

A man sits in a rocket.

He flies boldly into the sky,

And at us in his spacesuit

He looks from space. (Cosmonaut.)

Teacher: In space, everything is different from on Earth. After all, there is no air there, people and objects have no weight, everything that is not fixed flies. This state is called weightlessness ( card). Man wanted to overcome gravity and go into outer space. And in 1965, a man goes into outer space. And again this is a Soviet cosmonaut - Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov. And in 1969, a man steps on the surface of the Moon. It was American astronaut Neil Armstrong. Alexey Leonov not only visited outer space, but then showed people what he saw there. He painted pictures in which he captured what he saw. Look, the colors of space are amazing! Without special equipment, a person cannot survive in space. Special clothing has been created for astronauts.

Competition "Encryption"(Slide No. 8)

Guess the rebus and you will find out what it is called.


N ((( Spacesuit.)

When going into outer space, the astronaut puts on a spacesuit that protects him and allows him to breathe. Special food has been created for astronauts. Broth in a tube, like toothpaste usually comes in, chocolate in a tube, tea in a tube - this is how we ate in space before. Now in every space

The expedition sends not only tubes of food, but also fresh fruit, including kiwi, oranges, and apples. And lavash, white bread in the form of a large flat cake, takes off. It does not crumble and does not go stale as quickly as bread. When the station crew spends six months in space, fresh pita bread or a piece of apple lifts their spirits.

The song “Grass near the House” is performed.

Competition "Portrait of an Alien" While our cosmonauts were taking a soil sample, other crew members, looking at the monitor screens, made the most important discovery: this planet is habitable. What a pity that we forgot to take a camera and camera with us! Now you have to pick up pencils and draw a portrait of the planet’s inhabitant yourself. Each crew chooses an artist, and the rest of the team tells him the details that they were able to discern.

The task is to draw a portrait of an inhabitant of the planet.

Space is not only for the courageous and brave. It is for the curious and patient, savvy and firm, seeking and believing in the future of this as yet unknown world.

Yu. Gagarin

- Well done guys, you listened and played well. I would like to end our meeting with the words of cosmonaut Gagarin: “Having flown around the Earth in a satellite ship, I saw how beautiful our planet is. People, let us preserve and increase this beauty, and not destroy it.”

Let's fulfill the behest of the first cosmonaut!

All teams are awarded certificates and prizes to the music.