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Exam schedule for a year project. federal news

For recent years, as we are all used to, schoolchildren in the 11th grade take mandatory exams, which should demonstrate their real levels of knowledge, help them enter a particular university, and receive the appropriate specialty. The schedule of exams for the next year has already been approved. The government's decision states that next year children will begin to take the Unified State Exam, starting from February. If they achieve the required number of points in this way, then the test will be completed at this stage. If the passing ball is not “taken”, then the students will face new tests in a couple of months after that, in April. In order to prepare for such a crucial moment in life with dignity, to receive certificates, you need to get to grips with it right now, find the appropriate literature, if you need to start studying additionally with tutors, get acquainted with special video lessons, accurately determine the subjects and start attending the so-called extracurricular classes for preparation for exams that are held at the school.

USE dates

In most schools, a few days before the exams themselves, they begin to conduct special classes for active preparation, consolidating knowledge, repeating long-past and forgotten material. it also helps to reduce the level of tension in children among the students themselves, instill in them real hope: pass the exam with the highest possible score. It is important to note that the academic year has already begun, and now there is already a list of subjects, a full schedule of exams for the coming year.

However, anyone who wished last summer, if desired, could form, so to speak, a preliminary exam plan based on dates from the previous year. By and large, the difference of a couple of days will not play a special role, but at the same time, the student will get an excellent opportunity to clearly plan his free time, allocating a couple of hours to prepare specifically for the exams.

Every year, Rosobrnadzor forms a clear plan for conducting the Unified State Exam. This year was no exception, and by the 10th of last month, the official schedule for the delivery of these works was adopted and approved.

Approved USE schedule for 2017.

An updated version of the schedule appeared in the so-called extra period for exams. So the GVE and the Unified State Examination should be held in September next year on the following dates:

  • Russian language - September 4,
  • basic mathematics, mathematics - September 7,
  • reserve day in Russian - September 13
  • reserve in mathematics and Russian language - September 15.

In the current version of the schedule, in comparison with the first one, the periods of the main period have been slightly adjusted delivery of GVE and USE. So, no exams should be held on May 26, although earlier on this day it was planned to hold the GVE and the Unified State Examination in geography.

The following days are fixed:

  • May 29 - computer science, geography, ICT;
  • May 31 - Russian;
  • June 2 - history and chemistry;
  • June 5 - basic mathematics of the Unified State Examination, mathematics of the GVE;
  • June 7 - profile mathematics;
  • June 9 - social studies;
  • June 13 - literature and physics;
  • June 15 - foreign language, biology;
  • June 16 - foreign languages ​​orally;
  • June 17 - foreign language oral.

The indicators for reserve days have also changed slightly:

  • June 19 - chemistry, geography, history, ICT and informatics,
  • June 20 - physics, literature, social science
  • June 21 biology, foreign language
  • June 22 - foreign language;
  • June 28 - basic and specialized mathematics,
  • June 29 - Russian language,
  • June 30 - the rest of the items are in reserve.

You can see more details here

For several years in a row, school graduates have been taking a mandatory exam that can show the real level of their knowledge and help them enter the desired university. Schedule USE exams 2017 somewhat changed.

According to the decision of the government, in 2017, the guys will start taking the exam from February. If they can type , then the test is over. If the passing score is not "taken", then schoolchildren will be tested in April as well.

In order to properly prepare for this crucial moment and get the desired certificates, many future graduates are already looking for the necessary literature, hiring tutors, and looking for video lessons on the net. In many schools, just a few days before the exam, preparatory classes begin to be held in order to slightly reduce the level of tension among students and give them hope that it is quite possible to pass the exam for a high score.

It should be noted that only with the beginning school year Check out the full exam schedule for 2017. But at the same time, anyone can personally draw up a preliminary delivery plan. examination papers based on the dates of the previous year.

In principle, one or two days of difference do not play a special role, but the student will be able to accurately plan his free time and allocate several hours for preparation.

USE dates

Early Exam

If you want to pass the exams ahead of schedule and see what you are capable of, even before the start of the main part of the exam, then you can take the work in March. This approach allows students to significantly increase the scores of their certificates and increase the chances of entering a prestigious university.

If during the test your scores seemed unsatisfactory, then during the main part of the examination, you can radically change the picture. So the schedule early USE as follows.

Note that in 2016 the period from April 15 to April 23 was defined as a reserve period. In 2017, these will be the days:

  • April 10 (Mon) reserve - geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history;
  • April 12 (Wed) reserve - foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology;
  • April 14 (Fri) reserve - Russian language, mathematics B, P.

Main period

Reserve period

Reserve dates for exams are intended for those students who did not have time to get into the main period for good reasons. It should be remembered that there are only a few reasons that exempt from taking the exam in the main period. First of all, this is poor health, documented (certificate from a doctor).

In addition, a retake is provided in the delivery of the exam. As a rule, it takes place in September of the new academic year.

In the same year, for the first time, "autumn" days for passing the exam and GVE:

  • September 5 (Tue) - Russian
  • September 8 (Fri) — mathematics B
  • September 16 (Sat) reserve - mathematics B, Russian

Changes in the exam

Already in 2016, all students felt the burden of changes that took place in the USE system. Officials continue to radically change the procedure for conducting these works so that the process of checking knowledge is more accurate and transparent. The most important innovations are:

  • The list of compulsory subjects has been increased to three. Recall that until 2016, graduates took only two subjects (Russian and mathematics). Now history will be included in the number of compulsory subjects. It will have to be taken not only in a test form, where it is possible to put answers at random, but also orally. In addition, a foreign language may become a presumptive compulsory subject. True, while officials are skeptical about this decision and intend to introduce this test closer to 2020.
  • In total, at least 4 subjects will need to be passed at the USE in 2017. Depending on which university the future applicant enters, the names of these subjects may change.
  • Knowledge testing in the subject "Informatics" is planned to be carried out on computers. By 2017, the Ministry of Education must prepare appropriate programs for this.
  • The points earned on the exam affect the final certificate of the graduate.
  • Mathematics will be taken in two standards: basic and profile.

Do not forget that you should not delay preparing for exams. During the school year, it is more difficult to set aside a few hours to devote them to the exam. Therefore, future graduates should get acquainted with possible questions at the exam already in the summer. Considering that all tests can be easily found on the Internet, this task becomes quite feasible.

USE 2017 participants will pass the Russian language exam the 9th of June. Few can boast of an excellent knowledge of the great and mighty: he is wayward and proud, and in general he will break the devil in these cumbersome rules, exceptions, lexical meanings, stylistic norms, etc. But we all have a huge advantage - Russian is our native language. We speak it, and therefore it is easier for us to listen to it, to ask our intuition. We urge those schoolchildren who still feel unprepared for the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, to devote the remaining time not to cramming, but to developing their linguistic intuition. It is more realistic and efficient in the remaining time. So, catch three uncomplicated advice.

Mnemonic techniques

Let's start with the materiel. Intuition will not work if it is not easily and unobtrusively reminded of the rules of spelling. We emphasize: it is important to be easy and unobtrusive, otherwise it will turn out to be the same cramming that we just want to give up. So-called mnemonic techniques come to the rescue (“mnemonic” - from the Greek word meaning “memory, memorization”). Rhythm, rhyme, visualization, creating an artificial association with well-known objects and phenomena, weaving memorable objects into a schematic story or verbal sketch will allow you to quickly and fascinatingly memorize something that doesn’t fit into your head in any way. That is, your task is to find or create a vivid personal image of the material that you need to know.

Let's repeat the well-known memorabilia. For example: “The gypsy stood on his tiptoes and poked at the chicken. The gypsy tiptoed the chicken and said "Chick!" - this is how we remember words in which the letter “y” must be written after q. And here is the whole poem:

"Drive, hold, look and see,

Breathe, hear, hate,

And depend, and twirl,

And offend, and endure -

You remember, friends,

You can’t hide them on E. ”

But you can also come up with something similar yourself. For example, why the same rule of conjugation of verbs is not woven into the plot of a schematic story. "Drive" - ​​janitor drives bully. "Hold" - in his hand is a heavy broom. "Look" - the janitor lost sight of the bully and peers into the distance, with a visor putting his palm to his eyes. "See" - janitor again sees bully. "Breathe" - the janitor's heart is beating strongly, he is hard breathes. "Hear" - janitor hears like a bully calling names loudly. And so on.

Or take "n" and "nn" in adjective suffixes. There is a rule: in the suffixes -onn and -enn we write two letters "n", and in -an, -yan, -in - one "n". How to remember it? Come up with something entertaining with the participation of suffixes, give them anthropogenic features. Let it be delusional, absurd - whatever, it's just for your own personal use. For example, we immediately came up with the following dialogue:

- O! E! I have two ne.

- And I can't do without two ne.

And the association with the window will help to remember the exceptions “tin”, “glass”, “wooden”: “I turn pewter handle glass windows and open wooden shutters." Three exceptions and one window is an obvious memory saving.

Do you think that all these images and sayings will not come to your mind at the right moment? It is quite possible. But do not assume that their invention would be in vain. Remembering is one thing and remembering is another. Try to write different spellings of a word or words on a draft during the exam. Have you experienced slight discomfort when removing the “military uniform” with a pen? Try "military uniform". Better? Better. Intuition!

Rewrite the classics

It may seem silly, but it works: to pump intuition, you need not to stoop to mosquito rules, but to feel the correctly written text. Take a book by one of the authors that you have studied in the last two years in literature classes (preferably a modern edition, 2013-2017) and simply copy a few pages by hand into a notebook. Then you do the same with another book, and so on, until you run out of patience and time to prepare.

What does it give? You learn not knowledge, but the skill of spelling. Both muscle memory and mechanical memory work here, as well as associations with the images of the book. Try it, it's quite simple and even soothing, but there are undoubtedly benefits.

Start with easy tasks

A number of tasks in the USE 2017 in the Russian language do not require serious knowledge of the rules. The first task is just that. In it, you have to understand the proposed text and mark the correct judgments. Just turn on the logic and train, train and train on the demo version, CIMs of previous years, banks of open tasks.

A similar story with the third and eighth tasks. In the third, you will be asked to choose the correct meanings of words, and in the eighth, put an unstressed vowel in the root of the word - can't you do it without knowing the rules?

The structure of the USE 2017 in the Russian language

You will have 3.5 hours for the exam. During this time, you will have to complete 25 tasks. They are standard: choose the correct or correct answers, enter a letter / word / phrase, establish a correspondence between the elements of speech. And the last task is an essay on a given topic. In general, the test in its structure does not differ from last year's USE.

Carrying out the state final certification. On the whole, the changes are not global, but they are enough: one way or another, they will affect the majority of schoolchildren.

The main "novelty" is in the Unified State Examination in mathematics. Graduates of 2019 will not be able to take both the basic and profile exams at once, as it was before: now they will have to choose one of them. Why is this needed? It is assumed that those graduates who choose profile mathematics will easily cope with the basic level. And vice versa: for those who have chosen "base", "profile" may seem too complicated.

What to do if you still overestimate your strength? This is also provided:

If you get an unsatisfactory result on the exam in mathematics, you can change the previously selected USE level for redelivery in reserve terms. It is also provided that graduates of previous years who have a certificate cannot be participants in the Unified State Examination in mathematics at a basic level, the press service of Rosobrnadzor reports.

As a rule, basic and specialized mathematics are held on different days. Many graduates of previous years chose both options at once. For example, during the last "wave" of exams, about 300 thousand people did this - this is almost half of all students who take the exam.

What else is new in the exam? Officially, graduates of 2019 are now available to choose from not four languages, but five: Chinese has been added to English, French, German and Spanish.

Also, the new procedure provides for the possibility of conducting the exam in computer science in computer form (now this exam is conducted using paper forms). True, while there is only approbation new technology: Schoolchildren will start taking the Unified State Examination in Informatics on computers only in a couple of years.

We are actively developing a computerized exam in informatics. Programming assignments make up a significant part of the exam, so their execution on a computer is quite natural, - says Sergey Kravtsov, head of Rosobrnadzor. - This opens up the possibility of automated verification of answers, including testing programs written by participants in the exam.

And a few more important changes: graduates of previous years, when applying for participation in the Unified State Examination, will now be able to provide a certified copy of the certificate, and not the original.

Graduates of the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol will undergo final certification in general order- that is, they will have to pass the exam without fail.

For ninth-graders, the final interview in the Russian language will become mandatory - this is admission to all other exams

The ninth graders also have a lot of interesting things. The main innovation for them is the final interview in the Russian language, which is an admission to all other exams. It will be held on the second Wednesday of February and will be assessed as "pass"/"fail". Additional deadlines for those who failed the test are also provided: the second working Wednesday of March and the first working Monday of May.

Only four tasks, each with its own twist. The first is reading aloud. The texts are selected in such a way as to reveal the mastery of orthoepic norms, stress and intonation, - Oksana Reshetnikova, director of the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements (FIPI), said earlier in an interview with RIA Novosti. - The second task is retelling. The developers came up with an interesting approach, when a quote that relates to the content of the text needs to be "weaved" into your retelling. The third task is a monologue statement. At the discretion of the student, this may be a description, reasoning or narration.

If he selects a description, he will be shown a photo; if reasoning - a certain basic question will be asked ("is it necessary ..."); for the narration, it will be proposed to tell about something based on visual material. The last task is participation in the dialogue. The ability to maintain a dialogue, answer the question posed, formulate understandable theses, convey the communicative task to the interlocutor is submitted for testing.

According to the new procedures, the timing of the GIA is now clearly divided - early, main and additional (September) periods. Each period has a lead time. When submitting an application, the exam participant must also indicate the terms of participation. You will have to apply for retake exams in September two weeks before they start.

All these changes for graduates were approved by joint orders of the Ministry of Education and Rosobrnadzor and were recently registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia.

Detailed regulatory consolidation, among other things, is aimed at increasing comfort for students. All procedures are regulated, opportunities for retake and reserve periods are prescribed, the press service of the Ministry of Education reports.

The main part of the USE subjects can be taken from May 29 to June 19. Early delivery of the exam will be held from March 23 to April 7. At the same time, you can take exams in subjects that have been completed earlier.

For persons re-admitted this year to take exams in the relevant academic subjects, and graduates of previous years, additional deadlines for passing the exam are provided - April 10-14, June 20-29, July 1 and September 16.

Like last year, the exam in all subjects starts at 10.00 local time.

The duration of the USE in individual subjects has been preserved. So, in mathematics of a specialized level, physics, literature, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), social science, history is 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes), in Russian, chemistry, biology - 3 hours 30 minutes (210 minutes) , in basic math, geography, foreign languages(English, French, German, Spanish) (except the "Speaking" section) - 3 hours (180 minutes), foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish) (Speaking section) - 15 minutes.

The list of teaching aids used in the exam remained the same. At the exam in mathematics, it is allowed to use a ruler; in physics - a ruler and a non-programmable calculator; in chemistry - a non-programmable calculator; in geography - a ruler, a protractor, a non-programmable calculator.

May 29, 2017 - an official assessment is held in literature or geography to choose from;

USE schedule 2017: FIPI official website. Additional period of the exam 2017