Abstracts Statements Story

Financial University of the Government of the Russian Federation College. Moscow Financial College (MFK)

Status: State
Founded: 1941
License: No. 0763 dated 06/07/2013
Accreditation: No. 0713 dated June 14, 2013

Moscow financial college(IFC) was formed in May 1941 under the Ministry of Finance of the USSR (formerly the All-Union Correspondence Financial College). On January 1, 2006, the college, by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 92n dated July 14, 2005, became part of the Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, becoming its branch. By order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2011. No. 199 was renamed the Moscow Financial College-branch of the Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Education vocational education « State University Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation". 12/29/2012, in connection with the reorganization, the college as part of the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "GUMF" was merged with the Federal State Educational Institution budgetary institution"Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation." On February 4, 2013, the college became a structural unit of the Financial University.

The college has full-time and correspondence departments, preparatory courses, classrooms and laboratories, first aid post, dining room, sports and assembly halls, library.

During its existence, teachers of our educational institution have trained tens of thousands of specialists working in the financial system. Graduates work in various fields of industry, in institutions civil service, in banks, in commercial organizations, holding senior positions.

The college receives the most flattering reviews from heads of government and commercial structures on the quality of training of specialists and the level of educational work. We guarantee this quality to everyone who enters the IFC and successfully masters our curriculum.

As students of our college, you will participate in competitions, KVN, international conferences and sports competitions. College graduates continue their studies in a shortened period of time at the Federal State Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation" and other leading economic universities.

Full-time department:

  • 38.02.06 « Finance» - basic training based on the main general education(9 classes) 2 years 10 months - on a budgetary and paid-contractual basis. Qualification – “Financier”
  • 02/38/06 “Finance”on the basis of general (complete) secondary education (11 grades) 1 year 10 months - on a budget basis. With qualification "Financier"
  • 02.38.01 “Economics and accounting” (by industry)- duration of study on the basis of basic general education (9 classes) 3 years 10 months. on a budgetary basis with qualification - “Accountant, tax specialist”

Applicants provide admissions committee the following documents:

  • Passport (copy);
  • Education document (original or copy);
  • 4 photographs (3x4 cm) matte;
  • Medical certificate form No. 086U;
  • Medical insurance policy (copy);

For enrollment, a certificate in the original is provided.


  • 38.02. 06 "Finance". Training on the basis of general (complete) secondary education (11 grades) on a budgetary basis. Qualification – “Financier”.

Applicants provide the following documents to the admissions committee.

In order to leave a review


2 Excellent

I studied for 3 years, majoring in finance. I liked college, there were a lot of funny moments, a lot of interesting couples)
Many thanks to Natalya Vyacheslavovna Komleva, Tatyana Leonidovna Komarova, Natalya Leonidovna Khorikova and Veronica Anatolyevna Sherkunova!!! You gave our group so much knowledge and told so many interesting stories!

But, unfortunately, there are teachers who have nothing to say thank you for. For example, a philosophy teacher is Khripach. This teacher told the group such things as “Your place is in the trash heap (there must be an obscene word that she told us,” “Yes, I don’t want to teach classes in your group at all, you disgust me,” and stuff like that. And also not I can’t say enough about Nadezhda Stanislavovna Rise, who also likes to say various nasty things to students and evaluate them biasedly.
And the new teacher is Rimma Viktorovna Makhova, whose teaching method is based on the principle “I will give you 10 terms, and you can find them on the Internet, write them down and you can go home.”

Otherwise, there are NO complaints about your favorite multifunctional complex!)


2 Excellent

Anyone who needs quality knowledge, I advise everyone to go to this college! The foundation here is very strong, and then there will be no problems at university! My daughter went here to study after school, and we are all happy about it. The college itself looks good, everything you need is there. As for the teaching staff, I can say one thing: there are good teachers and not so good ones. This is basically how things are everywhere. The main thing is that children are taught, given knowledge and treated normally. Of all the financial colleges, ours is the strongest! And the students here graduate literate, like real specialists! Personally, I am very pleased with the quality of education at the Moscow College of Finance!!!

The Moscow State College of Informatics and Electronic Engineering was founded in 1942 as a department of the Moscow Electrotechnical College.

In 2011, the college as a structural unit was annexed to.

Graduates of 9th grade are accepted for training based on the results of internal entrance exams. Graduates of 11th grade are accepted according to Unified State Exam results. Training is provided both on a budgetary and paid basis. The training of a specialist in college is carried out for 3 years 10 months on a full-time (full-time) basis on the basis of 9 classes, on the basis of 11 classes - 2 years 10 months.

The college has the necessary material and technical base to organize the educational process. Classes are held in 33 classrooms (of which 18 are multimedia), laboratories, and there is a training computer center with 6 computer classes. The local computer network of the Financial University allows you not only to access the Internet, but also to pay for services through a campus card and use the resources of the electronic library.

Students and teachers have at their disposal a reading room and a library with a collection of more than 26 thousand copies of the latest scientific, educational and fiction literature.

Page Content


​Moscow Financial College (MFC) was founded in May 1941 under the Ministry of Finance of the USSR (formerly the All-Union Correspondence Financial College). On January 1, 2006, the college, by order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation No. 92n dated July 14, 2005, became part of the Academy of Budget and Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, becoming its branch. By order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 2011. No. 199 was renamed the Moscow Financial College-branch of the Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution of Higher Professional Education "State University of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation".

On December 29, 2012, in connection with the reorganization, the college as part of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "GUMF" was merged with the Federal State Educational Budgetary Institution "Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation". On February 4, 2013, the college became a structural unit of the Financial University.

College mission- training of qualified, competitive and in-demand specialists in the labor market with an entrepreneurial mindset and ready for continuous professional growth.

Purpose of activity- creation of an effective educational environment using digital technologies, allowing to prepare mid-level specialists whose competencies correspond to modern requirements National system qualifications.

The objectives of the college are:

Satisfying the needs of the individual in obtaining secondary vocational education;

Training of specialists who combine professional competence with high culture and possess organizational skills;

Satisfying the needs of organizations of the Russian Federation for specialists with secondary vocational education;

Organization of methodological, scientific and methodological work on testing and implementation of innovative curricula and plans;

Instilling in students a sense of high civic responsibility, respect for human rights and freedoms, the Constitution and laws of the Russian Federation.

​Educational traditions and a strong theoretical base are combined with practical experience. Among our graduates are Alla Georgievna Gryaznova - President of the Financial University, Elena Ivanovna Ermolaeva - Head of the Financial and Treasury Department of the South-Eastern Administrative District, as well as heads of structural divisions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation, the Federal Tax Service, Federal Treasury bodies, the Moscow Department of Finance and other financial and commercial structures.

An excellent teaching staff is another feature of the college. Most of the IFC teachers have the highest qualification category, are the authors and developers of training programs and methods for financial colleges of the Russian Federation, and have extensive professional experience in government agencies, financial organizations and industrial companies. IFC teachers systematically improve their qualifications.

The college is dynamically developing its educational and material base, equipped computer equipment, which allows for educational process using digital technologies. The local network of the IFC is connected to the worldwide computer network Internet.

The educational institution has all the necessary practical activities financier computer programs and innovative technologies Therefore, our graduates are highly valued in the labor market for their ability to fluently master the acquired knowledge. Professional disciplines and interdisciplinary courses are studied in appropriately equipped classrooms. The business foreign language program has been expanded.

Much attention in the college is paid to educational work and organization of leisure time for students. Student life is a full-fledged stage in the formation of a comprehensively developed personality with high civic and moral qualities. Academic success largely depends on the psychological climate in the team. We strive to approach the problems of each student individually. Good advice, moral and sometimes material help allowed many children to complete our educational institution and get back on your feet.

The college has good living conditions. There is a sports and fitness complex, volleyball, basketball and tennis sections, interesting recreational evenings and excursions are held. College volleyball and futsal teams take prizes at competitions held within the Financial University and at all-Russian student competitions.

We wish you to successfully enter our college and join a very serious, but extremely interesting family of financiers! ​