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Dragon Age: Inquisition - character portrait: Dorian. Walkthrough of romantic lines in Dragon Age: Inquisition Inquisitor and Dorian

: Tell me from the very beginning. Who is Dorian? Introduce it to us.

[DAVID GADER]: Dorian is a mage from the Tevinter Empire. His magical knowledge and experience are completely different from those of other magicians.

: Why?

[DG]: In Tevinter, mages are the ruling class. Our character comes from a rich and influential family, where marriages for children are agreed upon even before their birth and where they strive to raise exemplary magicians from all their offspring... But Dorian refused such a life. He saw the abuses all this led to, and did not want to play by such rules, even though it made him practically an outcast.

: Can you tell us more about “abuse”?

[DG]: I will say in general terms so as not to reveal the intrigue: Dorian found out what his fellow magicians were up to and decided to intervene. One of the Tevinter people, in his opinion, should stand up and firmly say: “We do not agree with what these people are doing. They don't speak for all of us."

: We imagine Dorian as a kind of wit, who, even in a moment of mortal danger, does not mince his words. How would you characterize him?

[DG]: Dorian is smart, even too smart - sometimes to his own detriment. He grew up in a society where intelligence and cunning are valued, where in order to grow socially one has to skillfully circumvent competitors. He has become proficient in this... But he just doesn’t want to use this skill, since he perfectly sees the unsightly underbelly of society. So the constant tired sarcasm is not surprising.

: Probably, you also had a hand in this cute feature?

[DG]: I started with just sarcasm, and the rest just added up.

: Dorian, among other things, is a skilled magician. Perhaps he is indispensable on the battlefield?

[DG]: He loves magic and sees no reason to be ashamed of it. So, when necessary, he shows himself in all his glory... and he has something to brag about. After all, he grew up in an environment where magic was taught not to hide, but to use. His arsenal includes both elemental spells and those relating to spirits and death. The latter might well be considered disgusting outside of Tevinter.

: As we understand, Dorian has a difficult relationship with his homeland. Didn't he think of just giving up on all this?

[DG]: He believes that the situation in Tevinter can be improved, even if he personally is not in a position to do anything about it. Somewhere there, under the sarcasm, idealism is hiding. And Dorian is disappointed when the world lives up to his worst expectations.

: Is Dorian similar to the characters you have previously created?

[DG]: Dorian is a black sheep, but by choice and only to the extent that he goes against society's expectations. There are many nuances here that I was very interested in revealing. This was not possible with other characters.

: For example?

[DG]: Dorian is gay. In fact, this is the first “100%” gay character I’ve had the pleasure of working on. This adds a special piquancy to his biography. In his homeland, all magicians must look “ideal,” and any deviations from this “ideal” are considered shameful and should be hidden. Dorian's reluctance to hide behind a mask was regarded by his family as senseless stubbornness, fraught with ostracism.

: Are you happy with how the character came out?

[DG]: I imagine Dorian's features will be controversial for many, but I'm glad I made him that way. Creating Dorian was a deeply personal process for me; I hope that fans will eventually accept him in all his originality.

: Dorian’s caustic nature is simply bound to result in curious skirmishes with other members of the Inquisition. Who has been the most meaningful interaction with you?

[DG]: My favorite thing is the way he interacts with Vivien. Being a complete opposite to each other, they are sometimes ready to almost incinerate each other. At least it seems so from the outside.

: After Mary Kirby's story about Vivienne's power, this doesn't seem like a smart approach on Dorian's part.

[DG]: Actually, they're just having fun. At any moment they can break away from each other and attack someone else together - a sort of Texas Statler and Waldorf. I like it.

: The Qunari company also foreshadows many interesting episodes...

[DG]: Yes, Dorian has a very interesting relationship with the Iron Bull. The Qunari have been at war with Tevinter for several centuries, but both Dorian and the Iron Bull are not entirely typical representatives of their peoples. The most intriguing consequences follow from this.

Everyone has probably already become familiar with the fact that in games as a couple, dialogue options can arise that can lead to romantic/love relationships/lines with other characters. The game was no exception! Here you can now flirt and raise the level of a certain “availability”. This guide/walkthrough was written to make it easier for you to complete love line for a certain hero and achieve success.

In order for your new relationship to start successfully, you need to first consider whether there are opportunities for flirting. If there is, then you need to gradually increase your rating, simultaneously opening the path to a more serious relationship, which in turn gives something more.

In addition, your main character will be able to complete the task of the Inner Circle - this includes tasks/quests/missions of your party members/comrades-in-arms. In addition, you need to consider your gender and race, since not all characters may be available to you when choosing your race and gender.


Only a man can have an affair with her, but of absolutely any race! As with the others, you just need to lay the foundation in the relationship - a little flirting. To increase the pace of the relationship, perform appropriate tasks with her direct participation.

In addition, you can ask Varric to do one useful service, or rather write a new edition of Swords and Shields, which will serve as part of the task (a gift for Cassandra). In addition, at one point she will tell you in Skyhold that your relationship cannot lead to anything, but do not despair and continue to put pressure on her. Soon she will still come to meet you.

Remember that if you have a relationship with Cassandra, then you will not be able to form relationships with other characters. To start a relationship with another character, you will first have to break up with Cassandra and then just start a new romance.


Only an elf girl can have an affair with Solas. Once you get a little rating from Solas, when you arrive at Skyhold, just kiss him. Shortly after this point, he will ask you to release his spirit without any killing during the battle. If you do this, then you will increase your rating, if not, then the romance will end there.

If you managed to do everything successfully, then you and Solas will begin a serious relationship. But for the final stage of the novel you will have to complete the task.


Only a girl of any race can hook up with her. There is a slight exception with this character. There is a chance that Qunari will be able to have an affair with her - the chance is much greater than people and dwarves.

If you have any connections with other heroes, then you will have to end the relationship with the others and switch to her. Once you complete all the specified tasks, then you will have to make sure that all topics are closed, after which you will reach the final moment.


Absolutely any girl can hook up with him. This character is quite simple and straightforward in relationships that relate to flirting. You will be able to express all your feelings to him after you destroy the Shelter, but he will tell you that now is not the best time. best time for this. In order for him to finally succumb to you, you must first complete all the tasks that concern him and at the same time increase his rating. Soon he will call you to the territory of the Storm Coast as a task for a gift.

After completing his own line, he will leave the Skyhold fortress, but the task will be completed. You will either send him to the Gray Wardens, or ask him to choose his own path. If he remains in the Inquisition, then you can reach the end in your relationship with him.

Iron Bull

This character will be available to absolutely everyone. You just need to flirt with him and in the end, you and he will end up in your chambers and have the opportunity to make love. After that, he will discuss some “rules” with you.

He will ask you to get a medallion that is made from a dragon's tooth. Here you will have to find the dragon, then kill it and make a medallion from the extracted resources.


A man of any race can hook up with Dorian. You can lay the foundation in a relationship only by following its storyline. After that, all you have to do is talk to him about your interest in him and start playing tricks.

Soon Leliana will call you and talk about one task. You will have to leave Poncard alive, otherwise your relationship with Dorian will go nowhere. After you complete the task, talk to him in Skyhold and then he will invite you to go to your chambers for the final moment. If you break up with him, there will be no negative aspects to it.


To start a relationship with Cullen, you need to be an elf girl or a human. If you want to hook up with him, you will first have to cut off all the existing ones. And remember that you cannot discuss Lyrium with him; because of him, all relationships are broken. You can't do this even in the middle of a relationship.


The only character who has no restrictions! The most liberal girl when it comes to matters of romance. To start building a relationship with her, you just need to talk to her in Skyhold and start flirting a little. Move forward with your relationship until Leliana asks you who you are interested in. After this, you can finally begin your romance with Josephine.

It is far from news that the world of games is populated mainly by protagonists whose appearance we would call “European”, or, as they also call it, “white”. Some “colored” characters are usually either made into supporting characters, villains, or just cannon fodder - and most of the airtime they simply aren’t there. This is the reality of the world when predominantly European figures from the media industry are locked in a kind of artificial vacuum created by years of everyday racism and sexism in a society that has developed a habitual preference for certain types. In the end, it is these types that bring in more money, which can then be spent on production. While some companies are taking steps to level the playing field in this regard, most AAA games are still dominated by the same triad of protagonist traits: white, European, male, and straight.

But this article is not about the state of the gaming industry and the representation of “non-whites” in it. A lot of material has been written about this, which is much better than I could write on this topic, and in general I am “white”. It’s not for me to talk about how bad it is when the media “erases” you just because of the color of your skin. However, as a fan of one particular piece of media who spends a lot of time in the trenches of fandom, I will talk about erasure in one specific case: the whitewashing of Dorian Pavus by some in the fandom Dragon Age: Inquisition.

I don't work in the gaming industry and I can't hope for a wide response from this article. I can vote with my money, buying games I believe in and avoiding games I don't; I can talk about good games to my friends; I can buy their souvenirs; if I want, I can create my own media to somehow change public opinion; and I can discuss issues of everyday racism in the fan circles in which I belong.

Just so everyone understands what we're talking about: the type of racism that some fans are exhibiting in their treatment of Dorian that I'm talking about is not the fault of BioWare, who created an absolutely beautiful action fantasy RPG with the bonus of sim elements in form of dating, which I love very much, despite its shortcomings. No, in fact, BioWare did a great job with Dorian Pavus, who became the first and so far the best written gay and “colored” character. Tevinter may be Dorian's homeland in Thedas and a fictional country in a fantasy world, but to quote lead character artist John Epler, who noted when he described Dorian's race that "Indian was the closest real-world equivalent."

I don't want to oversimplify, but it's obvious to me. To achieve this, it was enough to see and hear Dorian's character design (voiced by Ramon Tikaram, a British Indo-Fijian and Malaysian actor) to immediately understand that he was "non-European". Although thanks a lot to Epler for the hint about his race, I didn’t need it to determine that he was Indian in a fantasy setting.

But apparently, some in the fandom still needed to talk about it.

Where I had a pleasant surprise in the game, when Dorian appeared as an elegant, mustachioed badass with the unenviable fate of wandering the cold and dirty landscapes of Thedas with a mostly exposed chest and a very obvious "non-European" origin, some players noticed the first a set of characteristics, but not its race.

I've seen heaps of meta and discussion on forums, Twitter, Tumblr, arguing with fairly obvious facts and practicing inferences and conclusions about what race represents who in this fantasy world, or how some people "just have a tan" " While researching material for this article, I saw several people claim, for example, that Dorian looks like an Italian. This is still at least some kind of assumption. He has a dark skin color and looks a bit Mediterranean to some. Therefore, the authors of this version can be given their due, but still they unknowingly rejected the version that he is a “non-white non-European” - or that he is an “Indian”, although for this it would be enough to google the name Ramon Ticaron, like I did, and it would be possible draw a conclusion given his dark skin.

But for many this path is behind an invisible barrier.

I'll be honest: I sincerely doubt that people who argue about the meaning of race in a fantasy context do so with a Machiavellian agenda. Rather, it is due to an ingrained, subconscious stereotype - established at all levels of media and society - that assumes that "white European" is the default canon, that it is an aesthetic ideal. This is the same everyday, unconscious, educated racism - it is banal. And it is precisely because of this that the artist who draws the fanart so wants to make the character a little lighter - or not a little (of course, first of all we are talking about those cases when Dorian Pavus, a person with dark skin and a character created to look like an Indian, is remade into a person with slightly different facial features and a much paler skin color).

This way, half of Thedas will have to be redrawn: Zevran Aranai, Fenris, Isabela, Josephine Montilier, Vivien, Dorian Pavus - all of them are not “white Europeans”. And all of them were presented as “white” in art or described as such in fan fiction. The very idea of ​​drawing these characters using a color very far from their actual skin color illustrates this kind of subconscious rejection of non-European appearance in general.

Such people will always look the way they look, no matter what the lighting. So the explanation of some artists that, they say, the light falls on them that way doesn’t work here. If your light is falling like this, then the first question is why? Why does the artist choose to draw the only option in which a character with Indian features will look not quite Indian? Not to mention all sorts of tricks with screensavers and screenshots, in which the dark hair and eyes of characters, for example, are redrawn, and they become blonde or blue-eyed (usually called “editing”). It turns out, as John Epler said, “If you are non-white and non-European, we don’t think you’re worth our time.” Or that non-white skin color is a defect that needs to be corrected.

Hailing from the eastern part of Tevinter, he is a mage who possesses knowledge and power unavailable to other mages. He was once a student of Alexius the hermit who supported the abolition of slavery in the world of Dragon Age.

Everything speaks about the noble origin of this person. True, Dorian, who saw the abuse of power, magic and wealth, abandoned such a life and became an exile (outcast). Wanting to prevent his friends from going down the path of evil, he joined the Inquisition during the brutal war between the magicians and the templars.

His charisma, sarcasm, sharp mind, physique and magical abilities delight connoisseurs of the world of Dragon Age. Just take into account his jokes, which players cannot help but like. The apostate magician has spells against spirits and death in his arsenal. He believes that he can change the worldview of the inhabitants of the Empire. The main role in the game is to be a companion (companion) of the Inquisitor. Dorian's main fear is to succumb to temptation. This hero can rightfully be considered the most unusual character in the game. Because is a companion with a non-standard orientation. He does not wear a mask and does not hide his preferences. Having become a black sheep, he continues to be an influential person in his world.

Who is Dorian Pavus in contact with?

It's interesting to watch the relationship between Dorian and Vivien. They, like Statler and Waldorf, are always ready to incinerate each other with mutual hostility. But as soon as a common enemy appears on the horizon, these two opposites unite into a single team and fight the enemy to the bitter end.

Next up is the Iron Bull, who has a rather special relationship with Dorian. He is also an unconventional representative of his society (players will remember the love affair between the Inquisitor and the Iron Bull).

Dorian Pavus's favorite dish is peeled grapes. And also, judging by his remarks, he is not averse to treating himself to a lot of alcohol.

Updated on December 3, 2018

Dragon Age: Inquisition is arguably one of the best roleplaying fantasy video games of our generation. With countless sidequests, memorable characters and an engaging storyline, not to mention the great fighting style and ability to build any character you like, it is one magnificent gaming experience.

Another great feature of the Dragon Age series is the ability to enter a romantic relationship with certain characters, providing you meet the correct criteria. This article is a guide on how to romance the mage Dorian who, depending on your choices throughout the game, you first meet in Redcliffe's Chantry or just outside Haven. Dorian can be romanced by any race, but your character must be male. Hats off to BioWare"s continued support of the LGBT community.


Meeting Dorian

When it comes to your character having to decide between helping the Mages or the Templars, there are two ways you can meet Dorian. A mage will approach you as you"re leaving Val Royeaux (right after the "The Threat Remans" quest) to ask you to meet her in Redcliffe. This unlocks the previously inaccessible village in Fereldan"s Hinterlands.

  • Go to Redcliffe and see the cutscene that awaits you in the tavern, or
  • Ignore this quest (if you decide to ally with the Templars) and wait to meet Dorian after you"ve completed the quest "In Your Heart Shall Burn".

However, you can still ally with the Templars later if you do meet the mages in Redcliffe, so you might as well meet him sooner by:

  • Heading to Redcliffe's tavern and watching the cutscene
  • Heeding the warning you get and traveling to the chantry
  • Helping Dorian close the rift and watching the cutscene

Either way, he will join you eventually.


Choosing the Mages or the Templars

Whether or not you decided to meet Dorian in Redcliffe, you still have the choice whether to approach the mages or the Templars for help to close the Breach. If you"d like to gain a lot of Approval for Dorian, you should:

  • Complete the mages" quest "In Hushed Whispers" and choose to ally with them. Dorian will greatly approve, and you will also gain approval from , Cole and .

This gives you a great boost to Dorian"s Approval, making him easier to romance. However, if you really want to have the Templars on your side instead, be sure to ally with them, as Dorian has no Approval changes (if you disband them, Dorian will disapprove).

Dorian will then say that he wants to see the Breach up close. Welcome him to join the Inquisition.

Approach Dorian in Haven and, although he greatly approved you allying with the mages, he goes on a bit of a rant about it. Respond with:

  • "I"ll think of something."
  • The romance option "So long as they"re like you."
  • Investigate -> "Tell me about yourself."
  • The romance option "It's obvious to me."

Approval in Skyhold

As soon as you get to Skyhold, find Dorian in one of the upper towers (near Leliana). Respond to him with:

  • The romance option "I was enjoying the show."
  • "You're very confident."
  • Investigate -> "They say the Chantry is lying?"
  • "You're not responsible."
  • "I don"t need their thanks."

Alexius and Felix have a lot to do with Dorian's past | Source

A Letter Regarding Felix / Approval in Skyhold

If you completed "In Hushed Whispers", Dorian will tell you he got a letter from Felix, who is now dead because "the Blight caught up with him."

If you completed "Champions of the Just", Dorian will tell you he got a letter from Felix, who is now dead because "I think the Venatori found out he was helping me. I think they killed him."

  • "I'm sorry for your loss."
  • "What about yourself?"

Go to Dorian again and by now he should flirt with you when you greet him. Respond with the romance option "I could say the same of you."

If your character is human, at some point, Dorian will tell you that the two of you are related from a long time ago. Choose the romance option "Can we still flirt?" If your character isn't human, there will be a unique dialogue depending on your race.

Dorian's father, Halward Pavus | Source

Dorian's Personal Quest: Last Resort of Good Men

Mother Giselle, who is in the hall near the judgment throne, will approach you and tell you that a letter was sent for Dorian. You are given the choice whether to warn him or not. Approach Dorian and say "Your father sent a letter."

Then, when prompted, head to the tavern in Redcliffe and watch the cutscene. There is no difference in approval rating until you are presented with the dialogue wheel where you can choose: "Don't leave it like this."

After you get back to Skyhold, approach Dorian again and select:

  • "Are you all right?"
  • "You're brave." / "Good things."

Sentencing Alexius

(Only available if you completed "In Hushed Whispers".)

Sentence Alexius to work for the Inquisition and you"ll gain some Approval points from Dorian. Talk to him immediately after you do this, and you"ll get another Approval bonus.


First Kiss

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