Abstracts Statements Story

Continuing Education Curriculum. Curriculum of additional education Structure of the explanatory note


to the curriculum additional education

in MKOU Anninskaya Secondary School No. 3 for the 2014-2015 academic year

The curriculum for additional education of MKOU Anninskaya Secondary School No. 3 is a regulatory document that determines the distribution of educational time allocated for the development of additional educational programs in various areas.

The regulatory and legal basis for the implementation of the curriculum for additional education of children consists of the following documents:

in fundamental legislative acts Russian Federation:

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” (dated July 10, 1992 No. 3266-1; as amended by Federal Law dated December 23, 2003 No. 186-FZ);

    Law of the Russian Federation “On Public Associations” (No. 82-FZ dated May 19, 1995; as amended by Federal Law No. 122-FZ dated August 22, 2004);

    Law of the Russian Federation “On State Support of Youth and Children's Public Associations” (dated June 28, 1995 No. 98-FZ; as amended by Federal Law dated August 22, 2004 No. 122-FZ);

    Law of the Russian Federation “On the fundamentals of the system for preventing neglect of juvenile delinquency” (dated June 24, 1999 No. 120-FZ);

    Law of the Russian Federation “On basic guarantees of the rights of the child in the Russian Federation” (dated July 24, 1998 No. 124-FZ).

    Sanitary and epidemiological requirements “Hygienic requirements for learning conditions in educational institutions» SanPiN;

    in legislative acts Voronezh region:

    Law of the Voronezh Region of February 14, 2005 No. 3-OZ “On Education”;

    Law of the Voronezh Region of October 6, 2010 No. 103-OZ “On Patriotic Education in the Voronezh Region”;

    Additional educational program “Development of education in the Voronezh region for 2011-2015”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Voronezh Region dated September 2, 2010 No. 736;

    Additional educational program "Formation healthy image life among the population of the Voronezh region" (2010-2015), approved by Decree of the Government of the Voronezh Region dated December 30, 2009 No. 1145 (as amended from July 13, 2010 No. 567);

    Additional educational program “Children of the Voronezh Region for 2011-2014”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Voronezh Region dated October 6, 2010 No. 826.

V normative legal acts MKOU Anninskaya Secondary School No. 3

Charter educational institution MKOU Anninskaya Secondary School No. 3

Development program of MKOU Anninskaya secondary school No. 3 with UIOP for the 2010 – 2015 academic years.

    Regulations on additional education of children in MKOU Anninskaya Secondary School No. 3

The curriculum for additional education of MKOU Anninskaya Secondary School No. 3 includes a list of clubs and sections of additional education for all levels general education, and providescomplete implementation of educational goals formulated in the school development program, compliance of the content of additional education with the type and type of educational institution and educational program school, as well as the interests and needs of students, their characteristics and capabilities.

The curriculum provides:

    the rights of students to receive additional education on the basis of their educational institution;

    an individually oriented approach to students in the extracurricular process (through a system of classes in clubs and sections of additional education);

    optimal student load, implementation educational process in accordance with valeological criteria and norms.

Additional education is focused on solving the following tasks:

    ensuring guarantees of the child’s right to additional education;

    creative development of the individual and the implementation for this purpose of additional education programs in the interests of the child’s personality, society, and the state;

    development of individual motivation for knowledge and creativity;

    formation general culture students’ personalities, their adaptation to life in society;

    organization of meaningful leisure;

    security necessary conditions for personal development, health promotion, professional self-determination And creative work children.

The schedule of classes in additional education associations is drawn up taking into account the fact that they are an additional load to the compulsory one. educational work children and adolescents in an educational institution. Duration of classes - 30-35 minutes (grades 1-2), 40 minutes (primary school), breaks - 10 minutes. Children's activities are carried out in groups, individually or as a whole association, both in same-age and different-age associations. During the autumn and spring holidays, the educational process continues.

The formation of circles and sections occurs at the request of parents and students. Admission of children to creative associations is optional.

Upon completion school year, in order to present the results of the work, reporting concerts are held in creative associations, open classes, contests, competitions, holidays and other events. The forms and timing of their implementation are determined by the teacher in agreement with the administration.

All additional education programs have a one-year implementation period.

Structure of additional education.

Physical education and sports direction

Physical education and sports direction providescreation of a health-preserving educational environment (comfortable conditions, harmonious interpersonal relationships, positive psycho-emotional mood, etc.), which sets the mechanism for the formation of a caring attitudeto health as one of the basic values ​​of the individual.

The content of education in this area is implemented through:

Programs of sports sections “RUSSIAN LAPTA” designed for students in grades 3–9.Target The Russian lapta sports section is designed to provide physical education, health and educational work among children and adolescents, aimed at strengthening their health and comprehensive physical development; promote self-improvement, knowledge and creativity, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, professional self-determination, the development of physical, intellectual and moral abilities, the achievement high level sports results.

Sports section program "BASKETBALL" designed for students in grades 7–9. Distinctive feature This program is to include a course of general physical training as the main component in the field of physical education. Motor skills and actions, the development of physical qualities open up new horizons for personal self-improvement and health promotion for school students.

Sports club program "TOURISM" designed for students in grades 6–9.The main task of the hiking club is to satisfy the natural need of students for direct knowledge of the world, their region; show how beautiful he is, cultivate active love for him, devotion to the people and the land on which they were lucky to be born.

Artistic and aesthetic direction

The artistic and aesthetic direction of additional education is associated with the idea of ​​the holistic development of the child’s personality and overcoming the outdated stereotype that gives preference to the development of intelligence to the detriment of the emotional and sensory sphere of the individual, introduces the best traditions in the field of culture and art, identifies and develops the artistic and aesthetic abilities of children.

Contents of education within this direction it is aimed at design and organization of an emotionally developing educational environment that ensures the harmonization of the sensory and rational spheres of the individual, the formation of competencies for personal self-improvement and creative self-realization of students.

The content of education in the artistic and aesthetic direction is implemented through the following clubs and studios of additional education:

Program of dance studios “SOLNYSHKO”, “ENERGY” and “DRIVE” compiled taking into account the free attendance of children in classes in three age groups.

The goal of training is to master the song tradition of one’s people and dance traditions, natural sound production, diction, recitation, natural use of the working range, and mastery of breathing. During their studies, students take part in concerts, shows, and competitions.

Club programs are designed for one year of study for students in grades 1–9.

The classes combine group and individual work. In classes, according to their age, students acquire a minimum of knowledge and skills that allow them to become active listeners and performers upon leaving school.

Studio program "DEBUT" and "MOSAIC" involves the involvement of students in grades 5 - 9 in mass and solo compositions, individual etudes and concert numbers. This course allows you to practice composing various choreographic compositions and etudes, depending on the repertoire plan (or specially ordered compositions). The composition and staging workshop includes the following forms of classes: individual; rehearsal; summary. Classes within the circle include the principle of constructionexercises from simple to complex, which allows you to start training withany level of readiness of children.

Studio program “MAKE A HOLIDAY” designed for children in grades 8–9. The goal of training participants in the studio is to independently enter the “big world of art”, knowledge and perception of the world through preparing and holding holidays. The qualifying work of studio participants is preparing and holding holidays.

Programs of the “MASK” and “SCHOOL THEATER” clubs built, first of all, on teaching students self-regulation and establishing interpersonal processes. The teacher’s activities are aimed at developing voluntary attention, work mobilization, the ability to distribute responsibility, the ability to read the behavior of another person and choose the right type of behavior to solve life problems. The program involves the rapid adaptation of newly arrived children in groups with a permanent contingent, at any time during the school year.

Program mug " MAGIC BRUSH » is designed for students in grades 5–9 and is aimed at actively introducing children to artistic creativity and is educational in nature. The program is modified, developed on the basis of standard programs and methodological developments, complements and deepens school programs. According to its functional purpose, the program is educational and cognitive. Novelty of the program is that children learn in depth basic techniques and working with a wide variety of materials.

Club program "YOUNG MASTER" designed for teaching boys in grades 5–9.The educational process is based on teaching the basic techniques and technology of manufacturing various products that combine aesthetic and practical qualities. By acquiring theoretical knowledge and practical skills in working with various materials, students create not only useful but also beautiful products. In the process of work, children develop a sense of color and rhythm, train their fingers and eye, develop observation, perseverance, work culture and aesthetic perception of the world, develop the concept of the beauty of things created with their own hands, knowledge of the natural qualities of the material and its use, love and careful attitude towards the nature of things.

Social and pedagogical direction

The socio-pedagogical direction of additional education is designed to provide conditions for creating a culture-forming educational environment at school that influences the formation of general cultural competencies of students. At school, the socio-pedagogical direction is carried out in combination with the legal training of students and the study of a set of issues in the field of social protection of people.

The content of education in the socio-pedagogical direction is implemented through the following additional education clubs:

YOUNG TRAFFIC INSPECTORS Club Program intended for students in grades 6 - 9. The goal of the program: the formation of healthy attitudes and skills of responsible behavior that reduce the likelihood of accidents.

“MILITARY-PATRIOTIC CLUB” program designed for students in grades 6–9. The military-industrial complex carries out its activities under the leadership of hellMinistry of Municipal Educational Institution Anninskaya Secondary School No. 3, as well as interactionnot with organizations whose activities are aimed at spiritualmoral, patriotic and physical development of youth. The military-industrial complex holds military sports games, withcompetitions, excursions, hikes, demonstrations,gatherings, exhibitions, etc.The military-industrial complex is involved inmemorials and monuments military glory and caring for them. Provides patronage assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor and law enforcement agencies; to the families of military personnel who died in the line of duty.

Club program "HISTORICAL LOCAL STUDIES" designed for children from 10 to 15 years old; children of this age have the skills of synthesis and analysis, can summarize accumulated material, draw conclusions, carry out feasible research work. Purpose of the program: civic and patriotic education of children. Much attention is paid to organization cognitive activity students, in which the requirements of the teacher should become the internal motivations of the children. The success of training depends not only on external factors- content, methodology, but also on the individual psychological characteristics of students, the level of mental development of children.

Club program "VIDEO" designed for students in grades 7–9. The main goal is to create conditions for the development of information and communication competencies of the association's participants. The video studio was created to ensure optimal use of video equipment, recording materials from school events, producing videos (video editing), learning how to create videos in video editors.

Natural science direction

The natural science direction of additional education increases motivation to study subjects, develops skills in working with information, and promotes research activities.

The content of natural science education is implemented through the following additional education clubs:

Club program “KINGDOM OF FLOWERS” designed for 6th grade students.The circle of young flower growers plays an important role in the environmental education of schoolchildren. Students learn basic houseplants, their names, environmental factors their lives and proper care for them. The implementation of the program is aimed at developing the cognitive interests of schoolchildren, developing creative initiative and independence in landscaping the school.

To track the results of students’ activities, additional education associations conduct monitoring, surveys, testing, interviews, etc. A good indicator of work is the participation of a children's association in events, competitions, competitions, olympiads, conferences, exhibitions, and festivals of various levels.

The educational and thematic plan of each educational program for additional education includes: a list of sections and topics of classes, the number of hours on each topic broken down into theoretical and practical activities, and an explanatory note. Lists of used literature, methodological manuals, educational literature for students, material and technical equipment of classes are prescribed by the teacher in each educational program individually.

Curriculum for additional education for children

Municipal government educational institution

Anninskaya secondary school No. 3 for the 2014 - 2015 academic year

Educational component



by program

Number of groups

Total hours per week

Sports section "Basketball"

1 year

1 gr.

3 hours

Sports section “Russian Lapta”

1 year

5 gr.


section "Tourism"

1 year

1 gr.

2 hours

Studio "Debut"

1 year

1 gr.

3 hours

Dance group "Mosaic"

1 year

1 gr.

3 hours

Dance studio "Solnyshko"

1 year

1 gr.

3 hours

dance studio "Energy"

1 year

1 gr.

3 hours

dance studio "Drive"

1 year

1 gr.

3 hours

Studio "Let's make a holiday"

1 year

1 gr.

3 hours

Circle “Magic Brush”

1 year

1 gr.

2 hours

Circle "Mask"

1 year

1 gr.

2 hours

School theater

1 year

1 gr.

2 hours

Club "Young Master"

1 year

1 gr.

2 hours


1 year

1 gr.

2 hours

"Military Patriotic Club"

1 year

1 gr.

2 hours

"Video shooting"

1 year

1 gr.

2 hours

Club "Historical Local History"

1 year

1 gr.

2 hours

Club "Kingdom of Flowers"

1 year

1 gr.

2 hours


22 gr.

56 hours

Department of Education of Irbit Municipality

municipal autonomous educational institution

Zaykovskaya secondary school No. 2

Adopted by the pedagogical council

I approve

Director of MAOU

Zaykovskaya secondary school No. 2

M.N. Zhukova


additional education

municipal autonomous educational institution

Zaykovskaya secondary school No. 2

for the 2016 -2017 academic year

Explanatory note

The curriculum for additional education was developed based on the interests of students and taking into account the professional potential of the teaching staff. The curriculum for additional education for children reflects the goals and objectives of education and upbringing at school, aimed at developing the individual capabilities and abilities of the student.

The curriculum of additional education associations for the 2016-2017 academic year was developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” (with amendments and additions);

- “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the conditions and organization of training in educational institutions”, SanPin “Approved by the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 189 dated December 29, 2010 (as amended on May 29, 2011 No. 85; dated 12/25/2013 No. 72; dated 11/24/2015 No. 81);

The charter of MAOU Zaikovskaya secondary school No. 2, approved by the resolution of the administration of the Irbit municipality of February 27, 2015 No. 155-PA.

Additional education is a special field of activity that allows children to develop creative abilities, cultivate such qualities as activity, freedom of views and judgments, responsibility, passion and much more.

The development of a system of additional education at school is an active innovative search for the development of the student’s personality.

Additional education of children as a pedagogical phenomenon has a number of advantages compared to basic education.

1. Quick response to changes in demand for educational services, meeting the needs of society, parents and children.

2. Flexible (creative) approach to the formation of educational content. In accordance with Federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation” additional education for children is not valid within the framework of standards, it is multidirectional and is determined only by the interests of the child and his needs.

3. Deep implementation of level and profile differentiation of the content of education.

4. Deep implementation of an individual approach to training. In groups of 10–12 students, this allows you to personalize the pace and volume of assimilation of additional education programs.

5. Deep implementation of the activity approach in teaching. The main content of additional education for children is practice-oriented: the child acts in a search situation, gains knowledge from interaction with objects of labor, nature, cultural monuments, etc. The goal of education with this approach is not to equip children with specific knowledge, not to accumulate it, and the formation of the ability to use this knowledge.

6. The possibility of organizing psychological support in the development of the child’s personality. Psychological assistance to a child in the process of socialization ensures the harmonization of relations between the child and society.

7. Possibility of professional training for children. According to experts, more than 60% of children do not have pronounced inclinations or interests in professional activity. Only by revealing your potential abilities and trying to realize them while still school years, the graduate will be better prepared for real life in society, will learn to achieve his goal by choosing civilized, moral means her achievements.

8. Opportunity for education and vocational training for children with disabilities.

9. The opportunity for the child to freely choose types and areas of activity. Receiving such an opportunity for a child means including him in classes of interest, creating conditions for achieving success in accordance with his own abilities and regardless of the level of performance in compulsory academic disciplines.

Currently, additional education for children at school is represented in a number of areas. The main ones among them are considered to be the following:

    sports and recreation,

    spiritual and moral,


    general intellectual,

    general cultural.

Direction "Spiritual and moral» creates favorable conditions for intellectual activity, organizes various forms research activities, increases the interest of children and adolescents in history native land. The direction is represented by the children's association: “Russia is us.”

Direction "General cultural» creates favorable conditions for children’s creative activities aimed at organizing a “situation of success”, forms and develops a festive and playful culture for children, and realizes the creative ability of talented and gifted children. The direction includes children's associations: the art studio "Magic Colors", the Puppet Theater, the creative studio "Paper Fantasies".

    Direction "General intellectual» provides for the development of students’ intellectual abilities, the development of interest in science and technology, and the inculcation of design and rationalization skills. The direction is represented by the following children's association: “Information Design”.

    Direction"Social" provides for the formation of students civic position, education of tolerance, the correct life position in society, helps to master the peculiarities of communication in the modern world, makes one realize the importance of self-control for achieving success in personal and public life. The direction is represented by the following children's association: “Origins”.

    Direction"Sports and Wellness" This direction involves relieving students of statistical stress, increasing their physical activity, promoting health through physical education, and active recreation. The direction is represented by the following children's association “Junior”.

School additional education has a significant educational impact on students: it contributes to the child’s need for self-development, forms his readiness and habit for creative activity, increases his own self-esteem and his status in the eyes of peers, teachers, and parents.

Employment of students outside of school hours helps to strengthen self-discipline, develop self-organization and self-control in schoolchildren, develop skills for meaningful leisure activities, and allows children to develop practical skills for a healthy lifestyle and the ability to resist negative influences. environment. The massive participation of children in leisure programs helps to unite the school community, strengthen the traditions of the school, and establish a favorable socio-psychological climate in it.

Young people are not indifferent to education, but would like it to be more life-oriented and personally oriented. It is obvious that only one basic education unable to solve this problem. Therefore, it is so important to skillfully use the enormous opportunities of additional education, thanks to which the student really gets the opportunity to independently choose the type of activity and determine his own educational path.

Thus, additional education at school can solve a whole range of problems aimed at humanizing the entire life of the school:

Align the starting opportunities for the development of the child’s personality;

Contribute to the choice of his individual educational path;

Provide each student with a “situation of success”;

Promote self-realization of the personality of the child and teacher.

Additional education at the school covers all age categories of students, therefore the curriculum provides for three main stages of education:

1st stage – junior age – preschool childhood And elementary education(the period of childhood, covering children under 10 years of age).

2nd stage – average age– adolescence from 11 to 14 years

Stage 3 – senior age – the period of adolescence from 15 to 18 years old, associated with pre-professional training.

The duration of the program by year is determined by the teacher in accordance with the requests of children and parents, taking into account the social order, and is approved by the school director.

The weekly workload for one group is determined by the administration in agreement with the teacher, depending on the profile of the association, the age of the students, and the duration of mastering this program, usually from 2 to 4 hours per week. The schedule is being drawn up according to requirements sanitary and hygienic standards, taking into account the workload of offices, the wishes of parents and children on the principle of a 5-day working week.

The duration of one lesson is as follows:

With students younger age classes last from 30 to 45 minutes, with a break of 10-15 minutes;

With middle-aged students 45 minutes with a break of 10-15 minutes;

Individual lessons - 40-45 minutes.

Exceptions are: classes using computer equipment in scientific and technical areas. The lesson takes place 2 times a week for 30 minutes for level 1 and 2 times a week for 45 minutes for level 2.

Classes in the area of ​​tourism and local history can last up to 4 hours.

Admission of children to creative associations is carried out at the request of the students.

The school is not only an educational, but also a creative center of the village, therefore, the wider the range of clubs, children's associations, clubs, studios, the greater the opportunity for choice and application, development of students' abilities.

The educational and thematic plan of each educational program for additional education includes: a list of sections and topics of classes, the number of hours on each topic broken down into theoretical and practical activities, and an explanatory note.

Continuing Education Curriculum

for the 2016-2017 academic year.



Year of implementation

Amount of children

Spiritual - moral

"Russia is us"







General intellectual

"Information Design"


General cultural

"Magic colors"

Puppet show

Creative studio "Paper fantasies"


Sports and recreation



Total for UE

In the process of implementing additional education programs, it is expected that certain general learning outcomes will be achieved (for each children's association, such expected results are prescribed by the teacher individually in the additional education program), such as:

Cognitive (knowledge, skills, abilities acquired in classes)

Motivational (the child’s desire to engage in this type of activity)

Emotional (development of qualities of a positive state - satisfaction, curiosity, desire to learn and discover new things, etc.)

Communication (understanding and acceptance of the norms and rules of communication, behavior, mutual respect, goodwill, responsibility and commitment, recognition of the rights of every person to autonomy and independence)

Creative (creative perception surrounding reality, the need to create something new, search for a non-standard solution, obtain satisfaction from the creative process).

To track the results of students’ activities and study the level of educational attainment in children’s associations of additional education, monitoring, questioning, testing, interviews, etc. are carried out. A good indicator of work is the participation of a children's association in events, competitions, competitions, conferences, exhibitions, festivals, etc.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Muzhevskaya secondary school

Them. N.V.Arkhangelsky"

Continuing Education Curriculum

for 2013-2014.

on educational work


Lyubov Dmitrievna

village Muzhi, 2013



MBOU "Muzhevskaya secondary school named after. N.V.Arkhangelsky"

For the 2013-2014 academic year

The curriculum for additional education is developed based on the interests of students and taking into account the professional potential of the teaching staff. Since the school implements a program of personality-oriented education and upbringing of students, the curriculum reflects the goals and objectives of education and upbringing in the school, aimed at developing the individual capabilities and abilities of the student.

The main task for the school is the formation and development of the moral, independent, creative and physically healthy personality of students who freely adapt to modern society and multiplying cultural heritage countries. One of the conditions for achieving this task is the integration of basic and additional education.

Additional educational programs and services are implemented in the interests of the individual, society and the state. Additional education is a field of activity that allows children to develop creative abilities, cultivate such qualities as activity, freedom of views and judgments, responsibility, passion and much more.

The purpose of additional education is to identify and develop the abilities of each child, the formation of a spiritually rich, free, physically healthy, creatively thinking personality, possessing solid basic knowledge, oriented towards high moral values, and subsequently capable of participating in the development of society. This goal is realized through the introduction into the process of additional education of programs that have an artistic, aesthetic, sports and recreational, scientific, technical, social and pedagogical orientation, and the introduction of modern methods of teaching and nurturing children’s skills and abilities.

Currently, additional education for children at school is represented in a number of areas. The main ones among them are considered to be the following:

  • artistic and aesthetic;
  • physical education and sports;
  • social and pedagogical;
  • scientific and technical.

By implementing the tasks of additional education, the school tries to resolve the existing contradiction between the need, on the one hand, to master the educational standard, and on the other, to create conditions for the free development of the individual, which is the basis for the humanization of education, proclaimed as the most important principle of education reform. Humanistic pedagogy is distinguished by its focus on accepting the child as a person and individuality, and protecting his right to self-development and self-determination. It turned out that it is additional education that most fully meets these criteria. By its very essence, it is personality-oriented, in contrast to basic education, which continues to remain subject-oriented, aimed at mastering the school standard. Only an organic combination of both types of education within the school walls can help the development of both an individual child and the entire educational institution. Additional education provided within the walls of the school affects the educational process of the school. Analyzing additional education, the following was revealed that additional educational programs:

  • deepen and expand students’ knowledge in core and elective subjects;
  • do schooling personally significant for many students;
  • stimulate educational and research activity of schoolchildren;
  • increase motivation to study in a number of general education courses.

School additional education has a significant educational impact on students: it contributes to the child’s need for self-development, forms his readiness and habit of creative activity, increases his own self-esteem and his status in the eyes of peers, teachers, and parents.

The employment of students during extracurricular hours helps to strengthen self-discipline, develop self-organization and self-control in schoolchildren, develop skills for meaningful leisure activities, and allows children to develop practical skills for a healthy lifestyle and the ability to withstand the negative effects of the environment. The massive participation of children in leisure programs helps to unite the school community, strengthen the traditions of the school, and establish a favorable socio-psychological climate in it.

Young people are not indifferent to education, but would like it to be more life-oriented and personally oriented. It is obvious that basic education alone cannot solve this problem. Therefore, it is so important to skillfully use the enormous opportunities of additional education, thanks to which the student really gets the opportunity to independently choose the type of activity and determine his own educational path. Thus, additional education at school can solve a whole range of problems aimed at humanizing the entire life of the school:

  • align the starting opportunities for the development of the child’s personality;
  • contribute to the choice of his individual educational path;
  • provide each student with a “situation of success”;
  • promote self-realization of the personality of the child and teacher.

In the classes of creative associations of artistic and aesthetic orientations, the development of communicative qualities, the formation of artistic and creative abilities, creative thinking (associative, figurative, artistic), familiarization with spiritual wealth, and the cultivation of an emotional and creative attitude to reality occur.

One of the most important tasks of a creative association of physical culture and sports is the development in children of their natural inclinations, capabilities, and abilities. The feasibility of working in this area is dictated by the decrease in physical activity of schoolchildren, which affects the health, physical development and physical fitness of children. These programs are designed to form in students sustainable motives and needs to take care of their health, the holistic development of physical and mental qualities, and the creative use of physical education means in organizing a healthy lifestyle.

Social and pedagogical orientationcontributes to the realization of the individual in various social circles, the socialization of the child in the educational space, and the adaptation of the individual in the children's society. Social self-determination of children and the development of children's social initiative is at the present stage one of the main tasks of the socio-pedagogical direction, which is relevant, first of all, because now the problem of educating an individual capable of acting universally and possessing a culture of social self-determination is coming to the fore. And for this it is important to form an experience of living in the social system and outline professional prospects. Additional programs of this focus cover a wide age range and are multifunctional in their purpose. They are mainly designed for social adaptation and vocational guidance for adolescents.

In the scientific and technical field, additional education programs are offered, covering scientific and technical subjects, which involve expanding or deepening the material of programs of general education subjects; conditions are created for a variety of individual, practical, experimental, design and research activities in the field of scientific and technical creativity.

The duration of the program by year is determined by the teacher in accordance with the requests of children and parents, taking into account the social order, and is approved by the school director.

The weekly workload for one group is determined by the administration in agreement with the teacher, depending on the profile of the association, the age of the students, and the duration of mastering this program, usually from 2 to 4.5 hours a week. The schedule is drawn up based on sanitary and hygienic standards, taking into account the workload of offices, the wishes of parents and children on the principle of a 6-day working week.

The duration of classes is calculated in academic hours - 30-45 minutes depending on the age of the students.

Admission of children to creative associations is carried out at the request of the students.

At the end of the school year, in order to present the results of their work, open classes, “Festivals of clubs and sports sections”, reporting concerts, competitions, competitions, and holidays are held in creative associations. The forms and timing of their implementation are determined by the teacher in agreement with the administration, as well as with the work plan of the Ministry of Additional Education teachers.

The curriculum of additional education associations (ECE) for the 2013/2014 academic year was developed in accordance with the following regulatory documents:

  • Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;
  • The Charter of the MBOU "Muzhevskaya Secondary School named after. N.V.Arkhangelsky";
  • Development program of the MBOU "Muzhevskaya Secondary School named after N.V. Arkhangelsky";
  • Federal State educational standard basic general education (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated December 17, 2010 N 1897);
  • “Hygienic requirements for the regime of the educational process” (SanPiN, section 2.9.);

The presented version of the curriculum is focused on solving the following tasks:

  • ensuring guarantees of the child’s right to additional education;
  • creative development of the individual and the implementation for this purpose of additional education programs in the interests of the child’s personality, society, and the state;
  • development of individual motivation for knowledge and creativity;
  • the formation of a general culture of the personality of students, their adaptation to life in society;
  • organization of meaningful leisure;
  • providing the necessary conditions for personal development, health promotion, professional self-determination and creative work of children.

The educational and thematic plan of each educational program for additional education includes: a list of sections and topics of classes, the number of hours on each topic broken down into theoretical and practical activities, and an explanatory note.

I approve

Director of MBOU

"Muzhevskaya secondary school

named after N.V. Arkhangelsky"


"___" September 2013

Curriculum of additional education MBOU Muzhevskaya Secondary School named after N.V. Arkhangelsky"

For 2013-2014.


Association name



Amount of children

Hours per week




3 year


5 year


7 year


2 year

3 year

4 year





Artistic and aesthetic

School vocal and instrumental ensemble


Artistic and aesthetic

Vocal and choral studio "Mosaic"


Artistic and aesthetic

Art studio "Rainbow"


Artistic and aesthetic

Folklore of the Khanty people


Artistic and aesthetic

Formation of initial choreographic skills

Sports and recreation

General physical training

Social and pedagogical

Museum studies

Scientific and technical

Technical Modeling

The explanatory note reveals:

  • the direction of associations of additional education for children in accordance with the license of the educational institution;
  • the relevance and pedagogical feasibility of organizing a system of additional education for children;
  • the purpose and objectives of additional education in a specific educational institution;
  • distinctive features of additional education (support for specialized education and pre-professional training by associations of additional education);
  • age of children involved in additional education associations;
  • forms of classes;
  • training mode;
  • Expected results;
  • forms of summing up the implementation of additional education (exhibitions, festivals, competitions, educational and research conferences, etc.).

Structure explanatory note:

  1. Regulatory and legal basis of the curriculum for additional education.
  2. Features of the curriculum.
  • Academic week (how many days involved)
  • School profile
  • Priority directions in the formation of associations of additional education
  • The purpose and objectives of additional education
  • Software and methodological support for associations of additional education for children
  • Justification for changing the number of hours of the curriculum compared to the recommended ones

Below is a sample of drawing up an explanatory note for the educational plan for additional education at an educational institution.

Explanatory note to the curriculum for additional education
State budgetary educational institution
OS No. _____
for 20__-20__ academic year

This curriculum for additional education of State Budgetary Educational Institution No. ___ is developed on the basis of:

  • Convention on the Rights of the Child;
  • Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”;
  • Model regulations on an educational institution;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations;
  • School development programs;
  • Educational program of the school;
  • School Charter;
  • License No. _____________;
  • Material and technical base of the institution;
  • Social order for parents and students (add if necessary).

The system of additional education of educational institution No. _____ sets the goal: (specify)

Sets the following tasks: (list)

The system of additional education at the education center operates during the academic year. Conditions are created for a continuous process (classroom, extracurricular) development of a creative personality.

The curriculum is designed taking into account the age characteristics of children. Both group and individual lessons are provided. Children's activities are carried out in same-age and mixed-age interest groups.

Classes are held in free time from main studies, students are given the opportunity to combine different directions and forms of classes, and move from one group to another. The educational process takes place in an informal community of children and adults, united by common interests and voluntary joint activities.

___ hours are allocated for additional education according to the curriculum. In the 20__-20__ academic year, additional education is organized in the following areas, in accordance with the obtained educational institution license: (indicate the areas and list within each area the form and name of the association)

To track the results of students’ activities, additional education associations conduct monitoring, surveys, testing, interviews, etc. A good indicator of work is the participation of a children's association in competitions, competitions, olympiads, conferences, exhibitions, festivals, etc.

Through a cooperation agreement with......(name of organization), the need of students of the 2nd and 3rd stages for the lesson __________ is realized. Responding to the social order of parents in the 20__-20__ academic year, the educational institution provided additional educational services for _____ classes - ....... (subject according to the program, name of the program). Specialists......(name of UDOD) have been brought in to conduct ______________________. The employment of children in grades 1-11 with additional educational services at the end of the 20__-20__ academic year (previous academic year) amounted to ___% of the total number of school students. At the beginning of the 20__-20__ academic year - ____% (current academic year).

  • achievements of world culture, Russian traditions;
  • appropriate level of education;
  • areas of additional programs;
  • modern educational technologies reflected in the principles of learning (individuality, accessibility, continuity, effectiveness); forms and methods of teaching (active teaching methods, differentiated training, classes, competitions, competitions, excursions, hikes, etc.); methods of monitoring the educational process (analysis of the results of children’s activities); teaching aids.

Lists of used literature, teaching aids, educational literature for students, and material and technical equipment for classes are prescribed by the teacher in each educational program individually.