Abstracts Statements Story

Creative pedagogy. My pedagogical discovery

Natalia Kravchenko
Seminar “Development of a teacher’s creative potential as a condition for successful pedagogical activity»

Subject: Development of a teacher’s creative potential as a condition for successful teaching activities.

Target: create conditions for teachers to develop needs for organizing work on development of creative abilities.


Create an atmosphere of emotional freedom, openness, friendliness and trust in each other;

Formation and development attitudes towards self-knowledge and self-esteem;

Activation of individual and creativity;

Overcoming psychological barriers that prevent full self-expression;

Equipment: Whatman paper, A-4 sheets, pencils, paints, scissors, glue, newspapers, postcards, handouts

I. Introduction.

1. An excerpt from a cartoon "Luntik"

« Creation» . The word is so familiar and so new. It has so many facets, so many ideas, plans, and the joy of new discoveries. This word can often be found in literature, it is often used in everyday life. Do we even realize what it is? creation?

2. Video "Parsnip. Definition creativity»


Is it a passive, but fateful gift, a happy occasion, luck that appears and disappears regardless of a person’s desire? Or is it still a choice, perseverance, work on oneself and "Planned Luck"? Expansion task creative human capabilities in last years is considered by psychologists as the most effective way to actively personality development. At the same time, increasingly the concept itself " creation"is considered as a person’s ability to have a flexible attitude towards his life itself, as the ability to achieve success in realizing your ideas.

“The wise power of a builder is hidden in every person, you need to give it free rein develop and flourish»

M. Gorky

Creativity - activity, generating something qualitatively new and distinguished by uniqueness, originality and socio-historical uniqueness. A person may have many different moods, but he has one soul, and he subtly puts this soul into everything he does. creation. John Galsworthy.

2. Creativity in the work of a teacher is, one might say, a special kind activities aimed at creating a new product. This "highlight", with which teachers captivate children with new knowledge. Creation present in everyone's work teacher regardless of his work experience or education

Pedagogical activity is a manifestation of constant versatility creativity. It assumes the presence of teacher of creative abilities, qualities, among which initiative and activity, attention and observation, the art of thinking outside the box, rich imagination and intuition occupy an important place

We, teachers, like no one else, must be creative people. After all, in order develop creativity in children, you need to be yourself creative people . You cannot create something new in any area of ​​life without having creative abilities. The main thing is that creativity can be developed not only in children, but also in yourself, above all in yourself. To be effective teacher and keep it professional health it is necessary to see, find and create new things in the profession. How to find something new? According to Soviet film director Sergei Gippius So: “Make the difficult familiar, the familiar easy, the easy beautiful”.

3. Subject message seminar.

II. Main part.

1. U a creative teacher – creatively developed students.

2. Creative potential– a set of human qualities that determine the possibility and boundaries of his participation in a certain activities.

Creative development of a teacher– this is a long process, the purpose of which is to develop a person as a master of his craft, a true professional.

Level teacher's creative potential determines work performance teacher with children. The consequence of insufficient creative activity of the teacher is a decrease in children’s motivation to acquire knowledge, the status of an institution, and a decrease in the level of the educational process.

In our experience we often hear from teachers"We don't know how to be creative people, we don't know how create.

3. For successful development of a teacher’s creative potential the following are required pedagogical conditions:

– high professional and personal teacher potential;

– motivational readiness teacher;

– awareness of innovations;

- material base.

4. Communication of the results of the survey.

5. Creativity.

Personality is considered creative, if she has creativity as a way of transformation activities in the creative process.

"Creativity is creative direction“, innately characteristic of everyone, but lost by the majority under the influence of the existing system of upbringing, education and social practice.”

How often do we ask ourselves questions and reflect on them? Are we thinking, and not looking for ready-made answers from loved ones, friends, in literature or on the Internet?

In modern life, serious employers are always in demand for employees who can find creative solving the assigned problems. Such people are often called creatives.

6. Where do they come from and why is it "not given to everyone"? Why are the majority of people great performers?

Let's try to figure this out together.

A newborn baby is completely dependent on the environment and is "open book". He absorbs the culture, language, traditions of his family. Then the social circle increases, the child joins society.

At some stage, a moment comes when the child begins to exhibit individual personality traits that do not coincide with the qualities of those around him. And then the adults They say: “Character shows.”.

During childhood the process creativity is natural for any child. Children don’t think about how beautifully they draw or sing. They simply do it with all their hearts, completely immersing themselves in the process. In the process of growing up, a person acquires new experiences, new qualities, while losing the characteristic features of a child. Including the need for creativity and openness to the outside world. And this process development we take for granted. On the contrary, if an adult shows signs of a child, we are surprised, perplexed, and even sometimes condemn: "fell into childhood", "acts like a child". There are certain stereotypes and behavior patterns that must be met "normal" Adults. And people creative, musical, literary or scientific geniuses, as a rule, "Having their head in the clouds", "not of this world", "white crows" etc.

If we consider "white crows" closer, you can see that these are people who boldly express their own views and ideas that are different from the generally accepted ones. They are far from caring about their daily bread; they care little about human passions. There are many examples when a person in the process of creations, forgot about time, food, sleep, and those around him. And in this state he "like a child", he is free, he floats along the river of inspiration, trusting its flow.

7. In order to gain inner freedom and remember the feeling creative flight, I suggest you understand yourself a little. And do it in a few stages:

Stage 1: Tame the animal in you.

Man is one of the elements of the living world of our planet. And of course we still have many animal instincts. This is fine. But here question: who controls us? Instincts or human reason?

As far as we know, ancient people were not particularly gentle towards their own kind. They were accompanied by a struggle for power, for the best piece of food, housing, and the best partner. It was necessary to survive in the group at any cost. And the more aggressive a person behaved, the more people recognized his power. The weak were attacked not only by enemies, but also by relatives. He was the weak link of the group, a burden, so he was either the first to die or expelled from the community. Now take a closer look at your relationships at work, among friends, casual acquaintances, in your family. Are we that far from our ancestors? Most of modern psychology is aimed at developing leadership, in fact, at the struggle for power, at mastering manipulation techniques and achieving one’s own goals.

How do we raise our children? "You must be strong!" "Don't be a wimp!"

“You must study a lot, enter prestigious university to be successful! Have you asked your question? to kid: “Is there any in your class (group) anyone who needs help and support? Do you instill in your children compassion and tolerance for other people's mistakes and weaknesses? How are you doing with this yourself?

Ancient people lived by instincts. They assumed the presence of some higher power that needed to be appeased so as not to provoke anger. This high power was distant and unclear. Most of my life was spent at the mercy of instincts. At the same time, our ancestors were very sensitive to nature, animals, environment. They could read them like an open book.

Think and answer yourself a few questions.

How often are you truly aware of your actions?

How often do you ask yourself question: "Why do I need it?"

How often do you do in life what you really want, and not what others expect from you, what your sense of duty obliges you to do?

Do you acknowledge the presence Supreme Intelligence in one form or another?

What is your relationship with the world around you, nature? What are they for? you: habitat or living substance with its own laws, soul?

Now let's look at the whole situation and let's think about it: Have we gone so far from ancient people with their animal instincts? Or maybe we have even degenerated in some way?

I hope that after these reflections the process has become clearer to you. "taming" animal in yourself.

Stage 2: refusal to belong to a family, clan, group.

The title sounds like a call for revolution. But don't rush to conclusions. We are not talking about the fact that a person should leave his family and go on a “single voyage.”

We will see our personal attachments as a limitation creativity.

When a child is born, he enters a family. Each family has its own traditions, rules of behavior, and communication with each other. And the child perceives them as the only correct ones. Then he gets into society: group kindergarten, school class, then university, work. And everywhere there are their own norms of behavior, rules of communication, clothing style, etc. Gradually, a person turns into a kind of living robot, living “like everyone else,” dressing in the style of his environment, using a certain lexicon etc.

Living in accordance with the requirements of others is comfortable and profitable. But expressing your opinion, even if it goes against established norms, is unprofitable. Such actions can lead to conflict and deprivation of material wealth. And so we humble ourselves. After all, everyone lives like this. If we don’t like something, we grumble within ourselves or in the kitchen with our family, but ultimately we obey. This is dependence on group membership. It is these kinds of dependencies that need to be gotten rid of. We must learn to be with ourselves, stop hiding behind masks and playing theatrical roles. Just trying to look « a good man» , you cannot become one. We must learn to live, how to breathe - also freely. Naturally, this does not cancel respect for others, for their right to be themselves. Observe yourself, your behavior and honestly answer yourself a few questions.

How often do you “step over yourself”?

Where and in what situations does this happen most often?

Why are you doing this? What is your benefit?

Or is it fear? Then what are you afraid of?

What prevents you from being yourself?

How could your life change if you began to let go of your limitations?

And one last thing. When will you start getting rid of them?

Stage 3: refusal to belong to a profession.

Let's look at the process of choosing a profession by a person.

During childhood, a child begins to demonstrate some abilities to a greater extent than others. Usually parents begin to make efforts to develop precisely these inclinations. If a child draws well, we’ll send him to an art school, if he sings well, he’ll go to a music school, and if he has a penchant for technology, he’ll go to a computer class.

In itself, such a reaction from parents does not represent anything bad. Talents needed develop. But there is a fine line between development the child’s talents for the sake of his future and the desire to have a talented child for the sake of his own vanity or the realization of personal unfulfilled dreams. In addition to this, all other types creative activity disappears from view. The child simply does not have enough time for them. Thus, we begin to limit it with our own hands.

Then parents with the child, and some for the child, begin to choose a university or other professional educational institution. On what basis? Preference is given to the institution where it is easier or has a better chance of admission. Or where you can get a prestigious, in-demand profession that guarantees a good position in society and a decent salary.

Having received a profession, a person goes to work in the chosen profile. And even if he changes employers, his profession remains unchanged. When we take a new job, we plunge headlong into it, trying to carry out assignments with maximum efficiency in order to demonstrate our professional qualities and receive good material rewards in the form of a salary, a high position, etc. We devote a lot of effort and time to improving our skills in our chosen field. areas.

If we add family concerns to this time, then it is clear that we most often do not have enough time for other activities. Maximum for the evening watching TV or partying with friends.

In essence, we drive ourselves into the corridor of our chosen profession and move strictly along it. This gives us the opportunity to achieve maximum material benefits at minimal cost.

And if suddenly a person, due to insurmountable circumstances, has to radically change his gender activities, then it brings suffering, stress, depression, loss self-confidence, etc.

Developing, a person must move away from this system of self-restraint and strive for universality.

There are many examples in history of people who have universal knowledge. For example: Leonardo da Vinci was a brilliant mathematician, engineer, artist, and had rich knowledge in many other branches of culture and science.

Liberation from professional boundaries is an important stage of awakening creativity.

And now the traditional questions.

What types creativity did you study as a child?

Why were they chosen?

Whose choice was it? Yours or your parents'?

How did you choose your profession? What was your choice is determined?

Have you radically changed your occupation?

If yes, what caused this? Remember your feelings and emotions. What were they like?

And if not, then what stopped you?

How ready are you now to make a drastic change in your profession? Give arguments for and against.

Be honest with yourself: How wide is your professional corridor?

Wake up your sleepy creation, release him! Remember the feeling of flying more often, regardless of profession and status. Who knows, maybe great discoveries await you ahead?

Creativity is not a single ability, but a complex property of the human psyche, which includes several components, the most important of which these are:

1. Qualities of intelligence.

Fluency of thinking (the ability to generate a large number of ideas and associations)

Each participant takes turns saying two words. The first word must be in the same category as the previous participant's second word. The second word is arbitrary. For example: presenter speaks: "Ripe Apple" - second participant: "Orange green" - third: "Orange scarf", etc.

Flexibility (diversity of generated ideas)


The wavy line turns out to be mountains and sea waves, and even the back of a dragon.

Originality (the ability to find non-obvious, rare, but at the same time adequate ideas).

Maximum expansion of the vision of the problem field, search for non-obvious solutions.

In this case, imagination, associative thinking, and the ability to recombine are actively involved (presentation of the known in new, unusual combinations) .

Exercise “Imagine”

Instructions: Come up with a new use subjects:


Mixed plasticine

A burst balloon

Burnt out light bulb

Empty pen refill.

2. Personality qualities.

Exercise "Throw the ball over"

Those interested are welcome. Participants stand in a close circle. The optimal number of participants in a circle is from 6 to 8. They are given a small ball (about the size of a tennis court) and is formulated exercise: throw this ball to each other as quickly as possible so that it is in everyone’s hands. The presenter records the time required for this. The task is not difficult; it usually takes about 2 seconds for each participant to complete it for the first time. The exercise is repeated 3-4 times, the leader asks to do it as quickly as possible. When the time spent has been brought to approximately 1 second for each participant, the facilitator asks them to invent and demonstrate a way in which they can throw the ball so that it is in everyone’s hands, spending only 1 second for the whole group.

The most important of these qualities is openness to new life experiences. Such a person is ready to accept everything new that appears around him, is capable of changing existing ideas, feels comfortable in situations of uncertainty and does not experience anxiety, is brave, inquisitive, and playful. Often such people outwardly resemble "big kids". Excessiveness is poorly compatible with creativity "seriousness", lack of spontaneity, the desire to organize your life according to established rules once and for all. Of course, the above does not deny the importance of organized life, the presence of rules and principles, however, a creative person is ready to revise them when circumstances change, and those who do not have this quality continue to live "the old fashioned way", stubbornly not noticing the changes taking place.

3. Value orientations.

Such a person - The world is interesting to him in itself, and not just as a means satisfaction some personal needs. A creative person consciously chooses an active, transformative life position.

There are 7 signs creativity:








9. Parable "Sun beam"

One day a ray said to the sun:

Every day I fly to Earth and warm all living things, but I would like to warm a person’s heart.

“Okay, you can give a drop of solar fire to a person’s heart,” the sun allowed. - This fire will help a person become great creator. Just choose the best person. The beam flew to Earth and thought: “How do you know which person is better?”

Then he heard sad thoughts guy: “I can’t do anything. I dreamed of becoming an artist, but became a painter. I fell in love with a girl, but she doesn’t look at me.”

You have talent, youth and skillful hands! - the beam exclaimed and gave the man his fire.

A solar fire flared up in the man’s heart and made him raise his eyes and straighten his shoulders. He took paints and painted a beautiful bouquet for his beloved. “This is a miracle!”- the girl was delighted and kissed him. Then the guy painted the house so much that the customer came to Delight: “I thought you were a painter, but you are a real artist. My house has turned into a work of art! And the guy became a famous artist.

The ray returned to the sun and guiltily said:

I forgot that it was necessary to find the best of people. I gave fire to the first person I met.

“You believed in a person,” the sun answered joyfully. - And faith and support will turn any person into creator and will help you overcome any obstacles.

III. Practical part.

I would like to dwell in more detail on a practical example of one of the forms of work on development of teachers' creative potential through the use of psycho-training information and practical classes. Today we will try to actively show creative quality: flexibility of thinking, ingenuity, observation and imagination.

1. Exercise "Arch"

Participants form teams, receive A4 paper, and are given exercise: make an arch from one sheet of such a size that any of the participants or all of them in turn can pass through it. The arch must consist of a continuous strip of paper, but you cannot use any fastening accessories; participants only have scissors at their disposal. Demonstrate as many ways as possible.

Issues for discussion:

Who at first thought it was impossible to do the exercise?

How often do such situations arise?

2. Exercise "We write poetry"

A start has been given poem, we need to come up with an ending (takes 5 minutes to complete):

In the morning I’m in a bad mood, I can’t put makeup on my eyes...

Together with my husband, we got ready to suddenly go out somewhere...

In spring there are puddles everywhere, boats sail in streams...

I decided to lose weight, went on a diet...

After the shift, I decided to quickly go home...

I decided to surprise everyone and cook French soup...

Parents, often getting angry and swearing, lose their emotional connection with their child...

Art therapy "Drawing of Music". (teamwork).

The psychologist turns on relaxing music and then suggests teachers draw on a piece of paper, pencils or paints the associations that arose during the listening process.

3. Exercise « Creative life»

Materials: paper, pencils, pens, felt-tip pens, markers, glue, scissors, Whatman paper, newspapers, magazines.

Participants are united in mini-groups of 5–6 people and receive exercise: make a portrait using the collage method creative teacher, identify and record qualities creative teacher. Create a list of recommendations that will allow "do more creative own life» .

10. Video "Three exercises for development of the right hemisphere» .

IY. Final part

1. Exercise "Sun"

Target: stress relief, allowing you to push boundaries and "refresh yourself" in the lap of nature, to gather internally and gain new strength.

Imagine yourself on the beach at dawn. The sea is almost motionless, the last bright stars. Feel the freshness and purity of the air. Look at the water, the stars, the dark sky.

Listen for a while to the pre-dawn silence, to the stillness saturated with future movement. The darkness slowly recedes and the colors change. The sky above the horizon turns red, then turns golden. Then the first rays of the sun touch you. And you see how it slowly rises from behind the water.

When the sun is halfway over the horizon, you see its reflection in the water forming a path of golden shimmering light, going from you to the very center of it.

The water is warm, pleasant, and you decide to enter it. Slowly, enjoying yourself, you begin to float in the golden glow that surrounds you. You feel the contact of your body with water full of sparkling light. You feel how easy it is for you to swim and enjoy moving through the sea.

The further you sail in the sea, the less aware you are of the water around you, and the more light there is around you. You feel enveloped beneficial the light that penetrates you. Now your body is bathed in life-giving energy of the sun. Your feelings are filled with her warmth. Your mind is illuminated by its light. You return, at the same time retaining a piece of warmth and light.

2. "Postcard to a colleague" (exercise)

Are given keywords : intelligence, kindness, beauty, health. Using these words, sign a card for the colleague sitting to your left.

3. Exercise "Bag of Wishes"

Teacher uses this exercise as a “farewell” moment. Passing the bag to each other in a circle, the participants take out one item from it. Since words: “I wish for you,” they come up with a wish, associating it with a given object, for example, a glass - “I wish for you that this glass for you is always half full than half empty.”

  • 5. Methods and organization of pedagogical research
  • Chapter 2: philosophical foundations of modern pedagogy
  • The crisis of modern pedagogy and the search for ways to overcome it
  • 2. Axiological approach to the study of pedagogical phenomena
  • 3. Ideas of humanism as the basis of modern pedagogy
  • 4. Humanization of education as a social and pedagogical principle of development of the education system
  • Chapter 3 socialization and education
  • The essence of socialization
  • Mechanisms of socialization
  • 3. Classification and general characteristics of socialization factors
  • 4. Ethnic characteristics and their role in socialization
  • 5. Features of socialization in rural, urban and village lifestyles
  • 6. Media and their role in socialization processes
  • 8. Peer society as a factor of socialization
  • Chapter 4 pedagogical interaction
  • 2. Pedagogical communication as a form of interaction between teachers and students.
  • 3. Strategies for pedagogical interaction
  • 4. Phenomena of pedagogical interaction
  • 5. Communicative tasks of pedagogical interaction
  • 7. Joint activities of teachers and students as a way to implement pedagogical interaction
  • Chapter 5 teacher: profession and personality
  • 1. The teaching profession and its role in modern society
  • 2. Professional qualities of a teacher
  • 3. Creativity in teaching activities
  • 4. Professional development and self-education of a teacher
  • Section 2 theoretical foundations of training
  • Chapter 6 learning as an integral part of the pedagogical process
  • Concepts of developmental education
  • 3. Concepts focused on mental development
  • 4. Concepts that take into account personal development
  • 5. Development of mental functions in learning
  • Test questions and assignments
  • Chapter 7
  • The essence of the content of education and its components
  • 2. Theories of formation of educational content
  • 3. Principles and criteria for selecting the content of general education
  • 4. State educational standard
  • 6. Curricula and educational literature
  • Control questions
  • Chapter 8 evolution of teaching methods and their classification
  • Concept of teaching method
  • Evolution of teaching methods
  • 3. Classification of teaching methods
  • Test questions and assignments
  • Chapter 9 Teaching Methods
  • Methods of organizing educational and cognitive activities
  • 2. Methods of stimulating educational and cognitive activity
  • 3. Methods for monitoring and diagnosing the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities, social and mental development of students
  • Test questions and assignments
  • Chapter 10 forms of training organization
  • The concept of forms of organization of training
  • Types of student learning activities
  • Forms of organization of current educational work
  • 4. Extracurricular forms of organizing current educational work
  • 5. Rules for doing homework
  • Control questions
  • Literature
  • Chapter II teaching aids
  • The concept of teaching aids and their essence
  • Teaching aids in the lesson
  • 3. Subject-level learning tools
  • 4. Combination of teaching aids in the lesson
  • Control questions
  • Literature
  • Chapter 12 Technology in Education
  • Learning Technology as a Social Technology
  • What is technology?
  • 3. Application of technology in education
  • 4. Psychological and pedagogical foundations of technologization of education
  • Chapter 13 developmental education systems used in school
  • System l. V. Zankova
  • 2. System by D. B. Elkonin-v. V. Davydova
  • 3. What's new in these systems?
  • Test questions and assignments
  • 3. Creativity in teaching activities

    Pedagogical creativity. IN Currently, the statement that pedagogical activity is creative in nature has become generally accepted. Creativity is an activity that generates something new based on the reorganization of existing experience and the formation of new combinations of knowledge, skills, and products (Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary. - M., 1983. -P. 670). The result of creativity is the introduction of innovation into the pedagogical process.

    There are several levels of innovation:

      a discovery that affirms ideas that can transform pedagogical reality;

      inventions, development and implementation of new elements of educational technologies;

      pedagogical rationalization - improvements associated with modernization and adaptation to specific conditions of already used methods and means of education and training.

    Unlike creativity in other areas (science, technology, art), a teacher’s creativity does not have as its goal the creation of a socially valuable new, original, since its product always remains the development of the individual. Of course, a creative teacher, and even more so an innovative teacher, creates his own pedagogical technology, but it is only a means to obtain the best result under given conditions.

    The creative potential of a teacher is formed on the basis of two components; pedagogical professional and social experience.

    Without special training and knowledge, successful pedagogical creativity is impossible. Only an erudite and specially trained teacher, based on a deep analysis of emerging situations and awareness of the essence of the problem through creative imagination and thought experiment, is able to find new original ways and means of solving it.

    The teacher often has to solve many standard and non-standard pedagogical problems in changing circumstances. In solving these problems, the teacher, like any researcher, organizes his activities in accordance with the general rules of heuristic search: analyzes the pedagogical situation; designs the result in accordance with the initial data; analyzes the available means necessary to test the assumption and achieve the desired result; evaluates the received data; formulates new tasks.

    Consequently, creative pedagogical activity consists of the following stages: the emergence of a plan, its elaboration and transformation into an idea - a hypothesis, the search for a way to implement the plan and idea. Creativity experience is acquired by a teacher under the condition of systematic exercises in solving specially selected problems that reflect pedagogical reality, and the organization of both educational and real professionally oriented activities of future teachers.

    Often the sphere of manifestation of a teacher’s creativity is involuntarily narrowed, reducing it to a non-standard, original solution to pedagogical problems. Meanwhile, the creativity of the teacher is also manifested in solving communicative problems, which serve as a kind of background and basis for pedagogical activity.

    In the sphere of personality, pedagogical creativity manifests itself as the teacher’s self-realization based on self-awareness as a creative individual, as the determination of individual paths for one’s professional growth and the construction of a self-improvement program.

    Levels pedagogical creativity. The following levels of pedagogical creativity are distinguished:

    adjusts his influences according to its results, but he acts “according to a manual,” “according to a template,” based on the experience of other teachers.

    2. Optimization of lesson activities, starting with its planning, when creativity is manifested in a skillful choice and appropriate combination of content, methods and forms of teaching already known to the teacher.

    3. Using the creative possibilities of live communication with students.

    4. The use of ready-made techniques with the introduction of a personal element that corresponds to the creative individuality of the teacher, the personality characteristics of the student, and the specific level of development of the class.

    So, pedagogical creativity in itself is a process that begins with the assimilation of what has already been accumulated (adaptation, reproduction, reproduction of knowledge and experience), moving on to the transformation of existing experience. This is the path from adaptation to the pedagogical situation to its transformation, which is the essence of the dynamics of teacher creativity.

    Creativity is often associated only with advanced pedagogical experience. However, this is not entirely true. Excellence is understood as the high skill of a teacher. His experience may not contain anything new or original, but it can serve as a model for teachers who have not yet mastered teaching skills. In this sense, what the master teacher has achieved represents advanced experience worthy of dissemination. This is typical for the first and second levels of pedagogical creativity.

    The third and fourth levels of pedagogical creativity contain elements of creative search, novelty, originality and usually lead to innovation. It opens up new paths in educational practice and pedagogical science. The consequence can be both partial changes in the content of education and pedagogical technologies, and global transformations in the field of education. Therefore, it is innovative experience that is subject to analysis, generalization and dissemination in the first place.

    Signs of a creative personality. The creative potential of any person, including a teacher, is characterized by a number of personality characteristics, which are called signs of a creative personality. There are various lists of such signs. Some authors highlight the individual’s ability to notice and formulate alternatives, question the obvious at first glance, and avoid superficial formulations; the ability to delve into a problem and at the same time break away from reality and see the future; the ability to abandon the orientation towards authorities; the ability to see a familiar object from a completely new perspective, in a new context; willingness to abandon theoretical judgments, dividing into black and white, to move away from the usual life balance and stability for the sake of uncertainty and search.

    Others consider ease of association (the ability to quickly and freely switch thoughts, the ability to evoke images in the mind and create new combinations from them) to be signs of a creative personality; the ability to make value judgments and critical thinking (the ability to choose one of many alternatives before checking it, the ability to transfer decisions); readiness of memory (mastery of a sufficiently large amount of systematized knowledge, orderliness and dynamism of knowledge) and the ability to generalize and discard the unimportant.

    Conditions for pedagogical creativity. To implement creativity in teaching activities, the following conditions are necessary:

      temporary “compression” of creativity, when there are no large periods of time between tasks and methods of solving them (situation of lack of time, “time pressure”);

      the connection between the teacher’s creativity and the creativity of students and other teachers;

      delay of the result and the need to predict it;

      atmosphere of public speaking;

      the need for constant correlation between standard pedagogical techniques and atypical situations.

    Every teacher transforms pedagogical reality in one way or another, but only a creative teacher actively fights for radical changes and himself is a clear example in this matter.

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    Regardless (and whoever made this game), to its credit, the game is truly great and allows for a lot of fun without players having to put in any special effort.

    Online roulette: its advantages and varieties

    Online roulette is a copy of a similar game in land-based casinos. However, it has a number of advantages over its “relative”. And the most important of them is that you can play online roulette play for free. It is not necessary to spend your savings in order to while away your free time interesting game, you don’t have to put yourself at financial risk to get a dose of adrenaline from gambling. It is advisable to play for money if the thickness of the wallet is unlimited, and also when ultimate meaning The game comes down to moral satisfaction, and not to obtaining a certain amount of winnings.

    Online roulette is also good because the variety of its choice in online casinos does not confuse players, as is possible in real gambling establishments (where the range of this game may be limited) and allows you to saturate the everyday life with bright entertainment.

    Anyone can try their luck in the game roulette online for free. To do this, just open a website with an online casino on the Internet and select the type of roulette you are interested in. At the same time, some virtual casinos provide the opportunity to gamble not only for free, but also without registering on the site.

    It must be said that for many people the word “roulette” evokes associations associated with a spinning wheel, divided into red and black sectors. However, in fact, there are several types of roulettes, the gaming table in which is slightly different. Thus, the game can involve a different number of zero sectors (one, two, or excluding it), the gaming table is supplemented with a special field, etc. The rules of roulette are simple, but depending on its varieties, adjustments are made to them.

    The most popular types of roulette are the European and American versions. The difference between these games lies in the size of the gaming table and the number of “zero” sectors it contains. Thus, European roulette (also considered classic) has one “zero” sector on the playing field, and in American roulette there are two such sectors (“zero” and “double-zero”).

    In some virtual gambling establishments you can find roulette, where the “zero” sector on the gaming table is completely absent - for example, as in Boule roulette. However, the game does not exclude the function of this sector and it is performed by number “five”. Also, the difference between this version of the roulette game and others lies in the features of the gaming table (implying its appearance, total number of sectors and other parameters).

    How to play Roulette online and win?

    Despite the fact that roulette does not have intricate rules, many players ask the question of how to play it. Indeed, in real casinos, the croupier monitors the progress of the game, and he also coordinates the actions of the participants in the gambling game. And roulette transfers these powers into the hands of the player. However, there is no reason to worry about this. Everything is banally simple.

    The meaning of the game remains the same: you need to place bets and spin the Roulette wheel. To place a bet, just use the mouse to select the chip value you are interested in and drag it to one of the available sectors of the gaming table. And to start the Ferris wheel, you just need to press the corresponding button. And although the result of the game is unpredictable, excluding any influence on the part of the player, online roulette has taken an important place among users’ entertainment different countries peace.

    How to win at roulette? This is the second question, and it inevitably follows the first. However, there is no specific answer to it that gives a 100% guarantee of winning. But there are a number of tips that you can follow to get closer happy moment in Game.

    Firstly, you need to familiarize yourself with its rules and terms in a gambling establishment, even if the chosen version of the roulette game is as familiar as the multiplication table. Each virtual casino has the right to add some nuances to the standard rules of gambling entertainment, and ignorance of them can subsequently spoil the mood of the game.

    Secondly, you can use the developed methods and systems for playing roulette by different people. Some of them are based on the theory of large numbers, others recommend changing the bet amount based on the result of the previous move. Each of the existing roulette systems involves its own course of action, but in the end, any of them allows you to win. The most popular systems are Martingale, Whitetaker, Donald-Nathanson and chaos theory. You can find a great variety of them on the Internet (Gütting progression, Karl Alexander system, D'Alembert system, Parlay system, Oscar Grind system and others) and choose the one that you like most.

    Thirdly, you don’t have to bother yourself with building different strategies; you can simply rely on your intuition. Moreover, some people even believe that intuition is much more effective than various systems. To win, you just need to believe in luck and play without thinking about anything. And then the law of attraction will definitely work, sooner or later.

    Of course, the desire of every player to win is understandable. However, a game is a game and the initial goal in it still comes down not to acquiring a reward for victory, but to obtaining moral satisfaction. So, the question “how to win at roulette” is actually a secondary one, and therefore you shouldn’t worry too much about it.

    Online roulette for money and ways to reduce losses from the game

    You can also play roulette for real money. But then you must register in a virtual casino and open a gaming account by making a deposit in any convenient way (through terminals, electronic payment systems, etc.). Only after this can you place real bets, play and get real winnings.

    Of course, playing for money is accompanied by the risk of losing it, but the thrill of this type of gambling entertainment is at its best.

    Often, when playing a serious game, doubts about dishonesty on the part of the gambling establishment creep into your thoughts (and such fears are quite justified). However, it is worth noting that any virtual casino that values ​​its reputation provides players with appropriate guarantees in this regard, one of which is integrity control. As a result, even before starting the game, the player can receive data about the final outcome of the game round in encrypted form and, after its completion, compare the event that occurred with the prediction.

    As already mentioned, there are several types of roulettes. And if earlier, when playing for free, you could not attach importance to one or another advantage of the casino in the game, then when playing roulette for money, the chances of winning should be taken into account. This means that when choosing a game with a solid advantage of the gambling establishment, you should place bets carefully and in small amounts, and in roulette, with a greater prospect of winning, you can take a risk and play for larger amounts. For example, in American roulette the house edge is 5.26%, and in European roulette it is 2.63%. But in any of the game options, it is worth remembering that the casino always wins. And if this were not so, then gambling establishments would have ceased to exist long ago.

    As a result, no matter how you twist the Ferris wheel, losses cannot be avoided. However, there are a number of ways to minimize them.

    First of all, you should clearly define for yourself the acceptable threshold for losing money: the possible amount of losses should not cause damage to the budget. By following this rule and ending the game as soon as the allowable cash limit is exhausted, you can save yourself a lot of trouble.

    Next, you should pay attention to possible “loopholes” in the game. For example, in some types of roulette that involve betting on red/black or even/odd, the player is given the right to “give up”. And by using it, if the “zero” sector appears, the amount of losses is reduced by 2 times.

    In addition, there is the En Prison rule. It may not be that common, but its benefits for players are obvious. The essence of the rule is that when the “zero” sector appears in roulette, the bet made by the player remains in the game, and only the result of the subsequent move makes a verdict on it: a win - the bet made is returned to the player in full (without profit), a loss - the bet given to the casino.

    Experienced players do not recommend betting on numbers 0,1,2,3. In this case, the casino advantage in the game increases sharply and can reach up to 7.89 percent. In their opinion, it is better to bet on certain sectors or make mixed bets.

    It is worth understanding: winning in the game is determined in the long term, and not by the immediate result. Therefore, when moving from a free game to a game for real bets, you need to take this into account and prepare yourself for a long gameplay. In many ways, it will require endurance and control of emotions.

    Where can you play Roulette for free?

    Today, many online virtual casinos offer free gambling, including, of course, roulette. However, the abundance of offers available on the Internet brings confusion and uncertainty to the issue of choosing a gambling establishment. However, there are still casinos whose popularity is undeniable. Some of the most popular casinos are Goldfishka, Russian casino, Grand casino, Europe casino and Vulcan casino.

    The Goldfishka gambling house is convenient because it does not require registration when playing in demo mode, and it is not necessary to provide documents when playing for real bets. You can play the game and receive winnings incognito. You can play in the casino for free, using rubles, dollars, euros, pounds or hryvnia. The casino has been operating since 2002 and contains a huge list of gambling entertainment (over 500 games). As for the game “roulette”, this gambling establishment has 5 varieties: European, French, American, Royale roulette (with jackpot) and multi-wheel European roulette. In French Roulette you have the right to “give up”. All information on the Goldfishka casino website is Russified. The software used in the gambling establishment was developed by Microgaming, a leader in the production of software for online casinos. Therefore, all online gambling games at Goldfishka are of high quality, with stunning graphics. Casino clients are offered various bonuses and have a loyalty program. There are no restrictions on payouts at a gambling establishment and there are not even widespread wagering requirements for bonuses.

    The Europa casino, which also began operations in 2002, is no less attractive for spending time gambling. The list of gambling games here is much smaller than in Goldfishka (over 150), but the pleasure received from spending leisure time in the casino compensates for this small flaw. According to reviews, Casino Europe is one of the gambling establishments where the number of winnings exceeds the number of losses. The software for the gambling establishment was provided by Playtech, one of the top leaders in the production of software for online casinos. The gambling establishment’s website is available for use in several languages ​​(including Russian); you can play either in flash mode or by installing the necessary software on your computer (provided by the casino for free). Players are also provided with various bonuses (including no deposit bonuses), and there is a loyalty system. However, before you can withdraw money, you must wager the bonuses at this casino.

    “Grand casino” came into use among gambling enthusiasts in 2005. Despite the fact that this gambling establishment has a small list of online entertainment, it attracts the eyes of gamblers with its loyal rules and luxurious design of the site’s pages. All information in the casino can be translated into 3 languages, and Russian is among them. Integrity control has been introduced into all games, so casino customers do not have to worry about forgery of game results. As for the software, this gambling establishment uses software from the Globo company. Among the varieties of roulette, there is French roulette, American, European, zero-zero roulette and roulette with a live dealer. The game uses the En Prison rule. You can play for free (in training mode) or for money. At the same time, you can play not only against the casino, but also compete with other players. The Grand casino has a bonus system and its own loyalty program. There are special rooms for VIP players. The peculiarity of the casino is that you can play in it only after registration. In this case, you can either download the casino or download the game in a flash version.

    Despite the fact that the highlight of the Vulcan casino is slot machines, you can also satisfy your interest in playing roulette. True, only one of the varieties of this game is available here, its classic version is European roulette. However, this is the most common and popular version of this gambling game. You can play at the Vulcan slot machines casino without registration. However, some games still require registration at the casino and topping up your gambling account. The gambling establishment is focused on Russian-speaking clients, therefore all information on the site is presented in Russian. The interface is very simple and it won’t be difficult for anyone to figure out what’s what. The gambling establishment has its own bonus system, guarantees of honesty, and unique offers for the most active casino clients.

    The good thing about Russian online casinos is that you can find truly Russian entertainment there, such as the “Samovolochka” slot or “Russian Bathhouse”. However, in addition to this, the gambling establishment also has a number of other advantages: it provides the opportunity to play for free (with chips) and for real money; receiving bonuses is a voluntary decision of each player; The casino contains a decent range of games and much more. The types of roulette available here are: American, French and boules roulette (without zero). When wagering bonuses in the roulette game, only 25% of the bets made are counted. The Russian casino software was developed by Ensis Technologies Inc. You can only play online gambling in your computer browser.

    There are, of course, other casinos worthy of attention, where you can play for free not only roulette, but also slot machines. However, it is not worth listing them all.

    Download online roulette game on the Internet

    If you wish, you can download the Roulette game to your computer. This opportunity is provided by a number of casinos, where software can be downloaded to the hard drive with a certain package of games, including roulette. After downloading and installing the casino software on your computer, you can play roulette online for both chips and real money. Therefore, many people play for free to practice using various systems and make sure they are effective. In the future, an analysis of various techniques will help you develop your strategy for playing online roulette and will allow you to win at it.

    As they say, risk is a noble cause. So take a chance and try your luck by spinning the wheel of fortune - online roulette!

    Basic concepts and characteristics of pedagogical creativity

    The 20th century is characterized by a change in the type of cultural and historical heritage. In a matter of decades, humanity has made a turn from a type of sociocultural heritage that has evolved over centuries and millennia, based on the transfer of a set of past patterns, systems, knowledge and rules, to a new type of sociocultural heritage, within which the main thing was not so much the assimilation of previous recipes, but rather the preparation for mastering methods and the content of knowledge and practice, creative understanding and transformation of reality.

    Creativity is interpreted as a socio-historical phenomenon that arises and develops in the process of interaction between subject and object on the basis of social practice. From a philosophical standpoint creation is the activity of people that transforms the natural and social world in accordance with the goals and needs of man on the basis of objective laws of activity.

    In psychological and pedagogical science, a distinction is made between both the psychology of creativity and the pedagogy of creativity. Under psychology of creativity is understood as a field of knowledge that studies the creation by man of a new, original, useful various fields activities. The focus of psychological scientists is on questions about the structure of creativity, the paths leading to the discovery of new things, the cognitive role of intuition, imagination, foresight, goal setting, and creative activity.

    Pedagogy of creativity– the science of creating innovative theories, systems, technologies of the educational process. Distinctive feature The pedagogy of creativity is humanity and humanism, aimed at the realization and self-realization of the creative “I” concept of the teacher and student.

    The purpose of creativity pedagogy– the formation of a creative personality, which is characterized by a stable, high focus on creativity. A creative person is characterized by a creative style in one or more types of activities, the presence of abilities, motives, knowledge and skills, thanks to which a product is created that is distinguished by novelty, originality, and uniqueness. The study of these personality traits has revealed the important role of imagination, intuition and improvisation - unconscious components of mental activity, as well as the individual’s need for self-actualization, to reveal and expand their creative capabilities. The most important role in the process of forming such a personality belongs to teachers.

    In modern conditions, a creative teacher is a researcher who has the following personal qualities: scientific psychological and pedagogical thinking, high level pedagogical excellence, a certain research courage, developed pedagogical intuition, critical analysis, the need for professional self-education and the reasonable use of advanced pedagogical experience. All these qualities characterize the teacher’s readiness to organize professional creative activities.

    Researcher of the problem of creativity N.M. Shakirova understands the teacher’s readiness to organize creative activity as the formation of the corresponding qualities and personality traits, namely:

    – awareness of oneself as a creative individual, the presence of creative activity, independence;

    – needs for creative interaction with students;

    – the presence of knowledge, skills, experience in organizing the process of cognition, work, communication as a creative activity.

    It is also assumed that the teacher-educator has a set of creative abilities and research skills, among which an important place is occupied by organizational abilities, initiative, activity, perseverance, attention and observation, the art of thinking outside the box, a rich imagination, a research approach to the analysis of teaching and educational situations and creative solution pedagogical tasks, independence of judgments and conclusions, emotional and volitional qualities.

    The development of the individual in the personality is directly proportional to the improvement of the creator within it. Creative individuality is considered as the highest characteristic of professional creativity. It includes intellectual and creative initiative, intellectual abilities, breadth and depth of knowledge, sensitivity to contradictions, a tendency to creative doubt (“doubt everything”), the ability to experience internal creative struggle, information hunger, a sense of novelty, something unusual in a problem, professionalism, thirst knowledge.

    The creative individuality of the teacher’s personality is realized in the enrichment of human culture, in the improvement of the surrounding world, the transformation of the psychological and pedagogical process and personality, in the discovery of new technologies and original technological processes, the implementation of emotional culture, empathy and identification, in the development of the subconscious or unconscious personality structure, pedagogical intuition and imagination, in self-development based on self-determination, freedom, in personal self-expression, the formation of creativity and individual style of professional activity.

    The professional creativity of a teacher covers all aspects of his activity, the development of strategies and tactics of teaching work aimed at solving the problems of versatile and harmonious development of students’ personality, including the preparation of various forms of the educational process.

    Pedagogical creativity- this is an activity that is distinguished by qualitatively new approaches to the organization of the educational process in an educational institution and forms a highly erudite, from the point of view modern science, a creatively thinking person. The main features of pedagogical creativity, as well as creativity in general, are:

    – creation of a new one or significant improvement of a known one;

    – originality, uniqueness of the product of activity, its results;

    – the relationship between creativity and self-creativity, self-creation, that is, a creative person constantly works on himself and on creating something new.

    IN AND. Andreev identified various types of creative abilities and, based on them, the characteristics of a creative type of personality. According to his typology, the profession of a teacher belongs to the block of professions “artist” along with the professions of a sculptor, writer, and musician. Thus, the profession of a teacher emphasizes the aspect of one’s own creativity, creative understanding surrounding reality. Pedagogical activity is a fusion of science and art, and both of these components always involve creativity.

    Many teachers paid attention to the fact that a creative, research character is inherent in pedagogical activity: Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalozzi, A. Disterweg, K.D. Ushinsky, P.P. Blonsky, S.T. Shatsky, A.S. Makarenko, V.A. Sukhomlinsky. The relevance of a teacher’s ability to make prompt, flexible decisions in the context of a multivariate pedagogical process is emphasized by a number of modern teachers and psychologists: B.S. Gershunsky, V.I. Zagvyazinsky, V.A. Kan-Kalikom, V.V. Kraevsky, V.A. Slastenin and others.

    P.P. Blonsky in his work “Tasks and Methods of the New Public School” wrote: “At school there should be as much room as possible for the personal creativity of the teacher: a precisely regulated program, textbook and question-and-answer form of teaching depersonalize the teacher. Let us turn lessons into a shared life between the teacher and the children... let our new school of thought, humanity and poetry for the child be a complete school human life and living cultural creativity and for the teacher.”

    P.F. wrote about the creative nature of pedagogical activity. Kapterev: “...the activity of a teacher is a complex activity, it contains elements of both purely scientific, objective, and purely personal, creative elements of pedagogical art and talent. The basis of a teacher’s activity is scientific knowledge - science in general, his special subject, related subjects, his methodology, children. The wider and more thorough the teacher’s knowledge, the more fruitful his work will be. But on this objective basis, the teacher must become an artist: he must rework the method, make it his property and tool, and be able to endlessly modify it, adapting it to different children, with different training and unique natural properties. Therefore, a truly good teacher cannot be a slave to either programs or methods; he must always remain a free and independent figure.”

    A similar judgment was expressed about the role of creativity in the activities of a teacher A.S. Makarenko: “The system of means itself can never be a dead and frozen norm; it always changes and develops, if only because the child grows, enters new stages of social and personal development, our country grows and changes.”

    Creativity always means the emergence of something new. As a result of creativity, discovery, invention and creation arise. Opening - comprehension of something new that exists objectively. Invention– a qualitative transformation of what is available so that something new appears that can be effectively used in practice. Creation – activity in which, through creative effort and labor, something is given existence, something is brought to life.

    A characteristic of pedagogical activity may include the emergence of discoveries, but this is rarely observed in the field of education. Invention is a more common occurrence in pedagogical creativity, although it can rarely be assessed as a completely new formation. To characterize the creative nature of pedagogical activity, the concept of “creation” is most adequately applicable. A teacher-educator, through truly creative efforts and work, brings to life the potential capabilities of a student, pupil, and creates conditions for the development and improvement of a unique personality.

    Let us give an example of a teacher’s creative, non-standard approach to solving emerging problems from the experience of Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation N.M. Khomutovskaya. In the 5th gymnasium class of laboratory school No. 1026 in Moscow, where there was a very “strong” composition of children, Stas Ch., the son of a teacher, studied primary classes. Mathematics was difficult for him. The teacher noticed the disrespectful attitude of his classmates and their disparaging statements towards him. She talked with the boy about his hobbies, found out that in the summer he helped his grandfather work on a combine harvester, and there was even a video of his work. Natalya Mikhailovna decided to show strengths personality of Stas to his classmates: all the guys in the lesson in the class watched a video film, and then wrote a miniature essay “Oh, yes Stas!..” After this incident, several children immediately began to help Stas Ch. in mathematics, and after a while the whole class was happy first successes.

    Another example from the experience of laboratory school No. 1026. Lessons on journeys into a fairy tale are typical for primary school. A fragment of a mathematics lesson in the 2nd grade, working according to the developmental education system by D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov, teacher L.N. Petrova shows the teacher’s creative approach to the learning process. At the beginning of the lesson, the teacher tells the children: “Today we will not just study, but go on a journey through a fairy tale. A fairy tale is magic, and the magic begins. Close your eyes and count to yourself to 10...” At this lesson, Little Red Riding Hood comes to visit the children - one of the students in the class dressed up as her. Little Red Riding Hood says to the children: “I’m going to grandma, bringing a pie and a pot of butter. My path is long, this is what it is (she opens the board, on the board there is a “road” consisting of 29 cells). One cell is my step. How many steps do I need to walk? Children count the cells - 29. Little Red Riding Hood is surprised: “Oh, what is this number? (Points to number 9). I can only count up to 6. The teacher invites the children to help Little Red Riding Hood and count in the six-digit system. Then - in quaternary, since it turns out that her grandmother can only count to 4.

    A magician comes to the lesson, inviting the children to fill in the magic squares, then Piglet. Piglet asks the guys to help him: “I’m going to the donkey’s birthday, bringing him balloons. Look (hangs paper balloons with examples written on them on the board), guys, there’s something written on them, but I don’t know what.” The children work actively in the lesson, unnoticed by learning educational material.

    The creative nature of pedagogical activity is also confirmed by the fact that a competently made pedagogical decision in its organization complies with all the rules of heuristics that guide the researcher in his activities: 1) analysis of the pedagogical situation (diagnosis) → 2) design of the result in comparison with the initial data (forecast) → 3) analysis of available tools suitable for testing the assumption that the desired result has been achieved, → 4) design and implementation of the educational process → 5) assessment and interpretation of the data obtained → 6) formulation of new tasks.

    Criteria for pedagogical creativity:

    – the presence of deep and comprehensive knowledge and its critical processing and comprehension;

    – the ability to translate theoretical and methodological principles into pedagogical actions;

    – ability for self-improvement and self-education;

    – development of new methods, forms, techniques and means and their original combination;

    – dialecticity, variability, changeability of the system of activity;

    – effective use of existing experience in new conditions;

    – the ability to reflectively evaluate one’s own activities and their results;

    – formation of an individual style of professional activity based on the combination and development of standard and individually unique personality traits of a teacher;

    – ability to improvise based on knowledge and intuition;

    – the ability to see a “fan of options.”

    Pedagogical improvisation – this is an action during the pedagogical process that arises in response to an unexpected situation when consciousness and reproduction coincide in time. Improvisation is possible if the teacher has fundamental knowledge, quick reaction, developed imagination and intuition, and the ability to instantly recreate the decision made as if everything had been foreseen and prepared in advance. Intuition – subtle understanding, penetration into the very essence of something without detailed logical justification. The ability to intuition is formed on the basis of knowledge, experience, developed reflection and empathy.

    IN AND. Zagvyazinsky names the following specific features of pedagogical creativity.

    Strict time limit. The teacher makes decisions in immediate response situations: lessons every day, unforeseen situations every minute, every hour, communication with children constantly. The teacher can compare his plan with its implementation only in episodic, momentary situations, and not with the final result due to its remoteness and focus on the future.

    In pedagogical creativity, the emphasis is placed only on a positive result. Such methods of testing a hypothesis as proof by contradiction, bringing an idea to the point of absurdity, are contraindicated in the work of a teacher.

    Pedagogical creativity is always co-creation with children, colleagues.

    A significant part of pedagogical creativity is carried out in public, in a public setting. This requires the teacher to be able to manage his mental states, quickly evoke creative inspiration in yourself and your students.

    The subject of pedagogical creativity is specific - the emerging personality; the instrument is the personality of the teacher, the process itself is complex, multifactorial, multi-level, based on the mutual creativity of partners; the result is a certain level of development of the personality of the person being educated.

    N.D. Nikandrov and V.A. Kan-Kalik identified three areas of a teacher’s creative activity: methodological creativity, communicative creativity (interaction with children), creative self-education.

    Methodical creativity associated with the ability to comprehend and analyze emerging pedagogical situations, select and build an adequate methodological model. It includes the design of content and methods of influence, adaptation of existing methods and pedagogical systems to the personality characteristics of both the student and the teacher.

    Communicative creativity is realized in the construction of pedagogically appropriate and effective communication, in interaction with students, in the ability to get to know children, and to carry out psychological self-regulation.

    Creative self-education involves awareness of oneself as a specific creative individual, determination of one’s professional and personal qualities that require further improvement and adjustment. Creative self-education also involves the development of a long-term program of self-improvement in a system of continuous self-education.

    the main task modern education consists in mastering by specialists the methodology of creative transformation of the world. The creative process includes, first of all, the discovery of new things: new objects, new knowledge, new problems, new ways to solve them.

    Learning cannot be reduced only to the acquisition of knowledge and skills; it is a means to achieve one’s highest purpose, self-actualization and self-expression in creativity (A. Maslow, 1999).

    Despite the great diversity of opinions about what creativity is, everyone agrees on one thing: the result of a creative act is always something new. Questions arise: “How is creativity born?”; “Is it possible to teach a person creativity?”; “Why is the activity of one extremely productive and assessed as creative, while the other turns out to be capable only of reproductive labor?”

    The creative activity of students helps to identify their personal qualities, such as activity, responsibility, independence, a creative approach to business, the level of intellectual development, the ability to clearly express their thoughts, etc.

    There are many factors that suggest a creative approach to the learning process itself (studying the sciences themselves, teachers’ research, etc.). Direct teaching of creativity is not possible, but only the creation of conditions that stimulate creative activity is possible. The creative nature of learning is largely determined by the way knowledge is obtained: knowledge creatively recreated; knowledge rediscovered by man himself; knowledge that remained formal, alien, foreign to him.

    The task of teaching is to find educational material that would involve the student in a specific activity that has a goal in his eyes ( great importance, interest). It is necessary to find typical types of activities, the results of which are truly interesting to students, and which cannot be performed mechanically. The learner truly learns only when he understands the role of the truths being learned in obtaining the results of activities that are important to him (J. Dewey, 2000).

    In Ancient India, the process of transmitting the personal creative qualities of a teacher was not limited to transmitting information to the student. Creativity was associated with a special state of individual consciousness. This state of consciousness is characterized by the inexpressibility of thoughts in verbal form. As soon as a thought takes on a verbal form, it becomes fixed, stable, goes beyond the limits of individuality, is socialized, thereby establishing the limit of individual creativity, during which only the achievement of new meaning and knowledge is possible.

    Cognition is considered as the acquisition of new knowledge through a creative act of intuition. In teaching, the creative transfer of the qualities of the teacher to the student was pursued. It was this - the creative personality of the teacher - that was the content that was passed on from generation to generation. Understanding creativity in Eastern culture is closely related to intuition, which is irrational in nature. How is it possible to teach intuition, and therefore creativity, and is it even possible? In the East, it is believed that intuitive abilities are just a matter of developing them.

    There are a number of known factors that influence the formation of students’ creative potential:

    1. self-confidence, in the ability to solve the problem;
    2. the desire for independence in choosing goals, objectives and ways to solve them;
    3. arousal of positive emotions (joy, surprise, experience of success, etc.), stimulating the creative process;
    4. formation of critical thinking and sensitivity to contradictions; tendency to fantasize and develop imagination;
    5. the use of teaching methods that stimulate the attitude towards independent discovery of new knowledge (S.D. Pinchuk, 2004).

    Creativity is one of the most natural forms of realizing the need for search. Along with it, there are other motives for creativity - the need for self-affirmation, recognition by other members of society, etc. For the creativity of gifted people, the very search for something new, due to psychophysiological laws, brings great satisfaction. Creative is any activity during which a search for problems and solutions is carried out; Creative is also an activity that takes the subject beyond the existing paradigms. The transformation of activity into creative activity will be facilitated by the formation in the subject of certain U and N, abilities of a creative nature. Such creative skills and abilities can be considered the skills and abilities of analysis, comparison, evaluation and self-esteem, creative search and critical perception. It is difficult to teach creativity, but it is within the teacher’s power to purposefully form and develop certain Us and Ns that open the way to a creative breakthrough.

    A student is a person with a pure soul, open to the new and unknown. The task of the teacher is to use and develop methods and technologies aimed at the formation and improvement of creative skills and knowledge, the development of creative abilities and, ultimately, the formation of a creatively oriented personality, taking into account the results of diagnostics of its individual characteristics (L.N. Kolesnikova, 2004).

    A creative approach to the work performed is not possible without widespread mobilization and correct application of accumulated knowledge, a comprehensive analysis of current information, and a comparison of options for its use. The formation of creative potential is facilitated by the appropriate organization of the educational process:

    • problem-based learning,
    • ability to establish interdisciplinary connections,
    • nurturing a creative attitude to the study of disciplines,
    • the ability to highlight the main points and critically comprehend the completed educational material,
    • development of students' abilities, skills and abilities of analysis, synthesis, generalization, classification,
    • ability to evaluate practical situations.

    Introducing students to their profession, activating interest and passion for the future professional activity develop in the process of involving students in research, which significantly expands their horizons and scientific level, improving the quality of training of specialists. Consequently, the most important condition for the development of a student’s creativity is collaboration with the teacher. research activities. During the training period, everyone must receive U and N research work, independently work on scientific topic and participate in collective research work, in the work of the SSS (O.A. Chernova, 2004).

    Many teachers point out that their work cannot be reduced to certain patterns; it involves creativity.

    According to S.L. Rubinstein, creativity is a human activity that creates new material and spiritual values ​​that have social significance.

    Creativity presupposes that an individual has knowledge, abilities, and motives, thanks to which a product is created that is distinguished by novelty, originality, and uniqueness.

    The development of real creative possibilities, according to I.Ya. Lerner, involves learning to independently transfer acquired knowledge to a new situation, to see in familiar conditions a new function of a familiar object, a new structure of an object, an alternative method of solution, a new method from among the known ones.

    When exploring the creative abilities of an individual and the educational and creative activities of students, they pay attention to the presence of contradictions and barriers standing in their way.

    From point of view systematic approach IN AND. Andreev (1988) we can distinguish 3 groups of contradictions in the development of an individual’s creative abilities:

    1. socio-pedagogical contradictions between social processes in society and the development of the pedagogical system;
    2. the actual pedagogical contradictions that arise in the pedagogical system itself;
    3. personal (psychological) contradictions that reflect the development of an individual’s creative abilities.

    A.M. Matyushkin (1993) points out 3 main contradictions:

    1. the contradiction between what the student knows and can do and what he is capable of in the process of solving creative problems; the student needs to update the experience of reconstructing knowledge, mobilize creative abilities and help from the teacher in order for the curriculum to be solved;

    2. the contradiction between subject teaching and the need for systematic application of scientific knowledge in the context of solving a creative problem;

    3. a contradiction that arises when organizing collective educational activities, when it is necessary to realize group interests and individual interests of the individual of each student, because uniform pedagogical requirements, including creative tasks, cannot be fulfilled by all students with the same result.

    The normativity of requirements and creativity in education illustrate the unity of opposites, in which normative knowledge serves as the basis for the creative process. However, stereotypes lead to a struggle between normativity and creativity, in which normativity and standard often win, but in the end they lose in efficiency and effectiveness. The content of education should combine knowledge and elements of creativity.

    The formation of a student’s creative personality is fundamentally contradictory. Theoretical analysis of pedagogical contradictions allows us to find psychological and pedagogical approaches and strategies for resolving these contradictions and, thereby, formulate the corresponding principles of creativity pedagogy.

    Pedagogy of creativity is the science of the pedagogical system of two types of activities: pedagogical education and self-education of the individual for the purpose of the comprehensive and harmonious development of creative abilities, both as an individual and as a team.

    Creativity in the pedagogical process is manifested through the development of students’ creative abilities and is formed through the organization of their search activities.

    Students’ educational and creative activities are solution-oriented educational problems, creative tasks and assignments. Educational and creative activity is a pedagogically controlled activity, carried out primarily on the basis of indirect and long-term management. The success of educational and creative activity often depends not so much on the level of development of formal-personal, but on heuristic, intuitive methods of intellectual activity (E.I. Belous, 2004).

    Currently, the basic principles of Torrance’s creativity pedagogy have been updated:

    1. recognition of previously unrecognized or unexploited opportunities,
    2. respecting the student’s desire to work independently,
    3. the ability to refrain from interfering in the process of creative activity,
    4. providing the student with freedom to choose the area of ​​application of forces and methods of achieving the goal,
    5. individual application curriculum depending on the characteristics of the students,
    6. creating conditions for the concrete implementation of ideas,
    7. providing opportunities to contribute to the common cause of the group,
    8. encouraging work on projects proposed by the trainees themselves,
    9. eliminating any pressure on students,
    10. emphasizing the positive value of individual differences,
    11. respect for the potential of those lagging behind,
    12. demonstration of enthusiasm,
    13. creating situations in which more successful students work with weaker students,
    14. searching for possible points of contact between the ideal and the real,
    15. approval of the results of students’ activities in any area in order to encourage a desire to test themselves in other types of activities,
    16. providing authoritative assistance to students who express opinions different from others and who are experiencing pressure from their peers (S.I. Samygin, L.D. Stolyarenko, 2003).

    Consequently, the organization of the principles of creativity pedagogy in the educational process creates a creative atmosphere in educational institution, “impregnating” all teaching methods with elements of creativity and providing an innovative approach to the implementation of secondary education.