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English language topics for beginners. Topics in English

TOPICS IN ENGLISH are short texts on a specific topic. Here you will find original English topics on a number of topics.

Why do you need English topics? Working with topics is a very useful activity, since, mainly, a topic is always tailored to a specific topic, i.e. is full of relevant vocabulary that you can write down and learn for your own further use. Educators love to get students to work with topics, often encouraging them to create their own topic texts.

On this page, publication of topics on English language, the collection of which will be regularly updated. Here you can find a ready-made topic, learn it by heart, or use it as a basis for composing your own statement.

Topic About Myself

Topic for those who need to learn how to talk about themselves, their character traits, interests and life in general.

Topic My Family

This topic will help you learn how to talk about your family members: describe their age, hobbies, personality traits.

Topic Home

Learn to talk about your home: characteristics of the house, description of the interior, actions around the house - this and much more in this topic.

Topic My Working Day

Topic about a personal working day. What time does the working day start, how does it go, what do you have to do during the working day - all the necessary aspects are covered in this topic.

Topic My Day Off

My Day Off is a topic that talks about ways to spend your free time (staying at home, meeting friends, visiting theaters, etc.). If you need to learn how to talk about how you spend your weekends, then this topic will be of great help to you.

Topic My Household Chores

This topic is dedicated to doing household chores. You will learn to describe your daily household activities: sweeping the floor, washing and ironing clothes, tidying up the room and much more in this topic in English.

Topic My School

Topic for those who need to make a message about their school in English. You will learn phrases to describe appearance building and its interior decoration. You will learn to talk about academic subjects and schedule, as well as frequently performed activities at school.

Topic My Favorite Subjects at School

Do you need to talk about your favorite subjects and explain why you like them? No problem! In this topic you will find detailed description school subjects and arguments in their favor.

Topic Professions and Careers

Choosing a profession and future career - difficult choice. If you want to learn how to talk about this topic in English, then use this topic. This topic is filled with both general phrases and vocabulary that you can use to describe specific professions.

Topic Friends and Friendship

Learn to describe people, in particular your boyfriend or girlfriend. Appearance, character traits, habits and hobbies - all this is in this topic.

Topic Trips an Journeys

The topic is dedicated to trips and travel. Learn to talk about the delights of travel, ways of traveling, benefits various types transport and other things.

Topic Shops and Shopping

Being able to communicate on a shopping topic seems very important, since every day we are faced with the need to buy something. In our topic you will find useful vocabulary on the topic of visiting stores and purchasing goods.

Topic Seasons of the Year and the Weather

We learn to talk about the weather: we describe weather phenomena, characterize the climate, express our personal attitude to the weather. The topic is saturated with weather thematic vocabulary and is useful for all English language learners.

Top Hollidays

Our life would be much boring and uninteresting if it were not for the holidays. You are invited to get acquainted with the topic, which describes the most popular holidays that are celebrated by people all over the world.

Topic Sport

Learn to talk about sports: the benefits of playing sports, the advantages of various sports, sports competitions and much more are covered in this topic.

Topic My Favorite Writers

The topic is dedicated to your favorite English-speaking (English and American) and Russian writers - Charles Dickens, Ernest Hemingway, Fyodor Dostoevsky.

Great Britain topic

This topic contains brief general geographical and sociocultural information about the UK.

What is a “topic”? The word “topic” came into Russian from the English word “topic”, which means “topic”. In Russian, the concept of “topic in English” can be interpreted as “an essay or story in English.” Therefore, topics in English are in different topics will be useful for both schoolchildren and students.

In this section we have collected examples of school and university assignments in English about yourself, your family, your country, your pets, your favorite music and hobbies.

Such stories are good for developing thinking in English and English speech and prepare for .

We have provided each topic with a small dictionary - in English words with translation into Russian on a given topic. We hope that our English language topics with translation will help you in learning and improving the language.

Choosing a profession in our time is a very important direction. For some it is a calling, for others it is just a job. One of the popular topics for essays in English is “My profession is an engineer.” In this article we will look at an English topic about your future profession...

It is very important to be able to talk about yourself in English, especially if you are applying for a job or want your English-speaking colleagues or friends to know more about you. A story about yourself in English (about myself) is initially built on a certain “template”, around...

Although almost no one writes paper letters anymore, Email- a great way to communicate. Imagine that your friend is in a place where the Internet is only a few hours a day, and you won’t be able to communicate via instant messengers. Do you understand what is necessary...

Recently, the problem of environmental pollution has become acute. It is raised in schools and universities. In particular, they are asked to write an essay on the topic of environmental protection in English. Therefore, English topics on ecology are very popular...

Here is a collection of topics and essays on the English language (short thematic stories). All topics are grouped according to relevant topics.

Topics, essays on topics:

  • My life (91)

    Essays of a personal nature, stories about yourself, your family, pastimes, vacations, hobbies, best friends. All the topics in this section in one way or another relate directly to the personality of the narrator.

  • Books (29)

    This section contains stories on the topics of books read, the general importance of literature and reading in human life. There are essays on such topics as “My favorite book”, “Books in my life”, etc.

  • Geography: cities and countries of the world (220)

    This section is entirely devoted to the description of geographical objects, cities, countries, continents. Here you can find information about their features political structure, history of development, economics and culture.

  • Education (28)

    Topics on topics of learning English, features of education in a particular country, education in schools and universities. All essays in this section are devoted to educational topics.

  • Environmental problems, climate pollution, the impact of human activity on environment- topics on these and other similar topics are collected in this section.

  • Biographies (92)

    Here are collected stories in English about the biographies of great people, their scientific discoveries and inventions, about how their creativity influenced the future of humanity.

  • Art: painting, music, poetry (44)

    Essays and topics in English about culture, art, painting, music and cinema. It also contains stories about famous museums and exhibition galleries in our country and abroad.

  • Holidays and traditions (44)

    Stories about what holidays exist and how they are celebrated in different countries of the world. Features of national traditions and cultures.

  • Professions and career (18)

    Essays in English about choosing a profession and career. Here are collected topics on topics such as "My future profession", "Employment", etc.

  • Media (32)

    This section contains texts about the means mass media: television, newspapers, radio, Internet. Issues of censorship, professional ethics, advantages and disadvantages of the media are discussed.