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Tibetan parapsychology. Parapsychology - what is it? Creation of the Parapsychology Association

Very ancient times through indirect clairvoyance they could receive information about events currently occurring at a great distance. Sometimes such a phenomenon arose spontaneously and unexpectedly, but precisely at that moment of communication or contact with an object or subject carrying an “information trace-memory”.

For example, a person could pick up an object given to him by a friend, and suddenly, lost in thought, vividly, like in a movie, see his friend and the whole situation around him, although the friend at that moment is in a completely different city.

The function of remote biocommunication itself is specific to humans, although in the animal world it can be performed by a special sense organ. In humans, this function is performed by the brain, which, as we already noted in the chapter on the structure of the Universe, is capable of creating “shapes-images” from the field and wave components of matter. This means that it is the biophysical fields and radiations of the brain that are the physical material factor that, together with the “form-image,” provides a person with remote communication. This statement is in good agreement with the principles of quantum mechanics, according to which particles scattering from a certain center, having a wave structure, are included in one wave packet and form a single whole, and if you influence one of these particles, then the other particle, as it were, no matter how far it is from the first one, it will experience the results of such an influence, thus the effect of “particle telepathy” arises. This phenomenon has been strictly proven physical phenomenon, as well as the fact that the human brain is characterized precisely by quantum mechanical and thought-forming holographic phenomena.

All this allows us to assert that wave and image-field phenomena occurring in the brains of all people are the basis of the remote process of information transfer, which in ancient times was called “magic”, and now “telepathy”. The physical laws we have given allow a person to be in one place and above those structures of the recipient’s brain that are responsible for remote biocommunication, and are also largely responsible for the recipient’s behavior and the regulation of his most important somatic functions. So, having mastered the ability for indirect clairvoyance, or the ability to “see” at a distance with the help of some objects or people, they move on to consolidating and developing the skills of direct clairvoyance.

Direct clairvoyance is the ability to receive direct visual and other information about any object or person that is beyond the reach of ordinary senses - sight, hearing, smell, etc. Moreover, the information is received as if you were present directly at the scene of the incident. That is, you see, hear, feel, etc. everything. Ability for direct clairvoyance, clairaudience, etc. may be congenital or acquired. For some people this may happen spontaneously, unexpectedly and very rarely, while for some people this phenomenon happens frequently. But there are also people who have mastered this ability by training using the methods of SC science.

Direct clairvoyance is most often found in individuals who are attuned to an object or person. For example, between twin people, between a wife and an absent husband, between a mother and an absent son, etc.

1) “liberation” through compliance with moral rules and monastic regulations;

2) intellectual method, free from any restrictions, it is called padmananhava (straight path).
The first path is purity, good deeds and mercy, detachment from material interests, serenity and peace of mind - these are the virtues developed by monastic life.

The main motives that led them to the straight path are as follows:
1) the desire to get an answer to philosophical problems, in their opinion, in books this is not completely true or incorrect;

4) comprehension of the truth that all good deeds taken together are powerless to “free” us from the prison of the world and from our own “I”, the desire to comprehend the secret of nirvana;

5) the curiosity of semi-skeptics with the intention of independently learning the wonderful secrets of the mystical path.
Adherents of the straight path give great importance various degrees of initiation.

Typically, training looks like this: a guru or lama arranges a probationary period for the student, then explains several philosophical books, studies several symbolic diagrams (kiilkhor) and on their basis teaches methodical meditation. Next, they draw up a spiritual development program and follow it.

This program includes three options:

Option I: 1) tava - look, study; 2) gompa - think, reflect; 3) tiapa - completion and result of the two previous exercises.
Option II: 1) tene - look for the meaning, the meaning of everything that exists; 2) lab - study both in detail, 3) gom - think, reflect on what is open; 4) toge - to understand.
Option III involves improving the spirit in the following sequence: 1) read as many religious and philosophical books as possible; listen as often as possible to sermons and speeches by scientists and mentors professing a wide variety of truths and theories; try all kinds of self-improvement methods on yourself; 2) from all the studied doctrines, choose one, discarding the estal ones, like an eagle planning its prey from a whole flock; 3) live modestly and not try to get ahead; have a sincere appearance; do not attract attention; do not strive to be equal to the greats of this world, but under the guise of insignificance, to raise your spirit high and be immeasurably higher than the glory and honors of earthly; 4) be indifferent to everything, not choose the best of what is given to you; not to make the slightest effort to receive anything or to refuse it, etc.; accept what befalls your lot - wealth or poverty, praise or contempt; stop distinguishing between virtue and vice, the valiant and the vulgar, good and evil; never grieve, never repent, never indulge in regrets, no matter what happens, on the other hand, never rejoice at anything, rejoice or be proud of anything; 5) fearlessly and detachedly observe the struggle of opinions and the varied activities of living beings; think: “This is the nature of things, the way of life of various individuals”; contemplate the world like a person looking from the highest peak at the mountains and valleys below; 6) this stage cannot be written. It is identical to the concept of “emptiness” (in accordance with the Tibetan formula - “Animate beings are devoid of personality - “ego”; in a general sense, the concept of “emptiness” can be understood as the absence of “ego”).

Several notes should be made regarding Tibetan psychotechnics of spiritual training:

various methods.

The development program is carried out in a special reclusive room - tsham. There are several types of tsham (reclusion) according to the degree of isolation. The recluse is called "tsham-pa"; He eats once a day (sometimes he is served tea several times a day). Special reclusive caves are called “tsang-khang”, have the shape of houses, and if they are located in the mountains, they are called “rita”. There should be a rock behind the rita, in front there should be a view of a mountain lake or in an image, others are different from it. There are often four such created images, but in some types of meditation they number in the hundreds or innumerable numbers. After the images of these various deities surrounding the central figure become very distinct, little by little, one after another, they “dissolve” into it. She finds herself alone again and then begins to blur. First the legs disappear, and then slowly and gradually the whole body dissipates. Finally, the head disappears, and only a point remains of the entire figure. It can be dark, colored or brightly glowing (depending on the spiritual development of the students). As a result, the point approaches and enters the student immersed in meditation. It is necessary to note which part of the body the point is absorbed.

So, the point released from the student’s body is removed, turns into a head, then the whole body appears, other forms arise from it, are again absorbed by the central figure, and the illusion is repeated in the same order as many times as the teacher recommends.

5) Of the many exercises for developing the ability to concentrate consciousness, two are especially popular:

a) carefully observe the continuous activity of consciousness, without trying to interfere with it;

b) delay the chaotic work of consciousness and fix it to concentrate thoughts on only one subject.

These exercises are designed solely to create the habit of concentrating consciousness and are not intended to induce a hypnotic state, as some believe. In addition to “casinas,” they practice attracting any bright objects.

6) This exercise in concentration of thought involves choosing a landscape, for example, a garden. His
contemplate, observe in all details, remember growing various flowers, their groupings; trees, the inherent shape of each branch, leaves, and so on - the whole garden in detail. Having created for themselves a clear idea of ​​the garden, when they “see” it very clearly and with their eyes closed, they begin to mentally eliminate various details from the combination of features that make it up, one by one. Gradually, the flowers lose color and shape and crumble. Even the remaining dust from them dissipates. Trees lose their leaves, their branches shrink, as if they are entering the trunk. The trunk becomes thinner and turns into a simple line.

The last four concentration exercises (three in paragraph 5 and one in paragraph 6) are classic for Buddhism and are called “objectless meditation.” These exercises lead to the destruction of the concept of the world of form and matter. One gradually comprehends pure and boundless space, an understanding of the infinity of consciousness, and, finally, a feeling of the sphere of “emptiness” is achieved, where there is neither consciousness nor the absence of consciousness.
To achieve this “special state of consciousness” - “working background” - there are many other psychotechnical methods.

Sometimes a “working background” is achieved as a result of painstaking introspection or turning off the activity of the mind, or research and reflection on the phenomena of the external world. Finally, there are people who fall into a similar state suddenly, without any preparation, regardless of the place where they are and the business they are busy with at that moment.

7) Another common exercise in the training of mystic monks is the contemplation of an object. You need to concentrate entirely on it so that you not only see nothing but it, but also don’t think about anything else. Gradually, the sense of your personality is lost, and the student begins to identify himself with the contemplated object. But under no circumstances should we stop there! Having turned into a contemplated object, i.e. Having already experienced special specific sensations, which may be a consequence of its shape, size and other properties, one must contemplate oneself from the outside, as an object of the external world. For example, a student who has chosen a tree as an object of contemplation forgets his human nature and feels his body as a hard, unbending tree trunk with branches, feels the vibration of the branches, their movement hidden in the roots vitality, circulation of juices, etc.

The Chinese sect (Chan) has a similar method. A phrase is given for reflection: “Here a cloud of dust rises above the ocean and the roar of the waves reaches the earth.” The doctrine of Chan is “the art of contemplating North Star in another hemisphere." Here the teacher also guides the “liberation” of the student’s consciousness with the help of paradoxes. It removes from him faith in ideas, concepts, feelings that are usually recognized as true, and does not allow him to replace them with a new faith in the paradoxical ideas proposed by the teacher. It is argued that both those and others are nothing more than “relativity” or even just illusions (or simply reality itself, which does not have a human semantic aspect and subjective-objective relations).

When asked by a teacher in Tibet: “The flag flutters in the wind. What's moving? Wind or flag? - follows the classic answer: “Neither the wind nor the flag - consciousness is in motion” (the action of this 8th exercise increases the temperature at the point where consciousness is located). The degree of concentration is tested by the ability to hold a bowl of oil or water on your head for a long time. Or carry a cup of water filled to the top without spilling a drop.

9) Classic Tibetan spiritual training. Tibetan spiritual teachers consider the previous exercises only auxiliary, like all Indian Raja Yoga and Mantrism brought to them, considering them superstitions. The exercise given below aims to prove that “the entire Universe is just a mirage. Everything exists only in consciousness, is born from it and dies in it.”

So, the student is isolated in a special room, a magic circle (kiilkhor) is drawn, a figurine of a deity (“infam”) is placed in the center of the circle and forced to meditate, fixing consciousness on the figurine until a clearly visible deity appears in the center of the circle, then As training progresses, the deity comes to life and can move and engage in conversations. During training, the student eats once a day and sleeps little. Having achieved the indicated effect, he receives a high patron in his further activities and no longer needs a teacher.

Chinese technology development

1) Having mastered the psychotechnical methods of the previous stages, the student begins to master higher psychotechnical methods that allow him to solve the problem of entering the Unmanifested. Psychotechnical methods are based on the transformation of sexual energy with the aim of separating it and obtaining in its pure form a psychoenergetic hologram of the genetic code (PHGC).

Using special psychotechnical methods, a psychoenergetic hologram of the brain (PGM) is removed, then the PGGC, PGM and energy of the UPPV are combined into one structural education and create a psychoenergetic double (PD) of the student. After the “heavenly passage” is opened, special psychotechnics are used to enter the PE space.

With special regulated breathing and exercises, sexual energy (SE) is stimulated and, turning it in the opposite direction, it is temporarily accumulated in swad-histhana, then it is accumulated by concentrating specifically on the PE center of this complex. The PE center of the svadhis-thana complex has many names, we will list only the most common: “lower dantian”, “center of gravity”, “lower hot stove”, “seat of water”, “lower region of desire”, “house of water”, “cavity” true vitality”, “ocean of vitality”, “passage to life”, “golden furnace”, “dragon cavity”, “elixir or drug area”, “life cavity”, “moon”, “northern sea”, etc. Let us remind you the reader that this PE center is located 5-6 cm below the navel in the area of ​​the “guan-yuan” point of the anterior median meridian and deeper, inside the abdomen, at a distance of 7/10 to 3/10 to the spine. The SE collected in this PE center is directed by special regulated breathing for further transformation into the PE center of the mulad-hara, from where its movement along the “microcosmic orbit” begins. From the PE center of muladhara, SE enters the nerve complex at the base of the spine, which is called the “first passage” (gate).

The partially transformed SE rises along the spine (“control channel” “tu mo”) into the nerve combination of the manipura complex (kidney line). This place is called the "second passage". The newly transformed SE then rises to the “third passage” at the back of the head and, having received a new transformation, enters the brain. After this, with a special breath, the energy descends down the face, chest, and abdomen (“the channel of action” - “zhen mo”) and returns back to the starting point. In this way a complete circle is closed, called the microcosmic orbit.
Regulated breathing, as defined by Lu Kuan Yu, is deep rhythmic breathing carried out by the lower abdomen, which, stimulating the internal energy of the IPP, then creates pressure on the PE center of the muladhara during the pause after inhalation and forces the internal energy of the IPP and SE to rise along the “channel” control" up the spine to the brain. This is followed by an exhalation that relaxes the muscles of the lower abdomen, and then the energies of the IPP and SE that have reached the head descend down the “channel” of action.” These continuous ascents and descents in rhythm with breathing cleanse the SE from the energy layers of the IPP, releasing and preserving only the PHGK of the trainee.

During the movement of energies along the microcosmic orbit, the PE centers of svadhisthana, muladhara, manipura and ajna work sequentially, which heat the nerve plexuses of their complexes on the spine (the first - third passages), so these centers seem to act as cauldrons, and svadhisthana acts as a furnace. In Taoist yoga, for example, when performing this work they are called the “lower cauldron”, “middle cauldron” and “precious cauldron” in the brain. Such PE centers also have other Chinese names: “lower tan-tian”, “middle tan-tian” and “upper tan-tian”.

Thus, while the furnace remains in the lower abdomen, in the PE center of svadhisthana, during the entire process of purification and transformation, the “cauldron” changes place, rising successively upward from the PE center of muladhara to the PE center of manipura and up to the PE - the center of ajna.

Using the method of deeply controlled breathing with rotation of energies in orbit for one full breath, the trainee “lays the foundation” for the restoration of the SZ and thereby significantly strengthens the brain, preparing the PE center of the sahasrara (reference point of the UPPV) for the release of UPPV energy. Since the upward movement of energies in the microcosmic orbit has a positive sign with the concomitant assimilation of the higher energy of the PPP of the inhaled air, and the movement downwards, on exhalation, has a negative sign, then in order to convert the higher energy of the PPP into the internal energy of the PPP in the “furnace” it is necessary to use special psychotechnical methods of rotation positively charged eyes from left to right. Correct execution of psychotechnics leads to the appearance of bright light in the PE center of ajna. The Chinese call this process “preparing the golden elixir.” This bright circle of light is a “mysterious passage”, starting from which the energy of the UPPV will burst out from the PE center of the sahasrara. This light should not be confused with the luminous internal energy that rises to the head as it moves along the microcosmic orbit. In Taoist psychotechnics, “positive vitality” is symbolized by the image of a tiger, “negative vitality” by the image of a dragon, and their “copulation” leads to “the manifestation of original spirituality in its bright light.”

In further training, the PGM is lowered into the PE center of svadhisthana and envelops the PGGC until they are united into one, this is called the “immortal embryo in a state of perfect serenity.” Envelopment is performed by concentrating on the PE center of svadhisthana (lower “dan-tian”) until a clear vibration appears in it, then it is raised up to the PE center of anahata and lowered to the lower abdomen several times along the “piercing channel” (“chung mo”) until the PGGC suddenly “slips” into the very cavity of the PE-center of svadhisthana. This process is called “returning to the embryo for further creation.” After this, they achieve independent circulation of energy in the microcosmic orbit. This automatic circulation of energy is the prenatal breathing of the human fetus.

Then the circulation of energy spreads to the entire body, now starting from the heels and through the “heel channel” (“tung chung”) and the “torso channel” (“tung hi”) comes from the lower abdomen to the brain, including the movement of energy through the channels of the microcosmic orbit. Thus, the energy that repeatedly passes through these channels is finally cleared of all postpartum layers, and such automatic psychoenergetic breathing is called “immortal breathing.” In some treatises, such psychoenergetic breathing is called “independent movement of the wheel of the law.”

Psychoenergetic breathing gradually enhances the release of UPPV energy from the PE center of the sahasrara, which leads to the formation of a “bright pearl illuminating the brain” - a bright golden glow in the PE center of the sahasrara. Then, in the state of yogonidra, the bright, red-golden energy of UPPV from the PE center of sahasrara moves to the PE center of ajna, connects with the bright, white (lunar) color energy, purified by the “immortal psychoenergetic breath.” Next, the energy thus obtained is directed to the PE center of svadhisthana, where, connecting with the “immortal embryo”, it forms an “immortal seed”, which begins to emit its own light, reaching the PE center of anahata, which indicates the completion of the process of formation of the “immortal seed” . This means that the PGM, PGGC and the energy of the UPPV have formed a single immortal structural psychoenergetic whole, which is the student’s PD, predominantly saturated with the energy of the PPP and to a lesser extent with the energy of the UPPV.

Therefore, such a PD is called a “negative double”, and it is not able to leave the limits of the PPP. As a rule, the formation of a “negative double” is accompanied by a number of objective sensations that are important and worth citing: 1) from the blazing PE center of svadhisthana, warm vibrations in the form of bubbles spread throughout the body. The back of the head vibrates especially noticeably; 2) a golden light appears in the eyes and a buzzing in the ears is clearly felt.
So, after the formation of a “negative double”, the trainee stops its flaming glow and, by concentrating on the PE center of ajna, raises it there in several stages, fills it with a new portion of UPPV energy and completes the structural construction of the PD by adding the structural energies of the heart, stomach, lungs and svadhisthana.
This microcosmic psychoenergetic structure of the PD begins to copy the macrocosmic structure of our Universe and becomes identical to it. Therefore, the PD of the practitioner from this moment is completely based on the energy of the UPPV and is called the “positive double” or “heavenly double”, which is located in the “immortal embryo”, i.e. it is felt and imagined as the appearance of golden light in the white light shining between the eyebrows.

After this, using the method of “excitement, thought,” a “celestial passage” is opened on the top of the head and the trainee acquires the ability, with the help of his PD, to go into space. Exit is possible only after the student sees “snowflakes flying from the sky and flowers falling.” I would like to cite Lu Kuan Yew’s recommendation that it is undesirable to accurately indicate the location of PE centers on the body, since the thought of them interferes with the natural movement of energy. The centers themselves reveal themselves and their location by the appearance of clearly felt heat. After training in mastering psychotechnical methods of bringing a double into space and demonstrating diffuse phenomena, the trainee returns the double to the original spiritual cavity of the PE center of ajna. This state is called the hibernating dragon state. The entire body fades and transforms, and a glow appears inside and outside it, illuminating everything around, then the whole body is dispersed into its constituent elements and disappears without a trace in space. This is called "return to the Unmanifest" or "return to Nothingness" and represents the "immortal state of the indestructible diamond body." This is the highest result of training, which ends here. Research by Russian scientists (ac. Yu.V. Gulyaev, ac. Sh.B. Kobzarev, I.M. Kogan, etc.) to study the physical nature of psi-radiation, with the help of which a person is capable of clairvoyance, showed that in the composition psi radiation contains: electromagnetic radiation, acoustic radiation (especially ultrasonic), optical radiation, radio radiation, corpuscular flow of particles, infrared radiation etc. Clairvoyance correlates most strongly, and very strictly, with the intensity of radiation biological objects in the infrared range. And some phenomena of clairvoyance in time and at long distances in general, according to researchers, cannot be explained within the framework of the modern scientific paradigm and require, for their explanation, the extension of the concepts of “space-time”, “physical reality”, “matter”, etc. to what we used to call “subjective sensations and mental subjective reality.” This means that “a number of phenomena in the world around us are fundamentally irreducible to the physical,” and in our relationship with Reality there are a number of interactions for which it is pointless to look for any physical analogies and correlations from the knowledge of modern science. There is a demand for recognition psychological world human objective reality inherent in the physical nature of the Cosmos. Research shows that if in many experiences clairvoyance is subjective in nature, in many it is objective-subjective, then in some experiences clairvoyance is an objective physical Reality, a previously unknown property of Nature.

The largest psychologists of the USSR A.G. Luria, A.N. Liu-boevich, Z.P. Zinchenko, F.D. Gorbov. V.D. Nebylitsyn et al. in studies on patients of the neurosurgical clinic named after N.A. Burdenko (K. Kostetskaya and others), whose medical histories included the perception of signs through opaque media, reading thoughts at a distance, etc., found that the probability of manifestation of clairvoyant ability in the subjects was 0.8. It was also possible to register the biopotentials of the subject when she “read” information from the indicator with her hand. The encephalogram showed depression of the alpha rhythm in the occipital region of the brain, where visual images are processed. But psychologists were unable to establish the nature of the channel of perception and the channel of influence; they only noted the fact of the presence of high general sensitivity in human phenomena, as well as the extraordinary development of special sensitivity, such as the sense of smell in V.G. Messing, who, while in his apartment, smell determined that his friend N. had entered the entrance of his house on Peschanaya and was heading towards him on the 5th floor. It can be assumed that the famous dowsing abilities of V. Messing worked precisely through the sense of smell, which fits well with scientific paradigm. Moreover, Messing, due to his subsensory sensitivity and many years of profession, also responded perfectly to ideomotor movements and psi-radiations, that is, in contact and without contact with the medium’s hand.

There are 2 types of training in Tibet:
1) “liberation” through compliance with moral rules and monastic regulations;
2) intellectual method, free from any restrictions, it is called padmananhava (straight path).

The first path is purity, good deeds and mercy, detachment from material interests, serenity and peace of mind - these are the virtues developed by monastic life.

The second path is the direct path, it is difficult. However, his followers are deeply convinced of the usefulness of the first path - the beneficialness of strict adherence to morality. They believe that for most people the first method is the most beneficial. Followers of the straight path lead, as a rule, the life of hermits.

The main motives that led them to the straight path are as follows:

1) the desire to get an answer to philosophical problems, in their opinion, in books this is not completely true or incorrect;

2) the dream of achieving the power of a magician;

3) a premonition of a deeper knowledge hidden behind all teachings; the hope of discovering new aspects of existence through the development of organs of perception more advanced than the senses; the desire to develop appropriate abilities;

4) comprehension of the truth that all good deeds taken together are powerless to “free” us from the prison of the world and from our own “I”, the desire to comprehend the secret of nirvana; 5) curiosity of semi-skeptics with intention
learn for yourself the wonderful secrets of the mystical path.

Adherents of the direct path place great importance on the various degrees of initiation. Typically, training looks like this: a guru or lama arranges a probationary period for the student, then explains several philosophical books, studies several symbolic diagrams (kiilkhor) and on their basis teaches methodical meditation. Next, they draw up a spiritual development program and follow it.
This program includes three options:

Option I:

1) tava - look, study;
2) gompa - think, reflect;
3) tiapa - completion and result of the two previous exercises.

Option II:

1) tene - to look for meaning, the meaning of everything that exists;
2) lab - study both in detail,
3) gom - think, reflect on what is open;
4) toge - to understand.

Option III involves improving the spirit in the following sequence:

1) read as many religious and philosophical books as possible; listen as often as possible to sermons and speeches by scientists and mentors professing a wide variety of truths and theories; try all kinds of self-improvement methods on yourself;

2) from all the studied doctrines, choose one, discarding the estal ones, like an eagle planning its prey from a whole flock;

3) live modestly and not try to get ahead; have a sincere appearance; do not attract attention; do not strive to be equal to the greats of this world, but under the guise of insignificance, to raise your spirit high and be immeasurably higher than the glory and honors of earthly;

4) be indifferent to everything, not choose the best of what is given to you; not to make the slightest effort to receive anything or to refuse it, etc.; accept what befalls your lot - wealth or poverty, praise or contempt; stop distinguishing between virtue and vice, the valiant and the vulgar, good and evil; never grieve, never repent, never indulge in regrets, no matter what happens, on the other hand, never rejoice at anything, rejoice or be proud of anything;

5) fearlessly and detachedly observe the struggle of opinions and the varied activities of living beings; think: “This is the nature of things, the way of life of various individuals”; contemplate the world like a person looking from the highest peak at the mountains and valleys below;

6) this stage cannot be written. It is identical to the concept of “emptiness” (in accordance with the Tibetan formula - “Animate beings are devoid of personality - “ego”; in a general sense, the concept of “emptiness” can be understood as the absence of “ego”). Several notes should be made on the Tibetan psychotechnics of spiritual training:

1. Each mystic teacher in Tibet has his own plan-method. Even to his different students he applies
various methods.

2. No theories are imposed on the student. His consciousness is always free, he can believe, deny, doubt according to his natural inclinations.

3. The role of the direct path mentor is primarily to guide the preparatory period of purification. The teacher must encourage the student to free himself from beliefs, ideas, habits, inclinations - from everything that has developed and taken root in his consciousness, considering this as a consequence of the causes of the biological nature of human origin, lost in the darkness of time.

The development program is carried out in a special reclusive room - tsham. There are several types of tsham (reclusion) according to the degree of isolation. The recluse is called "tsham-pa"; He eats once a day (sometimes he is served tea several times a day).

Special reclusive caves are called “tsang-khang”, have the shape of houses, and if they are located in the mountains, they are called “rita”. There should be a rock behind the rita, in front there should be a view of a mountain lake or in an image, others are different from it. There are often four such created images, but in some types of meditation they number in the hundreds or innumerable numbers. After the images of these various deities surrounding the central figure become very distinct, little by little, one after another, they “dissolve” into it. She finds herself alone again and then begins to blur. First the legs disappear, and then slowly and gradually the whole body dissipates. Finally, the head disappears, and only a point remains of the entire figure. It can be dark, colored or brightly glowing (depending on the spiritual development of the students). As a result, the point approaches and enters the student immersed in meditation. It is necessary to note which part of the body the point is absorbed.

This exercise is followed by a period of meditation and then the point “leaves” the body, and you need to repeat the observations described above in reverse order. Some teachers indicate to the student where the point should merge with his body and reappear from it. Usually this is the area between the eyebrows. Others, on the contrary, advise not to try to direct the course of development of the illusion and limit yourself only to observing it. There are mentors who recommend one or the other of these methods according to the goal being pursued.

So, the point released from the student’s body is removed, turns into a head, then the whole body appears, other forms arise from it, are again absorbed by the central figure, and the illusion is repeated in the same order as many times as the teacher recommends.

2) The image of a lotus appears in the imagination. He opens petal after petal, and sits on each of them
bodhisattva (ideal being and model for other people, leading them to moral perfection). The central figure occupies the corolla of the flower. Having blossomed, the flower gradually closes, and each petal, curling up, emits a ray of light that disappears into the heart of the lotus.
Finally, when the corolla of the flower, in turn, finally curls up, the light emitted from it penetrates into the monk immersed in meditation (this exercise has many variations).

3) The training exercise consists of imagining and clearly seeing a multitude of bodhisattvas, mentally placed on all the main parts of the body - arms, legs, chest, back, head, etc. (you can see the sitting Buddha).

4) After a certain period of repetition of previous expressions, rich combinations of visions arise, which turn into an exciting game for the student.
The purpose of these “games” is to convey to the student the idea that all phenomena we perceive are only created by our
imagination of mirages (“They are created by consciousness and consciousness kills them,” according to the mystic poet Milareipa). These words contain the truth and basis of the teachings of Tibet.

5) Of the many exercises for developing the ability to concentrate consciousness, two are especially popular: a) carefully observe the continuous activity of consciousness, without trying to interfere with it; b) detain
the chaotic work of consciousness and fix it to concentrate thoughts on only one subject.

Students are assigned one of these two exercises. You can have one of them in different time. Training to develop perfect concentration of thought is the preparation necessary for all types of meditation. All students must perform these two exercises, but observing the circulation of consciousness is recommended only for students with developed intellect.

Exercises in concentration of thought are practiced by all Buddhists, and they sometimes use various devices (“casinas”) - a circle of colored clay of different shades, or a round surface covered with water, or fire observed through a round hole made in a screen. Such a circle is contemplated until one begins to see it clearly with closed eyes.

These exercises are designed solely to create the habit of concentration of consciousness and are not intended to induce a hypnotic state, as some believe.
In addition to “casinos,” they practice attracting any bright objects.

6) This exercise in concentration of thought involves choosing a landscape, for example, a garden. They contemplate it, observe it in every detail, remember the growing variety of flowers, their groupings; trees, the inherent shape of each branch, leaves, and so on - the whole garden in detail. Having created for themselves a clear idea of ​​the garden, when they “see” it very clearly and with their eyes closed, they begin to mentally eliminate various details from the combination of features that make it up, one by one.

Gradually, the flowers lose color and shape and crumble.
Even the remaining dust from them dissipates. Trees lose their leaves, their branches shrink, as if they are entering the trunk. The trunk becomes thinner and turns into a simple line.
This line becomes thinner and thinner and finally disappears. As a result, only rotten soil remains. Now you need to remove grass, stones, soil from the ground... and it also disappears.
The last four concentration exercises (three in paragraph 5 and one in paragraph 6) are classic for Buddhism and are called “objectless meditation.”

These exercises lead to the destruction of the concept of the world of form and matter. One gradually comprehends pure and boundless space, an understanding of the infinity of consciousness, and, finally, a feeling of the sphere of “emptiness” is achieved, where there is neither consciousness nor the absence of consciousness.

To achieve this “special state of consciousness” - “working background” - there are many other psychotechnical methods. Sometimes a “working background” is achieved as a result of painstaking introspection or turning off the activity of the mind, or research and reflection on the phenomena of the external world. Finally, there are people who fall into a similar state suddenly, without any preparation, regardless of the place where they are and the business they are busy with at that moment.

7) Another common exercise in the training of mystic monks is the contemplation of an object. You need to concentrate entirely on it so that you not only see nothing but it, but also don’t think about anything else. Gradually, the sense of your personality is lost, and the student begins to identify himself with the contemplated object.

But under no circumstances should we stop there! Having turned into a contemplated object, i.e. Having already experienced special specific sensations, which may be a consequence of its shape, size and other properties, one must contemplate oneself from the outside, as an object of the external world. For example, a student who has chosen a tree as an object of contemplation forgets his human nature and feels his body as a hard, inflexible tree trunk with branches, feels the vibration of the branches, their movement, the vital force hidden in the roots, the circulation of juices, etc.

Then, as a tree that has become a subject, one must contemplate the human being sitting in front of it, which has become an object. Consider it, study it in every detail. After this, having moved your consciousness into a sitting person, begin to consider the tree again, then again contemplate the person as a tree. Alternating movement from subject to object and vice versa is repeated many times. This exercise trains the quality of meditation as a “working background”.

8) The next exercise is aimed at developing the art of moving consciousness in your body. The student must try to extract the “consciousness-subject” from its usual “abode” and move it, for example, to the hand. He should then feel himself to be an object shaped like a palm with five fingers at the end of a long appendage (arm) connecting it to a large moving mass (body). He will have the same sensation that we would have to experience if we saw not with our eyes, but with our hands, and if this hand - equipped with eyes, “the seat of our mind (thinking)” - would rise and fall at the end of a long appendage ( hands) to view the head and body, instead of the usual eye movement.

This exercise allows you to experience mental states, different from the usual ones, allows consciousness to go beyond the conventional boundaries that we have set for our “I”. As a result of this, a state of consciousness is achieved when the “I” does not exist. In addition, there is a feeling that consciousness is not in the brain, or in the heart, or in the hand.

One of the goals of this and other meditation exercises given is to lead to the renunciation of all common habits.
accepted routine ideas and make us understand that our ideas are relative and can be changed. There is nothing true in them (as in the method of “koans”), since they are built in accordance with perceptions (sensations) that are easily displaced by other sensations.

The Chinese brotherhood (Chan) has a similar method. A phrase is given for reflection: “Here a cloud of dust rises above the ocean and the roar of the waves reaches the earth.” The doctrine of Chan is “the art of contemplating the North Star in another hemisphere.” Here the teacher also guides the “liberation” of the student’s consciousness with the help of paradoxes.

It removes from him faith in ideas, concepts, feelings that are usually recognized as true, and does not allow him to replace them with a new faith in the paradoxical ideas proposed by the teacher. It is argued that both those and others are nothing more than “relativity” or even just illusions (or simply reality itself, which does not have a human semantic aspect and subjective-objective relations).
When asked by a teacher in Tibet: “The flag flutters in the wind.

What's moving? Wind or flag? - follows the classic answer: “Neither the wind nor the flag - consciousness is in motion” (the action of this 8th exercise increases the temperature at the point where consciousness is located). The degree of concentration is tested by the ability to hold a bowl of oil or water on your head for a long time. Or carry a cup of water filled to the top without spilling a drop.
Opening of the third eye. Activation of ajna

There is a test to check the sensitivity of the third eye zone (the area between the eyebrows). To do this, the examiner places his thumbs above the subject’s eyebrows so that both fingers form a kind of second row of eyebrows. The remaining fingers are kept spread out at the sides so that the little fingers lie behind the ear openings. The forehead is stroked with fingers from the middle along the eyebrows. After some time, visions may appear, which will indicate that the subject is ready to successfully open the third eye; if such an effect does not follow, then you will have to work on the next technique for a longer time.

The most favorable time for working with the third eye is the night or, if this is difficult, the evening, and early morning, on the contrary, is the most inappropriate time.

Operating time: 20 minutes (optimal).

Working on the third eye area

Rub the center of the forehead (third eye) between the eyebrows with the bone of the second joint of the right thumb up and down.

Body position facing north or east. Take a meditative pose that is comfortable for you (head, neck, back - in one line). The back is straight, the body is relaxed. If it's lotus position, great. If you are sitting in a chair, be sure to cross your legs at the ankles. The palms should be folded, like two bowls nested inside each other, so that the thumbs lightly touch, as if completing an electrical circuit. This position of the legs and arms ensures the closure of energy flows in the legs and arms.

Breathing technique

Breathing during the entire exercise is a very important factor. Success depends on the ability to release your tension and maintain a high intensity of concentration. This is facilitated primarily by the breathing technique given below.

Rhythmic breathing exercise. It is necessary to breathe with equally long breaths, i.e. the duration of the breathing phases (exhalation and inhalation) should be the same. In solving this problem, a visual representation of respiratory movements, such as, for example, swinging a pendulum, greatly helps. Imagine that the pendulum passes through a certain point, for example the center of the top of your head, back and forth.

The duration of the breathing movements itself, in fact, does not play a role (it is individual for everyone), only the regularity of the scope is important (i.e., the same duration of the exhalation and inhalation phases). Even this preliminary exercise helps to create images “without the help of the physical eyes.” When this exercise becomes tiring for you, you should move on to the next one.

Continuous breathing. You should try to smooth out the transitions from inhalation to exhalation and back so that you practically get a continuous way of breathing, which then turns into imperceptible breathing. Remember: a high degree of concentration always goes hand in hand with continuous breathing (one causes the other).

This breathing exercise has another big advantage: it has a positive effect on the heart.

If you focus on the desire to see the third eye area (the place between the eyebrows) with your inner gaze, breathing becomes continuous on its own.

By carefully observing your breathing, you will discover that the breath always flows freely through only one side of the nose, while the other is more or less “tightened” at this time, and this position changes regularly every 2 hours. One (left) side takes vital energy from everything (surroundings, Space), and the other (right) distributes this energy throughout the body. As long as both life currents are in balance, a person is healthy, but if disharmony occurs, he falls ill.

Relax. Relax your face, relax your eyes. Feel relaxed. Lower your eyelids and allow your eyes to close, don't force them.

If the body is relaxed, blood flow to the head increases. Feel the soft pulsating back of your head, feel the pulsating area under your earlobes, feel the pulsation in the area between your eyebrows, in the area of ​​your third eye.

The pulsation in the area of ​​the third eye and the pulsation in the area under the earlobes create a kind of triangle, the height of which passes through the tip of the nose. Feel this triangle. Observe this state. a wise man observes himself and knows himself. Become aware of this state. Awareness and attention go together. Attention is the act of looking and listening.

Eye position

Eyes closed. Raise your eyes (your inner gaze) upward, as if you want to see your skull in the area between the eyebrows from the inside. Look up at your inner sky, at the space between your eyebrows from the inside, look without looking for anything, with an absent gaze. Feel like a creator, the creator of your condition and at the same time a guest, observe. The third eye area pulsates gently and steadily.

When you direct your inner gaze upward, you may experience a feeling of warmth in the third eye area. The energy rises and begins to knock insistently. You will hear it, you will feel it. It may appear as a golden-yellow, green-blue or blue-violet color in your mind's eye in the third eye area. Watch the play of colors, be a witness, just watch. Then the darkness will disappear and the inner light will appear - light without any source. When your energy begins to move through the third eye, you will see light without a source; it simply is, without coming from anywhere.

A sign of the possibility of visions may be the appearance in the area of ​​the third eye of a kind of fog (white moving clouds of fog) or gray smoke; unclear shadows appearing in the darkness before closed eyes are the beginning of visions, which, when the necessary concentration is achieved, begin to take shape, like single objects gradually emerging from the darkness in dimly lit areas. Don't identify with what you see, just observe.
If you feel the need to get out of this state, open your legs, place your feet parallel (if you are sitting in a chair), open your arms, place them palms up on your knees - the visions will disappear. Take a soft, calm breath and exhale slowly, gradually open your eyes. Relax, breathe calmly.

If you experience a strong burning sensation in the area between the eyebrows (although this happens extremely rarely), it is recommended. For prevention, lubricate this area with some oil or cream, as you usually do if you suddenly burn yourself with something.

In India, they believe that as soon as the third eye opens, a burning sensation is felt in it and it needs to be cooled. There, they use sandalwood paste for this, which is applied to the third eye area in the form of a point with a diameter of approximately 8 mm. This paste not only cools, it has a characteristic smell. The coolness and aroma of the paste and the special place where it is applied become a reminder of the third eye, attracting internal attention to it. Concluding the description of the technology for activating the third eye, we can distinguish four stages (stages) of its opening.

Stages of opening the third eye

I. The play of glare of light in the area of ​​the third eye.

II. Many visions with movements, although not clear, for example, with a quick thought of a wall clock, you can see it, the time it shows.

III. The vision of people and landscapes is as sharp as with normal vision with physical eyes, but this is possible only after it is possible to achieve the appearance in the area of ​​the third eye of a light tongue of flame, flickering like a real one.

IV. Seeing, hearing, touching, tasting and smelling at any distance, seeing events of the past, present and future.
Your eyes are a mental monitor!

Your eyes, namely the back of the eyelids, are your own psychic monitor, on which you can see whatever you want. These could be events from the distant past or the upcoming future. They can apply both to you personally and to other people.

Where to start developing clairvoyance?

Every day, before going to bed, when you are already in bed, carefully examine the unclear stains, lines and bizarre shapes on back side century That is, with your eyes closed, you peer at what you see in front of you, on the back of your eyelids. This exercise can be done at any time, the main thing is that you are in a calm state and not in a hurry.

Master the state of complete stillness!

When the body is completely motionless, the internal movement of energy begins. It flows to the brain and awakens nerve centers, responsible for paranormal perception.

To successfully complete this exercise, master a state of complete rest and immobility. To do this, sit in a comfortable chair or lie down, with your back straight and without a pillow. Relax.

How to learn muscle control?

Practice muscle control in your body. Do not allow yourself the slightest movement, even in the smallest areas of your body. Keep each muscle completely still, let only your breathing work. Control everything else, but without unnecessary tension. You just have to be relaxed, calm and still. For the first time, try to sit for at least five minutes, then every day, you can increase the time a little. Remember that gradualism is the key to success in any endeavor.

Initial technique for developing clairvoyance.

Sit down, enter a state of complete stillness, let breathing become the only movement.
Relax and close your eyes.
Carefully look at everything you see on the back of your eyelids. This is called hypnographic imagery.
Look with your eyes closed as if you were sitting in a movie theater waiting to watch a movie, looking carefully at a blank screen. In a couple of minutes, you will see vague outlines and unclear shapes, lines, stains and “clouds”.
Track every movement or shape that appears before your eyes.
Follow the form very carefully, observing its changes, how and where it moves.
Gradually you will enter a state of light hypnotic sleep, from which it is easy to escape with any sudden movement of the body.
Look further, but without tension, your state should be contemplative. After about 15 minutes, if you do not fall asleep, you will begin to see clearer images and forms.
Then even clearer outlines. Practice every day until you achieve a very clear picture.
The exercise is considered successful when you begin to see as if you were seeing in reality. You can ask questions to your subconscious and receive answers from them.

Astral travel will allow you to visit the most remote corners of the planet without spending a penny. There are no barriers or obstacles in the astral plane. You can fly, walk through walls, dive to the bottom of the ocean, or go into space. Practical parapsychology will open up a new, amazing world for you, full of bright colors and breathtaking impressions!

Hypnosis was known to the ancient priests. The clergy used hypnotic sleep for a variety of purposes. Hypnosis was used to treat people and was also used as a test of superpowers for newly converted neophytes. It is known for certain that in a state of hypnotic sleep a person can remember any event that happened in his life.

Meditation is whole life in miniature. Some people are learning meditative practices to cope with stress, others are looking for opportunities for self-development. The beauty of meditation is that it is impossible to predict in advance what effect it will have on a person. Meditation practices will change your attitude towards life and possibly help you achieve enlightenment.

Telepathy is the ability to read the thoughts of strangers. The science of parapsychology, which you can learn on our website, considers telepathy one of the most complex and dangerous techniques. We are ready to introduce the reader to methods for developing telepathic abilities. But don’t expect quick and easy progress - to learn to read other people’s thoughts you will have to work hard!

Extrasensory perception is the ability to receive information that is inaccessible to an ordinary person. This could be the perception of an aura, the ability to see through walls, the ability to catch secret clues from the Universe (well-developed intuition). If you want to learn how to develop superpowers in yourself, then try the practices from the “extrasensory perception” subsection.

Clairvoyance is considered one of the most mysterious areas that parapsychology pays attention to. To gain the ability to foresee future events, you can use various auxiliary equipment. Perhaps you imagined a classic crystal ball? If you don’t have this attribute at hand, you can replace it with a hand-made clairvoyance mirror.

Aut viam inveniam, aut faciam
Either I'll find a way, or I'll pave it myself

Valtasar wishes you rapid progress in parapsychology, O neophyte!

Tell me, has it ever happened to you that when watching a film of a certain genre or during a magician’s performance at the circus, the thought came to you: “Does magic really exist?” You are not alone. Today many serious educational establishments are working on the same problem.

Parapsychology is a complex of sciences that seek not only to prove, but also to practically reproduce extrasensory perceptions. As far as possible, let's look further.

Origin of science

In academic society, this discipline is considered a pseudoscience. Scientists agree that no experiments were carried out according to official rules, there are practically no publications, and most of the results are purely individual.

The term itself appeared thanks to Marc Dessoir in 1889. It means "near-psychological research." The popularization of this word began only after the publication of the first issue of the Journal of Parapsychology in 1937.

Since many of the studies were carried out in American universities, and this nation simply loves acronyms and abbreviations, since 1942 the first part of “psychological phenomena” has been replaced by the Greek letter “psi”.

Varieties of phenomena

In fact, esotericism, parapsychology and other “secret” sciences study the basic five senses of a person developed to the limit.

Many researchers agree that even intuition is, in fact, not a hint from the subconscious, but the sum of all our perceptions. Something was once noticed, heard, read, someone behaved inappropriately to the situation... All these moments are noticed by the subconscious and gives the result through the feeling: you need to do this... And the person listens to himself... or not. In the end, it turns out that it would be better to listen.

So, they distinguish clairvoyance, clairaudience and other extra-developed senses. The next category is weight management. This includes telekinesis and levitation. Extrasensory perception includes astral projection, out-of-body travel, and channeling. In addition to such sensations, there are also purely practical ones - healing, dowsing.

Thus, parapsychology is a whole complex of disciplines that study human superpowers.


The time before the 80s of the 19th century can be called an occult-mystical period. Alchemy, witchcraft, shamanism and other attempts to go beyond the limits of the material world - few could be surprised by this. But then most such phenomena were considered miracles at best, and “the works of the devil” at worst.

From the end of the 19th century, the study of these phenomena and phenomena began. Societies for Psychical Research are founded in England and the USA. The first study recorded was the rewriting of testimonies of people who saw ghosts. Next, their words were compared with the stories of healthy people who had experience of hallucinations. And the results of these experiments are still used today.

Stanford and Duke universities in the USA continue the tradition of the societies, but their focus was slightly different. Here the main goal was not the quality of the experiment, but the number of cases and the possibility of repetition. Mostly the work was carried out with cards and coins.

In 1957, the Association was founded in North Carolina, and the field of research expanded in the 1970s. Now reincarnation is being studied, auras are being photographed, and so on.

Although some projects have been closed, unable to withstand the criticism of official science, in Europe and America they still continue to conduct research in laboratories, sometimes obtaining unusual results.


Parapsychology, clairvoyance, telekinesis and astral vision have today collected a fairly extensive base of results.

There are people who can see blindfolded, tell what is happening in the next room, move a matchbox or a coin. Hypnotism and the power of suggestion have also been studied for many years.

For example, one of the methods for studying such superpowers is “ganzfeld”. It means the following. The subject is located in a soundproof chamber, he hears white noise in headphones, and in front of his eyes there are special hemispheres that completely isolate them from light.

The second participant in the experiment is outside the camera and looks at a computer monitor, where pictures randomly appear. He mentally sends drawn images to the recipient. The latter must voice all his thoughts into the microphone.

This is what parapsychology is like. Teaching some of its disciplines is becoming increasingly popular today.

Fiction or reality

Throughout the twentieth century, scientists have argued about the results of experiments. The main problem is that they are purely subjective and individual. And it is quite difficult to determine what parapsychology is (is it quackery or the science of the future?).

That is, it turns out that one person has certain abilities that are more developed, or he was simply lucky on the day when the experiment was carried out. The second problem is that there were no significant achievements, and most of the results of the experiment can be attributed to technical errors or ordinary

The main thing that saves most of the existing similar laboratories today is the lack of evidence to the contrary. That is, esotericism has not been confirmed or refuted. The value of the experiments is so far appreciated that grants are being allocated.


Academic science opposes all publications and attempts to introduce parapsychology into the circle of recognized disciplines.

The main point is that before, as now, many took advantage of the extraordinary nature of experiments and the desire of mankind to believe in miracles in order to present the public with another trick or fraud.

In addition, critics point to the isolation of the experiments. That is, they have no continuation. Let's say one scientist studied telekinesis with a coin and published some statistical data. But that's where it all ends. None of the related disciplines has any interest in continuing.

Research organizations

However, it's not all bad. And today there are many enthusiasts who are ready to conduct experiments and participate in them.

The universities of Edinburgh, Liverpool, and Arizona provide laboratories for research, and students often show interest in such events.
Also, many societies, foundations, and organizations take part in this movement.
A number of publications are published in Australia and Europe.

Thus, parapsychology is a whole complex of disciplines that are practiced by different enthusiasts.

In contrast to the previous movement, there is also a society of critics, led by associations of illusionists from different countries.

How to learn

Are you wondering what it is? You are lucky - today there are many trainings that help bring what you want to life. Here we will talk about the simplest first steps of a student.

The first thing anyone who wants to learn to perceive information from the outside needs to do is create silence within themselves. Concentration exercises, relaxation, visualization, and meditation will help here. Only after you manage to stop the internal monologue and abstract from the flow of thoughts in your head, does it make sense to move on to the next stage.

Try looking at your hand with your fingers spread out against a plain wall. After a few moments you will be able to discern a slight glow. They say this is the human etheric body, the grossest part of the aura. If you practice, you will soon be able to perceive the world in all its diversity.

It is not so easy to discover clairvoyance in yourself. There is no clear guidance on how to develop it or obtain it in another way. There are only a few summaries of statistical data and mystical information from the “magicians”. However, in laboratories, some people show quite convincing results.

It turns out that everything depends on your attitude. Parapsychology, the study of which many people are interested in today, is often relegated to the level of laymen and scammers. However, the abilities of some individuals show that these are not just the experiments of “crazed” scientists. Perhaps this is simply an undiscovered layer of knowledge, and research today is ahead of its time.

Hello ours dear readers! All of you, of course, know to one degree or another what psychology is. Of course, this is the science of the soul (the simplest and most capacious definition of this science). Everything is simple here, we deal with psychology in our lives every day. But what is parapsychology?

If you are reading this article, then parapsychology for beginners is interesting to you! Congratulations, you are not at the wrong address, and here you will learn new ones Interesting Facts about this amazing science. We will also recommend you literary sources from which you will learn even more new, incredible and mysterious. So, let's go.

What is parapsychology

Parapsychology is one of the controversial branches. Traditional psychology usually “stands apart”, dissociating itself from “dubious” parapsychology, which studies the supernatural, paranormal (that is, not ordinary) human abilities. The subject of study of the science of parapsychology is the deep, incredible properties of the human psyche. These are abilities such as telepathy, telekinesis, clairvoyance, psychic and others.

Agree, there is no person whom this topic could leave completely indifferent. Well, who among you hasn’t watched films and programs about psychics and telepaths? Who hasn’t tried, holding their breath (especially in childhood), to test their ability to telekinesis (moving objects with their gaze)? Who wouldn't want to have hypnotic powers? That’s right, there are none, or only a few of them. This is interesting to almost everyone.

The term “parapsychology” itself comes from the Greek word “para”, which means about, near and the word “psychology”. This name was first introduced by Max Dessoir, a German scientist, researcher of mental processes and Ph.D., in 1889, so this science is quite young. By comparison, traditional psychology received its name in 1590.

All supernatural manifestations are usually called using the prefix or ending “psi”. Psi factor, psi phenomenon, psi phenomena.

You may have already heard about many of the phenomena, but there are also some that you don’t even know about!

Most representatives of the scientific world consider parapsychology to be a “pseudoscience,” citing the fact that for more than a hundred years of its existence, not a single piece of evidence of paranormal phenomena has been presented.

But you and I know that this is not so. Can so much be written, filmed and told about something that doesn’t exist?

Basic psi phenomena

  • Telekinesis- the ability of a person to influence physical objects with the effort of thought. Remember the movie “Fear the Eyes” about a guy who accidentally discovered the ability of telekinesis after an explosion in a school laboratory?
  • Telepathy- the ability of the human brain, through thought, to transmit information to other people or receive information from them without the use of any means of communication. Most pundits consider telepathy impossible and consider all research in this area to be pseudoscientific.
  • Levitation- this is the ability to float in space without support on a hard or other surface. This is overcoming gravitational forces without any devices. In order to perform levitation, forces are needed that can defeat the force of gravity. Bird flight does not count as levitation.
  • Reincarnation is a theory about the transmigration of souls. In many Indian religions, reincarnation is one of the central ideas. It is believed that the soul is immortal and can be reincarnated an infinite number of times after the death of the physical body.

    Psychiatrist Ian Stevenson studied the phenomena of reincarnation, he studied children, mainly between the ages of two and four years, who described the events and facts of their past life. Moreover, all these facts turned out to be true when verified. Stevenson collected more than two thousand such phenomena. However, modern science denies the possibility of reincarnation, citing insufficient evidence.
  • Clairvoyance- a special type of human perception without the use of any means known to science and technology. The ability to perceive, receive and describe events of the past and future. Famous seers and predictors in history (Vanga, Michel Nostradamus) fully possessed the gift of clairvoyance.
  • Precognition- a superpower that allows you to gain knowledge about future events and the thoughts of other people.
  • Suggestion- this is a suggestion. The ability to mentally or vocally instill in other people your beliefs and attitudes. One of the types of suggestion is self-hypnosis, which can have tremendous results in the fight against a particular problem. For example, there are many known cases of recovery from serious illnesses through mental self-hypnosis.
  • Teleportation- movement of an object in space, while its trajectory cannot be tracked by a continuous function of time. Again, this property is hypothetical.
  • Pyrokinesis- remember the feature film based on Stephen King’s book “Igniting with a Glance”, about a girl who caused fire with the power of her thoughts? So, this is pyrokinesis. Another one of the psi factors. In fact, Stephen King coined this term. Although the description of the phenomenon itself has been found before.
  • Bioenergy healing- influence, diagnosis and treatment using energy without the use of drugs and other means known in medicine and other sciences. You often hear about grandmothers-healers, psychics, white and black magicians who heal by laying on of hands or prayer; this is bioenergetic healing.
  • Aerokinesis- this is the ability to control air currents using the power of thought (for example, cause wind, tornado, hurricane).
  • - it closely resonates with the idea of ​​reincarnation. The founder of spiritualism is the French scientist Alain Kardec. According to the theory of spiritualism, spirits are embodied in earthly flesh, thus purifying and improving. And the spirits who undergo all reincarnations enjoy the bliss of eternal life. Spirits are invoked during spiritualism sessions. The symbol of the theory of spiritualism is a grape branch with a bunch and leaves.

Of course, this is not the entire list and descriptions of known psi phenomena. But the most phenomenal thing is that some of them can be developed by studying necessary literature and the application of the special techniques described there. Who knows, maybe you also have some supernatural abilities, they just lie dormant in the depths of your psyche, and no one has awakened them yet.

These books will definitely not leave you indifferent. In addition, they are an excellent gift for friends and acquaintances. We wish you a fascinating read and good luck! Stay with us, subscribe to updates, tell your friends.

Let me start with what parapsychology is... This is a discipline aimed at studying the existence and causes of supernatural psychic abilities of people, animals and plants, the phenomena of life after death and similar phenomena. This is a pseudo-scientific area concerning unusual phenomena and human abilities that have fallen out of the consideration of modern natural sciences (from ancient Greek - near, around). Hence the particle "steam". Parapsychology explores human energy and the mysteries of the soul. Parapsychology includes studies related to other areas of psychology: transpersonal psychology, which studies the spiritual or transcendental aspects of the human mind; anomalous psychology, which studies unexplained beliefs and subjectively anomalous events in traditional psychological settings.

Who is a parapsychologist and what is the difference between a psychiatrist, psychotherapist, and psychologist? "Psycho" from ancient Greek. - soul.

A doctor (physician) works with matter. A psychiatrist and psychotherapist are medical specialists with higher medical education and specialization in the relevant field. Psychologist - works with the unconscious. Parapsychologist - works with both the soul and energies.

A psychiatrist treats mental illness. Psychiatry (German psychiatrie from ancient Greek - soul and treatment) is a branch of clinical medicine that studies mental disorders through the prism of medical methodology, methods of their diagnosis, prevention and treatment. Psychiatrists deal primarily with “severe” mental illnesses, giving preference to medicinal methods of treatment.

Psychotherapist, therapy (Greek - treatment, recovery) - a process whose goal is to alleviate, relieve or eliminate symptoms and manifestations; the psychotherapist's field of activity - milder disorders, as well as borderline states - those cases when a person feels bad, but this condition can be called a disease it is forbidden. A psychotherapist, like any doctor, has the right to prescribe medications, conduct medical examinations, and diagnose diseases. The main tool of a psychotherapist is the word, conversation.

A psychologist (psychology from the ancient Greek psycho - soul, logy - knowledge), having received the appropriate education and acquired skills in practical psychological activities, as well as using methods and techniques, helps the client to understand a difficult situation. Listens carefully to the client's story; asks clarifying questions if something is not clear to him. Finds out what exactly worries the client in the whole situation.

A parapsychologist is a specialist who studies the hidden side of phenomena and events that happen in a person’s life, and he is also a researcher of paranormal phenomena. In their work with people, parapsychologists, in search of causes and effects, turn not only to secret nooks and crannies human soul, but also deeper, for example, they can look into the past or future using tools that are not popular in orthodox psychology, for example, various mantic systems, numerological matrices, astrological calculations, associative maps, conscious altered states and other techniques... In his work, the parapsychologist addresses not to matter (this is in the competence of doctors), and not even always to the unconscious of a person (this is the part of psychologists and psychotherapists), but to energy, as the basis of all things. But it often happens that in your work with a client you have to combine the processing of psychologists and various techniques of parapsychologists and therapeutic techniques of psychotherapists. All this together gives wonderful results!

Paprapsychologist - a person with the ability to extrasensory perception and influence - psychic, medium, clairvoyant, bioenergeticist, cosmoenergeticist, healer, fortune teller, soothsayer, stalker, spiritual healer... Psycho-metrist (medium, psychic, clairvoyant) - a person with psi ability to extrasensory perception of information through contact with any object about its owner, about events related to this object. The perception of such information occurs, as a rule, in a narrowed state of consciousness of the psychometrist, most often in a meditative trance or a state close to this trance... The perception of such information can also occur in a normal, waking state. The general name of the class to which the term “psycho-metrician” refers is psychic, and, naturally, in the second meaning, “parapsychologist.”

Tasks for a parapsychologist can be located in different areas of your life, on the solution of which he works together with the client:

  • interpersonal relationships - unrequited love, sexuality, inability to enter into new relationships and maintain existing ones, dependence on a partner;
  • family relationships - issues of couple compatibility, family roles of husband and wife, sex in marriage; assistance with changes in the family situation (the appearance of a new family member, divorce, remarriage);
  • parapsychological roots and correction of functional disorders of health and energy;
  • self-knowledge and personal growth;
  • “internal barriers” to career development;
  • dissatisfaction with oneself, lack of confidence in one’s strengths and abilities;
  • the desire to understand oneself, improve the quality of one’s life, and maximize one’s potential;
  • emotional sphere: mood instability, anxiety, stress, coping with grief and loss, overcoming the consequences of mental and physical trauma, emotional dependence.

A parapsychologist is a person who has deep esoteric knowledge about the world, about the person in it, about the mechanisms that underlie the evolution of humanity and the individual human soul, and uses this knowledge for the benefit and to help people!