Abstracts Statements Story

Development of mathematical concepts in preschool age self-education. Self-education plan



Municipal preschool educational institution"Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" of the municipal formation - Putyatinsky municipal district of the Ryazan region

Work plan for teacher self-education on the topic:

“Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers through

didactic games"

Compiled by: Teacher first

qualification category

T.V. Maksimova

2016 – 2017 academic year Year

Explanatory note………………………………………………………....3

Teacher's plan…………………………………………………………........ 4

List of references………………………………………………………... 5

Appendix 1 (card index of educational games)……………………………………6

Appendix 2 (report for teachers) ………………………………………….. 14

Appendix 3 (consultation for parents) …………………………………. 17

Appendix 4 (memo for parents) …………………………………………20

Explanatory note:

The concept of "development" mathematical abilities"is quite complex, complex and multidimensional. It consists of interrelated and interdependent ideas about space, form, size, time, quantity, their properties and relationships, which are necessary for the formation of “everyday” and “scientific” concepts in a child.When forming elementary mathematical concepts, the game acts as a teaching method and can be classified as a practical method. It is very important that play is not only a way and means of learning, it is also joy and pleasure for the child. All children love to play, and it depends on the adult how meaningful and useful these games will be.

All types of didactic games (subject, board-printed, verbal, etc.) are an effective means and method of developing elementary mathematical concepts in children of all age groups. Using a variety of didactic games, thanks to the learning task, the child unintentionally learns a certain “portion” of cognitive content.

Currently, a system of so-called educational games has been developed. Unlike existing ones, they allow children to develop fundamentally new knowledge. Games, the content of which is focused on the formation of mathematical concepts, promote abstraction in mental activity, teach how to operate with generalized ideas, and form logical structures of thinking. Didactic games are of particular importance in the formation of ideas about spatial relationships, shape, and size. Most of the programming problems from these sections are solved using didactic games.

Thus, didactic games play a huge role in the upbringing and education of a preschooler.

Working on this topic, I set myself a goal: to organize work on FEMP for preschool children in accordance with modern requirements using didactic games to develop memory, attention, imagination, and logical thinking.

To achieve this goal, I outlined the following tasks:

1. Develop children’s emotional responsiveness through games with mathematical content.

2. To form a system of mathematical knowledge, skills and abilities in accordance with the psychological characteristics of children.

3. Form logical thinking techniques(comparison, generalizations, classifications).

4. Develop independence of cognition, encourage the manifestation of creative initiative.

5. Develop fine motor skills and visual-motor coordination.

Plan for 2016 -2017 academic year

Development stages

Implementation deadlines

Studying literature on this topic




Develop a card index of didactic games


Creation of the “Entertaining Mathematics” center

During the year

Making and conducting educational games

During the year

Introducing parents to entertaining and educational math games at a parent meeting


Participation in the system of methodological work

Generalization of teaching experience

During the year

Registration of written consultations in the parent corner.

During the year

Preparation of written consultations for teachers

During the year

Exhibition design: “ math games and exercises for preschoolers"


Report to the pedagogical council



  1. Arapova N.A - Piskareva Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in kindergarten. For classes with children 2-7 years old. - M: Mosaic-Sintez, 2009
  2. Artemova L.V. The world in didactic games for preschoolers / L. V. Artemova. – M.: Education, 1992. – 150 pp. Veraksa, N.S. Formation of unified temporal-spatial representations. / N.S. Veraksa. // Doshk. Education, 1996, No. 5.
  3. Grishina G.N. Favorite children's games /G. N. Grishina - M.: Education, 1997.
  4. Veraksa N.E. etc. From birth to school. Main general education program preschool education.Publisher: Mosaic- Synthesis, 2010
  5. Vodopyanov, E.N. Formation of initial geometric concepts in preschoolers. / E.N. Vodopyanov. // Doshk. Education, 2000, No. 3.
  6. Raising children through play: A manual for kindergarten teachers / Comp. A.K. Bondarenko, A.I. Matusik. – 2nd ed., revised. And additional – M.: Education, 1983.
  7. Godinay, G.N., Pilyugina E.G. Education and training of children of primary preschool age. - Moscow Education, 1988.
  8. Let's play. Mathematical games for children 5-6 years old. - Ed. A.A.Stolyar. - M.: Education, 1991.
  9. Danilova, V.V. Mathematical preparation of children in preschool institutions. – M.: Education, 1987.
  10. Didactic games and exercises for sensory education of preschoolers: A manual for kindergarten teachers. - Ed. L.A. Wenger. 2nd ed., revised. and additional – M.: Education, 1998.
  11. Erofeeva, T.I., Pavlova, L.N., Novikova, V.P. Mathematics for preschoolers: Book. For the teacher of children. garden – M.: Education, 1992.
  12. Metlina L.S. Mathematics in kindergarten: a manual for kindergarten teachers. – 2nd ed., revised. / L.S. Metlina. M.: Pedagogy, 1984.
  13. Sultanova M. N. Journey to the land of mathematics: Toolkit for teachers in the middle group of kindergarten / M. N. Sultanova. M.: Ventana-Graf, 2011.

Card index of didactic games in mathematics

Didactic games for the formation of mathematical concepts can be divided into the following groups:

  1. Games with numbers and numbers
  2. Time travel games
  3. Games for spatial orientation
  4. Games with geometric shapes
  5. Logical thinking games

The main feature of a didactic game is that the task is offered to children in a playful form, which consists of cognitive and educational content, as well as game tasks, game actions and organizational relationships.

  1. The first group of games includes teaching children to count forward and backward. Using a fairy tale, I introduce children to the formation of all numbers within 10 by comparing equal and unequal groups of objects. Didactic games such as “Which number is missing?”, “How much?”, “Confusion?”, “Correct the mistake”, “Remove the numbers”, “Name the neighbors”, children learn to freely operate with numbers within 10 and accompany their actions with words . Didactic games such as “Think of a number”, “Number what is your name?”, “Make up a number”, “Who will be the first to name which toy is missing?” develop children's attention, memory, and thinking.
  2. Second group of mathematical games(time travel games). They serve to introduce children to the days of the week, the names of the months, and their sequence.
  3. The third group includes games for spatial orientation. My task is to teach children to navigate in specially created spatial situations and determine their place according to a given condition. With the help of didactic games and exercises, children master the ability to determine in words the position of one or another object in relation to another.
  4. To consolidate knowledge about the form geometric shapes I invite children to recognize the shape of a circle, triangle, square in surrounding objects. For example, I ask: “What geometric figure does the bottom of the plate resemble?”(table top surface, sheet of paper, etc.).
  5. Any mathematical task involving ingenuity, no matter what age it is intended for, carries a certain mental load. In the course of solving each new problem, the child engages in active mental activity, striving to achieve the final goal, thereby developing logical thinking.

Drawing up geometric shapes


  1. Make a small square and triangle
  2. Make a small and a large square
  3. Make a rectangle, the top and bottom sides of which will be equal to 3 sticks, and the left and right sides will be equal to 2.
  4. Make sequential figures from threads: circle and oval, triangles. Rectangles and quadrangles.
  5. Make 2 equal triangles from 5 sticks
  6. Make 2 equal squares from 7 sticks
  7. Make 3 equal triangles from 7 sticks
  8. Make 4 equal triangles from 9 sticks
  9. Make 3 equal squares from 10 sticks
  10. Make a square and 2 equal triangles from 5 sticks
  11. Make a square and 4 triangles from 9 sticks
  12. From 9 sticks make 2 squares and 4 equal triangles (from 7 sticks make 2 squares and divide into triangles

Chain of examples

The adult throws the ball to the child and names a simple arithmetic example, for example 3+2. The child catches the ball, gives an answer and throws the ball back, etc.

Help Cheburashka find and correct the mistake.

The child is asked to consider how the geometric shapes are arranged, in what groups, and by what criteria they are combined, notice the error, correct it and explain. The answer is addressed to Cheburashka (or any other toy). The mistake may be that there may be a triangle in the group of squares, and in the group of shapes of blue color– red.

Only one property

The two players have a full set of geometric shapes. One places any piece on the table. The second player must place a piece on the table that differs from it in only one attribute. So, if the 1st one put yellow big triangle, then the second one places, for example, a large yellow square or a large blue triangle. The game is built like a domino.

Find and name

On the table in front of the child, 10-12 geometric shapes of different colors and sizes are laid out in disarray. The presenter asks to show various geometric shapes, for example: a large circle, a small blue square, etc.

Name the number

The players stand against each other. An adult with a ball in his hands throws the ball and names any number, for example 7. The child must catch the ball and name adjacent numbers - 6 and 8 (smaller first)

Fold a square

To play the game you need to prepare 36 multi-colored squares measuring 80x80mm. The shades of colors should be noticeably different from each other. Then cut the squares. After cutting the square, you need to write its number on each part (on the back side).

Tasks for the game:

  1. Arrange the pieces of squares by color
  2. By numbers
  3. Make a whole square out of pieces
  4. Come up with new squares.

Games with numbers and numbers

In the game "Confusion" the numbers are laid out on the table or displayed on the board. The moment the children close their eyes, the numbers change places. Children find these changes and return the numbers to their places. The presenter comments on the children's actions.

In Game " What number is missing?one or two digits are also removed. Players not only notice the changes, but also say where each number is and why. For example, the number 5 is now between 7 and 8. This is not true. Its place is between the numbers 4 and 6, because the number 5 is one more than 4, 5 should come after 4.

The game “Removing the numbers” You can finish the lesson or part of the lesson if the numbers are not needed in the future. The numbers of the first ten are laid out on the tables in front of everyone. Children take turns asking riddles about numbers. Each child who guesses what number we are talking about removes from number series this figure. Riddles can be very diverse. For example, remove the number that comes after the number 6, before the number 4; remove the number that shows the number is 1 more than 7; remove the number that shows how many times I will clap my hands (clap 3 times); remove the number, etc. The last remaining digit is checked, thereby determining whether all children completed the task correctly. They also make a riddle about the remaining number.

Games " What changed?","Correct the mistake"contribute to consolidating the ability to count objects and indicate their quantity with the corresponding number. Several groups of objects are placed on a board or flannelgraph, with numbers placed next to them. The presenter asks the players to close their eyes, and he himself changes places or removes one item from any group, leaving the numbers unchanged, i.e. violates the correspondence between the number of objects and the number. Children open their eyes. They discovered an error and corrected it in different ways: by “restoring” the number that will correspond to the number of objects, adding or removing objects, i.e. changing the number of objects in groups. The one who works at the board accompanies his actions with an explanation. If he completed the task well (find and correct the error), then he becomes the leader.

« Wonderful pouch»

The wonderful bag contains: counting material, two or three types of small toys. The presenter chooses one of the children as the driver and asks to count as many objects as he hears the blows of a hammer, a tambourine, or as many objects as there are circles on the card. Children sitting at tables count the number of strokes and show the corresponding number.

" How many"

6-8 cards with different numbers of objects are fixed on the board. The presenter says: “Now I’ll tell you a riddle. The one who guesses it will count the items on the card and show the number. Listen to the riddle. “The girl is sitting in prison, and her scythe is on the street.” The players, having guessed that it is a carrot, count how many carrots are drawn on the card and show the number 4. Whoever raised the number faster becomes the leader. Instead of riddles, you can give a description of the object. For example: “This animal is affectionate and kind, it does not speak, but knows its name, loves to play with a ball, a ball of thread, drinks milk and lives with people. Who is this? Count how many?

« Count - make no mistake!»

« Which toy is gone?

The presenter displays several different toys. Children look at them carefully and remember where each toy is. Everyone closes their eyes, the presenter removes one of the toys. Children open their eyes and determine which toy is gone. For example, a car hid, it was third from the right or second from the left. The one who answers correctly and completely becomes the leader

« Who will call first?

Children are shown a picture in which dissimilar objects are depicted in a row (from left to right or top to bottom). The presenter agrees on where to start counting items: left, right, bottom, top. Hit the hammer several times. Children must count the number of hits and find the toy that is in the indicated place. Whoever names the toy first becomes the winner and takes the place of the host.

Time travel games

« Live week

Seven children lined up at the blackboard and counted in order. The first child on the left steps forward and says: “I am Monday. What day is next? “The second child comes out and says: “I am Monday. What day is next? The second child comes out and says: “I am Tuesday. What day is next? etc. The whole group gives tasks to the “days of the week” and asks riddles. They can be very different: for example, name a day that is between Tuesday and Thursday, Friday and Sunday, after Thursday, before Monday, etc. Name all the weekend days of the week. Name the days of the week on which people work. The complication of the game is that players can line up from any day of the week, for example from Tuesday to Tuesday.

« Our day", "When it happens

Children are given cards that depict pictures from life related to a certain time of day, daily routine. The teacher offers to look at them, names a certain time of day, for example evening. Children who have the corresponding picture must hold up the cards and say why they think it is evening.

For a correct, well-written story, the child receives a chip.

“Who works early in the morning?”

This game is a journey. It begins with the reading of a poem by B. Yakovlev from the book “Morning, Evening, Day, Night”

If it's ringing outside the window

The birds will chirp,

If it's so light all around,

Why can't you sleep?

If you have a radio

Suddenly he spoke

This means that now

Morning has come.

Adult: “Now you and I will travel together and see who works and how in the morning.” The adult helps the child remember who starts working first (janitor, public transport drivers, etc.). Together with the child, remember what children and adults do in the morning. You can end your trip by reading a poem by B. Yakovlev or summarizing what happens early in the morning.

"Yesterday Today Tomorrow"

An adult and a child stand opposite each other. The adult throws the ball to the child and says a short phrase. The child must name the appropriate time and throw the ball to the adult.

For example: We sculpted (yesterday). We're going for a walk (today), etc.

Games for orientation in space.

« Guess who is standing where»

In front of the children are several objects located at the corners of an imaginary square and in the middle of it. The presenter invites the children to guess what object is behind the hare and in front of the doll or to the right of the fox in front of the doll, etc.

" What changed? »

There are several objects on the table. Children remember how objects are located in relation to each other. Then they close their eyes, at which time the leader swaps one or two objects. Having opened their eyes, the children talk about the changes that have occurred, where the objects stood before and where they are now. For example, the hare stood to the right of the cat, and now stands to the left of it. Or the doll stood to the right of the bear, and now stands in front of the bear.

"Find something similar"

Children look for a picture with the objects indicated by the teacher, then talk about the location of these objects: “The first on the left is an elephant, and behind it is a monkey, the last is a bear” or “In the middle is a large teapot, to the right of it is a blue cup, to the left is a pink cup.

« Tell us about your pattern»

Each child has a picture (rug) with a pattern. Children should tell how the elements of the pattern are arranged: In the upper right corner there is a circle, in the upper left corner there is a square, in the lower left corner there is a rectangle, in the middle there is a triangle.

You can give the task to talk about the pattern that they drew in the drawing lesson. For example, in the middle there is a large circle, rays extend from it, flowers in each corner, wavy lines at the top and bottom, one wavy line with leaves on the right and left, etc.

" Artists "

Conducted with a group or subgroup of children. The presenter invites the children to draw a picture. Everyone thinks about its plot together: a city, a room, a zoo, etc. Then everyone talks about the planned element of the picture, explaining where it should be located in relation to other objects. The teacher fills in the picture with the elements suggested by the children, drawing it with chalk on a blackboard or a felt-tip pen on a large sheet of paper. In the center you can draw a hut (the image should be large and recognizable), at the top, on the roof of the house, a pipe. Smoke comes up from the chimney. There is a cat sitting downstairs in front of the hut. The task should use the following words: above, below, to the left, to the right of, behind, in front of, between, about, next to, etc.

"Find the Toy"

“At night, when there was no one in the group,” says the teacher, Carlson flew to us and brought toys as a gift. Carlson loves to joke, so he hid the toys and wrote in the letter how to find them.” He opens the envelope and reads: “You need to stand in front of the teacher’s desk, go straight.” One of the children completes the task, goes and approaches the closet, where there is a car in a box. Another child performs the following task: goes to the window, turns left, crouches and finds a toy behind the curtain.

« Traveling around the room»

Pinocchio, with the help of the leader, gives the children tasks: “Get to the window, take three steps to the right.” The child completes the task. If it is completed successfully, then the presenter helps to find the forfeit hidden there. When children are not yet confident enough to change the direction of movement, the number of directions should be no more than two. In the future, the number of tasks to change direction can be increased. For example: “Walk forward five steps, turn left, take two more steps, turn right, walk to the end, step back left one step.”

Games with geometric shapes.

“Find an object of the same shape”

An adult has geometric shapes drawn on paper: circle, square, triangle, oval, rectangle, etc.

He shows the child one of the figures, for example, a circle. The child must name an object of the same shape.

« Wonderful pouch»

The bag contains objects of different geometric shapes. The child examines them, feels them and names the figure he wants to show. You can complicate the task if the presenter gives the task to find a specific figure in the bag. In this case, the child sequentially examines several figures until he finds the one he needs. This version of the job runs slower. Therefore, it is advisable for every child to have a wonderful bag.

"Find the same one"

In front of the children are cards that depict three or four different geometric shapes. The teacher shows his card (or names, lists the Figures on the card). Children must find the same card and pick it up.

« Who will see more

Various geometric shapes are arranged in random order on the flannelgraph. Preschoolers look at and remember them. The leader counts to three and closes the pieces. Children are asked to name as many figures as possible placed on the flannelgraph. To prevent children from repeating the answers of their comrades, the leader can listen to each child separately. The one who remembers and names the most figures wins, he becomes the leader. Continuing the game, the leader changes the number of pieces.

" Look around "

The game is played as a competition for individual or team championship. In this case, the group is divided into teams. The presenter suggests naming objects that are round, rectangular, square, quadrangular, the shape of objects that do not have corners, etc. For each correct answer, the player or team receives a chip or a circle. The rules stipulate that you cannot name the same object twice. The game is played at a fast pace. At the end of the game, the results are summed up and the winner is named. greatest number points.

« Geometric mosaic"

When organizing the game, the teacher takes care of uniting children into one team in accordance with the level of their skills. Teams receive tasks of varying difficulty. To compose an image of an object from geometric figures: work from a ready-made dissected sample, work from an undissected sample, work according to conditions (assemble a human figure - a girl in a dress), work according to your own plan (just a person). Each team receives the same sets of geometric shapes. Children must independently agree on how to complete the task, on the order of work, and choose the source material. Each player in the team takes turns participating in the transformation of a geometric figure, adding his own element, composing individual elements of the object from several figures. At the end of the game, children analyze their figures, find similarities and differences in solving the constructive plan.

« Find your house»

Children receive one model of a geometric figure and run around the room. At the leader’s signal, everyone gathers at their house with a picture of a figure. You can make the game more difficult by moving the house. Children are taught to see geometric shape in surrounding objects: ball, watermelon-ball, plate, saucer-hoop-circle, table top, wall, floor, ceiling, window-rectangle, scarf-square; triangle scarf; glass-cylinder; egg, zucchini-oval.

Didactic games. "Value"

“What is wide (long, high, low, narrow)”

An adult says: “The objects that surround us come in different sizes: large, small, long, short, low, high, narrow, wide. We saw many objects of different sizes. And now we’ll play like this: I’ll name one word, and you’ll list which objects can be called by this one word.” An adult has a ball in his hands. He throws it to the child and says the word. For example:

Adult: Long

Child: Road, tape, rope, etc.

"Game with two sets»

“Let’s play together,” the adult turns to the child and begins to remove the rings from the pyramid, inviting the child to do the same.

“Now find the same ring,” says the adult and shows one of the rings. When the child completes this task, the adult offers to compare the rings by overlapping. and then continue the game with one of the children.

Entertaining mathematics

"Make it equal"

An adult lays out chopsticks on the table. There is one more (or less) at the top than at the bottom. Spare sticks are in the cup. The child is asked to make sure that there are equal numbers of sticks in both rows and explain the result.

"Who has the same amount"

If it is not possible to invite 4 to 6 children to play, then you can use toys. Each player receives a card with circles. The adult shows cards from the second set. The child must determine which of the players has a card with a given number of circles.

"A store without a salesperson"

In the store (on the adult’s table) there are various goods, among them there are toys and things different shapes. The adult gives the child a card - a check, on which a certain figure is drawn: circle, square, triangle, rectangle.

Child - buyer selects items of appropriate shape. He receives the purchase if he correctly selects and describes the form of the product.

Natalia Yaichnikova
Self-education plan on the topic “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children 3–4 years old”

Self-education plan 2017-2018 academic year


Educator: Yaichnikova Natalia Vitalievna

In the 2017-2018 academic year I took self-education topic: « Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children 3-4 years old" It is the most important topic in comprehensive development children 3-4 years old. It is this age that is most favorable for improving the functioning of the senses, accumulation ideas about the surrounding world. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts is the most suitable form of early childhood education. The main feature is that tasks for FEMP offered in a playful way. Children play without suspecting that they are gaining new knowledge and reinforcing what they have previously learned. material, actions with various objects, learn to communicate with their peers and adults.

Goals: Increasing your theoretical level, professional skills and competence on this topic.


Study educational and scientific methodological literature on this topic;

Learn the basics math games for children 3-4 years old.

Make educational games using formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children 3-4 years old;

Prepare material for conducting mathematical tests games with children 3-4 years old in various areas of educational work.

When starting to work on this topic, I used literature: Erofeeva T.I. et al. « Mathematics for preschoolers» . – M., 2006; Zhitomirsky V. G., Shevrin L. N. "Geometry for Kids". – M.: 2006; Korneeva G. A. " Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children 3-4 years old" – M., 2008; Leushina A. M. "Classes on math in kindergarten» , - M.: 2005.

The study of the topic began with section: ““3-4 years in kindergarten”, during September I studied in detail the book by Metlina A.S. « Mathematics in kindergarten» , as a result, a sliding folder was made for parents: « Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children 3-4 years old».

In October, I continued studying the topic with section: « Math games for children 3-4 years old» . Over the course of the entire month I have been selecting material for math games. As a result, a card index for FEMP was made. Therefore, much attention was paid to the creation of games based on FEMP (D/I.: "Choose by form» , "One-many", "Big small", "Geometric figures". Parents actively participated in the creation of games based on FEMP.

In November, I continued studying the topic with section: "FEMP children 3-4 years with the help of visibility", studied the article in the book "FEMP with the help of clarity" Leushina A.M. from books: "Classes on math in kindergarten» . As a visual material In my classes I use story pictures, illustrations and posters.

In December - January, study of the topic continued: « Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children 3-4 years through a didactic game.” For two months I studied the book by Serbina E.V. « Mathematics in kindergarten» , I was working on replenishing the card index with new math games(DI.: "Build a Snowman", “What’s extra?”, "Decorate the scarf").

In February, I continued studying the topic with section: "FEMP children 3-4 years old using a mathematical fairy tale» . For formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children For 3-4 year olds, it is advisable to use game situations, fairy tales, and children's stories in the classroom. poetry: "Teremok", "Three Bears", "Kolobok"... Poems for children poets: S. Mikhalkov "Kittens", S. Marshak "Merry Count", many counting rhymes and nursery rhymes.

In March, I continued studying the topic with section: "Studying mathematicians with children during a walk"." Over the course of the entire month, I selected natural material for a corner of experiments and experiments. It was made by me "Corner of experiments and experiments for children» .

In April, I continued studying the topic with section: Development of logical thinking with the help of FEMP children 3-4 years old" I added new didactic materials to my card index. games: “Help the bun find the way to the house”, "Connect the dots", "Colored inserts", "Who is faster".

I finished studying the topic in May section: "FEMP in the family". As a result, a sliding folder was made for parents: "We are studying math with children at home» .

As a result of studying Topics: « Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children 3-4 years old", made the following conclusions that the work on formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children 3-4 years should be carried out systematically and consistently, included in all stages of life children: routine moments (morning reception, dressing (undressing, breakfast, lunch, etc., games (didactic, active, role-playing, etc., classes, work activities, walks and excursions. Special attention should be given to individual work with children on formation of elementary mathematical concepts. Consequently, work should permeate the entire educational process. However, it should remember: expansion of sensory experience children should be carried out taking into account their age-related psychophysiological and individual characteristics.

Prospects for the 2018-2019 academic year year:

1. Continue working on topic: « Formation of elementary mathematical concepts» (according to age group);

2. Continue work on developing new games and gaming exercises on this topic;

3. Study the latest in methodological literature;

Publications on the topic:

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers Introduction Today the task of shaping development cognitive activity, including mathematics, for preschoolers is considered.

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts of preschool children through educational games Mathematics plays a huge role in human life. Its study contributes to the development of memory, speech, imagination; builds perseverance.

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts of children of senior preschool age in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard The concept of “development of mathematical abilities” is quite complex, comprehensive and multifaceted. It consists of interconnected and...

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts “Space travel” Educational objectives. Improving the skills of ordinal counting within ten. Formation of ideas about arithmetic operations.

Consultation “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children” Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children, teacher of MBDOU CRR kindergarten "Swallow" Ekizyan Gayane.

Card index of didactic games aimed at developing elementary mathematical concepts in children A card index of didactic games aimed at developing elementary mathematical concepts in young children.

Teachers' council on the topic: “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts using entertaining mathematics.” Compiled by a senior teacher.

Self-education plan “Development of elementary mathematical concepts of preschoolers through play activities” Topic: “Development of elementary mathematical concepts of preschool children through play activities” ( junior group) Goals:.

Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children through games with mathematical content. Performance.

“The world surrounding a child is, first of all, the world of nature, with an endless wealth of phenomena, with inexhaustible beauty. Here in nature.

Image library:

Maryam Zulkarnaeva
Teacher’s self-education plan on the topic “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of the senior group”

Subject: « Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in children of the older group through didactic games"

Development elementary mathematical concepts- This is an extremely important part of the intellectual and personal development of a preschooler. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a preschool educational institution is the first educational level, and kindergarten performs an important preparation function children to school. And the success of his further education largely depends on how well and timely the child is prepared for school.

Target: Increasing your theoretical level, professional skills and competence in this field topic. Mastering design methods educational-educational process.

Objectives of the professional and personal development program self-development

1. Analyze your teaching capabilities and creative potential.

2. Study educational, reference and scientific-methodological literature on this topic topic.

3. Comprehend and analyze the systemic foundations that support modern professional and pedagogical activities.

4. Summarize teaching experience in topic"for preschoolers through didactic games."

Directions self-development:

1. Study of regulatory documents.

2. Study of methodological literature.

3. Acquaintance with advanced pedagogical experience.

4. Participation in system methodological work (pedagogical council, consultations, seminars, creative groups, open viewings, mutual visits, exhibitions, stands).

5. Working with children.

6. Advanced training.

7. Work with family and society.

8. Enrichment of developmental substantively– spatial environment.

9. Certification.

Expected results:

Decor own methodological developments V information form- pedagogical modules (summarizing work experience.)

Improvement pedagogical excellence, increasing professional activity.

Development of adaptive capacity in context modern trends development of education.

Perspective plan events for the 2016-2017 academic year. G.:

1. Study of regulatory documents 1. the federal law dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On education in Russian Federation".

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 N 1155 Moscow “On approval of the federal state educational standard preschool education".

3. Order of the Russian government of December 24, 2013 No. 2506-r. Development concept mathematical education in the Russian Federation.

During the 2016-2017 academic year

Studying methodological literature, getting acquainted with advanced pedagogical experience.

1. A. Beloshistaya “Preschool age: formation and development of mathematical abilities" Preschool education-2000-№2, With. 74.

2. Vavilov, Yu. P. Games for attentive and smart. – Yaroslavl 2000. – p. 122.

3. Wenger L.A. Games and exercises to develop mental abilities in children preschool age. M: Enlightenment 1989.

4. Dyachenko O. M., Agaeva E. L. What doesn’t happen in the world? – M.: Education, 1991.

5. Mikhina E. N. "Educational games for children 2-7 years old» Volgograd: Teacher, 2013.

6. Serbina E. V. « Math for kids» / Publishing house: Moscow Enlightenment, 1992.

7. Panova E. N. “Didactic games-activities in preschool educational institutions” shopping center "Teacher", 2006

8. Erofeeva T. I. et al. "A preschooler studies mathematics. How and where?". – M., 2002.

9. Leushina A. M. "Classes on math in kindergarten» , - M.: 2005.

10. Metlina A. S. « Mathematics in kindergarten» Enlightenment, 2006.

11. Nikitin B. P. “Steps of Creativity or educational games”, Moscow, Education, 1991

12. Pozina V. A. Formation of elementary mathematical concepts, Mosaic-Synthesis, 2012. - 80 p.

13. Smolentseva, A. A. Plot-didactic games. - M.: Education, 1987. - 96 p.

14. Sorokina A.I. Didactic game in kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1982. - 98 p.

15. Stolyar A. A. “ Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers,”– M.: 2006.

16. Joiner A. A. Let's play / M. Enlightenment, 1996.

17. Fidler M.A. « Mathematics already in kindergarten» , 3rd edition. – M., 2006.

18. Tikhomirova L. F., Basov A. V. Development of logical thinking children. /Yaroslavl. Academy of Development, 1996.

Internet resources:







Publications on the topic:

Teacher self-education plan for the 2014–2015 academic year Self-education plan for the 2014 - 2015 academic year. 1. Consultation for newly admitted teachers “Requirements for content.

Report on teacher self-education “Development of sensory abilities of preschoolers through didactic games” I would like to share my experience on the topic “Development of sensory abilities of preschoolers through didactic games.” In 2010, I took it.

Self-education report for 2015–2016 by teacher of MBDOU No. 16 Pashina O. A.“Health-saving technologies as the basis for the development of children of senior preschool age in the conditions of the Federal State Educational Standard” Goal: formation of a comprehensive one.

Most modern young children have a general motor lag, and their fingers are also undeveloped; small children often do not.

Self-education plan “Development of speech in children of primary preschool age using finger games and exercises” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution “Combined kindergarten No. 180” Teacher’s self-education plan.

Teacher self-education plan What makes people constantly work on themselves, expand their knowledge, and engage in self-education? To keep up with the times, teacher.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Anzhero-Sudzhensky urban district

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 21"


Drozdova Natalia Anatolyevna

Subject:“The use of gaming techniques in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers »

2017-2018 academic year

(middle group)

Anzhero-Sudzhensky GO


“Without play there is no, and cannot be, full mental development. A game is a huge window through which a life-giving stream of ideas and concepts flows into the child’s spiritual world. Play is the spark that ignites the flame of inquisitiveness and inquisitiveness.”

Vasily Alexandrovich Sukhomlinsky.

IN preschool age play is of utmost importance in the life of a small child. The need for play in children continues and occupies a significant place even during the first years of their schooling.

In play, a child makes discoveries about things that have long been known to adults. Children do not set any other goals in the game than to play.

For preschool children, play is of exceptional importance: play for them is study, play for them is work, play for them is a serious form of education. A game for preschoolers is a way of learning about the world around them.

Games that promote the development of perception, attention, memory, thinking, and the development of creative abilities are aimed at the mental development of the preschooler as a whole.

Mathematics plays a huge role in mental education and in the development of intelligence. Teaching mathematics to preschool children is unthinkable without the use of entertaining games, tasks, and entertainment.

Children are very active in the perception of tasks - jokes, puzzles, logical exercises. They persistently search for a solution that leads to a result. When an entertaining task is accessible to a child, he develops a positive emotional attitude towards it, which stimulates mental activity. The child is interested final goal: fold, find the desired figure, transform, which captivates him. In this case, children use two types of search tests: practical (actions in shifting, picking) and mental (thinking about a move, predicting the result, proposing a solution).

The variety of entertaining material - games, tasks, puzzles - provides the basis for their classification, although it is difficult to divide such diverse material created by mathematicians, teachers, and methodologists into groups.

A variety of elementary mathematical material can be classified into groups: entertainment, mathematical games, tasks, educational didactic games.

The main purpose of using didactic material: to teach how to solve logical problems by dividing them by properties, to familiarize children with geometric figures and the shape of objects, size, to master the basic skills of an algorithmic culture of thinking, to develop cognitive processes of perception of memory, attention, imagination, and to develop creative abilities.

Of all the variety of entertaining mathematical material in preschool age, didactic games are most used. Their main purpose is to train children in distinguishing, highlighting, and naming sets of objects and numbers. Geometric shapes, directions, etc. Didactic games have the opportunity to form new knowledge and introduce children to methods of action. Each of the games solves a specific problem of improving children’s mathematical (quantitative, spatial, temporal) concepts.

All didactic games can be divided into several groups:

1. Games with numbers and numbers.

2. Time travel games.

3. Games on orientation in space.

4. Games with geometric shapes.

5. Logical thinking games.

In an integrated approach to the education and training of preschoolers in modern didactics, an important role is played by entertaining educational games. By playing, children better learn program material in mathematics and correctly complete complex tasks. The use of games increases the effectiveness of the pedagogical process; in addition, they contribute to the development of memory and thinking in children, having a huge impact on the mental development of the child.

IN middle group classes on the development of elementary mathematical

performances are held weekly. The duration of the lesson is 20 minutes. In each lesson, work is carried out simultaneously on new topic and repeating what has been done. From the first lessons, children in this group are given cognitive tasks that give their actions a targeted character.

The attention of four-year-old children is not yet stable. To ensure a lasting assimilation of knowledge, they must be interested in work. A relaxed conversation with children, which is conducted at a leisurely pace, the attractiveness of visual aids, the widespread use of play exercises and didactic games - all this creates a good emotional mood in children. Games are used in which the game action is at the same time an elementary mathematical action.

In mathematics classes, visual and effective teaching methods are used: the teacher shows examples and methods of action, children perform practical tasks, including elementary mathematical activities.

In the fifth year, children intensively develop their ability to conduct research. In this regard, children are encouraged to more or less independently identify the properties and relationships of mathematical objects. The teacher poses questions to the children that require searching. He suggests, and if necessary, shows what needs to be done to find the answer to them.

Target: increasing one’s theoretical and pedagogical level and competence on the issue of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschoolers through game techniques.

Self-education objectives:

  1. Study and summarize pedagogical and methodological literature on this topic.
  2. Develop and select didactic games, tasks with game content for the development of mathematical concepts in preschool children.
  3. Develop a system of classes for the formation of elementary mathematical concepts using game techniques.
  4. To increase the competence of parents in the importance of didactic games in mathematics for preschool children;

Forms of working with children:

ü working together with children;

ü individual work;

ü free independent activity of the children themselves.

The work system is presented in the following areas:

ü Directly educational activities- joint and individual differentiated work with children;

ü Work outside of educational activities (didactic games in the afternoon);

ü Parent meeting with demonstration of didactic games;

ü Interaction with parents - consultations and conversations.

Methods and techniques of work:

Explanation, demonstration, conversation, game

ü finger gymnastics and physical education exercises;

ü production of didactic games,

ü modeling from plasticine;

ü games with cubes, constructors.

Games used:

ü “Geometric inserts”

ü “Large and small mosaic”

ü “Patches for clothes”

ü “Find out what’s in the bag?”

ü “Cut pictures”

ü “We build from a construction set”

ü “Mathematical caterpillar”

Expected result:

The use of gaming techniques helps to increase the level of development of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children.

Stages of conducting didactic games

for the development of fine motor skills

in early preschool age

The success of working with middle-aged children largely depends on how work with this category of children is organized in kindergarten. Therefore, I identified stage III, and didactic games and exercises were selected and developed for each.

Istage -

Studying educational literature. At this stage, an individual assessment of the development of each student’s mathematical abilities is carried out.

IIstage - Theoretical

At this stage, the study is carried out psychological characteristics development of children of middle preschool age; generalization of educational and methodological literature; (compiling a card index of mathematical games, games with clothespins, etc.)

IIIstage - Generalizing

This stage is characterized by the fact that children willingly master didactic games and exercises under the guidance of a teacher and independently. At this stage, it is very important to organize direct educational and gaming activities as a single process aimed at developing attention, memory, logical thinking, to offer a number of additional games and educational activities where each child can realize his emotional and physical abilities. Systematicity is ensured by the daily conduct of a variety of didactic games: in direct educational activities, and in free independent activities.


Forms of work

With kids

With teachers


With parents


Organizational and diagnostic


Carrying out a diagnostic examination

Consultation with the head of the methodological council on the topic of self-education.

ü Studying literature on the topic, searching for effective technologies

ü Selection and determination of the topic of self-education

ü Planning work on the topic of self-education

Consultation for parents “Play with your children”




Didactic games:

ü Mosaic

ü Counting sticks

ü Drawing up a plan for self-education

ü Design of a card index of mathematical games.

Questioning parents on the topic " Mathematical development children 4 years old."




Didactic games:

ü Constructor

ü “Wonderful bag”

ü “Fold an object from geometric shapes” (both according to the model and without it)

Speech at the pedagogical council

Educator Barybina L.A. senior group No. 1 MBDOU kindergarten "Swallow"

Subject: Using the modeling method in the formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children.

Target: Development of mathematical abilities, logical and mathematical thinking.

Tasks: Formation of patterns and logic of the initial understanding by preschool children of the mathematical organization of the world (number. shape. etc.).

Relevance of the chosen topic: Studying mathematics is not only the acquisition of new knowledge, it is also the development of thought processes, spatial concepts, attention, memory... Modeling is the most accessible form for preschoolers, which not only opens up the world of mathematics, but also develops the ability to think logically and operate mathematical objects. All this is necessary in our age of rapid technological and technical development.

Work plan for 2017-2018



Practical solutions

Studying methodological literature.


1.Repina G.A. "Mathematical modeling on a plane."

2. Mikhailova Z.A. "Game entertaining tasks for preschoolers."

3. Smolentseva L.A., Suvorova O.V. “Mathematics in problem situations.”

4.Stolyar A.A. "Let's play".

5Lebedenko E.N. “Formation of ideas about time in preschoolers”

6. Korotkovskikh L.A. Plans - lesson notes on the development of mathematical concepts in preschoolers.”

7. Article “Use of modeling in solving word problems.” (magazine “Senior Teacher” No. 11, 2012)

8. Article “Two-digit numbers: dating method (senior preschool age).” (magazine “Preschool Education” No. 4, 2003)

Card index of methodological literature.

Work with children


Setting up a math corner in a group.

Selection of didactic games, models: subject (counting sticks, Cuisenaire sticks, Dienesh blocks, etc.; graphic (cards-schemes, number cards, number ladder, etc.; symbolistic models (cards with numbers, cards with mathematical symbols, cards-symbols-“passports” of Dienesh blocks, etc.); real models.

Mathematical Center.

Card index of didactic games; models.


Conversation “What does mathematics teach?”

Consolidating the formation, composition, designation of the numbers of the first ten; the formation of the next number by adding one using subject models (counting sticks, Cuisenaire sticks) and graphic models (number cards).

OOD "Journey to the Mathematical Country".

OOD "The Tale of How Numbers Grow!"

D/games, exercises “Find and show a number”, “Make a number”, “Neighbors of a number”.


Forming ideas about addition as combining groups of objects into one whole using visual models (number cards, cards with mathematical symbols, numbers, counting sticks, Cuisenaire sticks).

OOD "Entertaining and magical plus sign."


Forming ideas about subtraction as removing part of an object from the whole using visual models (number cards, cards with mathematical symbols, numbers, counting sticks, Cuisenaire sticks).

OOD "Entertaining and magical minus sign."


Familiarization with the days of the week; fixing parts of the day using graphical and real models.

LLC "Rainbow of the Week!"

D/games “Make a model of the week”, “Make a model of the day”.


Mathematical modeling on a plane using game materials: “Tangram”, “Pythagoras”, “Columbus Egg”, “Magic Circle”.

Consolidating the properties of figures and using subject models (Dienesh blocks), symbolic models (symbol cards).

OOD "Journey to the Entertaining Land of Transformation of Figures!"


Formation of concepts about word problems. Introduce the modeling of word problems for addition and subtraction. Practice combining two sets of common elements and removing parts from sets.

OOD "Journey to an Entertaining Land of Problems!"


Introducing the formation of the second ten numbers using a real model constructed from counting sticks.

OOD “The Tale of How Numbers Are Friends in Pairs!”


Development spatial relations using diagrams and plan maps.

Traveling around the country "Mathematics".

Working with parents


Consultation “Mathematics around us”.


Consultation “Formation of elementary mathematical concepts in preschool children through modeling.”


Consultation “Logical and mathematical games for preschool children”


Exhibition of models (graphic, symbolic, real) that contribute to the development of mathematical abilities.


Photo exhibition “How we study mathematics”


Consultation “Entertaining mathematics”.


Open event “Math Lesson”


Mathematical KVN together with parents.



Open event screening

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Amazing transformations of geometric shapes.”


Report on the topic of self-education

Speech at the teachers' meeting.

Master class Presentation of models (graphic, symbolic, real) for the formation of mathematical concepts in children of senior preschool age.”