Abstracts Statements Story

Subject week ov. Subject week

Municipal state educational institution

"Asha boarding school No. 5 for students with disabilities"

Report on the subject week

teachers primary classes

Popova L.V.

In accordance with the schedule of subject weeks, a primary school subject week was held from April 11 to April 15, 2016 at the boarding school No. 5 of Asha.

Purpose of the week:

  • Finding ways to improve quality educational process through the development and implementation of modern educational technologies into practice.
  • show methodological techniques and forms of organizing lesson and extracurricular activities students primary school, providing increased motivation and cognitive interest.

Subject week objectives:
1. Creation of conditions that are most conducive to receiving a quality education for each student, depending on his individual abilities, inclinations, cultural - educational needs.
2. Increasing student interest in educational activities.
3. Helping teachers and students discover their creative potential and organizational abilities.
4. Develop communication skills, the ability to subordinate one’s interests to the interests of the team;

  1. Teach children independence and creativity.

The principle of conducting a subject week - every child is an active participant in all the events of the week.

The week was organized and conducted by teachers Popova L.V., Kireeva E.R., Glubokovskaya A.Kh. An open extracurricular event for grades 1-4 was prepared and conducted by L.V. Popova. and Kireeva E.R.

04/11/16 (Monday)

The school librarian conducted a library lesson using ICT, dedicated to the 55th anniversary of the first manned space flight. The guys remembered who was the first to fly into space, got acquainted with the biography of Yu.A. Gagarin. We learned the names of spaceships and replenished our lexicon new words and expressions. Students' communication skills developed.

The librarian's story was accompanied by a colorful and informative presentation. At the end of the lesson, the guys shared their impressions and new knowledge.

04/12/16 (Tuesday)

Drawing competition on the theme “Outer Space”. Organization of an exhibition of drawings.

04/13/2016 (Wednesday)

Scenario for an integrated extracurricular activity for students in grades 1-3

“Flight on a spaceship” (mathematical leisure)


— clarify and systematize the acquired knowledge about space, space flights, astronauts;

- fix the names of the planets, their sequence of locations from the Sun;

— teach to understand and independently use space terminology in speech: spacecraft, ISS, docking stations, pre-launch site, space crew;

— improve counting skills within 20, listing numbers in reverse order;

- consolidate knowledge of numbers; correlate the number and quantity of objects;

- develop logical thinking, the ability to hear each other, constructive abilities, imagination;

— cultivate mutual assistance, friendly relations, the ability to work in a team, coordinating one’s actions with the actions of peers.

Equipment: background of the starry sky with models of planets and spaceships, educational games “Tangram”, “Geocont” and diagrams for them, cards with numerical figures and for composing a number from two smaller ones, a set of numbers, colorful stars for ordinal counting, spaceships from different geometric shapes, hoops, Dienesh blocks - a set of three-dimensional geometric plastic figures, cards for building a rocket, large map for the game “Search for the Ninth”, pointer.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations on the theme “Space”, reading books about space and astronauts, making a model solar system, drawing on crumpled paper, appliqué and modeling on the themes: “Meeting in Space”, “Flight to the Moon”, “Our Cosmodrome”, “Flying Saucers and Aliens from Outer Space”, etc.

Leading. Dear Guys! We are at the cosmodrome, and in a minute the spaceship will take you into the vastness of space. Interesting tasks await you ahead. (Reads a poem)

To become an astronaut,

To fly into the sky,

There's a lot to know

You need to know a lot.

Well, let's check how ready you are for the flight? Then I ask everyone to go up to the pre-launch site of the cosmodrome. There are exactly 20 steps there. (Count to 20.)

The exercise “Attention, astronauts!” is carried out.

Don’t say anything, just show with your hands - high, far, low, close, left, right, wide, narrow.

An adult names various concepts and objects of space themes, children show their location with their hands.

Well done, crews! After all, only the strong and dexterous can our spaceship take with us on a flight.

Checking the crews for the upcoming “flight” continues. Students are given tasks during which they recite the count loudly:

- squat 6 times and jump 1 time more;

- bend over 5 times and do push-ups (from the wall - for girls) / pull-ups (on the crossbar - for boys) 1 less time.

Any space route is open to those who love work. And now you guys have to work hard to lay out the rocket.

To ensure the participation of each child and the choice of activities based on interests, children are divided into two groups (teams).

Task for the first group:

- according to the diagram, lay out a rocket from geometric “Tangram” shapes.

Assignment for the second group:

- according to the diagram, lay out a rocket from geometric shapes “Geokont”.

After completing the task and summing up the results, the children perform the song “March of Young Cosmonauts” (music by A. Filippenko, lyrics by T. Volgina).

Fast rockets for walking around the planets are waiting for us. We’ll fly whichever one we want.

All crews take their places in the rocket. (Children sit on pillows.)

Minute readiness is announced... 10 seconds before start. Let's start the countdown. (Children count in unison from 10 to 0.)

Start! (Cosmic music sounds.)

The rocket takes you into the starry sky. 10 seconds - normal flight. (Children count from 0 to 10.) 20 seconds - normal flight. (Children count from 10 to 20.) The ship went into orbit.

Attention! All crews are required to check their docking ports.

The guys need to pick two numbers that together make up the number indicated on the card. To do this, each child takes out a card from under the pillow on which he sits and finds the desired number from those located around the rocket-carpet.

So, the docking units are in good working order, and the crews completed the task.

Look, the starry sky opens up in front of you. Astronauts, be careful and answer my questions. (The adult draws the children’s attention to the screen on which stars of different colors and sizes are located in a row.)

♦ How many stars do you see?

♦ What color is the third star from the left?

♦ And the fifth one from the right?

♦ What is the orange star?

♦ What is the smallest star?

♦ And the biggest?

There are a lot of stars in outer space. Attention! Crews can leave the ship, go into outer space and play the game.

The game "Constellation" is played.

Children, holding hands, form 2-3 circles and, at the command of an adult, begin to lead a kind of “cosmic round dance”, “star”, circling, disperse throughout the hall, stop, pronounce the text and gather in a “constellation”.

In the sky the stars sparkle and sparkle merrily.

And they want to play with the guys.

Come on, stars, shine brighter in the sky,

Start the star carousel in the sky.

One-two-one, one-two-one

Constellation for each star

we'll find it now.

Attention! All crews must return to the ship immediately! An alarming message has been received from space. (A beep sounds and the children sit on the carpet.)

To determine where the distress signal came from, let's look at the spaceships together on the screen of our “monitor”. (Shows a background of a starry sky with models of planets and spaceships.) Answer my questions.

♦ What geometric shapes is this ship made of?

♦ What shapes does the ship in the upper right corner of the “monitor” consist of?

♦ How many rings does this planet have?

♦ Guess which ship the signal came from if it is heard from the lower right corner.

The children answer this question, and then the Alien appears.

Alien (speaks slowly, on one note). Hello, earthlings!

Leading. Hello, dear Alien! From yours spaceship our crews received the alarm signal. What happened to you? Maybe we can help?

Alien. I can't return to my planet until I collect the cosmic crystals.

Presenter (addressing the children). The crystals need to be placed in compartments: in red - red crystals, in green - crystals that have a round shape.

Children complete the task with Dienesh blocks, arranging the game pieces into two hoops intersecting in the middle.

Alien. How cleverly you managed to collect the cosmic crystals! Well done, earthlings! Do you want to play a popular game on our planet?

The game "Stargazer" is played.

Children recite the rhyme while passing the ball around. The chosen “stargazer” moves in leaps and bounds to the music, stops between two children who stand with their backs to each other, and on the count of one, two, three - run! - run around the circle in different directions, trying to be the first to return to the starting point and take the ball from the “stargazer”. The player who manages to do this becomes the “stargazer”-leader.

There lived an astrologer on the moon.

He was counting down the planets.

Mercury - one, Venus - two,

Three - Earth, four - Mars,

Five is Jupiter, six is ​​Saturn,

Seven is Uranus, eighth is Neptune,

If you don't see it, get out!

Earthlings! You did a great job with my task! I would like to show you my planet, but it has disappeared from the starry sky... How can I get home? I don't know how to build a rocket.

Leading. Don't be upset, please! We will try to help you.

Gives the following tasks to crews:

first, lay out the rocket building cards in a certain sequence;

the second - according to the alien’s description of his planet, find it against the backdrop of the starry sky among other space objects.

Alien. Thank you, earthlings! You helped me a lot. I am in a hurry to return to my planet. (Waving goodbye to the guys and leaving.)

Leading. And it’s time for us, guys, to return to our most wonderful planet in the entire Universe.

Alien. Why is she the most wonderful among you?

Leading. And you listen to our song and you will understand.

Children sing the song “Multi-Colored Planet” for the Alien (music by N. Lukonina, lyrics by L. Chadova). The emotional Alien says goodbye to the guys, waves his hand at them and leaves.

Leading. Guys, while our ship is making a soft landing on Earth, tell us what you remember and liked about the trip?

Children share their impressions.

Touch... There is touch! That's it, guys! We returned to Earth, to our kindergarten. Today we made an interesting journey into outer space. See you again!

04/14/16 (Thursday)

Reading competition. Poems about space, astronauts. Solving crosswords and riddles.

On April 13, 2016, at the Moscow State Regional University (Perlovsky building), the Association held the final in-person stage of the Subject Week “Innovative technologies for working with children with disabilities” to identify the best specialists in the Moscow region in working with children with disabilities. The competition was organized with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region and the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology of the Moscow State University. About 50 applications (preliminary stage) out of 31 correctional ones were submitted to participate in the competition educational institution Moscow region.

8 teachers reached the finals of the competition, who presented creative self-presentations, revealed the content of their original projects dedicated to various aspects of increasing the effectiveness of teaching and raising children with various psychophysical disorders, optimizing early assistance and creating a correctional and developmental environment. After the presentation, the participants answered questions from the jury and also completed creative tasks. The finalists were supported by their students and colleagues, as well as students from the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology at Moscow State University.

Subject Week Finalists

The jury included:

  1. Georgy Valerievich Kryukov – President of the Association of Specialists in Working with Children with Disabilities of the Moscow Region.
  2. Cherkasova Lyudmila Aleksandrovna – senior teacher of the Department of Defectology of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education of the Moscow Region ASOU.
  3. Alkhimova Vera Nikolaevna – deputy chairman of the Moscow regional organization of the trade union of workers of public education and science.
  4. Ermolaeva Olga Vitalievna - Deputy Director of the PPMSS - center of the Moscow region.
  5. Kovylova Ekaterina Vladimirovna – candidate of psychological sciences, associate professor, deputy dean of the faculty of special pedagogy and psychology of Moscow State University.

Competition jury

Competition results

1 place - Fatina Elena Vladimirovna— primary school teacher at “Boarding School No. 1” Elektrostal.

2nd place - Ryabyshkin Alexander Sergeevich- teacher at the Absolut boarding school.

3rd place was shared by 2 teachers:

Baranova Elena Vladimirovna— primary school teacher at the Noginsk Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Students with Disabilities

Anokhina Galina Alekseevna— teacher of sewing at the “Boarding School for Students with Disabilities” in Podolsk.

Volunteers (53 people) and spectators (107 people)—students of the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology at Moscow State University—participated in the organization and conduct of the event.

The results of the competition showed that active work is underway in the Moscow region to use innovative technologies in teaching and raising children with disabilities.

Speech by E.V. Fatina, primary school teacher at “Boarding School No. 1” Elektrostal (1st place)

Speech by Ryabyshkin A.S., teacher at the Absolut boarding school (2nd place)

Speech by E.V. Baranova, primary school teacher at the Noginsk Special (Correctional) Boarding School for Students with Disabilities (3rd place)

Speech by Anokhina G.A., sewing teacher at the “Boarding School for Students with Disabilities” in Podolsk (3rd place)

Students of the Faculty of Special Pedagogy and Psychology

Subject Week Finalists and Jury

Subject week of primary classes.

Motto of the week: "Astonishment! Diversity! Creation! Friendship!"

The week has opened line, which was carried out by the head of the primary school education department N.I. Filatova. On this day, a photo exhibition “Our health is in our hands” was held, which presented 8 photographs, including 8 health-saving components: doing morning exercises, hardening, rest, playing sports, walking in the fresh air, proper nutrition, good mood, visiting a doctor . Medical

The employees issued the newspaper “Eat Right – Gain Health.” The children looked at photographs with proverbs with pleasure and great interest and read a poem about health and information about proper nutrition.

Second day…

The next day was no less interesting than the previous one. It was Russian Language Day. Among grades 2-4, I conducted a simulator “Vocabulary - remember!” 4th grade teacher Storozhenko N.E. using an interactive whiteboard in an interesting way.

We determined the best notebooks in the Russian language in each class: 1st “A” class – Sergey Verigin; 1 “B” - Lebedev Dmitry; 2nd grade – Klykov Anatoly, Ragimov Sabir; 3rd grade – Alennikova Alexandra; 4th grade – Chernikov Ivan, Bocharov Alexander.

Day three...

This day was dedicated intellectual abilities. The children took part in an integrative and developmental lesson on stations together with their counselors, who guided them and helped them in a quiz on the world around them.

On this day, an exhibition of works on labor training with proverbs about labor was organized, which is aimed at satisfying aesthetic needs and developing the constructive and creative abilities of children.

Best works: 1st “A” class – Vera Kamynina, Denis Zaitsev, Sergey Verigin; 1 “B” - Dmitry Lebedev, Maxim Perelevchenko, Vadim Perelevchenko; 2nd grade – Artyom Tsedov, Anatoly Klykov, Sabir Ragimov, Oleg Kornaukhov, Veronika Fedorishcheva; 3rd grade – Alennikova Alexandra, Fedina Angelina; 4th grade – Chernikov Ivan, Bulykina Ulyana, Andreev Maxim.

Day four…

Mathematics. Teachers held an educational and exciting event “Entrepreneur!” Try! Win! On this day, contests and competitions were held, crossword puzzles, puzzles, and logic problems were solved.

The best notebooks in mathematics: 1st “A” class – Denis Zaitsev, Sergey Verigin; 1 “B” - Maxim Perelevchenko; 2nd grade – Klykov Anatoly, Ragimov Sabir; 3rd grade – Alennikova Alexandra; 4th grade – Chernikov Ivan, Bocharov Alexander.

Day five...

Literary reading. The children made drawings for their favorite fairy tales. The school librarian T.V. Klevtsova conducted a game - a fairy tale quiz. The presentation event was educational and entertaining. We learned a lot of interesting and surprising things.

Filatova N.I. held a reading competition on the theme “Autumn”. The poems were read expressively and clearly by Anatoly Klykov, Sabir Ragimov, Veronika Fedorishcheva, Alexandra Alennikova, Sergey Verigin, Ivan Chernikov.

Closing of the week of primary classes. Ruler. Rewarding the participants of the week.

After the subject week, a round table. Primary school teachers made presentations on these topics.

1. “The use of art therapy in lessons with students with disabilities.”(Storozhenko N.E.).

2. “Development of non-verbal thinking through constructive praxis.”(Tselykovskaya S.A.)

3. “Development and correction of sensorimotor skills in students with mental retardation.”(Shilova A.P.)

4. “Federal State Educational Standard – 1st stage of the Development Program for students with disabilities.”(Filatova N.I.)

5. “The role of finger games and exercises for the development of fine motor skills with disabled students.”(Presnyakova O.V.)

“Techniques for working with autistic children.”(Presnyakova O.V. - information from the courses


The subject week program reflected various forms and methods of educational and extracurricular activities. The collective and customized forms works To enhance the mental activity of students, original visual aids were used, games were held - quizzes with presentations, competitions, integrative - developmental lessons at the stations "Mathematical", "Fairytale", "Zagadkino", "Game", "Crossword" on ecology, presentations, videos .

Such subject weeks are needed by both children and teachers. They bring a fresh spirit into the academic and extracurricular life of the school community.

Head of the Ministry of Education of Primary School Teachers Filatova N.I.

Larisa Kushchenko
Methodological development of the thematic week “Forest in Autumn” for a group of children with disabilities

Methodological development on the lexical topic “Forest in autumn” for a group of children with disabilities Topic of the week: "Forest in autumn."


attract children's attention to the world around them, teach them to observe living and inanimate nature; create comfortable pedagogical conditions for the inclusion of each child in the examination of various senses (what autumn smells like - fallen leaves - smell; what color the leaves are - vision; the breeze shakes the trees - hearing); introduce children to trees, parts of a tree, and the concept of “leaf fall.” Cause an emotional response, a desire to observe the changes taking place in nature.

MONDAY Morning- Game-exercise “Morning greeting”. Goal: develop communication skills, create a positive climate in the group.

Morning exercises.

Goal: to promote the health of children, create a cheerful, cheerful mood.

Finger gymnastics “Autumn”.

Goal: to develop fine motor skills and coordination of finger movements. - D/i “Find the yellow leaf” with Olya. Goal: to form color perception, find and show the color yellow, participate in joint activities, develop interest in nature.

Board game “What grows where” with Yaroslav (fruits and vegetables).

D/i with Ira “Find a piece of paper that I’ll show you.”

Continue to develop personal hygiene skills in children (hand washing, washing, wiping them dry). Teach not to splash water on the floor.

Teach Irina how to use a spoon correctly.

Free activity for children in activity centers.

Games with your favorite toys.

S/r game “Let’s put the doll to sleep.” Goal: to develop gaming skills, develop the ability to follow basic rules during the game.

Add story pictures depicting autumn landscapes.

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.

OD 9.20 - Familiarization with the surrounding “Trees”. Goal: to form ideas about trees growing in the immediate environment (maple, birch); continue to introduce the changes that occur to trees in the fall. Develop visual and auditory attention. Foster a caring attitude towards nature.

10.45-11.05 – Physical education (adaptive).


Observation "Trees: maple in autumn."

Objectives: on an emotional and sensory basis, lead children to understand that in the fall the leaves of trees gradually change their color. Note that one tree has leaves of different colors.

Hood. word: article “Autumn”.

Autumn plays with leaves,

Leaves are torn off from branches.

Yellow leaves are flying

Straight into the hands of the guys.

P/i “Leaves and Wind”. Goal: to develop the ability to move with objects. - Ind. working with Yaroslav - orientation in space.

Physical exercise "Trees".

Goal: learn to perform movements in accordance with the text.

Teach Denis to take off his shoes on his own and carefully place them in the closet.

Introduce the rules of behavior in nature (do not tear plants unnecessarily, do not break tree branches, do not touch animals, etc.). Games with portable toys.

Labor assignments: collect twigs on the site.

Goal: to teach students to independently perform feasible work activities.

Reading poems about autumn: E. Trutneva “Autumn Walks and Wanders”, examination

illustrations. Goal: to introduce children to the work, to develop the ability to listen to poetry. Learn to see the beauty of the artistic word. Exercise “Toys for Mishka and Mishutka.” Goal: to encourage children to select pictures according to verbal instructions based on the size of the object, to develop the generalization function. S/r game “Family”: game situation “Feeding dolls”.

Goal: to teach children to come up with a simple plot, to fulfill the role they take on,

use substitute items in the game, including natural materials.

Walk - Observe changes in nature. Goal: to enrich the emotional component of children’s perception of golden autumn.

P/i "Bubble". Goal: continue to teach children to stand in a circle; make it wider or narrower, coordinate movements with words.

Day of the week TUESDAY 17.10. Morning Game-exercise "Morning greeting". Goal: develop communication skills, create a positive climate in the group.

Morning exercises.

Finger gymnastics “Trees”. Goal: develop fine motor skills. - D/i “Select the leaves by color” (with Irina).

Exercise “Look and Show” with Denis. Goal: learn to show called objects (cloud, leaf, puddle, rain).

D/game “Let’s collect a bouquet of leaves” with Olya and Yaroslav. Goal: continue

develop the ability to form groups of homogeneous objects and isolate individual objects from them; introduce the concepts of many, one. Continue to develop self-service and cultural-hygienic skills, learn to take their places at the table in an organized manner, eat independently and carefully, and hold a spoon correctly.

Work at the nature center “Learning to water flowers.” Goal: to teach children to water flowers, to introduce them to the basic rules of watering.

OD 9.00 – 9.20 - SPEECH DEVELOPMENT / Individual work of a speech therapist with children.

9.30 – 9.40 - Application “Autumn tree”. Objectives: expand children’s understanding of changes in wildlife in the fall. Construct an “autumn” crown of deciduous trees using scraps of paper yellow color. Use visual arts(color, rhythm) to create an expressive image of a deciduous tree. Practice the skills of tearing a sheet of paper into small pieces (leaves).

10.05 – 10.20 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION (adaptive).


Exercise "Even formation". Goal: to develop the ability to line up and walk in pairs.

Observing trees, looking at autumn leaves. Goal: to continue familiarization with the signs of autumn, expand the idea of ​​autumn colors, teach to see the beauty of the autumn landscape; continue to introduce autumn phenomena on an emotional basis; introduce the concept of “leaf fall”.

P/i "Merry bell". Goal: to teach to listen carefully and hear sound, to practice calm running. - Game “Big - small”. Goal: to promote sensory education (the teacher hands out large and small autumn leaves to the children and asks them to compare them: “What leaf does Anya have? (Anya has a large leaf.) And Olya? (And Olya has a small leaf.) What leaf does Yaroslav have?" .

Physical exercise “The wind is blowing.”

Strengthen the ability to put on shoes, pants, a sweater, and button a jacket with the help of an adult.

Exercise “Autumn leaves”. Goal: to develop proper breathing skills.

Collecting toys after playing basket. Goal: teach children to put things in order and develop a positive attitude towards work. Independent games with outdoor toys.

Joint games with the teacher. Goal: to promote contact between children and adults.

Develop the ability to hang a dress or shirt on the back of a chair when undressing before going to bed, and carefully place shorts and tights on the seat.

Reading a fairy tale I. Review “Autumn Outfit”.

Evening - Air and water treatments. Objectives: to ensure the gradual awakening of the child’s body; educate positively - the emotional mood after sleep.

Reading the poem by T. Kazakova “Leaf and the Breeze.”

Game actions with leaves:

Autumn has come, it has become cold, the leaves are falling from the trees. Listen to the poem “Leaf and the Breeze”:

The autumn breeze blew

(children blow)

I plucked a leaf from a tree,

I played with it and twirled it around

And he lowered it to the ground.

(circle with leaves and lower

them on the floor)

The breeze blew again

He picked up a leaf from the ground (they pick up the leaves and spin around

Circled quietly again

And he dropped the leaf into the stream.

(they lower the leaves into the stream)

A leaf floats on the water

Like a little steamboat.

Constructive and modeling activities: playing with building materials: building furniture for dolls.

Objectives: to develop the ability to create pieces of furniture for dolls from building material, the ability to tightly attach bricks to each other, to develop constructive creativity. Bring in autumn leaves and building material (bricks).

Walk - Observation: looking at the trees on the site. Goal: identify the signs of autumn, maintain interest in learning about nature.

Physical exercise "Trees". Goal: continue to learn how to perform movements according to the text.

Finger gymnastics “Trees”.

Everyone in the forest is surprised

(rubbing palms together)

Different trees grow:

(open palms and spread fingers)

Now I've hit the skies

All resinous pine.

(elbows connected - “trunk”, palms open - “crown”)

Dissolved the branches - braids

White-trunk birch.

(“flashlights” moving from top to bottom)

The oak spread its branches,

And the wind is not afraid of him

(stretch their arms up, spread their fingers)

The trees rustle their leaves,

(rubbing palms together - “rustling”)

It's like they're having a conversation

(shakes palms)

Hands - branches spread,

Birds are welcome to visit.

Day of the week

WEDNESDAY Morning - Game-exercise "Morning greeting."

Morning exercises.

Finger gymnastics “Trees”. Goal: develop fine motor skills. - Games in the center of sensory development with Anya, Olya: teach to distinguish colors.

Actions with objects: d/i “Assembling a pyramid” (with Ira). Goal: learn to select rings by size and color. Develop attention, develop the ability to compare, compare.

Breathing exercises “Veterok” with Denis.

Goal: to train the skill of proper nasal breathing; form a deep exhalation. Develop cultural and hygienic skills in children, continue to introduce table manners, teach them to apply them in practice, teach them to use napkins, and hold a spoon correctly. - Free activity for children in activity centers.

Preparation for the role-playing game “Family”: game exercise “Put the doll down”

I wave you to sleep"; reading the nursery rhyme “Night has come.”

Objectives: learn to perform play actions with a toy.

Work in a corner of nature: watching fish. Reading the article by I. Tokmakova “Where does the fish sleep?” Objectives: teach to carefully examine living objects, answer the teacher’s questions, introduce appearance, features of fish movement.

Individual conversations and consultations upon request.

OD 9.00 - Cognition. FEMP. Goal: continue to introduce the concepts of one, many, few; to develop the ability to distinguish the number of objects using the concepts one, many, few. Demonstration material. Doll. Handout. Matryoshka dolls.

9.30 - Music /hall/ (according to the music director’s plan).


Exercise "Even formation". Goal: to develop the ability to line up and walk in pairs.

Observation of clouds, clouds. Objectives: teach children to see features autumn sky(dark, low, clouds cover the sun, expand ideas about seasonal changes in nature and weather, introduce natural phenomena, characteristic of autumn. Learn to see familiar objects in the form of clouds, develop your imagination.

P/i "Wind and Clouds". Objectives: to learn to move consistently in a given direction, to respond to verbal signals from the teacher. Develop the ability to switch attention. - Practice walking in pairs.

Didactic exercise with Olya “Bring a big piece of paper.” Goal: Continue to introduce the concepts of quantity.

Reading the poem "Falling Leaves" by T. Kazakova.

D/ and “Big and Small” with Kira, Yaroslav.

Objectives: to teach children to understand the essence of the task, to consolidate the ability to classify

objects by size (for example, cones). Activate relevant concepts in speech. - Teach Denis to take off his shoes on his own and carefully place them in the closet.

- “One step, two steps.” Goal: practicing steps when moving along the stairs.

Experiment “Who shakes the trees?” Goal: to continue to introduce the concept of “wind”, what it is and what it can be. (Karpukhina N.A., Lesson notes”).

Cleaning up fallen leaves. Goal: to encourage children to help adults. Learn to perform feasible labor actions.

Games - fun with children's turntables. Goal: to promote the creation of a joyful atmosphere and good mood.

Work before bedtime - Corrective and educational game “Minutes of Silence”.

Develop the ability to hang a dress or shirt on the back of a chair when undressing before going to bed, and carefully place shorts and tights on the seat.

Reading the fairy tale “The Talkative Birch” by M. Skrebtsova.

Evening - Air and water treatments. Objectives: to ensure the gradual awakening of the child’s body; educate positively - emotional mood after sleep; form initial ideas about the need for hardening.

Reading the article by N. Pikuleva “Song about the rain.” Goal: to cultivate perseverance, to form an emotional response to reading thin. works. Learning to play.

S/r game “Family”: game situation “Putting the doll to sleep.”

Objectives: to teach, with the help of the teacher, to transfer familiar actions with toys to new play situations, to develop the ability to perform actions in accordance with the role. Work assignments: putting away toys. Objectives: to develop skills

place toys in specially designated places, classify them according to storage location. Encourage adults to help. Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Objectives: to identify children’s preferences when choosing toys. encourage inclusion in

Walk - Bird watching. Tasks: to form general ideas about birds, introduce certain types of birds (crow, pigeon, sparrow, magpie).

P/n game “Ball in a circle”. Goal: develop basic types of movements, teach how to throw at a horizontal target with both hands from below. Develop gross motor skills and coordination of movements.

Day of the week

THURSDAY Morning - Game-exercise "Morning greeting." Goal: develop communication skills, create a positive climate in the group.

Morning exercises.

Goal: to promote the health of children, create a cheerful, cheerful mood, and develop the habit of daily physical exercise.

Game “Pick up a picture” with Kira and Anya. Goal: learn to correlate an object with a picture.

Ind/r with Yaroslav, Olya speech development: “Sound “A”. Goal: to clarify the articulation of the sound “A”; to develop auditory attention, physiological breathing, fine motor skills of the hands. To develop the ability to listen to the teacher’s speech. Work to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills in children: learning to properly wash and wipe dry hands, find your towel - Replenish the cognitive-speech center with cut-out pictures on the topic.

Free activity for children in activity centers.

Games with the Lego constructor.

Objectives: to teach how to connect parts into a simple structure, to encourage

playing around with buildings. Develop imagination and fine motor skills.

Individual conversations and consultations upon request.

OD 9.00 – 9.20 - PHYSICAL EDUCATION (adaptive)

9.30 – 9.50 - SPEECH DEVELOPMENT (speech therapist).


Exercise "Even formation". Goal: to develop the ability to line up and walk in pairs.

Observation: mountain ash in autumn. Goal: to introduce children to the changes that occur to a tree in the fall (the rowan berries turn red, the leaves change their color and fall off). Develop cognitive interest, cultivate a caring attitude towards nature, teach to admire its beauty.

P/i “Ball in a circle.” Goal: develop basic types of movements, teach how to throw at a horizontal target with both hands from below. Develop gross motor skills and coordination of movements.

Game "Catch the ball" with Denis.

Goal: learn to throw and catch the ball.

Finger gymnastics “Trees” with Yaroslav, Olya. Goal: develop fine motor skills.

- “One step, two steps.” Goal: repetition of the basic rules of safe movement - practicing steps when moving along the stairs.

Continue to teach how to dress and undress independently, and put things in the closet. Games with external material.

Free activity under the supervision of a teacher.

Labor assignments: sweeping the paths on the site. Objectives: learn to perform simple labor operations. Cultivate accuracy and hard work.

Work before bed.

Corrective and educational game “Moments of Silence”.

Develop the ability to hang a dress or shirt on the back of a chair when undressing before going to bed, and carefully place shorts and tights on the seat.

Reading the fairy tale “The Magic Rowan” (A. Lopatina).

Air and water procedures. Objectives: to ensure the gradual awakening of the child’s body; educate positively - emotional mood after sleep; form initial ideas about the need for hardening.

Exercise “Picture by picture” with Kira.

Gloomy, rainy

Autumn has arrived.

It's very cold to walk

Let's draw autumn.

Lay out the elements on a magnetic board. Look at the resulting picture.

Work in the corner of sensory development: examination of the ball and cube. Objectives: continue to introduce different ways of examining objects.

Training in the s/r game “Family”. Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Place coloring pages on the topic and leaf stencils in the drawing center.


Observation: signs of autumn. Tasks: organize an inspection of the site in order to identify characteristic features autumn. Develop observation skills.

Independent games. Goal: to create conditions for a comfortable stay for children in kindergarten.

P/i "Merry bell". Goal: to teach to listen carefully and hear sound, to practice calm running.

Day of the week

FRIDAY Morning Exercise game "Morning greeting".

Morning exercises.

Ind. work with Irina, Olya “Green Color”. Goal: continue to teach how to recognize and find the color green; develop attention, thinking, motor skills;

develop the ability to listen to the teacher’s speech.

Exercise “Which tree has lost a leaf?” with Yaroslav, Kira. Goal: to develop the skill of examining surfaces and determining their quality; develop tactile perception.

Exercise “Maple leaf” with Denis, Anya. Goal: to develop the ability to smear a small piece of plasticine on a limited surface with your finger; to form control over the muscle tone of the fingers. Formation of CGN: continue to teach how to find your towel, remove it from the hook, and wipe your hands dry.

Add subject pictures on the topic.

Goal: continue to teach how to look at pictures without tearing them.

Free activity for children in activity centers.

Individual conversations and consultations upon request.

Consultation “Use of finger exercises in working with children with disabilities”

OD 9.00 – 9.20 - Artistic creativity. Drawing "Trees in autumn." Goal: to continue to cultivate interest in nature, the desire to display your impressions in drawings; develop the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper; learn to draw the crown of trees with a toothbrush impression; develop fine motor skills of the hands.

9.30 – 9.50 - MUSIC (group).


Exercise "Even formation". Goal: to develop the ability to line up and walk in pairs.

Observation of a birch: expand your understanding of trees; cultivate a desire to protect and preserve nature.

P. /i “Tall and low trees.”

Goal: to develop children’s activity in motor activities.

D/i "Orders". Goal: develop the need for cooperation with adults, improve understanding of adult speech.

Exercise “Autumn Leaves”.

(bend fingers one at a time, starting with the thumb)

We will collect leaves.

(clench and unclench fists).

Birch leaves,

Rowan leaves,

poplar leaves,

Aspen leaves,

We will collect oak leaves.

We'll take an autumn bouquet to mom.

(bend your fingers one by one, starting with the thumb).

Continue to teach children to dress and undress independently, and carefully put things in the closet.

Games with external material under the supervision of a teacher. Goal: to develop the ability to play alongside other children.

Labor: exercise “Collect leaves.”

Purpose: to teach how to carry out work assignments.

Work before bed. - Corrective and educational game “Moments of Silence”.

Develop the ability to hang a dress or shirt on the back of a chair when undressing before going to bed, and carefully place shorts and tights on the seat.

Reading: “Aspen and the Breeze” (M. Skrebtsova)

Air and water procedures. Objectives: to ensure the gradual awakening of the child’s body; educate positively - emotional mood after sleep; form initial ideas about the need for hardening.

Game “Arrange the leaves by color” with Kira.

Game with Olya, Irina “Droplet to droplet - a trickle of rain.” Goal: to develop fine motor skills and coordination of movements. Material: “droplets” cut out of paper, wire for stringing.

Teach children to put toys away after playing.

Independent activity of children in activity centers.

Walk - Observation: leaf fall. Reading: V. Mirovich “Leaf fall, leaf fall.”

Objectives: to draw children's attention to how slowly, smoothly the leaves fall in calm weather, how they flutter, curl, and spin when the wind blows. Expand your understanding of autumn natural phenomena. To form an interest in the artistic word.

Independent games for children.

P/i “We are leaves.”

List of used literature:

1. Borisenko M. G., Lukina N. A. Our fingers play (Development of fine motor skills). – St. Petersburg. : “Parity”, 2003.- 144 p. – (Series “I am born. I grow. I develop”).

2. Bardysheva T. Yu., Monosova E. N. Speech therapy classes in kindergarten. 2nd junior group. - M.: Publishing house “Scriptorium 2003”, 2010.

3. Galkina G. G., Dubinina T. I. Fingers help to speak. Correctional classes for the development of fine motor skills in children / G. G. Galkina, T. I. Dubinina. - M.: Publishing house "Gnome and D., 2005. - 40 p.

4. Ivanova A. E., Kravets O. Yu., Rybkina I. A., etc. Correctional and developmental work with children of early and early age preschool age/Ed. N.V. Serebryakova. - St. Petersburg. : KARO, 2005. - 112 p. : ill. - (Correctional pedagogy).

5. Planning educational activities in preschool educational institution. First junior group. Toolkit edited by Timofeeva L.L. – M.: Center teacher education, 2015. – 288 p.

6. Samoilova Z.I. Organization of children’s activities during a walk. First junior group /auth. -composition Z. I. Samoilova. – Volgograd: Teacher, 2013. – 76 p.

7. Internet resources:



Subject week “Sport and work go hand in hand” with students with disabilities

Tokareva E.I. - teacher,

OKOU "Kursk Boarding School"


For students with disabilitiessports activity,formation of labor skills and abilities,is necessary for the harmonious development of the child and his adaptation in society.

Keywords: physical education,labor education,motor sphere,work skills.

IN last years considerable attention is paid to the problems of children with disabilities limited health opportunities (HIA)

A child with disabilities has certain limitations in daily life activities (physical, mental or sensory defects).

One of the tasks of the Federal State educational standard primary general education students with disabilities – protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children, including their emotional well-being.

Physical education occupies a special position in the system of correctional and educational work at school, because physical state and motor capabilities of students with disabilities largely determine their overall capacity in learning and work, as well as the compensatory capabilities of the body in overcoming developmental disorders.It has been proven that physical activity stimulates metabolic processes in tissues and thus affects the growth and development of the musculoskeletal system, motor, cardiovascular, endocrine and nervous systems.

In the process of physical education, studentsget to know their body and learn to control it;acquire a certaina system of knowledge about physical exercises, their structure, health-improving effects on the body; are aware of their motor actions. While doing physical exercises with a studentspatial orientation develops,memory, attention, thinking,lexicon.

Physical education allows us to solve the problem of integrating students with disabilities into society. How?

Physical education forms:

    a conscious attitude towards one’s own strengths in comparison with peers from secondary schools.

    the ability to overcome not only physical, but also psychological barriers that prevent a full life.

    compensatory skills, that is, allows you to use the functions of different systems and organs in place of impaired ones.

    contribute to overcoming the physical activity necessary for full functioning in society.

    the need to be as healthy as possible and to lead a healthy lifestyle.

    awareness of the need for one’s personal contribution to society.

    desire to improve your personal qualities.

    desire to improve mental and physical performance.

As is known, physical education, in close connection with mental, moral, aesthetic education and labor training, occupies one of the leading places in preparing students with disabilities (HLD) for independent life and is one of the means of successful social adaptation and integration of children into society.Labor training aims to prepare manual workers (carpenter, mechanic, seamstress, cook, etc.)capable of independently performing simple types of work both in a regular workforce and at production enterprises.

The main tasks of labor education for students with disabilities are to cultivate diligence, the need for work, and the creation of psychological and practical readiness for work.Their further self-determination depends on how well their labor skills are developed. In the process of working activity, students gradually begin to show themselves as an independent, emerging personality, which is essential for their independent life.

Thus,sports activities of students,formation of labor skills and abilities related to different types labor,becomes more efficient and effective through joint and complementary activities. After all, this is how students acquire physical and creative abilities, learn to work on themselves, and develop interest in different forms labor, form correct ideas about a healthy lifestyle, develop personal qualities (responsibility, activity, creativity, independence, etc.), which is necessary for the harmonious development of the child and his adaptation in society.

In this regard, every year a week of physical culture and labor training, including a set of measures aimed at adaptation and rehabilitation in the social environment of students. It is through subject weeks that almost all school students can be involved in sports activities, creativity, broaden their horizons, and interest them in one or another area of ​​knowledge. Each child is an active participant in all events of the week. He can try his hand at various activities: crafting, drawing, participating in competitions, etc.

This week includes open lessons, drawing competition, master classes,works of children's creativity are exhibited,school-wide event “Health Day”.

This event is held under the motto “Sport and work go together”, where competitions, quizzes, and sports competitions are held.

Teachers demonstrateknowledge life safety fundamentals (For example "putting on a gas mask for a while");

manual knowledge (where it develops fine motor skills hands, the level of anxiety decreases, spatial thinking develops, initiative, mental activity, independence, curiosity are formed);culinary knowledge “Master Cook” (where girls demonstrate the skills acquired in technology lessons, are able to quickly select the necessary ingredients for a given dish, correctly calculate the proportions of products, and determine the correct sequence of cooking a dish);

sewing knowledge competition "Buttons" (girls demonstrate various options for sewing buttons with four holes, demonstrate their skills necessary in the manufacture of sewing products, show knowledge of sewing terminology, knowledge and compliance with the rules of safe work with tools and materials).

In a sports competitionare developing such valuable qualities as resourcefulness, determination, the ability to quickly navigate in an unexpected environment, endurance and desire to win. Participation in the teameducates ability to act in a team, a sense of mutual benefit,promotes development of muscle strength, motor response, coordination of movements. In sportsstimulated all systems of the body: blood circulation, vision, hearing, the capabilities of the respiratory organs increase, the overall endurance of the body increases, the sensitivity and functional stability of the vestibular analyzer increases. All kinds of combinations of movements and techniques force you to think most economically, react to the actions of your partners, adapt to the situation, you have to choose from a variety of operations the one that can bring success. Information entering the brain makes it work at an accelerated pace, turns on mental processes, which helps improve regulatory activity nervous system. Consequently, cognitive activity develops and mental activity increases.

Thus, collective eventsbecome a powerful forcetwo important processes are taking place simultaneously - the formation and unity of the children’s team, and the formation of the students’ personality. Subject weeks are always a learning experience of something new, and such a unique experience allows a child to grow above himself, realizing himself in new areas of life.Students are given the opportunity to adaptadapt to life in society, become full-fledged citizensnom,after all, for children with disabilities, this is a further condition for their success.

Accurate placement"

(responsible Ermakov S.A.)

The task of the participants is There is an arrangement of 8 pieces on the chessboard, the participants' task is to remember this arrangement within a minute, and on command on another chessboard - to arrange these pieces from memory. The team that completes the task more accurately wins.

In order to successfully select an active game, it is important to take into account not only the interests of children, but also the age-related characteristics of their physical and mental development, the nature and depth of the defect, the child’s real motor capabilities, and his individual reaction to physical activity.

Technology lessons - these are life lessons. This school subject gives girls the necessary knowledge and skills that are needed every day in everyday life.

Sports are necessary, and not only because active physical exercise improves health and improves mood. Sport builds character, teaches discipline and overcoming difficulties.

Participation in team sports promotes the development of communication skills and the ability to jointly solve complex problems. Persistence, endurance and the desire to win, and therefore to achieve a set goal, are important traits that are useful to a person in everyday life. Sport saves you from bad thoughts in difficult situations, helps you overcome stress and helps you find new friends.

Students must be able to work and make useful things with their own hands.After all, work contributes to the development of imagination, abstract thinking and memory, and also allows you to get better at a certain activity and gain valuable skills in life. This subject significantly raises the spirit of collectivism and unites the class, because it is so interesting to work together and provide each other with all possible help. In addition, students develop a love and affection for work, and this will certainly come in handy in life. At the same time, many parents notice that their child is a creative person who strives to make unique things with his own hands, and, as you know, such potential is revealed by labor lessons at school. These lessons are always learning something new, and such a unique experience allows the child to grow above himself, realizing himself in new areas of life. So the benefits of labor simply cannot be overestimated.

Implementing an integrated approach to education requires that when organizing all events, not only one core task is solved; it is important that each event solves a maximum of educational problems.

Physical education is important in the formation healthy image life, in preserving and strengthening a person’s physical and mental health, counteracting the influence of negative factors environment

Thus, two important processes take place simultaneously - the formation and unity of the children's team, and the formation of the students' personality. While planning and organizing collective creative activities, students gain extensive experience in organizational skills; everyone can submit an idea, suggest new way action, take on the organization of a certain stage of collective creative work.

Collective creative activities become a powerful force that attracts children to school and provides extensive extracurricular employment for children. The results of the analysis of observations of the activities of boarding school students showed the need for systematic and targeted work to develop children’s labor skills in the process of collective work. After all, for children with disabilities, this is a further condition for their success. Therefore, labor education should be the main focus of work.

A huge contribution to resolving issues of organizing labor activity was made by the domestic teacher A. S. Makarenko. He put forward and proved in practice the position that work is “the main core that unites children into a team, the core of the entire educational system.”

There are historical examples of how creative activity not only helped to overcome physical disabilities and health problems, but also to become an outstanding personality in the field of culture and art.

Purpose of the program - formation, preservation and strengthening of children’s healthwith disabilities.

Today, the problems of maintaining the health of children and instilling in them healthy lifestyle skills are very relevant. Therefore, one of the priority areas of educational work of the school is physical education and health improvement.
As part of the work of the school, a role in the health of children is played by extracurricular activities sports orientation.

The empathy that arises from participation in a common cause serves as an important means of team unity. They broaden your horizons and evoke a feeling of involvement in the life of the country.

    Machikhina V.F. Extracurricular educational work in a auxiliary boarding school: A manual for teachers and educators. M: Education, 1983. - 104 p.

Chupakha I.V., Puzhaeva E.Z., Sokolova I.Yu. Health-saving technologies in the educational process. - M.: Ilexa,Public education; Stavropol: Stavropolserviceschool, 2003. -400 Literature: Mastyukova E. M. Correctional and pedagogical work on physical education of preschool children with mental retardation. M.: Arkti, 2002.

Physical culture in special education Dmitriev A. A. M.: Publishing center "Academy", 2002. Shapkova L. V.

Outdoor games for children with developmental disabilities. St. Petersburg: Childhood-Press, 2002. Health-saving education [electronic resource] http://zpzr.ru Zhirova T. M. Your life is your choice // Development of healthy lifestyle values ​​for schoolchildren - Volgograd: Panorama; Moscow: Globus, 2007.

The role of outdoor play in the rehabilitation of children with disabilities / URL: http://festival.1september.ru/articles/626046/ (06/2/2016).

Novoseltseva N.V. Physical culture and sports activities as a means of developing health conservation and socialization of students with disabilities // Young scientist. - 2016. - No. 27. - pp. 698-702.