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Outdoor games for disabled children are interesting. Educational portal

Ivanova Albina Timofeevna, Kotikova Alevtina Georgievna, teachers of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 105", Ryazan

Outdoor games occupy a leading place both in the physical education of a healthy child and in the process of physical rehabilitation of children with disabilities, allowing them to effectively solve therapeutic and educational problems at a high emotional level. According to L.S. Vygostky. The psychological basis of the game is the dominance of feelings in the child’s soul, freedom of expression, sincere laughter, tears, delight, that is, that natural emotional essence of the child that seeks expression, both in the physical and psychological spheres. When participating in outdoor games, children experience all the events of the game very directly and intensely. Game means are basic movements: walking, running, jumping, throwing, carrying loads, climbing, etc.

Purposefully selected outdoor games, game exercises, game tasks develop fine motor skills of the hands, coordination of movements, eye, improve quality speech development, stimulate the development of physical, psychomotor and intellectual abilities of children. The game activates figurative and emotional thinking, attention, memory, relieves mental fatigue, creates a creative atmosphere, and helps eliminate isolation and shyness. Outdoor play models role relationships and helps to interact with other children in a team, which is necessary for developing communication skills among children with disabilities.

When organizing a game, it is important to create favorable motor and play conditions for children to realize their natural motor potential. The principle of “do no harm” is one of the most essential in organizing outdoor games. It is known that children with various health conditions (with pathologies of vision, hearing, consequences of cerebral palsy, with intellectual problems, etc.) have different physical capabilities, and this feature must be taken into account when conducting outdoor games. For a child with a developmental disorder, it is extremely important what motor actions the game consists of, with what intensity (intensity, pace) it is carried out, and how the body responds to the received load. When selecting outdoor games, it is necessary to take into account the nature and depth of the defect, the child’s real motor capabilities and his individual reaction to physical activity. It is important that the load is accessible to the child and does not cause overexertion and fatigue. The content and dosage of the load should provide for the gradual complication of gaming activities, alternating them in direction, intensity and duration, which maintains immediate interest in the game.

Outdoor play acts as a means and method of physical activity, used in adaptive physical education, and synthesizes those functions that accompany the socialization of a child with disabilities.

Draft summary of the outdoor game "Cauldron" for children with disabilities.

Children's age is 5-6 years.

Kotikova Alevtina Georgievna, teacher.

Children's age

Type of disability of the child

Impaired mental function

Outdoor game "Cauldron".

The teacher's goal

Contribute to the unity of the children's team; removing the state of aggression.

Pedagogical tasks:


To promote the development of attention and voluntary regulation of one’s own activities. Create conditions for friendly interaction between children and peers


Development of movement coordination. Help develop the ability to control one's own emotional condition.

A “cauldron” is a limited space in a group (for example, a carpet). During the game, participants become “water droplets” and move chaotically on the carpet without touching each other. The presenter says the words: “the water is heating up!”, “the water is getting warmer!”, “the water is hot!”, “the water is boiling!”, …. Children change their speed depending on the temperature of the water. It is forbidden to collide or go beyond the carpet. Anyone who breaks the rules leaves the game. The winners are the most attentive and dexterous.

Educator: -Children, today we will turn into droplets of water. The carpet is our cauldron. You walk and run all over the carpet in motion, showing what happens to water. It is forbidden to push each other and go beyond the mat. You are all droplets of “cold water” - we walk on the carpet slowly, lazily. “The water is heating up” - we move a little faster, “the water is hot” - we speed up our movements even more, don’t push, don’t leave the carpet. “The water is boiling” - we run.

If a child does not follow the rule, he can be invited to be the leader together with the teacher, or to perform the movements together with the teacher.

Participants stand in a limited space. At the command of the leader, they begin to move in a chaotic order in accordance with the commands of the leader. The main condition is not to touch each other, not to go beyond the designated territory.

Draft summary of the outdoor game "Crows" for children with disabilities.

Children's age is 3-4 years.

Ivanova Albina Timofeevna, teacher

Children's age

Junior preschool 3 - 4 years old

Type of disability of the child

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system. Cerebral palsy (diplegia of the lower extremities).

Outdoor game "Crows".

The teacher's goal

Organize children's activities aimed at developing the ability to imitate and the ability to move rhythmically.

Pedagogical tasks:

Introduce children to the rules of the game and organize play activities.


Organize practical exercises that help develop the ability to navigate in space and coordinate movements.


Create conditions for developing the ability to maintain balance when squatting

Option 1 - without the help of an adult.

Children stand in a “flock”, pretending to be crows, and imitate the movements of an adult who sings:

Here, under the green Christmas tree, crows are jumping merrily:


They screamed all day and didn’t let the kids sleep:


(Children run around the group, waving their arms like wings.)

Only towards night they fall silent, the crows sleep and rest.

Quiet. “Kar-kar-kar!” (A. Anufrieva)

(They sit on chairs, hands under cheeks - “fall asleep.”)

Option 2 - all actions are performed together with the mother or an adult.

Describe the conditions necessary to play the game

Flat surface of the playing area. Absence of unnecessary objects during the game to avoid injury. Chairs for children with cerebral palsy are located near the playground.

The game of medium intensity is played 2-3 times.


1. Maller A. R. Child with disabilities. - M., 2002.

2. Stakovskaya V.L. Outdoor games in the therapy of sick and weakened children. -M.: 2005.

3. Shapkova L.V. Outdoor games for children with developmental disorders St. Petersburg: ″CHILDHOOD-PRESS″, 2002.

4. Shishkina V.A. Movement + movement: a book for educators kindergarten. - M.: Education, 1992.

5. The role of outdoor play in the rehabilitation of children with disabilities / URL:

Psychological games for children with disabilities
(under the guidance of a psychologist)
Any game is preceded by an explanation, which is given in the following sequence:
- name of the game;
- the roles of the players and their location on the playground;
- rules and course of the game;
- determination of the winners.
Screams of joy, freedom of expression, cheering fans and general noise are a natural accompaniment of an active game. At the end of it, the children also emotionally accept their victory or defeat. It is extremely important for the leader to give fair assessment to all participants. Bias always causes negative emotions and even resentment. You need to finish the game in a timely manner. Delaying may cause children to lose interest. A sudden stop is also undesirable. One of the important tasks of the game manager is dosing the load. You can regulate the load different ways: reduction of game duration; introducing rest breaks; changing the number of players; reducing the playing area; changing the rules; changing the role of the players; switching to another game.
Thus, in the organization and methodology of conducting outdoor games, a number of successive stages of preparation can be distinguished:
- choice of game (depends on correctional tasks);
- preparing the place for the game (take all precautions);
- preparation of equipment (think through and prepare in advance);
- marking the site (the boundaries are clearly delineated, the boundary line is no more than 3 meters from obstacles: walls, trees, stumps);
- arrangement of the players (indicate the starting position, make sure that the children do not stand facing the sun);
-Explanation of the rules and course of the game (definition of the roles of the players and their location, content and rules of the game);
- appointment of drivers (choice at will, by lot);
- judging (objective and accurate);
- load dosage (minor, moderate, tonic, developmental);
- end of the game (when the first signs of fatigue appear and the interest, behavior, and composition of the players decrease);
- summing up (a brief analysis of the game with an analysis of errors with the involvement of the children themselves, which contributes to the development of observation, clarification of the rules of the game, and teaches them to comprehend actions and conscious discipline).
Sincerity, goodwill, cheerfulness and openness, empathy and the ability to help, to notice successes - these are the qualities that attract children, arouse their sympathy and respect for adults, and sometimes are the main motive for participating in the game.

This category includes children with disabilities, manifested in persistent impairments cognitive activity arising as a result of organic damage to the cerebral cortex. This is a developmental disorder in which not only the intellect suffers, but also emotions, will, behavior, and physical development. However, despite numerous deviations in all spheres of life, children with moderate mental retardation capable of learning and development. In this case, pedagogical means, principles and methods are of a correctional and developmental nature and are aimed at maximally overcoming (or weakening) the shortcomings of the cognitive, emotional-volitional and motor spheres with a focus on the positive capabilities of the child. The most adequate form of overcoming and compensating for these shortcomings is physical activity, in which the leading place belongs to outdoor play.
- Formation of the child’s ideas about the shape, size and other properties of objects;
- development of reaction speed.
All players are dressed differently. The presenter shouts: “Touch the blue!” Players must instantly orient themselves, find something blue among the participants in the game and touch this color. The colors change every time, whoever did not have time to react in time becomes the leader.
Options: You can name the shape and size of the object. Then we make it more difficult: “Touch the red round.”
Psychological games for children with problems in speech and communication development
Block 2: “Games to develop communication skills”
To develop communication skills, the following games can be recommended. These games are aimed at developing constructive communication skills, the ability to derive joy from communication, the ability to listen and hear another person, and the formation of collective activity skills.
Round dance game "Aw!"
Target. Develop an attentive attitude towards each other, help overcome the barrier in communication.
Progress of the game. A child stands in a circle, blindfolded, lost in the forest. Children lead a round dance, pronouncing the words “Petya (Masha), you are now in the forest, we are singing you AU! Come on, open your eyes quickly, find out who called you quickly. One of the children shouts to him: “Ay!” - and the “lost” person must guess who called him.
Outdoor game “Take a toy”
Target. Develop communication skills and the ability to ask.
Progress of the game: Children stand in a circle and put toys in the center. The presenter says “Please take... (car, dolls, pyramid, etc.).” Those who haven’t found the necessary toy drive.
Didactic game “Finish the sentence”
Goal: To develop self-confidence and self-confidence.
Progress of the game. The child must complete each of the phrases you suggest: “I can…”, “I want...”, “I can...”, “I will achieve...”. Show for non-speaking children.
Didactic game “Polite words”
Goal: Development of respect in communication, the habit of using polite words.
Progress of the game. The game is played with the ball in a circle. Children throw a ball to each other, saying polite words. Say only the words of greeting (hello, good afternoon, we are glad to see you, we are glad to meet you); gratitude (thank you, thank you, please be kind); apology (sorry, pardon, sorry, sorry); farewells (goodbye, see you, good night). Creative game “Mittens”
Target. Develop the ability to interact with each other.
Move. To play you need mittens cut out of paper. The number of pairs must correspond to the number of pairs of children. Place mittens with the same (but not painted) patterns in different places in the room. Children must find their pair and use three pencils of different colors to color the same mittens. Observe how couples organize their work together, how they share pencils, and how they negotiate with each other. The winners are congratulated.
Dramatization game “Gift for everyone”
Goal: To develop the ability to make friends, make the right choice, cooperate with peers, and sense of team.
Progress of the game. The children are given the task: “If you were a wizard and could work miracles, what would you give to all of us now?” or “If you had Tsvetik - Seven-Tsvetik, what wish would you make?” Each child makes one wish by tearing one petal from a common flower. Fly, fly petal, through the west to the east, Through the north, through the south, come back, having made a circle, as soon as you touch the ground, I think you were led. Order to...
At the end, you can hold a competition for the best wish for everyone.
Dramatization game “What is good and what is bad”
Target. To form in children an idea of ​​good and bad deeds, behavior, and the ability to correctly evaluate themselves and others.
Progress of the game. The teacher reads a poem or story to the children on a given topic, the children depict situations using pictures on the table or flannelgraph.
Outdoor game “Don’t get your feet wet”
Target. Learn to show mutual assistance and mutual assistance.
Progress of the game. Children sit on chairs on one side of the room. A swamp is separated by a white line on the floor. Children are given two tablets. Both need to cross these planks - bridges to the other side.
Exercise game “Please”
Target. Develop the skill of using “Magic Words”.
Progress of the game: Everyone stands in a circle. The teacher shows different movements, and the players must repeat them only if he adds the word “please”. Whoever makes a mistake is out of the game.
Dramatization game “Turnip”
Goal: To instill in children a sense of mutual assistance, to develop their expressiveness of intonation, facial expressions, and movements.
Progress of the game. The teacher tells a fairy tale, children-artists join the game as the fairy tale progresses. At the end of the game, you can invite the children to dance in a circle and arrange a harvest festival.
Didactic game “We didn’t share the toy”
Goal: To teach children to get out safely conflict situations, find a compromise solution.
Progress of the game. The teacher reports that Karslon flew to them today and left a lot of toys. The teacher takes out new toys from the bag, they are all different. The teacher invites the children to take them apart, while he watches them from the side. If a conflict situation arises in the group over toys, the teacher calms the children and invites everyone to figure out the current situation together. Outdoor game “Dancers and Musicians”
Target. Teach children to use common things, give in to each other, express sympathy for another child.
Progress of the game. The game is played with musical accompaniment. Taking the doll, the teacher shows how you can dance with it. Then, he shows 3-4 children and invites each one to choose a doll. Children with dolls stand around the teacher and perform dance movements with him. During the performance of the “dancers,” the rest of the participants sing along and act as musicians (playing their fists like pipes, or pretending to play the harmonica). After the dance, they hand over their dolls to those who have not yet danced, expressing their sympathy for a certain child.
Creative game “Country of Politeness”
Target. It is appropriate to teach children, depending on the situation and the recipient, to use polite words of greeting. Learn general culture behavior, kind, respectful attitude towards each other.
Progress of the game. The teacher offers to go to the land of Politeness. First you need to remember polite words. Next, the teacher reads the verse. V. Soloukhin “Hello”, children answer the questions posed in the poem.
Creative game “Who is who here?”
Goal: To teach the means of gestures and facial expressions, to convey the most characteristic features of a fairy tale character
Progress of the game: The teacher invites the children to perform short performances based on famous fairy tales, depicting the characters using facial expressions and gestures.
Dramatization game “A good word heals, but a bad word cripples”
Goal: To give children the idea that words can influence people’s feelings and behavior.
Progress of the game: The teacher asks the children if they know that with the help of words you can create miracles. A word can offend, upset, or make a person laugh. When a person is upset, offended, it is very difficult for him to cope bad mood, and with a kind word you can console him. The teacher reads a poem, and then shows it with gestures and facial expressions; the children repeat after the teachers.
Games - situations
Goal: To develop the ability to enter into a conversation, exchange feelings, experiences, express your thoughts emotionally and meaningfully, using facial expressions and pantomime.
Progress of the game. Children are invited to role-play a number of situations
1. Two girls quarreled - make up between them.
2. If you really want to play with the same toy as one of the guys in your group, ask him.
3. You really offended your friend - try to ask him for forgiveness, make peace with him.
4. Children are playing, one child does not have a toy - share with him.
5. The child is crying - calm him down.
6. If you can’t tie your shoelace, ask a friend to help you.
Game - dramatization “My day”
Target. Develop the ability to see and understand oneself and others, external and inner world.
Progress of the game. Reading poetry. "My day". Conversation about what you read. Invite children to tell how they behave, what they can do on their own, you can select the necessary pictures or draw them.
Role-playing game “Pinocchio and Children”
Target. Teach children to evaluate their behavior and the behavior of others, to use polite words when communicating.
Progress of the game. The group includes Buratino. They say hello. They say that they would like to see how the guys live. The children show their play corners, toys, etc. Pinocchio invites everyone to play together and asks if the children know how to play together. Pinocchio asks the children riddles. Children guess. Repeat the rules of polite communication.
Simulation game "Monkey"
Target. Develop the ability to imitate facial expressions and gestures.
Progress of the game. The teacher invites one of the children to become a monkey, and the other children to repeat all his movements: the monkey walks - everyone walks, the monkey raises their hand - and the children too.
Role-playing game "Little Helpers"
Target. Encourage children to help with housework, teach joint activities and communication.
Progress of the game. The teacher reads a poem. At the right time, at his signal, each of the children shows how he knows how to do his job.

Stepanova Elena Grigorievna,
teacher of GBS(K) OU No. 502
Kirovsky district of St. Petersburg

Much has been written about play and play behavior. The game is not the product of a passing fashion. This is a phenomenon characterized by special constancy, uniting time, eras, generations. The very concept of play is associated with freedom, good will, pleasure, joy. Play is an integral element of life and human culture. Pedagogy connects play and play behavior with the processes of upbringing, education and personal development.

Today I will try to reveal some psychological, biological and pedagogical aspects of the game, formulate the requirements for gaming activities, and define the functions of the game organizer. I will also offer specific outdoor games to increase the motor activity of children with disabilities in mental and physical development.


Play, as a form of activity, occupies a huge place in a child’s life. A person’s desire to play begins in early childhood and accompanies him throughout his life: from rattles and dolls to gambling. The secret of this phenomenon lies in the psychophysical sphere of man. Indeed, if a person sits in one position for a long time, then he feels the need to move. The energy is looking for a way out, and the child makes movements without any purpose: runs, jumps, pushes.

Another point of view is that the game itself is not so much a waste of energy as a source of energy. However, these two views do not reveal the true connection between play and the inner world of a person. Therefore, the question naturally arises about the meaning of the essence of play in childhood, since this type of activity occupies a dominant place in the life of a child, both healthy and those with developmental disabilities. Let's look at some basic concepts of the game.


The psychological basis of the game is the dominance of feelings in the child’s soul, freedom of expression, sincere laughter, tears, delight, that is, the natural emotional essence of the child, which seeks expression in both the physical and mental spheres. If a child is asked to imagine that he is a thin birch tree, which exposes its thin branches to the rays of the sun and sways from a light breeze, then he will make smooth tilts smoother and more expressive than in the demonstration, since the images and emotions corresponding to the task will allow the child to perform movements more accurately and rightly so. At the same time, he develops:

Ability to distinguish your own muscle sensations (smoothness, tempo, rhythm, range of movements, motor dexterity appears).

Thanks to this, mental functions also develop:

The ability to direct attention to one’s own emotional sensations and the emotions of others;

The ability to manage your feelings.

By participating in games, children very directly and intensely experience all the events of the game, because no matter how many times the game is repeated, each time it takes place in a new way and is fraught with many surprises. Just the anticipation of the game often evokes positive emotions in children, pleasant excitement, and anticipation of joy. The plot of the game (especially role-playing) promotes the child’s emotional self-expression. Children can easily transform into a heron, a wolf, a bird locomotive, etc. And turning into the heroes of a fairy tale, they are not surprised that the locomotive is talking to the traffic light, and the frog is talking to the heron. Children treat play with naive seriousness and protect it. Fantasy and reality merge into one. While playing, the child gets used to various images and gets acquainted with the diversity of social reality. By entering into communication, he learns his inner world and the relationships of people, the secrets of their interactions and experiences joy and failure. At first he only imitates, then a period of comprehension comes, so that in the future he can independently determine his own socio-psychological motives and attitudes. Landmarks. Children have a better developed intuitive ability to grasp someone else's emotional state than adults, so it is important not to miss this fertile time for the child to develop empathy, compassion, and sociability. Kindness. Children with disabilities, regardless of the degree and depth of pathological disorders, with proper organization of outdoor games, can enjoy communication and achieve great success in physical and psychomotor development. The only requirement for outdoor games is they should always be interesting to children and aimed at joint movement and contact with other children.


In children with developmental disorders, movement deficits lead to pronounced functional and morphological changes. It has been noted that with hypokinesis (immobility) in children, the activity of biochemical processes decreases, immunity to colds and infectious diseases weakens, the range of capabilities of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems narrows, the neuromuscular system weakens, various postural defects form, which leads to muscle hypotonia, a decrease in the mobility of the chest in all its parts, a general weakening of the body and a decrease in vitality. A characteristic consequence of these disorders is the deterioration of physical and psychomotor qualities:

Coordination of movements;

Accuracy and speed of reaction;

Speed ​​of motor reaction;

Mobility in joints;


Muscle strength;


General performance.

In other words, the body begins to age (“A body without movement is like stagnant water that molds and rots” Maksimovich - Abodika E.M.). The only measure to prevent and eliminate the negative consequences of hypokenism, especially during summer holidays, is the expansion of physical activity, hardening, and the widespread use of outdoor games and sports games. Known. That children with various health conditions, pathologies of vision, hearing, consequences of cerebral palsy, and intellectual problems have different physical capabilities, and this feature must be taken into account when conducting outdoor games. Conventionally, regardless of age, three groups of children are distinguished, characterized by high average and low mobility.

Children with great mobility They are characterized by high reactivity, unbalanced behavior, and they are more likely than others to find themselves in conflict situations. Due to excessive mobility, such children do not always have time to understand the essence of the game, as a result of which they have a low degree of awareness of their actions. Usually. They do simple exercises well, but avoid movements that require precision. Concentration. Restraint of behavior. Their movements are sharp, fast, and often useless. Increased intensity of play tends to cause fatigue, which affects general behavior.

Children medium mobility They are distinguished by the most even, calm behavior, moderate mobility. They are emotional, passionate, usually confident, clear, and focused.

Sedentary children lethargic, passive, get tired quickly, try to move away so as not to disturb anyone, choose activities that do not require a lot of space. Such children do not dare to come into contact with their peers, so they need constant help from adults. This deficiency in the child’s behavior is most often explained by poor motor experience due to pathology and the formed habit of a sedentary lifestyle.


In order to successfully choose an outdoor game, it is important to take into account not only the interests of children, but also age characteristics, their mental and physical development, so younger children school age(7 - 9 years old) are characterized by special mobility, instability of attention, constant need for movement. However, their body is not yet ready for long-term stress; the strength of such children is quickly depleted, but after playing they are quickly restored. This group of children enjoys playing simulation games, story-based, with running, dodging the driver, jumping, catching and throwing various objects (“Day and Night”, “Calling Numbers”, “Ball for a Neighbor”, “Jumping on Stripes”, etc. )

At the age of 10 - 12 years, the development of coordination capabilities is noticeably better. Strength, speed, which leads to better management body and the ability to perform more complex outdoor games. The development of operational thinking, stability of attention and interest characterize the psyche of children of this age. This is especially important because children of this age begin to be interested in games with elements of competition between individual participants (teams). Games for children aged 10 - 12 years are characterized by longer duration and intensity of load. (“Circle rounder”, “Rope under your feet”, “Shootout”, “Fight for the ball”, “Drag over the line”, etc.). At this age, children develop and strengthen strong-willed qualities, independence, courage, initiative, determination are more clearly manifested. Children demonstrate discipline, activity and endurance. But if the load is incorrect, flashes of sharpness are not uncommon. Rudeness, impatience. Therefore, during the game you should not allow excessive excitement and tension.

Adolescence 13 - 15 years old. It is also called transitional, since during this period the entire body intensively develops and grows. The skeletal and muscular systems grow rapidly, the cardiovascular system instantly responds to physical activity and recovers relatively quickly. More developed logical thinking, the ability to analyze and generalize determine the motives of a teenager’s behavior. Sometimes teenagers completely abandon classes, preferring other forms of leisure. In such cases, it is necessary to show tact and restraint. Patience, combining them with exactingness. Ability to avoid conflict situations. Teenagers enjoy playing volleyball, tennis and other sports games, among the outdoor games are relay races with running, jumping, throwing (“Circular rounders”, “Ball for the captain”, games with overcoming combined obstacles that require accuracy, the ability to navigate in space, coordination movements, reaction speed.).

When working with older children 16-18 years old, games from the previous age group. When playing, they focus on the tactics and results of the game, showing greater independence. Many of them take on the role of leader, team captain, organizing the coordinated actions of the players.

Purposefully selected outdoor games can develop in disabled children:

Fine motor skills;

Coordination of movements;



Differentiation of effort, time, space;

Improve the quality of attention and sound pronunciation;

Helps master basic skills mathematical representations, that is, they stimulate the development of children’s physical, psychomotor and intellectual abilities.


Any game is preceded by an explanation, which is given in the following sequence:

Name of the game;

The roles of the players and their location on the playground;

Rules and course of the game;

Determination of the winners.

Screams of joy, freedom of expression, cheering fans and general noise are a natural accompaniment of an active game. At the end of it, the children also emotionally accept their victory or defeat. It is extremely important for the leader to give fair assessment to all participants. Bias always causes negative emotions and even resentment. You need to finish the game in a timely manner. Delaying may cause children to lose interest. A sudden stop is also undesirable. One of the important tasks of the game director is dosing the load. The load can be adjusted in various ways: reducing the duration of the game; introducing rest breaks; changing the number of players; reducing the playing area; changing the rules; changing the role of the players; switching to another game.

Thus, in the organization and methodology of conducting outdoor games, a number of successive stages of preparation can be distinguished:

Choice of game (depends on correctional tasks);

Preparing the place for the game (take all precautions);

Preparation of equipment (think through and prepare in advance);

Marking the site (the boundaries are clearly delineated, the boundary line is no more than 3 meters from obstacles: walls, trees, stumps);

Arrangement of the players (indicate the starting position, make sure that the children do not stand facing the sun);

Explanation of the rules and course of the game (definition of the roles of the players and their location, content and rules of the game);

Appointment of drivers (choice at will, by lot);

Judging (objective and accurate);

Load dosage (minor, moderate, tonic, developmental);

End of the game (when the first signs of fatigue appear and the interest, behavior, and composition of the players decrease);

Summing up (a brief analysis of the game with an analysis of errors with the involvement of the children themselves, which contributes to the development of observation, clarification of the rules of the game, and teaches them to comprehend actions and conscious discipline).

Sincerity, goodwill, cheerfulness and openness, empathy and the ability to help, to notice successes - these are the qualities that attract children, arouse their sympathy and respect for adults, and sometimes are the main motive for participating in the game.


This category includes children with disabilities, manifested in persistent impairments in cognitive activity resulting from organic damage to the cerebral cortex. This is a developmental disorder in which not only the intellect suffers, but also emotions, will, behavior, and physical development. However, despite numerous deviations in all areas of life, children with moderate mental retardation are capable of learning and development. In this case, pedagogical means, principles and methods are of a correctional and developmental nature and are aimed at maximally overcoming (or weakening) the shortcomings of the cognitive, emotional-volitional and motor spheres with a focus on the positive capabilities of the child. The most adequate form of overcoming and compensating for these shortcomings is physical activity, in which the leading place belongs to outdoor play.



Formation of the child’s ideas about the shape, size and other properties of objects;

Development of reaction speed.


All players are dressed differently. The presenter shouts: “Touch the blue!” Players must instantly orient themselves, find something blue among the participants in the game and touch this color. The colors change every time, whoever did not have time to react in time becomes the leader.

Options: You can name the shape and size of the object. Then we make it more difficult: “Touch the red round.”

For those who are interested in this topic, I suggest turning to the book “Children's outdoor games” (edited by E.V. Koneeva) - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006. (The world of your child).


Grigoriev D.V. Improving the motor ability of schoolchildren in a secondary school. - St. Petersburg, Science - Peter, 2005.

Children's outdoor games /edited by E.V. Koneeva/ - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix, 2006. (The world of your child).

Keneman A.V. and others. Children's outdoor games of the peoples of the USSR. - M.: 1988.

Teaching children with severe intellectual underdevelopment. Software - teaching materials/edited by I.M. Bgazhnokova. - M.: VLADOS, 2010.

Osokina T.I. Games and entertainment for children outdoors. - M.: 1998.

Peterson L.G., Kochemasova E.I. Playing game. - M.: Balass, 2001.

Stakovskaya V.L. Outdoor games in the therapy of sick and weakened children. -M.: 2005.

Strakovskaya V.L. 300 outdoor games from 1 year to 14 years. - M.: 1998.

Shishkina V.A. Movement + movement: a book for kindergarten teachers. - M.: Education, 1992.

Children with disabilities (disabilities) need a special approach. Specialized corrective outdoor games have a positive effect on such children, helping to improve their health and helping them develop important skills. Such activities are not only fun, but also extremely effective therapeutic agents. In our article you will find out what types of games can be used for children with different developmental disabilities.

Outdoor games for children with musculoskeletal disorders

  • "Christmas tree". Children stand in a circle holding hands. The teacher begins to tell the story about the Christmas tree. If the leader said the word “wide,” the kids should expand the circle, “small” should sit down, “high” should raise their arms, etc.

  • "Looking for a mate." To play, you need icons or flags of two colors, for example, yellow and green. On command, the little ones scatter in different directions. When the teacher gives the signal, each kid must quickly find a partner, choosing a participant with the same flag color as his. The created pair depicts some figure.
  • "Circle". The participants form a circle, and on the teacher’s command they begin to pass the ball to each other. As soon as the leader gives a signal (for example, one clap of the palms), the kids change the direction of the ball.
  • "The fastest". To play you will need a rope, colored ribbon and two sticks. The ends of the rope are tied to sticks, and a ribbon is tied in the middle of the rope. Participate in the entertainment in pairs. At the teacher’s command, each participant begins to tie a rope onto a stick. Whoever does it faster and reaches the middle first wins.

Outdoor games for children with mental retardation and mental retardation (psychomotor development delay)

Let's consider outdoor games for children with intellectual disabilities.

  • “Say the word.” The children stand in a line. The teacher throws a ball to each of them and names a letter. The kid must catch the ball, sit down, stand up, say a word starting with this letter, and throw the ball back to the teacher.
  • "Sparrows". Using a counting rhyme, one participant is chosen to be the “cat”. His task is to catch the “sparrows” - the remaining players. “Sparrows” can hide from the “cat” by standing on a log or on a line marked with chalk. When the presenter says the phrase “the sparrows have flown,” the participants must jump from the “perch,” “chirping” and “flapping their wings,” while the “cat” begins its hunt.

PECULIARITIES! Each child with developmental disabilities requires an individual approach. It is necessary to take into account not only the preserved motor and intellectual functions of the baby, but also his temperament, age and gender, as well as volitional qualities.

Outdoor games for children with hearing loss

Let's consider outdoor games for deaf and hard of hearing children.

  • "In zoo". Several kids, together with the teacher, stand one behind the other, holding the shoulders of the participant in front, pretending to be a train. The rest of the children stand in a drawn circle or in a hoop and, as soon as the train approaches them, they depict any animal using movements, gestures and facial expressions. The other kids' task is to guess. At the end of the game, you can reward the children who performed best.
  • "Catch a squirrel." A “hunter” is chosen from among the players. He must catch up with the rest of the participants - the “squirrels”, who in turn can hide in the house, standing on some wooden elevation (bench, stump, etc.). If the “hunter” catches the “squirrel”, they change roles.

Outdoor games for children with visual impairments

Let's consider outdoor games for blind and visually impaired children.

  • "Catch-up with a bell." Each of the children is given a bell. A pair of drivers is selected, they must catch up with the participant with the bell, surrounding him. In turn, the player can pass the bell to any other participant. If the drivers catch the player, he drops out and passes the bell to another child or becomes the driver himself. Instead of a bell, you can use a bright hat or cap.

  • “Make the figure laugh.” The little ones perform voluntary movements and freeze in one position or another on command. The water should approach the figure and make it laugh. Participants are not allowed to smile or change their position. Those players who cannot fulfill these conditions are eliminated.
  • "Fishing". Two kids join hands, they will play the role of a “net” and catch the “fish” - the rest of the children. With each “fish” caught, the “net” increases in size. The children who are caught join hands with the kids from the net. The last participant not caught wins. When catching “fish” you cannot “break” the “net”; you need to hold hands as tightly as possible.

IMPORTANT! Watch your baby carefully while playing, identifying his potential. Encourage your baby to develop new capabilities through joint activities, gradually teaching him to participate in them without your help.

Outdoor games for children with cerebral palsy

  • "Follow the command." Children stand opposite the leader and close their eyes, starting to complete tasks. For example, “take 2 steps forward”, “stand on your toes”, “turn your back”, etc.
  • “Pass the ball around.” The kids of each team stand in a circle. Then the captains are chosen and the ball is given to them. At the signal from the leader, the ball must be passed to each other so that it ends up with the captain again as quickly as possible. The team that finishes it faster wins.
  • “Push the cube away.” The players' task is to move the cube as far as possible by throwing the ball. You can use a toy instead of a cube.
  • "Hot ball" Children pass the ball around in a circle while the music plays; as soon as the melody ends, the player in whose hands the ball ends up is eliminated. You can play without music and use a whistle as a signal.

Regular correctional play activities will definitely bear fruit. Kids will be able to smoothly adapt to the conditions of the surrounding world, spend their leisure time interestingly, and also learn communication skills and self-expression.

Outdoor games for correctional children: useful video

Video selection of games for children with disabilities:

Anastasia Klyagina
Card index of games for working with children with disabilities

“Games for developing the thinking of children 3 - 4 years old”

Friendly nevermind rivers

Goal: develop creative thinking, arbitrary memory.

How to play: Draw a circle, star, square, diamond, etc. on a piece of paper. Among them are two identical ones. The child must find them and shade them, but let him figure out how. The most important thing is not to go beyond the contours.

We fix it: instead of geometric shapes, you can draw fruits, furniture, toys or numbers and letters. There are many options.

Let's invite you to your birthday nia

Goal: to learn to correlate groups of objects by their quantity, to develop visual-figurative thinking

Necessary equipment: paper, pencil.

How to play: show your child the same (or different) number of dots in two circles - these are guests and candy. How do you know if there is enough food for everyone? Draw a line from one point of the first circle to another point of the second circle. This is how we establish mutual correspondences.

We fix: you can compare any objects and any number of them in circles - more or less by 1-3 objects. You can put an equal sign between two circles if the number of points is the same.

Divide - collect we eat

Goal: to teach how to isolate parts from a whole and combine them (analysis - synthesis)

How to play: one of the players lists: wheels, engine, steering wheel, cabin. Another calls an object that consists of these parts a machine. Likewise: stem, leaves, petals? Four legs, a lid? Windows, doors, ceiling, walls? Etc.

We play in reverse: chair - back, legs, seat. Telephone - buttons with numbers, case. Etc. What about the orange? Slices, peel. What about the soup? Water, potatoes, cabbage, onions. And the peach? Pulp, bone. What about the pillowcase and bouquet?

We fix: draw parts of the object, for example: long ears, small tail - ask the child to guess whose parts these are (bunny, and complete the drawing of the object. Show part of the object - the child must determine what it is.

Needed in more

Purpose: to introduce the multifunctionality of some things

How we play: with or without showing, ask the child: “What is the brush for?” - “For cleaning shoes, teeth, carpet, clothes, dishes.” “And the paper?” - “Draw, wrap, for books and newspapers,” etc. What about glass, sand, umbrella?

We fix: “What is the wand for?” - “Draw, for the guard, for the flag.”

Enchanted ska languages

Goal: to develop visual-figurative thinking, creative imagination

Required equipment: circles of different sizes and colors.

How we play: we play with enchanted heroes fairy tales "Teremok". Place small and large gray circles on the table and ask the child to “disenchant” them - to determine who is the hare and who is the mouse; then - orange and brown: who is a fox, who is a bear, etc. And who bewitched them - figure it out yourself. In the same way, play with the fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Fox, Hare and Rooster” and other favorite fairy tales of the child.

We fix it: there are colored circles in the box - look for fairy tale characters in them. Let's fantasize. For example, the green circle is both a frog from “Teremok” and a crocodile from “Moidodyr”

Game “The cow gives.

Goal: to develop attention and memory.

Necessary equipment: cards with images of animals, products obtained from animals (milk, eggs, wool, etc.).

How to play: arrange the cards in random order. Invite the child, next to the image of each animal, to put an image of what this animal gives us. For example: chicken - egg, feathers (you can draw a pillow); cow - milk (cottage cheese, sour cream, kefir); goat - downy yarn (draw socks, mittens), etc.

Game "Comparison of Greatnesses" in"

Goal: to develop comparative analysis skills, speech, logical thinking.

Necessary equipment: wide and narrow strips of paper, cubes.

How we play: invite the child to build houses for the mouse and for the bunny: “Do you think we will build them houses of the same size?” Encourage the child to conclude that the mouse’s house should be smaller than the bunny’s house.

Game “How can you tell them apart? h?"

Goal: to develop the skill of comparative analysis of objects by superimposing them on each other.

Required equipment: identical geometric figures with slight differences in size (cut from paper).

How to play: tell the child that the figures are cakes for dolls. Our scattered dolls mixed up all the cakes and cannot determine which is which. After all, the cake for Masha is larger than the cake for Olya, and the cake for Sveta is the smallest. We need to help the dolls. Let the child think about how this can be done. Show him how, by placing the figures on top of each other, he can figure out which cake is bigger and which is smaller. Give the dolls their dessert.

Breathing exercises

Breathing exercises “Angry hedgehog” ik"

Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Imagine how a hedgehog curls up into a ball when in danger. Bend down as low as possible without lifting your heels from the floor, clasp your chest with your hands, lower your head, exhaling “p-f-f” - the sound made by an angry hedgehog, then “f-r-r” - and this is a satisfied hedgehog. Repeat with your child three to five times.

Breathing exercises “Inflate the balloon” ik"

IP: the child is sitting or standing. “Blowing up the balloon” he spreads his arms wide to the sides and inhales deeply, then slowly brings his hands together, bringing his palms together in front of his chest and blows out air - pfft. “The ball has burst” - clap your hands, “the air comes out of the ball” - the child says: “shhh”, stretching out his lips with his proboscis, lowering his hands and settling, like a balloon from which the air has been let out.

Breathing exercises “Geese years” yat"

Slow walking. When you inhale, raise your arms to the sides, when you exhale, lower them down, pronouncing a long sound “g-u-u-u”.

Breathing exercises “Push” OK"

Goal: formation of a breathing apparatus.

Tie a light feather to a string. Invite your child to blow on it. It is necessary to ensure that you inhale only through your nose, and exhale through pursed lips.

Breathing exercises “F” uk"

Goal: train the strength of inhalation and exhalation.

IP: the baby stands or sits with his arms crossed over his chest. He spreads his arms to the sides, raises his head - inhale, crosses his arms over his chest, lowers his head - exhale: “huh-uh-uh,” said the winged beetle, I’ll sit and buzz.”

Breathing exercises “Cock” OK"

Goal: to strengthen physiological breathing in children.

IP: standing straight, legs apart, arms down. Raise your arms to the sides (inhale, and then slap them on your thighs (exhale, say “ku-ka-re-ku”).

Breathing exercises "Voro" on the"

Goal: development of smooth, long exhalation.

IP: the child stands straight, legs slightly apart and arms down. Inhale - spreads your arms wide to the sides, like wings, slowly lowers your arms and says as you exhale: “karrr”, stretching the sound [r] as much as possible.

Games to relieve anxiety

"Dra ka"

Goal: relaxation of the muscles of the lower face and hands

How we play: “Children, imagine that you had a quarrel with a friend. A fight is about to start. Take a deep breath and clench your jaw tightly. Clench your fingers into fists and press your fingers into your palms until it hurts. Hold your breath for a few seconds. Think about it: maybe it’s not worth fighting? Exhale and relax. Hooray! The troubles are over!

"Pump and Ball"

Goal: relax as many muscles as possible

How to play: Guys, break into pairs. One of you is a big inflatable ball, the other pump inflates this big ball. The ball stands with the whole body limp, on bent legs, arms and neck relaxed, body tilted forward, head lowered. The friend begins to inflate the ball, accompanying the movements of his hands with the sound “C”. With each air supply, the ball becomes larger. Hearing the sound “C”, he inhales a portion of air, simultaneously straightening his legs, after 2 - the torso straightens, 3 - the head rises, 4 - the cheeks puff out, and the arms move away from the sides. The ball is inflated. The pump stopped pumping. A friend pulls the pump out of the ball. Air comes out of the ball "Shhh". The body went limp again and returned to its original position. Then the players change places.

"Blind Thane" ec"

Goal: developing trust in each other, relieving excess muscle tension

How to play: “Split into pairs, one of you will be “Blind.” The other will remain “Sighted” and will be able to drive the blind. Now hold hands and dance with each other to soft music. Now switch roles. Help your partner blindfold."

"Sculpture ra"

Goal: reducing muscle tension

How to play: Children are divided into pairs. One is a sculptor, the other is a sculpture. On instructions from an adult, the sculptor sculpts a sculpture from “clay”:

A child who is not afraid of anything

A child who is happy with everything

A child who completed a difficult task, etc.

After the game, discuss how you felt in the role of a sculptor or sculpture. Which figure was pleasant to portray and which was not.

"Tender chalk OK"

Goal: removing muscle tension, developing tactile sensations

How to play: Modification for anxious children:

“You and I will draw on each other’s backs. What do you want me to draw? Sun? Fine". A soft touch of the fingers represents the sun. "It seems? How would you draw on my back or arm? Do you want me to draw the sun for you with “Tender chalk?” Do you want a squirrel or a fox to draw with its “affectionate” tail?”

After finishing, the adult erases everything he drew with gentle hand movements.


Goal: teach to trust

How to play: “Guys, now you and I will be one big caterpillar and we will all move around the room together. Line up in a chain, place your hands on the shoulders of the person in front. A ball is squeezed between the children's stomach and back. Touching with hands is prohibited. The first in the chain holds his ball at outstretched arms. Children must follow a certain route.”

Exercised ability in switching from one pose to anotherb]

[/b]“Ring co"[ /b]

Instructions: Alternately and as quickly as possible, move your fingers, connecting the index finger, middle finger, etc. in a ring with the thumb. The test is performed in the forward direction (from the index finger to the little finger) and in the reverse direction (from the little finger to the little finger) index finger) okay. At the beginning, the exercise is performed with each hand separately, then together.

“Fist - rib - okay no »[[ i] /b]

Goal: development fine motor skills hands

Instructions: Three positions of the hand on the plane of the table, successively replacing each other. Palm on a plane, palm clenched into a fist, palm straightened on the plane of a table. Performed first with the right hand, then with the left, then with both hands together. The number of repetitions is 8-10 times. When mastering the program or if you have difficulties in performing it, help yourself with commands (fist - edge - palm, saying them out loud or to yourself.

b]"Mirror drawn }