Abstracts Statements Story

Why should we take care of our native language? Why you need to protect the Russian language

Knowledge of the Russian language in all its richness is necessary for people of all specialties

This is our great, mighty language

Russian language is the national language of the great Russian people

With the help of the Russian language you can express the subtlest shades of thought and reveal the deepest feelings. Linguistic taste, like the entire cultural appearance of a person, is the result of experience and life.

The unified language of the Russian nation, the language of international communication in modern world. The increasing influence of the Russian language on other languages. Wonderful language of the world for its diversity grammatical forms and by the richness of the vocabulary, the richest fiction.

The native language is a living connection of times. With the help of language, a person understands the role of his people in the past and present, and becomes familiar with the cultural heritage.

The Russian language is the national language of the great Russian people. The importance of the Russian language in our time is enormous. Modern literary Russian is the language of our newspapers and magazines, fiction and science, government agencies And educational institutions, radio, film and television.

Language is called one of the most amazing weapons in the hands of humanity. However, you need to use it skillfully, having studied all its features and secrets. Can any of you say with confidence that you have mastered your native language perfectly? It seems that there will not be such people among the readers of this book. And here’s why: the more we realize the richness and greatness of the Russian language, the more demanding we become of our speech, the more acutely we feel the need to improve our style, fight for the purity of the language, and resist its corruption. N. M. Karamzin, who did a lot for the development and enrichment of the Russian language, wrote: “Voltaire said that at the age of six you can learn all the main languages, but all your life you need to learn your natural one. We Russians have even more work than others.” .

Speaking and writing correctly and speaking and writing well are not the same thing. Even if you are fluent in literary language, it is always useful to think about how to make your speech richer and more expressive. This is taught by stylistics - the science of skillful choice of linguistic means.

The more literate a person is, the more demanding he is of his speech, the more acutely he understands how important it is to learn good style from wonderful Russian writers. They worked tirelessly to improve and enrich artistic speech and bequeathed to us to treat our native language with care. The Russian language has always been the pride of our classic writers; it instilled in them faith in the powerful forces and great destiny of the Russian people. “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland - you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language!” - wrote I. S. Turgenev.

With the help of the Russian language you can express the subtlest shades of thought and reveal the deepest feelings. There is no such concept that cannot be called a Russian word. Reading the works of great writers, we immerse ourselves in the world created by their imagination, follow the thoughts and behavior of their heroes and sometimes forget that literature is the art of words. But everything that we learn about from books is embodied in the word; it does not exist outside the word!

The magical colors of Russian nature, the description of the rich spiritual life of people, the entire vast world of human feelings - everything is recreated by the writer with the help of those very words that serve us in everyday life. It is no coincidence that language is called one of the most amazing weapons in the hands of humanity. You just need to know how to use it. This is why it is necessary to study stylistics.

The Russian language is majestic and powerful. It is the main component of life. Great works are written in Russian. The Russian language has a variety of grammatical forms; it is the richest language of literature. For some peoples this language is very difficult.

The main task of people is to protect their own language. Some people don’t want to write correctly or speak correctly. More and more foreign foreign words are penetrating our language. Our language is already diverse and multifaceted.

Thanks to language we understand each other. It is used in oral and written creativity. With its help we can express our sincere and deep feelings.

Russian language is main language of the Russian people. He's playing great value in the modern world. Today literary language- this is the language of newspapers, magazines, radio. We are obliged to use our own language correctly and skillfully, to know all its features. All people should love their language, protect and preserve it.

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Speak Russian, speak beautifully, take care of literary speech - this topic of conversation is not new, it also arose on the website Stikhi.Ru. But it is close and interesting to me because it is my favorite job and passion for life. Preserving the purity of the Russian language is a glorious goal, it is necessary to talk about it, and it has always been and will always be. The influx of new words and the use of borrowed ones must be approached calmly and wisely. If a new word appeared along with a new object, phenomenon, event, then why fight with its true and natural name. We must accept the “newcomer” with respect for his origin. Of course, if it is a new word, we need it. Ignoring what happened is not serious.
But this attitude towards language should not exist. The appearance of “new words” in Ukrainian speech caused confusion. Instead of “mine” they began to stubbornly propagate the word “digging pits”. They say that “mines” are not Ukrainian word, there is no such word in the Ukrainian language. Who are the miners then? It is necessary to name the same root word: diggers work in the digs. Who are the diggers? People have always called grave diggers this way.
It’s just as funny and stupid with the word “telephone.” Now in Ukrainian it is “slukha”. But the telephone operators remained. Why? Where does “telephone operator” come from if the word “telephone” was abolished? So what do you call a telephone operator? A rumormonger? Is a man a listener?
Now let’s see why they “stuff” speeches and reports with borrowed words and before whom they “show off.” If experts have gathered and the topic is familiar to everyone, but a new word has just appeared and you can’t live without it, then explain it to the audience right away, and off you go! But these words are often inserted into ordinary speech to “show off” and to show one’s “advancement.” Here's where to ask a question. Ask the speaker for the meaning of a new word. I assure you, we will see the “naked king” right away.
Let us remember, besides Mikhail Gorbachev, who used the word “pluralism”? Almost no one among the people, and now it does not appear, or is used extremely rarely. It is phonetically unpleasant to the Russian language and is not included in the active dictionary. I read a list of borrowed words on the Internet, and they posted it in order to hear an opinion on introducing them into speech. No matter how hard they try to push the words into us: eloquence (rhetoric, oratory), estuary (flooding with drifts of silt and garbage), adultery (marital infidelity) - they will not take root. Active speech will reject them. But there is no need to indiscriminately reject foreign-language “newcomers.” Yes we are from school years We know that language was created by the people, that it is enriched through communication and with the development of all sectors of life and society: science, culture, medicine, sports, etc. The Russian language calmly and with dignity greets borrowed words, because it has developed a powerful grammar. She will make any word bend, conjugate, and change. You will say that there are words that cannot be changed. Yes, phonetically they sound unusual for Russian speech, so we politely leave them in their “native” form (we accepted it), and the syntax will do its job. He will force the "newbie" to perform in Russian syntactic construction the role of addition, definition, circumstance and even the main member of the sentence. (For example: Let's feed the cockatoo. The cockatoo is eating). Gradually, the word “takes root” and, as needed, enters the active vocabulary. Every word is a fascinating and instructive world.
The Russian language has a rich variety of shades in the meaning of the word, but there are no superfluous ones. With a borrowed word, a new nuance of meaning appears. For example, the words “arrange”, “build” have always been there. The word “construct” appeared. You feel how it introduced a nuance of clear direction, strict purposefulness, and scientific character. The word became active in the language, giving rise to the profession of designer and construction games. We don't even remember that this is a stranger.
Let's take another word: monologue and speech. You can’t insert a line into a “monologue”, you can’t interrupt him. And “speech” will allow this. Here's a little nuance for you. Let the “monologue” live: it decorates, even diversifies our speech.
I read Alexander Repyev’s argument on the Internet. Speaking about the words “raft”, “raft”, he asks why the word “raft”? It added nothing to the meaning and did not introduce a new shade. “Trying to remain a cuckoo? Obviously an unnecessary word, it only clogs up the dictionary. The word “raft” is enough. It is common Slavic, has a consonance in meaning and phonetics with the Latvian word pluts, Old Indian. plutam, German Flub. The development of phonetic changes, transpositions, and grammatical processes of word formation is interesting. Carpenter, carpenter, carpenter. The sound of these words exudes efficiency, reliability, and strength.” We have to agree with this.
Monument and Monument. Greatness and a memorable sign - there is a lexical nuance in the meaning. I say this to mean that nothing lives by force. “Drawn” words, in order to show their exclusivity, will not be included in active speech. They can even “shove” it into the dictionary if the word was “picked up” somewhere by a major politician with power over publications. Otherwise, no.
They will live and make noise as long as the politician is in power, and “fall into sediment,” it’s a pity, they will remain in the dictionary as garbage.
I think that borrowed words should be accepted “by their clothes”: whether they are consonant with our speech, whether their phonetics are pleasant. And then - “according to the mind.” It is needed in the Russian dictionary, it adds a new meaning or nuance to the existing meaning of other words - accept it into the dictionary. And the people will show how actively a new word can work and in what area. Time will intervene in this.
Unfortunately, there are statements that are sarcastic. Why exaggerate, propose to replace familiar words that have come into active use: newspaper, fair, den, etc. These words are easily changed, according to the rules of Russian grammar, they have nests of related words. After all, we were talking about words that do not add new shades to existing ones. For example: petrification, rauf, parking, stagnation, shopping, estuary. The very sound of the borrowed gibberish is unpleasant and alien to the Russian ear.
The Russian language is a beautiful, flexible, precise language, with a rich set of synonyms, and it is necessary to take care of it and help it remain powerful and original. Original, in the sense that he is not afraid of novelty, he will help himself with the grammar and harmonious syntax developed over centuries, but do not throw him into the power of tyrants. Fence native language it is also necessary from the slang from the underworld. After all, even in films, speech is completely obscene; it is impossible to understand without a translator. And this already has an emotional impact on morality. This is evil, corruption of the brain and soul. Television should selectively accept films for showing, not to the detriment of Russian speech,
protect speech and culture from “Zon’s” influence. This is even more important than unnecessary borrowed words!
In November 2013, a video “The Great Mighty Russian Language” was posted on the Internet. I am pleased that conversations on the Internet about the Russian language are intensifying. The Russian language will again become the language of interethnic communication in the countries formed from the republics Soviet Union, and on the Internet. I personally communicate in Russian with poets from Germany, Canada, Israel, Bulgaria, Sweden, Georgia, Kazakhstan...
On November 11, 2013, I listened to Putin’s speech about the abuse of terms. This is a concern for preserving the Russian language from borrowings that clog it. We know that Putin is acting, which means the Law on the Russian Language will be effective and will be crowned with success. Today it is known that Russian is one of the official languages UN. It ranks eighth in the world in terms of the number of people who speak Russian as a native language and fifth in total number speakers. It is one of the four most translated languages ​​in the world. We know that until the 80s of the twentieth century it was studied as the main foreign language in Eastern Europe. In the USA, it is among the most common and is most common in the states of New York, California, and Alaska.
The first words were spoken in Russian in space on April 12, 1961. Yuri Gagarin said: “I feel great. I can hear you perfectly. The flight is going well." And at present, Russian is unofficially the language of interethnic communication during manned flights in low-Earth orbit. Cosmonauts are required to study the Russian language on the ISS.
The growth of Russian-speaking Internet users is growing. In 2013, it came in second place in popularity. Many on the website Stihi.Ru actively call for doing everything possible to preserve the purity of the Russian language both on the Internet and in the workplace, and, especially, in communicating with children. The conclusion that has been voiced more than once is encouraging: “The strength of the Russian people is in unity. The language of communication unites.”
Knowledge of the Russian language gives a person honor, and preserving its beauty and purity is the duty of a cultured resident of Russia.


Nina, this is a hot topic. Children at school forgot how to retell the text, and for several years they were excluded from school writing essays. A short SMS language has appeared, and youthful slang is already included in adult speech, in television. I can no longer hear this word “count” at the beginning of a conversation. Essays were again introduced into the program. There is hope for improving Russian speech. Sincerely.

Material for a lesson in reading and speech development in 7th grade

“Why you need to protect your native language”

Objective of the lesson: To promote the development of interest in studying language subjects.

Tasks: 1) Foster a caring and respectful attitude towards the native language.

2) Correct the processes of logical thinking, memory, voluntary attention with the help entertaining exercises developmental in nature.

3) Develop a general outlook, communicative speech; improve general language culture.

4) Promote the development of moral and volitional qualities of students through teamwork and creating a situation of success.

Equipment: for registration - posters with proverbs, sayings of writers about their native language.

For competitions – computer, multimedia projector, screen, disk with presentation.

Material for the lesson:

Teacher : Every nation has a unique culture, history, traditions, and way of life. And, of course, the language. Preserving the language base of both a large nation and the smallest nationality is a very important task.
In revolutionary Russia there were 193 languages ​​before 1917, but in December 1991 there were only 40. On average, two languages ​​disappeared every year.
At all times, languages ​​arose, existed, then died out, sometimes without even leaving a trace. But never before have they disappeared as quickly as in the 20th century.

In order to draw attention to the problem, International Mother Language Day was approved in 1999, which is primarily aimed at protecting endangered languages. And this task is important and relevant, because even now, according to statistics, approximately two languages ​​disappear in the world every month.
International Mother Language Day is celebrated annuallyFebruary 21.

Each language is uniquely suited to human purpose and each represents a living heritage that we must take seriously and protect. Our native language is RUSSIAN.

(SLIDE No. 1)

Today we will talk about our native language. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the Motherland is not only a huge territory and natural wealth, but also our native language, a great Russian word, distinguishing us as a nation among millions of people on the planet. The word has magical power and extraordinary power, this is how the poet Vadim Shefner wrote about it(SLIDE No. 2):

A word can kill, a word can save,

With a word you can lead the shelves with you.

In a word you can sell, and betray, and buy,

The word can be poured into striking lead.

By how a person knows how to express his thoughts, others judge him. And, even with mastery oratory, it is not always easy to express your thoughts clearly, accurately and figuratively. You have to learn this - learn it persistently and patiently. (SLIDE No. 3) The writer L.N. Tolstoy noted that “to handle the language somehow means to think somehow: inaccurately, approximately, incorrectly.”

Statements about the language of others famous people you can read it on the posters that decorate our classroom.

The meaning of language, speech, words has been noted since ancient times by the people themselves in Russian proverbs and sayings. Let's read them, and at the same time begin our team competition.

CONTEST "The fourth wheel" ( Slide №4 , 5)

Read proverbs and sayings. Choose the one that differs from the three in meaning. Briefly justify your chosen answer.

    A kind word will not dry out your tongue.

    As is the mind, so are the speeches.

    The wind destroys mountains, the word raises nations.

    What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.

    Learning is beauty, and ignorance is simplicity.

    The word is not a sparrow; if it flies out, you won’t catch it.

    The word is silver, silence is gold.

For each correct answer, teams receive 5 points.

CONTEST "How similar" (Slide No. 6, 7)

There are a lot of proverbs and sayings in our language, they are about everything. Read the proverbs and sayings and determine which one common theme they are united. Briefly state the topic.

1st team:

Start every business with your head.

U smart head hundred hands

My head wouldn't think, my legs wouldn't move.

Your foot will stumble and your head will get hurt.

Everyone has a head, but not everyone is smart.

These proverbs mean that before starting a business, you need to think and plan your work.

2nd team:

Without children there is grief, but with them it is twice as much.

What is the treasure for, if there is harmony in the family?

The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

Love and advice, but no grief.

Where there is peace and harmony, there is God's grace

CONTEST "Sayings in crosswords" (Slide No. 8)


3. Small... but expensive.

4. The wolves are full, and…. intact.

5. ... sees a fool from afar.

7. At home and... help.

8. ... is not a mitten: you can’t shake it off the white handle, and you can’t tuck it into your belt.

9. Business is ..., but fun is an hour.

11. They live like... with a dog.


    1. Fools... not written.

      They don’t go to someone else’s... with their own charter.

5. …. I left on my heels.

6. Take care of the dress again, and... from a young age.

10. Not worth a damn...

Teams simultaneously solve a crossword puzzle - whoever is faster and more correct is assessed with a maximum of 15 points.

CONTEST « What word is missing? (Slides No. 9-18)

We need language and words not only to speak. You can also play with words. For example, like this: “unravel” the words, read them and determine which one is superfluous.

The tasks are executed simultaneously. Who is faster + 1 point.

D d z o, x i a p t,l t o o p, k r e d (rain , fir, poplar, cedar).

K i z h e, le k b a, k o l v, l a a k u (hedgehog, squirrel, wolf,shark ).

K o r o m v , l o i k o b , l e k v a s , r u g e c o (carrots,apple , beets, cucumber).

Moon, sunshine, snow, everywhere (fog, thunderstorm, blizzard,star ).

Ch u k r a, kul a k, n e l ap, t a d r e t (handle,doll , pencil case, notebook).

CONTEST "Riddles" (Slide No. 19-22)

I know everything, I teach everyone,
And I myself am always silent.
To make friends with me,
You need to learn to read and write.

A piece of paper in the morning

They bring it to our apartment.

On one such sheet

Lots of different news.


Big and important by the wall

The house is multi-story.

We're on the bottom floor

All residents have already been read.


Legend, folk tale,
The guys love her.
Parents, if free,
They read it to you at night.
(Fairy tale.)

You are familiar with the expressions:
About the first pancake, which is always lumpy,
About the rubbish that is carried in public...
What do people call them all?

Commandments of speech behavior (Slide No. 23)

1. Always know for what purpose and why you are speaking.

2. Remember that politeness is the basis of speech behavior.

4. Speak simply, clearly, understandably.

5. Follow high standards.

6. Don’t think that by using rude words you seem more mature.

7. Avoid speech monotony.

Bottom line. Teacher's word. Today, guys, we had a very important conversation.We came to the conclusion that we must fight for the purity of the Russian language. To be a worthy citizen of your country, to preserve its culture and traditions, you must have a perfect command of your native word.Let us cherish and love our Russian word, because it begins with itour homeland.

It's not scary to lie dead under bullets,

It's not bitter to be homeless, -

But we will save you Russian speech,

Great Russian word.

A. Akhmatova.