Abstracts Statements Story

Rearranged letters. A simple exercise to master speed reading - rearranging letters in words

As a person raepoznast solva, mongeo whether to chat a text with mixed letters

Chilso is molded from the population

(G. Bayston)

Try to make sure that you do not read words by letter, but recognize them entirely. When reading, a person who has grown up is not reading (in the usual panimony of this word), but reading out the words - "hieroglyphs" - words. Oigadante meaning tsketa interzhbyt rnzaykh levels. Otgidyvane mezhdu ot be na uorvne solv predloienzhy, abtsazev i stnaritsa.

An anagram is a moted arrangement of words or syllables in a word to create another concept or word. Why is the ready-made anagarmma foreshadowing the failure not of a new solution, but of a set of bkuv and zaeachdy reading about it vetnur solvo his original fmrow. The meaning of the exercises in the training apparatus is the military training of slovoa from the remixed bkuv. With regular exercises, a person with developing disabilities will be able to recognize everything he is doing. This in turn leads to an increase in the speed of reading and writing the text.

Many people who honor people can surpass the contents of their aunts. Therefore, if you want to read more, then you should read a lot.

Bee-borne thromosis

Forty readings are held back psychologically. Please ensure that you cover a larger number of solv for the period ":look": and the period of reading in the East.

The text with mixed letters can only be read at great speed. If you read the prepared text on bvkuam, then, most importantly, the contents of the solution and text will remain unreadable. If you glance at the text, then your understanding of the text will be at a high level.

Important note

Don't underestimate the importance of reading. There is a set of methods for teaching children how to read, when children need to grasp the word completely like an English language. A quick jump in speed is compensated by the fact that the child then experiences many problems in understanding those words that are not taken into account. Prebloms will also appear in the children’s ticks when writing solv.

Secrets bygtroso pegloschonia iformntion

Feels mngoo ptuey brstyo natyi nuunzhyu incormafia in kngie. Here are some of the pirems:

  • Use the best books. Mzhoet be uastdya sarzu nyati nunzhuyu galva.
  • Zalgyan in knoets kingi. Between there is a dictionary and an explanation of unintelligible words.
  • Resort to the eye and tear the gvala or the vision. Could it be that this book is dedicated to the wrong topic?
  • Read just a little.

Is it possible that you don’t need to read the whole rant?

  • Piochertay peyvry and posldeniy paraargf na sartnitsa.
  • The chatty is more torn and under the forest the sentences in the paragraph.
  • Tell me what the talk is about, that's all, that's what it was all about

Form and content - how to learn to read and learn to read faster

This human brain constantly compels me to systematize the senses of the world.

I'm sure you got it " Machige Knrtiacs", tpia here it is. In order to understand the encrypted information, a person must look through the image.

Kamik is an unimaginable sbosop, mzog stuukturirret informitsayu and nadohit locignally justified isobiazhenre. In this cantira the foreign image of Krklioa is encrypted.

What is this on your mind? Nobar strohiv or zspia tskete klpnoiisyu? It is impossible to respond to this vrpoos without the help of the shirf.

Is this artificial or fake?

If you didn't realize that Kandinsky was behind it, you would probably mistake this painting for a drawing by a three-year-old daughter.

After all, as in Vshaya rasporyaienzhe sing the paste of keys and deciphering of the karitna, perceive it changes.

Cafe gshua? No, this is an object of prediction of the future! Or is it just pure bullshit?

Is this fiction or art?

And so, what is going on in the Nesham War is dependent on the actions of other people and on those who have entered into our control over the claws.

We are trying to comprehend the world with the inconsistency and impossibility of completely illuminating the world. The Internet provides a wide range of medical supplies and services to satisfy all the needs of people, up to magical prices, instructions for turning out men, instructions for earning millions of dollars for taxi drivers.

According to my opinion, it is impossible to add five thoughts to the orbase. Remember the top " microscopic picture" Forever, tear up the thought you had - “what the hell”, but when you read the signature and tried it, you realized that there was something in it.

How can you help pinomania Mria? - In my opinion, it is necessary to pay attention to those who believe in knowledge (the real ones that open the ancient trees, and not those who worry about the fact that they possess the value).

How do you understand this multiculturalism? And separate the ryalneh uchiteley from the shaalatrns.

Kirteria deonly instrtskuii

  1. Induction must located in the area of ​​your nearest development (in the area of ​​nearby foreign countries). After applying the instructions, you must expect the result.
  2. The person who provides the instructions, dzloen bty dtsoupen for vopoosrv.
  3. A meth addict has a logically justified image. And if a person talks about how to get millions of dollars, but lives in some kind of housing, or if he is working on roasters, but will make thousands of rubles from a bimajnuk, then this methidist will not kill you.

    Think about what’s important, kurta pzhdiak methodista, or nlaichie milnoinogo schtea.


  • Elsi gru talks about his happiness, but at the same time the dvdzhay is divorced... until we lie.
  • If there is a napsiano zhriaf on the cell, and there are no suns in the cell, then you are lying to your eyes.
  • If there is talk about some kind of pre-election battle, and 80% of the people in the world seem to be fighting for one person... then there is no way between them.

Philosophy of science is connected with the categories “Form and Content”. I advise you to include a chapter about this category in your philosophies for VoZUv.


How does a person recognize words, is it possible to read text with mixed letters

Number is different from quantity

(G. Bateson)

Try to make sure that you do not read the words by letter, but recognize them as a whole. When an adult reads, it is not reading (in the usual sense of the word), but guessing words - “hieroglyphs” - words. Guessing the meaning of a text can be at different levels. Guessing can be at the word level of sentences, paragraphs and pages.

An anagram is a method of rearranging letters or syllables in a word to create another concept or word. Often a ready-made anagram is not a new word, but a set of letters and the task of the reader is to return the word to its original form. The point of training on the simulator is to recreate a word from jumbled letters. With regular practice, a person develops the ability to quickly recognize any text he reads. This in turn leads to an increase in the speed of reading and text comprehension.

People who read a lot are able to anticipate the content of a text. Therefore, if you want to read quickly, you should read a lot.

Psychological brakes

Reading speed is hampered psychologically. Once you convince yourself to cover more words in one “look,” your reading speed will increase.

Text with jumbled letters can only be read at high speed. If you read the prepared text letter by letter, then, most likely, the content of the words and text will remain incomprehensible. If you glance over the text, your understanding of the text will be at a high level.

Important Note

The role of letter-by-letter reading should not be underestimated. There is a method of teaching children to read quickly, when children are taught to grasp a word completely as a hieroglyph. The rapid jump in speed is compensated by the fact that the child then experiences problems reading words that he does not know. Such children will also have problems when writing words.

Secrets of quickly absorbing information

There are many ways to quickly find the information you need in a book. Here are some of the techniques:

  • Use the book's table of contents. You may be able to find the chapter you need right away.
  • Look at the end of the book. Maybe there is a dictionary there and unclear words are explained.
  • Skim the first chapter or introduction. Maybe this book is devoted to the wrong issues?
  • Read only the titles.
  • Read the first and last paragraph on the page.
  • Read the first and last sentence in the paragraph.
  • Retell what is said in what you just read

Form and content - how to learn to distinguish and learn to read faster

The human brain is constantly engaged in systematizing the surrounding picture of the world.

Surely you have come across " magic pictures", like this one. In order to see the encrypted picture, a person had to look through the image, as it were.

In some unimaginable way, the brain structures information and finds a logical image. This picture contains an encrypted image of a rabbit.

What is this, in your opinion? Typing strokes or writing text in cuneiform? It is impossible to answer this question without obtaining the code.

Is this art or daub?

Without knowing the key and the fact that it was painted by Kandinsky, you would probably mistake this painting for a drawing of a three-year-old girl.

Once you have the keys and decoding of the picture at your disposal, your perception of it changes.

Coffee grounds? No, this is an object of predicting the future! Or is it just coffee grounds?

Is this pornography or art?

So, much in our perception depends on the opinions of other people and on the keys at our disposal.

Charlatans take advantage of understatement and the inability to fully reflect the world. The Internet is flooded with various techniques and useful products to satisfy all human needs, including magic balls, instructions for casting a love spell on men, instructions for making a million for taxi drivers.

By default, a mental image cannot be trusted. Remember the top " magic picture" Surely your first thought was “what nonsense,” but when you read the caption and tried it, it became clear that there was something in it.

How to find the key to understanding the world? - Apparently, we need to look for those who have keys (real keys that open real doors, and not those who say that they have keys).

How to understand this diversity? And separate real teachers from charlatans.

Criteria for effective instructions

  1. The instructions should be in the area of ​​your immediate development (in the area of ​​immediate interests). After applying the instructions you should get results.
  2. The person presenting the instruction must be available for questions.
  3. A methodologist must have a logical image. In other words, if a person talks about how to earn a million dollars, but lives in rented housing, or if he goes to restaurants, but takes out the last thousand rubles from his wallet, then this methodologist is not suitable for you.

    Think about what is more important, a cool methodologist jacket, or having a million-dollar account.


  • If a guru talks about family happiness, but is twice divorced...then don’t believe your ears.
  • If the cage says giraffe and there is an elephant in the cage, then believe your eyes.
  • If they talk about a fair election fight, and 80% of the airtime shows one candidate... then there can be no talk of any honesty.

An exercise to master the skill of dynamic reading.

This page is made using Flash technologies.
The new version of speed reading training is here:

Online flash trainings for mastering speed reading skills

In this exercise to master the skill of speed reading, you will learn that a person perceives a certain amount of information without translating it into sound images.

There is a big difference between how a person reads a familiar text and an unfamiliar one. A familiar text is perceived in a single way because the reader has already associated the text with previously received images.

A familiar text is grasped immediately, but an unfamiliar text needs to be read carefully, listening carefully to what you read. Make sure you can make sense of seemingly nonsense with this training. When deciphering such texts, imagination and associative memory work!

(a simple exercise to develop speed reading skills - rearranged letters)

While reading, you should constantly change your reading speed. In general, read familiar information quickly. Oh, reading important information is too slow.

Read this text. Do you understand it?

According to rzelulattam ilsseovadniy odongo anligysokgo unviertiset, not ieemt zanchneya, in kokam pryakde rsapozholeny bkuvy v solve. Galvone, so that you pre-avya and psloendya bkvuy blyi on mseta. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a ploonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitsey without wandering. The main thing is that we don’t read each other’s books in isolation, but everything is based on good luck


When I read the text with the letters rearranged in the words for the first time, I realized the trick hidden in the text of the letter only when I stumbled over an incomprehensible word.

This example shows the hidden capabilities of the brain to systematize knowledge in seemingly perfect rubbish? An ordinary person does not read by letter - the brain looks at the word and tries to understand it immediately by linking it with the previous context!

A little advice

If, when reading, you train yourself to look at every third word in the text, your reading speed will increase by 2-3 times because your brain will be more likely to figure out the plot. Don't underestimate the power of your brain. He is used to working quickly.

Training with exercises to master speed reading skills allows you to quickly achieve the desired result.

Lyrical digression on the topic of speed reading

Reduced self-esteem slows down the speed of information perception and reading speed.

Let me give you an example of deliberately lowering self-esteem. The guy is getting a technical school education in programming. I decided to inquire where he was going to go after graduation and what his opinion was on the level of teaching. The guy replied that he had not been taught anything, and therefore he was not going to continue the path of a programmer.

It turned out that he considered the prospects of becoming a programmer to be zero, because he studied for two years, but he had not yet been properly taught. so he decided that he needed to devote half his life to learning programming, which was clearly not part of his plans. That is, the guy was convinced that training is long, painstaking and tedious work.


A lot depends on motivation and self-esteem. If self-esteem is high, then everything goes like clockwork, but if self-esteem is low, then ghosts appear in every corner, interfering with business.

If you mzog nzhaagrut, then he will solve the problem. Titesrud!

How many colors can you distinguish?

Think about how many colors you can distinguish? After reading this phrase, close your eyes and think how many blue things are in front of your eyes. Open your eyes and try to find all the objects colored blue.

Reading Solv with Jumping Letters February 16th, 2011

According to rzelulattam ilsseovadniy odongo anligysokgo unviertiseta, not ieemt zancheniya, in kokam pryaokde rsapozholeny bkuvy v solva. Galvone, so that you pre-avya and psloendya bkvuy blyi on mseta. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in ploonm bseporyak, all-torn tkest chtaitsey without wandering. The main point of this is that we do not read each other’s books according to the same rules, but rather solve everything in a whole manner.

and now about the analysis of all this..

Brief report

Raeding Wrods With Jubmled Lettres

Keith Rayner, Sarah J. White, Rebecca L. Johnson, Simon P. Liversedge

Translation: Nikonov Vladimir

The results of a study supposedly carried out at Cambridge University have been widely circulated on the Internet, showing that a jumbled sentence like the one you are reading can be read without difficulty, and that placement does not matter for successful reading. letters in words.

In fact, the claim was false in the sense that no research of this kind had been carried out at this university (see link http://www.mrc-cbu.cam.ac.uk/personal/matt.davis/Cmabridge/). In this article, we present research showing that while some variants of transmuted sentences are quite easy to read and comprehend, others are not, and that, in general, some effort is always required to read text containing transmuted words. letters.

We asked 30 students to read 80 sentences with the letters rearranged. In each sentence, the letters were rearranged at the beginning, in the middle, or at the end of the word (see Table 1).

About 40% of the words (all words consisted of more than 4 letters) had letters rearranged. Students then read the sentences without rearranging the letters.

Eye movements were recorded using a special device (Fourward Technology Dual Purkinje technology).

Students were asked comprehension questions after reading 30% of the text. The answers were highly accurate, but 50% of the experiment participants admitted that the meaning of some words remained unclear to them.

The standard reading speed for normal sentences is 255 words per minute (wpm). All options for rearranging letters in words affected the reading process.

  • When letters are rearranged in the middle of a word, reading speed decreases by 11% (227 wpm).

  • However, rearranging the last letters in a word resulted in a 26% decrease in speed (189 words/min).

  • Rearranging letters at the beginning of words resulted in a 36% reduction in speed (163 words/min).

On words with the most complex permutations, participants fixed their gaze for a longer time (see Table 1).

The statements from the Internet are correct in that some words with rearranged letters are actually quite simple to understand. But our research has proven that rearrangements of letters in words entail a change in the meaning of the word.

Moreover, the level of change in meaning depends on the location of letter permutations in a word: permutation of letters in the middle of a word has a much smaller effect on the meaning of the word than permutation at the end and, moreover, at the beginning of the word.

These studies demonstrate the importance of the initial part of a word in the perception of meaning. In other words, we have established that letter rearrangements that affect morphemic connections (even in the middle of a word) are associated with a different meaning of the word.

Finally, the study showed that when letters are replaced by others rather than simply swapped, it takes readers longer to comprehend. In the case of replacing letters with other, visually similar letters, replacement in the middle letters (for example, PSBLEM instead of problem) doubles the perception time, as does substitution in final letters ( problels); replacement in initial letters ( logoproblem) slowed down perception by 2.5 times.

Substitutions with letters that were not visually similar to those being replaced actually increased the time for reading comprehension. In all the described cases (the only exception being replacements with visually similar letters in the middle of a word), the quality of reading comprehension also decreases.

Two types of letter permutations were used: beginning/middle of the word - end/middle of the word. There was no difference between the results of these two types of permutations. Please note that this example was used for demonstration purposes only in this article and was not used in the actual experiment.

The fact that text with letters rearranged is much easier to read than text with letters replaced proves that special letters in a word are critical to understanding the meaning of the word as a whole, and that readers cannot rely solely on context to correctly understand the meaning of a text.

Compared to replacing letters, rearranging the letters is much easier to perceive the real meaning of the word.

But the main conclusion from our research is that although rearranging letters makes it quite easy to read and comprehend what is read, reading such text always requires special effort compared to reading normal text.

August 1, 2012 at 6:54 pm

About how we vorpsimanie text

  • Artificial intelligence

Remember, on the Internet, back in 2003, there was a picture that said that it doesn’t matter what order the letters in a word are in, as long as the first and last ones are in place, and the rest the brain itself will put together and isolate the meaning. Here is the original text:

According to rzelulattam ilsseovadniy odongo anligysokgo unviertiset, not ieemt zanchneya, in kokam pryakde rsapozholeny bkuvy v solve. Galvone, so that you pre-avya and psloendya bkvuy blyi on mseta. Osatlyne bkuvy mgout seldovt in a ploonm bsepordyak, everything is torn tkest chtaitsey without wandering. The main thing is that we do not think about each other in isolation, but about everything together.

In English it sounded like this:

Arocdnicg to rsceearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm. Tihs is buseace the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.

An attempt to experiment with different texts showed that with the Russian language everything is not as rosy as with English and the algorithm for effective and readable mixing is still a little different.

I wasn't too lazy and wrote a simple program that processes texts. From where I found out that it’s not exactly as stated, but the truth is somewhere nearby.

So, if you change the middle of words completely arbitrarily, you get the following:

At the Olympic Games ssiaoisltoy zhskiene konyandme srnnovaoveeya po sooipvrtny gmksinatie Zutoloyu medla Games zolvaveaa sranobya USA soeaboscht oaltsifniy syat Oalpimidy Vtoore mteso zyaalni pteurtliadistsnvey roskosisy kdaomny kotraoya ygala for nnaiotsonlai sbnrooy vrotoe srerbeo srerebo sonobry Riossi pnslriea theaktlotzhleyaa Svltnaea Tsavakreua Brvooonzyu naradgu piucholli rinskimuye gxaminti.

In principle, this is understandable, but if you take longer words, the text becomes barely recognizable:

Vlrtachesi pisunrak in Kalokagnsidrnim mosrkom rynbom rub short these days ochmatel 65-leite. In honor of the pkardniza port pderepnos padorok kalidingnatsram and rirshazel snobivdoy phorod na torriteria. All living people were able to visit Kzerushnretn. Such a problem is not common. How is it right to board the Kzreunshrten pinusraka mugot guests of the mornudezhadnyh mirksoh pradzik in inanrtosnykh potra a zheliti Kalaninrgida.

But if you make it a rule to preserve the positions of consonants and vowels, freely changing vowels and consonants separately, the result will be slightly more readable and understandable with the same chaos:

At the Oxygen Games syassootil zhiknsee kydonnmae sovinronevaya in snirpovtoy gymnastics Zotoluyu madel of the Games hall of the USA team communicate olyiacnfy site Olampiids The second metso was taken by the pcidvlaretinsites riskossyoi kadomny which vailryga for naooninltsay sronboy second sererbo seberro snorboy Russia psinelra toteleklyatzha Stevlan Tsavuraek Bvonzoraya nadraga sensed the Runim gisnatmki.

And for the second text

Vlrchaseti pisanruk in Kigidonrnasklam moksrom fishing port which these days has finished 65 years. In chess pkinzrada port ppedornes parodok kagidanlartsim and widened the passage to Torririte. All the pitiful screeching words “Kzerushnretn”. Such a thing doesn’t happen often. As pvilaro pyasodntya on board the picarsun mugot gotsi myrdozhanundeh worldly pzanrdiks in the inantrons partoh a zheliti Kanilargdin see the masts of the "Kzerushnrent" only through the ogdara potra.

Now we’ll make another small change - we’ll add a maximum distance of 3 characters between the rearranged characters, so that the consonant from the beginning of the word does not fly to the end. We also add consideration for the fact that characters cannot be transferred more than once. The result is a text from which almost everything is clear:

We met the pasurnik in Kalinirgnaks, the sea fishing port, which celebrated his 65th birthday these days. In honor of the prisoner, he presented a gift to the people of Kinalignrad and granted free passage to the territory. Everyone who wants to should visit Krunezshtern. This possibility will not happen often. How to get on board a sailing ship can guests of international sea resorts in foreign ports, and residents of Kinalignrdaa see the masts of Kzerutschnern only through the port authority.

As a result, it turns out that for the Russian language not everything is as rosy as for English, with its short words. But if you change the algorithm a little, the general idea still works.

I wonder if it is possible to introduce more noise into the middle of a word while maintaining readability and understandability?


It seems to me that it would be more correct to try to do something like your last algorithm, just develop the idea a little:

1. We fix the first and last characters of the word.
2. From the remaining ones, take the first three symbols and randomly mix them.
3. From the new triple obtained, we fix the first two.
4. Repeat step 2 until the unfixed symbols run out.

I practically did just that, but it’s worth recording in paragraph 3 not the first two, but the first three. Otherwise, one letter may travel to the end of the word. Here's what happened:

We saw a piece of canvas in the Kleininagrdsky municipal labor market that was 65 years old these days. In honor of the puzzle, the port presented the paodrok kialninrgatsdam and saw a clear passage to the third world. Everyone who wanted to go to eat Kzrushenetrn. This kind of opportunity is not common. How to parvilo pdontyasya na brot pruainska mogt gstoi mezhdunarodnykh mosrikh festivities in foreign protah, and zhtieli Kaliinnagrda knits the masts of Kurzneshtern only through the fence of the prtoa.

It turns out nothing like that.

UPDATE2. I decided to check what would happen if I removed almost all vowels - without touching the beginnings and ends of words. After all, in Arabic or Hebrew there are practically no of them - they make do with consonants. This is what comes out of free text from Turgenev’s “The Noble Nest”:

Mrya Dmtrievna, in her youth, enjoyed the taste of a million blonde; and at that time her features were not short of pleasantness, although many of them fell apart and collapsed. She is more sensitive, nzhli dbra, and until the end of the 19th century she kept her insttt coins; she got rid of herself, got upset easily and even cried when her habits were wrong; This is why she was very kind and loving, when all her dreams were fulfilled and no one was kind to her. Dm made her one of the most pleasant people in the city. Her condition was very bad, not so much undesirable as it was beneficial. both daughters lived with her; The dream appeared in one of the best castles in Ptbrga.

Surprisingly, absolutely everything is clear without vowels. Moreover, the text shrank by 34 percent.