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Is it possible to learn clairvoyance? Is it possible to independently develop the ability to foresight? Your yoga is the rapid development of clairvoyance.

If not all, then very many people would like to have paranormal abilities. After all, knowing in advance what will happen, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from possible troubles, learn to see through those around you, understanding their true intentions and feelings - any doors to the unknown open.

Many people believe that the gift of clairvoyance can only be inherited from relatives with similar abilities. In reality, this is not entirely true; paranormal abilities can be developed in oneself if desired.

The development of clairvoyance - this is what we will talk about in this article.

Clairvoyance is a person’s ability to see (hear or receive in any other way) information that remains inaccessible to the perception of most others.

Clairvoyants are able to sense the vibrations of a person’s energy field, see their own aura and distinguish the so-called astral light rays. Everything that is inaccessible to an ordinary person is instantly recorded by a clairvoyant.

How can you develop clairvoyance on your own? We will answer this question further.

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance

It is necessary to immediately clarify the point that all people are completely different, and for some the development of clairvoyance will be much easier than for others. Only one thing can be confidently stated: it is impossible to develop clairvoyance in yourself in an easy way. You will need to put in some effort, constantly practice, doing various exercises (developing concentration, relaxation), and be sure to meditate.

If this prospect does not frighten you, then you can move forward.

  1. To develop the gift of clairvoyance, it is important that a person has good thoughts and pure thoughts in his heart. The less negative energy comes from you, the faster the final result will be obtained.
  2. When you become a fairly good “specialist” in the field of clairvoyance, that is, your skills, abilities and knowledge have developed sufficiently, your ego will try to take over your personality - it is important to prevent this under no circumstances. Always remember that you are only part of a huge system, and no matter how much information you have, most of it will still be inaccessible to you.
  3. In order for the final result of your practice to be successful, perform all the exercises regularly, without giving yourself any indulgences or making omissions.

How to develop clairvoyance abilities - exercises

Exercise “Seeing through the skin”

You need to prepare two squares for this practice - white and black.

The exercise itself is performed as follows:

  1. Sit in a comfortable position, relax your body (in particular, your right palm).
  2. Then you should raise your palm about eight centimeters higher from the squares. Hold it first over one, and then move it to the other.
  3. Pay attention to your inner feelings. What will you feel - coolness, warmth, or perhaps a slight pleasant tingling sensation? Be sure to remember what color these sensations belonged to.
  4. Perform regular training on one of the recognizable colors. Have someone hold one of the squares under your hand while you determine its color. When will you be able to identify black and white without errors? white colors, add another red square.
  5. Do this exercise every day for at least seven days. Concentrate on each color for four to five minutes, remember your feelings.

You can further consolidate them in your memory by saying a special formula:

“I can easily determine the color with the help of my palm, remember the sensations of my hand, they are stored in my memory, compared, and I get the correct answer.”

Exercise “Borderline State”

A large number of clairvoyants resort to borderline states when the body is in an intermediate phase between the sleep and wakefulness phases. You can learn to get into this state consciously.

To do this, when you lie in bed at night, you need to calm down and monitor the moment when sleep begins to come to you.

Control the state of your consciousness along with the changes occurring in it. Of course, at first this will not be easy for you, but over time, with persistence and regular practice, you will succeed.

As soon as you learn to recognize the intermediate state, ask your subconscious at night a question disturbing your soul, repeat it many times until you fall asleep.

When you are in a borderline state of consciousness, the answer to your question comes in the form of visions, words or thoughts. Don’t rush to get upset if it doesn’t work out for you the first time - in most cases, after a couple of attempts, the answer comes.

If you want to know the events of the near future, before falling asleep, mentally say to yourself the exact date (year, month, day) when it should happen. You can use this technique to clarify certain moments of the past.

If your question concerns a specific person, visualize his image as accurately as possible.

Exercise “Hypnographic images”

It is carried out according to this scheme:

  1. You sit in a position that is comfortable for you, but you cannot make any movements. The only movement that is allowed is breathing.
  2. Relax your body and calm your mind, normalize your breathing and close your eyelids. Observe carefully the images that appear on your back side century (they are called hypnographic).
  3. Now imagine as if you are now in a cinema hall and expect that the film will start soon. “Peer” at the blank screen. Then various fuzzy lines, stains, spots will begin to appear on it - these are all images coming to you from the depths of your subconscious.

Give your attention to every form and movement that appears before your eyes. Pay attention to how they change, in what direction they move.
Over time, you will find yourself in a light trance. If you want to get out of it, make any sudden movement with your body.

  1. Continue looking into the distance, but without eye strain. You must be in the state of an ordinary contemplative. If, after twenty minutes, sleep does not come to you, then the images that appear on your inner screen will become more clear.
  2. The more often you perform the training, the more vivid and distinct the hypnographic images will become. Over time, they will become so realistic that it will be difficult for you to even distinguish them from the real ones. This will be an indicator of the success of your practice. You can safely turn to your subconscious with any questions and count on receiving reliable answers.

How to learn to see the aura

An important skill for a true clairvoyant is seeing the energy shell of people and various objects. It can also be learned with regular practice. The following exercise will help you a lot for this.

  1. You need to close your eyes and peer into the outlines appearing on your “inner screen”.
  2. Initially, the practice is carried out for ten minutes every day for ten days.

Then you can begin the second stage.

  1. Relax and close your eyelids slightly.
  2. Take a look at any small object that is in your room.
  3. Looking at it, try to “see” with your inner eye the radiation emanating from it.

If you regularly devote enough time to this practice, you can learn to see the biofield of everything that surrounds you.

And if you train on people, over time you will be able to distinguish different color variations in their aura. Thanks to this, you will learn to instantly receive information about the character of your interlocutor and his thoughts at the first glance at him.

The main goal of all the exercises described in this material is to develop paranormal abilities in a person and expand consciousness. After completing this practice, you will establish a close connection with your higher self, which will help you in life, sending information on issues of interest and allowing you to find a way out of a difficult situation.

Now you know how to develop clairvoyant abilities yourself. Learn, practice, improve your skills, and then very soon you will be able to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

Clairvoyance is the ability to “see” the future, but, contrary to prevailing stereotypes, clairvoyance does not work from crystal balls and complex fortune-telling rituals. Before developing your gift of clairvoyance, you should work on developing your natural intuitive abilities. Once you have tuned these abilities, begin to train your brain to connect to the sights, sounds, feelings and general energy that surrounds you. Continue reading this article to learn more about this process.


Part 1

Exercises to develop intuition and perception

    Work with direct intuition. Direct intuition, or literal intuition, is the kind of intuition you use when you ask yourself about specific situation.

    • Sit comfortably. Sit in a quiet place and focus on your breathing until your body is completely relaxed.
    • Think about a situation that you would like to know more about. Concentrate only on this situation for a few minutes.
    • Ask - out loud or silently - for direct intuitions about this event in the near future.
    • Let go of your thoughts. You may need to do this several times before you get it right, but by focusing all your energy on a specific situation, you'll be more likely to tap into your intuition and learn something new about that situation than anything else. .
  1. Work with indirect intuition. Indirect intuition, or symbolic intuition, focuses on the brain's natural ability to grasp key points and details in any situation by developing your ability to see and interpret mental symbols.

    • Take a pencil and a piece of paper.
    • Ask yourself: “What do I need in my life right now?” Repeat this question three times, pausing after each time to imagine yourself moving toward a more significant answer each time.
    • After you've asked yourself this question three times, take a pencil and draw the first symbol that comes to mind.
    • Interpret the symbol. Understand what this symbol means from your point of view and how this meaning relates to your life.
  2. Listen to your dreams. The human brain goes through REM sleep every 90 minutes, and it is during this phase that we dream. Dreams can be a very effective tool on your way to interpreting signals from external stimulants that your subconscious mind has already analyzed.

    • Before going to bed, place a notepad and pen next to your bed. Ask yourself a question or focus on a specific life situation that you are looking for an intuitive answer to. Repeat this as many times as possible before you fall asleep.
    • When you wake up, write down your dreams. If you don't dream of anything, write or draw the first thing that comes to your mind.
    • Repeat this exercise until you get an answer to your question or a solution to your situation.
  3. Try blind reading. For this reading, you will need a system of blank cards that will help you focus your energy on the problem and use your subconscious mind to intuitively find a solution to it.

    • Sit at the table with three blank cards.
    • Think of a question or situation in which you need the help of your intuition. Write three different solutions to this question, one on each card.
    • Turn the cards over with the answers facing down. Mix them up and leave them face down on the table.
    • Move your hands over the cards. Take your time, relax and breathe calmly.
    • Turn the cards back over with the lettering facing up. The card to which you felt the most attraction contains the correct solution.

    Part 2

    Development of clairvoyance
    1. Let go of your fears. Most teachers of telepathic development say that the biggest obstacle on your path to clairvoyance is the fear of knowing your future.

      Enhance your visual imagination. Before you can use clairvoyance to answer direct, specific questions, you will need to improve your ability to see vivid images in your mind. You can develop this ability through simple visualization exercises.

    2. Formulate a specific question. When the time comes to use your clairvoyant abilities, make sure you formulate a very specific question so that you can truly get to the heart of the matter.

      • Beware of general questions like "Will I like my birthday this year?" Immediately start thinking about how you would actually like to celebrate your birthday, and then ask a more specific question, such as, “Will my friends and family throw me a party for my birthday this year?”
    3. Open your third eye. After asking a question, take three deep breaths. Concentrate on the area between your eyes. This point is the chakra known as the "third eye", which psychics claim is responsible for the visual abilities of clairvoyance.

      • Continue to breathe, focusing all your attention on this area. Look for a horizontal oval shape between your eyes. This is your "third eye". Ask him to open up, repeating your request until he opens up and you feel a warm wave of energy spread throughout your body.
    4. Let the visual images come to you naturally. Don't imagine anything. If the images look fuzzy, tell them - out loud or silently - to become larger and clearer.

      • Clairvoyance visions usually take the form of an image inside or outside the third eye, or a movie inside or outside your head.
      • Images can be black and white or multi-colored. Moreover, they can either be very life-like or in cartoon form.
      • If you can't figure out what your visions mean, ask out loud or silently, "What do these visions mean?"
      • You will receive the answer in the form of a sensation, thought or sound.
      • If at first you don't succeed, keep repeating the exercise until you get some answers. When you first start practicing clairvoyance, the answers may seem vague and unclear, but it is important to continue to trust yourself no matter what.

    Part 3

    Clairaudience, Clairsentience and Claircognizance
    1. Know the difference between these types of clairvoyance. When people think of psychic abilities and predicting the future, they most often think of clairvoyance. Clairvoyance is the practice of "seeing" the future, but there are other senses that you can use to predict the future.

      • Clairaudience is the ability to “hear” psychic energy.
      • Clairsentience is the ability to “feel” energy. Common types of clairsentience are instinctive feelings and empathy.
      • Claircognizance is the ability to "know" something without understanding how you know it. If you had a grandmother or aunt who always knew that someone in the family was sick before she was told, she had clairvoyant powers.
    2. You can develop clairaudience by concentrating on sounds in your imagination. To do this, you will need to adjust your sensitivity to the sounds around you, as well as to the sounds within you.

      • When you lie in bed at night, consciously listen to sounds that you usually don't notice. Separate and identify each of the sounds. Repeat the exercise with as many sounds as possible before you fall asleep, and continue the exercise throughout the week.
      • Listen to the advice of clairaudience. Imagine turning on the radio and tuning in to your clairaudience station. Start asking questions and listen to any words or sounds you receive in response. These words may be quiet or loud, clear or unclear, but after hearing the answer, you must analyze its meaning.
    3. Work on your clairsentience by focusing on the other person's energy. One of the most effective ways to develop clairsentience is to try to read other people's energy and feelings. There are several exercises for this.

      • Ask a friend to show you a photo of someone you don't know, but whom your friend knows very well. Look into the eyes of the person in the photograph and try to understand how that person felt at the moment the photograph was taken. Ask yourself if you could trust this person and if you see anything that makes him different from other people. Test your guesses by asking your friend about this person.
      • Ask a friend to give you an item that belongs to someone you don't know, but whom your friend knows very well. This item should be something that this person wears frequently because such items are the best at absorbing a person's energy. Hold the object in your hands and determine whether it is saturated with positive or negative energy.
    4. Claircognizance can be developed through automatic writing exercises. The development of this ability is in many ways similar to the development of intuition. You will need to concentrate on exercises that help you organize your thoughts and concepts, such as automatic writing.

      • Sit at your desk and grab some pens and a piece of paper. Ask yourself any question and write the first thing that comes to your mind, even if it initially seems like something completely foreign.
      • Force your brain to be an observer in this exercise. Don't allow yourself to think about the information you receive and don't try to manage it. Just write down the thoughts as they arise until they appear with ease.
      • Read what you wrote. If something catches your attention, circle it and try to analyze it after you have read everything you wrote.

Clairvoyance is wonderful. When such a gift is in reasonable hands, then it is grace. If in the hands of a fool, it is a terrible weapon and great harm to others. After all, knowing the future, you need to be able to handle information correctly. Sometimes you have to “keep your mouth shut” when you know bad information. Here we will look at how to discover the gift of clairvoyance, and do you need it? After all, learning clairvoyance is the path to knowing yourself and the secrets of the Universe. This is to open the doors between our world and the world of astral beings.

Benefits of clairvoyance:

  • Help yourself and your loved ones. You will be able to help yourself and others in solving life issues: work, health, family, money and others;
  • You will be able to avoid many mistakes along the path of life. You are not afraid of deadlock situations. Any answer to the question: how to live further?;
  • Fullness of life. You will feel the world as it really works. All the fullness of colors and feelings. Just imagine that the whole world will play with real colors - without falsehood;
  • Find missing people;
  • To comprehend the secrets of the universe. Get one step higher, be wise and harmonious;
  • Communication with spirits and angels;
  • Access to almost any information, it will be difficult to hide something from you. Access to Akash - a global data bank, it’s easier to say in human language;
  • Astral travel - you can visit any corner of the world and the Universe. And much more that is difficult to even describe.

No matter how good clairvoyance training may seem, it also has many disadvantages. Here are just a few of them:

  • You will know bad events in the lives of other people. If in the future things are not going smoothly for people: illnesses, deaths, disasters and other unpleasant situations. You will know, but will you change? One should learn to perceive life calmly, like a yogi. Yoga is a must here. If a brick falls on a person's head, the yogi believes that this brick was for him. I hope you get the meaning;
  • At first it will be difficult for you to control your gift;
  • Clairvoyance is a heavy cross. You will be able to feel the energy of bad people: maniacs, rapists, murderers. Not a very pleasant feeling;
  • Exhausting sessions. Lots of energy loss. Exit: another type of predictions;
  • Communication with other worlds. You become an intermediary between worlds, which is not always good. There are also many other individual disadvantages that cannot be described here. It's not all that scary though.

Subconscious: the first step to clairvoyance

If you want to learn clairvoyance, then first you need to awaken your subconscious. The subconscious mind contains the answers to all the answers. The subconscious controls our consciousness. The knowledge of all humanity is in the subconscious. That's how it is.

Learning to control the subconscious is the first step into extrasensory perception.

Let's start with exercises to awaken the subconscious. Do you have a question and don't know the answer? Ask his subconscious. He has an answer to any of your questions. Learning to talk to your subconscious is the first step into clairvoyance.

Take a relaxed pose, calm down. Imagine that the answer already exists. The answer is in the sky. Your task is to catch the ready answer. Logic is at rest, we don’t need it. Only emotions. Listen to yourself.

Do you feel joy? Are you pleased? Then the direction is right. Are you sad and dejected? Then the direction is also correct. The main thing is for the subconscious to wake up. Make it work for you!

If you want to ask him for advice, then close your eyes and ask. Relax. Chat with him. Ask him questions, scroll through different answers in your head. Among all of them, yours is the correct answer. It can come like a flash in the brain. Insight. Remember that all the answers are in the cosmic mind: everything that was, is and will be. It is better to carry out such exercises between sleep and wakefulness.

For example, you want to know the answer to a question that concerns you. Note that the left hand is yes and the right hand is no. Are you awake? Don't rush to jump out of bed. Listen to your body. Sting in your right hand? Does it burn? Here is your answer. The feeling may be different, but it will be there. Can be in the form of heat or coolness. This is your subconscious answering you. This exercise is easy to learn. You can find out the information you are interested in.

Zenner cards - awaken intuition and develop clairvoyance

If you want to find out or you have clairvoyance, use Zenner cards. They will help you find out the level of your intuition and help you learn clairvoyance.

Zenner Cards - 25 cards showing 5 shapes: circle, waves, cross, square and star. With their help it is easy to find out whether you have clairvoyance.

You can make such cards yourself. Take regular playing cards and glue cards with shapes on the back side. There will be 5 figures exactly 5 times, and in the end there will be 25 cards.

Clairvoyance training occurs by guessing the figures on the reverse side. Turn the cards face down so that you cannot see the pictures of the pieces. Turned over? We remove the cards and determine which symbol is drawn on the back side. You have no clues or anything that can help you. There is only your intuition and hidden clairvoyance. With the help of this simple trick they learn extrasensory perception.

This is one of the most useful exercises

You may have few hits at first: don't lose hope. Success will come through training. Even the most powerful clairvoyant cannot guess 25 times. Awaken your subconscious, and this test can show how your inner voice is developing.

Meditation to open the third eye. Practice with caution

A good clairvoyant has an open third eye. These meditations are best not practiced by the uninitiated and enlightened. Although they should not cause harm, it is better to consult your mentor - the guru.

Take a relaxed position. Imagine that a stream of pure white energy is hovering above you - a light cloud. Introduced? If yes, then there is energy above you from the Cosmos. It slowly descends onto your head, and a cosmic channel opens at the top of your head - where the energy should enter. Then the energy passes through your entire body - as if from top to bottom. The energy comes out of your soles - into the ground. Having passed through you, it should take away all the dirt from your body. All negativity.

This is the simplest technique and should not cause any harm when performed. You should feel lightness and joy, calmness. If you want to work with the ajna chakra, then refer to the meditations of Indian yogis, who advise working with all chakras. Unfortunately, there are no safe methods for opening the third eye. It happens that meditation with Sahasrara is harmful, so it can be used with the permission of the Teacher. If you decide to undergo clairvoyance training on your own, then be careful.

If something goes wrong - you used meditation incorrectly, then use the Hat mantra. Mantra Hat will bring peace and eliminate the consequences of improper meditation. Be sure to remember this so that you don’t have to look for it later, when meditation with Sasrara doesn’t go well - the Hat mantra will help eliminate the consequences!

Divination Mirror: How to Make an Accurate Divination Item

Want to get an accurate predictive tool for a psychic? A tool used by famous clairvoyants, winners and finalists of the battle of psychics? A predictive mirror that is easy to make at home. You can make a “Swedenborg mirror”.

For this you will need:

  • Graphite powder;
  • Olive oil;
  • Mirror.

The mixture of graphite powder and olive oil must be boiled over low heat. Then take an ordinary mirror and carefully heat it.

Place the mirror on a horizontal surface and apply the pre-prepared mixture evenly onto the surface. Leave it in this position for a couple of days, and you will have a black mirror - an excellent tool for predictions.

It will take patience and skill to prepare this mirror. Training in clairvoyance with the help of a black mirror will be much faster.

The black color will absorb the light, and the images in the mirror will be bright and clear. When you conduct a session, light sandalwood sticks or use sandalwood oil.

Sit comfortably in front of the mirror, relax. Inhale the aroma of sandalwood. Concentrate on the surface of the mirror. Free your mind - use meditation.

With these sessions you can learn clairvoyance

Looking in the mirror for a few minutes, you will see a series of images. Don’t delve into them, just watch, and you’ll analyze them after the session. You should be in privacy so that no one disturbs your concentration.

Look in the mirror for no more than 10 minutes, and then get up and stretch. You need to stretch as if you were shaking something out of your body.

Listen to calm music, when the previous state returns, the session can be considered over. Try not to tell anyone what you saw in the mirror. Do not consciously evoke these sensations that you had during the session. You can conduct 1-2 sessions per week - no more, no matter how exciting they may seem.

Water - a look into the future

Another tool is ordinary water. Pour water into an ordinary glass and place it on a white tablecloth. Look carefully into the water - it will definitely give an answer. You can light a candle to see better. Sometimes they add pepper and wax to the water and look at the patterns. The most reliable source is natural reservoirs. Look at them, ask a question, and get an answer. With their help you can learn to see the future in water. Experiments using water from the practice of Papus, a famous white magician, are also good.

There are a huge number of mantics for indirect clairvoyance. If direct clairvoyance sessions exhaust you, then use cards, runes, coffee and other systems of indirect clairvoyance. Learn clairvoyance, and use your gift for the benefit of people, and not for evil. May this beautiful gift serve you and humanity.

Many people are attracted by the opportunity to have the gift of clairvoyance. This ability gives a person a chance to anticipate and avoid many mistakes, as well as penetrate into the world of secrets and mysteries of the universe and help many people.

So, how to get the amazing gift of clairvoyance? How to develop? Can everyone do this? What methods exist to acquire these abilities? We will answer all these questions in this article.

Who can have this gift?

The ability can appear in people in two ways. The first is innate talent, which can suddenly arise at any point in time or appear right from birth. But there is a second option, when talent manifests itself in a person who previously did not have any abilities, after hard training and daily work on himself.

The question immediately arises of how to develop clairvoyance on your own. In order to start working, you must initially have a predisposition for this, have good intuition and sensitivity. Those people who have had prophetic dreams or had an unexpected premonition of danger also have certain inclinations. By working on your intuition, you can advance in the development of your psychic gift.

It is important to remain persistent and hardworking. After all, the development process is not easy. It requires inner strength and great self-control. How to develop intuition and clairvoyance? You need to engage in daily meditation practices and exercises. It is important to remember that you should not approach the learning process lightly. Carelessness can cause irreversible consequences, such as coma or death. When performing training, you need to be very careful and clearly understand why it is needed, have certain goals, then the gift will not cause harm, but benefit. It is advisable that the learning process be supervised by an experienced person with abilities, that is, a psychic.

What good will a person who has psychic abilities gain?

Before developing clairvoyant abilities, you should find out how they can affect the future life of a citizen. Let us note that all changes in a person will only be positive.

  1. Sensitivity will appear in everything. The owner of the gift will begin to understand and notice what was not noticeable before.
  2. You are given a chance to penetrate into other worlds and realities, to touch the secret.
  3. You can see objects with your eyes closed.
  4. A person will be able to see and understand the auras of animals, energy shells, positive and negative things around a person.
  5. The most useful ability that can appear after hard training is the ability to see events and things in advance in the lives of loved ones, sometimes even in your own.
  6. Often clairvoyants help in finding other people and assist the police.
  7. The skill helps improve the health of the owner, helps quickly restore vital energy, and gives powerful immunity that allows you to fight many diseases.
  8. People who have the gift have a well-developed memory.

What skill or feature a person will have depends on the initial predisposition and innate characteristics. But we must not forget that nothing will work out without due perseverance, diligence and luck. Only by demonstrating all these qualities, there is a chance to understand how to develop the gift of clairvoyance.

Mandatory rules for effective learning

How to develop clairvoyance on your own? To do this, you need to be guided by several mandatory principles. They will help make the whole process painless and less dangerous.

  1. One of the main conditions for success is that the intentions with which the student begins his studies are kind and honest. Plans to use the gift for evil will lead to nothing happening.
  2. How to develop clairvoyance abilities? To achieve success, you should conduct classes regularly, without missing a single day. Then the result will not be long in coming and you will have the desired gift - clairvoyance.
  3. How to develop ability? It is necessary to eat healthy light foods, preferably of plant origin. Such food contributes to the development of the gift. Also, this food will not burden the stomach and will give you a feeling of slight satiety. After all, you should not overeat before classes - energy channels may close.
  4. You can’t get hung up on one extrasensory perception; you can study related teachings. It is good to combine clairvoyance with yoga and meditation.
  5. You should always strive to learn new things, keep your heart and mind open. This is precisely another principle, by observing which you can come one step closer to obtaining abilities.
  6. With the growth of amazing talent, there is a risk of becoming overconfident and proud. It is required under any circumstances to remain modest, tolerant of others and demanding of oneself.
  7. And the most important thing is not to stop.

The importance of concentration in the learning process

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance? The very first and most basic quality, without which no psychic can do, is concentration. Without this ability, it is very difficult to achieve success in any endeavor, and especially in clairvoyance. A very valuable skill is to discard extraneous thoughts at a certain moment and focus on the main thing. You need to remember that there will be no effect from the lessons if you do not know how to relax and tune in to a positive mood.

There is a great way to increase concentration - you need to concentrate on one object with your eyes. You need to do this every day for ten minutes. But we must remember that you cannot blink while concentrating.

The eyes and whole body should be in a calm and relaxed state. It’s good if the room is quiet, calm music is playing, and the lights are dim. To make it easier, you can start with one minute and gradually increase the time.

How to develop clairvoyance? Exercise will help!

An important step in working on your abilities is to master several simple but effective methods.

First, let's look at the main techniques for developing intuition. You need to start from simple method to a more difficult exercise. You should choose a quiet place to study. It is better not to eat before classes. It is safer to exercise on an empty stomach.

Photography training lasts exactly seven days. To learn, you will need to get a photo of a friend or relative. While practicing, you should keep all your attention on the photo and silently ask some question, for example, about the personal life of the owner of the photo. Afterwards, you need to sit for two minutes in silence and think about what images arise in your thoughts, as well as what sounds. This is precisely the possible answer to the question.

After a few minutes of rest, repeat the procedure and do this until clear images appear in your head with the answer to the question posed regarding the personality and character of your friend. There's nothing to worry about if it doesn't work out the first time. We have to try again and again.

Verifying a gift using envelopes

This technique will help you easily check whether a person has unusual abilities or not. You need to take colored paper of two tones. Then cut into ten strips of different colors (for example, five blue and five red). Then place each one in a separate envelope. As a result, you will receive 10 pieces of envelopes with stripes. Then you need to relax and take a comfortable position. Next, take the envelope in your hands and, closing your eyes, feel what shade the stripe is in it.

Method of testing the human energy field

If a person wants to acquire the gift of clairvoyance, how can he develop this ability? The following technique will help. It is imperative to take a partner to implement this technique. A comfortable atmosphere, dim lamp and comfortable posture are required. Silhouettes in the room should be distinguishable. While in a relaxed state, you should carefully look around the assistant’s head. This should be done without straining the eyeballs. Time to complete is half an hour or forty minutes every day.

Finish as soon as you feel tired in your body. The optimal solution is to repeat the technique twice in the morning and evening. This will put less stress on the body.

Classes using the method of Vyacheslav Bronnikov

How to develop the gift of clairvoyance? Extrasensory perception and all unusual phenomena have long been of interest to scientists. Everyone tried to find a clear explanation for such a miracle. Scientist V. Bronikov achieved significant results in this area. The professor's technique activates innate strengths the body of the test subject. This training system can positively influence a person’s condition. Includes 3 stages.

At the initial stage, it is first of all important to master the art of relaxation and relaxation. In this state, it is easier to learn to evoke different sensations within yourself.

The second stage is the development of internal vision, the reproduction of a white screen in the head and the projection of images.

At the last stage, the vision of the surrounding world with closed eyes develops.


Now you know what such an ability as clairvoyance is, we have told you how to develop it. We have also provided tips that will help you achieve faster results. Good luck!

How to develop clairvoyance

Clairvoyance - What is it?

The supernatural ability of clairvoyance, of individuals - to see what is not visible to the ordinary eye has always excited the consciousness of the masses and has been shrouded in misunderstandings.

The secret and unknown objectively resonates in people with ambiguous manifestations of emotions and feelings, from delight and bewilderment to sacred awe and suspicion of charlatanism. And all because the “option” of clairvoyance was initially “not included” in the set of capabilities inherent in nature for every person.

What is clairvoyance? Clairvoyance is the ability to perceive a certain kind of information about events that is not limited by time, geographic and personal boundaries. In practice, a person gifted with the ability of clairvoyance can “see” his future, or the past, present and future not specifically related to him. Distance and time have no power over clairvoyance.

Clairvoyance - Varieties

There is a difference in how and in what form clairvoyants receive information:

  1. Clairvoyance is the perception of information in the form of images and pictures.
  2. Clairsentience is an overdeveloped sense of intuition.
  3. Clairaudience is the ability to hear the inner voice.
  4. Claircognizance is spontaneously arising answers to questions posed.
  5. Clairaudience is the ability to “feel” the smells of objects, processes and events.
It is reasonable to want to understand how such unusual mechanisms for reading transcendental information work and whether it is possible to obtain it for everyone, and what needs to be done for this, how to develop the ability to do this?

Clairvoyants - Who are they?

Typically, gifted people, as statistics show, are not burdened with several higher education, that is, poorly educated. They do not strive for social life, are unsociable - they live an ordinary human life and even avoid factors that influence the imagination, such as music, painting, and literature. It turns out that their consciousness is not clouded external factors.

However, this is not an unconditional condition or an absolute fact. But people with heightened imagination do not have such abilities at all and they are not recommended to engage in any practices to develop clairvoyance abilities on their own, since their imagination can play a cruel joke on them and instead of clairvoyance, they will simply invent information for themselves and “force” themselves into believe her. We can see something similar in psychic competitions, when some of the participants, as they say, point their fingers at the sky.

Life practice shows that those with a true gift mostly “received” it from birth, some as a result of surviving an accident and clinical death, so supernatural abilities are more of a test than a “premium option” for a person. However modern science proves the possibility of penetrating behind the scenes of this phenomenon, the only question is the correctness of the approach and choice of methods, systematization and development of practices.

How to develop clairvoyance

If you have innate clairvoyant abilities and would like to develop them. Or you have no abilities, but you would still like to learn. Necessary . Independently developing both magical abilities and the innate gift of clairvoyance is difficult and extremely unsafe.

This will save you from unnecessary waste of time, disappointment and possible harm to your health. In addition, the greatest success in and is also achieved under the supervision and guidance of a specialist. This approach is considered optimal in terms of the duration and feasibility of the effort expended.

But if you are “burning” with desire, confident in your abilities and not limited in time, you can try to master and develop some abilities yourself. Of course, this will only be the initial level. But it will help you believe in yourself and find the strength for further learning.

How to develop clairvoyance on your own

  1. Take a “reclining” position (in a comfortable chair or on a bed with pillows under your upper back and head).
  2. Calm your breathing and achieve complete stillness.
  3. Close your eyes and internally tell your body to relax.
  4. Feel a state of complete relaxation when you will not feel what position your body and limbs are in.
  5. Concentrate your gaze on the inner surface of the eyelids.
  6. Without making any effort, wait for movement, vague shapes and images to appear before your eyes.
  7. Follow the emerging “pictures” with your eyes. You are already in a state of light hypnotic sleep.
  8. If you don’t fall asleep completely, after about a quarter of an hour the images will really begin to turn into pictures, taking on logical outlines and forms.
Daily training will improve your results over time. You will be able to ask mental questions and receive answers in the form of visual images.

If, in addition to receiving images, you would like to learn how to see energy flows with your own eyes, we recommend doing the exercise presented in the following video:

First steps into magic #17 - How to learn to see energy - Magician Sargas

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