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“My favorite thing” essay. How to write an essay “My Hobbies”? My favorite hobby is studying the computer

A hobby is an interest that a person receives from childhood. It can appear at any age, but it is best to get it from childhood. We all do some work according to our interests that can give us happiness and joy, which is called a hobby.

My hobby is watching TV. I really like watching TV in my free time. Watching TV is my hobby, but it never interferes with my studies. I prefer to do my homework first and then watch TV. I think I have a good hobby because watching TV gives me good knowledge in many areas.

What can you say about my hobby? This is most likely what I do with great pleasure in my free time from classes and household chores. It is different for everyone, for example, my mother loves to embroider, my father loves to go fishing and hunting. This is their hobby.

I have a lot of favorite hobbies. I love to read, I love to ride a bike, and I really like history. But my main hobby is drawing. I started drawing when I was little. Mom and Dad very often gave me felt-tip pens of various colors, colored pencils and beautiful snow-white paper for drawing.

Hobbies differ like tastes. If you choose a hobby according to your character and taste, you are lucky, because your life becomes more interesting. Hobbies are divided into four broad classes: making things, producing things, collecting things and studying things. The most popular hobby group is making things.

Every person has a hobby and some free time to do what we love most. I also have a hobby. And since I'm a student, I don't have much time on school days. Moreover, I study at a Russian school, so I only have one day off - Sunday.

Many people have hobbies. They make our life more interesting. Hobbies are what people like to do when they have free time. Everyone chooses a hobby according to his character and taste. Some people love music, others love to read books. Some people like to collect stamps, coins or badges, others prefer gardening or hiking or photography.

Life is arranged in such a way that each person has his own interests and talents for something. Some people can draw well, others collect stamps and rare coins, others love fishing and hunting.
All of them do it better than everyone else, because, as people say, they have a heart for it.

In my opinion, the world is full of different types of activities and hobbies for people. Many of them are quite ordinary and common, such as fishing, reading and drawing. But there are also such unusual and exotic ones, such as the search for aliens, Bigfoot, and unraveling the mysteries of the Bermuda Triangle.

All people spend their free time differently. Every person has some passions. Some people love sports, others love dancing, others have found their calling in cooking, but I love reading. I like to spend time alone with books. Most likely because I am a dreamy and diligent person.

When I was just a baby, my mother read me bedtime stories. I myself learned to read when I was in kindergarten. Then I liked stories about Indians, adventurers and treasures. Books teach many useful things, now I will try to list everything that they taught me.

Thanks to books, we immerse ourselves in different eras, travel to different countries and planets. For example, after reading the story “Around the World in Eighty Days” by J. Verne, we travel around many countries together with the main character. And thanks to the novel “Aelita,” readers, together with A. N. Tolstoy, end up on Mars.

Reading gives us food for thought. We are developing mentally. Immersing ourselves in a book, we worry about some of the characters, sympathize with some, hate others.

We learn from books new information about the world, people, animals, which we can then apply in everyday life.

We are immersed in various historical events, for example, from the works of E.M. Remarque we learn about the situation in Europe during the First World War and after it. And in the epic novel by L.N. Tolstoy we get acquainted with the situation in Russia during the war with Napoleon.

What I especially like about books is that they put you in different moods. For example, while reading Shakespeare's comedies, I cried with laughter and was amazed at how funny they were. But the tragedies of the same author are full of sadness and problems that you can think about for a long time.

It seems to me that reading will remain my favorite pastime for the rest of my life. There are many unknown books and knowledge ahead of me.

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At school, for homework, the Russian language teacher asked us to write an essay on the topic of our favorite hobby. I have many favorite activities. My favorite activity, and what I consider very important, is helping my parents. I always try to help my mother with cooking. In this way, I am learning to cook, and when my mother is busy, I can cook something for myself.

I believe that learning to cook is a useful activity. Besides, I like to help my dad. When I need to do something around the house - minor repairs, change a faucet, I ask him to show him how he will do it. If I can do this work, then I do it myself. I think that a man should be able to understand the basics of household appliances, electricity, and repairs.

My favorite hobby is studying the computer

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I tried to write simple programs on it: a program that I called a calculator, which can do calculations like a calculator. I also like the lesson of processing images on a PC using Photoshop. This is a professional photo processing program. Well, like other guys, I love playing computer games. What I like most is car racing.

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My favorite activity is sports

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Since I run fast, I did athletics. He ran 60 and 100 meters and long distances of 1.5 km, 3 km. Besides this, I sometimes play volleyball, basketball and other sports games.

My favorite hobby is reading books

When I'm at home, and all the necessary things have been done, and no one bothers me, my favorite pastime is reading books. I take a book, sit comfortably in a chair or on a sofa and immerse myself in the world of the book. Most of all I like to read about pirates - Sabatini R. "The Odyssey of Captain Blood", detective stories - Agatha Christie's "12 Little Indians", adventure fiction and much more.

When you read a book, you seem to be transported back to that time and immersed in the fascinating events that are described in the book. Imagine yourself in the place of the heroes. Sometimes when you start reading a new book, it doesn’t seem interesting to you, but after a few chapters you’ve read, you understand how events “twist” and you can’t tear yourself away from the book for a second, and you read until your eyes turn red. Although my mother warned me more than once that I shouldn’t do this, as my vision could deteriorate over time. You need to take a break from reading for 5-10 minutes every 30-40 minutes.

It is important for each of us to learn to talk about our hobbies. This is especially necessary during school years, when we make friends for the rest of our lives. Therefore, if you doubt that you will write an essay on the topic “My Hobby,” it is better to look at the samples and get inspired to write your own story that interests you. Under each heading you will find two essay options: for a girl and for a boy.

For a girl (114 words). My hobby is drawing. I happily paint what I see. I love to draw with felt-tip pens and paints. I want to become a talented artist. For this I exercise every day.

Most of all I like to draw nature and flowers. In class I don’t always have time to do what I want. But at home I always sit down and finish the drawing. I have a beautiful view from the window, and I can constantly look at it. But I still love art classes. There they show us paintings by famous artists and teach us how to draw correctly.

I want to go to art school so I can draw better and better. Someday I would like to become a famous artist. My paintings could bring joy to people. This is what I strive for.

For a boy (103 words). My hobby is football. I love outdoor games. I especially like to play with friends when it's warm. We would kick the ball until late, there is no more fun activity.

It's nice when the game arouses interest. On weekends, relatives and passers-by watch our games and cheer. Then I feel like a real athlete. It just seems like football is simple. This is wrong. The game requires attention, strength and dexterity. It is not given to the weak and cowardly. I try to play well so that I am respected on the field. I would like to succeed in sports.

Football, parents believe, builds character. I agree with them. Sport makes a person better and teaches him to win.

2nd grade

For a girl (132 words). A real hobby is something that is always pleasant to do. For example, I like to sing and dance. I love to move to the music and sing along to it. At such moments I have a lot of fun. I have a hard time sitting still when I hear a melody.

Dances are different. I like the way they dance hip-hop. This is a very fast and complex dance. It requires dexterity and natural talent. Each movement must be remembered and repeated exactly as shown. When I grow up, I will definitely learn this art. I'm just starting out, but I believe in myself.

I also like Latin American dances, but they are more for adults. Their execution looks very beautiful! It must be difficult to move in the same way. This comes with great difficulty and after a lot of training.

I would like to move as beautifully as professional dancers. Movement, as they say, expresses the soul.

For a boy (129 words). I love collecting Lego. They give me new parts for every holiday. I enjoy creating my own inventions. It is very interesting. I try to do something every day.

I assemble the construction sets slowly so as not to make any mistakes. I hate to spoil the details. That's why I first lay them out, then do everything according to the instructions. Sometimes I ask dad to help, he has golden hands. I really like exploring with him, I learn a lot of new things. He says that someday I will be able to build computers or cars, and maybe robots.

My holidays are always interesting thanks to my hobby. Dad calls me into the garage and shows me the car parts. I would like to be able to understand them myself, but it’s difficult for now. Although the constructors also seemed complicated at first, they later became easier.

I'm glad that I have such an interesting hobby.

3-4 grade

For a girl (135 words). My hobby is handicrafts. I often make something: snowflakes and garlands for the New Year, crafts as gifts for all my loved ones, decorations for dolls. I like to create beautiful things with my own hands.

In my desk, all the drawers are filled with various cuttings, scraps and beads. I collect all the pretty things for crafts. When I see something in a store, I think about how to make it myself. I love when everything around is decorated and bright, I like to make a holiday every day. I recently drew and glued cards for all my relatives. They were very pleased.

My parents often give me nice gifts for my hobby. Recently my grandmother brought sparkles that I use to decorate a lot of things. Each such item inspires me. My family supports me in this. Mom helped me more than once with my fantasies.

I believe that what you love should bring joy to the whole family. That's how it works.

For boys (137 words). A real man must be strong. That's why I love sports. I would also like to excel at the Olympics or some other competition.

In the yard I often play football, basketball and volleyball. I like outdoor games like tag, but this is just entertainment. Swimming or hockey are much harder and more interesting, but I still can’t do it every day. I would really like to go to a wrestling club. My parents say that I will soon start studying professionally.

I already watched boxing matches with my dad. I also want to be as resilient and persistent. Sport develops these qualities, and they are useful everywhere. I would like to know how to fight correctly so that I can stand up for myself.

I haven’t decided yet what kind of sport I want to do for the rest of my life. So far I like many. I choose between Greco-Roman wrestling, swimming and football. I hope I become a champion!

5-6 grade

For girls (155 words). I really like to cook. When my mother or grandmother cooks, I always help and learn from them. My passion is not only making food, but also decorating it. I always love to eat not only tasty, but also beautiful. My dishes have an interesting appearance.

In the future I would like to become a pastry chef, because I like making sweets the most. Desserts require special art: their lover must be able to surprise. Sweets in themselves are harmful, so a person will think three times before taking them. But a talented cook will always make him forget about everything in the world. His work will look like no one can resist. I want to become the same gifted pastry chef.

I'm just learning how to cook, but I already have signature dishes. For example, I make a very tasty charlotte. The secret is to add chopped nuts and brandy to the dough. Then the pie takes on a completely different taste. I read this recipe on the Internet. Now this is a favorite treat for the whole family.

For a boy (155 words). My hobby is video games. I don't just play them, I dream of making them. To do this, you need to study how and why a particular game works. I already know a lot about them and willingly share my knowledge with my friends in the game. My skills are highly valued in my team. I think my whole life will be connected with new technologies.

Many people condemn this activity, but in vain. It is no different from other harmless forms of leisure. It can even become useful: it’s easy and fun to learn history using games. You can become Caesar or Napoleon, change the course of history throughout the world, or follow in the footsteps of generals and emperors. You can continue your favorite book, because many games are made based on literary plots.

I especially love historical games, but I really like fantasy ones too. It all depends on the mood and goal. Some are good for entertainment and communication with the guys, while others really tax the brain. However, all these games deserve attention, because in their own way they enrich a person’s inner world.

7th grade

For girls (158 words). My hobby is reading. I like to immerse myself in literary stories and find fascinating descriptions of the world around me. With the help of books you can learn, see and feel much more than a person can manage in one life.

I read every day, most often in the evenings, when all my work is done. Then the book gives the desired rest for the body, but the brain actively works, helping to invent images of heroes. Literature develops imagination, because a person imagines what he reads about. I like to lie in silence and dream about how what the author wrote happens. So I become his partner.

I also like literary language. It is richer than our speech. With its help, you can express your thoughts much more interestingly and become an extraordinary interlocutor. I even write down some phrases to remember. In them I find an explanation for many incomprehensible things happening around me.

In the future I want to choose a profession related to literature. I like working with words, maybe I’ll write my own book. Well, for now I’m just a reader, but a thoughtful and attentive one.

For a boy (163 words). I'm a film buff. My hobby is not only watching films, but also reading reviews and opinions. I like to learn more and more about the world of cinema, because this area is now developing very rapidly. New products never cease to delight me every year.

Cinema is a whole world of art. The success of a film depends on many details that are not noticeable at first glance. In a good film, every frame is a picture, thought out and complete. Sometimes the entire impression of the viewer depends on the color of the scenery or on the change of plans. And the script is generally a very difficult thing; you can’t please everyone. Therefore, a quality film is an amazing achievement for a huge number of people.

When I watch a film, I am immersed in other lives. Video gives me a chance to see the world in all its diversity. I see things that I would never see without cinema. I am learning more and more, even though I am not sitting in front of textbooks.

I would like to turn this hobby into a profession: to become a film critic or even a director. I would also like to make people recognize the world around them from my works.

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The essay “My Hobbies” is usually assigned to elementary school students to write. The topic is easy and ideal for the development of oral and written speech. In addition, this is a great opportunity for the student to talk about himself.


Like any written work, an essay has its own structure. It must be followed. And everyone knows that this structure is three-part. That is, the work consists of an introduction, content and conclusion. For primary school students, this knowledge is quite enough. It is only later, in middle and high school, that they learn about the epigraph, theme, author's thoughts, quotes. All this later also appears in essays, which would be more correctly called essays. But for now the three-part form is enough.


How to start an essay “My Hobbies”? There can be many options - this is at the discretion of the student. But the most important thing is that the topic is indicated in the introduction. You can write something like this: “Every person has something that he loves to do. This could be painting, cooking, music, choreography. Some people read, others walk and admire nature. Everyone has a hobby. Me too". In this way, the student will bring his thought to the beginning of its disclosure. After reading such lines, it will immediately become clear what will be discussed next. So, when working on the introduction, it’s worth taking this into account.

By the way, the volume of this part should not be large. The introduction of a work such as the essay “My Hobbies” is usually short. Just a few phrases should be enough.

Main part

So, what should you write about in the content of a work such as the essay “My Hobbies”? It is best to talk about why the student began to engage in this or that activity. It might look like this, for example: “I also have a favorite hobby. And this is making music. My dad is a musician, and since childhood I loved looking at his clarinet and always asked him to play it. And when I grew up, I realized that I would like to learn this myself. Yes, it’s difficult, and sometimes I even regret that I went to study at a music school - things don’t always work out. But then, when I manage to achieve a result, I understand that I made the right choice.”

This paragraph has it all - a definition of your hobby, an explanation of why it was decided to become interested in this particular hobby, as well as a reasoning. The content, in principle, can be different - it is individual. Someone will write about their passion for dancing: “I always liked watching feminine ballerinas. Seeing what beautiful movements they performed, I firmly decided that I wanted to take up dancing. This determined my choice,” while others talk about classes at an art school. In general, you can write about anything. That’s why it’s an essay on the topic “My Hobbies.”


The last part of any job. So, what should be the last words of such a work as an essay on the topic “My Hobbies”? Dancing, music, art, reading, hiking - whatever the student talks about, it is important to draw a good conclusion. There's really nothing difficult about it. It must be remembered that the conclusion is the point of the entire text. So you can write something like this: “I believe that every person should have a hobby and favorite thing. After all, this not only helps you relax and take your mind off your main activities. Many hobbies improve a person and help develop his abilities and talents. After all, how many cases are known when people began to engage in this or that activity in childhood, and as a result it grew into their profession! This is how great football players, hockey players, choreographers, musicians, artists, writers, and journalists appeared. Therefore, you should not limit yourself to everyday affairs. It’s worth devoting yourself to something else, perhaps even more promising.”