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Colleges, technical schools and schools of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Slogan of the information retrieval system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia Voronezh technical school of the Ministry of Emergency Situations

Among applicants, the direction of preparation for service in the Ministry of Emergency Situations has become very popular. preparing people for this specialty, is known not only in his city, but also far beyond its borders. Many applicants come here from all over Russia and even neighboring countries, because real fundamental education. The Institute educates the best citizens of their fatherland. The article will discuss the history of the institute, information for applicants and students. It will also clearly show student life in the institution.


The Voronezh Fire Institute of the Ministry of Emergency Situations opened its doors in 1967. But then this institution received the name of the fire-fighting training squad. IN next year 2 groups of students were recruited. In one of them, inspectors and instructors in fire prevention were trained, and in the other, commanders.
A few years later, two new buildings were built not far from the unit, and the groups were transferred to them. Now the institution has received the name “Training School for Junior and Middle-Level Commanders.” After 10 years, the School was renamed the Training Center. In 1993, a school was created on the basis of the center, and in 2008 the institution acquired the status of a university of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The Voronezh Institute immediately gained popularity.

Basic information

The institute provides training in 3 main areas:

  • "Safety of fire systems." Upon completion of six years of study at the institution, the student receives the title of “specialist”. Training is conducted in correspondence form.
  • “Fire safety” - the qualification category “technician” is assigned. Students acquire this qualification after completing 11 grades high school, the category is assigned after 3 years 10 months.

Training takes place in the target area, funds are allocated from the state budget.

But the government also allows students to study under a contract in the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The Voronezh Institute is no exception. In this case, training is conducted in 4 areas:

  • "Safety of fire systems." Upon completion of five years of study at the institution, the student receives the title of “specialist”. Training is conducted face-to-face.
  • “Technosphere Safety” is a four-year full-time bachelor’s degree.
  • "Safety of fire systems." Upon completion of six years of study at the institution, the student receives the title of “specialist”. Training is conducted in correspondence form.
  • “Fire safety” - the qualification “technician” is assigned after 3 years 10 months from the start of training.

Also now the master's degree of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is very much appreciated. The Voronezh Institute provides for this type of training, although so far there is only one direction:

  • "Technosphere Security". After graduating from a bachelor's degree, students can enroll in a master's program for two years of study via correspondence.

Information for applicants

In order to study at this institution, you need to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in 3 subjects: specialized mathematics, physics and Russian language. Also, when submitting documents, an entrance exam in mathematics is also written and tests in physical education are conducted.

You also need to first contact the local department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to draw up a personal file, which the department will have to send to the university of the Ministry of Emergency Situations (Voronezh Institute in this case) before a certain date.

The dormitory is provided only for students studying on a budgetary basis; it is not provided for other categories. The exception is part-time students studying on a budget basis at the time of the session.

Institute life

  • The institute has a permanent KVN team that participates and wins in various competitions and leagues. The most cheerful and resourceful will be able to join the ranks of the old-timers.
  • Also here Special attention devoted to sports, the institute has its own teams that take places in federal competitions. Students who take part in sections and lead an active institute life enjoy authority among teachers.
  • The institute regularly hosts a variety of cultural events.
  • The Trade Union is actively working.

Thus, the Voronezh Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, the cost of training in which does not exceed 10,000 rubles per year, is not only an educational, but also a leisure center for students.

(VPTU EMERCOM of Russia)

state educational institution of secondary vocational education. Included in the system of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and is a fire-technical educational institution, which trains specialists in the field of fire safety under secondary vocational education programs. Upon graduation from college, young specialists receive the qualification “Fire Safety Technician” and are, as a rule, appointed to the positions of state fire inspectors or guard chiefs. Created by Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated August 26, 1993 on the basis training center fire department ATC Voronezh region. In 1998, the Administration of the Voronezh region issued a license to carry out educational activities in the field of secondary vocational education in specialty 3203 "Fire Safety". Heads of the VPTU of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia: colonels of the internal service Zaryaev A.V. (1993-99), Korolev V.D. (1999-2000), Inshakov Yu.Z. (since 2002).

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The Voronezh Fire Technical School, one of the youngest educational institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, was created in 1993 on the basis of the fire protection training center of the Voronezh Regional Internal Affairs Directorate. Today the school has a training base, equipped classrooms, a computer class, a library, a gym, a stadium, sports equipment for fire-applied sports, a training tower, and a heat and gas smoke chamber.

In the training fire department, cadets learn to apply their acquired knowledge in practice, in addition, they go out and work on real fires. In the summer, classes with cadets are held at the school’s country base, located in a picturesque area of ​​the Voronezh region, on the banks of the Don River. All this allows the school to successfully train specialists for the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. During the existence of the school, 1,607 young fire department specialists graduated, of which 198 graduated with honors. Graduates of the school serve in 43 regions of Russia.

The school provides training in the specialty "Fire Safety" on a full-time and part-time basis.

Admission conditions:

Full-time education

Citizens accepted Russian Federation not younger than 17 and not older than 25 years of age in the year of admission, regardless of nationality, social status, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, having a secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education (confirmed by a state document on secondary (complete) general or average vocational education or a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of receiving secondary (complete) general education), who, based on their personal, business, professional and psychological qualities, physical fitness and health status, are capable of fulfilling the duties assigned to the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, having successfully passed competitive entrance exams.

Entrance exams are held in the following subjects:

  • mathematics (written);
  • Russian language and literature (written);
  • physical training.

After graduating from college, you are awarded the qualification "Fire Safety Technician" and the special rank of "Lieutenant of Internal Service".
To prepare documents for full-time study, applicants must contact the personnel department of the regional (territorial) Department of the State Fire Service at their place of residence.
Duration of training - 2 years 10 months.

Extramural studies

On extramural employees and employees of the State Border Service under the age of 35 are accepted.

Entrance exams for the correspondence department are taken in the following disciplines:

  • mathematics (written);
  • Russian language and literature (written).

Contact the personnel department of the regional (territorial) Department of the State Fire Service at the place of service (work).
Duration of training - 3 years 10 months.

Training is conducted by highly qualified specialists. The teachers have extensive experience in both practical and teaching activities. 4 of them have the title of Candidate of Sciences, 12 are candidates for academic degrees.

The educational process includes 7 cycles, within which the following disciplines are studied:

Fire tactical cycle

  • physicochemical basis for the development and cessation of combustion;
  • organization of service and training;
  • fire tactics;
  • Fire service of the Civil Defense.

Fire Safety Cycle

  • fire safety of objects and settlements;
  • fire safety of electrical installations;
  • fundamentals of thermodynamics and heat transfer.

Firefighting equipment cycle

  • fire equipment;
  • fire water supply;
  • fire automatics;
  • GPS communications;
  • engineering graphics.

The Voronezh Fire Technical School, one of the youngest educational institutions of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, was created in 1993 on the basis of the fire protection training center of the Voronezh Regional Internal Affairs Directorate. Today the school has a training base, equipped classrooms, a computer class, a library, a gym, a stadium, sports equipment for fire-applied sports, a training tower, and a heat and gas smoke chamber.

In the training fire department, cadets learn to apply their acquired knowledge in practice, in addition, they go out and work on real fires. In the summer, classes with cadets are held at the school’s country base, located in a picturesque area of ​​the Voronezh region, on the banks of the Don River. All this allows the school to successfully train specialists for the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. During the existence of the school, 1,607 young fire department specialists graduated, of which 198 graduated with honors. Graduates of the school serve in 43 regions of Russia.

The school provides training in the specialty "Fire Safety" on full-time and part-time basis

Admission conditions:

Full-time education Citizens of the Russian Federation are accepted who are no younger than 17 and no older than 25 years of age in the year of admission, regardless of nationality, social status, attitude to religion, beliefs, membership in public associations, who have a secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education (confirmed by a state-issued document on secondary (complete) general or secondary vocational education or a diploma of primary vocational education, if it contains a record of receipt of secondary (complete) general education), capable of performing duties due to their personal, business, professional and psychological qualities, physical fitness and health status , assigned to the personnel of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, who successfully passed the competitive entrance exams.

Entrance exams are held in the following subjects:

mathematics (written);
Russian language and literature (written);
physical training.

After graduating from college, you are awarded the qualification "Fire Safety Technician" and the special rank of "Lieutenant of Internal Service".
To prepare documents for full-time study, applicants must contact the personnel department of the regional (territorial) Department of the State Fire Service at their place of residence.
Duration of training - 2 years 10 months.

Extramural studies

Employees and employees of the State Border Service under the age of 35 are accepted for the correspondence department.

Entrance exams for the correspondence department are taken in the following disciplines:

mathematics (written);
Russian language and literature (written).
Contact the personnel department of the regional (territorial) Department of the State Fire Service at the place of service (work).
Duration of training - 3 years 10 months.

Training is conducted by highly qualified specialists. The teachers have extensive experience in both practical and teaching activities. 4 of them have the title of Candidate of Sciences, 12 are candidates for academic degrees.

The educational process includes 7 cycles, within which the following disciplines are studied:

Fire tactical cycle

physicochemical basis for the development and cessation of combustion;
organization of service and training;
fire tactics;
Fire service of the Civil Defense.

Fire Safety Cycle

fire safety of facilities and populated areas;
fire safety of electrical installations;
fundamentals of thermodynamics and heat transfer.

Coping with consequences emergency situations is very specific, so you need to make a decision to devote yourself to this profession very carefully.

College Review

There are only 7 educational institutions (including colleges) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Russia, due to the uniqueness of this service. Secondary special education can be obtained in three of them, expansion is planned in two more educational process to create conditions for obtaining and SPO.

  • Academy of Civil Protection (ACP) of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia- the leading methodological and scientific center in the Russian Federation for training specialists in this profile, but it does not have a secondary school of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • - the main fire-technical higher education institution in the country. You can also receive specialized secondary specialized education there.
  • Institute of State Fire Service (IGPS) EMERCOM of Russia in St. Petersburg is also a higher educational institution.
  • Institute of State Fire Service in Ivanovo (AGPS) EMERCOM of Russia for now it only plans to provide the opportunity to receive secondary specialized education. At the AGFS, a cadet fire and rescue corps has been opened, which accepts students in 9 classes.
  • Voronezh Fire-Technical School (VPTU) EMERCOM of Russia can be compared to college. The educational, technical and technological base here is the most modern.
  • , opened in 1999, is so far the only full-fledged college of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  • The Second Moscow Cadet Corps, which is a boarding school under the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Also opened in 1999.

In the colleges of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, students receive theoretical and practical fire-tactical, fire-technical, fire-preventive and military training (in addition to the mandatory set of general education disciplines). Upon completion, they acquire the qualifications of “EMERCOM technician” or “EMERCOM firefighter”. To obtain specialties related to emergency response and the specifics of various emergency situations, it is necessary to continue education at a university.

Requirements for applicants

To apply, you must prepare all the documents prescribed by law (certificate, documents proving identity and citizenship, confirmation of the right to receive benefits, etc.). Candidates undergo a medical examination at the college and test selection for admission to the firefighter specialty after 9th grade, or take entrance exams for the technician specialty after 9th and 11th grades. To prepare for exams, most institutions organize courses, usually starting in December.