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How to train your spirit. Morale and fortitude

Strength of spirit is the most valuable quality human character. Without willpower, a person becomes lethargic and apathetic. Firmness and inflexibility can help you win over physical desires. The weaker the willpower, the more difficult it is for a person to resist bad habits and weaknesses.

Overcoming difficulties is the first step towards victory

If you notice any shortcomings in yourself, it is best to start fighting them immediately. Without willpower, a person loses direction in life and tends to choose the wrong path in life. Willpower guides a person and becomes his guiding thread. Without strength of character and fortitude, you can miss your opportunities.

Signs of a strong will in a person

Having a strong, strong-willed character, it is easy to cope with the burden of accumulated problems. Strength of spirit helps to overcome difficulties even in the most unfavorable situations. Thanks to hidden resources, a person is ready to fall and rise again.

Only courage will help you overcome all obstacles. Believing in yourself is an excellent recommendation for those who want to become invulnerable. Patience will develop in you a strong personality, ready to withstand the blows of fate.

What to do if laziness gets in the way

Often sits in us great desire do something, but are stopped by the fear of possible failure. Laziness is born where there is no specific motivation. Indifference and apathy prevent you from taking any concrete steps.

Energy reserves increase if you tend to change areas of activity frequently. For example, your favorite activity can be combined with dancing, painting, and sports training.

Exercises to develop strong-willed qualities

1. Strengthening your fortitude. The point of the exercise is constant physical activity. Morning jogging and swimming are suitable for this. Developing the body greatly trains the spirit. If sport becomes a part of your life, a lot will change.

2. Get rid of laziness. If you don't want to do something, you need to force yourself to take the initiative. If you don’t want to exhaust yourself with workouts in the gym, throw away all the “don’ts” and do it! Getting up early in the morning is also a big deal and you need to learn to develop firmness in yourself.

3. Planning things. Give yourself clear instructions on which things need to be given priority attention and what can be left for later. Planning your affairs will save you from a chaotic life schedule.

10. Search for hidden power. Train your skills. If you take something, be sure to put it back in the same place. The next day you will know exactly where it is. You allow yourself to feel the volitional tension. Success and well-being depend on this.

Do what you like correctly and clearly move towards your goal. Exercises to develop willpower require serious preparation. Training strong-willed qualities increases the need to change your usual lifestyle. You need to gather your willpower and force yourself to reconsider some habits. Learn to be demanding of yourself and don't forget to push the buttons and

25.07.2015 09:45

To grow above yourself and become more successful, sometimes you just need to take a few simple steps. Enough...

Strength of spirit implies having complete power over your consciousness and the complete absence of basic obstacles (fears and prejudices). Much greater success in your career and personal life can be achieved by knowing yourself and your essence. A strong personality will never give up at the first failure or difficulty.

Unfortunately, not everyone wants to develop their own abilities, due to the lack of any desire. Some people experience fears of communication, pain, death, heights, water, or the dark. Many perceive it as something that can help them cope and overcome their own fears and doubts. So how to strengthen your mental strength? How to get rid of fears and believe in your own strength?

The main thing is not to confuse fortitude with. So what's the difference? Will is the ability to perform any actions based on one’s own principles and considerations. This is where most people face their own fears, such as apathy, fear, laziness and a lot of doubts. These aspects, or rather, getting rid of them, should be our main goal. Willpower helps us overcome many difficulties and ultimately achieve our goal.

Strength of spirit implies having complete power over your consciousness and the complete absence of basic obstacles (fears and prejudices). Knowing your own strength and capabilities is the ultimate state to which you should strive.

What does the development of fortitude give?

  1. Turning any defeat into your own small victory.
  2. Allows you to openly look your biggest fears in the eye.
  3. Will give you the opportunity to learn from your own mistakes.
  4. It will help you to abstract yourself from unnecessary motivations inspired by unfriendly advisers.
  5. Will allow you to strengthen your own motivation.

Strengthening the strength of spirit

  • Learning to overcome physical pain

An example would be minor physical pain. Willpower will not allow you to fall into hysterics, but, on the contrary, will help you group and do everything necessary in order to make the pain and the consequences of its cause minimal. In essence, this is logical thinking, which is characteristic of every person.

But fortitude in this situation will help you to abstract yourself from unpleasant sensations and do everything possible so as not to attach absolutely no importance to the pain. If you believe that there is no pain, you can give a mental command to your body and convince it that it is not experiencing any pain. This is the ability to accept the world around you and events as a consequence and endure them steadfastly, without giving any opportunity to unsettle you. Whatever happens, do not betray your beliefs under any circumstances.

  • Controlling emotions

First of all, you should learn to control your emotions without showing them to others. You must show exceptional composure to those around you in any situation.

  • Learning to forgive

Learn to forgive small mistakes. It is common for every person to make mistakes, and there is nothing wrong with that. Most people go headlong into introspection and cannot forgive themselves for an insignificant offense.

The internal dialogue must be played out in two persons: one’s own self and a wise, experienced best friend who will always listen and understand everything. Learn to sympathize with yourself first.

  • Manage time correctly

Manage your own time correctly. You should not give your invaluable time to those who do not need it and do unnecessary things. So you can work your whole life in a job you don’t like (which doesn’t bring you joy) and be friends with a person who considers you empty. Only smart and strong people are able to spend their time on achieving their goals, self-development and dear people.

  • Think positively

Charge yourself with optimism and start smiling. The world filled with negative emotions, so be that ray of light that the people around you so need. Find inner balance and think only about good things. This will help you gain faith in a bright future.

  • We don't harm other people

Everything should have its own invisible border. Try not to do anything that could harm another person in any way. This must be based on strong moral principles that must be followed. You should not communicate with people who may jeopardize your moral principles and principles.

  • We solve problems in a timely manner

You should not accumulate problems that you leave without solutions. Over time, they will form an avalanche that will be difficult to stop. Don't wait for everything to resolve itself. If things become bad, find the reason for such changes and take active action.

  • Technique "I"

Books for spiritual development will help you master this difficult technique gradually and quite comprehensively. There are a number of exercises that will encourage you to begin self-exploration, which can lead to strengthening your fortitude. Self-knowledge implies an integrated approach, which is also very labor-intensive.

Mastering the “I” technique will help you fully control yourself in every time period. Such activities can last for years, so many resort to more extreme techniques of self-discovery. You can go on a trip completely unprepared. Spending the night in the forest without a tent will teach you to react even to the rustling of leaves and wake up from any rustle. It will be an extreme weekend in primitive conditions.

  • Learning to be modest

A strong person will never show off his hidden capabilities. Demonstrating one's abilities implies weakness of spirit, not strength. How to strengthen your fortitude and not show it to others? Everything comes with experience, or rather with the development of inner strength and wisdom.

  • Let's get to know ourselves

It is necessary to realize and accept all your shortcomings and weaknesses. Find out what is stopping you from walking this path and getting to know yourself. The selected criteria should be written down in a notepad. In addition, you should find and write down all your positive traits. Put everything in a table and below list the kindest and worst deeds that you have done in your entire life.

You shouldn’t hide anything from a piece of paper, because no one will see it except you. Strength of mind requires complete openness and acceptance of yourself as you are. Only in this way can positive results be achieved. Hiding important facts from yourself will bring all practical exercises to naught.

The main goal of these actions is to understand yourself and find out what you want to achieve from life and what bitter moments you would like to correct. Make the right decision and follow the path of its implementation. On the path to developing fortitude, you may need to apologize to people close and dear to you and give up base habits. Self-development is, first of all, working on yourself and depriving yourself of various base values, putting only the highest and good values ​​and intentions at the top of the list.

  • Looking for motivation

First of all, you need to find motivation. What motivates you to become better and thereby move forward? What will help you achieve your goals? What do you really believe in: actions, people or God? These aspects will allow you to understand how strong the spiritual component is in you. If the basis was based on material values ​​(money), then there can be no talk of any peace of mind. When achieving material well-being, people often deviate from all existing principles, betraying themselves and their loved ones.

  • Surround ourselves with good people

Your social circle also plays an important role. Take a closer look at your friends. Are they able to accept your new values, help in difficult times, and are they capable of betrayal? Maybe they have a vice like greed or envy. Will they take advantage of circumstances favorable to themselves and not step over you for their own good?

It is worth surrounding yourself with people for whom the law of morality is above all, and they share your judgments, aspirations and are ready to do good. The environment contributes to the formation of consciousness. If you are surrounded by unworthy and evil people, then you will eventually become the same person. Strength of spirit, or rather its knowledge, requires refusing to communicate with those people who push you to bad actions and try or force you to change your moral values.

  • Learning to overcome obstacles

Invincibility of will has been valued at all times. In every event, even a negative one, you need to find something good for yourself. What if things could have been even worse? What if I need this experience in the future? Each wall is not only an obstacle, but also an opportunity to gain experience that will only allow you to become stronger. An obstacle is not a reason for despair and you should not rush from one extreme to another.

Try your hand at first by giving up a benefit that is familiar to you, which you can easily do without. This will help you feel previously unknown emotions. You can try sitting on a post if you have never done this before. This will allow you to prove to yourself that you can live without fatty, high-calorie foods and alcohol.

At the same time, your well-being will only improve. Strength of spirit and its development requires good deeds and regular self-development. When you succeed, you will look at the world with completely different eyes. Life will become much easier, there will be much fewer problems, and you will become above all adversity, wiser and stronger.

If you observe nature, you can be surprised every day. A duck is building a nest, a blade of grass is breaking through the asphalt, ants are scurrying around underfoot. Everyone is working at full capacity. This strength is the strength of the spirit - innate quality of living organisms. We must live, we must develop, we must improve our “anthill” - this is the motto of all nature. Or almost all of it.

Man, you see, is a “biosocial” being, the crown of the universe. We can lie around and scroll through the news instead of doing productive work. IN modern society We don’t have a spark that pushes us towards development. We become weak, our body overpowers us.

For a normal person, this goes against conscience (spirit, nature), so depression occurs and self-esteem decreases. We are losing control over life, we are controlled by desires, fashion and simply stronger people.

To regain power and become the sole owner of your life, in this article we will look at 4 areas of activity. You will learn how to develop steely fortitude and “squeeze” maximum results out of it.


Strength is generated only through pain. In the gym, in life – it doesn’t matter. It’s as if you are fighting with yourself, forcing yourself to do something or resist. This is standard growth rate, which all athletes chase. They understand that pain is a sieve through which the weak are eliminated and the strong rise.

Pain appears due to the fault of the brain. It is difficult for him to break an ingrained habit and choose the difficult path instead of the easy one. This causes dissonance, a state of unwillingness and...

To cultivate fortitude, you need to be a champion accept this state and learn to use it for development. Below we will look at 3 ways to cause and overcome pain in yourself.

#1 Act without sparing yourself

When you feel sorry for yourself, you reinforce the habit of giving up. Your body acquires power, you indulge its desires. The next time you have a choice - to do or not to do - you will be guided by past behavior. This means that your piggy bank will gradually be replenished with negative experiences and excuses. The feeling of guilt will dull accordingly, you will allow yourself to be a rag and will not give your best.

  • “Okay, I’m not ready yet...”

  • “Oh, weakling, it didn’t work out again. Okay, this is all because of......"

  • “It’s okay, it’ll work out next time”

Don't feel sorry for yourself, fight habits. Love the process of overcoming. The more often you do according to the inner voice(conscience, soul), the more you develop fortitude. Remember that you are only as happy with yourself as you can control your life.

#2 Run into problems

Instead of a shameful and negative experience, in the piggy bank better put your victories. You can overcome habits and develop as much as possible, or you can artificially create discomfort. This way you will quickly start moving and develop arguments to increase your self-esteem.

If you have accumulated anger and no longer have the strength to tolerate your weaknesses, this is the ideal way to release energy. Place yourself in extreme conditions, . As soon as you move, strength will come, and the desire to live and develop will return.

You can try for example:

  • Start with the little things. Watch your posture, stop “carrying pieces”, .

  • Extreme. Sit on a fast, get up at 6 am, run 3 km every evening, open your own business.

After such feats, you will be able focus on your victories. They will give you confidence to further development fortitude.

#3 Start over with a clean slate

Sometimes you just don't have the courage to take a decisive step. You seem to understand the destructiveness of the problem, but any endeavors quickly end. , not enough torque to get moving.

In such cases, you need to make a small revolution with yourself. Ruthlessly break down everything old and start building something new in its place. In this way you will instantly break into real life and feel the pleasant pain of change.

If you do it conscientiously, it will be painful and difficult. But there are a number of advantages:

  • Massiveness of changes

  • Instant release of energy and anger towards yourself

  • Feeling full of life

  • Increasing confidence in your abilities

  • Feeding changes from each other (for example, running in the morning - getting up at 6:00)

Don't wait for the moment, live here and now, as the Pepsi advertisement says. Your life is not a rehearsal for something important, so don’t be afraid to change and release your reserves of strength. It is at such moments that strength of spirit and strength of character are trained.


To develop mental strength, you have there must be a motive. Without a strong reason, you will use only willpower, at some point you will break down and reproach yourself more than before. Therefore, the first priority will be to set goals.

We hear about this from every word, but we write them reluctantly. A piece of paper with goals lies in some nightstand for months and forgets what its owner looks like. But this is bad: we are like an airplane that flies as long as there is kerosene, and does not know its direction. Someday the kerosene (motivation) will run out and it will fall down.

At least write again now, why do you need all the changes. This small investment of time will help you “lock in” the desired result so that there is no opportunity to slip away. When you write down what you want, you will receive documented evidence of your real priorities. It will “prompt” how to direct events so as not to succumb to them as before.

Internal mood

Strength of spirit is an internal state. If earlier we looked at how to develop it through outside intervention, now we will look at how to synthesize it spiritually. The connection between external and internal influences will quadratically strengthen our inner core.

#1 Principles

You don't have to appear super-confident, try to please everyone and be a leader. It is enough to have a firm position in life. When you act in accordance with it, you feel your “backbone”, the presence of character.

To be independent and like yourself you need:

To develop a firm position in life, you need to find your principles. To do this, you need to delve into your head and understand what you would like. always do and wouldn't want to never do. You can also analyze current behavior and take a couple of examples from there. For example, for me it's:

  1. I strive to achieve my goal with all my might.
  2. I don’t get lost or embarrassed in front of others
  3. I don't touch if they don't touch me
  4. I don’t make fun of friends to gain another person’s authority.
  5. Other

Find your principles for yourself. They will become a framework for your behavior, a guide for your decisions. They will help you gain understanding of yourself, thereby strengthening your fortitude.

#2 Cleansing

Nothing is worthy of your worries. No fear, no emotion should oppress your life. Today you are alive - tomorrow you are not, all this is empty.

While you live, you must give yourself to the fullest, because for infinity it makes no difference whether you die in a day or in 1000 years. Everything will be forgotten, everything will go nowhere. Compared to the Universe, your fear is a small thing, it will not change anything and will not contribute anything. You alone amuse yourself with it at the everyday level, when so many amazing and beautiful things are happening around you.

Get rid of all grievances, forgive, forget about the past. Become a new person who lets go of all the petty issues. Of course, in life it won’t turn out as beautiful as in the text, but at least ease your soul a little. After all, what is inside you will be the material for building strength.

#3 Material for construction

As history shows, strength must be based on goodness. All sorts of Hitlers and Mussolinis were convinced of this by their own example. Their fascism could not last long enough and sank into oblivion.

It's the same in our lives. You must become a kind, pleasant and positive person, only then can you fully develop fortitude. Those around you will feel your warmth and dedication and this will help you grow faster. By filling yourself with love for the world, you will provide yourself with the building blocks of a powerful and pleasant character.

A small disclaimer: you don’t have to be gentle to be kind. Be strict, don't let others take advantage of your kindness. Let them know that you know how to give, but only of your own free will.

#4 Live life to the fullest

Live the way they show in the movies. Position yourself like superman. Give it your all now.

A weak person locks himself in his closet and lives according to a schedule, when a strong-willed person gives everything he has to achieve results. If there is a Ferrari in the world, then you need to ride it. If there is Paris, then you need to visit it. You were born into this world with a 1 in 400,000,000,000,000,000 chance, and if there is something worthwhile here, you should try it.

When you work at full capacity, self-belief, confidence, and success come. The whole body is excited by the busy rhythm of life, character is tempered by endless problems, and strength of spirit increases from their solutions. Feed your soul with action and strength will come as a side effect.

To become a fully-living person you need:

  • Never give up

  • Work to the maximum everywhere (training, work)

  • Don't be afraid of risk

  • Concentrate on your desires, do not look or listen to others

  • Know what you want

  • Never be afraid of anything

  • Find a source of energy - books, a loved one, authority

Act as if you have already gained mental strength. Don’t try to develop it - it takes a long time, try to immediately plunge into the transformation. By changing something today, you will see results faster. Of the 100 people who read the article, be the one who not just a waste of time to read, but will radically change your life.


And this is a very small addition that cannot be ignored. Yours physical state defines internal. In most cases, thin or fat people not confident enough in themselves (although there are funny people who are overweight). This results in weakness and imbalance of character.

Do you feel exhausted, lose interest in life, reproach yourself for laziness and weakness, nothing makes you happy? There is an exit! Today we’ll talk about how to develop fortitude.

How to train your spirit?

If you decide to take yourself seriously and significantly improve the quality of your life, make the following actions a habit.

Get up early

Start your day earlier than usual. If you stop sleeping “all the way” and start waking up early, you will immediately feel the results. This will not only have a beneficial effect on your health, but will also discipline you.

It won't be easy at first, but after a while your body will get used to it. You will begin to feel cheerful and fresh, fatigue will go away every day. And the efforts that you make to force your body to wake up will serve as good training for fortitude.

Start planning

Following the plan is one of the effective ways how to train your spirit. Set yourself goals and achieve them. Start with small ones (for example, read at least one book a month) and gradually move on to larger ones (save up for a vacation in your dream country).

Set a rule for yourself: do not indulge laziness and strictly follow the plan. Try not to put off until later what you can do right now.

Get physically active

Daily physical activity will improve your well-being and will undoubtedly help you train your mental strength. Start by doing exercises every morning, for example, the yoga complex Surya Namaskar (“salutations to the Sun”), and in the evenings Chandra Namaskar (“salutations to the Moon”). Over time, increase physical activity and duration of training.

Do spiritual practices

In Vedic astrology, the planet Mars is responsible for fortitude, determination, activity, and determination. If you feel a lack of these qualities in yourself, start strengthening the energy of Mars:

  • wear red clothes;
  • practice vegetarianism;
  • grow plants with thorns and red flowers;
  • include red lentils in your diet;
  • wear jewelry with coral.

On Tuesdays, read the mantras of Mars:


The Sahasrara chakra is associated with fortitude; start pumping up this energy center. Meditate, concentrating on the crown chakra (located just above the crown), imagine how it shimmers with a rainbow color. Get rid of excessive feelings of possessiveness, feel your unity with the Universe.

Procrastinate less

If you are thinking about how to develop mental strength, the first step is to get rid of the habit of wasting time on pointless activities (watching useless TV shows, chatting on the phone, mindlessly surfing the Internet, hanging out in in social networks). All this takes away your precious time, which can be spent wisely and for your own benefit. Instead of these classes, read a book, do exercises, or, for example, watch some useful seminar.

Advice: If you want to transform your thinking, gain an understanding of Vedic astrology and karma, understand what a natal chart is and how to draw it, watch our free webinar

Keep clean

This applies to all areas of life: from hygiene of the body and thoughts to order in the place where you live. Those who want to learn how to develop mental strength need to make it a rule: regularly clean up, without waiting for dust or debris to accumulate.

Cleaning increases discipline. Don’t be lazy, wash the dishes immediately after eating, wipe the dust several times a week. We won’t talk about hygiene rules - any self-respecting person follows them.

Get rid of bad habits

Bad habits are what make you weak. Indulging in bad habits leads to degradation of willpower, as well as health problems. If you are determined to improve the quality of your life and want to learn how to train your spirit, the first step is to break free from destructive habits.

Harm is caused not only by alcohol and drug abuse, smoking, but also by overeating, excessive coffee consumption, foul language, and gambling addiction. Admit to yourself that you have a problem, and this will be the first step towards solving it.

If you are interested in this topic, as well as any other Vedic astrology, send us a private message on VKontakte


Remember: spirit is not only a psychological component, but also a physical one. Collectively, all these are psychotechnics and techniques. To train the spirit means to learn to use your body and control your emotions, skillfully managing your power through your thinking, rather than blindly reflexing to an attack.

Use special psychotechniques to train your spirit: autogenic training (it has been used for these and other purposes in domestic sports for a very long time), non-standard behavior and techniques during combat, high-speed study of strategy, combat tactics, meditation, study of external psycho- and physiological characteristics manifestations of emotions in battle. Take an interest in psychic techniques in other arts (Asians, for example, are unsurpassed masters in this area).

Read some literature first. One of best books- “Jeet Kune Do” by Bruce Lee, there is a philosophical side to it, not just a technical one. Also use exercises before training or fighting; for example, close your eyes and imagine how the full moon is reflected on the completely smooth surface of the lake. If you see even weak waves, then you are not calm; if the surface is like a mirror, feel free to train or go into battle.

Learn techniques for entering the so-called combat trance. Choose an opponent who is equal in strength to you or even obviously stronger than you; offer to arrange sparring - without aggression, i.e. like a friend.

Develop lateral vision (not to be confused with looking sideways) - this means that at a long distance your gaze is directed into the eyes of the enemy; but at the same time - on his entire body - the result is disorientation of the enemy, because he does not understand the reason why you are looking “through him”. At a closer distance, the gaze must be shifted to the middle part of the body, so that absolutely everything can be seen with peripheral vision. If there are many opponents, remember the phrase “look into nothing, but perceive everyone” - that is, even those who are behind you. And only at close range you will not have time to look; here you need to rely on sensations.