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What was Nizhny Novgorod called before? What is the name of the city of Gorky now?

I was born in the city of Gorky and lived in it for 11 years.

Until the age of six, I clearly believed that I lived in a city named after taste. “Bitter, like a radish,” that’s what my grandmother said. And it seemed to me that the whole city from the plane looked like this black vegetable with a tail.

Before school, my dad gave me a badge with the writer Gorky and explained everything. I was shocked. It became clear that the answer to the riddle about the dragon that flew to the USSR and ate all the cities except one was deception.

My city Gorky is very small. In fact, I didn’t see anything in him other than his native Sormovo. In our region, the expression “to the center” was usually understood to mean our native Pyatak, and not some kind of Minin Square. About this one it was necessary to say “to the city” or “up”.

I was about five years old when my grandmother decided to introduce me to museums and took me to the local history museum on the embankment. I only remembered the long road, the scary stuffed bear and the wonderful ice cream in a stainless steel bowl, which we ate in a summer cafe near the Dmitrievskaya Tower. Even as a child, my memory clung to some alley between the houses, and as soon as the narrow streets of Italy were shown on the Sunday TV show “Travellers Club,” I shouted, “Grandma, we were there!” “Don’t make it up!” - answered the grandmother. I only realized later that this was the entrance to Mytny Market from Sverdlov Street.

Otherwise, the writer Gorky hinted about himself in gold letters on the blue spines of the books in the closet. And the city of Gorky - the newspaper “Gorky Worker” subscribed to by my grandfather. In its margins, the postman wrote our 27-45 in one stroke with a red pencil. There were also Gorky candies, which dad always called “With a monument.”

It is clear that there was a lot of Sormovo in my Gorky.

A steam locomotive near the House of Pioneers, a Meteor near the cinema, and tanks near my father’s factory entrance.

Pine park with carousels for 10 kopecks and an orchestra on a wooden stage at the entrance.

Old carved two-story houses with snakes around the windows and stone houses made of chocolate-colored bricks.

Grandma’s favorite store, “Neither Fish nor Meat,” where I was dragged during the difficult years of shortages for the number of hands and heads.

I remember the special smell of books in kogiz - for me it was not the printing ink and glue that smelled like that, but anticipation. However, the smell of a candy factory meant the same thing.

Glass pub near the railway tracks. My father went there secretly from my mother, but with us under the guise of a walk. My father took beer on tap and took out a dry ram from a newspaper, and for us two Gorodets gingerbread cookies from a bag. So my brother and I ate them, standing under a round high bar table, like under a mushroom. Surrendering my father was an unthinkable crime - we were silent as a ram. Mom, of course, believed that we were on a swing.

Me (left) with my younger brother and father, 1986

The Gorky swing is a harsh by-product of the Gorky defense industry. Thick pipes, ship's steel sheets and even, loving welds - they held us up and could withstand a direct missile strike. On these, we spun the sun, smashed our foreheads and broke our legs when jumping - a common thing. Abrasions were treated with plantain, a bee sting was sprinkled with a pinch of earth, we chewed tar, jumped on construction sites, threw carbide and cartridges found at a nearby training ground into the fire. It's unclear how we survived. And it’s not clear why our generation is so worried about their children. Unsanitary conditions and constant risk were not realized by us and were not noticed by our parents, but they greatly brightened up Gorky’s childhood.

There are many simple everyday details in the memory that will not move under the pressure of new knowledge and will not be forgotten. Ice cream under a round label in a waffle cup and pink fruit in a paper cup. Sormovsky chocolate bar with fudge. A shiny spatula or fork on a string to taste the softness of bread in a bakery. Hopscotch and jumping ropes at the entrance with a tin of “Special” tooth powder filled with plain sand. Belyashi at the market are in insulated flasks and sauerkraut is in wooden tubs. All this was sold by equally fat women. One private Zhiguli car for the entire yard. And a hut under a wild apple tree, whose green apples we ate until our stomachs hurt.

In a word, my years in Gorky were much more frivolous than the 58 years of my family in Gorky.

In 1933, a year after the city was renamed, my great-grandmother still signed her letters “Anna Nikolaevna Sukhonina, Nizhny Novgorod” and only wrote “Gorky” in cursive in the address book.

At this address in the spring of 1938, she received a notification about the death of her husband, my great-grandfather, who was arrested for taking lessons on a bourgeois instrument - the violin.

In June 1941, standing under a black factory loudspeaker, my 20-year-old grandfather firmly decided to volunteer for the front. And he would have left, but the city of Gorky left him at the machines and put him behind the levers of the tank only as a tester.

Nikolai Nikolaevich and Kapitolina Kuzminichna Sukhonin on their wedding day, 1943, Gorky, Sormovo

In October 1944, in the operating room of the Gorky military hospital, the surgeon had a slight panic: there was a cut soldier on the table, and the young nurse could not hand over the instrument. An hour later, there was one more Gorky citizen in the operating room - that’s how my father was born.

My father, 1949, Sormovo Pyotr Alekseevich and Alexandra Ivanovna Zaitsev on their wedding day, December 1945, Gorky, Sormovo

In August of the victorious 1945, a political instructor and an anti-aircraft gunner, my mother’s parents, met in the back of a semi-truck driving through the streets of Gorky. It was the year of weddings in Gorky - after the war I wanted to love so much.

In the 50s, that same nurse, my grandmother, like a real pickpocket, deftly rummaged through her son’s pockets to pick up knives, sharpening points and bored factory nuts that were used as brass knuckles. She buried all this in the garden to be found by evening. Mass street fights in the working-class outskirts of Gorky are a separate episode of that story with its heroes and victims.

Since the 60s, another grandmother had a bag of scraps of a variety of fabrics - silk, crepe de Chine, satin, satin. Having bought a sewing machine and received fashion magazines from a friend from a friendly foreign country, at night she sewed incredibly beautiful dresses, skirts, and blouses for Gorky fashionistas using patterns to order. And she didn’t have anything fashionable in her closet. During the day, she generally wore a boring white robe and a chef's hat.

The end of the 70s was marked by the purchase of a green leatherette stroller on wheels with thin shiny spokes and my birth. In the early 80s, I was already pumping my younger brother in it, standing near the dairy kitchen, while my mother received kefir in small glass vials, plugged with cotton wool. And in the late 80s, my father received an offer to leave closed Gorky for the no less closed Severodvinsk at Sevmash - closer to testing submarines. The gentle father consulted with the capricious mother.

- Musick, there is a sea there.

- Volodya, what sea? This is the north!

So we stayed in Gorky.

And in 1990, the whole city moved together to Nizhny Novgorod, and the city in my great-grandmother’s letters stopped hurting my eyes.

Text prepared for the festival “Gorky People” .

    - ... Wikipedia

    1. GORKY Maxim (real name and surname Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov) (1868 1936), Russian writer, publicist. The collection Essays and Stories (vol. 1 3, 1898 99) had a great resonance, where they were depicted as bearers of a new, free morality (not without ... ... Russian history

    Bitter- , wow, m. Name (from 1932 to 1993) of Nizhny Novgorod / in honor of the proletarian writer M. Gorky /. Vereshchagin, Kostomarov, 1976,103. ◘ During Soviet times, he served in Nizhny Novgorod in present-day Gorky. Marshak, 1960, 557. Gorky city, ... ... Explanatory dictionary of the language of the Council of Deputies

    Gorky (until 1932 Nizhny Novgorod), city, center of the Gorky region of the RSFSR. Located at the confluence of the Volga and Oka. The territory of Georgia is 334 km2 (32 km2 before the October Revolution). Large transport hub: six railway lines (three... ...

    The Bitter Tea of ​​General Yen Genre Drama Director Fre... Wikipedia

    - (until 1932 Nizhny Novgorod), city, center of the Gorky region of the RSFSR. Located at the confluence of the Volga and Oka. Founded in 1221. Since 1350 the capital of the Suzdal Nizhny Novgorod principality, a major trade and cultural center, since the 19th century. also purchased... Art encyclopedia

    The Town Genre crime drama ... Wikipedia

    city- soulless (Serg. Tsensky); immeasurable (Balmont); oppressive (Balmont); formidable (Balmont); rumbling (Bely, Sergeev Tsensky); stuffy (P.Y.); stone (Skitalets P.Ya.); deathly calm (Fofanov); many-faced (Bryusov); motley (Gumilev); lush... ... Dictionary of epithets

    I Gorky Maxim (pseudonym; real name and surname Alexey Maksimovich Peshkov), Russian Soviet writer, founder of socialist literature... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    A large settlement whose residents are mainly employed in industry and trade, as well as in the fields of service, management, science, and culture. G. is usually the administrative and cultural center of the surrounding region. The main... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia


  • M. Gorky. Selected works (set of 3 books), M. Gorky. The first volume of Selected Works includes stories by M. Gorky from 1892-1904: “Makar Chudra”, “Grandfather Arkhip and Lenka”, “Old Woman Izergil”, “Chelkash”, “My Companion” and others. In the second volume...
  • City of the Yellow Devil, M. Gorky. Russian writer Maxim Gorky is one of the most significant, complex and controversial figures in world literature. In prose, drama, and memoirs, the writer reflected on an epic scale...

Guide to the city of Gorky, 1960 edition. Publishing house "Gorkovskaya Pravda"

Under the cut there is text and 57 photos. Original style and spelling.

The city of Gorky - former Nizhny Novgorod - is a large industrial and cultural center. It has a centuries-old history rich in outstanding events.
From its founding (1221) until the mid-16th century, Nizhny Novgorod was the eastern border fortress of Rus' on the Volga.
At the beginning of the 17th century (in 1611), in Nizhny Novgorod, at the call of the great Russian patriot Kuzma Minin, a national militia was created that saved the country from the threat of foreign enslavement.
At the end of the last and beginning of the current century, the city was famous for the All-Russian Fair, which played an important role in the country’s economy.
Since the second half of the 19th century, Nizhny Novgorod has been developing as a large industrial center. The Nizhny Novgorod proletariat was one of the vanguard detachments of the proletarian revolutionary movement in our country. It was led by the Nizhny Novgorod party organization, created with the active participation of the great Lenin. Nizhny Novgorod workers waged an intense struggle against the autocracy, capitalists and landowners, fought on the barricades in December 1905 and won a victory in the days of the Great October Revolution.
During the years of the Civil War and foreign military intervention and during the Great Patriotic War, the city was one of the arsenals of the Soviet Army, forging weapons of victory over the enemies of the Land of the Soviets.
Nizhny Novgorod - Gorky is the birthplace of many outstanding revolutionaries, figures of Russian and Soviet science and culture. The great writer A. M. Gorky, whose name the city bears since 1932, was born and worked here. Ya. M. Sverdlov was born in Nizhny Novgorod and began his revolutionary activities. Natives of the city are the brilliant inventor I. P. Kulibin, the great mathematician N. I. Lobachevsky, the outstanding critic and revolutionary democrat N. A. Dobrolyubov, the composer M. A. Balakirev, the writers P. I. Melnikov-Pechersky, V. I. Kostylev and many others.
In the city of Gorky, many ancient monuments of the 16th-18th centuries have been preserved. During the years of Soviet power, the city changed, grew, and became younger. Nine-tenths of its territory are huge residential areas, dozens of enterprises - all this arose during the Soviet period on the site of wastelands, former suburban villages and hamlets. If, according to the 1926 census, 184.9 thousand people lived in Nizhny Novgorod, Kanavin and Sormovo, then according to the 1959 census, the population of Gorky was 942 thousand people.
On May 2, 1930, on the site of wastelands and swamps near the village of Monastyrki, a giant of the domestic automobile industry was founded - an automobile plant. Nowadays, a large residential area with dozens of landscaped streets spreads widely around it.
The number of residents of the district is almost twice the population of pre-revolutionary Nizhny. The same changes occurred in the Sormovo district, where the villages surrounding the Sormovo plant dissolved and are disappearing from the face of the earth in multi-story buildings. Large residential areas have been created and are being created in other areas of the city.
Gorky industry provides the country with a wide variety of products. Compared to 1913, the output of large-scale industry increased 191 times. The leading sectors of Gorky industry are automobile manufacturing, machine tool manufacturing, river shipbuilding, and mechanical engineering. In addition, the city has a number of large light and food industry enterprises.
In our country and far beyond its borders, comfortable passenger cars “Chaika” and “Volga”, trucks GAZ-51, GAZ-bZ, GAZ-62 and others, produced at the Gorky Automobile Plant, are widely known. On many waterways of the country, ships manufactured at the oldest enterprise in the city, the Krasnoye Sormovo plant, ply. The flagships of the Volga fleet, the diesel-electric ships Lenin and Sovetsky Soyuz, were manufactured in Sormovo, and the production of high-speed multi-passenger hydrofoil ships was launched. Milling machines, mill equipment, and many other products manufactured by the Gorky industry are well known in our country and abroad. According to the seven-year plan, a significant technical re-equipment of the Gorky industry is planned and it will master the production of many new types of products.
The city of Gorky is a major transport center.
During the navigation period, dozens of ships with national economic cargo and passengers depart from the city every day along the Volga and Oka. The Gorky port is the largest river port in the Soviet Union in terms of cargo turnover. The Gorky Railway, which is currently being electrified, is one of the most significant railways in the country.
Urban transport is being further developed. The total length of the city's tram lines is about 170 kilometers, and the length of bus routes is 400 kilometers. The city has seven trolleybus routes and a large taxi fleet. Extensive work is being done to pave the streets and plant trees, street lighting is being switched to fluorescent lamps, and gasification of the housing stock is being carried out on a large scale.
The city of Gorky is a major cultural center. It has ten higher educational institutions, a number of research institutes, 21 technical schools, and more than 150 schools.
The city has an opera and drama theaters, a comedy theater, a theater for young spectators and a puppet theater, there are two large Palaces of Culture, a cinema and concert hall, a philharmonic society, 45 cinemas and clubs, about 400 libraries, 6 museums, and a television center.
The city's population is served by 54 hospitals, 54 outpatient clinics and clinics, employing over 3,500 doctors.
According to the seven-year plan, further development of the urban economy is planned. Over three and a half million square meters of living space will be built in the city, which is almost three times the size of pre-revolutionary Nizhny Novgorod. New highway and railway bridges will be built across the Oka and Volga, and city embankments will be reconstructed. Major works are planned for further improvement of the city.
Carrying out the decisions of the party and government, the workers of the city of Gorky work tirelessly for the benefit of their great Motherland and make their worthy contribution to the implementation of the great task of the extensive construction of communism in our country.

1. Monument to V.I. Lenin in Sormovo

2. Zelensky Congress

3. Sormovo. Comintern Street.

4. Revolution Square

5. Ya. M. Sverdlov Street ( now the historical name has been returned - Bolshaya Pokrovskaya, now the street is pedestrian - hereinafter - my notes in italics)

6. Automobile plant. Sotsgorod.

7. New residential buildings on Arzamas highway.

8. Entry to the Kremlin.

9. The building of the regional Trade Union Council.

10. Monument to the heroes of the 1905 revolution.

11. On the children's railway named after. A. M. Gorky.

12. Opera and Ballet Theater named after. A. S. Pushkina

13. Drama Theater named after. A. M. Gorky

14. The main entrance to the new building of the university named after. N. I. Lobachevsky

15. Diesel-Electric ship "Lenin". Built at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant ( burned down during the winter repairs of 1986-1987, the hull was cut into metal in the backwater Memory of the Paris Commune in the mid-90s)

16. Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve

17. In one of the museum halls

18. Monument to A. M. Gorky

19. Household Museum of A. M. Gorky’s Childhood. ("Kashirin's House").

20. City Council building

21. car plant. On the Volga car assembly line

22. Car "Seagull"

23. Palace of Culture named after. V. I. Lenina

24. On the children's river shipping company

25. In the concert hall of the Conservatory. M. I. Glinka.

26. Polytechnic Institute named after. A. A. Zhdanova

28. Agricultural Institute

29. In the Kremlin.

30. Monument to V.P. Chkalov

31. Automobile plant. Cinema and concert hall.

32. Monument to Ya. M. Sverdlov

33. In one of the city squares.

34. On a winter day.

35. Palace of Pioneers named after. V. P. Chkalova.

36. View of the bridge over the Oka ( Kanavinsky Bridge)

37. Continuous casting of steel at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant.

38. At the berths of the passenger pier.

39. In the workshop of a garment factory

40. At the entrance to the State Bank

41. Icebreaker on the Volga ( in the photo - the icebreaker "Don" of project 16. Built in 1950, decommissioned, dismantled in 2008 in the backwater of the Memory of the Paris Commune)

42. At the river port ( Project 576 motor ship "Sviyazhsk")

43. At the Torpedo stadium

44. At the Dynamo stadium skating rink

45. Gorkovskaya HPP ( The hydroelectric power station itself is located in Gorodets and connects two cities - Zavolzhye and Gorodets; the photo shows the final stage of construction)

46. ​​Volzhskaya embankment.

47. Hotel "Central"

48. Young pioneers are coming

49. Symphony orchestra concert on the Volga slope

50. In the reading room of the regional library named after. V.I. Lenin.

51. House of Communications ( I don’t know how it was in those years - but now this is probably the only house in the country without an address - that’s what it says in the documents - Nizhny Novgorod, House of Communications)

52. In kindergarten

53. Hydrofoil boats on the Volga.

54. Ski jump.

55. Automobile plant. Department store.

56. "Meteor" - a 150-seater hydrofoil motor ship. Built at the Krasnoye Sormovo plant in 1959.

57. In the television center studio.

The city of Nizhny Novgorod is the administrative center of the Nizhny Novgorod region. It is the largest city in the Volga Federal District, located on the East European Plain at the place where the Volga and Oka rivers merge. The Oka River divides it into two parts - the upper one, located on the Dyatlovy Mountains, and the lower one, located on the left on the low-lying bank. From 1932 to 1990 the city was called Gorky (in honor of the famous writer Maxim Gorky).

The city of Nizhny Novgorod is in fifth place in terms of population in the Russian Federation. The population is more than 1.255 thousand people. Nizhny Novgorod bears the status of an important economic, transport and cultural center of the country.

Nizhny Novgorod is one of the largest industrial centers in Russia; the main role lies with enterprises in the metalworking, mechanical engineering and information technology industries.

The city has about 600 unique historical, architectural and cultural monuments. The main one of all is the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin.

There are approximately two hundred cultural institutions in Nizhny Novgorod.

There are 95 public municipal libraries in Nizhny Novgorod, as well as libraries at educational institutions, organizations and enterprises of the city.

In the historical center of the city there is a stone Kremlin, built at the beginning of the 16th century, which was a 2-kilometer brick fortress surrounded by 13 watchtowers within the walls. The territory of the Kremlin housed many churches, but now only St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral has survived.

Bolshaya Pokrovskaya Street starts from the Minin and Pozharsky Square. By the way, there is a Kremlin tower with the name Dmitrovskaya on it - this is the “main” entrance to the Kremlin.

There are a lot of temples, churches, cathedrals in Nizhny Novgorod.
An important feature of Nizhny Novgorod is the large number of old low-rise buildings.

Nizhny Novgorod is a city with a great sports history and sports traditions.

A huge part of the city's sports facilities were built before the end of the 1980s and are morally outdated.

Printer Anikita Fofanov founded the first printing house at 19.12. 1613. And the first newspaper was published on January 5, 1838 and was called “Nizhny Novgorod Provincial Gazette”.

In August 1918, the city's first radio station began operating, and on February 27, 1919, the first voice transmission was launched. It was broadcast by the Nizhny Novgorod radio laboratory, under the leadership of Bonch-Bruevich.

Nizhny Novgorod is located at the confluence of two rivers: the Oka and the Volga. This city was originally founded as a fortress on the banks of the Oka and Volga rivers; the Oka divides the city into two parts. These parts of the city are connected by road bridges across the Oka River: Myzinsky, Kanavinsky, Molitovsky. A metro bridge was also built next to the Kanavinsky Bridge; by the way, it is also combined with a road bridge.

And there are 2 permanently operating bridges across the Volga River: the combined railway-road Borsky Bridge and the railway one. One of the directions of the Trans-Siberian Railway passes through them: the direction Nizhny Novgorod - Kirov.

Population of Nizhny Novgorod for 2018 and 2019. Number of residents of Nizhny Novgorod

Data on the number of city residents are taken from the Federal State Statistics Service. The official website of the Rosstat service is www.gks.ru. The data was also taken from the unified interdepartmental information and statistical system, the official website of EMISS www.fedstat.ru. The website publishes data on the number of residents of Nizhny Novgorod. The table shows the distribution of the number of residents of Nizhny Novgorod by year; the graph below shows the demographic trend in different years.

Number of residents of Nizhny Novgorod Years
1,296,800 people [*] 2003
1,283,600 people 2005 year
1,272,527 people year 2009
1,271,045 people 2010
1,254,592 people [*] year 2012
1,259,921 people [*] year 2013
1,263,873 people [*] year 2014
1,267,760 people 2015
1,266,871 people 2016
1,264,075 people 2017
1,259,013 people 2018

Graph of population changes in Nizhny Novgorod:

Nizhny Novgorod city photo. Photography of Nizhny Novgorod

Information about the city of Nizhny Novgorod on Wikipedia:

Link to the Nizhny Novgorod website. You can get a lot of additional information by reading it on the official website of Nizhny Novgorod, the official portal of Nizhny Novgorod and the government.
Official website of Nizhny Novgorod

Map of the city of Nizhny Novgorod. Nizhny Novgorod Yandex maps

  • 1. Ascension Pechersky Monastery
  • 2. Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin
  • 3. Nativity (Stroganov) Church

Created using the Yandex service People's Map (Yandex map), when zoomed out you can understand the location of Nizhny Novgorod on the map of Russia. Nizhny Novgorod Yandex maps. Interactive Yandex map of the city of Nizhny Novgorod with street names, as well as house numbers. The map has all the symbols of Nizhny Novgorod, it is convenient and not difficult to use.

On the page you can familiarize yourself with some descriptions of Nizhny Novgorod. You can also see the location of the city of Nizhny Novgorod on the Yandex map. Detailed with descriptions and labels of all city objects.

Our ship, having made a turn in the roadstead, approaches the passenger landing stage.

We are in a city with which so much is connected that is dear to every Soviet person.

Here in 1868, Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov (M. Gorky), a great writer, the pride of domestic and world literature, was born.

V.I. Lenin’s brother Alexander and sister Anna were born in Gorky. Vladimir Ilyich's father, Ilya Nikolaevich Ulyanov, taught in the 60s at the Nizhny Novgorod men's gymnasium.

Vladimir Ilyich visited this city in 1893, 1894 and 1900, and Gorky residents sacredly preserve the houses where the great leader of the proletariat held underground meetings of Nizhny Novgorod Social Democrats and where he spoke out against the populists.

In 1885, Yakov Mikhailovich Sverdlov, the first chairman of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, was born in Gorky. His revolutionary activity began in Gorky.

The great Russian revolutionary-democrat Nikolai Aleksandrovich Dobrolyubov was born and studied at the seminary here.

Here is the birthplace of the great inventor Ivan Petrovich Kulibin.

In Nizhny Novgorod, the patriot Kozma Minin in 1611 addressed his fellow citizens with a fiery appeal - not to spare either life or property, to “mortgage their wives and children” to save the fatherland - and the people’s army rose to his call, expelling the invaders from Russian soil.

In the village of Boldino, Nizhny Novgorod province, Pushkin created "Little Tragedies" and "Belkin's Tales", and completed "Eugene Onegin". Shevchenko lived in Nizhny, returning from exile; Korolenko spent eleven years here, and these years were the heyday of his literary and social activities.

The development of the city in the post-revolutionary period is associated with the names of the largest figures of the Communist Party and the Soviet state. V. M. Molotov, L. M. Kaganovich, A. I. Mikoyan worked here. For ten years, the permanent leader of the Gorky communists was A. A. Zhdanov.

Gorky is the largest city in the Volga region. According to the 1939 census, it had 644 thousand inhabitants, but since then this number has increased significantly. The growth rate of Gorky's population already in the first five-year period was twice as high as the growth rate of the population of New York during the years of its greatest development.

The territory of today's Gorky is ten times larger than the territory of pre-revolutionary Nizhny. The old enterprises of the city, including the Sormovsky plant, have long been reconstructed.

More than a hundred new factories and factories have been built in the city. Gorky has become the center of one of the largest industrial regions, where mechanical engineering and a number of branches of energy, metallurgy, chemical, forestry, food, and light industry are especially developed.

By the beginning of the fifth five-year plan, the region's industry was producing more than two times more products than in 1940, and 50 times more than in 1913. Over the four years of the Fifth Five-Year Plan, the industry of the city of Gorky increased production by another two-thirds.

During the fifth five-year plan, about half a million square meters of living space will be commissioned in Gorky. This is almost half of what was built in pre-revolutionary Nizhny Novgorod over the seven centuries of its existence.

Many new houses are being built in the city center and on its main highways. Three-quarters of these houses have between four and six floors.

The length of tram, bus, and trolleybus lines in Gorky has already reached 330 kilometers and continues to increase. The construction of a second bridge across the Oka is being planned, which will connect the mountainous part of the city with the Avtozavodsky district.

The green zone being created around Gorky will surround the city with a ring of park forests.