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Read the encyclopedia of the world around us. Geographical atlas "the world around us"

Under general editorship

V. P. Sitnikova

(M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University)

V. P. Sitnikov, L. V. Kashinskaya, G. P. Shalaeva, E. V. Sitnikova

Executive Editor

V. V. Slavkin (M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University)

© LLC “Philological Society “WORD””, 2010

© LLC "Philological Society "WORD"", design, 2010

Who first discovered the solar system?

The concept of the solar system includes the Sun and all the bodies revolving around it under the influence of its gravity.

Nicolaus Copernicus (1473–1543), Polish astronomer, creator of the heliocentric system of the world

Copernican model of the solar system. He believed that the planets revolved around the sun

In ancient times, people believed that the center of the Universe was the Earth, and the Sun, Moon and other planets revolved around it. True, ordinary people - hunters and farmers - knew nothing about other planets. During the day they saw only the Sun, and in the evenings - the Moon and the sky strewn with bright stars. It was easy for them to make mistakes. In the morning, when they got up, the sun was just rising, then it rose higher and higher, and in the evening it set. So they derived their ideas about how the world works from what they saw: the Earth is motionless, and the Sun revolves around it. But astronomers who studied the sky and celestial bodies thought so too. They also considered the Earth motionless and flat, although they assumed that it was not the only one in space. There are also other planets that, like the Sun and Moon, revolve around the Earth.

But already in the 4th century BC, the famous ancient Greek scientist Pythagoras suggested that the Earth was not flat, but spherical. Following him, another scientist, Aristarchus, who lived in the 3rd century BC, without denying that the Earth is spherical, developed the theory of Pythagoras and suggested that the Earth rotates around its axis and at the same time revolves around the stationary Sun. Some scientists agreed with this theory, others rejected it and continued to prove their own. Another hundred years later, in the 2nd century BC, the ancient Greek scientist Ptolemy wrote a book called “Almagest”. In it, he outlined his idea of ​​the structure of the sky and again returned to the fact that it is not the Earth that revolves around the Sun, but, on the contrary, the Sun revolves around the Earth.

Planetary map of Copernicus

This was a mistake, but it was difficult to understand how things actually happen in space. After all, at that time there were no telescopes or other instruments with which one could observe the movement of celestial bodies.

And only in 1543, when powerful telescopes had already appeared, the Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus was able to convincingly prove that the Earth rotates around its axis during the day, just like a top rotates, only very slowly, and people do not even notice this rotation.

At the same time, the Earth also slowly rotates around the Sun, making one full revolution during the year.

Copernicus also proved that not only the Earth, but also other planets revolve around the Sun. This is how the correct idea emerged about the existence of an entire solar system, in the center of which is the Sun, which is why this system is called Solar. And all other celestial bodies: planets, asteroids and comets move around the Sun in a certain order and do not fly apart in different directions, because the Sun attracts them with the force of its gravity.

What planets make up the solar system?

The solar system is made up of planets of different sizes. Among them there are large planets and small ones. They are located at different distances from the Sun and move around it at different speeds.


The smallest planet in the solar system, Mercury, is located closest to the Sun. Its diameter is 4,640 km - almost the width of the Atlantic Ocean. It is located at a distance of 60 million kilometers from the Sun and revolves around the Sun not in 365 days, like the Earth, but in only 88 Earth days. The planet Mercury faces the Sun on only one side, so it is always light and very hot here. Temperatures reach 400 degrees above zero. And on the other side there is eternal darkness and cold with a temperature of 270 degrees below zero.

The planet Venus is located at a distance of 108 million kilometers from the Sun. It is almost the same size as the Earth. Its diameter is 12,160 km, that is, 500 km less than the diameter of the Earth. Venus revolves around the Sun in 225 days. By the way, such a strange fact is known that Venus rotates in the opposite direction, that is, from east to west.


Our planet Earth is located at a distance of 149.5 million kilometers from the Sun and, as we already know, revolves around the Sun in 365 days, which is considered an earthly year. Thus, the Earth is the third planet from the Sun.

Surface of Venus

Then comes Mars. Its diameter is 6,720 km, which is slightly more than half the diameter of the Earth. Its distance from the Sun is approximately 228 million kilometers, and the period of revolution of this planet around the Sun is 687 Earth days.


Behind Mars there is a whole belt of small planets called asteroids. There are tens of thousands of them here, and they vary in size. Some are only 1 kilometer long when measured along a transverse line, others reach 700 kilometers or more. Scientists believe that the asteroids are fragments of a large planet that was once located in this place in the solar system and, for an unknown reason, disintegrated.

The giant planets are located even further from the Sun. The largest planet in the solar system is Jupiter. He is not “floating” in space alone: ​​he is surrounded by 12 more satellites. Jupiter is located at a distance of 780 million kilometers from the Sun and makes a complete revolution around the Sun in 12 Earth years, that is, in 4300 Earth days. Jupiter is the largest of the planets: its diameter is 141,920 km, almost 11 times the diameter of Earth.


The huge planet Saturn, with a diameter almost 9 times larger than Earth’s – 120,160 km, rotates even more slowly around the Sun. It travels its way in 29.5 Earth years, and its distance from the Sun is 1.5 billion kilometers.


And very far from the Sun, where its rays barely reach, are the coldest planets of the solar system - Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. They are so far from the Sun that they are not even visible to the naked eye.


Thus, scientists have discovered 9 large planets and dozens of small ones - asteroids - in the solar system. But that's not all. The Solar System includes not only large and small planets; a huge number of other celestial bodies - meteorites and comets - are also found in outer space around the Sun.

Is America named correctly?

Many place names are associated with the names of discoverers. But for some reason America is named not after the Spanish navigator Christopher Columbus, who was the first European to land on this continent back in 1492, but after the Italian Amerigo Vespucci. Is there a historical mistake here, and if so, what caused it?

Christopher Columbus (1451–1506)

A mistake actually happened: now everyone knows that America was discovered by Christopher Columbus, but it was named after another navigator. And it all happened this way. In 1492, Columbus sailed from Spain in his flotilla, seeking to find a route to India. He sailed for a long time with his sailors across the seas, and finally land appeared on the horizon. Deciding that this was the long-awaited India, Columbus landed on shore and named this land San Salvador. From the local residents (Columbus called them Indians, from the name of India), the sailors learned that nearby there was another rich and beautiful island that conducted a lot of trade. This island turned out to be Cuba, and after some time Columbus sailed there, believing that from India he had reached China, and to the east of it there should be rich Japan. In fact, Columbus ended up on one of the islands of the Bahamas archipelago, then on Cuba and on the island of Haiti, which he named Hispaniola, which means “Spanish Flu” or “Spanish Island”. All this happened due to the fact that in those days no one imagined the existence of a huge unknown continent between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.

Columbus Map

After his discovery, as he believed, of Western India, Columbus returned to Spain, but went on sea expeditions several more times: he discovered Puerto Rico, Jamaica, the island of Trinidad and landed on the coast of South America.

At that time, many sailors were looking for a way to Southeast Asia, China, India and Japan and, following Columbus, they ended up on islands located off the coast of the new continent, some of them managed to land on the mainland. Amerigo Vespucci, who served in Portugal and then in Spain, also took part in these expeditions. In 1503 and 1504, he wrote two letters, one of them to the Medici banker, and the other to his childhood friend, the Florentine Soderini, in which he reported that he had managed to discover a new, hitherto unknown continent. After which the German cartographer Martin Waldseemüller marked the new continent on the map and named it Amerigo Vespucci - America. Since then, this name has been used by all of humanity!

Why is gold valued?

Gold was considered a precious metal and was highly valued already several centuries BC. This is evidenced by both historical documents and the things that archaeologists obtain during excavations. The most beautiful jewelry, vases, and insignia have long been made from this metal. Coins of the highest denomination were also minted from it. The residences of the rulers and their tombs were decorated with gold. How is gold different from other metals and why is it so highly valued?

Gold buckle. Found in the burial of King Raedwald (c. 625 AD). United Kingdom

First of all, gold is not found in nature as often as other metals. Imagine that people would make jewelry and money from iron. What value can such products be if there is a lot of iron on earth and anyone who wants can make anything from it? But the gold still needs to be found, collected bit by bit, washed, and even then it’s good if there are only a few grams of it.

In addition, since gold is a soft metal, it can be easily processed and taken into any shape. Just one gram of gold can be rolled into a plate measuring 2 square meters. Moreover, it can be easily bent and does not break. Therefore, jewelry of any shape can be made from gold, and the rounded domes of church temples can be covered with plates. But along with its malleable form, gold is one of the heaviest chemical elements; 200 cm 3 of this metal weighs more than 540 kg!

Gold bars

Gold also differs from other metals in that it does not oxidize when exposed to air and does not fade, remaining bright and without losing its luster. In addition, it is almost not corroded by ordinary acids.

Before 1914, almost all the world's currencies were measured in gold. This meant that the money that existed then had a set price in relation to gold. At any time the currency could be exchanged for gold. This system was called the gold standard, and although it is no longer used today, gold still plays an important role in international trade: it is used as a reserve that ensures the country's foreign trade.

In addition, gold has applications in other areas of life. It is used by jewelers to make rings, brooches and other jewelry; dentists in dental prosthetics, and since gold conducts electricity well, it is used in certain types of electrical conductors.

Despite the development of technology, a lot of manual labor is still used in gold mining, and this, too, to some extent increases the cost of gold and further increases its value.

How is gold found?

This question has worried humanity since ancient times. It is believed that gold was the first metal known to man. Some people, called alchemists, tried to obtain gold artificially, by melting and combining different metals or by trying to make gold from lead. These were not entirely useless activities, although gold was not obtained as a result of these experiments. But they brought other, no less important discoveries. Thus, the alchemist monk Berthold Schwartz accidentally made gunpowder in this way, and another alchemist, Johann Böttger, found a way to make precious porcelain. As for gold, its artificial analogue has never been found, and everything yellow and shiny cannot be confused with real metal even from a distance.

The first traces of gold were discovered in Egypt more than 5,000 years ago. The rulers of Greece and Rome also loved this rare precious metal. They plundered the countries they conquered and forced slaves to work in gold mines.

Real gold can only be found in the ground, and here it is found in two forms - in the form of nuggets, that is, pure gold without admixtures of other metals, and in ore, where gold is contained in combination with other metals.

Gold nuggets are not found very often, and this is always a great success for miners, and that is what people who mine gold are called. Most often, native gold is found in quartz veins or in layers of iron pyrites. Under the influence of wind and water, quartz and iron ore deposits are gradually destroyed, and gold particles are exposed. Then they are also gradually washed out of the gold-bearing veins and fall to the bottom of rivers and valleys, where they are mixed with sand and gravel. This is the so-called placer gold, in which there are very tiny specks and larger nuggets weighing from several grams to a kilogram and even several kilograms.

Gold mines in Brazil early. XX century

Most often, gold is found in nature in combination with other metals: gold particles are almost always found in silver, in combination with copper, etc. Currently, there are various complex technologies with the help of which gold is freed from impurities of other metals.

What is very curious is that a lot of gold is found in the waters of the World Ocean. Of course, if you measure the amount of gold per liter of sea water, then it is almost impossible to detect it there. But scientists have calculated that with as much sea water as exists on the globe, the gold in it is at least 10 billion tons.

How are springs formed?

In many places on Earth there are springs from which clean, clear water flows, which people call spring water, and the springs themselves - springs. This water pleasantly quenches thirst on hot days, and many people consider it healing. Where do the springs come from and why is the water in them so clean?

Deep underground, where solid rocks are located, there are empty areas that are filled with water. These are called the “groundwater zone.” Water comes there from the top layer of the earth from melted snow, ice, and rain. Some of this water remains in the upper layers of the soil, feeds the roots of plants, and evaporates under the influence of the hot rays of the sun, but most of it penetrates into the underground layer and fills the voids between the rocks.

There are a lot of such voids underground, but enough water from the surface of the earth penetrates there, so there is slightly less water underground than on the surface. In turn, underground water flows through holes in the earth's crust to the surface of the Earth. This mainly happens in low places: valleys, depressions between mountains, lowlands, because groundwater flows only through openings that are located below the groundwater level. After all, you know that water always flows only downwards, it cannot flow up and always falls back under the force of its gravity.

This is how springs are formed when underground water penetrates through holes to the surface of the Earth. Maybe you've heard that there are permanent springs. People surround them with fences, build canopies over them so that the water flowing from them is not polluted, and everyone can drink water from these springs all year round. And other springs appear and disappear. This is explained by the fact that the “groundwater zone” has different levels, that is, different depths, and it is constantly changing. Those springs, where water comes from the very depths of the aquifer, operate constantly, and the water in them never disappears. But those springs that are fed by water from the upper layer can disappear if the water level in it drops, and then appear again when the snow begins to melt or it rains, and there is more water underground. Such springs are called “pulsating”.

Healing spring water is also called healing for a reason. After all, underground water passes through rocks and is enriched with various mineral salts, which are very beneficial for health.

Do mountains have age?

Before answering this question, we need to find out what mountains are and how they are formed. Mountains are the part of the earth's land that rises above the plains. There are isolated mountains, and there are entire mountain ranges. In legends, the appearance of mountains is explained as follows: “The very young Earth was smooth, like a wheel of sheep’s cheese. But time passed, and the Earth began to age, wrinkles appeared on it. They furrowed the face of the Earth with deep folds. And the Earth cried. Her tears flowed in streams and rivers, gathered into lakes, seas and oceans..."

These wrinkles, according to legend, became mountains. However, scientists have their own point of view on this matter. They explain the formation of mountains by sudden changes in the earth's surface that occurred many millions of years ago and are happening now. There are even different types of mountains. Some of them - folded - appeared where the earth's crust was more mobile and could be folded. This is how the Alps were formed, for example. There are vaulted mountains that rise upward in the form of arches under great pressure from molten lava, which rushes from below to the surface of the Earth. As a result of faults or failures in the earth's crust, entire mountains were formed, when entire mountain ranges rose and fell. The type of volcanic mountains speaks for itself. They were formed from lava, volcanic ash and slag that fell to the surface of the Earth as a result of volcanic eruptions. This is Fujiyama in Japan, Vesuvius in Italy.

But mountains don't last forever. They are undermined by water, sprayed by wind, and particles of rocky soil are washed away by rain. The hot sun heats up the stones, and then they are frozen, causing them to gradually collapse. Over time, even the highest mountains turn into small hills, and sometimes in their place there is nothing left at all except a plain. As you can see, mountains also age and die. But they are replaced by new ones: after all, the process of mountain building does not stop, the earth’s crust also shifts, forming folds, volcanic eruptions and earthquakes, subsidence and rise of the soil occur. As a result of all these processes, new, young mountains are born, which include the Pamirs, Himalayas, Andes, and the Caucasus Mountains. And the old mountains in Russia are the Ural Mountains, many of whose peaks no longer rise so steeply above the earth’s surface, and in some places they even descend into small gentle hills. It also happens, however, that mountains that have almost disappeared from the face of the Earth grow again. This is what happened to the Tien Shan, when unexpectedly its sagging peaks again rose high into the sky.


The highest mountain in the world is Mount Everest, located on the border between Nepal and China. Its height reaches 8,848 m! And Elbrus is considered the highest in Europe with a height of 5,633 m.

What is in the depths of the Earth?

Our Earth is called a planet, and it differs from stars in that it is a dense mass, while stars consist of hot gases and glow.

Scientists already know a lot about what planet Earth is. And the fact that it has the shape of a ball and rotates around its own axis, making a full revolution in a day, that is, in 24 hours, and the fact that at the same time it slowly rotates around the Sun, completely turning around in 365 days, which is an earthly year . We measured the distance from the Sun and found out which planets are located next to the Earth. But no less a mystery for scientists has always been what lies deep in the Earth itself. It's very difficult to know. Instruments have not yet been invented with the help of which one could get into the very depths of the Earth and see what is there. That is why scientists are so interested in volcanic eruptions, which make it possible to study the rocks that are ejected onto the surface of the Earth from its depths. Since volcanoes emit hot gases and molten rocks, from these signs scientists have determined that the temperature inside the Earth is very high. In addition, earthquakes are also studied very carefully: after all, they originate somewhere in the depths of the Earth and waves from tremors disperse both over the surface of the Earth and inside it.

Using precision instruments - seismographs - scientists determine how these waves travel and record their speed. This method also tells them what rocks are inside the Earth. After all, seismic waves travel faster through loose rocks than through solid rocks. Velocity also changes if seismic waves pass through molten metals.

Thus, scientists were able to determine that in the very depths of the Earth, in the center of the ball, there is a solid metal core, the diameter of which is about 2,560 kilometers. This core is surrounded by a liquid shell with a radius of about 3,360 kilometers, consisting of molten iron and nickel. On top of this hot, molten mass is the mantle. This is a layer of hard rock 2,880 kilometers thick. The mantle separates the hot liquid shell of the Earth's core from the earth's crust and thus protects the earth's crust from high temperature. And the very last, top layer is the earth’s crust. It also consists of hard rocks, but in some places they loosened and soil formed there - what we call earth, clay, sand, while in other places it remains hard and rocky. There are gray lifeless rocks without a single green tree. But soil and mountains are only the upper part of the earth's crust. Solid rocks extend deep into the Earth and reach the mantle. True, the depth of the earth's crust is not the same everywhere. Under the continents it is 48 kilometers, and under the oceans it is much less - only 5 kilometers.

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THIS MYSTERIOUS WORLD Starry sky (northern hemisphere of the sky)…8-9 Solar system. . ............. 12 Sun and planets. ,………………... 13 Starry sky (southern hemisphere of the sky) ..10 11 Space exploration in the USSR.................. 14-15 Space exploration (international cooperation) ..... . 16 17 EARTH ON THE GLOBE AND ON THE MAP Earth is the planet on which we live....... 20 21 Diurnal movement of the Earth. . . ……..22 The movement of the Earth around the Sun…… 23 Globe. Physical map of the hemispheres………………..24 25 Shapes of the earth’s surface………. 26—27 Oceans of the Earth……………………… 28 29 Climate of the Earth………………………. 30 31 Natural zones of the Earth……………. 32 33 THE EARTH AND ITS INHABITANTS Europe. . . …………………………. . 36- 41 Asia............ 42-49 Africa. . ............. . ... 50—57 North America…………………. 58, 60 62 South America.…………………. 59, 63 65 Australia and Oceania ………………… 66- 68 Antarctica …………………………….. 69 Fauna of the oceans ………………….. . 70 71 Contents……………………… ... 72

The “The World Around Us” collection is a magazine reissue of the 2011 book collection.

Collection " The world around us“My universal encyclopedia of knowledge” will introduce you to the world around you and help you master school knowledge. On its pages you will discover a lot of new things about science and technology, plants and animals, you will find detailed information about the history of mankind, about our planet, cities and countries of the world! Collect a complete collection of educational magazines “The World Around Us”. Publishing house Ashet Collection(Hachette).


  • Each page contains a lot of educational facts, bright illustrations, photographs and diagrams.
  • Detailed explanations make all texts accessible and engaging.
  • Colorful illustrations and photographs allow you to fully immerse yourself in the topic.
  • Key facts, concepts and dates are presented separately for ease of remembering.
  • Drawings and diagrams make information visual.
  • The volume of each magazine is 48 pages.

With the collection's magazines you will receive stickers with images of planets, their satellites and artificial objects of the Solar System. With the first issue you will receive a poster of the Solar System. Find each sticker its place on this poster.

The variety of topics and information in the magazines is combined with a clear structure. On the spine of each issue of the collection is indicated its title and one of the 6 headings of the encyclopedia to which it belongs. By organizing issues into convenient folders, you will always know where to find the information you are interested in.


The encyclopedia “The World Around Us” is well organized and divided into 6 sections:

  • Plants and animals– You will learn a lot of new things about plants and animals that are familiar to you, and you will very quickly learn to recognize other, previously unknown species. A detailed overview of the fauna of our planet will allow you to meet even animals that none of your friends have heard of!
  • Man and environment– You will be able to get to know our planet, oceans, continents and atmosphere better. You will also see what people do to protect and preserve the world around us.
  • Science and technology– You can easily find answers to the questions “What’s inside?” and “How does it work?” You will learn a lot of new and interesting things thanks to simple and complete explanations and trace the history of the most important scientific events.
  • World history– Thanks to fascinating texts and colorful illustrations, you will become closely acquainted with the great figures and discoverers of the past, lost civilizations and the most important dates in world history. Any historical event will be remembered easily and for a long time.
  • Art and society– Learn a lot of new and amazing things about the art and culture of different countries and civilizations. And also about the unusual hobbies and interests of your peers and their parents around the world.
  • Countries of the world– Take a fascinating trip around the world and get to know the countries of the world, their history, geography, administrative organization and traditions. Special pages are dedicated to Russia.

Release schedule

№1 – solar system+ poster + sticker – 12/24/2016
№2 + №3 – Ancient Civilizations + Great Inventions+ sticker – 01/12/2017
№4 – Human body+ folder + sticker – 01/26/2017
№5 – Origin of the Earth+ sticker – 02/02/2017
№6 – Mammals+ sticker
№7 – Planet Earth+ sticker
№8 – Insects, arachnids+ sticker
№9 – Russia+ sticker
№10 – Sea animals+ sticker

How many issues

Total planned 75 issues.

Recommended price:
First issue – 49 rubles.
Second + Third issues (2 magazines) – 149 rubles.
Fourth issue and subsequent ones - 149 rubles.
Frequency: weekly.