Biology Story Abstracts

Man and war essay on the history of the Second World War. Composition on the topic “The Great Patriotic War

MBOU secondary school №24

This terrible word is war.


Mineeva Olga Sergeevna,

teacher of Russian language and literature.



This terrible word is war.


In political science, war is defined as an organized armed struggle between social classes, nations, peoples or states. The transition of a social conflict to the stage of armed struggle is expressed in the fact that each of the parties seeks to impose its will on the enemy by force of arms, for which it inflicts devastating blows on its human and material potential.

We are accustomed to the idea that heroism is manifested in war, feats are accomplished in war. But do not forget that the war as historical event- this is not only a general excitement, an uplift of the human spirit and the people's will, it is a tragedy. War is the decline of the human spirit. War is accompanied by extraordinary suffering and deprivation, which a person simply cannot avert. War means thousands of tormented, killed, tortured people in camps, these are millions of crippled destinies. And in war they don't kill people in general, but a person. Alive, warm, thinking. And quite specific: with his last name, first name, love and joy. During the Great Patriotic War, we lost several million people. To this we add "love that did not love"; "dreams that didn't dream"; "songs that were not sung"; "children who were not born."

There is a Hero in the family of my friends Soviet Union Alexander Molev. Pilot, he died in the performance of a combat mission. He dreamed of becoming an astronaut, he dreamed of having a family, children ... Not meant to be. The war got in the way.

The war destroyed the fate of the hero of M. Sholokhov's story "The Fate of a Man". Andrei Sokolov survived, but lost everything: his home, his family, his son.

War is scary. “Whoever says that it’s not scary in war knows nothing about war.” These are well-known lines from a poem by Yu. Drunina.

My father, Sergey Andreevich Klimukhin, fought on the 3rd Ukrainian Front under the command of Marshal G. Rokossovsky. Then, in 1943, as a nineteen-year-old boy, he ended up on the Kursk Bulge. My father did not like to remember the war, but he told me about one battle. Everything around was in smoke, neither the sky nor the sun could be seen. The shells exploded one after another. Bullets whistled. Even the earth was on fire. Was it scary? No answer. My father said that he did not think about this issue then. He was just fighting, doing his duty.

War is a moral and physical test of a person. It puts a person in inhuman conditions. In order to survive, there must be a consciousness that war is an event, no matter how pathetic it sounds, that constitutes the movement of history. And man is one of the engines of this story. Then they just rushed to the front. Boys who are under 18 years old, girls, yesterday's schoolgirls. They fought and died with a clear conscience.

V. Bykov in his book "Sotnikov" brings the heroes to the last line, to the choice between death and life. Rybak turned out to be a man who understood only that today life is harder than yesterday, but he wanted to live. Until the last minute, Sotnikov hoped that by his death he would be able to save others. Bykov believes that in such extreme situations the character of a person is most clearly manifested. But why? Maybe in a peaceful life, Rybak would not have committed any crime, most likely he would not have committed it.

Yes, war is a test, hard work. At the front, my father was a radio operator. Somehow they had to swim across the river under bombardment. It was in November, the water was cold, the Nazis went berserk. We had to make contact. And the father went, or rather swam. For this crossing, he was awarded the medal "For Courage". He did not talk about the feat. He just did his job.

Almost no one knows about the exploits of heroes. What is a feat? Maybe it's just that in the inhumanly difficult struggle with enemies to remain a man? Maybe a feat is overcoming oneself? But not everyone is given...

On our street, three houses away from us, lived a former policeman. For a long time, no one knew anything about it. He lived under a false name. He did not overcome himself, his fear. And his children are still ashamed to look us, acquaintances, in the eye.

You can think about the exploits in the war for a long time and a lot. There is such a thing as mass heroism during the war. It turns out that one can also talk about cowardice and betrayal in plural. A former Vlasovite lived next door to us. His house was surrounded by such a high fence that no one else had. His family kept apart from everyone. General Vlasov got scared, surrendered himself and surrendered his army. After the war, everyone was forgiven. But did the people forgive them? And who is to blame for cowardice? War?

Historians believe that the war begins long before it is declared. It is preceded by ideological and psychological indoctrination of the population. The people are taught that war is a necessity, an inevitability. We can observe such a phenomenon now in Ukraine. Ukrainians hate not only just Russians, but also their own relatives in Russia. “Get away from us, you are our enemies. We want to go to Europe,” they say.

The essence of war lies in the fact that it is an instrument of politics, its continuation by violent methods. Politics determines the direction and nature of the state's preparation for war, formulates the goals and objectives of war, determines its means, directs the material preparation for war.

Ukrainians are now supported by NATO countries. They formulate the goals of the war with the Donbass. Do Ukrainians need NATO, if there, in the Donbass, civilians, old people, children, women are dying. They are not warriors, but died in the same way as during the Great Patriotic War ...

War causes changes in all spheres of society's life, exacerbates the processes taking place in them, transfers society to a new qualitative state. The Ukrainian authorities are degrading, sending death to the regions of Donbass. Who do the residents of Donbass feel like now? Is life normal for Ukrainians?

According to the famous philosopher I. Ilyin, war is a shock and a spiritual test of the people. For me, war is horror, it is pain, fear is what destroys a person. And why people need to be tested by war, because there are enough tests in civilian life. Go in for sports and test yourself.

Improve yourself morally - this is also a test and work on yourself.

Declaring their goals noble and just, and the goals of opponents vile and mercenary, the propaganda of each of the parties to the war puts the image of the enemy in the minds of its people, resurrecting old grievances, looking for new ones. Maybe even rewriting history. According to the stories of a Ukrainian student, the Ukrainians dug up the Black Sea. The Prime Minister of Ukraine openly stated that the Soviet Union acted as an invader in the Great Patriotic War. Polish politicians brazenly distort the facts that Ukrainians liberated Auschwitz. All their statements are made to please the United States, where they want world domination and a unipolar world.

The Nazis also hoped to establish their power by blood and death, imagining themselves above all. But life puts everything in its place, and the world wins the war. A simple Soviet soldier became a liberator in the Great Patriotic War. Thousands of soldiers immortalized their names in the defense of the Brest Fortress, Odessa, Sevastopol, Kyiv, Leningrad, Novorossiysk, in the battle of Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk, in the North Caucasus, the Dnieper, in the foothills of the Carpathians, during the storming of Berlin and in other battles. Over 11 thousand people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for heroic deeds in the Great Patriotic War. Of these, 104 - twice, three - three times.

I graduated from the school named after E. A. Sukharev, our fellow countryman, who was born and raised in the village. Igumnovo. He, too, like everyone else, said that he was simply carrying out a combat mission.

The war demanded from the people the greatest effort and enormous sacrifices on a national scale. During the war years, heroism became massive. The country probably would not have withstood such a terrible and severe test if it had not lived with a single thought: “Everything for the front, everything for victory!” The soldiers fought selflessly, having no days off or holidays, but the home front lived the same way: after all, the soldiers needed cartridges, shells, weapons, planes, tanks, guns. All this was done in the rear. Victory was forged by the joint efforts of all the people. Instead of men who had gone to the front, their mothers, wives, and children stood up at the machines.

My mother was 13 years old when the war started. They, teenagers, had to paint bombs at the factory. They also made spoons. Yes, the same metal ones that the soldiers ate. To get to the plant had to walk 5 kilometers. It was especially difficult in the cold, in the same shoes, on the night shift. It was cold and hungry.

An entire generation born between 1926 and 1941 had their childhood stolen. "Children of the Great Patriotic War" - this is how today's 70-87-year-old people are called. And it's not just the date of birth. They were raised by war. The childhood of a whole generation coincided with the great tragedy of the people. Children's dreams in one day destroyed the war. They have become adults forever and they will never find their way back to childhood.

It gets cold inside when they talk about the children of Leningrad, along with adults, who survived the blockade for nine hundred days and nights. Children of Leningrad, children of Auschwitz, children of Salaspils... It's scary to think... The seventieth anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz was celebrated with tears in our eyes. Those who survived there know who freed them...

The concept of war stubbornly enters our lives. Rulers, dictators change, religions, ethnic groups, cultures change or completely disappear… One thing is invariable – war. This terrible word is war. It will be so as long as there are forces that benefit from inciting misunderstanding between peoples, national enmity, hatred. And they are... What does the US need in Europe, in Iraq, in Syria, in Ukraine?

Every day we are bombarded with a stream of information that painful centers of terrorism are emerging in various parts of the world.

Terrorism is a problemXXIcentury, which has passed to us fromXXcentury. He entangled the whole world with his terrible web. Terrorism knows no borders, no nationality, no religion. The terrorist attack in Beslan... How painful and scary it is that children have become victims again.

How to protect yourself from war and terror? How to protect your children? The child becomes defenseless before the destructive effect of war. The children of Donbass now do not go to school, have lost their homes, many have become refugees together with their parents. How many have already died! The authorities of Ukraine, overwhelmed by hatred for the Russians, do not think about it. Poroshenko is even glad that "their children are sitting in basements." Is this not a moral degradation of power?!

In Ukraine, fascism raised its head, the one against which the fathers and grandfathers of ordinary Ukrainians fought.

Fascism and Nazism carry the idea of ​​the hegemony of one nation over others. The Germans considered their nation great and wanted to enslave the whole world. But they stumbled in Russia. The number of troops, the power of weapons, Germany surpassed the Soviet Union. But still, we won. Why? What helped our people to endure?

Apparently, during the war, not everything was subject to brute and ruthless force. Despite the terrible trials that befell our soldiers, many did not harden, did not turn into animals, but retained their kindness and humanity, being spiritually higher and cleaner than the Nazis.

Russian soldiers mercilessly destroyed the enemy in battles. But in the place of cruelty come contempt and pity after the enemy ceases to be an enemy, being in captivity. We find many examples in the literature human relationship to the prisoners. And in life, from the stories of my grandmother, I know that the women of their village fed the captured Germans.

War is scary, it is easier to live in a peaceful world. But when will we understand this?

The war must eventually end in peace. In Ukraine, a truce in connection with the Minsk agreements. But cannons rumble, GRADS and BUKs shoot. And the hand of Poroshenko will not waver, directing blows at civilians.

AT in social networks communicate with Ukrainians. Zombie people. For them, Zakharchenko himself bombs the Donbass... Russians hate Ukrainians... Russians are fascists... Objections are not accepted and insults are heard against a person who expressed a different opinion.

Ukraine now is a disaster. But how did we let this trouble go? ..

War... How much pain, bitterness, loneliness and death this word carries! I think that war is the same age as humanity, and at all times and epochs people have felt the cold breath of war behind them. This malicious all-devouring and destructive force brings with it a lot of grief, suffering and spiritual emptiness.

Death corrected death. Boris Lvovich Vasiliev is a participant in the war, an eyewitness to a terrible and heroic time, so his works do not leave readers indifferent. The story "He was not on the lists" is one of the best in the writer's work. She tells about the very first and dramatic months of the war, but at the same time about the heroic time, which highlighted the best features of the Soviet man: steadfastness, patriotism, fidelity to duty, the desire to serve the Motherland to the last.

The great school of courage and heroism will forever remain in the memory of the people of the Great Patriotic War, which received a multifaceted reflection in the literature of the 50s - 70s. The concept of man, as it is affirmed by literature, is most convincingly revealed in works about the Great Patriotic War.

Together with spring, the long-awaited Victory came to the long-suffering land. The fighters of the Great Patriotic War greeted her with tears of joy, and we, their descendants, also celebrate this day. It's scary to imagine how much each soldier had to endure. Now more and more often the words are heard that we must consider the heroes of all those who fought. And they themselves, the participants in those events, are more restrained in assessing their actions.

Many years have passed since that day - the first day of the Great Patriotic War. And no one can ever forget him. After all, the memory of the war has become a moral memory, once again returning to the heroism and courage of the soldiers. It is the memory that does not allow one to fall below the moral mark that marked the bitter and heroic years, continues to live sacredly and relentlessly in the heart of every person.

There is no need for war, there is no need ... Let's better work, think, search. The only true glory is the glory of labor. War is for the barbarians.

G. Maupassant

War is an event contrary to the human mind. How much pain, longing, bitterness and loneliness it carries within itself... Nothing in this world passes without a trace.... Even after many years, war paints terrible pictures in people's memory: hunger, devastation, death, losses. All these terrible memories leave huge scars on the hearts of millions of people on our planet.

What is the meaning of war? Why are people fighting to this day?

These questions have been worrying for several generations of the inhabitants of the Earth. Everyone sees war in their own way: for some it is a way to make money, an opportunity to tear off a "tidbit", and for someone it is the only way to protect against the enemy and ensure a peaceful existence.

For us, war is the worst thing that can happen in the world. After all, it begins only through the fault of man. Why do people go with weapons at each other? Why are they killing? For what? Because of power, territory or wealth? However, it doesn't even matter. There is nothing more precious in the world than life. Life is the greatest gift given to us by God, and we do not have the right to independently dispose of it. And that's exactly what happens in war. Murder, bloodshed, cruelty... People forget about their humanity and turn into soulless savages thirsting for blood. This is wrong... People have no reason to fight each other. We all live on the same planet, we are connected by a long history. Of course, we are all different, and no one is perfect, but this is no reason to brandish weapons and kill. It is always possible to reach an agreement and achieve peace without guns, missiles and tanks, but through dialogue. We must learn to live peacefully and help each other.

The military theme was touched upon many times in literary works world-famous poets and writers, met more than once in the cinema. One of the most striking works on the military theme is the Soviet film "Only "old men" go into battle."

The example of Soviet pilots (the main characters of the film) shows how you need to love your homeland. Mature and still very young pilots took to the skies and fought the Nazis, not being afraid of difficulties and even death. A great love for their homeland lived in their hearts, and it was this love that pushed the pilots to new feats. Girls and men fought not for world domination, but for the honor of their country. Soviet pilots sought to protect their homeland and give children and grandchildren a peaceful life.

The Great Patriotic War, during which the events in the film unfolded, showed how strong the Russian people are, reflected the whole essence of the Russian people. Russian people are not fighting against anyone, they are fighting for their freedom, for the opportunity to live under a peaceful sky.

The Great Patriotic War showed that the spirit of the Russian people is unbreakable. Would our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, grandmothers, great-grandmothers have been able to win this Great Victory if they had not realized that they were fighting for the honor of their country, that the fate of Russia and, perhaps, the whole world lies on their shoulders? Would the inhabitants of Leningrad manage to survive the terrible blockade that lasted 872 days?

This year in Russian Federation a significant date will be celebrated - the 70th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. Every year on May 9, the country remembers its heroes and honors their memory. Children are preparing holiday cards, concerts, congratulating veterans, of whom there are not so many left. Every year the country unites to remember those heroes who gave their lives for our peaceful existence, who gave us another "peaceful spring". On this day we lay wreaths at Eternal fire, sing front-line songs. We are sure that in the head of every Russian on such a day inadvertently, but the following phrase runs through: "No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten ..."

We hope that the Russian person is strong in spirit to this day and will always remain so. And as Valentin Pikul said: “Russia is able to endure any defeat, but it cannot be defeated. And there is no such force as to break the military spirit of the Russian people.

All people living on earth know about wars. They are always talked about, remembered and, of course, they are afraid of the repetition of these terrible events in our time.

Parents and teachers at school constantly remind and tell about all the horrors of wartime. According to the school curriculum, we go through many books related to the exploits of soldiers, for example, “A Hero of Our Time” or “The Dawns Here Are Quiet ...”. The books show in detail military events, how people fought for peace on earth. The war, which began in 1941, introduced almost the entire world to the frightening policy of fascism, and also showed the vileness of human racism. Adolf Hitler decided to conquer the whole world, and he almost managed to achieve the desired goal, but the invincible, strong-willed citizens of the USSR managed to give a worthy rebuff and defeat fascism, driving German troops to Berlin itself.

The German army attacked very suddenly and unexpectedly, but even unprepared troops did not lose heart. During the war of 1941-1945, hundreds of thousands of brave fighters died every day, who boldly went to defend their homeland, often sacrificing themselves on their own. But not only hundreds of soldiers died at the front, civilians suffered especially, because cities were bombed, destroyed, and people were taken prisoner as labor force.

The Great Patriotic War proved that the Russian spirit cannot be broken, that there is still a balance between good and evil in the world. I am proud that I have such strong-willed ancestors, that I live on a land with which they were able to drive off German fascism, that I am the real heir to the wealth that our grandfathers and grandmothers left us, they gave us a homeland, a clean, bright, kind homeland . I want their memory to always be honored, no matter how much time passes from the day Great Victory, people should always remember what a feat the participants in the Great Patriotic War accomplished.

Composition about the war 1941 - 1945 for a student, short

In the lessons devoted to the Great Patriotic War, I learn a lot of new things, we are told about how Hitler attacked our country and wanted to win. In class, I learned that it began in 1941 and ended in May 1945. Hitler attacked people and wanted to conquer everyone. I know that war is always bad. Brave soldiers constantly died on it, protecting their homeland from the Nazis. Ordinary people died when shells hit their houses or they were taken into German captivity. When the Victory Day holiday comes, we go with classmates and teachers to congratulate the veterans. Grandparents receive flowers as a gift, we read poetry and say "Thank you." It is necessary to congratulate veterans every year so that they see gratitude for the victory. I want people living on earth to never fight again, but prosperity and peace always reign!

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An essay on the topic "The Great Patriotic War" is a task whose purpose is to involve schoolchildren in questions and develop their interest in the heroic past of our people. The material for its implementation are historical references, works fiction and information about the experiences of the relatives of the students themselves during the war years.

Historical data

This war was won at a very high cost. The fate of many people remained unexplained. According to statistics, more than twenty-five million people died in four years, of which the majority were undoubtedly men. But the incomplete count of the population of the Soviet Union before 1941 casts doubt on the official death toll. In fact, there were much more of them.

Great losses

The main evidence that this war dealt an irreparable blow to the inhabitants of the entire former USSR, is the fact that there is not a single house in which grief would not come. Someone received a terrible triangular envelope from the postman, someone suffered all his life from ignorance and vain waiting. An essay on the topic "The Great Patriotic War" is not a creative task on an abstract topic. Stories of grief experienced by people over a short period of four years are passed down from generation to generation.


Soviet soldiers sacrificed their lives for the long-awaited victory. The heroism of these people sometimes bordered on madness. But it was beautiful madness. One of the German officers who were captured looked at the Red Army for a long time, and then said with some envy: “This is the same Russian spirit that I have heard so much about.” The essay on the topic “The Great Patriotic War” primarily addresses the issue of the inhuman resilience of the Soviet soldier, which, perhaps, has no similarity in the entire history of mankind. Why did the people, who experienced so much grief from their own rulers, not lose their sense of patriotism, made sacrifices and were ready to die, but not surrender to the enemy? Perhaps the whole thing in which there is recklessness, romance and selflessness.

"Stand and forget about death!"

Such an order was given to his soldiers by the general in Bondarev's work, dedicated to Artistic fiction in this case does not diverge from reality. Defensive battles for this city began in July 1942. The enemy put out of action the railway crossing across the Volga River. No city in the whole world has experienced such a massive massive air strike as this one. But still the Soviet army won.


An essay on the topic "The Great Patriotic War" can be written under the influence of the heroic deeds of a grandfather or great-grandfather. Memories of them are stored in the hearts of descendants. To forget about them is to have no past.

But there was a period in the history of our country when everything related to spiritual national values ​​was subjected to critical evaluation and cynical doubt. How did people suffering from their own power find the strength to fight the enemy? And this question can be considered in an essay on the topic “The Great Patriotic War”. The feat of the Soviet people has nothing to do with love for the all-powerful leader and fear of those who extol him. The heroism of the Soviet soldier is the desire to defend his land, to free it from the enemy yoke at all costs.

Life and destiny

Iosif Grossman is a war correspondent who was in Stalingrad from the first to the last days of significant battles. Subsequently, he wrote a great book, which had a pronounced anti-Stalinist character, but was saturated with love for the motherland, for the entire Soviet people. The novel is called Life and Fate. For a long time only KGB officers read it, although this book was about the people's grief and it was intended ordinary people whose destinies were changed once and for all by the most bloody war in the history of mankind.

How to write an essay on the topic "in the fate of my family"? Not every soldier has accomplished a feat like the one that is written about in books and films. But each of them was a hero. Feats were performed not only on the battlefield. An example of heroism was the life of women who, while waiting for letters from the front, continued to work hard at factories, on collective farms, fulfilling double and triple norms. Heroes were mothers deprived of their sons, but continuing to live. In his flagship book, Grossman simply but painfully portrayed the grief of one of them. His work really helps to comprehend the true meaning of such a loud and sometimes pretentious word "heroism".

Everyone can write an essay on the topic “The Great Patriotic War in the history of my family” Russian schoolboy. Grief did not bypass any family in the forties of the last century, and it was so strong that only heroes could survive it. Yesterday's schoolchildren standing in line at the military registration and enlistment office. Mothers who are alone with their grief. Children growing up ahead of time ... They all became heroes. They had no other choice.

"I am a Russian soldier"

Who can tell about the war better than someone who saw her terrible face and was so close to death that her breath even ceased to frighten and alert? Boris Vasiliev is one of those whose writing vocation was aimed at ensuring that the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren of those who died during the Great Patriotic War knew about the terrible price that was once paid for their peaceful existence. In the story “He was not on the lists,” we are talking about a feat that even enemy officers could not help but admire. Main character of this work, he stayed in the fortress for more than a year, periodically making sorties and destroying German officers. He did not receive letters from his mother or his girlfriend. He did not communicate with his comrades. Nobody gave him moral support. He was alone. And the only thing that gave him strength was the consciousness that he was a Russian Soldier.

An essay on the topic "The Great Patriotic War 1941-1945" is a task that involves the use of various sources, the reading of which is in itself a tribute to the memory of the millions who died Soviet people. Books by Boris Vasilyev are among those that need to be read and re-read. They contain the memory of suffering and strength, of struggle and victory. When you read these works, you understand the words of the author, who once said that another army won the war, not the one that Stalin was preparing.

Children at war

Those who are still alive can tell about what a child experienced during the war years. However, there are very few of them left. With what documentary or works of art should you read before writing an essay on the topic “The Great Patriotic War through the eyes of children”? If the author of this essay has no eyewitnesses among his relatives, Svetlana Aleksievich’s book “One Hundred Non-Childish Stories about the War” will help. There is a lot of bitterness in it, but a lot of truth. The heroes of this work talk about themselves and what they saw many years ago with their own eyes.