Abstracts Statements Story

1 personality questionnaire of Mr. Eisenck. Personality questionnaire G



Personality questionnaire of G. Eysenck

You are asked to answer questions regarding the characteristics of your behavior. Assess yourself mentally whether you agree or disagree with the proposed judgment. Don’t think too hard about your answers, but be sure to answer.

  1. Do you often feel a craving for new experiences, to “shake yourself up”, to experience excitement?
  2. Do you often need friends to encourage or comfort you?
  3. Do you consider yourself a carefree person?
  4. Is it difficult for you to give up your intentions?
  5. Do you think about your affairs slowly, preferring to wait before acting?
  6. Do you always keep your promises?
  7. Do you often have ups and downs in your mood?
  8. Do you usually act and speak quickly without thinking?
  9. Have you ever felt like you were unhappy even though there was no real reason for it?
  10. Is it true that you are ready to decide on a lot in a dispute?
  11. Do you feel embarrassed when you want to meet someone of the opposite sex?
  12. Do you ever lose your temper when you get angry?
  13. Do you often act under the influence of a momentary mood?
  14. Do you often worry because you have done or said something that you shouldn't have done or said?
  15. Do you usually prefer books to meeting people?
  16. Are you easily offended?
  17. Do you often like to be in company?
  18. Do you sometimes have thoughts that you would like to hide from others?
  19. Is it true that sometimes you are so full of energy that everything is burning in your hands, and sometimes you are completely lethargic?
  20. Do you prefer to have fewer friends, but those close to you?
  21. Do you often daydream?
  22. When people yell at you, do you respond in kind?
  23. Do you often feel guilty?
  24. Are all your habits good and desirable?
  25. Are you able to give free rein to your feelings and have fun in company?
  26. Can you say that your nerves are often strained to the limit?
  27. Are you considered a lively and cheerful person?
  28. How often, after doing something important, do you feel like you could have done it better?
  29. Are you more silent when you are around other people?
  30. Do you sometimes gossip?
  31. Does it ever happen that you can’t sleep because different thoughts are popping into your head?
  32. If you want to know about something, would you rather read about it in a book than ask people?
  33. Do you sometimes get so excited that you can't sit still?
  34. Do you like work that requires your constant attention?
  35. Do you experience weakness and dizziness?
  36. Would you always pay for baggage transportation if you weren't afraid of being checked?
  37. Do you find it unpleasant to be in a society where people make fun of each other?
  38. Are you irritable?
  39. Do you like work that requires quick action?
  40. Is it true that you are often haunted by thoughts of various troubles and horrors that could happen, although everything ended well?
  41. Are you leisurely in your movements?
  42. Have you ever been late for a date or for school (work)?
  43. Do you often have nightmares?
  44. Is it true that you love to talk so much that you never miss an opportunity to chat with a stranger?
  45. Do you have severe headaches?
  46. Would you feel unhappy if you were deprived of communication with people for a long time?
  47. Would you call yourself a nervous person?
  48. Are there people among your acquaintances whom you clearly do not like?
  49. Would you say that you are a very confident person?
  50. Are you easily offended when people point out your mistakes at work or your personal failures?
  51. Do you find it difficult to truly enjoy a party?
  52. Does the feeling that you are somehow worse than others bother you?
  53. Is it easy for you to bring some life into a rather boring company?
  54. Do you sometimes talk about things you don’t understand?
  55. Are you worried about your health?
  56. Do you like to make fun of others?
  57. Do you suffer from prolonged insomnia?

Data processing.

If the answers match the key, one point is awarded. Calculate the sum of points for three indicators (A, B, C) separately.

  • Indicator A (sincerity of responses)

Assign a point to each “Yes” answer if you gave it to questions No. 6, 24, 36.

Assign a point to each “No” answer if you gave it to questions Nos. 12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54.

  • Indicator B (extroversion, degree of sociability, dependence of behavior on the opinions of others, ability to adapt to new conditions)

Assign a point to each “Yes” answer if you gave it to questions Nos. 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56.

Assign a point to each “No” answer if you gave it to questions Nos. 5, 15, 20, 29, 32, 34, 37, 41, 51.

  • Indicator B (neuroticism, degree of emotional sensitivity, excitability)

Assign a point to each “Yes” answer if you gave it to questions Nos. 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 57.

If more than 4 points are received on scale A, the results are considered unreliable, since the answers were insincere. To determine the type of temperament, you need to find a point in space using two coordinates: Indicator B on the horizontal axis, indicator B on the vertical axis.

Eysenck circle

If the point falls on the axis (one of the indicators is 12), then an intermediate temperament is manifested, moderately expressed, either a communicative orientation (indicator B), or excitability (indicator C). How closer point located towards the center of the circle (indicators B and C have values ​​from 6 to 18), the more adaptive the behavior is, that is, temperamental traits do not manifest themselves to an extreme degree, they are easy to control. The more the values ​​approach the maximum or minimum, the harder it is for a person to correct his behavior, since temperamental traits manifest themselves quite strongly.


Increased activity, excitability. He responds lively and with great enthusiasm to everything that attracts his attention. Lively facial expressions and expressive movements. It’s easy to guess from his face what his mood is, what his attitude towards an object or person is. He quickly concentrates his attention, works quickly when doing something, can work for a long time without getting tired, and energetically takes on a new task. Quickness of mind, resourcefulness. Feelings, moods, interests and aspirations are very changeable. He gets along with new people easily. Easily gets used to new requirements and surroundings. Gambling, prone to risk. Can be a leader and lead, knows how to captivate others with his ideas. He is not always sensitive to the experiences and problems of others; he copes well only with the work that is interesting and important to him. He does not always responsibly carry out what he does not really need or is not interested in.


He can be unrestrained, impatient, and quick-tempered, but he just as easily moves away and forgets about insults. Stability of aspirations and interests, great perseverance, high responsibility, worries about the results and consequences of his actions, does not like to upset others. Sociable, open, able to empathize, sympathize, energetic, efficient, quickly switches from one thing to another, but is not always attentive and organized. Anxious, restless, does not always clearly define priorities.

Phlegmatic person

Little emotional. It's hard to make you laugh, make you angry, or make a typo. When everyone laughs for some reason, he remains unperturbed. In big troubles he remains calm. Facial expressions and movements are not expressive. Energetic, distinguished by patience, endurance, self-control. Slow pace of movements and speech, unresourceful. Slowly concentrates attention. Difficulty switching attention, adapting to a new environment and rebuilding skills and habits. Has difficulty getting along with new people and responding to external impressions.


Increased sensitivity, a minor reason can bring tears to your eyes. Excessively touchy, vulnerable, suspicious. Facial expressions and movements are not expressive. The voice is quiet. Cries and laughs quietly. Decreased activity. He is indecisive, lacks self-confidence, timid, the slightest difficulty makes him give up, lacks energy, is not persistent, gets tired easily and has little capacity for work. Easily distracted and unstable attention. Slow mental pace. He carries grievances within himself and dwells on mistakes and failures.

In order to obtain accurate portraits, you can use the following analysis scheme:

  • B>16, V>16

You are an impulsive, hot-tempered, easily excitable person. It is difficult for you to restrain yourself and you can be overly harsh and straightforward. You are passionate about your work, but if you fail, you quickly lose interest. People of your type prefer work with a pronounced cyclical nature, requiring maximum effort, but not for long periods of time. They are attracted by the high pace of movement, variety, and the need to be smart and quick-witted.

Technical or teaching-related professions are more suitable for you technical disciplines, as well as professions associated with a change of situation, travel, traveling (geologist, radiophysics engineer, civil engineer, communications engineer, teaching engineer, programmer, etc.).

  • B>16, V

You are a balanced person, you know how to restrain yourself. In difficult life situations, you can sometimes “lose your head,” but with an effort of will you are able to restore your balance. You can easily cope with changes in environment, you can grasp new things, you are flexible in communicating with people, and you tend to be active. You prefer independence in business, work that requires ingenuity, resourcefulness, energy, tension, and endurance. People of your type cope better with activities that require clear planning and consideration of the sequence of events. Most often they become leaders and organizers.

The following professions are suitable for you: teacher, psychologist, speech pathologist, educator, dispatcher, journalist, public relations specialist, sociologist, tour guide, agent for tourism, insurance and other areas, economist, technologist, translator, lawyer, driver of various types of transport, etc. P.

  • B>16.8

You are a fairly lively and sociable person, active when you see a clear task and a specific task before you. You can handle a change of environment well, adapt to it quickly enough, and easily grasp new things. You are energetic, able to work a lot without getting tired, restrained, calm, and can easily get involved in new activities.

A variety of professions are suitable for you: geologist, archaeologist, physical engineer, teacher, passenger train conductor, pilot, system administrator, builder, lawyer, design engineer, equipment adjuster, transport engineer, food and clothing production technologist, etc.

You are a very balanced person in your feelings and actions. You remain calm and level-headed in difficult life situations. Very reserved, reasonable, but slow. It is more difficult to adapt to a changing environment. You need time to think and get things going, but having started something, you usually try to see it through to the end, you are not talkative, you don’t like to talk about trifles, and it is difficult for you to communicate with people. You prefer work that does not require frequent changes of tasks and a slow pace. You find it difficult to make decisions on your own, so it is better for you not to take responsibility for leading people and organizing the activities of others.

The following professions are more suitable for you: operator of computer-controlled machines, telecom operator, computer systems operator, economist, accountant, proofreader, forester, machinist, production technician different types production, etc.

  • B 16

You are an impressionable, shy person who has difficulty finding contact with other people. They are often touchy and feel confident only in familiar, familiar surroundings. People who don't know you well often don't understand you. You are recommended to work in an environment that does not require a lot of nervous tension, quick reactions and frequent changes in the nature of activity.

The professions that would suit you best are: landscape designer, microbiologist, laboratory assistant in a chemical laboratory, librarian, proofreader, restorer, tuner of musical instruments, assembler of radio components and microcircuits, parts in a watch factory, draftsman, artist-architect, fashion designer, music worker, technologist in the light industry. and food industry.

You are an uncommunicative person, shy, rather reserved in your feelings, thoughtful, prone to reasoning. In your actions you are guided mainly by own feelings, representation. Such a person becomes close to only a few friends. He plans his actions in advance, does not like strong impressions, strives for a calm, orderly life. People of this type prefer professions that require perseverance, punctuality, and attentiveness in work. They prefer to work alone.

Professions that are more suitable for you: programmer, forest engineer, zoologist, biologist, translator of foreign texts, etc.

You are an emotionally unstable and sensitive person. Moderately sociable, but not very self-possessed in relationships with people, you are easily offended. Your actions often depend on your mood: you are either very energetic, or you become lethargic and apathetic. Inconsistent in their views and interests. Your intuition is well developed. People of your type prefer work that is interesting, connected with emotions, but short-term and not very stressful, more mental than physical.

The following professions will suit you: philologist, drama theater actor, singer, architect, specialist in the light and food industries, ticket operator, journalist, confectioner, pharmacist, jeweler, lawyer, etc.

You are a calm person, constant in friendship and interests. Emotions do not prevent you from seeing things realistically, you know how to adapt to reality, you are reasonable, moderately sociable, but in your behavior you are not dependent on the views of others, you willingly share advice, you are not afraid of failures, you try to understand their causes. People of this type can achieve success in a variety of activities, especially those where the actions are clearly defined and the end result is clearly presented.

The following professions will suit you: geologist, officer, teacher, doctor, pilot, specialist in sociology, law, designer, journalist, translator, diplomat, etc.

You are a moderately sociable person, quite calm, but sometimes you give free rein to your emotions. Quite open, not very anxious, tolerates loneliness well, does not really like noisy companies. People of your type are moderately active and universal in behavior. They work well in different areas of activity, but provided they understand the importance of the work and have prospects for promotion.

Professions that will suit you: specialist in various types of transport, radio electronics, technology, communication systems, teacher, doctor, service worker, etc.

Test questionnaire by G. Eysenck EPi.

Adapted by A. G. Shmelev

online version of the Eysenck EPi test

The EPI test questionnaire (1963) confidently ranks first in frequency of use among other psychodiagnostic techniques.

Contents of statements



Do you often feel a craving for new experiences in order to distract yourself and experience a strong sensation?

Do you often feel that you need friends who can understand, approve, and express sympathy?

Do you consider yourself a carefree person?

Is it very difficult for you to give up your intentions?

Do you think about your affairs slowly and prefer to wait before acting?

Do you always keep your promises, even if it is unprofitable for you?

Do you often have ups and downs in your mood?

Do you usually act and speak quickly and do you spend a lot of time thinking?

Have you ever had the feeling that you are unhappy, although there was no real reason for this?

Is it true that you can decide on anything in a dispute?

Do you feel embarrassed when you want to meet someone of the opposite sex who you like?

Does it happen that when you get angry, you lose your temper?

Do you often act thoughtlessly, on the spur of the moment?

Do you often worry about the idea that you shouldn't have done or said something?

Do you prefer reading books to meeting people?

Is it true that you are easily offended?

Do you often like to be in company?

Do you sometimes have thoughts that you would not like to share with other people?

Is it true that sometimes you are so full of energy that everything “burns” in your hands, and sometimes you feel very lethargic?

Do you try to limit your circle of acquaintances to a small number of your closest friends?

Do you dream a lot?

When people shout at you, do you respond in kind?

Do you often feel guilty?

Are all your habits good and desirable?

Are you able to give free rein to your feelings and have a lot of fun in a noisy company?

Can we say that your nerves are often tense to the limit?

Are you considered a lively and cheerful person?

After something is done, do you often return to it in your mind and think that you could have done it better?

Is it true that you are usually silent and reserved when you are among people?

Does it happen that you spread rumors?

Does it ever happen that you can’t sleep because different thoughts come into your head?

Is it true that it is often more pleasant and easier for you to read about what interests you in a book, although you can quickly and easily learn about it from friends?

Do you have palpitations?

Do you like work that requires close attention?

Do you have tremors?

Is it true that you always say only good things about people you know, even when you are sure that they will not know about it?

Is it true that you find it unpleasant to be in a company where they constantly make fun of each other?

Is it true that you are irritable?

Do you like work that requires quick action?

Is it true that you are often haunted by thoughts about various troubles and “horrors” that could happen, although everything ended well?

Is it true that you are leisurely in your movements?

Have you ever been late for a date or work?

Do you often have nightmares?

Is it true that you are such a lover of conversation that you never miss an opportunity to talk with a stranger?

Do you have any pain?

Would you be upset if you couldn't see your friends for a long time?

Would you call yourself a nervous person?

Are there people you know that you clearly don’t like?

Are you easily offended by criticism of your shortcomings or work?

Would you say that you are a confident person?

Is it difficult to truly enjoy events with many participants?

Does the feeling that you are somehow worse than others bother you?

Would you be able to bring some life into a boring company?

Does it happen that you talk about things that you don’t understand at all?

Are you worried about your health?

Do you like to make fun of others?

Do you suffer from insomnia?

Questionnaire code

Sincerity: answers “yes” to questions 6, 24, 36;

answers “no” to questions 12, 18, 30, 42, 48, 54.

Extraversion:“no” answers to questions 5, 15, 20, 29, 32, 34, 37, 41, 51

answers “yes” to questions 1, 3, 8, 10, 13, 17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56.

Neuroticism: answers “yes” to questions 2, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 19, 21, 23, 26, 28, 31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47, 50, 52, 55, 57.

Interpretation of indicators on the “Sincerity” scale

Numerical indicator








* It should be noted that in this case we are talking only about the degree of sincerity when answering test questions, and not at all about deceit as a personal characteristic.

Interpretation of indicators on the “Extraversion” and “Neuroticism” scales

Numerical indicator








Interpretation for the Extraversion scale

Super introvert


Potential introvert


Potential extrovert


Super extrovert

Numerical indicator








Interpretation for the Neuroticism scale

Super Cordant


Potential concordant


Potential Discordant


Overly discordant


First, you need to process the results on the “Sincerity” scale. It diagnoses your tendency to give socially desirable answers. If this indicator exceeds 5 points, then we can say that, unfortunately, you were not sincere when answering the test questions.

Then you should calculate the sum of points for each indicator, awarding one point for each answer that matches the key.

Having compared the results obtained on the “Extraversion” and “Neuroticism” scales with the interpretation in the tables, plot on the diagram (see figure) the results obtained on the “introversion - extraversion” scale and on the “neuroticism” scale (emotional stability - instability). The combination of characteristics on two scales will indicate your temperament type.

"Circle" by Eysenck

You have determined your temperament type. Each of the four types is based on special combinations of properties of the nervous system:

U choleric strong nervous system, he easily switches from one to another, but the imbalance of his nervous system reduces compatibility (getting along) with other people. Choleric people are prone to sudden changes in mood, are quick-tempered, impatient, and prone to emotional breakdowns;

U sanguine He also has a strong nervous system, which means good performance; he easily moves on to other activities, to communicating with other people. The sanguine person strives for frequent changes of impressions, easily and quickly responds to ongoing events, and experiences failures relatively easily;

U phlegmatic a strong, efficient nervous system, but he has difficulty getting involved in other work and adapting to a new environment. A phlegmatic person has a calm, even mood. Feelings are usually constant;

- melancholic characterized by a low level of mental activity, slowness of movements, restraint of facial expressions and speech, and rapid fatigue. He is distinguished by high emotional sensitivity to everything that happens around him. Sensitivity to others makes melancholic people universally agreeable (compatible) with other people, but the melancholic person himself tends to experience problems within himself and, therefore, is prone to self-destruction.

The indicator “Introversion - Extraversion” characterizes a person’s individual psychological orientation either (mainly) to the world of external objects (extroversion), or to the internal subjective world(introversion). It is generally accepted that extroverts are characterized by sociability, impulsiveness, behavioral flexibility, great initiative (but low persistence) and high social adaptability. Extroverts usually have external charm, are straightforward in their judgments, and, as a rule, are guided by external assessment. They cope well with work that requires quick decision making.

For introverts inherent - unsociability, isolation, social passivity (with sufficiently great persistence), a tendency to introspection and difficulties in social adaptation. Introverts cope better with monotonous work; they are more careful, neat and pedantic.

Ambiverts(see table) features of extra- and introversion are inherent. Sometimes, to clarify this indicator, additional examination using other tests is recommended for individuals.

The neuroticism indicator characterizes a person in terms of his emotional stability (stability). This indicator is also bipolar and forms a scale, on one pole of which there are people characterized by extreme emotional stability, excellent adaptation (indicator 0-11 on the “neuroticism” scale), and on the other - an extremely nervous, unstable and poorly adapted type (indicator 14- 24 on the neuroticism scale).

Emotionally stable (stable) - people who are not prone to anxiety, resistant to external influences, inspire trust, and are prone to leadership.

Emotionally unstable (neurotic) - sensitive, emotional, anxious, prone to painful experiences of failures and upset over little things.

Each type of temperament is naturally determined; one cannot talk about “good and bad” temperaments, one can only talk about in various ways behavior and activity, about the individual characteristics of a person. Each person, having determined the type of his temperament, can more effectively use its positive traits.

According to the theory of “accented personalities”, there are personality traits that in themselves are not yet pathological, but can, under certain conditions, develop in a positive or negative direction. These traits are, as it were, a sharpening of some individual properties inherent in each person. In psychopaths, these traits are especially pronounced.

There are ten main types of accentuation (Leonhard's classification).

  • Hyperthymic - individuals with a tendency to be in an elevated mood.
  • Stuck - with a tendency to “stuck affect” and delusional reactions.
  • Emotive, affectively labile.
  • Pedantic, with a predominance of traits of rigidity and pedantry.
  • Anxious.
  • Cyclothymic, with a tendency to a depressive reaction.
  • Demonstrative, with hysterical character traits.
  • Excitable, with a tendency to increased, impulsive reactivity in the sphere of drives.
  • Dysthymic, with a tendency to mood disorders.
  • Exalted, prone to affective exaltation.

All these groups of “accentuated personalities” are united according to the principle of accentuation of character traits or temperament. Accentuation of character traits includes:

  • demonstrativeness (in pathology: psychopathy of the hysterical circle);
  • pedantry (in pathology: anankastic psychopathy);
  • excitability (in pathology: epileptoid psychopaths);
  • stuck (in pathology: paranoid psychopaths).

Other types of accentuation relate to characteristics of temperament and reflect the pace and depth of effective reactions.

A sign of accentuation is a score over 18 points.


1. Hyperthymnia. People who are prone to high moods, optimists, quickly switch from one thing to another, do not finish what they start, are undisciplined, and easily fall under the influence of dysfunctional companies. Teenagers are prone to adventure and romance. They do not tolerate power over themselves, they do not like being taken care of. Tendency to dominate, lead. Excessively elevated mood can lead to inappropriate behavior - “pathologically lucky.” In pathology - obsessive-compulsive neurosis.

2. Stuck - a tendency to “stuck affect”, to delusional reactions. People are pedantic, vindictive, remember insults for a long time, get angry, and take offense. Obsessive ideas can often appear on this basis. Strongly obsessed with one idea. Too driven, “stuck in one thing”, “off scale”. Emotionally rigid. Sometimes they can have affective outbursts and show aggression. In pathology - a paranoid psychopath.

3. Emotivity. People who exhibit exaggerated emotional sensitivity change their mood dramatically due to something insignificant to those around them. Everything depends on your mood: performance and well-being. The emotional sphere is finely organized: they are able to deeply feel and experience. They tend to have good relationships with others. In love they are vulnerable like no other. They perceive rudeness and rudeness extremely painfully, and become desperate and depressed if there is a breakup or deterioration in relationships with loved ones.

4. Pedantry. The predominance of traits of rigidity and pedantry. People are rigid, it is difficult for them to switch from one emotion to another. They like everything to be in its place, so that people clearly formulate their thoughts - extreme pedantry. The idea of ​​order and neatness becomes the main meaning of life. Periods of angry and melancholy mood, everything irritates them. In pathology - epileptoid psychopathy. They can show aggression.

5. Anxiety. People of a melancholic (or choleric) type with a very high level of constitutional anxiety are not confident in themselves. They underestimate and downplay their abilities. They are afraid of responsibility, they are afraid of all sorts of troubles for themselves and their relatives, they cannot calm down their fears and anxiety, “attracting” to themselves and their loved ones the realization of their fears and concerns.

6. Cyclothimity. Sudden mood swings. A good mood is short, a bad mood is long-lasting. When depressed, they behave as if they are anxious, quickly get tired, and become desperate from troubles, even attempting suicide. With good structure they behave like hyperthymic ones.

7. Demonstrativeness. In pathology - psychopathy of the hysterical type. People who have a strong egocentrism, a desire to be constantly in the center of attention (“let them hate, as long as they are not indifferent”). There are many such people among artists. If they don't have the ability to stand out, then they attract attention by acting antisocially. Pathological deceit - to embellish one's personality. Tend to wear bright, extravagant clothes - can be identified purely externally.

8. Excitability, Tendency to increased impulsive reactivity in the sphere of attraction. In pathology - epileptoid psychopathy.

9. Dysthymic. Tendency to mood disorders. The opposite of hyperthymic. Low mood, pessimism, gloomy outlook on things, fatigue. He quickly becomes depleted of contacts and prefers loneliness.

10. Exaltation. Tendency to affective exaltation (close to demonstrativeness, but there because of character). The same manifestations occur here, but at the level of emotions (everything comes from temperament). Religious ecstasy.


  1. Is your mood usually clear and unclouded?
  2. Are you susceptible to insults and insults?
  3. Do you cry easily?
  4. After completing any work, do you have doubts about the quality of its execution and do you resort to checking whether everything was done correctly?
  5. Were you as brave as your peers as a child?
  6. Do you often have sudden mood swings (you were just floating in the clouds with happiness, and suddenly you become very sad)?
  7. Do you usually find yourself the center of attention when having fun?
  8. Do you have days when you are grumpy and irritable for no particular reason and everyone thinks that it is better not to touch you?
  9. Do you always respond to emails immediately after reading them?
  10. Are you a serious person?
  11. Are you able to become so passionate about something for a while that everything else ceases to matter to you?
  12. Are you entrepreneurial?
  13. Do you quickly forget insults and insults?
  14. Are you soft-hearted?
  15. When you drop a letter in the mailbox, do you check whether it has gone there or not?
  16. Does your ambition require that you be one of the first in your work (study)?
  17. Were you afraid of thunderstorms and dogs when you were a child?
  18. Do you sometimes laugh at indecent jokes?
  19. Are there people you know who think you are pedantic?
  20. Does your mood depend very much on external circumstances and events?
  21. Do your friends love you?
  22. Are you often at the mercy of strong inner impulses and impulses?
  23. Are you usually a little depressed?
  24. Have you ever cried while experiencing a severe nervous shock?
  25. Do you find it difficult to sit in one place for a long time?
  26. Do you defend your interests when injustice is done to you?
  27. Do you brag sometimes?
  28. Were you able to kill a pet or bird if necessary?
  29. Does it irritate you if a curtain or tablecloth hangs unevenly, do you try to fix it?
  30. Were you afraid of being left at home alone as a child?
  31. Does your mood often deteriorate for no apparent reason?
  32. Have you ever been one of the best in your professional or educational activities?
  33. Do you get angry easily?
  34. Are you capable of being playful and cheerful?
  35. Do you ever experience states when you are overwhelmed with happiness?
  36. Could you play the role of an entertainer in funny performances?
  37. Have you ever lied in your life?
  38. Would you tell people your opinion about them straight to their faces?
  39. Can you calmly look at blood?
  40. Do you like work when you are the only one responsible for it?
  41. Do you stand up for people who have been wronged?
  42. Does the need to go down into a dark cellar, to enter an empty, dark room, bother you?
  43. Do you prefer activities that need to be completed over a long period of time and accurately, to those that do not require much painstaking work and are done quickly?
  44. Are you a very sociable person?
  45. Did you like to recite poetry at school?
  46. Did you run away from home as a child?
  47. Do you usually give up your seat on a bus to elderly passengers without hesitation?
  48. Does life often seem difficult to you?
  49. Have you ever gotten so upset about a conflict that you felt unable to go to work?
  50. Would you say that when you fail, you maintain a sense of humor?
  51. Do you try to make peace if you have offended someone? Are you the first to take steps towards reconciliation?
  52. Do you really love animals?
  53. Have you ever left home and returned to check if something had happened?
  54. Have you ever been worried that something was going to happen to you or your family?
  55. Does your mood depend significantly on the weather?
  56. Do you find it difficult to speak in front of large audiences?
  57. Can you use your hands when angry with someone?
  58. Do you really like to have fun?
  59. Do you always say what you think?
  60. Can you fall into despair under the influence of disappointment?
  61. Does the role of an organizer in any business appeal to you?
  62. Do you persist in achieving your goal when any obstacle occurs?
  63. Have you ever felt satisfaction in the face of failures that are unpleasant to you?
  64. Can a tragic film move you so much that it brings tears to your eyes?
  65. Do thoughts about the problems of the past or about the future often prevent you from falling asleep?
  66. Was it typical for you to school years give hints or let your comrades copy?
  67. Could you walk alone through a cemetery in the dark?
  68. Would you not hesitate to return the extra money to the cashier if you discovered that you received too much?
  69. Do you attach great importance to the fact that every thing in your home should be in its place?
  70. Does it ever happen to you that when you go to bed in a great mood, you wake up the next morning in a bad mood that lasts for several hours?
  71. Do you easily adapt to new situations?
  72. Do you often experience dizziness?
  73. Do you laugh often?
  74. Will you be able to treat a person of whom you have a bad opinion so kindly that no one will guess about your real attitude towards him?
  75. Are you a lively and active person?
  76. Do you suffer greatly when injustice is done?
  77. Are you a passionate nature lover?
  78. When leaving home or going to bed, do you check that the taps are closed, the lights are turned off everywhere, and the doors are locked?
  79. Are you fearful?
  80. Can drinking alcohol change your mood?
  81. Are you willing to take part in amateur art groups?
  82. Do you sometimes feel the urge to go far from home?
  83. Are you a little pessimistic about the future?
  84. Do you experience transitions from a cheerful mood to a sad one?
  85. Can you entertain society and be the life of the party?
  86. How long do you keep feelings of anger and frustration?
  87. Do you experience other people's sorrows for a long time?
  88. Do you always agree with comments addressed to you that you know are correct?
  89. During your school years, could you have rewritten a page in your notebook because of scribbles?
  90. Are you more cautious and distrustful of people than trusting?
  91. Do you often have scary dreams?
  92. Do you sometimes have such obsessive thoughts that if you are standing on the platform, you might throw yourself in front of an approaching train against your will, or you might throw yourself out of the top floor window of a large house?
  93. Do you become more cheerful in the company of cheerful people?
  94. You are a person who does not think about complex problems, and if you do, it is not for long.
  95. Do you do sudden impulsive things under the influence of alcohol?
  96. In conversations, are you silent more than you speak?
  97. Could you get so carried away while pretending to be someone that you temporarily forget who you really are?

Processing the results.

The number of answers matching the key is multiplied by the value of the coefficient of the corresponding type of accentuation; if the resulting value exceeds 18, then this indicates the severity of this type of accentuation.

Character traits


No. of questions

No. of questions


1, 12, 25, 36, 50, 61, 75, 85


10, 23, 48, 83, 96


6, 20, 31, 44, 55, 70, 80, 93


3, 14, 52, 64, 77, 87


7, 21, 24, 32, 45, 49, 71, 74, 81, 94, 97


2, 16, 26, 38, 41, 62, 76, 86, 90


4, 15, 19, 29, 43, 53, 65, 69, 78, 89, 92


17, 30, 42, 54, 79, 91


8, 22, 33, 46, 57, 72, 82, 95


9, 47, 59, 68, 83

Business psychology Morozov Alexander Vladimirovich



One of the most popular and well-known psychological tests is rightfully considered the personality questionnaire developed by the English psychologist G. Eysenck. Of the 57 questions, 24 are aimed at determining the level of “extraversion-introversion” of a person. These concepts were introduced by the Swiss psychologist C. Jung at the beginning of the 20th century to designate sharply different personality types. These terms are derived from the Latin roots “extra” - “outside”, “intro” - “inside” and “verto” - “I turn”.

Thus, the “introversion-extroversion” scale characterizes a person’s individual psychological orientation either (mainly) towards the world of external objects (extraversion: 14–24 points) or towards the internal subjective world (introversion: 0–11 points). It is generally accepted that extroverts are characterized by sociability, impulsiveness, behavioral flexibility, great initiative (but low persistence) and high social adaptability. Extroverts usually have external charm, are straightforward in their judgments, and, as a rule, are guided by external assessment. They cope well with work that requires quick decision making. Introverts, on the contrary, are characterized by unsociability, isolation, social passivity (with sufficient persistence), a tendency to introspection and difficulties social adaptation. Introverts cope better with monotonous work; they are more careful, accurate and pedantic. At the same time, on this scale there is another type of people that occupies an intermediate position between introverts and extroverts and is characterized by an unstable manifestation of traits of both the first and second types (depending on the specific situation) - the so-called “ambiverts”: 12–13 points.

It should be noted that pronounced (“pure”) types are quite rare. Each individual person is characterized by greater or lesser expression of one or another property.

When calculating your result on this scale, use the following “key”: award 1 point for each match:

“yes” – 1, 3, 8,10,13,17, 22, 25, 27, 39, 44, 46, 49, 53, 56; “no” – 5,15, 20, 29,32,34,37,41,51.

G. Eysenck, developing the ideas of C. Jung, considers extraversion and introversion to be the main characteristics of personality. Along with this indicator, he also considers “neuroticism”, to identify the level of which the test includes 24 more questions. The indicator of “neuroticism” characterizes a person in terms of his emotional stability (stability). This indicator is bipolar and forms a scale, at one pole of which there are people characterized by extreme stability and excellent adaptation (0-12 points), and at the other - an extremely nervous, unstable and poorly adapted type (13-24 points). The lower (in the first case) the indicator you received on this scale and the higher (in the second case), the more pronounced these qualities are. This fully applies to the “introversion-extroversion” scale.

Emotionally stable (stable) people are not prone to anxiety, are resistant to external influences, inspire trust, and are prone to leadership. Emotionally unstable (neurotic) people are sensitive, emotional, anxious, tend to experience failures painfully and get upset over little things.

When calculating your result on this scale, use the following “key” - award 1 point for answers “yes” to questions 2, 4, 7, 9,11,14,16, 19,21,23, 26, 28,31, 33, 35, 38, 40, 43, 45, 47,50,52, 55, 57.

Now we can build a graph consisting of two scales intersecting at points between 12 and 13, at the ends of which there will be values ​​0 and 24, respectively, and by putting aside our results for each of the scales and finding the point of intersection, we can build an individual “temperament vector” by drawing it to the resulting point from the point of intersection of the axes (scales). The value of such a graph is that now, by calculating the angle of asymmetry between different vectors, you can determine the level of psychophysiological compatibility between you and any other person. The smaller the value of this angle, the less compatible the partners are.

There are three main meanings:

highest level compatibility (the average angle is close to 180 degrees) - in such a pair the partners psychophysiologically perfectly complement each other;

– average level of compatibility (average angle is close to 90 degrees) – in this case, we have to talk, unfortunately, about really average compatibility, which will require considerable effort for mutual adaptation;

– low level of compatibility (average angle value is close to 0 degrees); Such a couple is characterized by extremely low stability in relationships; they are actually incompatible.

In addition, the test allows you to determine the level of sincerity of your answers, as it contains a correction scale (the remaining 9 questions). If the “result” on this scale is over 4 points, this means that you were not entirely honest with yourself when answering the questions, which means that the test results may also not be completely reliable (“key” to these questions: “yes” – 6, 24, 36; “no” – 12, 18, 30,42,48,54).

From the book Business Psychology author Morozov Alexander Vladimirovich

Test No. 9 SPIELBERGER-KHANIN test. ASSESSMENT OF EMOTIONAL STATE (LEVEL OF REACTIVE AND PERSONAL ANXIETY) Using this test, the level of anxiety at the time of its completion (RT) is determined, reflecting the reaction to a short-term situation and the level

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Test No. 21 QUESTIONNAIRE OF KOS (COMMUNICATION AND ORGANIZATIONAL PROBLEMS) In order to calculate your result on the “communication aptitudes” scale, use the following “key”: give yourself 1 point for each “yes” answer to 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33, 37th questions and beyond

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Test No. 23 MULTILEVEL PERSONALITY QUESTIONNAIRE “ADAPTABILITY” This questionnaire has several structural levels, which allows you to obtain information of varying volume and nature. To process the results, you must have four sets of “keys” corresponding

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Test No. 25 THOMAS-KILMANN QUESTIONNAIRE In order to find out what styles of behavior in conflict situation(and to what extent) are characteristic of you personally, you need to process your answers using the following “key”, awarding one point for each match: style

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Test No. 36 QUESTIONNAIRE FOR DETERMINING THE LEVEL OF SELF-ESTEEM In order to determine the level of self-esteem, it is necessary to add up the points for all 32 judgments: “very often” – 4 points; “often” – 3 points; “sometimes” – 2 points; “rarely” – 1 point; “never” – 0 points. The sum from 0 to 25 points indicates

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44. Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaires Eysenck’s Personality Questionnaires are a series of personality questionnaires. Designed for the diagnosis of neuroticism, extraversion - introversion and psychoticism. Developed by G. Eysenck and his colleagues. Eysenck's personality questionnaires are an implementation

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Processing answers Compare your answers (pluses and minuses) with the signs opposite the corresponding numbers in the table below, the e-key of G. Eysenck’s questionnaire. Count the number of matches of signs in each of the three columns E, N, I. Key to forms “A” and B of the G. Eysenck questionnaire n°

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Appendix 5 Test questionnaire “Communicative and organizational aptitudes (COS-2)” Instructions for subjects The methodology for determining communicative and organizational aptitudes contains 40 questions. Each question must be answered “yes” or “no”. If you

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G. Eysenck's test questionnaire for diagnosing extraversion - introversion and neuroticism (EPQ, form A) Instructions You are asked 57 questions about the characteristics of your behavior and your feelings. If you answer the question “yes”, put a plus sign next to it; if “no”, put a sign next to it.

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Methodology of G. Eysenck “Diagnostics of Rigidity” Instructions If you completely agree with the statements about certain behavioral features presented in the questionnaire, then next to the statement number put 2 points if you agree in principle - 1 point if you disagree

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EYSENK'S CIRCLE Those who find themselves between 8 and 15 points on this indicator belong to the average type, which is probably not bad, but such people should know where and when the extrovert and when the introvert manifests itself in them, so that the positive aspects of these types can be to myself

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Task 5. Testing using the Eysenck personality questionnaire Test subject. From 16 years old. Procedure. The subject fills out the questionnaire in writing, the text of which is given in the appendix. If questions or doubts arise during the process of filling out the questionnaire, you should avoid

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Hans Eysenck's three-factor model Psychologist Hans Eysenck developed his model in 1947 independently of other personality theories, but finalized it only in the late 1970s. His model is based on three universal personality dimensions:1. Introversion/extroversion.

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VM test (indicative test of school maturity - verbal thinking) I. Irazek Which animal is larger - a horse or a dog? Horse = 0, incorrect answer = -5. In the morning we have breakfast, and at noon...? We have lunch. We eat soup, pasta and meat = 0. We have afternoon, dinner, sleep, etc. incorrect

The questionnaire is a technique developed G. Eysenck for diagnosing individual psychological properties of a person.

The questionnaire consists of 70 questions, 24 of which are aimed at diagnostics extraversion, 24 for diagnostics neuroticism, 2 questions are camouflage, they do not provide any information about the subject. And finally, the remaining 20 questions form the so-called “lie scale,” the main task of which is to provide information about the reliability of the subject’s answers on the extraversion and neuroticism scales.

Test instructions

You are asked to answer questions regarding your usual behavior. Try to imagine typical situations and give the first “natural” answer that comes to your mind.

If you agree with the statement, put “+” (yes) next to its number; if not, put a “-” sign (no); if you find it difficult to answer, put “?”. Answer quickly and accurately. Remember that there are no “good” or “bad” answers.

Test material
  1. Would you like to limit your circle of acquaintances to only a few selected people?
  2. Do you prefer to take action yourself rather than plan the actions of others?
  3. Do you always quickly find an appropriate response to a critical remark addressed to you?
  4. Do you often dream about the impossible?
  5. As a child, did you immediately and without arguing everything that was required of you?
  6. Is it typical for you to act quickly and confidently?
  7. Do you ever have an acute feeling of disappointment?
  8. Do you sometimes put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today?
  9. Do you consider your work to be ordinary and prosaic?
  10. Do you often feel “out of sorts”?
  11. Do you tend to reflect on your past?
  12. If you promised something, do you always keep your word no matter what?
  13. Do you like to be surrounded by people?
  14. Do you tend to be somewhat timid in the presence of people of the other sex?
  15. Do you ever get angry?
  16. Do you often feel lonely?
  17. Is touchiness typical of you?
  18. Do you often find that you made a decision too late?
  19. Are you completely free from all prejudices?
  20. Can you call yourself very conscientious?
  21. Do you like to play pranks on others?
  22. Does it happen that you react to an indecent joke with laughter?
  23. Do you notice that you often have difficulty concentrating?
  24. Do you seem to yourself to be overly nervous and internally tense?
  25. When a critical moment is over, do you usually feel like you should have done something differently?
  26. When you play with someone, do you want to win?
  27. Do you consider your occupation as something that is very important and dear to you?
  28. Do you often find it difficult to gather your thoughts before a difficult conversation?
  29. Are you always pleased when a person you don't like achieves well-deserved success?
  30. Does it ever happen that an influx of thoughts keeps you from falling asleep?
  31. Do you tend to brag sometimes?
  32. Do you feel at ease and at ease in a cheerful company?
  33. Do you like to indulge in dreams?
  34. Do you often feel tired and apathetic for no particular reason?
  35. Are all your habits positive?
  36. Does it ever happen that you want to be alone?
  37. Is it common for you to speak less than others in society?
  38. Are you full of energy at times and lethargic at others?
  39. Do you always respond immediately to personal letters?
  40. Can you be called talkative?
  41. Do you sometimes have thoughts that you are embarrassed to tell others about?
  42. Are you very unhappy when you don't have the opportunity to communicate with many people?
  43. Do you like to take part in activities that require speed and determination?
  44. Do you often remember the bright episodes of your life?
  45. Do you find yourself arguing about things you know too little about?
  46. Does it ever happen that you cannot get rid of annoying thoughts?
  47. Do those around you consider you a lively and lively person?
  48. Do you like to gossip sometimes?
  49. Do you get upset easily?
  50. Has it ever happened that you told a lie?
  51. Do you tend to take on a leadership role in joint actions?
  52. Would you call yourself carefree?
  53. Do you have financial difficulties?
  54. Do you have periods of such restlessness that you cannot sit in one place for a long time?
  55. Do you consider yourself a cheerful person?
  56. Have you ever been late?
  57. Do you sometimes suddenly feel pitiful and unhappy?
  58. Do you experience some feelings of guilt?
  59. Are you prone to frequent mood swings?
  60. You must register

    To see the entire material, you need to register or log in to the site.

    1. No one will see your name or photo in the test results. Instead, only gender and age will be listed. For example, " Woman, 23" or " Man, 31“.
    2. The name and photo will only be visible in comments or other posts on the site.
    3. Rights in VK: “ Access to your friends list" And " Access anytime” are required so that you can see the tests that your friends have taken and see how many answers you have matched as a percentage. Wherein friends won't see answers to questions and results of your tests, but you will not see their results (see paragraph 1).
    4. By authorizing on the site, you consent to the processing of personal data.

    Key to the test
    + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 +
    0 E-E+E+H+L+E+0 L-E+H+0
    10 H+L+E+E-L-H+H+H+L+E-10
    20 E+L-H+H+H+L-E-H+L+H+20
    30 L-E+H+H+L+0 E-H+L+E+30
    40 L-E+E+H+L-H+E+L-H+L-40
    50 E+E+L-H+E+L-H+H+H+E+50
    60 L-H+E-H+L-E-E-H+L-E+60
  • E – extraversion;
  • N – neuroticism;
  • L – lie scale;
  • 0 – masking questions.

For an answer that matches the key, two points are given, for “?” – one point, for non-matching – 0 points.

Interpretation of test results

Interpretation of test results is based on psychological characteristics individuals corresponding to one or another square of the coordinate model, taking into account the degree of expression of individual psychological properties and the degree of reliability of the data obtained. Detailed interpretation of #temperamentOpisanie%E2%80%9D%20title=%E2%80%9D%D0%98%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%BF%D1%80%D0% B5%D1%82%D0%B0%D1%86%D0%B8%D1%8F%20%D1%82%D0%B8%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B2%20%D1%82% D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%20%D0%BF% D0%BE%20%D0%93.%D0%90%D0%B9%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BA%D1%83%E2%80%9D>%D1%82% D0%B8%D0%BF%D0%BE%D0%B2%20%D1%82%D0%B5%D0%BC%D0%BF%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%BC% D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%82%D0%B0%20%D0%BF%D0%BE%20%D0%BE%D0%BF%D1%80%D0%BE%D1%81%D0% BD%D0%B8%D0%BA%D1%83%20%D0%93.%D0%90%D0%B9%D0%B7%D0%B5%D0%BD%D0%BA%D0%B0 .

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