Abstracts Statements Story

Correspondence courses in pedagogy. Training in the direction of "Pedagogy"

According to the schedule of activities approved for 2016 to improve the qualifications of employees of municipal educational organizations and educational institutions of the Republic of Adygea, at the Adygea Republican Institute for Advanced Studies, from March 9 to 11, 2016, advanced training courses for young teachers were held on the topic: “Algorithm for working with educational methodological documentation of the teacher."

A modern school requires teachers to search for new ideas and a creative approach to teaching lessons. Therefore, the purpose of the courses was for students to acquire theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of application of educational and methodological documentation for teachers in educational organizations.

The advanced training courses were attended by 38 young teachers with up to 1 year of experience from municipal districts and urban districts. Young teachers were offered theoretical and practical materials and were designed for an 18-hour training course.

The following participants and speakers took part in the courses:

- “Psychological conditions for personal and professional growth of a teacher” - Guchetlev R.R. Associate Professor, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Head of the Center for the Development of Pedagogical and Psychological Education ARIPC;
- “The use of information and communication technologies in the work of a young teacher” - Filippov A.V., teacher of mathematics and computer science at the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution “Lyceum No. 34” in Maikop, winner of the competition “New School - New Teachers”;
- “Study of the regulatory framework of an educational organization. Familiarity with local regulations of the school" - Krivenko N.M. , teacher of biology and chemistry, Secondary School No. 28, Maikop, Honorary Worker general education RF, Honored Worker of Public Education of the Republic of Armenia;
- “Modern techniques and forms of working with parents” - Melnikovas G.A., teacher primary classes MBOU “Gymnasium No. 5”, Maikop, Honorary Worker of General Education of the Russian Federation;
- “Algorithm for preparing and conducting open class. The structure of writing self-analysis" - Pakhomova O.I., biology teacher, MBOU Secondary School No. 1, Giaginskaya Station, "Excellence in Education of the Russian Federation;
- “A teacher’s portfolio as a means of assessing the level of his professional competence” - T.F. Novoselova, leading consultant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Adygea;
- “Didactic tools for a young teacher. Innovative projects in education" - Tatarenko I.I. , teacher of geography, biology, Republican Center for Children's Education, Candidate of Sociological Sciences.

Also during the course, there was a conversation about the problems of young teachers associated with the use of new technologies in teaching. Experience and areas of working with children who are motivated to study and succeed were shared with young teachers by teachers with extensive work experience, winners of competitions and festivals: “New School - New Teacher”, “Teacher of the Year”, Constellation”, etc.

As part of the courses, a training was held for young teachers, during which the trainees voiced their reasons for entering the profession; created an image of an ideal teacher and “tried it on” for themselves; analyzed their professional difficulties and identified ways out of difficulties.

For students of advanced training courses, the final lesson was to conduct round table, where students exchanged information received during advanced training courses.

During the courses, young teachers received the necessary information for further successful work. Upon completion of the advanced training courses, all young teachers received a certificate of completion of the courses.

The head of the group, Bevova M.Kh., upon completion of the courses, gave the young teachers teaching materials for use in practical activities.



A necessary condition of a modern education system Russian Federation is to solve the primary problem - improving the quality of human resources. The school needs young teachers who are able to adequately respond to changes in the educational situation, the specifics of pedagogical systems, and new conditions for professional activity.

Newly arrived young teachers are faced with problems of adaptation to the team, methods of conducting classes, and ignorance of their direct job responsibilities.

At MBOU Secondary School No. 3, comprehensive support, formation and development of human resources always remains a relevant area of ​​activity. This area includes work to improve the skills of teachers and create their motivation for professional development: training, consulting, certification, professional courses, introducing young teachers to the traditions of the center and the search for innovative ideas.

The team is constantly working to improve management organization and monitor the effectiveness of the process of increasing the professional growth of a young teacher.

Individual consultations are not always effective, since many lack the basic knowledge and skills necessary for a modern teacher. Therefore, in the system of methodological work of our educational institution, the structural unit is the School young teacher. Classes at the School provide the opportunity for a gradual, step-by-step entry into the profession.

The purpose of the ShMU work : systematic disclosure of the individual pedagogical abilities of a novice teacher, creation of conditions for his professional formation and development through the provision of methodological support.


- adaptation of young specialists in the school educational system;

- development of professional and pedagogical position of teachers;

- providing assistance to young specialists in mastering updated content, new pedagogical technologies, supporting innovative processes;

- satisfaction educational needs teachers, improving their professional qualifications and creative potential;

- stimulating creative self-expression, revealing the professional and creative potential of teachers through professional activities.


The pedagogical activity of any teacher can be divided into three stages (conditionally):

I – “Modern school teacher”;

II – “Pedagogical competence and mobility”;

III - “Career of a young teacher.”

The duration of each stage is different for everyone, and the mandatory completion of three stages for a particular teacher is not inevitable. Someone gets “stuck” at the first stage for the rest of their lives and remains a craftsman in their profession. Someone reaches the level of mastery or even higher - to the level of art. Someone, unfortunately, comes to the stage of complete emotional burnout.

The first stage, “mastering a profession at the craft level,” usually lasts 3-5 years after leaving a university for an educational institution. The main tasks of the teacher here are: creating a children's team and motivation for learning, mastering practical didactics and teaching methods (technology of modern classes), the science of managing children, the basics of educational interaction with students of different ages and groups. All this is achieved, first of all, by one’s own activity, conscientiousness, the help of mentors and, of course, constant participation in methodological work.

The peculiarity of the situation with young teachers is that from the first day of work they have the same duties and bear the same responsibilities as experienced teachers. Colleagues, administration, and parents often expect impeccable professionalism from young teachers, without advance support or condescension. Those who do not receive support from colleagues in their first year of work develop a feeling of inferiority that hinders their professional growth. The effectiveness of methodological work with young teachers is that the list methodological activities forms a system that has a goal, structure, specially formed, active connections and relationships between components, and necessarily the product of its activity is indicators of the professional growth of the teacher, the development of his creative potential, and, ultimately, the growth of the level of education, good manners, development, socialization and maintaining the health of students.

"Systematization, systems approach in working with personnel, building a system of something instead of disparate parts, components, fragments, elements, etc. “This is a very important factor.” MM. Potashnik.

The methodological service of the school is called upon to implement this direction.

The Young Teacher School program is designed for 3 years, with a total of 42 lessons (8 months per year, 2 lessons per month). Classes are conducted integrated into the following modules:

ü Simulation of the learning process

ü Modeling the educational process

ü Educational technology

ü Models for the development of professional competence of a teacher

Pedagogical principles, underlying the implementation of the program:

¾ scientific principleassumes the reliability of the information;

¾ principle of mutual respectall communication with the teacher should be built on the basis of mutual respect, as well as the teacher’s communication with each member of the team;

¾ principle of personal approach- the personality of each teacher is an immutable value; the principle of orientation towards achieving success (creating a situation of success)

¾ principle of interactive learning(methods, techniques, forms and means of teaching must create conditions under which teachers occupy active position in the process of acquiring knowledge).

Forms of organizing classes:


1.1. Basic legal acts regulating teaching activities. Features of teacher's work. Worker Simulation curricula.

1.2. Modeling of working training programs. Personality model of a modern school teacher

1.3. Work specifics class teacher. Basics of KTD.

1.4. Modern educational technologies. Model of the educational process. Methods and organizational forms training. Active forms of learning.

1.5. Pedagogical communication. Conflicts.

1.6. Models of children's group.

1.7. Managing social roles.

1.8. Constructive interaction between teacher and parents.

1.9. The school library as a full partner in education.

1.10. Human life scenarios. (viewing and discussion) v/f.

1.11. Modeling the educational process. Form for rational note-taking and analysis of the lesson.

1.12. Basics of design.

1.13. Organization educational work in primary groups and preschool educational institutions.

1.14. Management and self-government in a children's team. The theory of temporary children's collective.

1.15. Development of programs and projects for the activities of temporary children's groups

1.16. Protection of programs and projects.


2.1. Fundamentals of new pedagogical competence of teachers (models social development and value orientations of education; interdisciplinary connections, modern educational technologies in subject areas).

2.2. Information technology in educational activities schools.

2.3. Modern concepts education.

2.4. Models of the educational system.

2.5.Additional education of children, extracurricular activities on the subject.. Features of forms and methods of work.

2.6. Contents, forms and methods of analysis pedagogical activity.

2.7. Health protection of subjects of the educational process.

2.8.. Contents and technologies of professional interaction between teachers in the school community.

2.9. Modeling as a process of designing the way of interaction between subjects of education.

2.10. Variable education systems (by age levels). Continuity in education.

2.11. Profile training.

2.12. Pedagogical reflection.

2.13. System of methodological work in educational institutions.

2.14. Levels of teacher methodological skill.

2.15. Individual forms of methodological work.

2.16. Work in pedagogical communities.


3.1. Network forms of interaction in education. Additional Teacher Education teachers.

3.2. organization of project activities in the educational institution.

3.3. Organization of research work at the educational institution.

3.4. Innovation management.

3.5. Algorithm for generalizing teaching experience.

3.6. Model for advanced training of teachers. Certification of teaching staff.

3.7. Master classes. Their specificity.

3.8. Pedagogical workshop work. (master classes, methodological overview, presentation of competitions).

3.9. Professional skills competitions.


3.11. Development and protection of projects and programs for young specialists.


3.13. Preparation of materials for participation in professional competitions.

3.14. Preparation of materials for participation in professional competitions.

3.15. Preparation of materials for participation in professional competitions.

3.16. Analysis of materials for participation in professional competitions.

Effectiveness of program implementation

Professional adaptation of a novice teacher in the process of his entry into the educational environment will be successful if:

· work motivation, pedagogical orientation are important factors when a teacher enters the workforce and are enshrined in local regulations OU;

· professional adaptation of a young specialist is carried out in inextricable connection with the process of his personal and professional development and is defined in the methodological work of the OU;

· in the organization of pedagogical work, maximum consideration takes place personal characteristics and level of professional training, active support for the personal and professional growth of the teacher;

· material and technical support of the educational process corresponds to modern requirements and helps the teacher implement innovative approaches.

Based on the results of the workTeachers will acquire a number of professional skills:

· analytical skills that allow you to analyze the requirements fulfilled in pedagogical interaction with the child and evaluate these requirements;

· the ability to apply psychological and pedagogical knowledge in the educational process;

· the ability to plan, prepare and carry out the process of educational work with a child;

· ability to analyze individual qualities child, under the guidance of a specialist, carry out pedagogical diagnostics, psychological analysis of the child’s individual characteristics and organize psychological and pedagogical support for the child’s development;

· predictive skills that allow taking into account the specifics of a child’s individuality when modeling the educational process;

· ability to use modern innovative technologies;

· manage the educational process;

· summarize work experience.

Result evaluation criteria

When determining the level of professional competence of teachers, it is used next system estimates pedagogical excellence, which consists of the following blocks:

· Manifestation professional qualities teachers.

· Demonstration of organizational and methodological skills.

· Manifestation of personal characteristics.

The assessment is carried out according to the following degrees of severity:

· high

· sufficient

· average

· weak

During the webinar, you will receive answers to the following questions: – What is mentoring, and how can it be used to solve the problems of your institution? – What needs to be done for the mentoring system to work effectively and efficiently? – What real educational and educational results can be achieved with the help of mentoring? – Where and how to look for mentors for teenagers? – What methodological materials can be used to develop a mentoring program and train mentors and supervisors? The Plus One mentoring program is currently being implemented in 30 regions of the country. Anyone can take part in the webinar. Participation in the webinar is free.

When should young professionals take advanced training courses?

Advanced training for teachers is associated with a revision of previously studied facts, concepts, and patterns, which are determined by the development of science and the emergence of new scientific concepts. During advanced training, one’s teaching experience is reflected upon and one’s own is developed. pedagogical concept. Literature:

  1. Polonsky V. M. Dictionary of education and pedagogy.
    - M.: Higher school, 2004.-512 p.;
  2. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ;
  3. Zeer E.F. Psychology of professional development. - M.: Academy, 2009.

Teacher training

The tasks of teacher training include:

  1. Improving pedagogical skills by introducing modern pedagogical technologies and advanced techniques;
  2. Support and improvement of the professional skills of all teachers, taking into account the achievements of scientific and practical activities;
  3. Creating conditions for the development of individual abilities for the profession. activities;
  4. Testing in the learning process new technologies and progressive forms of training and advancement of managerial and teaching staff;
  5. Providing scientific and methodological support for the full self-realization of individual creative ideas of teachers, etc.

In order to teach successfully, the teacher himself must be well prepared. Advanced training courses will help him with this.

Young specialist

To achieve the goal, the school of a young teacher solves the following tasks: development and implementation individual trajectory development for each young specialist, ensuring that the young specialist masters and uses the most effective techniques and methods of teaching. The success of the School’s activities depends largely on the extent to which educational institution a mechanism for organizing self-education and creating conditions for working with documents and literature have been developed. It is also important to remember here that if there are young specialists in an educational institution, it is necessary to organize work on the principle of a young specialist - a mentor.

A prerequisite is the presence of work plans, observation maps, and a diary. A young specialist also needs to remember to choose a topic for self-education and organize work on it under the guidance of an experienced mentor.

When can a young specialist get certified?


Advanced training for teachers Alexander Vasilievich Kolinichenko, master’s student; Kolinichenko Anastasia Vasilievna, master's student Orenburg State University Pedagogical University The article discusses the concept of advanced training, and also considers the issue of advanced training for teachers. Advanced training is one of the types vocational training employees. The purpose of this type of training is to increase the level of theoretical knowledge of employees, as well as improve practical skills and abilities that increase in accordance with the requirements of state educational standards.

Advanced training is aimed at consistent improvement of professional and economic knowledge, skills and abilities, increasing the skills of workers in existing professions.

Advanced training: workshops, courses


Advanced training is educational process teachers, which needs to be carried out systematically. Practice shows that scattered completion of courses does not allow achieving positive effect in replenishing the knowledge base in improving teaching activities. Today, education reform is radically changing the status of the teacher and his educational functions.

Accordingly, the requirements for his professional and pedagogical competence and the level of his professionalism are also subject to change. Currently, there is a need for teachers: – creative; – competent; – capable of developing their personal potential. The teacher must strive for change, generate it, accept it independent decisions and be responsible for them.
When raising their professional level, a teacher must remember: learning is a process that continues throughout life.

Refresher courses

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Advanced training for a young teacher

These courses will allow the teacher to always be aware of the changes that have occurred in any discipline. Thanks to this, the teacher always remains interesting for his students. If a teacher wants to perform his job at the proper level, he must periodically attend advanced training courses for educators.

The above courses will allow the teacher to learn a lot of new things: – new methodological techniques; – new knowledge through communication with colleagues from other educational institutions. It is useful and necessary to attend advanced training courses not only for young specialists, but also for educators with extensive work experience. Each specialist in a certain discipline must take courses only in his specialty.

Dear heads of educational organizations, teachers and specialists! We invite you to take part in the webinar: “Mentoring in the education system” Date: February 21, 2018 Time: from 10.00 to 11.00 Moscow time Category of participants: heads of educational organizations, teachers and specialists of universities, schools, colleges, institutions of additional education for children and adults, correctional educational institutions, schools for children with deviant behavior, boarding schools, as well as representatives public organizations working with teenagers and young people. Organizers: National Resource Center for Mentoring MENTORI (with the support of the Fishermen Foundation),

Young specialist teacher advanced training courses

Taking advanced training courses provides an opportunity not only to learn about new requirements and technologies modern education, but, first of all, to meet people who think the same way, who are dedicated to their work, and endlessly love their profession and children. Advanced training courses for teachers are in demand at all times. However, the problem of retraining and improving the professional skills of educational workers has not lost its relevance.

Naturally, sooner or later the knowledge acquired by a teacher in a higher educational institution will become outdated and lose its relevance. It should be noted that the teaching methodology of any subject is subject to change, because the science of “pedagogy” itself is constantly developing and does not stand still. A teacher must possess knowledge and be able to share it with his students.

By law, teaching staff must undergo advanced training at least once every three years. However, the administration educational institution has the right to set its own “quality standards” by sending employees to courses, for example, once every two years - in this case, this should be reflected in local regulations.

At the same time, advanced training is not only the responsibility, but also the right of the teacher. In other words, educational institutions must “create conditions” for the professional growth of employees - organize training for teachers, send them to courses with or without work, pay travel expenses if the courses included in the “mandatory minimum” are held in another city, and so on Further.

The form for taking advanced training courses is not regulated by law. They can be:

  • face-to-face,

  • part-time,

  • by correspondence,

  • using remote technologies.

Until 2014, the minimum duration of courses for a teacher was 72 teaching hours. Now this requirement is no longer relevant - programs with a completion period of 16 hours or more can be counted for completing short-term courses.

Who should pay for advanced training courses?

Expenses for additional education teachers are included in the budget and the administration of the educational institution does not have the right to oblige an employee to independently pay for courses included in the required “minimum”.

The only exceptions are long-term (from 250 hours) retraining programs, when it is essentially about getting an education “from scratch.” This issue has become relevant in connection with the introduction of new professional standards for teachers, according to which pedagogical education is mandatory to work with children. Therefore, graduates of, for example, biology departments of “academic” universities who teach biology at school, or engineers who lead technical children’s clubs, are faced with the fact that their education no longer corresponds to their position. In this case, pedagogical retraining is carried out at the expense of the employees themselves - educational organization has the right to fully or partially finance the courses, but is not obliged to do so.

If an employee has a pedagogical education, but the school administration wants him to “expand his profile”, master a related profession and take up teaching new subjects, this must be done at the expense of the educational organization.

How to take advanced training courses at a budget expense

The most common option for taking advanced training courses is through a referral from an educational institution. In most cases, these are full-time or part-time courses that are conducted:

  • institutes for advanced training of teachers,

  • departments of continuing education of universities,

  • city ​​methodological centers,

  • educational institutions that have the status of resource centers or experimental sites.

As a rule, an educational institution has a quota within which they send teachers for training at budget expense. Sometimes the teacher is asked to independently choose a course from the list, sometimes a specific program is offered. In most cases, teachers have the opportunity to “show initiative” - having familiarized themselves with the list of programs in advance, choose something interesting for themselves personally and ask to be directed to this particular course.

Courses can be devoted to both the teaching of individual disciplines and more “universal” things - for example, project activities, inclusive education, interactive teaching methods, enhancing the creative activity of students, work on Federal State Educational Standards, and so on. For young teachers, special courses are usually provided to introduce them to their specialty.

Free distance courses for teachers

Free courses are another option for improving teacher qualifications, which is becoming increasingly popular. When choosing a distance course, you should pay attention to whether a standard certificate is issued, which will be “counted” in an educational institution or when passing certification. In some cases, the training itself in distance courses is free, but you will have to pay for the preparation of certificates about the training completed (as a rule, we are talking about small amounts that are not comparable to the cost of commercial courses).

Online courses can be ongoing or take place during certain periods of time - in this case, registration for them opens in advance. Training may consist of independently studying text materials, watching video lectures, preparing coursework and so on.

Free distance courses can be taken, for example, on the following resources, which issue state-issued diplomas to successful students:

  • Educational portal "My University"(moi-universitet.ru), where both paid and free courses By modern technologies training;

  • Foxford Online Learning Center(http://foxford.ru), offering a large selection of courses on Olympiad preparation in various subjects, the specifics of preparation for the Unified State Exam and State Examination;

  • UNESCO Institute for information technology in education(http://lms.iite.unesco.org), which specializes in courses in the field of new educational technologies and open educational resources.