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Teacher of Russian language and literature: Teaching Russian language and literature in an educational organization. Free courses in Russian language and literature Distance courses for teachers of Russian language and literature

(NTU), operating on the basis of an educational License issued by Mosobrnadzor, recruits employees of the education system for full-time, part-time and distance learning teachers of Russian language and literature. Advanced training courses are aimed at persons with secondary or higher vocational education and are conducted in accordance with the order of the Ministry of Labor Russian Federation No. 544n of October 18, 2013 on the professional standard of a teacher. Upon completion of studies is issued certificate "Teacher of Russian language and literature".

Why do teachers need to improve their qualifications?

Purpose of advanced training courses– is the improvement of professional competencies teachers of Russian language and literature. Education sent to:

    to provide current changes in the field of education;

    to improve the professional competencies of teachers;

    to develop teachers’ abilities to formulate their own ideas and implement them in practical classes;

    to study modern methods and structure of education in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard and much more.

Also in development advanced training courses “Teacher of Russian language and literature” Leading experts from the city of Moscow, honored teachers of Russia and educators with many years of experience in educational institutions took part.

Distinctive features of NTU or how to enroll in PC courses

National University of Technology invites everyone to visit courses “Teacher of Russian language and literature”. Choosing our University as a source of additional vocational education, You are guaranteed to receive:

  1. Offer at a favorable price.
  2. Large selection of advanced training programs and courses professional retraining.
  3. The teaching staff is equal to the level of specialists working in the leading universities of our country.
  4. A truly individual approach - we take into account your suggestions and adapt to your needs.
  5. Flexible training schedule.
  6. A dedicated personal manager and impeccable quality of service.

Training teachers of Russian language and literature remotely carried out with the help modern technologies remote education. You can sign up for training by submitting an application for advanced training directly on this website. Call us right now and get a free consultation on all your questions.

Russian language and literature studied throughout the entire period of schooling, from first to eleventh grade. In addition, ninth-graders and graduates must take the Russian language exam, which significantly increases the responsibility of the teacher and the level of requirements for his professional knowledge and skills.

Within the framework of the school curriculum, the Russian language and literature mutually complement each other: teaching spelling standards and oral speech impossible without a careful study of the best examples of written culture. However, the subject of literature covers much more aspects of education than the visual demonstration of the rules being studied. In literature lessons, schoolchildren learn the history and traditions of their native country, the evolution of philosophical views, and also get acquainted with the best examples of translated classics.

Advanced training for teachers of Russian language and literature is not just a formal requirement enshrined in legislation, but also a necessary condition professional teaching. Educational standards(Federal State Educational Standards) and educational programs are regularly updated and improved; To ensure high quality of students' knowledge, the teacher must regularly study his subject.

The Interregional Academy of Additional Professional Education (MADPO) invites teachers and educators of the Russian language and literature to undergo advanced training. The curriculum was compiled as part of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard; the distance course is available to specialists with specialized higher education living in Moscow and other regions. Academy graduates receive a certificate of advanced training in the established form.

Course program “Teacher of Russian language and literature”

The training is aimed at updating the knowledge and skills of teachers of general education educational institutions, as well as institutions with in-depth study of the Russian language and literature, in the following areas:

  • Pedagogical psychology;
  • Organization and planning of Russian language and literature lessons;
  • Organizing activities outside the classroom and motivating students to independent work;
  • Methods of teaching schoolchildren;
  • Assessment of the quality of teaching Russian language and literature in high school;
  • Federal State Educational Standards in the education system and professional standards for teachers;
  • Innovative technologies in education;
  • Legal aspects of the work of a teacher (teacher) and labor protection.
    The duration of training is (at the student’s choice) from 72 to 140 hours.

Distance learning on MADPO courses

MADPO offers comfortable learning conditions:

  • admission to courses based on completed documents higher education and work experience in the specialty (without entrance exams);
  • affordable tuition fees and discount system;
  • access to an extensive and regularly updated library of scientific and methodological literature, a system of interactive tests for self-testing of knowledge with the opportunity to receive online consultations from highly qualified teachers;
  • individual training;
  • certificate of advanced training of the established form.

You can find out more about the program and sign up for the course by calling the contact number or through the dialog box on the website.

We offer quality online training at low prices. You can take courses in accordance with Federal State Educational Standard remotely and receive an official ID. Choose the best advanced training for Russian language teachers.

Advanced training courses for Russian language teachers are necessary for teachers to become familiar with advanced methods and technologies. The introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard changed the approach to teaching the discipline. The teacher’s task is not to transmit ready-made information, but to develop students’ skills in obtaining it independently. The student must be able to find the necessary material, formulate a rule, analyze information, and create an algorithm.

The Pedagogy Development Center conducts advanced training courses in programs that reveal the features of teaching the subject in primary grades, organizing work with students of primary school, high school and children with disabilities.

In accordance with the requirements of the Professional Standard, we offer to undergo remote professional retraining in the direction of teacher of Russian language and literature.

Benefits of completing the training:

  • Big choice curricula— more than 20 courses have been developed for Russian language teachers.
  • Certificate of the established form - the Center for the Development of Pedagogy has a license for educational activities, the documents issued to students comply with the requirements of the inspection authorities.
  • Minimum time required for training and obtaining a certificate.
  • Programs developed by experienced methodologists provide only relevant knowledge that can be used in professional activities.

Fill out the application and gain knowledge that can be successfully applied in practice!

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Select a subject Astronomy Geography, local history Biology Fine arts Foreign languages Computer Science History Kuban Studies Literature Literary reading Mathematics Music MHC Life Safety Social Studies The world Basics religious cultures ODNKNR Russian language Technology, labor Physics Physical education Chemistry Ecology Native language Native literature Fundamentals of financial literacy Chess

Select a direction General pedagogical topics For subject teachers For teachers of non-specialist educational institutions For educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions Inclusive education, work with children with disabilities Additional education for children Psychology, social pedagogy For teachers-defectologists Teacher-librarians Teacher-speech therapist Extracurricular activities For secondary vocational education teachers For the director, head teacher Tutor Professional standards for teachers For teachers primary classes For class teacher For the teacher-organizer Preparation for the Unified State Exam, OGE

Are you sure you know Russian well? It’s never a bad idea to check and maybe improve your knowledge, especially on the eve of the Unified State Exam. We provide online Russian language courses for free, which will save you money, time and effort in finding a tutor. A series of video lessons will allow you to study the basics of the Russian language, learn grammar, rules, and rid your speech and texts of verbal garbage. Students of schools, technical schools, universities and ordinary citizens (undergoing advanced training, retraining, retraining) can improve their performance, facilitate language learning, repeat material and consolidate previously acquired knowledge. Free distance courses in the Russian language save valuable time and often help fill vacancies that require a good knowledge of the native language.

Free distance learning in literature

Those who are preparing for the Unified State Exam or graduates who have decided to devote their future professional activities to the humanities, in particular literature, will benefit from free distance courses in literature. Literature is multifaceted, but, nevertheless, it is considered one of the most complex and capacious subjects. Video lessons on teaching literature will help you understand the trends, trends, and diversity of poets and their works. By taking online literature courses for free, you:
  • improve your overall performance;
  • improve your knowledge of Russian literature and successfully pass the Unified State Exam;
  • get ready to enter a university;
  • improve your cultural development.
As a result, you are guaranteed to achieve the best results and receive a certificate of completion of online courses. The most successful students can record their own educational video lessons. Good luck!
  • The system of teaching the Russian language has existed at RUDN University since the founding of the university in 1960. At the origins of the system was Ekaterina Ivanovna Motina, who formed the eponymous methodical school, known in many countries of the world;
  • Teachers - leading professors and teachers in the field of linguistics and linguistics, implementing programs additional education and advanced training in the Russian language in Russia and abroad;
  • Russian language training is carried out using a powerful educational base, consisting of 10 departments, training center and the Faculty of Advanced Training of the Faculty of Education and Science of the Russian Academy of Arts;
  • Many programs: short-term courses, summer schools, professional retraining and advanced training courses in the Russian language (including Russian as a foreign language);
  • Courses are conducted in any form convenient for you: full-time, part-time and distance learning;
  • Extensive experience in the field of corporate training;


years of study in the field




corporate clients

“In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland - you alone are my support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language! ... It is impossible to believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, Russian realist writer, poet, publicist, playwright, translator

Courses in the direction "Russian language"

Speak Russian to the whole world


everyone who wants to learn Russian from scratch, as well as those who once taught and want to restore and expand their knowledge.

formation of a body of knowledge, skills and abilities corresponding to the elementary level of proficiency in Russian as a foreign language; acquaintance with the peculiarities of Russian culture, cities and sights of Russia.

Russian language from scratch


foreign citizens who own English language those who want to start learning the Russian language from scratch.

to form in students the speech base necessary for communication at an elementary level in a language environment using a limited set of language means.

Speak Russian on the Internet


Generalists, persons with higher, secondary specialized education.

Formation and improvement of linguistic competence of communication in Russian on the Russian-language Internet

Modern aspects of methods of teaching RFL abroad


teachers of Russian as a foreign language in foreign schools, language courses, teachers of Russian as a foreign language at foreign universities

improving the professional competencies of teachers and teachers of the Russian language in foreign schools, language centers, departments of institutes and universities

Intensive Russian language course: to Russia with love


Students, teachers

Formation of verbal communication skills in Russian, acquaintance with Russian people and Russian culture

Secrets of translation into Russian


immersion in the natural language environment, improving speech and language skills. Do you want to know the secrets of translation into Russian? Then this program is for you! Our program Summer school will introduce you to the main secrets of translation into Russian: lexical, grammatical and stylistic.

TRKI-1 at RUDN University


students, listeners who want to study Russian professionally, want to enroll in a Russian university, or simply want to speak Russian competently, read books in Russian, and get to know Russian culture and national traditions better

immersion in the natural language environment, improving speech and language skills. The Summer School program ends with testing at level B1 or B2 and receiving a state certificate of the Russian Federation

Verbs of motion in Russian


The MOOC is intended for training foreign students who speak Russian at the basic and/or I Certification levels.


for persons with experience in conducting certification exams in RFL within the framework of the Russian Federation state system testing (TRFL), testing on Russian as a foreign language for acquiring Russian citizenship, Comprehensive exam in the Russian language, history of Russia and the fundamentals of legislation of the Russian Federation (module “Russian language”) for at least 3 years.

improving the professional competencies of testers in the field of conducting certification exams in Russian as a foreign language within the framework of the Russian State Testing System (TRST) at Elementary, Basic, First certification levels, testing in Russian as a foreign language for acquiring Russian citizenship, a comprehensive exam in the Russian language, Russian history and basics of legislation of the Russian Federation (module “Russian language”).