Abstracts Statements Story

Trigonometry with 0. Trigonometry

Once upon a time at school there was a separate course for the study of trigonometry. The certificate included grades in three mathematical disciplines: algebra, geometry and trigonometry.

Then, as part of the reform school education trigonometry ceased to exist as a separate subject. IN modern school The first acquaintance with trigonometry occurs in the 8th grade geometry course. A more in-depth study of the subject continues in the 10th grade algebra course.

The definitions of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent are first given in geometry through the relationship of the sides of a right triangle.

The acute angle in a right triangle is the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse.

Cosine The acute angle in a right triangle is the ratio of the adjacent leg to the hypotenuse.

Tangent The acute angle in a right triangle is the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side.

Cotangent The acute angle in a right triangle is the ratio of the adjacent side to the opposite side.

These definitions only apply to acute angles (0º to 90°).

For example,

in triangle ABC, where ∠C=90°, BC is the leg opposite to angle A, AC is the leg adjacent to angle A, AB is the hypotenuse.

The 10th grade algebra course introduces the definitions of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent for any angle (including negative).

Consider a circle of radius R with center at the origin - point O(0;0). Let us denote the point of intersection of the circle with the positive direction of the abscissa axis as P 0 .

In geometry, an angle is considered as a part of a plane bounded by two rays. With this definition, the angle varies from 0° to 180°.

In trigonometry, the angle is considered as the result of the rotation of the ray OP 0 around the starting point O.

At the same time, they agreed to consider turning the beam counterclockwise as a positive direction of traversal, and clockwise as negative (this agreement is associated with the true movement of the Sun around the Earth).

For example, when the ray OP 0 is rotated around point O by an angle α counterclockwise, point P 0 will go to point P α,

when turning by angle α clockwise - to point F.

With this definition, the angle can take any value.

If we continue to rotate the beam OP 0 counterclockwise, when turning through an angle α°+360°, α°+360°·2,...,α°+360°·n, where n is an integer (n∈Ζ), again let's get to point P α:

Angles are measured in degrees and radians.

1° is an angle equal to 1/180 of the degree measure of the developed angle.

1 radian is the central angle whose arc length is equal to the radius of the circle:

∠AOB=1 rad.

Radian symbols are not usually written. The degree designation cannot be omitted from the entry.

For example,

Point P α , obtained from point P 0 by rotating ray OP 0 around point O by angle α counterclockwise, has coordinates P α (x;y).

Let us drop a perpendicular P α A from point P α to the abscissa axis.

In right triangle OP α A:

P α A - leg opposite to angle α,

OA - leg adjacent to angle α,

OP α is the hypotenuse.

P α A=y, OA=x, OP α =R.

By definition of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent in a right triangle we have:

Thus, in the case of a circle with a center at the origin of arbitrary radius sine angle α is the ratio of the ordinate of point P α to the length of the radius.

Cosine angle α is the ratio of the abscissa of point P α to the length of the radius.

Tangent angle α is the ratio of the ordinate of a point P α to its abscissa.

Cotangent angle α is the ratio of the abscissa of point P α to its ordinate.

The values ​​of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent depend only on the value of α and do not depend on the length of the radius R (this follows from the similarity of circles).

Therefore, it is convenient to choose R=1.

A circle with center at the origin and radius R=1 is called a unit circle.


1) Sinus angle α is called the ordinate of point P α (x;y) of the unit circle:

2) Cosine angle α is called the abscissa of the point P α (x;y) of the unit circle:

3) Tangent angle α is the ratio of the ordinate of a point P α (x;y) to its abscissa, that is, the ratio of sinα to cosα (where cosα≠0):

4) Cotangent angle α is the ratio of the abscissa of a point P α (x;y) to its ordinate, that is, the ratio of cosα to sinα (where sinα≠0):

The definitions introduced in this way allow us to consider not only trigonometric functions of angles, but also trigonometric functions of numerical arguments (if we consider sinα, cosα, tanα and ctgα as the corresponding trigonometric functions of an angle in α radians, that is, the sine of the number α is the sine of the angle in α radians, the cosine of the number α is the cosine of the angle in α radians, etc.).

The properties of trigonometric functions are studied as a separate topic in the algebra course in grades 10 or 11. Trigonometric functions are widely used in physics.

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In this lesson we will talk about how the need to introduce trigonometric functions arises and why they are studied, what you need to understand in this topic, and where you just need to get better at it (what is a technique). Note that technique and understanding are two different things. Agree, there is a difference: learning to ride a bicycle, that is, understanding how to do it, or becoming a professional cyclist. We will talk specifically about understanding, about why trigonometric functions are needed.

There are four trigonometric functions, but they can all be expressed in terms of one using identities (equalities that relate them).

Formal definitions of trigonometric functions for acute angles in right triangles (Fig. 1).

Sinus The acute angle of a right triangle is the ratio of the opposite side to the hypotenuse.

Cosine The acute angle of a right triangle is the ratio of the adjacent leg to the hypotenuse.

Tangent The acute angle of a right triangle is the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side.

Cotangent The acute angle of a right triangle is the ratio of the adjacent side to the opposite side.

Rice. 1. Determination of trigonometric functions of an acute angle of a right triangle

These definitions are formal. It is more correct to say that there is only one function, for example, sine. If they were not so needed (not so often used) in technology, so many different trigonometric functions would not be introduced.

For example, the cosine of an angle is equal to the sine of the same angle with the addition of (). In addition, the cosine of an angle can always be expressed through the sine of the same angle up to sign, using the basic trigonometric identity (). The tangent of an angle is the ratio of sine to cosine or an inverted cotangent (Fig. 2). Some don't use cotangent at all, replacing it with . Therefore, it is important to understand and be able to work with one trigonometric function.

Rice. 2. Relationship between various trigonometric functions

But why were such functions needed at all? What practical problems are they used to solve? Let's look at a few examples.

Two people ( A And IN) push the car out of the puddle (Fig. 3). Human IN can push the car sideways, but it is unlikely to help A. On the other hand, the direction of his efforts can gradually shift (Fig. 4).

Rice. 3. IN pushes the car sideways

Rice. 4. IN begins to change the direction of his efforts

It is clear that their efforts will be most effective when they push the car in one direction (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. The most effective joint direction of effort

How much IN helps push the machine to the extent that the direction of its force is close to the direction of the force with which it acts A, is a function of the angle and is expressed through its cosine (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Cosine as a characteristic of effort efficiency IN

If we multiply the magnitude of the force with which IN, on the cosine of the angle, we obtain the projection of its force onto the direction of the force with which it acts A. The closer the angle between the directions of forces is to , the more effective the result of joint actions will be. A And IN(Fig. 7). If they push the car with the same force in opposite directions, the car will stay in place (Fig. 8).

Rice. 7. Effectiveness of joint efforts A And IN

Rice. 8. Opposite direction action of forces A And IN

It's important to understand why we can replace an angle (its contribution to the final result) with a cosine (or other trigonometric function of an angle). In fact, this follows from this property of similar triangles. Since in fact we are saying the following: the angle can be replaced by the ratio of two numbers (side-hypotenuse or side-side). This would be impossible if, for example, for the same angle of different right triangles these ratios were different (Fig. 9).

Rice. 9. Equal side ratios in similar triangles

For example, if the ratio and ratio were different, then we would not be able to introduce the tangent function, since for the same angle in different right triangles the tangent would be different. But due to the fact that the ratios of the lengths of the legs of similar right triangles are the same, the value of the function will not depend on the triangle, which means that the acute angle and the values ​​of its trigonometric functions are one-to-one.

Suppose we know the height of a certain tree (Fig. 10). How to measure the height of a nearby building?

Rice. 10. Illustration of the condition of example 2

We find a point such that a line drawn through this point and the top of the house will pass through the top of the tree (Fig. 11).

Rice. 11. Illustration of the solution to the problem of example 2

We can measure the distance from this point to the tree, the distance from it to the house, and we know the height of the tree. From the proportion you can find the height of the house: .

Proportion is the equality of the ratio of two numbers. In this case, the equality of the ratio of the lengths of the legs of similar right triangles. Moreover, these ratios are equal to a certain measure of the angle, which is expressed through a trigonometric function (by definition, this is a tangent). We find that for each acute angle the value of its trigonometric function is unique. That is, sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent are really functions, since each acute angle corresponds to exactly one value of each of them. Consequently, they can be further explored and their properties used. The values ​​of trigonometric functions for all angles have already been calculated and can be used (they can be found from the Bradis tables or using any engineering calculator). But we cannot always solve the inverse problem (for example, using the value of the sine to restore the measure of the angle that corresponds to it).

Let the sine of some angle be equal to or approximately (Fig. 12). What angle will correspond to this sine value? Of course, we can again use the Bradis table and find some value, but it turns out that it will not be the only one (Fig. 13).

Rice. 12. Finding an angle by the value of its sine

Rice. 13. Polysemy of inverse trigonometric functions

Consequently, when reconstructing the value of the trigonometric function of an angle, the multivalued nature of the inverse trigonometric functions arises. This may seem difficult, but in reality we face similar situations every day.

If you curtain the windows and don’t know whether it’s light or dark outside, or if you find yourself in a cave, then when you wake up, it’s difficult to say whether it’s one o’clock in the afternoon, at night, or the next day (Fig. 14). In fact, if you ask us “What time is it?”, we must answer honestly: “Hour plus multiplied by where”

Rice. 14. Illustration of polysemy using the example of a clock

We can conclude that this is a period (the interval after which the clock will show the same time as now). Trigonometric functions also have periods: sine, cosine, etc. That is, their values ​​are repeated after some change in the argument.

If there was no change of day and night or change of seasons on the planet, then we could not use periodic time. After all, we only number the years in ascending order, but the days have hours, and every new day the counting begins anew. The situation is the same with months: if it is January now, then in a few months January will come again, etc. External reference points help us use periodic counting of time (hours, months), for example, the rotation of the Earth around its axis and the change in the position of the Sun and Moon in the sky. If the Sun always hung in the same position, then to calculate time we would count the number of seconds (minutes) from the moment this very calculation began. The date and time might then read like this: a billion seconds.

Conclusion: no difficulties in terms of ambiguity inverse functions No. Indeed, there may be options when for the same sine there are different angle values ​​(Fig. 15).

Rice. 15. Restoring an angle from the value of its sine

Usually, when solving practical problems, we always work in the standard range from to . In this range, for each value of the trigonometric function there are only two corresponding values ​​of the angle measure.

Consider a moving belt and a pendulum in the form of a bucket with a hole from which sand pours out. The pendulum swings, the tape moves (Fig. 16). As a result, the sand will leave a trace in the form of a graph of the sine (or cosine) function, which is called a sine wave.

In fact, the graphs of sine and cosine differ from each other only in the reference point (if you draw one of them and then erase the coordinate axes, you will not be able to determine which graph was drawn). Therefore, there is no point in calling the cosine graph a graph (why come up with a separate name for the same graph)?

Rice. 16. Illustration of the problem statement in example 4

The graph of a function can also help you understand why inverse functions will have many values. If the value of the sine is fixed, i.e. draw a straight line parallel to the abscissa axis, then at the intersection we get all the points at which the sine of the angle is equal to the given one. It is clear that there will be an infinite number of such points. As in the example with the clock, where the time value differed by , only here the angle value will differ by the amount (Fig. 17).

Rice. 17. Illustration of polysemy for sine

If we consider the example of a clock, then the point (clockwise end) moves around the circle. Trigonometric functions can be defined in the same way - consider not the angles in a right triangle, but the angle between the radius of the circle and the positive direction of the axis. The number of circles that the point will go through (we agreed to count the movement clockwise with a minus sign, and counterclockwise with a plus sign), this is a period (Fig. 18).

Rice. 18. The value of sine on a circle

So, the inverse function is uniquely defined on a certain interval. For this interval, we can calculate its values, and get all the rest from the found values ​​by adding and subtracting the period of the function.

Let's look at another example of a period. The car is moving along the road. Let's imagine that her wheel has driven into paint or a puddle. Occasional marks from paint or puddles on the road may be seen (Figure 19).

Rice. 19. Period illustration

There are quite a lot of trigonometric formulas in the school course, but by and large it is enough to remember just one (Fig. 20).

Rice. 20. Trigonometric formulas

The double angle formula can also be easily derived from the sine of the sum by substituting (similarly for the cosine). You can also derive product formulas.

In fact, you need to remember very little, since with solving problems these formulas themselves will be remembered. Of course, someone will be too lazy to decide much, but then he will not need this technique, and therefore the formulas themselves.

And since the formulas are not needed, then there is no need to memorize them. You just need to understand the idea that trigonometric functions are functions that are used to calculate, for example, bridges. Almost no mechanism can do without their use and calculation.

1. The question often arises whether wires can be absolutely parallel to the ground. Answer: no, they cannot, since one force acts downward and the others act in parallel - they will never balance (Fig. 21).

2. A swan, a crayfish and a pike pull a cart in the same plane. The swan flies in one direction, the crayfish pulls in the other, and the pike in the third (Fig. 22). Their powers can be balanced. This balancing can be calculated using trigonometric functions.

3. Cable-stayed bridge (Fig. 23). Trigonometric functions help calculate the number of cables, how they should be directed and tensioned.

Rice. 23. Cable-stayed bridge

Rice. 24. “String Bridge”

Rice. 25. Bolshoi Obukhovsky Bridge

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Mathematics 6th grade:

Geometry 8th grade:

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Usually, when they want to scare someone with SCARY MATHEMATICS, they cite all sorts of sines and cosines as an example, as something very complex and disgusting. But in fact, this is a beautiful and interesting section that can be understood and solved.
The topic begins in 9th grade and everything is not always clear the first time, there are many subtleties and tricks. I tried to say something on the topic.

Introduction to the world of trigonometry:
Before rushing headlong into formulas, you need to understand from geometry what sine, cosine, etc. are.
Sine of angle- the ratio of the opposite (angle) side to the hypotenuse.
Cosine- the ratio of adjacent to hypotenuse.
Tangent- opposite side to adjacent side
Cotangent- adjacent to the opposite.

Now consider a circle of unit radius on the coordinate plane and mark some angle alpha on it: (pictures are clickable, at least some)
Thin red lines are the perpendicular from the point of intersection of the circle and the right angle on the ox and oy axis. The red x and y are the value of the x and y coordinate on the axes (the gray x and y are just to indicate that these are coordinate axes and not just lines).
It should be noted that the angles are calculated from the positive direction of the ox axis counterclockwise.
Let's find the sine, cosine, etc. for it.
sin a: opposite side is equal to y, hypotenuse is equal to 1.
sin a = y / 1 = y
To make it completely clear where I get y and 1 from, for clarity, let’s arrange the letters and look at the triangles.
- -
AF = AE = 1 - radius of the circle.
Therefore AB = 1 as the radius. AB - hypotenuse.
BD = CA = y - as the value for oh.
AD = CB = x - as the value according to oh.
sin a = BD / AB = y / 1 = y
Next is the cosine:
cos a: adjacent side - AD = x
cos a = AD / AB = x / 1 = x

We also output tangent and cotangent.
tg a = y / x = sin a / cos a
cot a = x / y = cos a / sin a
Suddenly we have derived the formula for tangent and cotangent.

Well, let's take a concrete look at how this is solved.
For example, a = 45 degrees.
We get right triangle at one angle 45 degrees. It’s immediately clear to some that this is an equilateral triangle, but I’ll describe it anyway.
Let's find the third angle of the triangle (the first is 90, the second is 5): b = 180 - 90 - 45 = 45
If two angles are equal, then their sides are equal, that’s what it sounded like.
So, it turns out that if we add two such triangles on top of each other, we get a square with a diagonal equal to radius = 1. By the Pythagorean theorem, we know that the diagonal of a square with side a is equal to a roots of two.
Now we think. If 1 (the hypotenuse aka diagonal) is equal to the side of the square times the root of two, then the side of the square should be equal to 1/sqrt(2), and if we multiply the numerator and denominator of this fraction by the root of two, we get sqrt(2)/2 . And since the triangle is isosceles, then AD = AC => x = y
Finding our trigonometric functions:
sin 45 = sqrt(2)/2 / 1 = sqrt(2)/2
cos 45 = sqrt(2)/2 / 1 = sqrt(2)/2
tg 45 = sqrt(2)/2 / sqrt(2)/2 = 1
ctg 45 = sqrt(2)/2 / sqrt(2)/2 = 1
You need to work with the remaining angle values ​​in the same way. Only the triangles will not be isosceles, but the sides can be found just as easily using the Pythagorean theorem.
This way we get a table of values ​​of trigonometric functions from different angles:
Moreover, this table is cheating and very convenient.
How to compose it yourself without any hassle: Draw a table like this and write the numbers 1 2 3 in the boxes.
Now from these 1 2 3 you take the root and divide by 2. It turns out like this:
Now we cross out the sine and write the cosine. Its values ​​are the mirrored sine:
The tangent is just as easy to derive - you need to divide the value of the sine line by the value of the cosine line:
The cotangent value is the inverted value of the tangent. As a result, we get something like this:
- -

note that tangent does not exist in P/2, for example. Think why. (You cannot divide by zero.)

What you need to remember here: sine is the y value, cosine is the x value. Tangent is the ratio of y to x, and cotangent is the opposite. so, to determine the values ​​of sines/cosines, it is enough to draw the table that I described above and a circle with coordinate axes (it is convenient to look at the values ​​​​at angles of 0, 90, 180, 360).
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Well, I hope that you can distinguish quarters:
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The sign of its sine, cosine, etc. depends on which quarter the angle is in. Although, absolutely primitive logical thinking will lead you to the correct answer if you take into account that in the second and third quarters x is negative, and y is negative in the third and fourth. Nothing scary or scary.

I think it wouldn’t be amiss to mention reduction formulas ala ghosts, as everyone hears, which has a grain of truth. There are no formulas as such, as they are unnecessary. The very meaning of this whole action: We easily find the angle values ​​only for the first quarter (30 degrees, 45, 60). Trigonometric functions are periodic, so we can drag any large angle into the first quarter. Then we will immediately find its meaning. But simply dragging is not enough - you need to remember about the sign. This is what reduction formulas are for.
So, we have a large angle, or rather more than 90 degrees: a = 120. And we need to find its sine and cosine. To do this, we will decompose 120 into the following angles that we can work with:
sin a = sin 120 = sin (90 + 30)
We see that this angle lies in the second quarter, the sine there is positive, therefore the + sign in front of the sine is preserved.
To get rid of 90 degrees, we change the sine to cosine. Well, this is a rule you need to remember:
sin (90 + 30) = cos 30 = sqrt(3) / 2
Or you can imagine it another way:
sin 120 = sin (180 - 60)
To get rid of 180 degrees, we do not change the function.
sin (180 - 60) = sin 60 = sqrt(3) / 2
We got the same value, so everything is correct. Now the cosine:
cos 120 = cos (90 + 30)
The cosine in the second quarter is negative, so we put a minus sign. And we change the function to the opposite one, since we need to remove 90 degrees.
cos (90 + 30) = - sin 30 = - 1 / 2
cos 120 = cos (180 - 60) = - cos 60 = - 1 / 2

What you need to know, be able to do and do to transfer angles to the first quarter:
- decompose the angle into digestible terms;
-take into account which quarter the angle is in and put the appropriate sign if the function in this quarter is negative or positive;
-get rid of unnecessary things:
*if you need to get rid of 90, 270, 450 and the remaining 90+180n, where n is any integer, then the function is reversed (sine to cosine, tangent to cotangent and vice versa);
*if you need to get rid of 180 and the remaining 180+180n, where n is any integer, then the function does not change. (There is one feature here, but it’s difficult to explain in words, but oh well).
That's all. I don’t think it’s necessary to memorize the formulas themselves when you can remember a couple of rules and use them easily. By the way, these formulas are very easy to prove:
And they also compile cumbersome tables, then we know:

Basic equations of trigonometry: you need to know them very, very well, by heart.
Fundamental trigonometric identity(equality):
sin^2(a) + cos^2(a) = 1
If you don't believe it, it's better to check it yourself and see for yourself. Substitute the values ​​of different angles.
This formula is very, very useful, always remember it. using it you can express sine through cosine and vice versa, which is sometimes very useful. But, like any other formula, you need to know how to handle it. Always remember that the sign of the trigonometric function depends on the quadrant in which the angle is located. That's why when extracting the root you need to know the quarter.

Tangent and cotangent: We already derived these formulas at the very beginning.
tg a = sin a / cos a
cot a = cos a / sin a

Product of tangent and cotangent:
tg a * ctg a = 1
tg a * ctg a = (sin a / cos a) * (cos a / sin a) = 1 - fractions are cancelled.

As you can see, all formulas are a game and a combination.
Here are two more, obtained from dividing by the cosine square and sine square of the first formula:
Please note that the last two formulas can be used with a limitation on the value of angle a, since you cannot divide by zero.

Addition formulas: are proven using vector algebra.
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Rarely used, but accurately. There are formulas in the scan, but they may be illegible or the digital form is easier to perceive:
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Double angle formulas:
They are obtained based on addition formulas, for example: the cosine of a double angle is cos 2a = cos (a + a) - does it remind you of anything? They just replaced the betta with an alpha.
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The two subsequent formulas are derived from the first substitution sin^2(a) = 1 - cos^2(a) and cos^2(a) = 1 - sin^2(a).
The sine of a double angle is simpler and is used much more often:
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And special perverts can derive the tangent and cotangent of a double angle, given that tan a = sin a / cos a, etc.

For the above mentioned persons Triple angle formulas: they are derived by adding angles 2a and a, since we already know the formulas for double angles.

Half angle formulas:
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I don’t know how they are derived, or more accurately, how to explain it... If we write out these formulas, substituting the main trigonometric identity with a/2, then the answer will converge.

Formulas for addition and subtraction of trigonometric functions:
They are obtained from addition formulas, but no one cares. They don't happen often.

As you understand, there are still a bunch of formulas, listing which is simply pointless, because I won’t be able to write something adequate about them, and dry formulas can be found anywhere, and they are a game with previous existing formulas. Everything is terribly logical and precise. I'll just tell you lastly about the auxiliary angle method:
Converting the expression a cosx + b sinx to the form Acos(x+) or Asin(x+) is called the method of introducing an auxiliary angle (or an additional argument). The method is used to solve trigonometric equations, when estimating the values ​​of functions, in extremum problems, and what is important to note is that some problems cannot be solved without introducing an auxiliary angle.
No matter how you tried to explain this method, nothing came of it, so you’ll have to do it yourself:
A scary thing, but useful. If you solve the problems, it should work out.
From here, for example: mschool.kubsu.ru/cdo/shabitur/kniga/trigonom/metod/metod2/met2/met2.htm

Next in the course are graphs of trigonometric functions. But that's enough for one lesson. Considering that at school they teach this for six months.

Write your questions, solve problems, ask for scans of some tasks, figure it out, try it.
Always yours, Dan Faraday.

Back in 1905, Russian readers could read in William James’s book “Psychology” his reasoning about “why is rote learning such a bad way of learning?”

“Knowledge acquired through simple rote learning is almost inevitably forgotten completely without a trace. On the contrary, mental material, acquired by memory gradually, day after day, in connection with various contexts, associated associatively with other external events and repeatedly subjected to discussion, forms such a system, enters into such a connection with the other aspects of our intellect, is easily restored in memory by a mass of external occasions, which remains a durable acquisition for a long time.”

More than 100 years have passed since then, and these words remain amazingly topical. You become convinced of this every day when working with schoolchildren. The massive gaps in knowledge are so great that it can be argued: the school mathematics course in didactic and psychological terms is not a system, but a kind of device that encourages short-term memory and does not care at all about long-term memory.

Knowing the school mathematics course means mastering the material of each area of ​​mathematics and being able to update any of them at any time. To achieve this, you need to systematically contact each of them, which is sometimes not always possible due to the heavy workload in the lesson.

There is another way of long-term memorization of facts and formulas - these are reference signals.

Trigonometry is one of the large sections of school mathematics, studied in the course of geometry in grades 8 and 9 and in the course of algebra in grade 9, algebra and elementary analysis in grade 10.

The largest volume of material studied in trigonometry falls on the 10th grade. Most of this trigonometry material can be learned and memorized on trigonometric circle(a circle of unit radius with its center at the origin of the rectangular coordinate system). Appendix1.ppt

These are the following trigonometry concepts:

  • definitions of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent of an angle;
  • radian angle measurement;
  • domain of definition and range of values ​​of trigonometric functions
  • values ​​of trigonometric functions for some values ​​of the numerical and angular argument;
  • periodicity of trigonometric functions;
  • evenness and oddity of trigonometric functions;
  • increasing and decreasing trigonometric functions;
  • reduction formulas;
  • values ​​of inverse trigonometric functions;
  • solving simple trigonometric equations;
  • solving simple inequalities;
  • basic formulas of trigonometry.

Let's consider studying these concepts on the trigonometric circle.

1) Definition of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent.

After introducing the concept of a trigonometric circle (a circle of unit radius with a center at the origin), the initial radius (the radius of the circle in the direction of the Ox axis), and the angle of rotation, students independently obtain definitions for sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent on a trigonometric circle, using the definitions from the course geometry, that is, considering a right triangle with a hypotenuse equal to 1.

The cosine of an angle is the abscissa of a point on a circle when the initial radius is rotated by a given angle.

The sine of an angle is the ordinate of a point on a circle when the initial radius is rotated by a given angle.

2) Radian measurement of angles on a trigonometric circle.

After introducing the radian measure of an angle (1 radian is the central angle, which corresponds to an arc length equal to the length of the radius of the circle), students conclude that the radian measurement of an angle is numeric value angle of rotation on a circle, equal to length the corresponding arc when rotating the initial radius by a given angle. .

The trigonometric circle is divided into 12 equal parts by the diameters of the circle. Knowing that the angle is in radians, you can determine the radian measurement for angles that are multiples of .

And radian measurements of angles, multiples, are obtained similarly:

3) Domain of definition and range of values ​​of trigonometric functions.

Will the correspondence between rotation angles and coordinate values ​​of a point on a circle be a function?

Each angle of rotation corresponds to a single point on the circle, which means this correspondence is a function.

Getting the functions

On the trigonometric circle you can see that the domain of definition of functions is the set of all real numbers, and the range of values ​​is .

Let us introduce the concepts of lines of tangents and cotangents on a trigonometric circle.

1) Let Let us introduce an auxiliary straight line parallel to the Oy axis, on which tangents are determined for any numerical argument.

2) Similarly, we obtain a line of cotangents. Let y=1, then . This means that the cotangent values ​​are determined on a straight line parallel to the Ox axis.

On a trigonometric circle you can easily determine the domain of definition and range of values ​​of trigonometric functions:

for tangent -

for cotangent -

4) Values ​​of trigonometric functions on a trigonometric circle.

The leg opposite the angle in is equal to half the hypotenuse, that is, the other leg according to the Pythagorean theorem:

This means that by defining sine, cosine, tangent, cotangent, you can determine values ​​for angles that are multiples or radians. The sine values ​​are determined along the Oy axis, the cosine along the Ox axis, and the tangent and cotangent values ​​can be determined using additional axes parallel to the Oy and Ox axes, respectively.

The tabulated values ​​of sine and cosine are located on the corresponding axes as follows:

Table values ​​of tangent and cotangent -

5) Periodicity of trigonometric functions.

On the trigonometric circle you can see that the values ​​of sine and cosine are repeated every radian, and tangent and cotangent - every radian.

6) Evenness and oddness of trigonometric functions.

This property can be obtained by comparing the values ​​of positive and opposite angles of rotation of trigonometric functions. We get that

This means that cosine is an even function, all other functions are odd.

7) Increasing and decreasing trigonometric functions.

The trigonometric circle shows that the sine function increases and decreases

Reasoning similarly, we obtain the intervals of increasing and decreasing functions of cosine, tangent and cotangent.

8) Reduction formulas.

For the angle we take the smaller value of the angle on the trigonometric circle. All formulas are obtained by comparing the values ​​of trigonometric functions on the legs of selected right triangles.

Algorithm for applying reduction formulas:

1) Determine the sign of the function when rotating through a given angle.

When turning a corner the function is preserved, when rotated by an angle - an integer, odd number, the cofunction (

9) Values ​​of inverse trigonometric functions.

Let us introduce inverse functions for trigonometric functions using the definition of a function.

Each value of sine, cosine, tangent and cotangent on the trigonometric circle corresponds to only one value of the angle of rotation. This means that for a function the domain of definition is , the range of values ​​is - For the function the domain of definition is , the range of values ​​is . Similarly, we obtain the domain of definition and range of values ​​of the inverse functions for cosine and cotangent.

Algorithm for finding the values ​​of inverse trigonometric functions:

1) finding the value of the argument of the inverse trigonometric function on the corresponding axis;

2) finding the angle of rotation of the initial radius, taking into account the range of values ​​of the inverse trigonometric function.

For example:

10) Solving simple equations on a trigonometric circle.

To solve an equation of the form , we find points on the circle whose ordinates are equal and write down the corresponding angles, taking into account the period of the function.

For the equation, we find points on the circle whose abscissas are equal and write down the corresponding angles, taking into account the period of the function.

Similarly for equations of the form The values ​​are determined on the lines of tangents and cotangents and the corresponding angles of rotation are recorded.

All concepts and formulas of trigonometry are learned by the students themselves under the clear guidance of the teacher using a trigonometric circle. In the future, this “circle” will serve as a reference signal for them or external factor to reproduce trigonometry concepts and formulas in memory.

Studying trigonometry on a trigonometric circle helps:

  • choosing the optimal communication style for a given lesson, organizing educational cooperation;
  • targets lessons become personally significant for each student;
  • new material based on personal experience actions, thinking, sensations of the student;
  • the lesson includes various forms of work and ways of obtaining and assimilating knowledge; there are elements of mutual and self-learning; self- and mutual control;
  • there is a quick response to misunderstanding and error (joint discussion, support tips, mutual consultations).