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Secrets of the Southern Continent: Ancient pyramids of Antarctica. Pyramids in Antarctica: who built them and when Ancient pyramids in Antarctica

On the White Continent, scientists made an unexpected discovery. Mountains very similar to pyramids were discovered here. The first find was found in close proximity to the coast, and the other two were sixteen kilometers from the coastline, planet-today.ru reports.

Experts believe that ancient pyramids have been found in Antarctica. According to the authors of the find, these structures could not have been created by nature; a trace of man is clearly visible here.

Scientists from the USA and Europe were studying the vast ice cover of the highest continent on our planet, which is why they discovered three ancient pyramids that do not belong to natural monuments.

Some scientists believe that in the past, places on the southern continent were densely covered with forests, and many animals and other creatures lived there. In these same places she could also live ancient civilization of people.

In order to bring evidence with them, experts took photographs of the unique pyramids. In the near future, scientists plan to return and continue studying the find.

As Strana reported, near ancient city Quilcapampa Indians in Peru - giant drawings on the ground.

Previously, . This was the last excerpt from the oldest manuscript, which contains chapters from the Old Testament book of Leviticus.

Information that man-made pyramids had been discovered in Antarctica appeared on the Internet in mid-June. With reference to the website Scienceray.com, it was reported that a group of researchers discovered three pyramids, one of them located near the very coast of the ice continent, and the other two in the depths, at a distance of about sixteen kilometers from the coast. More detailed information about the pyramids was not provided.

The main source of information was a short video that showed several photographs accompanied by short text explanations. It was also mentioned that preparations are currently underway for an expedition to explore the pyramids. This is precisely why most of the information remains hidden.

Here are some sources and discussions on this topic:

Let's all figure out whether these are really ancient objects or something else.

This pyramid stands 16 km from the coast. Photo: ADG (UK).

Pyramids are said to have been discovered in Antarctica that are exactly like the great ones of Egypt. And there are also three of them, just like on the Giza plateau. Only they are not located so close to each other: two of them are located 16 km from the coast, and the third is on the coast itself. And they look very similar to man-made ones.

But it's incredible. After all, Antarctica was a green continent tens of millions of years ago. There was no trace of Homo sapiens at that time. Only dinosaurs lived there at that time. But it was not the lizards who built these gigantic structures. Then, it turns out, either aliens, or some ancient civilization about which we know nothing? In order to reveal the secret, an expedition is allegedly being sent there now.

But who made such a shocking discovery that could lead to us having to rethink and rewrite the entire history of the Earth? In a message with a link to Scienceray.com. indicates a certain team of eight researchers from the USA and Europe. But neither the names of the universities where the scientists work nor their names are given. There are no pictures of the pyramids either. Only one photo and a short video leaked online.

But one thread leading to the authors of the sensation was found. There is a logo on the video ADG (UK). As it turned out, this is a group of scientists from Great Britain called A lien Disclosure Group, which works like WikiLeaks - international network project, which publishes documents revealing the secrets of politicians. ADG will publish secret protocols about UFOs and extraterrestrial technologies. On their website alien-disclosure-group.com, scientists claim that they have sources in more than 500 governments, military and intelligence agencies. Apparently, information about the Antarctic pyramids leaked from one such structure? Or maybe it’s photoshop and fake, as many people claim on their blogs and forums. And what do you think?

And this pyramid stands on the shore. Photo: ADG (UK).


It is known that the Nazis of the Third Reich were very interested in Antarctica. And according to one legend, at the end of the 1930s they built their bases there. They say they were looking for something left either from aliens, or from an ancient highly developed civilization that once existed there. Perhaps even Atlantis. And “flying saucers” seemed to be hidden in the mines.

However, if the pyramids turned out to be man-made, this would require a significant revision of existing ideas about ancient history Earth. Antarctica was a green continent several tens of millions of years ago, when people did not yet exist. Consequently, such large-scale structures could have been created either by people belonging to a hitherto unknown ancient race, or by representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence.

It was soon established that the video was created by one of the members of the British association Alien Disclosure Group. This is a group of scientists who see their main task as discovering and publishing what is classified by governments different countries information about UFOs. The group's organizers say they have multiple sources in various government agencies.

Chairman of the Ufological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society Mikhail Gershtein. Photo: From the personal archive of M. Gerstein.

The author of the video turned out to be Stephen Hannard, a UFO researcher from the already mentioned Alien Disclosure Group UK. He had previously been caught producing fake evidence of UFO sightings. Photos of “pyramids” in Antarctica also turned out to be fake. Mikhail Gershtein, a specialist in the study of anomalous phenomena, stated this with confidence. The two photographs, which were presented as photographs of pyramids located in the depths of the mainland, actually depict one of the mountains of the large Vinson massif. It's just an oddly shaped mountain in the Vinson Massif, Antarctica's highest mountain range, taken from two different vantage points. The pictures were stolen by a forger from the blog of climbers who conquered these mountains in 2010.

Photo from mountainguides.com blog.

The pictures were taken by climbers during their ascent in 2010 and borrowed from their blog by Stephen Hannard.

The third picture, which shows a pyramid located near the shore, is a product of photomontage. Mikhail Gershtein says that the pyramid simply could not survive on the edge of the ice sheet - this contradicts the known laws of ice movement. The ice here is in constant motion, and any structure built in this area would soon be swallowed up by the ocean.

Stephen Hannard of Alien Disclosure Group has already been caught posting fake videos featuring aliens and UFOs. Apparently, the revelation did not calm him down.


Information that man-made pyramids had been discovered in Antarctica appeared on the Internet in mid-June. With reference to the website Scienceray.com, it was reported that a group of researchers discovered three pyramids, one of them located near the very coast of the ice continent, and the other two in the depths, at a distance of about sixteen kilometers from the coast. More detailed information about the pyramids was not provided.

The main source of information was a short video that showed several photographs accompanied by short text explanations. It was also mentioned that preparations are currently underway for an expedition to explore the pyramids. This is precisely why most of the information remains hidden.

Here are some sources and discussions on this topic:

Let's all figure out whether these are really ancient objects or something else.

This pyramid stands 16 km from the coast. Photo: ADG (UK).

Pyramids are said to have been discovered in Antarctica that are exactly like the great ones of Egypt. And there are also three of them, just like on the Giza plateau. Only they are not located so close to each other: two of them are located 16 km from the coast, and the third is on the coast itself. And they look very similar to man-made ones.

But it's incredible. After all, Antarctica was a green continent tens of millions of years ago. There was no trace of Homo sapiens at that time. Only dinosaurs lived there at that time. But it was not the lizards who built these gigantic structures. Then, it turns out, either aliens, or some ancient civilization about which we know nothing? In order to reveal the secret, an expedition is allegedly being sent there now.

But who made such a shocking discovery that could lead to us having to rethink and rewrite the entire history of the Earth? In a message with a link to Scienceray.com. indicates a certain team of eight researchers from the USA and Europe. But neither the names of the universities where the scientists work nor their names are given. There are no pictures of the pyramids either. Only one photo and a short video leaked online.

But one thread leading to the authors of the sensation was found. There is a logo on the video ADG (UK). As it turned out, this is a group of scientists from Great Britain called A lien Disclosure Group, which works like WikiLeaks - an international network project that publishes documents revealing the secrets of politicians. ADG will publish secret protocols about UFOs and extraterrestrial technologies. On their website alien-disclosure-group.com, scientists claim that they have sources in more than 500 governments, military and intelligence agencies. Apparently, information about the Antarctic pyramids leaked from one such structure? Or maybe it’s photoshop and fake, as many people claim on their blogs and forums. And what do you think?

And this pyramid stands on the shore. Photo: ADG (UK).


It is known that the Nazis of the Third Reich were very interested in Antarctica. And according to one legend, at the end of the 1930s they built their bases there. They say they were looking for something left either from aliens, or from an ancient highly developed civilization that once existed there. Perhaps even Atlantis. And “flying saucers” seemed to be hidden in the mines.

However, if the pyramids turned out to be man-made, this would require a significant revision of existing ideas about the ancient history of the Earth. Antarctica was a green continent several tens of millions of years ago, when people did not yet exist. Consequently, such large-scale structures could have been created either by people belonging to a hitherto unknown ancient race, or by representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence.

It was soon established that the video was created by one of the members of the British association Alien Disclosure Group. This is a group of scientists whose main task is to discover and publish information about UFOs classified by governments of different countries. The group's organizers say they have multiple sources in various government agencies.

Chairman of the Ufological Commission of the Russian Geographical Society Mikhail Gershtein. Photo: From the personal archive of M. Gerstein.

The author of the video turned out to be Stephen Hannard, a UFO researcher from the already mentioned Alien Disclosure Group UK. He had previously been caught producing fake evidence of UFO sightings. Photos of “pyramids” in Antarctica also turned out to be fake. Mikhail Gershtein, a specialist in the study of anomalous phenomena, stated this with confidence. The two photographs, which were presented as photographs of pyramids located in the depths of the mainland, actually depict one of the mountains of the large Vinson massif. It's just an oddly shaped mountain in the Vinson Massif, Antarctica's highest mountain range, taken from two different vantage points. The pictures were stolen by a forger from the blog of climbers who conquered these mountains in 2010.

Photo from mountainguides.com blog.

The pictures were taken by climbers during their ascent in 2010 and borrowed from their blog by Stephen Hannard.

The third picture, which shows a pyramid located near the shore, is a product of photomontage. Mikhail Gershtein says that the pyramid simply could not survive on the edge of the ice sheet - this contradicts the known laws of ice movement. The ice here is in constant motion, and any structure built in this area would soon be swallowed up by the ocean.

Stephen Hannard of Alien Disclosure Group has already been caught posting fake videos featuring aliens and UFOs. Apparently, the revelation did not calm him down.

Here are some more recent revelations that we discussed: or, but they say The original article is on the website InfoGlaz.rf Link to the article from which this copy was made -

Antarctica has long been rightfully considered one of the most mysterious places on the planet, where access for mere mortals is somewhat limited and many different theories are associated with it.

From time to time, various strange incidents occur in Antarctica, in particular, in August of this year from Antarctic missions top managers began to run away- as if in anticipation of certain events.

Another strange incident occurred at the Russian Antarctic Bellingshausen station, where on October 9 there was a conflict between polar explorers. As a result of the conflict, an engineer from the Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute stabbed a welder from the same research institute. The welder was sent to Chile with a serious chest injury, and the engineer was sent to St. Petersburg, which for some reason took a whole 11 days and the press began to discuss the incident only now.

What is quite strange about the incident: no less than the Investigative Committee is involved in the case Russian Federation, that such an incident is somewhat at the wrong level and on the basis of which the Western press suspects not the official, but some other background to the conflict.

Technically, people who stay for a long time in a limited group and in a limited space sometimes attack each other with forks, but this is the first, as they say, such a case in the entire history of Antarctica. And it's strange.

Even more strange is that the incident was not hushed up, since the station in Antarctica is, as it were, the face of the country and the fact that people there periodically cut each other for the sake of appearance does not look good. Since the incident did not take place at an international station, but exclusively at a Russian station, there was no special effort to hide it.

Surely this happens regularly at other stations, even at stations with astronauts who, after long joint flights, return as sworn enemies and cannot even see each other. The press doesn't know about this. But why did you find out now?

Conspiracy theorists are now making all sorts of assumptions on this topic, to the point that “The Thing” from the science fiction film of the same name is running around Antarctica and devouring polar explorers. Or it gets into their head, forcing them to perform inappropriate actions.

Perhaps this theory is correct to one degree or another, but for further reasoning on this matter, other similar cases are needed. It’s not that there are no such cases at the moment, but the press has not reported on them. And the most interesting thing here is a little different.

While discussing the topic, one of the panelists shared a photo of the pyramids in Antarctica - which everyone has heard about and seen. However, the point is that this photo highest resolution, which does not exist on services. The full image is here, and below we present a small fragment of it:

After these pictures appeared on the Internet (in low quality), there was a lot of controversy about the “trick of light”, “trick of the imagination” and other nonsense. Now, as can be clearly seen from the high-quality photograph, the pyramid is clearly artificial, although who built it and why is still unclear. It is possible that the further appearance of information on this topic will somehow clarify everything.

The Ancient Pyramids of Antarctica are one of the most controversial issues among researchers. Some attribute the man-made pyramids of Antarctica to the realm of mythology and legend, seeing them as natural formations of rock formations.

Pyramids of Antarctica in the distant past / artistic view /

But if you look at the history of the frozen earth in more detail, it turns out that millions of years ago, the southern continent was not covered with snow and layers of ice. It was a vast world of greenery and blooming life. Therefore, it is quite acceptable to conclude that once a person was active on the ground that is now frozen to the ground.

Vanessa Clare Bowman of the British Antarctic Survey (Cambridge) once said: Looking back a hundred million years, Antarctica would be covered in lush tropical forests similar to those found in New Zealand today.

Antarctica has been one of the most mysterious continents on the planet for hundreds of years. The ice continent is the center of numerous ideas, because many researchers rightly believe that amazing artifacts of ancient history are buried here in the ice.

Admitting the theory that Antarctica was a flourishing territory, now, among the formidable grandeur of the ice, many artifacts about the past of this land, and possibly traces of the civilization of that time, are probably stored. Approximately 170 million years have passed since the ice desert formed a single part of the supercontinent Gondwana. Approximately 45 million years have passed since the “warm” life of Antarctica stopped. Right in the middle of life, the mortal enemy of all living things burst in here - the fierce cold.

Past history of Antarctica.

In Antarctica's past history, the continent was located much further north and enjoyed a pleasant tropical climate. What we see now, where ice and frost reign, were once lush green forests inhabited by a variety of ancient life forms.

Jane Francis of the University of Leeds once said on the BBC: I am still stunned by the idea of ​​a flourishing Antarctica in the distant past. We take it for granted that Antarctica has always been a frozen desert. However, ice caps only appeared relatively recently in the geological history of the continent.

So what happens? If Antarctica was once an enchanting expanse of lush jungle, is there a chance that intelligent life could have made a home there?

Alas, this is not something we can know for sure. It is extremely difficult to explore Antarctica because expeditions in the ice and cold are very dangerous and usually very expensive. Even today, with modern technologies and seemingly advanced equipment, man on the ice continent is just a fragile creature.

Exploration of Antarctica.

As is well known, experts found pollen in samples taken in Antarctica. This means that at some point in history, the temperature there actually was around 20 degrees Celsius.

In 2012, experts from a research institute in the Nevada desert discovered 32 species of bacteria from a lake in East Antarctica. It is obvious to us that in the distant past, the climate of Antarctica was completely different; the continent could theoretically support life.

Thus, the idea of ​​​​the pyramids of Antarctica no longer looks absurd. This has led many researchers to the theory that just as there were ancient civilizations in Asia, Europe or Africa, similar civilizations settled in Antarctica. It was they who could build wonderful structures equal in importance to the Egyptian or other pyramids of the world. And this is not an incredible story!

Man-made or natural formations?

Many point out that if the pyramids were built by humans, then this could radically change our knowledge of human history. However, there are other explanations that could shed light on the mysterious “structures” of the territory frozen for millions of years.

The geology of the Earth is a fascinating story, but in fact, there are many natural formations that can be misinterpreted as man-made objects. All that we regard as ancient pyramids are just rocky mountain peaks, scientists explain.

But no less true is that for millions of years the continent had ideal conditions for the development of civilization. And if the conditions were right, then a certain civilization could appear over a vast area and develop. This means that in the pyramids we see real signs of the existence of an unknown culture of deep antiquity.

While some believe that Antarctica became a haven for many secret secrets even of the Nazis, skeptics claim that what many consider to be pyramids are in fact just natural formations.

Interesting, but according to climatology experts, the current global warming“warmed up” the peninsula by an alarming 2.8 degrees Celsius. This is slightly higher than what happens in any other corner of the planet. If the trend continues at the same pace, then it is very likely that one day we will see the ice melt and ancient lands open to scientists.

As we now understand, Antarctica was not always harshly cold, dry and “unfriendly” to humans as it is today. Looking at the warm past of this land and wondering if an ancient civilization could have lived here? Our answer is simple - Yes!

Interest in Antarctica did not arise today. If we look back a couple of decades, we will find out how much interest the cold lands represented for the Nazis. The Germans literally raved about the ancient continent and its past life.

People in the know say that the Nazis built a large base in Antarctica called Station 211. conspiracy theory claims - secret base“Station 211” is a real reality, hidden somewhere inside the ice-free Muhlig-Hofmann mountain range, the so-called “Neuschwabenland” - Dronning Maud Land. As conspiracy theories say, to build the base, the Nazis chose areas with green vegetation, which was provided by the heat of geothermal sources.

Admiral Karl Dönitz once said a stunning phrase about the Nazis’ exploration of Antarctica: “The German submarine fleet is proud to have built an impregnable fortress for the Fuhrer in another part of the world.” - What do you think the admiral meant in this phrase? After all, he couldn’t be talking about a simple bunker...

So what do you think about Antarctica now? Was it really possible that in the distant past, when Antarctica still had a tropical climate, an unknown civilization was active on the continent?

Maybe among the snow and ice lie not only the most ancient pyramids, at least 170 million years old, but also greatest mystery the appearance of man on Earth?

*Alas, to date no pyramids of ancient civilizations have been found on the southernmost continent of the Earth. Although reports periodically appear in online publications about the discovery of three ancient pyramids in Antarctica, supposedly in shape extremely reminiscent of the Egyptian pyramids.