Abstracts Statements Story

Countergirl took the knife out of his pocket. He took the knife out of his pocket

1) Original version

A hedgehog came out of the fog
He took the knife out of his pocket.
“I will cut, I will beat!
You still have to drive!”

2) On the topic of the day.
In clouds of smoky fog
cops burn marijuana.
A hedgehog crawled out of the fog.
He holds a sharp knife in his paws.

This is in his head!!!
There is no rest for the hedgehog...
You don't have to go to grandma's -
-will cut, will beat...

3) Peaceful
A hedgehog came out of the fog
He took the knife out of his pocket...
And again I went into the fog.
He put the knife in his pocket.

4) In Japanese.

Hedgehog-san came out
Thick fog around
The knife is clenched in the paw

5) Latvian
The hedgehog is out
He took out his knife and pockets
Will cut you, will fight you
It’s all the same for you to drive

7) Special...
(For the dictionary of the Odessa language, which I used to write this “Special” version about the hedgehog - special thanks to the resource l7e7o7n.narod.ru/raznoe/odessa_slovar.htm, which I found by chance on the Internet)

I won’t tell you for the whole of Adessa...
There was fog on Gapkenstrasse
Yozhu Syoma did antires
To take millions from the cash register

Hedgehog Syoma seems to be hinted at
If you make a face, we'll spit in your face
Why would they go to the circus with such a desire...
Otherwise there will be a knife in the side.

Syoma thought - Hedgehog will be attacked
I was thinking about making pots
I understand, Syoma - they will cut the hedgehog
They will kill a hedgehog for a million...

It’s as if the fraer began to bully Syoma
I began to say in the words of an idiot
But he still molted all the way home
So that their Hedgehog does not have time to work.

I won’t tell you for the whole of Adessa...
There was also fog on Gapkenstrasse
Syoma made antires to the house.
Yozhin million remained at the box office.


Children's counting rhyme

A hedgehog came out of the fog
He took the knife out of his pocket.
“I will cut, I will beat!
You still have to drive!”

Adult counting rhyme

A Hedgehog came out of the fog,
Hedgehog served his time.
But he can’t live like everyone else -
I found myself out of work.

He took a knife out of his pocket -
He didn't scare anyone
Only the Hedgehog didn’t like fasteners -
I cut off all the fasteners.

And accidentally behind the clasp
It turned out to be a wallet
Why not profit? -
Once the owner ran away.

“I won’t hit you,”
Good hedgehog
The lady said cheerfully:
-I will never forget you, -
He gave the wallet to the lady.

What to do, what to do!
I like you already.
Yes, I cut off the fasteners.
- I'm now in a negligee!

Sorry, not on purpose.
What can you take from Hedgehog?
He gave his jacket to the Virgin
Because he is a good Hedgehog.

Maybe play hide and seek?
It will be fun for both of us.
Did not have time. At this moment
A cop and a vigilante drove up.

And now our good Hedgehog,
In Magadan the deadline is ticking,
Well, that lady, of course,
She misses him a lot.

Because this Hedgehog
Not some boring guy.
What happened to them next?
I won't tell you.

The daily audience of the Proza.ru portal is about 100 thousand visitors, who in total view more than half a million pages according to the traffic counter, which is located to the right of this text. Each column contains two numbers: the number of views and the number of visitors.

You don't care bare .

And behind the month is the moon.

The devil hanged the sorcerer.

And the sorcerer hung, hung

And flew into the trash heap.

And Boris lived in a garbage dump -

Chairman of dead rats.

And his wife - Larisa

Wonderful rat.

He's different fell in love

He took an ax and hacked him to death.

A wife didn't die

I took it money and left.

He fell in love with someone else,

He took the perfume and gave it to her.

The month has emerged from the fog,

He took the knife out of his pocket

I will cut, I will beat,

You don't care drive.

And the next night

He stabbed your daughter.

This is not my daughter

And someone else's king.
There are other ending options:

And the next night

He stabbed your daughter.

And Elena is not mine,

This is the king's daughter.

And the king is in the market

I was selling boots.

And the wife is on the bench

Sells pins.
This is my daughter not mine,

And someone else's king.

And the king is on the bench

Eats boogers.
And the king is in the market

Eats shoes.

And the wife is on the bench

Eating pins.
“The car was walking through a dark forest...”
This story has a short and two long versions:
I was driving (walking) car in dark forest

For some interest.


Come out with the letter es.
I was driving (walking) car in dark forest

For some interest.

Come out with the letter es.

And on the letter there is a star, (1)

Trains pass there.

If the train doesn't pass,

The driver will go crazy.

So the train didn't pass,

The driver went crazy.
I was driving (walking) car in dark forest

For some interest.

Inter-inter-inter-res, (2)

Come out with the letter es.

Letter es didn’t fit (we don’t need it),

Exit on the letter A.
In some cases, the first line of the short version looks like this:
A cuckoo walked past the forest
While the short version doesn't vary much, both long versions have variations. The long version - 1 is joined by various continuations that are not widely used. Here is one of them:
He climbed onto the ceiling

I pinched my belly button.

And his wife answered him:

I don't have any green stuff.

And the greenery is on the floor,

A kangaroo plays in it.
Continuations of the long version - 2 are more common, but not too varied:
We don't need the letter A

Come out with the letter Y.
And on the letter there is a star,

Come out with the letter Y.
"On the Golden Porch..."
A striking feature of the texts related to this plot is the presence traditional And modern versions.

The traditional version has full And truncated forms:

Both forms of the traditional version involve not the usual one-time recitation of the counting rhyme, but a kind of game that requires an answer to the question (who will you be?) and repeated reproduction of the text of the rhyme. “The one pointed to by the one saying the rhyme is called “king”, “king”, “shoemaker”. The counting card is read again until the named word, and the one on whom it fell comes out” 3. After this, the recalculation is repeated; the game is repeated until one player remains: he becomes the driver.

There are many counting rhymes that, like this one, involve not a simple recount (one-time execution with an indication of the driver), but a kind of game that requires a reaction passive part of the players (those who are being counted). Such, for example, are the rhymes “The cuckoo was walking...”, “The bag was rolling” and “Dora, dora, tomato.” Rules of the game in different counting rhymes X are different. It is no coincidence that G.S. Vinogradov named the counting rhymes game preludes.“This kind of counting rhyme,” writes G.S. Vinogradov, - provide an opportunity for players to try their luck twice and eliminate deception” 4 .

Despite the widespread use of the traditional version of the plot “On the Golden Porch...” among modern children, the play type of execution of this rhyme, which requires a reaction from the “audience,” is very rare: usually the last word indicates the driver. Thus, we can talk about the unification of the functioning of counting rhymes in modern gaming practice 5.

This type of recalculation, which has become the only one, manifests itself especially clearly in modern versions of this story: the question requiring a reaction from the public has disappeared from the text:
Sitting on the golden porch:

Gummy Bears , Tom and Jerry,

Scrooge McDuck and three ducklings.

Come out, you'll be Ponca!
Sitting on the golden porch:
Winnie the Pooh , and Tom and Jerry,

Mickey Mouse , three ducklings.

Come out, you'll be Ponca!
Meanwhile, preserved in the modern version transfer heroes reminds of previous gaming practice in which this counting rhyme was included.

The modern version is also characterized by the introduction of new characters (in this case, heroes of popular cartoons): we have already observed this phenomenon in the example of the plot “The month has passed...”. Variation here also occurs in weak points (words located inside lines). Rhyming words “hold on” stronger: a successfully found rhyme moves from variant to variant (“sat” - “Jerry”, “duckling” - “Ponka”).

The modernization of this rhyme was especially noticeable in the change in rhythm.

The fact is that all the popular counting plots we have considered are kept in the rhythm of syllabic-tonic versification (tetrameter trochee):
Out \ month \ from \ mana \

He took out the \knife\izkar\mana\.
V.V. Merlin, a researcher of the metrics of nursery rhymes, also points out that the most numerous group of texts in this genre is written in trochaic tetrameter 6 . Perhaps this is due to the widespread use of this poetic meter in modern children's poetry.

Analyzing early children's poetry, K.I. Chukovsky notes the sharp predominance of this meter in children's works. “No matter how many poems like this I have heard, they all have the same rhythm - trochee. Why this is so, I don't know. Maybe because children all over the world jump and dance trochee” 7.

The traditional version of the rhyme “On the Golden Porch...” has a different rhythm:
-\\-\-\-\-\-\\-\\-\\-\\- + - + - + -\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-\\-

Apparently this is tactician, a type of tonic verse 8: “the volume of unstressed intervals between ikts (stressed syllables) fluctuates in the range of three options: 1-2-3 syllables (less often 0-1-2)” 9. In our case, the number of unstressed syllables between stressed syllables ranges from 0 to 2.

This is the only one of the most popular counting plots that we have examined that has preserved the rhythm of folk verse, which probably indicates its archaic nature.

It is no coincidence that the rhythm of the modern version of this rhyme is trochaic tetrameter. Perhaps this rhythm is suggested by the first line, common to the traditional and new versions and close to trochee 10.

Note also that the modern version, unlike the traditional one, is presented brief And long options (short options are given above).

Long options:
Sitting on the golden porch:

Gummy Bears , Tom and Jerry,

Scrooge McDuck and three ducklings.

Come out, you'll be Ponca!

And Ponochka has a star,

Trains pass there.

If the train doesn't pass,

Scrooge McDuck will go crazy.

Sitting on the golden porch:

Gummy Bears , Tom and Jerry,

Scrooge McDuck and three ducklings.

Come out, you'll be Ponca!

If Ponca doesn't come,

Scrooge McDuck will go crazy.
Sometimes instead of the last lines the following is added:
If I don't like Ponca,

Come out, beauty!
I don't want to be Ponka.

Ponka didn't go to school

Ponka found the money.
We see that the long version consists of a short version and its continuation; in most cases the continuation is also in trochaic tetrameter. In one of the texts one can feel the influence of Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Clapping Fly.”

The four plots discussed are the most common. Other rhymes are less common and vary less actively.
"The cuckoo was walking..."
Was walking the cuckoo is passing by networks ,

And behind her - children are small .

Everyone was screaming : “Ku-ku-mak!”

Squeeze (remove) one fist!
Was walking car dark forest ,

And behind her - two dunces .

Everyone was screaming : “Ku-ku-mak!”

Push up one fist!
Previously, this counting rhyme was used in the same way as the counting rhyme “On the golden porch...” - it was repeated many times until there was only one player left, who became the leader. G.S. Vinogradov writes: “Each player puts two fists in front of him, and the reader of the counting rhyme touches them with each stressed syllable. The one he touched when pronouncing the last word removes one fist, and the counting continues again until one player remains with his fist not lowered. He will drive. The counting book is usually read in cases where there are few players” 11.

Today, this form of recalculation practically does not occur. The requirement to “squeeze” or “remove” the fist is perceived formally; The last foot in the counting rhyme, as usual, points to the driver. In some variants, “modernizing” gaming practice leads to changes in the text:
Was walking the cuckoo is passing by networks ,

And behind her - children are small .

The cuckoos are asked to drink.

Come out - you should drive!
Unlike plots characterized by a high degree of activity, this counting rhyme does not have short and long versions; variation most often occurs at the level of individual words.

Noteworthy is the interweaving of this rhyme with the plot “The car was walking...” (She was walking) car dark forest, / And behind it - two dunce).
"Behind Glass Doors"
This story has 2 versions - brief And full.
Short version options:
Behind the glass doors

Mishka is walking with pies.

- Bear, Mishenka , friend,

How much does a pie cost?
Behind the glass mountains

Came out Vania with pies.

- Vania , Vanechka , friend,

How much does a pie cost?
Behind the glass carpets

Worth Dima with pies.

- Dima, Dimochka, buddy,

How much does a pie cost?
Full version options:
Behind the glass doors

Sat bear with pies.

- bear , Mishenka , friend,

How much does a pie cost?

- My pie costs three,

And you will be naked!
The full version has other sequels:
-The pie is inexpensive

It costs forty rubles.
- My pie costs two,

And I’ll be naked!
It can be assumed that the short version of this rhyme is the original one, since it ends with a question that may have previously required an answer “from the public.” This assumption is confirmed by variants of this plot published in the collection “Children's Poetic Folklore” 12: the oldest of them, recorded in the 20s - 30s, end with a question (short version).

After the tradition of repeating the rhyme repeatedly disappeared, the answer to the question was included in the text of the rhyme itself.
There is also an abbreviated version of this plot (without dialogue):
Behind the glass doors

The hedgehog is trading pies.

The pie is inexpensive -

It costs forty rubles.
"The rooster was sitting..."
The most moving part in this counting rhyme is the last line (output):
Sat rooster on the lava point ,

Counted my clubs glasses .

One two Three -

Come out, pin, you!

Sat rooster on the lava point ,

Counted my clubs glasses .

One two Three -

You will be the captain!
Sat old man on the lava ke ,

Counted my clubs ki .

One two Three -

Come out, pin, you!
Sat rooster on the lava point ,

Counted my clubs glasses .

- Ko-ko-ko,

Exit with the letter "O".
This plot, unlike the previous ones, does not have long and short versions; the text is quite stable and varies at the level of individual words.

This plot is used in a long version of the rhyme “The month has come…”, common in Zhukovsky.
“The tangerine was rolling”

Rolled orange

By name Marinka .

Didn't study my lessons ,

And I got a bad mark.

And when I went for a walk,

I got the number five.
Rolled orange

By city Marinka .

Didn't study my lessons ,

I got the number five.
Rolled orange

By name Marinka .

Didn't study my lessons ,

I got a two.

A when I came home,

I got the number zero.
Rolled orange

By name Marinka .

Didn't go to school

I got a two.

A When left for a walk,

I got the number five.

In these options it clearly stands out main part and ending (of two types). The main part and the ending are rhythmically opposed. The rhythmic model of the main part is a tact with interictic intervals of 2 - 3 syllables:

The rhythmic harmony of the main part is achieved through strict alternation of two-syllable and three-syllable interictal intervals.

The ending is in trochaic tetrameter.

The discrepancy between the rhythms of the main part and the ending is already familiar to us from the rhyme “On the Golden Porch”. The distribution of rhythmic patterns is also similar: in the main part there is a tactic 13, in the ending there is a tetrameter trochee.

Combination of modern themes ( school theme is not characteristic of traditional counting rhymes) and archaic rhythm is a certain oddity that requires explanation. The novelty of this plot is confirmed by the absence of this counting rhyme in the records of the early - mid-20th century. 14
The following options are also common:
Rolled mandarin duck

By name Irinka .

Didn't study my lessons ,

I got a two.

And when I went for a walk,

I got the number five.

A when I went home

I got the number zero.
Rolled mandarin duck

By name Irinka .

Didn't go to school ,

Got a D

A when I went home

I got the number zero.

And when I went for a walk,

I got the number five.
Rolled mandarin duck

By name Irinka .

Didn't study my lessons ,

I got the number five.

And the top five is not mine,

And someone else's king.

A then I went home

I got the number zero.

“Mice lived in an apartment”

One two three four,

Mice lived in an apartment.

Drank tea, cups beat ,

They paid three pieces of money.

Who doesn't want to pay

That's why you should drive (naked).

One two three four,

Mice lived in an apartment.

Drank tea, cups beat ,

In Turkish they said:

Chabi, chelabi, chabi, chabi.

One two three four,

Mice lived in an apartment.

Drank tea, cups washed ,

They paid three pieces of money.

Who doesn't want to wash cups?

That's why you should drive.
Rhythm - a tact with an inter-ict interval from 0 to 2.
Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market,

Atty-batty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

How much does it cost?

Aty-baty, three rubles.

Aty-baty, who's coming out?

Aty-baty, you and me.

(It's me)

(I came out)

Aty-baty, to the market,

Atty-batty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

Aty-baty, to the market,

Atty-batty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

Aty-baty, what is he like?

Aty-baty, golden.
This counting rhyme is quite widespread, but the degree of variation is very insignificant. In the first part of the counting rhyme, apparently due to the rigor of the form, there is no variation. The second part in each version is special, common element there is only a question-answer form and an “abstruse” introductory combination “Aty-Bata”; in one of the options the second part is missing.

All variants are in trochaic tetrameter.

The readers below are not very common.

Dora, dora, tomato,

We caught a thief in the garden.

How can a thief be punished?

We tied our hands and feet

And they let us go on our way.

The thief walked, walked, walked

And I found a basket.
In some versions, a small ending is added to it:
In this little basket

There are drawings and pictures.

One two Three -

Give it to whoever you want.
* * *

One two three four,

Me taught literacy.

Only by field jump.

I jumped, I jumped,

She broke her leg.

My leg began to hurt,

Mama began to feel sorry.

I regretted and scolded

And she sent for the doctor.

Doctor rides a bull

With a balalaika in hand.

One two three four,

cat taught literacy.

And for the mice jump.
(long and short versions, variation at the level of individual words)

* * *
An apple rolled through the garden

And it fell straight into the water.


An apple rolled through the garden

And it fell straight into the water.


Water - red dawn!

An apple rolled through the garden

And it fell straight into the water.

And there lived a snake in the water,

Come out with the letter “I”!

(constant main part and variant endings; the words “come out with the letter “I”” echo the ending of the rhyme “The car was walking...”).

* * *
Eni, beni, ricky, taki,

Turba, urba, synthbrucks,

Eus, beus, krasnobeus,

Eni, beni, ricky, faki,

Turba, urba, eki, faki,

Eus, beus, cosmobeus,

Eni, beni, ricky, paki,

Bul-bul-bull, scribbles, shmaki,

Eus, beus, cosmobeus,

Eni, beni, ricky, faki,

Til, glug-bull, koriki, shvaki,

Deus, deus, cosmodeus

(abstruse counting rhyme; variation at the level of sounds)

* * *
Zealous horse

With a long mane

Jumps and gallops across the fields:

Here and there, here and there!

He's rushing here!

Get out of the circle!
A zealous, golden-maned horse

Jumps through the fields, gallops through the fields.

How will he gallop -

Get out of the circle!
* * *
Glass, lemon,

Get out!
Hey Ivan,

Get into the glass

cut it off lemon

And go out out!
Polkan the dog,

Get into the glass

Grab it lemon

Get out out!
(increment to the beginning of the text; short and long versions)

* * *
A ram was walking

Along steep mountains.

Torn out (took) weed,

I put it on the bench.

Who will take the weed?

That out (drive) will do!
(stable, unpopular text)

* * *

Took it (kicked) yes he came out.

Took it went

I found a snuff box.

There is tobacco in the snuff box.

Who found

It will turn out like this!
A crocodile walked

He smoked a pipe.

The phone fell

And she wrote:


……, came out.
(far divergent variants, in some cases connected only by the words: “shishel-myshel”)

* * *
These stories occur no options:

Chiki-briki, where are you going?

Chiki-briki, to the market.

Chiki-briki, why are you there?

Chiki-briki, for oats.

Chiki-briki, who are you?

Chiki-briki, I'm riding a horse.

Chiki-briki, what are you?

Chiki-briki, voronom.

We sat on the golden porch (classic)
On the golden porch sat:
Tsar, prince, king, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor -
Who will you be?
Speak quickly
Don't delay
Kind and honest people!

Eniki-beniki ate dumplings
Eniki-beniki - dumplings!
A Soviet sailor came out.

A German came out of the fog

A German came out of the fog
He took the knife out of his pocket
I will cut, I will beat -
Who will you remain friends with?

The month has emerged from the fog,
He took the knife out of his pocket.
I will cut, I will beat -
You still have to drive!

Hey! Ivan,
Get into the glass
cut the lemon
And get out!
One two three four five,
We'll play hide and seek.
Sky, stars, meadow, flowers -
You go and drive it!
On the golden porch sat:
Tsar, prince,
King, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor...
Who will you be?
Speak quickly
Don't delay
Kind and honest people!
Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,
Aty-baty, to the market.
Atty-batty, what did you buy?
Aty-baty, samovar.
Aty-baty, what is he like?
Aty-baty, golden.
How much does it cost?
Aty-baty, three rubles.
Aty-baty, who's coming out?
Aty-baty, it's me.
One two three four five-
The bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out,
He shoots straight at the bunny.
Bang-bang, oh-oh-oh,
My little bunny is dying.
They brought him to the hospital
He stole a mitten there.
They brought him to the buffet,
He stole a hundred candies there.
They brought him home
He turned out to be alive.

The carriage was driving
The carriage drove through the dark forest
For some interest
Inte-inte-interest -
Come out with the letter "es".

One two three four five,
There is no place for a bunny to jump,
There's a wolf walking everywhere, a wolf,
He teeth - click, click!
And we'll hide in the bushes,
Hide, bunny, and you too.
You, wolf, wait,
Let's hide - go!

Ahi, ahi, ahi, ooh
Ahi, ahi, ahi, oh,
Masha sowed peas
He was born thick,
We'll rush, just wait!

Sheep were walking along the road
Sheep were walking along the road
Got my feet wet in a puddle
They began to wipe their feet:
Who with a handkerchief
Who is a rag
Who has a holey mitten!

The sun rose over the mountain
The sun rose over the mountain
An apple fell from the sky
Through the azure meadows
It rolled right towards us!
It rolled, it rolled,
It fell into the river from the bridge,
Those who saw - did not sleep,
Catch him quickly!
Who caught it, well done
After all, the counting is over!

The turtle has its tail between its legs
The turtle has its tail between its legs
And she ran after the hare
Got ahead
Who doesn't believe it, come out!

the car was walking through a dark forest
for some interest
choose the letter "s"
and on the letter there is a star
sends trains
if the train doesn't come
the driver will go crazy

They sat on the golden porch (modern)
On the golden porch sat:
Gummi Bears, Tom and Jerry
Scrooge McDuck and the three ducklings
Come out, you will be Ponca.

In our small company
In our small company
Someone stank a lot.
One two Three-
That's right it will be you.

Ene, bene, slave

Ene, bene, slave
Quinter, finter, toad
Iki peaks of grammar
(I don’t know further)

Ena, bena, slave,
Quinter, finter, toad.
Ena, bena, res,
Quinter, finter, zhes!

Our Masha got up early
I counted all the dolls:
Two nesting dolls on the window,
Two Tanyas on the pillow,
Two Irinkas on a feather bed,
And Parsley in a cap
on a green chest.
High, very high
I threw my ball easily.
But my ball fell from heaven
Rolled into the dark forest.
One two three four five,
I'm going to look for him.
One day the mice came out
See what time it is.
One two three four,
The mice pulled the weights.
Then a terrible ringing sound was heard -
The mice ran away.
Tomorrow it will fly from the sky
Blue-blue-blue whale
If you believe, stand and wait,
If you don't believe me, come out!

* * *
Two cuckoos, two chatterboxes,
We met at the edge of the forest,
Sat next to the bitch
And they shout: “Kuk-ku, kuk-ku!”
If you want, count it
If you don't want to, fly out.

* * *
Once upon a time, once upon a time, was it me or you?
An argument arose between us.
Who started it, they forgot
And we are still not friends.
Suddenly the game this time
Will he be able to reconcile us?

* * *
Let's spin the jump ropes faster
Let's run out more fun.
Count your jumps
If you get caught - fly out!

* * *
A jackdaw sat on the fence.
The counting begins:
One two three four five!
I will count all the guys:
Yulia, Misha, Sveta, Kolya,
Petya Ira, Vitya, Olya...
If I get tired of counting,
I'll stop for a minute.
I'll be quiet, I'll take a break
And I’ll start counting again.

They sat on the golden porch
Tsar. prince
King, prince,
Shoemaker, tailor,
Who will you be?
Speak quickly
Don't detain honest and kind people!
The orange was rolling
To the city of Berlin,
Didn't study my lessons
And I got a bad mark.
They sat on the golden porch
Gummi Bears, Tom and Jerry,
Scrooge McDuck and the three ducklings
Come out, you'll be Ponca!
If Ponochka leaves,
Scrooge McDuck will go crazy!
A German came out of the fog
He took the knife out of his pocket
I will cut, I will beat
You still have to drive.
- Stork is a stork, a stork is a bird,
What do you dream about at night?
I want the swamp edges,
- And what else?
More frogs.
You can't catch them, you can't catch them.
That's it, you drive!

* * *
One two three four -
The hare stuck out his ears.
Here he is, a gray wolf, a wolf,
He clicks his teeth, clicks!
Let's run into the bushes!
Bunny, me and you, and you.
Well, just wait, you wolf,
Let's hide - then you'll look!

* * *
Once upon a time there were three Japanese:
Yak, Yak Cidrok and Yak Cidrok Cidrone.
Once upon a time there were three Japanese women: Tsypa, Tsypa Drypa, Tsypa Drypa Limpopone.
So they got married: Yak on Tsypa, Yak Tsidrok on Tsypa Drypa, Yak Tsidrok Tsidrone on Tsypa Drypa Limpopone.
So they had children: Yak Tsidrok with Tsypa - Shah, Yak Tsidrok with Tsypa Drypa - Shah Sharakh, Yak Tsidrok Tsidrone with Tsypa Drypa Limpopone - Shah Sharakh Sharone.

* * *
One two three four five.
The cat learns to count.
Slowly, little by little
Adds a cat to a mouse.
The answer is:
There is a cat, but there is no mouse!

A ram walked along steep mountains,
He tore out the grass and put it on the bench.
Whoever takes it will go out.
We're going to play
Well, who should start?
One two Three,
You start.
Sharaga, baraga,
By the bush, by the crust,
By swan, winch,
Thing, whip,
Sokolik, out.
- Hare, white,
Where did you run?
- Into the green forest.
- What were you doing there?
- I tore the tusks.
- Where did you put it?
- Under the deck.
- Who stole it?
- Rodion.
- Get out!
The gray bunny pulled out the grass.
He put it on the bench.
Who will take the weed?
That one will go too.
We had kittens
One two three four five,
Come join us guys
Look and count.
Once the kitten is the whitest
Two kittens - the bravest
Three kittens - the smartest
And four is the noisiest
Five is like three and two
Same tail and head
Also a spot on the back
Also sleeps all day in a basket.
Our kittens are nice
One two three four five
Come join us guys
Look and count!
We shared an orange
There are many of us, but he is alone.
This slice is for the hedgehog,
This slice is for the swift,
This slice is for ducklings,
This slice is for kittens,
This slice is for the beaver,
And for the wolf - the peel.
He is angry with us - trouble!!!
Run away somewhere!
Tryntsy, bryntsy, bells,
The daredevils called,
Digi, digi, digi, don,
Get out quickly!
A hare was running through the swamp,
He was looking for a job
Yes, I didn’t find a job,
He cried and left.
There are cars in the garage -
Volga, Chaika, Zhiguli,
Which one do you get the keys from?
An apple rolled past the orchard,
past the garden, past the hail,
Whoever picks it up will come out.
Over the seas, over the mountains,
Behind the iron pillars
There is a tower on the hill,
There's a lock on the door,
Go get the key
And unlock the lock.
Bunny - coward
He ran across the field,
Ran into the garden
I found a carrot
I found cabbage
Sits, chews,
Go away - the owner is coming!
He took it and left.
Kady, buds, pour water.
The cow should drink, you should drive.
The fox walked through the forest,
The fox screamed.
The fox tore the stripes,
The fox weaved bast shoes -
Two for my husband, three for myself,
And some bast shoes for the kids!
Who will find the bast shoes?
He will drive.
One two three four,
Mice lived in an apartment.
A friend himself got into the habit of visiting them
The cross spider is a large spider.
Five, six, seven, eight,
We'll ask the spider:
"You glutton, don't go!"
Come on, Mashenka, drive!
The apple rolled across the dish,
I won't drive.

The month has emerged from the fog,
He took a knife out of his pocket:
"I will cut! I will beat!
Who will you stay friends with?"

(Folklore. Children's rhyme)

Cycle of stylizations

Or, as the classics would say about the same thing:

1 Catullus (ancient Roman poet) 87-54 BC.

Night! Among the stars the month hung like a piece of cheese,
A luminous path into the sea stretches into the distance,
It’s as if a living fog is dragging under the ledge...
It's time for the robber to come out with a knife!

Oh, and who did I foolishly call, dumbass?
The silhouette of an alien is moving straight towards me!
Might beat you up! If he wants to kill you, he will kill you!
I need to do something urgently now!

Was it in vain that I studied the art of public speaking?
I'll confuse the guy with syllogisms!
The main thing is that he understands Latin,
And he was prone to dialogue on a slippery path!

Who are you? I'm ready to die! Just answer - who sent it?
Here are my breasts! You will see the rider die!
- I am a new slave! And your wife commanded me
Bring such a chlamys for you in damp weather!

2 Basho (Japanese poet) 1644-1694

A month in the fog...
Here the ninja looked out the window...
Should I poke a knitting needle in the eye?

3 Omar Khayyam (Persian poet) 1048-1131


The month has quietly emerged from the fog...
A good start to a novel!..
A purse of mists wouldn't hurt me
For an extraordinary dastarkhan!

4 Shakespeare (English poet) 1564-1616

Through the eyes of an eyewitness

How brazenly the Spanish Armada advanced!
It seemed impossible to resist her!
And a month in the sky was like a reward for them -
But suddenly Boreas turned them back!

Fog has crept in, a storm has rolled into the English Channel!
And the one who thought to cut us and beat us,
He ordered to anchor and frowned,
He issued an order: “Don’t leave your place!”

And we, of course, did not miss the chance,
They instantly set fire to their longboats,
And they let it go into the wind without pity!
And how it blazed in the distance!

...Tomorrow I’ll tell you about this prank, -
Otherwise there’s no night left for sex!

5 Lomonosov (Russian poet) 1711-1765


I almost punched the Count in the nose!
Naryshkin made a dressing down, -
Like, damn it, Mikhailo, I’ll disgrace you!
I'll leave the Academy!

But I gave the satrap an answer:
“Are you out of your mind or not?
Leave me? Yes! Maybe!
It’s impossible from me!

Open the window where the month is the grip
In the cloudy fog, like a brother,
Leading with the stars for a long time
Your intimate conversation!

And just me and my students
I will be glorified, Count, for centuries!
Open the window quickly, Count,
To make sure who is right here!

And painted white bolts
Raised with an unwavering hand!
An abyss full of stars has opened!
There are no stars! The bottom of the abyss!

6 Pushkin (Russian poet) 1799-1837

Creative search

"The month has emerged from the fog
He is a thief, but who is to blame?
He took the knife out of his pocket..."
What should I write next?

Good! If I'm alive I'll be
How can I fast successfully?
Tomorrow for this sketch
I'll definitely come back!

Many days have passed since then -
One by five and two by five!
Having remembered the month, he went out into the hall,
I started writing about him again!

But a heavenly phenomenon
Has grown enormously
And my sketch, unfortunately
had to be adjusted -

"Through the wavy mists
The moon creeps in
To the sad meadows
She sheds a sad light!"

7 Lermontov (Russian poet) 1814-1841

(Chechen lullaby from the time of Lermontov’s stay in the Caucasus)

The moon has risen! He came out of the fog!
The Urus camp was illuminated in the darkness!
The songs are bawling! On a drunkard - drunk!
How these vile people are not dear to me!

They'll fall asleep soon!.. Let's beat the guards,
We'll slaughter them all like sheep later!
We'll take the guns away from the damned,
So that Ermolov would cry about it!

Month! Are you taking the knife out of your pocket?
In vain! There is someone to avenge our relatives!
Crows are everywhere! They are waiting for the death of the devils!
They smell a sure trap here!

Whoever burned villages is not worthy of living
The infidel will go to hell with tar!
...The month in the sky is both quiet and calm,
And the young warrior goes to battle!

8 Yesenin (Russian poet) 1895-1925

Out of the fog the Moon went for a walk
Throwing a cream bun to the stars.

In the gateway I met a proud Zhigan*.
Like a zhigan, he took the knife out of his pocket.

"We will fight, boy, only until first blood!
You know the rules! This is not new to you!"

The steel sparkled dully! A quiet grinding sound is heard!
They're not joking here! Who will kill whom?

The Month is broken!.. And Zhigan? He's cheerful!
He hung the enemy over Murka's window.

The flying poplar is silvery and bright
Above the window is the month. There is wind under the window.