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Aliens on the moon facts. The Moon is a secret alien base

Aliens on the Moon

Famous Soviet intelligence officer Zoya Vasilievna Zarubina, with whom I had been friends for many years, once told me an interesting story. Zoya Vasilievna worked as a translator at the Yalta, Tehran and Potsdam conferences, and therefore witnessed events that still raise questions and disputes to this day. One of these events was a strange statement Stalin in August 1945 at the Potsdam Conference. This statement plunged the leaders of the victorious countries into a state of shock. Because, according to Zoya Vasilievna, Stalin unexpectedly proposed Truman and Churchill discuss the problem of dividing the moon. And not just discuss, but sign an agreement, taking into account the undoubted priority of the USSR in this area. « Truman at first it seemed that he had misheard or the words Uncle Joe he was mistranslated. He even asked his translator Robert Mailina specify, Mr. Stalin, apparently, means, of course, the division of Germany... Stalin took a drag from his famous pipe, - remembers Zoya Vasilievna,- and repeated very clearly: “Moons! We have already agreed on Germany. I mean specifically the Moon. And remember, Mr. President, Soviet Union“We have enough strength and technical capabilities to prove our priority in the most serious way.”

Then American analysts decided that Uncle Joe bluffs.

But six months after this strange conversation, the Soviet government issued a decree on the organization of several research institutes related to this topic. And this in a country completely devastated by war!

Veterans of space exploration recalled that Stalin seriously thought about a military foothold on the Moon. According to him, this is an ideal launch pad for nuclear missiles. Command posts in lunar orbit. Reserves atomic bombs and habitable bunkers under the lunar surface. And all this is out of reach of a potential enemy.

The same ideas soon took hold of the Americans. It would seem that for many years now the military should have been on combat duty at lunar bases, but Moon still remains inaccessible to earthlings, although purely technically this is not a problem. What is stopping the exploration of the Moon?

People have known for a long time that amazing things happen on the moon. By the beginning of the twentieth century, astronomers had accumulated a huge number of reports about mysterious phenomena on our satellite. Stationary and wandering lights are especially often mentioned. Bright flashes highlight the craters, and simultaneously in different places.

Incomprehensible rays of light, like searchlights, cut through first one and then another crater. Some luminous spots appear and disappear without a trace. Every now and then, astronomers observe mysterious light paths in the form of circles or straight lines. The lights change brightness, fade and flare up again. It feels like someone is controlling all this illumination. Errors in observations are out of the question. Since astronomers saw the same lunar phenomena independently of each other from different places on the planet. Evgeny V. Arsyukhin, astronomer, coordinator of observations of lunar phenomena in the CIS: “I photographed such an object and even wrote about it at one time in one of the technical magazines. I know that many colleagues have seen something similar. But no one knows what it is."

Apparently, our distant ancestors also observed an unusual glow and bright flashes on the Moon. Let's remember the ancient symbols. They show bright Star between the horns of the crescent moon. Where there can be no real star. This symbol is at least two thousand years old.

The flare on the Moon was photographed by Kharkov astronomers at seven-second intervals. No less mysterious are the moving clouds above the Moon, where there is no atmosphere. November 3, 1958 professor Pulkovo Observatory Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev For two hours I observed a strange red cloud over the Alphonse crater, completely covering its central part.

What is this? Eruption? But theoretically there shouldn’t be anything like this on the Moon. Volcanic activity on our satellite ended two billion years ago. And it happened completely differently than on Earth.

This fact was commented on for us by Vladislav Vladimirovich Shevchenko, doctor technical sciences, Head of the Department of Lunar and Planetary Research, SAI MSU: “This is a so-called volcanic bomb, which our employees, who at one time studied analogues of lunar soil on the Kamchatka Peninsula, found in the ejecta field of Kamchatka volcanoes. You see that this is solidified lava, drop-shaped. But there are no such formations on the Moon.

Volcanism on the Moon was limited to the release of lava that formed the seas, flooding as if from within. Slowly, but quite calmly, this substance spread across the lunar surface. There were no explosions or emissions."

But if this is not volcanism, then what is it? It seems that the lunar glow has some other origin. It does not fit into today's scientific ideas. Flights of unknown bodies over the surface of the Moon also cannot be explained.

“The entire history of astronomy is permeated with reports of observations of some kind of flares, some kind of movements on the Moon,” told us Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences Vladimir Azhazha. – Already in 1879 British Astronomical Society appealed to its members with a request to send them observations of incomprehensible phenomena on the Moon for statistics.”.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the leading countries of the world were keenly interested in the question: what is happening on the Moon? Who visits Earth's largest satellite? If these are intelligent beings, then what should we do? Should I try to make contact with them or try to launch a pre-emptive strike? The first project for the exploration of the Moon in the USSR appeared in the mid-30s. While studying military archives, we, for example, came across a strange phrase uttered by People's Commissar of Defense Kliment Efremovich Voroshilov, speaking in 1937 to senior command staff : “If we need to, we will strike even from the Moon.” What would that mean? It turns out there was such a project. It was called "Kyiv 17". In the place that we now know as Chernobyl, in Soviet times, before the war, they began to build a military camp. There were bases, housing for officers, warehouses, an airstrip, and on the outskirts they built rocket launchers and launch pads.

During the retreat at the beginning of the war, the unfinished facility was blown up. They will start talking about the construction of a lunar bridgehead again only after a decade and a half. But we weren’t the only ones interested in the Moon. The archives of the US Department of Defense contain drawings of the secret Horizon project. Author - founder of the American space program, Wernher von Braun. He planned to launch stations into low-Earth orbit that would transfer builders and materials to the Moon to create a military base. The garrison of the lunar fortress counted 12 soldiers.

The parties' intentions are more than serious. To defend their base from the Russians, the Americans are even developing a project for a portable nuclear grenade launcher, codenamed “Devi Crocket.”

On Earth, the firing range of a 34-kilogram projectile was 4 kilometers. On the Moon, a nuclear projectile would fly 6 times further.

Secret institutes of the USSR and the USA are also starting to develop beam weapons. The speed of the combat beam is thousands of times higher than the speed of missiles. Even one lunar bridgehead with such installations will make it possible to control half of the near-Earth space.

But why should the two powers arrange fighting on the Moon, if it is much easier and cheaper to fight on Earth? Declassified archival materials provide an answer to this seemingly absurd question. Military garrisons on the Moon and the creation of special space weapons had a completely different goal. We could talk about creating the first ring of defense in case of war with aliens.

The fact is that starting from the 30s, the leaders of the USSR, the USA and Germany seriously considered the possibility of establishing allied relations with representatives of alien civilizations. The idea, which seemed crazy at first glance, had a fairly simple logic. If representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations suddenly visited the Earth, and at that time there was almost no doubt about the imminent possibility of contact with aliens, a serious struggle would unfold for the “minds” of aliens. Whose allies will they become - Nazi Germany, the USA or the Soviet Union? One thing was clear: whose side the military power of the aliens was on would be the winner in the global war. This means that success largely depended on who was the first to make contact. Scientists then assumed that the easiest place to wait for space guests was on the Moon, this was the most convenient springboard for acquaintance. Accordingly, we need a lunar base equipped in accordance with all the rules of military art. Meanwhile, time is running out. The more extensive our knowledge about the Moon, the more evidence there is of an alien presence.

Indeed, scientists are observing mysterious movements on the Moon different countries. One of them was made in May 1955. A white streak rose from the moon's north pole. And, turning sharply to the right, she went down, skirting the lunar disk. About five seconds later she ran into the Moon in the area south pole. She began to quickly turn pale and soon disappeared completely.

The second time such a movement was noticed in the summer of the same year. This time the luminous object was flying in the other direction. In a few seconds, having flown a third of the circle, it descended along a steep trajectory onto the lunar surface. The object was quite large and seemed to be controllable.

Sometimes, against the background of the bright Moon, flights of huge dark objects are observed through a telescope. Moreover, along very intricate trajectories. He told us about what he saw in 1992 Evgeny Arsyukhin, astronomer, coordinator of observations of lunar phenomena in the CIS:

“Imagine that you see a square object that is moving quite slowly and in a zigzag manner. First it rises a little, then drops a little, makes a loop and disappears into one of the craters.

I can't say for sure that he landed in this crater. Of course, from the Earth, and even when the atmosphere is shaking, such details are not visible. It just leveled with the Alphonse crater and disappeared.”

Something similar was observed in March 2000. For 12 minutes, a dark object moved against the background of the lunar disk. At 120x magnification, it was clearly visible that the object, shaped like an orange slice, was slowly rotating. In a video recorded by a Japanese astronomer using a telescope Yatsuo Mitsushima, the shadow of some object is clearly visible, quickly moving across the surface of the Moon. The enormous size of the shadow, about 20 kilometers in diameter, and the speed of its movement are impressive: in two seconds the shadow traveled about 400 kilometers.

So, back in the spring of 1946, the US leadership determined the main post-war task for the country - the launch of an artificial Earth satellite. Nine years later, US President Eisenhower informs the world that the United States will begin launching unmanned spacecraft beginning in late 1957.

Soviet Union I didn't promise anything to anyone. He was simply the first to launch his satellite into orbit. The Americans' response was a top-secret US Air Force project codenamed "A119". The task is to be the first to achieve Moon and arrange it there nuclear explosion. The brightest flash against the background of the dark Moon was supposed to make an indelible impression on the whole world. And most importantly, to the Soviet Union.

In 1959, three years before the Americans, we were the first to land a lander on the Moon. And a year and a half later, the first man flew into space.

Just as I predicted K.E. Tsiolkovsky, precisely Russian, and not German, not French, not English, not American. Then in the space competition we were ahead on all counts. Next up was the conquest of the moon.

The Americans could not miss this chance. And the US President declares that by the end of the 60s, Americans will land on the Moon. The lunar program has been declared a national task. We didn't take it seriously at first. A cherished dream S.P. Queen then there were interplanetary flights. It was for them that powerful launch vehicles were developed. It was decided to use one of them for a flight to the Moon.

« Sergei Pavlovich Korolev I found it right away whole line organizations with which I wanted to develop a landing on the Moon. And quite a lot of people responded to his call to work on this interesting case.

Meanwhile, the lunar program in the United States was gaining momentum. The country's prestige was at stake. Funds that were unimaginable for us were allocated - $25 billion. More than four thousand people were involved in the work.

And then it was our turn to worry. Khrushchev had no intention of giving in to the Americans. And in August 1964, before Korolev the task was set to get ahead of the Americans at all costs.”

Alexey Arkhipovich Leonov, USSR pilot-cosmonaut, head of the lunar group, told us:

“Considering that we had a lot of groundwork, and taking into account the brains of our designers and the golden hands of everyone who worked on this program, we undertook to carry it out. In 1966, I was invited and announced that I was the head of the lunar group of the Cosmonaut Training Center and the crew commander. Soon a Soviet plan for the colonization of lunar territory appears. The main feature is that all launches are made from low-Earth orbit. To do this, you need to build a rocket assembly plant in space. It is from there that automatic probes will launch, which will determine the location for the construction of a lunar city.”

The design and construction of a lunar settlement is entrusted to Design Bureau of General Mechanical Engineering under the leadership of Vladimir Barmin:

“When work on this topic began in 1969, those who did it knew little about the Moon. And so the work began with obtaining information from scientists who were working on this problem.

The initial data did not cause optimism. The sun heats the surface of the moon up to 150 degrees. The night side freezes to the temperature of liquid nitrogen. There is no water, no atmosphere. Any flare on the Sun brings certain death to the lunar settlers.

Gravity is 6 times less than Earth's. The sun shines 50 times brighter than the human eye can withstand. Frequent meteor showers. At the same time, you have to not just survive, sitting in a reliable shelter, but explore new territory.”

This footage for official use was taken over 30 years ago. Alexander Egorov is Director of the General Engineering Design Bureau Vladimir Barmin lunar city project. Strict restrictions on the weight and volume of structures dictate the most fantastic solutions.

“We have looked quite deeply- speaks Alexander Egorov, – both the problem of creating this base as a whole, and the creation of its individual elements: energy supply systems, life support systems, transportation systems, without which such a problem cannot be solved.

The first version of lunar buildings was a self-folding frame, which is filled with polyurethane foam and turned into a residential module. But the usual forms will soon have to be abandoned. The most common square shape of residential buildings on Earth is not suitable for the Moon. Too much useful space is wasted.

We prototyped many systems. They were not only calculated, but also executed in metal. And they were held research papers in order to confirm the correctness of the chosen solutions. Therefore, I can say that by the time work on this program was completed, we had a fairly clear idea of ​​the sequence of operations that had to be carried out, starting from the Earth and ending with the Moon.

As a result, the appearance of the future lunar city acquires the most incredible features. The settlement is assembled from cylinders that look like railway tanks. To protect against solar radiation they are buried in lunar soil.

However, such powerful defensive systems of the lunar city are also explained by another important factor - the possibility of an attack by aliens if they show aggression. Therefore, variants of space weapons are also being developed. Although the main emphasis is recommended to be on demonstrating friendliness. After all, aliens are seen as possible allies. Therefore, the first contactees should not be military personnel. The idea of ​​lunar special forces is rejected. To send to Moon prepare scientists".

In December 1968, radio stations broadcast a sensational TASS message: “A unique experiment has been completed in the Soviet Union; three people lived on another planet for a year.”

The testers of the first extraterrestrial home did not leave Earth, but lived in conditions as close as possible to the realities of alien life. Three researchers lived in a closed space: a doctor German Manovtsev, mechanic Boris Ulybyshev and biologist Andrey Bozhko. The first heroes of the unprecedented reality show “House on the Moon”. Under the constant attention of television cameras, they eat, sleep, and work. Getting up, exercising, strictly limited space food ration. Once every 10 days, the colonists change places on the three-tier bed. Take a shower once every 5 days. Water is worth its weight in gold.

This show has few viewers. Secret clearance required. Some episodes were deliberately excluded from the reports published later. A few months after the start of the experiment, the psychological stress in the module reached its limit. Everyone begins to be annoyed by every little thing in their neighbor’s behavior, their manner of eating, their manner of speaking. The experiment is in jeopardy. Participants in this project told us that things almost came to blows.

A year later, the lunar settlers emerge from the sealed module. They are greeted with flowers, but the faces of those greeting them are hidden with gauze bandages. After a year of being in a sterile atmosphere with constant air regeneration, the body was greatly weakened. I had to get used to living on Earth again in an isolation ward.

The experiment forced a radical change in the design of the lunar city. It is clear that future lunar settlers cannot be settled together. In the new project, everyone is allocated a personal module that can be arranged to their own taste. A separate compartment with a greenhouse is required. Another common compartment can be easily transformed if necessary.

Near Tashkent, scientists are allocated an area with a landscape similar to the moon. At this place they plan to develop a secret testing ground for structures and equipment for the lunar base. Finally, the project for the lunar city is ready.

But to begin construction, 80 tons of equipment and materials must be delivered to the Moon. Only a super rocket can accomplish such a task.

It was assumed that one cargo ship launched from Earth by the N-1 rocket could deliver 6 tons of cargo to the Moon. It should have been used to deliver to the moon and people. The N-1 was supposed to carry so-called heavy lunar rovers with sealed cabins for people. And the second vehicle was the Proton rocket, which could deliver one ton of cargo to the Moon. The basis of the lunar program was the project Queen. He is personally supported by Khrushchev, who ordered the Moon not to be given to the Americans.

The best design minds, dozens of factories, and the forces of one and a half million people were thrown into the creation of the Soviet super rocket, because the Americans are already ready for the launch under the Saturn-Apollo program. We need to be the first to seize a bridgehead on the Moon. It was decided: the lunar module should launch directly from Earth. There is no time to build a station in orbit. The launch is scheduled for February 21, 1969, 5 months earlier than the American Apollo.

The N-1 rocket made a strong impression because it was a grandiose, complex structure: more than a hundred meters in height, up to more than twenty meters in diameter of the first stage.

Right on schedule, at 12 hours 18 minutes 07 seconds, the rocket shuddered and began to rise. The roar penetrated the underground through the multi-meter thickness of concrete. Climb! Five seconds is a normal flight. And suddenly an emergency shutdown of the engines occurs.

Observers said that the tail of the fire was several times longer than the giant rocket body. It was visible even when the noise of the engines no longer reached the ground. And then the torch went out.

The rocket fell to the ground.

The disaster of a giant Soviet rocket gives competitors a head start. American ships with astronauts circle the Moon twice. The US is preparing for the first landing. Moscow understands: the Moon is about to be lost. We need to land our lunar landing party as soon as possible.

In the program archive " A military secret“There is footage of the training of Soviet lunar cosmonauts. The polygon simulates gravity 6 times less than that of Earth. Cosmonauts practice the conditions of landing and moving on the Moon. They are ready to fly.

Alexander Bazilevsky worked in those years Institute of Space Research. It was his department that was given the task of national importance: to determine best place for landing a spacecraft.

“At that time we were working on landing a Soviet cosmonaut, says Bazilevsky, – two people fly, one remains in orbit, the second descends, gets into the lunar rover and drives around, collecting samples, etc.”

Unique footage gives an idea of ​​what the first alien all-terrain vehicle might have looked like. It is designed so that the driver does not need a spacesuit. Automation maintains the required atmosphere, pressure and humidity.

A power unit, a drilling rig and a special protective chamber are attached to the lunar rover. There is constant radio communication between the lunar train and the Earth. As soon as ground-based observatories detect a solar flare, the crew must take refuge in a chamber from the surge of solar radiation.

Subsequently, to carry out all kinds of expeditionary research, it was planned to use a heavy lunar rover together with trailed vehicles in order to conduct fairly long research expeditions on the surface of the Moon.

Earthly technology was not suitable for lunar transport - the force of gravity is 6 times less than on Earth. Imagine a truck suddenly driving onto bare ice. This is exactly how an ordinary car will behave on the Moon. In addition, internal combustion engines require oxygen.

The designers propose to use a heavy lunar rover with a nuclear reactor on board at the first stage of construction of the lunar city. The alternative was completely incredible. Forgotten invention of the 17th century, patented Scottish priest Robert Stirling. An external combustion engine capable of operating from any heat source, such as the Sun. The principle is alternating heating and cooling of air in a closed cylinder. The ancient invention could well work on the Moon, but instead of air, freon was pumped into the cylinders.

This photo was taken while testing a special shock-absorbing wheel. According to the inventors, there should be no deep ruts left in the lunar soil after it. This reduces soil resistance. On such wheels it is easier for the lunar rover to move. Soviet colonists were planning to settle on the Moon for a long time.

By government decree, the date of the expedition is determined to be the end of the 70th. Before that, the prototype of the Soviet lunar spacecraft should finally fly around the Moon. The next start is scheduled for June 3, 23 hours 18 minutes.

But this rocket also falls directly onto the launch pad. Only the concrete walls of the bunker saved the personnel from certain death. Two and a half thousand tons of rocket fuel explode at once. The blast wave breaks out windows in houses 6 kilometers from the cosmodrome.

The explosion was very strong. A huge amount of kerosene was sprayed for a long time, burning in the air so that for many kilometers around people inhaled kerosene particles, as if it was raining kerosene. The launch complex is destroyed. It took a whole year to restore it.

It becomes clear: the Soviet Union will not be the first to send a man to the Moon. The Americans are ahead. But a long-term bridgehead can also be prepared using automatic stations. In 1966, the Soviet automatic station Luna 9 landed on the surface of the Moon and transmitted the first television image to Earth.

This is the first lunar photograph. The path to the Moon is open. The Luna-15 station will have to deliver equipment and take soil samples. Designers are hastily remaking the same lunar rover that was created for the first lunar settlers, removing the seats, equipping them with automation and a powerful television transmitter. The countdown in the lunar race between the two superpowers is literally ticking down to the clock.

We are ready to launch Luna 15 and we are launching it a day or two before Apollo 11 takes off. We were supposed to arrive around the same time.

On July 16, when the American Apollo 11 was just taking off from Earth, the Soviet station was already entering lunar orbit. But soon both ships are separated by a few kilometers. On July 20, American astronauts move into the lunar cabin and begin their descent. At 23 hours, 17 minutes 32 seconds, the American spacecraft landed on the moon. It took the astronauts another 5 hours to prepare for the first exit. The moment when Neil Armstrong took his first steps on the Moon, the Soviet automatic station was still at an altitude of two and a half kilometers from the surface. A minute later the signal disappeared.

There is a version that the Americans never landed on the Moon. And instead of real film and photography, they presented the world with glossy fakes of pavilion origin. There was a lot of noise, although not immediately. A full 25 years have passed. They began to say that the filming contained obvious absurdities. How, for example, to explain the fluttering flag on Moon where there is no atmosphere. Where are the traces of dust blowing during the landing of the lunar module? Not everything seems to be fine in the photographs with lighting and shadows. And the nature of the astronauts’ movement allegedly does not correspond to lunar gravity. At first glance, there is indeed absurdity. However, with a more detailed professional analysis, everything finds its explanation. And a flag that, in a vacuum, will fluctuate for a long time and strongly at the slightest touch to the staff. And the crosses in the photographs, strangely hiding behind spacesuits. They are simply overexposed due to light diffraction and chemical features photographic films.

We also dealt with too clear traces on the lunar surface. No, they were not left on wet sand, it’s just that the lunar soil, due to the lack of an oxide film, has a stickiness that is unusual for terrestrial conditions.

We also received an explanation of the size of the Earth in lunar photographs. There were also traces of dust blowing under the landing engine. There is nothing strange in the movement of the television camera tracking the launch from the lunar surface. It was controlled from Earth.

Let’s add to this that Apollo’s transmissions were monitored not only by American, but also by Soviet deep space communication stations. And they confirmed: radio and television broadcasts were coming from the direction of the Moon. A laser reflector left on the lunar surface also worked.

And finally, the samples of lunar rocks delivered to the planet turned out to be very similar. Earth American and Soviet automatic stations. No, everything suggests that the Americans were on the Moon.

As a result, 6 American ships and 12 astronauts left their traces on the Moon.

These pictures were taken on the Moon. The American car covers the first kilometers of the lunar surface. The Soviet Union lost the race to land on the Moon.

However, the design of a lunar settlement continues at full speed; we, like air, need our representatives on the Moon. The Americans are also making a project for a lunar base. We even had deadlines: back in the 20th century, we had to create a base for 12 people.

Transport for the inhabitants of the lunar base has successfully passed the test. The first machine to the Moon was delivered by the Luna-17 station. A whole communications complex is being created specifically for controlling the lunar rover near Evpatoria. In addition to studying the surface, the device searches for a possible landing area. The Soviet controlled Lunokhod-1 operated on the lunar surface for almost a year.

In the hangars there were five more giant N-1 rockets ready for launch. The new engines had a threefold safety margin and passed all tests. But suddenly, by order of the Council of Ministers, all work was stopped. Rockets ready for launch are sent for disposal.

The 6 billion rubles spent on the lunar project are written off by a special government decree. Projects for lunar bases are sent to the special storage shelves. But the strangest thing is that the same thing is happening in the USA, despite all their successes. Apollo flights numbered 18, 19 and 20 have already been announced. Everything is ready - people, equipment, rockets, landing sites have been announced. Suddenly, NASA announces the cessation of further flights. It was thunder among clear skies. The strange decision was justified by the excessive cost of the project.

“The money, of course, is huge. Tens of billions of dollars. But the main amount has already been spent. And everything is already there: testing grounds, rockets, laboratories. The astronauts have been trained; three ships remain to be sent to the Moon. And these are mere crumbs, and each flight costs no more than the price of one bomber. And suddenly, when the time has come to receive the main dividends, everything stops. Of course, it’s not just about money here,” believes researcher of lunar phenomena Sergei Tsebakovsky. Then what?

Already after the first flights to the Moon, there was a feeling that something was not being told to the general public. There were grounds for such suspicions. Thousands of radio amateurs listened to every word of the astronauts’ negotiations with Mission Control. And we heard a lot of interesting things. For example, the fact that for two days Apollo 11 was accompanied by unidentified flying objects.

Says: "Astronaut Edwin Aldrin I shot four fragments of such a meeting on 16mm color film. On one of them, two unidentified flying objects of different diameters, as if connecting, were walking towards each other. Then a certain stream of either gas or liquid in our understanding arose. One object began to move upward, and then they connected again. All these exercises were caught on film.” WITH After two decades, the international ufological organization Ikufon sent a memorandum to the leaders of the world's leading powers demanding that they declassify information about lunar phenomena. The memorandum contained an excerpt from the report of the commander of the first lunar expedition. Here is the text: " When the lander began to descend, three UFOs with a diameter of 15-30 meters landed on the edge of the crater.” If this is true, the strange negotiations between the astronauts and the Control Center on spare frequencies become clear. They were intercepted by radio amateurs in Australia and Switzerland immediately after the crew landed on the lunar surface. 10 years later, one of the creators of radio equipment for lunar expeditions Maurice Chatelain admitted that he personally witnessed this radio communication session when Armstrong spoke about alien spaceships located on the edge of the crater.

Then the transmission resumed on the main channel, which was already being listened to by thousands of radio amateurs. She was led Edwin Aldrin, who managed to pull himself together: “Not far from the landing module there are separate blocks that glow. There is little color, but some stone blocks can create it inside.”

Apparently, it was a conventional code, which, however, was well understood at the Mission Control Center. American astronauts do not comment on these negotiations on principle. Unofficially, however, commander "Apollo 11" allegedly confessed somehow, saying they saw something. However, he avoided a direct answer.

Almost all of the astronauts were Air Force officers. And they were subject to military department circulars, including one that directly states: disclosure of any information about UFOs by military personnel is subject to the Espionage Act, which entails up to 10 years in prison and a $10,000 fine. And the astronauts were silent.

Autumn 1973 NASA Chief Information Officer Donald Citro made an official statement. During manned flights of the Apollo program, astronauts observed objects whose origins are difficult to explain.

After the end of the lunar epic, the American National Aeronautics and Space Administration admitted that approximately 25 astronauts saw unidentified flying objects during flights.

Two unknown luminous objects accompanied Apollo 12. Through the powerful telescopes of several observatories, it was clear that one object was behind the ship, the other in front. And both lights flashed. The astronauts also noticed them, which they immediately reported to the Mission Control Center. And a little later they added: “Okay, let’s consider them friendly objects.”

In general, they say that the Earth-Moon route is not as deserted as is commonly believed. And NASA probably knew about this. After all, 10 years before the first lunar expedition American astronomer Jess Wilson I took a mysterious photograph through a telescope.

A chain of 34 bright objects stretching towards the Moon was clearly visible on it. Then experts went through many hypotheses. But no intelligible explanation for the mysterious chain was ever found. However, it is known for sure that even on the first flight to the Moon, the astronauts took with them a capsule with a sign enclosed in it, on which an appeal to hypothetical extraterrestrial civilizations was applied electrolytically in 74 languages.

Includes excerpts from the Declaration of Human Rights. From the Code of Space Air Navigation. The radio call signs of the American President and NASA are given. It turns out that NASA workers did not exclude the possibility of contact with extraterrestrial civilizations.

It must be said that NASA was well aware of the mysterious phenomena on the Moon even before the Apollo expedition. Moreover, it even called for joining forces to study lunar phenomena. In 1965, everyone was invited to participate in the project, code-named “Moonlight.”

16 observatories, as well as highly qualified astronomers and physicists, were involved in the work. Mostly professorship at the US Naval Academy.

In 1968, NASA published a list of mysterious incidents on the Moon. It is called "Chronological catalog of messages about lunar events." Technical Report 277: Moving luminous objects were identified among 579 lunar phenomena. Colored trenches lengthening at a speed of six kilometers per hour. Giant domes that change color. Geometric shapes, disappearing craters and other observations that cannot be explained.

Spacecraft have made it possible to obtain more detailed images of these phenomena. The photographs clearly show strange glows and objects of unknown origin.

NASA specialists carefully studied them. We identified 186 anomalies and identified 29 places where the intensity of these anomalies was most pronounced.

The Apollo expeditions filmed a lot of mysterious things. This is an unknown cylindrical object, about 15 kilometers long above the Sea of ​​Plenty. And a glowing cigar hovering next to a lunar crater, unidentified flying objects above the Moon and in its environs. In April 1970, interesting photographs were taken by astronauts of the Apollo 13 expedition. In two consecutive frames, the movement of an object flying over the Moon is clearly visible. In other pictures, the UFO is approaching the ship.

Flights of unidentified luminous objects were also filmed by other Apollo expeditions. No less mysterious are the bright flares on the Moon. Some of them revealed craters the size of Moscow. There is no explanation for these outbreaks yet.

The astronauts saw some strange marks on the surface of the Moon, including some that looked like a rut from some kind of vehicle. August 1, 1971 Apollo 15 astronaut James Irwin reported by radio to the Control Center: “It’s an excellent track, I can’t get over these lines that stretch along the slope of Mount Hadley. The most organized structure I have ever seen. The footprint has a surprisingly even compaction from top to bottom.”

And after a year and a half, mysterious traces will be discovered by the Apollo 17 astronauts. It looks like they were left behind by some bulky objects. In the vicinity of the camp alone, the astronauts counted 34 tracks ranging in length from one hundred meters to two and a half kilometers.

Sometimes huge boulders were found at the end of the track. But in most cases there were none. What then left the furrow? If there are stones, then where did they disappear at the end of the trail?!

These data were presented in 1973 in a preliminary scientific report on the results of the Apollo 17 flight. Who rolls boulders on the moon? There was no answer to this question in the scientific report. Such traces and cobblestones are not a unique phenomenon for the Moon.

Here is a photo that was taken several years before the Apollo 17 flight. Traces of boulders are clearly visible on it, and one of them in the upper part of the image does not roll down, but seems to be crawling out of a small crater. The size of the large boulder is as big as a large cottage, 23 meters in diameter.

Zhanna Fedorovna Rodionova, senior researcher at the Department of Lunar and Planetary Research, SAI MSU, told us: “The length of this furrow is quite significant. And for a stone to travel such a distance and leave marks all along the way, and then disappear - it seems unlikely.”

What is this? A means of transportation, another form of life? No answer today. The lunar landscape is fraught with many mysteries for researchers. The so-called furrows are very interesting.

Oleg Genrikhovich Ivanovsky, head of the Soviet lunar program:

“In Moscow, at the Space Research Institute, groups of scientists were gathered. One of them approached our employee and carefully put an envelope in his pocket. This employee was Doctor of Sciences Mikhail Konstantinovich Rozhdestvensky.

In an envelope Mikhail Konstantinovich I found a photograph of the very crater where our lunar rover worked. What attracted our attention most was a completely unusual, from our point of view, formation on the lunar surface - a long gorge or groove that extended in the eastern part of the Lemonnier crater.

At the control point they decided to explore the furrow. The Lunokhod was turned around and directed towards the mysterious formation. Television cameras showed that it was a canyon a good hundred meters wide and several tens of meters deep. The Lunokhod went around it. And went out to the eastern shore.

And on the eastern bank I received television footage of the furrow. It was an amazing sight. It's like something out of a science fiction novel about aliens. However, this was the last communication session with our lunar rover. He has now remained at an eternal camp on the bank of this very furrow, Straight, as we called it.”

The reports of the Apollo 16 astronauts caused a lot of unrest on Earth. They reported that they saw some strange objects that looked like cars on the slope of the lunar mountain. They pointed a television camera there, and Mission Control responded: “Two objects are clearly visible, continue broadcasting.”

A little more time passed, and the astronaut Charles Duke said something incomprehensible : “The bottom is 90 percent lined with blocks up to five meters in diameter. They stretch up the shaft in two directions. There is a lot of uncertainty; the astronauts themselves do not understand what they see.”

Scientists have come to the conclusion that all this is very similar to traces of intelligent activity. What mechanisms could there be on the Moon, what kind of blocks are the crater paved with? Isn't it on such a block? next year stumbled upon a Soviet lunar rover? Even the Soviet Novosti reported the strange discovery he made on February 14, 1973.

It was an unusually hard and smooth slab about a meter long, similar to the panel of a modern house. The monolith clearly had nothing in common with the stones scattered around. It was decided to explore it chemical composition and magnetic properties. However, despite the enormous interest in this find, even in the archives I did not find another line about it.

Soviet-American spacecraft took almost three million photographs of the lunar surface. Their detailed analysis will take many years. But already today a lot of mysterious things have been revealed in the photographs. Take, for example, the unusual pits discovered in different areas of the Moon. Surprisingly, most of them have right angles. This means that these are not meteorite craters or volcanic craters. Their origin is unclear.

Another such pit was photographed from Apollo 15. Its structure is somewhat similar to a heel print, but huge, three kilometers in size. The unusual detail was examined stereoscopically. It turned out that its depth was several tens of meters. Judging by the absence of craters in it, it is of more recent origin than the surrounding sea of ​​solidified lava. Some scientists even hypothesize that This is someone engaged in the development of lunar soil.

However, there are other, more traditional hypotheses. A number of scientists believe that some of the depressions are failures associated with cavities under the surface of the Moon. These voids could have been left behind by the flow of ancient volcanic lava. And in the future they can be very convenient for placing future lunar bases in them. A thick layer of rock will reliably protect settlers from radioactivity and meteorite bombardment.

It is believed that the Moon is a convenient springboard to the stars and a strategically important research platform. But it can be a convenient base for other intelligent beings. What if they also thought of using sublunar cavities? Safe and economical. Some researchers believe that a number of photographs show the ruins of ancient bases and other traces of the activities of intelligent beings who, like us, once visited the Moon.

When I saw a photograph from the Moon in the area of ​​the Gassendi crater, I was struck by the resemblance to the ruins. One is made on Earth. On it are the ruins of Ashur, the ancient capital of Assyria. Another image of the lunar surface in the area of ​​the Gassendi crater. We were amazed at how similar these pictures were. The same half-filled rectangles. This is what subsurface structures may look like, gradually collapsing and crumbling.

It is no coincidence that in lunar photographs many researchers see the ruins of entire cities. So, American researcher Stiff Troy I noticed a strange object measuring 4 by 4 kilometers in the image in the area of ​​the Hortensius crater. This compact cluster of rectangular pieces resembles the ruins of an ancient city. That's what they called it: Jericho.

Dome-shaped structures on the Moon also raise many questions. From 1930 to 1960, more than two hundred observations of moving lunar domes were recorded; they resemble moving pillboxes or bunkers. Some Earth-based lunar settlement projects look the same. The same dome-shaped structures.

Eg, mysterious object on the edge of the crater. It wasn't there yet in the photo taken two days earlier. And there are many similar mysteries in the photographs.

On March 21, 1996, NASA scientists and engineers for the first time publish a statement saying that there are serious reasons to believe that there are artificial structures and objects on the Moon. When asked why this information was not made available to the public earlier, NASA experts answered 20 years ago: it was difficult to predict how people would react to the message that someone was or is on the Moon in our time.

In addition, there were other reasons not related to NASA. One should not think that after the scientists’ statement the secrecy was over. Both in the USA and here you will not find such photographs, and even with official comments, in the general press.

It’s also not easy to get them from the archives. Especially large-scale photographs. No, you won't be refused. They will simply ask you for the photo number and promise to make a copy of it. And since you still don’t know the numbers, this means that you were politely refused.

In the States it’s even more interesting. If you want, buy everything. And search for yourself. Let us remind you that there are millions of photographs and they are not cheap. But even if you buy the photo you need, you cannot be sure that it corresponds to the original source.

The most interesting details on them can be retouched. American researchers who were familiar with the originals repeatedly encountered this. The employees of the NASA photo laboratory themselves admitted to such falsification: “We have orders to remove from photographs before publication anything that may raise an unwanted question.”

There is nothing surprising in such a concealment. After all, the discovery extraterrestrial intelligence promises new strategically important advantages in technology, economics and politics. It is even more strange that both leading space powers suddenly suddenly lost interest in expeditions to the Moon. For almost 30 years, earthlings have not disturbed its surface.

For such a long time, the Moon remains an extremely little explored object. There are very few flights to it, at least officially. Why do all the plans to build some kind of lunar base, plans for regular flights of probes there, even for purely utilitarian purposes, remain only plans?

Not long ago, a statement by an American missile designer became known: Wernher von Braun shortly after the lunar program stopped: “There are extraterrestrial forces on the Moon that are much more powerful than we can imagine. But I have no right to talk about details.”

Vladimir Georgievich Azhazha, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences:

“In 1992, I was at the Mufona conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico in America. And met my ex Senator Clifford Stone, who had very interesting information. He invited me to his place. He and I talked all night. He showed me some unique film footage: fragments of a meeting of the American Senate about the possible population Moon unknown mind. A decision was made, and it seems to me that it influenced the fact that the Americans curtailed their lunar program.

What happens, we were actually kicked out from Moon? And we are forced to watch her only from afar? Apparently it’s like this: there’s really too much risk, there’s too much that’s incomprehensible and unclear. We, the people who got to the Moon in our fragile vehicles, were opposed by an unknown powerful intelligent force.”

Maybe the government really is afraid of powerful aliens who have clearly shown us the door. But why don’t they want to talk to us?

Romanova Olga Nikolaevna

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18. Man-in-the-Moon - in a puddle? What is the use of representing this or that object, or all objects, as “empty”, detail ou en bloc? Objects themselves are not “this” or “other”, not “real” or “empty”, they are cannot be called anything other than the mind that perceives

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From the book Secrets of Alien Civilizations. They're already here author Pervushin Anton Ivanovich

Miracles on the Moon By the middle of the 20th century, it became completely clear that there were no conditions to support sufficiently developed life on the Moon. By that time, serious scientists preferred not to remember the Selenites, but projects of interplanetary flights were already beginning to excite the world. This is where

2. “AND THERE IS NO REST FOR ME UNDER THE MOON...” The first large rocket was built by a hereditary knight Order of Malta Baron Werner Magnus Maximilian von Braun - in those years when his Russian colleague was mining permafrost at the Kolyma mine, and then doing various small things in

Alien bases on the Moon. Proof.

There is more and more evidence for the hypothesis of lunar alien bases every year. And new evidence is emerging with increasing speed. However, let's begin to present the essence of the version in order.

Also in ancient China In the 10th-11th centuries BC, astronomers wrote numerous treatises on the starry sky. However, none of them contains any mention of the Moon. In this regard, it can be assumed that the Earth’s satellite had not yet appeared at that time. Comparing this version with the legend of the Flood, some researchers come to the conclusion that it was the appearance of our current night star in near-Earth orbit that became the root cause of this ancient catastrophe. According to scientists, the first mentions of strange creatures flying to Earth from outer space date back to the historical period associated with the acquisition of the Earth’s natural satellite. One of the confirmations of this hypothesis are the drawings of the ancient Mayan peoples, which depict people descending from the Moon in unusual attire.

In 1968, the Astrophysical Information system NASA has released a catalog containing descriptions of about six hundred anomalies on the surface of the Moon. These include moving unidentified flying objects of various shapes and sizes, lunar craters appearing and disappearing, rainbow mists, the appearance of shadows and flashes of bright light.

And the Russian astronomer Kozyrev managed to record several red flashes on the Moon. Such anomalies were most often recorded in the area of ​​one of the largest craters, the diameter of which is about one hundred kilometers. The crater was named “Alphonse”, it is the most mysterious place on the Moon.

In the 60s of the twentieth century, American astronomer Carl Sagan stated that caves were found in the lunar soil, the shapes and sizes of which suggest that they were created unnaturally. The interior space of the largest cave is about one hundred cubic kilometers.

American astronauts once made it clear that all missions of the Apollo spacecraft from 1968 to 1972 were monitored by representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations.

Moreover, cases of contact between aliens and astronauts have been recorded. The aliens communicated with earthlings using a code cipher. The version of the existence of a special cipher was confirmed by Japanese astronomer Kenzahuro Toyoda in 1958. A scientist from the Land of the Rising Sun saw seven huge letters on the surface of the Moon, which disappeared after a few nights. The appearance of these symbols remains unexplained.

And not so long ago, a phrase from American astronaut Neil Armstrong, uttered by him immediately after landing on the moon, was leaked to the press: “Oh, Lord! There are others here spaceships, they lined up along the far edge of the crater. They are watching us!

Soviet astrophysicist Joseph Shklovsky believed that the Moon may well be an inactive ship of another civilization. Later, a similar version was proposed by Russian radio astronomer Alexey Arkhipov. He suggested that the Earth's satellite is an alien station created specifically to observe life on our planet.

Researchers, including NASA representatives, say , What world government prohibited informing people about the presence of aliens on the Moon.

However, the existence of photographs depicting various structures and traces of technology on the lunar soil indicates the opposite. Presumably, alien bases are on the far side of the Moon. The lunar kingdoms were witnessed by participants in the Apollo mission.

According to rumors, castles and towers made of transparent material reminiscent of rock crystal, as well as various equipment and vehicles, which leave traces, have been discovered on the far side of the Moon.

Even more amazing discoveries await us. It is not for nothing that the night luminary has seemed mysterious to people since ancient times, and with inexplicable force attracts their attention.

There are alien bases on the moon

The United States recently abandoned the lunar exploration program planned under President Bush. Is the reason for this only the economic crisis and the high cost of the project, or is this refusal due to the fact that the Moon is already occupied and it is simply dangerous for earthlings to try to colonize it?

Mysterious anomalies on the Earth's satellite

Back in 1866, astronomers noticed how one of the large lunar craters suddenly changed its appearance. Before this, a small light gray cloud appeared over the crater. In 1948, a very intense orange flash was seen inside Plato Crater, and in 1955, American scientist McCorkle noticed a bright flash on the Moon that lasted as much as 35 seconds.

On November 3, 1958, Professor I. A. Kozyrev managed to observe a real eruption of a lunar volcano. At that time it was a real sensation, because scientists believed that volcanic processes on the Moon had long ended. In addition to the volcanic eruption, changes in the color of certain areas were also observed on the surface of our planet’s satellite. The most daring researchers have even suggested that the change in color of the lunar surface is associated with the development of primitive vegetation.

Even before the start of studying the Earth’s natural satellite with automatic space stations, astronomers had already observed strange geometrically regular formations on the surface of the Moon. Thus, straight lines were noticed extending from some craters and even connecting them to each other.

Was the Apollo program canceled because of aliens?

It seemed that after the American expeditions there would be no mysteries left on the Moon, because more than a dozen astronauts visited it, directly explored its surface for 80 hours and delivered 400 kg of samples to Earth. However, after the lunar expeditions, the mysteries seem to have only increased. First, not all of the 12 planned lunar landings were carried out. Why? After all, rockets and crews were already available for three more lunar expeditions, which never took place. Secondly, officially unconfirmed information is well known that Americans saw spaceships on the Moon extraterrestrial civilization. Thirdly, after the flights to the Moon, American astronauts changed a lot: some turned to religion, others to parapsychology...

In April 1995, I attended a press conference by Edgar Mitchell, a member of the Apollo 14 expedition. Since 1973, he began to study parapsychology and founded an institute to study mental phenomena. Over the years of research, as Mitchell assured journalists, he was convinced that it was possible to bring together science and mystical experience, and consider supernatural phenomena to be completely natural. What could make this man change his destiny so dramatically? Many believe that American astronauts encountered something so incredible on the Moon that it radically changed their worldview. Maybe this incredible thing was the presence of very active activity of another intelligent civilization on the Earth’s satellite?

The same astronaut Mitchell, after returning to Earth, said: “My neck still hurts because I had to constantly turn my head, because we literally felt with our skin that we were not alone there. All that was left was to pray.” After the termination of the lunar program, American rocket designer Wernher von Braun said: “There are extraterrestrial forces on the Moon that are much more powerful than we can imagine, but I have no right to talk about the details.”

Alien lunar bases

In his book “We Discovered Alien Bases on the Moon,” American ufologist Fred Steckling presented his evidence of the presence of representatives of extraterrestrial intelligence on the natural satellite of our planet. The ufologist analyzed about 10 thousand photographs of the lunar surface and came to the conclusion that many of them clearly contain artificial objects, and of very impressive size. Steckling writes: “We were assured that the Moon was completely lifeless, but the data tells a different story. Decades before the space age, astronomers mapped hundreds of strange “domes,” observed “cities that grow,” and single lights, explosions, and geometric shadows were noticed by both professionals and amateurs.”

Fred Steckling and his son also managed to conduct personal astronomical observations, during which they observed three cigar-shaped objects in the Archimedes crater, the sizes of which were estimated to be about 20 km long and 5 km wide... The “cigars” remained in the crater for several hours and then disappeared .

In the 1970s, George Leonard's book There's Someone Else on Our Moon was published. In it, using photographs and facts from conversations with participants in NASA's lunar programs, he proves that manifestations of extraterrestrial intelligence are obvious on the Moon. On the surface of our natural satellite there are artificial embankments, geometrically correct formations, towers, giant operating mechanisms, domes, pipelines, bridges and even... inscriptions that are quite visible from space. Moreover, the largest part of strange objects is concentrated on the far side of the Moon, inaccessible for observation from Earth. Apparently, the aliens prefer that observation of their activities be as difficult as possible.

Of particular interest are the giant installations, up to 2 km long, which clearly process lunar soil. Perhaps they contain the answer to the question of what aliens are doing on the Moon. It seems that elementary development of mineral resources and their enrichment is underway. It is quite possible that some of the craters are not of meteorite origin, but of artificial origin - these are simply huge quarries. Giant mechanisms can operate automatically under the supervision of a small number of personnel, and at certain times, “ore transporters” - huge spaceships several kilometers long - arrive to collect the ore. In the 90s, a video was shown on television by a Japanese amateur astronomer, where these huge UFOs were clearly visible maneuvering over the surface of the Moon.

American astronauts and the military spacecraft Clementine took thousands of photographs and videos, thanks to which they were able to identify 44 areas of the Moon where some structures and other anomalous formations are located.

When the next “armada” arrives on the Moon for the mined ore, and with it a group of researchers, there is a sharp intensification of UFO observations on Earth (we are being watched, we are being studied, we are being abducted...), because it has long been noticed that the peaks of observations of flying saucers have a fairly accurate periodicity.

Following the Americans, other participants in the space race stopped talking about their ambitious programs to conquer the Moon. It is possible that they were also convinced that the Moon had been occupied for a long time... So if you want to buy a plot of “land” on the Moon, first think carefully - is it worth your descendants to fight for their property with powerful aliens?

another side of the moon

There is someone else on the Moon, and the excessive activity of this someone frightens the governments of many countries...

Many mysterious phenomena recorded on the surface of the Earth's satellite suggest the incredible: the Moon is an artificially created space base.

In 1968, NASA (US Aerospace Agency) published a catalog of lunar anomalies containing 579 observations made over several centuries. Back in the 18th century, astronomer William Herschel first attracted the attention of scientists to the lights, lines and geometric shapes on the surface of the Moon. Since then, anomalous phenomena on its surface have been observed constantly.

Already in our time, for more than 10 years, systematically observing the Moon using an 800x telescope, the Japanese Yatsuo Mitsushima repeatedly filmed flights of dark objects over different parts of the Moon on a video camera. The materials he obtained are sensational: the diameter of the objects is on average about 20 kilometers, and the speed of movement is about 200 kilometers per second.

In preparation for landing a man on the Moon, a detailed study of its surface was carried out by photographing using spacecraft. NASA specialists received more than 140 thousand photographs. Most of them are of excellent quality, and the optical resolution of the equipment made it possible to detect something on the Moon that we were completely unprepared for. This is why conversations between astronauts from orbiting the Moon were often so emotional. Many newspapers quoted Aldrin Houston as saying:

"What is this? What the hell is the matter? I would like to know what it is? Here are large objects! Huge! Large spaceships. They stand behind the crater, on the opposite side.”

This message in the open channel was never refuted by NASA until the transition to an encrypted one.

George Leonard’s book “There’s Someone Else on Our Moon” is dedicated to the sensational discoveries on the Moon, which, after much censorship delay, was finally published and contained information previously unknown to the general public. Analyzing the images transmitted by Ranger 7 after its safe landing near the crater and taken by astronauts from low orbit during flights of the Moon, the author, like NASA specialists, came to an unequivocal conclusion: there are numerous mechanisms and structures on the surface of the Moon.

According to J. Leonard, most of these huge mechanisms have been destroyed, but others clearly continue to work. Some objects change their shape, disappear or reappear on the slopes or bottom of a crater. The greatest activity is observed on the visible side of the Moon. So, in the area of ​​the King crater there is a large number of mechanical devices called “X-Drones” by the author because they resemble the shape of the letter “X”. These mile-and-a-half-sized “excavators” mine the slopes of the crater, breaking off rocky soil and throwing it out in a stream to the surface.

J. Leonard believes that a pipeline about three miles long was laid from the ridge of King Crater, the ends of which were covered with identical caps. Similar structures were discovered by the Japanese researcher Mitsui and described in the book “Moon Explorations”. J. Leonard's book contains many impressive descriptions of various mechanisms rising above the surface of the Moon and tracking the movement of the Sun.

“Seven miles from Bulliald, Ranger 7 took unique photographs. The large metal object, partially in the shadow, has a rounded shape, a cylinder and a turret on its top. The cylinder has holes at equal distances from each other. Fog or steam comes out of the turret. Identification marks are visible on the objects.”

Does lunar technological activity have anything to do with UFOs?

Analysis of NASA photographs and some statements by astronauts give an affirmative answer to this question.

J. Leonard quotes astronaut Gordon (Apollo 15): “When we passed 30-40 feet away, there were a lot of objects flying nearby - so white and sparkling, they clearly had an engine.”

American astronauts had code words for Huston in case they discovered something unusual on or near the Moon, for example: "Anibel" means a sparkling fire on or near the Moon, "Barbara" means a structure, "St. Nicholas" means a UFO. . "Anibel" was observed by astronauts in the Sea of ​​Crisis. 2- and 3-story rectangular structures were also discovered here, with the top floor being a similar rectangle, but smaller in size. Sometimes large round holes could be seen at the base of the lower rectangle, arranged in a row at equal distances from each other.

At the bottom of the Copernicus crater there is a structure in the form of a triangle placed on a base. On its side surface one can distinguish signs resembling numbers and geometric figures. As for the signs, on the surface of the Moon, judging by the photographs, one can find luminous (possibly in the reflected light of the Sun) signs, for example, in the form of blue crosses installed vertically in the ground. Usually the same sign is installed in those places where there are mechanisms united by a single technological function. Thus, blue crosses are installed near the craters in which X-Drones operate. In other places, arrow-shaped signs are visible.

J. Leonard believes that the King crater and its surroundings may be something like the base of another civilization, since it is there that the platforms are located, rising 0.5 miles above the surface. Many are 6 to 10 miles across. It is difficult for us on Earth to imagine structures of this size...

Several decades ago, astronomers began to consider ways in which the maximum benefit could be gained from the lunar colonization program. The first is, of course, the construction of telescopes, because due to the absence of an atmosphere, gamma rays, X-rays and other types of radiation will not be blocked by the atmospheric cover, and therefore will allow for more detailed exploration of space. But the missing lunar atmosphere has another advantage: because of this, signs of extraterrestrial civilizations may be found on the satellite of our planet.

Are there aliens on the moon?

A new paper, authored by Harvard University astrophysicists Abram Loeb and Manasvi Lingam, answers this question with a fair amount of optimism. True, we are not really talking about the aliens themselves. The idea is to treat the lunar surface as a "fishing net" for interstellar objects that could easily fall onto its surface during such a long life of the satellite.

The lack of a lunar atmosphere ensures that these hypothetical objects will reach the lunar surface without being partially or completely burned up in the atmosphere, as happens on Earth. In addition, the lack of geological activity suggests that if the object ever fell, it will remain on the surface and will not “go” into the bowels of the Moon.

The Moon is nature's mailbox, containing messages from the last several billion years. Now there is even life there, brought from Earth - frozen tardigrades. - say scientists

Of course, if you start exploring the lunar surface, it turns out that most of the materials came from our Solar System. But even if exceptions happen “in our lifetime,” then where is the guarantee that this did not happen before? For example, not so long ago the space object Oumuamua and Comet Borisov “flew” to us. But even if we assume that there is still something on the Moon, how can we find it? After all, equipping lunar expeditions for this purpose takes a very long time and is unreasonably expensive.

The most in a simple way would be the use of satellites orbiting the Moon. There are already quite powerful and accurate scanners that can remotely show the ratio of various elements in the composition of materials. We only need, roughly speaking, to enter data on the ratio in organic and inorganic compounds our solar system into these scanners. For example, a deviation from the unique ratio of oxygen, carbon and nitrogen isotopes for our planet will indirectly indicate that the found object may be of extraterrestrial origin.

Even more exciting would be to find traces of technological equipment that crashed on the lunar surface billions of years ago, which is also possible, because there is not so much of “ours” on the Moon. Therefore, the presence of inorganic objects located at a great distance from known landing sites and falling terrestrial objects can present a lot of surprises.

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There are still publications in the press whose authors are trying to answer the sacramental question: “Are we alone in the Universe?” Meanwhile, traces of intelligent creatures have long been discovered almost on the threshold of our house - on. This discovery was so incredible that it threatened to shake public foundations, which is why they hastened to classify it.

From the official press release: “On March 21, 1996, at a briefing at the National Press Club in Washington, NASA scientists and engineers involved in the Moon and Mars exploration programs reported the results of processing the information received. For the first time, the existence of artificial structures and man-made objects on the Moon was announced.”

Scientists spoke cautiously and evasively about active objects other than UFOs. Their responses always included expressions like “maybe,” “this information is being studied,” or “we will make an official announcement soon.” It was also mentioned at the briefing that the Soviet Union once also possessed some of the photographic materials relating to irrefutable evidence of the presence of traces of intelligent activity on the Moon. Although the nature of this activity has not yet been established, thousands of photographs and videos obtained by Apollo and the military space station Clementine have made it possible to identify and topographically map numerous areas of the lunar surface where this activity or its traces are clearly visible. The briefing featured videos and photographs taken by American astronauts during the Apollo program. When asked why this information was not brought to the attention of the public earlier, NASA experts replied: “...20 years ago it was difficult to predict how people would react to the message that someone was or is on the Moon in our time. In addition, there were others not related to NASA."

Richard Hoagland, an expert on lunar artifacts, notes that NASA still tries to carefully veil photographic documents before they get into accessible catalogs or files, retouching them or partially defocusing them when copying. Some researchers, including Hoagland, believe that an alien race once used the moon as a staging post during its activities on Earth. Their guesses are confirmed in the legends and myths of different peoples of our planet. Many kilometers of ruins, huge transparent domes on massive bases, various tunnels and other structures are forcing scientists to reconsider their views on the problems associated with our natural satellite. The appearance of the Moon and the peculiarities of its movement relative to the Earth is another big question for science.

Some partially destroyed objects on the surface of the Moon cannot be attributed to natural geological formations. They contain complex organization and geometric structure. In the upper part of the Rima Hadley region, near the Apollo 15 landing site, a structure was discovered surrounded by a high wall in the shape of the letter D. Currently, 44 areas of the Moon are known where various artifacts have been found. They are being studied by specialists from the Space Information Bank Center, the Space Flight Center. Goddard, as well as the Planetary Institute in Houston. In the area of ​​the Tycho crater, mysterious terrace-like rock excavations were discovered. Concentric hexagonal excavations and the presence of a tunnel entrance on the slope of the terrace are difficult to explain by natural geological processes. It's more like open-pit mining. In the area of ​​the Copernicus crater, a transparent dome was seen rising above the edge of the crater shaft. The dome has a strange feature - it shines from the inside with a white-blue light. At the top of the “Factory” area there is a very unusual, even by lunar standards, object. On a square base, surrounded by diamond-shaped walls, there stands a disk with a diameter of about 50 m, well known to earthlings, with a dome on top. Next to it in the picture you can see a dark round opening in the ground, similar to the entrance to an underground caponier. Between the Copernicus crater and the Factory area there is a perfectly regular rectangular area measuring 300x400 m. The Apollo 10 astronauts took a unique photograph (AS10-32-4822) of a one-mile object called the “Castle”, which hangs at an altitude of 14 km and casts a clear shadow on the surface of the Moon. It appears to be composed of several cylindrical blocks and a large connecting unit. One of the photographs of the hanging “Castle” shows its internal cellular structure, creating the impression of transparency of the individual blocks of the object.

During the briefing, which was attended by many scientists from NASA, it turned out that when Richard Hoagland again requested the original photographs of the “Castle” from the NASA archive, they were not there. They even disappeared from the list of photographs taken by the Apollo 10 crew. The archive contains only intermediate photographs of this object, in which its internal structure is not visible.

The crew of Apollo 12, after reaching the surface of the Moon, unexpectedly discovered that their landing was controlled by a translucent pyramid-shaped object. It hung just a few meters above the surface of the Moon, shimmering with all the colors of the rainbow against the background of the black velvet of the lunar “sky”.

In 1969, after watching a film of astronauts about their trip to the Sea of ​​Storms, where they again saw these strange objects, later called “striped glasses,” NASA finally assessed the possible consequences of such control. Astronaut Mitchell, answering a reporter’s question: “How do you feel after your safe return?”, said: “My neck still hurts from having to constantly turn my head, because we literally felt with our skin that we were not alone there. All that was left was to pray.” Johnston, who worked at the Houston Space Center, worked with other specialists to study photo and video information obtained during the Apollo program. Discussing lunar artifacts with Richard Hoagland, he noted that NASA management was greatly annoyed by so many anomalous, to put it mildly, objects on the Moon. The program was constantly teetering on the brink of canceling manned flights to the Moon. The situation was further fueled by the film of the Apollo 14 crew, from which many fragments were cut out.

Of particular interest to researchers are ancient structures that look like partially destroyed cities. Orbital photography shows the surprisingly regular geometry of rectangular and square structures. They resemble the view of our cities from a height of 5-8 km. One of the Mission Control Center specialists commented on these images as follows: “Our guys, observing from orbit the ruins of the ancient cities of the Moon, transparent pyramids, domes and God knows what else, now hidden in safes not only of NASA, felt like Robinson Crusoe, who had stumbled upon traces of bare human feet on the wet sand of a desert island." What conclusions do geologists and paleontologists come to when studying photographs of the ruins of lunar cities and other anomalous objects? In their opinion, they cannot be natural formations. “We must recognize their artificial origin. As for domes and pyramids, even more so.” The intelligent activity of an alien civilization appeared unexpectedly close to us. Psychologically, we were not prepared for this, and even now many people perceive it with difficulty.

Space has always interested man, and the Moon, as the closest object, has become the subject of close attention. On June 30, 1964, NASA's Ranger program took the first close-up images of the Moon and began collecting information in preparation for a human mission to the Moon. Since that time, the number of photographs has grown steadily, and with them the number of lunar mysteries has grown. What professionals and amateurs didn’t find in the photographs of our neighbor...

A strange object above the lunar horizon, captured by Lunokhod 2.

In different places of the Earth's satellite, traces were taken, presumably left by rolling boulders.

The first photographs of such phenomena appeared in the early 1970s, and their collection is still growing.

The smaller object in this image, the one that took the longer path, somehow rose out of the crater before continuing down the slope.

This image was taken using Google Moon: on the back side of the satellite near the Sea of ​​​​Moscow, when very close, you can see a strange object - seven points located at right angles.

This image was captured by the Clementine space station's HIRES camera. The structure, which has suffered from erosion, has a distinctly rectangular anatomy.

And this is a crater taken on the far side of the Moon, which looks more like a hole in the surface. This type of crater has been called “collapse crater,” and ufologists suspect that it is nothing more than the remains of underground lunar structures.

The crater in this photo is completely rectangular in shape, which contradicts the laws of nature.

These are the craters Messier and Messier A. Also a strange shape, similar to the fact that they are connected by a tunnel.

A photo taken by the American Lunar Orbiter probe on the far side of the Moon. In the Sea of ​​Crises, near the Picard crater, there rises an amazing “tower” resembling an artificial structure.

Skeptics believe that this “moon tower” is simply a defect in film processing, but judging by the enlarged fragment of the image, the object seems quite real.

The second Lunar Orbiter find is even more controversial: image number LO3-84M shows a strange structure almost two km high.

The shadow of the object and its unevenness in reflected light are clearly visible, as if it were made of glass.

An anomaly in the form of an unusual rectangle in a lunar crater was found by modern virtual archaeologists in one of the publicly available photos of the Apollo 10 mission.

Mystery lovers believe that the lens captured the entrance to some kind of dungeon.

And this is a photograph of a relief reminiscent of ruins on Earth.

On October 30, 2007, the former head of NASA's lunar laboratory photography service, Ken Johnston, and writer Richard Hoagland held a press conference in Washington, reports about which immediately appeared in all the world's news channels.

They stated that at one time American astronauts discovered on the Moon the ruins of ancient cities and artifacts indicating the existence on it in the distant past of a certain highly developed civilization.

And this is a pyramidal elevation on the dark side of the Moon.

The Chinese lunar satellite Chang'e-2, launched on October 1, 2010, discovered such objects.

The pictures were published by Alex Collier, who is known for retelling messages coming from space from aliens.

Here are more photographs of the surface of the Moon, which depict structures of interesting shapes.

Some kind of design.

Relief of unusual shape.

The outlines of the buildings can be clearly seen in the photograph.

Another object that seems artificial.

A similar glow on the dark side of the Moon has been seen many times.

And this strangely shaped stone very much resembles a skull.

Unidentified object on the surface of the Moon.

A sensational article appeared in the American newspaper The New York Times: “Discovered on the Moon human skeleton"The publication refers to Chinese astrophysicist Mao Kang, who presented this photo at a conference in Beijing.

NASA released these images taken by cameras installed on the twin satellites Ebb and Flow, one of which flew over the rectangular-shaped object.

Lunar “buildings” again.

Not long ago, ufologists from Secure Team 10 discovered a “tank” in one of the NASA images.

And a popular American ufologist under the nickname Streetcap1 found an “alien base” in the photographs reverse side Moons taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter probe.

This is a photo of the lunar surface published by former NASA employee Ken Johnson: in the center you can see the Apollo mission module, but on the left side there are several mysterious dots.

Most of the points are located in even parallel rows, which is extremely rare for natural formations.

New NASA research has revealed that the Moon has mysterious swirling patterns of light and dark spots. They are found in more than a hundred different places throughout the surface.

On November 25, 2015, an amateur astronomer named Dennis Simmons captured in his telescope photograph the International Space Station, which should be at an altitude of about 400 km from the surface of the Earth, but for some reason in the photo it is located right next to the Moon.

Another Australian, Tom Haredine, also photographed the station there on November 21, 2015.

It turns out that either the ISS flew to the Moon, or astronomers took a photo of an unknown object similar to an earth station.

A lot of noise has been made on the Internet by footage that clearly shows an “alien” roaming the surface of the Moon.

On September 15, 2012, one of the amateur astronomers published a video on the Internet in which you can see how a whole flock of small luminous objects comes off the surface of one of the craters.

A UFO over the lunar surface was also discovered in footage taken by the Apollo 10 mission.

And this huge oblong " alien ship"buried" its nose into the lunar soil, apparently during an unsuccessful landing.

This object with a “tail” of light was discovered by ufologists in footage from the Apollo 11 mission.

The UFO resembles a projectile or a flying ship.

This group of lights separated from the surface of the Earth's satellite.

The photo of an unusual object above the lunar horizon was taken by Apollo 17 pilot Harrison Schmidt.

“Straight wall” is the name given to a perfectly flat formation almost 75 km long.