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Spelling of prepositions and prefixes. Continuous writing of prefixes Writing preposition prefixes

In our great Russian language, every word, every particle is important, because if you miss just one (one) of them, the whole meaning of a phrase or sentence is lost. All parts of speech are divided into two groups: independent and auxiliary. Thanks to the first, we can name an object, its sign or action. But in order to connect objects or their actions with each other, we cannot do without service units speech.

Rules for writing prepositions separately

To begin with, let's list some distinctive features of prepositions: they cannot be asked a question, they help connect words in phrases, they do not change and are not members of a sentence. Prepositions are always written separately from independent parts of speech, so it is important to distinguish them from prefixes, which are part of a word.

Now let's move on to the rules for writing prepositions separately:

  • the preposition cannot be removed from the sentence, otherwise the connection will be broken (for example, “went out for a walk” - if you remove the preposition, you get the meaningless phrase “went out for a walk”);
  • between the preposition and the independent part of speech you can insert a question (for example, “slid down (what?) a slide");
  • prepositions should not be confused with other parts of speech, as the spelling will differ (for example, “I called you about work" and "I transferred money to you to the account in the bank", in the first case "about" is a preposition, in the second - a preposition with a noun).

In order to distinguish a preposition from another part of speech, you need to check whether it is possible to ask a question. For example, "I wandered near school" (preposition) and "I'm standing near" (adverb).

Continuous writing of prefixes

Prefixes are part of the word, independent parts of speech, and stand before the root in the word. They can be written either together or with a hyphen. Only prefixes with adverbs and pronouns ("in an amicable way", "someone") can be written through a hyphen.

There are exceptions for pronouns, because if you put a preposition between the prefix and the pronoun, then all the words will be written separately (“someone has”). Also, through a hyphen, the prefix is ​​written with any proper name (“gender of Moscow”).

And most importantly, the prefix cannot be separated from the word by a question; it is necessarily part of the word.

Console - this is a part of a word that serves to form new words, it is written together with the word, and a preposition is a separate word, so prepositions are written separately with other words. Prepositions serve to connect words in phrases and sentences.

In one fairy tale, there lived prepositions and prefixes in the land of Grammar. Prepositions had their own houses in which they lived separately from other words. Prepositions prided themselves on being independent.

In addition, prepositions always indicated: where you need to be ( in, on, under, over, behind, at) or where to go ( from, into, through, by, to, from, to).

But the extensions did not have their own houses. They formed new words (for example, I will write, I will sign, I will write out, I will attribute).

But many prefixes and prepositions were as similar to each other as two peas in a pod. The students began to confuse them. Queen Grammar suggested that prepositions move away from the word with which they stand, and attribute words should come between them. Prepositions will not lose their meaning, but will differ from prefixes. Prepositions did just that.

To distinguish a prefix from a preposition, try inserting another word in the place where the question arose. You can insert a word, which means it is a preposition, written separately. You can’t insert a word, which means it’s a prefix and is written together with the word.

Remember! There are no prepositions with verbs. Prepositions are used with nouns and pronouns.

Let's practice writing prepositions and prefixes.

(C) the roofs (c) threw snow.

Let's ask a question about the word to find out what part of speech it is.

Roof - what?, noun.

From the iron roof, you can insert a word, which means s is a preposition, written separately.

Reset - what did they do?, this is a verb. There are no prepositions with verbs. This means that s is a prefix and is written together with the word.

Correct answer: Snow was thrown off the roof.

The guys (about) sang a song (about) school.

Sang - what did they do?, verb. There are no prepositions with verbs. This means that pro is a prefix and is written together with the word.

School - what?, noun. You can insert a word about your favorite school. This means that about is a preposition and is written separately.

Correct answer: The guys sang a song about school.

Compare the words:

under the birch - boletus

without joy - joyless

on the shore - embankment

on the wall - wall-mounted

These are words of the same root with the same prepositions and prefixes. They have the same meaning. You can put a question or insert a word between a preposition and a noun.

under (what?) curly birch

without (what?) special joy

on (what?) seashore

on (what?) high wall

Let's select cognate nouns with prepositions for adjectives.

breastplate (badge)- on the chest (preposition on)

salary (salary) - for work (preposition for)

pre-war (years) - before the war (preposition before)

underwater (stones) - under water (preposition under)

Let's read a joke poem. Let's prove in which word from- a prefix, and where - a preposition.

1. Freckles.

I, without sparing soap,

I patiently washed my nose,

It would depend (on) the soap,

FrecklesI would (from) soap.(Ya. Kozlovsky)

Let's ask a question about the word to find out what part of speech it is.

I (what did I do?) laundered - this is a verb, from is a prefix, written together.

Depends on (what?) scented soap. Soap - what?, noun, from - is a preposition, written separately.

Correct answer:

It would depend onsoap,

FrecklesI would wash it.

2. The sun doesn’t care about the clouds yet,

The grass in the meadow was still drinking dew,

And the carpenter woke up and got to work,

A saw can be heard ringing. (I am Kozlovsky)

The sun (what did it do?) touched, this is a verb, touch, touch, root touch-.

Took on (what?) difficult task. Business - what?, noun, for - preposition, written separately.

Correct answer:

The sun hasn't touched the clouds yet,

The grass in the meadow was still drinking dew,

And the carpenter woke up and took upcase,

A saw can be heard ringing.

The secret of using prepositions

To avoid mistakes in choosing prepositions, first learn the secret of their use. You cannot say, for example: returned from school, from the store, from the army. That's right: from school, from the store, from the army.

If a person goes (where?) to school, to the theater, to the store, to the library, to the army, if he goes to the Crimea, to Belarus, to Moscow, then he must return (from where?) from school, from the theater, from the store , from the library, from the army, from Crimea, from Belarus, from Moscow.

And on the contrary, if a person went to work, to the river, to the skating rink, or went fishing, then he must return from work, from the river, from the skating rink, from fishing.

If when answering the question where? The preposition B is used, then when answering the question where from? I need the preposition IZ.

If when answering the question where? The preposition NA is used, from when answering the question from where? I need a preposition S.

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Preparation for Russian language exams:

Prefixes and prepositions in Russian are often similar to each other, which causes errors in writing. In order to prevent them, 2nd grade students should know how prefixes differ from prepositions and by what rule they are written. If the topic is mastered well, there will be no mistakes in writing, and the student will easily cope with the assignments.

Prefixes and prepositions: differences

So, console– this is the part of the word that is located before its root. It is necessary in order to form a new word from the base.

Pretext- this is a part of speech that belongs to the category of auxiliary and is never used before verbs. They serve to connect words in a sentence.

At first glance, everything seems simple, but how can you actually distinguish a prefix from a preposition and vice versa if they are written the same?

Moreover, the preposition does not change according to any formal characteristics. There is a way: if the student doubts whether the word in front of him is part of the word or part of speech, you need to try to put another word between it and the base - an adjective or pronoun. If you managed to do this, the student has an excuse, but if not, then this is a prefix. You can also try to pose a question, but a similar principle applies.

In most cases, words with a preposition can be turned into a construction with a prefix, which helps to better understand the principle of using both in the Russian language.

Spelling prepositions and prefixes

The rule that determines their writing is quite simple and easy to remember. In order to understand how to write a word, it is enough to know that the student has a prefix or preposition in front of him, because the first is always written together, and the second - separately. The rule concerns the writing of prepositions and prefixes with all parts of speech.

The verb in this case greatly simplifies the task: since prepositions are not used with it, only prefixes remain, which are always written together.

Thus, to find out how a word is spelled, you first need to determine its part of speech. If this is a verb, then the continuous spelling will always be relevant. In other cases, you need to put a question or another word between the word and the intended prefix. If this is successful, then you need to write separately, because the student has a prefix in front of him. If nothing came of it, then the word must be written together, because a preposition was used. This is a fairly clear and easy-to-learn rule.

What have we learned?

In speech and writing, the preposition and prefix are written the same way, so it is not easy to distinguish them. but with writing everything is simpler: the preposition is always written separately with the word, and the prefix, as a word-forming element, is written together. So you just need to try to separate them with questions or additional words. If the division is successful, the correct spelling will be separate, since a preposition is used. If nothing can be placed between the words, then this is not a word with a preposition, but one speech unit, always written together.

I quantum Be able to differentiate different parts of speech (first of all, verb, noun, adj. (see the rule “Soft sign ( b) at the end of nouns after sibilants").

II quantum Be able to quickly perform a morphemic analysis of a word: “see” the morphemic composition of a word (primarily prefix and root).

A. Working with the root(be able to select words with the same root, be able to explain the lexical meaning) - see previous rules.

B. Working with the attachment.

Grammar fairy tale "New friends of the roots".

Spelling of the most commonly used prefixes: by-, under-, from-, with-, from- (is-), pere-, at- (pre-), on- (over-), without- (bes-), o- (ob-) etc.

Spelling of prefixes. Now classes begin not only with roots and cognates, but also with a prefix or a pair of prefixes.

For example, spelling of prefixes ras- (raz-).

Sample work from the book by L.G. Paramonova:

Before voiceless consonants

We write RAS-,

And before voiced and before vowels

Games and exercises: “Catch the console”, “4th extra”, relay races, lotto.

III quantum. Be able to differentiate prepositions and prefixes.

A. Commented explanation(can serve algorithm om – use object pictures).

Behind for the house.

WITH from the mountain.

From run away from the stairs.

By on the way to.

On To the shore.

Children are allowed to draw a sketch instead of the noun that follows the preposition.

For example:

Grisha sits on...

A beetle crawls on...

In ... there are toys.

B. Games and exercises: “Open the brackets”, “Match to the diagram”, “Match a pair”, “Insert a letter”.

Writing suffixes and morpheme junctions

Quanta I to VII are repeated throughout the entire period of correctional work.

VIII quantum. Be able to find the suffix of a word .

And now in the lesson, together with the root and instead of the prefix, the suffix is ​​considered. The work is carried out similarly to quantum II in the rule “ Separate writing prepositions, continuous – prefixes” (see above).

A. The concept of suffix.

Grammar tale by V.V. Volina.

B. Spelling of the most commonly used suffixes: -ev- (-iv-), -stv- (estv-), -eni-, -k-, -yshk- (-ishk-), -ik-, -chik- (- shchik-), -its-(-ets-), -tel and etc.

The work is carried out in the same way as with consoles (each lesson).

B. Games and exercises.

Separating soft character(s)

Preparatory work ( quanta I and II) has been carried out before.

III quantum. Be able to differentiate oppositional sounds by hardness and softness .

Children find it difficult to distinguish binary oppositions by hardness and softness (training exercises for the development of phonemic hearing).

A. Grammar tale“About the soft sign and its brother” V.V. Volina.

The soft sign (b) in the word acts as a springboard on a slide: as if the letters were sliding easily, jumped on the soft sign and went smoothly again (st. b And, P b Yu, h b And, V b Yu n, etc.)


B. Games and exercises.

Writing a double consonant in the root

Quanta from I to III are repeated in the previous rules.

A. Grammar tale V. Volina “About the girl Alla”.

B. Games and exercises.

12. Soft sign ( b) at the end of nouns

After the sizzling

I quantum Be able to differentiate words by gender (male, female, average).

For visual representation, pictures of a boy, girl, sun, and later their diagrams were used. The technique is quite well-known and very productive in speech therapy work.


Rice. 1

The task is to arrange the pictures under the symbols:

a) pictures with explicit identification of the genus (cat - m.r., fox - g.r., etc.), pictures of animals are used;

b) words m.r. without endings (chair, floor, mouth),

w.r. with the ending “a” (rainbow, T-shirt, hand);

c) pictures for difficult words:

m.r. – horse, poplar, sword, hut

w.r. - wilderness, gap, youth

Words cf. R.

II quantum Be able to differentiate parts of speech .

Children are offered:

a) arrange object pictures and action pictures into two columns;

b) write down the words in two columns: 1 – nouns, 2 – verbs. Among the nouns, words ending in hissing are required (rye, brooch, quiet, page, etc.).

You can draw a beautiful picture with a hero and a sword and a lady with an extravagant brooch in the shape of b, and then use their schematic representation (Fig. 2). When explaining the rule, the technique of gradually complicating the material is also used: first a picture is presented, then a diagram. Children are offered pictures and words of masculine and feminine gender ending in hissing. They write them down in notebooks and on the board, focusing on the diagram. To consolidate the rule, in addition to exercises, you need to write down all the words that obey this rule in a dictionary. There are not so many such words, and children will become familiar with words that are rarely used in their speech, such as: youth, gap, wilderness, dryness etc., will simultaneously find application for the learned rule.

Strong husband ranks b not needed by the weak wives chins b


Rice. 2

III quantum. Be able to differentiate sibilant consonants (implemented in the process of consolidating the rule).

Fairy tale “Hissing” (from the book by V.A. Ivanova, Z.A. Potikha, D.E. Rosenthal).

Children are asked to write down words in two columns.

IV quantum. Be able to quickly find and highlight the root morpheme in a word (the soft sign is written at the end, i.e. at the root of the word).

Mastery of this level is prepared during the entire course of classes: each lesson begins with the selection of cognate words according to the root given by the speech therapist. During the explanation of this topic in class, a root is also given that corresponds to the topic being studied. For example, M ABOUT L ABOUT D: m O l O doy, m O l O reach, the youth, pullet, rejuvenating (apples), young fellow, well done, youthful, youthful, dashing etc.

Let's consider how often the levels of knowledge (quanta) necessary for mastering a particular spelling skill are repeated in each rule.

1. Be able to quickly find and highlight the root morpheme in a word:

Unstressed vowels at the root of the word;

Voiced and voiceless consonants at the root of the word;

Unpronounceable consonants at the root of a word;

Separating solid sign (ъ);

Spelling of the vowel in the endings of word forms;


Not with verbs;

Separate writing of prepositions, combined writing of prefixes;

Writing suffixes at the junction of morphemes;

Separating soft character (ь);

Writing a double consonant at the root of a word.

The analysis shows that in basic grammatical (spelling) rules the concept of a root is necessary and key. Children must have the ability to easily identify a given morpheme (root) in the structure of a word in order to be able to apply the rule algorithm in subsequent operations. In the wording spelling rules there is a phrase: “...at the root of the word.” Without the ability to detect the root morpheme, application of the rule becomes impossible. We highlight the central (“root”) place in working with this morpheme.

The next three quanta correlate with the previous one and are necessary in the basic rules of spelling.

Let's talk about the spelling of various words and the rules of the Russian language - both simple and insidious. Today we will analyze such a rule as the continuous writing of prefixes and the separate writing of prepositions.

Prefix - what is it?

Before trying to understand how to write a prefix correctly, let's remember what it is. A prefix (in scientific terminology - a prefix) - which is located in front of the root and serves to form new words: swim - sail away, sail, swim.

There is a word in the Russian language in which the prefix is ​​located in an atypical place - between the roots. This word is "world-view". But these are the subtleties of morphemics; we will not touch on them in this article. The topic of this review will be the continuous writing of prefixes and cases of placing a hyphen between the prefix and the root.

Prefix and preposition

A prefix cannot exist separately from a word. In this case, this is already an excuse. As we remember, a preposition is not a morpheme, but a part of speech that connects words into phrases. But the prefix can be written with a hyphen! And each has its own cases of such writing and ways to distinguish a prefix from a preposition. Most of them will seem familiar to someone from school, and some may become a discovery.

Continuous writing of prefixes and separate writing of prepositions is a rule of grammar, which is considered one of the main ones. It is very important to be able to correctly write prefixes in words so as not to be considered illiterate. So let's learn!

The interesting science of etymology, which studies the history of words, claims that most prefixes come from prepositions. IN modern language These prefixes correspond in meaning to a similar preposition: joyless - without joy, beyond the river - beyond the river. But there are also those who do not have a similar excuse. For example, car-, pra-, re-, re- and others.

Prefixes that are always written together

Continuous writing of prefixes for the Russian language is considered the norm (if we have found out that this is a prefix, and not a preposition).

Russian prefixes are written together with words without-, on-, pre-, o-, about-, with-, from-, race-, vos-, bottom-, over-, inter-, through-, under-, over-, in-, with- , pre-, pro-, great-, rare prefix pa-(for example in the word stepson) and many others. Examples: joyless, heartless, background, make, spend, source, enormous, squat, dash, unpack, dumbfound, call and so on.

Some words have foreign prefixes, most of which are also supposed to be written together. These are consoles anti-, arch-, a-, des-, ir-, trans- and some others: illogical, transcontinental, irrational, disinformation.

There are Russian prefixes that can be hyphenated in certain cases. This po-, v- (vo-), some-. Separate sections of the article will be devoted to them.

Cases to remember

Among the prefixes of foreign origin, there are those whose spelling should be remembered.

  • Console the ex- in the meaning “former, past” it is written with a hyphen: ex-president, ex-leader, ex-favorite.
  • Console counter- written with a hyphen in a word rear admiral. Other words with this prefix should be written together: counterparty, counteroffensive.

When writing words of foreign language origin or containing parts of foreign language origin, it is better to consult a dictionary, since they may not obey the rules of the Russian language.

Warm-up: verb and prefix

Let's start with this, perhaps the simplest rule: how to determine whether a prefix is ​​in front of us or a preposition when it comes to a verb? There can only be one answer: it's a prefix. In what word? In any! If a word is a verb, then it can never be preceded by a preposition. This means that what caused our difficulty is precisely the prefix, and it needs to be written together. I ran behind a tree and read about the sea etc. There are no exceptions. Try putting a preposition before the verb. Does not exceed? That's the whole story! Consistent writing of prefixes in a verb is a rule without exceptions.

Don't forget about the insidious word "not", which can be misleading and seem like an excuse. NOT is not a preposition, NOT is a particle, because it does not serve to connect words, but introduces a negative connotation of meaning. And the particle is written, of course, separately (except for those words that are not used without it and in which this very thing is most likely NOT part of the root).

Spelling of prefixes - independent parts of speech

The school curriculum devotes many hours to learning how to write prefixes. Continuous writing of prefixes and separate writing of prepositions (5th grade, 6th and 7th grades) is explained throughout many lessons when studying almost all parts of speech.

Although the rule is not considered the most difficult, it is still in the spelling of prefixes that errors very often occur. Not only schoolchildren, but also adults often puzzle over whether to write a word together or separately, a preposition before it or a prefix. In order not to rack your brains, you just need to understand and remember a few simple rules that govern the continuous writing of prefixes. We will look at examples in the following sections of the article, paying attention to each part of speech separately.

Prefixes of nouns and adjectives

This rule is also not one of the most difficult. The continuous writing of prefixes (grade 3 is already devoting lessons to this rule) of nouns and adjectives is very easy to check. Between a prefix and a word you cannot put another word or a semantic question, but between a preposition and a word you can: coastal - at (what?) court, prankster - about an (interesting) story.

Let us remember that a preposition can only refer to a noun, even if an adjective is “wedged” between them.

Insidious adverb

With this part of speech, things are more complicated. In this case, it is easy to determine whether the prefix is ​​in front of us or a preposition (a preposition cannot appear before an adverb, as well as before a verb). The difficulty is that the prefix with an adverb is written not only together, but also with a hyphen. The continuous writing of prefixes in adverbs, the rules for placing a hyphen - all this deserves close attention.

So, the first part of the rule: prefixes with adverbs are written together in most cases (except for those that require a hyphen, but we will discuss them below). Wasted, scared, naked, on the side etc.

The second part of the rule concerns several prefixes that can be written with a hyphen in adverbs. The next section of the article is devoted to them.

Spelling adverb prefixes with a hyphen

When it comes to adverbs, the continuous writing of prefixes is a rule with some reservation, because in this part of speech prefixes are often written with a hyphen. There are not very many cases of setting, and this section of the article will require only a couple of points. So, prefixes in adverbs are written with a hyphen if:

  1. This is the prefix po-, and the adverb has the suffixes -om or -em: in a good way, in a business way.
  2. This is a prefix in -, and the adverb has a suffix -i: in a brotherly way, in Arabic.
  3. This is the prefix vo- (in-), and the adverb has the suffixes -y or -them: in-tenths, firstly, fourthly, etc. Such words are formed from ordinal numbers, and in a sentence they most often play the role introductory words.

Prefix with adjectives and adverbs

The spelling of the prefix NOT with different words always stands apart from other rules. This is a very complicated prefix; it behaves differently with each part of speech and in each case. But there are several general rules for nouns, adjectives and adverbs that allow you to distinguish the prefix NOT from the negative particle NOT.

  • If a word with NOT can be replaced with a similar meaning, then NOT is a prefix: quiet - quiet, dim - dim, unfriendliness - hostility.
  • If a word with NOT in a sentence has or has opposition in mind, then NOT is a particle and is written separately: not deep, but shallow; not pleasant, but repulsive; not a lamp, but a floor lamp; he is not my husband (implying that he is someone else).
  • In words that cannot be used without NOT (such as slob, careless, absurdity, and others) NOT is not a prefix, but part of the root. In such words it can be difficult to correctly identify morphemes if you do not know their etymology (i.e. origin).

Pronouns and prefixes

Pronouns are a special group of words that do not mean anything, but only indicate an object or attribute. Theirs is also atypical. As a rule, these are short monosyllabic or two-syllable words: you, they, such as etc. In pronouns, the continuous spelling of prefixes, examples of which will follow later, is a rather interesting, but easy rule.

Perhaps the only prefix that pronouns can have is the prefix NOT. It is found with negative pronouns and is written together with them if there is no preposition between the prefix and the word. No one - no one, no one - no one, no time, no place, no need.

Let us recall that in negative pronouns the prefix does NOT occur only under stress. If the stress falls on another part of the word, then you should write NI. Someone approached us - no one wanted to leave; there is no one to admire - I admire no one; I have no one to walk with - I don’t talk to anyone; several letters - I don’t regret it at all.

There is a prefix that only appears on pronouns and is written with a hyphen. This is a prefix: somehow, somehow, somewhere. Breaks away from the word, i.e. is written separately with it, this prefix in the event that any preposition is “wedged in”: from someone, for something, about something.

Tricky consoles half- and half-

The prefix pol- is usually found on nouns, and its insidiousness is that it is written either together or with a hyphen. When should you use a hyphen?

  1. If the prefix is ​​followed by any vowel sound: half an apple, half a watermelon, half an Arkhangelsk.
  2. If after the prefix there is a capital letter: half of Sochi, half of Paris, half of Kaliningrad.
  3. If after the prefix there is a consonant -l-: half a lime, half a palm, half a London.

In other cases, the prefix pol- is written together: half a class, half a house, half a city, half a village and so on.

With the prefix semi- everything is much simpler: it is always written together, no matter what part of speech the word belongs to: short fur coat, half ready, half competent.

The continuous spelling of the prefixes half and half and cases of hyphenation is one of the most easily remembered rules from this topic.

Rare consoles

We continue to study the continuous writing of prefixes. Examples of the variety of prefixes in the Russian language are endless. Who would have thought that in the Russian language, for example, there is a prefix yu-, and it occurs only in one word - holy fool(its analogue is the modern prefix u-, for example, in the word freak).

The prefix appears in just a few words: borrow, start, take a puff and some others.

The prefix ispod-, perhaps, will come across to us only in two words: gradually and on the sly.

Ku- occurs in words to brood, to shrink and some others. It is believed that it is also in the word curls.

Pa- in modern language can be found only in three words: stepdaughter, stepson and flood. As you can see, such a prefix can only be used under stress.

These are the interesting prefixes found in Russian words. And it’s not always possible to immediately understand that this is a console!

Let's sum it up

So, what did we learn from reading the article? Firstly, the phrase “joint and separate writing of prefixes” is erroneous: prefixes can only be written together (in rare cases - with a hyphen), and if they are written separately from the word, then this is already a preposition.

Secondly, we learned (or maybe just remembered) how to distinguish a prefix from a preposition. Each part of speech has its own rules, which every literate person should know, since the ability to distinguish a prefix from a preposition is the basics of grammar.

Almost every prefix corresponds to a preposition with a similar meaning, and only a few prefixes do not have one.

The prefix NOT has an analogue not of a preposition, but of a particle. Distinguishing between a prefix and a particle NOT is a special rule, considered one of the most difficult in spelling. Each has its own nuances.

Prefixes can only be written through a hyphen in adverbs or pronouns, as well as the prefix gender- in nouns. There are very few such prefixes, they are very easy to learn. For adverbs these are the prefixes po-, vo-, v- (in the presence of certain suffixes), for pronouns - the prefix koe- (in the absence of a preposition between it and the word).

The prefixes half and half require special attention. They are written in accordance with a clear rule: half- can be written both together and with a hyphen, and half- can only be written together.

We must remember the most important rule for distinguishing between a preposition and a prefix: a prefix cannot be “torn off” from a word with a question or a clarifying word, while a preposition can be separated from a word very easily.

We have studied the continuous spelling of prefixes, examples of placing a hyphen, and we hope that this rule will not cause any difficulties for anyone else. Let's write correctly!