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Preparing for school interactive tasks. Preparing children for school at home: developmental tasks, games, exercises, tests

Games that develop memory

"Who will remember more"

The participants of the game sit in a circle. The first participant names any word. For example, a flower. The next participant in the game repeats the named word and pronounces any of his own. For example, a forest. The third participant in the game repeats the two previous words (flower, forest) and pronounces his own: schoolboy. And so on. The winner is the one who can reproduce the most words. The game can be started several times.

“Whose subject?”

To play this game, all participants are divided into two teams. Each team chooses a driver. The game consists of the fact that in front of the driver, members of his team place one object on the table. The driver looks and tries to remember who put what object. The drivers' answers are evaluated. Everyone should act as a driver.

"Retelling in a Circle"

The driver reads the text. The participants in the game listen carefully. The retelling begins with any of the players. Further clockwise. Everyone speaks one sentence, then everyone listens to the text one more time and completes the retelling, correcting the mistakes made.

Exercise for developing visual memory

To organize your work with your child, you will need cards with geometric shapes. Card display time is 10 seconds. After showing one of the pictures, you should ask the child to reproduce the figures in this sequence.

Games that develop logical thinking

Already at an early age, a child begins to develop thinking. However, improving logical abilities is impossible without developing the child’s speech, so during any game you must try to ensure that the child formulates his answer as accurately as possible.

“Who will be who?”

The child answers the adult’s questions: “Who will be (or what will be): egg, chicken, boy, acorn, seed, egg, caterpillar, flour, iron, brick, fabric, student, big, weak?” etc.

When discussing your child's answers, it is important to emphasize the possibility of several options. For example, an egg can produce a chick, a crocodile, a turtle, a snake, or even a fried egg. In one game you can understand 6-7 words.

A variant of this game is the game “Who should I be?”

Who (what) was before: chicken (egg); horse (foal), cow, oak, fish, apple tree, bread, closet, house, strong, etc.

"Guess what I wished for"

Several cards with images of different objects are laid out in front of a group of children. The driver makes a wish for one of them. Children must guess what object he wished for by asking any questions except a direct question about the name. In order for children to better understand the rules of the game, try several times to guess for themselves what the children’s team asked. First, you need to deliberately “tighten” the game and ask the children as many questions as possible about the properties, purpose, details, color, shape of the depicted objects. For this game it is very convenient to use cards and sets of “Paired Pictures”.

"Collect a flower"

Each child chooses a round card - the middle of the future flower. Then each participant in the game collects a flower, the petals of which depict objects related to one concept (for example: insects, clothes, animals, etc.)

Games that develop speech

"Bag of Surprises"

For this game you need a small bag and a set of objects that can be hidden in it. One of the participants is blindfolded, after which they are asked to take objects out of the bag and identify them. The player must answer what kind of thing he got and what it is intended for. The one who correctly identifies the largest number of items wins.

"Twelve Questions"

Participants are divided into two teams. The host puts an item in the box so that no one can see, and then asks the players what the item is. Teams must guess what is in the box by asking yes or no questions. For example: Round? Edible? Iron? The winner is the participant who, after twelve questions, names the object.

“Who knows, let him continue”

Goal: to learn to select and use words with a general meaning in speech, to correlate generic and specific concepts.

Option 1:

An adult names a generic concept - a word with a general meaning, children - words related to a given gender, with a specific meaning.

Presenter: furniture.

Children: bed, sofa, chair, table, etc.

Presenter: fish

Children: carp, crucian carp, ruffe, pink salmon, etc.

(Fruits, trees, vegetables, birds, etc.)

Option 2:

The adult names the specific concept, and the participants name a generalizing word.

Presenter: cucumber, radish, potatoes, turnips.

Participants: vegetables.

Whoever makes a mistake pays forfeits. The one who makes no mistakes wins.

Games that develop attention

"What changed"

6-7 items are placed on the table. The child looks at them for one or two minutes. Then they ask him to turn away and remove one of the objects. When the child turns around, he says what has changed. (You don’t have to remove a single item, but swap 2 of them).

"Hot - cold"

Hide a small object (toy, candy) within the room. The child must find the hidden object, guided by your prompts: if he is looking in the right direction, say “Hot,” if he moves away from the place, say “Cold.” These words can be replaced with claps, gestures, etc. The game develops attention, observation, and the ability to navigate in space.

"Chain of Words"

Explain to your child in advance using a specific example: “I call the word “bug.” It ends in k. You must name a word that begins with the sound k. For example, cat. I’ll say a word starting with a – orange, you with a word starting with n, etc.

Thus, a chain of words is formed. Words must be named at a fast pace, without pauses. Whoever makes a mistake or does not name the words within 5 seconds is eliminated from the game. The game develops auditory attention and reaction speed.

Games that develop creativity and imagination

Games to develop intelligence

"The Pickers"

Small toys are scattered on the floor. The participants of the game are divided into groups of 2-3 people and join hands. At the leader’s signal with both free hands, each trio must collect as many objects as possible.


A newspaper (unfolded) is spread on the floor in front of each participant. The players place their right hand behind their backs, and with their left hand, at the leader’s signal, bending down, they begin to crumple the newspaper, trying to collect the entire sheet into a fist. The one who completes the task first wins.

"Roll the Ball"

The leader gives everyone a tennis ball. Participants, at the leader’s signal, insert the ball from below into the right trouser leg, then roll it with their fingers through the fabric into the left trouser leg and roll it down. The player who completes the task first wins.

Games that develop fine motor skills

Relaxation of fingers and hands

"Red Fence"

Movements of the hands up and down, left and right.

"Let's pet the kitten"

Smooth stroking movements are performed first with one hand, then with the other.

"Salt the soup"

The elbows rest on the table, the fingers of both hands reproduce the corresponding movements.

Automation of finger movements

"Fingers said hello"

The tip of the thumb sequentially touches the tips of the other fingers. The exercise can be performed differently: the hands of both hands are raised up and palms facing each other, fingers spread apart. Alternately, the fingers of the same name touch, tapping each other.

Invented by someone

Simple and wise

When meeting, say hello:

Good morning!

Good morning!

Sun and birds

Good morning!

Smiling faces.

And everyone becomes

Kind, trusting...

Have a good morning!

Lasts until evening.

N. Krasilnikov

"Man Runs"

The index and middle fingers “run” across the table. The exercise is performed first with one hand, then with the other hand, and finally with both hands together.

There lived a man

twisted legs,

And he walked for a whole century

Along a crooked path

And beyond the crooked river

In a crooked house

Lived in summer and winter

Crooked mice.

"The Flower Has Bloomed"

The fingers are clenched into a fist. Each finger is straightened in turn and moved to the side, like the petals of a flower, the thumb and little finger are straightened at the same time. This exercise can be performed differently: the palms of both hands are raised up and pressed against each other with the tips of the fingers and the bases of the palms - the flower is closed. Then the fingers on both hands are simultaneously pulled back - the flower blooms.

In our front garden

Near the terrace

Blues are growing


They are blooming

Fast, like in a fairy tale.

The start of school marks a major turning point for most children and parents.

Around then, a change in the main type of activity, from gaming to educational, comes to the flag.

Every child must make the transition from the “living to play” stage of life to the “reading to learn” stage of life. This is a giant leap!

And it can be a difficult time for children. Thanks to the selection of useful and educational games presented below, you will help your child easily integrate learning skills into play activities, and thereby help the child adapt to the school stage.

Educational games you can play while walking

Game "Needle and thread"

The children stand one after another, the first of them, the needle, runs, changing the direction of movement. The others run after him, trying to keep up.

The purpose of this game is important for children who have communication difficulties, are withdrawn, and shy. It's better to put them first.

Game "Monkey in the mirror store"

The adult, and then the child, shows the movements that the players must repeat exactly after him.

At the stage of mastering the game, the role of the monkey is played by an adult. Then the children take on the role of a monkey. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure that over time each child can fulfill this role.

It is necessary to stop the game at the peak of children’s interest, avoiding satiety and transition to self-indulgence. Those “mirrors” who often make mistakes may be eliminated from the game (this increases motivation for the game)

The goal of the game is to develop attention and manage your condition

Game: “Guess what object I am drawing in the air.”

Children imagine that the presenter has a piece of chalk, which, as if in the air, draws, for example, an orange. The children's task is to repeat this movement and come up with something of their own.

The purpose of the game is to develop attention and the main skill of learning activities - to follow and repeat

Game "Paper Football"

The goal of the game “Paper Football” is to develop perseverance, achieve results, and develop determination

Game "Fly"

The purpose of the game is to develop coordination, right-left orientation (necessary for the child to orientate himself on a piece of paper)

Educational games you can play at home

Game "Game stretching".

A game that uses a sheet of printed text as a material.

The child’s task is to find the letter “A” and circle it with a pencil or the letter “O” and underline it. Whoever finds the most wins (adults can compete too)

The goal of the game is to develop attention, concentration skills, the ability to hear, listen and accurately complete the task.

Exercise bike game

The goal of the game is to develop logical skills and increase active vocabulary

Memory development game “Box”

To play, you need a box with different toys, the child is shown one toy at a time, and then hidden back in the box, the child’s task is to remember and verbally reproduce those toys that are in the box.

The purpose of the game is to develop the child’s visual and auditory memory

Game "Looking for mistakes."

A story is read to a child. Children should pay close attention to their speech. If they hear confusion or something that cannot be, stomp your feet, and then explain why they interrupted the story and correct the mistake.

For example: A story with absurdities

I once got ready to go to the forest. I took my dog, backpack and skis with me. I come to the forest, put on my SKATES and start moving along the ski track. Suddenly my Cat saw something. A red hare was sitting under the tree.

The dog MEOWED, the hare started to run, jumped onto a TREE, and the dog CLIMBED after him. The hare ran away from the dog, because he runs SLOWLY. Then my dog ​​began to dig the EARTH and dug up - what do you think? MUSHROOM! No, of course, not a mushroom, but a hole, and in that hole lived a CROW.

The dog sniffed the mink and moved on. I went after her. I wanted to eat. I took out two sandwiches and a thermos of coffee from my PORTFOLIO. I gave one of the PIES to the dog. We ate, and suddenly I heard the sound of wheels and the whistle of a STEAMER, which meant that the railway was close.

We followed the sound of the train and soon reached the station. At the station, I took off my SKATES, took money out of my SUITCASE and bought a ticket for the train. A few minutes later we boarded the BUS and set off on our way back.

That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

The goal of the game is to develop the skill of focusing on the task at hand.

Game "Drawing"

The goal of the game is orientation on a sheet of paper, the ability to keep the task in mind, communication skills

Game “What do they do with what?”

Sand is poured, and water...
Pies are baked, and soup...
Flowers are watered with water, but fire...
The juice can be spilled, but the peas...
The grass is cut, and the hair...
Books are read, and songs...
The table is set, and the bed...

Game "Mood"

A color painting of the mood is created.

For example, on a common sheet of whatman paper, with the help of paints, each family member draws his own mood in the form of a stripe, a spot, a cloud, and the result is a real work of art!

The purpose of the game is to teach the child to express his emotions and feelings, not to withdraw into himself, empathy

Educational games that can be played in transport (on the road, on the train, in the car)

Game "School of Smiles"

- When do people smile?
—What kinds of smiles are there?
- Try to show them.
— Draw a smiling person.
— A smiling man – what is he like?

The goal of the game is to develop coherent speech and the child’s ability to reason on a given topic. Don't be afraid to make assumptions and speak your mind

Game "Unfortunately - Fortunately"

The goal of the game is to develop coherent speech, the ability to find a way out of any difficult situation, and the development of positive thinking

Game "What do you think?"

Why is the barrier lowered along the track before the train arrives?
Why do all cars have brakes?
What is the difference between an old person and a young person?
What kind of person is called kind?
What kind of person is called a friend?
What does it mean to help someone?
What does it mean to care about someone?
What does it mean to feel sorry for someone?

The goal of the game is to develop coherent speech

Game "Continue the phrases"

If a piece of ice is brought into the room, then...
The boy laughed merrily because...
If there is severe frost in winter, then...
If you fly high like a bird, then...
The girl stood and cried because...
When a birthday comes, then...
If all the snow melts, then...
The lights went out in the room because...

The goal of the game is to develop the skill of establishing cause-and-effect relationships, which is necessary for studying at school.

Educational game "Circles"

The purpose of the game is to develop the child’s imagination, creative abilities, creativity

You can prepare your child for school in just 20 days in the “Ready for School” program

“Is our child ready for school?” - this question worries probably all modern parents of former children. A little more - and that magical transition into the adult world will take place, the entrance to which is under the sign “School”.

And it is unknown whose excitement is present here more: the child’s, or the parent’s. Modern children are more information-rich than their fathers and mothers at the same age of seven, so it is easier for them to enter into the new information system offered by the school. Parents, and especially grandparents, are still products of their era, which is at the same time very good: they are responsible for preparing their child for the Land of Knowledge.

To reduce the level of anxiety of the older generation (“Ready? Not ready? How will he be there?”), I offer a simple and even fun way to calm everyone down and create confidence that you can send your child on a long voyage along the waves of learning. Games! This is what will help us! Play is a familiar activity for older preschoolers—a leading one, as psychologists say. Based on the game, we will show the child that studying is not as scary as it is made out to be. Moreover, studying can be very interesting! So, let’s all play together and gradually move on to real learning - in comfort and with passion!

Are you intellectually ready for school? Always ready!

In addition to emotional (motivated “I want to go to school!”) and social (the ability to live and study in a team) readiness, the child must be prepared for school intellectually. If a preschooler knows how to concentrate attention, build logical connections, and has sufficiently developed memory and hand movements, this means that intellectual readiness is at the level.

In cognitive activity, which is one of the main ones for a schoolchild, the leading role is played by cognitive processes: attention, memory, thinking, imagination. They are all interconnected, and it is difficult to single out any one that is more important than the rest.

For example, memory. Without memory, thinking operations will become impossible. A good memory greatly facilitates the process of memorizing new material; the child spends less time on homework. A person with a good memory is more literate, as he remembers the correct spelling of words and sentences when reading books.

Voluntary memory begins to form in a child at the age of five, but targeted memorization depends on the type of activity the child performs. At the same time, the efficiency of memorization increases if the task does not involve passive perception, but the active performance of mental operations. The most favorable conditions for the formation of voluntary memory are created during gaming activities. What is especially good about such games is that they can simultaneously serve both as a means of developing the quality necessary for a future first-grader, and as a means of diagnosing whether a child has it.

Memory games

Let's look at some game options. The adult asks the child to remember pairs of pictures within 10-15 seconds. Then the pictures are removed, and the child is asked to remember paired pictures. For memorization, you can use cards with drawings - concrete or abstract, with images of geometric shapes of different colors and shapes, as well as plot pictures.

Another game exercise: for a minute and a half, the child memorizes the toys on the shelf, then leaves the room or simply turns away, and the adult changes places or removes some of the toys. The child evaluates the changes.

The good thing about this game is that it can be played in a variety of ways. The objects of the game can be real toys or objects - at home or in kindergarten, and in the mobile version of the game (on a trip, in line at the clinic - in a word, in non-stationary conditions) objects can be replaced with their images made on cardboard cards .

Using cards, you can play this version of memory development: an adult makes up pairs of cards in advance from a color image of an object (and the objects should be familiar to children, those that surround them every day) and its schematic image. Then shows the child the pairs (first a color, then a schematic image in each pair) - 3 seconds for each card. Then there are two options: cards with a schematic image are shown in order, and the child is asked to remember and name the paired object. Or you can do the opposite: first show cards with color images, and the child will remember and name the schematic images. In addition to memory, when using cards with stylized graphic images, children develop associative imagination.

Next game. Take 12 colored cards and place any of them on the table in three rows. The child is asked to remember the pictures, then close his eyes. The adult changes the arrangement of the pictures or removes one or two pictures.

The child, opening his eyes, must name what has changed or what has disappeared. Repeat this task three to four times. Then cover all the pictures with a sheet of paper and ask them to remember and name the pictures: in any one row from left to right or from right to left; in one of the columns from top to bottom or bottom to top; name the picture that is in one of the corners, between any other pictures; at different levels relative to other pictures. To complicate the game, you can invite the child to be the leader himself and ask you difficult questions.

Several children can take part in the next game. Take 4 cards, each with a different shape. The presenter, one by one, shows the cards to the children for 10 seconds. After showing each of the four cards, children sketch the rows of figures they saw on paper. For each correctly drawn card, the child receives 1 point. Whoever has the most points wins.

And one more test game. It requires four sets of cards, two in each set, on which objects of the same type are drawn, arranged differently, with the addition of other objects. For example, cards with clothes: on the first - a hat, cap, panama hat; in the second, the headdresses are swapped and a dress is added. Show your child one of the memory cards, then put it away. Next, show the paired map and ask them to name which objects have changed their location, which ones have disappeared, or which ones have been added. Additional tasks for this game: name the objects on the card in one word; determine which item is superfluous, for example, in our example, a dress will be superfluous - it is not a headdress.

Be careful!

There is probably no person in the world who has never worried about a lack of attention - in himself or in his child. And parents of schoolchildren are simply sure: attention is the basis of good studies!

A child’s attention is such an interesting thing that does not exist on its own, outside of his actions. There is only one means of its development - activity, which should encourage the child to develop volitional efforts that underlie voluntary attention. You can't just tell your child to be more attentive. He is focused only until his interest wanes. Therefore, during an interesting game, children can remain attentive for quite a long time.

Games for developing attention can be as follows: correctly arrange objects in the cells of the rows according to a given pattern; find ten differences in two identical drawings at first glance; find identical pairs among four pairs of images with minimal differences. Thanks to the targeted guidance of adults during play, children should develop observation skills that allow them to notice a larger number of different objects, their details and characteristics in a short time. In the process of training using such games, children's ability to voluntarily develop intensively.

Movement is not only life, but also the mind

The poetic phrase that a person’s talent is at his fingertips is not actually a metaphor. Indeed, the cerebral hemispheres are closely connected with nerve endings in the hands and fingers. Brain development occurs, among other things, under the influence of kinetic impulses from the hands, therefore a child with a high level of development of fine motor skills is able to reason logically, his memory, attention, and coherent speech develop faster.

Game techniques for developing hand movements also contribute to the formation of accuracy, concentration, and perseverance.

Game moments are especially good because of the presence of a certain intrigue that captivates the child while completing the task.

For example:

complete the second half of the object, circle the objects point by point, starting from the point, without lifting your hand;

perform actions (4 cells up, 4 cells to the right, 2 cells down, 4 cells to the left) to make drawings - and determine what happened in the end;

color only those geometric figures drawn next to the object that make up the object; draw geometric shapes that objects resemble;

make all objects the same by drawing in the missing details; continue the row, drawing in cells, having first grasped the pattern of the arrangement of the figures.

Riddles always attract, and the brain begins to work even faster. Intelligence develops both indirectly and directly. Ensures meaningful memorization and reproduction of motor actions, and the ability to make decisions independently.

With the help of games for the development of hand movements, you can develop spatial imagination, spatial orientation, and vocabulary by giving the child the task of drawing objects in certain places on the sheet: in the center, in the upper left corner, in the lower right corner, between, etc. n. It turns out literally: human development is in his hands! Only the little person must be helped by the big ones, parents and teachers.

“He who cannot speak will not make a career”

This phrase from Napoleon should make parents of future schoolchildren think: have they done everything to ensure that their child’s future career gets a good start in elementary school? Let us not yet know who our child will be professionally. We know for sure that correct speech will be useful to him, no matter who he becomes.

But that's in the future. And today he must construct his speech so clearly that the words do not interfere, but, on the contrary, help his thoughts to line up in the correct perspective.

Readiness for school is inextricably linked with the level of speech development. Adults must evaluate: whether the child pronounces words clearly; can he name and identify the main objects around him, is he able to participate in a general conversation, is it easy for him to answer questions from adults, tell a story, describe an incident that happened to him, can he explain what various things are for, can he use prepositions, is he correct? Is the child’s speech grammatical? If the child’s speech development level is insufficient, there is no need to scold him, you need to... play with him!

Cicero said: “Eloquence is something that is more difficult than it seems, and is born from a lot of knowledge and effort.” Of course, he is right, but we are also right when we want our children to want to learn to speak correctly. And this means that we need to interest them in this. First of all, the game. Agree that trying hard in the game will give much more results.

Game tasks should go from simple to more complex: from compiling a logical, coherent story using cards that must be arranged in a sequence of actions, to composing stories based on pictures with complex plot images. Introduce a sense of competition into the game: for each task completed correctly and efficiently, you can give children tokens, for example, in the form of stars. This way, children will get closer to becoming real “star speakers.”

For example, tasks could be:

using cards with images of objects, animals, call them diminutively; distribute by childbirth; change words by numbers;

make sentences based on pictures;

consider 4 plot pictures depicting characters in a sequence of actions familiar to the child, arrange the pictures in the correct sequence and compose a story based on them;

look at a genre picture and make sentences with words, highlighting and naming prepositions in sentences;

take pictures with objects that have opposite characteristics (sour lemon - sweet candy, brave lion - cowardly hare, wide bed - narrow bench, etc.) and name these antonyms.

Literacy is necessary for everyone who wants to achieve success. People with a rich vocabulary and correct, figurative speech are more likely to succeed in everything, because those around them perceive such a person as smarter and more competent.

Literacy can be developed starting with learning the alphabet. Then the ability to recognize the place of a sound in a word is acquired, and to isolate the sounds necessary for further learning to read. From the correct understanding of concepts such as sound, syllable, word, sentence, children move on to the conscious composition of coherent statements of various types - narration, description, reasoning; from simple words, children - to compiling logical chains using cards with images.

For example, one of the games, “Couples,” also develops logic and cause-and-effect thinking. Adding cards with objects related in meaning to the plot to the plot pictures will be the basis for composing stories. With the help of this game, you can begin to take your child to a new level of thinking - heuristic, using the method that Gianni Rodari called the “Binome of Fantasy”. If you offer a child two cards with objects drawn on them that are absolutely unrelated to each other in meaning (for example, an ax and an umbrella, a duck and a house), then the brain will try to find a connection between these objects, and the child will develop a creative imagination. A more complex version of this method is the “Fantasy Polynomial,” when three words are taken that are not related to each other in meaning (for example, acorn, pike, castle).

To paraphrase the statement of the famous expert in the field of public speaking Frank Snell, I would like to say: do not allow teachers to paint a false picture of his abilities through your child’s speech deficiencies. Make your child's speech work for him.

The world around us

In order not to lose yourself in this world, you need to know a lot about it. Especially for a beginning student. This knowledge is also needed for the development of independence, because now your child is no longer just a baby, but a student who must be well oriented in the surrounding reality, (!) not be late for anything, and in general - literally and figuratively - not get lost in it world!

What can be done to increase the qualitative and quantitative volume of a child’s knowledge about the surrounding reality? Of course, play with him!

For example: make 12 small cards with scenes belonging to different seasons, and one large field with four sectors, “signed” with symbols of different seasons (winter - snowflake, summer - sun, etc.). The task for the child is to guess what season the small cards with plots belong to and arrange them into the corresponding seasonal sectors on a large field. As an additional task, you can ask your child to talk about his favorite time of year.

Your grown-up child now must be aware of time so as not to be late for school. But the hours are different. Teach your future student to understand them. On small cards, write the time in numbers, like on a digital watch. Take a clock with hands (or make it a playful but moving layout). Task: use the arrows on the clock to set the time written on the cards. The task can also be performed in a mirror way: the adult sets the time on the clock with hands, the child finds the same time among the cards.

For the next task, you need to make 18 cards with images of trees, shrubs, vegetables, fruits, mushrooms, flowers, tree fruits - flora objects. On a large field, place pictures containing objects that unite all these representatives into groups: a forest, vegetable beds, a basket of mushrooms, a bouquet of flowers, a fruit-bearing garden, jars of berry jam. Assignment: identify groups of plants and arrange small cards in accordance with them. Name a few more plants from each group.

Games from the series “Complete the Row” and “What’s Odd?” This task also requires cards with images from which logical series are made. The task is to remove an extra item from a row, saying on what basis it is extra, or, conversely, to supplement the row.

A task related to the world of fauna. Prepare pairs of cards with images of animals: two representatives of wildlife, domestic animals, birds, fish, insects, etc. Shuffle the cards. The child must sort out all the cards in pairs and explain why his decision was exactly that.

These games teach the child to make a mental transition from the individual to the general, which is called generalization, to highlight the essential features of the concept being studied. Children develop the ability to draw conclusions from facts or phenomena.

To summarize the results of our mini-game diagnostics, you can reflect the children’s answers in a special table. For each task completed without errors, the child receives three points. If the task is completed with the help of an adult, then there will be two points. If the task is not completed to the end, then one point is given. The points are then summed up and divided by the number of proposed tasks. Result: three points - your child has a high level of memory development, you can improve further. Two points is an average level of development, you can study extra. One point - mandatory additional classes required.

Mathematics - the queen of thinking

Despite the fact that when preparing a child for school, each of the thought processes is given its own place, they all closely interact with each other. Without attention, it is impossible to memorize new material. Without memory, thinking operations will become impossible. And for the development of thinking, it is useful to do mathematics. Lomonosov also said that mathematics must be taught later, that it puts the mind in order. And one of the greatest humanist educators, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi, believed that counting and calculations are the basis of order in the head. By the way, he was the first to express the idea of ​​the need for parallel and harmonious development of all the inclinations of the human personality and pointed out the importance of developmental education.

So how can a child who is not yet familiar with her be developed with the help of this queen of sciences? The game comes to our aid again! We draw a poster with numbers from 1 to 20, made in different fonts and in different sizes and colors. Task: count from 1 to 20 in order, then from 20 to 1. Count from 7 to 13, from 9 to 3, etc.

We select or draw pictures in which we can count something: balloons, a spruce with cones, a rowan leaf, a ladybug, a bow and arrow, an aquarium with fish, a flower bed with flowers, etc. Then we ask the child to determine what can be counted in these pictures, and, accordingly, count by placing small cards with numbers next to each picture. You can introduce an element of competition into this game if you take several pictures and offer them to several participants - who can quickly and correctly count everything that is possible in this picture.

We draw numbers from 5 to 10 on the poster, drawing two squares under each number. Task: using small cards, determine the composition of the numbers 5,6,7,8,9,10.

Using a ruler, determine the length, width, height of various objects surrounding the child.

Create a “plot” for the task from available materials or select a suitable picture with such a plot. Assignment for the child: come up with a problem and solve it using specially made cards with numbers and mathematical symbols.

Draw on cards or select images of different objects with outlines similar to various geometric shapes: a mobile phone (rectangle), a picture in a square frame (square), a round watch, a plate (circle), etc. Draw these geometric shapes on other cards. Assignment: arrange cards with shapes in accordance with the images of objects.

The game solves many problems!

Such fun mathematics will help the child not only in the development of elementary mathematical concepts, but also in the development of speech and creative thinking, in mastering the world around him, since any developmental work aimed primarily at improving a particular process will also affect the level of functioning of the child’s cognitive sphere in in general. This is why teachers and psychologists recommend preparing your child for school comprehensively, systematically, and not from time to time. The help of a caring adult is very important here, who will notice in time those moments that need to be “tightened up” so that the child goes to school ready for a new round of development.

If adults are very pressed for time, if it is not possible to prepare dozens of cards with pictures and tasks, then you can use what the manufacturers of educational games offer. The main thing is to choose the training material that was prepared with the participation of methodologists and teachers, and corresponds to modern Federal State Educational Standards. These requirements are carefully observed at the enterprise of one of the Russian manufacturers of educational games, Raduga OJSC. Among the five hundred games there is also a special series - “Is your child ready for school?” This series contains games to develop memory, attention, motor skills, literacy, speech, and ideas about the world around us. They can be used both as diagnostic material and directly for the development of the child. Or you can just play and get the joy of communication and shared activities. The main thing is not to forget about the game in everyday life, because the game solves many problems!

Prishchepyonok Natalya Sergeevna, methodologist
Municipal educational autonomous institution
additional education for children "Center for the Development of Children's Creativity"
and youth of the city of Kirov"

The school curriculum is becoming more and more difficult every year for both children and their parents. Some parents hire tutors or take their children to special classes, but few 6-7 year old children are interested in such preparation for school: rather, in this way they can completely discourage the desire to study.

Don’t underestimate the role of play in preparing children for school: all kids, without exception, love to play! But today's popular computer games are not the best choice: they do not develop oral speech, fine motor skills, and do not give the pleasure of teamwork. The best solution for preparing for the 1st grade of school is board games: interesting, exciting and so different!

Learning the alphabet

Animal letters

Age: from 4 years
Number of players: 2 — 5

The game is designed for 2-5 players and has two difficulty levels:

  • learning letters - for children from 4 years old;
  • composing words - for children from 8 years old.

Funny animals will help you easily learn the alphabet with the help of visual board games of varying degrees of difficulty.

Prostokvashino ABC

Age: from 4 to 7 years
Number of players: 2 — 4

This educational game can be played by two or four people, and the difficulty is designed for children 4-7 years old. Using a playing field with letters, cards, cubes and figurines of your favorite cartoon characters, you can learn the basics of literacy in the format of several games.

You can find more pre-school games aimed at learning the alphabet.

Learning to count

Prostokvashino Counting to 10

Age: from 4 to 7 years
Number of players: 2 — 4

Another game with your favorite characters. The basis is a game with numbers: the older the child, the more difficult the tasks in the game.


Age: from 4 years
Number of players: 2 — 5

Children aged 4 years and older will use this fun game to master the number series, and schoolchildren aged 8+ will learn to quickly perform arithmetic operations.

Mastering reading

Age: from 4 years
Number of players: 2 — 5

A fun and dynamic game that helps develop reading fluency. For children aged 4+, a simple version of the game is offered, for schoolchildren 7+ - a more complex one.

Prostokvashino Read by syllables

Age: from 4 to 7 years
Number of players: 2 — 4

And again the residents of Prostokvashino are with us. In this game they will help preschool boys and girls learn how to connect syllables into words in an easy and fun way.

All games that teach reading are presented in the "Reading" category.

Developing math skills

7 by 9

Age: from 6 years
Number of players: 2 — 4

A fun math board game for preschoolers aged 6 years and older. Suitable for children over 6 years old: by playing “7 by 9” the child will learn to quickly perform arithmetic operations in his head. You can play with two, three or four players.


Age: from 7 years
Number of players: 2 — 5

With this game, your child will easily master the multiplication tables! No boring learning, just a fun and beautiful game with two levels of difficulty: from 7 and from 9 years. Girls really like it.

See all educational math games for preparing for school in the “Mathematics” category.

We write letters, numbers and words

You can also learn to write not in banal copybooks, but in the form of an exciting game.

Set Learning to write from line to letter

Age: from 4 years
Number of players: 1

The set is designed for preschoolers from 4 years old and helps them learn to write using the “From simple to complex” method.

Getting to know English

Above we have already talked about the games “Zverobukva” and “Read-Grab”. The same games are also available in English.

Animal letters English

Age: from 6 years
Number of players: 2 — 5

Age: from 6 years
Number of players: 2 — 5

These games will help your child get acquainted with the English alphabet, learn to read and remember the first words.

See all games for learning English in the “English” category.

Choose board games for preparing for school for boys and girls, based on their interests and individual characteristics (some like dynamic games, others like calm and measured ones). Pay attention to educational kits in various subjects that will make homework easier and more interesting.

For the first time in first class! It sounds very bewitching, somehow alluring and interesting. But how can one preserve this child’s curiosity for many years, no matter how much interest he or she loses in learning? After all, sitting at a desk in a beautiful classroom, when the teacher asks questions: one, two, three, the children reach out to answer, but you don’t know anything and don’t understand them. It will probably be difficult to maintain great interest and desire for knowledge. To ensure that this interest and incentive to learn continues for as long as possible, it is necessary to prepare the child for school and for mental stress gradually, starting from the age of 4.

Today, first-graders are subject to much higher demands than 20 years ago. A child who has barely reached 7 years of age must have formed a sufficient stock of knowledge about the world around him, developed coherent speech and vocabulary. The future schoolchild must have developed cognitive mental processes, he must have developed memory, logical thinking, attention and imagination. He needs to have well-developed fine motor skills, which determines how quickly and well he learns to write. It is assumed that the child already knows how to read, count, tell stories from pictures, and has a wealth of general knowledge. How can we, parents, help him?

Play is the most significant and therefore necessary activity for a child. The game develops qualities without which learning is impossible.

Children in the game:

  • Learn to apply the knowledge they have;
  • They are faced with the need to search for new knowledge;
  • They receive a rich sensory experience, primarily concerning the properties and qualities of various objects surrounding them.

The game develops all mental processes - attention, memory, thinking, speech and, most importantly, imagination.

In the structure of any game you can find elements of goal setting, planning, goal implementation, and analysis of results. The game is always voluntary, includes elements of competition, brings satisfaction to the participants, allows them to assert themselves and realize themselves.

Children are easily involved in play activities, and the more varied it is, the more interesting it is for them. It may cover some part of the educational process, united by common content.

Gaming activities include games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features of objects, compare and contrast them; games that develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena, cultivating the ability to control oneself, speed of reaction, ingenuity, etc.

What games are most useful for preparing children for school?

It is impossible to list all the valuable games; there are many books talking about them. Parents can choose school preparation games to suit their tastes, but pay attention to those that:

  1. They form attention, memory, and concentration (“Who left?”, “What has changed?”, “What did they hide?”, “Repeat the drawing”).
  2. Develop children's ideas about the qualities and properties of objects (“What is made of what”, “Fabric Store”, “Guess by touch”, “Guess by taste”, “Find the same object” (by color, size, shape).
  3. They develop logical thinking (“What first, what then”, “Seasons”, checkers, chess, “Compare by size”) and speech (“Words reversed”, “Synonyms”, “Making up a story”).

Do you remember the wonderful book by K.I. Chukovsky “From Two to Five”? If you haven't read it yet, find it and read it - you'll enjoy it immensely. This book contains an invaluable collection of children's exercises with sound words.

It is possible and necessary to take advantage of this sensitive period in a child’s life and introduce him to the fascinating world of language, open up linguistic reality for him and thus lead him to reading.

Where to start literacy classes? Of course, from the game!

Let's play bugs with the child. Now the bugs spread their wings and flew: w-w-w. Together you “fly” around the room and buzz. They sat down on a flower, fell silent, and then flew and buzzed again. “What song are we singing?” - Mom interrupts the buzzing. “W-w-w,” she answers herself if the child does not understand her question, and the baby joins in with pleasure: “W-w-w.” “And listen, in the word beetle there is this song: w-w- bug. Can you hear him sing his song? Let's go together - beetle."

It should be noted that it is not at all easy for a child to pronounce a word in this way. He must change his articulation, feel the word, as it were, find the sound z in it and stretch it. Therefore, at first the child repeats the words after his mother.

“Let's look for the words in which the beetle left its song. Well, guess: this is the animal with the longest neck. Well, of course, you guessed it: giraffe. Let's say this word together so that we can hear the beetle's song in it. Also, what word do you know?”

You need to let the child come up with the word in which the beetle is hidden. We can confuse a child, thereby we will see that he understands us. For example: “We sometimes eat this with tea. Jam? Listen carefully: wow. Can you hear the beetle's song in it? Let's say together: wow. No, this song is not there. You thought correctly - indeed, jam is tasty, sweet, we eat it with tea, but the beetle did not leave its song in it. But in the word pie, do you hear the song of a beetle? Yes? Well, let's say this word together: pie. You're right, there's this song there."

What happened in this game? For the first time, we switched the child’s attention from the semantic side of a word to its sound side; he began to deliberately listen to the sound of words and compare them by their sound composition.

There are many sounds, the very pronunciation of which can be played out: z-z-z - a mosquito rings, sh-sh-sh - a snake hisses, r-r-r - a dog growls. Children, as a rule, enjoy playing these games, gradually learn to voluntarily change their articulation, pronounce a word so that they can hear the song of a mosquito, the rustling of leaves, etc.

When you see that your child easily copes with changing his articulation when searching for the desired sound, complicate the task: who can name more words in which a snake hisses, words with the sound Sh. First, help the baby, but in such a way that it seems to him that he is everything does it himself: “What is your favorite toy?” - “Machine.” - “I don’t hear the snake hissing there.” - “Mashshshina.” - “Great! You said the word correctly. “Now I’ll say a word with the sound sh,” mom thinks. “Koshshka,” “Now you.”

When the child finds any sound you set, you can ask him to determine the place of the sound in the word (beginning, middle, end). You can use visual material for this.

When playing with your child, be sure to draw his attention to how different sounds sound, but they are very similar: the first one in the words “mmyshka” and “mmishka”. In the word mouse it sounds sternly, angrily: mmm, and in the word mmishka it smiles, sounds affectionately: mmm. And when in the game you compete to see who can name the most words in which a mosquito rings, then please do not forget that there are large mosquitoes that ring angrily: zzzz, and there are small ones that ring subtly: zzzz -z. Therefore, come up with words first with the song of the big mosquito, and then with the song of the little mosquito.

The child does not yet know either hardness or softness. He learns this at school. But he must distinguish between them and, as a rule, does this easily. If he makes a mistake and calls the word with the song of the big mosquito - Zina, then the mother should not miss this mistake: “Listen to how tenderly the mosquito rings here: Zzyina, and the big mosquito would ring angrily: 3zyna.”

You will see that pretty soon the child will not need any help in these games; moreover, if the mother - a constant partner - must sometimes “give in” so that the child’s interest in playing with a superior opponent does not fade away, then the father and grandmother will really be able to call fewer words than a baby.

Now that speech sounds are so interesting to your child, you can start playing with letters.

I present to your attention a table with the Schulte type alphabet.











You can offer your child a competition “Who will find the given letter faster”, “Find the letters in order from A to Z”, first we just look, then you can time it, find all the letters in a minute, “Which letter is in the upper right corner, in the lower left corner”, etc.

"Digital series". If the child is familiar with numbers, then we lay out numbers up to five or more.

We spell any word and move forward a number for each sound, thereby determining the sequence of sounds in the word.

These numbers can be played in another way. “Name the next number”, (one, two, three....); “Name the neighbors of the numbers” (who is between two and four, and who is after three, before five, etc.); “Name the numbers,” (name a number that is greater than five but less than seven. Name numbers that are less than eight but greater than four, etc.)

“Looking for a sound in a word.” We look at the picture and determine the sound, beginning, middle, end. Color the corresponding square under the picture.

We lay out letters from counting sticks, cereals.

Guessing objects or letters, numbers in unfinished, unfinished, noisy drawings.

Recognition of contour or silhouette images of objects. Find out who the artist hid. Find it by the shadow.

The child is asked to make a drawing that is a mirror image of the original one.

During the “entrance exams” at school, children are often given logical problems, most often ones that were called “The Fourth Odd One” in our classes. From a set of words, they are asked to determine which is superfluous. For example, in a set of words goat, cow, chicken, elk, both chicken (a bird among horned animals) and elk (a wild animal among domestic animals) may be superfluous. After a couple of lessons, the children themselves begin to come up with combinations based on completely different criteria.

The child must independently find the extra object in each of the groups. Explain why he made this choice.

Based on experience working with children, we can safely say that children as young as 3-4 years old can be taught basic logical calculations. And of course this must be done through the game. Please note that in this case, “studying” logic no longer becomes a goal, but a means, that is, you give the child not only a tool for understanding the world in the future, but also immediately teach him how to use this tool.

One of the well-known games that not only develops attention, but also helps to think logically is assembling puzzles. They form a holistic image of the object, the child takes into account the spatial arrangement of parts and their relationship with other parts of the whole. Children remember them very quickly and easily collect them from memory and lose interest in them. Therefore, you can offer a picture you like from a magazine or from a coloring book, cut it into pieces, with uneven lines, geometric shapes, and the child will be interested in assembling it.

Geometric constructors and puzzle games will also help your child take his first steps in the logical world. These games develop intelligence, imagination and spatial concepts, recreating figurative images from geometric shapes.

Games for speech development.

1. Game "Alien". Definitions of concepts in this case draw attention to the mastery of words when expressing thoughts, and not to the thought itself.

The adult introduces himself as an alien and asks the child to tell you about any object you have in mind: I have never seen and do not know what a chair is. The child must describe in detail the signs and properties of this object, so that it is clear what it is and what it is for.

2. "Animal family." We invite the child to name dad, mom and babies in units. and many more number.

Mom is a cow, and dad... And they gave birth...

3. When returning home from kindergarten, describe a wild animal, a domestic one. You can ask your child leading questions: name, appearance, how it sounds, where it lives, what it eats, if there is any benefit, then what.

4. “Find out by description.” Ask each other riddles:

Meows, scratches, purrs.
Cunning, dexterous, a good hunter.
Yellow, red, autumn.
Red, sweet, ripe.
Old, brick, two-story.

5. "White - black." Choose the opposite of each word.

Funny-…. kind-….. firm-…
Wide-…. loud-...fast-...

6. “One is many.” I name one object, and you name many:


Let's put the pictures in the correct sequence: where did it all begin, what happened and how did it all end?

Development of fine motor skills.

Motor skills are a must for future first graders!

An important condition for fully mastering the skill of writing is the readiness of the hand, as a direct instrument of graphic activity, to perform precise and complex movements.

By developing small, differentiated hand movements, we contribute to better speech development of the child.

It is by the age of 6–7 years that the maturation of the corresponding zones of the cerebral cortex and the development of small muscles of the hand are generally completed. Thus, this age is a sensitive period for the development of the hand (S.I. Galperin, 1964)

Effective ways to develop fine motor skills of the fingers and develop manual skills are drawing, modeling (from salt dough, warm wax, clay, plasticine), designing, appliqué (making applique from natural materials). Finger gymnastics with and without speech accompaniment; finger theater

In my opinion, it is relevant to use interesting, modern technologies for the development of fine motor skills when working with children, in particular, the use of applications.

Try not only to play the above games to prepare for school, but also talk to your child as often as possible, praise, encourage and just be there. Even if something doesn’t work out for your baby, you must make a lot of effort and convince him that he will soon succeed. It may not be easy at times, but the results are worth the effort. Thus, with the help of parents, the child gains life experience and self-confidence.

Metelskaya Elena Mikhailovna,
teacher-speech therapist MBDOU No. 41 “Ryabinushka”,