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Pildes Maya Borisovna biography family. Maia Pildes: School is not a place for losers, it is a place for happy people


Pildes, Maya Borisovna- Director of the State Budgetary Educational Institution "Academic Gymnasium No. 56" of the Petrogradsky District of St. Petersburg, holder of the Order of Honor (2000), People's Teacher of the Russian Federation (2005).


Currently, he is a member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Ministry of Education and Science, and a member of the coordinating council of the All-Russian Pedagogical Assembly. Maya Borisovna believes:

“A modern school is one in which the leader looks not to tomorrow, but to the day after tomorrow”

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An excerpt characterizing Pildes, Maya Borisovna

Under the pretext of removing the wounded, do not upset the ranks! Let everyone be fully imbued with the thought that it is necessary to defeat these mercenaries of England, inspired by such hatred against our nation. This victory will end our campaign, and we can return to winter quarters, where new French troops that are forming in France will find us; and then the peace that I will make will be worthy of my people, you and me.

At 5 o'clock in the morning it was still completely dark. The troops of the center, reserves and Bagration’s right flank still stood motionless; but on the left flank the columns of infantry, cavalry and artillery, which were supposed to be the first to descend from the heights in order to attack the French right flank and throw it back, according to disposition, into the Bohemian Mountains, had already begun to stir and began to rise from their overnight positions. The smoke from the fires into which they threw everything unnecessary ate my eyes. It was cold and dark. The officers hurriedly drank tea and had breakfast, the soldiers chewed crackers, beat a shot with their feet, warming up, and flocked against the fires, throwing into the firewood the remains of booths, chairs, tables, wheels, tubs, everything unnecessary that could not be taken with them. Austrian column leaders scurried between the Russian troops and served as harbingers of the attack. As soon as an Austrian officer appeared near the regimental commander’s camp, the regiment began to move: the soldiers ran from the fires, hid tubes in their boots, bags in the carts, dismantled their guns and lined up. The officers buttoned up, put on their swords and knapsacks and walked around the ranks, shouting; The wagon trains and orderlies harnessed, packed and tied up the carts. Adjutants, battalion and regimental commanders sat on horseback, crossed themselves, gave the last orders, instructions and instructions to the remaining convoys, and the monotonous tramp of a thousand feet sounded. The columns moved, not knowing where and not seeing from the people around them, from the smoke and from the increasing fog, either the area from which they were leaving or the one into which they were entering.
A soldier on the move is as surrounded, limited and drawn by his regiment as a sailor by the ship on which he is located. No matter how far he goes, no matter what strange, unknown and dangerous latitudes he enters, around him - as for a sailor, there are always and everywhere the same decks, masts, ropes of his ship - always and everywhere the same comrades, the same rows, the same sergeant major Ivan Mitrich, the same company dog ​​Zhuchka, the same superiors. A soldier rarely wants to know the latitudes in which his entire ship is located; but on the day of battle, God knows how and from where, in the moral world of the army, one stern note is heard for everyone, which sounds like the approach of something decisive and solemn and arouses them to an unusual curiosity. During the days of battle, soldiers excitedly try to get out of the interests of their regiment, listen, look closely and eagerly ask about what is happening around them.
The fog became so strong that, despite the fact that it was dawn, it was impossible to see ten steps in front of you. The bushes seemed like huge trees, the flat places looked like cliffs and slopes. Everywhere, from all sides, one could encounter an enemy invisible ten steps away. But the columns walked for a long time in the same fog, going down and up the mountains, passing gardens and fences, through new, incomprehensible terrain, never encountering the enemy. On the contrary, now in front, now behind, from all sides, the soldiers learned that our Russian columns were moving in the same direction. Every soldier felt good in his soul because he knew that in the same place where he was going, that is, unknown where, many, many more of ours were going.

Maia Pildes resigned from the post of director of the 56th gymnasium. The creator of the most elite St. Petersburg school, a head with 28 years of experience, in a conversation with Fontanka, stated that no one offended her.

Svetlana Kholyavchuk/Interpress

“This is solely my decision,” former director of school No. 56 Maya Pildes told Fontanka. In almost 30 years, she managed to turn an ordinary eight-year school into a school where the golden youth of St. Petersburg aspires, in which relatives of Governor Georgy Poltavchenko, Speaker of the Legislative Assembly Vyacheslav Makarov, children of Gazprom managers, Zenit football players, and former Defense Minister Serdyukov study.

For graduations, limousines drive up to the 56th gymnasium, the most expensive restaurants and clubs are rented. On parent forums you can often find disputes about what tips the scales - “show-off” and permissiveness, almost legal smoking or brilliant studies, creativity and gold medals of graduates.

Gymnasium 56 did not immediately receive its status. In 1990, Maya Pildes, at that time the head teacher of school No. 87, who had previously worked in the House of Pioneers, was offered to head an eight-year school on Pudozhskaya Street. “In six months we became high school. And in 1991 we were already winners of the Russian school competition. This is all thanks to the wonderful team,” says the ex-director.

The next stage, after which the school began to be treated with aspiration, came in 1996. “We were given a building on Chkalovsky, 35, it needed to be renovated, and this was a crisis year. In 1996, Naina Yeltsin came and helped, but not with money, Sobchak and Yakovlev supported. I told them that back in 1996 the governor had nowhere to come on September 1st, but in 1997 such a school appeared. Everyone supported us - the late Anton Gubankov and Kirill Nabutov. Imagine, there are factories in the country, and a school is being built and opened,” says Maya Pildes.

Since then the school has expanded and received premises kindergarten with a swimming pool, concert hall, winter garden, building on Krestovsky, on Kamennoostrovsky. Received the status of an author's school and gymnasium, and also became a prize-winner twice All-Russian competitions. In total, the school has almost 2.5 thousand students in 97 classes, and 600 teachers work. Every year 9 first classes are recruited into the 56th.

“Parents come every year and say: “Maybe they can somehow take us in without waiting in line?” Every time I throw up my hands: everything is according to the law. It’s really difficult to get to us, but we never take money from parents for this. They help us a lot later, but not at all because we took their children. It is thanks to dads and moms that we organize holidays at Oktyabrsky, a Christmas tree at Sibur Arena, and organize field trips.”

Parents of students come even after their children graduate from school. “They call, consult, visit, graduates come, even stars, for example, Zara and Stas Piekha, drop in on their teachers,” says Pildes.

On August 14, Pildes wrote a letter of resignation from the post of director. And her place was taken by her deputy Sergei Danilov, with whom they worked together back when they were a pioneer organization.

“I did this because the school needs to develop, and I’m not so young anymore. It is necessary that no cataclysms or storms spoil the work of the team. And Sergey Danilov will continue my work, but I’m not going far and will remain in charge of methodological work and public projects,” adds Pildes. – School is my main asset and brainchild, for its sake I have to work 12 hours a day, but for me this is already difficult. I made this decision myself, and the main thing is to write that no one offended me, otherwise the education committee is already asking.”

As Maia Pildes says, a school is not only beautiful walls (although 56th has really beautiful walls), a school is people. “Our graduates come to work for us. Do you know why? Because they see that their teachers are happy people.”

If Maya Pildes refused to lead the school, she intends to remain in the Public Chamber of St. Petersburg, on the board of the Education Committee, and on the jury of the “Teacher of the Year” competition. Probably, next year she may be offered another honorary position. In 2012, the director of the 56th gymnasium was part of Vladimir Putin’s election headquarters; Fontanka’s interlocutors do not rule out that this time she will be invited to support the main candidate.

Ksenia Klochkova, Fontanka.ru

A new school year has begun for almost half a million children in St. Petersburg. The second day of classes is today at Academic Gymnasium No. 56. For almost three decades, an ordinary eight-year school has turned into one of the prestigious schools in the city. This is largely the merit of Maya Pildes, chairman of the gymnasium council. A week ago she left the post of director, but still takes an active part in the life of the educational institution. Jana Plucki, herself a graduate of the 56th gymnasium, met with Maia Pildes.

JANA PLUCCI, correspondent:

“Hello, Maya Borisovna! First of all, I want to congratulate you on your start school year from the TV channel "St. Petersburg". Thank you for finding time for us. It is especially pleasant for me now to be in my alma mater. I would like to start right away with the first question, it concerns graduates. I know that Academic Gymnasium No. 56 sets records for the number of graduates; this year there were 280 of them, with a third of this figure being medalists. What is the reason for this? Are these children so talented or does the quality of education and the infrastructure of the school itself play an important role?”


“Fighting shortcomings is a road to nowhere. We need to develop our virtues. This is what we actively do, starting from 1st grade. And our wonderful “golden beavers”, our excellent students, grow into medalists. We, of course, have a record number of medalists this year, a wonderful graduating class. Not only the guys received medals for excellent studies, but also for winning the Olympiads. Now there is such a wonderful award from the government of St. Petersburg.”

JANA PLUCCI, correspondent:

“Can we say that you are satisfied with your graduates?”

MAYA PILDES,Chairman of the Council of Gymnasium No. 56, member of the public council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

“Yes, of course, I’m even very pleased with both those who study and those who teach”

JANA PLUCCI, correspondent:

“In many schools, along with teachers, psychologists also work, who help, among other things, choose future profession graduates. Do you think this is really necessary?

MAYA PILDES,Chairman of the Council of Gymnasium No. 56, member of the public council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

“Psychologists and speech therapists are a very large service today, social teacher. We brought this idea from Belgium, transformed it a little, made it convenient and understandable for ourselves. And we are very glad that it has spread throughout the country.”

JANA PLUCCI, correspondent:

“Maya Borisovna, what changes will affect schools in the new academic year?”

MAYA PILDES,Chairman of the Council of Gymnasium No. 56, member of the public council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

“There was a requirement from the Ministry of Education to add hours for studying the Russian language in high school, we did this a long time ago. We added more hours to study history. Moreover, very correct recommendations were given, Special attention devote to a more in-depth study of the history of the Great Patriotic War, the features, of course, of the Revolution, which we will now celebrate its centenary, is still a phenomenon that requires such a very comprehensive assessment. We are gradually starting to prepare for the introduction of astronomy; we are not ready this year yet, because we are waiting for new textbooks, teachers must take courses. We try to leave everything else as we had it.”

JANA PLUCCI, correspondent:

“Maya Borisovna, what do you wish for schoolchildren today, and probably first of all for first-graders, because for them today the most important day in their lives is September 1.”

MAYA PILDES,Chairman of the Council of Gymnasium No. 56, member of the public council of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation:

“I can only wish them one thing: success and to be hardworking.”

"...Thank you to the school for everything. I would never be able to do anything else, because I could not love anything in life as much as I fell in love with school, the process itself school life, school infinity, when the Last Bell smoothly turns into the First of September. Once again I thank all my teachers for making me understand that school is for me. I am happy that I have always been and am doing what I love,” said Maya Borisovna in 2003 (-Ed.)

I did not receive my status immediately. In 1990, Maya Pildes, at that time the head teacher of school No. 87, who had previously worked in the House of Pioneers, was offered to head an eight-year school on Pudozhskaya Street. “In six months we became a secondary school. And in 1991 we were already winners of the Russian school competition. This is all thanks to a wonderful team,” says the ex-director.

The next stage, after which the school began to be treated with respect, came in 1996.

We were given a building on Chkalovsky, 35, it needed to be renovated, and this was a crisis year. In 1996, Naina Yeltsin came and helped, but not with money, Sobchak and Yakovlev supported. I told them that back in 1996 the governor had nowhere to come on September 1st, but in 1997 such a school appeared. Everyone supported us - the late Anton Gubankov and Kirill Nabutov. Imagine, there are factories in the country, and a school is being built and opened,” says Maya Pildes.

Since then, I have received the premises of a kindergarten with a swimming pool, a concert hall, a winter garden, a building on Krestovsky, on Kamennoostrovsky. It received the status of an author's school and gymnasium, and also twice became a prize-winner of All-Russian competitions. In total, the school has almost 2.5 thousand students in 97 classes, and 600 teachers work. Every year 9 first classes are recruited into the 56th.

On August 14, 2017, Maya Pildes wrote a letter of resignation from the post of director. And her place was taken by her deputy Sergei Danilov, with whom they worked together back when they were a pioneer organization.

Thus, in the material (“UG” No. 32 dated August 5, 2003) Nina Pizhurina mentions that the partnership Pildes - Danilov - Shelagin has long become legendary. Jokers claim that these two deputies of the MB took their positions under her as children and for almost thirty years they have not yielded them to anyone: the “honest pioneers” were allowed to always be together and serve the same idea all their lives. And “MB” itself (Maya Borisovna Pildes - Ed.) talks about it like this:

"What is the happiness of a teacher, educator, person who works with children? In children. In those who gave you the joy of being near them and with them. In those who trusted you with the most intimate secrets, shared what was important and painful. In those , whom you love as your son. This happiness came to me in the House of Pioneers and it was called the district pioneer headquarters. Nothing like this has ever happened in my life and will never happen again. It was an amazing children's group, extraordinary. If only I They asked now how everything could turn out this way, what methods, what techniques were used in its creation, I could not explain anything except one thing - I loved them. They were all in my life at that time. Even the family fit into the rhythm of the pioneer headquarters. In the summer - to the camp. During the holidays - in the cities of the Soviet Union... There were many staff officers, and they were all good, but among them there were also special ones, the most beloved. Many of them were chosen teaching profession, and I was very proud of that. Many people started with me, but didn’t last. And those with whom we are still together, with whom we have traveled a glorious path, experienced and lived a lot, accept my gratitude... These are Misha Shelagin, and Tanya Rodina, and Seryozha Danilov. A few warmest words about Shelagin. His hard work, dedication, amazing performance and golden hands are from childhood and forever. Misha is irreplaceable, for which I bow to him and thank him, as well as Tanya Rodina. But Seryozha Danilov is a special chapter of my life and destiny. This is my pride and love, my support and hope. I have never hidden this from anyone... Seryozha has always been and is still distinguished by some kind of extraordinary insight, piercingness, depth, amazing responsiveness to everything that happens to me, my life, work, family. And he himself, and his wonderful wife Galya, and our beloved Maksimka are now members of our large and friendly family. This is the only way we all feel together."

In the same “dictionary” there are memories of the pioneer headquarters of Sergei Danilov. He can never do without irony. But about those years it is written like this: “...Then came “Tuesdays” - the days when the headquarters gathered, when children from different schools in the region began to understand: the best of what happened to them in life is happening here and now. I am writing these lines, realizing that for many this has remained the most wonderful time in life, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. In the end, “MB” (Maya Borisovna - Ed.) did everything she could for us; How everyone helped themselves afterwards is a completely different story.”

I did this because the school needs to develop, and I’m not so young anymore,” adds Maya Pildes in her interview with Fontanka. – It is necessary that no cataclysms or storms spoil the work of the team. And Sergei Danilov will continue my work, but I am not going far and will remain in charge of methodological work and public projects. - this is the main thing, for the sake of it you have to work 12 hours, but for me this is already difficult. I made this decision myself.

As Maia Pildes says, a school is not only beautiful walls (although 56th has really beautiful ones), a school is people. “Our graduates come to work with us. Do you know why? Because they see that their teachers are happy people.”

If Maya Pildes refused to lead the school, then Maya Borisovna intends to remain in the Public Chamber of St. Petersburg, on the board of the Education Committee, and on the jury of the “Teacher of the Year” competition. We wish good luck to the Teacher's Newspaper expert and hope for continued cooperation.

The comments are varied. And about the money, and about the connections of the school director Maya Borisovna Pildes, and about her ambitions. It seems to be true - some kind of “chic and awe”. Beautiful invitation cards (paid, however) for all relatives, memorable cards for each of the guys. A big concert organized by all the artistic groups of the gymnasium... It should be noted that many schools did not organize any celebrations at all in honor of the city’s anniversary, either for children or adults. The younger kids were sent on vacation early so they wouldn't get in the way. Nobody cares what memories they have of the city’s 300th anniversary. And in the 56th - a sea of ​​​​impressions from their own holiday: videos shot by enthusiastic parents, photographs for family albums. And for many, of course, the jubilant Maya Borisovna is an eternal troublemaker, a director about whom they talk a lot, argue, condemn and reward, and many, as usual in Rus', are openly jealous.

To everyone who has known this school for more than one year, the celebration in the Great Concert Hall “Oktyabrsky” does not seem at all an exceptional event. That's the only way it could be! If a school has been gathering all the children and their relatives at the Yubileiny Sports and Concert Complex for many years for a holiday in honor of the beginning of the school year, it holds an annual song festival in the State Chapel, honors the winners of its Olympiads in the Anichkov Palace, and awards school professional awards to the best teachers “ Finest hour" in the Yusupov Palace, where could she celebrate the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg if not in the largest concert hall in the city?

Beginning in 1990, in the most turbulent and difficult times, they risked declaring themselves a “School for Joy,” challenging the confusion and pessimism that replaced the short period of perestroika upswing. Perhaps, “challenging” is said with excessive excitement. And the date - 1990 - is not associated with political changes, but rather with biographical ones. They just didn't have any other time. It so happened that it was in 1990 that a situation arose that allowed Maya Borisovna Pildes, previously the head teacher of school No. 87, to have at her complete disposal a small eight-year-old school on Pudozhskaya Street in the Petrograd District. And so it began. All the dreams accumulated since childhood, all the numerous like-minded friends scattered by fate in different educational institutions city, and the strong nucleus that had formed in his youth - everything began to come together and concentrate in the school on Pudozhskaya. From the 87th, S.V. Danilov, E.I. Kazakova, N.A. Shapiro, M.Yu. came here for their leader. Shelagin, L.S.Ilyushin, Yu.V.Belov.

And the very first year - oh, what a delightful year it was! - when they just didn’t live at school, brought unprecedented success. People in the city started talking about No. 56 as a school to which children not only willingly go - they run! - in the morning. It's really interesting and joyful to live there. Unprecedented games are held there, immersing children and adults in an extraordinary atmosphere. There you can study without noticing the tediousness and monotony of the lesson-bell rhythm...

So a journalist writing on school theme, I, of course, have been to their games and holidays more than once, to wonderful skit parties. I became acquainted with the entire company of Maya Borisovna’s closest associates a long time ago and saw the mutual understanding that reigned here. And each time I tried to understand where the origins were, what were the reasons for such obvious success. What is the source of this inexhaustible enthusiasm, courage, where does such energy come from? The romantic 60s easily came to mind, when the communard movement flourished in Leningrad, and the All-Union School of Counselors, charged with I.P. Ivanov’s remarkable method of collective creative work, was formed in “Orlyonok” near the Black Sea. Many of Maya Borisovna’s colleagues, and above all Elena Kazakova, the scientific director of the 56th, started there. An important role was played by the short but very fruitful period of heated discussions in the early 90s, when both teachers and city officials, succumbing to the general joy of perestroika, continually gathered for rallies. Everyone who wanted came forward with their ideas and education reform programs. “Brainstorms” and business games with trips out of town, immersing in an atmosphere of creativity, have become fashionable. It was at this time that the style and methods, the special way of school life in 1956, were developed and honed. But she’s not the only one! Each school was looking for its own identity. Programs and statutes competed with each other. Really interesting groups emerged not only on Pudozhskaya. There are many who survived this difficult decade and still “keep their mark.” Eat high quality education, excellent results. But no one has such a scale as in the 56th. Only the 56th decided to increase its team to two and a half thousand children and four hundred employees. And this year they will also be joined by a kindergarten.

“Isn’t it scary?” - the first reaction to such figures, to which Maya Borisovna answers without hesitation: “Not at all! I can grow further as long as I have an idea and there are colleagues like me who work with me!” Anyone can get acquainted with their ideas and practice in more detail, since the school often holds conferences of various sizes and publishes an excellent methodological literature. But the most unique document, which allows us to understand and see the fearless director in a new way, was published, unfortunately, in a very small edition. This is an open letter written by Maya Borisovna herself on her fiftieth birthday “To everyone who is interested in my thoughts.” It ended up in a humorous and gentle gift book, which friends designed as “ encyclopedic Dictionary"and presented it to the director on his birthday. Among their jokes and confessions, this letter looks unexpectedly serious and therefore especially poignant. There are no cautionary tales or professional revelations. There is a declaration of love that explains everything. And above all - relationships with colleagues.

The Pildes-Danilov-Shelagin partnership has long become legendary. Jokers claim that these two deputies of the MB took their positions under her as children and have not yielded them to anyone for almost thirty years: the “honest pioneers” were allowed to always be together and serve the same idea all their lives. And “MB” itself writes about it this way:

“What is the happiness of a teacher, educator, person who works with children? In children. In those who gave you the joy of being near them and with them. Those who trusted you with their deepest secrets, shared what was important and painful. In those whom you love as your son. This happiness came to me in the House of Pioneers and it was called the regional pioneer headquarters. Nothing like this has ever happened in my life and will never happen again. It was an amazing children's group, extraordinary. If you asked me now how everything could turn out this way, what methods, what techniques were used to create it, I would not be able to explain anything, except for one thing - I loved them. They were all in my life at that time. Even the family fit into the rhythm of the pioneer headquarters. In the summer - to the camp. During the holidays - by city Soviet Union... There were many staff officers, and they were all good, but among them there were also special ones, the most beloved. Many of them chose the teaching profession, and I was very proud of this. Many people started with me, but didn’t last. And those with whom we are still together, with whom we have traveled a glorious path, experienced and lived a lot, accept my gratitude... These are Misha Shelagin, and Tanya Rodina, and Seryozha Danilov. A few warmest words about Shelagin. His hard work, dedication, amazing performance and golden hands are from childhood and forever. Misha is irreplaceable, for which I bow to him and thank him, as well as Tanya Rodina. But Seryozha Danilov is a special chapter of my life and destiny. This is my pride and love, my support and hope. I have never hidden this from anyone... Seryozha has always been and is still distinguished by some kind of extraordinary insight, piercingness, depth, amazing responsiveness to everything that happens to me, my life, work, family. And he himself, and his wonderful wife Galya, and our beloved Maksimka are now members of our large and friendly family. This is the only way we all feel together.”

In the same “dictionary” there are memories of the pioneer headquarters of Sergei Danilov. He can never do without irony. But about those years it is written like this: “...Then came “Tuesdays” - the days when the headquarters gathered, when children from different schools in the region began to understand: the best of what happened to them in life is happening here and now. I write these lines, realizing that for many this has remained the most wonderful time in life, and I don’t see anything wrong with that. In the end, MB did everything it could for us; How everyone helped themselves afterwards is a completely different story.”

From the first day, Pudozhskaya was very crowded for them. Study in two shifts and organize the lives of children the way you wanted - open a center additional education, the psychological and pedagogical support service was physically impossible. The design of the second, main building was approved quite quickly. Construction began and, like many things in those years, froze for a long time. The situation seemed simply catastrophic. It was at such a moment that we met again. They came up with the text of a telegram to the government, which was later published by the Teacher’s Newspaper. The school was already known in the country. She won the “Russian School of the Year” competition and received first awards. And the director - a trip to the USA. But socialism was rapidly being replaced by capitalism. Relationships, morals, and finally power changed. And in 1956, the same company was excited about its projects, and the lights in the school windows were on until midnight. It was strange to listen to their arguments. What difference does it make whether the school needs its own observatory, if in reality there is no money even for repairs! Maya Borisovna took completely desperate steps at times. As she writes, “I have never succeeded in anything simple and easy. All with some inhuman difficulties, all in disputes and doubts, all with endless overcoming of all sorts of obstacles. This was the case in 1956... But all this was mixed with some extraordinary excitement, bordering on some kind of adventurism...” Without such excitement, perhaps, they simply would not have been able to attract the attention to the school that was required to continue construction . In addition to the traditional microdistrict, the first large entrepreneurs and bankers who heard about the unusual school had already brought their children here; famous cultural figures and general directors asked to take their heirs in to raise them. Many of them helped as best they could. But the decisive role, of course, was played by the acquaintance with the Yakovlev couple - the governor and his wife, who became great friends of the school. In the anniversary dictionary, the governor’s visit is listed in a separate line as one of the significant dates - May 5, 1997. He then came to get acquainted with the construction site, which had stalled once again. And less than four months later, on September 1, the grand opening of the new building took place at Chkalovsky, 35.

And then - a new rise, the fulfillment of desires and a period no less difficult than construction. They are joined by neighboring “dying schools.” There are no longer two buildings, but four. A rapidly growing team. To be honest, I understand and feel closer to a small school, where the director, like the famous Karl Ivanovich May, can meet everyone on the stairs in the morning and, looking into their eyes, shake hands. "Oh yeah!" - Maya Borisovna agrees.” - And at first I stood on the stairs at Pudozhskaya. In the most beautiful blouse. And then they brought the guilty ones into my office. And parents with whom a heart-to-heart conversation was required. But there was no time to develop the school. I realized that only a strict delineation of responsibilities can save me from turnover. It’s better to let a smart teacher who is not bothered by unnecessary demands look into the child’s eyes. My job is to create all the conditions for this, to take care of a normal atmosphere... And then - the larger the school, the better! You see, there is an artel, and there is the Kirov plant. A large team has more opportunities. Powerful teaching associations, prospects for professional growth, a full workload, and finally the opportunity to earn extra money. Over time, I realized that for me as a director main man at school - a teacher. If the teacher feels good, then the children will be happy around him. By the way, children are also better off in a big school. Our four buildings, the transition from one to another with age, create for them new incentives and a kind of unified pedagogical space.”

People who have been working with MB for three decades believe that she has always been a leader of this magnitude. They claim that it is always easy to find a person with ideas. There are few people who know how to implement these ideas. And for Pildes it’s the latter that is typical. She, like no one else, knows how to find ways, calculate the result, and always knows HOW to implement her plans in a real situation. And it was always in her. Confirmation of this can be found in the same letter: “...Before the lesson, I was so active in building recreation for all the students of the 1st “A” class that already in the second week of my school life, Anna Vasilievna appointed me class leader, and away we go. .. At school No. 183, where my work history began, I succeeded in everything: pioneer training camps, parades, victories in various competitions, and my first independent lessons. It worked out because I was surrounded by wonderful people; because they believed in me, loved me, and I loved them, loved them like my own family, which also appeared during these years and to which I am immensely grateful... I really didn’t want to part with my beloved school No. 183, but. .. when I started working at the House of Pioneers, I realized that the position of district methodologist for pioneer work was probably invented especially for me. Six years of work at the House of Pioneers - happiest time of my life. Young, full of enthusiasm, ideas, surrounded the most interesting people. It was so easy and interesting for me! The cycle of affairs and events... But even then I could not imagine that in my future life so much would depend on these happiest days. The grandiose celebrations of gymnasium No. 56 are a continuation of those regional celebrations in the circus, which I spent with great pleasure and pride. Field trips for high school students have their origins in pioneer activist camps. The Center for Continuing Education is the same House of Pioneers and Schoolchildren, etc. But the most precious and wonderful thing is people. Since 1974, we have been walking through life together with Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Shapiro and Galina Vladimirovna Kulygina.”

At a time when other gymnasiums were chasing talented students and tightening competitions, the 56th was heading towards mass participation. It was at the instigation of Pildes that the city abolished admission to the first grades on the basis of neighborhood and ability. Parents received the right to teach their child in the school they prefer. For the 56th, the innovation resulted in an unprecedented number of first-graders. They now have 10 firsts! Where should they celebrate the beginning of the school year if not at the Yubileiny Sports and Concert Complex?” “And let all the relatives come, everyone who is interested!” - this is the iron principle of Maya Borisovna. “...I remember how they escorted me to first grade, how important it was for my mother to buy me the best school dress in the best tailor shop for girls on Herzen Street, how important it was to sew a staple white apron with a large bow tied at the back . I remember how we all went to school together - me, dad, mom, my aunt Mila, grandmother, grandfather, roommate. There were more people accompanying me to first grade than any of my classmates.”

Having now secured such a wide variety of parent-friends, 56 is no longer looking for sponsors. “They will come and offer everything they can!” - Maya Borisovna is sure. “You can’t take it from everyone!” She realized long ago that once you accept help, you become dependent. You will have to pay with the child’s successes. What if he is unable to achieve them? We have to very seriously calculate the consequences. And not everyone gets the honor of being a sponsor in the 56th. The same attitude towards gifts. For example, graduation celebrations in 9th grades have been cancelled, in order to reduce another reason for offerings to teachers and the principal. They don't need gifts...

And now - about the main thing. This is why so many years of impressions, memories and quotes have been collected here. I really wanted the reader to imagine the scale of what has been achieved, the path to success, and the efforts that are now being made by a powerful team for the joyful and fulfilling life of a child at school. It would seem that dreams have come true, the most daring plans are being realized. Just create! And Maya Borisovna, so self-confident, so successful, is on the verge of complete despair. “I don’t know which square to go to, which bells to ring! I don’t understand a government that can’t and doesn’t want to think about the future. Our state does not need children. The school is drowning in poverty. We recently hired a girl starting her career as a primary school teacher. With all the allowances, they scraped together 1,035 rubles for her. Can you imagine what it is like in the city of St. Petersburg? I have super teachers in physics, mathematics, and languages. I'm ashamed to look them in the eye! For them, I am power. And I can easily find money for an unprecedented holiday, free them from unnecessary duties at school - washing windows, cleaning classrooms, being on duty. I can get awards for them, honor them, glorify them. But I cannot do the only thing that would be fair and normal - give them a decent salary. We try our best to maintain independence from gifts, “envelopes,” and handouts from parents. There are no paid services at our school. An “equal start” for all children is fundamental. But they still see how we live. Talk about teacher poverty has become common place. How much is possible!

After references to the generosity of sponsors, mentions of high-ranking patrons and friendship with the governor, it makes sense, perhaps, to talk about the material wealth of Maya Borisovna herself and her ideas about well-being. She was born into a family, as she writes, “a very modest, good one, where they attached great importance to the upbringing and education of the child.” My father worked for a long time as a technical director of a cinema. Mom was involved in the distribution of theater tickets, worked in a library, in a bookstore. Both dreamed of giving their daughter a full-fledged higher education and they were very upset when she chose the most difficult path into teaching: she decided to work as a senior counselor and study in the evenings. This decision was not caused by need, although money was always needed. It’s just that by that time Maya Pildes had already realized that she could not live without school.

A happy marriage brought her happiness, a reliable rear, and a wonderful son, Daniel. But material wealth always remained average, which, however, never particularly upset them. Not every actor sees such fabulous bouquets of flowers as they give to Maya Borisovna. Poems and skits in her honor are always distinguished by talent and wit. And the sausage... Well, there weren’t any at times, but that’s okay! She always dressed well, without giving this any particular thought of great importance. My beloved friend Verochka, who now lives in America, and numerous friends and relatives were more worried. A special reason for jokes was and remains an astrakhan fur coat, which was purchased in 1988 after the death of his uncle, who left his beloved niece an inheritance just enough for such an update. After the required number of years, thoughts began about which piece to cut from where, where to sew, in order to renew the cuffs, collar, pockets. They shortened it, rearranged it, turned it into a short fur coat... In response to a recent question about the fate of the well-deserved short fur coat, Maya Borisovna answered with some sadness that fur does not last that long. These are the Mercedes, dachas in America and... what else do they say about it? “MB” herself believes that her profession has given her something more. “...Thank you to the school for everything. I would never be able to do any other thing, because I could not love anything in life as much as I fell in love with school, the very process of school life, school infinity, when the Last Bell smoothly turns into the First of September. Once again I thank all my teachers for making me understand that school is for me. I am happy that I have always been and am doing what I love.”

Those starting now independent life, imagine it a little differently. The era of romanticism and selfless service is becoming a thing of the past irrevocably. “The team is rapidly aging! - Maya Borisovna is worried - Young people would like to, but physically cannot live on that kind of money. We were proud that many men work at our school, but I understand that it is impossible to keep them here, impossible! This is where the country's security issues are resolved! And the president gathers the State Council to discuss cultural issues. Where does culture begin, if not with education? Who needs this culture if the country will not remain normal soon? educated people? And is it really a matter of a single exam or some other requirements, even if perfectly thought out? Who will teach the child all this? Where can I find professionals who, for that kind of money, will work according to new, wisest of wise programs? No additional payments or increases from governors or trustees will solve the problem. This is fundamentally important: the school is a state institution, and that is how it should be. And we are all civil servants. And they must be paid and protected like everyone else who is on public service. Then the highest results can be demanded. In the meantime, what is happening is a shameless, heartless exploitation of the dedication to their work, the love for children that still remains in people born for the School.”