Abstracts Statements Story

Long-term planning for literacy in the preparatory group. Long-term planning for teaching literacy to preschoolers of preparatory groups




Materials and equipment

“Sounds and letters” (consolidation)

Strengthen the semantic-distinguishing function of sounds and letters. Learn to distinguish between vowels and consonants. Promote the development of phonemic hearing and attention perception.

Magnetic marker board, carpet, d/i, “letters scattered,” “letters swapped places,” “recognize the sound,” “symbols of sounds.”

“Sounds and letters” (consolidation)

Strengthen the relationship between sound and letter, promote the development of phonemic hearing, perception, development of attention, memory

Carpet. Subject cards, d/i “Subject, word, diagram”

"Words and Syllables"

Continue to introduce the variety of words, teach to divide words into syllables, learn to combine syllables to form words, form words of two, three, four syllables, develop attention and memory

Carpet, syllable cards, subject pictures, d/i “Collect a word”, “how many syllables are in a word”

“Sentence, graphic skills” (consolidation)

Explain the term “sentence” to children, teach them to diagram a sentence, teach them to name the first, second, and third word. Compose a sentence of two or three words, based on a diagram, consolidate skills, draw simple objects, patterns in a checkered notebook, develop hand motor skills.

Magnetic marker board, table with sentences, plot pictures, notebooks, pencils, d/i “word or sentence”




Materials and equipment

"In the world of books." Reinforcing the sound [A], letter A

Learn to identify sounds [a] from speech, develop the ability to correlate the change of word with the name of the depicted object, promote the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, memory, attention and graphic skills

Syllable ruler, chips, task cards (shading, counting sticks, doll, butterfly, letter A

"Journey Through Fairy Tales"

Sound fixing [O], letter. ABOUT

Strengthen children's knowledge about r n s. Continue to introduce the vowel sound [O] and the letter O. Promote the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, memory, attention, and develop the ability to correlate the pattern of a word with the name of the depicted object.

Grandfather and grandmother dolls, pictures of house, cat. Sheep, cows, perch. Som. Tomatoes, sheet with shading, sound houses, syllabic line. Trays with beans. Chips for each child.

“My mother’s profession” Reinforcing the sound [U] of the letter U

Expand knowledge and understanding of professions, introduce the vowel sound [U] and the letter U, promote the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic sound, memory, develop the ability to correlate the pattern of a word with the name of the depicted object

Pictures of a rooster, duck, goose, marker board, syllable cards, sound houses, counting sticks, pencils, notebooks.


Consolidating the sound [ы] of the letter ы

To expand and consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetables, to introduce the vowel sound [Y] with the letter Y and the symbol (red square). To develop the ability to correlate the diagram of a word with the name of the depicted object, to promote the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, memory, attention, graphic skills, fine motor skills.

Sound ruler, cards for sound analysis, pencils, notebooks, plates with beans, images of the gnome Pykh.




Materials and equipment

“My family’s favorite games and toys” Reinforcing the sound [E] of the letter E.

Expand and consolidate ideas about toys, continue familiarization with the vowel sound [E], the letter E. develop the ability to correlate the diagram of a word with the image of an object. To promote the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, graphic skills, and the development of the ability to work with sentences.

Carpet, marker board, sound analysis cards. Beans, notebooks, pencils, d/ and “What comes first. What then? "

“Transport” strengthening the sound [L’] and the letter L

Expand children’s understanding of various types of transport, continue to introduce the consonant sound [L]-[L’] and their letter L, improve the skills of sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, continue to work on improving the concepts of word and syllable. Offer. Develop attention.

Carpet, magnetic marker board, sound houses, sound analysis diagrams, syllable tables, image of the letter L

“Everything for Mom” fixing the sound [M]-[M’], the letter M

Continue to introduce children to the consonant sound [M]-[M’] and its letter designation. To form the ability to correlate the pattern of a word with the name of the depicted object, develops sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, memory, graphic skills, and promotes the development of the ability to work with sentences.

Sound ruler, sound analysis card, chips, pencils, counting sticks, sentence diagrams, object pictures.

Consolidation. Final lesson for three months.

Name words with given sounds [A;O;U;Y;E;L;M], determine the place of sounds in a word, practice compiling exercises and selecting a diagram for them, read syllables with studied letters, divide sentences into words, and words into syllables.

Carpet, sound cards, sentence diagrams, syllable cards, chips, d/i “Words and sounds”




Materials and equipment

Winter" strengthening the sound [Р –Р’] letter r

Continue to introduce the vowel sound R-R and the letter P, the ability to correlate the diagram with the name of the depicted object, promote the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, and memory. Graphic skills, practice differentiation of R-L sounds.

Carpet, marker board, image of the letter P, d/i “Fishermen and Fishes”. Sound ruler, cards for sound analysis, image of a girl and a boy, ball

“Natural phenomena” strengthening the sound [N-N’] and the letter N

Expand children's understanding of natural phenomena in winter. Continue familiarization with the sound N-N and the letter N, improve the skills of sound-letter analysis and phonemic hearing. Attention. To promote the development of the ability to work with proposals.

Sound ruler, cards for sound analysis. Sentence diagrams, marker board, Image of letters, subject pictures.

“Wintering birds” reinforces the sound [ya] and the letter Ya.

To consolidate children's knowledge about wintering birds. continue to get acquainted with the iotated vowel sound [I]. show that at the beginning of a word and after vowels it denotes two sounds [YA], and after consonants the sound [A] and denotes the softness of the consonant sound. Develop phonemic awareness. attention. Improve sound analysis skills.

Marker board, cards for sound analysis, notebooks, pencils, “make up a word” exercise, object pictures.

« New Year» consolidation of the sound [ye] [yo] and vowels E-E.

Continue to introduce children to the iotized consonants E-Yo. develop phonemic awareness, the ability to compose sentences from reference words, and work on drawing up sentence diagrams.

Carpet, sound houses, story pictures, cards for sound analysis, notebooks. pencils, d/i “who is attentive?”, “Recognize the sound.”




Materials and equipment

“Toy store” reinforce the vowel sound [yu] and the letter Yu

Expand children's knowledge about toys, consolidate the vowel letter Y, show that at the beginning of a word it denotes two sounds [YU] and denotes the softness of a consonant sound, consolidate the sound analysis of words.Cleave suggestions for key words. typing in a notebook.

Carpet. cards for sound analysis, images of letters, sound houses, sentence diagrams, d/ and “Catch the sound”, notebooks, pencils.

“My Motherland” reinforce the sounds [V-v’] – [F-F’] and the letters V-F.

Expand children's knowledge about the Motherland, the place where you were born and live. Teach children to differentiate sounds [V-V’] [F-F’] in words, practice making sentences from given words, and divide a word into syllables. Develop phonemic hearing, sound-letter analysis. memory

Carpet. Sound analysis cards. Subject pictures, images of letters. Sentence diagrams, notebooks, pencils, “guess the word” exercises

“Wild animals” fix the sound [I] letter I

Expand children's knowledge about wild animals. Continue familiarization with the vowel sound [I] and its designation with the letter I. Develop the ability to correlate the diagram of a word with the name of the depicted object. Development of sound-letter analysis. Phonemic hearing. Graphic skills, ability to work with sentence diagrams.

Carpet, marker board, letter image, sound ruler. Cards for sound analysis, picture of a boy. Ball. d/i “Where is the sound hidden?”




Materials and equipment

« Magic world theater” fix the sound [G-G’] and the letter G

Expand children's knowledge about the world around them. Continue to become familiar with the consonant sound [G-G’] and its letter G. Contribute to the development of sound-letter analysis. Phonemic hearing. Graphic skills, correlate the word pattern with the name of the depicted object.

Carpet, marker board. Letter image. Sound line. Cards for sound analysis, image of the Gnome and Raisin, d/i “Musical Instruments” sentence diagrams. Notebooks. Pencils.

“Carlson beloved fairy tale hero our dads” to consolidate the sound K-K and the letter K.

Continue familiarization with the consonant sound K-K and its designation with the letter K, improve the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, graphic skills, and the ability to correlate the diagram of a word with the name of the depicted object.

Carpet, cards for sound analysis, image of a letter, image of Carloson, object pictures, notebooks, pencils, d/i “City Streets”.

“Forest” - consolidate consonant paired sounds [D-D’], [T-T’] and letters D-T

Expand children's knowledge about the world around them, continue to introduce paired consonant sounds [D-D'], [T-T'] and their letter designations, develop the ability to correlate the diagram of a word with the name of the depicted object, promote the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic sound, develop ability to work with proposals.

Carpet, subject pictures, marker board, cards for sound analysis, notebooks, pencils, d/i “Related words”

“Spring” - fix the consonant sound [C- C’] letter C

Continue work to improve sound-letter analysis, familiarize yourself with the sounds [C- C’] and the letter C, continue to work on mastering the concepts of syllable, word, sentence. Develop phonemic hearing and memory.

Carpet, cards for sound analysis, notebooks, pencils, sentence diagrams, d/i “Hard-Soft”




Materials and equipment

To consolidate children's knowledge of the consonant sound [З-З'] and the letter Z, to form a correlation between the scheme of a word and the image of an object, to promote the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, memory, graphic skills, and the development of the ability to work with sentences.

Carpet, marker board, object pictures, image of the letter B, sentence diagrams, notebooks, pencils, d/i “Where does sound live?”

“Flowers” ​​- strengthening the sounds [T-‘T] and the letter T

Introduce children to the sounds [T-‘T] and the letter T. Promote the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic hearing, memory, graphic skills, and the development of the ability to work with sentences.

Carpet, marker board, object pictures, image of the letter T, sentence diagrams, notebooks, pencils, d/i “Who is attentive?”

“Magic words”—reinforcing the sounds [B-B’] and the letter B

To consolidate children's knowledge about polite words, to consolidate children's knowledge of B-B and the letter B, to teach how to highlight the desired sound in words, to promote the development of sound-letter analysis, to develop phonemic sound, attention, the ability to compose a sentence, to exercise in determining the number of syllables in words.

Sound houses, carpet, marker board, object pictures, sentence diagrams
,image of the letter B, notebooks and pencils, d/i “Hard-Soft”

“Birds” - reinforce the sound [P-P’] and the letter P

To consolidate children’s knowledge about birds, to introduce them to the sounds [P-P’] and the letter P. To improve the skill of sound-letter analysis of a word, to improve the skills of reading syllables and words with learned letters. Strengthen the ability to work with sentences, develop phonemic sound and attention.

Carpet, marker board, cards for sound analysis, image of the letter P, pencils and notebooks, sentence diagrams, d/i “Who is attentive?”




Materials and equipment

“Planets” - consolidate the consonant sounds [Zh-Sh], the letters Zh and Sh, and combinations Zhi-Shi.

To consolidate children's knowledge of paired consonant sounds [ZH-SH] and their letter symbols. Improve the skill of sound-letter analysis of a word, improve the skills of reading syllables and words with learned letters. Strengthen the ability to work with sentences, develop phonemic sound and attention.

Carpet, subject pictures, marker board, cards for sound analysis, notebooks, pencils, sound analysis diagrams, images letters Zh-Sh, d/i “Which letter is hidden?”

“Our favorite fairy tales” - pin [CH-SH], letters CH-SH and combinations cha-scha, chu-schu.

Continue to introduce paired consonant sounds [CH-SH] and their letter designations, develop the ability to correlate the pattern of a word with the name of the depicted object, promote the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic sound, and develop the ability to work with sentences.

Carpet, marker board, object pictures, image of the letter CH-Sh, sentence diagrams, notebooks, pencils, sound analysis diagrams, d/i “Guess the word by the first letter”

“Books are the best friends” - to consolidate children’s knowledge about the letter b-b sign.

Fix that after consonants b denotes the softness of the consonant sound, and b denotes hardness. . Contribute to the development of sound-letter analysis. Phonemic hearing. Graphic skills, correlate the word pattern with the name of the depicted object.

Carpet, marker board, subject pictures, image letters b-b, sentence diagrams, notebooks, pencils, sound analysis diagrams, d/i “Say a word.”

“Pets” - continue to introduce children to the hard consonant sound [C], the letter C.

Introducing children to the letter T and the sound [Ts.] To form the ability to correlate the pattern of a word with the name of the depicted object, to promote the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic sound, and to develop the ability to work with sentences.

Carpet, marker board, object pictures, image of the letter C, sentence diagrams, notebooks, pencils, sound analysis diagrams, d/i “The Third Wheel”




Materials and equipment

“Insects” - consolidate children’s knowledge of the sound [Y’] and the letter Y.

Encourage to denote the sound [Ъ] with symbols. To develop the ability to correlate the pattern of a word with the name of the depicted object, to promote the development of sound-letter analysis, phonemic sound, and to develop the ability to work with sentences. Cultivate cognitive interest in objects, accuracy.

Carpet, magnetic marker board, object pictures, image of the letter Y, sound ruler, chip, sentence diagrams, cards for sound analysis, pencils, notebooks.

“Summer” - solving crosswords and puzzles.

Learn to solve crosswords and puzzles. Contribute to the development of sound-letter analysis, strengthen the ability to write in block letters, the ability to conduct phonemic analysis of these words, and develop initiative in solving cognitive problems

Pedagogical diagnostics



Lesson 1 Topic: Oral and written speech. Offer.

Program content:to form in children an idea of ​​what makes our speech accurate and expressive; consolidate the concept of oral and written speech, the concept of a sentence; develop children’s monologue speech, the ability to use epithets, metaphors, dialogical speech for its expressiveness - correctly construct sentences, answer with common sentences; develop skills educational activities: attention, perseverance.

I. Organizational moment.

Breathing exercise."Breeze".

II. The main part of the lesson.

  1. Problem situation “Looking for the sorceress Speech”
  2. R/i “Complete the sentence” (based on illustrations).
  3. “What might happen if people are speechless?” (TRIZ)
  4. Physical exercise "Who moves how."
  5. Solving the problem “How to make speech clear and expressive.”

Reading of A. Barto’s poem “Strong Cinema”.

  1. The concept of a proposal. What is our speech made of?
  2. Memorizing the poem “Autumn” by I. Mikhailova.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 2. Topic: Sentence and word.

Program content:consolidate and improve children’s concept of sentences and words, divide sentences into words, naming them in order, practice composing sentences using a diagram; develop children’s speech using different intonations for its expressiveness; develop creativity, thinking, and memory in children.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Gate”, “Horse”, “Clock”.

Working with a tongue twister.“Three magpies were chattering on the hill” - with different intonations.

II. The main part of the lesson.

  1. Express survey:

- How do we communicate?

What kind of speech is there?

- What is speech made of?

2. R/i “Living Words”- finish the sentence.

4. I/u “Come up with a proposal”to a scheme of 2-4 words.

5. The concept of the word.

I/u “Say the word.”

6. I/u “Make a proposal”- from given words.

7. R/i “Words come in pairs.”

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 3. Topic: Syllables and stress.

Program content:introduce children to accent; reinforce the idea that words can be divided into syllables; practice dividing words into syllables, clapping the rhythm; in determining the number of syllables in a word; in determining the stressed syllable; consolidate the ability to make sentences based on an object picture; retell familiar fairy tales in parts, and using illustrations (series), to develop phonemic hearing, memory, and monologue speech in children.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Smile”, “Tube”, “Groove”.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Problem situation. “The pictures are mixed up” - restore the sequence of events, tell a fairy tale.

2. “Make a proposal”- based on the subject picture.

3. Consolidating the concept of a syllable.

4. Dividing your names into syllables.

5. Physical exercise. “We step the syllables.”

6. Introduction to stress. I/u "Tricky words".

7. Riddles. Determine the number of syllables in the answer, highlight the stressed one.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 4. Topic: Sounds of vowels and consonants.

Program content:strengthen children's understanding of vowel and consonant sounds of speech, their characteristic features; practice distinguishing sounds by ear, finding words for a given sound; consolidate the idea of ​​the proposal; practice determining the number of syllables in a word, highlighting a stressed syllable, the ability to retell a familiar fairy tale using a mnemonic table, develop speech skills, memory, and logical thinking; develop learning skills.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Frogs are smiling”, “Clock”.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Asking riddles.Determining the number of syllables in a guess, highlighting the stressed syllable.

2. Problem situation. "Guess the fairy tale."Telling the fairy tale “Turnip” using a mnemonic table.

3. Finger gymnastics “Friendship”.

4. The concept of vowels and consonants, speech organs.

5. Physical exercise.

6. I/u “What a sound”- definition by ear, show a signal card of the corresponding color.

7. I/u “Name the word with the sound...”- with a given sound (a, p, p, g, y, i, g).

8. D/i “Make a proposal according to the diagram”- based on the plot picture.

9. R/i “Words come in pairs.”

III. Bottom line.


Lesson 5. Topic: Sound analysis of words. Types of offers.

Program content:introduce children to the variety of sentences: simple, interrogative, exclamatory, and with the corresponding punctuation marks; consolidate the ability to perform sound analysis of words; practice writing sentences using a diagram; develop children's voice strength, expressiveness and clarity of speech; develop learning skills.

  1. Organizing time.

Articulation gymnastics.“Clock”, “Needle”, “Castle”.

Breathing exercise “Breeze”.

Speaking tongue twisters - The hedgehog and the tree have pricking needles- with different voice strengths.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Writing proposals– based on a 3-word scheme.

2. Getting to know punctuation marks:period, question mark, exclamation mark.

3. I/u “Come up with a proposal”- composing sentences of different types: simple, exclamatory, interrogative.

4. Physical exercise "Pinocchio".

5. Sound analysis of the word.

6. D/u “How many words in a sentence”- division into words, find the first, second, etc. word.

7. R/i “Proverbs and sayings”.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 6. Topic: LETTER A

Program content:getting to know the letter A, develop visual, phonemic, tactile perception, fine motor skills; learn to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; practice forming relative adjectives; replenish lexicon.

I. Organizational moment.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “First Sound”.

2. Finger gymnastics. "Aster".

3. Sound characteristics.

5. Letter analysis.

6. Isolating the sound A from a number of vowel sounds.

7. Letter construction.

8. Physical exercise “Bear”.

9. Work in notebooks.

10. Game "Find the sound".

11. Game “Make Juice”.

12. Didactic game “One - many.”

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 7 Topic: LETTER O

Program content:acquaintance with the letter O, develop visual and tactile perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, optical-spatial representations, fine motor skills; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters; compare a letter and its graphic image; exercise in education plural nouns, in sketching a sentence diagram; replenish your vocabulary.

I. Organizational moment.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Name the first sound.”

2. Finger gymnastics. "Wasps".

3. Sound characteristics.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Letter analysis.

6. Designing a letter.

7. Physical exercise “Bear”.

8. Sketching a sentence diagram.

9. Work in notebooks.

10. Determination of location sound in a word.

11. Game “One - many”.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 8 Topic: LETTER I

Program content:acquaintance with the letter I, develop visual, phonemic, tactile perception, fine motor skills, memory; learn to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; develop skills in analysis and synthesis of syllables, the ability to isolate a stressed vowel sound; practice forming the plural of nouns and reading letter combinations; continue to learn to determine the place of sound in a word.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Say the Word.”

2. Sound characteristics.

3. Isolating the sound I from a number of sounds.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Letter analysis.

6. Designing a letter.

7. Didactic exercise“Name the impact sound.”

8. Physical exercise “Bear”.

9. Work in notebooks.

10. Analysis and synthesis of syllables. AI, OI, IA, IO.

11. Reading letter combinations.ao, oa, ai, ia, oi, io.

12. Game “One - many”.

13. Game “Find the Sound”.

14. R/i “Words come in pairs.”

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 9 Topic: LETTER Y

Program content:acquaintance with the letter Y, develop visual, tactile, phonemic perception, optical-spatial representations; relate sound and letter; compare a letter and its graphic image; practice forming the plural of nouns, composing sentences using reference pictures for a given pattern, and reading letter combinations; learn to form relative adjectives; develop memory, attention; replenish your vocabulary.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Cuckoo”, “Bubble”, “Kneading the dough”.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Who is attentive?”

2. Sound characteristics.

4. Letter analysis.

6. Compilation based on reference pictures. Familiarization with the concept of “preposition”.

7. Physical exercise “Bear”.

8. Work in notebooks.

9. Reading letter combinations.

10. Game “One - many”.

11. Game “Which leaf, which branch, which log?”

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 10 Topic: LETTER U

Program content:acquaintance with the letter U, practice drawing up the sound diagram of words, determining the place of sound in a word, consolidate the ability to determine the number of syllables in words, determine stress, develop visual, phonemic perception, attention, memory, logical thinking, fine motor skills; relate sound and letter; compare a letter and its graphic image; replenish your vocabulary.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Clock”, “Candy”, “Horse”.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game " Say the word."

2. Game exercise “How many syllables.”

3. Finger gymnastics. "Snail".

4. Sound characteristics.

5. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

6. Letter analysis.

7. Letter construction.

8. Physical exercise “Bear”.

9. Work in notebooks.

10. Game “What’s missing?”

12. Game “Find a place for the sound.”

13. Game “Negotiate an offer”.

14. Drawing up a sound diagram of a word.Draw a diagram for the words “ear”, “morning”.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 11. Topic: Vowel sounds and letters A, O, I, Y, U

Program content:develop the ability to distinguish and correctly pronounce sounds [a, o, i, ы, у], learn to differentiate these sounds; consolidate the ability to correlate sounds with letters, practice reading syllables, guessing sounds by articulation (silent pronunciation); in the ability to select words for a given sound, develop skills in sound analysis and synthesis of syllables, develop phonemic hearing, memory, thinking, attention.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Mushroom click”, “Cuckoo”, “Roll the ball”.

II. Main part.

1. Consolidation of the material covered.

2. Game exercise “Guess what sound I made.”(by articulation)

3. Game “Name the word with the sound...”

4. Didactic game “Guess the word.”

5. Physical education lesson “Be attentive.”

6. Analysis and synthesis of syllables.

7. Work in notebooks.

8. Game “Find the place of the sound.”

9. Reading syllables. AO, AU, UA, OA, OU, OU, IA, IO, IU, AI, OI, AY, YY.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 12 Topic: LETTER H

Target: familiarity with the letter N, the ability to divide words into syllables; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters; compare a letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables; replenish vocabulary, develop visual, phonemic perception, fine motor skills, memory, attention, logical thinking,

I. Organizational moment.

What letters have we already met? Name the studied letters and their images.

What group can all these letters be combined into?(Vowels.)

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game "Fourth wheel".

2. Finger gymnastics. "Scissors".

3. Sound characteristics.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Letter analysis.

9. Physical exercise “Bear”.

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Game “Show the letter.”

12. Learning to read syllables. Game "Bring the letter".

“We read with the letter N.”

“Find the same syllable.”

14. Game “Fix the letter”.

15. Dividing words into syllables.Game "Clap the word."

III. Bottom line.


Lesson 13 Topic: LETTER C

Program content:acquaintance with the letter C, develop visual, tactile, phonemic perception, continue to teach the ability to correlate sound and letter; compare a letter and its graphic image; strengthen the skill of reading syllables; develop the ability to form complex words, practice forming the plural in the names of baby animals, finding the place of sound in a word, develop fine motor skills, logical thinking, attention; replenish your vocabulary.

I. Organizational moment.

Didactic exercise “The third wheel”.

Speech warm-up. Reproduction of syllables.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game "Fourth wheel".

2. Finger gymnastics. "Dog".

3. Sound characteristics.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5 . Letter analysis.

6. Designing a letter.

7. Game exercise “Who has who?”

8. Game “New Word”.Formation of complex words.

9. Physical exercise “Bear”.

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Game exercise “Find a place for the sound.”.

13. Game “Fly the letter”.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 14 Topic: LETTER C (consolidation)

Program content:consolidating children's knowledge about the letter C,skills of clearly distinguishing and pronunciation of sounds in syllables, words, phrases, exercise in the formation of relative adjectives, coordinating them with nouns, in composing sentences based on supporting words with prepositions, consolidate the skill of retelling, develop the skill of reading syllables and words, visual perception, phonemic analysis, fine motor skills, logical thinking, the ability to compare a letter and its graphic image; replenish your vocabulary.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Fence”, “Reel”.

Pronunciation of pure talk.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game "Find the sound."

2. Game “Answer the question: which one?”Formation of relative adjectives:

3. Game exercise “What can we say autumn (autumn, etc.)?” .

4. Finger gymnastics. “Astra”, “Wasps”, “Snail”, “Scissors”, “Dog”.

5. Working with the syllabic table.

6. Physical exercise “Bear”.

7. Composing words from syllables and letters.

8. Exercise “Make a sentence.”

9. Compiling a story based on questions.

10. Analysis and synthesis of syllables:sa, us, sy, is, su, os, si.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 15 Topic: LETTER K.

Program content:acquaintance with the letter K, develop visual, phonemic perception, fine motor skills, phonemic analysis and synthesis, memory, logical thinking, the ability to divide words into syllables; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables; replenish your vocabulary.

I. Organizational moment.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Collect a picture”.

2. Finger gymnastics.

3. Sound characteristics.

4. Game exercise “Be attentive.”

- “Recognize the sound.” Clap your hands if the syllable has the sound [k], [k"]:

- “Name a word with the sound [k], [k"].”

- “Find out the word.” Add the sound [k], [k"] to the word.

6. Letter analysis.

k-n, n-i, i-k.

8. Physical exercise “Bear”..

9. Game "Change the word."Replace the first sound in the word with the sound K.

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Retelling the story “Kittens.”

12. Working with the syllabic table.

13. Game "Find the words."Children are asked to match the pictures to the diagrams

14. Game “Clap the word.”

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 16 Topic: LETTER K (consolidation)

Program content:consolidate children's knowledge about the letter K,develop the skill of reading syllables and words; develop visual and phonemic perception; fine motor skills, memory; practice word formation, composing sentences with given words, continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters; compare a letter and its graphic image; replenish your vocabulary.

  1. Organizing time.

Articulation gymnastics.“Chattering grandmothers”, “Gates (open - closed)”.

Speaking tongue twisters- We bought a lace dress for the cuttlefish, the cuttlefish walks around - shows off the dress - with different voice strengths.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game "Who has who."

2. Game “Name it affectionately.”

3. Working with the syllabic table.

4. Finger gymnastics. Do familiar exercises.

5. Physical exercise “Bear”.

6. Game exercise “Make a sentence.”

7. Game “Funny Fingers”.

8. Reading words.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 17 Topic: LETTER T

Program content:familiarization with the letter T, develop visual perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, fine motor skills, logical thinking; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words; replenish your vocabulary.

I. Organizational moment.

Speech exercises.

Game exercise “Say softly.”

Pronunciation of pure talk.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Find out the letter.”

2. Game “Say the Word.”

3. Finger gymnastics. "Pipe".

4. Sound characteristics.

5. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

6. Letter analysis.

7 . Design and reconstruction of letters.

10. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

11. Work in notebooks.

12. Game “Catch the Sound”.

13. Retelling the story “Tanya and Tim”.

14. Working with syllable tables.

15. Reading words.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 18 Topic: LETTER T (consolidation)

Target: consolidating knowledge about the letter T, strengthening the skill of reading syllables and words; develop phonemic, visual perception, logical thinking; compare a letter and its graphic image; practice changing nouns by case (dative case), forming and using possessive adjectives with the suffix –in; make sentences with given words, sketch a sentence diagram, develop fine motor skills

I. Organizational moment.

Speech exercises. Pronouncing syllables.

Articulation gymnastics.“Horse”, “Delicious jam”, “Candy”.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Who is attentive?”

2. Finger gymnastics. “Scissors”, “Claws”, “Dog”, “Pipe”.

3. Game “Whose, whose?”Formation and use of possessive adjectives.

4. Game “One - many”.

5. Game “Make a sentence”.Making sentences based on supporting words.

6. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

8. Reading words.

9. Game “What’s missing?”

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Educational game “Proverbs and sayings.”

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 19 Topic: LETTER L

Target: familiarization with the letter L, practice determining the position of sounds in words, dividing words into syllables, and the ability to form possessive adjectives; in the formation of the past tense form of the verb; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; strengthen the skill of reading syllables and words, expand your vocabulary; develop visual, phonemic perception, fine motor skills, memory, attention.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

Speech exercises. Pronunciation of syllables and phrases.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Who is attentive?”

2. Finger gymnastics."Boat".

3. Sound characteristics.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Letter analysis.

6. Designing a letter.

7. Didactic game “Guess the word.”Add the missing sound L to the word.

8. Game exercise. “What is he doing - what did he do?”

9. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Game “Hard - Soft”.

12. Game “Animals Show Off.”

13. Working with the syllabic table.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 20 Topic: LETTER L (consolidation)

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the letter L, develop the skill of reading syllables and words; learn to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; expand your vocabulary; practice changing nouns by case (genitive case), selecting related words; in retelling the text; develop visual, phonemic perception, memory.

I. Organizational moment.

Breathing exercise."Pump"

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game "Traffic Light".

2. Game “Name the pictures.”

3. Game “Clap the word.”Dividing words into syllables, determining stress.

4. Game "Change the word."Replace the first sound in the word with the sound L.

5. Game “Make sounds, make a word.”

6. Game exercise “Choose related words.”

7. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

8. Working with the syllabic table.

9. Game “No who, what?”

10. Reading words.

11. Retelling the story “The Fox and the Little Foxes.”

III. Bottom line.


Lesson 21 Topic: LETTER R

Target: getting to know the letter R, continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; develop the ability to identify a syllable by counting; consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words, sound-syllable analysis of words, consolidate the word formation of relative adjectives; replenish your vocabulary. develop visual perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, logical thinking, fine motor skills.

  1. Organizing time.

Articulation gymnastics. “Mushroom Click”, “Knead the dough”.

Speech exercises. Pronunciation of pure phrases and syllables.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Find out the letter.”

2. Game “Guess the riddle.”

3. Finger gymnastics."Crayfish."

4. Sound characteristics.

5. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

6. Letter analysis.

7. Letter construction.

8. Game exercise “Make a word.”

9. Didactic exercise “Insert the sound R into the word after the first sound.”

10. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

11. Work in notebooks.

12. Game “Catch the Sound”.

13. Working with the syllabic table.

14. Consolidation of word formation of relative adjectives.

15 Game “What is the number of syllables with the sound R.”

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 22 Topic: LETTER R (consolidation)

Target: consolidating children's knowledge about the letter P, strengthening the skill of reading syllables and words; practice selecting adjectives for nouns; in the selection of words with the same root, in composing words from letters, in composing sentences with given words, composing sentence diagrams; enriching vocabulary, developing visual perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, fine motor skills, logical thinking.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Cuckoo”, “Roll the ball”.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game "Vegetables".

2. Game “Describe the vegetable.”

3. Game “Choose related words.”

4. Making words from sounds. Game “Make Sounds.”

5. Finger gymnastics. Repetition of exercises at the choice of the teacher.

6. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

7. Working with the syllabic table.

8. Working with reading tables.“We read the given letter.” Table No. 7 (b, d).

9. Reading words.

10. Didactic game “The word has crumbled.”

11. Educational game “Rebuses”

G(rose), MO(roses), BLACK(fly), (mushroom)NICK, (fish)K, (ball)F, BAR(bough), (steam)NICK

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 23 Topic: Letters R – L

Target: consolidate the skills of distinguishing the sounds p, p’ – l, l’ in syllables, words, phrases; develop the ability to distinguish and name hard consonant sounds in words; form complex words; work with prefixed verbs; practice selecting related words, work on a sentence; develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory, thinking.

Progress of the lesson.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Reel”, “Delicious jam”.

Speech exercises. Pronunciation of pure talk.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Consolidation of knowledge about the letters R and L.

2. Game “Find the place of the sound in the word.”

3. Didactic game “Change the word.”Replace the sound R with L.

4. Didactic game “Insert sound”.

a) Insert the sound R into the word, it should be the second sound in the word.

b) Now put the second sound L.

5. Game exercise “New words”.Formation of complex words.

6. Game “Say the Word.”

7. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

8. Working with prefixed verbs.

9. Game “Make a sentence”.Make up a sentence with the given words.

10. Educational game “Words come in pairs.”

11. Learning tongue twisters.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 24 Topic: LETTER B

Target: acquaintance with the letter B, continue to learn how to relate sound and letter, compare the letter and its graphic image; develop the ability to distinguish between hard and soft sounds; practice selecting words of opposite meaning (antonyms), composing sentences from given words; develop the skill of reading syllables and words; replenish vocabulary, develop visual, phonemic perception, fine motor skills, attention.

I. Organizational moment.

What vowel sound do I want to say?(Children guess the sound by silent articulation..)

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “What’s missing?”

Pictures: wolf, cornflower, crow, mitten, vase.

2. Finger gymnastics."Gates".

3. Sound characteristics.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Letter analysis.

6. Designing a letter.

7. Didactic game “Stone - cotton wool”., cotton wool

8. Game exercise “Say the opposite.”

9. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Game “Make a sentence”.Make up a sentence from the given words.

12. Reading syllables. Game "Bring the letter".

13. Working with the syllabic table.

14. Dividing words into syllables. Game "Clap the word."

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 25 Topic: LETTER E

Target: familiarization with the letter E, form the idea that the letter E at the beginning of a word and after a vowel means two sounds - [th" e]; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words; practice selecting words with opposite meanings; expand vocabulary, develop visual perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, logical thinking, fine motor skills, coherent speech;

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Cup”, “Clock”.

Speaking tongue twisterswith different voice strengths:

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Funny Fingers”.

Image of letters using fingers.

2. Game “Guess the fairy tale.”

3. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

4. Letter analysis.

5. Construction of the letter E.

6. Didactic game “Change the word.”Replace the second sound in the word with the letter E.

7. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

8. Work in notebooks.

9. Game “Name the children.”

10. Game “Get the letter.”

11. Reading words. Ate, digs, ate, raccoon, howls, ate, barks, eats.

12. Game “Learn the letters.”Recognize letters written correctly and incorrectly on the board.

13. Game “On the contrary”.

14. Working with table for reading No. 10(a).

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 26 Topic: LETTER E (softening of consonants)

Purpose: to introduce softening of consonants using the vowel E, to consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; replenish your vocabulary. develop visual perception, phonemic analysis, fine motor skills, logical thinking, coherent speech.

I. Organizational moment.

Speaking tongue twistersat different paces:

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Find the letter”.

2. Game "Animals".

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Game "Bring the letter".

5. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

7. Working with reading table No. 9(b).

8. Making proposals.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 27 Topic: LETTER P

Target: getting to know the letter P, expanding your vocabulary; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables and words; practice changing nouns by case (dative case), develop visual and phonemic perception, fine motor skills, memory, logical thinking, phonemic analysis and synthesis.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Candy”, “Chattering Grandmothers”.

Speaking tongue twisters.A quail and a quail have five quails.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Find out the letter.”

2. Game “Guess the riddle.”

3. Finger gymnastics. "Chicks in the nest."

4 . Characteristics of sound.

5. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

6. Letter analysis.

7. Design and reconstruction of letters. P-N, P-L, P-T, N-I-K

8. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Game “Hard - Soft”.(With signal cards)

12. Game “Who needs what?”The use of nouns in the dative case.

13. Game "Change the word."

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 28 Topic: LETTER P (consolidation)

Target: consolidate children's knowledge of the letter P, skills of distinguishing and clearly pronouncing the sounds p, p', develop the ability to compose words from sounds; develop the skill of reading syllables and words; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; replenish vocabulary, develop visual, phonemic perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, memory;

I. Organizational moment.

Speech exercises. "Say it softly."

Repeating the tongue twister.At different paces.

I. Main part classes.

1. Game “Catch the sounds, show the right card.”

2. Game “Find out the letter”.

3. Game “Guess the letter”.

5. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

6. Working with the syllabic table.

7. Reading words.

Saw, saws, cook, captain, carpenter, buy, bought, folder, shelf, pencil case, sawed.

8. Working with table No. 9 (a, b).

9. Educational game “Rebuses”.

III. Bottom line.


Lesson 29 Topic: LETTER M

Target: introduce children to the letter M, continue to teach how to relate sound andletter, compare the letter and its graphic image; practice selecting antonyms; learn to understand and explain correctly idioms; work on a proposal; develop the skill of reading syllables and words, expand vocabulary, develop visual, phonemic, perception, fine motor skills, phonemic analysis and synthesis, attention, memory

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Horse”, “Tube”, “Smile”.

Speech warm-up."Say it softly."

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “What’s missing?”

2. Finger gymnastics. "Mouse."

3. Sound characteristics.

4 . Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Letter analysis.

6. Construction of the letter M.

7. Didactic game “On the contrary”.

8. Introducing popular expressions.

9. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Game “Hard - Soft”.

12. Game “Clap the word, make up With him an offer."

13. Working with the syllabic table.

14. Working with reading table No. 1.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 30 Topic: LETTER 3

Target: familiarization with the letter 3, consolidate the skills of clear pronunciation and distinguishing sounds [з], [з"] in syllables, words, phrases, practice the formation of the plural form of the genitive case of nouns, the use of prepositions for, because of, in the selection of cognate words , continue to learn to correlate sound and letter, compare a letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables, words, expand vocabulary; develop visual, phonemic, perception, fine motor skills, attention, phonemic analysis and synthesis, memory.

I. Organizational moment.

1) Speech warm-up.Reproduction of syllable series.

2) Game “Funny Fingers”.

The studied letters are depicted at the choice of the teacher.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “What has changed?”

2. Finger gymnastics. "Lock".

3. Sound characteristics.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Letter analysis.

6. Design andletter reconstruction. 3 - V – R - V - S.

8. Game exercise “Related words”.

9. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Game exercise “Make a sentence with prepositions.”

12. Game “Hard - Soft”.

13. Game "Rebuses".

14. Working with the syllabic table.

15. Working with reading table No. 1.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 31 Topic: LETTERS 3-C

Target: develop auditory differentiation [z] - [s], [z"] -[s"], the ability to correlate the sounds [z], [z"]; [s], [s"] with letters 3 and C, develop reading skills syllables; continue to develop the skill of correct syllabic reading; practice the formation of the plural of nouns, the formation of words using diminutive suffixes; practice retelling a short text, continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; enrich vocabulary, develop visual, phonemic perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, memory

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Gate”, “Granny Talkers”, “Pump”.

Speech warm-up.Pronouncing syllables.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Voice - Deaf”.

2. Acquaintance with pairs of voiced - voiceless consonants.

4. Game “Complete the syllable in a word, be careful, look!”

5. Exercise on the correct use of prepositions.

6. Retelling the story “In Winter.”

7. Physical exercise “Janitor”.

8. Game “One - many”.

9. Game “Name it affectionately.”

11 Reading words.

12. Working with reading table No. 1.

Sh. Result.

Lesson 32 Topic: LETTER B

Target: getting to know the letter B; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables and words; expand your vocabulary; practice changing nouns by case (accusative case), highlighting the first and second syllables in words, develop visual, phonemic, perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, fine motor skills, attention

I. Organizational moment.

Speech warm-up.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Name the syllables in words.”

2. Game "Guess the word."

3. Sound characteristics.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

6. Design and reconstruction of letters. B-V-R.

7. Making proposals based on reference pictures. Sketching diagrams.

9. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Game "Who is attentive."

12. Game “Hard - Soft”.

13. Game “I don’t see - I see.”

14. Divide the word into syllables, make a sentence with it

16. Working with reading tables No. 1, No. 4.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 33 Topic: Letters B - P

Target: develop auditory differentiation [p] - [b], and [p"] - [b"], the ability to correlate the sounds [b], [b"]; [p], [p"] with the letters B and P; develop the skill of reading syllables; continue to develop the skill of correct syllabic reading; practice forming the plural of nouns, identifying and naming the second syllable in words; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; enrich vocabulary; develop visual, phonemic perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, memory.

I. Organizational moment.

Speech warm-up.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Fold the letter”.

2. Game “Voice - Deaf”.

3. Introducing a pair of voiced - voiceless consonants P- B.

4. Distinguishing sounds [n]- [b], comparing them with the letters P-B.

5. Game “Complete the syllable in a word, be careful, look!”

6. Game "Change the word."

7. Game exercise “Name the second syllable in words.”

8. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

9. Game “One - many”.

10. Working with the syllabic table.

11. Working with tables for reading No. 1, № 4.

12. Game exercise “Remember and name words with the sounds p, b.”

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 34 Topic: LETTER D

Target: getting to know the letter D,continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables and words; expand your vocabulary; exercise in the formation of words with diminutive suffixes, changing nouns by case (the instrumental case), develop visual, phonemic perception, fine motor skills, attention;

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Clock”, “Kneading the dough”, “Delicious jam”.

Speech warm-up.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Recognize the sound”.

2. Game “Who is attentive.”

3. Finger gymnastics. "Trees".

4. Sound characteristics.

5. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

6. Letter analysis.

7. Letter construction.

8. Game “Big - small”.

9. Game exercise “Choose an action.”

10. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

11. Work in notebooks.

12. Game “Hard - Soft”.

13. Divide the word into syllables, make a sentence with it

(pictures from the previous assignment).

14. Game “What are you happy with?”(All subject pictures.)

15. Working with the syllabic table.

16. Working with tables for reading No. 1, No. 2.

III. Bottom line.


Lesson 35 Topic: LETTER D (consolidation)

Target: consolidate children’s knowledge of the letter D, strengthen the ability to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; consolidate the skills of pronunciation of sounds [d] - [d"] in syllables, words, phrases; practice the ability to name the second syllable in words, compose sentences according to a given pattern, divide words into syllables, consolidate the ability to perform sound analysis of words, retell a short text, develop phonemic hearing, attention, memory.

I. Organizational moment.The one who names the words with the sounds [d] - [d"] sits down.

Articulation gymnastics.“Pump” “Cuckoo”, “Blowing up a bubble”.

Speech warm-up.Reproduction of syllables:

Speaking tongue twisters.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Didactic exercise “Be attentive.”

2. Didactic game “Divide the words into syllables.”

3. Didactic exercise “Make a sentence according to the diagram.”

4. Physical exercise "The Wizard".

5. Sound analysis of words:house, kindergarten. Draw a diagram of the words.

6. Educational game “Listen, remember, tell”

7. Working with the syllabic table.

8. Working with tables for reading No. 1, No. 2.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 36 Topic: LETTERS D-T

Target: develop auditory differentiation of sounds [d] - [t], [d"] - [t"], the ability to correlate the sounds [d], [d"]; [t], [t"] with the letters D and T, develop the skill reading syllables; continue to develop the skill of correct syllabic reading; practice forming the plural of nouns; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; enrich vocabulary, develop visual, phonemic, perception, memory, attention.

I. Organizational moment.

Didactic exercise “Guess the letter from the description of the image”

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Finger gymnastics. “Gate”, “Chicks”, “Mouse”, “Castle”, “Trees”,2. Game “Voice - Deaf”.

3. Acquaintance with a pair of voiced - voiceless consonants D - T.

4. Repetition of syllables.

5. Game “On the contrary”.

6. Game “What’s missing?”

7. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

8. Match pictures to diagrams

9. Game “Make a word”.

10. Game “One - many”.

12. Working with reading tables No. 1, No. 2.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 37 Topic: LETTER I

Target:familiarization with the letter I, form the idea that the letter I at the beginning of a word and after a vowel means two sounds - [th "a]; compare the letter and its graphic image; consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words; practice selecting adjectives for a noun, in the formation of relative adjectives, in composing sentences based on supporting words, in composing sentence diagrams, replenish vocabulary, develop perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, logical thinking, fine motor skills;

I. Organizational moment.

Speech warm-up."Say it softly"

Game "Learn the letters."

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Working with tables for reading No. 2.10 (a).

2. Game “Guess the riddle.”

3. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

4. Letter analysis.

5. Design and reconstruction of letters. I - R, I - B, I - B.

6. Game "Which". Formation of relative adjectives.

7. Didactic exercise “Make a sentence.”

8. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

9. Work in notebooks.

10. Game “Get the letter.”

Consonants are written in a column on the board(N, S, K, T, L, R, V).The child receives a car with the letter Y depicted on it. The child driver drives the car, stops near the letters on the left side and reads the reverse syllables(yang, yas, yak, yagp, yal, yar, yav, yap, yam, yaz, yab, poison).

11. Working with a table forReading No. 10 (b).

12. Game “Describe the object.”

13. Working with the syllabic table.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 38Topic: LETTER I(softening of consonants)

Target:introduce softening of consonants using the vowel I,consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words; develop visual and tactile perception; compare a letter and its graphic image; develop phonemic analysis; develop fine motor skills and logical thinking.

I. Organizational moment.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Identify the letter”.

2. Game “Guess the letter by articulation.”

3. Working with reading tables.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Game “Get the letter.”

6. Working with the syllabic table.

7. Working with reading table No. 9 (c).

8. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

10. Didactic game “Match the diagram to the word.”

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 39 Topic: LETTER G

Target:familiarization with the letter G, continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables and words; expand your vocabulary; practice using indirect cases of nouns, develop visual perception, fine motor skills, phonemic awareness, attention.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics“Swing”, “Spatula”, “Needle”.

Speech warm-up.

Game "Find out the letter."

Recognizing dotted letters.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game "Fourth wheel".

2. Finger gymnastics. "Goose".

3. Sound characteristics.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Letter analysis.

6. Design and reconstruction of letters. G-P, G-T, G-R, G-B.

7. Exercise “Be attentive.”

8. Didactic game “One - many.”

9. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Game “Show the letter.”

13. Game “Make friends with pictures”.

14. Working with syllable tables.

15. Working with tables for reading No. 1, No. 2.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 40 Topic: LETTERS G-K

Target:develop auditory differentiation of sounds [g] - [k], [g"] - [k"], the ability to correlate the sounds [g], [g"]; [k], [k"] with the letters G and K, develop the skill reading syllables; continue to develop the skill of correct syllabic reading; practice forming the plural of nouns; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; enrich vocabulary, develop visual, phonemic perception, memory, attention.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Kneading the dough”, “Cuckoo”.

Speech warm-up.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Didactic exercise “One - many.”

2. Introducing a pair of voiced - voiceless consonants G- TO.

3. Repetition of syllables.

4. Name the first sound in the word, show the letter.

5. Game “On the contrary”.

6. Game “What’s missing?”

7. Physical exercise "The Wizard".

8. Exercise “Divide the word into syllables”(punch cards).

9. Game “Make a word”.

10. Game “One - many”.

11. Working with the syllabic table.

12. Working with reading tables No. 3, No. 4.

Sh. Result.

Lesson 41 Topic: LETTER H

Target:familiarization with the letter H, continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables and words; expand your vocabulary; practice the formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes, develop visual, phonemic perception, fine motor skills, phonemic analysis and synthesis, attention;

I. Organizational moment.

Speech exercises.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Fold the letter”.

2. Guess the riddles.

3. Sound characteristics.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Letter analysis.

6. Designing a letter.

7. Didactic game “Change the word.”

8. Didactic exercise “Name your son’s middle name.”

9. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Game “Show the letter.”

12. Game “Place your pictures under the desired “fish”.

13. Working with the syllabic table.

14. Game “Say kindly”(carried out orally with a clear pronunciation of the sound [h"]).

15. Working with reading tables No. 3, No. 4, No. 7 (b, d), No. 8 (b, d).

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 42Topic: LETTER H(fixing)

Target:consolidate students’ knowledge of the letter H, develop the skill of reading syllables; continue to develop the skill of correct syllabic reading; practice inflection; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; replenish vocabulary, develop visual perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, coherent speech, fine motor skills and memory.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Swing”, “Football”, “Gate”.

Speech warm-up.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Find the letter”.

2. Sound characteristics.

3. Game "From big to small."

4. Game “Make sounds, make a word.”

5. Converting words.

6. Game “Replace the sound”.

7. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

8. Exercise in inflection.

9. Working with the syllabic table.

10. Working with reading tables.

11. Game “Make friends with words.”

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 43 Topic: Sounds of Ch-T.

Target:strengthen discrimination and clear pronunciation skills sounds h-t’, in syllables, words and phrases; practice selecting related words, matching words to diagrams; work on a proposal; strengthen retelling skills, reading skills, develop phonemic hearing, memory, attention, logical thinking.

I. Organizational moment.

Speech warm-up.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Didactic game “Match the diagram to the word”

2. Didactic exercise “Make a sentence.”

3. Game “Choose related words.”

4. Didactic game “Change the word.”

5. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

6. Didactic game “The syllables are mixed up.”

7. Retelling the story “Titmouse”.

8. Didactic exercise “Many words from one.”

9. Educational game “Rebuses”.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 44 Topic: LETTER b

Target:Introducing the letter b, comparing the letter and its graphic image; strengthen the skill of reading words; practice changing the plural of nouns by case (genitive case); replenish vocabulary, develop visual perception, coherent speech, phonemic analysis and synthesis, logical thinking, fine motor skills,

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Swing”, “Cup”, “Sail”.

Speech warm-up.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Listening to a fairy tale.

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

3. Letter analysis.

4. Design and reconstruction of letters.b - P, b - B, b - S, b - B.

5. “Guess the riddle.”

6. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

8. Work in a notebook.

9. Game “Add b”.

10. Game “Who is missing?”

11. Game “Many - One”.

12. Working with table No. 14.

13. The letter b is in the middle of a word.

14. Game “Hide the soft sign in the middle of the word.”

III. Bottom line.


Target:acquaintance with the separating soft sign,continue to learn how to relate sounds

and letter, compare the letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables and words; replenish vocabulary, develop visual, phonemic perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, attention.

I. Organizational moment.

Speech warm-up.

Game "Find out the letter."

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Repetition of what has been learned.

2. Introduction to the topic.

3. Game “Catch the Word”with separating b".

4. Reading words.

5. Physical exercise “Hamster”.

6. Place a separating b in front of the letters I, Yu, and you will get a new word.

7. Complete the sentence according to its meaning, using words from the previous task.

8. Complete the sentence with the help of pictures, lay out words from the letters of the split alphabet.

9. Working with reading table No. 18.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 46 Topic: LETTER W

Target:acquaintance with the letter Ш, continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables and words; expand your vocabulary; practice word formation of nouns denoting baby animals, changing nouns by case (genitive case), develop visual, phonemic perception, fine motor skills, phonemic analysis and synthesis, attention, memory.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Swing”, “Painter”.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Working with reading tables№ 5, 6.

2. Game “Who’s missing?”

3. Working with reading table No. 14.

4. Game “Name the first sound of the pictures.”

5. Finger gymnastics. "Ball".

6. Sound characteristics.

7. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

8. Letter analysis.

9. Designing a letter.

10. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

11. Didactic exercise “Me and you.”

12. Work in notebooks.

13. Clap your hands when you hear the sound [w] in syllables and words.

14. Word formation of nouns denoting cubs.

15. Converting words.

16. Working with the syllabic table.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 47 Topic: LETTER Ш (consolidation)

Target:consolidate the skills of distinguishing and clearly pronunciating the sound Ш in syllables, words and phrases; practice in the formation of the genitive plural form of nouns, in agreeing adjectives with nouns, in the use of diminutive suffixes; consolidate the ability to perform sound analysis of words; work on a proposal; develop phonemic hearing, memory, attention, thinking.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“The Gate”, “Chattering Grandmothers”.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Didactic exercise “Name the word with the sound Ш, determine the place of the sound in the word.”

2. Didactic exercise “What sound changed the word.”

3. Didactic exercise “What’s missing?”

4. Didactic game “What can you say big about (s)”

5. Didactic exercise “Say kindly.”

6. Didactic game “Name the vowel sounds in the word.”

7. Game "Tall Tales".

8 . Sound analysis of words: ears, bump.

9. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

10. Didactic game “Make a sentence with given words.”

11. Working with the syllabic table.

12. Working with reading tables No. 5, 6, 14.

13. Learning tongue twisters.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 48 Topic: LETTERS S – W

Target:develop the ability to distinguish s-sh sounds in syllables, words and phrases; practice agreeing adjectives with nouns; consolidate the skills of word formation of nouns denoting persons by their occupation. Exercise in the formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes, in retelling a short text, develop phonemic hearing, memory, attention, and thinking.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Cuckoo”, “Calyx”, “Blowing up a bubble”.

Speech warm-up.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Didactic game “Change the word.”

2. Didactic game “What can you say about?”

3. Didactic exercise “Who is this?”

4. Didactic exercise “Say kindly.”

5. Didactic game “Divide the word into syllables”(punch cards).

6. Didactic game “Guess the word.”

7. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

8. Retelling the story “Fluff and Mashka.”

9. Educational game “Words come in pairs.”

10. Educational game “Rebuses”.

11. Didactic exercise “Match words to the diagram.”

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 49 Topic: LETTER F

Target:acquaintance with the letter Z, continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables and words; expand your vocabulary; practice word formation of nouns denoting baby animals, develop visual, phonemic, tactile perception, fine motor skills, optical-spatial representations, attention, memory.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Delicious jam”, “Horse”.

Speech warm-up.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Living Letter”.

2. Working with a reading table. № 13.

3. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

4. Sound characteristics.

5. Introducing the letter.

6. Letter analysis.

7. Letter construction.

8. Game exercise “Be attentive”.

9. Didactic game “Guess the word.”

10. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

11. Work in notebooks.

12. Game “Catch the Sound”.

13. Word formation of nouns denoting cubs.

14. Transformation of syllables, words.

15. Working with the syllabic table.

16. WorkWithtables for reading.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 50 Topic: LettersJ-SH

Target:develop auditory differentiation of the sounds [zh] and [sh], the ability to correlate the sounds [zh], [sh] with the letters Zh and Sh,develop the skill of reading syllables; continue to develop the skill of correct syllabic reading; practice forming the plural of nouns; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; expand vocabulary, develop attention, logical thinking, memory, phonemic analysis and synthesis;

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Football”, “Clock”, “Mushroom”.

Speech warm-up.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Introducing the pair of voiced - voiceless consonants F- Sh.

2. Repetition of syllables.

3. Distinguishing sounds [zh] - [w].

4. Game “In the word, agree the syllable, bepay attention, look!”

5. Game “Make a word”.

6. Physical exercise “The Wizard”.

7. Game “What has changed?”

8. Educational game “The word has crumbled.”

9. Game “One - many”.

10. Working with the syllabic table.

11. Working with reading tables.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 51 Topic: LETTER E

Target:introduce children to the letter E, form the idea that the letter E at the beginning of a word and after a vowel means two sounds [th" o]; compare the letter and its graphic image; consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words; practice changing verbs by person; replenish vocabulary, develop visual perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, optical-spatial representations, logical thinking, fine motor skills.

I. Organizational moment.

Speech warm-up.Pronouncing familiar tongue twisters using models.

Game "Find out the letter."

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Work with reading table No. 10 (a, b).

2. Game “Guess the riddle.”

3. Finger gymnastics. "Christmas tree".

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Letter analysis.

6. Design and reconstruction of letters.

7. Didactic game “The word has crumbled.”

8. Physical exercise “Hamster”.

9. Work in notebooks.

10. Game “Get the letter.”

11. Working with reading table No. 10 (c).

12. Game “What is he doing?”

13. Reading words.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 52Topic: LETTER E(softening of consonants)

Target:introduce softening of consonants using the vowel E, strengthen the skill of reading syllables and words; compare a letter and its graphic image, practice retelling a short text, develop visual perception, phonemic analysis, fine motor skills, logical thinking;

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Pump”, “Mushroom Click”, “Swing”.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Identify the letter”.

2. Finger gymnastics. "Christmas tree".

3. Work with reading table No. 9 (b, c).

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Game "Bring the letter".

6. Reading syllables.

7. Working with the syllabic table.

8. Working with reading table No. 9 (d).

9. Physical exercise "Hamster".

10. “Choose a letter.”

11. Retelling the story “Hedgehog”.

12. Working with tables for reading No. 11,12.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 53 Topic: LETTER Y

Target:acquaintance with the letter Y, continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables and words; expand your vocabulary; practice form formation singular nouns from the plural, develop visual, phonemic, perception, fine motor skills, phonemic analysis and synthesis, attention, memory;

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Hammer”, “Brush”, “Pump”.

Speech warm-up.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Find out the letter.”

2. Game “What is the last sound?”

3. Sound characteristics.

4. Game “Show the place of the sound [th"] on the “fish”.

5. Introducing the letter Y.

6. Letter analysis.

7. Letter construction.

8. Didactic exercise “Change the word.”

9. Physical exercise “Hamster”.

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Game “Make a word”.

12. Distinguishing letters Y- TO HER- I, J- Yo.

Game “Name the first two sounds and show which letter to write.”

13. Comparison of letters I- Y, sounds [and]- [th].

14. Game “Many - One”.

15. Reading words.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 54 Topic: LETTER X.

Target:acquaintance with the letter X, continue to learn to correlate sound and letter, compare the letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables and words; practice sound analysis of words, guessing puzzles, replenish vocabulary, develop visual and phonemic perception, fine motor skills, phonemic analysis and synthesis, attention, memory.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Sail”, “Knead the dough”, “Blow away the fluff”.

Speech warm-up.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Find out the letter.”

2. Guess the riddle.

3. Sound characteristics.

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Letter analysis.

6. Design and reconstruction of letters.

7. Didactic exercise “Make a diagram.”

8. Physical exercise “Hamster”.

9. Work in notebooks.

10. Game “Find the place of the sound X in the word.”

11. Didactic exercise “Replace the first sound in the word with the sound [x].”

12. Working with the syllabic table.

13. Working with reading tables No. 5, 6, 7.

14. Educational game “Rebuses”.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 55 Topic: LETTER Y

Target:familiarization with the letter U, form the idea that the letter U at the beginning of a word and after a vowel means two sounds [th" y]; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image, consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words; expand vocabulary, develop visual perception, phonemic analysis and synthesis, fine motor skills, logical thinking.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Mushroom Click”, “Chattering Grandmothers”, “Needle”.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Finger gymnastics. “Goose”, “Ball”, “Christmas tree”.

2. Game “Say the Word.”

3. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

4. Letter analysis.

5. Design and reconstruction of letters.

6. Sound analysis of words: bow, hatch. Comparison of schemes.

7. Physical exercise “Hamster”.

8. Work in notebooks.

9. Game “The word has crumbled.”

10. Working with reading table No. 10 (d).

11. Game “Learn the letters.”

12. Game "Find the word."

13. Working with tables for reading No. 11,12.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 56Topic: LETTER Y(softening of consonants)

Target:introduce the softening of consonants using the vowel Yu, strengthen the skill of reading syllables and words; enrich vocabulary, develop visual perception, phonemic analysis, fine motor skills, logical thinking.

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Cuckoo”, “Sweetie”, “Tube”, “Smile”.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Work with reading table No. 10 (d).

2. Game “Fix the letter”.

3. Working with reading tables No. 9 (a, b, c, d).

4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

5. Game “Get the letter.”

6. Working with the syllabic table.

7. Working with reading table No. 9 (e).

8. Physical exercise “Hamster”.

9. Game “Make friends with words.”

10. Working with reading tables No. 11,12,14.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 57 Topic: LETTER C

Target:acquaintance with the letter C, continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words; practice selecting related words, composing words from syllables, expand vocabulary, develop visual perception, fine motor skills, phonemic analysis and synthesis, attention, memory, logical thinking;

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Spatula”, “Needle”, “Hammer”.

Speech warm-up.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Fold the letter”.

2. Working with tables forreadings No. 5,6.

3. Guess the riddle.

4. Sound characteristics,

5. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

6. Letter analysis.

7. Design and reconstruction of letters.

Ts-Sh, Ts-N, Ts-I, Ts-P.

8. Didactic exercise “Related words”.

9. Game exercise “Make a sentence.”

10. Physical exercise “Hamster”.

11. Work in notebooks.

12. Game “Catch the Sound”.

13. Game exercise “Name a smaller object”.

14. Working with syllable tables.

15. Working with reading tables.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 58 Topic: LETTER E

Target:getting to know the letter E,continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters; compare a letter and its graphic image; consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words; replenish vocabulary, develop visual perception, fine motor skills, phonemic analysis and synthesis, memory;

I. Organizational moment.

Articulation gymnastics.“Gate”, “Candy”, “Horse”.

Speech warm-up.Name the tongue twister according to the diagram, pronounce it according to the models.

P. The main part of the lesson.

1. Game “Find out the letter.”

2. Working with reading table No. 15.

3. Game “What has changed?”

4. Sound characteristics.

5. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

6. Letter analysis.

7. Design and reconstruction of letters. E-S.

8. Didactic game “Read the word.” (in the grid)

9. Physical exercise “Hamster”.

10. Work in notebooks.

11. Repeating after the teacher names that begin with E.

12. Reading from the board names with only the letter E(names from the previous task).

13. Reading words from the board, dividing them into syllables by clapping, orally composing sentences with each word.

14. Converting words.,

15. Working with reading table No. 17.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 59 Topic: LETTERSCH

Target:acquaintance with the letter Ш, develop visual and tactile perception, optical-spatial representations, fine motor skills, phonemic analysis and synthesis, attention, memory, logical thinking; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words; expand your vocabulary; exercise in the formation of professions using a suffix


Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

II. The main part of the lesson.

  1. What sound occurs most often in the poem?
  2. Finger gymnastics"Pike".
  3. Characteristics of sound.
  4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.
  5. Letter analysis.
  6. Construction of the letter Shch.
  7. Physical exercise "Hamster".
  8. Work in notebooks.
  9. Game “Collect a picture, show the place of the sound [u] on the “fish”.
  10. Replace the first sound with the sound [ш"], name a new word and show the letter Ш.
  11. Converting words.
  12. Education of professions.
  13. Working with syllable tables.
  14. Reading words.
  15. Game "Find out the letter."
  16. Working with reading tables.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 60 Topic: LETTERF

Target:acquaintance with the letter F, develop visual, tactile and phonemic perception, optical-spatial representations, fine motor skills, phonemic analysis and synthesis, attention, memory, logical thinking; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; consolidate the skill of reading syllables and words; replenish your vocabulary.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

P. The main part of the lesson.

  1. Game "Who is attentive?"
  2. Finger gymnastics"Flags".
  3. Characteristics of sound.
  4. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.
  5. Letter analysis.
  6. Design and reconstruction of letters. F-R, F-V, F-Y.
  7. Finding letters in printed text.
  8. Physical exercise "Hamster".
  9. Work in notebooks.
  10. Show me the letter.
  11. Game "Solid"- soft".
  12. Game "What has changed?"
  13. Divide the word into syllables, make a sentence with it
  14. Working with syllable tables.
  15. Game "Live Letter".
  16. Working with a table16.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 61 Topic: LETTERSV - F

Target:develop auditory differentiation of sounds [v], [v"] - [f], [f"], the ability to correlate the sounds [v], [v"]; [f], [f"] with lettersINand F,develop the skill of reading syllables; continue to develop the skill of correct syllabic reading; develop attention, logical thinking, memory, phonemic analysis and synthesis; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; Expand words knowledge; practice changing nouns by case (prepositional case).

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Meet a voiced couple- voiceless consonants B- F.

2. Repetition of syllables.

3. Distinguishing the sounds [v] - [f], [v"] - [f"], comparing them with the letters B- F.

4. Game “Agree a syllable in a word,bepay attention, look!”

5. Game “What’s missing?”

6. Game “What do you dream about?”

7. Make diagrams of words.

8. Physical exercise “Hamster”.

9. Finger gymnastics“Ball”, “Pike”, “Flags”.

10. Working with the syllabic table.

11. Modeling letters.

12. Working with reading table No. 16.

III. Bottom line.


Target:familiarization with dividing marks, develop visual, phonemic perception, optical-spatial representations, phonemic analysis and synthesis, attention; continue to learn how to correlate sounds and letters, compare a letter and its graphic image; develop the skill of reading syllables and words; replenish your vocabulary.

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational moment.

II. The main part of the lesson.

1. Consolidation of knowledge about the separative b. Game "Whose paw?"

2. Read the words, underline the words with the separator b.

3. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

4. Letter analysis.

5. Design and reconstruction of letters. L-b.

7. Physical exercise “Hamster”.

8. Work in notebooks.

9. Listening to the story “I sat down and ate.”

10. Laying out words from letterssat downate.

11. Game "Driver".

12. Reading words.

13. Working with a tableForreading18.

III. Bottom line.

Lesson 63. Final lesson.

Target:To consolidate and improve the ability to divide words into syllables and perform a sound analysis of words, characterizing the sounds; divide sentences into words (draw a diagram); fix the names of letters, compose words of 2, 3 syllables; practice selecting definitions and actions for nouns, synonyms; use various means of expressiveness in speech: tempo, strength of voice; develop memory, attention, logical thinking (the ability to reason, prove); develop learning skills: listen and hear the teacher, perseverance, teach to monitor your posture; alternate the static position of children, create a positive psychological microclimate in the group.

Progress of the lesson.

I 1. Articulation gymnastics:Let's do exercises for our tongue and lips.

- “Pump.” “Blowing away the fluff” (breathing)

- “Horse”, “Reel” (tongue)

- “Roll the ball” (muscles of the cheeks, lips)

Now let’s tell you a tongue twister with different strengths voices, and at different tempos:

Roma was afraid of thunder,

He roared louder than thunder.

From such a roar there is thunder

Hid behind a hillock.

2. And now speech grammar warm-up.

- “Say the opposite”:

- “Choose a definition and an action”(what, what does) to the words: ball, cloud, water in the river, sun, children, mother.

- “Name your profession”:for example, he works on a crane - a crane operator.



Week 1 – 2: monitoring

2nd word

O. o.: labor:

1. “Name the words”

"The house opens"
(see Attachment)

1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;

O. o.: physical culture:
O. o.: socialization:

"The house opens"

O.o.: socialization:

A.g. "Curious Tongue"

O. o.: physical culture:

1. “Correct the mistake”

O.O.: Security:

2. “The letter is lost”
3. “Finish the sentence.”

5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes
O.o.: socialization:

O. o.: labor:

1. “Who is attentive”

5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes
O.o.: socialization:


1. to develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;

2. "Turning Words"
Yellow russula hedgehog
Happy as a squirrel to nuts

5. develop diction apparatus
O. o.: socialization:

O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1"Recognize the sound."
2. “Name the words”
3. “Where is the sound?”
4. "The fifth wheel"

6. "On the contrary"

Happy as a squirrel to nuts

O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;

5. develop diction apparatus

1. “Who is attentive”

3. “Name words with the sound Y”
Fishing with a fishing rod
Our clever Yurochka
(tongue twister + table - see appendix)

O.o.: socialization:

Our Yurochka is smart.

1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels;
2. introduce the letter Y;

O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture

The wasp has antennae, not antennae
(tongue twister + table - see appendix)

O. o.: communication:

5. develop diction apparatus

O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. “Who is attentive”

3. practice the ability to carry out inflection;

O.o.: socialization:

O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture

2. Game “Complete the sentence”
see summary No. 14

1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;

O. o. safety:

O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. Game “Who is attentive”

4. Game “Complete the sentence”

O.O.: Security:

O. about: labor:

1. “Who is attentive”

1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;

O. o.: socialization:
5. cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O.O.: Security:

2. “Chain of words”

1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;

O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
O.o.: socialization:

2. “Name the words according to the model”
3. "Turning Words"

1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;

5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
O.o.: socialization:

2. “Pick up a pair”
3. "Sound Lost"

1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;

O. about: labor:
5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Name a couple”

O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture

2. “Who is attentive”
3. “Add sound”
4. “Hard - soft”

6. form correct posture
O. about: labor:

2. “Name the words according to the given model”
3. “Where is the sound?”
4. “Say the word”
5. “Hard - soft”

5. develop diction apparatus O.o.: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o.: socialization:

2. “Name the words according to the given model”
3. “Who is attentive”
4. “Say a word”

Ra-ra-ra the game begins;
ry-ry-ry - boys have balls;
ro-ro-ro - we have a new bucket;

ri-ri-ri - bullfinches on the branches;

ir-ir-ir - my dad is the commander;

2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with completed letters and the letter p;
3. consolidate children’s ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowel letters and determining the stressed vowel sound;

O. about: labor:

1. “The same sound in words”
2. “Say the word”
3. “Name the words according to the model”

O.o.: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O. about: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Say the word”
3. "Sound Lost"

O.o.: reading fiction:

O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture

2. “Who is attentive”

(see Attachment)

O. o.: socialization:

O. about: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Name the words according to the model”

3. “The letter is lost”

O.O.: Security:

O. o.: physical culture:

O.o.: reading fiction:

4. continue to improve children's reading;

5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
O.o.: socialization:

2. “Name the words according to the given model”
3. “Who is attentive”
4. "Sound Lost"
5. “One is many.”

One umbrella - many umbrellas.
One bunny - many bunnies.

Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own.

Pure sayings:

Articulation gymnastics
No. 51 “Pancake”,
No. 52 “Soap Bubbles”
(See attached)

O. o.: communication:

Articulation gymnastics
No. 51 “Pancake”,
No. 52 “Soap Bubbles”
(See Appendix

O. o.: communication:

3. improve children's reading skills;

Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina
(tongue twister + table)

3. improve reading skills;

Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina

1. introduce the letter b;

3. improve reading skills;

3. improve reading skills;

2. Riddle game

3. improve children's reading skills;

No. 47 “Snake”

2. improve the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;

2. “Name the words”

No. 47 “Snake”, No. 15 “Circle”

2. improve the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
5. practice the ability to retell a read story;

This dog won't touch you.
2. Can't get to Venus
On a plywood rocket.
3. New candy wrapper
Place it in the envelope with the letter.

2. Playing with sounds.

There are very few words starting with “Y”:
Yogurt, iodine, and the word yoga.
We usually write “Y” at the end:

I brush my teeth with this brush,
I clean my shoes with this one,
I clean my pants with this one,
These brushes are all needed

2. Improve reading skills.

Silent solid sign
It can't be pronounced!
But many people need him,
You will have to teach him.
Whether you want it or not,
It's in the alphabet!

2. improve reading skills;

2. improve reading skills;

2. Playing with the word “kitten”

3. The game is a child’s mystery

2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;

2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;

2. The game is a child’s mystery

2. improve reading skills;

1. The game is a teacher’s riddle

2. improve reading skills;

2. The game is a teacher’s riddle

Topic Educational area Educational areas Didactic game Tongue twisters, pure twisters, articulatory gymnastics


Week 1 – 2: monitoring
No. 1 “Sound analysis of the word book. Drafting a proposal" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;
2. Strengthen the ability to determine the place of stress in words;
3. develop the ability to compose a sentence of two words, name 1 - e and
2nd word
4. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o.: socialization:
5. cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O. o.: labor:
6. consolidate the ability to prepare materials and aids for class in a timely manner, without being reminded to clean your workplace.
1. “Name the words”
Articulation gymnastics “Smile”, “Proboscis”,
"The house opens"
(see Attachment)
No. 2 “Sound analysis of the word newspaper. Working with the proposal" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;
2. Strengthen the ability to determine the place of a stressed sound in a word;
3. Practice the ability to compose a sentence from two words, name the words in order;
4. Practice naming words with given sounds.

O. o.: socialization:
7. continue to teach how to listen to your interlocutor.
1. “Name a couple” (in a circle with a ball)
2. “Name the words with the given sound” Articulation gymnastics, alternating “Proboscis” - “Smile”,
"The house opens"

No. 3 “The letters a, A. sound analysis of the word crane, Alena” O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word;
2. introduce the vowels a, A;
3. practice composing a sentence about the actions of a toy from two words;
4. practice naming words of a certain sound structure
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O.o.: physical education:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem 1. “Name the stressed vowel sound” (in a circle with a ball)

No. 4 “The letters I, Y. Sound analysis of the word ball” O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the vowels I, I and the rules for writing I after soft consonant sounds;
3. practice composing a sentence about the actions of the toy (two words);
4. continue to teach children to name words with given sounds
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O.o.: cognition:
6. consolidate knowledge about wild animals;
O. o.: physical culture:
7. form correct posture
1. “Correct the mistake”
2. “Name the words with the given sound” A. g. “Window”,
"The tongue greets the chin"
“The tongue greets the upper lip”

No. 5 “The letter I can represent two sounds “YA”. Sound analysis of the words frog, Yasha" O. o.: communication:
1. to develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. will introduce you to the fact that the letter i can mean two sounds - “ya”;
3. practice composing a two-word sentence about the actions of children, name the 1st, 2nd word;
4. develop logical thinking, memory;
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o.: socialization:
6. cultivate the ability to listen to a friend’s answers
O.O.: Security:
7. consolidate the ability to follow the rules of being in kindergarten 1. “Say the words”
2. “The letter is lost”
3. “Finish the sentence.”
4. “The letter is lost” Articulation gymnastics “Monkey” and “Bulldog”
No. 6 “The letters o, O. Sound analysis of the words rose, meat, Olya” O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the vowels o, o;
3. practice composing sentences about actions, name the 1st, 2nd word;
4. develop logical thinking, memory, attention;
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes
O.o.: socialization:
6. develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem
O. o.: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to prepare materials and aids for class in a timely manner, without being reminded to clean your workplace.
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words according to a given model” Articulation gymnastics “Hide and Seek” (alternating monkey - bulldog)
No. 7 “The letter ё can represent the sound “o.” Sound analysis of the words regiment, beet" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the fact that the letter е can mean the sound “o” and is written after soft consonant sounds;
3. exercise the ability to compose two-word sentences with a given word;
4. develop thought processes;

O.o.: socialization:
develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem 1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words” Articulation gymnastics “Hamster”
No. 8 “The letter e – means two sounds “YO.” Sound analysis of the words fir-tree and grater" O. o.: communication:
1. to develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. Introduce the fact that ё can mean two sounds “YO”
3. Develop the ability to compose two-word sentences with a given word
4. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking when solving riddles, understand the poetic comparison underlying the riddles;
5. develop diction apparatus

O. o.: socialization: to cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O. o.: physical education: form correct posture.
O.o.: reading fiction:
Replenish your literary baggage with fairy tales (the fairy tale “Why E is always shock”) 1. “Name the words with the given sound”
2. "Turning Words"
Yellow russula hedgehog

No. 9 “Introduction to the letters u, U. Sound analysis of the words pear and bag” O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the letters u, u;
3. develop the ability to compose a sentence of three words with a connecting conjunction and;
4. develop attention, memory, thinking
5. develop diction apparatus
O. o.: socialization:
improve children’s artistic skills in terms of embodying an image using facial expressions and gestures;
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1"Recognize the sound."
2. “Name the words”
3. “Where is the sound?”
4. "The fifth wheel"
5. “Name words with the given sound U”
6. "On the contrary"
7. Exercise “Stretch the string” Yellow Russula hedgehog
Happy as a squirrel to nuts
No. 10 “Acquaintance with the letter u.” Sound analysis of the words onion, hatch, iron"
O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the letter yu and the rules for writing it after soft consonant sounds;
3. practice composing a sentence of three words with a connecting conjunction and;
4. develop the speech apparatus with the help of tongue twisters;
5. develop diction apparatus
O.o.: physical education: develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O. o.: safety: consolidate the rules of conduct with electrical appliances.
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name words with the stressed sound “A.”
3. “Name words with the sound Y”
Fishing with a fishing rod
Our clever Yurochka
(tongue twister + table - see appendix)
No. 11 “The letter yu can mean two sounds “YU.” Sound analysis of the words Yula, Yura, beak" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels;
2. introduce the fact that the letter yu can mean two sounds - “yo” (at the beginning of a word);
3. develop the ability to compose a sentence of three words with a conjunction and sketch it;
4. develop logical thinking when naming words according to a given model;
5. develop diction apparatus O.o.: physical culture:
develop the ability to maintain correct posture in various activities.
O.o.: socialization:
develop intelligence and the ability to independently solve a given problem. 1. “Name the words according to the given pattern”
2. “The first sound was lost” (...la, ...bka, ...rta,...nysha, ..more)
2. “Name the words with the stressed sound Y”
3. “Find the word in the word. YOUTH" (nose, sleep, tone) Fishing with a fishing rod
Our Yurochka is smart.

No. 12 “Letter Y.” Sound analysis of words: fish, ball, mouse" O.o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels;
2. introduce the letter Y;
3. consolidate the ability to compose a sentence of three words with the conjunction I;
4. practice diction in pronunciation of words with a given sound;
5. develop the diction apparatus O. o: labor: consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for class.
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. “Name words with stressed sounds a, y”
2. Phonemic exercise “Say the sound in a word”
3. “Name words with the sound v, v”
The wasp has antennae, not antennae
(tongue twister + table - see appendix)
No. 13 “Bulls and, I. Word change. Sound analysis of words: bear, toy

O. o.: communication:
1. formulate and carry out sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels;
2. will introduce the letters i, i and the rules of writing after soft consonant sounds;
3. practice the ability to carry out inflection;
4. develop components of oral speech;
5. develop diction apparatus
O. o.: socialization: to cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words according to a given pattern.” The wasp has antennae, not antennae

No. 14 “Letters e, E. Sound analysis of words: echo, chandelier. Word change » O. o.: communication:
1. continue to develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. introduce the letters e, E;
3. practice the ability to carry out inflection;
4. develop the ability to name words according to a given model;
5. develop the organs of the articulatory apparatus with the help of pure tongues. O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
O.o.: socialization:
develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem 1. “Who is attentive” (spelling vowels after consonants)
2. “Name the words according to the given model.
3. “Who is attentive” (find the same sound in the words) - Ta-ta-ta - our house is clean.
- You-you-you – the cats ate all the sour cream.
- That's it - we sat down to play lotto.
- Ti-ti-ti – we ate almost all the porridge.
- Bye-bye-bye - we put off sewing.
- Whoops, we're going for a walk.

No. 15 “Letters e, E. Sound analysis of words: forest, squirrel. Word change" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. introduce the letters e, E and the rules for writing e after soft consonant sounds;
3. practice inflection;
4. practice the ability to name words with a given stressed vowel sound.
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
O. about: work: consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. Game “Name the words with the sound “th”
2. Game “Complete the sentence”
see summary No. 14
No. 16 The letter E can stand for two “YE” sounds.
Sound analysis of the word Emelya O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. explain that the letter e can mean two sounds - “YE”;
3. develop the ability to name words with a given sound;
4. develop the organs of the articulatory apparatus with the help of pure tongues
O. o. safety:
establish rules of conduct in the forest;
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. Game “Who is attentive”
3. Game “Name the words with the sound “th”
4. Game “Complete the sentence”
- Se-se-se – there are many fairy tales about the fox.
- Ze-ze-ze-give water to the goat.
- Dude - dude - that's how great you are.
- Tse - tse - tse - there are a lot of grains in the cucumber.
No. 17 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the word river" LLC: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. introduce children to inflection;
3. continue to learn how to make a three-word sentence;
4. learn to name words according to a certain sound structure.
O.O.: Security:
5. consolidate the rules safe behavior on rivers and reservoirs;
O. about: labor:
6. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words according to the model” See notes No. 16
No. 18 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the word nut" LLC: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. continue to strengthen the ability to compose a three-word sentence;
4. continue to practice naming words of a certain sound structure.
O. o.: socialization:
5. cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O.O.: Security:
6. establish rules of conduct with electrical appliances. 1. “Name the words according to the model”
2. “Chain of words”
3. “Name a couple” Children independently come up with phrases
No. 19 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the word ball" Ltd.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. familiarity with dividing a sentence into words, the ability to name words in order;
4. develop phonemic awareness. O. about: labor:
5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence and the ability to independently solve a given problem. 1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words according to the model”
3. "Turning Words"
4. “The letter is lost” Independent inventing of pure proverbs by children
No. 20 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the words winter, sea, geese, bullet" O.o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. practice the ability to divide sentences into words by ear and name them in order;
4. consolidate the ability to name words with given sounds; O. about: labor:
5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence and the ability to independently solve a given problem. 1. “Name words with the sound “b”
2. “Pick up a pair”
3. "Sound Lost"
4. “Name the words according to a given model” Children independently invent complete phrases
No. 21 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the words tape, bear, posta, gun" O.o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. practice changing words;
3. consolidate the ability to divide sentences into words by ear and name words in order. O. o.: socialization:
4. cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom
O. about: labor:
5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Name a couple”
2. “Name the words with the sound “p” Independently inventing pure sayings by children
No. 22 “The letter m and its two sounds “m” and “m” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce children to the letter m and the fact that it means the sounds “m” and “m”;
2. consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
3. mastering the method of syllabic reading with the letter m;
4. develop the diction apparatus; O. o.: socialization:
5. consolidate knowledge of parents’ names and patronymics;
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. “Name the words with the sound m”
2. “Who is attentive”
3. “Add sound”
4. “Hard - soft”
5. “Words in reverse” Mama washed Mila with soap (tongue twister + mnemonic table)

No. 23 “The letter n and its two sounds “n” and “n” O. o.: communication:
1. practice composing a sentence with a given word, determine the number of words in a sentence and name them in order;
2. introduce children to the letter n and the fact that it can represent the sounds “n” and “n”;
3. improve the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
4. mastering the method of syllabic reading with the letters m and n;
5. develop diction apparatus O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
O. about: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Name words with the sound “n”
2. “Name the words according to the given model”
3. “Where is the sound?”
4. “Say the word”
5. “Hard - soft”

Milu's mother washed soap with soap (tongue twister + mnemonic table)
No. 24 “The letter r and its two sounds “r” and “r” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce children to the letter p and the fact that it stands for the sounds “r” and “ry”;
2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with completed letters and the letter p;
3. consolidate children’s ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowel letters and determining the stressed vowel sound;
4. develop the ability to select words to a given model;
5. develop diction apparatus O.o.: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem 1. “Name words with the sound “ry”
2. “Name the words according to the given model”
3. “Who is attentive”
4. “Say a word”
5. “The letter is lost” Pure sayings:
Ra-ra-ra the game begins;
ry-ry-ry - boys have balls;
ro-ro-ro - we have a new bucket;
ru-ru-ru - we continue the game;
re-re-re - there is a house on the mountain;
ri-ri-ri - bullfinches on the branches;
or-or-or – the red tomato is ripe;
ir-ir-ir - my dad is the commander;
ar-ar-ar - there is a lantern hanging on the wall.
No. 25 “The letter l and its two sounds “l” and “l” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce children to the letter l and the fact that it stands for the sounds “l” and “l”;
2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with completed letters and the letter p;
3. consolidate children’s ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowel letters and determining the stressed vowel sound;
4. develop the ability to divide a sentence into words, name them in order;
5. replenish your literary baggage with stories;
6. develop the ability to select words to a given model;
7. develop memory, creative thinking. O.O.: Security:
7. establish rules of safe behavior on the streets of the village and city;
O. about: labor:
8. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “The same sound in words”
2. “Say the word”
3. “Name the words according to the model”
4. “Finish the phrase” Tongue twister:
A cap on a cap and a cap under a cap.

No. 26 “The letter G and g and its two sounds “g” and “g” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters G and g and the fact that they represent the sounds “g” and “g”;
2.introduce the method and rules of laying out sentences from the letters of the split alphabet;
3. develop the ability to select words to a given model;
4. practice diction and intonation; O. o.: socialization:
5. cultivate a desire to study at school;
O.o.: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O. about: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Say the word”
3. "Sound Lost"
4. “Find out the fairy tale” Tongue twister:
Cap on cap and cap under cap

No. 27 “The letter k and K and its two sounds “k” and “k” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters k and K. tell that the letter k stands for the sounds “k” and “ky”;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out sentences in accordance with the rules;
3.repeat that the letter i can mean two sounds (“th” and “a” at the beginning of a word and after a vowel);
4. strengthen children’s ability to name words of a certain sound structure.

O.o.: reading fiction:
5. introduce a story from the collection of Kirill Kukushkin (one letter);
O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
1. “Name the words that begin with the sound “th”
2. “Who is attentive”
3. “Transforming words - a magic chain” Articulation gymnastics:
(see Attachment)
No. 28 Repetition O. o.: communication:
1. consolidate the reading of syllables, words and sentences with the letters covered;
2. develop dialogic speech;
3. practice laying out sentences using known grammatical and syntactic rules;
4. consolidate knowledge that the letter yu can mean two sounds (“th”, “u” at the beginning of a word or after a vowel sound);
5. strengthen children’s ability to name words of a certain sound structure and with a given stress;
O. o.: socialization:
6. cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom
O. about: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Name the words according to the model”
2. Irga with tasks (sounds in a certain sequence)
3. “The letter is lost”
4. “Puzzle” Articulation gymnastics:
alternating “Fat people - thin people”,

“Balls” (alternately puffing out the cheeks)

No. 29 “The letters s and s and with the sounds “s” and “s.” Repetition" O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters s and S. tell that the letter k stands for the sounds “s” and “s”;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the grammar rules learned;
3. consolidate knowledge that the letter e can mean two sounds (“th” and “o” at the beginning of a word and after a vowel sound);
4. continue to improve children's reading;
5. develop memory, attention, speech;
6. consolidate the ability to name words with a certain stressed vowel sound;
O.O.: Security:
7. establish safe rules of behavior on the slide;
O. o.: physical culture:
8. form correct posture
O.o.: reading fiction:
9. introduce L. Kaminsky’s fairy tale “The Seven Sons of Old Sinitsyns” 1. “Game with a task”
2. “Name words with the stressed vowel sound “o”
3. “Hard - soft” Tongue twister:
Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own.
No. 30 “The letters z and z and with the sounds “z” and “z.” Repetition" O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters z and z, tell that the letter k stands for the sounds “z” and “z”;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the completed grammatical and syntactic rules;
3. establish that the letter e can mean two sounds (“th” and “e” at the beginning of a word and after a vowel sound);
4. continue to improve children's reading;
5. develop the ability to answer questions based on the text read;
6. strengthen children’s ability to name words according to the model. O. about: labor:
5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence and the ability to independently solve a given problem. 1. “Name words with the sound “z”
2. “Name the words according to the given model”
3. “Who is attentive”
4. "Sound Lost"
5. “One is many.”
I will name one object, and you will name many.
One umbrella - many umbrellas.
One bunny - many bunnies.
One plant – many...? Factories
One mosaic - many - ...? Mosaic... Tongue twister:
Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own.

Pure sayings:
Hey, hey, there hasn't been a thunderstorm for a long time. For-for-for, a thunderstorm is approaching. Hey, hey, we're not afraid of thunderstorms. Zu-zu-zu, a stream flows below. For good measure, we washed the basins. For-for-for, Nina has brown eyes. Zu-zu-zu, I'm bringing cubes. Zi-zi-zi, take me to the house. Ze-ze-ze, give water to the goat.
No. 31 “Letter sh.” Retelling the story" O. o.: communication:
1. improve the ability to lay out sentences using all the grammatical and syntactic rules learned;
2. introduce the letter sh, the rule for writing the combination shi;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. practice retelling the story you read;
5. improve the ability to name words using a certain sound structure. 1. “Name the words with the sound “sh” at the beginning of the word”
2. “Name the words according to this model”
3. Exercise “Count to five”: One reed, two reeds,..five reeds. One hut, two huts,...five huts. One fur coat, two fur coats,... five fur coats. One school, two schools,...five schools. One awl, two awls,... five awls.
Articulation gymnastics
No. 51 “Pancake”,
No. 52 “Soap Bubbles”
(See attached)

“Letter Zh, zh. The rule for writing the combination "zhi"

O. o.: communication:
1. improve children’s ability to write sentences using all the grammatical and syntactic rules they have learned and identifying the stressed vowel;
2. will introduce the letter Zh, zh and the rules for writing the combination zhi;
3. improve reading skills;
4. develop attention, memory, speech;
5. improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure. 1 "Who is attentive"
2. “Name words with the sound “zh”
3. “Name the words according to the given model”

Articulation gymnastics
No. 51 “Pancake”,
No. 52 “Soap Bubbles”
(See Appendix

No. 33 “Letters D, d. Title and retelling of the story”
O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters d and D and the fact that they represent the sounds “d” and “d”;
2. improve the ability to lay out sentences using all the grammatical and syntactic rules learned;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. to develop children’s ability to title and retell a story;
5. improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure.

1. Game with a task in the word were friends
2. “Name words with the sound “d”
3. “Name the words according to the given model” Tongue twister:
Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina
(tongue twister + table)

No. 34 “Letter T and T” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters t and T and the fact that they represent the sounds “t” and “t”;
2. develop the ability to place stress in printed words and read words with stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4. improve phonemic hearing.
1. “Name the words” with a ball in a circle Tongue twister:
Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina

No. 35 “Letter b” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letter b;
2. develop the ability to place emphasis in printed words and read them in accordance with the emphasis;
3. improve reading skills;
4. introduce the method of guessing the word presented by the model (by question)
1. Riddle game Children come up with pure sayings ending in “at”
No. 36 “Repetition” O. o.: communication:
1. consolidate children’s knowledge about b;
2. develop the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4. improve the ability to compose sentences with a given word;
5. practice the ability to guess the word presented by the model (by questions)
1. Game with the task the word coal
2. Riddle game
Children coming up with pure sayings ending in “at”
No. 37 “Letters p and P. Title and retelling of the story” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters P, p and the fact that they represent the sounds “p” and “p”;
2. continue to master putting stress in words and reading them using stress;
3. consolidate the ability to lay out sentences using the rules learned;
4. develop the ability to title and retell a story read;
5. improve reading skills;
6. improve the ability to name words according to a certain sound structure. 1. “Name the words”
2. “Name the words according to the model” Tongue twister:
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field
No. 38 “Letters b and b. Retelling the story” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters B, b and the fact that they represent the sounds “b” and “by”;
2. improve the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
5. practice the ability to retell a read story;
6. improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model (by questions) 1. “Name words with the sound “b”
2. Game - a mystery Articulation gymnastics No. 10 “The tongue greets the upper lip”,
No. 47 “Snake”

“Letters B and V” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters B, v and the fact that they represent the sounds “v” and “в”;
2. improve the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
5. develop thought processes. 1. “Name a couple”
2. “Name the words”
Articulation gymnastics No. 10 “The tongue greets the upper lip”,
No. 47 “Snake”, No. 15 “Circle”
No. 40 “Letters F and f. Retelling the story" O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters F, f and the fact that they represent the sounds “f” and “f”;
2. improve the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
5. practice the ability to retell a read story;
6. develop thought processes. 1. “Name words with the sound “f”, with the sound “f”
2. Game - a child’s riddle Pure sayings for distinguishing between the sounds “v” and “f”:
1. If you don’t say to the dog: “Fas!”
This dog won't touch you.
2. Can't get to Venus
On a plywood rocket.
3. New candy wrapper
Place it in the envelope with the letter.

No. 41 “Word formation” 1. improve children’s reading skills;
2. practice the ability to form words;
3. improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model (by questions);
4. develop thought processes. 1. “Name words with the stressed vowel “u”
2. Playing with sounds.
3. Game - a riddle Repeat tongue twisters that are difficult to pronounce
No. 42 “The letter “th” 1. Improve children’s reading skills;
2. introduce the letter “Y”, repeat the rules that the sound “Y” is the most short sound in our speech there is always a soft consonant;
3. exercise children in word formation;
4. improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model. 1. Game - a riddle Introduce and memorize the poem:
There are very few words starting with “Y”:
Yogurt, iodine, and the word yoga.
We usually write “Y” at the end:
Tea, random, secret, extra.
No. 43 “Letter h, Ch” 1. Improve children’s reading skills;
2. introduce the letter ch, Ch and remind that “ch” is always a soft consonant;
3. develop the ability to compose a chain of words, making only one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word. 1. “Name words with the sound “ch”
2. “Chain of words” Pure sayings with the sound “h”:
- wow, my shoulder hurts;
- Chu-chu-chu, if it hurts, go to the doctor;
- cha-cha-cha, I’ll cry at the doctor’s;
- chi-chi-chi, doctors are helping us;
- Chu-chu-chu, well, then I’ll go to the doctor.
No. 44 “The letter Ш, Ш” 1. Introduce the letter Ш, Ш explain that the sound “Ш” is always a soft consonant, and the spelling of the combination is Шка, Ш.
2. Improve reading skills.
3. practice retelling the story you read.
4. practice reading tongue twisters. 1. The game is a mystery
2. “Chain of words” Tongue twister:
I brush my teeth with this brush,
I clean my shoes with this one,
I clean my pants with this one,
These brushes are all needed
(compilation of a table for me by children)
No. 45 “Creative retelling” 1. exercise the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. improve reading skills;
3. train in reading tongue twisters;
4. develop the ability to creatively retell a read story;
5. improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure. 1. “Name the words according to the given model”
2. Game - a child’s mystery, see No. 44
No. 46 “Letter ts, ts” 1. Introduce the letter ts, ts and the rule that the sound “ts” is always a hard consonant.
2. improve the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned.
3. Improve reading skills.
4. practice guessing words laid out with chips. 1. “Name a couple”
2. “Name words with the sound “ts”
3. The game is a riddle Tongue twister:
Four little black little devils
Drew a drawing in black ink
Extremely clean (kids compiling a table for me)
No. 47 “Letter x, X” 1. Improve the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. Introduce the letters X, x and the fact that they represent the sounds “x”, “x”;
3. Improve children's reading skills.
4. Practice composing a chain of words, making one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words”
2. The game is a teacher’s mystery See No. 46
No. 48 “Separation function of the letter b” 1. improve children’s reading skills;
2. introduce the separating function of the letter ь;
3. practice composing a chain of words, making only one replacement to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words” see No. 46

No. 49 “Letter ъ” 1. Introduce the letter ъ.
2. Improve reading skills.
3. Practice the ability to name a word of a certain sound structure.
4. Develop the ability to guess a word lined with chips 1. Game - a riddle Introduce the poem:
Silent solid sign
It can't be pronounced!
But many people need him,
You will have to teach him.
Whether you want it or not,
It's in the alphabet!

No. 50 “Working with a sentence” 1. Improve the ability to compose a sentence with a given word;
2. improve reading skills;
3. consolidate knowledge about the ъ sign;
4. practice composing a chain of words, making only one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words”
No. 51 “Creative story” 1. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. improve reading skills;
3. practice the ability to retell a story; practice the ability to write a creative story;
4. consolidate the ability to compose a chain of words, in this case making only one replacement to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words”
2. Playing with the word “kitten”
No. 52 “Reading skill” 1. Improve reading skill;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
3. strengthen the ability to guess words laid out with chips. 1. Playing with the word “play”
2. Game - a teacher’s riddle (school)
3. The game is a child’s mystery
No. 53 Repetition 1. Improve reading skills;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
3. improve the ability to guess a word laid out with chips;
4. exercise the ability to form a chain of words from a given word by one substitution to obtain a new word 1. Game - riddle (primer)
No. 54 Repetition 1. Improve reading skills;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
3.develop the ability to answer questions based on the text read;
4. develop thinking. 1. The game is a teacher’s riddle
2. The game is a child’s mystery
No. 55 Repetition 1. Strengthen the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. improve reading skills;
3. develop the ability to answer questions based on the text read;
4. practice the ability to guess words laid out with chips.
1. The game is a teacher’s riddle
2. The game is a child’s mystery Preparing for the competition

No. 56 Repetition 1. Strengthen the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. improve reading skills;
3. develop the ability to retell a story read;
4. improve the ability to compose a chain of words, making only one replacement to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words”
2. The game is a teacher’s riddle
3. Game - a child’s mystery Competition for best reader tongue twisters
Topic Educational area Educational areas Didactic game Tongue twisters, pure twisters, articulatory gymnastics


Week 1 – 2: monitoring
No. 1 “Sound analysis of the word book. Drafting a proposal" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;
2. Strengthen the ability to determine the place of stress in words;
3. develop the ability to compose a sentence of two words, name 1 - e and
2nd word
4. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o.: socialization:
5. cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O. o.: labor:
6. consolidate the ability to prepare materials and aids for class in a timely manner, without being reminded to clean your workplace.
1. “Name the words”
Articulation gymnastics “Smile”, “Proboscis”,
"The house opens"
(see Attachment)
No. 2 “Sound analysis of the word newspaper. Working with the proposal" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;
2. Strengthen the ability to determine the place of a stressed sound in a word;
3. Practice the ability to compose a sentence from two words, name the words in order;
4. Practice naming words with given sounds.
5. Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o.: physical education:
6. form correct posture.
O. o.: socialization:
7. continue to teach how to listen to your interlocutor.
1. “Name a couple” (in a circle with a ball)
2. “Name the words with the given sound” Articulation gymnastics, alternating “Proboscis” - “Smile”,
"The house opens"

No. 3 “The letters a, A. sound analysis of the word crane, Alena” O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word;
2. introduce the vowels a, A;
3. practice composing a sentence about the actions of a toy from two words;
4. practice naming words of a certain sound structure
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O.o.: physical education:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem 1. “Name the stressed vowel sound” (in a circle with a ball)
2. “Name the words according to the given model” A.g. "Curious Tongue"
No. 4 “The letters I, Y. Sound analysis of the word ball” O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the vowels I, I and the rules for writing I after soft consonant sounds;
3. practice composing a sentence about the actions of the toy (two words);
4. continue to teach children to name words with given sounds
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O.o.: cognition:
6. consolidate knowledge about wild animals;
O. o.: physical culture:
7. form correct posture
1. “Correct the mistake”
2. “Name the words with the given sound” A. g. “Window”,
"The tongue greets the chin"
“The tongue greets the upper lip”

No. 5 “The letter I can represent two sounds “YA”. Sound analysis of the words frog, Yasha" O. o.: communication:
1. to develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. will introduce you to the fact that the letter i can mean two sounds - “ya”;
3. practice composing a two-word sentence about the actions of children, name the 1st, 2nd word;
4. develop logical thinking, memory;
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o.: socialization:
6. cultivate the ability to listen to a friend’s answers
O.O.: Security:
7. consolidate the ability to follow the rules of being in kindergarten 1. “Say the words”
2. “The letter is lost”
3. “Finish the sentence.”
4. “The letter is lost” Articulation gymnastics “Monkey” and “Bulldog”
No. 6 “The letters o, O. Sound analysis of the words rose, meat, Olya” O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the vowels o, o;
3. practice composing sentences about actions, name the 1st, 2nd word;
4. develop logical thinking, memory, attention;
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes
O.o.: socialization:
6. develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem
O. o.: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to prepare materials and aids for class in a timely manner, without being reminded to clean your workplace.
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words according to a given model” Articulation gymnastics “Hide and Seek” (alternating monkey - bulldog)
No. 7 “The letter ё can represent the sound “o.” Sound analysis of the words regiment, beet" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the fact that the letter е can mean the sound “o” and is written after soft consonant sounds;
3. exercise the ability to compose two-word sentences with a given word;
4. develop thought processes;
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o.: physical education: form correct posture
O.o.: socialization:
develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem 1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words” Articulation gymnastics “Hamster”
No. 8 “The letter e – means two sounds “YO.” Sound analysis of the words fir-tree and grater" O. o.: communication:
1. to develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. Introduce the fact that ё can mean two sounds “YO”
3. Develop the ability to compose two-word sentences with a given word
4. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking when solving riddles, understand the poetic comparison underlying the riddles;
5. develop diction apparatus

O. o.: socialization: to cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O. o.: physical education: form correct posture.
O.o.: reading fiction:
Replenish your literary baggage with fairy tales (the fairy tale “Why E is always shock”) 1. “Name the words with the given sound”
2. "Turning Words"
Yellow russula hedgehog
Happy as a squirrel to nuts (tongue twister + table - see appendix)
No. 9 “Introduction to the letters u, U. Sound analysis of the words pear and bag” O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the letters u, u;
3. develop the ability to compose a sentence of three words with a connecting conjunction and;
4. develop attention, memory, thinking
5. develop diction apparatus
O. o.: socialization:
improve children’s artistic skills in terms of embodying an image using facial expressions and gestures;
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1"Recognize the sound."
2. “Name the words”
3. “Where is the sound?”
4. "The fifth wheel"
5. “Name words with the given sound U”
6. "On the contrary"
7. Exercise “Stretch the string” Yellow Russula hedgehog
Happy as a squirrel to nuts
No. 10 “Acquaintance with the letter u.” Sound analysis of the words onion, hatch, iron"
O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the letter yu and the rules for writing it after soft consonant sounds;
3. practice composing a sentence of three words with a connecting conjunction and;
4. develop the speech apparatus with the help of tongue twisters;
5. develop diction apparatus
O.o.: physical education: develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O. o.: safety: consolidate the rules of conduct with electrical appliances.
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name words with the stressed sound “A.”
3. “Name words with the sound Y”
Fishing with a fishing rod
Our clever Yurochka
(tongue twister + table - see appendix)
No. 11 “The letter yu can mean two sounds “YU.” Sound analysis of the words Yula, Yura, beak" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels;
2. introduce the fact that the letter yu can mean two sounds - “yo” (at the beginning of a word);
3. develop the ability to compose a sentence of three words with a conjunction and sketch it;
4. develop logical thinking when naming words according to a given model;
5. develop diction apparatus O.o.: physical culture:
develop the ability to maintain correct posture in various activities.
O.o.: socialization:
develop intelligence and the ability to independently solve a given problem. 1. “Name the words according to the given pattern”
2. “The first sound was lost” (...la, ...bka, ...rta,...nysha, ..more)
2. “Name the words with the stressed sound Y”
3. “Find the word in the word. YOUTH" (nose, sleep, tone) Fishing with a fishing rod
Our Yurochka is smart.

No. 12 “Letter Y.” Sound analysis of words: fish, ball, mouse" O.o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels;
2. introduce the letter Y;
3. consolidate the ability to compose a sentence of three words with the conjunction I;
4. practice diction in pronunciation of words with a given sound;
5. develop the diction apparatus O. o: labor: consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for class.
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. “Name words with stressed sounds a, y”
2. Phonemic exercise “Say the sound in a word”
3. “Name words with the sound v, v”
The wasp has antennae, not antennae
(tongue twister + table - see appendix)
No. 13 “Bulls and, I. Word change. Sound analysis of words: bear, toy

O. o.: communication:
1. formulate and carry out sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels;
2. will introduce the letters i, i and the rules of writing after soft consonant sounds;
3. practice the ability to carry out inflection;
4. develop components of oral speech;
5. develop diction apparatus
O. o.: socialization: to cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words according to a given pattern.” The wasp has antennae, not antennae

No. 14 “Letters e, E. Sound analysis of words: echo, chandelier. Word change » O. o.: communication:
1. continue to develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. introduce the letters e, E;
3. practice the ability to carry out inflection;
4. develop the ability to name words according to a given model;
5. develop the organs of the articulatory apparatus with the help of pure tongues. O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
O.o.: socialization:
develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem 1. “Who is attentive” (spelling vowels after consonants)
2. “Name the words according to the given model.
3. “Who is attentive” (find the same sound in the words) - Ta-ta-ta - our house is clean.
- You-you-you – the cats ate all the sour cream.
- That's it - we sat down to play lotto.
- Ti-ti-ti – we ate almost all the porridge.
- Bye-bye-bye - we put off sewing.
- Whoops, we're going for a walk.

No. 15 “Letters e, E. Sound analysis of words: forest, squirrel. Word change" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. introduce the letters e, E and the rules for writing e after soft consonant sounds;
3. practice inflection;
4. practice the ability to name words with a given stressed vowel sound.
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
O. about: work: consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. Game “Name the words with the sound “th”
2. Game “Complete the sentence”
see summary No. 14
No. 16 The letter E can stand for two “YE” sounds.
Sound analysis of the word Emelya O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. explain that the letter e can mean two sounds - “YE”;
3. develop the ability to name words with a given sound;
4. develop the organs of the articulatory apparatus with the help of pure tongues
O. o. safety:
establish rules of conduct in the forest;
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. Game “Who is attentive”
3. Game “Name the words with the sound “th”
4. Game “Complete the sentence”
- Se-se-se – there are many fairy tales about the fox.
- Ze-ze-ze-give water to the goat.
- Dude - dude - that's how great you are.
- Tse - tse - tse - there are a lot of grains in the cucumber.
No. 17 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the word river" LLC: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. introduce children to inflection;
3. continue to learn how to make a three-word sentence;
4. learn to name words according to a certain sound structure.
O.O.: Security:
5. establish the rules of safe behavior on rivers and reservoirs;
O. about: labor:
6. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words according to the model” See notes No. 16
No. 18 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the word nut" LLC: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. continue to strengthen the ability to compose a three-word sentence;
4. continue to practice naming words of a certain sound structure.
O. o.: socialization:
5. cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O.O.: Security:
6. establish rules of conduct with electrical appliances. 1. “Name the words according to the model”
2. “Chain of words”
3. “Name a couple” Children independently come up with phrases
No. 19 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the word ball" Ltd.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. familiarity with dividing a sentence into words, the ability to name words in order;
4. develop phonemic awareness. O. about: labor:
5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence and the ability to independently solve a given problem. 1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words according to the model”
3. "Turning Words"
4. “The letter is lost” Independent inventing of pure proverbs by children
No. 20 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the words winter, sea, geese, bullet" O.o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. practice the ability to divide sentences into words by ear and name them in order;
4. consolidate the ability to name words with given sounds; O. about: labor:
5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence and the ability to independently solve a given problem. 1. “Name words with the sound “b”
2. “Pick up a pair”
3. "Sound Lost"
4. “Name the words according to a given model” Children independently invent complete phrases
No. 21 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the words tape, bear, posta, gun" O.o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. practice changing words;
3. consolidate the ability to divide sentences into words by ear and name words in order. O. o.: socialization:
4. cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom
O. about: labor:
5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Name a couple”
2. “Name the words with the sound “p” Independently inventing pure sayings by children
No. 22 “The letter m and its two sounds “m” and “m” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce children to the letter m and the fact that it means the sounds “m” and “m”;
2. consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
3. mastering the method of syllabic reading with the letter m;
4. develop the diction apparatus; O. o.: socialization:
5. consolidate knowledge of parents’ names and patronymics;
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. “Name the words with the sound m”
2. “Who is attentive”
3. “Add sound”
4. “Hard - soft”
5. “Words in reverse” Mama washed Mila with soap (tongue twister + mnemonic table)

No. 23 “The letter n and its two sounds “n” and “n” O. o.: communication:
1. practice composing a sentence with a given word, determine the number of words in a sentence and name them in order;
2. introduce children to the letter n and the fact that it can represent the sounds “n” and “n”;
3. improve the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
4. mastering the method of syllabic reading with the letters m and n;
5. develop diction apparatus O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
O. about: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Name words with the sound “n”
2. “Name the words according to the given model”
3. “Where is the sound?”
4. “Say the word”
5. “Hard - soft”

Milu's mother washed soap with soap (tongue twister + mnemonic table)
No. 24 “The letter r and its two sounds “r” and “r” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce children to the letter p and the fact that it stands for the sounds “r” and “ry”;
2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with completed letters and the letter p;
3. consolidate children’s ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowel letters and determining the stressed vowel sound;
4. develop the ability to select words to a given model;
5. develop diction apparatus O.o.: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem 1. “Name words with the sound “ry”
2. “Name the words according to the given model”
3. “Who is attentive”
4. “Say a word”
5. “The letter is lost” Pure sayings:
Ra-ra-ra the game begins;
ry-ry-ry - boys have balls;
ro-ro-ro - we have a new bucket;
ru-ru-ru - we continue the game;
re-re-re - there is a house on the mountain;
ri-ri-ri - bullfinches on the branches;
or-or-or – the red tomato is ripe;
ir-ir-ir - my dad is the commander;
ar-ar-ar - there is a lantern hanging on the wall.
No. 25 “The letter l and its two sounds “l” and “l” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce children to the letter l and the fact that it stands for the sounds “l” and “l”;
2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with completed letters and the letter p;
3. consolidate children’s ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowel letters and determining the stressed vowel sound;
4. develop the ability to divide a sentence into words, name them in order;
5. replenish your literary baggage with stories;
6. develop the ability to select words to a given model;
7. develop memory, imaginative thinking. O.O.: Security:
7. establish rules of safe behavior on the streets of the village and city;
O. about: labor:
8. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “The same sound in words”
2. “Say the word”
3. “Name the words according to the model”
4. “Finish the phrase” Tongue twister:
A cap on a cap and a cap under a cap.

No. 26 “The letter G and g and its two sounds “g” and “g” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters G and g and the fact that they represent the sounds “g” and “g”;
2.introduce the method and rules of laying out sentences from the letters of the split alphabet;
3. develop the ability to select words to a given model;
4. practice diction and intonation; O. o.: socialization:
5. cultivate a desire to study at school;
O.o.: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O. about: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Say the word”
3. "Sound Lost"
4. “Find out the fairy tale” Tongue twister:
Cap on cap and cap under cap

No. 27 “The letter k and K and its two sounds “k” and “k” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters k and K. tell that the letter k stands for the sounds “k” and “ky”;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out sentences in accordance with the rules;
3.repeat that the letter i can mean two sounds (“th” and “a” at the beginning of a word and after a vowel);
4. strengthen children’s ability to name words of a certain sound structure.

O.o.: reading fiction:
5. introduce a story from the collection of Kirill Kukushkin (one letter);
O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
1. “Name the words that begin with the sound “th”
2. “Who is attentive”
3. “Transforming words - a magic chain” Articulation gymnastics:
(see Attachment)
No. 28 Repetition O. o.: communication:
1. consolidate the reading of syllables, words and sentences with the letters covered;
2. develop dialogic speech;
3. practice laying out sentences using known grammatical and syntactic rules;
4. consolidate knowledge that the letter yu can mean two sounds (“th”, “u” at the beginning of a word or after a vowel sound);
5. strengthen children’s ability to name words of a certain sound structure and with a given stress;
O. o.: socialization:
6. cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom
O. about: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Name the words according to the model”
2. Irga with tasks (sounds in a certain sequence)
3. “The letter is lost”
4. “Puzzle” Articulation gymnastics:
alternating “Fat people - thin people”,

“Balls” (alternately puffing out the cheeks)

No. 29 “The letters s and s and with the sounds “s” and “s.” Repetition" O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters s and S. tell that the letter k stands for the sounds “s” and “s”;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the grammar rules learned;
3. consolidate knowledge that the letter e can mean two sounds (“th” and “o” at the beginning of a word and after a vowel sound);
4. continue to improve children's reading;
5. develop memory, attention, speech;
6. consolidate the ability to name words with a certain stressed vowel sound;
O.O.: Security:
7. establish safe rules of behavior on the slide;
O. o.: physical culture:
8. form correct posture
O.o.: reading fiction:
9. introduce L. Kaminsky’s fairy tale “The Seven Sons of Old Sinitsyns” 1. “Game with a task”
2. “Name words with the stressed vowel sound “o”
3. “Hard - soft” Tongue twister:
Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own.
No. 30 “The letters z and z and with the sounds “z” and “z.” Repetition" O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters z and z, tell that the letter k stands for the sounds “z” and “z”;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the completed grammatical and syntactic rules;
3. establish that the letter e can mean two sounds (“th” and “e” at the beginning of a word and after a vowel sound);
4. continue to improve children's reading;
5. develop the ability to answer questions based on the text read;
6. strengthen children’s ability to name words according to the model. O. about: labor:
5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence and the ability to independently solve a given problem. 1. “Name words with the sound “z”
2. “Name the words according to the given model”
3. “Who is attentive”
4. "Sound Lost"
5. “One is many.”
I will name one object, and you will name many.
One umbrella - many umbrellas.
One bunny - many bunnies.
One plant – many...? Factories
One mosaic - many - ...? Mosaic... Tongue twister:
Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own.

Pure sayings:
Hey, hey, there hasn't been a thunderstorm for a long time. For-for-for, a thunderstorm is approaching. Hey, hey, we're not afraid of thunderstorms. Zu-zu-zu, a stream flows below. For good measure, we washed the basins. For-for-for, Nina has brown eyes. Zu-zu-zu, I'm bringing cubes. Zi-zi-zi, take me to the house. Ze-ze-ze, give water to the goat.
No. 31 “Letter sh.” Retelling the story" O. o.: communication:
1. improve the ability to lay out sentences using all the grammatical and syntactic rules learned;
2. introduce the letter sh, the rule for writing the combination shi;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. practice retelling the story you read;
5. improve the ability to name words using a certain sound structure. 1. “Name the words with the sound “sh” at the beginning of the word”
2. “Name the words according to this model”
3. Exercise “Count to five”: One reed, two reeds,..five reeds. One hut, two huts,...five huts. One fur coat, two fur coats,... five fur coats. One school, two schools,...five schools. One awl, two awls,... five awls.
Articulation gymnastics
No. 51 “Pancake”,
No. 52 “Soap Bubbles”
(See attached)

“Letter Zh, zh. The rule for writing the combination "zhi"

O. o.: communication:
1. improve children’s ability to write sentences using all the grammatical and syntactic rules they have learned and identifying the stressed vowel;
2. will introduce the letter Zh, zh and the rules for writing the combination zhi;
3. improve reading skills;
4. develop attention, memory, speech;
5. improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure. 1 "Who is attentive"
2. “Name words with the sound “zh”
3. “Name the words according to the given model”

Articulation gymnastics
No. 51 “Pancake”,
No. 52 “Soap Bubbles”
(See Appendix

No. 33 “Letters D, d. Title and retelling of the story”
O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters d and D and the fact that they represent the sounds “d” and “d”;
2. improve the ability to lay out sentences using all the grammatical and syntactic rules learned;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. to develop children’s ability to title and retell a story;
5. improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure.

1. Game with a task in the word were friends
2. “Name words with the sound “d”
3. “Name the words according to the given model” Tongue twister:
Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina
(tongue twister + table)

No. 34 “Letter T and T” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters t and T and the fact that they represent the sounds “t” and “t”;
2. develop the ability to place stress in printed words and read words with stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4. improve phonemic hearing.
1. “Name the words” with a ball in a circle Tongue twister:
Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina

No. 35 “Letter b” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letter b;
2. develop the ability to place emphasis in printed words and read them in accordance with the emphasis;
3. improve reading skills;
4. introduce the method of guessing the word presented by the model (by question)
1. Riddle game Children come up with pure sayings ending in “at”
No. 36 “Repetition” O. o.: communication:
1. consolidate children’s knowledge about b;
2. develop the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4. improve the ability to compose sentences with a given word;
5. practice the ability to guess the word presented by the model (by questions)
1. Game with the task the word coal
2. Riddle game
Children coming up with pure sayings ending in “at”
No. 37 “Letters p and P. Title and retelling of the story” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters P, p and the fact that they represent the sounds “p” and “p”;
2. continue to master putting stress in words and reading them using stress;
3. consolidate the ability to lay out sentences using the rules learned;
4. develop the ability to title and retell a story read;
5. improve reading skills;
6. improve the ability to name words according to a certain sound structure. 1. “Name the words”
2. “Name the words according to the model” Tongue twister:
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field
No. 38 “Letters b and b. Retelling the story” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters B, b and the fact that they represent the sounds “b” and “by”;
2. improve the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
5. practice the ability to retell a read story;
6. improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model (by questions) 1. “Name words with the sound “b”
2. Game - a mystery Articulation gymnastics No. 10 “The tongue greets the upper lip”,
No. 47 “Snake”

“Letters B and V” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters B, v and the fact that they represent the sounds “v” and “в”;
2. improve the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
5. develop thought processes. 1. “Name a couple”
2. “Name the words”
Articulation gymnastics No. 10 “The tongue greets the upper lip”,
No. 47 “Snake”, No. 15 “Circle”
No. 40 “Letters F and f. Retelling the story" O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters F, f and the fact that they represent the sounds “f” and “f”;
2. improve the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
5. practice the ability to retell a read story;
6. develop thought processes. 1. “Name words with the sound “f”, with the sound “f”
2. Game - a child’s riddle Pure sayings for distinguishing between the sounds “v” and “f”:
1. If you don’t say to the dog: “Fas!”
This dog won't touch you.
2. Can't get to Venus
On a plywood rocket.
3. New candy wrapper
Place it in the envelope with the letter.

No. 41 “Word formation” 1. improve children’s reading skills;
2. practice the ability to form words;
3. improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model (by questions);
4. develop thought processes. 1. “Name words with the stressed vowel “u”
2. Playing with sounds.
3. Game - a riddle Repeat tongue twisters that are difficult to pronounce
No. 42 “The letter “th” 1. Improve children’s reading skills;
2. introduce the letter “Y”, repeat the rules that the sound “Y” is the shortest sound in our speech and is always a soft consonant;
3. exercise children in word formation;
4. improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model. 1. Game - a riddle Introduce and memorize the poem:
There are very few words starting with “Y”:
Yogurt, iodine, and the word yoga.
We usually write “Y” at the end:
Tea, random, secret, extra.
No. 43 “Letter h, Ch” 1. Improve children’s reading skills;
2. introduce the letter ch, Ch and remind that “ch” is always a soft consonant;
3. develop the ability to compose a chain of words, making only one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word. 1. “Name words with the sound “ch”
2. “Chain of words” Pure sayings with the sound “h”:
- wow, my shoulder hurts;
- Chu-chu-chu, if it hurts, go to the doctor;
- cha-cha-cha, I’ll cry at the doctor’s;
- chi-chi-chi, doctors are helping us;
- Chu-chu-chu, well, then I’ll go to the doctor.
No. 44 “The letter Ш, Ш” 1. Introduce the letter Ш, Ш explain that the sound “Ш” is always a soft consonant, and the spelling of the combination is Шка, Ш.
2. Improve reading skills.
3. practice retelling the story you read.
4. practice reading tongue twisters. 1. The game is a mystery
2. “Chain of words” Tongue twister:
I brush my teeth with this brush,
I clean my shoes with this one,
I clean my pants with this one,
These brushes are all needed
(compilation of a table for me by children)
No. 45 “Creative retelling” 1. exercise the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. improve reading skills;
3. train in reading tongue twisters;
4. develop the ability to creatively retell a read story;
5. improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure. 1. “Name the words according to the given model”
2. Game - a child’s mystery, see No. 44
No. 46 “Letter ts, ts” 1. Introduce the letter ts, ts and the rule that the sound “ts” is always a hard consonant.
2. improve the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned.
3. Improve reading skills.
4. practice guessing words laid out with chips. 1. “Name a couple”
2. “Name words with the sound “ts”
3. The game is a riddle Tongue twister:
Four little black little devils
Drew a drawing in black ink
Extremely clean (kids compiling a table for me)
No. 47 “Letter x, X” 1. Improve the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. Introduce the letters X, x and the fact that they represent the sounds “x”, “x”;
3. Improve children's reading skills.
4. Practice composing a chain of words, making one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words”
2. The game is a teacher’s mystery See No. 46
No. 48 “Separation function of the letter b” 1. improve children’s reading skills;
2. introduce the separating function of the letter ь;
3. practice composing a chain of words, making only one replacement to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words” see No. 46

No. 49 “Letter ъ” 1. Introduce the letter ъ.
2. Improve reading skills.
3. Practice the ability to name a word of a certain sound structure.
4. Develop the ability to guess a word lined with chips 1. Game - a riddle Introduce the poem:
Silent solid sign
It can't be pronounced!
But many people need him,
You will have to teach him.
Whether you want it or not,
It's in the alphabet!

No. 50 “Working with a sentence” 1. Improve the ability to compose a sentence with a given word;
2. improve reading skills;
3. consolidate knowledge about the ъ sign;
4. practice composing a chain of words, making only one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words”
No. 51 “Creative story” 1. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. improve reading skills;
3. practice the ability to retell a story; practice the ability to write a creative story;
4. consolidate the ability to compose a chain of words, in this case making only one replacement to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words”
2. Playing with the word “kitten”
No. 52 “Reading skill” 1. Improve reading skill;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
3. strengthen the ability to guess words laid out with chips. 1. Playing with the word “play”
2. Game - a teacher’s riddle (school)
3. The game is a child’s mystery
No. 53 Repetition 1. Improve reading skills;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
3. improve the ability to guess a word laid out with chips;
4. exercise the ability to form a chain of words from a given word by one substitution to obtain a new word 1. Game - riddle (primer)
No. 54 Repetition 1. Improve reading skills;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
3.develop the ability to answer questions based on the text read;
4. develop thinking. 1. The game is a teacher’s riddle
2. The game is a child’s mystery
No. 55 Repetition 1. Strengthen the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. improve reading skills;
3. develop the ability to answer questions based on the text read;
4. practice the ability to guess words laid out with chips.
1. The game is a teacher’s riddle
2. The game is a child’s mystery Preparing for the competition

No. 56 Repetition 1. Strengthen the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. improve reading skills;
3. develop the ability to retell a story read;
4. improve the ability to compose a chain of words, making only one replacement to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words”
2. The game is a teacher’s riddle
3. Game - a child’s riddle Competition for the best tongue twister reader
Topic Educational area Educational areas Didactic game Tongue twisters, pure twisters, articulatory gymnastics


Week 1 – 2: monitoring
No. 1 “Sound analysis of the word book. Drafting a proposal" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;
2. Strengthen the ability to determine the place of stress in words;
3. develop the ability to compose a sentence of two words, name 1 - e and
2nd word
4. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o.: socialization:
5. cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O. o.: labor:
6. consolidate the ability to prepare materials and aids for class in a timely manner, without being reminded to clean your workplace.
1. “Name the words”
Articulation gymnastics “Smile”, “Proboscis”,
"The house opens"
(see Attachment)
No. 2 “Sound analysis of the word newspaper. Working with the proposal" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words; differentiate vowels, hard and soft consonants; apply the rules of writing letters;
2. Strengthen the ability to determine the place of a stressed sound in a word;
3. Practice the ability to compose a sentence from two words, name the words in order;
4. Practice naming words with given sounds.
5. Prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o.: physical education:
6. form correct posture.
O. o.: socialization:
7. continue to teach how to listen to your interlocutor.
1. “Name a couple” (in a circle with a ball)
2. “Name the words with the given sound” Articulation gymnastics, alternating “Proboscis” - “Smile”,
"The house opens"

No. 3 “The letters a, A. sound analysis of the word crane, Alena” O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of a word;
2. introduce the vowels a, A;
3. practice composing a sentence about the actions of a toy from two words;
4. practice naming words of a certain sound structure
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O.o.: physical education:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem 1. “Name the stressed vowel sound” (in a circle with a ball)
2. “Name the words according to the given model” A.g. "Curious Tongue"
No. 4 “The letters I, Y. Sound analysis of the word ball” O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the vowels I, I and the rules for writing I after soft consonant sounds;
3. practice composing a sentence about the actions of the toy (two words);
4. continue to teach children to name words with given sounds
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O.o.: cognition:
6. consolidate knowledge about wild animals;
O. o.: physical culture:
7. form correct posture
1. “Correct the mistake”
2. “Name the words with the given sound” A. g. “Window”,
"The tongue greets the chin"
“The tongue greets the upper lip”

No. 5 “The letter I can represent two sounds “YA”. Sound analysis of the words frog, Yasha" O. o.: communication:
1. to develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. will introduce you to the fact that the letter i can mean two sounds - “ya”;
3. practice composing a two-word sentence about the actions of children, name the 1st, 2nd word;
4. develop logical thinking, memory;
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o.: socialization:
6. cultivate the ability to listen to a friend’s answers
O.O.: Security:
7. consolidate the ability to follow the rules of being in kindergarten 1. “Say the words”
2. “The letter is lost”
3. “Finish the sentence.”
4. “The letter is lost” Articulation gymnastics “Monkey” and “Bulldog”
No. 6 “The letters o, O. Sound analysis of the words rose, meat, Olya” O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the vowels o, o;
3. practice composing sentences about actions, name the 1st, 2nd word;
4. develop logical thinking, memory, attention;
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes
O.o.: socialization:
6. develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem
O. o.: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to prepare materials and aids for class in a timely manner, without being reminded to clean your workplace.
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words according to a given model” Articulation gymnastics “Hide and Seek” (alternating monkey - bulldog)
No. 7 “The letter ё can represent the sound “o.” Sound analysis of the words regiment, beet" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the fact that the letter е can mean the sound “o” and is written after soft consonant sounds;
3. exercise the ability to compose two-word sentences with a given word;
4. develop thought processes;
5. prepare the organs of articulation for the correct pronunciation of phonemes O. o.: physical education: form correct posture
O.o.: socialization:
develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem 1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words” Articulation gymnastics “Hamster”
No. 8 “The letter e – means two sounds “YO.” Sound analysis of the words fir-tree and grater" O. o.: communication:
1. to develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words and determine the stressed vowel sound;
2. Introduce the fact that ё can mean two sounds “YO”
3. Develop the ability to compose two-word sentences with a given word
4. Develop attention, memory, logical thinking when solving riddles, understand the poetic comparison underlying the riddles;
5. develop diction apparatus

O. o.: socialization: to cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O. o.: physical education: form correct posture.
O.o.: reading fiction:
Replenish your literary baggage with fairy tales (the fairy tale “Why E is always shock”) 1. “Name the words with the given sound”
2. "Turning Words"
Yellow russula hedgehog
Happy as a squirrel to nuts (tongue twister + table - see appendix)
No. 9 “Introduction to the letters u, U. Sound analysis of the words pear and bag” O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the letters u, u;
3. develop the ability to compose a sentence of three words with a connecting conjunction and;
4. develop attention, memory, thinking
5. develop diction apparatus
O. o.: socialization:
improve children’s artistic skills in terms of embodying an image using facial expressions and gestures;
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1"Recognize the sound."
2. “Name the words”
3. “Where is the sound?”
4. "The fifth wheel"
5. “Name words with the given sound U”
6. "On the contrary"
7. Exercise “Stretch the string” Yellow Russula hedgehog
Happy as a squirrel to nuts
No. 10 “Acquaintance with the letter u.” Sound analysis of the words onion, hatch, iron"
O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. introduce the letter yu and the rules for writing it after soft consonant sounds;
3. practice composing a sentence of three words with a connecting conjunction and;
4. develop the speech apparatus with the help of tongue twisters;
5. develop diction apparatus
O.o.: physical education: develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O. o.: safety: consolidate the rules of conduct with electrical appliances.
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name words with the stressed sound “A.”
3. “Name words with the sound Y”
Fishing with a fishing rod
Our clever Yurochka
(tongue twister + table - see appendix)
No. 11 “The letter yu can mean two sounds “YU.” Sound analysis of the words Yula, Yura, beak" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels;
2. introduce the fact that the letter yu can mean two sounds - “yo” (at the beginning of a word);
3. develop the ability to compose a sentence of three words with a conjunction and sketch it;
4. develop logical thinking when naming words according to a given model;
5. develop diction apparatus O.o.: physical culture:
develop the ability to maintain correct posture in various activities.
O.o.: socialization:
develop intelligence and the ability to independently solve a given problem. 1. “Name the words according to the given pattern”
2. “The first sound was lost” (...la, ...bka, ...rta,...nysha, ..more)
2. “Name the words with the stressed sound Y”
3. “Find the word in the word. YOUTH" (nose, sleep, tone) Fishing with a fishing rod
Our Yurochka is smart.

No. 12 “Letter Y.” Sound analysis of words: fish, ball, mouse" O.o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels;
2. introduce the letter Y;
3. consolidate the ability to compose a sentence of three words with the conjunction I;
4. practice diction in pronunciation of words with a given sound;
5. develop the diction apparatus O. o: labor: consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for class.
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. “Name words with stressed sounds a, y”
2. Phonemic exercise “Say the sound in a word”
3. “Name words with the sound v, v”
The wasp has antennae, not antennae
(tongue twister + table - see appendix)
No. 13 “Bulls and, I. Word change. Sound analysis of words: bear, toy

O. o.: communication:
1. formulate and carry out sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels;
2. will introduce the letters i, i and the rules of writing after soft consonant sounds;
3. practice the ability to carry out inflection;
4. develop components of oral speech;
5. develop diction apparatus
O. o.: socialization: to cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words according to a given pattern.” The wasp has antennae, not antennae

No. 14 “Letters e, E. Sound analysis of words: echo, chandelier. Word change » O. o.: communication:
1. continue to develop the ability to conduct sound-letter analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. introduce the letters e, E;
3. practice the ability to carry out inflection;
4. develop the ability to name words according to a given model;
5. develop the organs of the articulatory apparatus with the help of pure tongues. O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
O.o.: socialization:
develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem 1. “Who is attentive” (spelling vowels after consonants)
2. “Name the words according to the given model.
3. “Who is attentive” (find the same sound in the words) - Ta-ta-ta - our house is clean.
- You-you-you – the cats ate all the sour cream.
- That's it - we sat down to play lotto.
- Ti-ti-ti – we ate almost all the porridge.
- Bye-bye-bye - we put off sewing.
- Whoops, we're going for a walk.

No. 15 “Letters e, E. Sound analysis of words: forest, squirrel. Word change" O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. introduce the letters e, E and the rules for writing e after soft consonant sounds;
3. practice inflection;
4. practice the ability to name words with a given stressed vowel sound.
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
O. about: work: consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. Game “Name the words with the sound “th”
2. Game “Complete the sentence”
see summary No. 14
No. 16 The letter E can stand for two “YE” sounds.
Sound analysis of the word Emelya O. o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. explain that the letter e can mean two sounds - “YE”;
3. develop the ability to name words with a given sound;
4. develop the organs of the articulatory apparatus with the help of pure tongues
O. o. safety:
establish rules of conduct in the forest;
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. Game “Who is attentive”
3. Game “Name the words with the sound “th”
4. Game “Complete the sentence”
- Se-se-se – there are many fairy tales about the fox.
- Ze-ze-ze-give water to the goat.
- Dude - dude - that's how great you are.
- Tse - tse - tse - there are a lot of grains in the cucumber.
No. 17 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the word river" LLC: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. introduce children to inflection;
3. continue to learn how to make a three-word sentence;
4. learn to name words according to a certain sound structure.
O.O.: Security:
5. establish the rules of safe behavior on rivers and reservoirs;
O. about: labor:
6. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words according to the model” See notes No. 16
No. 18 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the word nut" LLC: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. continue to strengthen the ability to compose a three-word sentence;
4. continue to practice naming words of a certain sound structure.
O. o.: socialization:
5. cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom.
O.O.: Security:
6. establish rules of conduct with electrical appliances. 1. “Name the words according to the model”
2. “Chain of words”
3. “Name a couple” Children independently come up with phrases
No. 19 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the word ball" Ltd.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. familiarity with dividing a sentence into words, the ability to name words in order;
4. develop phonemic awareness. O. about: labor:
5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence and the ability to independently solve a given problem. 1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Name the words according to the model”
3. "Turning Words"
4. “The letter is lost” Independent inventing of pure proverbs by children
No. 20 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the words winter, sea, geese, bullet" O.o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. mastering the action of changing words;
3. practice the ability to divide sentences into words by ear and name them in order;
4. consolidate the ability to name words with given sounds; O. about: labor:
5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence and the ability to independently solve a given problem. 1. “Name words with the sound “b”
2. “Pick up a pair”
3. "Sound Lost"
4. “Name the words according to a given model” Children independently invent complete phrases
No. 21 “Word changes. Sound analysis of the words tape, bear, posta, gun" O.o.: communication:
1. develop the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
2. practice changing words;
3. consolidate the ability to divide sentences into words by ear and name words in order. O. o.: socialization:
4. cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom
O. about: labor:
5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Name a couple”
2. “Name the words with the sound “p” Independently inventing pure sayings by children
No. 22 “The letter m and its two sounds “m” and “m” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce children to the letter m and the fact that it means the sounds “m” and “m”;
2. consolidate the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound;
3. mastering the method of syllabic reading with the letter m;
4. develop the diction apparatus; O. o.: socialization:
5. consolidate knowledge of parents’ names and patronymics;
O. o.: physical education: forming correct posture
1. “Name the words with the sound m”
2. “Who is attentive”
3. “Add sound”
4. “Hard - soft”
5. “Words in reverse” Mama washed Mila with soap (tongue twister + mnemonic table)

No. 23 “The letter n and its two sounds “n” and “n” O. o.: communication:
1. practice composing a sentence with a given word, determine the number of words in a sentence and name them in order;
2. introduce children to the letter n and the fact that it can represent the sounds “n” and “n”;
3. improve the ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed sound;
4. mastering the method of syllabic reading with the letters m and n;
5. develop diction apparatus O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
O. about: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Name words with the sound “n”
2. “Name the words according to the given model”
3. “Where is the sound?”
4. “Say the word”
5. “Hard - soft”

Milu's mother washed soap with soap (tongue twister + mnemonic table)
No. 24 “The letter r and its two sounds “r” and “r” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce children to the letter p and the fact that it stands for the sounds “r” and “ry”;
2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with completed letters and the letter p;
3. consolidate children’s ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowel letters and determining the stressed vowel sound;
4. develop the ability to select words to a given model;
5. develop diction apparatus O.o.: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence, the ability to independently solve a given problem 1. “Name words with the sound “ry”
2. “Name the words according to the given model”
3. “Who is attentive”
4. “Say a word”
5. “The letter is lost” Pure sayings:
Ra-ra-ra the game begins;
ry-ry-ry - boys have balls;
ro-ro-ro - we have a new bucket;
ru-ru-ru - we continue the game;
re-re-re - there is a house on the mountain;
ri-ri-ri - bullfinches on the branches;
or-or-or – the red tomato is ripe;
ir-ir-ir - my dad is the commander;
ar-ar-ar - there is a lantern hanging on the wall.
No. 25 “The letter l and its two sounds “l” and “l” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce children to the letter l and the fact that it stands for the sounds “l” and “l”;
2. continue to master the ability to read syllables and words with completed letters and the letter p;
3. consolidate children’s ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowel letters and determining the stressed vowel sound;
4. develop the ability to divide a sentence into words, name them in order;
5. replenish your literary baggage with stories;
6. develop the ability to select words to a given model;
7. develop memory, imaginative thinking. O.O.: Security:
7. establish rules of safe behavior on the streets of the village and city;
O. about: labor:
8. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “The same sound in words”
2. “Say the word”
3. “Name the words according to the model”
4. “Finish the phrase” Tongue twister:
A cap on a cap and a cap under a cap.

No. 26 “The letter G and g and its two sounds “g” and “g” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters G and g and the fact that they represent the sounds “g” and “g”;
2.introduce the method and rules of laying out sentences from the letters of the split alphabet;
3. develop the ability to select words to a given model;
4. practice diction and intonation; O. o.: socialization:
5. cultivate a desire to study at school;
O.o.: physical culture:
6. develop the ability to perform movements according to the text of the physical education minute;
O. about: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Who is attentive”
2. “Say the word”
3. "Sound Lost"
4. “Find out the fairy tale” Tongue twister:
Cap on cap and cap under cap

No. 27 “The letter k and K and its two sounds “k” and “k” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters k and K. tell that the letter k stands for the sounds “k” and “ky”;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out sentences in accordance with the rules;
3.repeat that the letter i can mean two sounds (“th” and “a” at the beginning of a word and after a vowel);
4. strengthen children’s ability to name words of a certain sound structure.

O.o.: reading fiction:
5. introduce a story from the collection of Kirill Kukushkin (one letter);
O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
1. “Name the words that begin with the sound “th”
2. “Who is attentive”
3. “Transforming words - a magic chain” Articulation gymnastics:
(see Attachment)
No. 28 Repetition O. o.: communication:
1. consolidate the reading of syllables, words and sentences with the letters covered;
2. develop dialogic speech;
3. practice laying out sentences using known grammatical and syntactic rules;
4. consolidate knowledge that the letter yu can mean two sounds (“th”, “u” at the beginning of a word or after a vowel sound);
5. strengthen children’s ability to name words of a certain sound structure and with a given stress;
O. o.: socialization:
6. cultivate a culture of behavior in the classroom
O. about: labor:
7. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
1. “Name the words according to the model”
2. Irga with tasks (sounds in a certain sequence)
3. “The letter is lost”
4. “Puzzle” Articulation gymnastics:
alternating “Fat people - thin people”,

“Balls” (alternately puffing out the cheeks)

No. 29 “The letters s and s and with the sounds “s” and “s.” Repetition" O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters s and S. tell that the letter k stands for the sounds “s” and “s”;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the grammar rules learned;
3. consolidate knowledge that the letter e can mean two sounds (“th” and “o” at the beginning of a word and after a vowel sound);
4. continue to improve children's reading;
5. develop memory, attention, speech;
6. consolidate the ability to name words with a certain stressed vowel sound;
O.O.: Security:
7. establish safe rules of behavior on the slide;
O. o.: physical culture:
8. form correct posture
O.o.: reading fiction:
9. introduce L. Kaminsky’s fairy tale “The Seven Sons of Old Sinitsyns” 1. “Game with a task”
2. “Name words with the stressed vowel sound “o”
3. “Hard - soft” Tongue twister:
Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own.
No. 30 “The letters z and z and with the sounds “z” and “z.” Repetition" O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters z and z, tell that the letter k stands for the sounds “z” and “z”;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the completed grammatical and syntactic rules;
3. establish that the letter e can mean two sounds (“th” and “e” at the beginning of a word and after a vowel sound);
4. continue to improve children's reading;
5. develop the ability to answer questions based on the text read;
6. strengthen children’s ability to name words according to the model. O. about: labor:
5. consolidate the ability to independently and timely prepare materials and aids for the lesson.
O. o.: physical culture:
6. form correct posture
O.o.: socialization:
7. develop intelligence and the ability to independently solve a given problem. 1. “Name words with the sound “z”
2. “Name the words according to the given model”
3. “Who is attentive”
4. "Sound Lost"
5. “One is many.”
I will name one object, and you will name many.
One umbrella - many umbrellas.
One bunny - many bunnies.
One plant – many...? Factories
One mosaic - many - ...? Mosaic... Tongue twister:
Little Sanya's sleigh moves on its own. Little Sanya drives the sleigh on its own.

Pure sayings:
Hey, hey, there hasn't been a thunderstorm for a long time. For-for-for, a thunderstorm is approaching. Hey, hey, we're not afraid of thunderstorms. Zu-zu-zu, a stream flows below. For good measure, we washed the basins. For-for-for, Nina has brown eyes. Zu-zu-zu, I'm bringing cubes. Zi-zi-zi, take me to the house. Ze-ze-ze, give water to the goat.
No. 31 “Letter sh.” Retelling the story" O. o.: communication:
1. improve the ability to lay out sentences using all the grammatical and syntactic rules learned;
2. introduce the letter sh, the rule for writing the combination shi;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. practice retelling the story you read;
5. improve the ability to name words using a certain sound structure. 1. “Name the words with the sound “sh” at the beginning of the word”
2. “Name the words according to this model”
3. Exercise “Count to five”: One reed, two reeds,..five reeds. One hut, two huts,...five huts. One fur coat, two fur coats,... five fur coats. One school, two schools,...five schools. One awl, two awls,... five awls.
Articulation gymnastics
No. 51 “Pancake”,
No. 52 “Soap Bubbles”
(See attached)

“Letter Zh, zh. The rule for writing the combination "zhi"

O. o.: communication:
1. improve children’s ability to write sentences using all the grammatical and syntactic rules they have learned and identifying the stressed vowel;
2. will introduce the letter Zh, zh and the rules for writing the combination zhi;
3. improve reading skills;
4. develop attention, memory, speech;
5. improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure. 1 "Who is attentive"
2. “Name words with the sound “zh”
3. “Name the words according to the given model”

Articulation gymnastics
No. 51 “Pancake”,
No. 52 “Soap Bubbles”
(See Appendix

No. 33 “Letters D, d. Title and retelling of the story”
O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters d and D and the fact that they represent the sounds “d” and “d”;
2. improve the ability to lay out sentences using all the grammatical and syntactic rules learned;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. to develop children’s ability to title and retell a story;
5. improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure.

1. Game with a task in the word were friends
2. “Name words with the sound “d”
3. “Name the words according to the given model” Tongue twister:
Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina
(tongue twister + table)

No. 34 “Letter T and T” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters t and T and the fact that they represent the sounds “t” and “t”;
2. develop the ability to place stress in printed words and read words with stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4. improve phonemic hearing.
1. “Name the words” with a ball in a circle Tongue twister:
Dima gives Dina melons,
Dima gives melons to Dina

No. 35 “Letter b” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letter b;
2. develop the ability to place emphasis in printed words and read them in accordance with the emphasis;
3. improve reading skills;
4. introduce the method of guessing the word presented by the model (by question)
1. Riddle game Children come up with pure sayings ending in “at”
No. 36 “Repetition” O. o.: communication:
1. consolidate children’s knowledge about b;
2. develop the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve reading skills;
4. improve the ability to compose sentences with a given word;
5. practice the ability to guess the word presented by the model (by questions)
1. Game with the task the word coal
2. Riddle game
Children coming up with pure sayings ending in “at”
No. 37 “Letters p and P. Title and retelling of the story” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters P, p and the fact that they represent the sounds “p” and “p”;
2. continue to master putting stress in words and reading them using stress;
3. consolidate the ability to lay out sentences using the rules learned;
4. develop the ability to title and retell a story read;
5. improve reading skills;
6. improve the ability to name words according to a certain sound structure. 1. “Name the words”
2. “Name the words according to the model” Tongue twister:
From the clatter of hooves, dust flies across the field
No. 38 “Letters b and b. Retelling the story” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters B, b and the fact that they represent the sounds “b” and “by”;
2. improve the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
5. practice the ability to retell a read story;
6. improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model (by questions) 1. “Name words with the sound “b”
2. Game - a mystery Articulation gymnastics No. 10 “The tongue greets the upper lip”,
No. 47 “Snake”

“Letters B and V” O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters B, v and the fact that they represent the sounds “v” and “в”;
2. improve the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
5. develop thought processes. 1. “Name a couple”
2. “Name the words”
Articulation gymnastics No. 10 “The tongue greets the upper lip”,
No. 47 “Snake”, No. 15 “Circle”
No. 40 “Letters F and f. Retelling the story" O. o.: communication:
1. introduce the letters F, f and the fact that they represent the sounds “f” and “f”;
2. improve the ability to put stress in words and read them using stress;
3. improve children's reading skills;
4. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
5. practice the ability to retell a read story;
6. develop thought processes. 1. “Name words with the sound “f”, with the sound “f”
2. Game - a child’s riddle Pure sayings for distinguishing between the sounds “v” and “f”:
1. If you don’t say to the dog: “Fas!”
This dog won't touch you.
2. Can't get to Venus
On a plywood rocket.
3. New candy wrapper
Place it in the envelope with the letter.

No. 41 “Word formation” 1. improve children’s reading skills;
2. practice the ability to form words;
3. improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model (by questions);
4. develop thought processes. 1. “Name words with the stressed vowel “u”
2. Playing with sounds.
3. Game - a riddle Repeat tongue twisters that are difficult to pronounce
No. 42 “The letter “th” 1. Improve children’s reading skills;
2. introduce the letter “Y”, repeat the rules that the sound “Y” is the shortest sound in our speech and is always a soft consonant;
3. exercise children in word formation;
4. improve the ability to guess the word presented by the model. 1. Game - a riddle Introduce and memorize the poem:
There are very few words starting with “Y”:
Yogurt, iodine, and the word yoga.
We usually write “Y” at the end:
Tea, random, secret, extra.
No. 43 “Letter h, Ch” 1. Improve children’s reading skills;
2. introduce the letter ch, Ch and remind that “ch” is always a soft consonant;
3. develop the ability to compose a chain of words, making only one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word. 1. “Name words with the sound “ch”
2. “Chain of words” Pure sayings with the sound “h”:
- wow, my shoulder hurts;
- Chu-chu-chu, if it hurts, go to the doctor;
- cha-cha-cha, I’ll cry at the doctor’s;
- chi-chi-chi, doctors are helping us;
- Chu-chu-chu, well, then I’ll go to the doctor.
No. 44 “The letter Ш, Ш” 1. Introduce the letter Ш, Ш explain that the sound “Ш” is always a soft consonant, and the spelling of the combination is Шка, Ш.
2. Improve reading skills.
3. practice retelling the story you read.
4. practice reading tongue twisters. 1. The game is a mystery
2. “Chain of words” Tongue twister:
I brush my teeth with this brush,
I clean my shoes with this one,
I clean my pants with this one,
These brushes are all needed
(compilation of a table for me by children)
No. 45 “Creative retelling” 1. exercise the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. improve reading skills;
3. train in reading tongue twisters;
4. develop the ability to creatively retell a read story;
5. improve the ability to name words of a certain sound structure. 1. “Name the words according to the given model”
2. Game - a child’s mystery, see No. 44
No. 46 “Letter ts, ts” 1. Introduce the letter ts, ts and the rule that the sound “ts” is always a hard consonant.
2. improve the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned.
3. Improve reading skills.
4. practice guessing words laid out with chips. 1. “Name a couple”
2. “Name words with the sound “ts”
3. The game is a riddle Tongue twister:
Four little black little devils
Drew a drawing in black ink
Extremely clean (kids compiling a table for me)
No. 47 “Letter x, X” 1. Improve the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. Introduce the letters X, x and the fact that they represent the sounds “x”, “x”;
3. Improve children's reading skills.
4. Practice composing a chain of words, making one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words”
2. The game is a teacher’s mystery See No. 46
No. 48 “Separation function of the letter b” 1. improve children’s reading skills;
2. introduce the separating function of the letter ь;
3. practice composing a chain of words, making only one replacement to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words” see No. 46

No. 49 “Letter ъ” 1. Introduce the letter ъ.
2. Improve reading skills.
3. Practice the ability to name a word of a certain sound structure.
4. Develop the ability to guess a word lined with chips 1. Game - a riddle Introduce the poem:
Silent solid sign
It can't be pronounced!
But many people need him,
You will have to teach him.
Whether you want it or not,
It's in the alphabet!

No. 50 “Working with a sentence” 1. Improve the ability to compose a sentence with a given word;
2. improve reading skills;
3. consolidate knowledge about the ъ sign;
4. practice composing a chain of words, making only one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words”
No. 51 “Creative story” 1. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. improve reading skills;
3. practice the ability to retell a story; practice the ability to write a creative story;
4. consolidate the ability to compose a chain of words, in this case making only one replacement to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words”
2. Playing with the word “kitten”
No. 52 “Reading skill” 1. Improve reading skill;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
3. strengthen the ability to guess words laid out with chips. 1. Playing with the word “play”
2. Game - a teacher’s riddle (school)
3. The game is a child’s mystery
No. 53 Repetition 1. Improve reading skills;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
3. improve the ability to guess a word laid out with chips;
4. exercise the ability to form a chain of words from a given word by one substitution to obtain a new word 1. Game - riddle (primer)
No. 54 Repetition 1. Improve reading skills;
2. consolidate the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
3.develop the ability to answer questions based on the text read;
4. develop thinking. 1. The game is a teacher’s riddle
2. The game is a child’s mystery
No. 55 Repetition 1. Strengthen the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. improve reading skills;
3. develop the ability to answer questions based on the text read;
4. practice the ability to guess words laid out with chips.
1. The game is a teacher’s riddle
2. The game is a child’s mystery Preparing for the competition

No. 56 Repetition 1. Strengthen the ability to lay out a sentence using the rules learned;
2. improve reading skills;
3. develop the ability to retell a story read;
4. improve the ability to compose a chain of words, making only one replacement to obtain a new word. 1. “Chain of words”
2. The game is a teacher’s riddle
3. Game - a child’s riddle Competition for the best tongue twister reader

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1 Forward planning classes to prepare children for learning to read and write Preparatory group Contents Literature 1. Teach children to conduct sound analysis of words; distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonants; divide words into syllables; consolidate the ability to find the stress point in words; learn to compose a sentence of two words, name the first and second word. 2. Teach children to conduct sound analysis of words; distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonants; divide words into syllables; consolidate the ability to determine the place of a stressed vowel sound in a word; continue to learn to name words with given sounds; learn to compose a sentence of two words, name the words in order. 3. Continue teaching children to conduct sound analysis of words; divide words into syllables; continue to teach children to name words according to a given model; learn to make two-word sentences about the actions of a toy. 4. Continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; continue to teach children to name words with given sounds; learn to make sentences about the actions of a toy from two words; 5. Continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; continue to teach children to name words with three sounds according to a given model; learn to make sentences about actions, name the first and second words. 6. Continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound; continue to teach children to name words with a given sound; divide words into syllables; teach to compose two-word sentences with a given word and 7. Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words, continue to teach children to name words with a given stressed vowel sound; learn to compose sentences of three words and draw up a diagram of this sentence. p.80 p.82 p.83 p.84 p.87 p.88 c Continue teaching children to conduct sound analysis of words,

2 continue to teach children to name words with a given stressed vowel sound; teach to compose sentences of three words and 9. Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words, continue to teach children to name words with a given stressed vowel sound; learn to compose sentences of three words with a connecting conjunction and draw up a diagram of this sentence. 10. Continue teaching children to conduct sound analysis of words, teach children inflection; continue to teach children to name words with three sounds according to a given model; learn to compose sentences of four words with any conjunction and draw up a diagram of this sentence. 11. Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words, teach children inflection; continue to teach children to name words with three sounds according to a given model; learn to compose sentences of four words with any conjunction and draw up a diagram of this sentence. 12. Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; continue to introduce children to inflection; teach children to name words with a given stressed vowel sound; teach to compose sentences of four words with any conjunction and 13. Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words, continue to introduce children to inflection; teach children to name words of a certain sound structure; continue to teach children how to make a sentence, distribute it, and diagram that sentence. 14. Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words, continue to introduce children to inflection; teach children to name words of a certain sound structure; continue to teach children to compose a sentence, distribute it and 15. Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words, continue to introduce children to inflection; teach children to name words of a certain sound structure; learn to divide sentences into words by ear and name them in order; continue to teach children how to make a sentence p.91 p.94 p.95 p.96 p.97 p.99 p.102 p.103

3, distribute it and 16. Continue to teach children to conduct sound analysis of words, teach children to carry out inflection; teach children to name words with given sounds; teach children to name words of a certain sound structure; learn to divide sentences into words by ear, name them in order and draw up a diagram of this sentence. 17. Continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; continue to teach children to compose a sentence, distribute it and 18. Continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words, continue to teach them to compose sentences of five words, shorten it and 19. Strengthen the ability to conduct a sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; teach children to name words of a certain sound structure; teach children to compose a sentence with a given word, determine the number of words in a sentence, name them in order and draw up a diagram of this sentence. 20. Strengthen the ability to conduct a sound analysis of words, identify words of a certain sound structure; continue to learn 21. Strengthen the ability to conduct a sound analysis of words, identify words of a certain sound structure; consolidate the ability to divide sentences into words, name them in order, determine the number of words in a sentence and draw up a diagram of this sentence; consolidate the ability to conduct a sound analysis of words, identify words of a certain sound structure; continue learning p.104 p.106 p.107 p.108 p.109 p.110 p.111

4 23. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, identify words of a certain sound structure; to give children the idea that when a word is replaced in a sentence, its meaning changes. 24. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; consolidate the ability to name words with a certain stressed vowel sound; continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, changing its meaning and draw up its diagram 25. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; consolidate the ability to name words with five sounds according to a certain model; continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, changing its meaning. 26. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, identify words of a certain sound structure; continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, changing its meaning. p.113 p.115 p.116 p. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, identify words with given sounds; continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, changing its meaning. 28. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, determine how to guess a word of four sounds presented by the model (by questions); continue to introduce children to antonyms that have opposite meanings; continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, changing its meaning and make a diagram of it. 29. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, determine how to guess a word of four sounds presented by the model (by questions); continue to introduce the polysemy of words; teach children to compose a sentence with a given word, distribute it and draw up its diagram. p.121 p.122 p.124

5 30. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, identify words of a certain sound structure; teach children to form a chain of words, making only one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word; continue to learn 31. Strengthen the ability to conduct a sound analysis of words, determine and guess the word of five sounds presented by the model (by questions); continue to introduce children to antonyms that have opposite meanings; continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, changing its meaning and make a diagram of it. 32. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, identify words of a certain sound structure; continue to introduce the polysemy of words; continue to teach how to compose sentences of five words, abbreviate it and draw up a diagram of this sentence. 33. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, determine how to guess a word of five sounds presented by the model (by questions); continue to teach children to replace words in a sentence, changing its meaning and make a diagram of it. 34. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, determine how to form a chain of words, making only one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word; teach children to compose a sentence with a given word, distribute it and draw up its diagram. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; continue to introduce the polysemy of words; continue to learn how to draw up a diagram of this sentence 36. Strengthen the ability to conduct sound analysis of words, determine the stressed vowel sound; divide words into syllables; continue to guess the words lined with chips; teach children to form a chain of words, making only one substitution in a given word to obtain a new word; teach children to replace words in a sentence, changing its meaning and make a diagram of it. p.125 p.126 p.127 p.128 p.131 p.131 p.133

Long-term planning for teaching preschoolers literacy in the older mixed-age group for the 2015-2016 school year. year. S N T O K T Week Topic Tasks 1st Sound sh. tell children about the vocabulary of speech, what

Long-term planning with older preschoolers (6-7 years old) L.E. Zhurova, N.S. Varentseva, N.V. Durova “Teaching preschool children to read and write” p/n Lesson Topic/Sound analysis of words Page 1. Lesson 1 “Book”

STATE EDUCATIONAL BUDGET INSTITUTION GYMNASIUM 1590 named after Hero Soviet Union V.V. Kolesnik Approved by the Director of the State Budget Educational Institution Gymnasium 1590 Bobrova E.N. from Working programm additional

1. Target section Explanatory note In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard preschool education this program is aimed at the development of children preschool age

Municipal secondary education state-financed organization“Secondary school 4 with in-depth study of individual subjects in Shimanovsk” Considered Accepted for scientific approval - Approved by the department

Adopted by: Pedagogical Council Minutes dated September 01, 2016 7 “Approved” by: Head: Yu.Yu. Kudryavtseva Order 173 dated September 02, 2016. WORK PROGRAM for the additional educational program “Preparation

Work program for teaching reading to children 6-7 years old “I read!” Explanatory note. Many parents inevitably face the question of when and how to start introducing their child to letters and move on to learning

Long-term plan for teaching children literacy (preparatory group) Methodological literature: 1.Grizik T.I. “Teaching children 6 years old to read and write” 2. Shumaeva D.G. “How to be able to read well” 3. Aromshtam M. “Elementary

OCTOBER. CIRCLE WORK PLAN “ABVGDeyka”. Month. Week Lesson topic. Goals. 1. 1.Word. Introduce preschoolers to sounding word, form the concept of “word”, teach children to name words independently,

Content. Explanatory note 3 page 2. Contents of the program. 4-6 pp. 3. Curriculum plan.. 7-3 pp. 4. Methodological support.. 4 pp. 5. References... 5 pp. 6. Appendices 6-50

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Reviewed by the pedagogical council of the Regional Medical Educational Institution “Joy” 2015. Protocol Approved by the Head of the Regional Medical Educational Institution “Joy” L.A. Skotskaya 2015 Order Plan of work for the "Gramoteyka" club Preparatory teacher for school group

MUNICIPALITY OF THE CITY OF NOYABRSK municipal autonomous preschool educational institution"LUKOMORYE" municipal formation of the city of Noyabrsk Considered: at a meeting of the pedagogical council

Contents: 1. Explanatory note 2. Diagnostics. 3. Thematic planning. 4. Literature. Explanatory note. Successful speech development in preschool age is critical for later

Long-term work plan for the Gramoteika club month week class. topic you need to know September 3 1 Sentence. - Oral and written speech. - Offer. - Graphic image proposals. 4 2 Offer

November 20, 2013. sound composition and lettering of sounds;. The frequency of literacy lessons (reading) is 4 hours. in Week. Only 92 hours. 22213707843 373) and the Concept of the OS “School 2100”, the author’s program

Senior group 2016 2017 academic year Educator: Buranova L.I. Explanatory Note B last years many teachers primary classes note the large growth of children with writing and reading disorders (dysgraphia,

Elementary sound-letter skills SURVEY September 3 Vowel sounds Consonant sounds. Reinforce the concepts of “sound”, “vowel sound”, “syllable”. Differentiate the concepts of “sound letter syllable”. 3. Secure

Long-term planning for the development of phonemic perception of sounds and skills of phonemic analysis and synthesis for children of senior preschool age of subgroup I September. Condition survey

Card index of didactic games and exercises “Fundamentals of initial literacy” Multi-age senior preparatory school group 2015 “Shop” Goal: Continue to develop the ability to identify the first sound

Card index of didactic games and exercises in the preparatory group “Mastering the basics of primary literacy” “Sound caps” Purpose: To develop sound analysis skills. Learn to form direct and inverse

1 Russian language program 5th grade (children 10-11 years old), (2/3 of the material corresponds to the program for the 5th grade of the Russian school, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya’s textbook) Grammar and spelling Syntax. Punctuation (if

State budget educational institution Samara region Secondary school No. 1 named after Hero of the Soviet Union Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya urban district of Chapaevsk, Samara region

Department of Education of the Administration of Nizhny Novgorod Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 113 "Belochka" (MBDOU "Kindergarten 113 "Belochka") Adopted at the Pedagogical

Synopsis of a media lesson on the topic: “Letters A, Z, O” Educational institution - Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution of the municipality of Nyagan Kindergarten 1 “Sun”

Structural unit "Kindergarten 7 of a combined type" of the municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Rainbow" of a combined type" of Ruzaevsky municipal

Isolating the first and last sound in a word, memorizing syllable rows, sound analysis of syllables using colored chips, sound analysis of words with three sounds III K-KB 9 IV P-P-T-T-T 10 December I

State budgetary educational institution “School 1874” Teaching literacy to children in the senior group of kindergarten. Seminar for educators. Prepared and conducted by speech therapist E.N. Yudina. Moscow

Additional general education general development program “I’m learning to read” Program focus: social and pedagogical. Program level: introductory Age of students: 5-7 years Implementation period:

EXPLANATORY NOTE Purpose: Prevention of academic failure caused by various disorders of oral and written speech. Preparing for literacy. Objectives: 1. give the concept of words and sentences; 2.

GBU DO PALACE OF CHILDREN'S (YOUTH) CREATIVITY OF THE MOSCOW DISTRICT OF ST. PETERSBURG APPROVED BY Director of the GBU DO Palace of Children's (Youth) Creativity of the Moskovsky District E.V. Vergizova Order “335” “September 1”

EXPLANATORY NOTE The success of his adaptation and entry into the routine depends on how the child is prepared for school. school life, his educational success, mental well-being. It has been proven that in children,

SULZHENKO O.Yu. Formation of speech communication in children with autism From the experience of a speech therapist teacher Long-term planning of corrective speech therapy work with schoolchildren with DA* syndrome PLAN Development

SEPTEMBER 2. “Sound and letter “A”,” page 13 4. “Sound and letter “O,” page 16 Introduce the vowel sound “A” and its conditional square. To promote the development of sound-letter analysis and phonemic hearing. Learn

DIDACTICAL GAMES TEACHING LITERACY TO PRESCHOOL CHILDREN CONSULTATION FOR PARENTS 1 Dear parents! Currently, the problem of preparing children to master literacy is particularly pressing. It seemed

Explanatory note The educational program “Literacy” was developed for children of the preparatory group for school (6-7 years old) The program has a social and pedagogical orientation Novelty of the educational

Budgetary institution of the Udmurt Republic “Research Institute of National Education” Sample program Teaching Russian speech for preschool children (4-7 years old) on teaching Russian

What should a child aged 6-7 years know and be able to do? Your child is already a preschooler. What should a child going to school know and be able to do? What questions should he be able to answer? Let's discuss the list of knowledge and skills

Preschool education Literacy training Senior group (5-7 years old) Work program Moscow Additional educational program“Literacy training” was compiled taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard for Education based on technology according to

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution "Kindergarten 26 "Joy" Master class for parents preparatory groups“Reading with passion” Prepared by Educator I.A. Yakimova G.

GBOU SCHOOL 1194 TO room 1511 Speech development according to the Federal State Educational Standard. Worked out the material: Tarasova O.A. Salikhova N.M. Developing speech environment Junior group 3-4 years 1. Help in communication 2. Interaction with each other

Successful speech development in preschool age is crucial for subsequent systematic study native language. D. B. Elkonin wrote that the reader operates with the sound side of the language, and

Circle on the section “Teaching literacy” “Knowledge” Educator: Tumanova V.G. Tymovskoye 2016-2017 Club schedule Tuesday 15.45-16.15 Club composition. 1st subgroup 2nd subgroup Vika Mil Anya Zolotareva Stepan

Explanatory note Work program for “Preparing for literacy” educational field“Speech development” for children of the preparatory group for school is compiled on the basis of the basic educational


A long-term plan for individual (subgroup) lessons on production and automation of sounds /P/, /P/. Child's full name date of lesson, topic, purpose notes LESSON 1. Preparatory stage. Develop spatial

Municipal preschool educational budgetary institution kindergarten general developmental type 9 “Chamomile” Oktyabrsky district ACCEPTED by the pedagogical council Minutes from APPROVED Head of MDOBU 9

1 2 elementary sound-letter examination September 3 “In the world of sounds Introduce the structural features of the speech apparatus 4 a A 1. Clarify the articulation of sound A 2. Learn to isolate a given vowel

The working program for the correctional education of junior schoolchildren with speech impairments was developed taking into account the diagnostic data of the group’s students and on the basis of the Program for general education institutions. Correctional and developmental

Games and exercises to prepare for teaching literacy to children of senior preschool age p/n Name of the game Contents 1 “Guess the sound from silent articulation” A) The teacher silently articulates a vowel

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" of the city of Belokurikha Altai Territory Module of the work program “From A to Z” Formation of ideas about letters and sounds

Approved by: Head of the Lazhyal kindergarten of general developmental type “Shy Ongyr” Antropova S.I. "01" September 2014 Program additional education in cognitive-speech direction in

Development of sound analysis Parents can help their child take the first steps in understanding the sound structure of words. When starting games to develop sound analysis, you need to clearly understand

Explanatory note Goals and objectives of preschool preparation Creating conditions for the harmonious development of the intellectual, physical, spiritual inclinations of children Satisfying the requests of parents in the development of individual

Games and tasks for the formation of sound analysis in children with ODD. Break down a word into its component parts (syllables, sounds) complex look tasks for children with general speech underdevelopment. Unformed sound

Pre-letter period (15 hours) Name of the program section Number of hours LITERACY TEACHING (READING) Detailed thematic planning Lesson topic Lesson type Content elements Level requirements

Explanatory note The work program “Bukvarenok” for teaching children to read and write is developed on the basis of: 1. Law on Education dated September 1, 2013 2. Federal State educational standard

Explanatory note The work program “ABVGDeyka” is aimed at children of senior preschool age. It is designed for 1 year of study 30 hours. Classes are held in the preparatory group once a week

Thematic planning in the Russian language. 2nd grade. UMK "Perspective" 170 hours Numbers Lesson topic lessons in order I quarter. Section “World of Communication” 17 hours 1-2 Introduction to the textbook. World of communication.

I. Personal, meta-subject and subject results development academic subject“Preparation for learning to read and write” The personal results of studying the subject are the following skills: to understand the role of language

Manual for teachers of preschool educational institutions Mozyr “White Wind” 2 0 1 5 UDC 373.21 BBK 74.102 P99 REVIEWERS: Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Speech Therapy

“Speech development of preschool children middle group» According to the L.A. program Wenger “Development” The presentation was made by: Sokolova O.A. Toropova S.M. Speech development is the most important task of developmental education,

Summary of GCD for teaching literacy in senior group based on the Russian plot folk tale"Kolobok" Program content. 1. Continue teaching children inflection. 2. Improve reading skills. 3. Continue

Thematic planning “From word to letter” + speech development p/p Lesson topic Dates Note quarter plan fact Topic: Sounds in words. Vowel sounds. 3 Vowel sounds. 4 3 Consonant sounds. 5 4 Consonants

a common part Routing lesson Subject Diploma Class, student's FI Topic of the lesson Lesson type Purpose Discovery of new knowledge Letter N, N" 1st grade introduce the student to the consonant sounds [n], [n"], letters

EXPLANATORY NOTE The program for preparing for teaching literacy “From Sound to Letter”, “Development of Sound-Letter Analysis” is intended for work with preschool children. Teaching methods are consistent

Abstract directly - educational activities on cognitive and speech development Teaching children to read and write “The Secret of the Magic Flower” Prepared by: teacher highest category Orlova Tatyana Andreevna

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow “School 2000” (GBOU School 2000) “Approved” Director of GBOU School 2000 A.V. Kondrashov Order 01\08

(Slide 1) I present the project “Our Primer”. I work with children with special needs in a compensatory group. Before the beginning correctional work I am conducting a speech examination of the children in my group. Survey