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Oskin Viktor Semenovich. Viktor Semyonovich Oskin: biography

Born on December 1, 1952 in the village of Uspeno-Raevka, Oktyabrsky district, Kursk region. He was the fourth child in the family of senior police lieutenant Semyon Yegorovich and Tatyana Kapitonovna Oskin.

In 1974 he graduated with honors from Tambov Higher Education military school pilots, receiving a diploma along with the presentation of a gold medal and the honorary entry of the name on the marble plaque of the school’s medalists. Since 1970 he served in Armed Forces in various command and administrative positions. Served in Long-Range Aviation - senior assistant commander of the Tu-16 ship of the 184th heavy bomber air regiment of the 13th Guards Bomber Division (Priluki airfield, Chernihiv region), commander of the Tu-16 long-range bomber ship strategic purpose(Bobruisk, Belarusian Military District). Then - his commander in the 200th Guards Bomber Regiment in Bobruisk. From 1978 to 1990 - in various positions in the 290th separate reconnaissance air regiment at the Zyabrovka airfield near Gomel. in 1985 he graduated from the Yu. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy. Since 1990, he served as head of the department at the 43rd Center for Combat Training and Retraining of Flight Personnel at the Dyaghilevo airfield.


On July 24, 1992, Lieutenant Colonel Oskin had to carry out the so-called. “Exercise 301” of the Long-Range Aviation combat training course - on a Tu-22U training rocket carrier aircraft it was necessary to take a control flight in a circle from the squadron commander, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Stepchenkov, who had returned from vacation. Viktor Oskin came on board as an instructor, and squadron navigator Major Nikolai Ivanov acted as navigator. The entire crew of the ship are professional first class pilots. The flight took place from the airfield of the Zyabrovsky Aviation Training Center.

The title was awarded posthumously for heroism and courage shown during emergency situation in flight, when Oskin, at the cost of his life, prevented the plane from falling on the city of Gomel. At 17:02, while flying over the southern outskirts of the city - Novobelitsa - the plane suddenly failed one of the engines and the fuel tanks caught fire. The pilots, realizing the danger of the emergency situation that has arisen, urgently take decisive action in order to take the burning car out of the city. After an attempt to turn the Tu-22U away from the city, the right engine also caught fire, after which Viktor Semyonovich gave the crew the command to eject. The commander himself tried to take the plane in distress as far as possible from the residential areas of the city and the oil storage facility located in the area of ​​the possible crash, in order to prevent the entire nearby area from catching fire. He himself ejected when he was completely convinced that the uncontrollable car would fall in a deserted place. However, he no longer had a chance of salvation: on the Tu-22U, the catapult shoots the pilot’s seat down and to open the parachute, it travels a distance of at least 350 meters. The plane at the time of ejection was already at an altitude of less than 300 meters. The pilot died when he hit the ground. He saved two crew members and dozens of people on the ground from death. A memorial sign has been installed at the site of the Hero’s death today.

He was buried on July 27, 1992 in the “14th kilometer” cemetery on the Alley of Fallen Pilots of the Gomel Region of the Republic of Belarus. On his grave there is an inscription:


  • On September 22, 1992, by decision of the Gomel City Executive Committee, military pilot V.S. Oskin was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of Gomel (posthumously)” in order to preserve the memory of his feat. One of the streets in the city is named after him (however, the City Executive Committee of the city of Gomel rejected the proposal to rename one of the central streets of the Novobelitsky district (Ilyich Street) in honor of the pilot V. Oskin).
  • February 23, 2002, through the efforts of honored veterans of Long-Range Aviation, in the Museum of Military and Labor Glory of Novobelitskaya high school No. 41 in Gomel, a museum in memory of Viktor Oskin was opened, where one of the stands is dedicated to him. In the school museum of the Zyabrovskaya school, a stand dedicated to the heroic feat of the pilot has been created, and personal belongings of the crew are stored.
  • On May 7, 2003, on the initiative of the Kursk regional branch of the Russian Peace Foundation, the name of the pilot who died in the line of duty was included on the memorial stele “Heroes of Kursk” (a monument to the Heroes of the USSR and Russia, installed on the Red Square of the city).
  • Filmed about the feat of Viktor Oskin documentary“Flight Trajectory” (directed by G. Kurlaev) as part of the cycle of documentary and journalistic television films “Heirs of Victory” (2006).

A memorial sign was installed at the site of the death of Hero of Russia, Air Force Lieutenant Colonel V.S. Oskin, near the city of Gomel. The text on the sign:

"Lieutenant Colonel Oskin Viktor Semenovich

died heroically while performing a duty assignment"

Lieutenant Colonel Viktor Semyonovich Oskin - senior pilot-instructor of the department for analysis and prevention of flight accidents at the 43rd Center for Combat Training and Retraining of Flight Personnel.

In 1970 he entered the Tambov Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots, from which he graduated in 1974 with a gold medal. Received an appointment to the 184th Guards Poltava-Berlin Red Banner Bomber Regiment of the 13th Bomber Division (Priluki airfield, Chernigov region). Viktor Semenovich was the assistant commander of the Tu-16 bomber. A year and a half later, Oskin was sent to a commander’s course in Dyaghilevo. He continued his service in Bobruisk, in the 200th Guards Heavy Bomber Regiment as commander of the Tu-16.

In Machulishchi he underwent retraining on the Tu-22. Then he continued his service in Zyabrovka near Gomel in the 290th separate long-range reconnaissance regiment. Here he was awarded the rank of captain ahead of schedule, and here he rose through the ranks: from detachment commander to deputy regiment commander. In 1985 he graduated from the Yu.A. Gagarin Air Force Academy.

Since 1990, he served as head of a department at the 43rd Center for Combat Training and Retraining of Flight Personnel at the Dyagilevo airfield (Ryazan).

On July 24, 1992, Lieutenant Colonel Oskin had to take a control flight in a circle on a Tu-22U aircraft from the squadron commander, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Stepchenkov, who had returned from vacation. The flight took place from the airfield of the Zyabrovsky Aviation Training Center.

At 17 hours 01 minutes 28 seconds the plane tilted to the right side. The emergency display showed “fire of the left engine”, “fire of the rear tanks”. And below are the residential areas of the Novobelitsky district of the city of Gomel. The commander turned off the left engine. But it turned out that the right one was on fire, and the alarm wiring was also damaged, which gave incorrect information. For another 49 seconds it was not known that the right engine was on fire.

At 17 hours 02 minutes 44 seconds Oskin turns the plane away from Gomel. At the fourth minute, the pilot concluded that both engines had turned off.

Oskin gave the crew the command to eject. He himself tried to take the plane as far as possible from the residential areas of the city and the oil storage facility located in the area of ​​the possible crash.

Viktor Semyonovich ejected only when he was convinced that the uncontrollable car would fall in a deserted place, but there was no longer enough height to open the parachute. The pilot died when he hit the ground.

) - army pilot, lieutenant colonel, one of the first in (Golden Star No. 10) and the first in the history of Russian Long-Range Aviation awarded the title (Presidential Decree of the year No. 1567).

Born in the village. Uspeno-Raevka, Kostorensky district. He graduated from the Tambov Higher Military Pilot School, receiving a diploma with honors, being awarded a Gold Medal and having his name included on the marble plaque of gold medalists. He served as assistant commander of a TU-16 bomber in the 184th Guards Poltava-Berlin Red Banner Bomber Regiment of the 13th Bomber Division, which was based in the Ukrainian. Then - to his commanders in the 200th Guards Bomber Regiment in. Since the year - in various positions in the 290th separate distant reconnaissance regiment at the Zyabrovka airfield under. Graduated from the Air Force Academy named after.

The title was awarded posthumously for heroism and courage shown during an emergency in flight on a TUYU-22U rocket carrier aircraft, when Oskin, at the cost of his life, prevented the plane from falling on the city. served as an instructor during the check flight for a year. The flight took off from the airfield in Zyabrovka. At 17:02 a fire started in the left engine, then in the fuel tanks. At this time, the plane was already over the southern region - Novobelitsa. Oskin begins to turn the plane away from the city, during which the right engine also caught fire. Having ordered the crew to eject, Oskin took the plane away from the city and the oil storage facility located in the area of ​​possible fall. He himself ejected when he was completely convinced that the plane would fall in a deserted place. But the plane had already lost the minimum required altitude to open the parachute, so Viktor Oskin died.

A documentary film “Flight Trajectory” (directed by G. Kurlaev) was shot about Oskin’s feat as part of the cycle of documentary and journalistic television films “Heirs of Victory” ().

For the first time, I learned in detail about the heroic step towards immortality of the ace pilot from the Zyabrovsky air regiment, Viktor Oskin, at the Gomel Center for Advanced Training of Managers and Specialists, in the Novobelitsky district of the city. Twice a year - on the birthday and day of death of the hero - lessons of courage are held here, and the film “Flight Trajectory” is shown, commissioned by the Union State TV channel by the Moscow studio “Golden Ribbon”.

Path to Heaven

The director of the center, Nikolai Morozko, emphasizes: the Tu-22 flew over their buildings on that fateful day. It is not difficult to imagine what would have happened if the pilot had not taken the 65-ton vehicle away from Novobelitsa. A museum corner has been created in honor of Hero of Russia Viktor Oskin. Major General of Aviation, Deputy Chairman of the regional veterans' organization, Honored Military Pilot of the USSR Valery Shukshin and other veterans of the Zyabrovsky regiment speak to the center's listeners. From the Zyabrovsky veterans I learned the chronology of the flight.

...From a recording of conversations between the Tu-22U crew, which was recorded by an on-board tape recorder on July 24, 1992. 17 hours 03 minutes 23 seconds, Oskin’s voice: “Come on, come on, leave.” Major Nikolai Ivanov ejected from a height of 450 meters and landed on the road near a railway crossing. At an altitude of 400 meters, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Stepchenkov left the plane. Viktor Oskin ejected just 320 meters from the ground. 30 meters of height were not enough... Victor himself made his choice, stepping into immortality. The plane crashed just meters from the aviators' oil depot in Lisichki.

Talking about this feat, “Gomel Prauda” wrote on July 30, 1992: “Every now and then, seconds grew. I grow up as a crew commander. He knows what's going on. He knows that the acreage is instructive, there are yashche and the highest judges - the summation of the chalavek.”

Oskin was the first in the history of Russian long-range aviation to be awarded the title of Hero of Russia. He was not even forty years old.

Vitya Oskin is a Kurdish resident, a native of the village of Uspeno-Raevka, Kastorensky district. Left without a father at an early age, he was brought up in a boarding school. At that time, he was very attracted to books about aviators and participants in the Great Patriotic War. I've probably read about the Twice Hero Soviet Union Georgiy Mylnikov from the neighboring Kursk village of Yegoryevka, dreamed of heaven.

After graduating from ten years of school, Vitya was accepted as a cadet at the Tambov Higher Military Pilot School named after Marina Raskova. Oskin's surname is inscribed in gold letters on the marble plaque of the gold medalists. The graduate was assigned to the Ukrainian city of Priluki in the Chernigov region - the elite 184th Guards Poltava-Berlin Red Banner Bomber Regiment of the 13th Bomber Division was based there. Viktor Semenovich was the assistant commander of the Tu-16 heavy bomber. A year and a half later, Oskin was sent to a commander’s course in Dyaghilevo.

And then a Belarusian page begins in Victor’s biography: service in Bobruisk, in the 200th Guards Heavy Bomber Regiment. To master the Tu-22 supersonic vehicle, Oskin undergoes retraining in Machulishchi, and then in Zyabrovka near Gomel in the 290th separate long-range reconnaissance regiment. Here he was awarded the rank of captain ahead of schedule, and here he rose through the ranks: from detachment commander to deputy regiment commander. Viktor Oskin returned to Zyabrovka after graduating from the Yuri Gagarin Air Force Academy. The Tu-22 aircraft, produced by the Kazan Aviation Plant, nicknamed “Awl” by the pilots, flew almost 1,200 hours without accidents. Although the car was by no means ideal. According to statistics, almost every fifth one either had an accident or ended the flight with a serious breakdown. As veteran aviators of the Zyabrovsky air regiment told me, serial production of the Tu-22 began even before the completion of testing of the aircraft. And in Zyabrovka, 7 accidents occurred on Tu-22R and Tu-22U, killing 14 pilots. Only in three cases did the crews survive.

The older generation remembers the sounds of Zyabrovsky reconnaissance aircraft in the skies over Gomel. Then, after the collapse of a single country, they controlled the situation in the Baltic and the North, and flew to the Kola Peninsula. The flights of the pilots of the Zyabrovsky air regiment gave confidence that NATO aces would not patrol the Belarusian sky. Bow to all of you, the dead and the living, veterans of Zyabrovka!

The Tu-22 could carry up to 12 tons of bombs, conduct round-the-clock reconnaissance, and refuel in the air. Already during operation, the aircraft was modified. The 47th flight personnel retraining center was also stationed in Zyabrovka.

In November 1990, Lieutenant Colonel Viktor Oskin was appointed senior pilot-instructor of the flight accident analysis and prevention department at the 43rd center in Dyagilevo. I had 14 Zyabrovo flying years behind me. Victor had to leave at the wrong time for his family. But he could come to the air regiment as an inspector, and sometimes on weekends.

On that fateful Friday

On July 24, 1992, Victor had to make only one flight, since at eight in the evening he was leaving for Diaghilevo. On Monday, July 28, vacation began. Oskin definitely knew about the next order: he was again transferred to Zyabrovka, to the aviation training center. It was July heat, so the flight was planned for the second shift, from 17.00. It was led by Victor’s classmate at the Tambov School, Mikhail Izmyatinsky. Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Stepchenkov was supposed to fly with Oskin to perform one of the exercises of the long-range aviation combat training course - he had just returned from vacation, and he was supposed to perform a control flight. 25 minutes were allotted for the exercise in the air. All pilots, including the squadron navigator, Major Nikolai Ivanov, are first class.

Plane No. 30, on which they took off, had been in operation for 28 years and had undergone four major overhauls. The car, whose engines were also overhauled about a dozen times, was filled with 18 tons of kerosene, 35 liters of gasoline, 144 liters of oil and 202 liters of “sword” - an alcohol-water mixture. The flight course is towards Gomel.

At 17 hours 01 minutes 28 seconds the plane tilted to the right side. The emergency display showed “fire of the left engine”, “fire of the rear tanks”. And below are the residential areas of Novobelitsa. The commander turned off the left engine. But it turned out that the right one was on fire, and the alarm wiring was also damaged, which gave incorrect information. For another 49 seconds it was not known that the right engine was on fire.

At 17 hours 02 minutes 44 seconds Oskin turns the plane away from Gomel. At the fourth minute, the pilot concluded that both engines had turned off. Navigator Stepchenkov responded with the command: “The crew should eject.” But Oskin stops: “Just a minute, I’ll show you where to leave.” He knew this area very well: there was a holiday village ahead, railroad station Chanterelles and fuel base. The earth was getting closer. Stepchenkov called more and more insistently: “Semenych, eject...” But on 03/17/23 Oskin commanded him: “Come on, come on, leave...”

Many people saw a plane falling a few meters from the oil depot. Some mistook him for a passenger, and therefore several ambulances arrived at the scene of the tragedy, as well as the ground rescue team of Major Sergei Glotov. Victor was lying next to the birch tree. His jet-black hair turned gray in seconds of falling...

Come and bow

All the vicissitudes of this tragedy, which claimed the life of the pilot Oskin, once again replayed in my memory in the forest not far from the Lisichki station. Together with the Zyabrovsky veteran, former intelligence officer of the “Glorious” detachment, Alexei Pimanov, we circled in search of the place of death of the man who saved the entire microdistrict of Gomel and its inhabitants. Aleksey Ivanovich took schoolchildren on excursions here four years ago and volunteered to take us there. But in four years, a lot of water has passed under the bridge, and for an experienced scout the places have become not entirely recognizable. We meandered through the forest for several hours, feeling offended for the Hero of Russia. Viktor Oskin, at the cost of his own life, saved countless Gomel residents from death. So why, next to such a busy railway, even after 20 years, is there no regular sign indicating the direction of travel to the site of the plane crash? Gomel resident Lyubov Bogoyatova, who was collecting medicinal herbs in the forest, told us about this with pain. It turns out that the woman, being in the village of Pobeda near Gomel on that fateful July day of 1992, saw a burning plane flying, and later visited the crash site more than once. But she couldn't remember exactly where it was.

And the head of the production site of the private enterprise Univest M Neftebaza Lisichki, Ivan Leonenko, helped us in our search, for which we sincerely thank him. Ivan Ivanovich unerringly led to the place where the ace pilot’s flight ended. He also promised that, together with the management and staff of the base, they would take care of updating the inscription on the modest memorial sign and the fence made of metal chains.

In May 2002, Gomel peacekeepers led by Timofey Glushakov, during the next peace march, visited small homeland Victor Oskin.
Meetings with his fellow countrymen became another sign of our memory of the courageous man who saved Gomel from destruction and casualties in peacetime. And this was also an impetus for the proper perpetuation of the memory of the Hero of Russia in his father’s land: on the stele “To the Heroes of Kursk” on Red Square of Kursk, his name is inscribed on one of the marble slabs,” stressed Zyabrovka veteran Valery Shukshin.

In Gomel in secondary school No. 41, as well as in the regional museum military glory stands about Viktor Semenovich have been decorated, they remind young people of true human values.

On the day of the 20th anniversary of the death of Viktor Oskin in the Novobelitsky microdistrict No. 104, a memorial plaque will be unveiled on the street named after him. The decision on this was made by the Gomel City Council back in 1992...


  • 1 Biography
  • 2 Feat
  • 3 Memory
  • Notes


Viktor Semyonovich Oskin(December 1, 1952 - July 24, 1992) - officer of the Russian Army (lieutenant colonel of aviation), first class military pilot, one of the first in Russia (Gold Star medal No. 10) and the first person in the history of Russian Long-Range Aviation to be awarded the title of Hero Russian Federation(Decree of the President of Russia of December 8, 1992 No. 1547).

1. Biography

Born on December 1, 1952 in the village of Ust-Raevka, Oktyabrsky district, Kursk region. He was the fourth child in the family of senior police lieutenant Semyon Yegorovich and Tatyana Kapitonovna Oskin.

In 1974, he graduated with honors from the Tambov Higher Military Pilot School, receiving a diploma along with a gold medal and an honorary inscription of the name on the marble plaque of the school’s medalists. Since 1970, he served in the Armed Forces in various command and administrative positions. Served in Long-Range Aviation - senior assistant commander of the Tu-16 ship of the 184th heavy bomber air regiment of the 13th Guards Bomber Division (Priluki airfield, Chernigov region), commander of the Tu-16 strategic long-range bomber ship (Bobruisk, Belarusian Military District). Then - his commander in the 200th Guards Bomber Regiment in Bobruisk. From 1978 to 1990 - in various positions in the 290th separate reconnaissance air regiment at the Zyabrovka airfield near Gomel. in 1985 he graduated from the Yu. A. Gagarin Air Force Academy. Since 1990, he served as head of the department at the 43rd Center for Combat Training and Retraining of Flight Personnel at the Dyaghilevo airfield.

2. Feat

On July 24, 1992, Lieutenant Colonel Oskin had to carry out the so-called. “Exercise 301” of the Long-Range Aviation combat training course - on a Tu-22U training rocket carrier aircraft it was necessary to take a control flight in a circle from the squadron commander, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Stepchenkov, who had returned from vacation. Viktor Oskin came on board as an instructor, and squadron navigator Major Nikolai Ivanov acted as navigator. The entire crew of the ship are professional first class pilots. The flight took place from the airfield of the Zyabrovsky Aviation Training Center.

The title was awarded posthumously for heroism and courage shown during an in-flight emergency, when Oskin, at the cost of his life, prevented the plane from crashing into the city of Gomel. At 17:02, while flying over the southern outskirts of the city - Novobelitsa - the plane suddenly failed one of the engines and the fuel tanks caught fire. The pilots, realizing the danger of the emergency situation that has arisen, urgently take decisive action in order to take the burning car out of the city. After an attempt to turn the Tu-22U away from the city, the right engine also caught fire, after which Viktor Semyonovich gave the crew the command to eject. The commander himself tried to take the plane in distress as far as possible from the residential areas of the city and the oil storage facility located in the area of ​​the possible crash, in order to prevent the entire nearby area from catching fire. He himself ejected when he was completely convinced that the uncontrollable car would fall in a deserted place. However, he no longer had a chance of salvation: on the Tu-22U, the catapult shoots the pilot’s seat down and to open the parachute, it travels a distance of at least 350 meters. The plane at the time of ejection was already at an altitude of less than 300 meters. The pilot died when he hit the ground. He saved two crew members and dozens of people on the ground from death. A memorial sign has been installed at the site of the Hero’s death today.

He was buried on July 27, 1992 in the “14th kilometer” cemetery on the Alley of Fallen Pilots of the Gomel Region of the Republic of Belarus. On his grave there is an inscription:

Man - stop! Here lies the Hero, who at the cost of his life saved the lives of hundreds of residents of the city of Gomel. Almost his memory of silence for a minute.

3. Memory

  • On September 22, 1992, by decision of the Gomel City Executive Committee, military pilot V.S. Oskin was awarded the title “Honorary Citizen of Gomel (posthumously)” in order to preserve the memory of his feat. One of the streets in the city is named after him (however, the City Executive Committee of the city of Gomel rejected the proposal to rename one of the central streets of the Novobelitsky district (Ilyich Street) in honor of the pilot V. Oskin).
  • On February 23, 2002, through the efforts of honored veterans of Long-Range Aviation, a museum in memory of Viktor Oskin was opened in the Museum of Military and Labor Glory of Novobelitsky Secondary School No. 41 in Gomel, where one of the stands is dedicated to him. In the school museum of the Zyabrovskaya school, a stand dedicated to the heroic feat of the pilot has been created, and personal belongings of the crew are stored.
  • On May 7, 2003, on the initiative of the Kursk regional branch of the Russian Peace Foundation, the name of the pilot who died in the line of duty was included on the memorial stele “Heroes of Kursk” (a monument to the Heroes of the USSR and Russia, installed on the Red Square of the city).
  • A documentary film “Flight Trajectory” (directed by G. Kurlaev) was shot about the feat of Viktor Oskin as part of the cycle of documentary and journalistic television films “Heirs of Victory” (2006).


  1. Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On awarding the title of Hero of the Russian Federation to Lieutenant Colonel V. S. Oskin” - www.pravoteka.ru/pst/1068/533711.html

Oskin, Viktor Semyonovich - www.warheroes.ru/hero/hero.asp?Hero_id=7347 on the “Heroes of the Country” website

This abstract is based on an article from Russian Wikipedia. Synchronization completed 07/12/11 09:23:35
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