Abstracts Statements Story

Nod literacy training in preparatory sentences. Summary of educational activities for teaching literacy (preparatory group)



  • Strengthen children's knowledge of vowel sounds.
  • Strengthen children's ability to determine the presence of a given sound in a word.
  • Introduce children to the new word “articulation”.
  • Continue learning to determine the number of syllables in a word.
  • Attach graphic images of the letters A, O, I, U, E, Y.
  • Teach sound-letter analysis of the word AU.
  • Learn to write a proposal.


  • Develop speech, attention, thinking.
  • Develop visual perception and phonemic hearing.


  • Cultivate friendly relations towards each other, the desire to speak beautifully and correctly.
  • Develop cooperation skills, independence, initiative.

Methodical techniques:

  • Musical accompaniment.
  • Verbal(questions, explanation).
  • Visual(pictures, showing articulation).
  • Game(D/i “Find a pair”, “Find out the sound”, “Find the sound”, “Wonderful bag”).
  • Practical(exercises).
  • Observation children's work, advice.


Demo material: music from the film "Masha and the Bear": "About Traces", Three Wishes", signs-symbols of sounds (sounds), maple leaves with subject pictures, letters, basket, sealed envelopes with letters, colored pencils, large picture with the image toys, a diagram with chips, pictures of Masha and the Bear, a drawn basket with mushrooms, large letters for writing a sentence, emoticons with different emotional moods: joy, thoughtfulness, sadness.

Handout: cards (autumn leaves) with a picture and diagram, a box of letters and syllables, chips for sound-letter analysis, natural and waste material for laying out letters.

Progress of activities:

I.Organizing time.

Guys, we have guests today, let's say hello to the guests. ( children say hello)Are you happy to see them? Show how happy you are to have guests. (smile at guests)

Look at me, let’s repeat the rule of speech with you:

Every day, always, everywhere

In class, in play

That's right, we speak clearly

We're not in a hurry!

II. Motivational game.

Guys, what time of year is it now? (autumn)

What are the signs of autumn? (leaves turn yellow...)

Close your eyes and imagine that you and I are in an autumn forest. (background - sounds of autumn forest)

Autumn in the forest!

Let's go into the autumn forest!

Here are the golden birches making noise

There are mushrooms under the birch trees

They want to jump into the basket!

(at this moment a basket appears)

Open your eyes, look, someone forgot a basket in the forest!

Did you find out who this hero is? Well, of course, this is Masha!

Where do you think Masha was in such a hurry that she left her basket? (children's answers)

Yes, look for Mishka. And Masha was heading towards us, so she left her basket.

Let's see what Masha brought us. (Children go up to the basket and find sounds in it with different articulations)

The sound guys sit so nicely in the basket, help me recognize them. (the teacher and the children examine the sounds and determine by the articulation of their lips which sound)

What helped us recognize the sound guys?

That's right, by the position of the lips. And in another way, guys, it’s called ARTICULATION. A new word for you, let’s repeat this word together.

This, guys, is the work of the speech organs when pronouncing sounds. Let's remember what organs of speech help us pronounce sounds?

What sounds are these? (vowels) Why? (they can be sung, stretched out, and when pronouncing sounds the air does not meet any obstacles)

What color are the vowels? (in red) That’s why sound guys always wear red shoes!

Well done! (sounds are placed on an easel)

Guys, Masha left “Magic Envelopes” in the basket. Take each envelope and determine by touch what is in them. (if the children do not guess, they can be asked to look through the envelope at the light)

Place the letters to the corresponding sounds. Be careful!

Guys, what is the difference between a letter and a sound? (we hear and pronounce sounds, and we write and see letters)

III. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

1. Game “Find a Pair”

Look how many colorful leaves there are in the forest. Let's collect them in one bouquet. Take one leaf at a time.

And the leaves are unusual, with pictures on the back.

Look carefully at what is drawn in your picture and your neighbor’s picture, and think about what sound this word begins with.

And now we will dance with the leaves to the music, but as soon as the music ends, you must find yourself a couple whose card name begins with the same sound as yours.

Keep the pictures where they can be seen. (children dance with leaves to the music; pairs: watermelon-orange, snail-iron, vegetables-cloud; turkey, popsicle))

Alina and Kirill, what sound unites your couple? Why? (The teacher marks the children who completed the task first and correctly)

Veronica and Nastya, why haven’t you found a partner? (the names of the pictures begin with different sounds)

Guys, why haven’t we come across a picture whose name begins with the sound [s]?

(the sound [ы] occurs only in the middle and at the end of a word)

2. Game “Find the sound”

The breeze brought us more leaves. (on the tables)

What is the name of the natural phenomenon when leaves fall, fly, fly and spin?

Right! This is leaf fall.

The sound players are bored and want to play with you, go to the tables.

(children sit at tables in pairs)

A sound player will play with the guys from this table [o], with another - [e], [and],...[s].

Your pieces of paper contain pictures and diagrams for them. What are we going to do? (children's answers)

What color?

(Monitor the children’s posture. The teacher calls one child to the board: find the sound [and] in the word “toys”, indicate with chips on the diagram the place of the sound in the word)

Let us determine with you whether the word “toys” is long or a short word?

Prove it! What should be done?

Right! Divide a word into parts, or syllables. How many syllables?

(children clap to determine the number of syllables in a word)

Guys, how else can you find out how many syllables are in a word?

I’ll tell you a secret: the number of vowels in a word equals the number of syllables.

What sounds and how many do we hear in the word “toys”?

Well done!

3. Game for developing fine motor skills “Lay out the letter”

Guys, turn over the leaves, what do they feel like?

I suggest you lay out any letter on velvety pieces of paper for Sound Children made from natural and waste material that you see on the table. (on the plate there are buttons, woolen threads, watermelon seeds, pistachio shells, acorn caps, etc.)

IV. Physical education lesson “Rain”.

Guys, let’s go back to the forest with you, maybe we’ll meet Masha and Misha. (Children go out onto the carpet)

Oh, look, it's raining.

Drop one, drop two

(palms to the sides, alternately jumping from foot to foot)

Very slow at first

(the same)

And then, then, then

(arms bend at the elbows)

Everybody run, run, run

(imp with acceleration in place)

We will open our umbrellas

(stop, arms in different directions)

Let's protect ourselves from the rain.

(a view of an “umbrella” is depicted above the head)

V. Sound-letter analysis of the word AU.

Guys, Masha has been walking in the forest for a long time, perhaps she got lost.

What little word can be made from these sounds that will be useful for Masha to be found? (word AU)

Right! This is an AU word.

Let's say this word quietly... and now loudly...

Nobody responds.

Program content.

  1. Improve the ability to compose and analyze sentences.
  2. Improve the ability to divide words into syllables and place stress.
  3. Improve the ability to determine the location of sounds in a word (beginning, middle, end).
  4. Strengthen the ability to come up with words based on a given sound or syllable.
  5. Strengthen the ability to isolate sounds from a word, that is, determine the presence of a sound in a word (whether there is such a sound in a word or not).
  6. To consolidate knowledge about the difference between vowels and consonants.
  7. To consolidate the ability to give the basic characteristics of sounds (a vowel sound, denoted in red, a hard consonant sound, denoted in blue, a soft consonant sound, denoted by a green sound).
  8. Practice sound analysis of words.
  9. Strengthen the ability to master the concepts of “sound”, “syllable”, “word”, “sentence”.
  10. Strengthen the ability to solve puzzles.
  11. Develop phonemic hearing and attention, thinking, memory.
  12. Develop the ability to answer a teacher’s question with a complete answer.
  13. Develop the ability to listen to the teacher and comrades, the desire to work in a team.
  14. Encourage activity and independence.

Materials for the lesson:


  1. "Magic bag" with items.
  2. Poster depicting the land of Fairy Tales.
  3. Items: mushroom, magnet, pencil, spoon.
  4. Picture for writing a story.

5. Cards depicting fairy tale heroes: Dunno, Ivanushka, Ellie, Thumbelina, Little Red Riding Hood, Snow White.

  1. Chips to indicate sounds on the board (red, green, blue).
  2. A picture of a fox.


  1. Counting sticks.
  2. Scheme cards (dividing words into syllables).
  3. Cards with words for puzzles.
  4. Chips for indicating sounds.
  5. Cards with letters.
  6. Simple pencils.

Methodical techniques:

  1. Verbal (questions, explanation).
  2. Visual (pictures, showing articulation).
  3. Game (Di"Guess where the sound was hidden?", " Wonderful bag""Hear the Sound" ) .
  4. Practical (exercises).
  5. Observation of children's work, advice.

I. Organizational moment.

Guys, we have guests today, let's say hello to them. (Children say hello.) Are you happy to see them? Show how happy you are to have guests. (Smile at the guests.)

Well done! It was no accident that they ended up here! Guests want to see what we learned in literacy classes.

Sit back and listen carefully to what happened in one fairyland.

The evil sorceress Bastinda conjured a monstrous hurricane. A wind of terrible force struck the Land of Fairy Tales and picked up fairy-tale heroes and mixed them up. In order for the heroes to return to their fairy tales, you need to complete tasks.

Let's help the fairy-tale heroes?

Then we smiled and went on our way.

II. Main part.

The first fairy tale.

The scarecrow carefully straightened his caftan, shook off the straws and, shuffling his foot on the ground, introduced himself to the girl:


What are you saying! - Didn't understand Little Red Riding Hood.

I say: Scarecrow. That's what they called me: after all, I have to scare the crows. And what is your name?

- Little Red Riding Hood.

Beautiful name! - said the Scarecrow.

Little Red Riding Hood looked at him in surprise. She could not understand how a scarecrow stuffed with straw and with a painted face could walk and talk.

But then Totoshka became indignant and exclaimed indignantly:

Why don't you say hello to me?

Oh, my fault, my fault! – the Scarecrow apologized and firmly shook the dog’s paw. – I have the honor to introduce myself, Scarecrow!

Very nice! And I'm Toto! But close friends are allowed to call me Toto!

What is the name of the fairy tale? (Wizard Emerald City. Alexander Volkov).

What was the name of the girl from this fairy tale? (Ellie.)

- In order for Ellie to get into her fairy tale, we need to complete the task.

Make sentences based on the picture.


(Lay out the completed sentences using counting sticks.)

Spring has come.

The sun is shining brightly.

The snow began to melt.

Vitya and Petya launch boats along the stream.

How many offers?

What is the first sentence, the second...

Which sentence is the longest? (Last thing.)

Let's count how many words there are in it? (Lay out words using counting sticks.)

We completed the task, Ellie can go to her fairy tale.

(Attach a card with a picture of Ellie to the poster.)

2. Second fairy tale.

Where are you going, Ellie,- asks the Wolf.

I go to visit my grandmother and bring her some pies and a pot of butter.

How far does your grandmother live? - asked the Wolf.

Behind the forest, in a house near the mill.

The wolf was very hungry. He decided to eat grandma and then wait Ellie at grandma's house and eat it too.

What was the name of the girl from this fairy tale? (Little Red Riding Hood. Charles Pierrot.)

Now listen to the task:

- We need to show how we can divide words into syllables.

Game "Wonderful bag".

Children go to the board, take an object out of the bag and name it. The word is repeated in syllables and their number is determined. Find the pattern of this word and put emphasis on it. (Mushroom, magnet, pencil, spoon.)

The rest check and lay out the diagram of this word on the table.

Well done, you completed the task. Little Red Riding Hood can go to her fairy tale.(Attach the card with Little Red Riding Hood to the poster.)

3. The third tale.

The next night Snow White Again she slowly made her way to the swallow. The bird had completely come to life, only it was still very weak and barely opened its eyes to look at the girl who stood in front of her with a piece of rotten meat in her hands - she had no other lantern.

Thank you, sweet baby! - said the sick swallow. - I warmed up so nicely. Soon I will be completely recovered and will be out in the sunshine again.

“Oh,” said the girl, “it’s so cold now, it’s snowing!” You better stay in your warm bed, I will look after you.

AND Snow White brought the bird water in a flower petal. The swallow drank and told the girl how she had injured her wing on a thorn bush and therefore could not fly away with the other swallows to warmer lands. How she fell to the ground and... well, she didn’t remember anything else, and she didn’t know how she got here.

A swallow lived here all winter, and Snow White looked after her. Neither the mole nor the field mouse knew anything about this - they didn’t like birds at all.

What is the name of the fairy tale? ("Thumbelina", Hans Christian Andersen.)

What was the name of the girl from this fairy tale? (Thumbelina.)

In order for Thumbelina to get into her fairy tale, we need to complete several tasks.

1) “Guess where the sound was hidden?” [WITH]

Juice, bough, drying, sugar, mask, helmet, braid, dew, drawing, ear, voice, vacuum cleaner, pacifier.

2. “Hear the sound” [U]

Cuckoo, rooster, spider, catfish, snail, beetle, soup, tit.

3. And now another game “Hurry the ball here for me!”

I will give you sounds

You will return my words.

Just think, dear friend,

So that there is sound first.

(Game with a ball - the ball is returned to the teacher with a word starting with a given sound; A - bus, U - snail, etc.)

The tasks have been completed, Thumbelina can go to her fairy tale.(Attach a picture of Thumbelina to the poster.)

4. The fourth tale.

There stood a table covered with a white tablecloth, and on it were seven small plates, each plate had a spoon, and also seven small knives and forks and seven small goblets. There were seven small beds standing against the wall, one next to the other, and they were covered with snow-white blankets. I wanted to Thumbelina eat and drink, and she took a little bit of vegetables and bread from each plate, and drank a drop of wine from each goblet - she did not want to drink everything from one. And since she was very tired, she tried to lie down in bed, but none of them were suitable for her: one was too long, the other was too short, but the seventh turned out to be just right for her, she lay down in it and, surrendering to the mercy of the Lord, fell asleep .

When it was already completely dark, the owners of the hut came, and there were seven gnomes who were mining ore in the mountains. They lit their seven lamps, and when it became light in the hut, they noticed that someone was with them, because not everything was in the same order as it was before.

What is the name of the fairy tale? ("Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs" - Brothers Grimm.)

Who main character this fairy tale? (Snow White.)

In order for us to send Snow White into our fairy tale, we need to do exercises.

Charging the Seven Dwarfs

The first gnome crouched and stood up, (squats)

And the second one suddenly ran (running in place)

The third one circled smoothly (circling to the right)

And the fourth one bent down. (tilts)

The fifth one turned to the right, (turn right)

And the sixth one bent back (bent back)

The seventh dwarf jumped high and long without stopping, (jumping)

Snow White said: “Let’s repeat it all over again!”

The exercises were done well, now we can put Snow White in her fairy tale and move on.(Attach a card with a picture of Snow White to the poster.)

5. The fifth tale.

The sun is high, the well is far away, the heat is oppressive, the sweat is protruding. A goat's hoof is full of water.

Dunno speaks:

Sister Alyonushka, there is no urine: I’ll drink from the hoof!

Don't drink, brother, you'll become a little goat!

Didn't listen Dunno and drank from a goat's hoof.

Got drunk and became a little goat...

What is the name of the fairy tale? ("Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka" Russian folk tale.)

What was the name of the main character of the fairy tale? (Ivanushka.)

In order for Ivanushka to get into his fairy tale, we must analyze the word.

(Children place chips representing sounds on the table.)

What sounds do we call vowels? (We can sing them; the air does not meet any obstacles when pronouncing them.)

What sounds do we call consonants? (When pronouncing which, the air encounters a barrier.)

Guess the riddle. (Picture of a fox.)

Cunning cheat

red head,

Fluffy tail - beauty

Who is this? ... (Fox.)

[l "] - consonant, soft.

[i] – vowel.

[s] - consonant, hard.

[a] - vowel, stressed.

How many vowel sounds are there in a word? (2.)

How many syllables? (2.)

Let's put emphasis. (The stress falls on the second syllable on the vowel [a])

How many sounds are there in total? (4.) How many letters? (4.)

Well done, you completed the task. Ivanushka can go to his fairy tale. (Attach a card with a picture of Ivanushka to the poster.)

6. The sixth tale.

Listen, Gunka, what a trick we came up with! - said Ivanushka. - You, brother, will burst with envy when you find out.

“But I won’t burst,” Gunka answered. - I really need to burst!

You'll burst, you'll burst! - assured him Ivanushka. - Such a thing, brother! You never saw it in a dream.

What is this thing? - Gunka became interested.

Soon we will make an air bubble and go traveling.

What is the name of the fairy tale? ("The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends", Nikolai Nosov.)

What is the name of the main character? (Dunno.)

- In order for Dunno to get into his fairy tale, we must solve puzzles:

Transform the words in the order given.

Replace the first sound in the word with the sound [r]


The puzzles decided, Dunno, to go into his fairy tale(Attach a card with

image of Dunno on the poster.)

III. Conclusion.

So we helped our heroes return to their fairy tales. To do this, I had to complete several tasks there.

Let's remember what we did?

The kind sorceress Stella thanked you for your help and sent you gifts. (Give prizes.)


1. Gerbova V.V., “Speech development in kindergarten: Preparation for school, group. - M.: MOSAIKA-SYNTHESIS, 2016.

2. O.S. Ushakova, E.M. Strunina. "Speech development for 6-7 years: program, guidelines, lesson notes, games and exercises. , - M.: Ventana - Graf, 2009

3. N.V. Elkina, T.I. Tarabarina, "1000 riddles. A popular guide for parents and teachers." - Yaroslavl: "Academy of Development", "Academy K0", 1988

4. Novotvortseva N.V. "Development of children's speech 2. Popular manual for parents and teachers", - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1997.

5. V.V. Volina. "Entertaining ABC: A Book for Teachers", - M.: Enlightenment. 1991

Municipal budget preschool educational institution « Kindergarten general developmental type with priority implementation of activities in the cognitive and speech direction of children’s development No. 63 “Pearl”
Lesson summary for the preparatory school group “Magic Flower”
Prepared by: teacher Talipova A.N. Naberezhnye Chelny. year 2014

Age: pre-school group.
Integration educational areas: social – communicative, cognitive development, speech development, physical development.
1. Teach children to conduct a sound analysis of words, differentiating sounds according to their qualitative characteristics (consonants and vowels)
2. Improve phonemic awareness: learn to isolate a sound in a word, determine its place in a word.
3. Practice writing sentences and the ability to create a sentence outline.
4. Develop the ability to divide words into syllables.
5. Practice graphic representation sound - letter.
1. Develop and strengthen small arm muscles.
2. Develop independence and initiative.
1. Develop the ability to listen carefully and follow the instructions of the teacher.
2. Continue to develop the ability to defend your point of view.
3. Build a sense of camaraderie.
Methodical techniques:
gaming (game - "Flower - seven flowers");
visual (use of pictures);
verbal (reminder, instructions, questions, individual answers from children);
encouragement, lesson analysis.
Demonstration material: a flower with seven petals, an envelope with a letter.
cards with pictures.
Handouts: colored squares (red, blue); cards with numbers 1,2,3,4; cards with unfinished letters.
Organization of children: in a circle, at tables;
Individual work: Continue working with D. Danil on distinguishing sounds by ear and clearly pronouncing them. Develop intonation expressiveness and correct tempo of speech with Hanzai.
Vocabulary work: sentence, word, syllable, sound, letter.
Preliminary work: game for developing auditory attention “Remember, repeat”; making sentences from given words; drawing up diagrams of composed sentences, sound analysis of words.
1. Organizational moment – ​​1 task “Guess the riddle and describe it”
2. Work on the topic of the lesson:
- 2nd task “Guess the riddle and do a sound analysis for the word - the answer”
- Task 3 “Make a proposal based on the picture”
- Task 4 “Where is the sound hidden?”
- Task 5 “Divide the words into syllables and determine their number.”
- 6th task “Complete the letters.”
- 7th task “Catch the sound”.
3. Summary of the lesson.

Educator. Guys, come to me. Tell me what's your mood today?
Children. Good, joyful, cheerful.
Educator. Amazing! Let's hold hands and convey our good mood to each other. (Children stand in a circle).
All the children gathered in a circle.
I am your friend and you are my friend
Let's hold hands tighter
And let's smile at each other.
Educator. Guys, this morning in the group I discovered such a wonderful flower, seven-flowered. And there's a letter pinned to it. I wouldn’t read without you. I suggest you open the envelope and read the letter, in case it is for us. Do you agree?
(The teacher opens the envelope, takes out a letter, reads: “Dear children, you are going to school soon, so you should know and be able to do a lot. I am sending you my magic flower with tasks - riddles. If you cope with all my tasks, this means that you are ready for school. Then I congratulate you in advance. And if some tasks seem very difficult to you, and you find it difficult to complete them, then it doesn’t matter either. You still have time before the start of school and you will have time to study. I wish you good luck! Good luck! Wise Owl.)

Educator. Well, let's try to complete these tasks? (Yes). And at the same time, we will show our guests what we have learned, and we will also find out what else is worth learning before starting school, so that both teachers and parents can be proud of us.
So, which petal will we open first, Danil?
Children's answers.
1 Task “Guess the riddle and describe it”
The puddles are frozen in the yard,
The drifting snow swirls all day long,
The houses became white.
This has come to us... (Winter)
Educator: Well done! Guys, tell me what winter is it like?
Children: white, snow-white, windy, snowy, strong, cold, icy, blizzard, etc.
Educator: You correctly characterized winter and completed the first task of the Wise Owl.
Educator: Now sit down and Milena, which petal with the task will we open?
Task 2 “Guess the riddle and do a sound analysis for the word - guess”
They stood all summer
Winter was expected.
Waited for winter -
We rushed down the mountain.

Educator: Well done, you guessed the riddle. Now let’s do a sound analysis of the word “SUNKY”. To do this, you have blue and red cards on your table.
-What sounds are indicated in blue?
-What sounds are indicated in red?
-How many sounds are in the word “SUNKY”?
-What color is the first card? So, let's proceed to the sound analysis of the word “SUNKY”.
Children perform similar actions with other sounds and lay out in front of them a sound track for the word SANGE. One child works at the blackboard.
Educator: How many sounds are in this word? How many vowels? Do you agree?
-Whoever has the cards in the same order as the children named, raise your hands. Well done! You also completed this task and move on to the next petal. And there the task is:
Task 3 “Make a proposal based on the picture”
Educator: Guys, look at the board. (On the board is the painting “Winter”). Children make up sentences about winter and determine the number of words in the sentence.
There are blank pieces of paper and pencils on your desks. On these pieces of paper you should write down the sentence diagram:
1. Cold winter has come.
2. The children made a beautiful snowman.
(Children write down sentence patterns. Then we check at the board)
Educator: Well done, you completed this task, now let’s do some physical education.
Physical education minute:
We kick top to top
We clap-clap our hands.
We are the eyes of a moment-a-moment
We shrug our shoulders.
One-two, one-two,
It's time for us to get busy!
One here, two there,
Turn around yourself!
One-sit down, two-stand up
Everyone raised their hands up.
Educator. We tear off the next petal. Listen to the task.
4 Task “Where is the sound hidden?”
Guess what, guys?
My difficult riddles.
And then determine
Where does sound live? Tell me.
Educator. You and I must guess the riddles of the Wise Owl and determine where the sound lives in these riddles: at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the word. Ready? Let's get started.
The teacher reads riddles. Children solve riddles.
There's a mountain in the yard,
And in the hut - water. (Snowdrift)

Educator. Where does the sound [r] live in this word?
Children. In the middle of a word.
We sculpted him cleverly.
There are eyes and a carrot nose.
A little warm - he'll cry instantly
And it will melt... (snowman)

Educator. Where does the sound [s] live in this word?
Children. At the beginning of the word.
The sorcerer froze
And lakes and streams.
I breathed cold, and now -
Not water in the stream, but... (ice)

Educator. Where does the sound [l] live in this word?
Children. At the beginning of the word.
You can make a snow ball
It's not difficult at all!
We don't make pies:
To play you need... (snowballs)
Educator. Where does the [S] sound live in this word?
Children. At the beginning of the word.
Educator. Well done, and you all did an excellent job with this task.
We tear off the next petal. And there is such a task.
Task 5 “Divide the words into syllables and determine their number.”

Educator. On your tables there are signs with the numbers 1,2,3,4 Now I will show pictures. Your task is to name the word and determine how many syllables there are in this word. If there is 1 syllable, you raise a sign with the number 1, if there are 2 syllables, you raise a sign with the number 2, and if there are 3 syllables, you raise a sign with the number 3, 4 syllables, with the number 4. Is the task clear? Let's start.
The teacher shows the pictures (sleigh, scarf, hat, snowman, skis, skates, mittens, Christmas tree, Snow Maiden, snowflake) and the children determine the number of syllables and pick up the cards.
Educator. Well done. That's right. We tear it off and read it.
Task 6: “Complete the letters.”
Educator. Open the envelopes, there are cards with half-drawn vowels. Look carefully and complete these letters.
Children complete tasks on cards independently. Each child is offered an individual card.
Educator. Are you done? Fine. Now let's check if you wrote the letters correctly.
Children show cards and name the letter.
Task 7 “Catch the sound”.
Educator: And now, finally, the last petal with the last task remains. Guys, in this task you must catch the sound, i.e. When you hear the sound I, clap your hands.
a) in the sound series: a, o, i, s, i, e, u;
b) in a syllabic series: ra, ti, we, it, li, ko, su, them;
c) in words: tiger, car, doll, window, toy, table, whale, book.
Educator. Well done, guys, you completed all the tasks, and we can safely write about our achievements in a letter to the Wise Owl.
Tell me, did you like our lesson? Which task did you think was the easiest? Which one is the most difficult?

GCD for teaching literacy in a preparatory school group.

"Journey to the land of sounds and letters."


Generalization of the material covered about vowels and consonants sounds and letters.



Strengthen children's knowledge of vowels and consonants, sounds and letters.

Continue learning to determine the number of parts in a word.

Practice sound analysis of words.

Reinforce graphic images of vowels and consonants.

Practice reading using the syllabic table.

Learn to write a proposal.


Develop speech, attention, thinking.

Develop visual perception and phonemic hearing.


Cultivate friendly relations towards each other, the desire to speak beautifully and correctly.

Develop cooperation skills, independence, initiative.

Methodical techniques:

Musical accompaniment.

Verbal (questions, explanation).

Visual (gate, Queen of Knowledge, sun).


Practical (exercises).

Observation of children's work, advice.


Demo material: music, gateway to the country Sound-letter, picture Queen of Knowledge, letters on keys, syllabic table, puzzles (attached at the end of the summary).

Handout: pencils, cards with circles.

Integration with other educational areas.

1.Phys. culture: physical education minute.

2. Health: checking compliance with seating rules at tables.

3. Socialization: cultivate friendly relations towards each other, teach to come to each other’s aid.

4.Labor: assistance in distributing handouts for the lesson, cleaning your place.

5.Cognition: (educational objectives).

6. Communication: develop speech, the desire to speak beautifully, correctly,

Listen carefully to each other and do not interrupt.

I. Organizational moment.

Guys, we have guests today, let's say hello.

Well done! It was no accident that they ended up here! Guests want to see how we prepare to become schoolchildren.Articulation gymnastics

Fat grandchildren came to visit (the children puffed out their cheeks)

They are thin - just skin and bones. (cheeks sucked in)

Grandparents smiled at everyone (wide smile)

They reached out to kiss everyone. (imitation kiss)

In the morning we woke up with a smile on our lips (wide smile)

We brushed our upper teeth. (the tongue moves between the upper lip and teeth)

Right and left, inside and outside,

We are also friends with the lower teeth.

II. Introduction to the topic of the lesson.

Today we will go to the magicalthe country of Sound Letter to the Queen of Knowledge. Secrets, riddles and wonderful transformations await us. But getting there is not so easy: you need to go through difficult tests.

Do you think we can handle it?

1. Game “Guess the letter”

Here we are at the gates of the kingdom.

To open the gate, you need to find the key. To do this, let's solve riddles.


Here are two pillars diagonally,

And between them there is a belt.

Do you know this letter? A?

In front of you is the letter... (A)

Look at the wheel -

And you will see the letter... (O)

So that O doesn't roll away,

I'll nail it firmly to the post.

Oh look what happened:

The result is the letter ... (Y)

What kind of letter is a curl?

Our old friend:

The word "bunny" begins,

Reminds me of the number three. (W)

(children look for keys with letters written on them and put them on the board)

A O Yu W

That's how many keys we found!

But only one can open the gate. To find out which one, look for the “extra” letter.

2. Game “The letter got lost.”

A O Yu W

Why do you think it's redundant? (Z – consonant, other vowels)

Let's sing a vowel song.

Children sing songs: A O U Y E

I am Yo Yu and E

How are vowel sounds pronounced? (they can be sung, stretched out, and when pronouncing sounds the air does not meet any obstacles)

What color are vowels? (red)

How are consonants pronounced?

What color are they indicated by? (blue – hard, green – soft)

Children, what is the difference between a letter and a sound? (we hear and pronounce sounds, and we write and see letters)

So the gates of the kingdom opened.

We are greeted by the Queen of Knowledge.

Look, there are words hidden on the board,(on the cards there is an exclamation mark on the other side of the word) Are you interested in finding out what proverb is hiding? We can open them if we complete certain tasks. Shall we try?

3. Game “Magic Beads”

Let's give a gift to the queen.

What will we give her?

Let's give her magic beads.

Each bead is a sound.

Sound analysis of the word.

The queen really liked the beads, and in return she allows the word to be opened.

4. Game “Divide the words into parts”

Split the word into parts. How many parts?

How many vowels are there in this word?

Division of these words into syllables (grass, sun, sky, leaf, flower, green)

Show pictures. Children name and divide into syllables.

Guys, how do you find out how many parts are in a word?

You completed the task, you can still open the word.

IV. Physical education session “Sunshine”.

This is how the sun rises

Higher, higher, higher

(raise your arms up, pull yourself up)

By night the sun will go down

Below, below, below

(squat down, hands on the floor)

Okay, okay the sun is laughing

And we live happily under the sun.

(clap your hands, smile)

Task 5 “Turn a short word into a long one”

I will say a short word, and you will turn this word into a long one. (For example: cat - cat). You can open the next word.

6. Game “Draw a letter”

You have a circle drawn on your card, turn it into a letter.

(ask who drew which letter, vowel or consonant). We completed the task, open another word.

7. Game "Search the word"

Come up with related words for the word snow.

8. Solving puzzles.

What did we get? (Offers:Masha has a ball and a doll.

And Misha has a basket of mushrooms.)

What does our speech consist of? (Sentences).

A sentence is one or more words that are interconnected in meaning. And at the end of a sentence there is always a period.

And the sentences... (from words)

What are words made of? (from sounds and letters) What proverb did we learn? What other proverbs do you know?

V. Summary of the lesson.

Children, did you like our trip to the country of Sound Letters?

What did we do today?

The Queen of Knowledge is glad that you tried, learned a lot, and gives you a key so that you can open the door to the Camp of Knowledge. You are future first-graders.

Every day, always, everywhere

In class, in play

That's right, we speak clearly

We're not in a hurry!

Summary of GCD in the preparatory group on the topic "Native language"

Description of material: I offer you a direct summary educational activities for children of the preparatory group (6-7 years old) on the topic “Letters of the Russian language”. This material will be useful to teachers of the preparatory group. This summary is educational in nature, aimed at cultivating interest in the native language and developing curiosity in children of the preparatory group.

Summary of direct educational activities of children of the preparatory group on the topic “Native language”.

Integration of educational areas"Cognition", "Communication", "Socialization".
Target: Reveal the level of knowledge of children.
Educational: Improve phonetic hearing and sound analysis skills; practice changing nouns by numbers, selecting words with the opposite meaning.
Educational: Develop clear pronunciation of sounds, fine motor skills; develop attention, memory, logical thinking, observation.
Educational: Cultivate a love for your native language.
Demo material:
“Tree” on which hang cards depicting the letters A, T, L, O, I, P, R, S; pictures for making sentences; sound lines.
Material for sound analysis, chips, plasticine, sheets of cardboard, boards for modeling.
Methodical techniques: Game situation, conversation-dialogue, looking at illustrations; productive activity of children, physical education, summing up.

GCD move

Educator. Children, you and I have been working for a year, learning to pronounce sounds correctly, construct sentences beautifully, and write interesting stories.
We always speak beautifully
Clearly and slowly.
We will definitely remember
Everything you learned in class.
Today we will work and play with this unusual tree.
Not the leaves on it
Not flowers on it. And what? (Letters).
Many of you are already familiar with letters. Each letter on this tree offers us a task.
Lots of trouble with letters
That's the kind of people they are.
Let's start completing their tasks.
The teacher removes one letter from the tree at a time, asks the children if they are familiar with it, and then asks them to complete the task.
The letter a". Offered didactic exercise"Say the opposite."
I name a word, and you choose a word with the opposite meaning.
Big (small), soft (hard), heat (cold), heavy (light), light (dark), lie down (get up), dirty (clean), speak (be silent), good (evil).
Letter "T". A didactic game “Name three words” is offered.
Guys, I name a generalizing concept, and you select three for it suitable words.
Animals (dog, tiger, cat).
Clothes (jacket, shirt, dress).
Plants (tree, flower, bush).
Food products (bread, cookies, sausages).

Transport (truck, tractor, motorcycle).
Letter "O". A didactic game "One - Many" is offered.
Guys, I name the word, and you put it in plural.
Ant(s), car(s), tulip(s), table(s), son(s), cat(s), house(s).
Letter "P". A didactic exercise “How many words” is offered.
- Guys, remember what sentences consist of? (from words) Set aside as many chips as there are words in the sentence.
Spring has come (2 chips).
Sasha draws a red car (4 chips).
Grandfather planted a turnip (3 chips).
Letter "I". The game "Correct the mistake" is offered.
Guys, I will pronounce sentences, and you will find errors.
Flowers are on a vase. (The flowers are in a vase).
A nimble sparrow collects crumbs. (A nimble sparrow collects crumbs).
Pine trees grow in the forest. (A pine tree grows in the forest.)
The stars shine in the black sky. (Stars shine in the black sky).
Letter "C". A didactic exercise “How many syllables” is proposed.
Doll (2 syllables), ball (1 syllable), cubes (3 syllables), car (3 syllables), spinning top (2 syllables).
- What one word can you call all these objects? (Toys)
Guys, let's be little bear cubs in the dense forest. (Dynamic pause with elements of gymnastics for the eyes and onomatopoeia “A bear wanders through the forest”)
A bear wanders through the forest.
He walks from oak to oak. (Waddle “waddle”, slightly bent, “raking with slightly bent arms”).
Finds honey in hollows
And he puts it in his mouth. (Depict how a bear takes out and eats honey).
Licking his paw
Sweet tooth clubfoot. (Imitate how a bear licks its paw, trying to stick out its tongue far and move it from bottom to top).
And the bees fly in,
They buzz, the bear is chased away. (Onomatopoeia: “Zhzhzh.” Move your hand forward and alternately touch index finger nose, cheeks, etc.).
And the bees sting the bear:
Don't eat our honey, you thief! (Move your index finger in front of your face and follow the movement of the finger with your eyes, trying not to turn your head).
Walking along a forest road
The bear goes to his den. (Waddle walking).
Lie down, falls asleep
And he remembers the bees. (Sit down, put your hands under your cheeks).
(I. Lopukhina)
Letter "L". A didactic exercise “Pure Spokesmanship” is proposed.
Lo-lo-lo - it's warm outside.
Li-li-li - the cranes have arrived.
Lu-lu-lu- table stands in the corner.
Ol-ol-ol - we bought salt.
Lu-lu-lu - I love my dear mother.
Letter "R". The exercise “Find the sound” is suggested.
I will read a tongue twister in which one sound will be heard more often than others.
Mice rustle in the hut. (Sound sh)
The snake was bitten by the snake, and you can’t get along with the snake. (sound w)
Red grapes grow on Mount Ararat (r sound).
- Guys, let's figure out how sounds differ from letters? (We see and write letters, and we hear and pronounce sounds).
- Do you remember what sounds there are? (Vowels and consonants).
The vowels stretch out in a smooth song,
They may cry and scream
But they don’t want to whistle and grumble.
And the consonants agree
Rustle, whisper, creak,
Even snort and hiss,
But they can't sing.
Let's look at the sounds that are indicated by letters from our tree. (The didactic exercise “Vowel or Consonant” is suggested). I name the sounds, and you determine whether they are vowels or consonants.
A is a vowel.
T - consonant.
L - consonant.
O - vowel.
I is a vowel.
P - consonant.
R - consonant.
S - consonant.
- Guys, now let’s try to fashion any letter from plasticine using the techniques of direct rolling, bending, joining, smoothing, etc. Once finished, press the letters onto pieces of cardboard.
- You are great! You completed all the tasks and showed good knowledge native language. And there are still many interesting activities ahead that will help you become experts in your native language.