Abstracts Statements Story

Personally oriented technologies in a presentation. Personality-oriented technologies in preschools and schools




Prepared by: senior teacher

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 100"

Frolova S.P.

The main and very important task of a preschool educational institution is to reveal the child’s individuality, help it manifest, develop, settle, gain selectivity and resistance to social influences. Revealing the individuality of each child in the learning process ensures the construction of a person-centered education in modern educational institutions. The purpose of such training is to create a system of psychological and pedagogical conditions that make it possible to work with each child individually, taking into account individual cognitive abilities, needs and interests.

Person-centered technology- this is an educational system where the child is the highest value and is placed at the center of the educational process. Personality-oriented education is based on the well-known principles of humanistic pedagogy: the self-worth of the individual, respect for him, nature-conformity of education, kindness and affection as the main means. In other words, person-centered education is the organization of the educational process on the basis of deep respect for the child’s personality, taking into account the characteristics of his individual development, treating him as a conscious, full participant in the educational process.

Personality-oriented technology:

Evaluation criteria in a person-oriented model of communication with children, which will help the teacher in his relationships with children:

Personally-oriented technology involves close interaction between teacher and child, so my pedagogical activity in relation to children includes showing respect for the personality of each child, friendly attention to him:

I treat children kindly, with a smile, stroke them, hug them: in the morning when meeting, while eating, getting ready for bed, dressing, etc.;

I strive to establish trusting relationships, pay attention to their mood, desires, achievements and failures;

I encourage independence in performing routine procedures, taking into account their individual characteristics (habits, temperament, preference for certain foods);

I am sensitive to initiatives in communication and the need for my support;

I listen to children attentively and respectfully;

Politely and kindly answer questions and requests, discuss problems;

I calm and encourage upset children and strive to help eliminate discomfort;

When talking with children, I choose a position “at eye level” - when communicating with the child, I sit down next to him or take him in my arms;

During the day I communicate not only with the group as a whole, but also with each child individually.

Being close to children, I create conditions for the formation of positive relationships with peers:

By their own behavior they demonstrate a respectful attitude towards all children;

- s introducing the children to each other, I call their names, gently stroke the hand of the child with the hand of the peer, stimulate eye contact, the manifestation of positive emotions, at the same time, without imposing contacts on the children if they shy away from them;

I draw attention to each other’s emotional states, by my own example and suggestions, encouraging children to show sympathy, pity, and a feeling of joy for the other;

When organizing joint emotional, active, object-based games, I help coordinate their actions, take into account each other’s wishes, and act as a benevolent participant in the games;

I strive to resolve conflicts between children in a gentle form, without violence and yelling, by transferring them into positive forms of interaction or switching attention to other activities or objects;

I help them master verbal methods of communication: calling each other by name, formulating their desires, requests, agreeing on the order of actions, thanking for help, etc.

Working with children for a long time, I made it a rule:

Do not limit natural noise in the group (busy activity, play, laughter, free conversation);

I teach them to speak calmly so as not to disturb other children from playing and communicating, using motivational game techniques;

I serve as an example of calm communication: I talk to children in a calm, but not monotonous voice.

I build the educational process in such a way that:

In the course of organized educational activities, I take into account the age capabilities and interests of children;

Organizing educational activities in the form of a joint game;

I organize the game in a joint activity mainly with one child or a small group of children in such a way that every child participates in it;

I teach in a gentle form, without violence: when teaching a child to use a spoon, a comb or start a car, I gently guide his movement with my hand, and then give him the opportunity to perform the action independently, helping him if necessary, but without taking all the initiative;

I respond to any child’s request for joint activities and help, and if it is impossible to implement them, I calmly explain the reason and ask them to wait;

During a joint game or organized educational activity, I find the time and opportunity to address each child by name, show interest in what he is doing, encourage him, and help him cope with a difficult action;

When organizing joint games or organized educational activities, I do not force all children to participate in them: if a child refuses to listen to a fairy tale or watch a play, I allow him to do something else without disturbing the other children;

I organize games for children, trying to interest the child in the plot of the game, to make him want to play;

I try to awaken initiative by involving the child in the game, offering and discussing with him different options for developing the plot, taking into account his desires;

They help to give game characters names and characters, I speak on their behalf, and stimulate the development of dialogue;

I am fascinated by the search for substitute objects, opening up new play opportunities for the child;

I show interest in children’s independent play, express approval, rejoice at the children’s discoveries, original actions and statements;

I help diversify a child’s play unobtrusively, without violating the plan;

By organizing joint games, I help distribute toys, roles, and establish interaction.

By supporting children’s positive sense of self, I help them develop knowledge about themselves:

I give children independence in choosing toys, activities, partners

From time to time I take the child to the mirror to look at body parts

(usually invisible - ears, hairstyle, etc.), I correlate the reflection in the mirror with

corresponding parts of the child’s clothing (look at the picture on


I address the child by name, emphasizing his strengths;

I encourage children to express their feelings and thoughts, talk about events,

participants they were (about their family, friends, preferences, dreams,

experiences, etc.);

I use encouragement and support more often than censure and prohibition; censure refers only to individual actions of the child and is not addressed to him

personalities; failures are played out in a humorous manner so as not to create

baby lacks self-confidence;

I do not resort to physical punishment or other negative

disciplinary methods that offend, frighten or humiliate children; if the child refuses to eat or go to the toilet, I try to gently persuade him to transform unwanted actions into a playful form, and in case of failure, let the baby be alone; if a child expresses obvious disobedience, goes into open conflict, interferes with other children or offends them, I calmly explain to him the reason for the unwanted behavior;

After resolving the conflict, I affectionately hug the baby, talk about my love for him and express confidence that the bad deed will not happen again.

Forming a positive attitude towards peers:

By my own behavior I demonstrate a respectful attitude towards all children;

I draw children’s attention to each other’s emotional states, encourage

manifestations of sympathy and empathy for peers;

I support the emotional comfort of unpopular children in the group, create

conditions for their acceptance by peers;

By organizing joint games, I teach children to coordinate their actions,

take into account each other's wishes;

I am sensitive to children’s complaints, teaching them socially acceptable forms


When interacting with children, they take into account their age and individual characteristics:

During regime procedures, I am tolerant of children’s difficulties: I allow them to act at their own pace, do not focus on the child’s failures, provide him with the necessary help and support, etc.;

When offering children samples of activities, I do not insist on their exact reproduction;

When pointing out children’s mistakes, I do it gently, without humiliating them in front of their peers and without infringing on the child’s dignity;

When monitoring the assimilation of the material, I take into account such characteristics of the child as

embarrassment, shyness, preventing the emergence of negative


I give children the opportunity to choose activities based on their interests:

during a walk, in unregulated activities, in free time

During joint play or organized educational activities

I address the child by name, look him in the eyes, and act interested

and kindly, helping to master a difficult action;

I respond to any child’s request for joint activities, and in the case

if it is impossible to implement them, I calmly explain the reason and ask you to wait;

I support children’s positive sense of self and help them develop knowledge about their capabilities and abilities.

They often use encouragement and support from children rather than reprimand and prohibition;

I censure only the individual actions of the child, but do not address them to

his personality;

When condemning the child’s actions, I offer an example of the desired action or means.

to correct errors;

I celebrate the child’s new achievements in different types activities, please

attention to his new capabilities and abilities: the child’s achievements are not

are not compared with the achievements of other children, but only with his own

(I say: “You jumped so far today, further than yesterday.” “You

I acted badly,” but I don’t say: “You’re a bad boy”;

I intentionally create a situation of success in which the child achieves success: offering the younger child preschool age get the ball into the basket, unobtrusively join in the action, ensuring its success and encouraging its achievement, and for an older child, in case of failure in a difficult task, I offer a simpler activity;

I do not resort to physical punishment or other negative disciplinary practices.

methods that offend, frighten or humiliate children.

I create conditions for the emergence and development of children’s play:

I create conditions for enriching children with impressions that can be used in play: I read books together, listen to CDs, discuss events in the children’s lives, talk about myself and other people, organize excursions, walks, and visits to cultural events;

I draw children’s attention to the content of people’s activities and their relationships, to the phenomena and interrelation of events in living and inanimate nature;

I encourage them to develop a game: I turn to the kids: “Look, the bunny’s leg hurts, let’s treat him,” I suggest older children play a specific game or choose a plot, I encourage them to take a role and give it to a partner, I agree on the rules of the game with older children;

As a direct participant in the game, I offer examples of various game actions: I feed, bathe the doll, involve the kids in the game, show how to build a house.

Each teacher brings something unique and individual to the teaching process. Pedagogical individuality is determined by the level of understanding of the content of the program, the equipment of the pedagogical process, and the conditions in which children find themselves. Therefore, it is believed that each specific technology is considered proprietary.

A fundamentally important aspect in educational technology is the child’s position in the educational educational process, attitude towards the child on the part of adults. When communicating with children, an adult adheres to the position: “Not next to him, not above him, but together!” Its goal is to promote the development of the child as an individual.

Personality-oriented technologies place the child’s personality at the center of the entire system of education and upbringing, providing him with comfortable conditions in the institution in which he is located, conflict-free and safe conditions for his development, and the realization of existing natural potentials. The child’s personality in this technology is not only a subject, but also a priority subject: it is the goal of the educational system, and not a means of achieving any goal.

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1 Kovaleva Irina Viktorovna Pushkova Natalya Aleksandrovna Technology of personality-oriented interaction between a teacher and children. IN last years The educational and educational space is rapidly conquering personality-oriented developmental training and education. Firstly, the dynamic development of Russian society requires the formation of individuality in a person and that he remain himself in society. Secondly, modern programs are mobile and liberated, requiring the teacher to use new approaches and methods. Thirdly, society is in dire need of humanizing relations between children and adults. Preschool age is the period of the initial personality structure. It was during this period that the formation of the main personal qualities. The child’s cognitive and emotional-personal spheres, which are closely interconnected with each other, develop. Only attitude in kindergarten to childhood as a valuable time of life makes children full-fledged people in the future, forms such personal qualities as independence, individuality, responsibility, creativity, communication, which are so necessary in the future beyond childhood. The main task of the kindergarten is to reveal the child’s individuality, help it manifest itself, and resist social interactions. Each teacher must bring something new and individual into the pedagogical process. Pedagogical individuality is determined by the level of program content, the equipment of the pedagogical process, the conditions in which children find themselves, and the use of methods and technologies for educational and educational activities. Personally oriented technology is the embodiment of philosophy, psychology and pedagogy. The focus of the teacher is the unique personality of the child, striving to realize his capabilities, open to the perception of new experiences, capable of making choices in a variety of life situations. Technology is based on explanation, understanding, mutual understanding. The fundamental idea lies in the transition from explanation to cognition, from monologue to dialogue, from control to development and self-control. When considering the essence of a personality-oriented approach in the interaction of a teacher with children, it is necessary to dwell on a number of concepts, the understanding of which, when carrying out pedagogical actions, is the main tool of the teacher’s mental activity.

2 Individuality is the unique identity of each person who carries out his life activities as a subject of development throughout his life. Personality is a constantly changing systemic quality, manifested as a stable set of properties of an individual and characterizing the social essence of a person. Self-actualization is the desire of a person to become what he can be; full use of the person's talents, abilities, and capabilities. Self-expression is the process and result of development, and the manifestation by an individual of his inherent qualities and abilities. The subject is an individual or group with conscious and creative activity and freedom in learning and transforming themselves and surrounding activities. Subjective experience is the experience of life acquired by a child in the specific conditions of a family or educational institution. By the time a child enters school, he is already a subject of the educational process, where he develops and realizes himself. I am a concept - a system of ideas about oneself that is realized and experienced by a person, on the basis of which he builds his life activities, interactions with other people, relationships with himself and others. Choice is the exercise by a person or group of people of the opportunity to choose from a certain population the most preferable option for the manifestation of their activity. Pedagogical support is the activity of teachers to provide prompt assistance to children in solving their individual problems related to physical and mental health, communication, successful progress in education, and self-determination in life. The child needs pedagogical help and support. This keywords in characterizing the technology of person-oriented interaction. The personality-oriented model of education is characterized by ways of interaction between adults and children: - recognition of the rights of the child; - cooperation; - empathy and support; - discussion. The teacher’s task is to assist each child in developing his inner world, giving him additional strength in search of new discoveries in building his own personality. Support is based on the principles: - love the child; - create an environment for development; - identify and direct individual abilities to the development of the child as an individual.

3 Much attention is paid to the formation of spiritual moral ideas and socially acceptable behavior in the process. This technology is aimed at studying and developing personal qualities and their individuality. In my work I use games to establish contact: “Acquaintance”, “Smiles”, “Compliment”. To identify characteristic features I use picture texts for pupils: “Dreams”, “House”, “Tree”, “Man”, etc. Personally-oriented technology offers close interaction between teacher and child. Therefore, pedagogical activities towards children should include showing respect for the personality of each child, a friendly attitude towards him: - treat children kindly with a smile: in the morning when meeting, while preparing for bed, dressing, etc.; - strive to establish a trusting relationship, show attention to mood, desires, achievements and failures; - encourage independence in performing routine tasks, take into account individual characteristics (habits, temperament); - respond sensitively to initiatives in communication and the need for support; - listen to children carefully, with respect; - answer questions and requests politely and kindly, discuss problems; - calm and encourage upset children, strives to help eliminate discomfort; - throughout the day, treat not only the group of children as a whole, but also each child individually. The idea of ​​personality-oriented interaction is the creation by the teacher of conditions for the maximum influence of the educational process on the development of the child’s individuality, the actualization of the subjective experience of children; assisting them in finding and acquiring their individual style and pace of activity, discovering and developing individual cognitive processes and interests. It is important to recognize that the main form of interaction between preschool children and a teacher is their joint activity, which, from the standpoint of personality-oriented interaction, cannot but be a partnership. Preschool age is associated with the child’s need for friendly attention and respect from an adult, in cooperation with him. After all, it is the view of the child as a partner, respect and acceptance of the child’s personality as a partner, cooperation with him, providing a sense of security, relying on his interests, forming the basis of personal culture while preserving the child’s individuality - all these are essential components of personality-oriented interaction. In the process of personality-oriented interaction, the child is given the right to choose. The child is invited to make an informed choice, the teacher helps him to form his own uniqueness.

4 The situation of choice, when constructed correctly, allows you to place the child in the position of a subject of activity and influences the development of his personal qualities (activity, individuality, independence). Distinctive features of the activity are creativity, the improvised nature of the lesson, the playful behavior style of all participants, including the teacher, and the absence of criticism of the result creative work; partnership between teacher and child; atmosphere of emotional uplift. When being around children, it is necessary to create conditions for the formation of positive relationships with peers. Draw attention to each other's emotional states. When organizing joint active, object-based games, help coordinate their actions and take into account each other’s wishes. Strive to resolve conflicts between children in a gentle manner, without shouting, by transferring attention to other activities. The child develops through activity. Activity is the only way of self-realization, self-discovery of a person. The preschooler strives for active activity, and it is important not to let this desire fade away, to promote it further development. One of the technologies aimed at the personal development of a child and his unique individuality is the pedagogical technology for the holistic development of a preschool child as a subject of specific children's activities. This technology is the main one in the implementation of the content of the “Childhood” program. The technology for the holistic development of a child includes: - Construction of a unified socialization process. - Initiating the child’s activity together with the parents. - Construction of the subject of subjective interaction between the teacher and children. - Pedagogical diagnostics. - Implementation of an individually differentiated approach. - Creative design of educational situations. - A method of positive influence. - Creation of comfortable conditions. - Introducing the child to freedom of choice. - Cooperation between teacher and parents. - Organization of the material development environment. - Integration of the educational content of the program. Personality-oriented pedagogy places special demands on the teacher’s personality. The most important among them are: sincerity, a positive concept of the other person, emotionality. Personally oriented technology puts a premium on the entire system preschool education the child’s personality, ensuring comfortable conditions in the preschool institution and family, conflict-free and safe

5 conditions for its development, realization of existing potentials, creation of conditions for personality-oriented interactions with children in a developmental space, allowing the child to show his own activity and realize himself most fully. We can identify three most important integrated personality traits of a teacher, which mainly determine his success in personality-oriented interaction. 1. Social pedagogical orientation - the teacher’s awareness of the need to defend the interests, rights and freedom of the child at all levels of teaching activity. 2. Reflexive abilities that will help the teacher stop, look back, and comprehend what he is doing: “Do no harm!” 3. Methodological culture, a system of knowledge and methods of activity that allow you to competently and consciously organize your activities in the conditions of choosing educational alternatives; One of the important elements of this culture is the teacher’s ability to motivate the activities of his students. Personally oriented technology opposes the authoritarian, soulless approach to the child. An atmosphere of love, care, cooperation, and the creation of conditions for creativity should prevail in the children's team.

6 Department of Education of the Administration of the Stary Oskol City District of the Belgorod Region Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution general developmental kindergarten 45 “Rosinka” Seminar Topic “Modern pedagogical technologies in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education” “Technology of personality-oriented interaction between a teacher and children” Educator: Ushakova T.A. .

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Completed by the teacher:

Zelenkova Diana Yurievna.

2016-2017 academic year.



The main and very important task of a preschool educational institution or school is to reveal the child’s individuality, help it manifest, develop, settle, gain selectivity and resistance to social influences. Revealing the individuality of each child in the learning process ensures the construction of a person-centered education in modern educational institutions. The purpose of such training is to create a system of psychological and pedagogical conditions that make it possible to work with each child individually, taking into account individual cognitive abilities, needs and interests.

Person-centered technology- this is an educational system where the child is the highest value and is placed at the center of the educational process. Personality-oriented education is based on the well-known principles of humanistic pedagogy: the self-worth of the individual, respect for him, nature-conformity of education, kindness and affection as the main means. In other words, person-centered education- this is the organization of the educational process on the basis of deep respect for the child’s personality, taking into account the characteristics of his individual development, treating him as a conscious, full participant in the educational process.

Personality-oriented technology:

Evaluation criteria in a person-oriented model of communication with children, which will help the teacher in his relationships with children:

Personally-oriented technology involves close interaction between teacher and child, therefore my pedagogical activities in relation to children include showing respect for the personality of each child, benevolent attention to him:

I treat children kindly, with a smile, stroke them, hug them: in the morning when meeting, while eating, getting ready for bed, dressing, etc.;

I strive to establish trusting relationships, pay attention to their mood, desires, achievements and failures;

I encourage independence in performing routine procedures, taking into account their individual characteristics (habits, temperament, preference for certain foods);

I am sensitive to initiatives in communication and the need for my support;

I listen to children attentively and respectfully;

Politely and kindly answer questions and requests, discuss problems;

I calm and encourage upset children and strive to help eliminate discomfort;

When talking with children, I choose a position “at eye level” - when communicating with the child, I sit down next to him or take him in my arms;

During the day I communicate not only with the group as a whole, but also with each child individually.

Being around children I create conditions for the formation of positive relationships with peers:

By their own behavior they demonstrate a respectful attitude towards all children;

- s introducing the children to each other, I call their names, gently stroke the hand of the child with the hand of the peer, stimulate eye contact, the manifestation of positive emotions, at the same time, without imposing contacts on the children if they shy away from them;

I draw attention to each other’s emotional states, by my own example and suggestions, encouraging children to show sympathy, pity, and a feeling of joy for the other;

When organizing joint emotional, active, object-based games, I help coordinate their actions, take into account each other’s wishes, and act as a benevolent participant in the games;

I strive to resolve conflicts between children in a gentle form, without violence and yelling, by transferring them into positive forms of interaction or switching attention to other activities or objects;

I help them master verbal methods of communication: calling each other by name, formulating their desires, requests, agreeing on the order of actions, thanking for help, etc.

Working with children for a long time, I made it a rule:

Do not limit natural noise in the group (busy activity, play, laughter, free conversation);

I teach them to speak calmly so as not to disturb other children from playing and communicating, using motivational game techniques;

I serve as an example of calm communication: I talk to children in a calm, but not monotonous voice.

Educational - I build the educational process in such a way that :

In the course of organized educational activities, I take into account the age capabilities and interests of children;

I organize educational activities in the form of a joint game;

I organize the game in a joint activity mainly with one child or a small group of children in such a way that every child participates in it;

I teach in a gentle form, without violence: when teaching a child to use a spoon, a comb or start a car, I gently guide his movement with my hand, and then give him the opportunity to perform the action independently, helping him if necessary, but without taking all the initiative;

I respond to any child’s request for joint activities and help, and if it is impossible to implement them, I calmly explain the reason and ask them to wait;

During a joint game or organized educational activity, I find the time and opportunity to address each child by name, show interest in what he is doing, encourage him, and help him cope with a difficult action;

When organizing joint games or organized educational activities, I do not force all children to participate in them: if a child refuses to listen to a fairy tale or watch a play, I allow him to do something else without disturbing the other children;

I organize games for children, trying to interest the child in the plot of the game, to make him want to play;

I try to awaken initiative by involving the child in the game, offering and discussing with him different options for developing the plot, taking into account his desires;

They help to give game characters names and characters, I speak on their behalf, and stimulate the development of dialogue;

I am fascinated by the search for substitute objects, opening up new play opportunities for the child;

I show interest in children’s independent play, express approval, rejoice at the children’s discoveries, original actions and statements;

I help diversify a child’s play unobtrusively, without violating the plan;

By organizing joint games, I help distribute toys, roles, and establish interaction.

By supporting children’s positive sense of self, I help them develop knowledge about themselves:

I give children independence in choosing toys, activities, partners

From time to time I take the child to the mirror to look at body parts

(usually invisible - ears, hairstyle, etc.), I correlate the reflection in the mirror with

corresponding parts of the child’s clothing (look at the picture on


I address the child by name, emphasizing his strengths;

I encourage children to express their feelings and thoughts, talk about events,

participants they were (about their family, friends, preferences, dreams,

experiences, etc.);

I use encouragement and support more often than censure and prohibition; censure refers only to individual actions of the child and is not addressed to him

personalities; failures are played out in a humorous manner so as not to create

baby lacks self-confidence;

I do not resort to physical punishment or other negative

disciplinary methods that offend, frighten or humiliate children; if the child refuses to eat or go to the toilet, I try to gently persuade him to transform unwanted actions into a playful form, and in case of failure, let the baby be alone; if a child expresses obvious disobedience, goes into open conflict, interferes with other children or offends them, I calmly explain to him the reason for the unwanted behavior;

After resolving the conflict, I affectionately hug the baby, talk about my love for him and express confidence that the bad deed will not happen again.

Forming a positive attitude towards peers:

By my own behavior I demonstrate a respectful attitude towards all children;

I draw children’s attention to each other’s emotional states, encourage

manifestations of sympathy and empathy for peers;

I support the emotional comfort of unpopular children in the group, create

conditions for their acceptance by peers;

By organizing joint games, I teach children to coordinate their actions,

take into account each other's wishes;

I am sensitive to children’s complaints, teaching them socially acceptable forms


When interacting with children, they take into account their age and individual characteristics:

During regime procedures, I am tolerant of children’s difficulties: I allow them to act at their own pace, do not focus on the child’s failures, provide him with the necessary help and support, etc.;

When offering children samples of activities, I do not insist on their exact reproduction;

When pointing out children’s mistakes, I do it gently, without humiliating them in front of their peers and without infringing on the child’s dignity;

When monitoring the assimilation of the material, I take into account such characteristics of the child as

embarrassment, shyness, preventing the emergence of negative


I give children the opportunity to choose activities based on their interests:

during a walk, in unregulated activities, in free time

During joint play or organized educational activities

I address the child by name, look him in the eyes, and act interested

and kindly, helping to master a difficult action;

I respond to any child’s request for joint activities, and in the case

if it is impossible to implement them, I calmly explain the reason and ask you to wait;

I support children’s positive sense of self and help them develop knowledge about their capabilities and abilities.

They often use encouragement and support from children rather than reprimand and prohibition.;

I censure only the individual actions of the child, but do not address them to

his personality;

When condemning the child’s actions, I offer an example of the desired action or means.

to correct errors;

I note the child’s new achievements in various activities, I draw attention to

attention to his new capabilities and abilities: the child’s achievements are not

are not compared with the achievements of other children, but only with his own

(I say: “You jumped so far today, further than yesterday.” “You

I acted badly,” but I don’t say: “You’re a bad boy”;

I intentionally create a situation of success in which the child achieves success: by offering a child of primary preschool age to hit a ball in a basket, they unobtrusively join in the action, ensuring his success and encouraging his achievement, and if an older child fails in a difficult task, I offer a simpler activity ;

I do not resort to physical punishment or other negative disciplinary practices.

methods that offend, frighten or humiliate children.

I create conditions for the emergence and development of children’s play:

I create conditions for enriching children with impressions that can be used in play: I read books together, listen to CDs, discuss events in the children’s lives, talk about myself and other people, organize excursions, walks, and visits to cultural events;

I draw children’s attention to the content of people’s activities and their relationships, to the phenomena and interrelation of events in living and inanimate nature;

I encourage them to develop a game: I turn to the kids: “Look, the bunny’s leg hurts, let’s treat him,” I suggest older children play a specific game or choose a plot, I encourage them to take a role and give it to a partner, I agree on the rules of the game with older children;

As a direct participant in the game, I offer examples of various game actions: I feed, bathe the doll, involve the kids in the game, show how to build a house.

Each teacher brings something unique and individual to the teaching process. Pedagogical individuality is determined by the level of understanding of the content of the program, the equipment of the pedagogical process, and the conditions in which children find themselves. Therefore, it is believed that each specific technology is considered proprietary.

A fundamentally important aspect in pedagogical technology is the child’s position in the educational process, the attitude of adults towards the child. When communicating with children, an adult adheres to the position: “Not next to him, not above him, but together!” Its goal is to promote the development of the child as an individual.

Personality-oriented technologies place the child’s personality at the center of the entire system of education and upbringing, providing him with comfortable conditions in the institution in which he is located, conflict-free and safe conditions for his development, and the realization of existing natural potentials. The child’s personality in this technology is not only a subject, but also a priority subject: it is the goal of the educational system, and not a means of achieving any goal.

Consultation for educators on the topic:

“Technology of person-centered interaction in working with difficult children”

  1. Psychological and pedagogical support for preschool children in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.
  2. Classification of children with problems in the emotional sphere.
  3. Practical recommendations for teachers on interacting with “difficult” children.
  4. The role of teachers of preschool educational institutions in the correction of deviant behavior of preschool children.

Significant changes have taken place in the preschool education system - the Federal State Educational Standard for Education came into force in January 2014.

The standard is based on the principles of humanizing relationships between children and adults, supporting the diversity of childhood, and respect for the child’s personality.

Along with the formation of the humanistic orientation of education, the idea of ​​psychological and pedagogical support for the development of children began to develop. It arose within the framework of the problem of providing effective qualified psychological assistance.

Psychological and pedagogical support should be understood as the interaction of a child and an adult in practical activities aimed at development.

Accompanying a child in the process of preschool education involves the implementation of the following principles:

  • Following the natural development of a child at a given age stage of his life path.
  • Accompaniment is based on those mental personal achievements that the child actually has and constitute his unique baggage
  • personality. The psychological environment does not carry influence and pressure. The position of the teacher allows the child to realistically assess the situation and his own position in kindergarten.
  • The priority of goals, values, development needs of the child’s inner world.

The focus of activities is on creating conditions that allow the child to independently build a system of relationships with the world, people around him and himself, and make personally significant positive life choices.

In accordance with these principles, the position of teachers allows them to be close to the child in difficult, critical periods, and to respond sensitively to problems taking into account changes. Therefore, the main priorities today are personality-oriented interaction between the teacher and the child, acceptance and support of his individuality, interests, needs, care for his emotional well-being, faith in internal strengths and capabilities.

The problem of the emotional-volitional sphere in the development of a preschooler is very relevant today; it is emotional development and education that is the foundation on which the building of the human personality is laid and reconstructed throughout life.

As we grow older, emotions undergo certain changes and develop. The main feature of the correct emotional-volitional development of a child is the increasing ability to control the manifestation of emotions.

Any preschool teacher in his daily practice is constantly faced with the problem of developing the emotional-volitional sphere of preschool children. The teacher must be able to understand various negative manifestations of the child’s behavior. Correctly organized psychological and pedagogical influence of the teacher in the vast majority of cases prevents the appearance of persistent unwanted deviations in behavior and forms collective, socially acceptable relationships in the group.

Violations of the children's emotional sphere manifest themselves much more often and more clearly during periods of so-called age-related crises. Vivid examples of such points of maturation can be crises at the ages of 3-4 and 7 years.

Conventionally, we can distinguish three most pronounced groups of so-called “difficult” children who have problems in the emotional sphere:

  • Aggressive children.
  • Emotionally disinhibited children.
  • Anxious children.

Deviations in children's behavior may be due to the following factors:

  • inconsistency of requirements for the child at home and in kindergarten;
  • violation of the daily routine;
  • excess information received by the child (intellectual overload);
  • the desire of parents to give their child knowledge that is not appropriate for his age;
  • unfavorable situation in the family.
  • frequent visits with the child to crowded places;
  • excessive severity of parents, punishment for the slightest disobedience, fear of the child to do something wrong;
  • decreased physical activity;
  • lack of love and affection from parents, especially mothers.

Based on the technology of person-oriented interaction, we offer specific practical recommendations teachers on how to properly behave with children who have emotional and volitional disorders.

Emergency intervention for aggressive manifestations

In some cases, manifestations of childhood aggression require urgent adult intervention. Emergency intervention is aimed at reducing or avoiding aggressive behavior in tense, conflict situations.

Should I intervene before direct physical action on the part of the attacker? Of course, we must trust the children’s ability to resolve controversial issues themselves. But if you see a threat of a physical attack, you still need to intervene. Distract the aggressor (offer another activity or object on which to vent your anger). If it is no longer possible to distract, place a physical obstacle in his way: remove the child’s threatening hand or hold him by the shoulders with a sharp “No!” If an adult is at a distance, stop by calling.

The following rules of emergency intervention will allow in a conflict

situation to ensure positive conflict resolution.

1. Calm attitude in case of minor aggression.

In cases where children's aggression is not dangerous and understandable, the following positive strategies can be used:

  1. Completely ignoring your child's reactions is a very powerful way to stop unwanted behavior;
  2. Expressing understanding of the child’s feelings (“Of course, you’re offended...”);
    switching attention, offering some task (“Help me, please, arrange the dishes”);
  3. Positive labeling of behavior (“You’re angry because you’re tired”).

Since aggression is natural for people, it is adequate and harmless

an aggressive reaction often does not require outside intervention. Children often use aggression simply to attract attention to them. If a child expresses anger within acceptable limits and for understandable reasons, you need to allow him to react, listen carefully and switch his attention to something else.

2. Focusing on actions (behavior), rather than on the individual.

The technique of objective description of behavior allows us to draw a clear boundary between an act and a personality. After the child has calmed down, it is advisable to discuss his behavior with him. It should be described how he behaved during the manifestation of aggression, what words he said, what actions he performed, without giving any assessment. Critical statements, especially emotional ones, cause irritation and protest, and lead away from solving the problem.

When analyzing a child’s behavior, it is important to limit the discussion to specific facts, only to what happened “here and now”, without remembering past actions. Otherwise, the child will feel resentful and will not be able to critically evaluate his behavior. Instead of the common but ineffective "reading of morality", it is better to show him the negative consequences of his behavior, convincingly demonstrating that aggression is most harmful to himself. It is also very important to point out possible constructive ways of behavior in conflict situation.

One of the important ways to reduce aggression is to establish feedback with the child. The following techniques are used for this:

  • statement of fact (“You are behaving aggressively”);
  • a stating question (“Are you angry?”);
  • revealing the motives for aggressive behavior (“Do you want to offend me?”, “Do you want to demonstrate strength?”);
  • discovering your own feelings in relation to undesirable behavior (“I don’t like it when people talk to me in this tone”, “I get angry when someone shouts loudly at me”);
  • appeal to the rules (“We agreed with you!”).

When giving feedback to a child’s aggressive behavior, an adult must demonstrate at least three qualities: interest, friendliness and firmness . The latter concerns only a specific offense; the child must understand that teachers respect and value him, but are against the way he behaves. Explanations of why “not” should not be long, otherwise they are ineffective. Such a child is unlikely to understand your argument, and, most likely, simply will not hear you.

What to do if an aggressive attack has already occurred? Even if you fail to stop the child, let him know that such behavior is unacceptable. Paying more attention to the offended person, the attacker - negative, and short attention. At the same time, remember that in “peacetime” he should receive your sufficient positive attention. There is no point in forcing an apology at this moment - the little aggressor still does not feel real guilt and repentance.

Should an adult promise the aggressor the same troubles that he caused his victim? (“If you hit a kid on the head with a stick, now you’ll get it from me!”), should offended children be encouraged to respond? The adult himself shows that physical actions are an acceptable way to resolve conflict.

It is worth considering in advance your options for action in such situations; in critical moments there is simply no time for this. What options could these be? Firstly, send the aggressor to the side where the attacker can cool down, and secondly, deprive him of a toy or some kind of privilege. The severity of the deprivation must correspond to the degree of the offense, and the deprivation itself must immediately follow the incident. Otherwise, instead of guilt, the child will feel unfairly disadvantaged, and this will not at all deter him from further aggressive actions.

  1. Control over your own negative emotions.

Teachers need to very carefully control their negative emotions in situations of interaction with aggressive children. When a child exhibits aggressive behavior, it causes strong negative emotions - irritation, anger, resentment, fear or helplessness. Adults need to recognize the normality and naturalness of these negative experiences, understand the nature, strength and duration of the feelings that prevailed over them.

When an adult manages his negative emotions, he does not reinforce the child’s aggressive behavior, maintains a good relationship with him and demonstrates how to interact with an aggressive person.

Learn to celebrate even your child’s small achievements, praise him for concessions, positive reactions and understanding. This is not flattery, it is a way to show the child that being good is nice.

Under no circumstances should you break down, shout or apply pressure - such changes will only aggravate the situation. If you feel a loss of control over yourself, you should take a break and postpone the conversation for a while.

  1. Reduce the tension of the situation.

The main task of an adult faced with child aggression is to reduce the tension of the situation. Typical incorrect actions of an adult that increase tension and aggression are:

demonstration of power (“I am still the teacher here”, “It will be as I say”);

scream, indignation;

  • aggressive postures and gestures: clenched jaws, crossed or clasped hands, talking through clenched teeth;
  • sarcasm, ridicule, ridicule and mockery;
  • negative assessment of the personality of the child, his relatives or friends;
  • use of physical force;
  • drawing strangers into the conflict;
  • unyielding insistence on being right;
  • notations, sermons, "moral readings",
  • punishment or threat of punishment;
  • generalizations such as: “You are all the same”, “You are as always...”, “You never...”;
  • comparing a child with other children is not in his favor;
  • commands, strict requirements, pressure;
  • excuses, bribery, rewards.

Some of these reactions may stop the child in their tracks for a short time, but the possible negative effect of such adult behavior is much more harmful than the aggressive behavior itself.

  1. Discussion of misconduct.

There is no need to analyze behavior at the moment of manifestation of aggression; this should be done only after the situation has been resolved and everyone has calmed down. At the same time, a discussion of the incident must be held as soon as possible. It is better to do this in private, without witnesses, and only then discuss it in a group (and even then not always). It is important to remain calm and objective during the conversation. It is necessary to discuss in detail the negative consequences of aggressive behavior, its destructiveness not only for others, but, above all, for the smallest aggressor. Explanations of why “not” should not be long, otherwise they are ineffective. Such a child is unlikely to understand your argument, and, most likely, simply will not hear you.

    Maintaining a child's positive reputation.

It is very difficult for a child to admit that he is wrong and defeated. The worst thing for him is public condemnation and negative evaluation. Children try to avoid this at all costs, using various mechanisms of protective behavior. Indeed, a bad reputation and a negative label are dangerous: once attached to a child, they become an independent motivating force for his aggressive behavior.

To maintain a positive reputation, it is advisable to:

  • publicly minimize the child’s guilt (“You don’t feel good,” “You didn’t want to offend him”), but in a face-to-face conversation show the truth;
  • do not demand complete obedience, allow the child to fulfill your request in his own way;
  • offer the child a compromise, an agreement with mutual concessions.

Insisting on complete submission (that is, on the child not only immediately doing what you want, but also in the way you want), can provoke a new outburst of aggression.

  1. Demonstration of a model of non-aggressive behavior.

An important condition for developing “controlled aggression” in a child is demonstrating models of non-aggressive behavior. Adults need to behave non-aggressively, and the younger the child is, the more peaceful the adult’s behavior should be in response to children’s aggressive reactions.

The behavior of an adult, which allows one to demonstrate an example of constructive behavior and aimed at reducing tension in a conflict situation, includes the following techniques:

  • non-reflective listening, giving the interlocutor the opportunity to speak. It consists of the ability keep quiet carefully. Both words are important here. To remain silent - because the interlocutor wants to be heard, and is least interested in our comments; carefully - otherwise the person will be offended and communication will be interrupted or turn into a conflict. All you need to do is maintain the flow of your interlocutor’s speech, trying to get him to speak out completely;
  • a pause to allow the child to calm down;
  • instilling calm through non-verbal means;
  • clarifying the situation using leading questions;
  • use of humor;
  • acknowledgment of the child's feelings.

Children quickly adopt non-aggressive behavior patterns. The main condition is the sincerity of the adult.

Children who are brought up in an “idol” type family or in an atmosphere of permissiveness, when they find themselves in a group of peers, can also become aggressive. Encourage these children to admit their own mistakes. Teach them not to blame others. Develop a sense of empathy for others, peers, adults and the living world.

Help your child relieve mental stress, play with him in a noisy game, beat something. And try to avoid stressful situations if the child is almost always aggressive.

Try to solve problems together, in cooperation with your child, but not for him.

There are children whose ability to respond emotionally, empathize, and sympathize with others is impaired. Such a child often gets irritated or, on the contrary, is indifferent, pushes, fights, says offensive words, treats animals rudely, and at the same time it is difficult for him to understand what the other, i.e. offended, bad or hurt.

Try to stimulate humane feelings in such a child: have pity, pet cats and dogs, care for animals; draw the child's attention to the sad, depressed state of another person and stimulate the desire to help.

The child is alive, mobile, active - what's wrong with that? Moreover, he is smart beyond his years, but, nevertheless, you are constantly infuriated by his restlessness, running around, fidgeting, impatience, unintelligible answers.

Any excited child should not be classified as hyperactive. . If a child is full of energy, if it is overflowing, causing the baby to sometimes become stubborn and disobedient, this does not mean that he is hyperactive.

Every child has moments of anger from time to time. And how many children begin to “walk around” in bed when it’s time to sleep, or play around in the store! The fact that a child becomes energetic, giving vent to boredom, is not at all considered a sign of hyperactivity. Perhaps this is temporary. Or the situation just happened that way.

This is where the main difference between a living, active child and a hyperactive one lies.

Hyperactive a child, regardless of the situation, in any conditions - at home, in kindergarten, at a party, in a doctor's office, on the street - will behave the same way: run, move aimlessly, without lingering for long on any, even the most interesting subject. And neither endless requests, nor persuasion, nor bribery will affect him. He just can't stop. It doesn't work for him

a mechanism of self-control, unlike his peers, even the most spoiled and lively. These can be persuaded and punished, in the end. Hyperactive - useless.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder consists of the following features:

  • Usually the child is not able to maintain (focus) attention on details, which is why he makes mistakes when performing any tasks (at school, kindergarten);
  • The child is not able to listen to speech addressed to him, which gives the impression that he generally ignores the words and comments of others;
  • The child does not know how to complete the work being done. It often seems that this is his way of protesting because he doesn't like the job. But the point is that the child is simply not able to learn the rules of work offered to him by the instructions and adhere to them;
  • The child experiences enormous difficulties in the process of organizing his own activities (it doesn’t matter whether to build a house out of cubes or draw);
  • The child avoids tasks that require prolonged mental stress;
  • The child often loses his things, items needed in kindergarten and at home;
  • The child is easily distracted by extraneous stimuli;
  • The child constantly forgets everything;
  • The child is fussy and never sits quietly. You can often see how he moves his hands and feet for no reason, squirms in his chair, and constantly turns around;
  • The child is unable to sit still for a long time, jumps up without permission, walks around the group, etc.;
  • A child’s physical activity, as a rule, does not have a specific goal. He just runs around, spins, climbs, tries to climb somewhere, although sometimes this is far from safe;
  • The child cannot play quiet games, rest, sit quietly and calmly, or do anything specific;
  • The child is always focused on movement;
  • Often talkative;
  • The child often answers questions without thinking, without listening to them to the end, sometimes he simply shouts out the answers;
  • The child has difficulty waiting his turn, regardless of the situation and environment;
  • The child usually disturbs others, interferes in conversations, games, and pesters others.

We can talk about hyperactivity and impulsivity only if at least six of the above symptoms are present and they persist for at least six months.

Many children with hyperactivity have difficulty maintaining quiet time in kindergarten. In this case, you need to sit next to the child, pat him on the head, saying gentle, kind words. Thanks to this, muscle restlessness and emotional tension will decrease. Gradually he will get used to resting at this time of day, he will get up rested and less impulsive. Emotional and tactile contact is very effective when interacting with a hyperactive child.

We can highlight the main points in interaction with a hyperactive child:

  • “do not notice minor pranks, restrain irritation and do not shout at the child, as noise increases excitement;
  • use positive physical contact if necessary: ​​take your hand, pat you on the head, hold you close;
  • during organized activities, place the child closer to you to reduce distractions;
  • provide the opportunity to move around in the process of organized calm activity, carrying out some assignment;
  • praise for every manifestation of restraint, self-control, openly show your delight if the child has completed something.

A child is included in a kindergarten group. He intensely peers at everything that is around him, timidly, almost silently greets and sits awkwardly on the edge of the nearest chair. He seems to be expecting some trouble.

This alarming child. There are a lot of such children in kindergarten, and working with them is no easier, but even more difficult, than with other categories of “problem” children, because both hyperactive and aggressive children are always in full view, while anxious ones try to keep their problems under wraps. to yourself.

They are characterized by excessive anxiety, and sometimes they are afraid not of the event itself, but of its premonition. They often expect the worst. Children feel helpless and are afraid to play new games and start new activities. They have high demands on themselves and are very self-critical. Their level of self-esteem is low, such children really think that

worse than others in everything, that they are the most ugly, stupid, clumsy. They seek encouragement and approval from adults in all matters.

Anxious children are also characterized by somatic problems: abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, spasms in the throat, difficulty shallow breathing, etc.

Working with an anxious child is associated with certain difficulties and, as a rule, takes quite a long time.
Experts recommend working with anxious children in three areas:

  1. Increased self-esteem.
    2. Teaching the child the ability to control himself in specific, most worrying situations.
    3. Relieving muscle tension.

Let's take a closer look at each of these areas.

Increased self-esteem.

Of course, it is impossible to increase a child’s self-esteem in a short time. It is necessary to carry out targeted work every day. Call your child by name, praise him even for minor successes, celebrate them in the presence of other children. However, your praise must be sincere, because children react strongly to falsehood. Moreover, the child must know why he was praised. In any situation you can find a reason to praise your child.

Teaching children the ability to manage their behavior.

As a rule, anxious children do not openly communicate about their problems, and sometimes even hide them. Therefore, if a child tells adults that he is not afraid of anything, this does not mean that his words are true. Most likely, this is a manifestation of anxiety, which the child cannot or does not want to admit.

In this case, it is advisable to involve the child in a joint discussion of the problem. In kindergarten, you can talk to children, sitting in a circle, about their feelings and experiences in situations that worry them.

Relieving muscle tension.

It is advisable to use skin-to-skin games when working with anxious children. Relaxation exercises, deep breathing techniques, yoga, massage and simply rubbing the body are very useful.

How to play with anxious children

In the initial stages of working with an anxious child, you should be guided by the following rules:

  1. Including a child in any new game should take place in stages. Let him first familiarize himself with the rules of the game, watch how other children play it, and only then, when he wants to, become a participant.
    It is necessary to avoid competitive moments and games that take into account the speed of completing a task, for example, such as “Who is faster?”
  2. If you are introducing a new game, then in order for an anxious child not to feel the danger of encountering something unknown, it is better to play it on material that is already familiar to him (pictures, cards). You can use part of the instructions or rules from a game that the child has already played several times.
  3. It is recommended to use games with closed eyes only after long-term work with the child, when he himself decides that he can fulfill this condition.

And finally - shy children. Shyness interferes with the disclosure of personality and its realization, entails unpleasant experiences, develops anxiety, creates fear and an inferiority complex.

Shyness is “read” by external signs: redness of the face, sweating, trembling, increased heart rate, shortness of breath, bent posture, downcast eyes, quiet voice, stiffness of muscles and movements.

The teacher needs to increase the self-esteem of a shy child, starting with praise. Set tasks for your child that he can solve.

At the present stage of reforming the preschool education system, the problem of professional, primarily psychological, competence of preschool teachers educational institutions on the problem of deviant behavior of preschool children is of particular relevance.

The structure of a teacher’s psychological competence consists of three main components: psychological knowledge, psychological and pedagogical skills and professionally important psychological qualities .

Psychological knowledge - knowledge of the mental characteristics of children of different ages, patterns of mental development of a child and a child group, features of the manifestation of aggressiveness in preschool age.

Psychological and pedagogical skills - Gnostic, constructive, organizational, communication skills.

Constructive skills include the ability to plan a child’s activities at all scheduled moments, both for a short and a longer period, to draw up plans, notes, and select factual material in specific areas of knowledge in accordance with the goals and objectives of education and training at each age stage. Constructive skills are the ability to process selected information, present it to children taking into account their age capabilities, the ability to expediently combine parts of classes, plan individual work with children, etc.

With the help of organizational skills, the teacher organizes the activities of children, parents (aimed at enhancing joint efforts in raising children, providing assistance to kindergartens, groups), as well as their own activities. The teacher needs the ability to captivate, activate people (adults and children), quickly and flexibly apply their knowledge and experience in solving practical problems when leading various types of activities, and other skills.

The teaching profession places high demands on the ability to use words as a means of influencing children. The effectiveness of verbal methods is largely determined by the literacy of speech, its accessibility to children's understanding, and emotional expressiveness.

Professionally important psychological qualities - love for children, focus on interpersonal interactions, empathy, observation, propensity for the process and result of educational influence, developed practical mind, creative abilities, emotional stability, socio-psychological readiness for joint activities, tact, etc. The work of a teacher requires the manifestation of emotional stability, restraint, patience, endurance

The proposed recommendations ensure personality-oriented interaction between an adult and a child, creating a special atmosphere that will allow each child to realize himself in various types of activities, contribute to the formation of emotional-volitional processes, promote the harmonious development of personality and the most effective overcoming of possible deviations in the psychophysical development of children.


  1. Weiner M.E. Emotional development of children: age-related characteristics, diagnostics and assessment criteria / M.E. Weiner // Correctional and developmental education. - 2008. - No. 4. - P.64.
  2. Wenger A.L. Psychological counseling and diagnostics / A.L. Wenger. - M.: Genesis, 2001. - Part 1. - 160 s. - Part 2. - 128 s.
  3. Galiguzova L.N. The art of communicating with a child from one to six years old / L.N. Galiguzova, E.O. Smirnova. - M.: ARKTI, 2004. - 160 p.
  4. Gamezo M.V. Developmental and educational psychology: Textbook. allowance / M.V. Gamezo, E.A. Petrova, L.M. Orlova. - M.: Pedagogy, 2003. - 512 p.
  5. Grigorovich L.A. Pedagogy and psychology: Proc. allowance / L.A. Grigorovich, T.D. Martsinkovskaya. - M.: Gardariki, 2003. - 480 p. P.336.
  6. Gromova T.V. Country of Emotions. The technique as a diagnostic and correctional work with the emotional-volitional sphere of the child / T.V. Gromova. - M.: TC "Perspective", 2002. - 48 p.
  7. Danilina T.A. In the world of children's emotions: a manual for practical workers of preschool educational institutions / T.A. Danilina. - M.: Iris-Press Publishing House, 2006. - 160 p.
  8. Krasnoshchekova N.V. Diagnosis and development of the personal sphere of children of senior preschool age. Tests. Games. Exercises / N.V. Krasnoshchekova. - Rostov N/D: Phoenix Publishing House, 2006. - 299 p. P.34-87.

Liya Prokofieva
The use of person-centered technologies in working with preschool children

The use of person-centered technologies in working with preschool children

Many pedagogical technologies for their purposes, content, means and methods used have quite a lot of similarities and for these common features can be classified into several general groups.

A differentiated approach to the upbringing and education of children can be ensured by placing them at the center of the entire educational system child's personality, ensuring comfortable, conflict-free and safe conditions for its development, the realization of its natural potential. The child’s personality in this technology is not just a subject, and the subject is a priority; it is the goal of the entire educational system.

Origins of development personally-oriented pedagogical technologies are contained in the provisions of the Bakhtin-Bibler dialogue concept of culture, where the idea of ​​the universality of dialogue as the basis of human consciousness is substantiated.

In traditional didactic systems, the basis of any pedagogical technology is the explanation, and in personally-oriented education – understanding.

The fundamental idea is to move from explanation to understanding, from monologue to dialogue, from social control to development, from management to self-government. The main focus of the teacher is not on knowledge "subject", but on communication, mutual understanding with children, on them "liberation" for creativity. Creativity and research are the main way a child exists in space personally-oriented education. But the spiritual, physical, and intellectual capabilities of children are still too small to independently cope with the creative tasks of learning and life problems. The child needs understanding and acceptance by the teacher, pedagogical assistance and support. These are the keywords in the description person-oriented technologies.

In modern educational practice of preschool educational institution there are various person-oriented technologies. To such technologies include Pedagogy of cooperation, humane- personal technology. A. Amonashvili and others. We will focus on technologies Pedagogy of cooperation, the basic principles of which are reflected in personal personal approach.

Personal approach to a child is not an individual approach, not individual sessions. Personal approach, according to A. S. Belkin, V. I. Yakovlev, presupposes a deep understanding of the characteristics of the child’s development, his character, personal qualities, reasons for academic failure and behavioral deviations.

Personally- personal approach to education preschoolers, according to V.I. Yakovlev, implies the need for a broad comprehensive the teacher's use of various psychological and pedagogical techniques for each student in the group. I. S. Zimina, A. S. Belkin, E. V. Zakirova, E. E. Novozhilova, V. I. Yakovlev developed the following techniques personally personal approach: "Emotional stroking, emotional enveloping"; "Geisha"; "Arrangement"; "Infection"; "Abstraction. ; "Together"; "Pride", "Present", "The day has passed"

The listed techniques are personally personal approaches can be complemented and combined with each other. Usage them in practice will allow you to effectively implement the tasks of education and training preschoolers.

Techniques: "Arrangement", "Infection", "Present", , "Geisha", "The day has passed"

The teacher draws the children's attention to the character dolls.

V-l: “Guys, we have guests today. This is Vova and Lyuba. Let's say hello to them. Vova and Lyuba also want to make friends with you, so they decided to tell us stories from their lives. Would you like to listen?

The teacher reads a poem by A. Barto to the children “Vovka is a kind soul” And "Needlewoman" and talks about the content.

V-l: “Guys, we said that boys should be fair, noble, and girls should be kind and patient. What other qualities should boys and girls have? Let us put together a box in which we will place those character traits that help boys and girls in life.”

Children take turns naming the qualities inherent in boys or girls. For each new quality, the child receives a flag, which is placed in the box.

V-l: “Look how many qualities you named! Our new friends Vova and Lyuba had no idea that there were so many different qualities that boys and girls possess. Guys, how often do you use these qualities? Please tell me and our guests your stories.”

Children take turns approaching the teacher, telling their stories, sharing with everyone the feelings they experienced when they did a good deed.

V-l: “What great fellows you are! All our boys (lists all the boys by name) real knights (help, protect) and masters of their craft. And all our girls (lists all the girls by name) real craftswomen and needlewomen, little princesses. I am very glad that there were no hooligans or incompetents among you.

Here used psychological and pedagogical techniques "Arrangement", "Geisha", the teacher at the end of the lesson expresses his confidence that there are no hooligans or incompetent children among the children, instills in each child that he is special. Using techniques"Infection" And "The day has passed", the teacher encourages children to remember their actions, stimulating them to comprehend a certain situation, "infects", conveys positive messages to children emotional states which children experience when doing good deeds. Techniques are also used "Present" And "Emotional stroking and enveloping". Even though children are not given gifts, they get the opportunity to understand that each of them is loved, accepted and appreciated here.

Thus, person-oriented technologies are characterized by anthropocentricity, humanistic and psychotherapeutic orientation, which is a necessary condition for the education and upbringing of children.

Innovative educational technologies in preschool educational institutions

A preschool institution today is a complex organism striving for improvement, development, looking for new opportunities, creating the necessary conditions to meet the needs of the child, family, society, providing conditions for creative, professional work of teachers that meets the most modern requirements. The introduction of innovations into the educational process is not a whim, not an indifferent attitude to the creative search for effective forms of working with children, it is a requirement of the time.

The Concept for the Modernization of Preschool Education names the creation of conditions for achieving a new quality of education as the most important area of ​​activity of educational institutions. It largely depends on how effectively innovations are mastered, contributing to qualitative changes in the activities of educational institutions. Currently, almost every preschool institution is included in the scope of innovation activities. When preschools are said to be in developmental mode, this means that they are innovating.

Innovative transformations are becoming systemic. New types, profiles and views have been created preschool institutions, new educational programs that allow for variability in the educational process, focused on the individuality of the child and the needs of his family. Each teaching staff has the right to innovative activities. Since children become the object of any pedagogical initiative, the teaching staff must take on certain obligations in preparing and organizing the innovation.

Then, when there is a need to solve a problem, when a contradiction is created between desire and the actual result, the need for innovation arises. The development of general educational practice contributes to the manifestation of the creative and innovative potential of all employees of the preschool education system. In this situation, professional competence is especially important, which is based on the personal and professional development of teachers and managers.

The Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary defines development as changes that are directed, natural and necessary. Based on the achievements of science and the needs of society, the organizers of innovative activities make the design, launch and support of the process of updating education more effective.

Innovative activity is a special type of pedagogical activity. Innovation (innovation) - in the socio-psychological aspect - the creation and implementation of various types of innovations that generate significant changes in social practice. Consequently, changes in a developing preschool institution do not occur chaotically, but are predicted by the head on the basis of patterns and are aimed at achieving specific goals.

The goals and objectives of innovation are based on a thorough analysis of the current situation in kindergarten, on the one hand, and from forecasts of its development, on the other.

There are various reasons for innovation:

1. The need to actively search for ways to solve existing problems in preschool education.

2. The desire of teaching staff to improve the quality of services provided to the population, to make them more diverse and thereby preserve their kindergartens.

3. Imitation of other preschool institutions, teachers’ intuitive understanding that innovations will improve the activities of the entire team.

4. The desire of recent graduates of pedagogical universities and students of advanced training courses to implement the acquired knowledge.

5. Constant dissatisfaction of individual teachers with the results achieved, a firm intention to improve them.

6. Increasing demands from individual groups of parents.

An analysis of current practice in the activities of preschool institutions operating in an innovative mode revealed a number of problems:

1. Insufficient scientific and methodological support for innovation processes;

2. Lack of consistency and integrity of introduced pedagogical innovations;

3. Regulatory and legal support for innovative activities of preschool institutions;

4. The need to search for fundamentally new forms of interaction between research centers and innovation centers.

Teachers often have a question: where to start innovative activities, what will be its final result? The algorithm of the innovation process is the same as that of any pedagogical activity: 1. Identification of a problematic educational area, putting forward the goal of renewal (attention is drawn, first of all, to the relevance and significance of the problem) 2. Theoretical justification of the innovative idea, search for research methods, monitoring procedures). 3. Conducting an experiment. 4. Identification of deficiencies, determination of ways to eliminate deficiencies. 5. Subsequent testing (summarizing the results, their presentation, dissemination of teaching experience). The position and creative potential of teachers, active participation, are perhaps the most important thing in the introduction of innovative ideas into the activities of preschool educational institutions.

Modern pedagogical technologies in preschool education are aimed at implementing the Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education. A fundamentally important aspect in pedagogical technology is the child’s position in the educational process, the attitude of adults towards the child. Its goal is to promote the development of the child as an individual.

Modern educational technologies being implemented in our preschool educational institution include:

    health-saving technologies;

    technology of project activities;

    research technology;

    information and communication technologies;

    person-oriented technologies;

    teacher portfolio technology;

    gaming technology;

    TRIZ technology;

    Mnemonic technology.

    Health-saving technologies

Goal: to form in preschoolers an idea of ​​the importance of a person’s physical and mental health; develop the ability to protect and improve your health

    to cultivate in preschoolers a culture of preserving and improving their own health;

    develop mental and physical qualities and carry out preventive measures to improve the health of preschool children;

    to teach preschoolers to understand the meaning of a healthy lifestyle and its value and the value of the lives of other people.

Health-saving pedagogical technologies include all aspects of the teacher’s influence on the child’s health at different levels - informational, psychological, bioenergetic.

Medical and preventive ensuring the preservation and enhancement of children's health under the guidance of medical personnel in accordance with sanitary requirements and standards, using medical supplies:

    technologies for organizing health monitoring of preschool children,

    monitoring children's nutrition,

    preventive measures,

    health-preserving environment

Sports and recreation aimed at the physical development and strengthening of the child’s health:

    technologies for the development of physical qualities, hardening, breathing exercises

Ensuring the socio-psychological well-being of the child, ensuring the child’s mental and social health and aimed at ensuring the child’s emotional comfort and positive psychological well-being in the process of communicating with peers and adults in kindergarten and family:

    technologies for psychological and pedagogical support of child development in the pedagogical process of preschool educational institutions

Health preservation and health enrichment for teachers aimed at developing a culture of health for teachers, including a culture of professional health, and developing the need for healthy image life; maintaining and promoting health:

    technology for using outdoor and sports games



    dynamic pauses,


Each group has “Health” centers (stand consultations for parents, card files of outdoor games, sports equipment for children’s independent activities, “Health” folders, which contain information about the individual development of each child in the group).

All this work should be carried out comprehensively, throughout the day and with the participation of a medical worker and teaching staff: teachers, music director, speech therapist teachers, physical education instructor, teacher-psychologist,

Innovative technologies of project activities

Goal: Development and enrichment of social and personal experience through the inclusion of children in the sphere of interpersonal interaction.

Result of using technology

The use of project activities strengthens the cognitive motive and educational motivation of children. During the implementation of the project, learning turns into a process of conscious active search, application of new knowledge, consolidates the skill of using one’s own experience, and improves the ability to solve not only educational, but also educational problems. Children develop missing skills, creativity and communication skills, thereby allowing them to become more successful.

Research technology

The goal of research activities in our kindergarten: to form in preschoolers basic key competencies and the ability to have a research type of thinking.

    cultivate the need to study the world through design and research activities;

    develop creative activity of cognitive processes;

    learn to solve research problems using new innovative methods and tools.

    Methods and techniques for organizing experimental research activities:

    heuristic conversations;

    raising and solving problematic issues;


    modeling (creating models about changes in inanimate nature);

  • recording the results: observations, experiences, experiments, work activities

    “immersion” in the colors, sounds, smells and images of nature;

    use of artistic words;

    didactic games, game-based educational and creative development situations;

    work assignments, actions.

Information and communication technologies

The relevance, significance and novelty of informatization of the educational process in our information age requires the teacher to use new technologies in the educational process.

Information and communication technologies in preschool education are one of the promising areas of informatization of the educational process. Its prospects lie in improving software and methodological support, material resources, as well as mandatory advanced training for teachers.

The use of information and communication technologies in preschool education gives the teacher the opportunity to quickly combine a variety of means that promote a deeper and more conscious assimilation of the material being studied and saturate it with information.

Information and computer technologies are used quite actively in the educational process. The use of computer technology makes it possible to make the educational process attractive and truly modern, expands the possibilities of presenting educational information, and helps to strengthen the child’s motivation. The use of information and communication technologies (color, graphics, sound, modern video equipment) makes it possible to simulate various situations. Game components included in multimedia programs activate the cognitive activity of preschool children and enhance the assimilation of material. The use of a computer in a preschool educational institution is possible and necessary; it helps to increase interest in learning, its effectiveness, and develops the child comprehensively.

The main task of interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family is to increase the pedagogical competence of parents and their activity. When working with parents, information and computer technologies are used in the design of visual materials, during parent meetings, round tables, workshops, master classes, and consultations. The use of information and computer technologies makes it possible to diversify communication and increase the interest of adults in obtaining useful information about raising children.

Information and computer technology makes it possible to successfully solve correctional, educational and educational problems. The use of specialized computer technologies in working with children with general speech development disorders allows one to increase the effectiveness of remedial education and speed up the process of preparing preschoolers for learning to read and write. Activities that are aimed at developing phonemic hearing and perception of children contribute to the effective correction of speech disorders. The introduction of information and computer technology increases the interest of students in classes and helps to form cognitive motivation. In the organization of frontal and subgroup educational activities, multimedia, computer presentations, and speech therapy games are used to develop sound analysis and synthesis based on the visual range, classification of objects, generalization, and exclusion.

Information and computer technology makes it possible to intelligently combine traditional and modern means and methods of teaching, increase children’s interest in the material being studied, increase the quality of correctional work, and significantly facilitate the work of a speech therapist teacher.

The activities of our speech therapists are carried out in the following areas:


    working with tables, lists, reports (creating a database based on diagnostic results; monitoring work; tracking work dynamics; drawing up graphs and diagrams).

2. Prevention, correction of speech disorders, speech development:

    electronic manuals for demonstration on computer equipment, multimedia projector, video and audio equipment;

    special computer games(“Speech development. Learning to speak correctly”, “Games for “Tigers””, “Home speech therapist”, coloring games).

    games - presentations;

    creating your own presentations.

Results of using information and computer technologies in this direction:

    Increasing children's motivation for activities that are difficult for them (by combining movement, sound, animation).

    Improving speech production.

    Expanding the horizons of preschoolers, developing their cognitive processes.

    Increasing the efficiency of children’s learning of material (implements the principle of clarity and accessibility of the material).

    Increasing the speed of memorization (three types of children’s memory are included: visual, auditory, motor).

    Activation and development of higher mental functions, fine motor skills hands

    Implementation of an individual approach in order to determine the choice of individual pace, volume, complexity of the information received and training time (building an individual route)

    The ability to record content and return to it multiple times, which makes it easy to implement the principles of strength and systematicity.

    Absolutely new level implementation of the scientific principle using drawn pictures and videos that allow you to demonstrate real objects, phenomena that cannot be seen in everyday life.

10. Preparing children for a world built on digital technologies.

3. Work with teachers and parents:

Network communication

Use of Internet information resources.

Electronic consultations on the institution’s website.

Use of multimedia presentations.

As a result of use Information and computer technologies when working with parents:

    Exchange information with colleagues using email

    participation in network professional communities, chats, on-line conferences

    Training on distance courses advanced training

    Searching websites for necessary information materials

    Presentations are created in preparation for joint events between teachers and parents.

    Possibility of consulting parents and teachers using the Internet.

As a result of use Information and computer technologies when creating a system of methodological work, teachers have the opportunity to:

    save, edit and access large amounts of information

    Prepare reporting and current documentation in electronic form

    Use the Internet for self-education (finding electronic textbooks, articles on the necessary topics).

    Create, copy, edit, replicate stimulus material for educational activities

    Creating your own email address, blog, page, which makes it possible to disseminate your teaching experience among the teaching community

6. Personally-oriented technology

Personality-oriented technologies place at the center of the entire system of educational work of our kindergarten:

    ensuring comfortable conditions in the family and preschool educational institution,

    conflict-free and safe conditions for its development,

    implementation of existing natural potentials.

Within the framework of person-oriented technologies, independent areas are distinguished:

    Humane-personal technologies, distinguished by their humanistic essence, psychological and therapeutic orientation in providing assistance to a child with poor health, during the period of adaptation to the conditions of a preschool educational institution..

    Collaboration technology implements the principle of democratization of preschool education, equality in the relationship between teacher and child, partnership in the system of relationships “Adult - child”.

    All participants in the pedagogical process create the conditions for a subject-development environment: they produce manuals, toys, game attributes, and gifts for the holidays.

    Collaborate on a variety of creative activities

As a result of use Personally-oriented technologies teachers have the opportunity to:

    Building an individual educational route for students

The use of various forms of implementation gives positive results:

    Fosters a tolerant attitude towards the child’s personality

    forms the basis of personal culture while preserving the child’s individuality

    Building partnerships between teacher and child

    Increases the child’s level of motivation for educational activities

    Innovative technology "Teacher's Portfolio" Successful teacher

    Possessing modern innovative technologies education,

    having high level education and professional competence

    able to predict its final result

A portfolio allows you to take into account the results achieved by a teacher in a variety of activities and is an alternative form of assessing the professionalism and performance of a teacher. Innovative Gaming Technology

Goal: to increase the importance of the game in the educational process of a preschool educational institution.

    to cultivate basic generally accepted norms of relationships with peers and adults through play activities

    facilitate the implementation modern requirements to organizing play activities with preschoolers

    to form a moral culture of worldview in preschoolers;

    improve acquired gaming skills and abilities in preschoolers to develop gaming activity.

Game technology is built as a holistic education, covering a certain part of the educational process, united by common content, plot, and character. It includes sequentially:

    games and exercises that develop the ability to identify the main, characteristic features objects, compare, contrast them;

    groups of games to generalize objects according to certain characteristics;

    groups of games, during which preschoolers develop the ability to distinguish real from unreal phenomena;

    groups of games that educate the emotional and volitional sphere of a preschooler