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Two stripes on the shoulder straps of the military rank. Location of stars on shoulder straps

Which turned out to be more convenient and practical. Compared to the previous one, it began to look more dignified and respectable. And this is important, because good relationships between people and representatives of law enforcement agencies will depend, among other things, on the positive perception of their appearance, and not just their professional qualities.

The changes also affected police insignia, including shoulder straps. The shoulder straps now have curved stripes, but their meaning has been preserved since Soviet times.

A brief history of insignia on police uniforms

Some historians agree that until the time when armed forces operating on a regular basis were able to appear in our country, military ranks had little difference. Thus, among senior and junior ranks, differences could only be detected in the cut of the uniform and type of weapon.

Some modernization was carried out during the reign of Peter I. The officers of that time began to wear gorgets, which were badges type of scarves with elements of state heraldry. By the beginning of the 19th century, innovations were introduced into the Russian army in the form of uniforms, outwardly similar to the current ones (“tailcoats”).

There was an appearance of headdresses that began to emphasize the difference in military ranks. Little by little, epaulettes began to become common among military fashionistas. The officer's epaulettes were made in the same color as the uniform itself, while the general's epaulettes were distinguished by golden shades.

In the early 20s of the 19th century, the military uniform of Russian soldiers began to be distinguished by the appearance of stars. The presence of one asterisk could mean that the serviceman is a warrant officer, two - a major, three - a lieutenant colonel, four - a staff captain. But the colonel wore epaulettes that had no stars at all. Since 1840, non-commissioned officers began to have something similar to insignia. These were transverse stripes, somewhat similar to sergeant stripes from the times of the Soviet Union.

The appearance of an analogue of the first shoulder straps

Something similar to shoulder straps with stars of more or less modern designs began to appear in Russian state from the middle of the 19th century. Some historians associate their emergence with the introduction of new models of military uniforms, and specifically with the overcoat that is now familiar to us all. Shoulder straps with sewn braid and stars were fixed in the shoulder area on the uniform. The size of all officer shoulder straps, including the highest ranks, was completely the same.

Following the revolution of 1917, stars with shoulder straps, which were perceived by the Bolsheviks as a symbol of tsarism and autocracy, were simply abolished. However, over time, the Soviet military leadership decided to return the historical insignia. Initially, this was expressed in the appearance of sleeve patches, and starting from 1943, shoulder straps.

Shoulder straps and ranks of Russian police officers

The distribution of military ranks and the use of insignia, including shoulder straps, is used not only by the Russian army, but also to determine special ranks by law enforcement and other structures. Due to a certain level of similarity between military and police activities, the placement of stars and other elements on police shoulder straps is similar to that typical for the Russian army.

Stars on the shoulder straps of ordinary police officers in order

On the shoulder straps of ordinary police officers there is a distinctive sign - a button, next to which there is an emblem with the inscription “police”. Police cadets have a distinctive sign with the letter “K” on their shoulder straps.

Shoulder straps and ranks of junior police officers

Shoulder straps worn by junior sergeants, sergeants and senior sergeants have rectangular stripes that are located across the shoulder straps. Two stripes indicate the rank of junior sergeant, three stripes indicate the rank of sergeant, one wide transverse stripe on the shoulder strap is worn by senior sergeants, and the same wide stripe, but located vertically, is worn by foremen.

Shoulder straps and ranks of warrant officers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

The shoulder straps of each ensign are decorated with small stars located vertically. Shoulder straps with two stars are worn by warrant officers, and with three stars - by senior warrant officers.

Shoulder straps and ranks of middle management

On shoulder straps of medium composition there is a vertical red stripe, which is called a clearance, as well as small stars. Junior lieutenants wear one star located on a red stripe, police lieutenants wear two stars on their shoulder straps and a transverse stripe between them, senior lieutenants wear three stars (two are parallel, and the third is on a stripe), senior lieutenants wear four stars (two parallel). and two on the strip) - captains.

Shoulder straps and ranks of senior command personnel

The shoulder straps differ from the shoulder straps of previous employees by two gaps - stripes of red color located vertically along the entire length of the shoulder strap. There are also large size sprockets from one to three. One star in the middle inside the stripes is worn on the shoulder straps of majors. Shoulder straps with two stars located on the stripes themselves, parallel to each other, are worn by lieutenant colonels. Shoulder straps with three stars, two of which are placed parallel on the stripes, one in the middle of the stripes a little in front, are worn by colonels.

Shoulder straps and ranks of senior command staff

General's shoulder straps have large stars located vertically and have no gaps. Major generals wear one star in the middle of their shoulder straps. Lieutenant generals wear two stars, and colonel generals wear three stars. Shoulder straps with one large and three-headed Russian coat of arms are worn only by police generals Russian Federation, which is very rare in this service hierarchy.

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Shoulder straps are shoulder insignia of military rank on a military uniform. Used in almost all modern armies.

Typical shoulder straps are more or less rectangular plates worn on the shoulders with the title of the owner of the shoulder straps indicated on them in one way or another (with stripes, stars and stripes). As a rule, rigid galloon-embroidered shoulder straps with bright stars and badges are worn with the dress uniform, while with the field uniform, more modest cloth shoulder straps without sewing are usually used.

Initially the shoulder straps were purely applied value- they kept the belt of the cartridge bag from slipping. Accordingly, there was only one shoulder strap - on the left shoulder (the cartridge pouch was worn on the right side). It is for this reason that in most of the world's navies shoulder straps are not used, and position or rank is indicated by stripes on the sleeve (sailors did not wear a cartridge pouch).

As in Soviet times, stripes (now curved) and stars still exist on shoulder straps, but the meanings remain the same.

So let's start from the lowest ranks

1. Clean shoulder straps - private. 2. One stripe - corporal. 3. Two stripes - junior sergeant. 4. Three stripes - sergeant. 5. Three stripes together - senior sergeant. 6. One wide stripe along the shoulder strap is a petty officer, and for sailors, a midshipman. 7. One small star on empty shoulder straps - junior warrant officer. 8. Two small stars on clean shoulder straps - ensign. 9. Three small stars on clean shoulder straps - senior warrant officer. 10. There are two stripes on the shoulder straps yellow color thin and one star - junior lieutenant. 11. Exactly the same shoulder straps, but with two stars - lieutenant. 12. Further, the shoulder straps are the same on each stripe with an asterisk and plus one in the middle, together there are three on each - senior lieutenant. 13. Two thin stripes of yellow color and on each shoulder strap 4 stars - captain. 14. On the shoulder straps there are 2 wide (relatively) stripes and a larger star made of yellow metal - major. 15. Two large stars, the same size as a major, are already a senior officer - a lieutenant colonel. 16. Three stars on each shoulder strap - colonel. 17. A star is embroidered on the shoulder straps and stripes on the trousers - Major General. 18. If two large stars are embroidered on the shoulder straps and stripes on the trousers - lieutenant general. 19. Three large stars are embroidered and located along the shoulder strap - Colonel General. But as far as I know, there is currently no rank of marshal in the police.

Insignia of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (epaulettes)

Junior police sergeant

Police Sergeant

If you are interested in how to recognize what rank officers, warrant officers and midshipmen have, if they have three stars on their shoulder straps, then we recommend reading this article.

Ensigns on their everyday uniforms have 13 mm stars, each located vertically side by side, on khaki-colored shoulder straps with two bordering red stripes. On field uniform These stars' clothes are white and there are no bordering stripes. Midshipmen have 13 mm stars on their shoulder straps, each located vertically next to each other on gray-black shoulder straps with two white bordering stripes.

Senior lieutenants have khaki shoulder straps with a red longitudinal stripe. Two 13 mm stars on them are located next to each other on the sides of the strip, and the third is above them, on the strip. Colonels have shoulder straps of a khaki color, with two red longitudinal paints. Two 20 mm stars are located on the stripes, and the third is above them, between the stripes. Colonel Generals have shoulder straps of a protective color, with three bordering red stripes, with 22 mm stars, located vertically in a row.

The differences in the field uniform are that the shoulder straps do not have border stripes. Senior lieutenants and colonels have white stars, while colonel generals have green stars.

Naval officers wear the following shoulder straps. For senior lieutenants, they are gray-black, with a longitudinal yellow stripe. Two 13 mm stars on them are located next to each other on the sides of the strip, and the third is above them on the strip. Captains of the 1st rank have shoulder straps of gray-black color, with two longitudinal yellow stripes. Two 20 mm stars are located on the stripes, and the third is above them, between the stripes. Admirals have gray-black shoulder straps, with two bordering yellow stripes, with 22 mm stars, arranged vertically in a row, with an anchor in the center of each.

    Insignia in the Navy.

    empty shoulder strap - sailor

    one transverse strip (strap) - senior sailor

    two narrow stripes across - foreman of the 2nd article

    three narrow stripes across - foreman of the 1st article

    one wide stripe across - chief petty officer

    one wide longitudinal strip - chief ship's foreman

    two small stars along the shoulder strap - midshipman

    three small stars along the shoulder strap - senior midshipman

    one gap, there is one small star on it - junior lieutenant

    two stars across the shoulder strap - lieutenant

    1 star on a strip, 2 under this across on the sides - senior lieutenant

    two stars on the strip lengthwise, two across them underneath - lieutenant captain

    two gaps, one large star between them - captain of the 3rd rank

    two stars on stripes - captain of the 2nd rank

    three big stars, like senior lieutenant-captain 1st rank

    zigzag fill, one thick star - rear admiral

    two stars along - vice admiral

    three along - admiral

    four along - fleet admiral

    marshal - one large star, painted shoulder straps.

    The only way out for those not liable for military service is to first remember a few shoulder straps and corresponding ranks and then gradually memorize everything. But if in everyday life you rarely meet military personnel or simply people in uniform, then remembering them for the rest of your life is problematic. It’s like education, which without practice is considered invalid after a short period of time. Shoulder straps differ in the number of stars and their location and edging in the form of red stripes, which can be located in the middle, on the sides or absent.

    This is a marshal's shoulder strap

    Army General has 4 stars

    Colonel General has three stars

    Lieutenant General two stars

    Major General gets one star and turns out to be a major lower in rank than a lieutenant

    Colonel's shoulder straps

    Senior Lieutenant

    A lieutenant has two stars and a red stripe in the middle, and a junior lieutenant has one star right on the stripe.

    The rank and file do not have stars on their shoulder straps; they previously had the rank of ensign, but apparently due to large quantity jokes title has been abolished. The rank of ensign appeared in the Soviet Union in 1972, and since 2009 it has been quietly eliminated along with the rank of midshipman.

    And these are tables, you can look at them and choose the most convenient one for yourself, find the differences and learn.

    These are police epaulets.

    The rank of a serviceman can only be determined by his shoulder straps. And it’s not at all difficult to do. First you need to see if there are gaps on the shoulder straps - colored longitudinal stripes. The absence of stripes classifies the rank as an ordinary or junior commanding officer:

    • empty shoulder strap - private,
    • one strip (transverse strip) - corporal,
    • two stripes - junior sergeant,
    • three stripes - sergeant,
    • one big badge - senior sergeant,
    • one continuous stripe over the entire shoulder strap, or stripe located along the shoulder strap - foreman,
    • two stars located along the shoulder strap - ensign,
    • three stars located along the shoulder strap in a row - senior warrant officer.

    If there is one colored stripe along the entire shoulder strap, that is, a gap, then the rank belongs to the middle command staff and we already have an officer:

    • one star in the light - junior lieutenant,
    • two stars - lieutenant,
    • three stars - senior lieutenant,
    • four stars - captain,

    If there are two gaps, then before us are the faces of the senior command staff:

    • one star between the stripes - major,
    • two - lieutenant colonel,
    • three - colonel.

    If there are no gaps and we see large stars, then this is already the highest commanding staff:

    • one star in the middle - major general,
    • two - lieutenant general,
    • three - Colonel General,
    • four - marshal.
  • Lowest rank- private (the chase is empty).

    After him - the corporal (stripe across).

    Then - junior sergeant (two stripes).

    After the junior sergeant comes the sergeant (3 stripes).

    Then - senior sergeant (one stripe but thick).

    After senior sergeant, the officer's rank is sergeant major (Again, one thick stripe, but in this case along the middle of the shoulder strap).

    Then comes the rank - ensign (2 small stars already appear along).

    Then the rank is senior warrant officer (in this case we already have three small stars along again).

    After this comes - junior lieutenant (one * in the middle)

    Then - Lieutenant (2*)

    Now senior officers

    1. Major (1 normal star)
    2. Lieutenant Colonel (2*)
    3. Colonel (***)
    4. General - Major (one Big Star in the middle)
    5. General - Lieutenant (2 stars)
    6. General - Colonel(3 stars)
  • Everyone has the same shoulder straps, but the number of stars is the difference.

    1st rank junior lieutenant

    2nd Lieutenant

    3rd Lieutenant


    1 large major (2 red stripes)

    2 large lieutenant colonel(2 stripes)

    3 large colonels (2 stripes)

    Description of the shoulder straps of a police officer of the Russian Federation.

    A police private, his shoulder straps are empty, as you can see in the pictures!

    junior sergeant, sergeant, senior sergeant

    sergeant major, warrant officer, senior warrant officer

    junior lieutenant, lieutenant, senior lieutenant, captain

    major, lieutenant colonel, colonel

    major general, lieutenant general, colonel general

    I will list only the officer ranks of junior and senior officers of the Russian Navy.

    1 star junior lieutenant (1 lumen, 1 small star)

    2nd lieutenant (1 clearance, 2 small stars)

    3rd lieutenant (1 rank, 3 small stars)

    4-captain - lieutenant (1 rank, 4 small stars)

    1 captain 3rd rank (2 clears, 1 large star)

    2 captain 2nd rank (2 clears, 2 large stars)

    3 captain 1st rank (2 clears, 3 large stars)

    Ground troops


    Junior Sergeant

    Senior Sergeant

    Sergeant Major


    Senior Ensign

    Junior Lieutenant


    Senior Lieutenant

    Lieutenant colonel


    Major General

    Lieutenant General

    Colonel General

    Army General

    The Navy is almost the same

    Ranks in the army, except for the Navy (I'm not strong there).

    Rank and file:

    So the youngest rank is private, an ordinary soldier, they usually depict only the branch of the army and nothing else, i.e. The shoulder straps are completely empty.

    The next title is corporal- during the chase, one stripe appears across - snot.

    Next rank coming sergeant, these are three stripes across.

    U senior sergeant one thick strip across the shoulder strap.

    The rank and file is ending foreman- this is when there is one thick strip along the middle of the shoulder strap.


    If you see two small stars along the shoulder straps, then this title is ensign.

    But if there are three stars, that’s Senior Warrant Officer.

    Junior officers:

    One small star almost in the middle - Ensign.

    Two small stars across - lieutenant.

    Three small stars arranged in a triangle - senior lieutenant.

    When one more asterisk is added from above to the senior lieutenant, this is captain.

    Senior officers:

    One star, not a small one. but not big yet - major.

    Two stars across - lieutenant colonel.

    Three stars arranged in a triangle - Colonel.

    Senior officers:

    One big star - major general.

    Two big stars along the shoulder straps - lieutenant general.

    Three big stars along the shoulder straps - Colonel General.

    One healthy star along with a wreath and a star on top - army General.

    One hefty star on a pentagon and a coat of arms on top - Marshal of the Russian Federation.

    A military man can easily determine his rank by his shoulder straps, because this is the first thing a conscript soldier or sailor needs to remember. But for civilians, the stars on their shoulder straps often mean nothing. However, everything can come in handy in life. Army and Navy soldiers have the same identification marks on their shoulder straps.

    • a soldier and a sailor have neither stripes nor stars
    • for a corporal or senior sailor - 1 stripe
    • junior sergeant (in the navy - senior sergeant of the second class) - 2 stripes
    • a sergeant (first class sergeant major) has 3 stripes
    • A senior sergeant (chief petty officer in the fleet) has 1 wide stripe
    • the petty officer (in the navy, the chief petty officer) has wide and narrow stripes

    Junior officers have stars on their shoulder straps and a red longitudinal stripe that runs across the entire epaulette.

    • The ensign (midshipman) has 3 small stars on his shoulder straps
    • the senior warrant officer (senior midshipman) has 3 small stars
    • for a junior lieutenant - 1 star closer to the center of the shoulder strap
    • the lieutenant has 2 stars across his shoulder strap
    • the senior lieutenant has 3 stars (arranged in the form of a triangle)
    • The captain has 4 stars

    On the shoulder straps of senior officers, the stars are larger and there are two longitudinal stripes.

Military ranks of Russian military personnel and short description their shoulder straps:

Rank and file: Private and corporal (on the field uniform there are shoulder straps without insignia, on the front uniform there are golden letters VS).

NCOs (on their shoulder straps there are insignia - stripes (stripes or corners sewn to the shoulder strap). On full dress uniform- badges with metal letters): junior sergeant; sergeant; staff Sergeant; sergeant major

Junior officers (there is a stripe (clearance) and small stars on the shoulder straps. There are no stripes on the field shoulder straps): junior lieutenant; lieutenant; senior lieutenant; captain.

Senior officers (on the shoulder straps there are two clear stripes and more stars than on the junior officers. There is also no clearing on the field shoulder straps): major; lieutenant colonel; colonel.

Senior officers (there are no gaps on the shoulder straps, there are large vertical stars): major general; Lieutenant General; Colonel General; army General.

Marshal of the Russian Federation (on the shoulder straps there is one very large star and the coat of arms of Russia).

Each serviceman has a military rank. They are divided into two large groups. These are officer and sergeant ranks. Officer ranks mean that a serviceman belongs to command staff. Moreover, each of them can be recognized by their shoulder straps and the number and location of stars.

How to find out your rank by shoulder straps

The non-commissioned officers do not have stars on their epaulets. They are distinguished by the so-called “straps”, that is, stripes of golden color. Ensigns have stars, but there are no stripes on their shoulder straps. This distinguishes the shoulder straps of warrant officers from those of officers. To figure out what military ranks our military personnel wear and how to recognize this by their shoulder straps, you should indicate the main ranks separately:

  • lieutenants have two stars on their shoulder straps. Moreover, they have one red stripe located in the middle of the shoulder strap. The first lieutenant has three stars arranged in a triangle;
  • the captain will have four stars on his shoulder straps. Moreover, two of them are located horizontally on both sides of the red stripe. And two more stars are located vertically along this strip. That is, the captain gets one more star relative to the senior lieutenant;
  • Major has one star. It is already larger, since the senior officer corps begins with the major. At the same time, the major and all subsequent ranks will have two stripes on their shoulder straps;
  • lieutenant colonel. Given military significance assumes the presence of two stars on the shoulder straps;
  • The colonel has three stars on his shoulder straps. They are located like the senior lieutenant. Only the stars themselves are larger and there are two stripes on each shoulder strap.

Thus, belonging to a particular military rank is determined by the number of stars and stripes on the shoulder straps.

What other titles are there?

The highest military rank is the rank of colonel. Then come the ranks of generals. This is a completely separate category of military personnel. At the same time, general ranks are located in a certain hierarchy. First, a serviceman receives the rank of major general, then colonel general, and then lieutenant general.