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Do and Make is the verb to do in English. Meanings of the phrasal verb make Make phrasal verb examples

If we give a conditional classification of the most popular verbs in the English language, one of the most common is the verb make. In addition to set expressions with the verb make, this grammatical unit also has some other distinctive features. Therefore, you should consider in detail how to correctly use this structure in certain cases, describe possible use cases with examples, and also determine what additional characteristics to make has.

Main characteristics

The translation of this verb in its standard form is “to do” and is often similar to another equally popular action word, to do. Perhaps this is why these two designs are often confused.

To make is an irregular verb. Along with many other structures, it is often conjugated in tenses and can be used to express different meanings, both continuous and perfect.

In addition, there are quite a few forms of the phrasal verb make, which is quite often used with various prepositions and acquires completely new meanings, unlike the original translation of this word.

Basic forms

The forms of the verb make are not formed according to the standard principle, since it, like other irregular verbs, changes its appearance with changing tenses.

The conjugation of this action word provides three forms: Indefinite, Past and Perfect. The second form in this case is exactly the same as the third: make – made – made. At the same time, the verb form make has not only a past tense and a perfect form, but also a variant necessary to express duration - making, which, like most verbs, is formed using the ending –ing:

  • You're making a lot of noise, please stop! –You too much strongly making noise, Please, stop!
  • Look, she has made a few mistakes -Look she made some mistakes

These 3 verb forms are used quite actively in the English language, so it is necessary to navigate them, otherwise there is a risk of using the wrong tense.


In sentences, this verb cannot act as an auxiliary verb; therefore, he cannot ask the question on his own and in such a phrase he will appear after the subject:

  • Have you made a list? –You made up list?
  • Did they make a decision then? – Did they make a decision at that time?

Negative sentences

The particle not is a standard element with the help of which negation is formed. Due to the fact that make cannot act as an auxiliary verb, but only as an independent verb, in a negative sentence this particle is added to the auxiliary:

  • Wait, I haven't made a choice yet –Wait, I more Not did choice
  • They didn't make friends though we wanted it –They didn't become friends, although we wanted them to.

Make as modal verb (modal)

Despite the fact that this structure cannot be considered as a full-fledged modal verb, it still has modal features. In particular, this structure is translated as “to force.” If any action is used after it, it will be expressed by an infinitive without the particle to. It can also be followed by an adjective:

  • They made me start once again– They made me start again
  • Joan made me furious –Joan infuriated me

Like phrasal verb (phrasal)

Phrasal verbs are special lexical units, the essence of which is to convey different meanings through the same verbal form. Prepositions play a key role in this case, on which the meaning of this or that action depends.

Make as a Phrasal verb has quite a few meanings. For example, make up for is a phrasal verb that translates as “compensate, compensate.” There are other options:

All of the above features allow us to call it a rather important structure of the English language. It is important not to confuse its use in various constructions with another action verb - do. The use of its phrasal or modal forms is very typical for both spoken and written speech.

Phrasal verb make is as rich in meaning as the other most commonly used ones. There are not many combinations with and, but the number of meanings that can correspond to any one phrase makes this phrasal verb one of the most difficult to learn, since one combination can convey more than 10 completely different meanings. Be careful.

Meanings of the phrasal verb make

Learning the meanings of a phrasal verb make, pay attention to how sometimes very different some of them are from those that are obtained as a result of combining this verb with some adverb or preposition (or both at the same time).

  1. Make after- to set off in pursuit (after) someone; chase.

    The police made after the thief. - The police set off in pursuit of the thief.

  2. Make away / make away with– get rid of someone, finish someone off; run away, sneak away.
    Synonyms for this phrasal verb meaning make is a verb kill and phrase get rid of. When you use the option " make away with oneself / one's life"implies suicide.

    It was decided to make away with him. “It was decided to remove it.”

    Why did this teenager decide to make away with himself? – Why did this teenager decide to commit suicide?

  3. Make for- to head towards, rush at someone; promote, contribute to something.

    She got up and made for the exit. “She stood up and headed towards the exit.

  4. Make into- remake, transform.

    Many flats are being made into offices nowadays. – Today, many apartments are being converted into offices.

  5. Make of– evaluate, comment.

    I don’t know what to make of her behavior. – I don’t know how to evaluate her behavior.

  6. Make off- run away, hide.

    The burglars made off with the jewelry. – The robbers ran away with the jewelry.

  7. Make out– write out (an invoice), draw up (a document), approve, draw a conclusion; give reasons, understand; understand, distinguish; cope with something; hug, kiss.

    How is she making out in her university? How is she coping with her studies at the university?

    We could just make out a farm through the trees. “Through the trees we could only see the farm.

    As far as I can make out, he is a liar. - As far as I understand, he is a liar.

    Could you make out a bill? – Could you write out an invoice?

    She makes out that you offended her. - She claims that you offended her.

    When should I make out this report? – When should I write this report?

  8. Make over- remodel (remake), transfer (money), transfer your property to someone.

    They made the money over to him. - They transferred money to him.

  9. Make up for- compensate, compensate, make up, correct, make amends.

    He sent me a present to make up for his being impolite yesterday. “He sent me a gift to make up for the discourtesy he showed yesterday.”

    I hope this will make up for your trouble. “I hope this will be a worthy compensation for your troubles.”

  10. Make up to- suck up, make amends.

    I'll make it up to you. - I owe you one.

Values: 1) to be part of, constitute; sum up

Synonyms: to constitute, to compose, to put together, to construct

Example: Imagination and fiction make up more than three quarters of our real life. (Simone Weil) USA Today has come out with a new survey - apparently, three out of every four people make up 75% of the population. (David Letterman)

2) prepare, compile, write out (list, certificate), clean (room), make (bed)

Synonyms: to plan, to arrange, to organize; to draw up, to map out, to think ahead; to fix, to finalize, to orchestrate

Example: Let's make up an IT Girl's kit list of essentials. (Marie Claire)

3) use cosmetics, put on makeup, make-up

Example: Beauty is about perception, not about make-up. I think the beginning of all beauty is knowing and liking oneself. You can't make up, or dress yourself, or do you hair with any sort of fun or joy if you"re doing it from a position of correction. (Kevyn Aucoin)

4) (for smth) to compensate; compensate; catch up; replenish

Synonyms: to compensate, to recompense, to offset, to repair

Example: I always arrive late at the office, but I make up for it by leaving early. (Charles Lamb)

5) invent; dream up; compose (story, excuse, explanation)

Synonyms: to devise (as a fiction or falsehood); to invent; to improvise

Example: Many children make up, or begin to make up, imaginary languages. I have been at it since I could write. (J. R. R. Tolkien)

You can't make up anything else. The world itself is a satire. All you"re doing is recording it. (Art Buchwald)

I'm an inveterate procrastinator. Instead of actually finishing the project I entertain myself making up excuses as to why I haven't yet finished it. (Christopher Nolan)

6) reconcile, reconcile after a quarrel

Synonyms: to become reconciled (with smb), to patch things up

Example: All we do is make up, then break up.

In this sense, the phrasal verb “to make up” is found in the early 2000s hit “Breathe” by singer Blu Cantrell.

7) (to smb) to flatter (someone), suck up (to someone), curry favor (to someone), fawn (to someone)

Synonyms: to flatter, to gratify, to insinuate, to wheedle, to curry favor (with smb)

Example: He is always up and ready to make up to important people.

8) (one’s mind) decide

Synonyms: to decide, to resolve, to determine, to settle

Example: Most folks are as happy as they make up their minds to be. (Abraham Lincoln)

Test yourself:

Justin's really good at making up stories. He could be

  1. a builder.
  2. a make-up artist.
  3. a script writer.

The correct answer to our “check” is option C.

Today we will talk about another common type of phrasal verbs: verbs with make. Word make means “to do something,” and, as a rule, with hands, but there are a number of exceptions. Is it any wonder that phrasal verbs with make have such different meanings developed that have gone far from the original? Let's look at the most commonly used of these verbs.

Read about what phrasal verbs are in general in this article.

1. Phrasal verb make into

Transcription and translation:[meɪk ˈɪntuː] / [m`eik `intu] - change, transform

Meaning of the word: Transform something into something else


For example: We decided turn (make) this room V (into) library. A year in the army will turn (make) Nika V (into) man.


Renovation will make this room into a beautiful studio.
Repair will turn this room V wonderful studio.

The magic spell made the frog into a prince.
Magic spell turned frog V prince.

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2. Phrasal verb make ___ of ___

Transcription and translation:/ [make ___ ov ___] - think about something, evaluate

Meaning words: Form an opinion about something or someone

Use: Most often used in questions or negatives. For example: What are you you think O (make of) to our new employee Tom? I don't even know what about think about it(what to make of it).


What can you make of their reply?
What you you think about this answer?

I can't make anything of article; I don"t know if the author himself knew what he wanted to say!
I Nothing Not I'll understand In this article. I don’t think the author himself knew what he wanted to say!

3. Phrasal verb make off

Transcription and translation:[meɪkɒf] / [make of] - run away

Meaning of the word: To run away, especially in an attempt to escape or escape something


For example: A thief snatched a bag from a girl’s hands and ran away (made off) into the alley. Monkey ran away (made off) with a tourist camera.


When I noticed him sneaking around in my back yard, the burglar jumped over the fence and made off down the street.
When I noticed him scurrying around in my backyard, the burglar jumped over the fence and ran away down the street.

Brian stuck a gum to his classmate's back and made off.
Brian stuck gum to his classmate's back and ran away.

4. Phrasal verb make ___ out

Transcription and translation:[meɪk ___ aʊt] / [make ___ out] - make out, make out

Meaning of the word: Be able to see or read something


For example: With great effort I was able to disassemble (make out) his handwriting. It was dark and we could barely discern (make out) moose running across the road.


I heard them speaking but I couldn't make out a word.
I heard them talking, but I couldn't disassemble not a word.

With some effort you can make out details on this photo.
With some effort, you can disassemble details in this photo.

5. Phrasal verb make out

Transcription and translation:/ [make out] - write out

Meaning of the word: Write, sign out a document or fill out a form


For example: He wrote out (made out) us a check for $100. I filled out (made out) application.


I need some time to make out an invoice.
I need time to write out check.

I"m sorry, I can only sell you this medicine if your doctor makes out a prescription.
Sorry, I can sell you this medicine only if your doctor will write out recipe.

6. Phrasal verb make over

Transcription and translation:[meɪk ˈəʊvə] / [make `ouwe] - change

Meaning of the word:Redo something, change the image


This word is most often used in two cases. The first is the interior: the attic was redone (made over) to the living room. The company remade ( made over) old hotel into an office building.

The second is for human appearance. For example: Sarah is a professional stylist, she will replace image Linde (will make over Linda).


I can"t believe this building used to be deserted! They made it over completely!
I can't believe this building used to be abandoned! They are completely his redone!

Do you remember this reality show where they make people over?
Do you remember that reality show where people change image?

7. Phrasal verb make towards

Transcription and translation:/ [make teu`odz] - to head towards something

Meaning of the word: Start moving towards some object

For example: She left the house and headed To ( made towards) car. He ran across the road and headed (made towards) to me.


Hurry! They are making towards the exit!
Hurry up! They are being sent to the exit!

The policeman turned around and made towards me.
The policeman turned around and headed to me.

8. Phrasal verb make up

Transcription and translation:/ [make up] - invent, invent

Meaning of the word: Make up a story that is not true


For example: He invented (made up) a great excuse not to show up at a family holiday. I invented (made up) plot for my future book.


9. Phrasal verb make up

Transcription and translation:/ [make up] - make up, make

Meaning of the word: Create something from separate parts


For example: We made up (made up) a list of things we want to achieve. Their remaining players coach made up (made up) command.


I managed to make up an omelette from whatever was left in the refrigerator.
I was able do an omelet from what was found in the refrigerator.

This book is made up of 3 parts.
This book compiled in three parts.

10. Phrasal verb make (it) up

Transcription and translation:/ [make (it) up] - make peace.

Meaning of the word:

Who will make up my losses? - Who should I?will reimburselosses?

2) makesmth.up- to be part of, to constitute

Our team is made up of pros only – In ourteamonlypro

3) use cosmetics, put on makeup

Let me make up for another minute – I’ll put on my makeupthroughjust a minute

4) makesmth.up - colloquially invent, invent

synonym think up

This legend was made up to support the ruling regime – This is ideological bike forsupportrulingregime

5) make (it)up - vernacular put up

There’snomakingupwithhim - Make peace with him - no way!

6) makesmth.up - sew (clothes from something)

Where did you have your coat made up ? - Where do you wantseweddress?

7) makeupsmth. — publishing typesetting

Making upthis page will take me 20 minutes – Layout of thispageswill takeatme20 minutes

8) makesmth.up - lay, tie

What idiot made up these packs in the box this way? - What thecretinSostuffedthesepackagingVbox?

9) makesmth.up - carry out (instruction)

The CBR Directive was made up in time – Directive of the Central BankRFwasfulfilledduring

10) make smth. up - keep (fire)

No need to make up this fire for an hour – This fire will last another hour

11) makeupsmth.- cook (food, medicine), clean (room), make (bed)

If you want an ice-cream, please make up the nursery – For the sake of ice creambekindclean upVchildren's

12) makeupsmth. — Americanism retake (exam)

I’m afraid you’ll have to make up this exam – Alas, youwaitingretake

13) make up for smth. — replenish, compensate (for something)

Howcanwemakeupforyourwaiting? – How can we repay you for your wait?

Fun Facts

At age 70, more than 70 percent of men are still potent!